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ANO LETIVO 2020/2021


Nome do Estudante:_______________________________________________________________
Nome do Professor: ANDRESA CARVALHO

Códigos das Habilidades Objetos de Conhecimentos

(EM13LGG401) • Preposition
(EM13LGG402) • Gênero notícia

“Olá pessoal! Espero que todos estejam bem! Vamos iniciar mais um ano letivo, espero que estejam
motivados a aprender cada vez mais é muito importante que vocês mantenham seus hábitos diários de
estudo realizando as atividades propostas. Organizem seu tempo e material. Leiam atentamente os
conceitos de cada conteúdo e os exemplos para realizarem as atividades. Se houver alguma dúvida
entrem em contato. Estou à disposição para ajudar via celular. Abraços e bons estudos...


1. Circule as preposições nos textos abaixo:

Profª Andresa Carvalho 3º ano do Ensino Médio Língua Inglesa Escola Estadual Lucas Auxilio
Toniazzo andresatnn@hotmail.com
2- Utilize as linhas abaixo para traduzir o frase entre aspas (“ “)
“Lifє is ηot αbout wαitiηg for thє storм to ραss , it´s αbout lєarηiηg to dαηcє iη thє rαiη.” Buscalo grátis

3- O exercício é explorar as preposições. Preencha as lacunas com as preposições corretas no texto

abaixo e assista ao vídeo do seguinte link...

ATENÇÃO: Assistir ao vídeo do seguinte link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-1Ec4ZJkI8

IN / AT / ON / OF / BY / TO / FOR / ABOUT / OUT OF

Nothing defines us than a full and unguarded expression OF emotions. They reveal private and personal
information ________ us. As Dr. Sandra Scott says, it’s no wonder that ______ times, we have difficulty
expressing them freely.

Ultimately our fear is _____ the consequences _______ showing our emotions – how will people react?
Some men can feel under the additional burden _____ believing that displaying their emotions will make
them appear less masculine. They can feel emotionally trapped _____ traditional “macho images”. These
images seem to dictate that some emotions are feminine such as fear, anxiety and sadness – and that
these can only be shown _____ restricted measures.

If showing our emotions leaves us feeling exposed and vulnerable, then why do it? There are two main
incentives to do so; the first is the effect _____ us and the second is the effect ____ our personal lives.

Releasing our emotions can act as a safety valve – relieving inner tensions, like steam ______ a kettle.
It relieves the pressure _____holding them ______ or disguising them. Guarded emotions _____ a
relationship can lead ______ misunderstandings ______ how your’re really feeling. Lack _____visible
emotions can be taken as a lack _____feeling.

4- Tradução do texto acima


The US should follow in the Czech Republic's footsteps and require everyone to wear a mask
covering the nose and mouth at all times outside the home Steve Kashkett Opinion Contributor

While the U.S. and other countries are debating the potential value of a universal face mask rule
in combating the spread of coronavirus, here in the Czech Republic that debate was settled weeks ago:
it absolutely works!
Last month, at the earliest appearance of Covid-19 cases in this central European country of 10
million, the Czech government was among the first on the continent to shut down all non-essential
businesses, impose severe restrictions on public gatherings, and close its borders. This society quickly
adopted the physical-distancing and hand-washing regimen that has now become standard all over the
world. But what sets the Czech Republic apart from almost every other country in Europe was the
decision two weeks ago to require everyone to wear a face mask covering the nose and mouth at all times
outside the home.
As an American living in Prague, I was impressed by the reaction of Czechs and foreign residents
alike to this draconian measure. People here clearly understood the importance of preserving the supply
of professional medical/surgical masks for healthcare providers and first responders. So without
complaint, the entire nation transformed itself almost overnight into a giant factory churning out
homemade masks. Thousands of individuals and businesses immediately began sewing masks out of a
variety of fabrics.
Dozens of video tutorials for producing makeshift respiratory masks appeared on the Internet in
Czech and English. Within three days, there were enough masks for every man, woman, and child in
this country of 10 million.
Today, when I venture out to walk my dog, I rarely see anyone on the streets of Prague without a
face mask. Despite the inconvenience and discomfort of having to breathe through a mask, it has become
a badge of honor and a form of social bonding to have one’s nose and mouth covered. Wearing a mask
is a signal of each person’s willingness to play his or her part in this epic battle against the pandemic.
Those who defy the law by carelessly pulling down their masks to drink a coffee or smoke a cigarette
are subject to a hefty fine and also run the risk of being confronted and ostracized by fellow citizens.
The government has now banned cigarette smoking outside, for this reason. With few exceptions —
there are fools everywhere — it appears that most people here have embraced the universal face mask
rule with a philosophy of shared determination and collective responsibility for preventing the
coronavirus from ravaging this country.
But is it working? We all know that the original guidance from the World Health Organization held
that face masks should not be used to protect against the virus, but there is now strong evidence that this
advice was based more on the urgent need to preserve the supply of medical masks for heathcare
providers rather than on any consideration of whether masks of any sort might offer some added
protection for ordinary citizens, in addition to physical-distancing and hand-washing. Numerous experts
have written recently that even a simple homemade cotton mask covering the nose and mouth could help
to block some of the microdroplets carrying coronavirus.
The Czech government has disseminated a persuasive video arguing that homemade masks go a
long way towards preventing contagious people from coughing broadly into the air and infecting healthy
ones — and that universal use of face coverings will dramatically reduce the infection rate. The Czech
motto is “your mask protects me, my mask protects you”.

There are clear indications that the extreme measures being enforced here — particularly the
universal face mask requirement — are keeping down the per capita numbers of those who have tested
positive for coronavirus, compared to many neighboring countries such as Germany, Austria,
Switzerland, and of course Spain and Italy. So far, the Czech Republic has had fewer than 50 deaths
from Covid-19. But more importantly, the percentage of new cases each day among those tested appears
to be dropping. In other words, the Czech across-the-board face mask rule is beginning to “flatten the
curve”, as has happened in China, Taiwan, South Korea, and other places where masks are widely used.
Czech officials hope to persuade other countries to follow their lead on face masks.
Last month, the Czech prime minister, Andrej Babiš, sent out the following tweet addressed to President
Trump: “Mr. President… try tackling virus the Czech way. Wearing a simple cloth mask, decreases the
spread of the virus by 80%! Czech Republic has made it OBLIGATORY for its citizens to wear a mask
in the public. Pls retweet. God bless America”.
As an American who is witnessing the positive developments taking place in this small, tightly knit,
socially disciplined country where everyone now wears a protective mask, I hope he listens.

Steve Kashkett is a 35-year veteran of the senior foreign service in the U.S. State
Department. He now is a scholar in residence at the School of International Relations and
Diplomacy at Anglo-American University in Prague.

5) Após a leitura do texto, vamos pensar um pouco?

5.1) Qual o assunto que o texto aborda?

5.2) Qual a finalidade ou objetivo do texto?


5.3) A que gênero textual o texto pertence?


5.4) Qual a posição defendida pelo autor, no texto?


5.5) Cite pelo menos dois argumentos utilizados pelo autor para defender sua posição.

Em busca de informações específicas.

Dica: SCANNING é a leitura de informações específicas, partindo das palavras-chave ou outros

recursos que ajudem o leitor nessa identificação. Ex.: palavras chaves, números, palavras sublinhadas,
palavras em negrito e itálico.

6- Leia o texto e indique a que se referem os números.

(1) 10 million ( ) number of population in Czech Republic
(2) two weeks ago ( ) Decreases the spread of the vírus, wearing a simple cloth mask.
(3) Thousands ( ) Covid-19 cases in this central European country.
(4) 10 million ( ) Europe’s decision to require everyone to wear a face mask covering
(5) 80% the nose and mouth at all times outside the home.
( ) number of individuals and businesses that immediately began sewing
masks out of a variety of fabrics.

Com base nas palavras similares e na atividade de scanning que acabamos fazer, vamos responder
algumas perguntas.

Dica: Não há necessidade de traduzir o texto, se apoiando nas palavras chaves e similares, o leitor pode
atribuir um sentido e construir informações sobre um texto. Ah, o conhecimento prévio do assunto ajuda
muito nessa hora também!

7- Segundo o texto, qual foi a medida tomada pela República Tcheca com relação ao uso de máscara de
8- Com suas palavras e de acordo com o texto, qual foi a reação da população da República Tcheca ao
uso das máscaras de proteção? O que a população fez?

9- Qual o ponto de vista da World Health Organization com relação ao uso de máscara? Será que
realmente funciona?

10- O Governo da República Tcheca fez uma campanha para incentivar a população a usar as máscaras
de proteção.
10.1) Qual o nome em inglês da campanha?

10.2) Qual o objetivo da campanha?


10.3) Qual o instrumento utilizado para divulgar a campanha?


11- O autor conclui o texto com uma mensagem de Tweeter do Primeiro Ministro da República Tcheca
enviada ao Presidente dos Estados Unidos Donald Trump informando da obrigatoriedade do uso de
máscaras na República Tcheca. Escreva sua resposta em “inglês respondendo”: Qual sua opinião com
relação a obrigatoriedade do uso de máscaras de proteção? Você é a favor ou contra?


DRC/MT- Documento de Referência Curricular de Mato Grosso

BNCC: Base Nacional Comum Curricular
Fonte: Disponível em: https://acessaber.com.br/atividades/atividade-de-ingles-reading-1o-ao-3o-ano-
Fonte: Disponível em: https://acessaber.com.br/atividades/atividade-de-ingles-reading-1o-ao-3o-ano-
Fonte: Disponível em: https://www.todamateria.com.br/preposicoes-em-ingles/
Fonte: Disponível em: USA TODAY - https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/04/04/czech-
government- implemented-face-mask-requirement-help-combat-coronavirus-column/2940393001/

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