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ab H.P. Lovecraft
Sambahsa tarjem

(trohven in ia papiers os marhoum Francis Wayland Thurston, os Boston)

"Of such great powers or beings there may be conceivably a survival  . .  . a survival of a hugely remote
period when .  . .  consciousness was manifested, perhaps, in shapes and forms long since withdrawn before
the tide of advancing humanity .  . .  forms of which poetry and legend alone have caught a flying memory
and called them gods, monsters, mythical beings of all sorts and kinds.  . .  ."
—Algernon Blackwood.


Quo est, in mien sense, pur afu scheischaung, est id rhayr-imkan ios menscment ad encorrelatione
quantum id arehct. Gwivmos ep un insule os placid ignorance, eni ia kyehrsen oceans os aunfinia,
ed buam bestohmt pro long safers. Ia sciences, ex qua ielgo leit seni kyein direction, ne nos pior
gegvoleer taiptro ; bet sem dien siet gwehme kun id synthese tom dissocyet gnohsas nos ghyansiet
terrifiant prospects de id realitat ed id dekhschatic place quod occupems ter : tun tod revelation
folleihsiet nos, nibo feugmos tod daunost clartat kay endergwehme do id pace ed id securitat unios
nov teniaiwios.

Certain theosophs hant tarken id majestueus amplor ios cosmic cycle quos nies globe ed nies genos
sont tik aunduren incidents. Hant udwekwnto stragna survivens med werdens qua glehdjient sehrg
sei ne esient masct med un swadh optimisme. Bet ne tim obehlo tod oku vision iom banen eons
quod me kreuseiht kun mehno de id, ed taraght mien aum kun drehmo de id. Kam vasya
dyehrcmens uns mahibe vertat, resultet ex id proschbrinegh om separet elements : in cid fall, un
awo journal article ed ia notes unios mohrnios mualim. Spehmi mae anghen parakapa tod synthese ;
dayir me, sei mi biht mohghen nagwive, naiwo gwuntsiem voluntar-ye un schakel tei hideusi zangir.
Credeihm eti isschi mualim natieycskwit de quo is gnohsit, ed od is habiet destruct sien documents
sei is ne habiet succubht fujat mohrt.

Mien rol in tod re inkapt in id druna os winter 1926-1927, ob id daunet miens grandoncle George
Gammell Angell, professor-emeritus om schemi bahsas in Brown University, Providence, Rhode
Island. Pr. Angell eet plaut-ye gnohn ka autoritato de aw inscriptions, ed ies curators iom megst
museien hieb frequent-ye consulten iom : itak plur leuds solle mehme eys mohrt, ubgwehmus ei
nevgimdwoat. Id suw un akster local interesse, idsghi cause khiek bihe determinen. Iswert geront,
qui hieb just oistight ex id Newport boot, hieb stayg fallen, kam weitwodds sieyg, pos esus
waurgpuscen ab uno negro naut : senter sielg oino iom deusken skeirghehrds lyehgend ep id flank
ios brenkios cliv quod skeipt un bragver itner kay ihes ex id porto do Williams Street quer wik is
defunct. Ies lieks, khakend aunstehge id lytst organic disaurdhen, conclus, pos un destull
embarassanto discussion, od id mohrt eet due uno nedyehrcet lesion ios kerd ob id okusteighen uns
kleitu pior bergwnt pro uno nevgimtiat. Ye tod zaman, io vis neid sababo bi-yod ne accepte tod
diagnose ; taiper, ego meis quem endwoim id.

Ka hered ed testamentar dostrictor miens grandoncle, aunpurt vidv, io enderghens perichehxe eys
papiers. Po to transportim do mien Boston hem eys quanta dossier ed ardehsascattules. Id major part
iom documents sessiet publiet serter ab id American Archeological Society, yed oino iom scattules
mi kwohk extreme-ye bizarre ed io khiss nel-ye deicskwnd id alyims okwims quem mienims.
Quantenprest, khiekim ghyane id, idghi cleich ne lyohg in id sclud ; dind io aunstohg id kata id ring
is professor semper hieb in sien gep. Lakin, ayrus id capak, io wohs ant un baygh meger obstacle.
Quod tar miegh mayne tod stragn anaglypt, ta aunsehkwa notes ed ta veut journal sbehrdmens ?
Kwe proe mien oncle, in id druna sienen senst yars, dehiet kerd ibs flagrantims dajalias ?
Gwaukaniescim strax de paurske el excentric sculptor quel hieb gohnen tod apparent perturbation in
id ment ios mualim.

Id anaglypt, groub quargim centimeters plaut ed dwo centimeters teug rectangle, eet clar-ye
moderne. Lakin, ids rissems hieb neid moderne in ir hava ni in ia dayis ia suggesteer. Temghi
kathire, tem extravagant maghe ses ia fantasias om cubisme ed futurisme, keipent meg rar-ye id
regularitat os prehistoric scriben ; api, id major part tom rissems oiskip sigwra uno mysterieuso
scriben. Nespekent mieno gnohsa iom papiers ed collections os mien oncle, mieno memoria khiek
identifie id ni mi permitte proschbringhes id ad sem dialect.

Uper ta hieroglyphs oistieusit un figure uns tem impressioniste kerdos quem khiek bihe ghapt
kweiter-ye quo id kip. Eet un genis monster, au symbol es monster, quod tik uno morbid
imagination hieb ghohden concepe. Sigwra niem misskwites id inspiration al sculptor sei saygo od
els wehrg evoquit sammel un octopod, un dragon ed un mensccaricature. Un pulpeus capo
perambhen ab tentacules epkihsit un squamic ed grotesk corpos samt rudimentar ptergs : nu-buw id
ambhriss tos effigie id ka besonters dekhschatic. Za id figure hieb el artiste skizzet un aptergrund os
cyclopean architecture.

Ia notes hamrahnda tod curieus item eent handscript ab Pr. Angell ed iskweer neid literar style ; id
tarikhe ios khat eet recent. Id principal document bohr tod titule : ID CULT OS CTHULHU, kaur-
ye scriben in druckbuksteivs kay vergihes quodkwe rhalt in id leisen uns tem pau gnohn werd. Tod
kawu compris dwo parts ; preter hieb ka inkapem : « 1925, Drehm ed Oniric wehrg af H.A. Wilcow,
7, Thomas Street, Providence », ed dwoter : « Narn ab Inspector John R. Legrasse, 121 Bienville
Street, New Orleans, AAS congress, 1908. Samt notes ed bayan ab Pr. Webb. » Alter documents
eent hastic notes de divers topics : courants iom stragnen drehms em different leuds ; citats ex
theosophic buks ed revues (inter alya Atlantis and Lost Lemuria, ab W. Scott-Elliott) ; commentes
de diutossurvivevs secret societats ed kohlen cults, samt references do passages in solg mythologic
ed anthropologic surce-buks kam Frazers Golden Bough, ed Miss Murrays Witch-Cult in Western
Europe. Ia journal sbehrdmens allus bilhassa udst mental siuges ed udbrehgs os grupp follia au
mania in wer 1925.

Id prest part ios principal kawu lohg uno meg stragno storia. Kwecto hieb dien 1 st Mart 1925 uno
minc ed brun yuwen, praedd uns gvaltic agitation, faungmoent Pr. Angell kay ei anances id aunsam
loid anaglypt, tun dar fresch ed loim. Eys carte bohr id nam Henry Anthony Wilcox ; mien oncle
hieb iom recognihn ka iom yunsto son uns excellent familia is vagh-ye gnohsit, qui eestudyeneut
pon sem wakto sculpture in id Rhode Island School of Design, ed gwivit mon in hotel Fleur de Lys,
hol prokwem tod institution. Wilcox, samt id ghab uns precoce yed meg excentric genie, hieb, yant
miegve, attract attention kye seswo bi-sabab ia stragna storias ed drehms is kiemit narre. Is kwit
seswo ka « psychic-ye hypersensitive », bet id veutmenos pledveh tos torgwastu iom rejexit ka mer-
ye « skeirmentor ». Lyt ed lyt hieb is oisgwohmen ex id burgese milieu sienen parents, ed vibihno
gnohno tik ab uno smulk grupp estheten. Providences art association, gweupskwnd sien
conservatisme, ei hieb cluso sien dwers.

In id druna tos visite, lohg id kawu, hieb is sculptor abrupt-ye prohgen sieno majban kem iom
hehlpiet med sien archeologic gnohsas kay identifie ia hieroglyphs ios anaglypt. Is wohkwit med un
drehmic ed pompeus manier quod swohnit non-sincere ed alienit sympathia ; yinjier, mien oncle ei
antwohrd skarp-ye od id freschia tos loid pianji kwecto exclus quodkwe sibia con archeologia. Id
antwehrd ios yun Wilcox tem impress iom veut mualim quem is mohm ed transcripsit id werd-pos-
werd. Est pregen ab tod poetic mubalarha quod kwit eys conversation ed eys hol person, kam
constatim sekwos-ye.
« In druve, iey is, tod anaglypt esti jadide, ar ioswo ho kwohrt id yarlay in dwodem different citads ;
ed ia drehms sonti meg awer quem meditative Tsour, is dyeier Sphinx au gheslogarden Babylon. »

Poskwo inkiep is id auncoherence narn quod probud un dormanto mehmen in id ment os mien oncle
ed suw in iom un feberlik interesse. Yarlay hieb wakyet uno mulayim gischien, id importantst in
Nov England pon yars, quod hieb akster-ye hihn id imagination os Wilcox. Unte sien swehpmen
hieb is haben onirs, ye id prest ker siens gwit, iom megil cyclopean citads ex titanblocks ed
waurntroleudend monolith, quanta glendsudernd ed buxianxu ob latent horror. Ia murs ed colunns
eent tect med hieroglyphs, ed is yuwen hieb aurn udclanghe enderdien un voco quod ne eet un voc
sontern petis un confuso sensation quod tik imagination ghohd transforme do swon, ed quod is pit
uperwehrte med tod quasi neswehrim buksteivenassemblage : Cthulhu fhtagn.

Tod gasaygos buit id cleicho ios mehmen quod troublit profund-ye Pr. Angell. Interrogit iom
sculptor med uno meg scientific rlienxienia, ed oistudyit intense-ye id anaglypt wohs-yod is gehrus
hayran yuwen kmehnend, in noctcamiss ed kreusend ob srigos. Wilcox mi declarit serter od mien
oncle hieb anadeht ad geros ma ei hieb moliet identifie id loid figure ed ia hieroglyphs. Plurs eysen
questions kwohk meg impertinent eysi visitor, besonters ta qua pit connecte senter ad secret cults :
Wilcox khiekit ghabe ma eys contolker ei promiss pelus gwupes ka rouna sei is admittskwiet is eet
member uns peluozd pagan sect. Kun Pr. Angell vibihsit bad convicen is sculptor wois neid de
occult sciences, is prohg iom insistant-ye ke gwehmiet ad ei narre sien futura drehms. Schowi, pos
tod prest intertolk, id kawu udwekwnt ia cadadien visites ios yuwen qui lohg lwoannmend noctonirs
quom leitmotiv eet sem terrible cyclopean prospect ex deusk ed rehnic petra, samt un enderdien voc
au intelligence quod hul aunchange sem enigmatic messages in un indescriptible jargon. Ia dwo
frequentst-ye repetihn swons ghohd bihe uperwohrten med sehkwnd buksteivengrupps : Cthulhu ed

Dien 23 Mart, Wilcox ne gwohm do id baytel os Pr. Angell qui phonit ei hotel po novs. Is math od is
yuwen, hihn ab un fujat feberadfall, hieb esto transportet do id hem sienen parents, in Waterman
Street. Unte id noct hieb is protiebuden med sien cries plur alyens artistens ios Fleur de Lys ; tuntos
eegegnohsit tik alternances om delirium ed inconscience. Mien oncle phonit fauran eysi familia ed,
ab tod dien, sohkwit prokwtos id evolution ios siuge, dank frequent visites ei ilajliek, Dr. Tobey, os
Thayer Street. Sub id effect os feber kwecto amit id ment ios patient sem stragna kwiters ; is
practician krus yando quan is tolkit de. Exter sien stets repetihto drehm vis Wolcox un gigantesk
ambistehmbhend mayls hog ject. Is naiwo gjuchienit el, yed, yeji ia pauk incoherent werds reportet
ab Dr. Tobey, mien oncle buit convicen od is hiebit pit kipes el aunnam monster in sien oniric
anaglypt. Ielgs kun is yuwen tolkit de tel entitat, sohnk is do un lethargic swehpen. Stragno jecto,
eys temperature lyohg payn uper id normal ; yed eyso general afiya suggestit un gvaltic feberadfall
petis quem uno mental trouble.

Dien 2 Aprile, circum 3 saat posmiddien, quodkwe trace os siuge disparih stayg. Wilcox sess ub,
hayran de wehse bi sien parents, ed ne gweupskwnd id lytst mehmen de quo eewewakyit in eys
drehms au realitat pon id noct ios 22 Mart. Sien liek declarevs iom ka perfect-ye wal, is rik sien
appartmento tri diens serter. Lakin, is neti interessit Pr. Angell, ar neideti fantastic kwiter hantit eys
ment. Pos oin hevd om narns om extreme-ye trivial drehms, mien oncle stopit niscribe eys

Id prest part ios kawu chwoyit ter, yed io trohv plaut mentstoff in sems iom dispars notes : tik id
auntaragho skepticisme quod formit tun mien hol philosophia ghehdt explie mien persistanto
mistrusto dia iom sculptor. Ta notes descripseer ia drehms diversen leuds unte id prist kun is yun
Wilcox hieb habt sien stragna coschmars. Mien oncle kwecto hieb oku organiset un vasto
soknetwehrg bi quantens prients is miegh interroge aun bihe ayt impertinent, prehgend kem i lohg ei
ira drehms dahnd-ye ia tarikhes ye-ya ta hieb tyohcen. Tod haja hieb esto divers-ye primt ; yed
okwivid-ye id numer iom daken antwehrds habiet justifien id neud as un secretar. Is ne hieb
conserven ia brevs em sien correspondants ; lakin eys notes oiskip uno meg significant complete
resumen. Mutawassit leuds in societat ed verslyn – Nov Englands traditional « sald ios ardh » - dahr
un quasi alnos negative resultat, quayque sem falls om deskhauris yed imprecis noctpondsa buir
mohlden cer ed ter, semper inter dien 23 Mart ed 2 Aprile, unte id duren ios siuge ios sculptor.
Nischi hieb ies science wirs bihn hihn ; lakin suggesteer quar vagh descriptions sem dyehrcmens
om stragna landspects, ed eet oin exempel os baysa uns abnormal ject.

Ia relevant jawabs gwohm ex artistens ed poets qui habient esen praedd uns dekhschatic panique sei
habient ghohden compare ia inter mutu. In cid fall, bila xihes ia tienjien brevs, quasi suspexim iom
compilator de eiskwus insidieus werds we deformevs id texte tos correspondance kay corrobore quo
is hieb gwaukanascto de vide. Itak io nakohns od Wilcox, pregnohvs ia awa documents possedden
ab mien oncle, hieb etibidihn iom veut professor. Ia antwehrds tim esthetes reveleer un extreme-ye
troublant fact. Ex dien 28 Februar do dien 2 Aprile, pleisti hieb habto bizarre drehms nakend ir
maximal intensitat unte id delirium ios yun sculptor. Maungs descripseer landspects ed swons
samlik tibs qua Wicox hieb gjuchienen; oiks itirief ir terror es un gigantesk ed nukwt creature. Un
perijixay sonterfall eet tragic : is subject, suagnohn architecte appassionato de theosophia ed
occultisme, hiebit bihn dement ye id sam dien kun is sculptor hieb esen transporten do id hem
sienen parents, ed hieb dauten oik munts serter, pos prehgus hiheulend-ye ke tehrbiet bihe salven ud
un demon antsalgus hayd. Sei mien oncle habiet udwekwnt ia nams em sien correspondants instet
kyuses i med adadhs, habiem piten me lever uni personal soki kay chehxe ia facts. In cid fall, io
ghohd retrehve tik oiks, yed quanti, aun exception, confirmeer alnos ia notes. Ho ops daumen an qui
subihr ia questions ios veut mualim buir tem protiebuden quem qui ioswo interrogim. Naiwo sient
woide id druve, ed esti seller pro i.

Ia journal sbehrdmens, kam ho ja sayct, reporteer falls om panique au dementia, semper unte id sam
prist. Pr Angell hieb dohlct employe un presse agence, idghi numer tom excerpts ex tienxia eet
druve-ye kyudost. Oin reportit un noctsuicide in London, unte-yod uno mon swehper hieb se
xubhen per id fenster pos emittus un terrifiant crie. In un incoherent brev addresset ei editor os un
journal in Sud America, un foll propheticit un buxianxu future sekwos ia onirs is hieb habt. Un
depesche ex California lohg od un theosophen xiti hieb dun albh robes pro un prokwem « klewost
wakya », menxu articles ex Hind, iom sensten diens os Mart, dahr kinayas de un serieus agitation bi
walskens. Vodou orgias hieb-se multiplien ep id insule Hayti ed ia african prodwalsa reporteer
alarmanta murmures. Ye id sam zaman, ia US autoritats iom Philippines hieb habto difficultats con
certain teuts ; unte id noct iom 22 ed 23 Mart, hysteric Levantins" hajoumeer id police. West Erin
pohld med foll rumors, ed un fantastic pictor namt Ardois-Bonnot hieb expost in Paris, unte id wer
1926 salon, un blasphem wehrg intitulet Paysage de rêve. Ia de disaurdhens in ia psychiatric
hospitals eent tem kathire quem tik un daumos hieb ghohden stambhes ad liekaria kaue stragna
parallelismes ed sbringhes consternant conclusions... Ta sbehrdmens oiskip un stragnest menghia :
pau ghabo nundiens quod sakhto rationalisme neglegih me id. Yed eem tun convict od is yun
Wilcox hieb ja gnoht ia awer facts udwekwnen ab iom professor.

Ia prever wakyas, qua hieb brighen mien oncle ad dahe tant attention ei drehm ed ei anaglypt ios
sculptor, skip id subject ios dwot part os eys longo kawu. Oins proe-kwecto is vis id hideus
ambhriss al aunnam monster, meditit de ia negnoht hieroglyphs, ed ieur id buksteivenassemblage
uperwehrtet med id werd Cthulhu : to hol unte tem taraghanta circumstances quem khact bihe
daumen ma is upersprohg iom yun Wilcox.

Tod prest experience hieb musso septdem yars prever, in 1908, unte id yarcongress ios American
Archeological Society, in Saint Louis. Pr. Angell, bi-sabab sien ilm ed sien orbats, hieb agen un
eminent rol unte vasya deliberations ; buit oin im presten buden ab rhayr-alims qui brug tod
samghat kay propones im mualims un certaino numer om problemes ad solve.

Oin tim sprehgers bihsit oku id focus ios interesse ios hol congress : eet uno maturato
trivialkwehkend wir, qui hieb safern ex New Orleans do Saint Louis po id oin ziel os obtene
informations qua nimen hieb ghohd ei dadwe in eyso Stat. Eys nam eet John Raymond Legrasse, ed
bugit ka police inspector. Is hiebit brighen id object siens visite : un shayad meg awo, grotesk ed
repugnanto statuette ex petra, quos origin is khiek determine.

Inspector Legrasse eet nel-ye interessen ab archeologia. Eys desire os etiwoide eet mot ab pur-ye
professional grunds. Tod statuette, idol, fetiche, quodkwe bih ids buhsa, hieb esto trohfto sema
munts prever in ia widu-selsa suder quem New Orleans, unte un expedition contra sem vodou sect.
Eet object om tem bizarre ed hideus rites quem ies policistes hieb vighapt ies hieb aunstohgen
kjiawxieng un alnos negnohn secret cult aunfin-ye meis diabolic quem ia meist temosta sects os
african vodou. Ies hieb khact manthes jecto de ids origins, ploisko ia incredible narns udtohrct ud
sems iren prisoners. Quetos id akster interesse ios police pro un archeologic weida quod hehlpiet id
ad identifie tod dekhschatic idol ed retrehve id id cult id hieb gohnen.

Inspector Legrasse hiebit pau exspecten id sensation is creit. Id vid ios statuette suwit maung
agitation bim mualims qui comwieurg fauran ambh ir visitor kay spehce id doighen quos stragnitat
ed incredible iewe ghyieneer mysterieus prospects kyid aungrund wakt : tod tarn ed subglend petra,
quod bieygh neid sculpture scol, kwecto tarikhit ex plur tusents yaren.

Id idol, quod i mualims passeer do mutus hands kay perichehxe id, eet inter septdem ed dwogim
centimeters hog ed nafassat-ye dighen. Id kip un monster samt vagh ensanlik ambhriss ; yed samt
un horrible calamarcap samt vreinkend gwistis, un squamic cauchouklik corpos, slemb noghs ye ia
borsa iom quar memsen, ed dwo long ed teun ptergs ep els regv. Tel destull corpulent creature,
kwecto pregen ab sem horrible khitert, wohs hockend ep un rectangular pedstol tect med
neskweitet harifs. Id bors iom ptergs touchit id aptersiman ios block, menxu ia longa kehmba noghs
iom elihn pods grip id prodsiman ed hieng tiel id quardel ios hoge ios pedstol. Id cap es cephalopod
eet clihn, yoitkwe ia face tentacules oistrif id uperdeilo iom enormen prodpods qua strig ia
ubklohngen genus. To hol dahsit un pondos os abnormal gwit, dar terrifianter idghi statuette eet
unios mutlak negnohn origin. Khiek bihe dwoit od id tarikhit ex awst antiquitat ; lakin id ne bohr id
lytst kweit permittend connecte id con quodkwe art type bayghend in-kap menscivilisationo ni ceter

Seni id materia ex quod eet kwohrt skip uno mysteir : tod saponlik petra uns oistriht, kerber, golden
au iridiscent kyehrsenglend, samkwohk nischt gnoht in id xeimen os geologia au mineralogia. Ia
harifs grohven ep id pedstol eent kathalika desconcertant ; i members ios congress, qui eent yed id
dwidel iom tienxia autoritats de linguistique, khiek gendelihes ia ad filan lurhat, hatta ia awsta. Hol
kam id subject ios wehrg ed id buhsa ios petra, ia bieygh un keapay-ye piern universe, alnos
different ud noster, sem awa cycles om blasphem gwits quer nies conceptions nel-ye tohlp.
Lakin, menxu quasi vasyi archeologs itirief i khiek solve id probleme, oin ex i kwecto discernit
semjecto stragn-ye familiar in id mustring forme ed ia hieroglyphs, dind videclarit ne aun reticence
oligum is wois. So wir eet marhoum William Channing Webb, anthropologia professor in Princeton
University, destull klut explorator.

Quargimoct yars prever, Pr. Webb hieb andht Gronland ed Island po certain runic inscriptions is
khiek aunstehge. Dalg nordworts ep id West Gronland caust hieb is incontret un stragno teut au cult
em degener Eskimens quim religion, un curieus forme os diabel-dyin, hieb terrifiet iom ob sien
eikwmen cruorlas ed repulsivitat. Alter Eskimi baygh dusgnohr id ed udwekwneer id tik kreusend-
ye : idwert tarikhit ex ciengow, meg prever quem id creation ios mund. Exter nukwt rites ed
menscenmauls, prescripsit certain bizarre invocations addressen uni supreme demon wa tornasuk :
nu-hieb Pr. Webb, pos reciteihvs ia ab un veut angekok (brukh), transcriben ia beirst bilkull,
expremend-ye ia swons med buksteivs ios roman alphabet. Kwohk de importanter id fetiche dyint
ab i tarafdars tos cult qui plins ambh id quan id nordauror xubh meg hog sien bams uper ia
glehdjbehrgs. Eet un groub anaglypt keipend un hideus kwiter uper mysterieus hieroglyphs. Tem
bilkull quem is professor ghohd mehme, id skip un destull exact replic ios statuette chohxt ab i
members ios congress.

Tod narno mers i mualims do megil stupor ed kwecto uperexcitit Inspector Legrasse qui upersprohg
iom orator. Dat is hieb copien oino iom invocations reciten ab i dyindars eysi yeudmi hieb arresten
in id muraisch, is prohg Pr. Webb ke beirst mohm ia syllabs pronuncen bim diabeldyeinend
Eskimims. Pos comparevs vasya detayls, gwohm un druve-ye pondost moment silence kun is
detective ed is mualim samstohm de id identitat os un jumla commun tibs dwo infernal religions
qua tanta munds separeer. I eskimi brukhs ed i prysters om Louisiana jauzaeks hieb substance-ye
swohrt kyir idols eno (id division do werds esus pagen yeji ia traditional pauses observet ab i
recitants) :

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

Legrasse eet perodher quem Pr. Webb, ar plurs eysen prisoners hieb ei revelen id maynen tos
wekwos quod maght bihe tarjen kam sehkwt :

In mortu dom Cthulhu in R'lyeh skehpt newakh

Tun, prohgen ab quantens, Legrasse lohg sien expedition, ed io vis mien oncle dahsit maung
ahammiyat eysi storia. Idghi meg samkwohk ia extravagantsta drehms im mythoscreators ed
theosophs ; revelit un stragn-ye intense cosmic imagination quod nimen habiet exspecten trehve bi
ti mestissens ed parias.

Dien 1st November 1907 hieb id New Orleans dact un frenetic maideh ex id suder panyo. I squatters
qui wik id, primitive yed prabh descendants em Lafittes leuds, wohs praedd om terror ed paniqe,
unghi negnohn augos hieb snict bayna i unte id noct. To sollit ses vodou, sigwreer, ed un besonters
terrible vodou. Plur gwens ed magvi eent missend pon id buxianxu tam-tam hieb inkapen udclanghe
in id kerd ios deusk hanten shienrlin quetro nimen aiwo durs venture. Eentschi aurn dement cries,
kerdbrehgend schikays, matama melopoias ; ed eent viden danse diabolic flammes. Is terrifiet
messager gwut i leuds neti ghohdeer tehle tod stand.

Schowi, dwogim policistes kowpeer-se do dwo ekwenwoghs ed oin automobil, dind bikwohr itner
ye fayront, guiden ab iom kreusend squatter. Kun id chossee bihsit neandhet ibs vehicules, likweer
ia pre waber silent unte id terrible cypresshienrlin quod diewo naiwo penetret. Biaur raudhs ed ia
gaddar snehwrnts ios Espaniol moss kyim ir ghang ; ter ed cer, un kowp om madh petras au un pan
os comsturdt mur buweer dar uperkwehlmend id hava os depression quod ielg dusformen dru, ielg
baungholm contribuit cree. Viprohp un kowp om miser hyts ant ir okwi, ed plur squatters praedd
uns extreme agitation accurs ambh ia lanternes iom novgwehmers. Ghohd bihe aurta dalgtos ia
stumpa bats iom tam-tams ed, yando, ye id waurmen uns windcutt, udcliengh un sehrgglehdjend
crie. Eti, sierte kwecto filtrit per id khaluzo trans ia aunfin avenues ex forest noct. Nespekent ir
baysa de wehse iter saul, ies squatters inkier etistiupes kyid loco quer eet dyinen id balstohmt cult.
Inspector Legrasse ed eys nevdem sokwis dohlg venture aun guide sub kyehrsen horrorakmens
quetro neis ex iens hieb aiwo penetret.
Tod plorzone non-exploret ab Blanks brug un ghyalir kleumen. Sem legends lohg de un lac kohlt ud
i mertis, quer bieytel un colossal aunforme creature, samlik uni kwit polyp samt phosphorescent
okwi : i squatters susureer od baulpterg demons sielg ardhinster kay gwehme ad dyines el ye
midnoct. Sigwreer tel monster hieb esen ter pre d'Iberville, pre La Salle, pre i Indians, hatta pre
widugvers ed avs. Eet elswo coschmar, ed quel vis el mohr. Lakin, dat el drehmih menscens, i kafi
siegveer vergihes el. Id vodou orgia jinkdousit ye id udst bors ios abhors area, bet idso tolp kwohk
dar pior daunost im squatters : idpet loc ios cult hieb terrifien i dar meis quem ia cries ed ia horrible

Tik un poet au un foll ghehdiet reproduce ia bloska qua Legrasses yeudmi kwahr kun tohr
muschkil-ye id deusko jauzaeko kyid sierte ed ia stump tam-tams. Esti sem vocal qualitat particular
al mensc ed un vocal qualitat particular im animals : neid esti terribler quem aure uter quan id organ
quetos gwehmt iti dehlgiet emitte alter. Ter, un animal furor ed un orgiastic licenciositat se
exacerbeer tiel un demoniak degree do heuls ed creischa qua schiieur in tod tenishienrlin kam
pestilent firtinas ex aungrund hayd. Yando eent tayta ia anarchic eulens ab un khor om suatrainiret
vocs psalmodiend id hideus melopoia :

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah' nagl fhtagn

Bad, ies policistes niek un stet quer ia drus bihr meis skider, ed wohseer stayg ant id spectacle. Quar
vienk ; un penkt bayaldissit ; dwo alters emiss un gargcrie quod, baygh noroc-ye, buit oistupen ab id
wildo tumult ios orgia. Legrasse xubh sem wed ep id lige siens bayaldissevs sokwi, dind quanti
natrembleer, praedd uns horrible fascination.

In uno naturalo lawc strohc un circa oin acre plaut holm, destull turs ed aunschajra. Ter klieup ed
kiwit-se uno mustring horde ensanen quod tik Sime au Angarola habient sagvt pinges. Alnos nogwi,
ti hybride creatures crisch, mugihr ed se convuls ambh un baltrogwn lyicto do ring, in-yos centre
ghohd bihe enderkwiten, trans id flammencortin, un circa oct peds buland graniten monolith,
subkeihnd id daunosto statuette exterdohbrum ob ids lytet. Un vasto circule om regular-ye rewn
scafolds, habend id monolith ka centre, periembh id glest. Ter eent vis, hanct samt ir caps ghomtro,
ia stragn-ye klombha nayvs im missend squatters. Eni tod circule klieup i dyindars heulend-ye,
levtos dextro in un aunfin bacchanalium inter id circule iom cadavers ed id ogwncircule.

Kweter buit pior imaginative, we buit drught ab mer echos, oino iom policisten, meg impresstible
Espaniol, credihsit aurtum responses ei ritual invocation, ex deuber in id shienrlin awen legends ed
horrors. Sekwos-ye, io hieb id waurmen os interroge tom wir, Joseph D. Galvez, qui mi kwohk samt
un exuberant imagination. In druve, is hatta sigwrit dyehrcus uno muzlim plaben immensen ptergs
ed vidus gwayder okwi in id centre uns enorm albh masse trans ia pierna drus : bet suppono is hat
pior klut local superstitions.

Id inaction iom horrifiet yeudmen ne pior durit. Dohlg uperwohnd ed, quayque buit un wassime
centen mestissen dyindars, ies policistes, treusend ir gvonds, mers gwaukan-ye medsu id mergist
horde. Unte penkwe minutes regnit un indescriptible tumult in id lawc. Buir furieus empunegs,
udstehnens, mult fugs. Fin-ye, Legrasse ghohd conte quargimsept skeud prisoners quibs is dwigh
redue jaldi ed se ardehe inter dwo massafs om sien yeudmens. Penkwe men iom dyindars hieb
nohcen ; dwo alyi, ser vurnen, buir transportet ab ir dustens ep improviset bertels. Id de statuette
abghens is inspector ex id monolith.

Interroget in id chefquartier pos un itner om intense effort ed malal, vasyi prisoners obkwohk ses
unios meg-ye ghem, melez ed mental-ye aberrantios type. Pleisti eent nauts, yed oik Aydokwi ed
mulats, bilhassa Antillians au Portughesche Bravas ex ia Cabo Verde insules dahr un vodou color tei
heterogene cult. Lakin, id interrogation oku dik od lit de un religiono meg awer ed samt deuber
raudhs quem uno mer negro fetichisme. Quayque ignorant ed degener, toy quant wirs presenteer id
grunddayi irs mergist fid samt un stauneihnd coherence.

Sieygeer ies dyin i waurntos Megil Awens gwohmt ep tod dar yuno mund, sema millions yaren pre
id adgumt im menscen. Ti Awi hieb nun disprohpen do mardeub ed ardhinster ; yed ir mortu nayvs
communievs per drehm ira rounas im prest menscims, ti sul un cult quod naiwo sesgwesit. Ies
prisoners gwuteer tod cult eet iro ; id hieb aiw existen ed siet aiw existe, kohlto tienxia in piern
deserts au temost endergumts, hina megil sakerdoto Cthulhu salgiet sien kyehrsen baytel in id staur
citad R'lyeh, in deubwedor, kay regne iter uper Terra. Quan ia stars esient parat, kyeukiet sien
dyindars, semper pristahndi de lures iom.

Entrim, neideti dehlct bihe saygen. Eet un rouna quod khiek hatta bihe udtorturen. Mensci eti ne
eent mutlak saul bayna Terras conscient sesens, semghi formes sielg id nocto kay visite i rar
dyindars. Ti « formes » ne eent i Awi, qui nel mensc hieb naiwo vis. Id sculpt idol kip iom megil
Cthulhu, yed nimen miegh sayge an alters kwohk we ne kam is. Nundiens eet neti sagvt lises id
antique scriben, itak uperlit id tradition per wekwos. Id ritual invocationo ne eet id rouna – naiw
udwekwnen jahar, tik murmuren. Id mer-ye mieyn : « In mortu dom Cthulhu skehpt newakh »

Dwo iom prisoners buir kohnst kafi mentsaun pro bihe hangen ; alters buir betrust ad different
institutions. Quanti negeer smyehrus ia ritual maurdhs, forfacen, ies sigwreer, ab i Kyehrsenptergs
qui hieb likwn kay joine i dyindars, ir nemohmt endergumt in id budmen ios hantet lac : neid
preciser ghohd bihe mathto de ti mysterieus allieits. Id major part iom informations obtent ab id
police buit dadwn ab uno megat mestiss, namen Castro, qui clamit bendervs in stragna ports ed
tolkus con nemerti prysters tos cult in Chinas ghyors.

Veut Castro mohm fragments om hideus legends qua pallihr ia specultations im theosophs ed iey
mensc ed mund ka recent ed transitor. Unte incredible-ye apank aiwa, alyi Sesi regneer ep Terra ed
xihr megil citads. Vestiges tim dar ghohd vis, ei hieb revelen ies chinese nemertis, sub forme om
cyclopean petras ep insules ios Pacific. Vasyi hieb daut meg pre id adgumt im menscen, yed eent
magias kay gwinwes i quan ia stars reikient iter ia ryowkhowa positions in id cycle os abad. In
druve hieb iswo gwohmen ex ia asters, ed brighen ir Kips con se.

Ti Megil Awi, gwut Castro, ne eent ex krewos ed aserng. I hieb un forme – kwe tod kip dighen ep
un star ne pruv to ? - yed un forme quod ne eet ex materia. Quan ia stars eent wesu, I ghohd merge
ex oino mund do alter per id waurn ; bet kun ia duswohs, tun I neti ghohd gwive. Lakin, esdi neti
gwiveer taiper, I naiwo druve-ye mohr. Vasyi lyohg in ia doms ex petra irs megil citad R'lyeh,
conservet ab ia soitsa ios staur Cthulhu pro un klewosto scrosct ye id dien kun stars ed terra esient
iter parat ad primes i. Kun id moment gwehmiet, un extos force tehrbiet hehlpe ad lures Ir corpsa. Ia
soitsa qua gwup intact I yasschi bien im move ka prestens ; Ghohdeer tik-ye kihes, wakh ed
sehgnend in temos menxu millions yaren dohn.

I wois quanto jinkdousit in id universe, Irghi expressionsmodus consistit transmitte Ir men. Dar
nundiens, Bahr in ir grabhs. Kun i prest mensci hieb adgwohmen, pos abads os chaos, i Megil Awi
hiebeer wohkwt i primavstens ex i dinghend-ye ira drehms, saul wassila I behiend kay nake id ment
krewosbohnden tim mammifers.

Tun hieb ti prest mensci sulen ir secret cult, dyeinend ia smulk idols qua i Awi hieb im dict, idols
bright ex negnohn planetes unte kyudos-ye piern tids. Tod cult naiwo mehriet ; sem dien, kun ia
stars rebihient wesu, ids prysters deughient iom megil Cthulhu ex Eys grabh kay screisciet Sien
supodehts ed regniet iter ep Terra. Tod dien esiet facil ad determine ar, ye tod moment, mensci
habient biht samlik im Awims : leur, lyut, trans sellt ed khitert, rejecend cada moral loy, neicend
mutu samt honara cries unte joyeus fawngtawngs. I lurn Awi im docient nov weidsa om crie, nices,
dapane, ed hol Terra flamboyiet in un holocauste os effrenat extase. Entrim, id cult, med ciautaung
rites, dehlgiet mantines gwiv id mehmen tom prevstic mores ed presayge iro reiken.

Unte meg apank aiwa, mensci chusen ex quantens hieb drehmtolcto con i Awens lyehgend in id
budmen Irs maghil ; bet, sekwos un staygo cataclysme, R'lyeh, id megil petracitad, hieb sohnken
ender flutts con sien monoliths ed sien sepulkers : id deubwedor, quos mysteir neid ment ghehdt
aunkehlder, hieb dehn un fin tibs kabuslik tolks. Lakin, id mehmen ne hieb mohrn, ed ies megil
prysters hieb declaret id citad iter emergiet kun ia stars esient wesu. Tun id ardh bihiet salgen ab ids
kyehrsen drukhs, schimmelskadhs pehldend med vagh rumors ghens ub ex ia balmas unios myohrst
antique marbudmen. Bet de to veut Castro ne durs etitolke. Is interrup abrupt-ye, ed alya
informations ghohd neter bihe udbiden ni uddohlen ud iom. Stragno jecto, is kathalika refusit tolke
de id mege im Awen. Yed is declarit id cult sollit habe sien centre medsu Arabias aundrayl deserts,
quer Irem, id Coluunencitad, nadrehmti dalg ud vasya okwi. Id hieb neid sibia con europay vraj, ed
eet khaliban-ye gnoht ab sien dyindars. Neid buk direct-ye allus id ; lakin, yeji iens nemerti
Chinesens, eent trohven in id Necronomicon ios dement Arabios Abdul Alhazred sem double
maynens i initieits miegh tolke kamlibt ; meis besonters tod maung discutten dwistiche :

Ne est mortu proe-yos aiwo lyehct

Eti samt stragn aiwa daunet proe-mehrt

Legrasse, meg impressen ed protiebuden, hieb soct in vain de ia historic affiliations ios cult. Castro
shayad ne lughit kun is hieb declaren od quasi nimen gnohsit ids existence. I professors os Tulane
University ghohd bringhes neid luce de tod secte ni de id idol : is detective hieb tun wohkwt ia
maschourst autoritats ios land, ed hieb obtenen neid alyo quem id schahidia os Pr. Webb de

Wehst un echo ios feberlik interesse suwt bim congress members ab Legrasses narn in ia mult brevs
i exchangeer sekwos-ye, yed id est payn udwekwnen in id official bayan iom debats. Tadbir est
primordial kaur de quantens quim est yando zaruri jidale protie charlatanisme ed dajalia. Is
inspector lieyn ad Pr. Webb id statuette buit-yod ei redahn kun is veut mualim mohr. Ho viden id
nuper inter eys hands : esti druve-ye un dekhschatic item, alnos samlik ei oniric anaglypt ab Wilcox.

Io neti stieun od mien oncle hieb esen taraghen ab id narn ios sculptor. Woidend quo is detective
hieb mathen de id secret cult, is sollit esus praedd ab terrible brens pos bihvs faungmoent ab un
impressible yuwen qui ne tik hieb exdrohmt id idol ed ia hieroglyphs trohven in ia New Orleans
muraischa ed ep un Gronland caust, sontern hiebschi aurt in sien drehms minst-ye tri werds ios
formule commun ibs Louisiana mestissims ed im eskimo satanistes. Ia rlienxien paurskens
enderghens ab Pr. Angell kwohk yinjier eminent-ye natural. Yed, suspexim Wilcox de kleuvs
semkam de id cult ed de inventus un serie drehmen kay xwenyunge id mysteiro ye id detriment os
mien oncle. Ia narns alyen drehms ed ia journal sbehrdmens sammeln ab iom professor kwecto
corroboreer alnos quo is yuwen pretens vidus, lakin mien suaankert rationalisme ed id extravagance
tos hol storia me brigh ad wides id conclusion io kohns kemallst. Itak, pos kaur-ye studyevs id kawu
ed comparevs ia different theosophic ed anthropologic notes con Legrasses narn, gwahsim
Providence kay vide iom sculptor ed dahe ei id malama quod pohndim ciautaung ob bolt-ye dehle
un alim geront.

Is dar wik in id Fleur de Lys, in Thomas Street, hideus Victorian imitation os XVIIt secule Breithen
architecture, quos stuckfassade strehct medsu ia khauris colonial doms ep id cliv, in idpet skadh ios
bellstios Georgianios clocktorios quod ghehdt bihe viden in America. Iom trohvim orbatend in eys
appartment, ed io admiss fauran, yeji ia specimens ambh iom, id perfect authenticitat os eyso genie.
Credeihm is apterlinkwsiet id kleumen unios megil decadent : isghi hat dighen in loid ed reflecsiet
serter in marmor ia fantastic coschmars udwekwnt in prose ab Arthur Machen ed in stiche kam in
pingen ab Clark Ashton Smith.

Brun, smiegd, samt pau kaur de seswo, is oisprohg me quo iskwim, aun move ex sien sedd. Quan io
hieb manthihn iom quis eem, manifestit sem interesse, mienghi oncle hieb suwt eys curiositato
studyend-ye eysa stragna drehms aun ei dadwus id lytst explication. Ne gnopihsim iom meid de tod
point, yed pitim discret-ye de tolkihes iom. Io ne kung de bihe convicto de eys hol sinceritat, quoghi
is sieyg de sien drehms khiek drughes. Eys noctonirs ed id newiss quod etilikw ex ia hieb profund-
ye influencen eys art : is mi dik uno morbid statue quos aspect me quasi kreusih med sien buxianxu
suggestive stieure. Is khiek mehme vidus ids orforme alyer quem in sien wi oniric anaglypt : ia
lignes hieb gnaht per se sub eys hands. Aundwoi, lit de id gigantforme de quod is hiebit baht in sien
delirium. Io ghieb mox is wois druve-ye nischto de id secret cult, exter quo id zalim gasprehgos
miens oncle hieb ei revelen de ; ed io me strohng iter de fahame quosmed is hieb ghohden spruves
ta supernatural pondsa.

Is mi descripsit sien drehms ye un stragn-ye poetic weidos, me videihnd samt terrible clartat id
cyclopean citad quos subglenda murs covohrna med limon – quos geometria, iey is bizarre-ye, eet
alnos ghaw – ed aureihndo ne aun apprehension id aunstop enderdien kal : Cthulhu fhtagn, Cthulhu

Ta werds wohs in id mahibe ritual formule quod evoquit id wakht os megil Cthulhu in eys R'lyeh
crypt, ed io khiss profund-ye emoven speit mien rationalisme. Wilcox, eem persuaden de to, hieb
sollto klues de id cult kheptenn kjiawxieng, dind hieb id prompt-ye myohrst in id masse om sien
leisens ed sien kathalika fantastic conceptions. Lyt serter, per id saul virtut siens besonters pondost
kweit, hieb tod culto trohven supowiss expressionszariyas, nu ia drehms, id anaglypt ed id terrible
statue quod eem dyeind. So yuwen eet un phenomen, sammel lyt affectat ed destull beghsadab, qui
naiwo plaisit me ; yed taiper io tik miegh admitte eysa genie ed loyaltat. Io sriens iom curtese-ye, ed
ei vanscho quanto success eys talent promitt.

Id affaire ios secret cult naiwo stopit fascine me, ed fikrim yando un personal success dank
paurskens de ids origins ed aposcidds. Gwahsim New Orleans, tolkim con Legrasse ed alyens
members ios prev expedition, io chohx id dekhschatic kip eti interrogim iens mestiss prisoners quoy
dar gwiveer. Way, veut Castro hieb mohrt pon plur yars. Quo io math ithan tem graphic-ye ex prest
hand, quayque to buit in druve tik un jixay confirmation os quo mien oncle hieb scriben, me excitit
fresch-ye ; buim yakin de ighnue un druv religion, meg aw ed meg secret, quos aunstehgen me
beuwiet un eminent anthropolog. Mien attitude eet dar oin os absolut materialisme, ed vanschiem id
dar esiet, ed rejecim samt inexplicable perversitat id coincidence iom notes de id drehm ed iom
presse sbehrdmens collegen ab Pr. Angell.

Io yed inkiep suspece quo nun baym som yakin de : id mohrt miens oncle eet dalg ud ses natural. Is
hieb fallen in un clivanghpert quod skiep un veut porto chungmanend tarnienens mestissens, pos
esus waurgpuscen ab uno negro naut. Io ne myohrs od ies members ios Louisiana cult eent
midaserng ed nauts, ed proe-mathim aun surprise id existence om occult methodes, om poisonnadhs
tem zalim ed secular quem mysterieus creds ed rites. Legrasse ed eysi yeudmi, albatta, hant est
likwt in pridem ; bet in Norge uno matrose hat mohrn ob vidus certain jects. Habient ia profund
paurskens os mien oncle pos eys ghat con iom sculptor alerten buxianxu aurs ? Mehno od Pr. Angell
mohr ob is wois we sa-math pior. Etileikwt gnohe an fineihsiem kam is, hoghi maungo matht nun.


Sei aiwo Warwn ijapskwt mi sem hogst favor, niet schiawkiene alnos ex mieno memoria id
aunstehgen io kwohr kjiawxiengst-ye kun glazim sam dehrpiece os gjiapapier. Eet un deughos uns
australian journal, ios Sydney Bulletin ios 18 Aprile 1925 ; ed pos vileisus id, io stieun id hieb
ghohden bihe neglect ab id agence employto ye tod zaman ab mien oncle kay duce sien sok.

Payn-ye tyehgvus mien paursken de quo Pr. Angell kiel id « Cthulhu cult », io wohs visitend oino
mienen prients os Paterson, New Jersey, curator uns local musieum ed klut mineralog. Sem dien
kun eem chehxend ia specimens in sklad lyigen aun aurdhen ep gjias in un caudkyal ios museium,
mien specto stopit ep oino iom veut journals oistern sub ia petras, in-yod wohs un stragno
photographia. Idmen journal, ho ja sayct, eet id Sydney Journal mienghi prient hieb correspondants
tienxia ; id de photographia kip un hideus petra statuette quasi identic tei quod Legrasse hieb trohft
in id muraisch.

Abdehsim id precieus mathmoun ud id schid, lis kaur-ye id article ed regretit ne buit longer. Lakin,
quo id suggestit buit kafi pro gwinwes mien paurskeryalos, ed io lent-ye exdohr id pro fauric action.
En ids khanliawng :




Morrison C°s cargonavo Vigilant, fortrehcus ex Valparaìso, hat arrivet todeghern do sien amarquie
os Darling Harbour, bugsairnd uno negatov meg armet weghiter, id yakht Alert ex Dunedin, Nov
Zeland, quod id hieb incontret dien 12 Aprile, ye 34°21' Sud latitude ed 152°17' West longitude,
samt oino mortu ed oin gwiv abord.
Id Vigilant likwit Valparaìso dien 25 Mart, ed, unte dien 2 Aprile, buit muhim-ye forfanzowen
sudtro ab un violent storm. Dien 12 Aprile, arrivit in vid ios vrack : id kwohk desert, yed ies
matroses quoy stigh abord trohv ter oino mortu naut, kwecto pon meis quem oin hevd, ed alyo
praedd os delirium. Is surviver oistrig un horrible petra idol os negnohn origin, circa oin ped hog,
quos buhsa alnos desconcertet alnos ia competences ios universitat os Sydney, ios Royal College ed
ios museium os College Street ; is wir sayct vrehvs id uno meg ordinar smulko grohven kivot.
Tsay do aum, is narrit un destull bizarre storia om piratia ed massacre. Est un destull intelligent
Norsk namen Gustaf Johansen, ex-dwoter styrmat ios dwomast schouner Emma, ex Auckland,
fortrehcus kye Callao dien 20 Februar samt uno nieute om oindem. Idwert Emma, chitayt ed
forfanzowt ab id mier storm ios 1st Mart, incontrit dien 22 Mart, ye 49°51' Nord latitude ed 128°34'
West longitude, id yakht Alert bemannt ab un swoin om bizarre ed khiterkwehkend Kanaks ed
Midaserngs. Capitan Collins, peremptor-ye endemurn ad abgires, refusit ; poskwo id stragno
nieute bistrohl brutal-ye kyid schouner, aun tamhide warnen ed med ia besonters gwaur aysen
canons sienios nav. Ies matroses ios Emma ne capituleer ed, quayque id schouner inkiep sehnke ob
ia ghioulees heihvs ender sien wedligne, ies kamyieb maneuvre claus ed abordage id peindvecel  ;
katuend protie iens barbars ep id deck ios yakht, ies dohlg nices vasyens – ir numer eet mulayim-ye
superior – ob ir abhorrent, kyopev yed isgur combatsmodus.
Tri wirs ios Emma : oino naut, capitan Collins ed styrmat Green buir nict. Ies oct survivers, wohlt
ab dwoter styrmat Johansen, installeer-se ep id kapen yakht, ed biseghleer kyid direction sohkwt ab
id Emma, kay pites aunstehge bi quod sabab iri capitan hieb esen poruncen abgires. Posdini, ies
liend ep uno smulk insule quo prehpt ep neid map. Six wirs mohr ter unte nebestohmen
circumstances : Johansen, qui bevidt maung reticence de to, hat declaret ies hieb fallen do un
crevasse medsu ia perwnts. Serter, is ed eys wahid sokwi kwecto ghohdeer do id yakht ed pit
maneuvre id, bet ir weghiter buit negatov sekwos id storm ios 2 Aprile. Ab tod dien tiel sien
kjiugnan dien 12 Aprile, Johansen mehmti neid, ne hatta id mohrt os William Briden, sien sokwi,
due shayad emotion au srigos. Depesches ex Dunedin reporte id Alert eet un suagnohn ed meg
duskleumen nav. Id bieygh un stragno grupp mestissen quom frequent incursions do shienrlin suw
un akster curiositat. Hiebeer biseghelt meg hast-ye pos id storm ed ia gischiens ios 1 st Mart. Nies
Auckland correspondanto declaret id Emma ed ids nieute brunge un excellent kleumen, ed od
Johansen est ayt un alnos trustolgh brave wir. Id admiraltato vaht ornuwes un sok de tod affaire,
in-yod druna bihsiet piten ad bringhes Johansen ad tolke meis leudher-ye quem is kekwohrit

Tod article ed id infernal kip con id suw in me ia troublantst brens. Ia mi brigh nov ed precieus data
de id « Cthulhu cult » quod eet celebret tem mari quem landi. Bi quod sabab hieb ies mestissi ios
yakht wohlen id Emma abgires ? Quod eet id negnohn insule quer six nauts ios schouner hieb
nohcen ed dayir-yod Johansen bevis tant reticence ? Qua miegh ses ia resultats ios sok ios
admiraltat ? Quod eet wois in Dunedin de tod monstrueus cult ? Uper quant, an zaruri daume de tod
extraordinar kittar om tarikhes, quod, aundwoi, dahsit uno malefic signification ibs divers wakyas
tem kaur-ye notet ab mien oncle ?

Dien 1st Mart hieb est un gvaltic storm ed uno mulayim gischien. Id Alert ed ids ignoble nieute hieb
likwn Dunedin meh hast-ye kam kay obedihes un dasturwehlen. Ye alter bors Terras, poets ed
artistes bidrohm de un cyclopeano marsohnken citad menxu uno yun sculptor digh in sien swehpen
id kip ios mahibe Cthulhu. Dien 23 Mart, ies survivers ios Emma liend ep uno negohn insule quer
six ex iens nohc. Ye tod sam tarikhe, ia drehms em sem impresstible menscens, nakend id
paroxysme os horror, eent hantet ab id baysa os un gigantesk monster ; un architecte bihsit foll ; un
sculptor bihsit brusk-ye praedd uns inexplicable delirium ! Quod mehne de id storm ios 2 Aprile,
tarikhe ye-yod vasya onirs ios cyclopean citad ens, menxu Wilcox stayg-ye ganis ex sien stragno
feber ? Quod mehne kathalika de ia allusions os veut Castro tim Awims gwohm ex ia asters, iri
prokwem regne, iri derv cult, iri control iom drehms im mertis ? Kwe eem vankend ana un
aungrund om cosmic horrors pior horrible tehltu ab un mensc ? In tod fall, solleer affece tik ment,
dienghi 2 Aprile kwecto hieb deht un fin ei monstrueus menace quod hiebit inkapto belagher

Ye tod vesper, pos oispendus id dien ad yises telegrammes ed kwehre divers garwis, io sieyg
pawiropeku mieni mejban ed emsit id train kye San Francisco. Minter quem oino munt serter eem
in Dunedin, bet constatim ne maung eet woiden de iens members ios secret cult quoy hanteer veut
marknayps. Wedfront skum eet pior commun pro special mention ; yed eet vagh tolk de un inland
itner toy midaserngs hieb kwohrn, unte-yod stump schangkan ed rudh flamme buir kwaht ep ia
piern clins. In Auckland, io math od Johansens blond kayso hiebit blaycht pos eys forspohden ed
inconclusive sokinterrogation in Sydney ed od, sekwos to, pehrnus sien liew os West Street, hieb is
segheln tsay con sien gvibh do sien prev hem in Oslo. De sien fantastic aventure is hieb revelen
neid meis ad sien prients quem in sien declarations ibs admiraltatskwehrants, ed ghohdeer tik mi
dahe eys adresse in Oslo.

Gwahsim Sydney quer tolkim aun brungos con plur nauts ed iens members ios admiraltatstribunal.
Io vis id Alert, pohrnt ed convers do un tajirneud, in Circular Quay, in id bai os Sydney, bet idso
scrock mi revelit neid. Id idol samt un baxati cap, un dragon corpos, squamptergs, ed un
hieroglyphwent podstol, wohs in Hyde Park museium. Io chohx id kaur-ye ed constatim eet un
artwehrg uns buxianxu nafassat kerdos, tem aw, stragn ed mysterieus quem id smulker specimen os
Legrasse. Is curator me manthihsit od skipit pro geologs uno monstrueus enigma, tighi itirief id
mund arohg neid liko ghianshiek. Tun sohgnim kreusend-ye de Castros declaration dayir i Awens :
« I hieb gwohmen ex ia stars, ed brighen Ir kips con Se ».

Profund-ye taraghen kam naiwo, io decis faungmoene Dwoter Styrmat Johansen in Oslo. Pos
ghehdus do London, emsim id prest navo fortrehcend kyid norsk nagor ; ed unte sem osyerndien
lans io ep suaposdohrjt quies, pod id Egeberg.

Johansens adresse, io aunstohg, lyohg in id vetus wastu os Roy Harald Harðráði, quod tin gwiv id
nam Oslo unte vasya secules quan id crehscus cirad mascaradit ka « Christiana ». Un taxi wohgh
me unte id cort itner ed, samt batend kerd, io stus id dwer uns awios trebios in gohdo stand samt
idso gypsfassade. Un trauric sworddun gwena mi respons ed buim consternat kun ia me manthih, in
un keungwent Englisch, od Gustaf Johansen neti gwivit.

Is ne hieb diu survivet sien reiken eysghi terrible maraventure, in 1925, hiebit brohgen id. Is hieb
lohgen sieni gvibh neid meis quem in eys public declarations, yed apterlikw un longo kawu -
« technic questions » iey is – redagen in Englisch, aschikar-ye behrcskwnd-ye sien esor ud un
dangereus leisen. Unte un sayr in un anghpert nieb id Göteborg dock hieb is biht niterplact ab un
kwehlk om veut papiers fallt ex id fenster unios mansarde. Dwo Lascar nauts hieb hohlpen fauran
iom ub, bet is hieb mohrto pre id ambulance arrivit. Ies lieks, khakend precide id cause ios decess,
hieb anadehn id uni kerdsiuge ed uni generali slaberascen ios badan.

Io khiss tunkye mien kerd dohnken ab tod deusk terror quod neti me linkwsiet hina ioschi neti
annmo, kweter « accidental-ye » au als. Persuadus iam vidv od mieno gnohsa iom « technic
questions » os ays manno mi dahsit sem rect uper eys kawu, io tobohr id document con me ed bilis
id in id nav quod brigh me tsay do London. Eet un simple sanscha narn – nayive tentative
posvoyage logbuk – quod se strohng ad relate dien pos dien tod sensto dekhschatic safer. Ne
sagviem verbatim transcribe id con ids redundaces ed obscuritats, bet quo saycsiem de id sessiet
kafi ad explie ma id volnenblosk protie ia flanks ios nav mi bihsit tem dusbohr quem stuppim mien
aurs med coton.

Johansen, al-hamdulillah, ne wois quant, quayque is hieb viden id citad ed iom monster. Bet ego
naiweti geussiem enpace swehpen sehgnend-ye de ia horrors teupend trans nies gwit, in space ed
wakt ; udwekwnend-ye ti balstohmt creatures gwohmt ex awa planetes, mers do iro drehm in
marbudmen, gnoht ab sem dyindars qui consecre im un coschmarisk cult ed gheide mukes i ep nies
globe ielgs kun un nov gischien alsiet ir cyclopean urb tiel diewo.

Id safer os Johansen hieb inkapt exact-ye kam is hieb narret id ibs admiraltatskwehrants. Id Emma,
in ballast, linkwus Auckland dien 20 Februar, hieb subihn id hol impact tos storm sekwos id
gischien quod sollit rehve ex margrund ia abominations qua befolkeer ia drehms im menscen ye tod
tid. Sarcus sien avarias, id schouner suafanzowit kun id buit attaquen ab id Alert, dien 22 Mart, ed
io khiss ia regrets ios dwoter styrmat in id passage os eys kawu relatend id bombardement ed id
seinken os eys nav. Johansen baht samt aschikar horror de iens mestissens ios yakht ed ir
abominable cult. Is descript iens samt besonters-ye repulsive traits, ayt ir destruction un elementar
dohlg, ed ingenue-ye staunti de id accusation os crueltat ios sokscommission adversus iompet ed
eys sokwis.

Pussiren ab curiositat, Johansen ed eysi yeudmi nakwohr iro route abord id kapen yakht. Mox, ies
dyohrc un hog petracolunn emergend uper ia flutts : ye 47°9' Sud latitude ed 120°43' West
longitude, arriveer uni un khayghian ex mixt mudh, ill ed wayzdic cyclopeano muraria ghehdt-yod
ses neid minter quem id tangible substance ios supreme terror Terras, id coschmarisk nayvcitad
R'lyeh , strugen millions yaren pre id inkapem nosters historia ab i mergist gigant creatures secreten
in deuska stars. Ter lyohg megil Cthulhu ed eys hordes, in id bund iren glend sudernd crypts, quois i
diffus bad, ye id termin om aunhissab cycles, brens qua spohr paur do ia drehms em sensible
menscens ed wohl i dyindars enderghende un pelgrinage om leuren ed restauration. Johansen
suspexit neid ex to, bet Div woid is vis to meg pior aus.

Suppono od tik sollit emerge ex wedor id hideuso citadell subkeihnd un aunhissab monolith, quer
megil Cthulhu eet begrabht. Quando sehgno de id extense os quanto ghehdt lantes in id bund ios
ocean, biwehno me nices aun kunges. Johansen ed eysi yeudmi spruv hayriene ant id cosmic
majestat tos rehnic Babylon struct ab awens demons. Solleer ghabe instinctive-ye od id ne bieygh
noster mund ni sem aumwict planete. Ir baysa face id enormitat iom subglend petrablocks, id
vertigineus hoge ios mierios grohft monolith ed id ubfallend samkwehkia iom statues ed iom
monumental anaglypts con id stragn idol trohft ep id Alert in ids kivot, to hol prehpti poignant-ye
samt dekhschat ye cada ligne ios description.

Aun gnohe jecto de futurisme, Johansen gwehmti maung prosch id quan is tolcti de id urb : vice
describe imara-on au terb-on, is privileget id general pondos immensen angulen ed surface –
excessive mae bayghent Terra – covohrt med hieroglyphs ed alya kafir kwiters. Udwekwno quo is
saycti de ia angules toghi mehmeiht un lafz os Wilcox dayir eys terrible drehms. Is yun sculptor
bahsit od id geometria os eys drohmen urb eet abnormal, non-euclidei, ed aghel-ye parkeipend
spheres ed dimensions witer niesi. Enod un non-cultiven naut hieb haben id sam pondos dyeind-ye
id terrifiant realitat.

Johansen ed eysi yeudmi liend ep uno melno kleitu tos mustring akropoli, ed bestigh sleubric-ye
gigant limontect blocks qua, albatta, hieb naiwo dughto ka drab mertims. Hatta id sol kwohk
dusformet trans ia polarisanta miasmas qua emaneer ex tod marlahn perversion ; un kriv menace lat
in ta desconcertant angules quer dwoter glanez revelit un concave surface menxu ye preter glanez id
kwohkit convexe.

Ies explorers oispruv un indefinible baysa hatta pre vidus alyo jecto quem rock, ill ed khaysaw. Ielg
habiet fugen sei ne habiet redwoit altern honn, ed protievol ies bipieursk – eti in vain – sem
souvenire tobehrtu.

Rodriguez, is Portughesche, glohm ka presto tiel id base ios monolith ed cricit sien aunstehgen.
Alters iom sohkweer, dyeind samt curiositat un immense dwer decoret med id familiar
octopodanaglypt. Uno mier horgniosdwer, iey Johansen. Quanti ghieb de quo lit dank id ornet lintel,
id soyl ed ia anetas ambi ; bet eet impossible woide an id kih horizontal-ye kam un trapdwer au
skeir kam id extrodwer uns kellar. Kay eme tsay ia lexis os Wilcox, id geometria eet abnormal : ne
eet yakin an mar ed land buir horizontal, yoitkwe id relative position ios hol reste kwohk fantastic-
ye variable.

Briden press id petra ep different stets aun resultat. Poskwo Donovan palpit delicate-ye ids
peripheria seniteipend-ye. Is glohm aunend engwn id grotesk moldure – yani quo bihiet kalen
glehme admittend-ye id object ne buit horizontal – ed ies wirs dieum od un tem vasto dwer ghohd
existe in id universe. Bad, meg mliak-ye, meg lent-ye, id topp ios immense panell introcess ; ies
ghieb id eet in tula.

Donovan slid we semkam se xud nitro engwn id aneta kay joine sien sokwis, dind prispohc id
bizarre sgumt ios mustring-ye grohft portal. Unte tod delirium os prismatic distorsion, id trohc
abnormal-ye dighmo, speit vasya loys om materia ed prospect.
Id ghyahsa revelit un quasi concreto temos. Tod teni eet druve-ye un positive qualitat idghi occultit
sem parts iom inner stenas qua habient dohlct ses visible. In fact, id sikw extro kam un dum pos ids
abadic karcerbehnden, obdeuskend id sol ye hoger id lud, lughav, unte id plaben om membraneus
ptergs in un stayg schrohnct swergos. Ex uno nuper ghyahnum anun spohr un dusbohr thamf, ed,
mox, is suauri Hawkins, credih kwahe un genis mergist gapleisker. Vasyi nauts akowsier. Eent dar
aurnd kun is monster stohmbh baveus-ye do vid ed forwaursit sien glend immensitat unte id swordo
dwervia tos iadic ed dement citad.

Id khat ios orm Johansen quasi collapsit kun is oiscripsit to. Is kehnst od dwo iom six wirs quoy
khiek do id nav nohc ob paur ye id balstohmen instant. Is monster eet indescriptible – neid lurhat
sagviet uperwehnde sold chaos os extermehmen ed heulend follia, tod hideus contradiction vasyen
loys om materia, energia ed cosmic aurdhen. O Deiwes ! Un ghyor ghieng we kwohlp. Kwe maght
bihe staunen od ye alter bors Terras uno megil architecte folliesc menxu is miser Wilcox delirit ob
feber ye id sam telepathic instant ? Id idolentitat, glend ed viskeus asternassel, sbud kay mutalbe
sien bayghmen. Ia stars eent iter ardehn, ed quo un aiwat cult hieb khaken kwehre eiskwmen-ye, to
un bande om innocent nauts hieb dughen accident-ye. Pos gheslo tusents yaren eet Cthulhu iter
leudher ed wehnosgheidend.

Tri wirs buir abfirschet ab ia slemba pods pre anghen hieb kafi wakt pro volge. Div ibs dahtu rahat,
sei est aiwo sem rahat in id universe. Eent Donovan, Guerrera ed Angstrom. Parker slid menxu ies
tri survivers precipiteer-se frenitic-ye kyid nav, trans id aunfin extense ex glendihn ghianshiek, ed
Johansen sigwrt is buit guraghen ab uno murariangule quod ne habiet sollt wehse ter : un acut
angule quod hieb sulouken kamsei id habiet est obtus. Tik Briden ed Johansen niek id canou ed
pelugwis-ye er tiel id Alert menxu is monster stighit ghom jabbar-ye ia stieupens ex sleibic petra,
dind kungit kun is wieber ana id wed.

Id pressem ne hieb est likwt ghom nespekent id asimat ios hol nieute ; oik secundes os reuschdrahsa
inter styr ed motors restars id yakht. Lent-ye, medsu ia contranatural horrors tos indescriptible
scene, id propeller bibiet id fatal wedor ; lakin, ep tod katel antiterra ripa, is glend sleibic
starenvlastar bavit ed oistiemmel, kam Polyphem balstehmend Odysseusios feugend vecel. Dind,
serbeser quem is legendar cyclop, megil Cthulhu slid leimoclika do ia flutts kay apterwaber, ayrndo
volns med id athime tempo siens cosmic stieure. Briden men, retrospehcus, bihsit foll, lambht ab un
strident gleimen, ed ne stopit glihes per crises hina mohrto rieb iom, semo noct, in id kayut quer
Johansen errit in delirium.

Johansen de ne tyohgvit katue. Ghabend is monster navaxiet sigwra id Alert pre id pressem habiet
nact sien pic, is desperat-ye viet ep sien nassib ; lancend ia motors ye plen steum, is rusch ep id
decko kam un blix ed invers id direction. Buit in id fetid wedor uno mier spoimic sreht, poskwo
menxu id pressem ieug aunstop, is serbese Norsko styrit sieno nav seid kyant sien gelatineus
persehkwer qui stieusit uper un duskweiter skum, kam id heck uns infernal galeon. Id dekhschatic
octopodcap samt convulgend tentacules niekit quasi id busprit ios robust yakht, yed Johansen
chargit aun kunges.

Buit un explosion os punct ball, uno mergist liquid sprohng-yod kam malefic slot ex un fiss
meunpisk, uno massengrabhthamf pehldend med cadavers, ed un swon is chroniquer ne eedehiet ep
papier. Id nav buit unte oin instanto stohrct ab un akri ed blindend subglendo nebh, dind etilikwit ne
meis quem un repugnant brehnen in id caud quer – Yallah!- so plastic entitat rewierdhit do sien
detestable orskeip, menxu id Alert, augus id pressem, gaissit syrat.

To buit hol. Poskwo, Johansen contentit-se med medite sombre-ye de id idol ios kayut we prepare
maigher chifans pro seswo ed iom foll qui cakhinit prokwem iom. Is neti eepeitneut oistyre pon sien
deursic fug, idghi reaction hiebit brohct semject in eys atmen. Gwohm id storm ios 2 Aprile, ed ia
nebhs obdusk eys conscience. Etileikwt un pondos os spectral dewer in aunfin liquid tehoms, om
vertigineus reidens ep un comete swayp bayna vankend universes, om exterauma mergens ex hayd
do inferno, pre fortrohcye ex luna do inferno, to hol vesseliht ab un cakhinant khor awen pervers ed
gigleihnden divs, ed em glend albus Tartarios, spoctic, samt ir baulptergs.

Ye id termin tos coschmar gwohm leudereihsa : id Vigilant, id admiraltatstribunal, ia strads os

Dunedin, ed id long reikvoyage do id veut hem pod id Egeberg. Is ne miegh sayge ject – is habiet
est crediht foll. Schowi scribiet quantum is wois pre mehre, bet ays gvibh dohlg gnohe neid. Mohrt
esiet un aunegal barakat yadi ghehdiet schiawkiene mehmens.

Talg eet id document io lis ; taiper ho skladen id do id jersten scattule con id anaglypt ed ia notes os
Pr. Angell. Ibs gwuntsiem tod bayan – schahidia miens wi mental sieune, quer biht encorrelationen
quo, spehm, naiweti bihsiet. Ho dyin quantum id universe ghehdt arehge ka horror ; hatta ia
werwaurns ed ia lientflors sessient neid meis quem poison pro me. Bet ne mehno mien gwit sessiet
meg long. Mien oncle hat sliten, kam is orm Johansen ; it ioschi sleitsiem. Woidim pior, ed id cult

Cthulhu isschi nagwivt, suppono, in tod petratehom quod behrgneut iom pon id tid kun id sol eet
yun. Eys balstohmto citad hat iter sohnken – id Vigilant hat fanzown uper tod sam stet, pos id Aprile
storm. Bet eysi supodehns ep Terra continuenti mugihes, caracole ed nices in ia apank locs, ambh ia
monoliths subkeihnd eys kip. Is sollt esus kapanen ab id naufrage menxu is wohs in sien kyehrsen
citadell, sonst, nun, id hol mund heuliet ob terror. Quel ghehdt previde id fin ? Quo hat surrecto
ghehdt endermerge, ed quo hat sohncto ghehdt iter surrege. d aghel intizart ed drehmt in anun, ed
smehrkos oispehrt uper ia vankend citads im menscen. Sem dien gwehmsiet – bet no, neti dehlgo ni
magho mehne ! Sei ne survivo tod kawu, pliehctu Warwn ke mien testamentar dostrictors, meilend
tadbir meis quem deursia, swekwehre mae pehdsiet ant alya okwi.

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