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Horizontes ampliados: novos desafios

Broadened Horizons: New Challenges
Camila Duprat martins

Arte ps-virtual
Postvirtual Art
Giselle BeiGuelman

aliCe miCeli, ClauDio Bueno, panetone, riCarDo CarioBa, Dias & rieDweG, raquel KoGan

Vises crticas e expandidas

Critical and Expanded Visions
aDriana amaral, Clarissa Diniz, eDuarDo De Jesus, marCos Boffa, prisCila farias

Jeraman, mmnehCft & manifesto21.tV, paBlo loBato, ViVian CaCCuri, luCas BamBozzi, zaVen par

Artes de busca de novos sentidos

Arts Pursuing New Meanings
CCero silVa, ClauDia assef, iVana Bentes, taDeu Chiarelli, tiaGo mesquita

Homenagem: Uma artista superlativa

Homage: A Superlative Artist
luCia santaella

Hors Concours: Paulo Bruscky

Hors Concours: Paulo Bruscky
Giselle BeiGuelman


Horizontes ampliados: novos desafios

CAmilA DUPrAt mArtinS
A realizao desta nona edio do Prmio Sergio Motta de Arte e Tecnologia reitera os propsitos do Instituto Sergio Motta de fomentar e difundir a produo artstica contempornea que, fazendo uso de mdias eletrnicas e digitais, aponte questionamentos, constataes e inquietaes do mundo atual dentro do exerccio potico. A criao do ISM e do prprio Prmio na abertura do sculo XXI trazem em seu bojo a vocao ao protagonismo no apoio e incentivo ao uso inovador e criativo da tecnologia. Ante os desafios constantes gerados pelas rpidas transformaes e impactos tecnolgicos, aliados velocidade dos sistemas informacionais no mundo contemporneo, o ISM se debrua na formulao de um escopo consistente e permanentemente focado na atualizao de seus parmetros. Dentro destes propsitos, o Prmio Sergio Motta, desde sua primeira edio em 2000, surge como uma ao que se prope o fomento da produo artstica brasileira nessa rea, configurando-se tambm um canal para a circulao e discusso dessa produo. No transcorrer destes onze anos, foram muitas as modificaes e adaptaes necessrias no sentido de uma busca constante de atualizao. Se hoje essa iniciativa est consolidada, isso se deve tenacidade de sua direo artstica e equipe tcnica em reformular e reformatar as premissas desta ao, de forma a garantir-lhe a abrangncia e a coerncia conceitual, diante de um cenrio artstico em constante dinamismo. As inovaes nas linguagens artsticas, especialmente aquelas em que o uso de ferramentas tecnolgicas a premissa do processo criativo, exigem um olhar sempre
Broadened Horizons: New Challenges
This ninth edition of the Sergio Motta Art and Technology Award reinforces Instituto Sergio Mottas purpose of fostering and disseminating a contemporary artistic production that, through digital and electronic media and as part of its poetic activity, raises questionings, analyses, and restlessness in view of the current state of the world. The foundation of ISM and of the Award itself in the beginning of the 21st century puts forth actions to support the innovative and creative use of technology. In light of the constant challenges generated by fast transformation, technological impacts, and the speed of informational systems in contemporary world, ISM develops initiatives to create a consistent space that is permanently focused on updating its parameters. In view of these purposes, the Sergio Motta Award, since its first edition in 2000, has emerged as an actor whose aim is to foster the Brazilian production in this field, also becoming a mean in which the dissemination and discussion of this production takes place. In these eleven years, many changes and adjustments have been necessary in view of the need to be constantly up to date. The wellestablished initiative we see today is a result of the determination of the institutes artistic direction and technical team in reestablishing and redesigning the proposals of this action in order to ensure its scope and conceptual coherence, in view of a dynamic artistic scenario. The


atento das instituies e curadores no sentido de uma compreenso ampla das inovaes e alteraes das linguagens. Como coloca Nstor Canclini, quando conceitos novos irrompem, ou deslocam nosso olhar, exigindo sua reformulao, o momento de ampliar horizontes e reformatar nossa percepo do contemporneo1. Assim que a cada edio a formatao do Prmio se renova, para dar conta do dinamismo das novas manifestaes artsticas. A mudana no calendrio da premiao a partir de 2005 quando passa a ter periodicidade bienal ensejou a criao de novos projetos que atingissem pblicos ampliados e uma penetrao mais abrangente pelas diversas regies brasileiras. Esse perodo mais extenso entre a realizao das premiaes abriu espao ainda para o debate e discusses mais aprofundadas da questo artstica brasileira contempornea. Em 2011, novamente com curadoria de Giselle Beiguelman, o Prmio abre um espao maior para artistas e criadores em Incio de Carreira, com a criao de quatro premiaes, que couberam a Jeraman (PE), mmnehcft & MANIFESTO21.TV (SP), Pablo Lobato (MG) e Vivian Caccuri (RJ). Lucas Bambozzi (SP) e Zaven Par (RJ) foram os artistas ganhadores dos dois prmios para Meio de Carreira. Submetidos a duas comisses de seleo distintas, compostas, cada uma delas, por cinco profissionais das reas abrangidas pelo Prmio, os portflios inscritos foram analisados detidamente e selecionados por consenso pelos jurados. A partir dessa seleo inicial, integrada por doze finalistas, que foi feita a escolha final dos premiados. Foram muitas horas de debates acalorados no auditrio do Instituto Goethe, na sempre difcil tarefa de escolha das trajetrias individuais mais consistentes ante o universo artstico contemporneo. Coube tambm s Comisses de Seleo e Premiao a indicao do prmio Hors Concours, que homenageia artistas e tericos cuja atuao tenha uma contribuio signi1. Canclini, N.G. Culturas hbridas. So Paulo: Edusp, 2008.

innovations in artistic languages, particularly those in which the use of technological tools is the basis of the creative process, require a special attention from institutions and curators in terms of a comprehensive understanding of the innovations and changes in these languages. As stated by Nstor Canclini, when new concepts abruptly emerge, or displace our view, demanding its reformulation, it is time to expand horizons and reestablish our perception of what is contemporary.1 And having this in mind, the design of the Award is renewed in each edition to keep up with the dynamism of new artistic expressions. When, as of 2005, the Award became biennial, this change resulted in the creation of new projects that reached a wider public and more Brazilian regions. This longer time gap between awards opened space for more comprehensive debates and discussions on the issue of contemporary Brazilian art. In 2011, once again curated by Giselle Beiguelman, the Award gives more space to Early-Career artists and creators with the creation of four awards, granted to Jeraman (PE), mmnehcft & MANIFESTO21.TV (SP), Pablo Lobato (MG), and Vivian Caccuri (RJ). Lucas Bambozzi (SP) and Zaven Par (RJ) were granted the two Midcareer awards. The portfolios submitted to the award were thoroughly examined by two different selection committeeseach comprised of five professionals of the fields considered for the Awardand consensually selected by the jury. This first phase selected twelve artists who made the short list for the Award. It took several hours of heated debates at Goethe-Instituts auditorium to fulfill the hard task of choosing the more consistent backgrounds in view of the broad contemporary artistic universe. The Selection Committee and the Prize Jury also had the task of
1. Nstor Canclini, Hybrid Cultures, translated by Christopher L. Chiappari and Silvia L. Lopez, foreword by Renato Rosaldo (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2005).

ficativa no desenvolvimento das linguagens artsticas com interfaces eletrnicas ou digitais. Por unanimidade, o jri indicou o artista pernambucano Paulo Bruscky, pioneiro no uso das mais variadas mdias e suportes, e na compreenso das mltiplas variaes do processo artstico. Referncia no meio, Bruscky recebe, atravs desta premiao, justssima homenagem por sua trajetria de incansvel busca pelo novo no cenrio artstico. Partiu ainda dos jurados a proposta de uma homenagem artista multimdia gacha Diana Domingues, tambm professora acadmica e batalhadora incansvel na difuso e na sedimentao da produo artstica em meios eletrnicos e digitais. Contribuies significativas como as de Diana Domingues e Paulo Bruscky possibilitam hoje produes que incorporam as mais recentes ferramentas tecnolgicas, problematizando ou tensionando suas potencialidades. Premiar e homenagear esses artistas tambm uma forma de o Prmio Sergio Motta estabelecer pontes e destacar aspectos relevantes da historiografia da arte digital brasileira, atravs de seus mais destacados integrantes. Acreditamos tambm que o Prmio cumpre sua misso de fomento produo em mdias eletrnicas e digitais, ao proporcionar um espao de crtica e debate em sua programao. Nesta edio, as Leituras de Portflios que abrem espao aos artistas finalistas para um debate de suas produes com crticos brasileiros e internacionais foram ampliadas para o formato de um seminrio. O Circuito e crtica da arte contempornea ps mdias digitais tem a inteno de oferecer um olhar crtico ao corpo de trabalho dos doze artistas e de pensar de forma mais ampla a produo contempornea que dialoga com a tecnologia, alm de provocar a aproximao do pblico com o trabalho e a potica destes artistas. Parabenizamos todos os ganhadores do 9 Prmio Sergio Motta de Arte e Tecnologia, os finalistas e o jri de seleo e premiao desta edio. Aproveitamos para agradecer o apoio sempre constante do Instituto Goethe na cesso de suas instalaes para as reunies do jri, o excelente traba-

granting the Hors Concours award, which pays tribute to artists and scholars whose works made a substantial contribution to the development of artistic languages with digital or electronic interfaces. By unanimous decision, the jury appointed Pernambuco-born Paulo Bruscky, a pioneer in the use of various media and supports, as well as in understanding the multiple variations of the artistic process. Through this Award, a well-deserved tribute is paid to Bruscky, who is a reference in the art world, and to his tireless pursuit for whatever is new in the artistic scenario. The jury also proposed a tribute to the multimedia artist Diana Domingues, from the state of Rio Grande do Sul, a scholar and a hardworking advocate of the dissemination and establishment of the artistic production in digital and electronic media. Substantial contributions, such as those made by Diana Domingues and Paulo Bruscky enabled the current existence of productions that use the state-of-the-art technological tools and question potentialities, pushing them to their limit. For the Sergio Motta Award, granting these awards and paying these tributes is also a way of building bridges and highlighting relevant aspects in the history of Brazilian digital art through its most prominent contributors. We also believe the Award fulfills its mission of fostering the production in electronic and digital media by offering within its program a space for debate and critic. In this edition, the Portfolio Readingswhich open space for the shortlisted artists to debate their work with Brazilian and foreign art criticswere expanded to a seminar format. The Circuit and Critic of Post-Digital Media Contemporary Art intends to offer a critical view on the body of work of the twelve artists and to have a more comprehensive understanding of the contemporary production that establishes a dialogue with technology, in addition to bringing the public closer to the work and the poetics of these artists. We would like to congratulate all


lho da curadora Giselle Beiguelman e a dedicao de toda a equipe do Instituto Sergio Motta, que no mediu esforos para a efetivao desta edio.

Camila Duprat Martins (So Paulo) superintendente do Instituto Sergio Motta. Museloga e ps-graduada em histria da arte pela ECA-USP. Foi diretora do Museu de Arte Moderna SP (1990-1992), diretora da Diviso de Artes Plsticas do Centro Cultural So Paulo (1993-2000), coordenadora de produo do Prmio Sergio Motta de Arte e Tecnologia (20012004), coordenadora do projeto Museu Vivo da Secretaria de Estado da Cultura (2004-2005) e coordenadora do curso de ps-graduao do Senac-SP Gesto em Artes (2007-2008).

the winners of the 9th Sergio Motta Art and Technology Award, as well as this editions shortlisted artists, the selection committee, and the jury. We would also like to thank the permanent support given by GoetheInstitut, which lent its facilities to the meetings of the jury. Our special thanks to curator Giselle Beiguelman for the excellent job she did and to Instituto Sergio Mottas team for its commitment and restless effort to organize this edition.

Camila Duprat Martins is Instituto Sergio Mottas superintendent. Martins is a museologist postgraduated in art history from ECA-USP. She was the director of Museu de Arte Moderna-SP (19901992), director of Centro Cultural So Paulos Diviso de Artes Plsticas [Visual Arts Department] (19932000), production coordinator of the Sergio Motta Art and Technology Award (2001-2004), coordinator of the project Museu Vivo, developed by the Secretaria de Estado da Cultura (2004-2005), and coordinator of Senac-SPs graduate course Gesto em Artes [Art management] (2007-2008).

Arte ps-virtual
GiSelle BeiGUelmAn

O novo paradigma esttico tem implicaes tico-polticas porque quem fala em criao, fala em responsabilidade da instncia criadora em relao coisa criada, em inflexo de estado de coisas, em bifurcao para alm de esquemas pr-estabelecidos e aqui, mais uma vez, em considerao do destino da alteridade em suas modalidades extremas (Guattari, 2006, p. 137).
Os resultados da 9 edio do Prmio Sergio Motta indicam o esgotamento do termo arte e tecnologia para dar conta da produo artstica contempornea relacionada s cincias e s mdias. Pautada pela reorientao do papel das telecomunicaes e da informtica no cotidiano, em meados dos anos 1990 essa definio remetia emergncia de categorias e experincias ento inditas fora de espaos especializados como laboratrios e centros de pesquisa avanada. Conceitos como telepresena, inteligncia artificial e ps-humanidade, entre outros, foram ento incorporados ao vocabulrio das artes e das cincias humanas, configurando aquilo que acreditvamos ser a era do virtual. Essa era, se existiu, acabou. Contudo, falar do fim dessa era do virtual no quer dizer apostar numa volta ao mundo analgico. Ao contrrio, significa assumir que as redes se tornaram to presentes no cotidiano e que o processo de digitalizao da cultura to abrangente, que se tornou anacrnico pensar na dicotomia real/virtual. O mundo da Internet das Coisas j se anuncia no presente, prevendo que todos os objetos estaro conectados e nos colocando diante de uma nova tangibilidade. Ela sensorial, tctil, concreta, mas tambm miditica. Realiza-se por meio de imagens que deixam de ser superfcies clicveis e se
Postvirtual Art
The new aesthetic paradigm has ethico-political implications because to speak of creation is to speak of the responsibility of the creative instance with regard to the thing created, inflexion of the state of things, bifurcation beyond the pre-established schemas, once again taking into account the fate of alterity in its extreme modalities (Guattari 1995, 107). The results of the 9th edition of the Sergio Motta Award show that the expression art and technology is no longer enough to comprise the contemporary artistic production related to the fields of sciences and media. This definition, following the reorientation of the role of telecommunications and information technology in the everyday life in the mid-1990s, referred to the emergence of categories and experiences that were unknown outside specialized spaces, such as labs and advanced research centers. Concepts such as telepresence, artificial intelligence, and posthumanity were, then, added to the vocabulary of arts and human sciences, shaping what we believed to be the virtual era. That era, if it actually existed, is now over. However, to talk about the end of the virtual era does not mean to talk about the return of the analogical


transformam em interfaces expandidas que borram os limites entre o real e o virtual. Nesse contexto, somos ciborguizados por aparelhos, como os celulares, que nos transformam em um hbrido de carne e conexo, ao mesmo tempo em que os objetos se convertem em instncias materiais dos fluxos de informao. Nesse mundo mediado por bancos de dados de toda sorte, tornamo-nos uma espcie de plataforma que disponibiliza informaes e hbitos, conforme construmos nossas identidades pblicas nos diversos servios relacionados ao nosso consumo, lazer e trabalho. Convertemo-nos, assim, em corpos informacionais, e isso tende a se acirrar, conforme se popularizam os mtodos de investigao gentica e sua distribuio pela internet. No limite, foi isso o que o Projeto Genoma fez: converteu nossa compreenso do corpo, antes entendido como um arranjo de carne, ossos e sangue, em um mapa de informaes sequenciadas. A situao faz pensar que um dia poderemos subitamente encontrar parte do nosso cdigo gentico no Google ou hackear o DNA de algum via um site de compartilhamento baseado em torrents. Mas faz tambm pensar que estamos testemunhando a reconceituao dos limites entre natureza e cultura, e novas relaes entre real e virtual. Elas tm dimenses estticas, cognitivas e polticas, e seu tensionamento aparece na diversidade dos portflios dos artistas selecionados e premiados nesta 9 edio do Prmio Sergio Motta. Encontramos aqui conjuntos de obras que problematizam as emergentes questes micropolticas da contemporaneidade, questionando as novas relaes entre pblico e privado, e a obsolescncia programada como marcante no caso de Lucas Bambozzi, mmnehcft & MANIFESTO21.TV e Claudio Bueno e que atentam para o lado B da globalizao e do avano tecnolgico, interrogando seu impacto ambiental e sociocultural, e as estratgias de construo da memria coletiva, questes presentes em diversas obras da dupla Maurcio Dias e Walter Riedweg, Paulo Lobato e Alice Miceli. Somos confrontados com uma gama de experincias criativas que exploram tambm os novos horizontes cognitivos que se anunciam com as prteses maqunicas e investigam as formas pelas quais alteram nossos modos de ver, ouvir e perceber, como evidenciam os portflios de Vivian Cac-

world. On the contrary, it means admitting that networks have become so present in our daily lives and that the process of digitalization of culture is so comprehensive that to think about the dichotomy real/virtual has become anachronous. The world of the Internet of Things already exists in the present; it anticipates that all objects will be connected and it places us before a new tangibility, which is sensory, tactile, concrete, but also media related; it takes place through images that are no longer clickable surfaces and have become expanded interfaces that blur the limits between whats real and whats virtual. In this context, devices, such as cell phones, transform us in cyborg-like creatureshybrids of meat and connection. At the same time, objects are converted into material instances of information flows. In this world mediated by all sorts of data banks, we become a kind of platform that provides information and habits, as we form our public identities in the several types of services that relate to our consumption, leisure, and working habits. Therefore, we become informational bodies. And this tends to grow, as methods of genetic investigation and their distribution on the Internet become available. Ultimately, thats what the Genoma Project did; it converted our understanding of the bodyup until then seen as a set of meat, bones, and bloodinto a map of sequenced information. This makes us think that, one day, we might suddenly bump into our genetic code in Google or hack someones DNA through a torrent-based sharing website. But it also makes us think that we are witnessing the redefinition of the limits between nature and culture, and new relationships between real and virtual. They have aesthetic, cognitive, and political dimensions, and their tensioning is made evident in the diversity of portfolios by the shortlisted and awarded artists at the 9th edition of the Sergio Motta Award. Here, we found a set of works that question the emerging micropolitical issues of contemporaneity,

curi, Ricardo Carioba e Raquel Kogan. Acima de tudo, somos levados por essas obras a pensar que as clivagens entre low e high tech, velho e novo, tradio e ruptura no fazem mais sentido. Vivemos uma era tecnofgica em plenitude, em que antigos saberes so reprocessados luz da robtica, em que a vida, no seu ritmo e tempo, prossegue sem ceder ao fascnio mistificador da inovao tecnolgica, como deixam claro os projetos de Zaven Par e Jeraman. Se cerca de dez anos atrs, como diz o professor Andr Lemos (2009, p. 32), discutamos a desmaterializao da cultura, dando nfase ao upload das prticas sociais, hoje estamos fazendo o download do ciberespao. Esse download se realiza na demanda por aplicativos de Realidade Aumentada, no design cada vez mais tctil e ergonmico das telas e dispositivos, na cincia e na filosofia sobre as quais avanam dinamitando as compartimentaes entre natural e artificial, nos novos horizontes polticos que se impem para alm das velhas dicotomias entre real e virtual, e especialmente na arte contempornea ps mdias digitais. Isso tudo constitui um campo de vetores de ao que contempla a emergncia de uma conscincia planetria, novos formatos audiovisuais, relaes autorais inovadoras, estratgias de codificao, um vocabulrio Ready Media, mapeamentos de espacialidades nmades, propostas para novos regimes de interao e para a explorao das dimenses polticas e cognitivas dos corpos expandidos pela integrao homem-mquina. Nesse contexto, a obra de arte torna-se dispositivo, tensionando o status quo das mdias, desarmando-as tanto como ferramenta quanto tema, afastando-se de qualquer relao de fetichismo, devoo ou fobia. Mdias e tecnologias, de acordo com o que se infere a partir dos artistas selecionados nesta nona edio, no so mais, nem menos, que uma das linhas de fora que compem o tecido discursivo da contemporaneidade. E isso no pouco. Afinal, como j aprendemos com Agamben: A contemporaneidade uma singular relao com o prprio tempo adere a ele e, simultaneamente, dele toma distncias (Agamben, 2009, p. 59).

the new relationships between whats public and whats private, as well as the programmed obsolescencea strong feature in Lucas Bambozzis, mmnehcft & MANIFESTO21.TVs, and Claudio Buenos work, and that pay attention to the B-side of globalization and technological advances, questioning their environmental and sociocultural impact, as well as the strategies to build collective memoryissues that are present in several works by Maurcio Dias & Walter Riedweg, Paulo Lobato, and Alice Miceli. We are in face of a wide variety of creative experiences that also explore new cognitive horizons, which are presented by machinic prosthesis and investigate new forms of altering our ways of seeing, listening, and perceiving, as made evident in portfolios by Vivian Caccuri, Ricardo Carioba, and Raquel Kogan. Above all, these works lead us to think that the differences between low and high tech, old and new, tradition and rupture no longer make sense. We are experiencing a technophagic era in which old knowledge is reprocessed according to robotics; in which life, its rhythm and its time, continues without giving in to the mystifying enthrall of technological innovation, as made clear by Zaven Pars and Jeramans projects. Nearly ten years ago, as professor Andr Lemos says (2009, 32), we were discussing the dematerialization of culture, focusing on the upload of social practices, whereas today, we are downloading the cyberspace. This download takes place in the demand for Augmented Reality applications; in the increasingly tactile and ergonomic design of screens and devices; in science and in philosophy into which they advance, shattering the compartmentalization between natural and artificial; in new political horizons that go beyond the old realvirtual dichotomies; and, specially, in post-digital media contemporary art. All of this makes up a field of action vectors that sees the emergence of a planetary conscience, new audiovisual formats, innovative relations of authorship, codification strategies, a Ready Media

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Agamben, Giorgio. O que o contemporneo? E outros ensaios. Trad. Vincius Nicastro Honesko. Chapec, SC: Argos, 2009. Guattari, Flix. Caosmose: Um novo paradigma esttico. Trad. Ana Lcia de Oliveira e Lcia Claudia Leo. So Paulo: Editora 34, 2006. Lemos, Andr. Cultura da mobilidade. Revista FAMECOS. Porto Alegre, n 40, dezembro de 2009, pp. 28-35.

Giselle Beiguelman (So Paulo) artista e professora universitria. Atua nas reas relacionadas criao e crtica de artemdia. Foi professora da ps-graduao em comunicao e semitica da PUC-SP (2001-2011) e professora da FAUUSP. Foi curadora do Nokia Trends (2007 e 2008) e diretora artstica do Instituto Sergio Motta (2008-2011). Informaes sobre suas obras artsticas e trabalhos crticos esto disponveis em seu site: http://www.desvirtual.com.

vocabulary, mapping of nomadic spatialities, proposals of new interaction and exploration systems of political and cognitive dimensions of bodies expanded by the manmachine interaction. In this context, the work of art becomes device, tensioning the status quo of media, disarming it as a tool and as a theme, turning away from any relationship with fetishism, devotion, or phobia. Media and technologies, according to what one may infer from the shortlisted artists at this 9th edition, are nothing but one of the lines of force that make up the discoursive tissue of contemporaneity. And this is a lot. After all, as we have already learned from Agamben: Contemporariness is a singular relationship with ones own time, which adheres to it, and at the same time keeps a distance from it (Agamben 2009, 41).

Agamben, Giorgio. 2009. What Is an Apparatus? And Other Essays. Translated by David Kishik and Stefan Pedatella. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press. Guattari, Flix. 1995. Chaosmosis: An Ethico-Aesthetic Paradigm. Translated by Paul Bains and Julian Pefanis. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Lemos, Andr. 2009. Cultura da mobilidade. FAMECOS journal (Porto Alegre) 40 (December): 28-35.

Giselle Beiguelman is a media artist and university professor. She develops works in the field of media art creation and criticism. She was a communication and semiotics graduate professor at PUC-SP (20012011) and is currently a lecturer with FAU-USP. She curated Nokia Trends festival (2007 and 2008) and was the artistic director of Instituto Sergio Motta (2008-2011). Information on her artwork and critical essays are available on her website: http://www.desvirtual.com.


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Vises crticas e expandidas

ADriAnA AmArAl, ClAriSSA Diniz, eDUArDo De JeSUS, mArCoS BoffA e PriSCilA fAriAS
O conjunto de portflios analisados pelo jri de seleo do 9 Prmio Sergio Motta nos mostrou um instigante e complexo panorama da produo contempornea brasileira que se estrutura tomando os instrumentos, dispositivos e processos tecnolgicos no desenvolvimento de obras artsticas. Observamos uma produo bastante diversificada, tanto na categoria de Incio quanto na de Meio de Carreira, que se coloca em distintos nveis de envolvimento com a tecnologia e com possveis formas de viabilizar as expresses poticas. Trata-se de um conjunto de artistas que se arriscam a tomar as mais diversas ferramentas e materiais com o objetivo de refletir sobre a vida contempornea e seus mltiplos desdobramentos derivados do encontro entre as subjetividades, os distintos contextos sociais e polticos de nosso pas, e as estruturas tecnolgicas. Um panorama heterogneo, mas ao mesmo tempo muito vibrante, no qual podemos perceber algumas das linhas de fora que caracterizam a produo artstica mais recente. Na seleo, privilegiamos os artistas que, ao abordarem o ambiente tecnolgico em toda a sua diversidade, apontaram para vises crticas, situaes de confronto com a padronizao e subverses nos modos de uso, gerando obras que estruturam suas poticas e expresses de forma alargada dentro do campo expandido da arte contempornea. Em face da alta qualidade dos trabalhos apresentados, tivemos que manter um certo rigor nos critrios que estabelecemos para propor um recorte significativo da produo. Paralelamente, buscamos garantir a presena de trabalhos que apontassem para o tensionamento tpico da arte contempornea entre passado e presente, especialmente quando a prtica artstica se lana no contexto do uso e apropriao das tecnologias. Como as inovaes tecnolgicas do
Critical and Expanded Visions
The set of portfolios examined by the selection committee of the 9th Sergio Motta Award gave us an exciting and complex panorama of Brazilian contemporary art production whose foundation is based on the use of technological instruments, devices, and processes to create artwork. What we observed was a diverse productionboth in Early-Career and Midcareer categoriesthat presents different levels of involvement with technology and with possible ways of making poetic expressions feasible. It is a group of artists who take risks by using several different tools and materials to reach their goal of reflecting upon contemporary life and its multiple unfoldings, which stem from the meeting between subjectivities and our countrys different social and political contexts, as well as technological structures. It is a heterogeneous and extremely vibrant panorama in which we notice some of the strengths that characterize the more recent artistic art production. In the selection process, we gave priority to artists who expressed critical views, situations of confrontation with standardization and subversion in terms of usage when addressing the technological environment and its diversity, thus generating pieces that build the structure of their poetics and expressions in a comprehensive manner within the expanded field of contemporary art. In view of the presented works high quality, we had to establish strict criteria in order to present a comprehensive scope of the artistic production. We also sought to make sure that works expressing tensionwhich is typical of contemporary artbetween the past and the present would be included, especially when the

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passado tornaram-se parmetros disponibilizados por bibliotecas de procedimentos, assim como apropriaes e rearticulaes so hoje absolutamente comuns no espao institucional e comercial, parece-nos necessrio que, no contexto atual, o uso das ferramentas, plataformas e interfaces tecnolgicas no seja tomado como eixo articulador das obras: preciso ir alm, envolvendo questes formais, conceituais, tcnicas, culturais, estticas e polticas que gerem sentidos mais abertos e densos como resposta multiplicidade de situaes nas quais a tecnologia se engendra. Em especial, preciso problematizar a tecnologia no apenas no campo de suas ferramentas, mas, sobretudo, de sua linguagem, o que torna a abordagem inevitavelmente inventiva e crtica. E talvez tenha residido a, no espao mesmo de inveno da tecnologia atravs da arte, o ponto mais frgil dos trabalhos subscritos ao Prmio e, portanto, o terreno onde esta comisso de seleo buscou atuar de maneira mais distintiva, privilegiando os portflios que de alguma forma dobravam a tecnologia sobre si mesma, ressaltando suas implicaes diante das mais diversas instncias da subjetividade e da vida social. Este o cenrio que buscamos salientar atravs da seleo de trabalhos para o 9 Prmio Sergio Motta.

artistic practice involves the use and appropriation of technologies. Since technological innovations from the past became parameters that are available in procedure libraries just as, today, appropriation and rearticulation are common practices in institutional and commercial spacesand in view of the current context, we believe that it is necessary to avoid the use of technological tools, platforms, and interfaces as an articulating axis for the artwork: we must go beyond and include formal, conceptual, technical, cultural, aesthetic, and political issues to create broader and denser senses in response to the multiple situations in which technology is present. It is important to point out that we must question technology not only regarding its tools, but, above all, regarding its language, which inevitably generates inventive and critical approaches. And maybe there, in the very space in which technology is created through art, is where the most difficult aspect of the works submitted to the Award lies. Therefore, this is the limit within which this selection committee sought to work, giving priority to portfolios that, in some way, folded technology upon itself, emphasizing its implications in view of different aspects of subjectivity and social life. This is the scenario we sought to highlight through the selection of works for the 9th Sergio Motta Award.

Alice Miceli
rio De JAneiro, 1980
Sua produo em fotografia, cinema e vdeo dialoga com a cincia e tecnologia, criando uma potica que lida com a memria, com foco nos limites destes meios e em suas materialidades especficas. Desenvolveu trabalhos em vrios pases como Camboja, Bielo-Rssia e Alemanha. Foi premiada no 6 Prmio Sergio Motta de Arte e Tecnologia (2005) com o Projeto Chernobyl, que participou da 29 Bienal de So Paulo (2010). http://bit.ly/chernobylproject http://www.youtube.com/user/alicemiceli
Her photography, cinema, and video production establishes a dialogue with science and technology, creating a poetic that deals with memory and focuses on the limits of these media and their specific materialities. Miceli has developed works in several countries, such as Cambodia, Byelorussia, and Germany. She was awarded at the 6th Sergio Motta Art and Technology Award (2005) for the Chernobyl Project, which was exhibited at the 29th Bienal de So Paulo (2010).

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Fragmento de um campo III (Projeto Chernobyl), 2009

S E L E C I O N A D O # I N C I O D E C A R R E I R A | S H O R T L I S T E D # E A R Ly C A R E E R

Jerk Off (Dzima peridica), 2006-11

14 horas, 54 minutos, 59,9 segundos (Dzima peridica), 2006-07

Claudio Bueno
So PAUlo, 1983
Artista doutorando em artes visuais na ECA-USP. Atua em grupos de prtica artstica e de pesquisa. Seus trabalhos articulam noes de lugar, rede, participao e da vida mediada por dispositivos eletrnicos e digitais. Foi residente do LABMIS, recebeu meno honrosa no Ars Electronica 2011, ganhou o Rumos Arte Ciberntica Ita Cultural, o prmio Mdias Locativas do arte.mov e foi indicado ao 8 Prmio Sergio Motta. Em 2011 ser residente no La Chambre Blanche, Canad. http://buenozdiaz.net
Artist and doctoral student in visual arts at ECA-USP. He participates in research and artistic practice groups. His works articulate notions of place, network, participation, and life mediated by digital and electronic devices. He was a LABMIS resident, received an honorary mention at the 2011 Ars Electronica, won the Rumos Ita Cultural Cybernetic Art, the Locative Media Prize from arte.mov International Mobile Media Art Festival, and was nominated for the 8th Sergio Motta Award. In 2011, he will be resident artist at La Chambre Blanche, Canada.

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Redes vestveis, 2010

S E L E C I O N A D O # I N C I O D E C A R R E I R A | S H O R T L I S T E D # E A R Ly C A R E E R

Campo minado, 2009-11

O transporte #1, 2009

Porto AleGre, 1973
Produtor de msica experimental desde 1989 e adepto do movimento faa-voc-mesmo. Trabalha a partir da apropriao e livre experimentao, utilizando sucatas eletrnicas e brinquedos antigos modificados por tcnicas como circuit bending. Os resultados so concertos audiovisuais, instalaes e intervenes, alm de laboratrios e oficinas. http://panetone.net http://vimeo.com/panetone/videos http://soundcloud.com/panetone
Experimental music producer since 1989 and supporter of the do-it-yourself movement. His work is based on appropriation and free experimentation with the use of electronic scrap and old toys modified through techniques such as circuit bending. The results are audiovisual concerts, installations, and interventions, in addition to laboratories and workshops.

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Piksel Fest, Bergen, 2010

S E L E C I O N A D O # I N C I O D E C A R R E I R A | S H O R T L I S T E D # E A R Ly C A R E E R

Museo de Antioquia, Medelln, 2011

Ptarmigan Art Gallery, Helsinque, 2010 Panetone Laboratrio, Porto Alegre, 2008

Panetone Qadrox, 2009 Hacking Toy, 2007

Ricardo Carioba
So PAUlo, 1976
Formado em artes plsticas pela FAAP, trabalha com som, imagem, objeto e instalao. Investiga, na cincia e na forma, as fronteiras da percepo humana. Suas propostas de experincias espao-temporais indicam uma relao estreita entre a condio fsica e psicolgica. Realizou as exposies individuais Escape para outra esttica, Branca Sua, White Box, Motris e Sem ttulo (So Paulo); In Side#No Form (Londres, Inglaterra) e LaDo4X4 (Rio de Janeiro). Participou da mostra Panorama da Arte Brasileira (MAM-SP, 1999). www.ricardocarioba.com
A graduate in the visual arts from FAAP, Carioba works with sound, image, object, and installation. Through science and shape, he investigates the borders of human perception. His space-time experience proposals indicate a close relationship between the physical and psychological condition. He has had solo exhibitions such as Escape para outra esttica, Branca Sua, White Box, Motris, and Sem ttulo (So Paulo); In Side#No Form (London, UK) and LaDo4X4 (Rio de Janeiro). He participated in the show Panorama da Arte Brasileira (MAM-SP, 1999).

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Escopo, 2011

S E L E C I O N A D O # I N C I O D E C A R R E I R A | S H O R T L I S T E D # E A R Ly C A R E E R

Escape para outra esttica, 2010

Lusco-fluxo, 2010

Dias & Riedweg

mAUrCio DiAS (rio De JAneiro, 1964) & WAlter rieDWeG (lUCernA, SUA, 1955)
Desenvolvem projetos interativos e interdisciplinares no campo das artes visuais e performance desde 1993. Investigam como as psicologias privadas afetam e constituem o espao pblico e vice-versa, tendo como caracterstica principal o envolvimento do pblico na concepo e execuo de seus trabalhos. Participaram da Documenta 12 (Kassel, Alemanha, 2007), das Bienais de Veneza (Itlia, 1999) e So Paulo (1998, 2000 e 2002), alm das mostras InSite 2000 (fronteira Mxico/ Estados Unidos), Arte Cidade 4 (So Paulo) e Ltat des Choses (Kunst-Werke Berlin, Alemanha, 2001).
Dias & Riedweg develop interactive and interdisciplinary projects in the field of the visual arts and performance since 1993. They study how private psychologies affect and constitute the public space and vice versa, having as main characteristic the involvement of the audience in the conception and execution of their works. They showed at the Documenta 12 (Kassel, Germany, 2007), the Venice (Italy, 1999) and the So Paulo (1998, 2000, and 2002) biennials, and in festivals, such as InSite 2000 (Mexico/United States border), Arte Cidade 4 (So Paulo), and Ltat des Choses (Kunst-Werke Berlin, Germany, 2001).

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Caminho de mudana, 2009-11


Malas para Marcel, 2006-08

Funk Staden, 2007

Raquel Kogan
So PAUlo, 1955
Formada em arquitetura, explora novas possibilidades nas mdias digitais. A partir de sries numricas infinitas, multiplicaes imagticas e sonoras, a artista procura articular novos espaos atravs de vdeos, objetos e instalaes. Participou da 7 Bienal do Mercosul (Porto Alegre) e de diversas exposies coletivas internacionais. Ganhou o prmio Rumos Ciberntica Ita Cultural em 2007, foi meno honrosa do prmio FILE PRIX LUX em 2010, e foi indicada para as 5, 6 e 8 edies do Prmio Sergio Motta. www.raquelkogan.com
A graduate in architecture, Kogan investigates new possibilities in digital media. Based on infinite numeric series, image and sound multiplications, the artist seeks to articulate new spaces through videos, objects, and installations. She showed at the 7th Mercosul Biennial (Porto Alegre) and at several international group exhibitions. She was awarded Rumos Ita Cultural Cybernetic Art prize in 2007, received an honorary mention from the FILE PRIX LUX in 2010, and was nominated for the 5th, 6th, and 8th editions of the Sergio Motta Award.

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reler, 2008


mov_ing, 2007

ponte, 2008


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Artes de busca de novos sentidos

CCero SilVA, ClAUDiA ASSef, iVAnA BenteS, tADeU CHiArelli e tiAGo meSqUitA
O Instituto Sergio Motta um dos espaos mais importantes do debate sobre a arte tecnolgica no pas. Teve papel central na consolidao dessas poticas. O jri do 9 Prmio Sergio Motta procurou reforar a vocao da premiao no s da arte digital, mas da arte contempornea produzida aqui. A quantidade de poticas, formas de atuao e mesmo de logradouros onde as obras foram produzidas imensa. Por isso, alm de premiarmos o que existia de melhor entre os trabalhos enviados, tambm tentamos dar visibilidade a tal diversidade. Ficou claro, na anlise dos trabalhos selecionados para a categoria Incio de Carreira, que a produo se descentralizou. Migrou dos grandes centros para diversos outros polos criativos do pas. Uma das caractersticas marcantes entre os artistas dessa categoria a utilizao militante da tecnologia para alm dos aparatos em si, caracterizando sua vontade de levar comunidade uma discusso na formao da cultura e da sociedade. Uso em que a tcnica tem sentido transformador, seja na busca por novas relaes interpessoais, seja na procura por outras possibilidades poticas. Na categoria Meio de Carreira, os artistas selecionados confirmam uma trajetria consolidada, j que o Prmio tem como objetivo avaliar criticamente a densidade artstica de criadores j reconhecidos pelos seus pares em exposies, festivais e circuitos de discusso. Foram escolhidas poticas maduras em trajetrias expostas de maneira clara e concisa nos portflios.
Arts Pursuing New Meanings
Instituto Sergio Motta is one of the countrys most prominent spaces for the debate on art and technology, and has played a key role in the establishment of these poetics. The jury of the 9th Sergio Motta Award sought to reinforce the awards connection with both digital art and Brazilian contemporary art. The variety of poetics, ways of performing, and even places where the pieces have been produced is enormous. Therefore, in addition to granting awards to the best works submitted to us, our goal was also to lend visibility to this diversity. The works shortlisted for the EarlyCareer category made clear the fact that the production has been decentralized; it has migrated from large centers to several creative hubs. One of the most remarkable characteristics shared by the artists who submitted works to this category is the activist use of technology, which goes beyond the apparatus itself, demonstrating their will to bring into the community a discussion on the development of culture and society. When this happens, the technique acquires a transforming sense, be it in the attempt to find new interpersonal relationships and or in the quest for new poetic possibilities. In the Midcareer category, the shortlisted artists confirm their established background, since the Award aims to critically evaluate the artistic density of creators that are well-known by their peers through exhibitions, festivals, and debate spaces. Poetics that had reached their maturity and whose background

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Por fim, decidimos premiar como Hors Concours o artista pernambucano Paulo Bruscky. Nos ltimos anos, sua obra foi reavaliada e alcanou o reconhecimento merecido. Sua interveno em meios pouco convencionais bem como os novos sentidos que deu obra de arte entram em consonncia com o sentido do Prmio Sergio Motta. Esperamos que essa deciso reafirme a importncia deste grande artista.

was clearly and concisely expressed in the portfolio were chosen. Finally, we have decided to grant the Hors Concours award to Paulo Bruscky. In recent years, his work has been reevaluated and finally was given the recognition it deserves. The interventions he makes in unusual media as well as the new meanings he lends to the work of art are in accordance with what the Sergio Motta Award points to. We hope this decision reinforces the recognition of the outstanding role of this artist.

nAtAl, 1987
Pesquisador, com base em Recife, que busca utilizar o livreconhecimento como linguagem de trabalho, atuando num meio-termo entre artista, educador e cientista. Contemplado com o Rumos Ita Cultural Arte Ciberntica (2009) e meno honrosa no FILE PRIX LUX (2010). mestrando em cincia da computao pelo CIn/UFPE, com nfase em realidade aumentada e computao musical. http://jeraman.info
A researcher who lives in Recife and seeks to use free knowledge as a working language, Jeraman is an artist-cum-educator-cum-scientist. He received the Rumos Ita Cultural Cybernetic Art prize (2009) and an honorary mention at the FILE PRIX LUX (2010). He is also pursuing a masters degree in computer sciences at CIn/UFPE, with focus on augmented reality and computer music.

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Marvim Gainsbug, 2009

P R E M I A D O # I N C I O D E C A R R E I R A | AWA R D E D # E A R Ly C A R E E R

Illusio, 2011

Illusio, 2011

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Exposio Internacional de Tecnologia e Arte, Porra! EITA, Porra!, 2010

P R E M I A D O # I N C I O D E C A R R E I R A | AWA R D E D # E A R Ly C A R E E R

Exposio Internacional de Tecnologia e Arte, Porra! EITA, Porra!, 2010

mmnehcft & MANIFESTO21.TV

mAriAnA KADleC (So PAUlo, 1981) & milenA SzAfir (SAntoS, SP, 1977)
mmnehcft (2003) & MANIFESTO21.TV (2006) criam dispositivos audiovisuais partindo de diversas reas da cultura digital e urbana: CCTV (CFTV), VJing, webTV, telefonia mvel e remix/ mashup. Buscando unir conceito, ativismo, interao, arte e comunicao, o coletivo explora mdias on e off-line, high e low-tech. Participaram do FILE (So Paulo) em 2004 e de projetos em instituies como SESC, Funarte, MIS, Instituto Tomie Ohtake e MAM-RJ. www.manifesto21.tv http://www.manifesto21.com.br/mmnehcft http://www.youtube.com/user/mszBR
mmnehcft (2003) & MANIFESTO21.TV (2006) create audiovisual devices based on several aspects of digital and urban culture: CCTV, VJing, webTV, mobile telephony, and remix/ mashup. Aiming to bring together concept, activism, interaction, art, and communication, they collectively develop actions in on/off-line and high/low-tech media. They participated in the 2004 FILE (So Paulo) and in projects at institutions such as SESC, Funarte, MIS, Instituto Tomie Ohtake, and MAM-RJ.

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Autmatos na Sociedade do Espetculo, 2006

P R E M I A D O # I N C I O D E C A R R E I R A | AWA R D E D # E A R Ly C A R E E R

CityMapping Performance 2.0 MP, 2006

Vjing mvel: espetculo+vigilncia=consumo, 2005

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Manifeste-se [todo mundo artista] mobile webtv live broadcast, 2006-08

P R E M I A D O # I N C I O D E C A R R E I R A | AWA R D E D # E A R Ly C A R E E R

O cubo, 2003

The Birth of Automaton: Cyborg Panopticando, 2004

Surveillance Wireless Vjing Performance, 2004

Pablo Lobato
Bom DeSPACHo, mG, 1976
Um dos criadores do Teia Centro de pesquisa audiovisual, em Belo Horizonte. Diretor do filme Acidente, ganhador do prmio de melhor documentrio ibero-americano no Festival Internacional de Cinema de Guadalajara, Mxico, 2007. Foi selecionado pelo projeto Bolsa Pampulha, em 2008, e bolsista da Fundao Guggenheim, EUA, 2009. Recentemente, exibiu seus trabalhos em instituies nacionais e internacionais como MAM-SP; MoMA, Nova York, EUA; Museo Tamayo, Mxico; Akademie der Knste, Berlim, Alemanha; New Museum, Nova York. www.teia.art.br www.expiracao.net http://vimeo.com/user2076300
Lobato is one of the founders of Teia Centro de pesquisa audiovisual [audiovisual research center], in Belo Horizonte. He directed the film Accident, winner of the prize for best Ibero-American documentary at the Guadalajara International Film Festival, in Mexico, 2007. He was selected by the project Bolsa Pampulha, in 2008, and was granted a scholarship from the Guggenheim Foundation, USA, in 2009. Recently, his works have been shown in national and international venues, such as MAM-SP; MoMA and New Museum, New york, USA; Museo Tamayo, Mexico; Akademie der Knste, Berlin, Germany.

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Acidente, 2006

P R E M I A D O # I N C I O D E C A R R E I R A | AWA R D E D # E A R Ly C A R E E R

Expirao 01, 2010

Bronze revirado, 2011

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Outono, 2007

Queda, 2010

P R E M I A D O # I N C I O D E C A R R E I R A | AWA R D E D # E A R Ly C A R E E R

Mira, 2001

O que exatamente vocs fazem, quando fazem, ou esperam fazer curadoria?, 2010

Vivian Caccuri
So PAUlo, 1986
Bacharel em artes plsticas (Unesp) e mestre em estudos do som musical (UFRJ). Pesquisadora visitante na Universidade de Princeton, EUA, nos departamentos de artes e literatura. Seu trabalho faz referncia msica para criar espaos capazes de alterar a sensao do tempo e da presena fsica. Exps no Brasil e no exterior, com destaque para Domingos da Criao (MAM-RJ, 2010), Confluncias (Centro de Arte Hlio Oiticica, Rio de Janeiro, 2010), Emoo Art.ficial (Ita Cultural, So Paulo, 2008) e Elektra_Montral (Canad, 2008). http://www.viviancaccuri.net
A graduate in the visual arts (Unesp) and holder of a masters degree in musical and sound studies (UFRJ), Caccuri is a visiting scholar at Princeton University, USA, in both Arts and Literature Departments. Her work makes reference to music to create spaces that are capable of altering the sensation of time and physical presence. Her work has been shown in Brazil and abroad: Domingos da Criao (MAM-RJ, 2010), Confluncias (Centro de Arte Hlio Oiticica, Rio de Janeiro, 2010), Emoo Art.ficial (Ita Cultural, So Paulo, 2008), and Elektra_Montral (Canada, 2008).

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Garganta, 2010

P R E M I A D O # I N C I O D E C A R R E I R A | AWA R D E D # E A R Ly C A R E E R

Canes submersas, 2008

Canes submersas, 2008

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Imprevisibilidade e justeza, 2010

Maquiagem aumentada, 2008-10

P R E M I A D O # I N C I O D E C A R R E I R A | AWA R D E D # E A R Ly C A R E E R

Dissimulado, 2009-10

Lucas Bambozzi
mAto, SP, 1965
Produz vdeos, instalaes, performances audiovisuais e obras interativas, tendo trabalhos exibidos em mais de quarenta pases. criador do Festival arte.mov, que acontece desde 2006, em vrias capitais do pas. Em 2010 recebeu meno honrosa no Ars Electronica e, em 2011, teve uma retrospectiva de suas instalaes no Laboratorio Arte Alameda (Cidade do Mxico, Mxico). Seus trabalhos recentes tratam das mobilidades e imobilidades do contexto urbano. www.lucasbambozzi.net http://vimeo.com/bamba http://comum.com/lucas
Bambozzi creates videos, installations, audiovisual performances, and interactive works, all of which have been shown in over forty countries. He is the creator of the arte.mov - International Mobile Media Art Festival, which takes place since 2006 in several important Brazilian cities. In 2010, he received an honorary mention at Ars Electronica and, in 2011, the Laboratorio Arte Alameda (Mexico City, Mexico) presented an overview of his installations. His recent works deal with the mobilities and immobilities of the urban context.

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Coisa vista, 2011


Pndulo, 2011

Da obsolescncia programada em 3 atos, 2009

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Presenas insustentveis, 2010-11


Micropresenas (O quarto dos fundos), 2009

Presenas insustentveis, 2010-11

Zaven Par
fort De leAU, ArGliA, 1961
Ps-doutor em robtica, desenvolve pesquisa em Robot Drama no Intelligent Robotic Laboratory da Universidade de Osaka, Japo. Em seus trabalhos interativos, mistura experincias em mecnica, tica e acstica, desenvolvendo dispositivos eletroeletrnicos. Sua exposio individual Cyber Art itinerou por cinco cidades brasileiras atravs da Caixa Cultural. Seus trabalhos foram apresentados em diversos festivais e instituies internacionais como CalArts (Los Angeles, EUA) e Laboratorio Arte Alameda (Cidade do Mxico, Mxico). www.cyberart.com.br
Holder of a postdoctorate in robotics, Par is a Robot Drama researcher at the Intelligent Robotic Laboratory of Osaka University, Japan. In his interactive works, he mixes experiences in mechanics, optics, and acoustics, developing electro and electronic devices. His solo exhibition Cyber Art has toured five Brazilian cities through Caixa Cultural. His works have been shown in several international festivals and institutions, such as the CalArts (Los Angeles, USA) and the Laboratorio Arte Alameda (Mexico City, Mexico).

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Der Jasager, 2004


Esboo para O veculo, 2003

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O observador, 1999


Variaes de carregamento do Telenoid, 2010

Not Me, 2008

#HOMENAGEM #HOMAGE Uma artista superlativa

lUCiA SAntAellA
Dianssima Domingues, assim a tambm artista Giselle Beiguelman refere-se colega. De fato, tudo em Diana Domingues superlativo: professora e orientadora superlativa, pesquisadora superlativa e, sobretudo, artista superlativa, reconhecida internacionalmente. No h pesquisadores ou artistas engajados no campo da arte e tecnologia, em quaisquer partes do mundo, que no tenham conhecimento da pessoa e dos trabalhos de Diana Domingues. Citada em vrios livros estrangeiros e artista premiada, seu nome engrandece no apenas a cidade onde nasceu, Caxias do Sul, mas tambm nosso pas. Exigentssima consigo mesma e com o outro, Diana Domingues obstinada, incansvel, uma fora da natureza, um furor de energia, e proprietria de um invejvel imaginrio proliferante. Justamente esse indomesticvel imaginrio o que constitui a marca registrada de sua arte. Um imaginrio que no afugenta, ao contrrio, sabe tirar proveito das intrincadas complexidades das tecnologias de ponta e das cincias avanadas. Dessas alianas, nasce uma arte sintonizada com o que h de mais hbrido e inovador no territrio da criao artstica contempornea. Desde o incio dos anos 1980, a artista j usava o som cardaco e suas grafias em ambientes participativos atravs de estetoscpios eletrnicos, osciloscpios, amplificadores, neons. No final dos anos 1980, quando as tecnologias multimdia estavam se tornando disponveis aos artistas, Domingues
A Superlative Artist
Dianaest Domingues, this is how artist Giselle Beiguelman refers to her colleague. Actually, everything about Diana Domingues is superlative: shes a superlative professor and advisor, superlative researcher, and, above all, internationally recognized superlative artist. All over the world, there are no researchers or artists involved in the field of art and technology who do not know Diana Domingues and her work. The name of this award-winning artist who has been quoted in several foreign books honors not only her hometown, Caxias do Sul, but also our country. Diana Domingues sets high standards for herself and others; shes determined, hardworking, a force of nature, an untiring energy, and has an enviable fertile imaginary. And this precise untamed imaginary is what makes up the trademark of her art. It is an imaginary that does not drive off the difficult complexities that exist in state-of-the-art technologies and in advanced sciences; on the contrary, it benefits from them. These alliances result in an art that is connected with what is most hybrid and innovative in the field of contemporary artistic creation. Since the early 1980s, the artist used the cardiac sound and its transcriptions in participatory environments through electronic stethoscopes, oscilloscopes,

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produzia atmosferas onricas nas instalaes que exploravam o carter voltil, evanescente e metamrfico dos corpos e das subjetividades. Esses trabalhos funcionaram como porta de entrada para a trajetria mais radical que viria, em meados dos anos 1990, na srie de videoinstalaes TRANS-E: o corpo e as tecnologias e na obra In-Viscera, uma instalao multimdia composta por cinco telas transparentes onde eram teleprojetadas videolaparoscopias tratadas eletronicamente. As imagens, passeando pelo interior das vsceras vivas, haviam sido gravadas por uma microcmera durante uma cirurgia. quase impossvel dar conta da produo prolfica, ininterrupta como um rio caudaloso, de Diana Domingues. Limito-me, por isso, a apontar para alguns marcos definidores de sua trajetria. Das paisagens produzidas pela percepo sensvel dos interiores do corpo auscultado pelas tecnologias avanadas, a artista caminhou para o corpo conectado a interfaces em ambientes sensorizados e softwares comandados por redes neurais, inspiradas em nosso sistema nervoso biolgico. No ano 2000, seu My Body, My Blood apresentava um sistema imersivo com interfaces para a propriocepo e animaes estereoscpicas, o que lhe valeu o prmio Unesco para a Promoo das Artes, durante a 7 Bienal de Havana. Das redes neurais, Domingues deu um passo alm na complexidade, saltando para a vida artificial. A instalao Terrarium-Viveiro explora parmetros que criam serpentes artificiais controladas por um sistema de algoritmos genticos preparado para executar e processar clculos, simulando caractersticas de ambientes orgnicos. Mais um passo foi dado em HEARTscape, um ambiente virtual imersivo que oferece interaes com um corao virtual simulado. Tratase de um lugar que simula uma caverna para receber o corpo do participante. Este fica totalmente envolvido pela sensao de dissoluo de seus limites corporais amalgamados com o ambiente que pulsa e palpita. Exemplar do gnio indmito da artista a ciberinstalao LMito Zapping mobile zone (2004-2006), um sistema interativo que envolve realidade virtual, minerao de dados na rede, inteligncia artificial, algoritmos genticos e que apresenta

amplifiers, neon. In the late 1980s, when multimedia technologies became available to artists, Domingues created dreamlike atmospheres in installations that explored the volatile, evanescent, and metamorphic aspect of bodies and subjectivities. These pieces were the path to a more radical phase, which started in the mid-1990s, in the series of video installations TRANS-E: o corpo e as tecnologias [TRANS-E: the body and the technologies] and in the work In-Viscera, a multimedia installation comprised of five transparent screens on which electronically treated video laparoscopies were projected. The images, which consisted of a tour inside the viscera, had been recorded by a microcamera during a surgery. It is almost impossible to keep up with Diana Domingues teeming and continuous production, which resembles a rushing river. Therefore, here, my only intention is to point out some of the landmarks of her career. From landscapes created by the sensitive perception of the inner body, which was auscultated by advanced technologies, the artist went on to work with the body connected to interfaces in sensorized environments and software controlled by neural networks inspired in our biological nervous system. In the year 2000, her piece My Body, My Blood presented an immersive system that had interfaces for proprioception and stereoscopic animations; it was awarded the UNESCO Prize for the Promotion of the Arts, at the 7th Havana Biennial. From networks, Domingues went beyond complexity, taking a leap to artificial life. The installation Terrarium-Viveiro explores parameters that create artificial snakes controlled by a system of genetic algorithms that is prepared to execute and process calculations to simulate the characteristics of organic environments. Another step forward was taken in HEARTscape, an immersive virtual environment that offers interactions with a simulated virtual heart. It is a place that simulates a cave to receive the participants body. The viewer is

A R T I S T A H O M E N A G E A D A : D I A N A D O M I N G U E S | H O N O R E D A R T I S T: D I A N A D O M I N G U E S

como interface nada menos que leitor a laser de cdigo de barras, projees ampliadas, culos para estereoscopia e tela sensvel ao toque. Dessa alquimia esttica de base tecnocientfica, Diana Domingues migrou para a plataforma social Living Tattoos, um software especulativo visando criao de uma ciberplataforma para uma comunidade de tattoos baseada em uma rede social colaborativa. A sequncia inesgotvel dos trabalhos de Diana Domingues no para a. A documentao descritiva e crtica do elenco completo de sua obra exigiria um livro. Enquanto isso no se realiza, basta mencionar que hoje a artista, rodeada de cientistas por todos os lados, encontra-se em um ambiente que faz jus sua irresistvel atrao por uma esttica que brota no cerne da tecnocincia. No seu laboratrio de pesquisa junto ao programa de engenharia biomdica da Universidade de Braslia, desenvolve projetos artsticos em interfaces afetivas, sistemas vestveis biocbridos, eletromiografia, visualizao de dados, reconhecimento de voz, paisagens sonoras e realidade aumentada mvel na vida urbana misturada. Recentemente, via redes, pedi a Diana Domingues que me descrevesse seus mais recentes interesses e criaes. Sua resposta jorrou como uma tempestade criadora. Diz ela que, no ambiente em que vive, artistas, engenheiros, bilogos, gegrafos, filsofos, fsicos, mdicos, msicos, coregrafos, matemticos, cientistas da computao investigam a reengenharia da vida e a reengenharia dos sentidos, a reengenharia da natureza, a reengenharia da conscincia e a reengenharia da cultura. Interfaces enativas para acoplamentos estruturais em presenas colocalizadas no espao fsico e no espao de dados levam a evases em RV em CAVE. Interfaces plurissensoriais e crossmodais, comunicao ubqua e mvel, interfaces locativas, pervasivas e sencientes, mapeamentos e traados em geolocatividade, realidade aumentada e misturada, interfaces biolgicas, viso computacional, tagueamento e geotagueidade, processamento de sinais, biomas, clima e biodiversidade, leis e fenmenos do cosmos, interfaces sinestsicas que redefinem e suplementam a fisiologia corporal em biofeedback e bioengenharia, circuitos miniaturizados de comunicao remota e portabili-

completely involved by the feeling that his or her body limits are being dissolved, fusing with the environment that pulsates and throbs. A good example of the artists genius is the cyberinstallation LMito Zapping mobile zone (20042006), an interactive system that involves virtual reality, data mining on the Internet, artificial intelligence, and genetic algorithms, whose interface is no less than a laser bar-code scanner, amplified projections, stereoscopic glasses, and touch screen. From this technoscientifically based aesthetic alchemy, Diana Domingues migrated to the social platform called Living Tattoos, a speculative software whose aim is to create a cyberplatform for a tattoo community based on a collaborative social network. The endless list of works by Diana Domingues continues. A full descriptive and critic documentation of her body of work requires a book. In the meantime, lets just note that today the artist, surrounded by scientists, is in an environment that corresponds to her irresistible attraction for an aesthetics that emerges in the heart of technoscience. In her research laboratory in the biomedical engineering program of the University of Braslia, she develops artistic projects in affective interfaces, wearable biocybrid systems, electromyography, data visualization, voice recognition, sound landscapes, and mobile augmented reality in mixed urban life. Recently, through networks, I asked Diana Domingues to tell me about her recent interests and projects. Her answer was like a creative storm. She said that, in the environment she lives in artists, engineers, biologists, geographers, philosophers, physicists, physicians, musicians, choreographers, mathematicians, computer scientists investigate the reengineering of life and the reengineering of senses, the reengineering of nature, the reengineering of conscience, and the reengineering of culture. Enactive interfaces for structural couplings

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dade so solues criativas do aparato tecnolgico desafiando o ecossistema. O que mais seria necessrio acrescentar como comprovao das transfiguraes fulgurantes pelas quais a tecnocincia pode passar, quando contagiada pelo imaginrio fecundante de uma artista?

Lucia Santaella professora e livre-docente em cincias

da comunicao (ECA-USP). Coordenadora da ps-graduao em tecnologias da inteligncia e design digital, diretora do CIMID (Centro de Investigao de Mdias Digitais) e coordenadora do Centro de Estudos Peirceanos, todos na PUC-SP. presidente honorria da Federao Latino-Americana de Semitica, foi presidente da Charles S. Peirce Society (USA, 2007) e vice-presidente da Associao Internacional de Semitica (1989 e 1999). Recebeu os prmios Jabuti (2002, 2009), Sergio Motta (2005) e Luiz Beltro (2010).

in presences that are colocated in the physical space and in the data space lead to evasions in VR in CAVE. Plurisensorial and crossmodal interfaces, ubiquitous and mobile communication, locative, pervasive, and sentient interfaces, mapping and tracking in geolocativity, augmented and mixed reality, biological interfaces, computer vision, tagging and geotagging, signal processing, biomes, climate and biodiversity, laws and phenomena of the cosmos, synesthetic interfaces that redefine and provide supplement to the physiology of the body in biofeedback and bioengineering, remote communication and portability miniaturized circuits are creative solutions of the technological apparatus defying the ecosystem. What else would be necessary to prove the blazing transfigurations technoscience may undergo when in contact with the fertile imaginary of an artist?

Lucia Santaella is a communication sciences professor, with a habilitation degree (Livre-Docncia) from the University of So Paulos School of Communications and Arts. Santaella is head of the graduate program in technologies of intelligence and digital design, director of CIMID [Research Center in Digital Media], and coordinator of the Centro de Estudos Peirceanos [Center for Peircean Studies], all of them at PUC-SP. She is an honorary president of the Latin American Federation of Semiotics, was president of the Charles S. Peirce Society (USA, 2007), and vice-president of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (1989 and 1999). She received the Jabuti (2002, 2009), the Sergio Motta (2005), and the Luiz Beltro (2010) awards.

A R T I S T A H O M E N A G E A D A : D I A N A D O M I N G U E S | H O N O R E D A R T I S T: D I A N A D O M I N G U E S


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Paulo Bruscky
GiSelle BeiGUelmAn

(por Drummond, Joo Cabral e Bandeira)

Paulo Bruscky antropotecnofgico. Devora e tritura o que estiver pela frente. Jornais, exames cientficos, documentos, placas de ruas. Onde existir comunicao, ele avana. Irnico, surpreendente, corrosivo. Diante de suas obras, parecemos habitantes de uma verso 2.0 daquela cidadezinha qualquer de que nos falava Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Na cidade de Drummond, tudo ia devagar, em meio s casas entre bananeiras e mulheres entre laranjeiras. Tudo era to lento e repetitivo que at as janelas, tambm devagar, olhavam-nos. Era mesmo uma vida muito besta. Pelas frestas das obras de Bruscky, somos confrontados com outra paisagem. A de uma aldeia global que se pretende muito poderosa, moderna e arrojada. Nela, tudo vai muito rpido. Os classificados, as percias clnicas, os veredictos crticos, as falcias dos polticos, tudo est sempre muito alm do entre e passa muito rpido por janelas que nem nos olham. mesmo o retrato de uma aldeiazinha qualquer. E no besta. s metida a besta. Mais que isso, bunda, como aquela cantada tambm por Drummond, to engraada... Bruscky no nos educa pela pedra, como queria seu conterrneo Joo Cabral de Melo Neto. Liquidifica as certezas, desdenha da chatice das bulas, dos cnones, das mdias para fazer arte. E basta de lero-lero. hors concours, vida, noves fora, zero.

Paulo Bruscky (by Drummond, Joo Cabral, and Bandeira)

Paulo Bruscky is anthropotechnophagical. He devours and crunches whatever is in front of him: newspapers, scientific exams, documents, street signs. Wherever there is communication, he moves forward. Ironic, surprising, corrosive. When we look at his works, we seem like inhabitants of a 2.0 version of that any given little town Carlos Drummond de Andrade used to tell us about. In Drummonds town, everything moved slowly, in the midst of homes, in the midst of banana trees, and women in the midst of orange trees. Everything was so slow and repetitive that even the windows, also slowly, looked at us. It was indeed a very dull life. Through the fissures of Brusckys works, we face a different landscape; the landscape of a global village that intends to be very powerful, modern, and daring. Everything moves fast in it. Classified ads, clinical reports, critical verdicts, politicians fallacies, everything is always far beyond the midst and quickly passes by windows, which dont even look at us. It is indeed the portrait of any given little village. And the village is not dull. It is actually pretty cocky. More than that, it is badonkadonk, just as the one also sung by Drummond, so funny Bruscky does not educate us through the stone, as his fellow countryman Joo Cabral de Melo Neto wanted. He liquefies all certainties; he mocks the boredom of labels, of canons, of media, in order to make art. And enough of this yakety-yak. It is hors concours, life, casting out nines, and that is that.

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Confirmado: arte, 1977

Ttulo eleitoral cancelado, 1976

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Histria poltico-administrativa social e econmica do Brasil, 1990


Meu crebro desenha assim, 2009

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O governo brasileiro adverte, 1994


Ateno cuidado com o vo, 2008

Disco antropofgico, 1984

Jri De Seleo, Jri De PremiAo e leitoreS De PortflioS
Adriana Amaral (Porto Alegre) docente e pesquisadora do Programa de Ps-graduao em Cincias da Comunicao da Unisinos. Doutora em comunicao social pela PUC-RS, com estgio de doutorado em sociologia da comunicao pelo Boston College (EUA). Faz parte do Conselho Cientfico da ABCiber Associao Brasileira dos Pesquisadores em Cibercultura e membro da Aoir Association of Internet Research. parecerista de vrios peridicos e agncias de fomento nacionais e internacionais. Brian Mackern (Montevidu, Uruguai) artista e compositor de atuao internacional. Exibiu trabalhos e ministrou palestras em diversos pases, e recebeu diversos prmios institucionais. Professor de arte eletrnica e digital da Escola Nacional de Belas-Artes da Universidade do Uruguai, Mackern fundador e organizador do dorkbot.mvd e coordenador/curador de arte em novas mdias do Cme-Subte, Montevidu. Atualmente, desenvolve o programa montevideo.ETC no Espacio de Tecnologa y Cultura em Montevidu. http://34s56w.org
Biographies (Selection Committee, Prize Jury, and Portfolio Readers) Adriana Amaral is a lecturer and researcher
with the Graduate Program in Communication Sciences at Unisinos. Holder of a PhD in social communication from PUC-RS, with a doctoral internship in sociology of communication from Boston College. She is a member of the Scientific Council of ABCiber and of Aoir. She is an advisor for several journals and national and international development agencies. has exhibited his work and given workshops and lectures internationally, having been awarded numerous institutional prizes. A professor in digital and electronic arts with the University of Uruguay, Mackern is the founder and organizer of dorkbot.mvd and new media art coordinator/curator at CmeSubte, Montevideo. He is currently developing the program montevideo.ETC at Espacio de Tecnologa y Cultura.

Brian Mackern is an artist and composer. He

Cau Alves has a masters degree and a

Cau Alves (So Paulo) mestre e doutor em filosofia pela FFLCHUSP e professor da graduao e ps-graduao da PUC-SP. curador adjunto da 8 Bienal do Mercosul, curador do 32 Panorama da Arte Brasileira do MAM-SP e curador do Solo Projects: Focus Latinoamerica, ARCOmadrid 2012. Desde 2006 curador do Clube de Gravura do MAM-SP. Realizou a mostra Mira Schendel: Avesso do avesso (Instituto de Arte Contempornea, 2010) e Quase lquido (Ita Cultural, 2008).

Ccero Silva (So Paulo) pesquisador e professor da UFJF. Foi pesquisador associado na Universidade da Califrnia, San Diego, e na Brown University, ambas nos EUA. Coordena o Grupo de Software Studies no Brasil, organizador do CineGrid Brasil e curador de arte digital do Frum da Cultura Digital Brasileira. Recebeu meno honrosa em comunidades digitais no Prmio Prix Ars Electronica de 2010. Clarissa Diniz (Recife) editora da revista Tatu. Publicou Crach aspectos da legitimao artstica (2008), Gilberto Freyre, em coautoria com Gleyce Heitor (2010) e Montez Magno, em coautoria com Paulo Herkenhoff e Luiz Carlos Monteiro (2010). Curadorias: Refraes arte contempornea em Alagoas (Pinacoteca da UFAL, 2010), contidonocontido, com o EducAtivo MAMAM (Recife, 2010). Foi curadora assistente do Programa Rumos Artes Visuais 2008/2009 (Ita Cultural, So Paulo) e integrou o Grupo de Crticos do CCSP (2008-2010).

doctorate in philosophy from FFLCH-USP, and is a graduate and undergraduate professor at PUC-SP. He is associate curator at the 8th Mercosul Biennial; curator of the 32nd Panorama da Arte Brasileira (MAM-SP, 2011), and curator of the section Solo Projects: Focus Latinoamerica (2012 ARCOmadrid). Since 2006, he has been the curator of MAM-SPs Engraving Club. He organized the exhibitions Mira Schendel: Avesso do avesso (Instituto de Arte Contempornea, 2010) and Quase lquido (Ita Cultural, 2008).

Ccero Silva is a researcher and lecturer with UFJF, and an associate researcher with the University of California and the Brown University. He coordinates the Software Studies Group in Brazil, is the organizer of CineGrid Brasil, and digital art curator at the Brazilian Digital Culture Forum. He received an honorary mention in digital communities at the 2010 Prix Ars Electronica. Clarissa Diniz is editor of Tatu magazine. She published Crach aspectos da legitimao artstica (2008), Gilberto Freyre, in collaboration with Gleyce Heitor (2010), and Montez Magno, in collaboration with Paulo Herkenhoff and Luiz Carlos Monteiro (2010). Curatorships: Refraes arte contempornea em Alagoas (UFAL Art Collection, 2010) and contidonocontido with EducAtivo MAMAM (Recife, 2010). She was assistant curator of the Rumos Ita Cultural Visual Arts 2008-9 program and was part of Centro Cultural So Paulos Critics Group (2008-10). Claudia Assef is a writer, journalist, and
DJ. Assef has worked in the most prominent Brazilian media companies and was a foreign correspondent with the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper, in Paris, France. She was the

Claudia Assef (So Paulo) escritora, jornalista e DJ. Passou pelos mais importantes veculos do pas, chegando a ser correspondente da Folha de S.Paulo, em Paris, Frana. Tambm foi editora das revistas Volume01 e Beatz. No rdio, apresenta o programa Discologia, s quintasfeiras (23h), na Oi FM. diretora do portal Vrgula, da Jovem Pan, e colu-

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nista do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo. autora do livro Todo DJ j sambou, da editora Conrad.

Cristiana Tejo (Recife) curadora independente. Atualmente, cocuradora do 32 Panorama da Arte Brasileira do MAM- SP e curadora do Projeto Made in Mirrors. Foi diretora do MAMAM (Recife, 2007-2008), curadora da Fundao Joaquim Nabuco (Recife, 2002-2006) e do Rumos Artes Visuais do Ita Cultural (So Paulo, 2005-2006). Na X Bienal de Havana, fez a curadoria da Sala Especial de Paulo Bruscky e, no Ita Cultural, fez a cocuradoria de Futuro do Presente, com Agnaldo Farias. Publicou Paulo Bruscky Arte em todos os sentidos (2009). Eduardo de Jesus (Belo Horizonte) professor da Faculdade de Comunicao e Artes da PUC Minas. Graduado em comunicao social pela PUC Minas, mestre em comunicao pela UFMG e doutor pela ECA-USP. Faz parte do Conselho da Associao Cultural Videobrasil. Realizou recentemente as curadorias Dense Local, com Gunalan Nadarajan, no contexto do Transitio MX (Cidade do Mxico, 2009) e Esses espaos, no Oi Futuro (Belo Horizonte, 2010). Ivana Bentes (Rio de Janeiro) professora e pesquisadora de cinema, novas mdias, cultura e comunicao da Escola de Comunicao da UFRJ. Coordenadora do projeto Midiarte e Estticas da Comunicao, e coordenadora do Ponto de Cultura Digital da ECO-UFRJ e Laboratrio Cultura Viva. Participa regularmente como ensasta e conferencista em publicaes e eventos relacionados s reas de comunicao, artes visuais, cinema, TV e novas tecnologias da imagem, e como curadora em cinema e arte. Jorge La Ferla (Buenos Aires, Argentina) professor catedrtico da
Universidade de Buenos Aires, da Universidade de Cinema de Buenos Aires e da Universidade de Los Andes, Bogot, Colmbia. Editou trinta livros sobre arte e mdia. Autor dos livros Video en la Puna: Los viajes de Valdez (Editorial Nueva Librera, 1994) e Cine (y) digital. Aproximaciones a posibles convergencias entre el cinematgrafo y la computadora (Ed. Manantial, 2009), entre outros. curador de cinema, vdeo e novas tecnologias com ampla atuao internacional.

editor of Volume01 and Beatz magazines. She is the host of the radio program Discologia (Oi FM), the director of Jovem Pan radio stations website, Vrgula, columnist in O Estado de S. Paulo, and the author of the book Todo DJ j sambou (Ed. Conrad).

Cristiana Tejo is an independent curator. She

is the cocurator of the 32nd Panorama da Arte Brasileira (MAM- SP, 2011) and curator of the Project Made in Mirrors. She was director of MAMAM (Recife, 2007-8), curator of Fundao Joaquim Nabuco (Recife, 2002-6) and of Rumos Ita Cultural Visual Arts (So Paulo, 2005-6). In the 10th Havana Biennial, Tejo curated the special room dedicated to Paulo Bruscky. She also cocurated the exhibition Futuro do Presente, with Agnaldo Farias (Ita Cultural). She published the book Paulo Bruscky Arte em todos os sentidos (2009).

Eduardo de Jesus is a lecturer with PUC Minas Communication and Arts School. He is a graduate in social communication from PUC Minas, holder of a masters degree in communication from UFMG and a doctorate from ECA-USP. He is a member of Associao Cultural Videobrasils Council. He cocurated Dense Local, with Gunalan Nadarajan, as part of the Transitio MX festival (Mexico City, 2009), and curated the exhibition Esses espaos (Oi Futuro, Belo Horizonte, 2010). Ivana Bentes is a lecturer and researcher in
the fields of cinema, new media, culture, and communication with UFRJs Communication School. Bentes coordinates the projects Midiarte e Estticas da Comunicao, ECO-UFRJs Ponto de Cultura Digital, and Laboratrio Cultura Viva. She writes essays in different journals and delivers lectures in events related to communication, visual arts, cinema, TV, and new imaging technologies; she is also a cinema and art curator.

Josephine Bosma (Amsterd, Holanda) escritora e crtica de

arte. Publicou Nettitudes Lets Talk Net Art [Nettitudes Vamos falar sobre net art] uma compilao de ensaios (Editora NAi Publishers / Institute for Network Cultures), alm de entrevistas, crticas e textos para catlogos, livros e revistas. Tendo como foco o trabalho com net art, arte sonora e cultura de rede, Bosma co-organizou eventos, como a seo rdio do festival Next 5 Minutes (1996-1999), a newsletter CREAM (2001-2002) e o simpsio do festival GOGBOT (2010-2011). http://www.josephinebosma.com

Jorge La Ferla is a full professor at the University of Buenos Aires, at the University of Cinema Foundation, Buenos Aires, and at the University of Los Andes, Bogota. He has edited thirty books on art and media. Hes the author of Video en la Puna: Los viajes de Valdez (Nueva Librera, 1994) and Cine (y) digital. Aproximaciones a posibles convergencias entre el cinematgrafo y la computadora (Manantial, 2009), among others. Hes an internationally acclaimed cinema, video, and new technologies curator who participates in events all over the world. Josephine Bosma is a writer and art critic.
She published the Nettitudes Lets Talk Net Art collection of essays (NAi/ Institute for Network Cultures), in addition to interviews, reviews, and texts in catalogues, books, and magazines. Focused on net art, sound art, and net culture, Bosma has coorganized events such as the radio section of Next 5 Minutes (1996-99), the CREAM newsletter (2001-02), and the symposium of the GOGBOT festival (2010-11).

Manuela Naveau (Linz, ustria) artista independente e curadora. Juntamente com Gerfried Stocker, responsvel, desde 2004, pelo festival internacional Ars Electronica. Seu trabalho pessoal tem como foco projetos que desafiam a percepo da arte. Ela doutoranda pela University for Art and Design, em Linz, e sua pesquisa trata de formas contemporneas de prticas artsticas influenciadas pela internet.

Manuela Naveau is an artist and

independent curator. Together with Gerfried Stocker she has been responsible, since 2004, for the development of the international exhibitions of Ars Electronica. Naveaus personal work focuses on projects that

Marcos Boffa (So Paulo) um dos produtores de eventos musicais

mais ativos da Amrica do Sul. Criou o Eletronika Festival de Novas Tendncias Musicais em Belo Horizonte (1999) e integrou a equipe dos festivais Sonar Sound SP (2004), Nokia Trends (2005), Motomix (2006), Planeta Terra Festival e Vivo arte.mov Festival Internacional de Arte e Mdias Mveis. Em 2009, participou do jri do Transmediale de Berlim, na Alemanha. Integra o jri do Prix Ars Electronica 2011 na categoria Digital Musics & Sound Art.

attempt to challenge accepted perceptions of visual art forms. She is pursuing a doctorate at the University for Art and Design (Linz), where she researches contemporary forms of artistic practices influenced by the Internet.

Marcos Boffa is one of the most active

Priscila Arantes (So Paulo) pesquisadora, crtica e curadora. Mestre e doutora em comunicao e semitica pela PUC-SP e ps-doutora pela Unicamp. diretora tcnica do Pao das Artes e foi diretora adjunta do MIS-SP (2007-2011). autora de Arte @ Mdia: perspectivas da esttica digital (Senac/Fapesp), Conexes tecnolgicas (Imesp), Estticas tecnolgicas: novas formas de sentir (Educ). Foi curadora das exposies I/legtimo: dentro e fora do circuito (2008), Crossing [Travessias] (2010) e Assim , se lhe parece (2011). Priscila Farias (So Paulo) designer grfica e pesquisadora na rea
de design. Doutora em comunicao e semitica pela PUC-SP, docente da FAU-USP, onde coordena o Laboratrio de Pesquisa em Design Visual, e do Centro Universitrio Senac-SP. Editora do peridico cientfico InfoDesign, organizadora dos livros Fontes digitais brasileiras (Rosari) e Advanced Issues in Cognitive Science and Semiotics (Shaker Verlag), autora de Tipografia digital (2AB) e de diversos artigos sobre tipografia, design e semitica.

musical events producers in South America. He created Eletronika festival (Belo Horizonte, 1999) and joined the teams of the following festivals: Sonar Sound SP (2004), Nokia Trends (2005), Motomix (2006), Planeta Terra Festival, and Vivo arte.mov. In 2009, Boffa was part of the jury of the Berlin Transmediale. He is part of the jury of Prix Ars Electronica 2011 in the Digital Musics & Sound Art category.

curator. Holder of a masters degree and a doctorate in communication and semiotics from PUC-SP, and a postdoctorate from Unicamp. She is the technical director of the museum Pao das Artes and has been associate director of MIS-SP (2007-11). She is the author of Arte @ Mdia: perspectivas da esttica digital (Senac/Fapesp), Conexes tecnolgicas (Imesp), Estticas tecnolgicas: novas formas de sentir (Educ). She curated the exhibitions I/legtimo: dentro e fora do circuito (2008), Crossing [Travessias] (2010), and Assim , se lhe parece (2011).

Priscila Arantes is a researcher, critic, and

Tadeu Chiarelli (So Paulo) professor junto ao Departamento de Artes Plsticas da ECA-USP e diretor do Museu de Arte Contempornea da USP.

Tania Aedo (Cidade do Mxico, Mxico) diretora do Laboratorio Arte

Alameda. Em 1993, passou a trabalhar no Multimedia Center, do qual foi diretora entre 2005 e 2007. Nos anos 1990, como parte de sua prtica artstica, dedicou-se ao desenvolvimento de simulaes interativas tridimensionais (Realidade Virtual), de ambientes multiusurios e de pequenas comunidades na internet. Atualmente, tem como foco de pesquisa o desenvolvimento de estratgias artsticas em contextos especficos, tecnologia e educao interdisciplinar na Amrica Latina.

Priscila Farias is a graphic designer and researcher in the field of design. She is the holder of a doctorate in communication and semiotics from PUC-SP and a lecturer with FAU-USPwhere she coordinates the Research Laboratory in Visual Designand with the Senac University Center. She is also the editor of the scientific journal InfoDesign, organizer of the books Fontes digitais brasileiras (Rosari) and Advanced Issues in Cognitive Science and Semiotics (Shaker Verlag), and author of Tipografia digital (2AB) and of several papers on typography, design, and semiotics. Tadeu Chiarelli is a professor at the Visual Arts Department at ECA-USP, and director of USPs Contemporary Art Museum. Tania Aedo is the director of Laboratorio
Arte Alameda. She has worked at the Multimedia Center since 1993 and directed it from 2005 to 2007. In the 1990s, as part of her artistic practice, she was involved in the development of three-dimensional interactive simulations (Virtual Reality), as well as multiuser environments and small communities on the Internet. Her current research is focused on the development of strategies for art in specific contexts, technology, and interdisciplinary education in Latin America. and occasionally also a curator. A graduate in social sciences with a masters degree in philosophy from FFLCH-USP, he has contributed in Folha de S.Paulo and O Pblico newspapers, besides Novos Estudos Cebrap, +soma, and Reportagem magazines, among others. He writes the blog do Guaciara and is also a pop music lyricist. He has written songs in partnership with Rmulo Fres, Maurcio Takara, and Rob Mazurek.

Tiago Mesquita (So Paulo) atua como crtico e, ocasionalmente,

como curador. formado em cincias sociais e mestre em filosofia pela FFLCH-USP e colaborou com os jornais Folha de S.Paulo e O Pblico, alm das revistas Novos Estudos Cebrap, +soma e Reportagem, entre outros. Escreve o blog do Guaciara e letrista de msica popular. J comps com Rmulo Fres, Maurcio Takara e Rob Mazurek.

Tiago Mesquita is a lecturer, an art critic,

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Imagens gentilmente cedidas pelos artistas ou por: Images kindly granted by the artists or by: Galeria Nara Roesler / Fernanda Figueiredo e Eduardo Mattos (Jerk Off [Dzima peridica], 2006-11, p. 17) Cau Ito (Redes vestveis, 2010, p. 18; Campo minado, 2009-11, p. 19) Leonardo Crescenti (reler, 2008, p. 26, imagem inferior [lower image]) Ana Paula Miranda, Fernando M. (Vjing mvel: espetculo+vigilncia=consumo, 2005, p. 37) Ana Paula Miranda, Fernando M., Kinho Skujis, Bor (Surveillance Wireless Vjing Performance, 2004, p. 39) Henrique Skujis, Bor (The Birth of Automaton: Cyborg Panopticando, 2004, p. 39) Bianca Aun (Outono, 2007, p. 42) Cuia Guimares (Queda, 2010, p. 42) Mara Buzelin Leonel (Garganta, 2010, p. 44) Amilcar Packer (Imprevisibilidade e justeza, 2010, p. 46) Conception Levi, Camil Scorteanu (Maquiagem aumentada, 2008-10, p. 46) Pedro Victor Brando (Dissimulado, 2009-10, p. 47) Ale Vega (Pndulo, 2011, p. 49; Presenas insustentveis, 2010-11, p. 50/51) Brigitte Pougeoise (O observador, 1999, p. 54) Bel Pedrosa (Not Me, 2008, p. 55) Galeria Nara Roesler (Ttulo eleitoral cancelado, 1976, p. 63; Confirmado: arte, 1977, p. 63; Histria politicoadministrativa social e econmica do Brasil, 1990, p. 64; Meu crebro desenha assim, 2009, p. 65; O governo brasileiro adverte, 1994, p. 66; Disco antropofgico, 1984, p. 67; Ateno cuidado com o vo, 2008, p. 67)

Alguns dos trabalhos que aparecem neste catlogo foram realizados em parceria: Some of the artworks that are shown in this catalogue were made in partnership: ponte, 2008, p. 27, com [with] Lea van Steen Marvim Gainsbug, 2009, p. 32, com [with] Filipe Calegrio Vjing mvel: espetculo+vigilncia=consumo, 2005, p. 37 com [with] Ana Paula Miranda, Fernando M., Luciana Costa, Mariana Cavalcanti, Flavia Vivaqua Manifeste-se [todo mundo artista] mobile webtv live broadcast, 2006-08, p. 38 com [with] Fernando M., Diogo Lessa, Jobas, Paulo Rgis, Tony Domingues Surveillance Wireless Vjing Performance, 2004, p. 39, com [with] Ana Paula Miranda, Fernando M., Kinho Skujis, Bor, Daniel Gonzales, Ricardo Barreto, mau sacht Acidente, 2006, p. 40, com [with] Cao Guimares O que exatamente vocs fazem, quando fazem, ou esperam fazer curadoria?, 2010, p. 43, com [with] yuri Firmeza Mira, 2001, p. 43, com [with] Eva Queiroz, Filipe FCMC, Leandro HBL, Joo Flvio Flores, Srgio Borges Imprevisibilidade e justeza, 2010, p. 46, com [with] Arto Lindsay, Pedro S, Lisette Lagnado Da obsolescncia programada em 3 atos, 2009, p. 49, [with] com Paulo Beto, Jarbas Jcome

Catalogao na Fonte: Bibliotec Gerenciamento da Informao P916 Prmio Sergio Motta de arte e tecnologia, 9 / Camila Duprat; Giselle Beiguelman; Lucia Santaella et al. 1.ed. So Paulo: Instituto Sergio Motta, 2011. 72p.: il; 24cm Ttulo em ingls: 9th Sergio Motta art & technology award. ISBN: 978-85-60824-09-0 1.Arte e tecnologia. 2.Cultura. 3.Premiao. 4.Arte. I. Duprat, Camila. II. Beiguelman, Giselle. III. Santaella, Lucia, et al. IV. Ttulo. CDD 700.105

INSTITUTO SERGIO MOTTA Conselho Deliberativo Board

Presidente Chairman | Antonio de Pdua Prado Junior Vice-Presidente Vice-Chairman | Paulo Renato Costa Souza in memoriam Presidente de Honra Honorary Chairman | Wilma Kiyoko Vieira da Motta

Conselheiros Board Members | Ldia Goldenstein, Jos Expedicto Prata, Marcello Borg, Ethevaldo Mello de Siqueira,
Silvia Alice Antibas

Conselho Fiscal Audit Committee | Antonio Carlos Bernardo, Maria Helena Berlinck Martins, Teiji Tomioka Diretoria Main Executives
Diretora-Presidente CEO | Wilma Kiyoko Vieira da Motta Diretor Financeiro CFO | Joo Teixeira de Almeida Junior

Colaboradores Team
Superintendncia Superintendent | Camila Duprat Martins Coordenao de Projetos Projects Coordinator | Tet Tavares Coordenao de Produo Production Coordinator | Aline Minharro Gambin Coordenao de Comunicao Diffusion Coordinator | Fernanda Perez Controller Controller | Luciana Dacar Administrao Administration | Sadao Kitagawa Auxiliar Administrativo Administrative Assistant | Mrcio dos Santos Secretaria Geral Executive Secretary | Maria Jos Tenrio Paiva

Coordenao Geral General Coordinator | Camila Duprat Martins Curadoria Curator | Giselle Beiguelman Coordenao do Projeto Projects Coordinator | Tet Tavares Coordenao de Produo Production Coordinator | Aline Minharro Gambin Coordenao de Comunicao Diffusion Coordinator | Fernanda Perez Controller Controller | Luciana Dacar Administrao Administration | Sadao Kitagawa Identidade Visual Visual Identity | Paula Astiz Assessoria de Imprensa Press Relations | Dcio Hernandez Di Giorgi

Coordenao Geral General Coordinator | Tet Tavares Coordenao Editorial Editorial Coordination | Rafaela Ferreira Verso para o Ingls Translation | Mrcia Macdo Reviso Proofreading | Regina Stocklen Projeto Grfico Graphic Design | Paula Astiz CTP, impresso e acabamento CTP, printing, and finishing | Grfica guia Tiragem Print run | 2.000 exemplares 2,000 copies So Paulo, Brasil, 2011 | So Paulo, Brazil, 2011





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