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24/11/2020 4 Simple Power Bank Circuits Explained | Homemade Circuit Projects

Projetos de4circuitos
circuitos de banco de energia simples
Última atualização em 23 de fevereiro de 2020por Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/author/swag/)

O artigo apresenta 4 circuitos de banco de energia variados usando célula de 1,5 V e célula de
íon de lítio de 3,7 V que podem ser construídos por qualquer indivíduo para sua funcionalidade
de carregamento de celular de emergência pessoal. A ideia foi solicitada pelo Sr. Irfan

Black Friday Claro


A Black Friday da Claro está com ofertas incríveis!

São Paulo


O que é um banco de potência

O banco de energia é uma bateria usada para carregar um celular em ambientes externos
durante situações de emergência quando uma tomada CA não está disponível para carregar o

Os módulos de banco de energia ganharam popularidade significativa hoje devido à sua

portabilidade e capacidade de carregar qualquer telefone celular durante viagens e durante
requisitos de emergência.

É basicamente uma caixa de banco de bateria que é inicialmente totalmente carregada pelo
usuário em casa e depois carregada para fora durante a viagem. Quando o usuário descobre
que a bateria do seu celular ou smartphone está fraca, ele conecta o banco de energia ao seu
celular para uma recarga de emergência rápida do celular.

Como funciona um banco de energia

Já discuti um desses circuitos do carregador de emergência (https://homemade-
circuits.com/2012/11/homemade-cell-phone-emergency-charger.html) neste blog, que usa
células Ni-Cd carregáveis para a função pretendida. Como tínhamos células Ni-Cd de 1,2 V
empregadas no projeto, pudemos configurá-lo para os 4,8 V exatamente necessários ao

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incorporar 4 dessas células em série, tornando o projeto extremamente compacto e adequado

para carregar de forma otimizada todos os tipos de telefones celulares convencionais.

No entanto, no presente pedido, o banco de energia precisa ser construído usando células de
íon-lítio 3,7 V cujo parâmetro de voltagem se torna bastante inadequado para carregar um
telefone celular que também usa um parâmetro de bateria idêntico.

O problema reside no fato de que quando duas baterias ou células idênticas estão conectadas
entre si, esses dispositivos começam a trocar sua energia de modo que, finalmente, uma
condição de equilíbrio é alcançada em que ambas as células ou baterias são capazes de
atingir quantidades iguais de carga ou níveis de potência.

Portanto, em nosso caso, suponha que se o banco de energia que utiliza uma célula de 3,7 V
está totalmente carregado a cerca de 4,2 V e aplicado a um telefone celular com um nível de
célula drenado em, digamos, 3,3 V, então ambas as contrapartes tentariam trocar a energia e
atingir um nível igual a (3,3 + 4,2) / 2 = 3,75V.

Mas 3,75 V não pode ser considerado o nível de carga total para o telefone celular, que na
verdade precisa ser carregado a 4,2 V para uma resposta ideal.

Fazendo um circuito de banco de energia de 3,7 V

A imagem a seguir mostra a estrutura básica de um projeto de banco de potência:

Semana Black
Mercado Livre
Diversas ofertas em
televisão, notebook,
Mercado Livre celular, jogos e mais!

Diagrama de bloco

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Como pode ser visto no design acima, um circuito carregador carrega uma célula 3,7 V, uma
vez que o carregamento é concluído, a caixa da célula 3,7 V é carregada pelo usuário durante
a viagem, e sempre que a bateria do celular do usuário cair, ele simplesmente conecta. Pacote
de celular 3.7V com seu celular para recarregar rapidamente.

Conforme discutido no parágrafo anterior, a fim de permitir que o banco de energia de 3,7 V
seja capaz de fornecer os 4,2 V necessários a uma taxa consistente até que o celular esteja
completamente carregado neste nível, um circuito de aumento se torna obrigatório.

1) Circuito de banco de potência de reforço IC 555

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2) Usando um circuito Joule Thief

Se você acha que o circuito do carregador do banco de potência baseado em IC 555 acima
parece complicado e um exagero, você provavelmente poderia tentar um conceito de ladrão
Joule (https://homemade-circuits.com/2012/10/1-watt-led-driver-using-joule-thief.html) para
obter os mesmos resultados, conforme mostrado abaixo:

Usando 3,7 V Li-Ion Cell

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Aqui, você pode tentar 470 ohm, resistor de 1 watt para R1 e transistor 2N2222 para T1.

1N5408 para D1 e 1000uF / 25V para C2.

Semana Black Mercado Livre

Diversas ofe as em televisão, notebook, celular, jog

Mercado Livre

Use 0,0047uF / 100V para C1

O LED não é necessário, os pontos de LED podem ser usados como o terminal de saída para
carregar seu smartphone

A bobina é composta por núcleo de ferrita Torroidal T18, com 20:10 voltas para primário e
secundário, utilizando fio isolado de PVC flexível multivertido (7/36). Isso pode ser
implementado se a entrada for de um pacote de 5nos de células AAA de 1,5 V em paralelo.

Se você selecionar a célula Li-Ion na fonte de entrada, a relação pode precisar ser alterada
para 20:10 voltas, sendo 20 no lado da base da bobina.

O transistor pode precisar de um dissipador de calor adequado para dissipar de forma ideal.

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Usando 1,5 V Li-Ion Cell

A lista de peças será a mesma mencionada no parágrafo anterior, exceto o indutor, que agora
terá uma relação de volta de 20:20 usando um fio 27SWG ou qualquer outro fio magnético de
tamanho adequado

electronic circuit power bank schematic diagram

wiring diagram electrical how to build power bank

3) Usando o seguidor de emissor TIP122

A imagem a seguir mostra o design completo de um banco de energia de smartphone com
carregador usando o circuito de ladrão Joule:

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Aqui, o TIP122 junto com seu zener básico se torna um estágio regulador de tensão e é usado
como carregador de bateria estabilizado para a bateria anexada. O valor Zx determina a
tensão de carga e seu valor deve ser selecionado de forma que seja sempre um pouco mais
baixo do que o valor de carga total real da bateria.

Por exemplo, se uma bateria de íon de lítio for usada, você pode selecionar Zx como 5,8 V
para evitar que a bateria sobrecarregue. A partir desses 5,8 V, o LED cairá em torno de 1,2 V e
o TIP122 cairá em torno de 0,6 V, o que permitirá que a célula de 3,7 V obtenha cerca de 4 V, o
que é suficiente para o propósito.

Semana Black Mercado Livre

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Diversas ofe as em televisão, notebook, celular, jog

Mercado Livre

Para 1,5 V AAA (5 em paralelo), o zener pode ser substituído por um único diodo 1N4007 com
seu cátodo voltado para o solo.

O LED é incluído para indicar aproximadamente a condição de carga total da célula conectada.
Quando o LED acende fortemente, você pode assumir que a célula está totalmente carregada.

A entrada DC para o circuito do carregador acima pode ser adquirida da unidade de

carregador AC / DC normal do seu celular.

Embora o design acima seja eficiente e recomendado para uma resposta ideal, a ideia pode
não ser fácil para um iniciante construir e otimizar. Portanto, para usuários que podem
concordar com um design ligeiramente de baixa tecnologia, mas uma alternativa DIY muito
mais fácil do que o conceito de conversor de impulso, podem estar interessados nas seguintes

Os três projetos de circuito de banco de energia simples mostrados abaixo utilizam um número
mínimo de componentes e podem ser construídos por qualquer novo amador em segundos

Embora os projetos pareçam muito simples, ele exige o uso de duas células de 3,7 V
(https://www.homemade-circuits.com/18650-2600mah-battery-datasheet-and-working/) em
série para as operações de banco de potência propostas.

4) Usando duas células de íon-lítio sem circuito


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O primeiro circuito acima faz uso de uma configuração de transistor coletor comum para
carregar o dispositivo de celular pretendido, o perset 1K é inicialmente ajustado para permitir
uma precisão de 4,3 V através do emissor do transistor.

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Simplest Power Bank Cellphone Charger Circuit

O segundo projeto acima usa um circuito regulador de tensão 7805 (https://homemade-

circuits.com/2012/03/how-to-make-simple-dc-to-dc-cell-phone.html) para implementar a função
de carregamento do banco de energia

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O último diagrama aqui mostra um design de carregador usando um limitador de corrente

LM317 (https://homemade-circuits.com/2013/06/universal-high-watt-led-current-limiter.html) .
Esta ideia parece muito mais impressionante do que as duas anteriores, uma vez que cuida do
controle de tensão e do controle de corrente juntos, garantindo um carregamento perfeito do

Em todos os quatro circuitos de carregador de celular do banco de energia acima, o

carregamento das duas células de 3,7 V pode ser feito com a mesma rede TIP122 que é
discutida para o primeiro design de carregador de reforço. O 5 V zener deve ser alterado para
um diodo de 9 V zener e a entrada de carga obtida de qualquer adaptador SMPS
(https://homemade-circuits.com/2012/03/how-to-make-simple-12-v-1-amp-switch.html) padrão
de 12 V / 1 amp. (https://homemade-circuits.com/2012/03/how-to-make-simple-12-v-1-amp-

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Eletrônicos em Oferta
Mercado Livre

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MDS-B-CV-370 Testado - Self Regulating Battery ZTS Multi-Battery Testers 4 Simple Li-Io
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Low Cost Prototype PCB - High Current Li-Ion Battery Lithium Polymer (Lipo) USB 3.7V Li-Io
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Eletrônicos em Oferta
Mercado Livre

Anterior: Iluminando DRL e (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/illuminating-drl-

acendendo as luzes com uma única and-turn-lights-with/) (https://www.homemade-
lâmpada comum circuits.com/ardui Próximo: Circuito gerador de
no-random-musical-tune-geneartor/) melodia musical do Arduino

Sobre Swagatam
Sou engenheiro eletrônico (dipIETE), amador, inventor, designer de
esquemático / PCB, fabricante. Também sou o fundador do site:
https://www.homemade-circuits.com/, onde adoro compartilhar minhas
ideias inovadoras de circuitos e tutoriais.

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de as o ado as de c cu tos e tuto a s

Se você tiver alguma dúvida relacionada ao circuito, pode interagir por meio de
comentários, ficarei feliz em ajudar!

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1. Make this Simple Weather Station Project for Homes and Offices (https://www.homemade-
2. How to Make a Simple Math Calculator using Arduino (https://www.homemade-
3. Simple LED Tubelight Circuit (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/how-to-build-homemade-
4. 12V Battery Charger Circuits [using LM317, LM338, L200, Transistors]
5. Simple Ultrasonic Sound Sensor Alarm Circuit using Opamp (https://www.homemade-
6. Simple Musical Door Bell Circuit (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/simple-musical-door-



Your email:


Jayman says

Thank you sir for this eye opening, I’m a layman but i find the 4 example very simple to do. I mean
where 1N5408 and 7805IC was used.
But I would like to integrate the TIP122 and the zener diode circuit unit in the TIP122 emitter

follower circuit into it and I don’t know how to do it. Can you please give me a diagram for the
Thanks in advance.


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Swagatam says

Thanks Jayman, here’s the design as er your requirement:


Jayman says

Thanks so much I’ve assembled the design but when tested with a multimeter, the output
voltage is 4.76V it’s not up to 5v hence it’s not sufficient enough to charge my infinix Android
Thanks for your time


Swagatam says

You can remove the 7805 and use 4 or 6 1N5408 diodes in series until you have 5 to

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You can remove the 7805, and use 4 or 6 1N5408 diodes in series until you have 5 to
6V at the output


Jayman says

Sorry for bothering you sir, the 7508 is now charging my phone and it increases the charge
but it’s damn too slow, what can I do to correct that?


Swagatam says

Try two 7805s in parallel and check the response, but make sure to put both over the
same heatsink

Jayman says

Thank you sir, after using two 7805 in parallel the charging speed showed a positive
At that time the battery pack voltage was at 7V and the output voltage was 4.9V.

But when the phone was charged to about 54 percent, the battery voltage as decreased to
6.1v and the output voltage was 4.1v respectively.
At this point the phone only shows charging but didn’t increase again.
Then I noticed that both the 1N5408 and the 7805 that was generating heat before is not
heating up again but was cold.

Swagatam says

Jayman, it is the internal circuitry and connections of the phone which is causing the
battery to switch at different charging rates. If it would be an open battery you
wouldn’t have had such issues.
If your 7805s heats up then it may not be supplying proper current for the phone

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In that case you will have to replace it with a 5 amp regulator such an LM338
regulator circuit with heatsink or the one that is shown below:

Novice says

Sir, I’m confused a bit at the zener diode point. I want to connect a red LED to it as shown in the
original design before this integration was done. But which terminal of the diode will I connect to
the red LED and which terminal will go out to the negative point for charging the cell from the
zener diode?


Swagatam says

Novice, you can connect the LED in series with an appropriately selected zener diode,
just make sure that together they produce an output voltage of 8.4V for the battery
pack. The longer leg (anode) of the LEd will to transistor base


Jayman says

I couldn’t get LM 338 only LM 317 is available at my reach here and the maximum amp that it
could give is 1.5 can I connect it in parallel just like I did for 7805?


Swagatam says

That will give you with great difficult near 3 amps if the heatsink is really large. make
sure to connect both of them over a common heatsink.
Before that, test each of the ICs separately through their standard variable voltage
regulator designs, as explained below, if both the ICs work correctly, then you can
put both of them in parallel with the resistor/pot network

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put both of them in parallel with the resistor/pot network.

How to Use LM317 for Making a Variable Power Supply Circuit


Hameed Jamiu says

In the second to the last diagram, can we reduce the input voltage to 5v/2A so that normal phone
charger can be used to recharge the cell.
And can the batteries be more than two let’s say for example arranging 5 in parallels in 2 segments
and then connect the two back in series so as to increase the mAh of the battery to up to 10,000
mAh and more while the voltage will remain at 7.4V. is that possible and does it need any
additional components to achieve that?


Swagatam says

5V cannot be used to charge two 3.7V cells in series, that is why 8.4V is shown in the
second last diagram.
Yes you can connect as many cells you like, in series/parallel connections to increase the
mAh capacity of the power bank as per the required specifications.


Jayman says

But at the end of the page you recommend 12v charger won’t it cause a damage to the circuit?

Then there’s no indicator led in the circuit how do I know when the cell is fully


Swagatam says

Ih d d 12V ith TIP122 itt f ll i it h i th 2)

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I have recommended 12V with a TIP122 emitter follower circuit, as shown in the 2)
example from the following article:


for indication you can add the following circuit across the battery terminals:

Battery Full Charge Indicator Circuit using Two Transistors (https://www.homemade-



Bright says

I have a problem with my power bank since the inductor stoped connecting then I used wire to
connect it and since then the power bank stopped charging instead it keeps reducing instead of
Please sir tell me what to do


Swagatam says

The inductor is one of the the main components in the power bank, if you short it, it will
never work


Danny mac-donald says

hello,i have batteries ,wire ,and a battery booster can i use the booster to create a gate way for
charging the battery and charging of phone….?!

ID.et says

Ih b tt f74 d 1000 AH i it ibl t b ild b k ith 5 t t If ibl

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I have a battery of 7.4v and 1000mAH, is it possible to build power bank with 5v output,, If possible,
can I get a circuit diagram please!


Swagatam says

You can use a 7805 IC to get 5 V output


Desmond says

Nice design sir…. the output is 5v how many Ampere??


Swagatam says

Thanks Desmond, it will depend on the input current and the coil dimensions


abba says

charging current at inputs seems the same as that of 6v/200mAH, is this the case ? if yes then
charging 3.7v lithium battery with 200mah will take a very long time to charge. please explain.


Swag says

yes it will take long, but will charge it safely…you can increase the current if you wish


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abba says

Hi swagatam
my question is what is the principle behind switching off of the 6v/200mAH bulb as the battery get
thanks a lot


Swag says

Hi Abba, as the battery reaches full charge level, the TIP122 emitter also reaches a point
where it is almost equal to the base voltage which stops the transistor from conducting any
further and also the battery stops accepting any further current, together this stops any
current from flowing into the battery and thus shuts down the bulb


abba says

hi Swagatam
I appreciate your effort for explaining the circuit and the concept behind them. my question is can
you please elaborate more on how diode 1N4007 can be use to keep the transistor BC557 off
during the charging phase of the battery(first circuit)?
thanks in advance


Swag says

Thanks Abba, the 1N4007 from the TIP122 emitter applies a direct positive voltage on the
base of BC557 which blocks the negative supply from the 10K resistor and thus shuts
down the base bias for the BC557


abba says

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thanks a lot, i get the concept now. my other question is how can i calculate the value of the
individual resistors in a circuit especially if the circuit is a complex one.
thanks in advance.


Swag says

It can a very long discussion not possible to do it through this comment box, you can
perhaps join the forum and learn from the scratch…in short basically the base resistor for
a transistor is selected as explained in the following article


for an IC it is as per the datasheet of the IC.


Noah says

Dear sir
I want to make a boost converter using 6v battery. Can you help me to make a boost converter
circuit with an output voltage and current of 12v and 1.5A to power my 12v LED Bulb.
Thanks in advance


Swag says

Noah, you can study the following article and accordingly build the design as per your



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Noah says

Thanks Swag


Swag says

you are welcome!


wakkas says

Hi…In your first circuit ….TIP 122 beside the diode BA159 heated very much after using heat
sink……how can i reduce the heat of TIP 122


Swagatam says

Hi, the frequency will need to be optimized correctly for getting the desired results and to
keep everything cool….connect a voltmeter across C, the keep tweaking the pots until you
find maximum voltage across C.

this will ensure the most efficient working of the TIP122

I hope you have the current limiting transistor also installed as shown in the design.


wakkas says

yes………but till now i am facing another problem……output voltage is shown 4.44 volt and
phone is showing charging but charging level will not increased what will be the

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phone is showing charging….but charging level will not increased ……..what will be the


Swagatam says

please use an ammeter in series with the positive of the charging line, and check the
current level……it should be at least 50% of the battery AH rating….if not then rewind the
boost inductor using two or three parallel wires.


wakkas says

bro till now i am facing the same problem after increasing the inductor turn……and the current
remain 0.07A after increasing…..now how can I increase the current ……


Swagatam says

it can be difficult for me to troubleshoot your circuit without checking, if you are not able to
optimize the boost circuit you can simply use a LMN317 power supply, set it at 4.1V and
charge a Li-Ion cell which has an AH eating much higher than your cellphone battery, and
use the set up as the power bank


biju thomas says

Hi. My power bank circuit is complaint. Its battery is 3.7v but the output is required 5v1A. .plz help
me..plz given a simple booster circuit diagram.am not a professional. .


Swagatam says

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you can use any IC 555 based boost converter circuit for this….I have already posted this
in my website…you can search it using the search box at top right.


Admin says

sir… is this circuit using cmos version of 555. from the sheet normal ne555 need minimal voltage
4.5 volt… or did you ever succeed with normal ne555


Swagatam says

7(555) indicates a CMOS version, please refer to the diagram and see the number on the


Chinwike Nwosu says

Sir, what's the rating for the transistor that's suitable to stop the power bank from turning of while a
phone is charging (the voltage of the 5 power bank battery is 3.7v each )


Swagatam says

Chinwike, I could not understand your question…which transistor are you referring to??


meysam786 h says

thank you

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Heidar Yaghoobi says




Swagatam says

You are welcome


Unknown says

Hello Sir I'm now in 5th from ECE branch i wish to be design a Power bank. Sir… Of 10000mAh
capacity Sir… Help me Sir


Swagatam says

Hello, please provide all the technical details of the power bank, as per your specifications.


Ansar Ahmed says

Sir there is a large power loss in case of second circuit using ic 7805. Is there any way to minimize
the loss?


Swagatam says

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you can try a buck converter circuit instead


Novice says

Sir, I’ve used the 1N5408 and 7805 circuit. It indicates charging but the charging is not
increasing but rather decreasing and the 7805 IC generate much heat. What should I do to
correct the errors?


Swagatam says

Novice, if your mobile phone is showing “charging” then it must keep charging, it
shouldn’t decrease. You can put one more 1N5408 diode at the OUT pin of the 7805
and check the response. The 7805 will heat up since it is a linear IC, you will have to
use a heatsink with it to control the heating. If you want minimum heat dissipation then
you may have to replace the 7805 circuit with the following one:

LM317 Variable Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) (https://www.homemade-



Prasad P. says


2600mah TOTAL 5 BATTERYS mah of 13000 mah because please give circuit for that power bank
charging and out of 1amp and 5volts please help me sir


Swagatam says

give all the specifications correctly

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give all the specifications correctly


ochin chukwuma says

Thanks a lot sir, nice design. I can't find the charging unit and battery connector on the 3rd simply


Swagatam says

thanks Ochin, the charging of the 3.37V cells can be done through any standard adapter

in the last paragraph I have mentioned the word "LM317 charger" with reference to the
cellphone which is supposed to be charged using the shown emergency power packs.

the battery of the power pack needs to be charged from an external charger which could
be your cell phone charger unit


Arhyel Thlama says

Well done sir, I tried to charge my power bank with combination of three cells from laptop battery, I
don't know their capacity. So my power bank leds that used to be off, now is always on blinking as
if it's charging whether is not connected to a charger. Please do you know what might have happen
to my charger and how-to rectify the problem?


Swagatam says

Arhyel, what is the input specification of your power bank?…this specification will help us
to know how much input is required to be fed safely to the unit if it was more than then

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to know how much input is required to be fed safely to the unit…if it was more than then
your PB could be damaged


Angelo Dionisio says

Can i replace 3.7v battery to 6v lead acid? It is compatible??


Swagatam says

yes you can do that


Bhavesh Nandaniya says

How much baat including in perelal and improve the nex by nex Mobil charj


Swagatam says

you can calculate it through the link given in the article….or do it with some trial and
error….please read the full article for knowing the details.


yash sharma says

sir how i can check a 7805 ic


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Swagatam says

you can do it by actually supplying an input voltage across the specified pins and checking
exactly 5V across its output pins


Auto Zone says

respected swagatam

my powerbank charging only 10 scecond then auto cut off why?

if i can make another one with its 2 battery (3.7v*2ps)–if that batteries are sutable for ur circuite
used LM317 ic –is this ic will heat-


Swagatam says

Hi AZ, check the voltage with a voltmeter while the cell is charging, it could be reaching
the full charge value quickly…this may be because your charging current is high,,,,check
this first


Michael Hiro says

I would like to know what are the theories used in creating a power bank?

Thank you.

prince kumar says

And also please tell me how much volt requierd for charging a 18650 cell

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Swagatam says

it's same as described above…4.2V


prince kumar says

Sir curcuit is good but a bit complicated

And also please tell me which type of bulb used in curcuit
A tourch bulb ?


Swagatam says

Prince, you can use a 3V torch bulb rated at 200mA or above.


romeo gasilan says

Sir this powerbank is 3.7V to 5V/2A ? Right? So how about if the battery is at 4.2V What will the
output .. ?

and also i want to rem0ve the bulb …and replace it with led and resistor c0nnected to supply batt.
Or output ? How can i done this?


Swagatam says

R dj t th PWM tt t i 4 2V

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Romeo, you can adjust the PWM pot to get a precise 4.2V

the bulb is a safe and an easy option to verify the charging condition…LEd indicator will
not work in that position and might require a complex circuit using an opamp


Anil Kumar. K says

Hi Swagatham
For Ni-Cd cells, the charging current is calculated by deviding 'Battery capacity Ah/10'.

How can I calculate the safe charging current and charging timeof Li-Ion and Li-Po batteries….?


Swagatam says

Hi Anil,

as a rule of thumb for Li-ion and Lipo batts you can use a charging current as high as their
AH level…so for example if the AH of the battery is 2AH then the charging current could
be 2amps, but the temperature of the batt could be crucial and will need to be monitored
manually or by some automatic method


Pawan Ahire says

Hi sir,
Can you please help me to make a 3.7v mobile battery level indicator, I want to do this by using
ATtiny85, for this I have use concept of voltage divider, so I have taken Vin as 4v, R1 as 130 ohm
and R2 as 910 ohm for 3.5v Vout.


Swagatam says

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Hi Pawan, sorry, I do not know how to do it with a ATtiny85….


Seelamsetti Manikanta says

good post sir, what is the max current of the last current control circuit, can we build boost
converter using attiny micro controller and a 7 segment display interface , i want to increase
efficiency because i used 6*1.2v 2700mah which doesent charge my 2000mah android a single
time the 7805 getting heated up and a lot of power is wasted there, i bridged 2 7805 ics together
but there is no improvement the charging current is very low 150ma i connected directly 4 cells
without any regulator and the phone got charged with with 1500ma current but due to voltage
fluctuations the charge controller in the mobile disconnecting the power source. any help is
appreciated thank you sir.


Swagatam says

Thanks Seelamsetti,

just use 4 of the 1.2V cells in series and connect the output directly to your cellphone, no
need of using a 7805 IC, as shown below:


yes MCU can be used for making a power controller circuit


Swagatam says

…if your cellphone is disconnecting the power due to fluctuations then you can add
another pack of 4 cells in parallel or try bigger 1.2V cells


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Seelamsetti Manikanta says

thank you sir

adesina temiloluwa says

i have been waiting for so long for this kind of circuit

i will definately build it sooner n give updates thanks for this BOSS SWAGATAM


Swagatam says

you are most welcome Adesina!!


Angelous Chavez says

Sir the circuit above is so interesting.

Is there any idea that can modefie or improve the above circuit like for example adding of a small
solar panel to charge up the battery 3.7v.


Swagatam says

Thanks Angelous, yes definitely you can use a suitably rated solar panel and use it to
charge the 3.7V cells.


Angelous Chavez says

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sir why did you used bulb? it is possible to change that into the red LED?


Swagatam says

Bulb will pass sufficient current for charging the battery and also indicate the situation,
LED will not pass sufficient current and will not serve purpose, it will remain lit forever, not
allowing the battery to get charged.


Swagatam says

LED will require an external circuit for the indications… which can make the circuit more


Mayank Padm Bhushan says

Thanks sir for this circuit

What is the output amp in 1st circuit
I want 1 amp output from 1st circuit

Thank you very much


Swagatam says

Mayank, you can calculate and change the 0.6 ohm resistor for fixing the desired current
capacity of the circuit…accordingly the cell mAH will also need to be upgraded to the
intended level


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Unknown says

sir this circuit can give cAPAcity of 10000 mah ?


Swagatam says

the formula for calculating the resistor is

R = 0.6 / max current output (amps)


Irfan Ahmad says

Also tell where charging pin or female usb connector is attached…?

and which point is used to connect the cells…
And how much cell we connect in this circuit…


Swagatam says

Irfan, Everything's shown in the diagram, I am sorry if you are not able to understand the
diagram then it would mean that you are very new in the electronics field, and this circuit
can be extremely difficult for a new comer…so I think you should rather try the other 3
circuits instead of the first….


Irfan Ahmad says

Thanks sir.. there is some confusion for me.

1 Is it control the discharge levels of Li ion cells

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1- Is it control the discharge levels of Li-ion cells..

2- is it control the over charging of Li-ion cells…
3- is it delivers the 2amp for smart phone sharge
Once again thanks for the circuit… B-)


Swagatam says

Irfan, the cell will not discharge unless connected to a cell phone

the cell will not overcharge but when the indicator lamp shuts off you should remove the
input supply…

2amp podem ser obtidos se a célula for classificada em 3000mAH




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