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Mapa natal (Folhas de dados) ASTRODIENST AG

EPedrin Horas 2:15 Título D2AFZ, Encomendar 0.0-1
n. em seg., 16 de dezembro 2002 Tempo Univ. 4:15 Método: Astrodienst Fixed Stars
em Ilhéus (Bahia), BRAS, 39w02'58, 14s47'20 Tempo Sid. 7:17:21 Página 1 de 7, 19-Dez-2021 [as]

Posições dos Planetas Jul.Dia 2452624.677829 TT, pT 64.5 sec

Planeta Longitude casa Velocidade Latitude Declinação Casas (Plac.) Declinação

A Sol i 24° 1'18" 3 1° 1' 2" 0° 0' 0" S 23°18'17" S Asc. g 23°31'26" 9° 8' 7" S
B Lua b 13° 9'39" 7 11°58' 3" 2°16'48" S 13°36'53" N 2 h 25°10'20" 19° 3'30" S
C Mercúrio j 10°59'42" 3 1°27'35" 2°15'58" S 25°14'34" S 3 i 22°11'48" 23°12'36" S
D Vénus h 10°20'12" 1 43'32" 2°54' 7" N 12° 9'48" S IC j 17°50'51" 22°14'58" S
E Marte h 9°22'27" 1 38'37" 0°48' 3" N 13°51'25" S 5 k 15°24'27" 16°13' 0" S
F Júpiter e 17°52'49"# 11 - 2'18" 0°42'45" N 16° 9' 5" N 6 l 17°27'26" 4°57'21" S
G Saturno c 25°43'37"# 9 - 4'57" 1°18'55" S 22° 3'22" N Desc. a 23°31'26" 9° 8' 7" N
O Urano k 25°38'34" 5 2' 2" 0°43'36" S 13°39'25" S 8 b 25°10'20" 19° 3'30" N
I Neptuno k 9° 3'49" 4 1'44" 0° 2'35" N 17°56'57" S 9 c 22°11'48" 23°12'36" N
J Plutão i 17°41'23" 2 2'17" 9°12'14" N 13°42'10" S MC d 17°50'51" 22°14'58" N
K Nodo médio c 7°52' 1" 8 - 3'11" 0° 0' 0" N 21°37'17" N 11 e 15°24'27" 16°13' 0" N
L Nodo verd. c 8°41'49"D 8 1'19" 0° 0' 0" N 21°45'10" N 12 f 17°27'26" 4°57'21" N
M Lilith a 23°44'39" 7 6'41" 3°35'14" S 5°52'49" N

C p 2°10s C
D t -1°19a n -2°49s q 0°40s D
E t -0°21a n -3°47s q 1°37s m 0°58s E
F p 6°08s o 4°43a w -0°53a o -7°33a o -8°30a F
G n -1°42a u -0°23a u -1°21a G
O q 1°37a t -0°21s n -7°46s p 0°05a O
I t 0°03a o 4°06s r -1°56s o -1°16s o -0°19s n -8°49a u 1°40a I
J m 6°20s w 1°28s p -0°11a n -8°02a J
K p -1°12s K
M p -0°17s q 1°59a q -1°54a M
Q q 0°30a q 5°39s p -2°12a p 2°07a q -5°50s u 0°39s n -0°13a Q
T q 4°41s n -6°51s p -7°31s p -8°28s r 0°02a w -1°48a s -0°09s T

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Fixed Stars close to Planets or Axes, according to Drawing

Star list: 465 stars from the Swiss Ephemeris; Ecl. latitude smaler than +-40°; orbs for planets 5°, axes 2°
Longitude Latitude
Deneb Algenubi,etCet a 11°48'23" 16° 7'12" S
Al Pherg,etPsc a 26°51'21" 5°22'42" N
Torcularis Septentrionalis,omiPsc a 27°46'59" 1°37'13" S
Metallah,alTri b 6°54' 6" 16°48' 7" N
Miram,etPer b 28°44'42" 37°29' 0" N
Hyadum II,de-1Tau c 6°54'47" 3°58' 9" S
Ain,epTau c 8°30'27" 2°34' 1" S
Al Hecka,zeTau c 24°49'38" 2°11'43" S
Wasat,deGem d 18°33'41" 0°10'41" S
Alkibash,laGem d 18°49'15" 5°38' 5" S
Vindemiatrix,epVir g 9°58'31" 16°12'12" N
Spica,alVir g 23°52'31" 2° 3'16" S
Khambalia,laVir h 6°59' 6" 0°29'25" N
Menkent,thCen h 12°20'25" 22° 4'45" S
Sabik,etOph i 18° 0' 2" 7°11'51" N
Imad,thOph i 21°25'33" 1°50'38" S
Kaus Borealis,laSgr j 6°20'53" 2° 8'10" S
Facies,M22 j 8°20'43" 0°43'41" S
Nanto,phSgr j 10°12'45" 3°57'16" S
Nunki,siSgr j 12°25' 0" 3°27' 0" S
Ainalrami,nu-1Sgr j 12°30'10" 0° 6'35" N
Alfecca Meridiana,alCrA j 14° 9'58" 15°18'52" S
Hecatebolus,taSgr j 14°51'56" 5° 5'23" S
Arkab Prior,be-1Sgr j 15°48'25" 22° 8'45" S
Arkab Posterior,be-2Sgr j 15°51'41" 22°29'54" S
Albaldah,piSgr j 16°17' 0" 1°26'12" N
Rukbat,alSgr j 16°40' 1" 18°22'53" S
Bos,rhCap k 5°11'52" 1°11'53" N
Armus,etCap k 12°46'18" 2°59'33" S
Dorsum,thCap k 13°52'37" 0°35'11" S
Nashira,gaCap k 21°49'29" 2°33'28" S
Deneb Algedi,deCap k 23°34'35" 2°36' 9" S

A Sol Imad ( 3°11',s)

C Mercúrio Nunki ( 1°51',s), Nanto ( 1°52',s), Ainalrami ( 2°49',s), Facies ( 3°04',s), Kaus Borealis ( 4°39',s), Hecatebolus ( 4°47',s)
D Vénus Khambalia ( 4°08',s)
E Marte Khambalia ( 2°25',s)
G Saturno Al Hecka ( 1°16',a)
O Urano Deneb Algedi ( 2°47',s), Nashira ( 4°14',s)
I Neptuno Bos ( 4°02',s), Armus ( 4°47',a), Dorsum ( 4°51',a)
J Plutão Sabik ( 2°02',a)
Nodo médio Ain ( 2°39',s), Hyadum II ( 4°05',a)
Nodo verd. Ain ( 2°34',s), Hyadum II ( 4°21',s)
Lilith Torcularis Septentrionalis ( 4°29',a)
Asc. Vindemiatrix ( 0°50',s), Spica ( 1°00',s), Menkent ( 1°09',a)
Desc. Metallah ( 0°21',a), Miram ( 0°26',a), Deneb Algenubi ( 0°34',a), Al Pherg ( 0°35',s)
MC Alkibash ( 0°14',a), Wasat ( 0°44',a)
IC Arkab Prior ( 1°22',a), Arkab Posterior ( 1°30',a), Rukbat ( 1°40',a), Albaldah ( 1°52',s), Alfecca Meridiana ( 1°56',s)

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Aspects between Planets and Fixed Stars (true angles)

Star list: 465 stars from the Swiss Ephemeris; Orbs: Conj. 5°00', opp. 5°00', other aspects 0°15'

A Sol Imad (Con 3°11',s), Al Hecka (Opo 2°20',s), Kissin (Qua 0°05',s), Sualocin (Sex 0°00',s), Spica (Sex 0°10',s), Sadalsuud (Sex 0°13',s)
B Lua Zubenelgenubi (Opo 2°45',a), Melkarth (Trí 0°14',a), Chertan (Trí 0°14',a)
C Mercúrio Nunki (Con 1°51',s), Nanto (Con 1°52',s), Ainalrami (Con 2°49',s), Facies (Con 3°04',s), Kaus Borealis (Con 4°39',s), Hecatebolus (Con 4°47',s),
Mebsuta (Opo 1°02',s), Deneb Algenubi (Qua 0°09',a), Auva (Qua 0°09',a), Alagemin (Qua 0°12',a), Almach (Trí 0°13',s), Hydria (Sex 0°11',s),
Zhou (Sex 0°12',s), Menkent (Sex 0°14',s)
D Vénus Khambalia (Con 4°08',s), Rukh (Qua 0°04',s), Minchir (Qua 0°09',a), Mebsuta (Trí 0°10',s), Ma Ti (Sex 0°08',a), Nanto (Sex 0°14',a)
E Marte Khambalia (Con 2°25',s), Situla (Trí 0°05',s), Alhena (Trí 0°06',s), Merga (Sex 0°08',s)
F Júpiter Dorsum (Opo 4°00',a), Nashira (Opo 4°21',s), Castra (Opo 4°52',s), Qin (Qua 0°05',s), Trapezium (Trí 0°05',a), Sabik (Trí 0°15',a), Mizar (Sex 0°00',s),
Hoedus II (Sex 0°06',s), Alcor (Sex 0°12',s), Hatsya (Sex 0°14',a)
G Saturno Al Hecka (Con 1°16',a), Cor Caroli (Qua 0°01',a), Azelfafage (Qua 0°13',s), Markeb (Qua 0°14',s), Dhanab al Shuja (Trí 0°02',a),
Tania Borealis (Sex 0°01',s), Mirach (Sex 0°08',s), Angetenar (Sex 0°10',s)
O Urano Deneb Algedi (Con 2°47',s), Nashira (Con 4°14',s), Regulus (Opo 4°14',s), Subra (Opo 4°41',s), Al Jabhah (Opo 4°44',s), Segin (Qua 0°02',s),
Leiolepis (Qua 0°07',a), Kekouan (Qua 0°13',s), Adara (Trí 0°10',s), Aculeus (Sex 0°05',s), Girtab (Sex 0°11',s)
I Neptuno Bos (Con 4°02',s), Oculus (Con 4°24',s), Armus (Con 4°47',a), Dorsum (Con 4°51',a), Asellus Australis (Opo 0°19',s), Praesepe Cluster (Opo 2°26',s),
Asellus Borealis (Opo 3°33',s), Nusakan (Qua 0°05',a), Azha (Qua 0°14',s)
J Plutão Sabik (Con 2°02',a), Alderamin (Qua 0°05',a), Anwar al Farkadain (Qua 0°11',a), Alvashak (Trí 0°00',s), Altawk (Trí 0°09',s), Al Jathiyah (Sex 0°05',s),
Aladfar (Sex 0°14',a)
Nodo médio Ain (Con 2°39',s), Hyadum II (Con 4°05',a), Jabbah (Opo 3°35',a), Alniyat (Opo 4°02',a), Jabhat al Akrab (Opo 4°10',a), Akrab (Opo 4°45',a),
Antares (Opo 4°58',s), Thuban (Qua 0°09',a), Talitha Borealis (Sex 0°03',s), Asellus Borealis (Sex 0°14',a)
Nodo verd. Ain (Con 2°34',s), Hyadum II (Con 4°21',s), Alniyat (Opo 4°08',s), Jabbah (Opo 4°20',s), Antares (Opo 4°42',a), Seat (Qua 0°04',s),
Alioth (Qua 0°10',a), Skat (Qua 0°13',a), Jih (Qua 0°13',a), Sadaltager (Qua 0°15',a), Vindemiatrix (Trí 0°06',s), Asellus Australis (Sex 0°04',a),
Talitha Australis (Sex 0°07',a)
Lilith Torcularis Septentrionalis (Con 4°29',a), Aladfar (Qua 0°02',s), Pollux (Qua 0°04',s), Batentaban Australis (Qua 0°07',a), Al Krikab (Qua 0°09',a),
Subra (Trí 0°08',a), Meissa (Sex 0°00',a), Mintaka (Sex 0°03',s), Deneb Algedi (Sex 0°05',s)

Aspects between Planets and Fixed Stars (ecliptical)

Star list: 465 stars from the Swiss Ephemeris; Orbs: Conj. 0°15', opp. 0°15', other aspects 0°15'

A Sol Lesath (Con 0°01',14°01',a), Kissin (Qua 0°06',90°05',s), Kurdah (Trí 0°14',101°56',a), Hemelein Secunda (Sex 0°05',68°18',s),
Bunda (Sex 0°08',60°18',a), Spica (Sex 0°09',60°10',s), Arcturus (Sex 0°15',64°21',a)
B Lua Kabkent Tertia (Opo 0°05',149°43',s), Kochab (Qua 0°13',92°14',a)
C Mercúrio Nageba (Opo 0°10',171°14',a), Gienah Corvi (Qua 0°14',89°40',s), Marfak (Trí 0°13',113°12',a), Alsuhail (Trí 0°14',104°13',a),
Kabkent Secunda (Sex 0°11',62°32',a)
D Vénus Rijl al Awwa (Con 0°10', 6°46',s), Achird (Opo 0°03',130°05',s), Mautinah (Qua 0°01',90°37',a), Giansar (Qua 0°02',87°32',a),
Hydria (Trí 0°06',119°15',a), Alathfar (Sex 0°05',74°05',s), Alathfar (Sex 0°05',74°05',s), Nanto (Sex 0°07',60°14',s)
E Marte Nusakan (Con 0°14',45°15',s), Kaffaljidhma (Opo 0°06',168°48',a), Situla (Trí 0°05',119°55',a), Urodelus (Trí 0°11',97°14',s),
Alhena (Trí 0°14',120°06',s)
F Júpiter Alterf (Con 0°02', 7°11',s), Rucha (Qua 0°06',89°25',s), The Blaze Star (Qua 0°10',89°30',s), Sabik (Trí 0°07',119°45',s), Alradif (Trí 0°14',104°09',a),
Seginus (Sex 0°11',70°23',a)
G Saturno Aculeus (Opo 0°06',169°48',s), Sargas (Opo 0°06',159°02',a), Matar (Qua 0°01',90°44',s), Ukdah (Sex 0°06',60°52',a)
O Urano Ukdah (Opo 0°01',162°34',s), Sargas (Sex 0°01',61°39',s), Aculeus (Sex 0°11',60°05',a)
I Neptuno Nusakan (Qua 0°05',89°55',a), Diadem (Trí 0°05',117°28',s), Algenib (Sex 0°08',60°55',a), Han (Sex 0°12',60°27',a)
J Plutão Asterion (Qua 0°03',84°00',a), Tse Tseng (Qua 0°05',89°07',s), Alradif (Trí 0°02',96°26',s), Kaht (Trí 0°08',119°15',s), Alterf (Trí 0°13',117°37',a),
Seginus (Sex 0°00',63°46',a), Aldhanab (Sex 0°14',66°45',s)
Nodo médio Phaeo (Con 0°08', 5°45',s), Phaesula (Con 0°08', 5°50',s), Alniyat (Opo 0°02',175°58',a), Baten Algiedi (Trí 0°08',119°28',s)
Nodo verd. Ain (Con 0°11', 2°34',s), Seat (Qua 0°04',90°04',s), Skat (Qua 0°13',89°47',a), Sadaltager (Qua 0°15',89°45',a), Asellus Australis (Sex 0°04',60°04',a)
Lilith Spica (Opo 0°08',174°21',a), Hemelein Secunda (Opo 0°11',141°27',a), Al Krikab (Qua 0°02',90°09',s), Al Mizan (Qua 0°05',91°34',s),
Peacock (Qua 0°06',87°48',a), Meissa (Sex 0°00',60°00',a), Deneb Algedi (Sex 0°10',60°05',s), Alnilam (Sex 0°14',61°06',s)

In brackets: aspect, precision, true angle, applying/separating

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Aspects between Planets and Fixed Stars (angles in the house circle)
Star list: 465 stars from the Swiss Ephemeris; Orbs: Conj. 0°15', opp. 0°15', other aspects 0°15'

A Sol Chertan (Qua 0°01',s), Shishimai (Qua 0°03',s), Gacrux (Qua 0°13',s), Tseen Ke (Trí 0°00',s), Asterion (Sex 0°06',s)
B Lua Mizar (Opo 0°08',s), Alcor (Opo 0°10',s), Miaplacidus (Qua 0°02',s), Rotanev (Qua 0°02',s), Facies (Trí 0°13',s), Canopus (Sex 0°04',s)
C Mercúrio Sirius (Opo 0°10',s), Alnair (Sex 0°06',s), Scheat (Sex 0°15',s)
D Vénus Mirfak (Opo 0°07',s), Algol (Opo 0°08',s), Gorgona Tertia (Opo 0°11',s), Xestus (Qua 0°03',s), Dabih (Qua 0°11',s), Matar (Trí 0°02',s),
Seat (Trí 0°03',s), Furud (Trí 0°10',s), Murzim (Trí 0°13',s), Yildun (Sex 0°10',s), Kaus Borealis (Sex 0°15',s)
E Marte Gorgona Secunda (Opo 0°03',s), Tegmen (Qua 0°15',s), Aldhanab (Trí 0°13',s), Al Jabhah (Sex 0°01',s), Kaus Australis (Sex 0°14',s)
F Júpiter Ukdah (Con 0°05',s), Talitha Australis (Con 0°12',s), Alrai (Opo 0°03',s), Maia (Qua 0°01',s), Asterope (Qua 0°02',s), Thuban (Qua 0°07',s),
Taygeta (Qua 0°12',s), Merope (Qua 0°13',s), Electra (Qua 0°13',s), Fudail (Trí 0°04',s), Aculeus (Trí 0°05',s), Diadem (Sex 0°01',s)
G Saturno Thabit (Con 0°04',s), Nihal (Con 0°06',s), Prijipati (Con 0°12',s), Schedir (Qua 0°14',s), Heze (Trí 0°05',s), Sadalsuud (Trí 0°09',s), Jih (Trí 0°13',s)
O Urano Furibundus (Qua 0°09',s), Barnard's star (Sex 0°04',s), Alrischa (Sex 0°06',s), Spiculum (Sex 0°09',s)
I Neptuno Albali (Con 0°09',s), Peacock (Con 0°11',s), Great Attractor (Qua 0°09',s), Capella (Trí 0°01',s), Theemin (Trí 0°11',s)
J Plutão Sabik (Con 0°05',s), Ara (Con 0°10',s), Kerb (Qua 0°08',s), Muscida (Trí 0°12',s), Kabkent Tertia (Sex 0°08',s)
Nodo médio Hyadum I (Con 0°12',s), Yed Prior (Opo 0°07',s), Tseen Foo (Trí 0°07',s), Kraz (Trí 0°14',s)
Nodo verd. Beid (Con 0°00',s), Yed Posterior (Opo 0°04',s), Regulus (Qua 0°13',s), Al Jabhah (Qua 0°13',s), Algorab (Trí 0°08',s), Tegmen (Sex 0°03',s)
Lilith Asterion (Opo 0°14',s), Alsafi (Qua 0°02',s), Alsafi (Qua 0°02',s), Gomeisa (Qua 0°06',s), Propus iotGem (Qua 0°06',s), Anser (Qua 0°12',s),
Girtab (Trí 0°06',s), Talitha Australis (Trí 0°09',s)

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Heliacal Events
Star list: Astrodienst, m <= 2 (48 stars brighter than m = 2)
cosmic 15° elongation visible
C Mercúrio Evening first 14 nov. 2002 (-31) 23h 12 dez. 2002 (-3) 6j 8 dez. 2002 (-7) 0j
G Saturno Acron. setting 18 dez. 2002 (+2) 26c - -
G Saturno Acron. rising 16 dez. 2002 (+1) 26c - -
Adara,epCMa Acron. rising 20 dez. 2002 (+5) - -
Aldebaran,alTau Acron. setting 5 dez. 2002 (-11) - -
Alhena,gaGem Acron. rising 27 dez. 2002 (+12) - -
Alioth,epUMa Morning first 6 nov. 2002 (-40) - 2 dez. 2002 (-14)
Alkaid,etUMa Morning first 15 nov. 2002 (-31) - 9 dez. 2002 (-7)
Alnilam,epOri Acron. rising 9 dez. 2002 (-6) - -
Alnilam,epOri Acron. setting 23 dez. 2002 (+7) - -
Alnitak,zeOri Acron. rising 10 dez. 2002 (-5) - -
Alnitak,zeOri Acron. setting 24 dez. 2002 (+8) - -
Altair,alAql Evening last 7 jan. 2003 (+23) - 21 dez. 2002 (+6)
Antares,alSco Evening last 1º dez. 2002 (-14) - 14 nov. 2002 (-31)
Antares,alSco Morning first 30 nov. 2002 (-16) - 19 dez. 2002 (+3)
Atria,alTrA Evening last 7 jan. 2003 (+23) - 8 dez. 2002 (-7)
Atria,alTrA Morning first 28 out. 2002 (-49) - 1º dez. 2002 (-15)
Avior,epCar Acron. rising 23 dez. 2002 (+8) - -
Bellatrix,gaOri Acron. rising 9 dez. 2002 (-6) - -
Bellatrix,gaOri Acron. setting 19 dez. 2002 (+3) - -
Betelgeuse,alOri Acron. rising 16 dez. 2002 (+1) - -
Betelgeuse,alOri Acron. setting 25 dez. 2002 (+9) - -
Canopus,alCar Acron. rising 2 dez. 2002 (-13) - -
Capella,alAur Acron. rising 19 dez. 2002 (+4) - -
Capella,alAur Acron. setting 4 dez. 2002 (-12) - -
Deneb,alCyg Evening last 7 jan. 2003 (+23) - 17 dez. 2002 (+2)
Elnath,beTau Acron. rising 15 dez. 2002 (-0) - -
Elnath,beTau Acron. setting 13 dez. 2002 (-3) - -
Kaus Australis,epSgr Evening last 30 dez. 2002 (+15) - 8 dez. 2002 (-7)
Kaus Australis,epSgr Morning first 24 dez. 2002 (+8) - 15 jan. 2003 (+30)
Marfik,laOph Morning first 8 dez. 2002 (-8) - -
Menkalinan,beAur Acron. rising 29 dez. 2002 (+14) - -
Menkalinan,beAur Acron. setting 14 dez. 2002 (-2) - -
Miaplacidus,beCar Acron. rising 17 dez. 2002 (+2) - -
Mirzam,beCMa Acron. rising 16 dez. 2002 (+1) - -
Rigel,beOri Acron. rising 3 dez. 2002 (-12) - -
Rigel,beOri Acron. setting 20 dez. 2002 (+4) - -
Sargas,thSco Evening last 23 dez. 2002 (+8) - 1º dez. 2002 (-14)
Sargas,thSco Morning first 10 dez. 2002 (-6) - 1º jan. 2003 (+16)
Shaula,laSco Evening last 19 dez. 2002 (+4) - 29 nov. 2002 (-16)
Shaula,laSco Morning first 12 dez. 2002 (-4) - 2 jan. 2003 (+17)
Sirius,alCMa Acron. rising 21 dez. 2002 (+6) - -
Suhail al Muhlif,ga-2Vel Acron. rising 29 dez. 2002 (+14) - -
Vega,alLyr Evening last 12 dez. 2002 (-3) - 26 nov. 2002 (-19)
Wezen,deCMa Acron. rising 23 dez. 2002 (+8) - -

"Morning first" (heliacal rising): The first day on which a planet or star rises before the Sun.
"Evening last (heliacal setting): The last day on which a planet or star sets after the Sun.
"Morning last": The last day on which a celestial body rises before the Sun (only Venus, Mercury, or the Moon).
"Evening first": The first day on which a celestial body sets after the Sun (only Venus, Mercury, or the Moon).
"Acronychal rising": Day on which a planet or star rises after sunset for the last time.
"Acronychal setting" (also called "cosmic setting"): Day on which a planet or star sets before sunrise the first time.
"cosmic": Date on which a planet or star is on the horizon at the same time as the Sun.
"15° elongation": Date on which a planet is 15° off the Sun. This is the distance at which a planet becomes visible (or invisible) according to ancient astrology
(makes sense for the Moon and Planets only).
"visible": Approximate date, on which the planet or star really becomes visible to naked-eye observers or disappears. (extinction = 0.3, visibility ~= 75 km, only stars
wit m < 2) As visibility strongly depends on the atmospheric conditions, this date cannot be determined very precisely. There is an uncertainty of several days,
especially if the star is faint.
Underlined dates are less than two days off the birth date. In parentheses, the day difference is given.

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Parans I (planet is at axis)

Star list: 465 stars from the Swiss Ephemeris; Orb for parans: 0°15' in RA; for position at axis: 1°00' in RA
Método: Rotation of natal planet positions

Stars at Natal Horizon or Meridian

Ahadi (Cul, 0°01's,er), Phecda (Rise, 0°12'a,mr), Alkibash (Cul, 0°14'a,er), Metallah (Set, 0°21'a,ms), Miram (Set, 0°26'a,ms), Deneb Algenubi (Set, 0°34'a,ms),
Al Pherg (Set, 0°35's,ms), Wasat (Cul, 0°44'a,er), Vindemiatrix (Rise, 0°50's,mr), Aladfar (LCul, 0°53's,es), Spica (Rise, 1°00's,mr)

Planet rising
A Sol Helkath (Rise-Rise, 0°01's,mr)
C Mercúrio Alhena (Rise-Set, 0°00'a,er), Zaniah (Rise-Cul, 0°00's,mr), Aldhibain (Rise-Rise, 0°05'a,alh), Deneb Kaitos (Rise-LCul, 0°07's,ms),
Phact (Rise-Set, 0°13'a,cp)
D Vénus Sador (Rise-LCul, 0°01's,es), Avior (Rise-Cul, 0°03'a,er), Mira (Rise-Set, 0°04'a,ms), Great Attractor (Rise-Rise, 0°06's,vaa),
Alsciaukat (Rise-Cul, 0°10'a,er), Mabsuthat (Rise-Cul, 0°10'a,er)
E Marte Mufrid (Rise-Rise, 0°14'a,mr)
O Urano Ceginus (Rise-Cul, 0°00's,mr), Gruid (Rise-Rise, 0°09's,ms), Alphard (Rise-Set, 0°14's,er)
J Plutão Skat (Rise-LCul, 0°06's,es), Aboras (Rise-LCul, 0°13'a,ms)
Nodo médio Han (Rise-Set, 0°03's,mr), Helkath (Rise-Set, 0°09'a,mr)
Nodo verd. Ekkhysis (Rise-Cul, 0°10'a,es)
Lilith Procyon (Rise-LCul, 0°00's,er), Sham (Rise-Cul, 0°11'a,es)

Planet setting
A Sol Hoedus II (Set-Rise, 0°03'a,np), Elnath (Set-Rise, 0°07's,ms), Vernalis (Set-Cul, 0°09's,ms), Maaz (Set-Rise, 0°12'a,np)
B Lua Oculus (Set-LCul, 0°02'a,es)
C Mercúrio Koo She (Set-Rise, 0°01's,er), Nanto (Set-Set, 0°08's,es)
D Vénus Albali (Set-Cul, 0°10's,es), Rijl al Awwa (Set-Set, 0°11'a,mr), Cih (Set-Rise, 0°13'a,es)
E Marte Kabkent Secunda (Set-Set, 0°02'a,mr), Asellus Borealis (Set-LCul, 0°07's,er), Koo She (Set-LCul, 0°14'a,er), Asellus Australis (Set-LCul, 0°14'a,er)
F Júpiter Brachium (Set-Cul, 0°07'a,mr), Gorgona Tertia (Set-LCul, 0°11's,ms)
G Saturno Simmah (Set-LCul, 0°05's,es)
O Urano Talitha Borealis (Set-Rise, 0°05'a,er), Matar (Set-Set, 0°06'a,es), Jabhat al Akrab (Set-LCul, 0°06's,mr)
I Neptuno Gorgona Tertia (Set-Cul, 0°03's,ms), Asellus Australis (Set-Rise, 0°13's,er)
J Plutão Thabit (Set-Rise, 0°06's,cp), Tse Tseng (Set-LCul, 0°10's,mr)
Nodo médio Antares (Set-Rise, 0°15'a,mr)
Nodo verd. Kurdah (Set-LCul, 0°02'a,es), Maaz (Set-Set, 0°04's,np), Hyadum II (Set-Set, 0°04'a,ms), Hyadum I (Set-Set, 0°10's,ms), Zhou (Set-Rise, 0°11's,mr)
Lilith Gomeisa (Set-Cul, 0°05'a,er), Asterion (Set-Rise, 0°09'a,mr)

Planet in Culmination
A Sol Shaula (Cul-Cul, 0°03's,vaa), Denebola (Cul-Set, 0°07's,mr)
B Lua Minchir (Cul-Rise, 0°02'a,er), Kakkab (Cul-LCul, 0°04's,mr), Rijl al Awwa (Cul-LCul, 0°13'a,mr)
C Mercúrio Algorab (Cul-Set, 0°10's,mr)
D Vénus Minchir (Cul-Set, 0°01's,er), Turais (Cul-Set, 0°05's,er), Tureis (Cul-Set, 0°05's,er), Polaris (Cul-LCul, 0°07'a,pb),
Hemelein Secunda (Cul-Cul, 0°10's,mr)
F JúpiterPleione (Cul-Set, 0°00'a,ms), Markeb (Cul-Cul, 0°00's,er), Atlas (Cul-Set, 0°01's,ms), Alvashak (Cul-Cul, 0°14'a,er)
G SaturnoDziban (Cul-LCul, 0°04's,alh), Alnitak (Cul-Cul, 0°10'a,cp), Alchita (Cul-Rise, 0°14'a,mr)
O Urano Ras Elased Borealis (Cul-LCul, 0°05'a,er), Leiolepis (Cul-Set, 0°11'a,mr), Zubenelakrab (Cul-Set, 0°15's,mr)
I NeptunoCeginus (Cul-Set, 0°02'a,mr), Pazan (Cul-Cul, 0°04'a,es), Gienah Cygni (Cul-Cul, 0°05'a,es), Alagemin (Cul-Cul, 0°10's,es),
Decapoda (Cul-LCul, 0°14'a,er), Kaffaljidhma (Cul-Rise, 0°14'a,ms)
J Plutão Sabik (Cul-Cul, 0°08'a,mr)
Nodo médio Caph (Cul-Set, 0°01'a,es), Aldhibain (Cul-LCul, 0°06'a,alh), Seat (Cul-Set, 0°06'a,es), Ancha (Cul-Set, 0°13's,es)
Nodo verd. Phaeo (Cul-Cul, 0°13'a,ms), Ain (Cul-Cul, 0°13'a,ms), Phaesula (Cul-Cul, 0°14'a,ms)
Lilith Albaldah (Cul-Set, 0°01's,es), Nageba (Cul-Rise, 0°11'a,er)

Planet in Lower Culmination

A Sol Shaula (LCul-LCul, 0°03's,vaa), Alpheratz (LCul-Set, 0°11'a,ms), Praecipua (LCul-Rise, 0°13'a,mr), Aboras (LCul-Set, 0°14'a,ms)
B Lua Kakkab (LCul-Cul, 0°04's,mr), Armus (LCul-Rise, 0°05'a,es), Rijl al Awwa (LCul-Cul, 0°13'a,mr)
D Vénus Polaris (LCul-Cul, 0°07'a,pb), Hemelein Secunda (LCul-LCul, 0°10's,mr), Alshat (LCul-Set, 0°14's,es)
E Marte Vathorz Posterior (LCul-Rise, 0°05'a,er), Tseen Ke (LCul-Rise, 0°13'a,er)
F Júpiter Markeb (LCul-LCul, 0°00's,er), Alvashak (LCul-LCul, 0°14'a,er)
G Saturno Dziban (LCul-Cul, 0°04's,alh), Alnitak (LCul-LCul, 0°10'a,cp)
O Urano Ras Elased Borealis (LCul-Cul, 0°05'a,er), Grafias (LCul-Rise, 0°05's,mr), Alniyat (LCul-Rise, 0°05's,mr), Merga (LCul-Rise, 0°07'a,mr)
I Neptuno Pazan (LCul-LCul, 0°04'a,es), Gienah Cygni (LCul-LCul, 0°05'a,es), Alagemin (LCul-LCul, 0°10's,es), Decapoda (LCul-Cul, 0°14'a,er)
J Plutão Achird (LCul-Set, 0°00'a,es), Tien Kang (LCul-Set, 0°03'a,es), Sabik (LCul-LCul, 0°08'a,mr)
Nodo médio Aldhibain (LCul-Cul, 0°06'a,alh)
Nodo verd. Phaeo (LCul-LCul, 0°13'a,ms), Ain (LCul-LCul, 0°13'a,ms), Phaesula (LCul-LCul, 0°14'a,ms)
Lilith Procyon (LCul-Set, 0°11'a,er), Adara (LCul-Set, 0°13's,er)

Calculation method for parans: Each planet is rotated to each of the four axes. All celestial bodies that are positioned at an axis at the same time are listed. We
always use the positions that the celestial bodies had at the birth time, NOT the position they had when they really crossed an axis during the day of birth.
Underlined objects were at one of the four main axes at the time of birth. In parentheses, the following information is given:
- The axis at which an object is positioned when forming the paran.
- Precision in degrees (RA), applying (a) or separating (s)
- Phase in the year cycle:
"cp": The star is in a period where it is above the horizon the whole night through, i.e. it rises before sunset and sets only after sunrise. (Ptolemy's "curtailed passage")
"alh": The star is in a period where it is above the horizon only during the daylight hours. (Ptolemy's "arising but lying hidden")
"vaa": The star rises before the Sun and sets after the Sun, and thus is associated with the twilight. (Ptolemy's "visible all around")
"np": The star rises and sets during night time. (Ptolemy's "nocturnal passage")
"mr": The star rises before sunrise.
"es": The star sets after sunset.
"er": The star rises after sunset.
"ms": The star sets before sunrise.
"pa": Circumpolar star in the visible sky.
"pb": Circumpolar star in the invisible sky.

Copyright Astrodienst AG
Mapa natal (Folhas de dados) Página 7 de 7
para Pedrin, 16 dez. 2002 Título D2AFZ Encomendar 0.0-1

Parans II (star is at axis)

Star list: 465 stars from the Swiss Ephemeris; Orb for parans: 0°15' in RA; for position at axis: 1°00' in RA
Método: Rotation of natal planet positions

Stars at Natal Horizon or Meridian

Ahadi (Cul, 0°01's,er), Phecda (Rise, 0°12'a,mr), Alkibash (Cul, 0°14'a,er), Metallah (Set, 0°21'a,ms), Miram (Set, 0°26'a,ms), Deneb Algenubi (Set, 0°34'a,ms),
Al Pherg (Set, 0°35's,ms), Wasat (Cul, 0°44'a,er), Vindemiatrix (Rise, 0°50's,mr), Aladfar (LCul, 0°53's,es), Spica (Rise, 1°00's,mr)

Stars Rising
A Sol Helkath (Rise-Rise, 0°01's,mr), Hoedus II (Set-Rise, 0°03'a,np), Elnath (Set-Rise, 0°07's,ms), Maaz (Set-Rise, 0°12'a,np),
Praecipua (LCul-Rise, 0°13'a,mr)
B Lua Minchir (Cul-Rise, 0°02'a,er), Armus (LCul-Rise, 0°05'a,es)
C Mercúrio Koo She (Set-Rise, 0°01's,er), Aldhibain (Rise-Rise, 0°05'a,alh)
D Vénus Great Attractor (Rise-Rise, 0°06's,vaa), Cih (Set-Rise, 0°13'a,es)
E Marte Vathorz Posterior (LCul-Rise, 0°05'a,er), Tseen Ke (LCul-Rise, 0°13'a,er), Mufrid (Rise-Rise, 0°14'a,mr)
G Saturno Alchita (Cul-Rise, 0°14'a,mr)
O Urano Grafias (LCul-Rise, 0°05's,mr), Talitha Borealis (Set-Rise, 0°05'a,er), Alniyat (LCul-Rise, 0°05's,mr), Merga (LCul-Rise, 0°07'a,mr),
Gruid (Rise-Rise, 0°09's,ms)
I Neptuno Asellus Australis (Set-Rise, 0°13's,er), Kaffaljidhma (Cul-Rise, 0°14'a,ms)
J Plutão Thabit (Set-Rise, 0°06's,cp)
Nodo médio Antares (Set-Rise, 0°15'a,mr)
Nodo verd. Zhou (Set-Rise, 0°11's,mr)
Lilith Asterion (Set-Rise, 0°09'a,mr), Nageba (Cul-Rise, 0°11'a,er)

Stars in Culmination
A Sol Shaula (Cul-Cul, 0°03's,vaa), Vernalis (Set-Cul, 0°09's,ms)
B Lua Kakkab (LCul-Cul, 0°04's,mr), Rijl al Awwa (LCul-Cul, 0°13'a,mr)
C Mercúrio Zaniah (Rise-Cul, 0°00's,mr)
D Vénus Avior (Rise-Cul, 0°03'a,er), Polaris (LCul-Cul, 0°07'a,pb), Alsciaukat (Rise-Cul, 0°10'a,er), Mabsuthat (Rise-Cul, 0°10'a,er),
Hemelein Secunda (Cul-Cul, 0°10's,mr), Albali (Set-Cul, 0°10's,es)
F JúpiterMarkeb (Cul-Cul, 0°00's,er), Brachium (Set-Cul, 0°07'a,mr), Alvashak (Cul-Cul, 0°14'a,er)
G SaturnoDziban (LCul-Cul, 0°04's,alh), Alnitak (Cul-Cul, 0°10'a,cp)
O Urano Ceginus (Rise-Cul, 0°00's,mr), Ras Elased Borealis (LCul-Cul, 0°05'a,er)
I NeptunoGorgona Tertia (Set-Cul, 0°03's,ms), Pazan (Cul-Cul, 0°04'a,es), Gienah Cygni (Cul-Cul, 0°05'a,es), Alagemin (Cul-Cul, 0°10's,es),
Decapoda (LCul-Cul, 0°14'a,er)
J Plutão Sabik (Cul-Cul, 0°08'a,mr)
Nodo médio Aldhibain (LCul-Cul, 0°06'a,alh)
Nodo verd. Ekkhysis (Rise-Cul, 0°10'a,es), Phaeo (Cul-Cul, 0°13'a,ms), Ain (Cul-Cul, 0°13'a,ms), Phaesula (Cul-Cul, 0°14'a,ms)
Lilith Gomeisa (Set-Cul, 0°05'a,er), Sham (Rise-Cul, 0°11'a,es)

Stars Setting
A Sol Denebola (Cul-Set, 0°07's,mr), Alpheratz (LCul-Set, 0°11'a,ms), Aboras (LCul-Set, 0°14'a,ms)
C Mercúrio Alhena (Rise-Set, 0°00'a,er), Nanto (Set-Set, 0°08's,es), Algorab (Cul-Set, 0°10's,mr), Phact (Rise-Set, 0°13'a,cp)
D Vénus Minchir (Cul-Set, 0°01's,er), Mira (Rise-Set, 0°04'a,ms), Turais (Cul-Set, 0°05's,er), Tureis (Cul-Set, 0°05's,er), Rijl al Awwa (Set-Set, 0°11'a,mr),
Alshat (LCul-Set, 0°14's,es)
E Marte Kabkent Secunda (Set-Set, 0°02'a,mr)
F Júpiter Pleione (Cul-Set, 0°00'a,ms), Atlas (Cul-Set, 0°01's,ms)
O Urano Matar (Set-Set, 0°06'a,es), Leiolepis (Cul-Set, 0°11'a,mr), Alphard (Rise-Set, 0°14's,er), Zubenelakrab (Cul-Set, 0°15's,mr)
I Neptuno Ceginus (Cul-Set, 0°02'a,mr)
J Plutão Achird (LCul-Set, 0°00'a,es), Tien Kang (LCul-Set, 0°03'a,es)
Nodo médio Caph (Cul-Set, 0°01'a,es), Han (Rise-Set, 0°03's,mr), Seat (Cul-Set, 0°06'a,es), Helkath (Rise-Set, 0°09'a,mr), Ancha (Cul-Set, 0°13's,es)
Nodo verd. Maaz (Set-Set, 0°04's,np), Hyadum II (Set-Set, 0°04'a,ms), Hyadum I (Set-Set, 0°10's,ms)
Lilith Albaldah (Cul-Set, 0°01's,es), Procyon (LCul-Set, 0°11'a,er), Adara (LCul-Set, 0°13's,er)

Stars in Lower Culmination

A Sol Shaula (LCul-LCul, 0°03's,vaa)
B Lua Oculus (Set-LCul, 0°02'a,es), Kakkab (Cul-LCul, 0°04's,mr), Rijl al Awwa (Cul-LCul, 0°13'a,mr)
C Mercúrio Deneb Kaitos (Rise-LCul, 0°07's,ms)
D Vénus Sador (Rise-LCul, 0°01's,es), Polaris (Cul-LCul, 0°07'a,pb), Hemelein Secunda (LCul-LCul, 0°10's,mr)
E Marte Asellus Borealis (Set-LCul, 0°07's,er), Koo She (Set-LCul, 0°14'a,er), Asellus Australis (Set-LCul, 0°14'a,er)
F Júpiter Markeb (LCul-LCul, 0°00's,er), Gorgona Tertia (Set-LCul, 0°11's,ms), Alvashak (LCul-LCul, 0°14'a,er)
G Saturno Dziban (Cul-LCul, 0°04's,alh), Simmah (Set-LCul, 0°05's,es), Alnitak (LCul-LCul, 0°10'a,cp)
O Urano Ras Elased Borealis (Cul-LCul, 0°05'a,er), Jabhat al Akrab (Set-LCul, 0°06's,mr)
I Neptuno Pazan (LCul-LCul, 0°04'a,es), Gienah Cygni (LCul-LCul, 0°05'a,es), Alagemin (LCul-LCul, 0°10's,es), Decapoda (Cul-LCul, 0°14'a,er)
J Plutão Skat (Rise-LCul, 0°06's,es), Sabik (LCul-LCul, 0°08'a,mr), Tse Tseng (Set-LCul, 0°10's,mr), Aboras (Rise-LCul, 0°13'a,ms)
Nodo médio Aldhibain (Cul-LCul, 0°06'a,alh)
Nodo verd. Kurdah (Set-LCul, 0°02'a,es), Phaeo (LCul-LCul, 0°13'a,ms), Ain (LCul-LCul, 0°13'a,ms), Phaesula (LCul-LCul, 0°14'a,ms)
Lilith Procyon (Rise-LCul, 0°00's,er)

Calculation method for parans: Each planet is rotated to each of the four axes. All celestial bodies that are positioned at an axis at the same time are listed. We
always use the positions that the celestial bodies had at the birth time, NOT the position they had when they really crossed an axis during the day of birth.
Underlined objects were at one of the four main axes at the time of birth. In parentheses, the following information is given:
- The axis at which an object is positioned when forming the paran.
- Precision in degrees (RA), applying (a) or separating (s)
- Phase in the year cycle:
"cp": The star is in a period where it is above the horizon the whole night through, i.e. it rises before sunset and sets only after sunrise. (Ptolemy's "curtailed passage")
"alh": The star is in a period where it is above the horizon only during the daylight hours. (Ptolemy's "arising but lying hidden")
"vaa": The star rises before the Sun and sets after the Sun, and thus is associated with the twilight. (Ptolemy's "visible all around")
"np": The star rises and sets during night time. (Ptolemy's "nocturnal passage")
"mr": The star rises before sunrise.
"es": The star sets after sunset.
"er": The star rises after sunset.
"ms": The star sets before sunrise.
"pa": Circumpolar star in the visible sky.
"pb": Circumpolar star in the invisible sky.

Copyright Astrodienst AG

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