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22/02/2023, 17:41 Quiz 1 | Coursera

Quiz 1
Teste valendo nota • 30 min

Vencimento Feb 26, 11:59 PM -03

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Teste • 30Para
min ser aprovado 80% ou superior

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Vencimento  Feb 26, 11:59 PM -03

Tentativas  3 a cada 8 hours

of the following are absolutely necessary for creating a functioning shiny 1 / 1 ponto
app? (Check all that apply)
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Para ser aprovado  80% ou superior

Sua nota A shiny.R file containing calls to shinyServer() and shinyUI()


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A server.R file that sets configuration options for hosting the App
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A ui.R file containing a call to shinyUI()

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A server.R file containing a call to shinyServer()

https://www.coursera.org/learn/data-products/exam/a0uT1/quiz-1/attempt?redirectToCover=true 1/1

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