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Relatrio Anual

2010 Annual Report

Redao e edio Drafting and editing CL-A Comunicaes Projeto grfico Graphic design Kiko Farkas e Thiago Lacaz/ Mquina Estdio Traduo Translation Paul Crean Fotos Photos Arquivo ABCR Arquivo cedido pelas concessionrias Clvis Ferreira Edu Lopes Fernando Maia Francisco Vicente Infogrficos Infographics Gabriel Gianordoli

Relatrio Anual
Impresso Printing


Annual Report

Ipsis Grfica e Editora Papel Paper Suzano matte 150g/m2 (miolo /inside) Carto duo design 300g/m2 (capa /cover) Tiragem Circulation 2.700

Sumrio Summary

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Grandes nmeros do setor 5 Palavra do presidente 13 A estrutura do setor 19 A representao do setor 27 Desempenho no ano 37 nfase em segurana e conforto dos usurios 47 Desenvolvendo e aplicando novas tecnologias 57 Interao contnua com as comunidades 67 Desafios e perspectivas 77 Indicadores operacionais e financeiros 81

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Sectors highlights 5 Message from the president 13 The industry structure 19 Industry representation 27 Performance in the year 37 Emphasis on safety and user comfort 47 Developing and applying new technology 57 Continual interaction with communities 67 Challenges and perspectives 77 Operational and financial indicators 81

1. Grandes nmeros do setor (2006-2010) 1. Sectors highlights (2006-2010)

Item/Ano Iten/Year Concessionrias Associated Concessionaires Km administrados Extension granted (km) Fluxo de veculos Flow of vehicles Atendimentos a veculos Vehicles handled Valor arrecadado* Toll revenue Pagamento ao poder concedente* Payment to the conceding authority* Tributos recolhidos* Taxes collected* Investimento realizado* Applied investment* Despesa operacional* Operational expenses* Despesa financeira* Financial expenses* Supervit/dficit* Superavit/deficit*
(*) em milhes/in millions


























R$ 5.556,09

R$ 6.155,51

R$ 7.009,72

R$ 8.603,68

R$ 10.798,79

R$ 351,21

R$ 363,85

R$ 1.188,99

R$ 3.297,88

R$ 2.562,37

R$ 1.052,71

R$ 1.370,81

R$ 1.291,67

R$ 1.596,78

R$ 1.885,41

R$ 1.451,33

R$ 1.424,63

R$ 2.460,52

R$ 3.075,30

R$ 3.512,86

R$ 1.757,22

R$ 1.981,75

R$ 2.244,09

R$ 3.001,58

R$ 3.296,72

R$ 456,72

R$ 602,28

R$ 900,60

R$ 1.038,25

R$ 1.242,26

R$ 486,90

R$ 412,19

- R$ 1.076,15

- R$ 3.406,11

- R$ 1.700,83

53 empresas em 9 estados A Associao Brasileira de Concessionrias de Rodovias abcr rene 53 empresas privadas associadas, presentes em nove estados do Pas: Pernambuco, Bahia, Esprito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, So Paulo, Paran, Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul. 39.972 empregos gerados Em 2010, as 53 concessionrias empregaram 18.567 pessoas, geraram 8.481 empregos terceirizados e 12.924 nas empreiteiras e contratadas que
Grandes nmeros do setor

53 companies in 9 states The Brazilian Association of Highway Concessionaires abcr has 53 associated private companies and is at present in nine states throughout the Country: Pernambuco, Bahia, Esprito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, So Paulo, Paran, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. 39.972 jobs created In 2010, the 53 concessionaires employed 18.567 employees, generated 8.481 jobs in third parties and 12.924 in construction and other contractors working on the road system. 15.260 kilometers of highways The concessionaires operated 15.260 kilometers of highways, corresponding to approximately 7.2% of the national paved highway network, which has a total extension of 212.738 kilometers. This percentage may appear small, but the stretches conceded concentrated the flow of vehicles from the major producing regions, with a large movement of vehicles, both light and heavy.

realizam obras no sistema virio. 15.260 quilmetros de rodovias As concessionrias operam 15.260 quilmetros de rodovias, o que corresponde a aproximadamente 7,2% da malha rodoviria nacional pavimentada, com 212.738 quilmetros de extenso. O percentual parece pequeno, mas os trechos concedidos concentram o fluxo de veculos das grandes regies produtoras, com grande movimentao de veculos leves e pesados.

estados states


6 7
Sectors highlights

empresas companies

empregos gerados jobs created

km de rodovias highway km

R$ 12 bilhes de investimento De 2006 a 2010, as concessionrias privadas investiram aproximadamente R$ 12 bilhes em recuperao, ampliao e melhoria dos 15.260 quilmetros concedidos, dos quais R$ 3,5 bilhes apenas em 2010. 23 mil quilmetros de pavimentao e recapeamento Entre 2006 e 2010 foram pavimentados 1,1 mil quilmetros novos de rodovias, 21,4 mil quilmetros de pista foram recapeados, cerca de 1.089 quilmetros receberam acostamentos
Grandes nmeros do setor

US$ 6.3 billion in investments From 2006 to 2010, private concessionaires invested approximately US$ 6.3 billion in recovering, amplifying and improving the 15,260 kilometers conceded, US$ 2 billion of which was in 2010 23 thousand kilometers of paving and resurfing Between 2006 e 2010 1.1 thousand kilometers of new highways were paved, 21.4 thousand were resurfaced, approximately 1089 kilometers received new shoulders and 246 kilometers received a third lane in inclined stretches. Other major investments

novos e 246 quilmetros passaram a contar com a terceira faixa em trechos em aclive. Outros grandes investimentos As concessionrias construram 130 mil metros quadrados de pontes e viadutos, e reformaram 1,2 milho de metros quadrados dessas obras de arte j existentes quando assumiram a concesso. Os sistemas de drenagem, fundamentais para garantir uma direo segura em viagens com chuva, foram reformados em 1.433 mil metros lineares, e totalmente construdos quase 2.164 mil metros lineares. Para aumentar a segurana foram construdos 921 mil metros de defensas metlicas e 474 mil metros de barreiras de concreto. E construdas ou reformadas 553 passarelas para pedestres, enquanto 225.850 novas placas de sinalizao foram instaladas.

R$ 12 bi
de investimento in investments

130.000 m
de pontes e viadutos construdos bridges and catwalks built

The concessionaires constructed 130 thousand square meters of bridges and viaducts and reformed 1.2 million square meters of these works of art, which were already in existence, when they took over the concession.. The drainage systems, fundamental to guarantee safe driving in rainy conditions, were repaired. 1.433 thousand meters were repaired and 2,164 thousand meters totally reconstructed. With a view to increasing safety, 921 kilometers of metallic fenders were constructed and 474 thousand meters of concrete barriers were painted. Also, 553 pedestrian walkways were either constructed or reformed, and 225,850 new signs were installed.

8 9
Sectors highlights


23.000 km
de pavimentao e recapeamento paved and resurfaced

474.362 m
de barreiras de concreto of concrete barriers

R$ 7,2 bilhes em impostos Entre 2006 e 2010, o setor recolheu aos cofres pblicos R$ 7,2 bilhes, dos quais R$ 5,3 bilhes em tributos federais e R$ 1,9 bilho a 776 municpios (Imposto sobre Servios iss). R$ 34,82 milhes investidos em Responsabilidade Social Nos ltimos cinco anos, R$ 34,82 milhes foram destinados a programas sociais e ambientais, gerando benefcios para as comunidades situadas ao longo das rodovias.

US$ 3.7 billion in taxes Between 2006 and 2010, the sector paid in to the public coffers, US$ 3.7 billion, of which US$ 2.7 billion were federal taxes and US$ 1 billion were paid to municipalities (Service Tax iss). US$ 18.2 million invested in social programs In the last five years US$ 18.2 million were invested in social and environmental programs, benefiting communities bordering the highways. 8,482,149 vehicles were handled

R$ 7,2 bi
em impostos in taxes

Grandes nmeros do setor

8.482.149 veculos atendidos Nesses cinco anos, foram atendidos 8.482.149 veculos: mais de 4,2 milhes por pane mecnica (incluindo troca de pneus), e cerca de 3,4 milhes para remoes com utilizao de caminhes-guincho das concessionrias. O servio hoje realizado por 2.050 veculos, entre guinchos (476), ambulncias (352) e unidades de combate a incndios (67), e outros para prestao de assistncia ao usurio e manuteno do sistema. O monitoramento desses atendimentos realizado por 320 SAUs (bases de atendimento ao usurio) e 5.680 call boxes distribudos pelas rodovias administradas pelas concessionrias. Quase 5 mil quilmetros em fibra tica As concessionrias instalaram 4.963 quilmetros de cabos de fibra tica para utilizao na comunicao de dados do sistema e pelas cidades servidas pela rede viria.

During the last five years 8,482,149 vehicles were handled: more than 4.2 million due to mechanical failures (including change of tires) and over 3.4 million were for tow services, involving tow trucks of the concessionaires. These support services are at present provided by 2,050 vehicles, including cranes (476), ambulances (352), fire-fighting units (67), besides others involved in helping users or in system maintenance. The user handling is monitored by 320 sau (User Handling Units) and 5,680 call boxes, distributed throughout the highways administered by the concessionaires. Approximately 5 thousand kilometers of optic fiber The concessionaires laid 4,963 kilometers of optic fiber for use in data communication and throughout the cities served by the road network.

R$ 35 mi
em responsabilidade social in social programs

10 11
Sectors highlights

veculos atendidos vehicles handled

5.000 km
em fibra tica of optic fiber

2. Palavra do presidente 2. Message from the president

importante fator de desenvolvimento key development factor

Palavra do presidente

12 13
Message from the president

Moacyr Servilha Duarte


Diretor-Presidente Director-President of ABCR

Em 2011 entramos no sexto perodo de governo federal e quinto de governos estaduais aps o incio das concesses de rodovias, um processo que comeou em 1993, com as primeiras licitaes no mandato do presidente Itamar Franco, tendo como base legislao especfica criada na gesto do atual senador Jos Sarney. Essa continuidade, sob diferentes mandatos e siglas partidrias, mostra que o sistema de gesto privada de rodovias passou a ser reconhecido como importante fator no desenvolvimento da infraestrutura do Pas. Ao fecharmos 2010 com 53 concessionrias associadas e 52 em operao em nove estados brasileiros, empregando 39.972 colaboradores diretos e indiretos, e assegurando condies adequadas de trfego aos 4,5 bilhes de veculos que passaram nas diversas praas de pedgio nos ltimos cinco anos, reforamos a convico de estar prestando um servio pblico relevante para as pessoas e para a economia do Pas em todos os segmentos. Em que pesem as tentativas de incluir como negativo o tema das concesses e da cobrana da tarifa do pedgio em algumas campanhas eleitorais do ano findo, os brasileiros mostraram que, majoritariamente, respaldam a deciso dos governantes de adotar essa forma de ampliao e modernizao das rodovias. Tanto assim que o governo da presidente Dilma j comeou

In 2011 we entered into the sixth period of Federal Government and the fifth of State governments since the start of the highway concessions, a process that was initiated in 1993, with the first request for bids during the government of Itamar Franco, and continued with specific legislation created during the mandate of Senator Jos Sarney. This continuity, in different mandates and party symbols, shows that the private administration of highways became recognized as an important factor in the development of the Countrys infra-structure. At the close of 2010, with 53 associated concessionaires, 52 in operation in nine states, employing 39,972 direct and indirect collaborators and guaranteeing adequate traffic conditions for the 4.5 million vehicles that passed through the toll plazas during the last five years, we are convinced that we are providing an important public service to the population and to the economy of the Country, in all its segments. Despite the attempts to criticize concessions and the collection of tolls as part of some election campaigns, at the end of the year, Brazilians in their majority showed that they supported the government decision to adopt this form of expansion and modernization. So much so that the government of President Dilma already started discussing and evaluating the concession of new

Concessionrias e quilmetros concedidos (1995-2010) Concessionaires and kilometers of highway concessions (1995-2010)

Ano Year 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Concessionrias associadas Concessionaires in operation 4 4 6 31 31 35 36 36 36 36 36 37 38 46 52 53

Extenso concedida (km) Extension conceded (km) 748 748 926 8.299 8.299 9.705 9.843 9.843 9.843 9.843 9.843 9.849 10.221 12.851 15.138 15.260

14 15
Message from the president

A tendncia de transferncia de rodovias iniciativa privada deve se manter The trend to transfer highway management to private enterprises shall be continued

stretches and the adoption of different systems of public-private partnerships not yet adopted at federal level: the sponsored concession and the administrative concession. In this way we are going in the direction of a double general perception by society and by the government: The first perception is that Brazil has a very limited network of roads for its size (the smallest proportionally, amongst the 20 largest economies in the World). The second perception is that unless the responsibility for the administration and amplification of the existing network is transferred to the private sector, national development will be limited by the insufficient transport infra-structure. The shortage of resources to invest in the maintenance, amplification and improvement of the network of roads is not only a local problem, as was shown by the President of the United States in speech regarding the necessity to revamp and improve the interstate system, created during the fifties. The growth of the fleet of automobiles and cargo vehicles and the new technologies for the control and operation of highways, in addition to

discutindo e avaliando a concesso de novos trechos e a adoo de diferentes sistemticas de parceria pblico-privada ainda no adotadas no nvel federal: a concesso patrocinada e a concesso administrativa. Assim, estamos caminhando no sentido de uma dupla percepo geral pela sociedade e pelos governantes: a primeira que o Brasil dispe de uma rede rodoviria muito limitada para suas dimenses (a menor, proporcionalmente, entre as 20 maiores economias mundiais), e a segunda que, sem passar gesto privada a responsabilidade de administrar e ampliar parte significativa da rede existente, teremos o desenvolvimento limitado pela insuficiente infraestrutura de transportes. A escassez de recursos para investir na manuteno, ampliao e melhoria da malha rodoviria no apenas de nosso Pas, como mostrou o presidente dos Estados Unidos em discurso a respeito da necessidade de reformar e melhorar o sistema interstate, criado na dcada de 1950. O crescimento da frota de automveis e veculos de carga e as novas tecnologias de controle e operao de rodovias, associados

exigncia de maiores recursos financeiros para setores sociais como educao, sade e aposentadoria, alm de justia e segurana, vm limitando a possibilidade de ampliar os meios de natureza tributria para rodovias em todo o mundo. A expanso de 7,5% do Produto Interno Bruto (pib) do Pas em 2010 e as vendas recordes do setor automotivo, representadas por veculos de passeio e carga, nibus e tambm motos, exercem presso adicional para que sejam ampliados os investimentos em rodovias, evitando o que os profissionais do setor costumam chamar de apago logstico. O crescimento da renda, por outro lado, amplia a circulao de veculos leves e o volume de carga a ser transportado por rodovias sem prejuzo da necessria expanso de outros modais para as cargas que lhes so prprias e promove mais turismo rodovirio, exigindo melhorias, novos trechos e duplicaes, alm de aperfeioamentos na segurana e na fiscalizao.

the increased demands for financial resources by the education, health and retirement sectors and for justice and safety, has limited the possibility of amplifying taxation as a source of funds for highways, throughout the World. The expansion of 7.5% in the Gross National Product (pib) of Brazil in 2010 and the record sales by the automobile sector, both of passenger and cargo vehicles, buses and motorcycles bring extra pressure to bear to amplify investment in highways, to avoid what the professionals refer to as a logistic blackout. The increase in income, on the other hand, increases the circulation of light vehicles and the volume of cargo transported on highways without forgetting the necessary expansion of other modes and their respective cargos- and the promotion of more highway tourism, requiring improvements, new stretches and duplications, besides improvements in safety and surveillance. The approval of Brazil as the headquarters of the World Soccer Championship in 2014 and the Olympic Games in 2016 will bring additional challenges for the Country which will need to amplify all its infra-structure, including highways,

Palavra do presidente

Concesso assegura melhores rodovias Concessions garantees better highways

16 17
Message from the president

due the estimate that at least 500 thousand tourists will accompany these events, besides the millions of Brazilians who will circulate internally. We need therefore to accelerate the process of improving and expanding our highway network, and the private sector is ready to participate actively in these investments, as our associates have shown. At present, as shown in this report, there exists a business segment which is ready to take on Mito/Mith the challenge; this is made up of Deveria haver menos open or closed capital companies, praas de pedgio big, medium or small who have There should be less been investing since the start of toll booths their activity in the development and absorption of new technologies Fato/Fact for the operation of highways. Maior nmero de praas They stimulate the surge of dozens de pedgio reduz custo of suppliers of signaling and para cada usurio construction materials, of auxiliary More toll booths reduce services which made possible the cost for each road user formation of new professionals specialized in the different functions which exist in the system. As a result, Brazil has all the know-how necessary for the proper maintenance and operation of highways, and can advance rapidly in the improvement of the highway system. On the other hand, it is necessary that the new government promotes good quality feasibility studies for new projects, resisting the tendency to always invest the already scarce resources in answer to some immediate problem, instead of applying them in studies that will prepare the way in the future for projects of concession of stretches

A aprovao do Brasil como sede da Copa Mundial de Futebol em 2014 e das Olimpadas em 2016 coloca desafios adicionais para o Pas na ampliao de toda a sua infraestrutura, incluindo a rodoviria, pois estima-se que pelo menos 500 mil turistas estrangeiros viro acompanhar esses eventos, ao lado dos milhes de brasileiros que vo se locomover internamente. Precisamos, pois, acelerar o processo de melhoria e expanso de nossa rede rodoviria, e o setor privado est disposto a participar ativamente desses investimentos, como nossas associadas vm demonstrando. Existe hoje, como evidencia este Relatrio, um segmento empresarial preparado para assumir o desafio: so empresas de capital aberto ou fechado, grandes, mdias e pequenas, que vm investindo desde o incio de sua atividade no desenvolvimento e na absoro de novas tecnologias de operao de rodovias. Elas estimulam o surgimento de dezenas de fornecedores de materiais de sinalizao e construo, de servios auxiliares, e possibilitaram a formao de novos profissionais especializados para as diferentes funes existentes no sistema. Com isso, o Brasil dispe hoje de todo o conhecimento necessrio para a adequada manuteno e operao de rodovias, e pode avanar mais rapidamente no aperfeioamento do sistema rodovirio. necessrio, por outro lado, que os novos governantes se disponham a promover estudos de viabilidade de boa qualidade para novos projetos, vencendo a tendncia de sempre investir os recursos, que so escassos, em alguma carncia

Palavra do presidente

Novas obras de engenharia melhoram o sistema rodovirio New constructions improove road network

Licenciamento de veculos novos New vehicles licensed

2010 Autos/ Automobiles Comerciais leves/Light trucks Caminhes/Trucks nibus/Buses Subtotal Motos/Motorcycles Total
Fonte/Source: Anfavea, Abraciclo

2009 Variaes/Increase 2.474.764 533.978 109.873 22.625 3.141.240 1.579.197 4.720.437 6,90% 28,10% 43,50% 25,60% 11,90% 15,13% 12,98%

2.644.704 684.242 157.696 28.422 3.515.064 1.818.181 5.333.245

imediata, ao invs de aplic-los num estudo que ir embasar, no futuro, o projeto de concesso de trechos de rodovias para a administrao privada. A criao pelo bndes em 2009, em conjunto com um grupo de bancos, da empresa Estruturadora Brasileira de Projetos (ebp) para realizar esses estudos de viabilidade, que ainda no se transformaram em projetos implantados, pode ser uma das formas de atender a essa necessidade, com os custos sendo reembolsados pela concessionria do trecho, quando a licitao for definida. Estudos de viabilidade so fundamentais e precisam ser bem elaborados para que, a partir do fluxo de veculos projetado e da correta localizao das praas de pedgio se possa, com base numa tarifa-teto, estimar com o mximo de preciso a receita que possibilite as melhorias a serem realizadas. Estamos no caminho certo. Precisamos apenas acelerar os investimentos no setor de rodovias em todo o Pas, eliminando gargalos e garantindo maior segurana. E a iniciativa privada est disposta a continuar assumindo e honrando parte significativa desse desafio. So Paulo, 20 de junho de 2011

of highways for private administration. The creation of Estrutura Brasileira de Projetos (ebp) in 2009, by bndes, im conjunction with a group of banks, to carry out these feasibility studies, which have not yet been transformed into implanted projects, may be one of the ways to serve this necessity, with the costs being reimbursed by the concessionaires of the stretch, when the bidding process has been finalized. Feasibility studies are fundamental and need to be well prepared so that starting with the projected vehicle flow and the correct location of the toll plazas it is possible, based on a ceiling tariff, to estimate with maximum precision, the revenue necessary which would enable the improvements to be completed. We are on the right track. We need only to accelerate investments in the highway sector throughout the Country, eliminating the bottlenecks and guaranteeing greater safety. Private enterprise is ready to continue to bear and honor a significant part of this challenge. So Paulo, June 20th, 2011

3. A estrutura do setor 3. The industry structure

recursos vinculados e servios aos usurios focused resources and services for users
A estrutura do setor

18 19
The industry structure

Foco a prestao de servios de qualidade Quality services is the main focus

Aps 16 anos de concesso no Brasil o cenrio inicial, quando as empresas de fim especfico criadas para operar as rodovias tinham sua origem basicamente na indstria da construo pesada, foi substancialmente alterado. Atualmente o setor formado por empresas operadoras, cujo foco a prestao de servios de qualidade aos usurios dos trechos por elas administrados. Sua misso envolve a realizao de obras de engenharia, porm consiste, sobretudo, em operar as rodovias, mantendo-as em condies adequadas de segurana, fluidez e conforto para usurios, sejam os particulares, sejam os de transporte de passageiros e de cargas. A composio funcional das equipes empregadas pelas concessionrias de rodovias deixa claro esse foco na prestao de servios. Ao lado dos profissionais das reas de engenharia e construo, responsveis pela manuteno e recuperao do pavimento e da sinalizao, se encontram administradores, operadores de sistemas, equipes de superviso de pista, arrecadadores de pedgio, comunicadores, ouvidores e profissionais de atendimento pr-hospitalar e mecnico, entre outras reas, muitas das quais se desenvolveram ou at mesmo surgiram com o crescimento das concesses.

After 16 years of concessions in Brazil, the initial scene, whereby the companies created specifically to operate highways originated basically from the heavy construction industry, has suffered substantial alteration. At present the sector is made up of operating companies whose aim is to provide high quality service to the users of the stretches which they manage. Although its mission includes carrying out engineering works, it primarily consists of operating highways, ensuring adequate conditions of safety, flow and comfort for the users, be they private individuals or transporters of passengers or cargo. This concentration on service is evidenced by the functional make up of the teams employed by the highway concessionaires. Professionals from the areas of engineering and construction responsible for maintenance and recuperation of paving and signaling, work side-by-side with administrators, system operators, track supervisors, toll collectors, communicators, ombudsmen, paramedics and mechanics, amongst others, many of whom first appeared or flourished with the growth of the concessionaires. Varied capital structures The 53 highway concessionaires existing at the end of 2010 are made up of three main groups. The

20 21
The industry structure

first group consists of four open capital holding companies (ccr, EcoRodovias, ohl and tpi), which control or participate in more than three concessions each. The shares of these companies are regularly traded on the Brazilian Stock Exchange and in some cases on stock exchanges outside Brazil.They have thousands of individual shareholders as well as corporate investors and investment funds. Due to this capital structure, besides looking after the interests of the users, the companies need to have a firm policy of transparency, corporate governance, a good reputation, in order that their shares are readily accepted by analysts and investors. The second group is made up of five large organizations, without traded share capital but equally representative, who control two or more (BRVias, Bertin, Equipav, Invepar e Oderbrecht Transport) totalizing 14 concessionaires. The third group is made up of concessionaires with different medium size shareholders, with no connections with the other two groups. As to the type of concession, 51 administer concessions which are auto sustainable, where the revenue from the toll is applied to investments, maintenance, operation and other disbursements. The other two are public-private-partnerships (ppp), in the sponsored concession mode, whereby the

Diversas estruturas de capital As 53 concessionrias de rodovias existentes no final de 2010 compem trs grupos principais. O primeiro constitudo por quatro holdings de capital aberto (ccr, EcoRodovias, ohl e tpi), que controlam ou participam de mais de trs concesses cada uma, no total de 25 concessionrias. So empresas com aes negociadas regularmente na Bolsa de Valores brasileira e, em alguns casos, tambm nas congneres do exterior, que contam com milhares de acionistas individuais, ao lado de empresas e fundos. Nessas condies, alm de atender bem aos usurios, elas precisam ter uma slida poltica de transparncia, governana corporativa e boa reputao, para que suas aes mantenham aceitao do mercado, entre os analistas e investidores. O segundo grupo formado por outras cinco grandes organizaes, sem aes negociadas em Bolsa, mas igualmente representativas, e controladoras de duas ou mais empresas (BRVias, Bertin, Equipav, Invepar e Odebrecht Transport), no total de 14 concessionrias. E o terceiro grupo constitudo tambm por 14 concessionrias, de porte mdio e com diferentes acionistas, sem vinculao com os outros dois grupos.

conceding authority (state governments, in both instances) subsidizes part of the costs resulting from the concession. Fourteen concessions are federal, 38 are state (including federal highways delegated to the states) and one municipal. The main differential: targeted resources and attention to users The main characteristics of these operators is that, even when controlled by a holding, each one is responsible for a predetermined stretch of highway, has autonomous management and its own technical staff, a contract with clearly defined obligations, focused on the efficient operation of the conceded stretch, besides good handling of the users.

Socorro com ambulncias prestado aos usurios Rescue with ambulance is served for users

No que respeita ao tipo de concesso, 51 administram concesses de rodovias autossustentveis, em que a receita da tarifa do pedgio aplicada em investimentos, manuteno, operao e outros desembolsos. As outras duas so parceria pblico-privada (ppp), na modalidade concesso patrocinada, em que o poder concedente (governos estaduais nos dois casos) subsidia parte dos custos incorridos no objeto da concesso. So 14 concesses federais, 38 estaduais (incluindo rodovias federais delegadas aos estados) e uma municipal. O grande diferencial: recursos dirigidos e ateno a usurios A principal caracterstica dessas operadoras que, mesmo quando controladas por uma holding, cada uma delas responsvel por determinado trecho de rodovia, tem uma gesto autnoma e pessoal tcnico especializado prprio, contrato com obrigaes claramente definidas, e foco exclusivamente voltado para a eficiente operao do trecho concedido, alm do bom atendimento aos usurios. Plano de longo prazo, foco no trecho administrado, receita vinculada a uma operao especfica, agilidade na deciso e na sua execuo, prestao de atendimento eficiente e informao aos usurios representam, em suma, as principais caractersticas de uma operadora de rodovias. Como empresas de propsito especfico (epe), as concessionrias concentram no mbito da concesso tanto as receitas auferidas quanto os desembolsos efetuados. Em 2010, dos R$ 12,5 bilhes de desembolsos do conjunto das

A estrutura do setor

Concedente/nmero de concesses Conceder/number of concessions Governo Federal/Federal Government


So Paulo

Controle das empresas Companies control

grupos com aes em Bolsa groups with shares on the Stock Exchange grupos sem ao em Bolsa groups without quoted shares diversos acionistas sundry shareholders


Minas Gerais 2

14 25 14

Rio Grande do Sul 1


Esprito Santo

Rio de Janeiro [estado/state]



Rio de Janeiro [municpio/city]


Pernambuco 2

1. Seis concesses se encontram em vias de devoluo ao Governo Federal. Six concessions are about to be returned to the Federal Government. 2. Concesso patrocinada (ppp)/Sponsored concession (ppp)

Desembolsos totais das concessionrias R$ 12,5 bilhes Total disbursements by the concessionaires US$ 7.1 billion
investimentos investments despesas operacionais operational expenses pagamento ao poder concedente payments to conceder tributos taxes A estrutura do setor despesas financeiras financial expenses

9,9% 15,1% 28,1%

contribuinte significativo para os cofres pblicos, mediante o pagamento de elevadas somas em tributos diretos e indiretos. Comunicao com usurios In addition to the investments, to the important benefits accruing to the users and to the flow of goods and services in the regions which they administer, the highway operators constitute an significant autonomous group of entrepreneurs who generate employment, economic and technological activities, besides contributing significantly to public finances, through the payment of large sums in direct and indirect taxes. Communication with the users The provision of information and the rendering of services to the user starts before they begin to use the highway in question. All the concessionaires maintain sites where it is possible to get to know the stretch under concession, the principal works in progress and the services offered. In addition, there are ombudsmen and client handling services to clear up any doubts on the part of those who will use the highway, have used it in the past or are using it at present. The concessionaires with the larger volume of traffic also monitor the highway, in real time, on their sites, which allows the user to plan his trip better. Publications containing information for the users are edited by the concessionaires, with a combined circulation that in 2010 exceeded ten million copies which were distributed gratuitously at the toll plazas and other points along each stretch of highway. Besides giving information about the highways, these publications are important promoters of tourism for the regions which they cover.



22 23
The industry structure

A long term plan, focus on the stretch administered, revenue tied to a specific operation, agility in decision making and resulting action, efficient user handling and user information portray, in short, the principal characteristics of the highway operator. As a special purpose enterprise (epe), the concessionaires confine most of its revenues and disbursements within the area of the concession. In 2010, of the US$ 7.1 billion of disbursements of the group of concessionaires, approximately one third (28.1%) was destined for investments and 26.4% for operating expenses required to maintain the highways in ideal conditions of safety and traffic. The rest of the resources were destined to cover financial costs, federal taxes, municipal service tax (issqn) and when applicable, the burden of the concession. As a result, while federal investment in highways were subject to limitations up to 2008, only increasing in 2009 and 2010 due to investments in the pac (Accelerated Growth Plan), private investments by the operators were continuous, growing from US$ 437.7 million, in 1999, to US$ 2 billion, in 2010, or more than US$ 11.4 billion since the start of the program.

concessionrias, cerca de um tero (28,1%) foram destinados a investimentos e 26,4% s despesas operacionais requeridas para manter as rodovias em condies ideais de trfego e segurana. O restante dos recursos se destinou a cobrir os custos financeiros, ao pagamento dos tributos federais e ao recolhimento do Imposto sobre Servios (issqn) e, quando o caso, do nus da concesso. Como resultado, enquanto os investimentos federais em rodovias sofreram fortes limitaes at 2008, crescendo apenas em 2009 e 2010 pelas obras do pac, os investimentos privados das operadoras foram contnuos, evoluindo de R$ 794,5 milhes, em 1999, para R$ 3,5 bilhes, em 2010, e perfazendo mais de R$ 22,4 bilhes desde o incio do programa. Ao lado do volume de investimentos e dos importantes benefcios proporcionados aos usurios e para o fluxo de bens e servios nas regies que administram, as operadoras de rodovias constituem um segmento empresarial autnomo importante, gerador de empregos, atividades econmicas e tecnologia, alm de

A informao e a prestao de servios aos usurios comeam mesmo antes da entrada destes na rodovia concedida. Todas as concessionrias dispem de sites onde possvel conhecer o trecho sob concesso, as principais obras em execuo e os servios oferecidos. Adicionalmente existem servios de ouvidoria e atendiMito/Mith mento que respondem s duvidas As concessionrias de quem vai utilizar, usou ou est deveriam controlar usando a rodovia. As concesinfraes de trnsito sionrias com maior volume de Concessionaries should trfego tambm pem dispocontrol traffic violations sio, em seu site, o acompanhamento em tempo real da Fato/Fact rodovia, o que permite ao usurio As concessionrias no programar melhor sua viagem. tm poder de polcia Publicaes de informao Concessionaires have aos usurios so editadas not police authority pelas concessionrias, com uma tiragem conjunta que em 2010 superou dez milhes de exemplares, distribudos gratuitamente nas praas de pedgio e em outros pontos ao longo de cada trecho. Alm de prestarem informaes sobre as rodovias, essas publicaes so importantes promotoras do turismo para as regies por elas abrangidas.

Tributos pagos (R$ milhes) Taxes paid (R$ million)

2006 Federais/Federal Municipais/Municipal Total 781,955 270,756 1.052,711

2007 1.077,995 292,813 1.370,808

2008 936,333 355,336 1.291,669

2009 1.169,020 427,764 1.596,784

2010 1.331,837 553,570 1.885,407

Mapa das concesses de rodovias Map of highway concessions



Pernambuco Rota dos Coqueiros (7 km) Bahia Bahia Norte (122 km) cln (217 km) Minas Gerais

Paran Caminhos do Paran (406 km) Ecocataratas (459 km) Econorte (342 km) Ecovia (175 km) RodoNorte (568 km) viapar (546 km)



Nascentes das Gerais (371 km) Esprito Santo Rodosol (68 km) Rio de Janeiro lamsa (20 km) Rota 116 (138 km)

Rio Grande do Sul Brita (142 km) Convias (191 km) Coviplan (250 km) Metrovias (534 km) Rodosul (133 km) Santa Cruz (209 km) Sulvias (329 km) Concesses federais

A estrutura do setor


24 25
The industry structure

Belo Horizonte


ViaLagos (57 km) So Paulo AutoBAn (317 km) Autovias (316 km) cart (444 km) Centrovias (218 km) Colinas (307 km) Ecopistas (135 km) Ecovias dos Imigrantes (177 km) Intervias (376 km) Renovias (345 km) RodoAnel (30km) Federal concessions Autopista Ferno Dias (562 km) Autopista Fluminense (320 km) Autopista Litoral Sul (382 km) Autopista Planalto Sul (413 km) Autopista Rgis Bittencourt (402 km) Concepa (121 km) Concer (180 km) crt (143 km) Ecosul (624 km) NovaDutra (402 km) Ponte S.A. (23 km) Rodovia do Ao (200 km) Transbrasiliana (322 km) viabahia (680 Km)



So Paulo

Rio de Janeiro



Rodovias do Tiet (406 km) Rota das Bandeiras (290 km) SPVias (506 km) tebe (156 km) Tringulo do Sol (442 km) Vianorte (237 km) ViaOeste (169 km) ViaRondon (331 km)

Porto Alegre

4. A representao do setor 4. Industry representation

informaes e representao do setor information and sectors representation

A representao do setor

26 27
Industry representation

A Associao Brasileira de Concessionrias de Rodovias abcr desde sua constituio, em junho de 1996, atua na promoo do desenvolvimento do setor e na defesa de suas associadas em harmonia com os interesses nacionais. Essa atuao, prevista em seus estatutos, envolve a divulgao de informaes e a participao no estudo, encaminhamento e discusso de todos os aspectos institucionais, 53 associadas operacionais, legais e tecnoladministram gicos das concesses de rodovias 7,2% da malha e, de modo mais abrangente, do rodoviria setor de logstica e infraestrutura 53 associates rodoviria nacional. admnistrate Em 2010 as 53 associadas 7.2% of the abcr estavam presentes em country road net todos os estados do Sudeste e Sul do Pas e em dois do Nordeste, num total de nove, mesmo nmero do ano anterior: Pernambuco, Bahia, Esprito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, So Paulo, Paran, Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul. Sediada na capital de So Paulo, a abcr atende s associadas dessas regies diretamente e por meio de suas diretorias regionais no Paran/ Santa Catarina e no Rio Grande do Sul. Embora as associadas, em seu conjunto, administrem trechos que representam apenas cerca de 7,2% da malha rodoviria nacional pavimentada, por eles circula grande parte da

Since its inception in June of 1996, the Brazilian Association of Highway Concessionaires abcr has been involved in promoting the development of the sector and in the defense of its associates, in harmony with national interests. This activity, included in its statutes, involves information disclosure and the participation in the study, forwarding and discussing all institutional, operational, legal and technological aspects of highway concessions and in a more general fashion, logistics and the national highway infra-structure. During 2010 the 53 affiliates of abcr were present in all the states in the Southeast and South of the Country and in two in the Northeast, to a total of nine, the same figure as last year; Pernambuco, Bahia, Espirito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, So Paulo, Paran, Santa Catarina and Rio de Janeiro. With headquarters in So Paulo capital, the abcr deals with its affiliates both directly and through its regional directorates in Paran/Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. Although the associates together, administer stretches totaling in extension, to only 7,2% of the national paved road network, a large part of the transportation of the natural riches of the Country and much of the tourism is concentrated in this area, which brings with it a high degree of responsibility for the adequate maintenance and operation of the highways covered by the concession. The

Sectors Mission Offer highways in good conditions of safety, flow and comfort to users and for the disposal of the national production ABCR objectives Defend the interests of the affiliates in a manner compatible with the national interests; Promote harmonious relations amongst affiliates and between these and public authorities; Encourage and collaborate with the technological and operational advancement of the affiliates; Establish coordinated actions with other class entities, principally concessionaires of public utilities, in the achievement of common business objectives; Promote interchange with international business associations with similar objectives and with public financial agencies, both national and international; Orient affiliates with regard to the interpretation of legal or tax questions.

Misso do Setor Oferecer rodovias em condies adequadas de segurana, fluidez e conforto para os usurios e para o escoamento da produo nacional. Objetivos da ABCR Defender os interesses das associadas de forma compatvel com o interesse nacional; Promover a harmonia das relaes entre as associadas e destas com o poder pblico; Incentivar e colaborar para o avano tecnolgico e operacional das associadas; Estabelecer aes coordenadas com outras entidades de classe, principalmente concessionrias de servios pblicos, para a consecuo dos objetivos empresariais comuns; Promover o intercmbio com associaes empresariais estrangeiras de objetivos similares e com agncias pblicas de financiamento, nacionais e internacionais; Prestar orientao s associadas quanto interpretao de questes jurdicas e tributrias.
Com as concesses, melhores rodovias, melhor transporte With concessions, better highways, better transportation

28 29
Industry representation

A representao do setor

exercise of this responsibility, which is supervised by the conceding authorities (Federal, State and Municipal governments) directly or by means of regulatory agencies, is also permanently monitored by the abcr, which seeks a continual exchange of information, as well as technical and operational improvement of the sector. In association with international counterparts ibtta International Bridge Tunnel and Turnpike Association and irf International Road Federation and also its Brazil, abcr actively participates in major international meetings and receives and conveys information on innovations and achievements in other countries. It also encourages the concessionaires to participate in the international contests promoted by ibtta, for the best actions developed by highways around the World, in which Brazilian companies in the sector have collected important awards.

riqueza do Pas e boa parcela do turismo, o que confere a elas alta responsabilidade pela adequada manuteno e operao das rodovias concedidas. O exerccio dessa responsabilidade, que supervisionado pelos poderes concedentes (governos federal, estaduais e municipal), diretamente ou por meio das agncias reguladoras, tambm objeto de permanente acompanhamento da abcr, que busca a contnua troca de informaes e o aperfeioamento tcnico-operacional do setor. Associada s congneres internacionais ibtta International Bridge Tunnel and Turnpike Association e irf International Road Federation, e tambm its Brasil, a abcr participa ativamente dos principais encontros mundiais do setor, recebe e veicula informaes sobre as inovaes e realizaes em outros pases. Incentiva tambm as concessionrias a participar dos concursos internacionais promovidos pela ibtta para as melhores aes desenvolvidas

por rodovias de todo o mundo, no qual as empresas brasileiras do setor tm colhido importantes prmios. Da mesma forma, a abcr acompanha e estimula a prestao de informaes aos usurios e a realizao de aes socioambientais de suas associadas, que tm realizado um destacado trabalho nesse campo, particularmente nas reas educacional, de sade, cultura, assistncia social e mitigaes ambientais. As informaes gerais sobre o setor e suas conexes com o restante da malha rodoviria brasileira so apresentadas no Portal abcr (www. abcr.org.br), que se tornou um servio pblico significativo e que, em funo de seu sucesso, est sendo reformulado para lanamento de uma formaMito/Mith tao mais moderna em 2011. Os governos s privatizam as melhores rodovias Estrutura da ABCR Governments privatize only the best highways A entidade conta, desde sua fundao, com a particiFato/Fact pao ativa dos dirigentes das A maior parte das associadas, e com o apoio de um rodovias concedidas corpo tcnico e administrativo. estava em pssimo Sua instncia maior de deciso estado a Assembleia Geral, onde The majority of roads esto representadas todas as 53 privatized were in associadas e que, alm de definir poor conditions as linhas de atuao da entidade,

In similar fashion, the abcr monitors and encourages the provision of information to users and the undertaking of social-environmental actions by its affiliates, who have done an outstanding job in this field, particularly in the areas of education, health, culture, social assistance and environmental mitigations. General information on the sector and its connections with the rest of the Brazilian highway network can be found in the abcr website (www. abcr.org.br) which has become a valuable public service and which, because of its success, is being reformulated with a view to re-launching, in a more modern format, in 2011. The Structure of the ABCR Since its foundation the entity has been able to count on the active participation of the directors of the affiliates and on the support of a technical and administrative staff. Its principal decision taking body is the General Assembly, with representatives of all 53 affiliates which, besides defining the lines of action of the entity, elects the Board of Directors, with a two year mandate. The present directors took office in 2011. The Board of Directors consists of the Director-President, eight Vice presidents and the Regional Directors of Paran/Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul

Evoluo comparativa do ndice ABCR Comparative evolution of the ABCR Index

A representao do setor

The activities of management are monitored by an Advisory Board and by a Fiscal Council. Studies and themes of general interest, new proposals and appraisals are developed with the cooperation of professionals from the affiliates, through 10 thematic committees, of which nine were active in 2010. The abcr works in close collaboration with the National Union of Highways, Arterials, Bridges and Tunnels, formed in 2007 and affiliated to the National Transport Confederation (cnt). In this way, work relations are treated in Sincrod,

elege a Direo Geral com mandato de dois anos, tendo-se iniciado em 2011 a atual gesto. Essa Direo Geral composta pelo diretor-presidente, por oito diretores vice-presidentes e pelos diretores regionais do Paran/Santa Catarina e do Rio Grande do Sul. O acompanhamento das atividades de gesto feito por um Conselho Consultivo e um Conselho Fiscal. Os estudos e temas de interesse geral, novas propostas e avaliaes so desenvolvidos com a colaborao de profissionais das associadas

160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 mar-02 jul-02 nov-02 mar-03 jul-03 nov-03 mar-04 jul-04 nov-04 mar-05 jul-05 nov-05 mar-06 jul-06 nov-06 mar-07 jul-07 nov-07 mar-08 jul-08 nov-08 mar-09 jul-09 nov-09 mar-10 jul-10 nov-10 mar-11

Evoluo do ndice ABCR em 2010 Evolution of the ABCR Index in 2010

Leves/Light Brasil Paran Rio de Janeiro So Paulo Rio Grande do Sul 6,8% 10,6% 3,3% 8,4% 12,9%

Pesados/Heavy 11,4% 11,8% 8,0% 15,2% 11,9%

Total 7,9% 11,0% 4,0% 10,1% 12,6%

30 31
Industry representation

Veculos leves Light vehicles

Veculos pesados Heavy vehicles

Massa salarial Wage sum

Produo industrial Industrial production

which besides the Commission for Work Policy and Relationships can count on two committees: Human Resources and Work Safety. Besides the highway concessionaires, Sincrod has as associates, investors and service providers linked to the controllers, to the total of 65 associates, as at December 2010. Information for the public The abcr Activity Index, published on the 10th day of each month showed, during 2010, an evolution of 7.9% in the total traffic of vehicles, 6.8% in that of light vehicles and of 11.4% in the movement of heavy vehicles, reflecting the strong growth of the Brazillian economy in the year. Prepared jointly with Tendencia Consultoria Integrada, starting with the flow of vehicles on the toll highways in four states; So Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Paran and Rio Grande do Sul, the abcr index is being increasingly used. As years go by, the importance of the index in the analysis of the Brazilian economy is growing, since it is published quickly and correlates with many other economic indicators. While information concerning light vehicles is more related to

por meio de 10 comits temticos, dos quais nove atuantes em 2010. A abcr trabalha em estreita colaborao com o Sindicato Nacional das Concessionrias de Rodovias, Vias Urbanas, Pontes e Tneis Sincrod, criado em 2007 e afiliado Confederao Nacional do Transporte (cnt). Com isso, os temas de relaes de trabalho so tratados no mbito do Sincrod que, alm de uma Comisso de Poltica e Relaes de Trabalho, conta com dois comits: de Recursos Humanos e Segurana do Trabalho. Alm das concessionrias de rodovias, o Sincrod tambm tem como filiados investidores e prestadoras de servios vinculadas s controladoras, num total de 65 associadas, em dezembro de 2010. Informaes sociedade O ndice abcr de Atividade, divulgado at o dia 10 de cada ms, mostrou durante 2010 uma evoluo de 7,9 % no trfego total de veculos, de 6,8% no de veculos leves, e de 11,4% no movimento de veculos pesados, como reflexo do forte crescimento da economia brasileira no ano. Preparado em conjunto com a Tendncias Consultoria

Integrada, a partir do fluxo de veculos nas estradas concedidas em quatro estados: So Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Paran e Rio Grande do Sul, o ndice abcr vem sendo usado de forma crescente. O passar dos anos mostrou sua grande relevncia na anlise conjuntural da economia brasileira, uma vez que rapidamente O ndice ABCR divulgado e se correlaciona com acompanha de muitos outros indicadores econperto outros micos antecedentes. Enquanto indicadores a informao sobre veculos econmicos leves est mais relacionada ao The ABCR Index mercado de trabalho (emprego follows closely e massa salarial), o fluxo de other important pesados considerado como um economic dos principais indicadores para a indexes produo industrial. Exceo feita ao Rio Grande do Sul, os indicadores regionais mostram em todos os estados a mesma tendncia, com forte crescimento do movimento de veculos pesados e menor de leves, obviamente repercutido no ndice nacional. O crescimento do fluxo de veculos consequncia do aumento significativo da renda e do emprego no Brasil em 2010, afirma o economista Juan Jensen, da Tendncias Consultoria.

the employment market (employment and wages), the flow of heavy ones is considered as one of the principal indicators of industrial production The regional indicators show the same tendencies in every state, with strong growth in the movement of heavy vehicles and less in that of the light ones, obviously reflected in the national indexes. The increase in the flow of vehicles is a consequence of the significant increase in income and employment in Brazil in 2010, says economist Juan Jensen of Tendncia Consultoria. Institutional communication The abcr maintains a permanent flow of information directly to the public, through the abcr Portal, and indirectly through the media. Important communication vehicles in Brazil-newspapers, magazines, radios, TVs and sites gave ample informative coverage to the sector, carrying, among others, interviews with the President of abcr and with the Regional Directors. The abcr News Agency interviewed various representatives of the sector. In 2010 the portal of the entity showed interviews on important aspects related to the Highway Concessions Sector.

The ABCR Award for Journalism Created to make the debates on the importance of the concessionaires work on highways on the national scene, more revealing and to encourage the production of journalistic material focused on the Brazilian Program of Highway Concessions, the Award is now (2010) in its 5th edition. 72 works were entered, representing 47 vehicles of the most important capitals and cities, in the interior of Brazil, a very significant number for a first annual edition-in 2009 it was biennial. These essays were produced, both in the most important national communication centers as in those whose impact is only regional, and contribute to the clarification of the population and to amplify the discussion on the theme, highway concession. The Judging Commission, as in previous years, was composed of important names in Brazilian Journalism which, in the eyes of those competing, lends an important and respectable image to the Contest.

Comunicao institucional A abcr mantm um trabalho permanente de informaes sociedade, realizado diretamente por intermdio do Portal abcr, e indiretamente por meio da mdia. Importantes veculos de comunicao do Pas jornais, revistas, rdios, TVs e sites deram ampla cobertura informativa ao setor, veiculando, entre outros assuntos, entrevistas com o presidente da abcr e com seus diretores regionais. J a Agncia abcr de Notcias entrevistou diversos representantes do setor. Em 2010 foram publicadas no portal da entidade entrevistas sobre importantes aspectos relacionados com o setor de concesses de rodovias. Prmio ABCR de Jornalismo Criado com o objetivo de tornar cada vez mais esclarecedores os debates sobre a importncia da atuao das concessionrias de rodovias no cenrio nacional e promover a produo de

32 33
Industry representation

Nas principais rodovias concedidas existem centros de controle operacional (CCO) At the main conceded highways there are operational control centers

A representao do setor

The prize winners of the 5th edition of the ABCR Award for Journalism abcr award for journalism 2010: Paulo Henrique Lobato, with the essay Delay and modernity: the two faces of the br-381, published in the newspaper Estado de Minas. printed journalism: Joo Marassi, with Tolls divide opinions in Brazil, published by the magazine Rodovias & Vias. internet: Simone Perez, with On the route of sex, in the WebDirio. radiojournalism: Jos Roberto de Souza, Carlos Morais, Adulccio Lucena e Oscar Lobo, with Rota dos Coqueiros: Path of development, transmited in the radio newscast Jornal de Comrcio am, Recife telejournalism: Rafael Custdio, with The new br-101 , exhibited on rbs tv.

Os premiados na 5 edio do Prmio ABCR de Jornalismo prmio abcr de jornalismo 2010: Paulo Henrique Lobato, com o trabalho Atraso e modernidade: as duas faces da br-381, publicado no jornal Estado de Minas. jornalismo impresso: Joo Marassi, com o trabalho Pedgio divide opinies no Brasil, publicado na revista Rodovias & Vias. internet: Simone Perez, com o trabalho Na rota do sexo, veiculado no WebDirio. radiojornalismo: Jos Roberto de Souza, Carlos Morais, Adulccio Lucena e Oscar Lobo, com o trabalho Rota dos Coqueiros: Caminho do desenvolvimento, transmitido no noticirio da Rdio Jornal do Commercio am, do Recife. telejornalismo: Rafael Custdio, com o trabalho A nova br-101, exibido na rbs tv.

matrias jornalsticas com foco no Programa Brasileiro de Concesso de Rodovias, o Prmio chegou em 2010 sua 5 edio. Foram inscritos 72 trabalhos, de 47 veculos das mais importantes capitais brasileiras e cidades do interior, nmero muito significativo para a primeira edio anual at 2009 era bienal. Essas matrias e reportagens, produzidas nas redaes tanto dos mais importantes veculos de comunicao nacional como nos de alcance apenas regional, contribuem para o esclarecimento da populao e para ampliar as discusses sobre o tema concesso de rodovias. A comisso julgadora, como nos anos anteriores, foi composta por importantes nomes do jornalismo brasileiro, o que confere ao Prmio, na viso dos concorrentes, uma imagem de concurso respeitvel. Relaes institucionais Atividade importante no trabalho da abcr o acompanhamento e a presena na discusso dos

Institutional Relations An important activity of abcr is the monitoring and participating in discussions on technological, operational and legal advances and new alternatives in the area of highway concessions, seeking always to support the paths and decisions most indicated for the development of the Country. This work, which is permanent, is carried out by the President of the entity, at national level, and by the regional directors in the states where they operate. They also count on the participation of the Executive Secretary, the Technical Coordinator and the Economic and Legal Advisors, for specific topics. Among the principal technical aspects that have involved the participation of abcr, during the year, were the questions relating to free-flow and Siniav, weight monitoring, including operational and measuring aspects of liquid and bulk cargoes, as well as participation in the Environmental Construction Chamber of the Cetesb Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental do Estado de So Paulo.

A representao do setor

Quase cinco mil quilmetros de fibra tica instalados Near five thousand kilometers of optical fibers installed

34 35
Industry representation

In 2010, the abcr supported two legal events, which included magistrates and professionals from the highway sector. In May, in the Municipality of Ja (sp), a legal seminar was held on Judicial Activism and the Regulation of Public Services, organized by the Paulista Academy of Magistracy (apm), with the institutional participation of the Court of Justice of the State of So Paulo, the Paulista School of Magistracy and the Paulista Association of Magistrates (Apamagis). Speakers at the event were the Federal Supreme Court Minister, Marco Aurlio Mello and Law Professor at the University of So Paulo, Floriano de A ABCR apoiou Azevedo Marques Neto a realizao de In October an event was held dois eventos in the Municipality of Maring jurdicos em 2010 (pr), The Legal Seminar on ABCR supported Highway Concessions- Civil two legal Liability, organized by the abcr, seminars with the support of the State during 2010 University of Maring. Renowned jurists participated as speakers, including Professors Antonio Carlos Cintra do Amaral, Romeu Felipe Bacellar Filho, Egon Bockmann Moreira and Luciano Benetti Timm, and the Attorney General of the National Department of Transport InfraStructure dnit, Dr Fbio Marcelo Rezende Duarte. Another important action relating to information and institutional relationships was the support of

avanos tecnolgicos, operacionais, jurdicos e de novas alternativas na rea de concesso de rodovias, buscando sempre defender os caminhos e decises mais adequados ao desenvolvimento do Pas. Esse trabalho, de carter permanente, executado pelo presidente da entidade no mbito nacional, e pelos diretores regionais, nos seus estados de atuao. Para tanto, contam com a participao do Secretrio-Executivo, bem como do Coordenador Tcnico e dos Assessores Jurdico e Econmico para temas especficos. Entre os principais aspectos tcnicos que envolveram a participao da abcr durante o ano esto a questo do freeflow e do Siniav, a fiscalizao de peso, incluindo aspectos operacionais e de aferio de cargas lquidas e graneis, bem como sua participao na Cmara Ambiental de Construo, da cetesb Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental do Estado de So Paulo. Em 2010 a abcr apoiou a realizao de dois eventos jurdicos compostos por acadmicos, magistrados e profissionais do setor de rodovias. Em maio, no municpio de Ja (sp), houve o Seminrio Jurdico sobre Ativismo Judicial e Regulao de Servios Pblicos, organizado pela Academia Paulista de Magistrados (apm), com a participao institucional do Tribunal de Justia do Estado de So Paulo, da Escola Paulista de Magistratura e da Associao Paulista de Magistrados (Apamagis). Contriburam com suas palestras

nesse evento o Ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal Marco Aurlio Mello, e o Professor de Direito da Universidade de So Paulo Floriano de Azevedo Marques Neto. Em outubro ocorreu no municpio de Maring (pr) o Seminrio Jurdico sobre Concesses de Rodovias Responsabilidade Civil, realizado pela abcr, com apoio da Universidade Estadual de Maring. O encontro contou com palestras de renomados juristas, como os Professores Antonio Carlos Cintra do Amaral, Romeu Felipe Bacellar Filho, Egon Bockmann Moreira e Luciano Benetti Timm, e o Procurador Geral do Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes dnit, Dr Fbio Marcelo Rezende Duarte. Outra ao importante de informao e relaes institucionais foi o apoio iniciativa da Editora Quartier Latin de publicar a obra Concesses de Rodovias: aspectos jurdicos e econmicos relevantes, com artigos dos Ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal Marco Aurlio Mello e Luiz Fux, e dos Professores Carlos Ari Sundfeld e Jos Roberto Mendona de Barros, baseados nas palestras proferidas no Seminrio Jurdico de 2009 organizado pela Academia Paulista de Magistrados, no municpio de Campinas (sp). A abcr tambm lanou em 2010 a 3 edio revista do livreto pedgio Mitos e Fatos, da Editora cl-a, que esclarece as principais dvidas sobre o processo de concesso de rodovias. O maior evento da entidade, o Congresso Brasileiro de Rodovias e Concesses cbr&c, realizado a cada dois anos em conjunto com a Exposio Internacional de Produtos para Rodovias brasvias, teve definido durante o ano o local da sua edio 2011 Foz de Iguau (pr), com a formao de uma Comisso Organizadora para preparao do temrio, identificao de palestrantes e outras providncias.

the initiative of Editora Quartier Latin in publishing the book Highway Concessions: Relevant Legal and Economic Aspects, with articles by Ministers of the Federal Supreme Court, Marco Aurelio Mello and Luiz Fux, and Professors Carlos Ari Sundfeld and Jos Roberto Mendona de Barros, based on talks given during the 2009 Legal Seminar, organized by the Paulista Academy of Magistrates, in the Municipality of Campinas, sp. In 2010, the abcr also launched the 3rd revised edition of the booklet Toll Myths and Facts, by the Editora cl-a, which clarifies the principal doubts concerning highway concessions. The location of the major event of the entity, the Brazilian Congress of Highways and Concessions-CBR&C, 2011 edition, which takes place every two years, jointly with the International Exposition of Products for Highways brasvias, was defined during the year and will be Foz de Iguau (pr).The Organizing Commission was formed to prepare the main theme, identify speakers and other necessary actions.

5. Desempenho no ano 5. Performance in the year

novas concesses e mais investimentos new concessions and more investments

Desempenho no ano

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Em 2010, o trfego pedagiado nas rodovias concedidas, cuja variao divulgada mensalmente pelo ndice abcr de Atividade, cresceu 7,9 % em relao a 2009. Com isso, na dcada, o crescimento atingiu 35,1%, enquanto o total de quilmetros gerenciados pelas concessionrias aumentou 57,2%. Nesse mesmo perodo de dez anos o nmero de veculos automotores no Pas mais que dobrou, passando de cerca de 30 milhes para 65 milhes, segundo o Denatran. A receita lquida do conjunto das concessionrias atingiu R$ 10,8 bilhes, sendo 96% provenientes da tarifa de pedgio, com um crescimento de 16,1% sobre 6.055 quilmetros 2009 (R$ 8,6 bilhes). de pistas foram As concessionrias construdos ou construram ou reformaram, reformados durante o ano, 6.055 quilmetros 6,055 kilometers of de pistas, incluindo 118 quilhighway were built metros de novas pistas e recapeor reformed amento de 5.937 quilmetros. As obras envolveram ainda 1.104 quilmetros de acostamentos novos ou reformados e 51 quilmetros de novas terceiras faixas. Outros melhoramentos importantes foram a reforma e construo de pontes e viadutos, implantao e melhoria de sistemas de drenagem, assim como realizaes na rea de segurana da rodovia e de atendimento aos usurios.

In 2010, toll traffic on conceded highways, the variation of which is shown monthly in the abcr index, grew 7.9% in relation to 2009. This brought growth in the decade to 35.1%, while the total kilometers administered by concessionaires increased by 57.2%. During this same decade the number of motor vehicles in the Country more than doubled, from 30 million to 65 million, as per Denatran. The net revenue of the concessionaires reached US$ 6.1 billion, with 96% coming from toll charges, a growth of 16.1% over 2009 (US$ 4.3 billion). During the year the concessionaires built or reformed 6,055 kilometers of highway, among which were 118 kilometers of new roads, resurfacing of 5,937 kilometers, building of 1,104 new or reformed shoulders and 51 kilometers of new third lanes. Other important improvements included the construction of bridges and viaducts, the implementation and improvement of drainage systems, and achievements in the areas of safety and user service. Of the 15,260 kilometers of conceded roads in the Country including federal, state and municipal concessions and additional stretches under the responsibility of the concessionaires 54.7% are classified as in excellent general state in the cnt Highways survey 2010. In the previous year the same figure was 42.6%. According to cnt, on the conceded highways, the permanent

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maintenance and the regular flux of investment produce results which are favorable to the users. During the year the process of highway concessions extended to the Northeast of the Country, with the request for bidding in May and subsequent signature of the contract in August, for the so called ba-093 system, which includes stretches of other highways and interconnects the metropolitan region of Salvador (ba), including the airport Luis Eduardo Magalhes, with the Municipality of Lauro de Freitas (ba). In Pernambuco the Rota dos Coqueiros concession has started to operate, the second ppp formalized by a state government (the first was in Minas Gerais). Designed to link Jaboato with Cabo de Santo Agostinho, it is an important road for regional tourism. In So Paulo, bidding opened for the Southern (in operation) and Eastern (still to be built) sectors of the Rodanel (Beltway). Federal Program for Concessions The federal program for concessions, in its second stage, continued with recuperation works and improvements on the conceded highways, whose administrators, in some instances, had to face unforeseen difficulties, such as floods and landslides, due to the excessive rains at the end of 2009 and the start of 2010. Also, there were environmental and municipal licensing problems which delayed the installation of the toll plazas and consequently, the cash flow of the new companies. The duplication of the Serra do Cafezal, on the Rgis Bittencourt, the main connection between So Paulo and Curitiba was started. This, the principal investment planned by the concessionaire, was blocked between 2002 and 2009 by a Federal Court injunction. A stretch of the Ferno Dias Highway, which connects So Paulo and Belo Horizonte, was destroyed by the torrential rains at the end of 2009 and had to be redone, near So Paulo. The two highways, with almost 50 years since construction, recquire considerable recuperation and also, in many cases, reinforcement of the worn-out infra-structure. Judicial decisions in connection with disappropriation procedures and environmental

Dos 15.260 quilmetros de rodovias concedidas no Pas extenso que inclui concesses federais, estaduais, uma municipal e trechos adicionais sob responsabilidade das concessionrias 54,7% tm seu estado geral classificado como timo, segundo a pesquisa cnt de Rodovias 2010. No ano anterior esse percentual era de 42,6%. Segundo a cnt, nas estradas concedidas a manuteno permanente e o fluxo regular de investimentos produzem resultados que acabam sendo favorveis aos usurios. No ano, o processo de concesso de rodovias se expandiu no Nordeste do Pas, com a licitao, em maio, e assinatura do contrato, em agosto, do chamado sistema ba-093, que inclui trechos de outras rodovias e interliga a regio metropolitana de Salvador (ba), incluindo o aeroporto Lus Eduardo Magalhes, no municpio de Lauro de Freitas (ba). Em Pernambuco comeou a operar a concesso da Rota dos Coqueiros, a segunda ppp formalizada por um governo estadual (a primeira foi em Minas Gerais). Voltada ligao entre Jaboato e Cabo de Santo Agostinho, constitui importante via para o turismo regional. Em So Paulo foram licitados em conjunto os trechos Sul (em operao) e Leste (a construir) do Rodoanel. Programa Federal de Concesses O programa federal de concesses, em sua segunda etapa, teve continuidade com obras de recuperao e melhoria das rodovias concedidas, cujas gestoras, em alguns casos, tiveram de enfrentar dificuldades no previstas em face das inundaes e desmoronamentos decorrentes do excesso de chuvas no final de 2009 e incio de 2010. Adicionalmente houve problemas de licenciamento ambiental e municipal que retardaram a implantao de praas de pedgio e, consequentemente, o fluxo de caixa das novas empresas. Na rodovia Rgis Bittencourt, ligao entre So Paulo e Curitiba, foi iniciada a duplicao da Serra do Cafezal, principal investimento previsto na concesso e cuja execuo esteve bloqueada de 2002 a 2009 por liminar da Justia Federal. J a rodovia Ferno

Dias, que liga So Paulo a Belo Horizonte, teve refeito o trecho prximo a So Paulo destrudo pelos temporais do final de 2009. As duas rodovias, com cerca de 50 anos de construo, exigem amplo trabalho de recuperao e, em muitos casos, tambm reforo da desgastada infraestrutura existente. Decises judiciais decorrentes de processos de desapropriao e questes ambientais atrasaram a execuo j iniciada do anel virio de Betim (mg). Na br-101, no Rio de Janeiro, entre Niteri e a divisa com o estado do Esprito Santo, e igualmente em Santa Catarina, entre Joinville e o Sul do estado, houve atrasos por questionamentos ambientais e problemas decorrentes do excesso de chuvas, mantendo-se os investimentos em melhorias e obras de recuperao. As demais concesses contratadas em 2009 tiveram andamento de acordo com os projetos definidos pelo Poder Concedente. Nas seis concessionrias federais mais antigas, alm do processo contnuo de manuteno e melhoria, merece destaque a construo de 12 quilmetros de terceira faixa na br-116, na regio do Parque Nacional da Serra dos rgos, aumentando a capacidade da via, j saturada. Na br-040,

questions have delayed the execution, already started-of the Betim Beltway (mg) . The br-101 highway in Rio de Janeiro, between Niteroi and the borders of the State of Esprito Santo and in Santa Catarina, between Joinville and the South of the State, suffered delays due to environmental questions and problems arising from the excessive rains, maintaining, however, investments in improvements and recuperation. The remainder of the concessions contracted in 2009 proceeded as planned in the projects defined by the Conceding Authority. In the six oldest federal concessions, besides continual maintenance and improvements, the construction of 12 kilometers of a third lane on the br-116 deserves mention. It is in the Parque Nacional da Serra dos Orgos and will increase the capacity of the highway, which is already at its limit. On the br-040, between Rio de Janeiro and Juiz de Fora, work is being performed on the new way up the mountain, which will reduce the trip, and will include the construction of the largest highway tunel in the Country, with 5 kilometers, estimated to be finished by 2012. In Bahia, the concessionaire ViaBahia is

Desempenho no ano

Novas concesses tambm contam com cobrana eletrnica New concessions also have electronic billing

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Manuteno constante e ampliao de pistas Ongoing maintenance and new lanes

responsible for a total of 680.6 kilometers of highway, a stretch of the br-324, between Salvador and Feira de Santana, with two stretches of the State roads ba-526 and ba-526 as well as a stretch of br-116, that goes from Feira de Santana to the borders of Minas Gerais. After starting the the process of recuperation of the paving and signaling, the concessionaire implemented user service and initiated toll charging. The project at present under execution aims at duplicating the highway. The Federal Government has initiated studies for the third stage of the federal program for concessions,with an extension of approximately 2 thousand kilometers of federal highways in the states of Goias, Minas Gerais and the Federal District, which should require US$ 4.8 billion in investments during the 25 years duration of the contracts. The Ministery of Transport, to antt during the first half of the year who, in turn, passed them on to the tcu. The proposal includes the concession of part of the network, made of stretches of br-040 (df/go/mg), and br-116 (mg) but as the approval by the tcu has not yet been given, the definition has been put forward to 2011. Also under evaluation by antt is the project to put up for bidding the stretch of br-101, that cuts through the state of Esprito Santo,and which will require US$ 2.3 billion. State Programs With state concessions that include federal highways delegated to some states for management, the development was differentiated,

entre o Rio de Janeiro e Juiz de Fora, encontra-se em obras a Nova Subida da Serra, que reduz o percurso e inclui a construo do maior tnel rodovirio do Pas, com 5 quilmetros de extenso, cuja concluso est prevista para 2012. Na Bahia, a concessionria ViaBahia responsvel por um total de 680,6 quilmetros de rodovia, que compreendem basicamente um trecho da br-324, entre Salvador e Feira de Santana, complementado por dois trechos das rodovias estaduais ba-528 e ba-526, assim como pelo trecho da br-116 que vai de Feira de Santana at a divisa com Minas Gerais. Depois de ter dado andamento ao processo de recuperao do pavimento e da sinalizao, a concessionria implantou o atendimento ao usurio e deu incio cobrana do pedgio. O projeto em execuo prev a duplicao da rodovia. O governo federal deu andamento aos estudos para a terceira etapa do programa federal de concesses, com uma extenso de cerca de 2 mil quilmetros de rodovias federais nos estados de Gois, Minas Gerais e Distrito Federal, que podem demandar R$ 8,5 bilhes em investimentos nos 25 anos de durao dos contratos. O Ministrio dos Transportes encaminhou esses estudos no primeiro semestre do ano antt, que depois os repassou ao tcu. A proposta prev a concesso de parte dessa malha, constituda de trechos das br-040 (df/go/mg), e br-116 (mg), mas, como ainda no houve aprovao do Tribunal de Contas, a definio ficou pendente para 2011. Tambm est em avaliao pela antt o projeto de licitar o trecho da br-101 que corta o estado do Esprito Santo, e que exigiria investimentos de R$ 4 bilhes. Programas estaduais Nas concesses estaduais que incluem rodovias federais delegadas gesto de alguns estados, o desenvolvimento foi diferenciado em face da posio dos respectivos governos. No Paran e no Rio Grande do Sul continuaram as contestaes quanto aos contratos e reajustes previstos, mantendo-se as disputas judiciais entre o poder concedente e concessionrias. As empresas mantiveram seus servios aos usurios e a

manuteno constante dos trechos sob sua responsabilidade, mas os programas no puderam retomar seu fluxo nos termos em que haviam sido inicialmente estruturados. O problema complexo, pois envolve o governo federal e os dos dois estados. No Paran, onde as seis concessionrias estaduais so responsveis pela administrao de 2.105 quilmetros de rodovias (mais 391 quilmetros de acessos, cuja manuteno faz parte dos contratos), o governo eleito em 2010 se props rediscutir a situao com as concessionrias para dar andamento aos projetos. No Rio Grande do Sul, a recusa do governo federal em estender o prazo de 15 anos de delegao das rodovias includas em sete dos oito polos sob concesso levou o governo estadual a devolv-las Unio para que esta resolva como proceder, ficando a situao indefinida at o final do ano. A proposta do governo do estado, feita ainda na gesto anterior, era Novas licitaes ampliar o prazo da concesso em esto previstas troca de novos investimentos nos pelo Governo 1.788 quilmetros concedidos, Federal para 2011 plano conhecido como o Duplica New bids are rs, que foi ento arquivado. to be done by Em novembro de 2010, o the Federal Conselho Superior da Agncia Government Estadual de Regulao dos in 2011 Servios Pblicos Delegados do Rio Grande do Sul (Agergs) homologou o edital de licitao do Sistema Rodovirio ers-010, a chamada Rodovia do Progresso. Seu objetivo a construo de uma nova estrada, para desafogar o trnsito da br-116, complementando o segmento Leste do Anel Rodovirio Metropolitano de Porto Alegre, e propiciando o desenvolvimento dos municpios vizinhos. Com 41 quilmetros de extenso e tempo de construo previsto de sete anos, seria a primeira Parceria Pblico Privada (ppp) no estado, na modalidade concesso patrocinada. Deciso da Justia, porm, impediu a abertura das propostas, o que levou o governo estadual a cancelar o procedimento licitatrio. Em Santa Catarina, estado que licitou e contratou, em 1994, a primeira concesso estadual

given the position of the respective governments. In Paran and in Rio Grande do Sul the contestations about contracts and readjustments continue, with the continuation of judicial disputes between the conceding authority and the concessionaire. The companies maintained services to the users on the stretches under their responsibility but the programs were not able to maintain the flow that had been initially structured. The problem is complex, as it involves the Federal Government as well as that of two states. In Paran, where the six state concessionaires are responsible for the administration of 2,105 kilometers of Highways (plus 391 kilometers of accesses, whose maintenance is included in the contracts) the Government, elected in 2010, proposed to re-discuss the situation with the concessionaires so that the projects could get under way. In Rio Grande do Sul, the refusal of the federal government to extend the 15 year period of delegation of highways, which include seven polos under concession, led the state government to return them to the Union, for it to resolve how to proceed, which left the situation undefined, up to the year-end. The proposal made during the previous state government, was to extend the period of concession in exchange for new investments on the 1,788 kilometers concession, a plan known as Duplica rs which was then filed without solution. In November of 2010 the Conselho Superior da Agncia Estadual de Regulao dos Servios Pblicos Delegados do Rio Grande do Sul (Agergs) endorsed the request for bidding for the Highway System ers-010, the so-called Rodovia de Progresso. The object is to construct a new highway to lighten the traffic on the br-116, complementing the Eastern segment of the Porto Alegre Metropolitan Beltway, thus fomenting the development of the neighboring municipalities. With 41 kilometers extension and a construction time estimated at seven years, it would be the first Private-Public Partnership (ppp) in the State. A legal decision however, blocked the opening of the proposals, which led the state government to cancel the bidding process.

Desempenho no ano

Anhanguera Rodoanel de So Paulo So Paulos Beltway


Ferno Dias


Ayrton Senna

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In Santa Caterina, the state requested bidding and contracted, in 1994, the first state concessionthe so-called Linha Azul (Blue Line) in Florianpolis- which was contested and paralyzed by the succeeding government, and now there are only federal highway concessions, the connections with Paran and So Paulo. The highway br-470, also with a request for bidding and also cancelled, continues to be the sad champion of accidents and deaths due to bad traffic conditions, as well as being responsible for the economic stagnation of the Vale do Itajai, in the opinion of local analysts. In So Paulo, old and new programs, operated by 18 state concessionaires, continue to guarantee excellent conditions of traffic and safety, with the State offering 15 of the 16 best highways in the companies, according to studies carried out by cnt National Confederation of Transport. An inevitable consequence of this level of quality of the highways is the continued growth of areas bordering the highways, investments in industries, commercial ventures, logistic centers and new residential suburbs. The highlight of the year in So Paulo was the request for bidding for the Southern stretch of the Beltway which surrounds the Capital, with 61.4 kilometers extension, already in operation, dependent however on the conclusion of some basic services: signaling, leveling of paving, removal of construction sites and others, to be carried out by the concessionaire. The state government has

a chamada Linha Azul, em Florianpolis contestada e paralisada pelo governo seguinte, s existem rodovias concedidas pelo governo federal, as ligaes do estado com o Paran e com o Rio Grande do Sul. A rodovia br-470, tambm licitada e com sua concesso anulada, continua sendo triste campe em acidentes e mortes, por conta das ms condies de trfego, alm de ser responsvel pela estagnao econmica do Vale do Itaja, segundo avaliao de analistas locais. Em So Paulo, os programas antigos e os novos, a cargo de 18 concessionrias estaduais, continuam garantindo timas condies de trfego e segurana, com o estado oferecendo 15 das 16 melhores rodovias do Pas, segundo pesquisas da cnt Confederao Nacional do Transporte. Uma consequncia inegvel desse nvel de qualidade das estradas o contnuo crescimento, em suas margens, de investimentos em indstrias, empreendimentos comerciais, centrais logsticas e novos bairros residenciais. O grande destaque do ano em So Paulo foi a licitao do Trecho Sul do Rodoanel que circundar a capital paulista, com 61,4 quilmetros de extenso, j em operao, porm ainda dependente da concluso de alguns servios bsicos: sinalizao, acertos na pavimentao, remoo de canteiros de obras e outros, a serem executados pela concessionria. Nesse trecho o governo estadual j investiu R$ 5 bilhes, cabendo concessionria adicionar R$ 1 bilho em

Trecho oeste West strech Trecho norte North strech Trecho leste East strech Trecho sul South strech

Castelo Branco

Raposo Tavares

Anchieta Imigrantes Rgis Bittencourt

Desempenho no ano

Boa sinalizao auxilia usurios Good signs help users

investimentos. O consrcio vencedor ter tambm a responsabilidade de construir o Trecho Leste, de 43,5 quilmetros, com investimentos previstos de R$ 4 bilhes e entrega em 2014. No final de dezembro, o Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econmico e Social (bndes) aprovou financiamentos de R$ 1,05 bilho para a concessionria do corredor Raposo Tavares, e R$ 355,4 milhes para a concessionria do sistema Ayrton Senna e Carvalho Pinto, cujos contratos de concesso foram assinados em 2009. Os principais investimentos do corredor Raposo Tavares, ligao de So Paulo com o Centro-Oeste, envolvem a duplicao de 217 quilmetros, construo de 29 quilmetros de vias marginais, passarelas, trevos, retornos e Rodoanel em So obras de arte especiais, alm da Paulo vai interligar recuperao de toda a extenso 10 rodovias da rodovia e seus acessos, no Beltway in So total de 444 quilmetros, e a Paulo will connect conservao de 390 quilmetros 10 highways de estradas vicinais. No sistema Ayrton Senna-Carvalho Pinto, que liga So Paulo ao Vale do Paraba, os investimentos se destinam a recuperao, conservao, melhorias e ampliao da capacidade do corredor, que se estende por 134,9 quilmetros e serve como canal de distribuio da produo regional e como via de transporte turstico para o Litoral Norte e estncias na rea de Campos do Jordo. No estado do Rio de Janeiro as duas concesses estaduais, representadas pela Via

already invested US$ 2.8 billion in this stretch and the concessionaire will add investments of a further US$ 568 million. The winning consortium will also be responsible for building the Eastern stretch, with 43.5 kilometers and investments estimated at US$ 2.2 billion, for delivery in 2014. At the end of December, the National Economic and Social Development Bank (bndes) approved financing in the amount of US$ 596 million for the concessionaire of the Raposo Tavares corridor and US$ 202 million for the concessionaire of the Airton Senna and Carvalho Pinto System, the contracts for which were signed in 2009. The principal investments in the Raposo Tavares corridor, link between So Paulo and the CenterWest, involve the duplication of 217 kilometers, construction of 29 kilometers of marginal roads, walkways, interchanges, returns and special works of art, besides the recovery of the full extension of the highway and its accesses, to the total of 444 kilometers, and the maintenance of 390 kilometers of vicinal roads. In the Ayrton Senna-Carvalho Pinto system, connecting So Paulo with the Vale do Paraiba, investments are directed to the recovery, maintenance, improvement and increase in capacity of the corridor that runs for 134.9 kilometers and serves as a distribution channel for regional products and as a means of tourist transport to the Northern coastal areas and the resort area of Campos de Jordo. In the State of Rio de Janeiro, the two state concessionaires, Via Lagos and Rota 116, also

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Performance in the year

suffered with the strong storms at the beginning of the year, which required reinforcement of drainage systems, containment of slopes and recuperation of signaling and paving, which are at present in course. In Minas Gerais, the Nascentes das Gerais, the first ppp in the Country, in the highway sector, invested the sum of US$ 102 million, by the year end, as against the total of US$ 182 million forecast in the concession contract, including the duplication of 5 kilometers and the construction of 22.6 kilometers of additional lanes, 25,000 meters of Fenders and 12,500 signs, amongst other improvements and benefits for the users. The new state concessionaire in Bahia, Bahia Norte, responsible for the ba-093 system, started the restoration works on the stretch under its responsibility. The concession of 25 years involves the duplication of 53 kilometers by 2013 and is the second done by the state, the first being the request for bidding for the so-called Estrada do Coco, the link between Salvador and the Northern Coastal Area. In Pernambuco, the first state concession, the Rota dos Coqueiros, with 6.8 kilometers, inaugurated in July the Arquiteto WilsonCampos Jr Bridge (the old Paiva Bridge), with 320 meters extension, making it possible to fully use the Via Parque, that shortens by 40 kilometers, the distance between Recife and the Industrial Port Complex of Suape, as well as the distance between the Capital and the South coastal beaches. Municipal Concession The Yellow Line (Linha Amarela), in Rio de Janeiro, continues to be the only municipal concession in the Country, offering its users an alternative route, faster and of better quality, in its 20 kilometers extension between the Barra da Tijuca and the Ilha do Fundo. The Financial Sector During the year there were some changes in the share capital control of the concessionaires, indicating that the investors are specializing in

Lagos e pela Rota 116, tambm sofreram com os fortes temporais do incio do ano, o que exigiu reforo nos trabalhos de drenagem, conteno de encostas e recuperao dos pavimentos e da sinalizao, que vm sendo efetuados. Em Minas, a Nascentes das Gerais, primeira ppp do Pas no setor rodovirio, dos R$ 320 milhes previstos no contrato de concesso, investiu, at o final de 2010, um total de R$ 180 milhes, o que inclui a duplicao de 5 quilmetros e construo de 22,6 quilmetros de faixas adicionais, 25.000 metros de defensas e 12.500 novas placas de sinalizao, entre outras melhorias e benefcios para os usurios. A nova concessionria estadual da Bahia, denominada Bahia Norte, responsvel pelo sistema ba-093, deu incio s obras de restaurao do trecho sob sua responsabilidade. A concesso, de 25 anos, envolve a duplicao de 53 quilmetros at 2013, e a segunda realizada pelo estado, que antes tinha licitado a chamada Estrada do Coco, via de ligao de Salvador com o Litoral Norte. Em Pernambuco, a primeira concesso do estado, a Rota dos Coqueiros, com 6,8 quilmetros de extenso, inaugurou em julho a Ponte Arquiteto Wilson Campos Jr (antiga Ponte do Paiva), com 320 metros de extenso, possibilitando o uso integral da Via Parque, que encurta em 40 quilmetros a distncia entre Recife e o Complexo Industrial Porturio de Suape, assim como a distncia entre a Capital e as praias do Litoral Sul. Concesso Municipal A Linha Amarela, no Rio de Janeiro, continua como nica concesso municipal do Pas, oferecendo aos usurios um percurso alternativo mais rpido e de qualidade em seus 20 quilmetros de extenso, que ligam a Barra da Tijuca Ilha do Fundo. O Setor no Mercado Financeiro Durante o ano ocorreram algumas mudanas de controle acionrio das concessionrias, mostrando que os investidores vo se especializando no ramo. Assim, a ccr adquiriu da Multivias o restante das

aes da SPVias, passando a deter 100% do capital Mito/Mith acionrio, enquanto a W.Torre O pedgio atrasa o vendeu sua participao desenvolvimento de 33% na concessionria Tolling slows Transbrasiliana para os dois development outros acionistas, a Splice do Brasil Telecomunicaes e Fato/Fact Eletrnica S/A e Comporte Se fosse verdade, So Participaes S/A. Paulo seria o estado O desenvolvimento do mais atrasado setor de concesses rodoviIf this was true, So rias tambm vem se reflePaulo would be the tindo no mercado financeiro, less developed state onde se tornou comum a captao de recursos para o desenvolvimento dos programas por meio da colocao de debntures e negociao de aes, complementando os financiamentos do bndes, bancos internacionais e multilaterais.

Desempenho no ano

the sector. ccr acquired the rest of the shares of SPVias from Multvias, achieving 100% of the share capital, while W Torre sold its participation of 33% in the Transbrasiliana concessionaire to the two other shareholders, Splice do Brasil Telecomunicaes e Eletrnica S/A and Comporte Participaes S/A. The development of the highway concession sector also reflects in the financial market, where it is common to see fundraising for the development of programs by means of debenture issues and share negotiating, in addition to financing by bndes, international and multilateral banks.

Novas ligaes reduzem distncia New connections reduce distances

6. nfase em segurana e conforto dos usurios 6. Emphasis on safety and user comfort

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6. Emphasis on safety and user comfort

nfase em segurana e conforto dos usurios

atuao em segurana reduz acidentes safety iniciatives reduce accidents

As concessionrias de rodovias investem continuamente na melhoria das condies dos trechos sob sua responsabilidade, para garantir maior segurana aos usurios. Com isso, em 2010 o ndice de acidentes por dez mil veculos caiu para 0,854, ante 0,971 no ano anterior. Da mesma forma, o ndice de vtimas (feridos+mortos) foi reduzido de O Pas precisa 0,554, em 2009, para 0,456. reduzir o alto Independentemente do nmero de esforo das concessionrias, o vtimas no assustador nmero de mortes trnsito e de acidentes nas rodovias The country brasileiras e no trnsito das needs to reduce cidades, cujos ndices so muito the high number superiores aos dos pases of casualties desenvolvidos, continua sendo on the roads um problema no resolvido. Em 2010 o Pas manteve a nada desejvel quinta posio em quantidade absoluta de mortes no trnsito, com ndices de perdas de vida por 100 mil veculos entre cinco e 10 vezes maior que o dos pases desenvolvidos da Europa e dos Estados Unidos. Embora as mortes provocadas por acidentes de trnsito tenham cado no ano seguinte entrada em vigor da chamada Lei Seca (40% nas rodovias do estado de So Paulo), em 2010 elas voltaram a crescer, mesmo com a constatada reduo no nmero de motoristas

Highway concessionaires invest heavily in the improvement of the stretches under their responsibility, in order to guarantee the safety of the users. As a result, in 2010, the index of accidents per ten thousand vehicles, showed a decrease from 0.971 in 2009 to 0.854 in 2010. Similarly, the index of victims (wounded + dead) was reduced from 0.554 in 2009 to 0.456 in 2010. Despite the efforts of the concessionaires, the alarming number of deaths and of accidents on the Brazilian highways and from traffic in the cities, the indices of which are far higher than those of developed countries, continue to be an unsolved problem. In 2010 the Country maintain the unenviable fifth position in absolute number of traffic deaths, with indices of fatal injuries per 100 thousand vehicles between 5 and ten times greater than the developed countries of Europe and of the United States. Although the number of deaths as a result of traffic accidents decreased in the following year, due to the entering in force of the Dry Law (Lei Seca) (40% on the So Paulo Roads), in 2010 the numbers increased again, even though there was a decrease in the number of drunken drivers and an increase in the number of breath analyzers in use by the highway police. Various factors contributed to this situation, among which were the increase in the fleet of vehicles since 2000, which more than doubled,

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6. Emphasis on safety and user comfort

but was not accompanied by the increase in roads, the disorganized growth of the cities on the sides of the highways, resulting in more pedestrians attempting to cross the roads outside the pedestrian crossings, recklessness, lack of traffic education and the increase of motorcycles. The most important factor continues to be the limited surveillance of the state of the vehicle and the performance of the driver. The difficulty with regard to the performance of the driver is further aggravated by the legal problem of the possibility of the driver refusing to take the breath analysis test, which does not happen in other countries. The Vice President of Abramet (Associao Brasileira de Medicina de Trfego), Jos Montal, says that as long as this legal doubt in favor of the individual persists, as to the act of driving and drinking, lives will be lost. It is for this reason that the Dry Law has lost its initial effectiveness. Festive periods and prolonged holidays, when traffic increases on the highways, as does the use of alcoholic beverages, are the most problematic, especially in times of rainfall. Thus, considering the total number of federal roads, during the period of Carnaval, the number of accidents

572 passarelas permitem travessia das pistas sem riscos 572 walkways allow crossing of roads without risks

alcoolizados e o aumento de bafmetros em uso pelas polcias rodovirias. Vrios fatores concorrem para o agravamento da situao, entre eles o aumento superior a 100% na frota de veculos desde 2000 sem a correspondente expanso do sistema rodovirio, o crescimento desorganizado das cidades s margens das rodovias levando mais pedestres a tentar atravess-las, a imprudncia, a falta de educao no trnsito e o aumento da circulao de motocicletas. O mais importante dos fatores continuou a ser a limitada fiscalizao das condies dos veculos e da atuao dos motoristas. A dificuldade em relao ao comportamento do condutor reforada pela dvida legal sobre a possibilidade de ele se recusar a fazer o teste de alcoolismo, o que no ocorre em outros pases. O vice-presidente da Abramet (Associao Brasileira de Medicina de Trfego), Jos Montal, diz que enquanto essa dvida jurdica em relao ao ato de beber e dirigir a favor do indivduo existir, vidas vo sendo perdidas. em funo disso que a Lei Seca no tem mais a eficcia que teve no comeo. Os perodos festivos e os feriados prolongados, quando aumenta o trfego pelas rodovias e o uso de bebidas alcolicas, so os mais problemticos, particularmente se coincidem com pocas de chuva. Assim, no conjunto das estradas federais, apenas no perodo do Carnaval, o nmero de acidentes passou de 2.865, em 2009, para 3.239, em 2010, com 143 bitos (127 em 2009). A falta de renovao da frota de caminhes permanece como outro fator de ocorrncias danosas nas rodovias, com acidentes, derramamento de produtos perigosos, interrupo do trfego, etc. S na cidade de So Paulo cerca de 30 mil caminhes sofrem panes mecnicas por ano, basicamente devido a deficincias de manuteno. Qualidade das pistas, da sinalizao e passarelas reduzem acidentes O trabalho das concessionrias de rodovias para reduo de acidentes envolve a eliminao

de pontos crticos mediante ajustes no traado, contnuo investimento na qualidade do Principais realizaes pavimento e da sinalizao, na rea de segurana assim como atendimento em 2010 rpido s ocorrncias para 94 passarelas novas evitar mortes, alm de apoio s ou reformadas polcias rodovirias e intensa 107,3 km de barreiras atividade de educao para o de concreto trnsito nas cidades lindeiras 202,2 km de defensas aos trechos concedidos. metlicas O cuidado com os 51,4 mil novas placas pedestres que atravessam de sinalizao as pistas manteve-se como preocupao permanente das concessionrias, uma vez que Main achievements eles representam cerca de in Safety in 2010 20% das vtimas fatais nas 94 new and rodovias. Embora as concesreformed walkways sionrias tenham construdo 107.3 km of concrete 572 passarelas desde o incio barriers das primeiras concesses, as 202.2 km of metal pessoas tm resistncia a fenders caminhar at uma delas e 51.4 thousand new preferem se arriscar, o que signposts especialmente perigoso nas melhores rodovias, onde a velocidade permitida maior. Um esforo constante de reduo do nmero de acidentes feito pelas concessionrias por meio de campanhas educativas e aes diversas de conscientizao quanto aos riscos envolvidos nessas travessias, tais como reunies de alerta com usurios e moradores lindeiros rodovia, acompanhados de farta distribuio de panfletos de orientao. Fiscalizao de peso precisa ser ampliada

nfase em segurana e conforto dos usurios

increased from 2,865 in 2009 to 3,239, in 2010, with 143 deaths (127 in 2009). The lack of renewal of the fleet of trucks is another factor which causes problems on the highways, accidents, spillage of toxic products, interruptions of traffic, etc. Only in the city of So Paulo alone, approximately 30 thousand trucks suffer from mechanical defects per year, basically due to maintenance deficiencies. Quality of the roads, signaling and walkways reduces accidents The work of the highway concessionaires in the reduction of accidents involves the removal of critical points by, adjusting the line of the road, continual investment in the quality of the paving and prompt assistance to avoid deaths, besides the support of the highway police and intensive traffic education activities in the cities surrounding the conceded stretches. Care with regard to pedestrians crossing the roads is a constant concern of the concessionaires, as 20% of the fatalities arise from this source. Although the concessionaires constructed 572 walkways since the first concessions, people still resist walking as far as the nearest one, preferring to risk crossing at the nearest point. This is especially dangerous on the better roads where increased velocity is permitted. Constant efforts, by the concessionaires, to reduce the number of accidents are made through the use of educational campaigns and other actions to increase awareness of the risks involving these crossings, in meetings with users and residents of the surrounding areas. These are accompanied by ample distribution of illustrative pamphlets. Control of weight needs to increase

A falta de balanas para pesagem de cargas, aliada ao no funcionamento de muitas das existentes, se mantm como uma das causas principais de degradao precoce do pavimento pelo excesso de peso por eixo, sendo tambm responsvel por acidentes e mortes nas rodovias, por dificultar a execuo de manobras e a

The lack of scales to weigh cargo, besides the non-functioning of many of the existing ones, continues to be one of the principal causes of the early degradation of paving, resulting from the excess weight per axle, and also for accidents and deaths on the highways due to difficulty in

50 51
6. Emphasis on safety and user comfort

maneuvering and braking. The excess weight also harms the truck drivers by reducing the quantity of trucks necessary, besides leading to greater wear of the vehicle. The abcr has been warning about the importance of installing scales on highways and consequently is pleased to see that there has been a positive evolution in the awareness of the problem, as well as the fact that the matter now merits more attention from the Press and the Authorities. Mito/Mith The National Department for O pedgio onera Transport Infra-structure (dnit) as mercadorias made a study, which included a Tolling increases the plan, to alter the situation on the cost of products 57 thousand kilometers of federal highways. These, which at present Fato/Fact only have 77 weigh stations (ppv), O impacto sobre o between fixed and mobile (23 custo inferior a 0,5% on conceded highways) should Impact is less than double 2011/2012, by delegating the 0.5% on the cost construction and operation to private enterprise. During the fiscal year, federal weigh stations weighed 9.6 million trucks and buses, and found that 7% or 646 thousand were over the weight per axle permitted by the National Transit Code (ctb). This shows an increase in control compared to 2009, when only 52 PPVs existed, which weighed 5.4 million vehicles and found 8.5% over the legal weight. According to Jos Claudio dos Santos Varejo, general coordinator of highway operations for the dnit this decrease shows that the increased surveillance will discourage traffic over the limit. With only an increment of 10% in the maximum weight per axle, the useful life of paving can decrease by as much as 50%.

frenagem. O excesso de peso prejudica tambm os caminhoneiros ao reduzir a quantidade requerida de caminhes para um mesmo volume de carga disponvel para transporte, alm de provocar maior desgaste nos veculos. A abcr tem alertado sobre a importncia de dotar as rodovias de mais balanas e de mant-las em efetivo funcionamento, e teve a satisfao de verificar que houve evoluo positiva na conscientizao acerca do problema, que passou a merecer mais ateno da imprensa e das autoridades. O Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes (dnit) realizou levantamento e planejamento para alterar a situao nos 57 mil quilmetros de rodovias federais, que contavam com apenas 77 postos de pesagem (ppv), entre fixos e mveis (23 nas rodovias concedidas), e pretende duplicar esse nmero em 2011/2012, delegando sua construo e operao a empresas privadas. No exerccio, as balanas das rodovias federais pesaram 9,6 milhes de caminhes e nibus, constatando que 7% deles, ou seja, 646 mil estavam acima do peso por eixo permitido pelo Cdigo de Trnsito Brasileiro (ctb). Esse resultado mostra um aumento do controle, pois em 2009 havia apenas 52 PPVs, que pesaram 5,4 milhes de veculos, com 8,5% deles acima do peso legal. Segundo Jos Cludio dos Santos Varejo, coordenador geral de operaes rodovirias do dnit, essa queda mostra que o aumento da fiscalizao desencoraja o trfego acima do limite. Com apenas um incremento de 10% no peso mximo por eixo a vida til do pavimento pode cair metade. No estado de So Paulo existem 158 PPVs (59 deles nas rodovias concedidas), a maioria

nfase em segurana e conforto dos usurios

Contnuo investimento na qualidade do pavimento Continuous investment in the quality of pavement

dos quais, no entanto, se manteve inativa durante o ano, por avarias e por falta de pessoal de fiscalizao. Alm da falta de balanas, a fiscalizao de peso limitada pelas dvidas recorrentes do poder pblico sobre aspectos tcnicos da pesagem, tanto em referncia aos limites legais, como em relao s metodologias utilizadas. Neste sentido, o Ministrio Pblico Federal (mpf) passou a ter forte presena para evitar a circulao de veculos com excesso de peso nas estradas federais, cobrando na Justia providncias do Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes (dnit) e das empresas embarcadoras e transportadoras, com centenas de aes em todo o Pas. O mpf busca a condenao das empresas ao pagamento de multa e indenizao por dano moral coletivo. O excesso de peso uma das principais causas da deteriorao das estradas brasileiras. Infelizmente, muitas empresas no respeitam a legislao, diz o procurador da Repblica Clber Eustquio Neves. Excesso de velocidade continua a ser problema Concessionrias de vrios estados tm como obrigao contratual o fornecimento de equipamentos de controle de velocidade por radar, possibilitando melhor superviso dos trechos que

In the State of So Paulo there are 158 PPVs (59 on conceded roads), the majority of which, however, were inactive during the year, due to equipament damage and the lack of personnel. Besides the lack of scales, surveillance is restricted by recurring doubts, on the part of the authorities, as to technical aspects of the weighing, both with regard to the legal limits and to the methodologies used. In this sense, the Ministrio Pblico Federal (mpf) has been active in preventing the circulation of vehicles with excess weight, on federal highways, intimating the National Department of Transport Infra-Structure (dnit), dispatchers and carriers, with hundreds of legal actions throughout the Country. The mpf is seeking condemnation of the companies to pay fines and indemnity for collective moral damage excess of weight is one of the principal causes of the deterioration of Brazilian highways. Unfortunately, many companies do not respect the law. In the words of the public prosecutor Cleber Eustquio Neves. Excess speed continues to be the problem Concessionaires from various states have a contractual obligation to supply the equipment to control velocity by radar, facilitating the supervision of the stretches they administer, except that only the traffic authority has the powers to apply fines and

Balanas existentes nas rodovias concedidas Existing scales on the conceded highways

Total Federais/Federal So Paulo Paran Rio Grande do Sul Outros/Other (pe, ba, es, mg, rj)

121 23 59 24 4 11

Atendimentos mecnicos e de sade Machanical and health assistence

2009 Atendimentos de sade pr-hospitalar Pre hospital health care Atendimentos mecnicos Mechanical assistance 166.600 2.006.000

2010 189.600 2.149.000

Crescimento/Growth 13,8% 7.1%

52 53
6. Emphasis on safety and user comfort

propose actions against the offenders. In part of the conceded stretches, this work can be facilitated by video cameras, of which there were 1.098 by the end of 2010, and by the images of the highways which are transmitted to the Centers of Operational Control. On the highways, where radars are not part of the contractual obligations of the concessionaires, and also on those not conceded, there is a lack of equipment due primarily to burocracy. In the light of the above situation the tcu (Tribunal de Contas da Unio) ordered the equipment to be reinstalled in points of frequent occurrence of accidents on the federal highways, including those conceded, where the control of velocity has not been done for the last four years. The expectations are that a further 2.696 pieces of equipment will be operative in the next two years. Attention and care of user grow The handling of users in cases of breakdown of a vehicle or accidents, is part of the service contracted with the concessionaires to guarantee tranquility during travel, as part of the effort to achieve greater safety. During 2010 a total of 2.1 million cases of mechanical failure were handled by the concessionaires, including removing them to a locale were they did not present a risk to the other users. at the same time guaranteeing adequate conditions of safety and comfort to the occupants of the damaged vehicle, as well as the possibility of repairing the defect or keeping the vehicle parked in a secure locale until a complete solution has been given to the malfunction or until the vehicle can be removed to a repairshop. The supervision of the highways by vehicles that

administram, ressalvado que cabe exclusivamente autoridade de trnsito a aplicao de multas e proposio de aes contra os infratores. Em parte dos trechos concedidos esse trabalho pode ser facilitado pelo acompanhamento por meio das cmaras de vdeo, que somavam 1.098 no final de 2010, e pelas quais as imagens da rodovia so transmitidas aos Centros de Controle Operacional. Nas rodovias onde a instalao de radares no constitui obrigao contratual de concessionrias, e tambm naquelas no concedidas, faltaram equipamentos, por razes principalmente de ordem burocrtica. Diante desse quadro, o Tribunal de Contas da Unio mandou reinstalar os aparelhos em todos os pontos com alta ocorrncia de acidentes nas rodovias federais, incluindo as concedidas, onde a fiscalizao da velocidade no vem sendo feita h quatro anos. A perspectiva que sejam postos em operao 2.696 equipamentos nos prximos dois anos. Cresce o atendimento ao usurio O atendimento aos usurios em casos de pane no veculo ou de acidentes parte do servio contratado com as concessionrias para assegurar tranquilidade nas viagens, integrando-se ao esforo por maior segurana. Durante 2010 foram atendidos, no total, 2,1 milhes de casos de pane mecnica no conjunto das concessionrias, removendo-se os veculos para local onde eles no apresentem riscos para os demais usurios. E, ao mesmo tempo, garantindo condies adequadas de segurana e conforto a seus ocupantes, alm da possibilidade de reparo do defeito ou de manter o veculo estacionado em local seguro at a completa

soluo da avaria ou at que possa ser removido para uma oficina mecnica. A superviso das pistas, por meio de veculos de inspeo que nelas circulam permanentemente, possibilita a pronta identificao de eventuais defeitos no pavimento, assim como de ocorrncias de acidentes, Durante 2010 animais na pista e princpios de foram atendidos incndio s margens da rodovia. 2,1 milhes de Para o atendimento a essas casos de panes ocorrncias as concessionrias mecnicas dispem de frota composta de During 2010 ambulncias dotadas de modernos 2.1 million cases recursos, caminhes-guinchos, of mechanic caminhes de recolhimento de damages were animais e veculos de combate a handled incndio, entre outros. Na rea de atendimento pr-hospitalar, voltada basicamente aos acidentados na rodovia, mas que tambm atende a casos de emergncia, como os de ataque cardaco, mal sbito e at mesmo partos antecipados, as equipes das concessionrias salvam vidas e reduzem o nvel de riscos e de aumento da

circulate permanently, enables the rapid identification of eventual defects of the paving, as well as accidents, animals on the road and the start of fires on the sides of the highway. To handle these situations the concessionaires count on a fleet made up of ambulances completely equipped with modern resources, cranes, tow trucks, vehicles to remove animals and vehicles to combat fires, amongst others. In the area of pre-hospital care, aimed basically at accidents on the highway but which can handle emergencies such as heart attacks, sudden illness and even premature births, the teams of the concessionaires save lives and reduce the levels of risk and the gravity of the problems that could caused by a delay in the initial handling. Campaigns of motivation, clarification and information about safe driving and how to avoid accidents, are part of the day-to-day life of the concessionaires, who uses various forms of communication. In So Paulo, the Program to Reduce Accidents (pra), instituted by Artesp (Agncia Reguladora de Servios Pblicos Delegados de Transporte

nfase em segurana e conforto dos usurios

Concessionrias mantm frota para superviso de pista Concessionaries maintains a fleet for lane supervision

Atendimento mecnico Mechanical assistance

Treinamento e profissionais preparados para problemas e acidentes Trainning and prepared personal for problems and accidents

Qual a localizao da ocorrncia? What is the location of occurrence?

Sim Yes

Sabe identificar a avaria do veculo? Can you identify vehicle problem?

No No

O que aconteceu com o veculo? What happened with vehicle?

Acionar unidade de apoio Trigger support unit

Identificar usurio To identify user

Acionar caminho guincho ( pesado, mdio ou leve) Trigger tow truck (heavy, medium, or light)

O veculo est em local seguro? Is the vehicle parked in a safe place?

gravidade do problema que poderiam ocorrer caso houvesse demora no atendimento inicial. Campanhas de esclarecimento, motivao e informao sobre direo segura e formas de evitar acidentes so parte do dia a dia das concessionrias, usando vrios instrumentos de comunicao. Em So Paulo, o Programa de Reduo de Acidentes (pra), institudo pela Agncia Reguladora de Servios Pblicos Delegados de Transporte do Estado de So Paulo (Artesp) em colaborao com as concessionrias estaduais, distribui folhetos sobre diversos temas de segurana e coloca faixas e banners nos pontos de maior movimento das rodovias com mensagens de advertncia aos motoristas, alm de outras aes voltadas para a conscientizao dos usurios e de pedestres. Investimento em qualificao profissional

do Estado de So Paulo) in colaboration with the State concessionaires, distribute flyers on various themes of safety and hang banners, in points of greatest movement on the highways, with warnings to drivers, besides other actions geared to creating awareness of the users and the pedestrians. Investment in Professional Qualification The quality of services rendered and the safety of the users, demands constant training and formation of collaborators by the concessionaires The concessionaires invested, during the year, approximately US$ 5.6 million in the formation and development of its manpower at operational, technical and university level, with specific courses in different areas of action, creating their own training programs as well as using external resources. In addition to these courses there are simulation exercises in accidents, fire combat, and pre- hospital care, aimed at perfecting in practice, the skills necessary to render an efficient service of high social interest.

Sim Yes

No No

Sim Yes

possvel remover o veculo? Is it possible to move the vehicle?

No No

A qualidade dos servios prestados e a segurana dos usurios vm exigindo um constante trabalho de treinamento e mesmo de formao dos colaboradores pelas concessionrias. Nesse sentido as concessionrias investiram no ano cerca de R$ 10 milhes na formao e desenvolvimento de sua mo de obra de nvel operacional, tcnico e de nvel superior com cursos especficos para as diferentes reas de atuao, criando programas de treinamento prprio e utilizando recursos externos. Complementarmente aos cursos so efetuados exerccios de simulao de acidentes, de combate a incndios, e de atendimento pr-hospitalar, de modo a aprimorar na prtica as habilidades requeridas para a prestao eficiente de um servio de elevado interesse social.

Atendimento realizado Attendance conducted

Atendimento prioritrio Priority assistance

7. Desenvolvendo e aplicando novas tecnologias 7. Developing and applying new technology

56 57
Developing and applying new technology

Desenvolvendo e aplicando novas tecnologias

avanos tecnolgicos e novas tendncias technological improvements and new trends

A atuao das concessionrias de rodovias tem-se caracterizado pelo desenvolvimento, apoio discusso e aplicao de novas tecnologias em pavimentao, controle e sinalizao. E em 2010 no foi diferente. No ano, a abcr e suas associadas participaram ativamente dos debates e estudos do governo sobre o controle da frota de veculos do Pas, que, em parte Falta controle estimada em mais de 30%, circula sobre a frota de forma irregular. Para o poder de veculos que pblico essa situao prejudica circula no pas a arrecadao tributria e a There is no fiscalizao, pois esses veculos effective control no pagam os tributos devidos over country e pouco se preocupam com vehicles fleet infraes s leis de trnsito, uma vez que no h como cobrar, por falta de registro e de endereo atualizados. J para as concessionrias de rodovias o trfego de veculos irregulares impede a adoo de sistemas mais modernos de cobrana da tarifa de pedgio, em especial o free flow. A soluo para o problema passa pela instalao de um chip nos veculos, como feito em muitos pases, o que objetivo do programa Siniav Sistema Nacional de Identificao Automtica de Veculos. O dispositivo, a ser instalado obrigatoriamente, contm um nmero de srie inaltervel

The performance of the highway concessionaires has been characterized by the development, discussion and application of new technologies applied to paving, control and signaling. The year 2010 was no different. During the year, the abcr and its associates actively participated in debates and Government studies of the Countrys fleet of vehicles, an estimated 30% which, operate in an irregular manner. Authorities consider that this negatively affects tax revenue and control, as these vehicles do not pay the taxes nor do they worry about violations of the traffic laws, as there is no way that they can be fined due to lack of registration and/or addresses that are out-of-date. For the highway concessionaires, the transit of irregular vehicles hinders the adoption of more modern systems of toll collection, in particular free-flow. The solution to the problem would the installation of a chip in each vehicle, as is done in many countries, which is the aim of the Siniav National System for the Automatic Vehicle Identification program. The device to be obligatorily installed would have an unalterable serial number which could transmit real time information through radio frequency, example; license plate number, chassis number and Renavam code. Authorities also see the introduction of Siniav as a means of reducing robbery and theft, facilitating the localization of vehicles, the combat of

Free flow

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cloning number plates, and control over payment of fines and ipva (Vehicle Tax).It would also help in the management of traffic through the control of the number plates in a vehicle rotation system, in addition to identifying traffic jams and the operation of traffic lights. Also, for highway concessionaires it would then become feasible to use toll booths with electronic devices that would permit the calculation of toll per kilometer travelled. The system meets the requirements of article 114 of the Brazilian Transit Code (ctb), which states the need for vehicle identification, and also of the Supplementary Law 121 of February 9th, 2006, which establishes the National System for the Prevention, Control and Repression of Theft and Robbery of Vehicles and Loads. At the end of 2010, the National Department of Transit (Denatran), announced that the agenda as laid out in the Contran Resolution 338, which covers the Siniav, would start as from June 30, 20211 and should be concluded by June 30, 2011. Free flow: collection by kilometer, without toll plazas Sinviav, by including on a chip in every vehicle, could facilitate the implementation of free flow, with vehicles trafficking freely on the highway without having to stop at toll plazas. Besides collecting toll for the distance effectively covered, the toll plazas have no other function, either for manual or electronic systems, both of A implantao which require that the vehicle do free flow vai decreases speed to approxiexigir um chip mately 40 kph. The result would em cada veculo be a decrease in traffic jams in The free flow days of heavy movement. implementation Free flow is used in the would demand United States, Europe and a chip for each various other countries, including vehicle Chile, which has the most extensive system of urban free flow in the World, with roughly 140 kilometers of highways in the shape of a cross, in the capital, Santiago, connected to a large ring road around the City. Another example is the implementation

e pode transmitir informaes por radiofrequncia em tempo real, como o nmero da placa, nmero do chassis e o cdigo Renavam. Os governos vem a introduo do Siniav tambm como forma de reduzir roubos e furtos, facilitando a localizao de veculos e o combate a placas clonadas, alm do controle do pagamento de multas e ipva. Nas cidades tambm possibilita o gerenciamento de trfego pelo controle do rodzio de placas, alm de auxiliar na identificao de congestionamentos e na operao de semforos. Para as concessionrias de rodovias, poder viabilizar o uso de prticos dotados de dispositivos eletrnicos para a cobrana da tarifa de pedgio por quilmetro rodado. O sistema atende s determinaes do artigo 114 do Cdigo de Trnsito Brasileiro (ctb), que trata da obrigatoriedade de identificao dos veculos, e tambm da Lei Complementar 121, de 9 de fevereiro de 2006, que estabelece o Sistema Nacional de Preveno, Fiscalizao e Represso ao Furto e Roubo de Veculos e Cargas. No final de 2010 o Departamento Nacional de Trnsito (Denatran) anunciou que o calendrio estabelecido pela Resoluo 338 do Contran, que dispe sobre o Siniav, teria que iniciar obrigatoriamente at 30 de junho de 2011 e ser concludo at o dia 30 de junho de 2014. Free flow: cobrana quilomtrica sem praas de pedgio O Siniav, ao exigir um chip em cada veculo, poder facilitar a implantao do free flow, com os veculos transitando na rodovia em fluxo livre, ou seja, sem que o veculo tenha que parar nas praas de pedgio. Alm da cobrana de pedgio apenas pelo trecho percorrido, as praas deixam de ser necessrias, tanto para a cobrana manual como para a eletrnica, que exige a diminuio da velocidade para at cerca de 40 km/h. Com isso se reduzem os congestionamentos nos dias de grande movimento. O free flow j adotado nos Estados Unidos, Europa e em vrios outros pases, inclusive o Chile, que possui o maior sistema de free flow

O sensor identifica o veculo pelo chip The scanner identifies the vehicle by the chip

O usurio paga pela quilometragem percorrida The user pays for the extension covered

A cobrana enviada para o endereo do usurio The bill is sent to the users address

Desenvolvendo e aplicando novas tecnologias


urbano do mundo, com cerca de 140 quilmetros de rodovias em forma de cruz na capital, Santiago, ligadas a um grande anel virio em torno da cidade. Outro exemplo o implantado e operado pela Toll Collect na Alemanha, pelo qual so pedagiados todos os veculos com peso bruto a partir de 12 toneladas, sejam eles nacionais ou estrangeiros, ocorrendo a cobrana em toda a malha rodoviria federal, com mais de 14 mil quilmetros de extenso. Neste caso a deteco dos veculos mais sofisticada, sendo feita no apenas por meio de uma etiqueta eletrnica, mas atravs de um equipamento embarcado, com a comunicao realizada via satlite. A abcr e as concessionrias deram andamento a estudos sobre esta inovao tecnolgica que beneficiar os usurios, avaliando a forma de construir os prticos equipados com leitores que detectam a passagem dos veculos. No entanto, para o free flow funcionar em sua plenitude e no haver evaso de receita, ou seja, assegurar que quem use a rodovia pague por essa utilizao, indispensvel que todos os veculos, alm de dotados da etiqueta eletrnica de identificao, sejam cadastrados numa ampla base de dados. Esse arquivo digital armazenar informaes sobre endereo e forma de cobrana desejada pelo proprietrio do veculo: boleto bancrio, carto de crdito ou outra. Inovaes ambientais Na regio serrana fluminense da br-116 foi implantado um programa de aes preventivas para

and operation by Toll Collect, in Germany, whereby all vehicles, national or international, above 12 tons gross weight, are charged throughout the federal road network, with an extension of over 14 thousand kilometers. In this instance the detection of the vehicles is more sophisticated, being done not only through an electronic ticket but also by means of an on board equipment with communication made by satellite. The abcr and the concessionaries are undergoing studies of this technical innovation which would greatly benefit the user, evaluating the ways of building the toll plazas equipped with scanners that would detect the passage of the vehicles. However, for the free flow to function fully, without any revenue evasion, ie., ensure that those that use the highway pay for this usage, it is essential that all vehicles, besides having an electronic identification ticket, also are registered in a wide data base. This digital data base would store information including address, payment preferencesbank deposit slip, credit card or other. Environmental Inovations A program of preventative actions against heavy rains called, Monitoring of Climatic Conditions associated with Geological and Geotechnical Conditions, was implemented in the mountain stretch of the br-116 highway and surrounding areas, in the State of Rio de Janeiro. As the Region had suffered grave problems resulting from torrential rainfall, the work was an important reply for the area and can serve as a paradigm for other concessionaires facing similar problems. The utilization of rubber-asphalt in paving, taking

Asfalto borracha Rubber-asphalt

Pneus inservveis so recolhidos e enviados para processamento Scrap tires are joined and sent to processing units

Desenvolvendo e aplicando novas tecnologias

Os pneus so desmanchados e o p de borracha separado The tires are disintegrated and rubber powder is separated Pavimento resultante mais resistente The resulting pavment is more resistent

chuva, proporcionando mais segurana. Alm disso, confere maior durabilidade ao pavimento. Foram tambm desenvolvidas novas possibilidades para uso de ferramental tcnico. O deflectmetro, usado para medir o deslocamento de determinado objeto ou material quando submetido a uma carga, foi utilizado para anlise do pavimento das rodovias, possibilitando avaliar as condies estruturais de todas as camadas.
fibra txtil/ textile fiber

Dynamic weighing of bulk liquids The weighing of liquid bulk loads, in tanker trucks, has been a problem in the control of weight per axle, due to the uncertainty which exists as to the possible impact that the movement of the liquid has, on the result shown on the scale. According to some, this movement leads to the transfer of the load between the axles, resulting in faulty measurements, with a consequent undue application of fines against the transporters. In order to definitively remove any doubts, following insistence by the abcr and highway operators harmed by the excessive weight per axle, the Inmetro, in 2010, decided to redo the tests previously carried out, both inside and outside the Country, that showed the effectiveness of the weighing. In February a series of tests were performed by Inmetro/Dimel on the Rodovia dos Imigrantes, following the program of, and under the coordination of, the der, So Paulo and accompanied by the abcr and other interested parties. In addition to the standard vehicle used by the Ipem, So Paulo, a further 12 trucks, with varying axle configurations were placed at the disposal of the Group through the auspices of abtlp Associao Brasileira de Transporte e Logistica de Produtos Perigosos, loaded with alcohol, gasoline, amonia, glp and varies other liquid chemical products. The results confirmed two other tests closely followed by the abcr, the first by the Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chausses, in France in 2005, the second in 2007 by Inmetro/Dimel on the Via Anhanguera, in So Paulo. The conclusion was the same liquid loads in movement can be weighed in the same manner, with the same instruments and with the same care as solid loads in movement. Eventual movements of liquid in the tank result in differences which are within operational tolerances. In December, Inmetro issued Portaria no. 490, making available for public consultation, the new Regulamento Tcnico Metrolgico-rtm, granting a period of 60 days for the presentation of suggestions and criticisms, after which Inmetro will coordinate with the entities who have shown


Pesagem dinmica de graneis lquidos A pesagem de cargas lquidas a granel, em caminhes-tanque, tem sido um dos problemas para o controle do peso por eixo, devido dvida levantada sobre o possvel impacto da movimentao do lquido no valor expresso na balana. Segundo alguns, a movimentao levaria transferncia de carga entre os eixos, resultando em aferies equivocadas, com a consequente aplicao de multas indevidas aos transportadores. Para dirimir definitivamente essa dvida, por insistncia da abcr e de operadores de rodovias prejudicados pelo excesso de peso por eixo, o Inmetro decidiu refazer, em 2010, testes anteriormente realizados, no Pas e no exterior, que mostraram a eficcia da pesagem. Em fevereiro, um conjunto de testes foi efetuado pelo Inmetro/ Dimel, na Rodovia dos Imigrantes, com programao e coordenao do der de So Paulo, e acompanhamento pela abcr e outros interessados. Alm do veculo padro do Ipem paulista, foram empregados

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O p misturado ao asfalto e levado at a rodovia Rubber powder is mixed with the asphalt and taken to the road

advantage of discarded tires, continues to increase in various concessionaires, which will contribute to environmental preservation, besides decreasing the noise factor, have greater adherence and have less water dispersion in the case of heavy rains, offering increased safety. In addition, the paving will last longer. New uses for technical tools were also developed. The deflectometer, used to measure the dislocation of a determined object or material when submitted to a force was used to analyze the paving of highways, making it possible to evaluate the structural conditions of each layer.

fortes chuvas, denominado Monitoramento das Condies Climticas Associadas s Condies Geolgicas-Geotcnicas da Rodovia br-116/ rj e seu entorno. Como a regio sofreu graves problemas por causa das fortes chuvas, o trabalho ser uma resposta importante para o local, que pode se tornar um paradigma para outras concessionrias com problemas semelhantes ou afins. A utilizao de asfalto-borracha na pavimentao com o aproveitamento de pneus descartados continua a se expandir em vrias concessionrias, o que contribui para a preservao ambiental, ao lado de propiciar ao veculo menor rudo, maior aderncia dos pneus e menor disperso de gua em caso de

Pesagem de graneis lquidos pode ser feita sem problemas The weighing of liquid bulk can be made without problems

Desenvolvendo e aplicando novas tecnologias

interest in the subject matter, to indicate representatives for future discussions. The abcr expects that, after the public consultation has taken place, the institution will summon the interested sectors to discuss the adjustments that are necessary to put this type of weighing into operation. Dynamic weighing of bulk solids While the tests of the dynamic weighing of liquids were being made, another question arose, this time regarding the allegation that the movement of solids in bulk during the course could bring an overload on some axles. Tests involving the loading, transporting and weighing of bulk solids which were accompanied by the abcr, were carried out in March 2010 using two trucks belonging to the Associao Rodovirio de Brasil atr Brasil. After the first static weighing, using a portable scales, the Mito/Mith vehicles started on a trip Cobrana eletrnica of approximately 460 kms. deveria reduzir tarifa with two stops on the way Electronic tolling during which each truck was should reduce fees weighed, using the portable scales, and at the end of the Fato/Fact trip a double weighing was Instalao e controle para performed, also with the use essa cobrana tem custos of the portable scales. Instalation and control The results of these five for billing have costs weightings per axle (four static and one dynamic) and their comparison with the limits established by the Detran, showed that the groups of axles that started the trip underloaded finished the trip underloaded; the group of axles that started the trip overloaded, ended the trip overloaded. In other words, there was no significant movement or shifting of the transported products during the trip. It was shown that the cause of overloading of the axles in the transport of bulk solids is the inadequate process of loading which results in bad distribution of the product in the transporting vehicle, which, normally is the responsibility of the loaders. This practice results in increased operating

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nesses testes 12 caminhes com diversas configuraes de eixos, colocados disposio por intermdio da abtlp Associao Brasileira de Transporte e Logstica de Produtos Perigosos, carregados com lcool, gasolina, amnia, glp e vrios outros produtos qumicos lquidos. Os resultados confirmaram dois outros experimentos acompanhados de perto pela abcr, o primeiro realizado pelo Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chausses, na Frana, em 2005, e o segundo realizado em 2007 pelo Inmetro/Dimel, na Via Anhanguera, em So Paulo. A concluso foi a mesma: cargas lquidas em movimento podem ser pesadas da mesma maneira, com os mesmos instrumentos e com a mesma segurana com que so pesadas cargas slidas em movimento. Os eventuais deslocamentos do lquido dentro do tanque resultam em diferenas perfeitamente cobertas pelas tolerncias operacionais. Em dezembro o Inmetro emitiu a Portaria n. 490, abrindo consulta pblica o novo Regulamento Tcnico Metrolgico rtm, dando um prazo de 60 dias para apresentao de sugestes e crticas, aps o que o Inmetro se articular com as entidades que tenham manifestado interesse na matria, para que indiquem representantes nas discusses posteriores. A abcr aguarda que, aps encerrar a consulta pblica, a instituio convoque os setores interessados da sociedade para discutir os ajustes que se fizerem necessrios e colocar esse tipo de pesagem em operao. Pesagem dinmica de graneis slidos Enquanto se preparavam os testes sobre pesagem dinmica de cargas lquidas, nova questo foi levantada, alegando-se que tambm a movimentao de graneis slidos durante o trajeto poderia trazer sobrecarga em alguns eixos. Testes acompanhados pela abcr, que envolveram o carregamento, o transporte e a pesagem de cargas de graneis slidos, foram realizados em maro de 2010 com a utilizao de dois caminhes cedidos pela Associao do Transporte Rodovirio do Brasil atr Brasil. Depois de uma primeira pesagem esttica, com a utilizao de uma balana

porttil, foi realizada uma viagem de cerca de 460 quilmetros, com duas paradas para repesar cada veculo por eixo, com a balana porttil, seguidas de uma dupla pesagem no final do trecho. Os resultados das cinco pesagens por eixo (quatro estticas e uma dinmica) e a sua comparao com os limites estabelecidos pelo Denatran mostraram que os grupos de eixos que iniciaram a viagem subcarregados terminaram a viagem subcarregados; e os grupos de eixos que iniciaram a viagem sobrecarregados, terminaram a viagem sobrecarregados. Ou seja, no houve qualquer movimento ou deslocamento substancial dos produtos transSobrecarga em portados durante a viagem. eixo no caso de Ficou demonstrado que a graneis resulta causa da sobrecarga em eixos do carregamento no transporte de graneis slidos Overweight o processo inadequado de in bulk carregamento, que resulta em transportation m distribuio do produto no results from veculo transportador, o que, the loading normalmente, responsabilidade dos embarcadores. Tal prtica aumenta os custos operacionais, amplia o tempo de viagem com maior desgaste fsico do motorista, danifica mais rapidamente os veculos e os expe mais facilmente a acidentes. Avaliao do nvel de rudo Embora o rudo em reas vizinhas a rodovias constitua um importante aspecto ambiental, fonte de incmodos populao que nelas reside ou trabalha, inexistia at recentemente regulamentao a respeito. As administradoras de rodovias tanto privadas (concessionrias) como pblicas (dnit, der, Dersa, Daer) enfrentavam a falta de uma norma definidora das regras e procedimentos exatos a serem atendidos. Segundo o consultor Eduardo Murgel, definir esta norma apresenta alguns complicadores, como o fato de que a administradora/operadora da rodovia no tem controle sobre as fontes sonoras, que so os veculos que por ela trafegam; que existem nveis mximos de atenuao

preciso controlar o excesso de peso por eixo It is necessary to control the weight excess per axle

costs, increases travel time with greater physical stress of the driver, damages the vehicles and makes them more subject to accidents. Evaluation of noise level Although the level of noise in areas that border on highways is an important environmental aspect, a source of considerable discomfort to the population that works or lives in the area, until recently there was no legislation regarding this matter. The highway administrators both private and public (Dnit, der, Dersa, Daer) faced the lack of a definitive norm regarding the rules and procedures that should be followed. According to the consultant, Eduardo Murgel, there are some aspects that make it difficult to define the necessary norm such as the fact that administrator/operator of the highway has no control over the sources of the noise which are the vehicles using the road; there exist maximum sound attenuation levels technically possible to be obtained; there is little or no control or planning of areas bordering highways; sundry other aspects. With a view to establishing a norm applicable in the State of So Paulo, the Environmental Chamber for the Construction Industry of Cetesb, the environmental company of So Paulo, formed a work group made up of representatives of the State Secretariat for the Environment, the State Secretariat for Transport and Logistics, the Regulatory Agency for Transport Services of the State of So Paulo Artesp,

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the Metropolitan Company of the State of So Paulo, cpt Metropolitan Train Company of So Paulo, Dersa The Highway Development Company, the National Agency for Land Transport antt, and the Brazilian Association of Highway Concessionaires-abcr. During the initial stages the Work Group drafted the Resolution Cetesb dd-100/2009, which defined procedures for measuring noise specifically relating to highways and railways. This norm eliminates the inadequate or ill-defined points included in the Conama 1/90 Resolution, providing the groundwork for the standardization of evaluations, essential to the correct analysis of the effects of alteration of noise arising from the implementation or duplication of highways, by comparing levels measured before and after the interventions. The second stage of the project covered the determination of legal noise limits in areas neighboring highways, seeking realistic and viable standards possible to follow, which at the same time, guaranteed the receivers an acoustic comfort level at least similar to those existing in urban areas, in general. The result was the Cetesb RegulationDirectorate n 389/2010/P, published in 21/12/2010. Electronic billing In 2010 the electronic billing system of toll collection continued to expand allowing the user to slow down rather than stop, at the toll booths. At the moment the user passes, the details of the vehicle, previously on file and A cobrana registered on an electronic tag, eletrnica do are read by an antenna installed pedgio continua in the toll plaza and the toll a se expandir collection is carried out later.. Electronic An important characteristic of billing continues the Brazilian system is its interto expand operability:the same electronic tag allows for traffic on highways administered by different concessionaires in different states throughout the Country. The user gains, especially in the reduction in travelling time, in the economy of gasoline and in the decrease in wear and tear, through not having to stop at every

sonora tecnicamente possveis de serem obtidos; que tampouco h controle ou planejamento na ocupao de reas lindeiras a rodovias; entre outros pontos. Para estabelecer uma norma aplicvel no estado de So Paulo, a Cmara Ambiental da Indstria de Construo, da Cetesb, empresa ambiental paulista, criou um grupo de trabalho formado por representantes da Secretaria Estadual de Meio Ambiente, da Secretaria de Estado de Logstica e Transportes, da Agncia Reguladora de Servios Delegados de Transportes do Estado de So Paulo Artesp, da Companhia do Metropolitano do Estado de So Paulo, da cptm Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos, da Dersa Desenvolvimento Rodovirio S.A., da Agncia Nacional de Transportes Terrestres antt e da Associao Brasileira de Concessionrias de Rodovias abcr. Em uma primeira etapa dos trabalhos foi elaborada a Resoluo Cetesb dd-100/2009, que define procedimentos de medio de rudos especficos para rodovias e ferrovias. Essa norma elimina pontos inadequados ou indefinidos na Resoluo Conama 1/90, provendo meios para uma padronizao das avaliaes, essencial para uma correta anlise dos efeitos da alterao de rudo decorrente de implantaes ou duplicaes de rodovias, mediante comparao de valores medidos antes e aps estas intervenes. Na segunda etapa dos trabalhos, tratou-se da determinao de limites legais de rudo em reas vizinhas a rodovias, buscando padres realistas, viveis de serem cumpridos e que, ao mesmo tempo, garantissem aos receptores os nveis de conforto acstico no mnimo similares aos existentes em reas urbanas em geral. O resultado foi a Regulamentao da Cetesb Deciso de Diretoria n. 389/2010/P, publicada em 21/12/2010. Cobrana eletrnica Em 2010 continuou a se expandir o sistema de cobrana eletrnica de pedgio, que permite ao usurio no parar nas cabines, mas apenas reduzir a velocidade ao passar por elas. Nesse momento,

os dados do veculo, previamente cadastrados e registrados em uma etiqueta eletrnica, so lidos por uma antena instalada na praa de pedgio, sendo a cobrana efetuada posteriormente. Uma importante caracterstica do sistema brasileiro a interoperabilidade: a mesma etiqueta eletrnica (tag) permite trafegar por rodovias administradas por diferentes concessionrias em diversos estados do Pas. Os ganhos do usurio consistem especialmente na reduo dos tempos de viagem, na economia de combustvel e no menor desgaste do veculo, pelo fato de no precisar parar em cada praa de pedgio. No final de 2010 o sistema cobria mais de 90% da malha rodoviria pedagiada e era utilizado por cerca de 2,5 milhes de veculos. Sistemas de gerenciamento O processo de concesso de rodovias tem aumentado a oferta e o desenvolvimento de equipamentos e sistemas eletrnicos de gesto e operao. Entre eles, softwares de gerenciamento de trfego, centros de controle operacional, redes de fibra ptica e wireless, cmeras de alta definio, estaes meteorolgicas, paineis de mensagens variveis para informar as condies do trfego, contadores de veculos que permitem prever o fluxo, sensores de deteco de acidentes e incndios, e outros. Os softwares de gesto para Centros de Controle Operacional (cco) j so adotados em mais de 30 rodovias, permitindo registrar ocorrncias e informar o operador do cco para que este acione imediatamente o veculo ou ambulncia mais prximos do local da ocorrncia, otimizando os recursos e abreviando o atendimento. A abcr vem sendo grande promotora da divulgao e implantao dessas inovaes, por intermdio de seu Congresso Brasileiro de Rodovias & Concesses CBR&C, acompanhado da Exposio Internacional de Produtos para Rodovias brasvias e do Salo de Inovao, realizados a cada dois anos.

toll plaza. By the end of 2010 the system covered more than 90% of the tolled road network and was used by approximately 2.5 million vehicles. Management systems The process of granting highway concessions has increased the supply and development of electronic systems and equipment for management and operation. Among these are software for management of traffic, operational control centers, optical fiber and wireless networks, high definition cameras, meteorological stations, variable message panels informing traffic conditions, vehicle counters which make it possible to forecast traffic flow, sensors that detect accidents and fires, and others. Software for management of operational centers is already in use on more than 30 highways, which makes it possible to register occurrences and inform the operator of the control center so that he can immediately action the vehicle or ambulance nearest the scene of the accident, optimizing the use of the resources and decreasing the time necessary to handle the problem. The abcr is the main promoter of the dissemination and deployment of these innovations by means of its Brazilian Congress of Highways and Concession CBR&C accompanied by the International Exposition of Products for Highwaysbrasvias and the Innovation Hall, which is held every two years.

Desenvolvendo e aplicando novas tecnologias

Cmeras, softwares e sensores ajudam a controlar a rodovia Cameras, softwares and sensors help to control the highway

8. Interao contnua com as comunidades 8. Continual interaction with communities

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Continual interaction with communities

Interao contnua com as comunidades

sustentabilidade e iniciativas sociais sustainability and social initiatives

Empresas prestadoras de servios pblicos, as concessionrias de rodovias tm um triplo compromisso social externo: com seus usurios, com o poder pblico e com as comunidades lindeiras aos trechos que administram. A este se soma o compromisso social interno com seus colaboradores, prestadores de servio, acionistas e financiadores. Um de seus objetivos atuar de forma a serem reconhecidas como empresas modernas e socialmente responsveis. Para isso, ao lado de sua atividade como operadoras de rodovias, elas desenConcessionrias volvem projetos e programas tm um socioambientais significativos, compromisso com que complementam a gama de as comunidades servios prestados aos usurios, e a sociedade integrando seus diversos pblicos Concessionaries de forma holstica e harmoniosa. have a Em 2010, o conjunto das 53 commitment with associadas abcr investiu cerca the comunity de R$ 10 milhes em projetos and the society socioambientais, beneficiando as comunidades circunvizinhas, os caminhoneiros e outros grupos, nas reas de sade, educao, cultura, proteo infncia, meio ambiente, e esporte. As concessionrias deram prosseguimento aos seus programas de informao aos usurios, comunidade e a outros grupos, por meio de aes especiais e da promoo de visitas aos centros

As companies providing a public service, highway concessionaires have a triple external social commitment: with their users, with the authorities and with the communities surrounding the stretches that they administer. Added to this is the internal commitment to the collaborators, service providers, shareholders and financers. One of their objectives is to be recognized as modern, socially responsible companies. Consequently, in addition to their activity as highway operators, they develop significant socioeconomic projects and programs that complement the array of services provided to the users, integrating the various populations in a holistic and harmonious manner. In 2010 the group of 53 affiliates of abcr invested approximately US$ 5.6 million in socioenvironmental projects, in benefit of neighboring communities, truck drivers and other groups, in the fields of health, education, culture, childhood protection, environment and sport. The concessionaires continued their user, community and other information programs through special actions and promoting visits to operational centers and other areas, to inform and stimulate, in particular students, about their activity and the professional possibilities offered. Almost 1.4 billion vehicles passed through the various toll plazas during 2010, which made them a valuable source of dissemination of information to

the users. To take advantage of these conditions the concessionaires have their printed vehicles (newspapers, magazines, newsletters, banners, placards) among others. All this communication potential is mobilized to operate in campaigns and important actions in the socio-environmental areas.
Interao contnua com as comunidades

Actions, programs and campaigns in the health area One the most significant areas of social responsibility of the highway concessionaires is the educational campaigns for the clarification and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (dst/Aids), carried out by means of talks, information distributed at the toll plazas and actions with a public, with great potential for dissemination and contamination, the truck drivers. Highway concessionaires also participate in the National Campaign for Vacination against Infantile Paralysis contributing to the efforts of the Ministry of Health, that welcomes the Mito/Mith involvement of other organiAs ouvidorias no zations. In the 2010 edition, funcionam direito hundreds of pre-hospital profesOmbudsmen dont sionals worked in service stations work properly on the highways, in support of the anti-polio event. This was Fato/Fact repeated in the campaign against Ouvidorias e outros the Flu virus HINI, reproducing sistemas atendem and distributing publicity material milhares de usurios supplied by the Ministry of Health. Ombudsmen and The participation spread to other other systems assist public initiatives in the health thousands of users area example; the fight against dengue, with one-off support and educational action in the toll plazas, in addition to relevant and sometimes unusual events. The joint efforts of the concessionaires were also involved in the National Day for Fighting and Prevention of Arterial Hypertension, action aimed at increasing awareness of the users regarding the risks of this pathology. Old partnerships, socially as important as more recent ones, were renewed example; that celebrated with apae for

de controle operacional e a outras reas, visando informar e tambm estimular, em especial os estudantes, sobre sua atividade e as possibilidades profissionais oferecidas. Quase 1,4 bilho de veculos passaram pelas diversas praas de pedgio durante 2010, o que as torna um importante ponto de disseminao de informaes aos usurios. Para tanto, as concessionrias dispem de seus veculos impressos (jornais, revistas e boletins), de faixas, placas e banners, entre outros meios. Toda essa fora de comunicao mobilizada para operar em campanhas e aes importantes nas reas socioambientais. Aes, programas e campanhas na rea de sade Uma das atividades de responsabilidade social mais significativa das concessionrias de rodovias a realizao de campanhas educativas para esclarecimento e preveno de doenas sexualmente transmissveis (dst/Aids), realizadas por meio de palestras, informaes distribudas nas praas de pedgio e aes diretas junto a um dos pblicos com maior potencial de disseminao e contaminao, os caminhoneiros. A Campanha Nacional de Vacinao contra a Plio tambm conta com a participao das empresas do setor, ampliando o imenso esforo na preveno da paralisia infantil realizado pelo Ministrio da Sade, que no prescinde do envolvimento de outras organizaes. Na edio 2010, as centenas de profissionais de atendimento pr-hospitalar fizeram planto em postos de servio nas rodovias em apoio ao antiplio. Da mesma forma, houve forte engajamento na campanha contra o vrus da gripe Influenza h1n1, mediante a reproduo e distribuio de peas publicitrias fornecidas pelo Ministrio da Sade. A participao se estendeu a outras iniciativas pblicas na rea de sade, como o combate dengue, com apoios pontuais e aes educativas em praas de pedgio, alm de medidas relevantes e at inusitadas. O esforo conjunto das concessionrias tambm esteve presente no Dia Nacional

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Campanhas de sade so feitas junto a caminhoneiros Health campaings are done for truck drivers

de Combate e Preveno da Hipertenso Arterial, com a realizao de aes destinadas a conscientizar os usurios acerca dos riscos dessa patologia. Parcerias antigas tambm foram renovadas, como a celebrada com a apae para execuo de um projeto de desenvolvimento de alunos com necessidades educacionais diferenciadas, chamado Companhia Co em Ao. No Paran o treinamento do projeto Viva Corao sobre como proceder em casos de parada respiratria ensinou aos participantes da comunidade como atuar nessas ocorrncias. Alunos de enfermagem no Esprito Santo fizeram simulado de atendimento a acidentados para esclarecer as pessoas sobre como atuar diante de uma ocorrncia real. Em escolas do interior de So Paulo, alunos com problemas de viso foram contemplados com a doao de culos. Tambm no interior de So Paulo, as equipes de socorristas, especializadas em acidentes automobilsticos, prestaram atendimento a usurios com outros problemas de sade, e at mesmo na realizao de partos. Investimentos em educao para o trnsito As concessionrias realizaram um amplo trabalho educativo voltado s comunidades lindeiras e aos usurios, buscando reduzir acidentes nas rodovias, o que tambm traz como efeito positivo

the execution of a project for developing students with special needs denominated Companhia Co em Ao. In Paran, training in the Viva Corao Project taught community participants how to act in cases of respiratory interruptions. Student nurses in Espirito Santo simulated handling the victims of accidents to clarify the public as to how to act in a real life situation. In schools in the interior of So Paulo, students with eye problems received spectacles. Also in the interior of So Paulo, first responders, specialized in automobile accidents, handled users with other health problems, even childbirths. Investment in education for transit The concessionaires carried out an ample educational project aimed at the surrounding communities and the users, in an effort to decrease accidents on the highways, which as a by-product, brings the benefit of increased care on urban roads. In addition to the normal activities of the National Transit Week (Semana Nacional do Trnsito), promoted annually, various other transit educational programs were developed, involving specially the schoolchildren of the surrounding cities. Amongst these were The Road to Citizenship and the School ohl Project, the Project Transit Legal and the Project Educating Children for Transit, all of which were aimed at creating awareness in minors (future drivers) and through them, in the adults in their family. Various concessionaires put together educational campaigns, with different approaches to the prevention of accidents, using, in many cases an educational blitz, involving the drivers. The problem of accidents involving animals was broached in the lecture Take care of your animal aimed at increasing the owners awareness so as not to allow the animals to escape and wander dangerously along the highways.The contracting of apprentices is another socio-economic activity of the concessionaires. One of these programs, Road to the Future- Apprentices in Action contacted 40 youths to train in various areas of the company. Lectures and courses with multidiscipline classes

Educao para o trnsito uma atividade significativa Education for transit is an important activity

ainda um curso de Gesto de Empreendimentos Comunitrios, realizado na Bahia. No conjunto das concessionrias as atividades educativas foram diversificadas e ampliadas em todos os estados em que h empresas do setor. Dentre elas houve a inaugurao da primeira sala do Projeto leitura para todos em comunidade carente do Rio de Janeiro, sob o patrocnio do Instituto Invepar, ligado holding de um grupo de concessionrias. O transporte de gros, que representa parte significativa do movimento rodovirio de carga no perodo das safras em alguns estados, tambm foi alvo de atividades educativas visando a eliminao de riscos causados pelo derrame dos produtos nas rodovias, alm do prejuzo econmico para o transportador e o Pas, causado pelo desperdcio. aimed at preparing youths for the market place were proffered, free-of-charge. The educational work also included a course on Management of Community Enterprises, which took place in Bahia. In the group of concessionaires the educational activities were diversified and enlarged in all the states where there were companies of the sector. Amongst these was the inauguration of the first classroom for the Reading for Everyone Project in a poor community in Rio de Janeiro, under the auspices of the Invepar Institute, connected to the holding of a group of concessionaires. The transport of grains, which represents a significant part of the highway movement in some states, during the harvest period, was the target of some educational activities aimed at eliminating risks resulting from spillage of products on the highways, besides the economic loss for the transporter and for the Country, resulting from this wastage. Participation in campaigns for protection of children As part of their social responsibility, the concessionaires have sought to cooperate in reducing the risk of child kidnapping and abduction and in the recovery of victims of this criminal process. Thus, as part of the actions allusive to the International Childrens Day, the search for lost children was o aumento dos cuidados nas vias urbanas. Alm das atividades da Semana Nacional do Trnsito, promovidas anualmente com esse objetivo, foram desenvolvidos vrios outros programas de educao para o trnsito, envolvendo especialmente as populaes escolares das cidades lindeiras. Entre eles o Programa Estrada para a Cidadania e o Projeto Escola ohl, o Projeto Trnsito Legal e o Programa Educando Crianas Para o Trnsito, que buscam a conscientizao dos menores, futuros motoristas, e, atravs deles, de seus familiares adultos. Vrias concessionrias realizaram campanhas educativas regionais com diferentes abordagens focadas em aes de preveno de acidentes, usando em muitos casos o recurso da blitz educativa, realizada junto a motoristas. A incidncia de acidentes com animais foi trabalhada na palestra Cuide de seu animal, visando conscientizao dos seus proprietrios no sentido de no os deixarem escapulir e depois perambularem perigosamente pelas rodovias. A contratao de aprendizes outra atividade scioeducativa das concessionrias. S um dos programas, Estrada para o futuro Aprendizes em Ao, contratou 40 jovens para estagiar em reas da empresa. Tambm foram realizados palestras e cursos gratuitos com aulas multidisciplinares voltados preparao de jovens para o mercado de trabalho. O trabalho educativo incluiu Participao em campanhas de defesa da infncia Com sua responsabilidade social, as concessionrias tm buscado cooperar para a reduo do risco de sequestro ou abduo infantil e a recuperao das crianas objeto desse processo criminoso. Assim, como parte das aes alusivas ao Dia Internacional da Criana Desaparecida, foi dado prosseguimento ao esforo de combater o desaparecimento Empresas atuam de crianas com a publicao na proteo de novas fotos estampadas nos infncia e combate recibos de pedgio. explorao Outra ao de proteo sexual de crianas infncia que contou com a partiThe companies act cipao efetiva das empresas do on child protection setor foi a Campanha Na mo and against sexual certa, de Combate ao Abuso e exploitation Explorao Sexual de Crianas of children e Adolescentes, concebida pela Childhood Brasil (Instituto wcf), com o objetivo de reunir esforos e mobilizar governos, empresas e organizaes do terceiro setor para combater mais eficazmente a explorao sexual e comercial de crianas e adolescentes nas rodovias brasileiras. Houve distribuio de folhetos aos usurios e at realizao de bloqueios educativos nas bases de policiamento.

Interao contnua com as comunidades

intensified with the publication of new photographs, stamped on the toll receipts. Another action aimed at the protection of children was the participation of companies of the sector in the Campaign Na Mo Certa (In the Right Hands) to Combat Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children and Adolescents, conceived by Childhood Brasil (wcf Institute), with the objective of uniting efforts and mobilizing governments, companies and organizations of third sector to combat, more effectively, the sexual and commercial exploitation of children and adolescents on Brazilian highways. Leaflets were distributed to users and even educational roadblocks were mounted at police stations. Support of culture is also part of the work The work of interacting and relating to the community is intense, stimulating and participative, with different actions in support of culture. In addition to the sponsorship and support of various initiatives of private and public entities, the stimulation of cultural activities was the object of various direct initiatives by the concessionaires. The film Cinco vezes favela Agora por ns mesmos, presented at the Cannes Film Festival, was produced with the participation of ex-pupils of Cinemaneiro, a project developed by an entity associated with abcr. Cinema was in the news, also, in the commemorations, in So Paulo, of the five years of Cine Tela Brasil, a project which is part of the ccr Culture on the Highways Project, which also counted wth the participation of the Telefnica Foundation. In the interior of So Paulo, the Workshops Cine Tela Brasil, also in conjunction with the Telefnica Foundation, made it possible that 20 young people of low income level had the chance to produce their own short films. In the project, participants learned the techniques of production and editing scripts and videos. Educational actions related to natural, cultural and historical assets are important to preserve the legacy for future generations. With this in mind, the concessionaires implemented a work of diffusion of messages printed on biodegradable plastic bags

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Apoio ao cinema um dos focos das concessionria Support for movie industry is one of the concessionaries' focus

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to users, besides taking advantage of the communication vehicles of the companies of the sector, to touch on the theme. The area of theatre was also broached. Examples are the sponsorship of the Cassiano Cultural Foundation for the National Theatre Festival of the Paraiba Vale and the support of theatrical presentations mounted by the Loucos por Tar Company, amongst which was the play Dream during which non-perishable foodstuffs were collected for a support institution for the elderly.Music and literature are other cultural areas that received support from the concessionaires. In literature, within the scope of the Contribuinte da Cultura Project there was the launching of the book Caminhos do Patrimnio Cultural 3 roteiros em So Paulo. Concerts by the Symphony Orchestra of Barra Mansa were part of the project Musica nas Escolas supported by one of the affiliates of abcr. Classical music needs initiatives such as these as it gets limited support from the government, although it is an essential part of the musical education of the children, who are often only attracted by the appeal of more popular sounds. Protecting and preserving the environment Actions by the concessionaires oriented to the environment continued to be significant in 2010. The Day and Week of the Environment and the Day of the Tree were commemorated by practically all companies, by means of different initiatives. Also, there were isolated events aimed at strengthening environmental awareness and the adoption of good practices of preservation and conservation of nature. The concessionaires consider an important part of their socio environmental responsibilities is to participate in the effort to inform the population on the phenomenon of climate change, more and more impacting. As the problem derives partly from environmental disequilibria generated by inadequate actions, the companies encourage the population to get to know and avoid the consequences and to mitigate and align them. Courses, events and other outreach activities

Apoio cultura tambm parte do trabalho O trabalho de interao e relaes com a comunidade permaneceu intenso, estimulante e participativo, com diferentes aes em prol da cultura. Alm do patrocnio e apoio a diversas iniciativas de entidades e do setor pblico, o estmulo s atividades culturais foi objeto de vrias iniciativas diretas das concessionrias. O filme Cinco vezes favela Agora por ns mesmos, apresentado no Festival de Cannes, foi produzido com a participao de ex-alunos do Cinemaneiro, projeto desenvolvido por entidade mantida por associada da abcr. O cinema esteve em evidncia tambm nas comemoraes, em So Paulo, dos cinco anos do Cine Tela Brasil, projeto integrante do programa ccr Cultura nas Estradas, e que conta tambm com a participao da Fundao Telefnica. No interior paulista, as Oficinas Cine Tela Brasil realizadas igualmente em conjunto com a Fundao Telefnica, possibilitaram que 20 jovens de baixa renda tivessem chance de produzir seus prprios curtas-metragens. Nesse projeto, os participantes aprendem tcnicas de produo e edio de roteiro e vdeo. Aes educativas de proteo dos bens naturais, culturais e de carter histrico so importantes para preservar o legado s prximas

geraes. Neste sentido foi implementado por concessionrias um trabalho de difuso de mensagens impressas em sacolas plsticas biodegradveis distribudas aos usurios, alm do aproveitamento dos veculos de comunicao das empresas do setor para abordar o tema. Na rea do teatro tambm a atuao se fez presente. So exemplos o patrocnio Fundao Cultural Cassiano para o Festival Nacional de Teatro do Vale do Paraba e o apoio s apresentaes de espetculos teatrais montados pela Cia. Loucos por Tar, entre os quais a pea Sonho, em que se procedeu arrecadao de alimentos no perecveis para instituio de atendimento a idosos. Msica e literatura so outras reas culturais que receberam apoio das concessionrias. Na literatura, no mbito do Projeto Contribuinte da Cultura, houve o lanamento do livro Caminhos do Patrimnio Cultural 3 Roteiros em So Paulo. Os concertos da Orquestra Sinfnica de Barra Mansa so parte do projeto Msica nas Escolas, apoiado por uma das associadas da abcr. A msica erudita precisa de iniciativas como esta, pois recebe limitado apoio dos governos, embora seja essencial na educao musical das crianas, que muitas vezes so alcanadas apenas pelos apelos dos sons mais populares. Defendendo e preservando o meio ambiente As aes das concessionrias orientadas para o meio ambiente continuaram muito significativas em 2010. O Dia e a Semana do Meio Ambiente e o Dia da rvore foram comemorados por praticamente todas as empresas, por meio de diferentes iniciativas. Houve tambm eventos isolados voltados para o fortalecimento da conscientizao ambiental e da adoo de boas prticas para preservao e conservao da natureza. As concessionrias consideram parte importante de sua responsabilidade socioambiental participar do esforo para informar a populao sobre o fenmeno das mudanas climticas, cada vez mais impactante. Como o problema deriva parcialmente de desequilbrios ambientais provocados por aes inadequadas, as empresas incentivam a populao a conhecer e evitar essas

were made as part of the effort to stimulate a responsible environmental mentality. Among these, the 4th Public Forum Ecoviver stands out, with the object of analyzing different experiences and proposing solutions for the management of solid residues. Developed by a group of concessionaires, the program Viva Meio Ambiente, in turn continued in its objective of promoting environmental awareness of the professors and students of public schools in the municipalities in the area in which it operates. In Paran, the project Ao Verde, for the fourth time, got together students for talks and visits to the exposition of photos of the concessionaires environmental projects. An environmentally correct solution denominated biomanta vegetal was tested to control the effects of erosion of slopes in the State of Rio de Janeiro. In Rio Grande do Sul, the Delta Operation, which focused on environmental cleaning and preserving, took place, in the delta of the river Jacui. The advancement in the search for a greener planet was formerly recognized in two of the affiliates, who obtained the nbr iso 9001 and 14.001 certificates, that deal with the management of quality and of the environment.

Interao contnua com as comunidades

Campanhas fortalecem a conscincia ambiental Campaigns strengh environmental responsibilty

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Esporte amador apoiado pelas concessionrias Amateur sports are supported by the concessionaries

Support of sport and martial arts Sport, as an important part in the formation of a citizen, was present in various projects launched and maintained by the highway concessionaires. One of these, in partnership with Sesi, opened up for the community, the socio-educational project Atleta do Futuro with emphasis on the personal and social development of children and adolescents through sport. The partnership with Gol de Letra Foundation made it possible to execute the projects in Rio de Janeiro. In the city of Niteroi, the Grael Project held a workshop on the Optimist class sailboat as part of the social inclusion effort. The ngo also uses basketball as an instrument of social promotion. In the South of the Country the first stage of the 5th edition of the Ecosul of Athletics, which is included in the official calendar of the Athletic Federation of Rio Grande do Sul, took place. The social inclusion project Sport and Citizenship of the Invepar Institute works on social inclusion and citizenship through sport and became hallowed with final of the Tournament Integrao de Futebol. The participation of the Petrobras Lubrax team received incentives from the concessionaire in the So Paulo and National Championships of the Rally Cross Country. The same occurred with

consequncias, atenu-las e contrap-las. Cursos, eventos e outras iniciativas de divulgao foram realizados como parte do esforo para estimular a mentalidade ambientalmente responsvel. Entre eles, destaca-se o 4 Frum Pblico Ecoviver, com o objetivo de analisar diferentes experincias e propor solues para a gesto de resduos slidos. Desenvolvido por um grupo de concessionrias, o Programa Viva Meio Ambiente, por seu turno, prosseguiu em sua finalidade de promover a conscientizao ambiental de professores e alunos de escolas pblicas de municpios de sua rea de atuao. No Paran, o Projeto Ao Verde, pela quarta vez, reuniu estudantes para palestras e visitas exposio de fotos sobre os projetos ambientais da concessionria. Uma soluo ecologicamente correta denominada biomanta vegetal foi experimentada para controlar os efeitos da eroso em taludes no estado do Rio de Janeiro. No Rio Grande do Sul, com foco na limpeza e preservao ambiental, foi realizada a Operao Delta, no delta do rio Jacu. O avano na busca de um planeta mais verde foi reconhecido formalmente em duas das associadas, com a obteno da certificao nas nbr ISOs 9001 e 14.001, que tratam da gesto de qualidade e gesto de meio ambiente. Apoio ao esporte e artes marciais O esporte como formador do cidado esteve presente em diversos projetos lanados e mantidos pelas concessionrias de rodovias. Um deles, em parceria com o sesi, abriu para a comunidade o projeto socioeducativo Atleta do Futuro, com foco no desenvolvimento pessoal e social de crianas e adolescentes por meio do esporte. A parceria com a Fundao Gol de Letra possibilitou a execuo de projetos no Rio de Janeiro. Na cidade de Niteri, o Projeto Grael realizou uma oficina de vela da classe Optimist, como iniciativa de incluso social. A ong utiliza o basquete tambm como instrumento de promoo social. No Sul do Pas aconteceu a 5 edio do circuito Ecosul de Atletismo, que passa a integrar o calendrio oficial da Federao de Atletismo do

Rio Grande do Sul. O projeto de incluso social Esporte e Cidadania, do Instituto Invepar, trabalha a incluso social e cidadania por intermdio do esporte, e ficou consagrado com a final do Torneio Integrao de Futebol. A participao da Equipe Petrobras Lubrax, recebeu o incentivo de concessionria nos Campeonatos Paulista e Brasileiro de Rally Cross Country. O mesmo ocorreu com a Associao dos Amigos do Handebol no interior paulista, com vistas ao emprego do esporte como ferramenta de incluso social. Um colgio de Santana de Parnaba inaugurou seu Ncleo Fundao de Tnis, sob patrocnio de uma concessionria e da prefeitura do municpio. A equipe do projeto Atletismo Esperana, que conquistou 10 medalhas em torneio da Federao de Atletismo do Paran, possivelmente no teria a mesma performance se no contasse com o suporte de uma concessionria, que tem suprido os atletas com recursos necessrios para seu treinamento e sustento.

Interao contnua com as comunidades

the Association of the Friends of Handball, in the interior of So Paulo, aimed at using sport as a means of social inclusion. A school in Santana de Parnaiba inaugurated a Ncleo Tenis Foundation under the auspices of a concessionaire and the Mayors office. The team of the Atletismo Esperana, that won 10 medals in the Federation of Athletics of Paran might not have had the same performance had it not been for the support of concessionaire, who supplied the athletes with the resources necessary for their training and maintenance.

Apoio cultura nas cidades lindeiras Cultural activities in nearby cities are supported

9. Desafios e perspectivas 9. Challenges and perspectives

perspectivas para o setor so favorveis sectors perspectives look favorable

Desafios e perspectivas

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Challenges and perspectives

O Brasil encerra 2010 com trs grandes desafios a vencer no setor rodovirio, que dependem essencialmente de decises e da ao do poder pblico. O primeiro deles a limitada malha pavimentada de que o Pas dispe, de cerca de 212,7 mil quilmetros, boa parte em mau estado (nos Estados Unidos, com dimenses similares, so 4,4 milhes de quilmetros). Apesar dos investimentos realizados nos ltimos anos pelas concessionrias e pelo poder pblico, a infraestrutura rodoviria existente no compatvel com a dimenso atual de nossa economia, muito Desafios menos com os planos de crescirodovirios mento para a prxima dcada. dependem de Levantamento recente da cni decises do (Confederao Nacional da poder pblico Indstria) mostrou que o Brasil Sector challenges tem a pior infraestrutura de solutions depend transportes entre 14 pases com on governments caractersticas similares. E, no decisions que se refere especificamente qualidade das rodovias, ficamos em 12 lugar. Esse resultado confirma estudos anteriores, como o do ex-presidente da ntc, Geraldo Vianna, que mostrou o Brasil no ltimo lugar entre as 20 maiores economias mundiais, no que se refere infraestrutura rodoviria. E o prestigiado Economist Intelligence Unit (eiu), departamento de estudos

At the end of 2010 Brazil faces three challenges in the highway, sector, which need to be met and which depend essentially on actions by public authorities. The first one of these is the limited network of paved highways that the Country can count on, approximately 212.7 thousand kilometers, a good part of which are in bad state of repair(in the United States, with similar dimensions, the network is 4.4 million kilometers. Despite the investments that have been made over the last few years, by the concessionaires and by the authorities, the existing highway infra-structure is not compatible with the present dimensions of the economy, and certainly not with the planned growth for the next decade. A study recently carried out by the cni (National Confederation of Industry) showed that Brazil has the worst transport infra-structure of all the 14 countries with similar characteristics. In the specific question of quality of highways, Brazil is classified in 12th place. These results confirmed previous studies, such as those included in the one made by the ex-president of ntc, Geraldo Vianna, which showed Brazil in the last place amongst the 20 largest economies in the World, in the question of highway infra-structure. The prestigious Economist Intelligence Unit (eiu), the research and information department of the magazine The Economist, arrived at the same

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Challenges and perspectives

conclusion, in comparison with the ten largest economies in the World The second challenge is to reduce the exceptionally large number of accidents and deaths on the roads, caused by drivers and by the bad conditions of the vehicles and infra-structure, in great part due to insufficient surveillance. The third challenge is to implement new and more efficient methods of toll collection, similar to those in force in other countries, making it possible to charge per kilometer, thus eliminating the bottlenecks resulting from toll plazas which, in certain days or in certain hours of the day, are overtaxed by an ever growing number of users. The chances of solutions for these three challenges are favorable due to the growing political perception that the improvement and growth of the highway infra-structure depends on the collaboration between private and public sectors and on new, necessary control methods, some of which have already been programmed. Studies exist in the Ministry of Transport Mito/Mith and in some States, to identify O pedgio desrespeita o those highways that are autodireito de ir e vir sustainable, those that have Tolling disrespects the sufficient traffic to permit a tariff right to come and go which, besides being compatible with the benefits offered to the Fato/Fact users, is sufficient to cover the O direito de ir e vir highways operating costs and das pessoas e to provide a return on the investno dos veculos ments made by the adminisThe right to come and trator. At the same time, studies go refers to people are being made to permit the and not to vehicles transfer of highways, of lower volume of traffic, to the private sector, through the so called ppp (Public Private Partnerships), that require significant investments and operational management. In these instances the administrative concession or shadow-toll could be used, whereby the Government pays the concessionaire either a fixed value or a number defined as a function of the number of vehicles that use the highway. In this way it would be possible to guarantee

e informaes da revista The Economist, chegou mesma concluso ao comparar as dez maiores economias do mundo. O segundo desafio o de reduzir o espantoso nmero de acidentes e mortes nas estradas, causados pela atuao do condutor e pelas condies dos veculos e da infraestrutura, e em grande parte decorrentes, no primeiro e no segundo caso, de fiscalizao insuficiente. E o terceiro desafio consiste em caminhar na direo de novos e mais eficientes sistemas de cobrana de tarifas de pedgio, como os implantados em outros pases, possibilitando o pagamento pelos quilmetros rodados e eliminando os gargalos constitudos por praas de pedgio que, em determinados dias ou horrios, so sobrecarregadas por um nmero crescente de usurios. As perspectivas de soluo dos trs desafios so positivas, pelo aumento da percepo poltica de que a melhoria e ampliao da infraestrutura rodoviria passa pela colaborao entre iniciativa privada e governo, e de que so necessrias novas medidas de fiscalizao, algumas das quais j programadas. H estudos no Ministrio dos Transportes e em alguns estados para identificar a existncia de rodovias autossustentveis, aquelas com trfego suficiente para permitir uma tarifa que, alm de ser compatvel com os benefcios para os usurios, seja suficiente para cobrir os custos de operao da rodovia e remunerar os investimentos que tenham que ser feitos pela sua administradora. Ao mesmo tempo, esto sendo desenvolvidos estudos para possibilitar o repasse iniciativa privada, por meio das chamadas PPPs (Parcerias Pblico-Privadas), da gesto de rodovias com menor volume de trfego mas que exigem investimentos significativos e gerenciamento operacional. Em tais casos poderia ser adotada a concesso administrativa, conhecida como pedgio-sombra, em que o governo paga concessionria um valor fixo ou definido pelo nmero de veculos que se utilizam da rodovia. Assim tambm possvel garantir uma boa administrao, com menores custos, e efetuar de imediato os investimentos a serem amortizados ao longo do tempo de durao do contrato, juntamente com os custos operacionais.

Desafios e perspectivas

Melhoria da infraestrutura rodoviria cria condies para o desenvolvimento Better road infrastructure creates conditions to countrys development

Na rea de segurana e fiscalizao, a implantao obrigatria, nos prximos anos, do sistema de identificao eletrnica (Siniav) vai permitir complementar o que est sendo feito nos estados e municpios relativamente ao controle veicular. Assim, deve ser possvel retirar de circulao os veculos sem adequadas condies de trfego, com dbitos fiscais ou licenciamento vencido. Com isso, a cobrana de tarifas de pedgio por meio de equipamentos dispostos em prticos instalados ao longo da rodovia, hoje invivel pela frota irregular que transita no Pas, pode se tornar realidade, como feito na Europa. Esse controle, por permitir alijar das estradas os veculos em mau estado de conservao, tambm deve reduzir o nmero de acidentes e a poluio ambiental por eles causada, mas precisa ser complementado pelo aumento da fiscalizao dos condutores. Para isso a abcr vem recomendando a criao de um corpo profissional especializado, similar aos agentes de trnsito existentes nas

good management at a lower cost and to make immediately investments, to be amortized during the life of the contract, jointly with the operating costs. In the areas of safety and supervision, the obligatory implementation, in the near future, of the electronic identification system (Siniav), will complete that which is being done at state and municipal levels, relative to vehicle surveillance. In this way, it should be possible to remove those vehicles unfit for circulation or with unpaid fines or license fees. Thus, the collection of tolls through equipment installed on gantries, at intervals along the highway, which is not viable at present due to the irregular fleet that transits in the Country, can become a reality, as in Europe. This control, by excluding vehicles in unfit state of maintenance from trafficking on the highways, will also reduce the number of accidents as well as the environmental pollution caused by these vehicles, but it needs to be completed by increased surveillance of the drivers. The abcr, because of

10. Indicadores operacionais e financeiros 10. Financial and operational indicators

80 81
Challenges and perspectives

this, has been recommending the formation of a professional body of specialists, similar to transit agents that exist in the larger cities, who would act on the toll roads, under the responsibility of the regulatory agencies, decreasing the workload of the police who are already tied up with effective police functions. The perspectives for the second half of the years 2000 are favorable to the concession sector and, consequently, to the improved highway structure of the Country. Once the present barriers are removed we will be able to decrease the Brazil Cost, prepare the Country for increased tourism, particularly as a result of the World Soccer Cup and of the Olympic Games and in general create conditions for the economic growth and sustained and sustainable social development during the near future.

grandes cidades, e que atuaria nas rodovias concedidas, sob a responsabilidade das agncias reguladoras, aliviando o trabalho dos rgos policiais, que se acham sobrecarregados com funes efetivas de policiamento. As perspectivas para a segunda dcada dos anos 2000 so favorveis para o setor de concesses e, portanto, para a melhoria da infraestrutura rodoviria do Pas. Resolvidos os atuais entraves, vamos poder reduzir o custo Brasil, preparar o Pas para o crescimento do turismo, sobretudo o decorrente da realizao da Copa do Mundo e das Olimpadas, e, assim, criar condies para termos crescimento econmico e desenvolvimento social sustentado e sustentvel nos prximos anos.

Desafios e perspectivas

Melhorias no sistema virio

medida Pavimentao nova Recapeamento de pista existente Implantao de acostamento novo Acostamento existente Construo de terceira faixa Muros de arrimo construdos Pontes e viadutos novos Indicadores operacionais e financeiros Pontes e viadutos reformados Sistemas de drenagem novos Sistemas de drenagem reformados km km km km km m m m m m 2006 246,150 1.962,550 283,194 283.000 43,830 1.112 34.277 238.094 465.391 125.286 2007 266,290 2.830,730 93,230 869.000 57,690 3.200 53.124 267.177 516.026 123.019 2008 429,630 5.303,715 395,453 926.000 46,747 6.821 10.936 316.141 367.273 472.733 2009 92,702 5.342,350 87,112 843.000 46,328 6.628 7.111 208.038 400.647 334.336 2010 118,403 5.936,850 247,000 893.000 50,735 7.302 24.056 193.477 415.408 377.550

Improovements in the highway system

measurement Paving of new lanes Repaving of existing lanes New shoulder construction Enlargement/reform of shoulder Construction of third lane Retaining walls built New bridges and overpasses Renovated bridges and overpasses New drainage systems Renovated drainage systems km km km km km m m m m m 2006 246.150 1,962.550 283.194 283,000 43.830 1,112 34,277 238,094 465,391 125,286 2007 266.290 2,830.730 93.230 869,000 57.690 3,200 53,124 267,177 516,026 123,019 2008 429.630 5,303.715 395.453 926,000 46.747 6,821 10,936 316,141 367,273 472,733 2009 92.702 5,342.350 87.112 843,000 46.328 6,628 7,111 208,038 400,647 334,336 2010 118.403 5,936.850 247.000 893,000 50.735 7,302 24,056 193,477 415,408 377,550

Recursos operacionais em rodovias concedidas

Acumulado Praas de pedgio Pistas cobrana pedgio Pistas cobrana exclus. manual Pistas cobrana exclus. eletrnica Pistas cobrana mista Pistas para by-pass Call boxes Balanas Balanas pesagem esttica (3x4 m) Balanas fixas pesagem dinmica Balanas mveis pesagem dinmica Cmaras cftv Cabos de fibra tica km sau (bases atendimento ao usurio) Estaes de meteorologia pmv (painis de mensagens variveis) pmv sobre carreta Veculos Veculos de inspeo e atendimento Veculos de manuteno Irrigadeiras Guinchos leves Guinchos pesados Ambulncias para resgate Veculos para combate a incndio Outros veculos Radares fixos Radares mveis reas de descanso Pontes/viadutos Tneis Passarelas

Operational resources at conceeded highways

Federais 64 819 580 162 77 99 1.014 23 0 16 7 216 1.669 106 9 62 39 685 138 41 4 121 48 138 26 169 28 0 0 1.559 13 221 So Paulo 137 1.445 949 324 172 106 4.506 59 14 19 26 590 2.864 132 30 193 51 773 138 92 25 123 55 132 13 195 167 50 12 2.138 25 266 Paran 27 273 114 56 103 31 2 24 6 14 4 113 388 37 3 4 2 279 53 21 5 29 24 40 11 96 31 0 24 364 1 52 Rio G. do Sul 27 168 82 0 86 7 111 4 1 1 2 94 2 26 0 3 0 140 21 21 0 25 15 27 11 20 0 1 2 176 0 6 Outros estados* 17 141 101 24 16 16 47 11 2 1 8 85 40 19 2 11 0 173 35 18 2 25 11 15 6 61 33 3 1 114 10 27 Toll plazas Toll lanes Exclusive manual billing lanes Exclusive electronic billing lanes Mixed billing lanes Bypass lanes Call boxes Scales Static weighing scales (3x4 m) Static scales to dynamic weighing Mobile scales to dynamic weighing cctv cameras Optic fiber cables km User attendance bases Weather stations Variable message signs Variable message signs on trailer Vehicles Inspection and service vehicles Maintenance vehicles Irrigation machines Light tow trucks Heavy tow trucks Ambulances Fire fighting vehicles Other vehicles Still radars Static radars Rest Areas Bridges/viaducts Tunnels Footbridges

Cumulative 272 2,846 1,826 566 454 259 5,680 121 23 51 47 1,098 4,963 320 44 273 92 2,050 385 193 36 323 153 352 67 541 259 54 39 4,351 49 572

Federal 64 819 580 162 77 99 1,014 23 0 16 7 216 1,669 106 9 62 39 685 138 41 4 121 48 138 26 169 28 0 0 1,559 13 221

So Paulo 137 1,445 949 324 172 106 4,506 59 14 19 26 590 2,864 132 30 193 51 773 138 92 25 123 55 132 13 195 167 50 12 2,138 25 266

Paran 27 273 114 56 103 31 2 24 6 14 4 113 388 37 3 4 2 279 53 21 5 29 24 40 11 96 31 0 24 364 1 52

Rio G. do Sul 27 168 82 0 86 7 111 4 1 1 2 94 2 26 0 3 0 140 21 21 0 25 15 27 11 20 0 1 2 176 0 6

Other states* 17 141 101 24 16 16 47 11 2 1 8 85 40 19 2 11 0 173 35 18 2 25 11 15 6 61 33 3 1 114 10 27

272 2.846 1.826 566 454 259 5.680 121 23 51 47 1.098 4.963 320 44 273 92 2.050 385 193 36 323 153 352 67 541 259 54 39 4.351 49 572

82 83
Operational and financial indicators

Servios prestados ao usurio

2006 Atendimento ao veculo Falta de combustvel Pane eltrica Pane mecnica (inclui troca de pneus) Guinchamento Atendimento ao usurio (pessoas atendidas) Socorro simples Indicadores operacionais e financeiros Socorro com ambulncia 1.346.202 92.960 50.599 587.105 615.538 117.393 61.914 55.479 2007 1.400.851 92.011 55.235 626.309 627.296 108.277 59.750 48.527 2008 1.579.227 95.542 60.567 798.957 624.161 118.333 59.149 59.184 2009 2.006.563 117.659 77.020 1.049.157 762.727 166.625 94.032 72.593 2010 2.149.306 114.920 81.361 1.139.676 813.349 189.574 111.425 78.149

User services
2006 Services for vehicles Lack of fuel Electric failure Mechanical failure (includes flat tires) Towing Service to user (people served) Simple rescue Rescue with ambulance 1,346,202 92,960 50,599 587,105 615,538 117,393 61,914 55,479 2007 1,400,851 92,011 55,235 626,309 627,296 108,277 59,750 48,527 2008 1,579,227 95,542 60,567 798,957 624,161 118,333 59,149 59,184 2009 2,006,563 117,659 77,020 1,049,157 762,727 166,625 94,032 72,593 2010 2,149,306 114,920 81,361 1,139,676 813,349 189,574 111,425 78,149

Acidentes de trfego nas rodovias concedidas

2006 Trfego Total de acidentes Pessoas envolvidas Envolvidos sem leso Vtimas feridas bitos Veculos envolvidos em acidentes Automveis/utilitrios Caminhes nibus Motos Outros veculos 657.191.649 56.402 167.884 133.986 32.194 1.704 88.963 54.032 18.355 2.294 8.691 5.591 2007 706.693.767 60.939 173.267 137.745 33.710 1.812 103.105 62.632 20.561 2.485 11.346 6.081 2008 768.570.751 72.622 193.812 153.257 38.562 1.993 126.001 75.059 26.013 3.237 12.178 9.514 2009 1.044.452.008 101.370 273.413 215.560 54.967 2.886 157.486 98.824 29.637 3.587 15.852 9.586 2010 1.363.030.004 116.355 316.972 254.872 59.012 3.088 185.985 114.538 37.564 3.885 18.313 11.685

Traffic accidents on the conceded highways

2006 Traffic Total accidents People involved Involved without injury Injured victims Deaths Vehicles involved in accidents Cars/light trucks Trucks Buses Motorcycles Other vehicles 657,191,649 56,402 167,884 133,986 32,194 1,704 88,963 54,032 18,355 2,294 8,691 5,591 2007 706,693,767 60,939 173,267 137,745 33,710 1,812 103,105 62,632 20,561 2,485 11,346 6,081 2008 768,570,751 72,622 193,812 153,257 38,562 1,993 126,001 75,059 26,013 3,237 12,178 9,514 2009 1,044,452,008 101,370 273,413 215,560 54,967 2,886 157,486 98,824 29,637 3,587 15,852 9,586 2010 1,363,030,004 116,355 316,972 254,872 59,012 3,088 185,985 114,538 37,564 3,885 18,313 11,685

84 85
Operational and financial indicators

ndices de acidentes para cada 10.000 veculos

2006 ndice de acidentes ndice de vtimas feridas ndice de mortos ndice de vtimas (feridos + mortos) ndice de mortalidade ndice de pessoas envolvidas 0,858 0,490 0,026 0,516 nd 2,555 2007 0,862 0,477 0,026 0,503 nd 2,452 2008 0,945 0,502 0,026 0,528 0,022 2,522 2009 0,971 0,526 0,028 0,554 0,023 2,618 2010 0,854 0,433 0,023 0,456 0,020 2,325

Accident indexes per 10.000 vehicles

2006 Accident indexes Index of injured victims Index of deaths Index of victims (injured + death) Index of mortality Index of people involved 0.858 0.490 0.026 0.516 nd 2.555 2007 0.862 0.477 0.026 0.503 nd 2.452 2008 0.945 0.502 0.026 0.528 0.022 2.522 2009 0.971 0.526 0.028 0.554 0.023 2.618 2010 0.854 0.433 0.023 0.456 0.020 2.325

Evoluo do trfego pedagiado nas rodovias concedidas

2006 Veculos leves Veculos pesados Motos pedagiadas Trfego isento Total 457.746.397 167.331.502 4.907.863 27.205.887 657.191.649 2007 490.336.128 177.844.297 6.223.002 32.290.340 706.693.767 2008 531.942.422 189.945.155 7.448.297 39.234.877 768.570.751 2009 719.113.063 269.652.681 12.167.219 43.519.045 1.044.452.008 2010 941.107.886 361.804.333 18.942.417 41.175.368 1.363.030.004

Traffic evolution on conceded highways

2006 Light vehicles Heavy vehicles Tolled motorcycles Traffic exempt Total 457,746,397 167,331,502 4,907,863 27,205,887 657,191,649 2007 490,336,128 177,844,297 6,223,002 32,290,340 706,693,767 2008 531,942,422 189,945,155 7,448,297 39,234,877 768,570,751 2009 719,113,063 269,652,681 12,167,219 43,519,045 1,044,452,008 2010 941,107,886 361,804,333 18,942,417 41,175,368 1,363,030,004

Informaes financeiras (R$ milhares)

2006 Receita total do negcio Receita de pedgio Outras receitas Desembolso total Investimentos Despesas operacionais Pagamentos ao poder concedente Indicadores operacionais e financeiros Despesas financeiras Tributos Federais Municipais Saldo Amortizaes de emprstimos/resgates financeiros Supervit/Dficit Aporte de acionistas Financiamentos e terceiros 5.556.097 5.325.164 230.933 5.069.201 1.451.330 1.757.228 351.215 456.717 1.052.711 781.955 270.756 486.895 2.148.523 -1.661.628 1.022.735 1.712.258 2007 6.155.508 5.917.778 237.730 5.743.315 1.424.626 1.981.750 363.850 602.281 1.370.808 1.077.995 292.813 412.193 1.054.015 -641.822 27.129 1.426.558 2008 7.009.722 6.758.447 251.275 8.085.876 2.460.529 2.244.090 1.188.985 900.603 1.291.669 936.333 355.336 -1.076.154 1.818.868 -2.895.022 335.269 3.591.136 2009 8.603.686 8.225.462 378.224 12.009.796 3.075.302 3.001.578 3.297.875 1.038.257 1.596.784 1.169.020 427.764 -3.406.110 6.325.984 -9.732.094 1.907.727 10.273.008 2010 10.798.790 10.365.520 433.270 12.499.622 3.512.862 3.296.723 2.562.368 1.242.262 1.885.407 1.331.837 553.570 -1.700.832 6.074.617 -7.775.449 1.518.882 9.258.222

Financial information (US$ thousand)

2006 Total revenue from the business Toll revenue Other revenues Total expenditures Investment Operating expenses Payment to concession authorities Despesas financeiras Taxes Federal Municipal Balance Amortizations of loans/financial rescues Superavit/Deficit Funds from shareholders Financing and third party funds
Average exchange rates US$1/R$

2007 3,159,912 3,037,874 122,038 2,948,314 731,328 1,017,325 186,781 309,179 703,701 553,386 150,315 211,598 541,075 -329,477 13,927 732,319

2008 3,822,095 3,685,086 137,009 4,408,875 1,341,619 1,223,604 648,302 491,059 704,291 510,541 193,750 -586,780 991,749 -1,578,529 182,808 1,958,089

2009 4,308,305 4,118,909 189,396 6,013,919 1,539,961 1,503,044 1,651,415 519,908 799,591 585,388 214,203 -1,705,614 3,167,744 -4,873,358 955,296 5,144,220

2010 6,135,676 5,889,500 246,176 7,102,058 1,995,944 1,873,138 1,455,891 705,831 1,071,254 756,726 314,528 -966,382 3,451,487 -4,417,869 863,001 5,260,353

2,553,353 2,447,226 106,127 2,329,597 666,972 807,550 161,404 209,888 483,783 359,355 124,428 223,756 987,373 -763,616 470,007 786,883

No foram considerados saldos de caixa e crditos de fornecedores no incio e no final de cada exerccio. Os nmeros nos grficos e tabelas usam ponto como separador de milhar e vrgula como separador decimal, de acordo com o sistema usado no Brasil.

86 87
Operational and financial indicators

Cash balances and supplier credits at the beginning and end of each period were not considered. Figures on charts and tables use coma as separator.

Realizaes em segurana
medida Sinalizao horizontal Sinalizao vertical Prticos instalados Placas novas instaladas Proteo Defensas metlicas instaladas Barreiras de concreto Passarelas novas ou reformadas Combates a incndio Animais apreendidos Comboios realizados m m unidade unidade unidade unidade 148.410 50.432 164 9.556 5.233 1.599 153.410 74.064 131 10.052 10.024 1.516 235.871 111.197 82 6.219 4.923 1.937 181.383 131.336 82 6.639 6.685 2.028 202.213 107.334 94 12.327 5.145 1.882 unidade unidade 616 29.078 259 31.836 340 49.744 422 63.744 75 51.448 km 2006 9.304 2007 12.748 2008 13.304 2009 14.003 2010 18.484 Horizontal signaling Vertical signaling Signalization gantries installed New signs installed Protection Metallic defenses installed Concreet barriers New or renovated footbridges Fire fighting Animals apprehended Convoys performed m m unit unit unit unit 148,410 50,432 164 9,556 5,233 1,599 153,410 74,064 131 10,052 10,024 1,516 235,871 111,197 82 6,219 4,923 1,937 181,383 131,336 82 6,639 6,685 2,028 202,213 107,334 94 12,327 5,145 1,882 unit unit 616 29,078 259 31,836 340 49,744 422 63,744 75 51,448

Safety accomplishments
measurement km 2006 9,304 2007 12,748 2008 13,304 2009 14,003 2010 18,484

Volume de trfego em 2010

Federais Veculos leves Veculos pesados Motos pedagiadas Trfego isento Total

So Paulo 541.171.747 180.208.317 4.881.446 21.196.944 747.458.454

Paran 54.909.765 27.277.163 1.410.470 2.906.144 86.503.542

Rio G. do Sul 33.757.969 14.473.763 0 6.223.694 54.455.426

Outros Estados* 90.056.714 9.186.492 4.769.201 2.499.423 106.511.830

Total em 2010 948.107.886 361.804.333 18.942.417 41.175.368 1.363.030.004

Traffic volume in 2010

Federal Light vehicles Heavy vehicles Tolled motorcycles Traffic exemp Total

221.211.691 130.658.598 7.881.300 8.349.163 368.100.752

So Paulo 541,171,747 180,208,317 4,881,446 21,196,944 747,458,454

Paran 54,909,765 27,277,163 1,410,470 2,906,144 86,503,542

Rio G. do Sul 33,757,969 14,473,763 0 6,223,694 54,455,426

Outros Estados* 90,056,714 9,186,492 4,769,201 2,499,423 106,511,830

Total in 2010 941,107,886 361,804,333 18,942,417 41,175,368 1,363,030,004

221,211,691 130,658,598 7,881,300 8,349,163 368,100,752

Diretor-Presidente President-Director Moacyr Servilha Duarte Diretores Vice-Presidentes Vice-President Directors Federico Botto Helvcio Ferreira Soares Jos Carlos Ferreira de Oliveira Filho Jos Renato Ricciardi Mrcio Jos Batista Maurcio Soares Negro Odenir Jos Sanches Ricardo Faiha Bustani

Comit de Assuntos Contbeis e Fiscais Committee for Accounting and Fiscal Affairs Hlio Hudson Marques Ana Silvia de Almeida

Redao e edio Drafting and editing CL-A Comunicaes Projeto grfico

Comit de Atendimento Pr-hospitalar Committee for Pre-hospital Care Renato de Macedo Pereira Comit de Comunicao Social Committee for Social Communication Francisco de Assis Nunes Bulhes Gabriela Mendona Vargas

Graphic design Kiko Farkas e Thiago Lacaz/ Mquina Estdio Traduo Translation Paul Crean Fotos

Comit Jurdico Diretores Regionais Regional Directors Joo Chiminazzo Neto (pr/sc) Paulo Oiama de Macedo Silva (rs) Conselho Fiscal Audit Committee James Oliver Guerreiro Carneiro Roberto Koiti Nakagome Wagner Gudson Marques Secretrio-Executivo Executive Secretary Carlos Alberto Felizola Freire Coordenador Tcnico Technical Coordinator Gil Firmino Guedes Assessor Econmico Economic Adviser Antonio Carlos Vitiello Assessor Jurdico Legal Adviser Andr Castro Carvalho Centro de Documentao Documentation Center Maria Regina Dantas Rodrigues Hegle Beltro de Oliveira Assessoria de Comunicao Communication Adviser Massmedia Ltda. Comit de Ouvidoria Ombudsman Committee Noraneide Lopes de Lima Comit de Segurana do Trabalho (Sincrod) Work Safety Committee (Sincrod) Vanderlei Oliveira Canielli Comit de Recursos Humanos (Sincrod) Human Resources Committee (Sincrod) Eliana Cachuf Comit de Tecnologia de Construo Construction Technology Committee Dultevir Guerreiro Vilar de Melo Comit de Operaes Operations Committee Jos Luiz Rivet Eduardo Di Gregrio Comit de Novos Negcios New Business Committee Jos Luiz Moreira Legal Committee Maria de Castro Michelin

Photos Arquivo ABCR Arquivo cedido pelas concessionrias Clvis Ferreira Edu Lopes Fernando Maia Francisco Vicente Infogrficos Infographics Gabriel Gianordoli Impresso Printing Ipsis Grfica e Editora Papel Paper Suzano matte 150g/m2 (miolo /inside) Carto duo design 300g/m2 (capa /cover) Tiragem Circulation 2.700


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