Você está na página 1de 50


"S_MAX_HP": "Max HP",

"S_HP": "HP",
"S_MP": "MP",
"S_CON": "CON",
"S_STR": "STR",
"S_DEX": "DEX",
"S_INT": "INT",

"S_SECONDS": {"zero": "0 second", "one": "1 second", "other": "{0} seconds"},
"S_MINUTES": {"zero": "0 minute", "one": "1 minute", "other": "{0} minutes"},
"S_HOURS": {"zero": "0 hour", "one": "1 hour", "other": "{0} hours"},
"S_DAYS": {"zero": "0 day", "one": "1 day", "other": "{0} days"},
"S_AGO_SUFFIX": "ago",
"S_POINTS": {"zero": "point", "one": "point", "other": "points"},

"S_YEAR": "ano",
"S_MONTH": "mês",
"S_DAY": "dia",
"S_HOUR": "hora",
"S_WEEK": "semana",
"S_MINUTE": "minuto",
"S_SECOND": "segundo",
"S_AM": "{0} AM",
"S_PM": "{0} PM",

"S_SMALL": "Pequeno",
"S_MEDIUM": "Médio",
"S_LARGE": "Largo",

"S_CANCEL": "Cancelar",
"S_OKAY": "Okay",
"S_BACK": "Voltar",
"S_SUBMIT": "Enviar",
"S_YES": "Sim",
"S_NO": "Não",
"S_DONE": "Feito",
"S_ACCEPT": "Aceitar",
"S_DENY": "Recusar",
"S_ABANDON": "Desistir",
"S_OFFER": "Oferecer",
"S_GIVE": "Dar",
"S_KILL": "Matar",
"S_MERCY": "Perdoar",
"S_SELECT": "Selecionar",
"S_FIGHT": "Lutar",
"S_EDIT": "Editar",
"S_UPGRADE": "Evoluir",
"S_SELL": "Vender",
"S_BUY": "Comprar",
"S_CLOSE": "Fechar",
"S_NEXT": "Próximo",
"S_FINISHED": "Terminado",
"S_UNFINISHED": "Imcompleto",

"S_REGISTER": "Registrar",
"S_LOGIN": "Logar",
"S_LOGOUT": "Sair",
"S_CANONOT_LOGIN": "Não consegue Logar?",
"S_REGISTER_NEW_USER": "Novo Player?",
"S_ID_FORMAT_INVALID": "ID precisa ter 4 ~ 20 characters sendo do alfabeto ou
"S_ID_ALREADY_EXISTED": " Esse ID já está sendo usado.",
"S_PASSWORD_FORMAT_INVALID": "A senha precisa ter de 4 ~ 20 characters sendo
do alfabeto, números ou simbolos.",
"S_PASSWORD_CONFIRM_FAILED": "Senha inválida.",
"S_EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTED": "Esse e-mail já está vinculado à outra conta. ",

"S_IAP_PRODUCT_GEM_1": "Punnhado de Gemas",

"S_IAP_PRODUCT_GEM_2": "Malote de Gemas",
"S_IAP_PRODUCT_GEM_3": "Caixa de Gemas",
"S_IAP_PRODUCT_GEM_4": "Barril de Gemas",
"S_IAP_PRODUCT_GEM_5": "Báu de Gemas",
"S_IAP_PRODUCT_GEM_6": "Vagão de Gemas",
"S_IAP_PRODUCT_FULL_VERSION": "Versão Completa",

"S_GOLD_PRODUCT_1": "Malote de Ouro",

"S_GOLD_PRODUCT_2": "Barril de Ouro",
"S_GOLD_PRODUCT_3": "Vagão de Ouro",

"S_ARENA_RULE_RANKING": "Rank do Jogo",
"S_ARENA_RULE_WITH_GEM": "Lutar por Gemas",

"S_ARENA_RULE_DESC_PRACTICE": "O jogador pode registrar um time grátis e

continuar lutando.",
"S_ARENA_RULE_DESC_RANKING": "O jogador pode registrar um time grátis e
continuar lutando. Toda segunda, o sistema irá calcular o rank e gera recompensas.
Os maiores ranks dos jogadores irão ganhar mais recompensas.",

"S_MONSTER_NAME_1": "Orc",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_2": "Esqueleto",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_3": "Múmia",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_4": "Zumbi",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_5": "Cavaleiro da Morte",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_6": "Ciclope",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_7": "Golem de Pedra",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_8": "Ogro",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_9": "Feiticeiro",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_10": "Troglodita",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_11": "Harpia",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_12": "Centauro",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_13": "Gnomo",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_14": "Minotauro",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_15": "Lobisome",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_16": "Medusa",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_17": "Vampiro",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_18": "Elfo Negro",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_19": "Esfolador de Mentes",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_20": "Bruxa da Noite",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_21": "Hezrou",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_22": "Diabo com Cifres",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_23": "Naga",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_24": "Locathah",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_25": "Faun",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_26": "Rakshasa",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_27": "Bugbear",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_28": "Slaad",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_29": "Guarda Negra",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_30": "Sucubus",

"S_MONSTER_NAME_1001": "Espadachim",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_1002": "Guarda",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_1003": "Lanceiro",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_1004": "Arqueiro",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_1005": "Cavaleiro",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_1006": "Bruxo",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_1007": "Sacerdote",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_1008": "Lorde",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_1009": "Rei",

"S_MONSTER_NAME_1001_BOSS": "Goruler",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_1002_BOSS": "Spinser",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_1003_BOSS": "Vector",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_1004_BOSS": "Agille",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_1005_BOSS": "Lancelot",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_1006_BOSS": "Antonio",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_1007_BOSS": "Hammers",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_1008_BOSS": "Chairdaz",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_1009_BOSS": "Denxus",

"S_MONSTER_NAME_1201": "Yamazaki",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_1202": "Dadold",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_1203": "Duncan",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_1204": "?????",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_1205": "Aragorn",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_1206": "Zakikawa",

"S_MONSTER_CLASS_1201": "Assassino",
"S_MONSTER_CLASS_1202": "Boxeador",
"S_MONSTER_CLASS_1203": "Gladiador",
"S_MONSTER_CLASS_1204": "Ladino",
"S_MONSTER_CLASS_1205": "Ataque de Distancia",
"S_MONSTER_CLASS_1206": "Mestre Espadachim",

"S_MONSTER_NAME_2001": "Morcego",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_2002": "Diabinho",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_2003": "Cão Infernal",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_2004": "Dragão",

"S_MONSTER_NAME_6000": "Pit Fiend",

"S_MONSTER_NAME_7000": "Anjo",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_8000": "Goblin",
"S_MONSTER_NAME_8001": "Empregado",

"S_MONSTER_INTRO_1": "Os orcs gostam de comer carne, incluindo javalis,

ratos, morcegos e especialmente humanos. Se ficassem sem carne, matariam seus
amigos por um pedaço suculento de carne.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_2": "O esqueleto já foi um espadachim humano. Quando ele
morreu, seu companheiro tirou a espada, o que o provocou. Como resultado, ele jurou
encontrar o ladrão. Infelizmente, no entanto, ele não conseguia se lembrar de como
o ladrão se parece, então ele está carregando uma lança em vez disso.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_3": "A múmia está envolvida em ataduras fétidas porque ele
não as lava há anos. Ele não pode comer nada sólido, mas vive no corpo fluido dos
mortos. A múmia ataca as pessoas geralmente porque elas se recusam a trocar e
limpar as ataduras deles.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_4": "O zumbi é uma criatura patética que dormia muito bem em
seu próprio caixão até que um dia alguém o desenterrou e levou os brinquedos
deixados por seus amigos.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_5": "O cavaleiro da morte já foi um cavaleiro humano, mas
agora ele só quer vestir sua armadura preta. Se alguém descuidadamente tocar sua
armadura brilhante, o cavaleiro da morte o matará imediatamente sem hesitar.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_6": "O ciclope costumava ser motivo de piada quando ele era
criança, porque ele só tinha um olho. É por isso que sempre que ouve uma risada,
ele espancava a pessoa até que a outra fosse espancada demais para se mover.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_7": "O golem de pedra não é nada malicioso. Na verdade, ele
é apenas curioso de tudo. Quando ele ataca os seres humanos, ele quer saber o que
há dentro de seus corpos. Isso é tudo, realmente ....",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_8": "The ogre is slack. If he has free time, he sleeps. When
he wakes up, he does one thing and one thing only --- he eats. That explains why he
has a huge belly.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_9": "There is no denying that the lich is a powerful wizard,
only with a minor weakness --- he is forgetful. During a combat, he tends to forget
how to enchant any incantation and then gets himself killed.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_10": "The troglodyte lives in the swamp. As the lizardman
has gorgeous scales, their heads or tails are often seen in humans' houses for
decoration. Now if they see a human, they would chop off his/ her head for garnish
in their bathroom.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_11": "The Harpy takes after a beautiful human female and
flies swiftly. They inhabit in the mountains, but would sometimes fly to human
villages to prey on human children. The harpies, by nature, have a craving for
snacks, and they don't mean anything bad.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_12": "The centaur lives in the forest in isolation. He
enjoys hunting around and never attacks people on his initiative. But if someone
invades his forest, the centaur will kill the invader mercilessly.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_13": "The gnoll is a cunning creature. The pack lives in the
same village and they will do everything together, including hunting, eating,
sleeping as well as preying on humans.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_14": "The minotaur is pretty sinewy. He likes to train
himself when he has time. Before he attacks in a combat, he demonstrates how strong
he is to his enemies. If the enemy compliments him, he might let him/ her go
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_15": "The werewolf is always searching for food. Sometimes
they can eat a whole cow, literally: They can eat a cow entirely. If you encounter
a werewolf, maybe you can give them a bone to gnaw on so he will leave you alone.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_16": "It is rumored that Medusa used to be a lovely woman
who is cursed because of someone else's jealousy. However, she seems to enjoy
herself as she has dozens of snakes to chat with on her head.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_17": "The vampire is always weak beacuse he suffers from
anemia. If he doesn't feed on blood for too long, he hallucinates and he may drink
strawberry juice for blood. Afterwards, he will puke out all in his stomach and
then die.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_18": "The dark elf moves with agility and she is a superior
archer. Vexed by her ebony skin, the dark elf is looking for folk medicine and
quacksalvers all over to make herself seem paler.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_19": "The mind flayer can control human's mind. He hates
seeing blood, which nauseates him, and if he sees any, he will vomit. It is not a
bad idea to keep a distance from him so that he wouldn't puke all over you.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_20": "The night hag is so old and ugly that even other
monsters do not want to lay eyes on her. Her appearance just hurts the eyes. In
order to rejuvenate, she is constantly looking for young women to eat their hearts.
But the hearts-eating thing does not seem to work at all.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_21": "The Hezrou looks like a giant vicious toad with sinewy
arms and it can snap the limbs of its victims super easily. As Hezrou reeks foully,
people always keep a long distance from it.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_22": "The Horned Devil is covered in sharp spikes all over
and it has a pair of wings. You can shake hands with it, but never ever get so
excited as to hug it. If you are poked by its spikes, the pain may last all
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_23": "Naga has four hands and prefers living in a sea cave.
The advantage of having four hands is she can eat, pick up trash, and fish at the
same time. How convenient! But the bad thing is if she moves too fast, all her
hands would knot up.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_24": "The Locathahs move with great agility and possess
perfect eyesight. More than often when human caravans travel in the neighborhood of
their villages, they will attack these humans for no reason. The Locathahs are
simple-minded, however, and they could be kind of stupid, so experienced merchants
always travel with a bag of fish food for bribery. ",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_25": "It is believed that Fauns are the descendants of gods
and humans; therefore, they are rather friendly to humankind. Sometimes if they run
out of food, they would trade with humans, usually by sawing their horns to sell
them at a fairly low price.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_26": "The Rakshasa is literally a human tiger, who tends to
be pretty capricious. Most of the time, they agree on something but then they would
regret it so badly that they'd kill you. That explains why no monsters or humans
would associate with them. These human tigers are notorious for eating their own
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_27": "The Bugbear is actually a close relative of goblin's,
while they look more like a bear with tremendous strength. But they are short-
tempered and would beat people to a pulp even for a tease.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_28": "The Slaad has the face of a toad which is not exactly
appealing, but do not be fooled by its unattractive appearance as they are highly
intelligent and are really good at healing with magic. Whenever one plans on an
adventure, the Slaad is the top-notch choice to place in a team.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_29": "The Blackguards used to work as kingsguards, but their
long working hours and minimum pay drove them into trading with the devil for
enormous power at the cost of their souls. They made a vow to kill their previous
employer one day. ",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_30": "The succubus doesn't have much cloth covering her body
and her figure is pretty tempting. Once a man sees the succubus, he cannot help but
draw near to talk to her, and usually ends up as a dried corpse the next day.",

"S_MONSTER_INTRO_1001": "The swordsman is extremely attached to his sword

which he carries with him all the time, even when he uses the toilet and sleeps.
Never ever touch his sword or face the consequences.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_1002": "The guard's best weapon is his shield and he is
relentlessly cleaning it because he can not tolerate any stain on his shield. It
seems he suffers from serious OCD.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_1003": "The pikeman is very arrogant and full of disdain. He
believes that he is the only true warrior while others are completely useless,
which is why others smack him all the time.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_1004": "The bowman can shoot arrows exceptionally well. He
can shoot an apple on anyone's head with perfect precision. Even the apple is on a
king's head, he wouldn't shiver. The rumor says a king died within one year after
he had taken the throne, and he was killed when he was eating an apple in his
backyard garden.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_1005": "The knight is calm and brave. Whenever you tell him
a joke, he maintains the poker face. Facing a monster, the knight fights it
undauntedly. The only time he would show his fear is when he confronts his wife.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_1006": "The wizard is a wise old man, even when he is drunk.
Actually, he becomes even wiser when alcohol pools up in his stomach.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_1007": "The priest strongly believes that he can pacify any
creature in the world, even an evil monster or a malicious bandit. He assumes that
he can inspire all of them to be a better being.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_1008": "The lord is always anxious of being murdered, so he
doesn't want to talk to strangers unless it's an abosulte emergency, like when he
really needs to use their toilet.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_1009": "The king is a great man, the symbol of light,
bravery, kindness, justice, selfishness, lust, ... or whatever.",

"S_MONSTER_INTRO_2001": "The bats always moves and attack in a group.

Sometimes, a huge group of bats can even kill a dragon. Besides, we can make bat
stew with their wings. The bat stew is said to have a unique flavor.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_2002": "The imp talks a lot and always complains about
anything and everything. Therefore, the summoner would probably kill the imp by
himself after the battle just to shut it up.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_2003": "The hellhound helps greatly in hunting as it runs as
fast as wind. If you are really starving, you can summon the hellhound and eat
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_2004": "The dragon has a pair of enormous wings, a pair of
sharp claws, and a strong and powerful tail. Besides, it spits fire. His greatest
weakness is gold. From time to time, it is killed while attempting to pick up a
gold coin.",

"S_MONSTER_INTRO_6000": "The pit fiend is the most vicious creature in the

whole world. It has a pair of huge wings and fire-burning eyes. The pit fiend will
destroy anything he sees. If you happen to see one, make sure you run as if there
is no tomorrow.",
"S_MONSTER_INTRO_7000": "The angel is the guardian from heaven, and he is
responsible for protecting the one of highest importance, such as the king. But if
you are someone else, he wouldn't bother wasting time on you.",

"S_MATERIAL_WOOD_3": "Purple Fir",
"S_MATERIAL_WOOD_4": "Red Fir",
"S_MATERIAL_WOOD_5": "Silver Beech",
"S_MATERIAL_WOOD_6": "Golden Beech",
"S_MATERIAL_WOOD_7": "Peculiar Birch",
"S_MATERIAL_WOOD_8": "Magical Birch",
"S_MATERIAL_WOOD_9": "Frost-Cryst Log",
"S_MATERIAL_WOOD_10": "Magma-Cryst Log",

"S_MATERIAL_ORE_1": "Iron Ore",

"S_MATERIAL_ORE_2": "Copper Ore",
"S_MATERIAL_ORE_3": "Silver Ore",
"S_MATERIAL_ORE_4": "Gold Ore",
"S_MATERIAL_ORE_5": "Thorium Ore",
"S_MATERIAL_ORE_6": "Indigo Ore",
"S_MATERIAL_ORE_7": "Peculiar Ore",
"S_MATERIAL_ORE_8": "Magical Ore",
"S_MATERIAL_ORE_9": "Mithril Ore",
"S_MATERIAL_ORE_10": "Magma Ore",

"S_MATERIAL_HERB_1": "Houttuynia",
"S_MATERIAL_HERB_2": "Basella",
"S_MATERIAL_HERB_3": "Chamomile",
"S_MATERIAL_HERB_4": "Blue Fung Flower",
"S_MATERIAL_HERB_5": "Purslane",
"S_MATERIAL_HERB_6": "Yellow Mushrooms",
"S_MATERIAL_HERB_7": "Blue Mushrooms",
"S_MATERIAL_HERB_8": "Red Umbrella Mushrooms",
"S_MATERIAL_HERB_9": "Orchid Vanilla",
"S_MATERIAL_HERB_10": "Violaceus",
"S_MATERIAL_HERB_11": "Bead Orchid",
"S_MATERIAL_HERB_12": "Myrtle",


"S_MATERIAL_HEART_OF_TREE_RED": "Red Heart of Tree",
"S_MATERIAL_HEART_OF_TREE_GREEN": "Green Heart of Tree",
"S_MATERIAL_HEART_OF_TREE_BLUE": "Blue Heart of Tree",
"S_MATERIAL_HEART_OF_TREE_YELLOW": "Yellow Heart of Tree",
"S_MATERIAL_FEATHER_GRIFFIN": "Griffin's Feather",
"S_MATERIAL_FEATHER_PHOENIX": "Phoenix's Feather",
"S_MATERIAL_FEATHER_ANGEL": "Angel's Feather",
"S_MATERIAL_FEATHER_THUNDER_BIRD": "Thunder Bird's Feather",
"S_MATERIAL_FEATHER_OWLBEAR": "Owlbear's Feather",
"S_MATERIAL_FEATHER_MANTICORE": "Manticore's Feather",

"S_MATERIAL_SPECIAL": "Special Material",
"S_MATERIAL_DESC_WOOD": "Wood used to craft weapons or armors.",
"S_MATERIAL_DESC_ORE": "Ore used to craft weapons or armors.",
"S_MATERIAL_DESC_HERB": "Herbs used to brew potions or used to craft parts of
weapons or armors.",
"S_MATERIAL_DESC_SPECIAL": "Special materials for enchantment. Related
attributes: {0}.",

"S_EQ_RACK_NAME_LEVEL_1": "Simple {0} Shelf",

"S_EQ_RACK_NAME_LEVEL_2": "Advanced {0} Shelf",
"S_EQ_RACK_NAME_LEVEL_3": "Luxurious {0} Shelf",
"S_EQ_CHECKOUT_COUNTER_NAME_LEVEL_1": "Simple Checkout Counter",
"S_EQ_CHECKOUT_COUNTER_NAME_LEVEL_2": "Fraud Checkout Counter",
"S_EQ_CHECKOUT_COUNTER_NAME_LEVEL_3": "Richman Checkout Counter",
"S_EQ_CHEST_NAME_LEVEL_1": "Normal Chest",
"S_EQ_CHEST_NAME_LEVEL_2": "Advanced Chest",
"S_EQ_CHEST_NAME_LEVEL_3": "Golden Chest",
"S_EQ_CHEST_NAME_LEVEL_4": "Luxurious Chest",
"S_EQ_TRASHCAN_NAME": "Trashcan",
"S_EQ_DECOMPOSER_NAME": "Dismantler",
"S_EQ_REPAIRER_NAME": "Repair Table",
"S_EQ_ENCHANTER_NAME": "Enchantment Table",
"S_EQ_TRANING_STATION_NAME": "Training Station",
"S_EQ_UPGRADER_NAME": "Equipment Upgrader",
"S_EQ_BOOKCASE_NAME": "Magic Bookcase",
"S_EQ_TRANSFORMER_NAME": "Equipment Enhancer",
"S_EQ_DUPLICATOR_NAME": "Material Duplicator",
"S_EQ_ADVANCE_REPAIRER_NAME": "Advance Repair Table",
"S_EQ_VENDING_MACHINE_NAME": "Vending Machine",
"S_EQ_OPERATING_TABLE_NAME": "Operating Table",
"S_EQ_MATERIAL_EXCHANGER_NAME": "Material Exchanger",
"S_EQ_WEAPON_TRAINING_ROOM_NAME": "Weapon Training Room",
"S_EQ_REINCARNATION_PLATFORM_NAME": "Reincarnation Platform",

"S_DE_VASE_NAME_1": "Ugly Vase",

"S_DE_VASE_NAME_2": "Simple Vase",
"S_DE_VASE_NAME_3": "Styled Vase",
"S_DE_VASE_NAME_4": "Glaze Vase",
"S_DE_VASE_NAME_5": "Cannibal Flower Vase",

"S_DE_SCULPTURE_NAME_1": "Ugly Sculpture",

"S_DE_SCULPTURE_NAME_2": "Simple Sculpture",
"S_DE_SCULPTURE_NAME_3": "Imp Sculpture",
"S_DE_SCULPTURE_NAME_4": "Le Penseur Sculpture",
"S_DE_SCULPTURE_NAME_5": "Gargoyle Sculpture",

"S_DE_LIGHT_NAME_1": "Torch",
"S_DE_LIGHT_NAME_2": "Kerosene Lamp",
"S_DE_LIGHT_NAME_3": "Styled Lamp",
"S_DE_LIGHT_NAME_4": "Creative Lamp",
"S_DE_LIGHT_NAME_5": "Magical Lamp",

"S_DE_PAINTING_NAME_1": "Doodle",
"S_DE_PAINTING_NAME_2": "Ugly Paining",
"S_DE_PAINTING_NAME_3": "Normal Painting",
"S_DE_PAINTING_NAME_4": "Excellent Painting",
"S_DE_PAINTING_NAME_5": "Mastered Painting",

"S_DE_CARPET_NAME_1": "Fur Carpet",

"S_DE_CARPET_NAME_2": "Fashion Carpet",
"S_DE_CARPET_NAME_3": "Classic Carpet",
"S_DE_CARPET_NAME_4": "Fantastic Carpet",
"S_DE_CARPET_NAME_5": "Sleek Carpet",

"S_EQ_RACK_DESC": "{0} pieces of {1} can be displayed for customers to

"S_EQ_CHEST_DESC": "{0} items can be deposited here.",
"S_EQ_CHECKOUT_COUNTER_DESC": "It allows customers to pay when they are done
shopping. Selling Price: {0}%.",
"S_EQ_TRASHCAN_DESC": "You can dump multiple items at once.",
"S_EQ_DECOMPOSER_DESC": "You can dismantle an item and acquire materials from
parts on this machine.",
"S_EQ_REPAIRER_DESC": "You can repair damaged equipment for customers on this
"S_EQ_ENCHANTER_DESC": "You can enchant equipment for customers on this
"S_EQ_TRANING_STATION_DESC": "Customers can pay to be trained here, with {0}%
chance to increase EXP by {1}~{2}%.",
"S_EQ_UPGRADER_DESC": "You can upgrade equipment for customers here.",
"S_EQ_BOOKCASE_DESC": "Customers can pay to read magic books here, with {0}%
chance to learn about magic.",
"S_EQ_TRANSFORMER_DESC": "Enhance one piece of equipment with three materials
for a reinforced one.",
"S_EQ_DUPLICATOR_DESC": "A material can be placed here and it will duplicate
itself every {0} hours.",
"S_EQ_DIY_STATION_DESC": "Customers can pay to craft their own items here
with materials provided.",
"S_EQ_ADVANCE_REPAIRER_DESC": "You can repair damaged equipment or increase
the maximum durability of equipment for customers on this table.",
"S_EQ_VENDING_MACHINE_DESC": "{0} pieces of items can be displayed for
customers to browse. besides, customers will auto-checkout.",
"S_EQ_OPERATING_TABLE_DESC": "You can give the VIP customer a makeover on
this table.",
"S_EQ_MATERIAL_EXCHANGER_DESC": "You can exchange {0} pieces of the same
materials to a higher level material.",
"S_EQ_WEAPON_TRAINING_ROOM_DESC": "Customers can pay to be trained here, with
{0}% chance to increase weapon familiarity by {1}~{2}%.",
"S_EQ_REINCARNATION_PLATFORM_DESC": "You can change the VIP customer's skill
to another random one.",

"S_DECORATION_DESC": "Increase the decoration effect of nearby area by {0}

points. Range: {1}.",

"S_RACK": "Shelf",
"S_RACK_CAPACITY": "Capacity",
"S_RACK_SELLING": "Selling",

"S_CHEST": "Chest",

"S_SHOP_WALL": "Wall",
"S_SHOP_FLOOR": "Floor",
"S_SHOP_INNER_FLOOR": "Inner Floor",
"S_SHOP_DOOR": "Door",
"S_SHOP_CABINET": "Cabinet",




"S_PROTOTYPE_FAMILIAR_DESC": "The quality of crafted items is increased by

"S_WEAPON": "Weapon",

"S_ARMOR": "Armor",

"S_POTION": "Potion",
"S_POTION_NAME_RED": "Healing Potion",
"S_POTION_NAME_BLUE": "Mana Potion",
"S_POTION_NAME_GREEN": "Stone Skin Potion",
"S_POTION_NAME_YELLOW": "Accuracy Potion",
"S_POTION_NAME_ORANGE": "Harm Potion",
"S_POTION_NAME_PURPLE": "Magic Resist Potion",
"S_POTION_NAME_PINK": "Critical Potion",
"S_POTION_NAME_TEAL": "Dodge Potion",
"S_POTION_NAME_RED_BLUE": "Restore Potion",
"S_POTION_NAME_YELLOW_PINK": "Berserk Potion",
"S_POTION_NAME_WHITE": "Resurrect Potion",
"S_POTION_NAME_BLACK": "Transform Potion",
"S_POTION_NAME_GIANT": "Giant Potion",
"S_POTION_NAME_REVIVE": "Revive Potion",
"S_POTION_NAME_ENERGY": "Energy Potion",

"S_EPIC_PREFIX_1": "Superior",
"S_EPIC_PREFIX_2": "Chaos",
"S_EPIC_PREFIX_3": "Doom",
"S_EPIC_PREFIX_4": "Mighty",
"S_EPIC_PREFIX_5": "Godly",
"S_EPIC_PREFIX_6": "Titan",
"S_EPIC_PREFIX_7": "Hell",
"S_EPIC_PREFIX_8": "Giant's",
"S_EPIC_PREFIX_9": "King's",
"S_EPIC_PREFIX_10": "Arthur's",
"S_EPIC_PREFIX_11": "Angel",
"S_EPIC_PREFIX_12": "Artana's",
"S_EPIC_PREFIX_13": "Balrog",
"S_EPIC_PREFIX_14": "Diablo",
"S_EPIC_PREFIX_15": "Haven",
"S_EPIC_PREFIX_16": "Guardian",
"S_EPIC_PREFIX_17": "Knight's",
"S_EPIC_PREFIX_18": "Lord's",
"S_EPIC_PREFIX_19": "Demon",
"S_EPIC_PREFIX_20": "Devil",
"S_ELEMENTAL_ADJ_FI": "Hellfire",
"S_ELEMENTAL_ADJ_FL": "Fire Storm",
"S_ELEMENTAL_ADJ_FP": "Pungent",
"S_ELEMENTAL_ADJ_IL": "Blizzard",
"S_ELEMENTAL_ADJ_IP": "Acid Sleety",
"S_ELEMENTAL_ADJ_LL": "Thunder",

"S_SUB_ADJ_CRITICAL": "Berserk",
"S_SUB_ADJ_STUN": "Stunning",
"S_SUB_ADJ_DODGE": "Dodge",
"S_SUB_ADJ_REGEN_HP": "Revive",
"S_SUB_ADJ_REGEN_MP": "Fountain",
"S_SUB_ADJ_EXTRA_MP": "Energy",
"S_SUB_ADJ_EXTRA_STR": "Strong",
"S_SUB_ADJ_EXTRA_INT": "Wisdom",
"S_SUB_ADJ_EXTRA_EXP": "Scholar",
"S_SUB_ADJ_ACCURACY": "Accuracy",
"S_SUB_ADJ_KNOCKBACK": "Knockback",
"S_SUB_ADJ_CURSE": "Curse",
"S_SUB_ADJ_SLOW": "Snail",
"S_SUB_ADJ_ABSORB_CON": "Barbarian",
"S_SUB_ADJ_ABSORB_STR": "Wolverine",
"S_SUB_ADJ_ABSORB_DEX": "Assassin",
"S_SUB_ADJ_ABSORB_INT": "Warlock",

"S_TERRITORY_NAME": "Territory {0}",

"S_TERRITORY_TYPE_PLAIN_DESC": "This territory is a plain. The kinds of
resource are balanced.",
"S_TERRITORY_TYPE_ROCKY_DESC": "This territory is a hill. Rocks will be
"S_TERRITORY_TYPE_FOREST_DESC": "This territory is a forest. Trees will be
"S_TERRITORY_TYPE_SWAMP_DESC": "This territory is a swamp. Herbs will be

"S_SIZE_TINY": "Tiny",
"S_SIZE_SMALL": "Small",
"S_SIZE_MEDIUM": "Medium",
"S_SIZE_LARGE": "Large",
"S_SIZE_HUGE": "Huge",

"S_MAGIC_1": "Arrow Rain",

"S_MAGIC_2": "Meteor",
"S_MAGIC_3": "Icicle",
"S_MAGIC_4": "Chain Lightning",
"S_MAGIC_5": "Swarm",
"S_MAGIC_101": "Heal",
"S_MAGIC_102": "Cure Chain",
"S_MAGIC_103": "Rejuvenation",
"S_MAGIC_104": "Resurrect",
"S_MAGIC_201": "Summon Bat",
"S_MAGIC_202": "Summon Imp",
"S_MAGIC_203": "Summon Hellhound",
"S_MAGIC_204": "Summon Dragon",

"S_MAGIC_DESC_1": "At most {0} magic arrows appear simultaneously and shoot
at all enemies within {1} units, randomly causing physical damage which equals to
{2}% of the caster's intellect.",
"S_MAGIC_DESC_2": "A meteorite falls from the sky, randomly causing all
enemies within {1} units fire damage which equals to {2}% of the caster's
"S_MAGIC_DESC_3": "At most {0} icicles simultaneously attack all enemies
within {1} units, randomly causing ice damage which equals to {2}% of the caster's
"S_MAGIC_DESC_4": "A chain lightning bounce on {0} enemies at most, randomly
causing lightning damage which equals to {4}% of the caster's intellect. Every time
the lightning bounces, {2}% damage drops.",
"S_MAGIC_DESC_5": "At most {0} crowds of bees simultaneously attack all
enemies within {1} units, randomly causing poison damage which equals to {2}% of
the caster's intellect.",
"S_MAGIC_DESC_101": "Heal the targeted teammate, randomly restoring HP which
equals to {2}% of the caster's intellect",
"S_MAGIC_DESC_102": "A healing beam bounces on {0} teammates at most,
randomly restoring HP which equals to {4}% of the caster's intellect. {2}% of
healing drops with every bouncing.",
"S_MAGIC_DESC_103": "Rejuvenate the teammate, randomly restoring HP which
equals to {2}% of the caster's intellect and lasting for 3 seconds.",
"S_MAGIC_DESC_104": "Resurrect the targeted teammate and restore {2}% of
their HP and MP.",
"S_MAGIC_DESC_201": "Summon {0} bats to assist in combat, among which the bat
of highest level is {2}% of the summoner. The bats last for {3} seconds.",
"S_MAGIC_DESC_202": "Summon {0} imps to assist in combat, among which the imp
of highest level is {2}% of the summoner. The imps last for {3} seconds.",
"S_MAGIC_DESC_203": "Summon {0} hellhounds to assist in combat, among which
the hellhound of highest level is {2}% of the summoner. The hellhounds last for {3}
"S_MAGIC_DESC_204": "Summon {0} dragons to assist in combat, among which the
fire dragon of highest level is {2}% of the summoner. The fire dragons last for {3}
"S_SKILL_1": "Berserk",
"S_SKILL_2": "Invisible",
"S_SKILL_3": "Illusion",
"S_SKILL_4": "War Roar",
"S_SKILL_5": "War Stomp",
"S_SKILL_6": "Dragon Shout",
"S_SKILL_7": "Taunt",
"S_SKILL_8": "Charm",
"S_SKILL_101": "Weapon Mastery",
"S_SKILL_102": "Armor Mastery",
"S_SKILL_103": "Batter",
"S_SKILL_104": "Fear",
"S_SKILL_105": "Angel's Bless",
"S_SKILL_106": "Healer",
"S_SKILL_107": "Warlock",
"S_SKILL_108": "Summoner",
"S_SKILL_109": "Mighty Aura",
"S_SKILL_110": "Dodge Aura",
"S_SKILL_111": "Speed Aura",
"S_SKILL_112": "Anger",
"S_SKILL_113": "Bloodlust",
"S_SKILL_901": "Shadow Clone",
"S_SKILL_902": "Dragon Fist",
"S_SKILL_903": "Shock Cry",
"S_SKILL_904": "Mass Chaos",
"S_SKILL_905": "Multiple Shoot",
"S_SKILL_906": "Whirl Attack",

"S_SKILL_DESC_1": "For {1} seconds after casting the skill, movement and
attack speed are increased with {2}%. CD: {0} seconds.",
"S_SKILL_DESC_2": "Become invisible and unattackable for {1} seconds. CD: {0}
"S_SKILL_DESC_3": "3 shadows are summoned to deceive the enemy. CD: {0}
"S_SKILL_DESC_4": "Grant teammates nearby {2}% more physical damage, which
lasts for {1} seconds. CD: {0} seconds.",
"S_SKILL_DESC_5": "Stun all enemies nearby with {2}% chance to stun enemies
for {1} seconds. CD: {0} seconds.",
"S_SKILL_DESC_6": "Reduce armor class of all enemies nearby by {2}%, which
lasts {1} seconds. CD: {0} seconds.",
"S_SKILL_DESC_7": "Taunt all enemies nearby to attack you. CD: {0} seconds.",
"S_SKILL_DESC_8": "Charm an enemy into attacking its teammate in {1} seconds.
CD: {0} seconds.",
"S_SKILL_DESC_101": "Familiarity of all weapons levels up.",
"S_SKILL_DESC_102": "Protection for putting on all armor is increased by
"S_SKILL_DESC_103": "In every attack, there is {2}% chance to strike one more
"S_SKILL_DESC_104": "Every time the target is hit, it suffers {2}% chance to
run away because of fear.",
"S_SKILL_DESC_105": "When a monster dies, he has {2}% chance to revive with
full HP/ MP.",
"S_SKILL_DESC_106": "Cast all healing spells with a {2}% healing bonus.",
"S_SKILL_DESC_107": "Cast all destructive spells with {2}% damage
"S_SKILL_DESC_108": "Cast all summoning spelles. The summonned creatures are
of levels {2}% higher.",
"S_SKILL_DESC_109": "All nearby teammates do {2}% increased physical
"S_SKILL_DESC_110": "All nearby teammates increase dodge rate by {2}%.",
"S_SKILL_DESC_111": "All nearby teammates have {2}% increased movement
"S_SKILL_DESC_112": "Once get hurt, the monster's basic attributes will be
increased by {2}% till 50% maximum.",
"S_SKILL_DESC_113": "Every time a target is hit, physical damage will be
increased by {2}%, up to 50%.",
"S_SKILL_DESC_901": "Summon 3 ghosts to join fight for {1} seconds. CD: {0}
"S_SKILL_DESC_902": "Create a tornado and cause {2}% of physical damage for
{1} seconds. CD: {0} seconds.",
"S_SKILL_DESC_903": "Hurt and knockback all nearby enemies and cause {2}% of
physical damage. CD: {0} seconds.",
"S_SKILL_DESC_904": "Make all nearby enemies being in a state of chaos for
{1} seconds. CD: {0} seconds.",
"S_SKILL_DESC_905": "Move to a random position quickly and shoot {2} arrows 3
times. CD: {0} seconds.",
"S_SKILL_DESC_906": "Hurt all nearby enemies and cause {2}% of physical
damage for {1} seconds. CD: {0} seconds.",

"S_TALENT_1": "Constitution",
"S_TALENT_2": "Strength",
"S_TALENT_3": "Dexterity",
"S_TALENT_4": "Intelligence",
"S_TALENT_5": "Fire Damage",
"S_TALENT_6": "Ice Damage",
"S_TALENT_7": "Lightning Damage",
"S_TALENT_8": "Poison Damage",
"S_TALENT_9": "Fire Resist",
"S_TALENT_10": "Ice Resist",
"S_TALENT_11": "Lightning Resist",
"S_TALENT_12": "Poison Resist",
"S_TALENT_13": "Magic Resist",
"S_TALENT_14": "Destructive Magic",
"S_TALENT_15": "Healing Magic",
"S_TALENT_16": "Summon Magic",
"S_TALENT_17": "Life Steal",
"S_TALENT_18": "Absorb MP",
"S_TALENT_19": "Absorb CON",
"S_TALENT_20": "Absorb STR",
"S_TALENT_21": "Absorb DEX",
"S_TALENT_22": "Absorb INT",
"S_TALENT_23": "Accuracy",
"S_TALENT_24": "Attack Speed",
"S_TALENT_25": "Critical Hit",
"S_TALENT_26": "Stun",
"S_TALENT_27": "Curse",
"S_TALENT_28": "Slow",
"S_TALENT_29": "Fear",
"S_TALENT_30": "Break Armor",
"S_TALENT_31": "Knockback",
"S_TALENT_32": "Armor Class",
"S_TALENT_33": "Dodge",
"S_TALENT_34": "Move Speed",
"S_TALENT_35": "Regenerate HP",
"S_TALENT_36": "Regenerate MP",
"S_TALENT_37": "Phy. Dmg Reflection",
"S_TALENT_38": "Mag. Dmg Reflection",
"S_TALENT_39": "Magical Shield",
"S_TALENT_DESC_1": "The basic CON +{0}%.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_2": "The basic STR +{0}%.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_3": "The basic DEX +{0}%.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_4": "The basic INT +{0}%.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_5": "Fire damage +{0}.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_6": "Ice damage +{0}.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_7": "Lightning damage +{0}.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_8": "Poison damage +{0}.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_9": "Fire resist +{0}%.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_10": "Ice resist +{0}%.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_11": "Lightning resist +{0}%.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_12": "Poison resist +{0}%.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_13": "All elemental resist +{0}%.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_14": "Cast all destructive spells with {0}% damage
"S_TALENT_DESC_15": "Cast all healing spells with a {0}% healing bonus.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_16": "Cast all summoning spelles. The summonned creatures are
of levels {0}% higher.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_17": "Life steal +{0}.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_18": "Absorb MP +{0}.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_19": "Absorb CON +{0}.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_20": "Absorb STR +{0}.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_21": "Absorb DEX +{0}.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_22": "Absorb INT +{0}.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_23": "Accuracy +{0}%.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_24": "Attack speed +{0}%.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_25": "Critical Hit +{0}%.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_26": "Stun chance +{0}%.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_27": "Curse effect +{0}%.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_28": "Slow effect +{0}%.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_29": "Fear chance +{0}%.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_30": "Break armor +{0}.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_31": "Konckback chance +{0}%.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_32": "Armor class +{0}.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_33": "Dodge chance +{0}%.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_34": "Move speed +{0}%.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_35": "Regenerate HP +{0}.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_36": "Regenerate MP +{0}.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_37": "Phy. Dmg Reflection +{0}%.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_38": "Mag. Dmg Reflection +{0}%.",
"S_TALENT_DESC_39": "Magical Shield +{0}.",




"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_ARCHEOLOGY": "Chest discovering rate is increased by

"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_FRIENDSHIP": "The chance of finding teammates is
increased by {0}%{1}.",
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_WOODCUTTER": "When chopping a tree, there is {0}% chance
for extra wood{1}.",
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_MINER": "When mining, there is {0}% chance for extra
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_HERBALIST": "When foraging, there is {0}% chance of
finding extra herbs{1}.",
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_LUCK": "When attacked, there is {0}% chance that the
player won't get hurt{1}.",
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_ADVENTURER": "Movement speed is increased by {0}%{1}.",
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_PICKER": "The radius of collecting resources is
increased by {0}%{1}.",

"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_BLACKSMITH": "Epic weapon rate is increased by

"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_ARMORER": "Epic armor rate is increased by {0}%{1}.",
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_ALCHEMIST": "Refined potion rate is increased by
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_SWORD_MASTER": "Quality of forged swords is increased by
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_AXE_MASTER": "Quality of forged axes is increased by
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_BOW_MASTER": "Quality of forged bows is increased by
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_STAFF_MASTER": "Quality of forged staves is increased by
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_MAUL_MASTER": "Quality of forged mauls is increased by
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_SPEAR_MASTER": "Quality of forged spears is increased by
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_DAGGER_MASTER": "Quality of forged daggers is increased
by {0}%{1}.",
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_CROSSBOW_MASTER": "Quality of forged crossbows is
increased by {0}%{1}.",
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_BODY_MASTER": "Quality of crafted armors is increased by
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_HELM_MASTER": "Quality of crafted helms is increased by
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_PAULDRON_MASTER": "Quality of crafted pauldrons is
increased by {0}%{1}.",
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_BRACER_MASTER": "Quality of crafted bracers is increased
by {0}%{1}.",
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_BELT_MASTER": "Quality of crafted belts is increased by
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_PANTS_MASTER": "Quality of crafted pants is increased by
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_BOOTS_MASTER": "Quality of crafted boots is increased by
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_SHIELD_MASTER": "Quality of crafted shields is increased
by {0}%{1}.",
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_POTION_MASTER": "Quality of brewed potions is increased
by {0}%{1}.",
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_REPAIRER": "The lost points of max durability is reduced
by {0}%{1} when repairing an item.",

"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_FAME": "Customer appearance rate is increased by

"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_SPEECHER": "Chance of successful soliciting is increased
by {0}%{1}.",
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_SALESMAN": "Chance of successful product promotion is
increased by {0}%{1}.",
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_MONITOR": "Decrease the chance of shoplifting by
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_CALM": "The time customers are willing to wait for is
increased by {0}%{1}.",
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_WEAPON_RETAILER": "Weapon selling price is increased by
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_ARMOR_RETAILER": "Armor selling price is increased by
"S_PLAYER_SKILL_DESC_POTION_RETAILER": "Potion selling price is increased by

"S_ANALYTSIS_STEAL_COUNT": "Items stolen",


"S_ATTR_STUN_CHANCE": "Stun Chance",
"S_ATTR_FEAR_CHANCE": "Fear Chance",
"S_ATTR_DODGE": "Dodge Chance",
"S_ATTR_EXTRA_EXP": "Extra Exp",
"S_ATTR_MOVE_SPEED": "Move Speed",
"S_ATTR_REGEN_HP": "Regenerate HP",
"S_ATTR_REGEN_MP": "Regenerate MP",
"S_ATTR_INDESTRUCTIBLE": "Indestructible",
"S_ATTR_WEAPON_DAMAGE": "Weapon Damage",
"S_ATTR_ACCURACY": "Accuracy",
"S_ATTR_ATTACK_SPEED": "Attack Speed",
"S_ATTR_ARMOR_CLASS": "Armor Class",
"S_ATTR_MAGICAL_SHIELD": "Magical Shield",
"S_ATTR_KNOCKBACK": "Knockback Chance",
"S_ATTR_CURSE": "Curse Effect",
"S_ATTR_SLOW": "Slow Effect",
"S_ATTR_BREAK_ARMOR": "Break Armor",
"S_ATTR_LIFE_STEAL": "Life Steal",
"S_ATTR_ABSORB_MP": "Absorb MP",

"S_ENCHANT_ATTR_INFO": "Increase '{0}' with {1}.",

enchant-able capacity.)",
"S_ENCHANT_ATTR_INFO_CRITICAL_HIT": "The wielder has a chance to cause 3x
damage by normal attack.",
"S_ENCHANT_ATTR_INFO_STUN": "Once hit, it has a chance to stun the target for
{0} seconds.",
"S_ENCHANT_ATTR_INFO_CURSE": "Once hit, the target will be cursed and do less
damage. The effect lasts for {0} seconds.",
"S_ENCHANT_ATTR_INFO_SLOW": "Once hit, the target's move speed will decrease.
The effect lasts for {0} seconds.",
"S_ENCHANT_ATTR_INFO_BREAK_ARMOR": "Once hit, the target's armor class will
decrease. The effect lasts for {0} seconds.",
"S_ENCHANT_ATTR_INFO_ABSORB_ATTRBIUTE": "Once hit, the wielder will absorb
the target's attribute. The effect lasts for {0} seconds.",
"S_ENCHANT_ATTR_INFO_MAGICAL_SHIELD": "Every time when the wielder gets hurt,
the shield will absorb {1}% damage until the shield points become zero. The shield
will be recharged per {0} seconds.",
"S_ENCHANT_ATTR_INFO_INDESTRUCTIBLE": "The durability of equipment will never
be decreased forever.",
"S_ENCHANT_ATTR_INFO_STUN_RESIST": "Every time when the wielder gets hurt, he
has a chance to resist stun effect.",

"S_QUALITY": "Quality",
"S_ATTACK_RANGE": "Attack Range",
"S_ATTACK_SPEED": "Attack Speed",
"S_MULTI_ATTACK": "Multi-Attacks: 1 ~ {0}",
"S_AC": "Armor Class",
"S_RESIST": "Resist",
"S_PHYSICAL_RESIST": "Physical Resist",
"S_EFFECT": "Effect",
"S_EFFECT_TIME": "Effect Time",
"S_INCR_DMG": "Increase Damage",
"S_INCR_ACCURACY": "Increase Accuracy",
"S_INCR_CRITICAL_HIT": "Increase Critical Hit",
"S_INCR_AC": "Increase AC",
"S_INCR_DODGE": "Incr Dodge Rate",
"S_INCR_FIRE_RESIST": "Incr Fire Resist",
"S_INCR_ICE_RESIST": "Incr Ice Resist",
"S_INCR_LIGHTNING_RESIST": "Incr Lightning Resist",
"S_INCR_POISON_RESIST": "Incr Poison Resist",
"S_RESTORE_HP": "restore HP",
"S_RESTORE_MP": "restore MP",
"S_INCR_HP": "increase max HP",
"S_INCR_MP": "increase max MP",
"S_INCR_CON": "increase CON",
"S_INCR_STR": "increase STR",
"S_INCR_DEX": "increase DEX",
"S_INCR_INT": "increase INT",
"S_POTION_RESURRECT_DESC": "Drink this potion and you shall revive from
"S_POTION_TRANSFORM_DESC": "Drink this potion and you will transform into a
pit fiend for some time.",
"S_POTION_GIANT_DESC": "Drink this potion and you will become bigger
physically for a time being. All basic attributes will be 1.5 times more.",
"S_TEMPORARY": "Temporarily",
"S_PERMANENT": "Permanently",
"S_MATERIALS": "Materials",
"S_PRICE": "Price",
"S_CRAFT_COST": "Craft Cost",
"S_REPAIR_COST": "Repair Cost",
"S_INCR_MAX_DUR_COST": "Incr Max Dur. Cost",
"S_UPGRADE_COST": "Upgrade Cost",
"S_ENCHANT_COST": "Enchant Cost",
"S_LEVEL": "Level",
"S_DREAM_WEAPON": "Dream Weapon",





"S_ACH_WEAPON_MAKER_NAME": "Blacksmith",
"S_ACH_WEAPON_MASTER_NAME": "Weapon Apprentice",
"S_ACH_ARMOR_MASTER_NAME": "Armor Apprentice",
"S_ACH_POTION_MASTER_NAME": "Potion Apprentice",
"S_ACH_WEAPON_GRANDMASTER_NAME": "Weapon Grandmaster",
"S_ACH_ARMOR_GRANDMASTER_NAME": "Armor Grandmaster",
"S_ACH_POTION_GRANDMASTER_NAME": "Potion Grandmaster",
"S_ACH_SPEECHER_NAME": "Great Speecher",
"S_ACH_SALESMAN_NAME": "Best Salesman",
"S_ACH_MERCHANT_NAME": "Merchant",
"S_ACH_THIEF_CATCHER_NAME": "Thief Catcher",
"S_ACH_POPULAR_SHOP_NAME": "Popular Shop",
"S_ACH_ENCHANTER_NAME": "Enchanter",
"S_ACH_REPAIRER_NAME": "Repairer",
"S_ACH_UPGRADER_NAME": "Upgrader",
"S_ACH_ADVENTURER_NAME": "Adventurer",
"S_ACH_EXPLORER_NAME": "Explorer",
"S_ACH_KILLER_NAME": "Human Slayer",
"S_ACH_SCAVENGER_NAME": "Scavenger",
"S_ACH_GOLD_COLLECTOR_NAME": "Gold Collector",
"S_ACH_ITEM_COLLECTOR_NAME": "Item Collector",
"S_ACH_WOODCUTTER_NAME": "Woodcutter",
"S_ACH_MINER_NAME": "Miner",
"S_ACH_GATHERER_NAME": "Gatherer",
"S_ACH_UNLOCK_CREATURE_NAME": "Monster Identifier",
"S_ACH_UNLOCK_MATERIAL_NAME": "Material Identifier",
"S_ACH_HEADHUNTER_NAME": "Headhunter",
"S_ACH_RICHMAN_NAME": "Richman",
"S_ACH_JEWELER_NAME": "Jeweler",
"S_ACH_VILLAGE_ASSAULTER_NAME": "Village Assaulter",
"S_ACH_GAMBLER_NAME": "Super Gambler",
"S_ACH_STOCK_BROKER_NAME": "Stock Broker",

"S_ACH_WEAPON_MAKER_DESC": "Forge {0} pieces of weapon.",

"S_ACH_ARMOR_MAKER_DESC": "Craft {0} pieces of armor.",
"S_ACH_POTION_MAKER_DESC": "Brew {0} bottles of potion.",
"S_ACH_WEAPON_MASTER_DESC": "Unlock {0} recipes of forging weapons.",
"S_ACH_ARMOR_MASTER_DESC": "Unlock {0} recipes of crafting armor.",
"S_ACH_POTION_MASTER_DESC": "Unlock {0} recipes of brewing potions.",
"S_ACH_WEAPON_GRANDMASTER_DESC": "Expert in {0} recipes of forging weapons.",
"S_ACH_ARMOR_GRANDMASTER_DESC": "Expert in {0} recipes of crafting armor.",
"S_ACH_POTION_GRANDMASTER_DESC": "Expert in {0} recipes of brewing potions.",
"S_ACH_SPEECHER_DESC": "Soliciting {0} customers successfully.",
"S_ACH_SALESMAN_DESC": "Promoting {0} pieces of products to customers
"S_ACH_MERCHANT_DESC": "Sell {0} pieces of merchandise.",
"S_ACH_THIEF_CATCHER_DESC": "Catch a shoplifter for {0} times.",
"S_ACH_PISSED_CUSTOMER_CATCHER_DESC": "kick out {0} pissed customers.",
"S_ACH_GOOD_RATING_DESC": "Acquire {0}+ customer review on the average.",
"S_ACH_POPULAR_SHOP_DESC": "Total visits reaches {0}.",
"S_ACH_EPIC_ITEM_MAKER_DESC": "Craft {0} pieces of epic equipment.",
"S_ACH_ENCHANTER_DESC": "Enchant {0} pieces of equipment.",
"S_ACH_REPAIRER_DESC": "Repair {0} pieces of equipment.",
"S_ACH_UPGRADER_DESC": "Upgrade {0} pieces of equipment.",
"S_ACH_ADVENTURER_DESC": "Undertake {0} adventures.",
"S_ACH_EXPLORER_DESC": "Explore {0} human territories.",
"S_ACH_KILLER_DESC": "Kill {0} humans.",
"S_ACH_SCAVENGER_DESC": "Pick up {0} pieces of trash.",
"S_ACH_GOLD_COLLECTOR_DESC": "Collect {0} gold coins in adventures.",
"S_ACH_ITEM_COLLECTOR_DESC": "Collect {0} pieces of items in adventures.",
"S_ACH_WOODCUTTER_DESC": "Chop {0} trees in adventures.",
"S_ACH_MINER_DESC": "Mine {0} ores in adventures.",
"S_ACH_GATHERER_DESC": "Collect {0} herbs in adventures.",
"S_ACH_UNLOCK_CREATURE_DESC": "Unlock {0} kinds of species.",
"S_ACH_UNLOCK_MATERIAL_DESC": "Unlock {0} kinds of materials.",
"S_ACH_HEADHUNTER_DESC": "Invite {0} monsters to become VIP.",
"S_ACH_RICHMAN_DESC": "Own {0} pieces of gold coins.",
"S_ACH_JEWELER_DESC": "Own {0} gems.",
"S_ACH_VILLAGE_ASSAULTER_DESC": "Survive till {0} waves in human village.",
"S_ACH_GAMBLER_DESC": "Win {0} pieces of gold coins from slot machine.",
"S_ACH_STOCK_BROKER_DESC": "Earn {0} pieces of gold coins from stock

"S_ACH_WON": "You have won the achievement!",

"S_QUEST_DESC": "Quest Description",

"S_QUEST_GREAT_ROCK_NAME": "Ancient Rock",
"S_QUEST_LOOT_CARRIAGE_DESC": "This is a horse carriage transporter carrying
plenty of materials with quite a few human soldiers guarding it. Kill all soldiers
and you can have the materials for yourself!",
"S_QUEST_ATTACK_VILLAGE_DESC": "A heavily-guarded human village which has
many soldiers patroling at regular time. The longer you can stay here, the more
materials you can take!",
"S_QUEST_CHALLENGE_BOSS_DESC": "Try your best to defeat human heroes! The
more heroes you defeat, the more reward you will gain.",
"S_QUEST_GREAT_TREE_DESC": "A great tree with unlimited wood. You can take
all collected wood home in the limited time.",
"S_QUEST_GREAT_ROCK_DESC": "An ancient rock with unlimited ore. You can take
all collected ore home in the limited time.",

"S_ALERT_INTERNAL_ERROR": "Oops! There seems to be an error! \n\n Please

contact us to report the bug. We apologize for such inconvenience.",
"S_ALERT_INTERNAL_ERROR_SHORT": "Oops! There seems to be an error! ",
"S_ALERT_CONNECTION_ERROR": "Connection is error!",
"S_ALERT_DATA_FORMAT_WRONG": "Data format is invalid!",
"S_ALERT_GAME_DATA_ERROR": "Woooooops!!!\nGame data is corrupted! Please
download the latest data from server and continue. If the error keeps occurring,
please contact us. Sorry!",
"S_ALERT_CANNOT_PLAY": "Game data is corrupted! Please download the latest
data from server and continue. If you want to start a new game, go to 'Data' >
'Clear Data'",
"S_ALERT_MONEY_IS_NOT_ENOUGH": "Oops! You don't have enough money.",
"S_ALERT_MONEY_IS_NOT_ENOUGH_2": "Oops! You don't have enough money. You need
{0} gold coins.",
"S_ALERT_GEM_IS_NOT_ENOUGH": "Oops! You don't have enough gems.",
"S_ALERT_GEM_IS_NOT_ENOUGH_2": "Oops! You don't have enough gems. You need
{0} gems.",
"S_ALERT_PLAYER_DEAD": "Oops! You are dead! \n\n Click on the screen to
return to your shop...",
"S_ALERT_MATERIALS_ARE_NOT_ENOUGH": "Err... You don't have enough material.",
"S_ALERT_MATERIAL_DATA_IS_MISSING": "Oops! There is an error! You can't
retrieve the material information.",
"S_ALERT_ITEM_LOCKED": "You need to be at level {0} and acquire the recipe to
unlock this item.",
"S_ALERT_ITEM_LOCKED_BY_LEVEL": "You need to be at level {0} to unlock
"S_ALERT_ITEM_LOCKED_BY_RECIPE": "You need the recipe to unlock this.",
"S_ALERT_UNLOCK_MONSTER": "Congrats! You have unlocked a new monster.",
"S_ALERT_UNLOCK_WEAPON_PROTOTYPE": "Congrats! You have learned a new recipe
of weapon.",
"S_ALERT_UNLOCK_ARMOR_PROTOTYPE": "Congrats! You have learned a new recipe of
"S_ALERT_UNLOCK_POTION_PROTOTYPE": "Congrats! You have learned a new recipe
of potion.",
"S_ALERT_THERE_IS_ALREADY_A_STRATEGY": "We are having a business strategy
now.\n\nRemaining time: {0} seconds.",
all functions are unlocked. Thank you for purchasing with us! ^^",
Thank you for purchasing our products!",
"S_ALERT_PURCHASE_GEM_PRODUCT_FAILED": "Online purchase fails. Please check
internet connection and your {0} account validity.",
"S_ALERT_PURCHASE_PRODUCT_FAILED": "Online purchase fails.",
"S_ALERT_PURCHASE_SUCCESSFULLY": "Thank you for purchasing with us!",
"S_ALERT_RESTORE_PURCHASE_SUCCESS": "Restore puchase completely.",
"S_ALERT_RESTORE_PURCHASE_FAILED": "Restore purchase fails. Please check
internet connection and your {0} account validity.",
"S_ALERT_CUSTOMERS_REACH_THE_MAXIMUM": "You cannot take in any more
"S_ALERT_EMPLOYEES_REACH_THE_MAXIMUM": "You cannot take in any more
employees. The level of goblin have to reach level {0} at least.",
"S_ALERT_TERRITORY_IS_LOCKED": "You cannot explore that territory yet...",
"S_ALERT_ITEM_CANNOT_BE_ENCHANTED": "This piece of equipment cannot be
enchanted any more.",
"S_ALERT_ITEM_CANNOT_BE_ENCHANTED_WITH_ATTR": "The enchant-able capacity of
this piece of equipment is not enough for this attribute.",
"S_ALERT_ITEM_CANNOT_BE_REPAIRED": "This piece of equipment is not damaged.",
"S_ALERT_ITEM_CANNOT_BE_INCR_MAX_DURABILITY": "This piece of equipment cannot
be increased the maximum durability any more.",
"S_ALERT_ITEM_CANNOT_BE_UPGRADED": "This piece of equipment cannot be
upgraded any more.",
"S_ALERT_ITEM_ATTR_LOCKED": "The attribute is still locked.",
"S_ALERT_ITEM_RECIPE_IS_LOCKED": "The recipe of item is still locked.",
not enough to craft this item.",
"S_ALERT_PLAYER_LEVEL_IS_NOT_ENOUGH_REQ_LEVEL": "The level of goblin is not
enough! It requires level {0} to unlock.",
"S_ALERT_REDEEM_CODE_SUCCESSFULLY": "Congrats! The gift code works and you
will receive the following item: \n{0}.",
"S_ALERT_REDEEM_CODE_FAILED": "The gift code is incorrect!",
"S_ALERT_UNLOCK_REQ_LEVEL": "You need to be at level {0} to unlock this!",
"S_ALERT_REDEEM_CODE_USED": "The gift code has been used.",
"S_ALERT_UPGRADE_TOOL_REQ_LEVEL": "You cannot upgrade {0} at the moment, and
need to wait till level {1}.",
"S_ALERT_ARENA_DISABLED": "The arena is not open yet but coming soon!",
"S_ALERT_EQUIPMENT_IS_EXISTED": "You already possess a(n) {0}.",
"S_ALERT_EQUIPMENT_IS_OPERATING": "This facility is under operation.",
"S_ALERT_TUTORIAL_MUST_CHOOSE_COMPANION": "Please choose at least one monster
as your teammate.",
"S_ALERT_MONSTER_CANNOT_AFFORD": "The monster cannot afford it.",
"S_ALERT_PLAYER_CANNOT_AFFORD": "You cannot affrod it.",
"S_ALERT_MONSTER_CANNOT_EQUIP_ITEM": "The monster's level is not high
"S_ALERT_DEMO_VERSION": "Please note that this is the demo version, and can
be played till level {0}.",
"S_ALERT_FUNCTION_DISABLED": "The demo version is temporarily not
"S_ALERT_FUNCTION_UNFINISHED": "The function is to be completed.",
"S_ALERT_SKIP_REWARD_VIDEO": "Please watch the complete video for gems as
"S_ALERT_EVENT_FINISH_FAILED": "The requirement is not fulfilled yet.",
"S_ALERT_TRANSFORMER_START_FAILED": "To enhance an piece of equipment, the
slots for the original one and all three materials need to be filled.",
"S_ALERT_ITEM_ALREADY_TRANSFORMED": "This piece of equipment has been
"S_ALERT_SYSTEM_TIME_ERROR": "The system time is incorrect. Please close the
app completely and adjust the system time in device's setting. Then restart app. Or
the partial of game data might be calculated incorrectly. Thanks!!",
"S_ALERT_DIDNT_SELECT_ANY_ITEM": "There is no selected item.",
"S_ALERT_OBTAIN_SOMETHING": "You have obtained {0}.",
"S_ALERT_CANNOT_ACCESS_UID": "Please login first.",
"S_ALERT_REGISTER_USER_FAILED": "Register account fails! ({0})",
"S_ALERT_REGISTER_USER_SUCCESS": "Register successfully!",
"S_ALERT_LOGIN_FAILED": "Login fails! ({0})",
"S_ALERT_LOGIN_FAILED_302": "Login fails! This account has been connected
with another device.",
"S_ALERT_LOGIN_FAILED_305": "Login fails! The account of mobile phone app is
not compatible with PC version.",
"S_ALERT_LOGIN_SUCCESS": "Login successfully!",
"S_ALERT_LOGOUT_FAILED": "Logout fails! ({0})",
"S_ALERT_LOGOUT_SUCCESS": "Logout successfully.",
"S_ALERT_BACKUP_DATA_FAILED": "Backup fails! ({0})",
"S_ALERT_BACKUP_DATA_SUCCESS": "Backup successfully.",
"S_ALERT_LOAD_DATA_FAILED": "Load data fails! ({0})",
"S_ALERT_LOAD_DATA_SUCCESS": "Load data successfully.",
"S_ALERT_READ_RECORD_FAILED": "Load records fails! ({0})",
"S_ALERT_SAVE_DATA_SUCCESS": "Save data successfully.",
"S_ALERT_SAVE_DATA_FAILED": "Save data fails!",
"S_ALERT_SAVE_LOAD_TOO_FREQUENT": "To avoid the server too busy, please retry
it after {0}.",
"S_ALERT_NO_RECORD_YET": "There is no game record yet. Please start a new
game and finish all tutorial, then retry this function.",
"S_ALERT_TEAMMATE_NOT_ENOUGH": "Teammates are not enough.",
"S_ALERT_TEAMMATE_ZERO": "It requires one monster at least.",
"S_ALERT_REGISTER_ARENA_PARTY_SUCCESS": "Register arena party successfully.",
"S_ALERT_REGISTER_ARENA_PARTY_FAILED": "Register arena party fails! ({0})",
"S_ALERT_NO_OPPONENT": "Cannot find suitable opponent!",
"S_ALERT_ARENA_SEND_REQUEST_FAILED": "Send request to server fails! ({0})",
"S_ALERT_LOAD_OPPONENT_FAILED": "Load opponent data fails! ({0})",
"S_ALERT_ARENA_FUNCTION_REQ_LEVEL": "The arena function requires player level
{0} to unlock.",
"S_ALERT_REQ_LOGIN_AND_EMAIL": "Please verify the email and re-login the
account(logout account first, then login again)...",
"S_ALERT_REQ_LOGIN": "Please login your account in the main menu scene.",
"S_ALERT_CLAIM_REWARD_FAILED": "Claim reward fails! ({0})",
"S_ALERT_RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS": "Have restored the following
"S_ALERT_MATERIAL_CANT_BE_EXCHANGED": "The material cannot be exchanged any
"S_ALERT_AD_REWARDED_VIDEO_DISABLED": "The future vision is disabled
"S_ALERT_AD_REWARDED_VIDEO_ZERO": "Sorry but no future vision is available.
Please try again after some time.",
"S_ALERT_NO_REWARD_VIDEO_AD": "There is no reward video AD currently! Please
retry it after a while.",
"S_ALERT_SAME_LANGUAGE": "The current language is already set as this one.",
"S_ALERT_SEND_ACC_EMAIL_FAILED": "Cannot retrieve the related account by this
"S_ALERT_SEND_ACC_EMAIL_OKAY": "Has sent account information to this email.",
"S_ALERT_EMAIL_FORMAT_INVALID": "Email fomrat is invalid!",
"S_ALERT_TRAVEL_GOING": "Monsters are going to the territory and collecting
"S_ALERT_TRAVEL_WRONG_TERRITORY": "There is a quest or another expedition in
this territory. Please choose another territory.",
"S_ALERT_ADVENTURE_WRONG_TERRITORY": "A expedition is exploring there.",
"S_ALERT_INPUT_AMOUNT_WRONG": "The amount is wrong!",
"S_ALERT_CONNECTION_LOST": "Cannot retrieve data from server! Please check
the network connection status.",
"S_ALERT_UPLOAD_SUCCESSFULLY": "upload successfully.",
"S_ALERT_UPLOAD_FAILED": "Upload fails!",
"S_ALERT_CANNOT_HIRE_EMPLOYEE_NOW": "To hire employees, you have to reach
level {0}.",
"S_ALERT_ACCEPT_JOB_FAILED": "You cannot take any more job!",
"S_ALERT_ACCEPT_CANNOT_FINISH_CUSTOMIZE": "There are un-applied potential
attribute points.",
"S_ALERT_THE_EQUIPMENT_IS_NOT_FOR_SALE": "You cannot sell this facility!",
"S_ALERT_CHALLENGE_NO_COMPANION": "There is no selected companion!",
"S_ALERT_STAMINA_IS_RESTORED": "Stamina is restored to full!",
"S_ALERT_ADD_FRIEND_FAILED": "Fail to Add friend!",
"S_ALERT_ADD_FRIEND_FAILED_REACHES_MAX": "Friend number has reached the
maximum ({0})!",
"S_ALERT_SOMETHING_IS_NOT_SET": "{0} is not set yet!",
"S_ALERT_DATA_IS_DUPLICATED": "Data is duplicated!",
"S_ALERT_HERO_IS_DEAD": "Great!! Hero is killed!",

"S_CONFIRM_SELL": "Do you want to sell it?",

"S_CONFIRM_BUY": "Do you want to buy it?",
"S_CONFIRM_SELL_SOMETHING": "Do you want to sell {0}?",
"S_CONFIRM_BUY_SOMETHING": "Do you want to buy {0}?",
"S_CONFIRM_LEAVE_TERRITORY": "Do you want to leave this territory?",
"S_CONFIRM_LEAVE_TERRITORY_NOT_CLEARED": "You haven't cleared this territory
yet, so the next territory cannot be unlocked. Are you sure you want to leave this
"S_CONFIRM_ENTER_PORTAL": "There is a transferring portal here. Are you sure
you want to enter the portal?",
"S_CONFIRM_RESURRECT_CUSTOMER": "Do you want to resurrect this customer?",
"S_CONFIRM_KICK_CUSTOMER": "Do you want to remove this customer from the VIP
"S_CONFIRM_REMOVE_FRIEND": "Do you want to remove this friend?",
"S_CONFIRM_PROCESS_PROMOTION": "Do you want to hold a sales promotion?",
"S_CONFIRM_PURCHASE_PRODUCT": "Do you want to purchase '{0}'?",
"S_CONFIRM_PURCHASE_PRODUCT_FULL_VERSION": "Do you want to purchase '{0}'?
\n\nIt will remove the beginning AD and unlock certain facility and function.
Besides, you will receive {1} gems.\n\n(This product can only be purchased once. It
won't charge you again, if you uninstall the app and purchase this item.\n\nIt's
recommended that login your account first in the main menu scene and back here to
continue the purchase flow for saving the transaction record.)",
"S_CONFIRM_PURCHASE_PRODUCT_GEM": "Do you want to purchase '{0}'? You will
receive {1} gems.\n\n(ATTENTION! Once you have finished the purchase flow, the gems
will be increased immediately. And the transaction is not refundable.\n\nIt's
recommended that login your account first in the main menu scene and back here to
continue the purchase flow for saving the transaction record.)",
"S_CONFIRM_EXCHANGE_PRODUCT": "Do you want to exchange '{0}'?",
"S_CONFIRM_EXCHANGE_MATERIAL": "Do you want to exchange this material?",
"S_CONFIRM_PURCHASE_THIS_PRODUCT": "Do you want to purchase this product?",
"S_CONFIRM_REFRESH_TAVERN_MONSTERS": "Do you want to refresh the monsters in
the tavern?",
"S_CONFIRM_REFRESH_MATERIAL_PRODUCTS": "Do you want to refresh the material
"S_CONFIRM_REFRESH_TAVERN_MONSTERS_SUPER": "Do you want to refresh the
material products? (the chance of rare monster: 5x)",
"S_CONFIRM_REFRESH_HR_EMPLOYEES": "Do you want to refresh the employees in
the HR center?",
"S_CONFIRM_INVITE_MONSTER": "Do you want to invite this monster to become
your VIP?",
"S_CONFIRM_ENCHANT_ITEM": "Do you want to enchant '{0}' attribute to this
piece of equipment?",
"S_CONFIRM_DISCARD_ITEM": "Do you want to dump this item?",
"S_CONFIRM_RESET_GAME": "Attention!!! \n\n Are you positively sure that you
want to clear the game data? Once yes is clicked, your records will be permanently
"S_CONFIRM_SAVE_TO_SERVER": "Do you want to backup data to server? The last
backup time: {0}",
"S_CONFIRM_LOAD_FROM_SERVER": "Do you want to load data from server?
{0}.\n\nOnce yes is clicked, your records will be permanently replaced.",
"S_CONFIRM_LOAD_FROM_LOCAL": "Do you want to load this data? {0}.",
"S_CONFIRM_RESET_PLAYER_SKILL": "Do you want to reset all skills?",
"S_CONFIRM_RESET_ITEM_MAKER": "Do you want to reset the level of {0}?",
"S_CONFIRM_CHANGE_LANGUAGE": "Do you want to change the language to {0}?",
"S_CONFIRM_DOWNLOAD_LANGUAGE": "This language data doesn't exist in local
device yet. Do you want to download and activate it now?",
"S_CONFIRM_DOWNLOAD_LANGUAGE_NEW_VERSION": "There is a new version({0}) of
the language. Do you want to download and activate it now?",
"S_CONFIRM_PURCHASE_EQUIPMENT": "Do you want to purchase '{0}'?",
"S_CONFIRM_SELL_EQUIPMENT": "Do you want to sell '{0}'?",
"S_CONFIRM_BUILD_ITEM_MAKER": "Do you want to build a {0}?",
"S_CONFIRM_UPGRADE_ITEM_MAKER": "Do you want to upgrade {0} and add attribute
{1} to it? \n\n After the upgrade, it will gain {1} by {2}%.",
"S_CONFIRM_UPGRADE_BOSS_ITEM_AXE": "Do you want to upgrade the wood-chopping
axe? \n\n After the axe is enhanced, chopping speed will be increased by {0}%.",
"S_CONFIRM_UPGRADE_BOSS_ITEM_PICKAXE": "Do you want to upgrade the mining
pickaxe? \n\n After the pickaxe is enhanced, mining speed will be increased by
"S_CONFIRM_UPGRADE_BOSS_ITEM_GLOVE": "Do you want to upgrade the herbing
gloves? \n\n After the gloves are enhanced, the chance to collect one extra herb
will be increased by {0}%.",
"S_CONFIRM_CANCEL_BUILDING_ITEM": "Do you want to cancel the crafting?",
"S_CONFIRM_DUMP_ITEMS": "Do you want to dump the selected items?",
"S_CONFIRM_DECOMPOSE_ITEM": "Do you want to dismantle the selected items?
Once dismantled, you will receive the partial of its materials.",
"S_CONFIRM_UPGRADE_ITEM": "Do you want to upgrade this item? The following
materials will be consumed:",
"S_CONFIRM_INCR_MAX_DUR": "Do you want to increase 100 points of maximum
durability of this item (max = 999)? The following resource will be consumed:",
"S_CONFIRM_CHANGE_DUPLICATOR_MATERIAL": "The material is being duplicated. Do
you want to choose another material?",
"S_CONFIRM_GIVEUP_EVENT": "Are you sure you want to give up this job?",
"S_CONFIRM_RESTORE_STAMINA": "Oops! You don't have enough stamina. Would you
like to instantly restore stamina to full?",
"S_CONFIRM_CLOSE_SHOP": "Do you want to close the shop?",
"S_CONFIRM_OPEN_SHOP": "Do you want to open the shop?",
"S_CONFIRM_RECOMMEND_ITEM_1": "I guess my current item might be better. Do
you really recommend it?",
"S_CONFIRM_RECOMMEND_ITEM_2": "WTH!? Do you really want to recommend this
garbage to me!???",
"S_CONFIRM_NEW_APP_VERSION": "The new version ({0}) is released. Do you want
to update app now?\n\n(please backup your game data to server first before upgrade
the app, to prevent the data lost after app upgraded.)",
"S_CONFIRM_REGISTER_USER_ID": "To avoid game records lost, please register an
user ID and backup your game record to server manually.\n\nDo you want to register
an user ID right now?",
"S_CONFIRM_RESTORE_PURCHASE": "Do you want to restore purchase?",
"S_CONFIRM_CONNECT_WITH_ACCOUNT": "This device is not connected wit any
account yet. Do you want to login the account and connect it with this
device?\n\nOnce yes is clicked, you will not be able to register another new
"S_CONFIRM_UPGRADE_FULL_VERSION_NOW": "The {0} feature requires full version
of app to unlock. Do you want to upgrade to full version right now?",
"S_CONFIRM_ARENA_GIVEUP": "Do you really want to dismiss the current team?",
"S_CONFIRM_EXIT_APP": "Do you want to quit app?",
"S_CONFIRM_RESET_SKILL_FREE": "There are some modification of goblin's skills
in this new version. So, do you want to reset goblin's skills once for free?",
beaten humans! ^Q^\n\nDo you want to do transmigration? After transmigration, the
difficulty of game will be increased and you will gain the extra gems. By the way,
you will obtain a facility which has the function to customize a monster's
potential attributes!",
"S_CONFIRM_RESET_GAME_DATA_SPECIAL": "In this updated version, many
adjustments have been done. So if you ever played this game but stopped for a
while, and now are coming back, we suggest you to reset the game to start all over
for the best gaming experience. \n\nIf you reset all data now, you will be
reimbursed with extra gems. This is a once-for-a-lifetime offer! \n\nWould you like
to reset all data now? And you shall receive the following gems for
"S_CONFIRM_EXCHANGE_GOLD_COINS": "Do you want to get more gold coins?",
"S_CONFIRM_PURCHASE_GEMS": "Do you want to purchase more gems?",
"S_CONFIRM_WATCH_VIDEO_AD": "Do you want to watch a 'future vision' to earn
some gems? Remain: {0}.",
"S_CONFIRM_PURCHASE_LAND": "Do you want to purchase this land?",
"S_CONFIRM_PURCHASE_CARRIAGE": "Do you want to purchase a carriage?",
"S_CONFIRM_CHOOSE_TERRITORY_FOR_TRAVEL": "Do you want to choose this
territory for exploration?",
"S_CONFIRM_HIRE_EMPLOYEE": "Do you want to hire him as employee?",
"S_CONFIRM_FIRE_EMPLOYEE": "Do you want to fire him?",
"S_CONFIRM_REINCARNATION": "Do you want to reset this monster's skill?",
"S_CONFIRM_UPLOAD_CUST_IMAGE": "Do you want to upload this picture to the
model shop?",
"S_CONFIRM_PURCHASE_MONSTER_CUST_IMAGE": "Do you want to purchase this model
of monster?",
"S_CONFIRM_DOWNLOAD_MONSTER_CUST_IMAGE": "Do you want to download this model
of monster again?",
"S_CONFIRM_HAS_CUST_MODEL_PROCEED": "There is a chosen model of the monster,
do you want to proceed?",
"S_CONFIRM_HAS_CUST_DRAW_PROCEED": "There is a customized image of the
monster, do you want to proceed?",
"S_CONFIRM_MODELING_SET_AS_CUST_IMAGE": "This model is the original
customized image of this monster. Thus, do you want to set it as customized image
"S_CONFIRM_REMOVE_MODELING": "Do you want to remove this model?",
"S_CONFIRM_ENTER_MIRROR_WORLD": "Do you want to enter the mirror world?",
"S_CONFIRM_APPLY_SETTING": "Are you sure to apply the setting?",
"S_CONFIRM_RESET_PREFERENCE": "Are you sure to reset preference?",
"S_CONFIRM_CANCEL_PIONEER": "Do you want to cancel the expedition?",
"S_CONFIRM_ACCEPT_JOB": "Do you want to accept the job?",
"S_CONFIRM_FINISH_CUSTOMIZE": "Are you sure to complete the customization of
the monster?",
"S_CONFIRM_CHOOSE_LEADER": "Are you sure to choose this monster as {0}?",
"S_CONFIRM_ADD_FRIEND": "Do you want to add him as friend?",
"S_CONFIRM_CREATE_CHALLENGE": "Are you sure to challenge this human hero?",

"S_GROWL_MONEY_IS_NOT_ENOUGH": "Oops! You don't have enough gold.",

"S_GROWL_MATERIALS_ARE_NOT_ENOUGH": "Err... You don't have enough
"S_GROWL_MONSTER_IS_NOT_CUSTOMER": "This monster is not your customer.",
"S_GROWL_MONSTER_IS_LOCKED": "You haven't encountered this monster before.",
"S_GROWL_MATERIAL_IS_LOCKED": "You haven't gather this material before.",
"S_GROWL_GMAE_DATA_SAVED": "Game record has been saved.",
"S_GROWL_COMPANIONS_FULL": "Your adventure team is full.",
"S_GROWL_TEAMMATES_FULL": "Teammates are full.",
"S_GROWL_DISABLE_UI_TEMPORARILY": "You cannot click on this now.",
"S_GROWL_NO_SUITABLE_RACK_EXISTED": "There is no proper shelf for display.",
"S_GROWL_NO_SUITABLE_CHEST_EXISTED": "There is no proper chest for store or
the capacity of chests is full.",
"S_GROWL_NO_CAPACITY_FOR_ITEM": "Both of the chests and the shelf are full.",
"S_GROWL_AUTO_HAULING_DISABLED": "The item won't be auto-hauled on the
"S_GROWL_SOMETHING_LEVEL_REACHES_MAXIMUM": "{0} has reached its highest
"S_GROWL_ADVENTURE_SCENE_PAUSED": "When game is paused, click on the monster
to view its information.",
"S_GROWL_GAME_SCENE_PAUSED": "When game is paused, click on the monster,
display shelf or stash to view its information, or click on facilities for
"S_GROWL_SKILL_POINTS_NOT_ENOUGH": "You don't have enough skill points.",
"S_GROWL_SKILL_LEVEL_REACHES_MAXIMUM": "You have reached highest level for
this skill.",
"S_GROWL_SKILL_IS_LOCKED": "The skill is still locked.",
"S_GROWL_SKILL_REQ_LEVEL": "This function requires the player to be at level
"S_GROWL_NOTHING_HAPPENED": "Nothing happened.",
"S_GROWL_PLAYER_IS_BUSY": "Goblin is busy...",
"S_GROWL_CONTINUE_BUILDING_ITEM": "Go back to crafting...",
"S_GROWL_LONG_PRESS_VIEW_MONSTER_INFO": "Long press the monster to view its
"S_GROWL_LONG_PRESS_VIEW_MONSTER_INFO_PC": "Right click on the monster to
view its information.",
"S_GROWL_LONG_PRESS_VIEW_ITEM_INFO": "Long press the item to view its
"S_GROWL_LONG_PRESS_VIEW_ITEM_INFO_PC": "Right click on the item to view its
"S_GROWL_CANT_MOVE": "Goblin cannot pass...",
"S_GROWL_COMPREHEND_ITEM": "You have learned how to craft this item.",
"S_GROWL_COMMAND_CHANGED": "Monster directories: {0}",
"S_GROWL_GOBLIN_LOW_HP": "Goblin's HP is too low to create a totem.",
"S_GROWL_RENAME_MONSTER_DISABLED": "You cannot rename this character.",
"S_GROWL_RENAME_ITEM_DISABLED": "You cannot rename this item.",
"S_GROWL_WRONG_ITEM": "Incorrect item.",
"S_GROWL_ALREADY_RECOMMENDED": "Already recommended.",
"S_GROWL_ALREADY_INVITED": "Already invited.",
"S_GROWL_MONSTER_LEVEL_EXCEED": "The level of monster has reached the
limitation. He will not gain EXP in adventure.",
"S_GROWL_BACK_FUNCTION_DISABLED": "The back function is not working
"S_GROWL_FUNCTION_DISABLED_TEMP": "The function is disabled temporarily.",
"S_GROWL_CHANGE_COMPANIONS_INDEX": "Has changed the following position of
"S_GROWL_SWITCH_POTION_DRINKABLE": "Has switched to that monsters won't drink
"S_GROWL_BUILDING_WALL_REQ_MATERIALS": "The building requires {0} ores.",
"S_GROWL_BUILDING_TOWER_REQ_MATERIALS": "The building requires {0} logs, {1}
ores, {2} herbs.",
"S_GROWL_CHOOSE_COLOR_BUTTON_FIRST": "Please select one of the below
"S_GROWL_ADVENTURE_SETTINGS": "You can disable some display effects to
improve the performance in adventure.",
"S_GROWL_DRAWING_HOW_TO_DRAG": "After zoom in, you can drag the image by two
finger touches the screen.",
"S_GROWL_DRAWING_HOW_TO_DRAG_PC": "After zoom in, you can drag image by
pressing mouse right button.",
"S_GROWL_ITEM_MAKER_OCCUPIED": "{0} has been occupied.",
"S_GROWL_TRAVEL_CHOOSE_TERRITORY": "Please choose a territory for
"S_GROWL_PIONEER_EXPLORING": "Still exploring.",
"S_GROWL_NAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY": "The name can't be empty.",
"S_GROWL_AUTO_HAULING_ENABLED": "has enabled auto-hauling on the shelf.",
"S_GROWL_RECOMMEND_ITEM_MODE_ENABLED": "has enabled clicking monster to
recommend an item.",
"S_GROWL_SOLICIT_MODE_ENABLED": "has enabled clicking monster to solicit
"S_GROWL_CAMERA_FOLLOW_MODE_ENABLED": "camera will follow the goblin now",
"S_GROWL_CLICK_EQ_ENABLED": "has enabled click on facility to view its
"S_GROWL_ITEM_IS_NOT_FOR_SALE": "has switched to not for sale.",
"S_GROWL_EMPLOYEE_REPAIR_NOTIFY": "The employee will only use repair
table(not advance) to help customers repair their equipment.",
"S_GROWL_STOCK_EARN_MONEY": "Earn {0} pieces of gold coins.",
"S_GROWL_STOCK_LOSE_MONEY": "Lose {0} pieces of gold coins.",
"S_GROWL_SWITCH_DECORATION_EFFECT": "Display decoration effect points.",

"S_SPEAK_INVITE_ENTER_SHOP_2": "We have many goodies on display~ Come and
take a look!",
"S_SPEAK_INVITE_ENTER_SHOP_3": "I'm begging you... please come buy
"S_SPEAK_INVITE_ENTER_SHOP_4": "If the weapon doesn't serve you well, I'll
refund you every penny!",
"S_SPEAK_INVITE_ENTER_SHOP_5": "Our products are all hand-made and we provide
fair prices for everyone!",
"S_SPEAK_INVITE_ENTER_SHOP_6": "Closing sales! Only 3 days left!",
"S_SPEAK_INVITE_ENTER_SHOP_7": "Come and try our special potion. I assure you
no diarrhea!",
"S_SPEAK_INVITE_ENTER_SHOP_8": "The brand new weapon of the 7th generation,
only for the true connoisseur.",
"S_SPEAK_INVITE_ENTER_SHOP_9": "Take it if you like it, or regret it later!",
"S_SPEAK_INVITE_ENTER_SHOP_10": "Free adjustment based on your requirements!
Comfort and fitness guaranteed!",
"S_SPEAK_RECOMMEND_ITEM": "Would you like me to recommend some products?",
"S_SPEAK_THANK_RECOMMEND": "Thank you! Mr. Goblin~",
"S_SPEAK_CANT_MOVE_THERE": "I can't go there...",
"S_SPEAK_CANT_MOVE_TO": "Mr Goblin...I can't go to the {0}.",
"S_SPEAK_OKAY": "Sure!",
"S_SPEAK_NO": "Nope!",
"S_SPEAK_COME_BACK": "Come back!",
"S_SPEAK_COMPLAIN_2": "You are so annoying!",
"S_SPEAK_COMPLAIN_3": "I'm just looking around.",
"S_SPEAK_CANNOT_CHECKOUT": "Mr. Goblin, do you still want to run the shop?
There is no checkout counter!",
"S_SPEAK_CHECKOUT": "Thank you! Please come again!",
"S_SPEAK_CANNOT_AFFORD": "Oh! I am not able to afford some items...",
"S_SPEAK_ANNOYED_1": "You are so annoying!",
"S_SPEAK_ANNOYED_2": "You done clicking yet?",
"S_SPEAK_ANNOYED_3": "I don't have money with me~",
"S_SPEAK_ANNOYED_4": "................",
"S_SPEAK_ANNOYED_5": "Could you please do something? Duh!",
"S_SPEAK_IDLE_1": "I have nothing to do...",
"S_SPEAK_IDLE_2": "I wonder how the business has been recently...",
"S_SPEAK_IDLE_3": "Be a good spoiled brat and spend all your parents'
retirement fund here!",
"S_SPEAK_IDLE_4": "Why the damned shoplifters keep coming?",
"S_SPEAK_IDLE_5": "So many mosquitos...",
"S_SPEAK_BLAME_EMPLOYEE": "Don't sleep!",
"S_SPEAK_PAY_SALARY": "Hi guys, come to get your salary.",
"S_SPEAK_EMPLOYEE_THANK_BOSS": "Thanks! I will do my best to improve my
"S_SPEAK_GET_OUT": "Get out!",
"S_SPEAK_STRATEGY_PROMOTION": "Come on! Get in and take a look! We have a
discount on all items!",

"S_SPEAK_ARENA_DEFEATED_1": "LOL! You weaklings were hardly worth

"S_SPEAK_ARENA_DEFEATED_2": "Hmm... too easy!",
"S_SPEAK_ARENA_DEFEATED_3": "We are quite lucky.",
"S_SPEAK_ARENA_DEFEATED_4": "I wonder when they'll send someone to pick up
the bodies...",
"S_SPEAK_ARENA_DEFEATED_5": "Go train for 10 years then come back, alright?",
"S_SPEAK_ARENA_DEFEATED_6": "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but
apparently not you guys!",
"S_SPEAK_ARENA_DEFEATED_7": "Maybe you should arm-wrestle some goblins first,
"S_SPEAK_ARENA_DEFEATED_8": "And I thought these fights were supposed to be
fair, hahaha!",

"S_REVIEW_MSG_POOR_1": "I bought this {0} here few days ago and it's
competely broken. I completely regret paying for this piece of junk!",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_POOR_2": "The {0} is too damn heavy! I can't fight in the
battle wearing this crap. Dammit!",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_POOR_3": "WTH!? I have never seen any potion like this one, and
what a disgusting smell!",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_POOR_4": "This shop sells only the most useless crap. Never
ever enter this shop!",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_POOR_5": "I'll never come back to this lousy shop! @#!$%^",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_POOR_6": "What a second-rate shop this is!!",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_POOR_7": "All the equipment here is junk...",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_POOR_NO_PURCHASE_1": "There is nothing to buy here. I have been
lied to!",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_POOR_NO_PURCHASE_2": "Who told me to come to this shop? Waste
of time!",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_POOR_NO_PURCHASE_3": "Sigh~ The shop owner is probably going
out of business anyway.",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_POOR_NO_CHECKOUT_1": "The storekeeper has an awful attitude.",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_POOR_NO_CHECKOUT_2": "It seems the storekeeper intentionally
refuses to sell me anything... #@%&!",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_POOR_NO_CHECKOUT_3": "It takes forever to pay...",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_POOR_TRAINING": "I have learned absolutely nothing... #@%&!",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_POOR_MAGIC_TRAINING": "I have learned no magic at all... #@
"S_REVIEW_MSG_POOR_DIY": "You have crafted a crappy piece of {0}!",

"S_REVIEW_MSG_BAD_1": "This {0} doesn't come in handy! Maybe I should just

buy my equipment in another shop...",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_BAD_2": "I feel so uncomfortable wearing this... Am I too fat
or something!?",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_BAD_3": "This potion looks off...",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_BAD_4": "The products here are not at all impressive and I am
"S_REVIEW_MSG_BAD_5": "It was a mistake to set foot in this shop...",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_BAD_6": "Disappointing...",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_BAD_7": "Do you really call this rubbish equipment? Don't be
"S_REVIEW_MSG_BAD_NO_PURCHASE_1": "There is nothing to buy here...",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_BAD_NO_PURCHASE_2": "Excuse me, could you please restock your
shelves? There is nothing to buy.",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_BAD_NO_PURCHASE_3": "I got plenty of money but there is nothing
to buy. WTF?",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_BAD_NO_CHECKOUT_1": "Storekeeper doesn't know what efficiency
is, as he works with none.",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_BAD_NO_CHECKOUT_2": "Not sure why I can't just pay and leave.
I've been waiting here forever.",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_BAD_NO_CHECKOUT_3": "Ahem... Could you please hurry up? ",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_BAD_TRAINING": "This training is good for nothing and a waste
of my money...",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_BAD_MAGIC_TRAINING": "I didn't learn any magic. Why do I have
to pay for something I didn't get?",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_BAD_DIY": "The {0} you crafted is of poor quality.",

"S_REVIEW_MSG_NORMAL_1": "Fine, this {0} is usable.",

"S_REVIEW_MSG_NORMAL_2": "The {0} fits me well but doesn't seem to provide me
with enough protection...",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_NORMAL_3": "This potion of {0} seems to be helpful, I
"S_REVIEW_MSG_NORMAL_4": "The products here are not that bad, but they are
nothing special either.",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_NORMAL_5": "I think I'll come back again... maybe.",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_NORMAL_6": "It is safe to buy stuff here, as what you're paying
for isn't junk.",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_NORMAL_7": "Hmm... Nothing special.",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_NORMAL_TRAINING": "I've only gained a tiny bit of experience.",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_NORMAL_MAGIC_TRAINING": "I was *this* close to learn new magic.
"S_REVIEW_MSG_NORMAL_DIY": "The crafted {0} is serviceable.",

"S_REVIEW_MSG_GOOD_1": "I bought a pretty good {0} and I believe I can kill
many enemies with it. Wonderful!",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_GOOD_2": "The {0} seems fashionable and sturdy. I like it!",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_GOOD_3": "This {0} smells good. I hope it works equally well.",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_GOOD_4": "I see many interesting items in this shop. It's worth
a visit.",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_GOOD_5": "If you want to buy weapons or armor, this is where
you should come.",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_GOOD_6": "It's a decent shop.",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_GOOD_7": "The shop owner is a kind and friendly goblin.",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_GOOD_TRAINING": "I've gained some experience. Not bad!",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_GOOD_MAGIC_TRAINING": "{0} levels up. Oh yay!",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_GOOD_DIY": "The crafted {0} is not bad at all.",

"S_REVIEW_MSG_EXCELLENT_1": "Wow! This {0} is unbelievably sharp and

"S_REVIEW_MSG_EXCELLENT_2": "The {0} protects me well, so I am no longer
afraid of fighting in battle.",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_EXCELLENT_3": "This amazing {0}!! I can't wait to drink it.",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_EXCELLENT_4": "This shop sells many incredible things! You have
to check it out for yourself!",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_EXCELLENT_5": "This piece of equipment is exactly what I need.
Thanks a lot!",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_EXCELLENT_6": "Awesome shop!! Your loss if you miss it.",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_EXCELLENT_7": "This shop is great! I have found everything I
need here.",
"S_REVIEW_MSG_EXCELLENT_TRAINING": "I have gained lots of experience!
"S_REVIEW_MSG_EXCELLENT_MAGIC_TRAINING": "Hooray! I have learned a new magic
"S_REVIEW_MSG_EXCELLENT_DIY": "An excellent piece of {0} is crafted!


"S_MAIN_MENU_SETTING": "Settings",
"S_MAIN_MENU_CREDIT": "Credits",
"S_MAIN_MENU_CLEAR_DATA": "Clear data",
"S_MAIN_MENU_DATA_SAVE_TO_SERVER": "Backup data to server",
"S_MAIN_MENU_DATA_LOAD_FROM_SERVER": "Load data from server",

"S_FORGE_MENU_TITLE": "Forge A Weapon",

"S_ARMOR_MENU_TITLE": "Craft An Armor",
"S_ALCHEMY_MENU_TITLE": "Brew A Potion",
"S_RACK_WEAPONS": "Weapons",
"S_RACK_ARMORS": "Armors",
"S_RACK_POTIONS": "Potions",
"S_RACK_ITEMS": "Items",
"S_DEPOSITORY": "Stash",
"S_COMPANION_LIST_DLG_TITLE": "Companions ({0})",
"S_TEAMMATE_LIST_DLG_TITLE": "Teammate ({0})",
"S_UPGRADE_ITEM_DLG_TITLE": "Enchant ({0})",
"S_ACHIEVEMENT_DLG_TITLE": "Achievements",
"S_ANALYTICS_DLG_TITLE": "Statistics",
"S_IAP_DLG_TITLE": "Gem Shop",
"S_JOB_LIST_DLG_TITLE": "Job Center",
"S_EMPLOYEE_INFO_DLG_TITLE": "Employee Info.",
"S_HERO_SUMMON_DLG_TITLE": "Challenge a Hero",
"S_HERO_LIST_DLG_TITLE": "Human Heros",
"S_HERO_INFO_DLG_TITLE": "Hero Info.",
"S_REVIEW_DLG_TITLE": "Customers' Review",
"S_RECOMMEND_ITEM_LIST_DLG_TITLE": "Recommend an item",
"S_UPGADE_ITEM_MAKER_DLG_TITLE": "Choose an attribute",
"S_TRANSFORM_DLG_TITLE": "Enhance Equipment",
"S_RECORD_DLG_TITLE": "Local Records",
"S_RECORD_DLG_TITLE_REMOTE": "Server Records",
"S_LOGIN_DLG_TITLE": "Login user",
"S_CANNOT_LOGIN_DLG_TITLE": "Cannot Login?",
"S_ITEM_ATTRS_DLG_TITLE": "Attributes",
"S_SLOT_MACHINE_DLG_TITLE": "Goblin's Slot Machine",
"S_CHOOSE_MODEL_DLG_TITLE": "Choose a model",
"S_FRIEND_LIST_DLG_TITLE": "Friends ({0})",


"S_STOCK_NAME": "Stock Name",

"S_STOCK_PRICE": "Price",
"S_STOCK_CHANGE": "Change",

"S_STOCK_NAME_1": "Goblin Mineral Ltd.",

"S_STOCK_NAME_2": "Orc Meat Ltd.",
"S_STOCK_NAME_3": "Lich King Org.",
"S_STOCK_NAME_4": "Black Guard Security",
"S_STOCK_NAME_5": "Night Hag's Beauty Center",
"S_STOCK_NAME_6": "Succubus's Sexy House",
"S_STOCK_NAME_7": "Gnoll Smuggler Org.",
"S_STOCK_NAME_8": "Dark Elf's Whitening Center",
"S_STOCK_NAME_9": "Rakshasa Loan-Shark",
"S_STOCK_NAME_10": "Cyclops Threaten Org.",
"S_STOCK_NAME_11": "Centaur Wood Ltd.",
"S_STOCK_NAME_12": "Mummy Sanitary Ltd.",
"S_STOCK_NAME_13": "Locathah Shipbuilding",
"S_STOCK_NAME_14": "Medusa Pharmacy Ltd.",
"S_STOCK_NAME_15": "Naga Clean-Up Ltd.",

"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_PASSED_TIME": "Total passed days: {0} Days",

"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_PLAY_TIME": "Total Play Time: {0} Hours",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_EARNING": "Total Earning: {0}",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_GAMBLE_EARNING": "Gamble earning: {0}",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_STOCK_MARKET_EARNING": "Stock market earning: {0}",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_SOLD_WEAPONS": "Sold {0} pieces of weapon",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_SOLD_ARMORS": "Sold {0} pieces of armor",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_SOLD_POTIONS": "Sold {0} bottles of potion",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_PICKED_HERBS": "Gathered {0} herbs",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_PICKED_GARBAGE": "Gathered {0} pieces of garbage",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_MADE_EPIC_ITEMS": "Made {0} epic items",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_REPAIR_ITEMS": "Repaired {0} items",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_ENCHANT_ITEMS": "Enchanted {0} items",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_UPGRADE_ITEMS": "Upgraded {0} items",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_SOLICIT": "Solicited {0} customers",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_RECOMMEND": "Recommended {0} items",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_CATCH_THIEF": "Catched {0} thieves",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_CATCH_PISSED_CUSTOMER": "Kickout {0} pissed customers",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_ADVENTURES": "Has adventured {0} times",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_DEAD_COUNT": "Has died {0} times",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_KILL_ENEMIES": "Has Killed {0} enemies",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_KILL_ELITE_ENEMIES": "Has Killed {0} elite enemies",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_KILL_HUMAN_BOSS": "Has Killed {0} human bosses",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_OPENED_NORMAL_CHEST": "Has opened {0} normal chest",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_OPENED_MAGIC_CHEST": "Has opened {0} magic chest",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_OPENED_RARE_CHEST": "Has opened {0} rare chest",
"S_ANALYTICS_TOTAL_OPENED_EPIC_CHEST": "Has opened {0} epic chest",
"S_ANALYTICS_MAX_SURVIVE_WAVE": "Survived {0} waves in village",




"S_STORY_BEGIN_1": "The weather is beautiful today.",

"S_STORY_BEGIN_2": "Terrific! It's a good time to undertake an adventure.",
"S_STORY_BEGIN_3": "WTH... humans!!",
"S_STORY_BEGIN_4": "Helppppppp!!",
"S_STORY_BEGIN_5": "Dammit! I suck at fighting.",
"S_STORY_BEGIN_6": "There is no way I can beat humans!",
"S_STORY_BEGIN_7": "....................",
"S_STORY_BEGIN_8": "What can I do???",
"S_STORY_BEGIN_9": "........................ .........................",
"S_STORY_BEGIN_10": "Maybe I can make more friends with monsters, and then
make them attack humans...?",
"S_STORY_BEGIN_11": "OMG! What a brilliant idea!",
"S_STORY_BEGIN_12": "I think I should run a shop instead, selling weapons,
armors and potions.",
"S_STORY_BEGIN_13": "So I can make a good fortune and make my customers
protect me when we go on an adventure together.",
"S_STORY_BEGIN_14": "Muahaha!! I am a genius~",

"S_STORY_BOSS_1_BEGIN_1": "Who are you? How dare you invade my territory? Do

you know I am the famous {0}?",
"S_STORY_BOSS_1_BEGIN_2": "{0}? Is that a kind of food? Never heard of
"S_STORY_BOSS_1_BEGIN_3": "Now you know me, so get the hell out of here!!",
"S_STORY_BOSS_1_BEGIN_4": "Or, rather, you can just stay and let me kill
"S_STORY_BOSS_1_END": "What the...!! I am a superior swordsman. How is it
possible that I lose the fight to you? This can't be true...",
"S_STORY_BOSS_1_MERCY": "Thank you for sparing my life! I thought all goblins
are malicious. To show my gratitude, please accept my sword as a gift and I hope
I'll never see you again...",

"S_STORY_BOSS_2_BEGIN_1": "What is that?",

"S_STORY_BOSS_2_BEGIN_2": "I think I heard something?",
"S_STORY_BOSS_2_BEGIN_3": "Hey! Howdy, Fatso! I'm just here to chop some
"S_STORY_BOSS_2_BEGIN_4": "Who the hell are you? How dare you call me
Fatso... You are tired of living, aren't you?",
"S_STORY_BOSS_2_BEGIN_5": "I'm going to flay you for a helmet and make a stew
with your bones!",
"S_STORY_BOSS_2_END": "Oh nooooooo! How could it be? Am I too fat or what?",
"S_STORY_BOSS_2_MERCY": "Fine. I'll leave you my shield. Sigh... this is damn

"S_STORY_BOSS_3_BEGIN_1": "Hey you! The goblin!",

"S_STORY_BOSS_3_BEGIN_2": "Sup?",
"S_STORY_BOSS_3_BEGIN_3": "Who said that you can come here? You have 3
seconds to answer me.",
"S_STORY_BOSS_3_BEGIN_4": "Erm... it was... the neighbor of the classmate of
the daughter of the king...",
"S_STORY_BOSS_3_BEGIN_5": "You can't answer my question so now you have to
"S_STORY_BOSS_3_END": "OMG, even a weakling goblin can beat me. I guess I
haven't excelled at fighting with a pike yet...",
"S_STORY_BOSS_3_MERCY": "Luckily I am still alive, but how can I face the
others now? I have been bragging what a wonderful pikeman I am...",

"S_STORY_BOSS_4_BEGIN_1": "@#%^%&@!#%!",
"S_STORY_BOSS_4_BEGIN_2": "Dude, what are you talking about?",
"S_STORY_BOSS_4_BEGIN_3": "... $%^&!@^#",
"S_STORY_BOSS_4_BEGIN_4": "I still don't understand him and have no idea
where he is from... Nevermind, I'll just ignore him and continue mining...",
"S_STORY_BOSS_4_BEGIN_5": "Dee@!#$$%^&%@* death!",
"S_STORY_BOSS_4_END": "#@&^%$@, waaaah! @#&*(",
"S_STORY_BOSS_4_MERCY": "@!@!@!^^%#!^*&@ bow",

"S_STORY_BOSS_5_BEGIN_1": "Who... who.... who... are you?",

"S_STORY_BOSS_5_BEGIN_2": "Excuse me... sir, you seem to stutter a lot. Did I
scare you?",
"S_STORY_BOSS_5_BEGIN_3": "(Upset) I... I... I... am not
"S_STORY_BOSS_5_BEGIN_4": "Sigh... I guess he rarely talks to others. Maybe
it's because of that ugly helmet he is wearing... Awwwww I am so sorry~~",
"S_STORY_BOSS_5_BEGIN_5": "You... you you you you have to
"S_STORY_BOSS_5_END": "Nononononononononono way... How how how how how did I
"S_STORY_BOSS_5_MERCY": "(Sneaks away as if he were never here...)",

"S_STORY_BOSS_6_BEGIN_1": "Hey you! I am the legendary wizard - {0}.",

"S_STORY_BOSS_6_BEGIN_2": "What is your business in my territory?",
"S_STORY_BOSS_6_BEGIN_3": "Ah! So you are the wizard. I thought of you some
comedian~ Your clothes are so silly... lol...",
"S_STORY_BOSS_6_BEGIN_4": "............... (how did he know I WAS a
"S_STORY_BOSS_6_BEGIN_5": "Excuse me? Say that again if you dare...",
"S_STORY_BOSS_6_BEGIN_6": "Hmm? Say what? Comedian?",
"S_STORY_BOSS_6_BEGIN_7": "(Spell chanting) Abracadabra!",
"S_STORY_BOSS_6_END": "I am a great wizard. How did I lose the fight to a
stupid, green-skinned creature...",
"S_STORY_BOSS_6_MERCY": "Sigh... I will train a few years more in the
floating hill...",

"S_STORY_BOSS_7_BEGIN_1": "My child, come to me...",

"S_STORY_BOSS_7_BEGIN_2": "???",
"S_STORY_BOSS_7_BEGIN_3": "Come here, even you are born ugly, but I think you
are savable...",
"S_STORY_BOSS_7_BEGIN_4": "You are so rude! I am the most handsome one among
all goblins!!",
"S_STORY_BOSS_7_BEGIN_5": "Sheesh, just come... God will take you in...",
"S_STORY_BOSS_7_BEGIN_6": "Tch... Nope, I have other things to attend to.",
"S_STORY_BOSS_7_BEGIN_7": "Don't talk any more. Come and accept being
baptized. Immerge in God's selfless love and let go of all presumption in your
"S_STORY_BOSS_7_BEGIN_8": "This old man is so irritating!",
"S_STORY_BOSS_7_BEGIN_9": "Talk no more! Even though you are stupid and ugly,
I will save you, so just follow me.",
"S_STORY_BOSS_7_BEGIN_10": "You pyscho monk. I'm going to kill you!!",
"S_STORY_BOSS_7_END": "The devil won unexpectedly. God, why?",
"S_STORY_BOSS_7_MERCY": "I come from far away and live in God's glory. Pity
that you are unsavable, so I am following God to the west.",

"S_STORY_BOSS_8_BEGIN_1": "Help! Assassin!",

"S_STORY_BOSS_8_BEGIN_2": "Assassin? Me?",
"S_STORY_BOSS_8_BEGIN_3": "Yes, you! You and your ugly face cannot be the
good kind.",
"S_STORY_BOSS_8_BEGIN_4": "What? Seriously... Why do humans always think so
badly of me? I'm just here to chop some wood. Really, I'm not into anything
"S_STORY_BOSS_8_BEGIN_5": "Chopping? So that was you! You mess up the garden
which I spent lots of time taking care of (and I was about to take my mistress
"S_STORY_BOSS_8_BEGIN_6": "Someone go take him! Whoever catches the green-
skinned monkey shall be rewarded generously by me.",
"S_STORY_BOSS_8_BEGIN_7": "Fine, then there's no point in saying anything
"S_STORY_BOSS_8_BEGIN_8": "Guys, go kill that old man. Whoever chops off his
head will enjoy 20% off next time you purchase in my shop!!",
"S_STORY_BOSS_8_END": "Tch... All my minions are good for nothing. I don't
need you guys any more. There's the door. Leave on your own.",
"S_STORY_BOSS_8_MERCY": "Thank you so much!! Thanks Mr. Green Skin for
sparing my life! Here, please accept this super dagger as a token of my good will.
Let's forget all this unpleasant stuff.",

"S_STORY_BOSS_9_BEGIN_1": "Muahaha~ My love, don't run away~ Come let me hold

you in my arms~",
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_BEGIN_2": "!!???",
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_BEGIN_3": "Who are you? OMG you and your green skin are
making me sick...",
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_BEGIN_4": "Huh? You've never seen a goblin before? But your
face does seem familiar to me...",
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_BEGIN_5": "You've seen me before? No way! I've never left
here, so you might have seen my doppleganger.",
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_BEGIN_6": "The other you? Oh yes, no wonder you two dress up
so much like each other.",
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_BEGIN_7": "Oh yea? (Guess I'm giving my dopplegangers too
much money for clothing. I'm going to cut down the budget...)",
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_BEGIN_8": "What do you come here for?",
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_BEGIN_9": "Nothing important... I just want justice...",
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_BEGIN_10": "Justice, from whom?",
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_BEGIN_11": "Once upon a time, I was wondering on the road,
minding my own business, and then two soldiers were after me and they tried to kill
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_BEGIN_12": "Even until now, I still remember what they look
like and I heard that they are hiding in this castle.",
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_BEGIN_13": "These soldiers kill my kins for fun and we have
no idea why. I figured it must be an order from the retarded king in the castle.",
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_BEGIN_14": "(silence)...",
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_BEGIN_15": "We goblins are not exactly angels either. We take
in whatever we are fed on, but one day, we might freak out and pay you back.",
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_BEGIN_16": "(silence)...",
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_BEGIN_17": "Even the very thought upsets me! Because of the
persecution, my grandpa never leaves home. In the autumn of his life, he still
dares not go outside. ",
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_BEGIN_18": "So... what do you want?",
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_BEGIN_19": "I want the king in this castle to apologize
sincerely and treat me to a fancy meal.",
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_BEGIN_20": "Aha! Fancy food is easy but not the apology
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_BEGIN_21": "As I am the king of legend, the charming,
handsome, impartial, intelligent, and diligent king {0} who loves his people.",
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_BEGIN_22": "I have had enough of you goblins as well. You
make a mess in my territory and even drive away the great wizard. That is
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_BEGIN_23": "I pity you, you low, green-skinned critters. I
would have had your homeland torn down and built up my summer castle there were it
not for my kindness.",
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_BEGIN_24": "Someone go take these monsters!",
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_END": "Ah! Even I fought in the combat on my own, we still
lost it. Fine, you beat me...",
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_END_2": "All right! I am... sssssorry... (reluctantly)",
"S_STORY_BOSS_9_MERCY": "Thank you for being so gracious. Here, take this axe
which has accompanied me all these years. Do not come back again if it's not
absolutely necessary, Mr. Goblin.",

"S_STORY_BOSS_DEMO_1": "Excuse me? We are still in the demo version and you
already kick ass here... Dang!",
"S_STORY_BOSS_DEMO_2": "The game designer whispered in my ears that I shall
not allow you to pass here.",
"S_STORY_BOSS_DEMO_3": "Haha! Let's see what I got for you!",

"S_STORY_BOSS_MEET_AGAIN": "You again!",

"S_STORY_CHOICE_TITLE": "What do you want?",
"S_STORY_BOSS_RESULT_1": "You have gained some gold coins.",
"S_STORY_BOSS_RESULT_2": "You have gained {0}.",

"S_STORY_FINAL_1": "Finally I made it! Even a loser can succeed in doing

"S_STORY_FINAL_2": "Maybe, I'm not a born fighter...",
"S_STORY_FINAL_3": "But I do have a gift in running a business!",
"S_STORY_FINAL_4": "As the saying goes, 'Everything is good for something.' I
guess I can be good for something too! Ha!",
"S_STORY_FINAL_5": "I owe everything I have achieved to my teammates.",
"S_STORY_FINAL_6": "And also to the almighty game designer for this fantastic
"S_STORY_FINAL_7": "Let's take a look at the guy who designed this game...",

"S_TUTORIAL_1": "Hey, kid, I heard you are planing on opening a shop, aren't
"S_TUTORIAL_2": "Hi grandpa! Yes, I want to open a shop; selling weapons,
armor and potions to others.",
"S_TUTORIAL_3": "Oh really? Alright, let me show you something... (too
"S_TUTORIAL_4": "To begin, click this button to see what materials you
"S_TUTORIAL_5": "What? nothing!? What makes you think you can open a shop?",
"S_TUTORIAL_6": "Sigh... Nevermind. You can have the materials and gold I
have. (The younger generation makes absolutely no plans at all!)",
"S_TUTORIAL_7": "Okay, so now you should have enough material and money.",
"S_TUTORIAL_8": "First, you must build a furnace, so you can forge weapons.",
"S_TUTORIAL_9": "Besides the furnace, we also need a shelf to display
products, and a checkout counter so customers can pay.",
"S_TUTORIAL_10": "Click this button to open the buying-and-selling window for
"S_TUTORIAL_11": "Purchase a {0} and a {1}.",
"S_TUTORIAL_12": "Next, place the piece we just purchased into the store.
Click on this button to enter the editing mode.",
"S_TUTORIAL_13": "Drag the facility onto the shopping floor area.",
"S_TUTORIAL_14": "Click here to leave editing mode.",
"S_TUTORIAL_15": "Good, now all the facilities we require are ready. Now
click on the furnace and forge a weapon.",
"S_TUTORIAL_16": "Let's forge an axe. Click on the axe.",
"S_TUTORIAL_17": "Click the hammer icon in the upper right corner to start
"S_TUTORIAL_18": "When a product is completed, it will be stored on the
proper shelf for display automatically.",
"S_TUTORIAL_19": "If there is no proper shelf, or no space on the shelf, then
the product will be stored in the chest or be dropped on the ground.",
"S_TUTORIAL_20": "While crafting an item, if you realize you have chosen the
wrong product, you can click on yourself, and then click on cancel.",
"S_TUTORIAL_21": "If you'd like to check the information of the item you just
crafted, click on the pause button. ",
"S_TUTORIAL_22": "If you'd like to check the information of the item you just
crafted, just long press the display shelf.",
"S_TUTORIAL_22_PC": "If you'd like to check the information of the item you
just crafted, just right click on the display shelf.",
"S_TUTORIAL_23": "Then click on the item to view its information.",
"S_TUTORIAL_24": "If you want to craft armor or brew potions, remember to
make time for these two facilities to the right of the furnace. Proper display
shelves must be ready as well.",
"S_TUTORIAL_25": "Very well, so now we have products for sale. Next, we'll
need to find customers.",
"S_TUTORIAL_26": "Click here to enter the plaza.",
"S_TUTORIAL_50": "Click on the tavern.",
"S_TUTORIAL_51": "In the tavern, monsters show up from time to time. You can
invite them to become your VIP customers as long as you give them some gems as a
"S_TUTORIAL_52": "Here, take a few gems and invite a potential customer to
your shop.",
"S_TUTORIAL_53": "Now you can start making money! Let's go back to our
"S_TUTORIAL_54": "The customer you invite will come back randomly, walking
past your shop ever so often.",
"S_TUTORIAL_55": "Whenever you see a potential customer walk by, you can
click on him to try to talk him into buying something in your shop. But they don't
always do what you want them to do...",
"S_TUTORIAL_56": "Click this button to see the list of VIP customers.",
"S_TUTORIAL_57": "Oh, there's one thing you should remember: If a customer
selects something but waits for too long, they might get upset and leave.",
"S_TUTORIAL_58": "Once a customer gets angry, they might leave a negative
review. If your shop has a bad reputation, it is unlikely anyone would ever want to
step inside.",
"S_TUTORIAL_59": "Therefore, you must work hard to maintain the positive
image of your shop. This is the only way to truly succeed in business!",
"S_TUTORIAL_60": "Also, if you are in urgent need of gems, you can click on
the crystal ball on the counter to view a future vision.",
"S_TUTORIAL_61": "Watch the vision till it ends and you will be rewarded with
gems. Isn't that amazing?",
"S_TUTORIAL_62": "I suppose that's all. It's about time I go home and rest.
My knees hurt...",
"S_TUTORIAL_100": "Uh-oh! You barely have any material left...",
"S_TUTORIAL_101": "If you want to obtain more material, you need to venture
into human territories.",
"S_TUTORIAL_102": "Click here to open the adventure map.",
"S_TUTORIAL_103": "Click here to open the window of information for the
"S_TUTORIAL_104": "Click the + button to invite monsters to join your team.",
"S_TUTORIAL_105": "You can invite up to 4 teammates by paying them just a
small fee(except for the first one). Of course, you can always go by yourself, but
then you might get killed quickly.",
"S_TUTORIAL_106": "Besides, investing in your teammates will pay off
eventually. The money you pay them they will come back to you when they make a
purchase in your shop. This is a wonderful way to boost the economy, isn't it?",
"S_TUTORIAL_107": "Now, choose at least one monster as your teammate.",
"S_TUTORIAL_108": "When you are done choosing, click here.",
"S_TUTORIAL_109": "Click this button to start your adventure.",
"S_TUTORIAL_150": "Finally we are in the open field. Being the weakling that
you are, you are not strong enough to attack any human soldier, and instead must
rely on your teammates to kill for you.",
"S_TUTORIAL_151": "Please, remember that to live on is more important than
anything else. If you die, you'll be forced out of the territory and lose some of
what you gathered.",
"S_TUTORIAL_152": "Watch out for suspicious shadows around you. Once you spot
a human, run! Hide behind your teammates. Sigh... There is nothing we can do. As a
goblin, all we can do is run...",
"S_TUTORIAL_153": "In the open field, you can click on a tree to chop it for
wood, click on boulders to obtain ore, or pick up herbs you find on the ground.",
"S_TUTORIAL_154": "If you are lucky enough, you might bump into random
treasure chests, in which you can find many materials and even recipes for new
"S_TUTORIAL_155": "During an adventure, you might encounter some monsters who
seem to be confused. You can click on the monster to try and talk to them.
Afterwards, they might join your team. But once the adventure ends, they will
"S_TUTORIAL_156": "Next, let me show you some controlling tips. Click on your
teammate and swipe to another place, and then you can give him orders, forcing him
to move to the appointed location. Try it.",
"S_TUTORIAL_157": "Well-done! Now check out the button on the upper right
corner of the screen. Click on it to switch between orders to your teammates,
including following, fighting, and holding. Now try to click on it.",
"S_TUTORIAL_158": "In following mode, your teammates will stay within a short
distance from you; in fighting mode, they will try their best to attack enemies; in
holding mode, they will stay wherever they are.",
"S_TUTORIAL_159": "If you want to go back home safely, find a sign that says
"S_TUTORIAL_160": "That's all. I'm too old to travel far, so I'm heading home
now. Good luck!",

"S_TUTORIAL_OP_BRIBE_1": "Oh! Grandson, you seems to be more experienced. You

are able to bribe human soldiers with a bag of gold coins now. Of course this will
be deducted from your money.",
"S_TUTORIAL_OP_BRIBE_2": "If you successfully bribe a human soldier, he will
forget his current mission and jump on the coins immediately. Try it now.",
"S_TUTORIAL_OP_FLEE": "Now you have become invisible and can run super fast
for the time being, which will come in handy when you are in danger. Click on the
button and try it.",
"S_TUTORIAL_OP_THROW_STONE": "Now you can stone the enemies. Once striken,
the mob could faint for a short while or come after you in a fury. Either way is
decided by chance. Click on the button and try it.",
"S_TUTORIAL_OP_TRAP": "Now you can set up a trap. Once stepping inside, the
mob will suffer from dizziness for a long time. Click the button and try it.",
"S_TUTORIAL_OP_TOTEM_HEALING": "You are able to set up a healing totem, which
will restore 5% of HP for all teammates nearby per second. Try it now.",
"S_TUTORIAL_OP_TOTEM_RESTORE_MP": "You are able to set up a mana totem, which
will restore 5% of MP for all teammates nearby per second. Try it now.",
"S_TUTORIAL_OP_TOTEM_POWER_UP": "You are able to set up a power-up totem,
which will increase 20% of damage for all teammates nearby per second. Try it
"S_TUTORIAL_OP_BUILD_1": "Now you can build a stone wall and arrow tower. To
begin with, click on the pause button to pause the game.",
"S_TUTORIAL_OP_BUILD_2": "Next click on the construction category which you'd
like to build, and then click on the location where you'd like to place the
building. Usually, construction consumes materials collected during an adventure,
but this time it's on the house.",
"S_TUTORIAL_OP_BUILD_3": "You can drag the newly-built construction to the
place you assign, or dismantle it to recycle the materials. That's all for now. Try

"S_TUTORIAL_THIEF_1": "Hey! Kid, someone is stealing in your shop!",

"S_TUTORIAL_THIEF_2": "If an item is stolen, you will lose it forever.
Besides, the monster won't even equip it.",
"S_TUTORIAL_THIEF_3": "Before he leave your shop, click on the shoplifter and
he will drop whatever he stole.",

"S_TUTORIAL_RICHMAN_1": "Look! Can you see the money flowing out of that
chump? He carries tons of gold coins with him so hurry up and click on him. Try to
sell more items to him.",

"S_TUTORIAL_PISSED_CUSTOMER_1": "Whoops! there is a pissed customer...",

"S_TUTORIAL_PISSED_CUSTOMER_2": "The pissed customer will break the shelf and
make the partial of items dropped.",
"S_TUTORIAL_PISSED_CUSTOMER_3": "To kickout the pissed customer, you can
click on him to hit him till he flees.",

"S_TUTORIAL_DECORATION_1": "Kiddo, are you there? Your shop looks like

"S_TUTORIAL_DECORATION_2": "Ouch! Really!?",
"S_TUTORIAL_DECORATION_3": "Yes, I think so. If you don't put some
decorations in your shop, the customers will not keep shopping.",
"S_TUTORIAL_DECORATION_4": "As you know, the nature of monster is sluggish.
When a customer enter your shop, he will only visit the closest facility or
"S_TUTORIAL_DECORATION_5": "If you hope your customers keep shopping, then
you should increase the decoration effect as high as you can. Make your customers
feel good.",
"S_TUTORIAL_DECORATION_6": "When a customer finish visiting a facility or a
shelf, the decoration effect of the position where he stand will affect the chance
he keep shopping. You get it?",
"S_TUTORIAL_DECORATION_7": "Yes! Yes! Thanks, grandpa.",

"S_TUTORIAL_CLOSE_SHOP_1": "Hey! Kiddo, it's been a while since you started

to run the shop. Have you learned how to close it?",
"S_TUTORIAL_CLOSE_SHOP_2": "Errrr not really...",
"S_TUTORIAL_CLOSE_SHOP_3": "Tsk! You are a businessman now! How could you not
know this! That is just lame!",
"S_TUTORIAL_CLOSE_SHOP_4": "Do you see the switch on the wall? Long press on
it to close the shop.",
"S_TUTORIAL_CLOSE_SHOP_4_PC": "Do you see the switch on the wall? Right click
on it to close the shop.",
"S_TUTORIAL_CLOSE_SHOP_5": "Once your shop is closed, all shopping customers
will leave immediately and passing monsters will not enter the store either.",
"S_TUTORIAL_CLOSE_SHOP_6": "If you'd like to re-open the shop, just click on
the switch again. Now let's try it!",

"S_TUTORIAL_QUIZ_0": "Hello! It's me again. Are you ready to answer my

"S_TUTORIAL_QUIZ_1": "Hello! My name is Rak'ild'hould, and I am the president
of association of commerce.",
"S_TUTORIAL_QUIZ_2": "Mr. Goblin, I heard that you had open a new shop
recently, right?",
"S_TUTORIAL_QUIZ_3": "Hmm... Yes. I have run business a while. May I help
you? (does this guy come to tax me!?)",
"S_TUTORIAL_QUIZ_4": "To qualify your shop, I will come to ask you some
questions every day. If you answer correctly, you will be rewarded with some
"S_TUTORIAL_QUIZ_5": "Are you ready? If there is no problem, let's begin

"S_TUTORIAL_EMPLOYEE_1": "Oh! Grandson, your shop looks seems good.",

"S_TUTORIAL_EMPLOYEE_2": "If you feel too busy, you might want to hire an
employee to help you.",
"S_TUTORIAL_EMPLOYEE_3": "To hire an employee, you have to pay him some gold
for contract at beginning. And then you have to pay him salary every day.",
"S_TUTORIAL_EMPLOYEE_4": "Every time when your employees get the salary, they
will have a chance to upgrade their ability.",
"S_TUTORIAL_EMPLOYEE_5": "You are able to hire more employees per {0} level.
The maximum of employees is {1}.",
"S_TUTORIAL_EMPLOYEE_6": "When an employee has finished his job, you will
gain {0}% EXP too.",
"S_TUTORIAL_EMPLOYEE_7": "Hmm... That's all I want to say, I am going home
for tea time now.",

"S_TUTORIAL_EXPAND_1": "Grandson, do you feel the space of the shop is too

"S_TUTORIAL_EXPAND_2": "Errr..... I am not sure, maybe?",
"S_TUTORIAL_EXPAND_3": "If you have earned a lot of money, you can purchase
the vacant land on the left side to expand your shop by clicking the board.",
"S_TUTORIAL_EXPAND_4": "After purchased the vacant land, you can buy a
carriage to use.",
"S_TUTORIAL_EXPAND_5": "Then you can pay your customers some gold to help you
collect materials in a human territory via the carriage.",
"S_TUTORIAL_EXPAND_6": "WOW! I don't know that originally. Thanks a lot

"S_TUTORIAL_DECOMPOSER_1": "Oh, Kid, you seem to have earned a lot of money

and purchased a {0}!",
"S_TUTORIAL_DECOMPOSER_2": "To operate certain kinds of facilities, i.e. {0},
you need to pause game before clicking it.",
"S_TUTORIAL_DECOMPOSER_2_PC": "To operate certain kinds of facilities, i.e.
{0}, just right click on it to open dialog.",
"S_TUTORIAL_DECOMPOSER_3": "Now, let's pause game and click this facility to
"S_TUTORIAL_DECOMPOSER_3_PC": "Now, let's try it.",

"S_TUTORIAL_REPAIRER_1": "Oh kiddo, you've bought a {0}",

"S_TUTORIAL_REPAIRER_2": "If you put {0} on display in the shop, and the
customer's durability for any equipment is lower than a certain ratio, he might ask
you to repair the piece for him.",
"S_TUTORIAL_REPAIRER_3": "With every repair, the piece loses some of its
maximum durability. If you'd like to minimize the durability lost, try to advance
your repair skill.",
"S_TUTORIAL_REPAIRER_4": "When you have leveled up enough, you will have
facilities with which you can enhance the durability of a customer's equipment.
You'll see by then. I'm going home to sleep now.",

"S_TUTORIAL_ENCHANTER_1": "Hi Kiddo, I am told that you have purchased a new

facility, {0}. Do you know how to use it?",
"S_TUTORIAL_ENCHANTER_2": "Hmm... Not really...",
"S_TUTORIAL_ENCHANTER_3": "If you put {0} on display in the shop and come
across a customer, he might ask you to enchant his equipment.",
"S_TUTORIAL_ENCHANTER_4": "Any enchantment consumes some special materials
and maximumly you can enchant 10 added attributes to one item. The more attributes
are added to an item, the more materials are consumed. ",
"S_TUTORIAL_ENCHANTER_5": "In the beginning, you can only do few
enchantments. But if you can gain positive feedback from customers, you may learn
some new enchantment recipes from them.",
"S_TUTORIAL_ENCHANTER_6": "That's why it's really very important to maintain
a good relationship with your customers and receive positive reviews from them~
"S_TUTORIAL_ENCHANTER_7": "Yes, yes, I got it! Thanks a lot grandpa!",

"S_TUTORIAL_TRANSFORMER_1": "Oh Kiddo, you've bought a {0}. Seems you're

gaining a better hunch for running a shop!",
"S_TUTORIAL_TRANSFORMER_2": "Nah~ haha~~ all credits go to you, grandpa!",
"S_TUTORIAL_TRANSFORMER_3": "In order to use {0}, you have to pause the game
and then click on it.",
"S_TUTORIAL_TRANSFORMER_3_PC": "In order to use {0}, just right click on
"S_TUTORIAL_TRANSFORMER_4": "Next, choose the item you'd like to upgrade from
the left of the window, and choose 3 materials from the right. Then you are ready
to go.",
"S_TUTORIAL_TRANSFORMER_5": "The original attributes of an item will be
enhanced with the upgrade, so will the added attributes.",
"S_TUTORIAL_TRANSFORMER_6": "Besides, the materials, regardless of their
attributes, have no impact on the final results of the upgrade. Understood?",
"S_TUTORIAL_TRANSFORMER_7": "Yep yep yep! Thank you grandpa!",

"S_TUTORIAL_OPERATING_TABLE_1": "Oh Kiddo, you've bought a {0}. In order to

use it, you have to pause the game and then click on it.",
"S_TUTORIAL_OPERATING_TABLE_1_PC": "Oh Kiddo, you've bought a {0}. In order
to use it, just right click on it.",
"S_TUTORIAL_OPERATING_TABLE_2": "Then choose one of your VIP customers to
start drawing.",
"S_TUTORIAL_OPERATING_TABLE_3": "By the way, the images drawn by you will be
saved only in current device. If you switch to another device to play, the images
won't be loaded.",
"S_TUTORIAL_OPERATING_TABLE_4": "But you can click the button on right
sidebar to upload images to the model shop. Then, your another device or the other
players will be able to download it to use.",

"S_TUTORIAL_ARENA_1": "Hey! Kid, have you come here to watch the arena
"S_TUTORIAL_ARENA_2": "Yup! I have heard that arena was recently completed.",
"S_TUTORIAL_ARENA_3": "So, do you have a plan to register an arena team to
join the competition? It seems that you're antiquated with many monsters now,
aren't you?",
"S_TUTORIAL_ARENA_4": "I guess so, but I still don't know how to enter into
the arena's competition.",
"S_TUTORIAL_ARENA_5": "That's easy! Let me teach you! First, you'll have to
register an account in the main menu and then login.",
"S_TUTORIAL_ARENA_6": "Then come back here and find that fierce orc who sits
behind the table and tell him you want to register a team.",
"S_TUTORIAL_ARENA_7": "You'll choose the rules and category, pay a fee (if it
is required), then create your own team for an arena game.",
"S_TUTORIAL_ARENA_8": "The arena association will copy your team data to
their roster and adjust opposing monsters' attributes for a fair match.",
"S_TUTORIAL_ARENA_9": "Next, you can select one of your opponents from the
list to fight with in each game.",
"S_TUTORIAL_ARENA_10": "Finally, press the 'Fight' button. Your team and
opponent's team will start fighting automatically.",
"S_TUTORIAL_ARENA_11": "If all the monsters of a team are dead, the other
team will be declared the winner.",
"S_TUTORIAL_ARENA_12": "If time is up and both teams are still standing, the
winner will be determined by the higher remaining HP percentage of both sides.",
"S_TUTORIAL_ARENA_13": "BTW, the monsters that fight in the arena won't gain
EXP. Also, if their equipment durability decreases, it won't carry over to the real
"S_TUTORIAL_ARENA_14": "And that's it, did you get all that?",
"S_TUTORIAL_ARENA_15": "Err, I think so... Thanks grandpa!",
"S_TUTORIAL_ARENA_16": "You're welcome! (Just remember to slip me a portion
of the prize money if your team wins, hahaha!) ",

"S_TUTORIAL_MONSTER_INFO_DLG_NAME": "Click here to rename.",

"S_TUTORIAL_MONSTER_INFO_DLG_BASIC_ATTR": "Click here to view the statistics
of the basic attributes, and click again to restore.",
customer as a favorite.",
customer has chosen.",
"S_TUTORIAL_MONSTER_INFO_DLG_AC": "Armor Class(AC). Click here to view
physical resistance.",
"S_TUTORIAL_MONSTER_INFO_DLG_TALENT": "Click here to view talent
"S_TUTORIAL_MONSTER_INFO_DLG_SKILL": "Click here to view skill description.",
"S_TUTORIAL_MONSTER_INFO_DLG_FAMILIARITY": "Click here to view all weapon
"S_TUTORIAL_MONSTER_INFO_DLG_OVERALL": "The influence of the four basic
attributes is as follows:\n\nCON: Increases HP, and by a smaller amount,
AC.\n\nSTR: increases physical damage, and by a smaller amount; critical hit rate
and HP.\n\nDEX: Increases critical hit rate, attack speed, move speed, AC, dodge
rate, and by a tiny amount, HP. \n\nINT: Increases MP, magic resistance, magic
power and the chance of learning a new magic.",


"S_TUTORIAL_SHOP_SCENE_COMMENT": "Have to long press to trigger the UI
"S_TUTORIAL_SHOP_SCENE_COMMENT_PC": "Have to right click to trigger the UI


"S_TUTORIAL_ADVENTURE_SCENE_CALL_BACK": "Press here to call monsters back",

"S_TUTORIAL_SHOW_DESCRIPTION": "Show current tutorial.",

"S_TUTORIAL_HOTKEY_F1": "Press F1 key to view hotkey.",
"S_TUTORIAL_HOTKEY_F5": "Press F5 key to save record immediately.",
"S_TUTORIAL_HOTKEY_WSAD": "Press W,S,A,D key to move.",
"S_TUTORIAL_HOTKEY_TRIGGER": "Press keypad 0 key to trigger object.",

"S_TUTORIAL_MODEL_SHOP_SWITCH_DISPLAY": "Click here to view the original

monster type.",
"S_TUTORIAL_MODEL_SHOP_COMMENT": "The models here can only be applied to the
same type of monster.\n\nAfter you purchased one, you can open the monster
information dialog and click the mirror button on the left-top corner to select.",
"S_TUTORIAL_DRAW_BOARD_COMMENT_PC": "Press F1 key to view hotkeys. Press Tab
key to switch selected color. Right-click to pick color on the current position.
Zoom in/out by scrolling mouse wheel.",

"S_TUTORIAL_SLOT_MACHINE_DO_BET": "Click the blocks to bet",
"S_TUTORIAL_SLOT_MACHINE_RESTART": "Restart with the same bet",
"S_TUTORIAL_SLOT_MACHINE_START": "Click here to start",



"S_TIP_1": "Tip 1: When a customer request checkout, you can click on the
dialog or his body to process.",
"S_TIP_2": "Tip 2: You can try recommending an item to a customer inside the
shop by clicking on them.",
"S_TIP_3": "Tip 3: If a customer walks by your shop with a cloud above his
head, the cloud refers to the kind of products he is looking for.",
"S_TIP_4": "Tip 4: You can earn better reviews from customers by selling them
what they want, such as a dream weapon. Customers will also give better reviews if
they don't have to wait too long.",
"S_TIP_5": "Tip 5: Sometimes, a customer will steal from the shop. Click on
the shoplifter to make them drop whatever they stole.",
"S_TIP_5_PC": "Tip 5: In certain scenes, you can press 'Space' key to pause
game. press 'ESC' key to close dialog or leave current scene. press 'F1' key to
view hotkey. press 'F5' key to save current data immediately.",
"S_TIP_6": "Tip 6: Check reports often to see what customers need, and
restock accordingly.",
"S_TIP_7": "Tip 7: A monster must have at least 0.5 Stars of INT to learn
"S_TIP_8": "Tip 8: You can pause the game first, then click the facility to
open information dialog.",
"S_TIP_8_PC": "Tip 8: In adventure scene, you can move goblin not only by
mouse clicking, but also by W, S, A, D key.",
"S_TIP_9": "Tip 9: If you don't want to sell a high quality item to just
anyone, you can store it in the chest and wait to recommend it to a customer you
"S_TIP_10": "Tip 10: The VIP list contains 30 customers at most. When you
reach the limit, unwanted customers must be removed before new ones are added.",
"S_TIP_11": "Tip 11: In the window right before an adventure, an icon
displays the territory as a plain, forest, hill, or swamp. In a forest you will
find more wood, in hills more ore, and herbs in a swamp.",
"S_TIP_12": "Tip 12: While using the equipment enhancer, the quality of the
equipment put into the right side won't affect the end result.",
"S_TIP_13": "Tip 13: If you feel it's not smooth in adventure, you can go to
main menu scene and select 'Settings' -> 'Adventure' to un-check some effects to
speedup performance.",
"S_TIP_14": "Tip 14: The pissed customer will mess up everywhere if he enter
shop. You have better to kick him out quickly.",
"S_TIP_15": "Tip 15: If your employee occupy a facility, you can drag him to
move to another position. And then click the facility to make yourself working
"S_TIP_16": "Tip 16: The maximum of the connected devices of each account is
3. If you want to login your account in another new device, please logout from the
original device first.",
"S_TIP_17": "Tip 17: If a monster's current weapon familiarity has reached
the maximum(favorite), he won't use weapon training room any more.",
"S_TIP_18": "Tip 18: A potion will decay by time elapsed. When its durability
become zero, it will be gone.",
"S_TIP_19": "Tip 19: If you want to increase the familiarity of making an
item. You have to assign Mr. Goblin to craft the item, not an employee.",
"S_TIP_20": "Tip 20: You are able to hire one more employee when the level of
Mr. Goblin increases 15 every time. The maximum number of employee is 5.",
"S_TIP_21": "Tip 21: The pictures which are downloaded from the model shop
only can be applied in the same type of monster. To apply the customized model,
open the VIP list dialog. Select one of your customer, then click the 'mirror'
button on the left-top corner.",
"S_TIP_22": "Tip 22: When a customer is shopping in the shop, he will visit
the closest facility or shelf first.",
"S_TIP_23": "Tip 23: When a customer is shopping in the shop, the decoration
effect points where he stand will affect the will of visiting next one.",
"S_TIP_24": "Tip 24: In the shop edit mode, you can long press a facility /
shelf / decoration to switch display direction.",
"S_TIP_24_PC": "Tip 24: In the shop edit mode, you can right click a facility
/ shelf / decoration to switch display direction.",
"S_TIP_25": "Tip 25: You can long press a facility or a shelf to open the
information dialog in non-paused mode in shop scene.",
"S_TIP_25_PC": "Tip 25: You can right click a facility or a shelf to open the
information dialog in non-paused mode in shop scene.",
"S_TIP_26": "Tip 26: In shop scene, you can click on the three buttons on the
right-top corner to switch camera following, solicit-able and recommendable.",
"S_TIP_27": "Tip 27: Don't adjust the system time of device to cheat. It will
make your saved data keep being recalled. And, you will not be able to login
account normally.",
"S_TIP_28": "Tip 28: If the status bar is partially blocked by the mobile
phone border, you can long-press the hammer icon to trigger adjusting position
function. Then, drag the status bar to the position you want.",
"S_TIP_28_PC": "Tip 28: You can change the position of window dialog by
dragging the toolbar on the top of it.",
"S_TIP_29": "Tip 29: If you got any suggestion or bug report, you can send
private message on our Facebook page.",
"S_TIP_29_PC": "Tip 29: When selecting multiple items to dismantle or dump,
you can press Ctrl key and click any item to select all items at once. If press Alt
key instead, it will select all items which are the same quality category. If press
Shift key instead, it will select all items which are the same type.",

"S_JOB_1": "I'd like to order {0} {2} L{3} {1}.",

"S_JOB_2": "Help me collect {0} {1}.",
"S_JOB_3": "Help me kill {0} {1}.",

"S_EVENT_1": "",
"S_EVENT_2": "",
"S_EVENT_101": "",
"S_EVENT_102": "",
"S_EVENT_103": "",
"S_EVENT_104": "",
"S_EVENT_9001": "Hi! Mr. Goblin, thanks for selling me such a wonderful item.
To show my appreciation, I'd like to teach you a new enchantment recipe.",
"S_EVENT_80000": "Hello~ Mr. Goblin, I heard there's a super fun game named
'{0}'. Would you like to download it and try it out? If you download it now, you'll
receive {1} gems as reward!",
"S_EVENT_80001": "Hello~ Mr. Goblin, I heard there's a super fun game named
'{0}'. Would you like to download it and try it out? Once downloaded the app and
finish the tutorials, go to setting, select 'send message', input the code: 'Goblin
Greetings'. Then you will gain a gift!",

"S_EVENT_DESC_1": "",
"S_EVENT_DESC_2": "",
"S_EVENT_DESC_9001": "Learned a new enchantment for attribute: \n{0}.",


"S_DIFFICULTY": "Difficulty",
"S_DIFFICULTY_0": "Normal",
"S_DIFFICULTY_1": "Nightmare",
"S_DIFFICULTY_2": "Hell",

"S_DIFFICULTY_DESC": "Enemy Force: {0}%\nEXP & Gold from enemy: {0}%",



"S_QUIZ_1": "Which one is this monster's favorite weapon?",

"S_QUIZ_2": "Which one is this monster's talent?",
"S_QUIZ_3": "Which one is NOT the material of this item?",

"S_QUIZ_RESULT_POOR": "Are you sure ready to open a shop? Go home to study

"S_QUIZ_RESULT_NORMAL": "You seems to be careless...",
"S_QUIZ_RESULT_GOOD": "Hmm... your knowledge is well enough.",
"S_QUIZ_RESULT_EXCELLENT": "Perfect! You are born to do this job!",


"S_REPORT_NET_INCOME": "Net Income",

"S_REPORT_INCOME": "Income",
"S_REPORT_COST": "Cost",
"S_REPORT_VISITS": "Visits",
"S_REPORT_SOLD_COUNT": "Sold Items",

"S_MP_COST": "MP",
"S_GEMS": "{0} gems",
"S_GOLD_COINS": "{0} gold coins",
"S_COMPANIONS": "Companions",
"S_BASIC_ATTRIBUTES": "Basic Attributes",
"S_POTENTIAL_ATTRIBUTES": "Potential Attributes",
"S_WEAPON_FAMILIAR": "Familiarity",
"S_PROTOTYPE_FAMILIAR": "Familiarity",
"S_CRITICAL_HIT": "Critical Hit",
"S_MISS": "Miss",
"S_DODGED": "Dodged",
"S_STUNNED": "Stunned",
"S_REMAIN_TIME": "Remain Time",
"S_NEXT_WAVE": "Wave {0}",
"S_LEARNED_MAGIC": "Has Learned Magic",
"S_LETS_GO": "Let's Go!",
"S_TOUCH_TO_CONTINUE": "Click anywhere to continue... ",
"S_COMMISSION": "Commission",
"S_ORDER": "Order",
"S_REWARD": "Reward",
"S_REWARD_2": "Reward",
"S_CODE": "Code",
"S_NEXT_TIP": "Next",
"S_DISABLE_TIP": "Disable",
"S_SKIP": "Skip",
"S_INFO": "Info",
"S_STASH": "Stash",
"S_DECORATION": "Decoration",
"S_GRID_AREA_TITLE": "Drag here",
"S_PRODUCTION_SPEED": "Production Speed",
"S_EPIC_WEAPON_CHANCE": "Epic Chance",
"S_EPIC_ARMOR_CHANCE": "Epic Chance",
"S_EPIC_POTION_CHANCE": "Epic Chance",
"S_EXTRA_WEAPON_QUALITY": "Extra Quality",
"S_EXTRA_ARMOR_QUALITY": "Extra Quality",
"S_EXTRA_POTION_QUALITY": "Extra Quality",
"S_ARMOR_MAKER_NAME": "Armor Maker",
"S_POTION_MAKER_NAME": "Alchemy Table",
"S_BOSS_ITEM_AXE_DESC": "Chopping speed: {0}%",
"S_BOSS_ITEM_PICKAXE_DESC": "Mining speed: {0}%",
"S_BOSS_ITEM_GLOVE_DESC": "Rate of finding extra herbs: {0}%",
"S_QUEST": "Quest",
"S_REFRESH": "Refresh",
"S_TALENT": "Talent",
"S_SKILL": "Skill",
"S_SKILL_SPECIAL": "Special",
"S_SKILL_ACTIVE": "Active",
"S_SKILL_PASSIVE": "Passive",
"S_CUSTOMER_WEAPON_ANALYTICS": "Analysis chart of the dream weapons for
"S_CUSTOMER_ARMOR_ANALYTICS": "Analysis chart of armor possessed by
"S_OVERALL_ANALYTICS": "Overall Analytics",
"S_INCREASE": "Increase",
"S_EQUIPMENT": "Facility",
"S_PAUSED": "Paused",
"S_PER_LEVEL": "per level",
"S_NONE": "None",
"S_UNKNOWN": "Unknown",
"S_ADVENTURE_RESULT_MONSTER": "Kills {0} humans, gains {1} EXP.",
"S_ADVENTURE_RESULT_MONSTER_2": "Kills {0} humans, shares {1} EXP.",
"S_DAY_N": "Day {0}",
"S_CLAIM": "Claim",
"S_CLAIMED": "Claimed",
"S_CLAIM_REWARD": "Claim Reward",
"S_YOUR_ANSWER": "Your answer?",
"S_QUIZ_ANSWER": "What's your answer?",
"S_TEAM": "Team",
"S_SOMEONE_S": "'s ",
"S_STAMINA": "Stamina",
"S_REQ_STAMINA": "Req. Stamina",
"S_EQUIPMENT_INCOME": "Overall Income",
"S_START": "Start",
"S_CHOOSE": "Choose",
"S_SAVE_TIME": "Save Time:\n{0}",
"S_BACKUP_TIME": "Backup Time:\n{0}",
"S_DEVICE_HAS_REGISTER_ACCOUNT": "You have registered an account in this
"S_DEVICE_CONNECTED": "The device has connected with your account. If you
want to transfer game record to another device, please remember to logout your
account here.\n\nBTW, the game record won't be sent to server automatically, you
have to click the backup button in the main menu to do that.",
"S_EDIT_USER_INFO": "User Info",
"S_NOTIFY_USER_INFO_WEB_PAGE": "BTW, you can connect browser to the following
URL (or click the 'User Info' button in setting) to modify your player information
or reset password.\n\nPlease remember to verify your email, in case you forget the
account or password.\n\n{0}",
"S_TEAMMATE": "Teammate",
"S_GIVE_UP_ARENA": "Dismiss",
"S_ARENA_RECORD": "Records:\nW:{0} L:{1}",
"S_ARENA_RANKING": "Ranking",
"S_NO_DATA": "No Data",
"S_NO_ITEMS": "No Items",
"S_ARENA_SCORE": "Score",
"S_YOU": "You",
"S_GRANT_ACCESS": "Grant Access",
"S_GRANT_ACCESS_DESC": "This game requires extra storage permission to save
data.\n\nPlease click the below button to request permission.",
"S_GRANT_ACCESS_DESC_GO_SETTINGS": "This game requires extra storage
permission to save data.\n\nPlease change permission in the settings to proceed.",
"S_EXIT_APP": "Exit",
"S_GO_SETTINGS": "Settings >",
"S_ARENA_REWARD_TITLE": "Get the {1} place in a {0} game.",
"S_EXTRA": "Extra",
"S_CHANCE": "Chance",
"S_DOWNLOAD": "Download",
"S_NOT_NOW": "Not now",
"S_REQUEST_PERMISSION": "Request Permission",
"S_PLEASE": "Please...",
"S_ARENA": "Arena",
"S_ONLY_FULL_VERSION": "Full Version Only!",
"S_CONNECTED_WITH_OTHER_DEVICE_ERROR": "Error: Connected with other device",
"S_FORGET_ACCOUNT_OR_PASSWORD": "Forget account or password",
"S_BLACKLIST": "Blacklist",
"S_ACCOUNT_EMAIL": "The email of account",
"S_TRAVELLING": "Travelling",
"S_FORCE": "Force",
"S_HAS_RETURNED": "Returned",
"S_SALARY": "Salary",
"S_INCR_ABILITY": "Incr Ability",
"S_REMAIN_POINTS": "Remain Pts",
"S_TOTAL_SALARY": "Total Salary",
"S_TOTAL_MONEY": "Total Gold",
"S_TOTAL_REWARD": "Total Reward",
"S_AMOUNT": "Amount",
"S_THE_STOCK": "this stock",
"S_ANSWER_ALL_CORRECT": "All of the above",
"S_ANSWER_ALL_INCORRECT": "None of the above",
"S_BGM": "BGM",
"S_SCREEN_RESOLUTION": "Resolution",
"S_PURCHASED": "Purchased",
"S_DOWNLOADED": "Has downloaded.",
"S_NEW_DOWNLOADS": "New Downloads",
"S_REPORT": "Report",
"S_TOTAL_PICKED_GEMS": "You have collected <color='#f56d6d'>{0}</color>
"S_AND": "And",
"S_FULLSCREEN": "Full screen",
"S_CUSTOMER": "Customer",
"S_OFFEROR": "Offeror",
"S_PROGRESS": "Progress",
"S_CLASS": "Class",
"S_CHALLENGE_RECORDS": "Challenger - Total Damage",
"S_CHALLENGE_FIGHTER_NUMBER": "There are {0} players had joined this

"S_V137_DEPOSITORY_REMOVED": "The stash function has been replaced by chest

in this version. Thus, the upgrade cost of stash will be refunded. And the items
stored in stash will be put on the ground.",
"S_V143_ACHIEVEMENT_REWARD_CHANGED_STEAM": "The version 1.4.3 increases the
gem reward of all achievements. Thus, you will obtain the missing gems as

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