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A Armadura de DEUS [Parte 2]: O Capacete da 


Acesse o novo blog e leia a continuação da Armadura de DEUS:


Bom dia povo!! Vamos dar continuidade a nosso estudo sobre a armadura de DEUS. Hoje vamos falar do

Que parte do corpo o capacete protege?

Obvio!!A cabeça! Até uma macaco sabe disso! Hahaha!

E o que a cabeça representa?
A mente, onde está o nosso intelecto, nossos pensamentos, nossas lembranças, nossas emoções.

Ao longo dos anos temos vistos muitos verdadeiros cristãos, pessoas dedicadas ao Senhor, sendo
atingidos na mente, sendo feridos na cabeça, e se tornarem incapacitados para obra. Por isso Deus nos
deu uma poderosa vestimenta de proteção, que é o capacete da salvação. Satanás ataca nossa mente com
dardos inflamados.

Quais seriam esses dardos inflamados?

1. Um deles é a desconfiança, que é uma das munições que ele usa com mais freqüência.
Começamos a desconfiar dos irmãos em Cristo, do nosso pastor, da nossa liderança, dos nossos
colegas de trabalho, faculdade, das(os) namoradas(os) e para os casados, da esposa ou marido.

Além da desconfiança, ele usa outras munições:

1. O temor: tememos que algo de ruim vai acontecer conosco, tememos ficar doentes, tememos
ficar sem dinheiro, sem emprego, tememos ficar sós….
2. A dúvida (famoso “será que…”): …será que vou conseguir? Será que continuaremos a nos dar
bem? Será que ele será curado…..

3. O pessimismo: muita pessoas tem uma maneira negativa de pensar, para elas tudo sempre dará

4. A depressão: de cada cinco obreiros cristãos, um luta com problemas de depressão.

Um pastor de um fortíssimo ministério conta o seu testemunho:

“Sofri de uma longa e persistente depressão, depois de ser salvo, batizado no Espírito, chamado para o
ministério e estar trabalhando para o Senhor em tempo integral.
Apesar de estar obtendo muito sucesso em meu ministério pastoral, lutava contra uma séria depressão.
Parecia que era uma nuvem cinzenta que me envolvia e me isolava de meus familiares e de outras
pessoas. Tentei aplicar todas as estratégias bíblicas que conhecia para resolver o problema, procurando
despir-me do velho homem a ponto de não restar mais nada do que me desvestir.
Certo dia eu estava lendo Isaias 61:3 e um trecho dele me chamou a atenção: “veste de louvor em vez de
espírito angustiado”, foi como se ouvisse o Espírito Santo dizer-me:
“ seu problema não é você nem a sua mente. É um espírito que o persegue desde a sua infância”

Quando compreendi a verdadeira identidade do meu inimigo e me dei conta de que o mal não é uma
coisa, mas sim um espírito, oitenta por cento do problema já estava resolvido. Para acabar de resolvê-lo
só precisei da mensagem de Joel 2:32 “ e acontecera que todo aquele que invocar o nome do Senhor
será salvo”
Então, com muita simplicidade e de uma forma quase infantil, clamei ao Senhor : Em nome do Senhor
Jesus Cristo, eu estou te pedindo me libertes desse espírito angustiado.

E Ele me libertou!!!
Mas depois dele já haver me libertado, eu teria de “REEDUCAR A MINHA MENTE“.
Antes de ter sido liberto eu não conseguiria fazer isso mas, agora, livre da depressão e da angustia, eu já
poderia e Deus não iria fazer isso por mim.
Reeducar a mente e cultivar novos tipos de pensamentos eram uma questão de disciplina pessoal, e não
ocorreria de imediato.Seria um processo gradual.

É sobre esse ponto que eu quero me deter: Você deve aprender a controlar os

pensamentos que estão na sua mente, reeducando a maneira de pensar. A mente é o maior campo de
batalha. Satanás ataca-nos na mente mais do que qualquer outro lugar!!!

São três as fontes de pensamentos que chegam à mente de um cristão nascido de novo

1. Pensamentos que a própria pessoa tem;

2. Pensamentos do Espírito Santo;

3. Pensamentos que satanás e seus demônios jogam na nossa mente, e a maioria das pessoas
assumem como sendo seu próprio pensamento.

Alguns exemplos desse tipo de pensamento (do inimigo):

- “Ah! Ele nunca me ajuda”

- “Eu estou muito desanimado”
- “Ah! Eu vou desistir de tudo”
- “Eu gosto de ver coisa errada”
- “Eu não suporto mais este irmão”
- “Ah! Eu não quero mais viver”

Então o inimigo injetará os pensamentos em sua mente, começando com a palavra “eu” para que você
pense que foi originado por você.

“Certamente eu gostaria de fazer………..”

Temos que examinar todos os pensamentos e ver se eles procedem de Deus!  Se o pensamento, não bate
com as escrituras, ou seja, não está de acordo com os ensinamentos que temos através da palavra,
saberemos que satanás injetou esse pensamento, então devemos atacar a verdadeira fonte e resistir
dizendo em voz alta (ou suficientemente audívivel): “satanás e seus demônios, eu repreendo vocês em
nome de Jesus não aceito esse pensamento , vá embora em nome de Jesus! Por que na palavra de DEUS
(Quando falar da ESPADA DO ESPIRITO,  explico o pq tem q recitar um versículo.)

Quando a mente está fraca, cansada  (ou seja com estafa física ou emocionalmente), perturbada ou até
mesmo sob efeito de um produto químico (droga ou álcool), é mais difícil de resistir, e com certeza
precisaremos de ajuda de alguém para que resista por nós ou que nos ajude a resistir e repreender.

Então resumindo:

1. Primeiramente precisamos discernir a fonte de pensamentos;

2. Depois devemos invocar ao Senhor para que nos liberte do ataque nos pensamentos, repreendendo
3. E terceiro, depois de libertos devemos reeducar a maneira de pensar, levando cativo todo
pensamento Jesus.

“Destruindo os conselhos, e toda a altivez que se levanta contra o conhecimento de Deus, e levando
cativo todo o entendimento à obediência de Cristo.” - II Corintios 10:5

“Quanto ao mais, irmãos, tudo o que é verdadeiro, tudo o que é honesto, tudo o que é justo, tudo o que é
puro, tudo o que é amável, tudo o que é de boa fama, se há alguma virtude, e se há algum louvor, nisso
pensai.” – Filipenses 4:8

Pensando em tudo que é verdadeiro: isto é muito difícil pq muita vezes começamos a imaginar, a
suspeitar, a duvidar, a ter medo, e nenhum pensamento tem um conteúdo de verdade, muitas vezes serão
pensamentos injetados por satanás!

Cuidado: às vezes temos tamanha luta para controlar os pensamentos, falando a nos mesmos: – “Pare de
pensar nessa bobagem” – mas o pensamento não nos deixa, não vai embora!!! Na verdade estamos
resistindo com as nossas forças aos pensamentos injetados por satanás.

A medida que o Espirito Santo nos treina a reconhecer que os pensamentos vêem de fora injetados
pelo inimigo, começamos a ter vitória quando os repreendemos em voz alta no nome de Jesus.

Para proteger a nossa mente existe alguns processos:

1. Memorize as escrituras:
O modo de guardar a palavra de Deus no coração é memorizá-la!!!
Salmo 119: 11 “Escondi a tua palavra no meu coração, para eu não pecar contra ti.”
Então separe um tempo a cada dia. Escreva o versículo (q te ajude na sua luta), fixe-o num lugar onde
você possa vê-lo. Decore-o em voz alta e medite nele.

2. Vista ao capacete da salvação todos os dias para proteger a cabeça:

Mas o que seria o capacete da salvação?? Efesios 6 :17 “tomai também o capacete da salvação..”
Há uma referencia a outro texto sobre capacete na biblia: 1 Tess 5 :8 “….. e tendo por capacete a
esperança da salvação;”

Quando vi que o capacete era a esperança, entendi tudo, e Deus revelou que  precisamos cultivar a
Mas o que é esperança?
É a confiança e expectativa do que é bom, ou seja, esperar o que é bom, esperar resolução, esperar dias
melhores, esperar salvação da situação em que estamos.

Quando perdemos a esperança, perdemos a força para viver, perdemos o ânimo. Nossa mente fica
vulnerável ao ataque de pensamentos ruins.
Nunca podemos perder a esperança, tem um artigo que diz que podemos ficar 40 dias sem comer, 1
semana sem beber água, 3 minutos sem respirar mas, não podemos ficar nem um segundo sem esperança
senão morreremos.

Então chegamos a conclusão que a proteção da mente é a esperança.

Para conseguir reeducar a mente é importantíssimo usar o capacete da esperança. Temos que estar
com a mente protegida pelo capacete da esperança.

Exemplo de reeducar a mente:

Alguém afirmou que todos nós somos otimistas ou pessimistas natos. Alguns além de serem pessimistas
natos foram criados em um ambiente de pessimismo. Alguns pais crêem que se uma pessoa não fosse
preocupada, deveria se preocupar em descobrir pq não era preocupada. Então estas pessoas precisam
reeducar a maneira de pensar pois ser pessimista é renegar a fé, porque as escrituras dizem que se
amarmos a Deus e vivermos segundo o seu chamado e propósito, tudo coopera para o nosso bem. Isso
significa que aí não há lugar para o pessimismo.

É issaê psisiti!!
Reeduque sua mente e guarde a palavra no coração!

A Armadura de DEUS [Parte 3] – O Escudo da Fé

Acesse o novo blog e leia a continuação

da Armadura de DEUS:
Vamos continuar com nosso estudo sobre a armadura! Se vc perdeu os dois anteriores,
então leia-os aqui.

Efesios 6:16

“Tomando sobretudo o escudo da fé, com o qual podereis apagar todos os dardos
inflamados do maligno.”

O que é o escudo e para que serve em sentido literal?

Definicão: Arma defensiva que serve para proteger-se contra golpes de espada ou de

O que tinha em mente Paulo, quando nos exortou a tomar o escudo da fé?

O exército romano utilizava dois tipos de escudo, um pequeno e redondo e outro

comprido e oval. O que Paulo fala aqui, é o segundo que tem por finalidade proteger de
lanças, espadas e dardos todas as partes do nosso corpo.

Porque este escudo é chamado de escudo da fé? Pq a fé nos protege dos dardos
inflamados do inimigo.

O exercicio da fé (fé prática no dia a dia) é um ítem de defesa que vai adequar-se às
mais diversas circunstâncias, já que o escudo é  um instrumento móvel e pode proteger
dos “dardos inflamados do inimigo” qualquer região do nosso corpo, ou seja, qualquer

Como vem a fé?

“De sorte que a fé é pelo ouvir, e o ouvir pela palavra de Deus.” (Romanos 10:17)

Note a preposicão “pela” (por + ela), ou seja, “atraves de”, “por meio de”.

E quem é a palavra de DEUS???? Alguém pode me ajudar???  Isso!!! Quem foi o verbo
q se fez carne mesmo???? (João 1) JESUS!!!! Para melhor entender esses versículo,
coloquemos assim: “A fé vem pelo ouvir e o ouvir “por meio” de JESUS!!!”
Precisamos passar muito tempo lendo a Biblia, para ouvirmos a Deus, para nos
armarmos do escudo divino da proteção total. É JESUS q nos dará fé. Enquanto ler-mos
a palavra, os versículos entrarão em nosso coração e começaremos a ouvir JESUS palar
conosco através dela!!!! Dessa forma, ao pensar: “JESUS está falando comigo!!!
Uhuuuuu!!!” Então ganhamos fé!!! Tataaannn!!!
No entanto há necessidade de toma-lo voluntariamente e aprender a maneja-lo, portanto
envolve decisão humana. O desejo de aprender a manusea-lo bem, pois na guerra o bom
adestramento envolve salvação de vidas.

E o que são estes dardos inflamados do inimigo?

Satanás nos ataca: ataca nossa mente, nosso lar, nossos familiares, nossos negócios e
outras areas da nossa vida. Portanto precisamos ter fé em Deus, na sua palavra, no poder
que há no nome de Jesus e nas suas promessas  (Deuteronomio 33:29 e II Samuel 22:3).

Vou dar 2 exemplos, um para os homi homens e outro para as muié mulheres. Os
exemplos serão baseados no q tenho visto como dificuldade para cara um.

Mulheres primeiro:
Já faz um tempo q vc está na igreja e conhece muitas amigas, em especial 4. Algumas a
pelo menos 5 anos e outras até cresceram com vc.
DE REPENTE, um varão valoroso chega e arrebata o coração de uma delas e eles
iniciam um namoro. Vc até pensa: “Olha só hein!!! Q legal!”. Masssss….. passado mais
algum tempo (talves meses), eis q surgem 2 cavaleiros formosos e capturam suas outras
2 amigas. Agora vc pensa: “Bom, pelo menos sobrou a Duda tb! Ufa!”.
Massssssss……. passado maaaisss um tempo, surge um principe enviado de uma igreja
vizinha e tb toma o coração de sua última amiga intima! E agora????

O cara do subsolo começa a atacar seu coração: “Xiiiiiiiiiii vai ficar sozinha
hein????!!!! Ninguém te quer mesmo!!!  Vc percebeu como os caras do mundo te
admiram? Viu como eles te elogiam??? Os caras da igreja nem te dão valor! Qqer coisa
tb, vc pode trazer ele pra igreja!!!”

Eis o dardo minha querida irmã! E como se defender? O ESCUDO DA FÉ!!! Procure
(ou lembre) de versículos q te ajudarão a vencer esses dardos. Um deles já tem sido
usado como chacota e infelizmente acabam ofuscando o poder q há nele: “Esperei com
paciência no SENHOR, e ele se inclinou para mim, e ouviu o meu clamor.” (Salmo
40:1). Se vc riu, é pq o poder desse versículo está ofuscado pra vc! Quem falou isso foi
Davi em um de seus salmos! Davi! O maior rei q Israel teve (sem contar JESUS q é o
supertrunfo dos reis)! Se ele escreveu isso, é pq existe alguma coisa no minimo “boa”
nisso. Embora homem, sou um exemplo puro! Meus amigos iniciaram o namoro antes e
eu esperei com paciencia. E bota paciência pq comecei a namorar com 23 anos!
Varoa, encontre sua fraqueza e cubra-se com (versículos) o escudo q é a palavra de
Hehe, lembra dele? Ele tinha escudo! E era ligeiro!


Vc está feliz e contente andando nas ruas. Faz muito calor. Vc vem de óculos escuros
tomando o seu chá gelado e cantando: “Que minha viiiiidaaa caaaaaante a tiiiiii!!“
DE REPENTE, passa uma mulher com aquelas “roupas à vácuo” (ou de saia mesmo)….
toda cheia de graça e perfumada (praticamente uma esposa de Potifar). Obviamente tira
sua atenção! Na verdade te deixa atordoado…..

Eis ai um dardo meu rapaz!

E como se defender? O ESCUDO DA FÉ!!! De igual maneira vc terá q se defender com

ele lembrando de versículos: “Fiz aliança com os meus olhos; como, pois, os fixaria
numa virgem?” (Jó 31:1). Procure outros versículos q te ajudarão a se defender destes e
outros dardos q atacam diretamente sua fraqueza.

Meninos e meninas, muito cuidado com esse “DE REPENTE” pq é realmente de

repente q o dardo vem!!! Obviamente q para o escudo “funcionar”, não basta saber o
versiculo e sim CRER nele. Por isso é o Escudo da Fé! (dããããrrrrrrr!). Lembre-se da
arma anterior tb. O Capacete da salvação te ajudará em batalhas na mente, isto é, antes q
elas virem concretas! Se vc utilizar bem o capacete então usar o escudo será mais fácil!

Claro q em uma batalha vc não só defende mas, ataca tb. Para isso usaremos a ESPADA
DO ESPIRITO! Mas vamos deixar para a semana q vem! Hehehe.

É isso ae psiti!
Agora vc tem 2 partes da armadura hein?!
Fica com DEUS e q ELE te instrua em como usá-las!

No amor de JESUS,
Fernando Ortega.

Bible Crafts and Activities For Sunday School

Armor of God Crafts and Activities

Crafts and Activities: Printable Postcards

for Sunday School
1. Be Spiritually Dressed - I had more fun the past few
weeks. After being frustrated with my second grade Sunday
School Class just not getting the need for the full ARMOR of
GOD to be in place at all times, I showed up for Sunday
School in my long robe, shower cap with fiery darts
attacking, tripping over my shield of faith, with my helmet of
salvation hanging off my back side, my sword which has two
sides appearing to be stuck in my side, etc. My shower cap
had captions of verbal and mental attacks and I had one
sock on and barefoot on one foot.  Needless to say, I got the
kids attention. I was fully ready for the world and dressed
neatly under the robe but not Spiritually dressed. Sent in by
Sue Karber

2. Armor of God Costume - Roman

Soldier Armor - Patterns and
directions to make a complete armor
with easy to find materials including a
Roman helmet, sword, shield with
coat of arms, belt, tunic, sword. Sent
in by Sue Karber

Armor of God Helmet

What you will need: newspapers, 39 Designs for $9.95
silver/gold poster board, brass brads, silver paint, and tape.
(For more Details Click Here)
What to do:

1. Cut out a visor from silver poster board as shown in the

picture. A pattern for the visor is available to members of
Danielle's Place and The Resource Room. Cut out the slats
in the middle. Use the pattern to trace the shape onto silver
poster board. The silver poster board is actually silver and
gold. One side is silver and one is gold. Poke a hole at each
end of the visor.
2. To make the hat part of the helmet place two or three pieces of newspaper on top
of each other and fold them in half on the natural fold with the fold on your left. Fold
the top half down over the bottom half. The new fold should be at the top. Fold the
top two corners in so that they meet in the middle. See diagram # 1.

3. Fold up the bottom edge so that it meets the bottom edge of the triangles you just
made. But only fold up 4 layers of newspaper. The other layers will be folded up on
the back. See diagram # 2.

4. Fold up the bottom edge of the newspaper again so that it is folded at the bottom
edge of the triangles. See diagram # 3.

5. Turn the hat over and do the same thing to the other side.

6. Fold the points that stick out back and over each other. Punch a hole in the
folded-over triangles. This is where you will attach the visor. Tape it down.

7. Put your hand up inside the triangle and spread it out.

8. Paint the hat silver or a metal color.

9. Attach the visor to the hat with brads so that it can be lifted up and down.

Comment about this craft:

I used the instructions for the newspaper hats, but used heavy duty Free Sunday School
aluminum foil instead. I used the wide foil. The face guard was cut Lessons
from silver poster board using the pattern on the website and
attached with paper brads. Elaine
The Resource Room

Armor of God Breastplate

What you will need: Paper grocery bags, silver poster board or
silver paint, tape or glue, and scissors.

1. Cut a 5" hole in the middle bottom of a grocery bag. Cut a line
from the hole up the middle of one of the longer sides of the grocery
bag to the top of the bag. Cut 5" armholes at the bottom side of
each bag.

2. Cut 3" x 4" rectangles from the silver poster board. Round off one
of the 3" sides. This will be the bottom of the pieces. Fruit of the Spirit
Sunday School Lesson
3. Tape the pieces onto the front and back of the grocery bag
starting at the bottom. Tape or glue a row all the way across
overlapping as you go. Tape another row on top of that one over
lapping the bottom row. Keep adding rows until the back and front
are covered. You may want to paint the top and side to match the
front and back.
Armor of God Belt
What you will need: Card stock, metallic
crayons, glue or tape, brown construction
paper, 1 1/2" silver sequins or other
circles cut from shiny paper, and

What to do:

1. Draw a belt onto card stock and cut it Watchdogs

out. A belt pattern as shown in the Sunday School Lesson
picture is available to members and cut it
out. Glue the pieces together. You may have to cut off some
squares depending on how big you want the belt. If you want to
make the belt fit over the breastplate you will have to make it extra
big. You may have to print out the pattern more than once and
piece it together.

2. Cut one of the slits open at the end of the belt depending on how Consider the Ants
big you need the belt.

3. Color the belt with metallic crayons (Crayola).

4. To make the apron, cut brown construction paper into 2" stripes.
Glue sequins down the lengths of the strips. Glue the strips to the
front of the belt.

Comments about this craft:

For ease of construction, I printed the belt pattern on regular copier

Ladybug Friends
paper then had the children color, cut, and glue them to sentence
strips purchased at the teacher supply store. I punched a hole in
each end of the strip and attached yarn to each end to tie around
the children’s waists. They used metallic crayons to decorate the
waistband and apron strips. I gave them one gold seal sticker to go
in the middle front of the waistband. Elaine

"The Belt of Truth Game" - (For

Older Children)

Children try to match up the "Truth"

Bible verses to the lies that are
written on the belt. Some of the
Bible verses may work with more Elijah and the Ravens
than one lie, so they may have to switch some around so all the
Bible verses match one of the lies.

Armor of God Sword

1. Cardboard Sword

What you will need: Foam core board (You can find
this in the same place you buy poster board.) or card
board, Exacto knife, ruler, pencil, scissors, heavy duty
aluminum foil, tape, brown, gold, and other colors of

What to do: The Big Mistake

The Story of the Prodigal
1. Cut out the blade shape from the foam core board. I Son
made mine 20" long. It is 3 inches across at the
bottom and 1" at the top. Round off the top point.

2. Cut out a handle from foam core board using an  

Exacto knife and use it to cut two more handle shapes from the
foam core board. Glue one handle shape to one side the blade at
the bottom. Glue the other to the other side. Cut the third shape Sample Lessons
apart so that you can slide the pieces in between the other two from
handle pieces glued to the sword. (A pattern for the handle is
available to members only subscribers.) Place glue on each side of The Resource
the pieces and insert them between the two pieces you glued onto Room
the blade. Use sand paper if you would like to make the edges

3. Paint the handle brown like wood and add some decorations.

4. Wrap a piece of aluminum foil around the blade and tape it on.

2. Books-of-the-Bible Sword
Bookmark Craft

The pattern for this craft is

available on The Resource Room

The Lost Sheep

Armor of God Shield

Cut a shield shape from half a sheet of foam core board or cardboard. Paint the
shield with child-safe paint. Add a coat of arms if you would like. Cut a strip of
cardboard and glue to the back for a handle. You can buy precut cardboard shields
from Oriental Trading Company, $9.95 per dozen. Go to Oriental Trading Company
and type in 57/6220 in the search box at the top of the page.

I purchased 14” cardboard cake rounds and the children painted them with metallic
paint for shields. The children wrote “Shield of Faith” on the front when they were
dry. The cake boards were inexpensive and a lot less prep time for me. I used duct
tape for the handle by pressing the flat ends of the tape to the board then pressing the middle part of the
tape together. Elaine

Armor of God Shoes of Peace

Direction for the shoes are available to members of The Resource Room.

Tunic and Cape - The tunic and cape were made from a piece of stretchy red
material that cost $1.00 a yard at WalMart. I used one yard for the tunic and one
for the cape. To make the cape I just cut a square piece of material and tied two
corners together around the neck. To make the tunic I just folded a rectangle piece
in half and cut a neck hole in the middle of the folded end. Put it over the child's
head and use a length of material to tie it around the child's waist.

Comments about this craft:

I cut the shoes from fun foam and used curling ribbon for the laces. It was precious to see the children
wearing their shoes as they left church. Elaine

Songs for the Armor of God Theme

March to a Military Chant - Start by counting one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, etc. until all the
children are marching at the same pace. Act like a drill sergeant. Tell them to stand tall, face forward, lift
their feet up high, and look proud to be in the Lord's army. Then tell them to repeat after you the following
lines. Once they get the rhythm and words, you can have them march in a circle.

We Are Christians
Written by Carolyn Warvel

We are Christians passing by. (We are Christians passing by.)

We will hold our heads up high. (We will hold our heads up high.)
We don't steal and we don't lie. (We don't steal and we don't lie.)
"Stand for the truth" is our cry. (Stand for truth is our cry.)
God is God of earth and sky. (God is God of earth and sky.)
On God's words we can rely. (On God's words we can rely.)
For our sins, we know he died. (For our sins, we know he died.)
We'll stick with him by and by. (We'll stick with him by and by.)

© Copyright 2005, Carolyn Warvel

This chant comes from The Resource Room from the Armor of God Lessons.

Copyright Notice - While many of the crafts, songs, and activities on this site are free, they are still
copyrighted. They are for personal use only. They may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic or mechanical, except for local church, school, or home use only. It is illegal to
copy this material and publish it on another web site, news group, forum, etc. even if you include the
copyright notice. You must have permission to copy the material. To request permission to copy this
material for any other use contact me by email.

"Camp Agape, and the Army of God"

by Tammy Butcher

This past Sunday, I decorated my classroom with a small army pup tent, I put treats and stickers, etc.
inside of the tent. I put up paper on the wall for the kids to draw pictures of "CAMP AGAPE" it was cool! 
They drew trees and tents. The kids did great work!!!

The children and I sat in a circle, we began by talking about our soldiers in the army.  We
compared a soldiers life with a Christians life.

Soldiers Soldier's of Christ

1. They must make a decision to join. 1. We must make the decision to ask Jesus
into our hearts.

2. They must pass a physical. The doctor 2. Our hearts must be right with God.
checks their hearts.

3. They have to going through training camp 3. In Christian Training Camp we read the
to get ready to fight their enemies. Bible, pray, praise, and study to we are ready
to fight our spiritual enemies.
(Do jumping jacks, pushups, etc.)
(Sing songs of praise.)

4. An "in service" soldier's job is to take care 4. An "in his service" Christian's job is to take
of us, others, and those that are weaker. care of others - to take care of their needs:
food, clothes, etc.

(Talk about how we can serve others.)

1. I gave out prizes to those who were sharing ways to help others. We did an army chant, but
CHRISTIANIZED!  They loved it!!!!

2. At the end we talked about soldiers who go AWOL - how they go to prison, are cast away from others,
and how they can no longer serve. We talked about how a person can go AWOL, ( Away with Our life!)  If
they die without knowing Jesus, they will be cast out and will not enter heaven.

I ended with the sinners prayer. The kids had lots of hugs for me after service. It was a great lesson!
Boot Camp will continue Next Week!  Hope you share the fun! Tammy Butcher

You can buy all kinds of camouflage items from Oriental Trading Company: dog tags, hats, bandanas,
bracelets, sunglasses, helmets, ducks, pens, marshmallow shooters, curtain, balls, compasses, etc. Just
go to Oriental Trading Company's web site and type in "camouflage" in the search box at the top of the
Super Bowl Sunday School Theme - God's Team -- the Winning Team

The following ideas were sent in by Brenda Darnell

On Super Bowl Sunday use the football theme to teach about the importance of the Armor or God.

Emphasize that every team member is critical, even the water boy who encourages, refreshes, and exhorts. Cheerleaders are the
intercessors and exhorters. The fans in the stadium are like the host of Heaven. God gave us the game plan (the Bible), etc.

Have your children come up with a cheer using a Bible verse.

Cover a PVC pipe hoop with paper, have your children paint a logo on the paper, and then line up and run through the hoop like
football players at the beginning of the game.

Football Armor/Armor of God - Protects your body.

Football Helmet - is your lifesaver. It covers your brain, your thoughts, and keeps you reminded of your job. The Helmet of
Salvation - I will keep my mind stayed on Thee!

Football Cleats for better traction - dig in and fight!  Be ready to run when the LORD calls you out onto the field!  Gospel Shoes -
guide our steps, and help us walk in the right path.

Shoulder pads and Jersey - identity and protection.  In Isaiah God speaks about kings and queens returning our kidnapped
children on their shoulders. Our children are our treasure from the LORD.  Matthew says, “Wherever your treasure shall be, there
shall your heart be also”.  The things that are precious and useful to us need to be protected!  They need to be 'covered' and seen
as belonging to God Himself. Righteous breastplate - to guard your heart from Satan and to have your identity in Christ

Hip pads and sweat towel - keep you dry and somewhat cleaned off. Belt of Truth - keeps you clean from lies.  When you are
wrapped in Truth, the enemy cannot win at trying to embarrass or humiliate you.  Even when you get knocked down, you're

Wristband - keeps your hands dry so you don’t lose the football. The wristband is not as big or as impressive as a shield, but it
helps you use the strength of your arms more effectively.  It's a little something that can make a big difference.

Shield of Faith – is reliable and protects the word of God.  When you stand up and proclaim the works of the LORD, you're holding
up a shield of faith in Him. You're telling the world that you know Him, trust Him and follow Him. 

Football - can be compared to God’s words.  The key to winning is keeping the ball on your side while passing it to your
teammates, and be willing to let them make the play, too.  Your job is to see that the football makes it to the goal line - Heaven!
Bible - pass the word to teammates and keep it on your side to win. Don't be a glory hog, share, share, share!  We are all winners
when we share the Good News of Jesus!

Other Activities: Find a story of a Famous Christian football player. Read his testimony to the kids in a condensed fun version.
Show them pictures of different football players (cartoons, real life, doesn't matter).
Then read Eph 6:11-18 and talk to the kids about why God wants us to be protected. Tell about the attacks of the enemy and how,
if they wear their armor and play on Gods team, they will be protected and God will help them win.

Craft: Make a Team Poster – Divide your children into teams.  Give each team a piece of large poster board. Let them come up
with a name for their team and design a poster to represent their team.

Make Arm Bands - The kids favorite part was getting two arm bands of their team colors and decorating them; this helps to identify
at all times whose team they're on.

Memory Game - divide the kids up into two teams. Each team as a helper -  a teen assistant for their coach. 
Each team
repeats the memory verse after their coach.  The loudest team wins.
Have each team say it at least 3 times. This is a great way to introduce teamwork and teach the kids to
work together to WIN FOR JESUS!

Game 2 – Three kids stand side-by-side with three kids facing them on the opposite side.
The child at the end of the line gets the football (light weight or foam footballs are best). The kids say the
verse "Ephesians 6 :11" and pass the football to each other. (Tell them to toss, not THROW the football.).
If you don't have enough kids to put three or more on a side have the teams join in ONE big circle
together and the WHOLE class work together to say the verse passage and then pass the football/Bible.

The Armor of God

This game began with a set of stickers I found at a teacher store. The stickers showed
the six symbols representing the Armor of God (Eph. 6:11-17). I knew there must be a
game to use these neat stickers and learn about the pieces of God's Armor given to

I thought of a game and made it. It has been given the OFFICIAL SEAL OF
APPROVAL...I played the game with several children (9-16 years old) and they
declared it "FUN!"

To Make:

I taped two green file folders together (using duct tape on the back side) to form a large
square. I had also bought a shaped notepad of a knight in armor so I glued one sheet in
the lower left hand corner of the playing board (this would be our START/FINISH
place). Using black 3/4" circle stickers I created a large circular path around the board
(A circular path is one that has the same beginning/ending space; it is not necessarily a
perfect circle, ...my path was a very irregular circle, but an interesting path.) I put three
stickers as an entrance from the notepad Knight to the circular path. So as players come
around the board, they just pass this exit path, unless they have the cards they need to
end the game. Also as part of the path, I placed one of each of the Armor stickers at
intervals along the path. On about half of the black spaces, I added a smaller dot of
green on top of the black one.

There are THREE sets of cards needed to play the game:


I drew pictures of the six symbols of the Armor of God and I wrote the portion of the
Bible verses (Eph. 6:11-17) that pertained to each one on the cards. Actually I grid out a
pattern for cards on white paper and drew them and then I Xeroxed them onto gold
bristol(heavier weight paper)....9 of each of the six cards (54 cards).


Using cards half the size of the others (so I had 18 on a sheet), I made what I called the
Green Cards ( simply because I printed them on green and used the green dots on the
board to indicate the spaces where these cards would be drawn). On these cards I wrote
fun things like:
Take an additional turn.

Move ahead 5 spaces.

Trade one Armor card with the player to your right.

Get one "Righteousness" card from the player to your left.

Give on Armor card to each player.

Move to "Peace" and collect an armor card.

Draw one Armor Card from the player to your right.

We play that when "trading" cards or told to "give" a card, the player chooses which
card he will give up. When a player is told to "draw" a card, the other player must fan
out his cards and let the player simply draw one (not seeing the faces of the cards.)


These are the skill cards. They can be ANY skill that needs to be drilled (Bible, math,
science, ...whatever). Since we were memorizing the Books of the Bible at the time I
made the game, and I already had a set of cards with the names of each of the books on
it, we used those cards. When we drew a card and read the name of a book, we had to
name the book that followed it.

All the cards and the gameboard were covered with clear Contact paper to make them
more durable.

To Play:

Before play begins, each of the three decks of cards is shuffled and placed face down in
draw piles.

In turn, players draw a skill card and give their response. If correct, they shake a die and
move their marker the indicated number of spaces. (We started on the notepad knight
and entered the circular path.)

If they land on a black dot, their turn is over. If they land on a green dot, they draw a
Green Card and follow the directions. If they land on or pass over a symbol sticker of
the Armor of God, they draw an Armor Card. We play that if a player is sent backwards
some spaces because of a Green Card and passes over an armor sticker, he collects
another Armor Card and can collect ANOTHER one when he again passes over it when
moving forward.

The OBJECT is to collect all six of the Armor of God symbols. When a player has one
of each of the six, he tries to be the first one back to the Knight starting place. However,
remember, because of the fun Green Cards he could lose one of the six cards he needs
before he reaches the starting place.
The older children like this because there are some extra strategies...figuring out which
card to give to a player, if ordered to. So players try to remember what cards they have
received from players or already given to players, hoping to not complete the other
players set of six.

Enjoy this fun play!!

Game - Armour of God Game

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 01/27/2006 - 1:00am

Preparation or Objects Needed: 
Piece of paper and pencil for each player empty plastic bottle or spinner simple pictures
of the differnt pieces of the armour og God mentioned in Ephesians chapter 6 - Helmet,
breast plate, Belt n Girdle, Shield, Sword and sandles.
Help the young men and women become allied to Heavenly father by putting on the
armour of God. Sing primary song scripture power
Each piece of armour protects a specific part of the body for a reason. Breast plate the
heart and lungs - which represent the love and breath we have in wanted to live the
gospel because we love it and need it. It is the reason why we do anything that is right in
the sight of God and is righteousness. The belt and girdle cover our loins and represent
purity in thought and action and truth in what we say and how we act. It represents
truth. The Shield should be big like a roman shield to protect the whole body. Faith in
Heavenly father and his plan for each of us will stop sin from getting in and weekening
our resolve to do what is right. The shield has to be faith. Feet are shod in the shoes that
take us through life as we walk in Jesus Footsteps we publish the gospel and walk the
walk. Feet shod in the gospel of peace The helmet protects the head and the knowledge
that we are children of our Heavenly Father who loves us and we love him. Because he
sent his sone to die for us and our trust in the plan of salvation. Make the drawings
simple and have a timed race to see how many stick men you can armour with the
armour of God.
Put on the whole
armor of God
by Margaret Payne

Scriptures: Ephesians 5-6  

Hymns: 298,248,250,259

Ask the class for examples of when it is important to do exactly as someone says, for
situations where there is a consequence for not following instructions or directions
exactly: (driving instructor, hang gliding teacher, gymnastics or ice skating coach at
Olympics, commanding officer in the military..). Some consequences have potential to
be severe, i.e. death or injury, while some are less consequential, a fall off the balance
beam, or a less than perfect performance.

Read Eph: 5:1 The footnote for "followers" tells us that it means to be "imitators". Here
Paul is speaking to the members of the church and encouraging them to be imitators, or
followers of Christ. He tells us in chapter 5 specific ways to follow him, how we are to
be like him, and how we are to treat our family and fellowmen. The consequences, of
course, are eternal life if we do as he says. Read through verses 1-12, or choose a few to
focus on.

3. "Let it not be once named among you.": Imagine the strength and power this church
would have if not once among us there were any immorality or selfishness. We have a
ways to go. 11: Ask class: How do we, when do we, have the "fellowship of darkness".
Great footnotes in Ps. 1:1 and Prov.1:10 Reminiscent of last years SM Gen.39:9, when
faced with temptation, flee! 15,17: Our responsibility to know what His will is -
blessings for coming to seminary! Doing these things will make you followers of Christ.

Ask Young Women: What will be your #1 duty as a wife? Young men, your #1 duty as a
husband? In Eph. 5:22-25, Paul tells us what Heavenly Father thinks is our #1 duty.
Read verses 22-25. These verses may have the potential (at first), to alarm or offend our
young women who are raised in a society where everything is supposed to be "equal".
No matter what the world teaches, as members of this church we are blessed to have a
prophet who receives revelation. The roles of husband and wife are beautifully defined
in the Family Proclamation. An excerpt of this is in the student manual, p 136.
Additional help may be found if you look at the footnote in 21)a which refers us to
"reconciliation" in the topical guide.

Quote: A not to be missed quote in the institute manual p351-352 by Pres. Kimball on
how Christ never failed his church and how husbands should treat, never fail their wives.
You might use part of it as a glue-in.

Ask youth if their #1 duty as a wife or husband has changed after reading these verses.

Quote: "To some it may seem old-fashioned to speak of virtue and chastity, honest,
morality, faith, character but these are the qualities which have built great men and
women and point the way by which one may find happiness... These are the qualities
which are the anchors of our lives."  "Stand Ye in Holy Places, Selected Sermons and
Writings of Pres. Harold B. Lee, 1976, p3-4:

Another possible resource is Lynn S. Lund's tape from symposium last year on
"Mother's in Zion". Maybe ten or so minutes into the tape she gives a great definition of
a telestial, terrestrial, and a celestial marriage.

Ephesians 6 Begins with counsel to children to honor their mother and father. (Who
remembers which commandment this is of the original 10 ?) 4) Greek translation of
"Fathers" is "parents"; moms are not off the hook!

Thanks to Sister Mary Jean James who shared her music and visual aids that go along
with this passage. I'm sure many of us will use her ideas. Last time when I covered these
verses in D & C. I dressed up a student in children's armor (buy an inexpensive set at
Halloween). The class then wrote examples of what are today's "fiery darts" on paper
airplanes and shot them at the youth, who of course was unharmed because of her armor.
This year I think I'll make a glue-in of the soldier from the manual, and also use the
overhead to project a life-size soldier that I'll copy off and will have the youth write on
the poster things that are fiery darts today. Hopefully, a reminder in class of the strength
and protection we have when wearing God's armor.

Also, could have a short discussion on verse 17 - what is the only offensive weapon the
soldier has? "Sword of the spirit", which is the word of God, or the scriptures. If the size
of our sword is dependent upon how much scripture reading we do, what size would our
weapon be? A toothpick or a 3 foot weapon? (adapted from lesson 62, "Is there an
Object to your Lesson?, Object Lessons for Teaching the Gospel, by Richard R. Eubank,
Granite Pub. 1998)

October 1994 New Era, song, "Armor of God", p 10-11

Quote: "Put on the Whole Armor of God" "Are we studying the scriptures so that we can
increase our knowledge and faith and testimony regarding the gospel? Do we keep the
commandments? Are we honest and truthful in our dealings? Do we keep the Sabbath
holy? Do we observe the Word of Wisdom? Do we pay an honest tithing? Do we attend
our meeting and respond to the calls made of us by our authorities? Are we virtuous and
clean and pure in heart and mind and deed? Do we fight against the evils around us-
pornography, abortion, tobacco, alcohol, drugs? Do we have the courage to stand up for
our convictions? Can we truly say we are not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ? Do we
live peaceably with our neighbors and avoid gossip and backbiting and spreading
unfounded rumors? Do we truly love our neighbors as ourselves?

If we can answer yes to these questions, then we will have on the whole armor of God,
which will protect us from harm and preserve us from our enemies. If we must answer
no to these questions, then our armor is weak, there is an unshielded place which can be
found, a vulnerable area for attack, and we will be subject to injury or destruction by
Satan, who will search until he finds our weaknesses, if we have them.

Examine you armor. Is there an unguarded place? Determine now to add whatever part is
missing. No matter how antiquated or lacking in parts your armor may be, always
remember that it is within your power to make necessary adjustments to complete your
armor. Through the great principle of repentance you can turn your life about and begin
now clothing yourself with the armor of God through study, prayer, and a determination
to serve God and keep his commandments."  -President N. Eldon Tanner, Ensign May
God tells us to put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, we may be able to
stand our ground. Use this Word Search to familiarize yourself with the different pieces of God's
The words can be across, down or diagonal. See if you can find them all




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