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Portuguese English

Olá Hello/Hi

Adeus Good Bye

Alguém me pode emprestar uma caneta Alguém me pode emprestar uma caneta?

Boa noite(anoitecer) Good evening

Boa noite (ao deitar) Good night

Boa tarde Good afternoon

Bom dia Good morning

Como estás?/estão hoje? How are you today?

Esta frase está correta? Is this sentence correct?

Esteja quieto(a) / silencioso(a). Be quiet.

Estou bem I’m fine

Estou doente. I’m sick.

Eu não entendi. I didn’t get it

Faltei na última aula. I was absent last class.

Isto está correto? Is this right/correct?

Não estou muito bem I’m not very well

Não faça isso. Don’t do that!

Não, não pode. No you may not.

O que fizemos na aula passada? What did we do last lesson?

O que faço agora? What can I do now?

Ouçam-me /Ouve-me Listen to me

Peço desculpa pelo atraso. I’m sorry I’m late.

Pode desviar-se,por favor. Can you step aside, please.

Pode falar mais devagar, por favor. Can you speak slowly, please

Pode repetir a palavra, se faz favor? Can you repeat the word, please?

Posso atender o telefone? May I answer my phone, please?

Posso entrar? May I come in?

Posso ir ao sanitário/wc, se faz favor? May I go to the toillet,please?

Posso responder? May I answer?

Posso tentar? May I try?

Prestem atenção. Pay atention.

Watch the following vídeos and try to discuss the following:

The different sounds of the alphabet in the Mother tongue and in a foreign language the
influence in the accent of your mother tongue
(Os diferentes sons das letras do alfabeto na língua materna e numa língua estrangeira a
influencia da pronuncia)
Video 1 - «Brazilian woman learning English»


Video 2 - «French man trying to learn English»

Video 3 - «Woman singing English like she heard it»

O’ Clock
Em ponto
Five to Five past

Ten to Ten past

a quarter to
Falta um quarto de hora
To Past a quarter past
Passa um quarto de hora

Twenty to twenty past

Twenty five to Twenty five past

half past or half to

Passa meia hora ou falta meia hora para
Useful Vocabulary
Calendar - Calendário
Month- Mês
Year- Ano
Day Dia
Week - Semana
Weekend – Fim de semana
Temperature - Temperatura
Hot – Quente / calor
Cold - Frio
Warm - Morno
• We use cardinal numbers to indicate quantity.
• They are used in counting.
Ordinal numbers are used to indicate the position in relation to other numbers

The snail won the

race. It was the first
one to eat a lettuce!!!
Eleventh – 11th Twenty- first – 21st
First – 1st Twelfth – 12th
Twenty-second – 22nd
Second – 2nd
Thirteenth – 13th Twenty-third – 23rd
Third – 3rd
Fourteenth – 14th Twenty-fourth – 24th

Fourth – 4th Fifteenth – 15th “

Thirtieth – 30th
Fifth – 5th Sixteenth – 16th Thirty-first – 31st
Sixth – 6th
Seventeenth – 17th Fourthieth - 40th
Seventh – 7th
Eighteenth – 18th “
Eighth – 8th One hundredth – 100th
Nineteenth – 19th
Ninth – 9th One hundredth and one – 101th
Tenth – 10th Twentieth – 20th
•Personal Information
Pay attention to the following dialogue.

What's your first name? My First name is Paula

Where are you from? I’m from Ponte de Lima

What's your job? I am a teacher

What's your address? My adress is nº 285 Ponte de Lima

What is your phone number? My phone number is 9769138176

How old are you? I am thirty nine years old

Are you married? Yes I am married

What’s your nationality? I am Portuguese


What's / what is your name? (Qual é o seu nome? / Como se chama?)

My name is... (O meu nome é / Chamo-me…)
Where are you from? (De onde é?)
I'm from... (Sou de…)
Are you …(Spanish, American, German, Portuguese, etc.)? (É Espanhol, Americano,
Alemão, Português, etc?)
Yes I am / No I am not. (Sim, sou. Não, não sou.)
surname, family name, first name (apelido, nome de família, primeiro nome)
Where are you from? (De onde é?)
What's your job? address? phone (telephone) number? (Qual é a sua profissão?
Endereço? (Número de) telefone?)
How old are you? (Que idade tem? / Quantos anos tem?)
Are you married? (É casado(a)?)
married, single, divorced, separated, widow, widower, engaged (casado, solteiro,
divorciado, separado, viúva, viúvo, comprometido)
Yes, I am/ No, I’m not. (Sim, sou. Não, não sou)
VOCABULARY: surname – apelido; fine – bem; very well – muito bem; sick – doente;
thanks – obrigado.

What's / what is your name? (Qual é o seu nome? / Como se chama?)

My name is... (O meu nome é / Chamo-me…)

Where are you from? (De onde é?)
I'm from... (Sou de…)
Are you …(Spanish, American, German, Portuguese, etc.)? (É Espanhol, Americano,
Alemão, Português, etc?)
Yes I am / No I am not. (Sim, sou. Não, não sou.)
surname, family name, first name (apelido, nome de família, primeiro
Where are you from? (De onde é?)
What's your job? address? phone (telephone) number? (Qual é a sua profissão?
Endereço? (Número de) telefone?)
How old are you? (Que idade tem? / Quantos anos tem?)
Are you married? (É casado(a)?)
married, single, divorced, separated, widow, widower, engaged (casado,
solteiro, divorciado, separado, viúva, viúvo, comprometido)
Yes, I am/ No, I’m not. (Sim, sou. Não, não sou)
VOCABULARY: surname – apelido; fine – bem; very well – muito bem; sick – doente; thanks
– obrigado.
Try to build a text.
‘Suffrage‘ means the right to vote in political
It is a sad fact that throughout history, there have been
many restrictions placed on who can and can’t vote,
based on things
like age, gender, race, education, wealth and social
Suffragettes campaigning against the Liberal
Party during the 1910 election.
During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, men in
the UK had the right to vote but women did not. Many
people – including women – didn’t believe that women
should be able to vote. Even Queen Victoria called the
fight for women’s rights a “mad, wicked folly” –
despite being a powerful woman herself!

A Suffragette procession through London, 1914.

The Suffragettes
In 1903, the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU – the Suffragettes) was
formed, led by Emmeline Pankhurst. It was run by Mrs Pankhurst and her daughter

Suffragettes showing civil disobedience:

Chained to a fence
setting fires
disrupting horse races and protesting.

The Suffragettes believed in civil disobedience. They:

disrupted Parliament
chained themselves to railings
broke windows
burned down churches
held huge marches and demonstrations
attacked politicians
set post-boxes on fire
slashed paintings
went on hunger strike when arrested
The Suffragettes, however, had not won the vote by 1914:

•Many bills were presented to Parliament between 1900 and 1914, but they were all
•In 1910, the Men's National League for Opposing Women's Franchise merged with the
Women's National Anti-Suffrage League to form the National League for Opposing
Women's Suffrage.
•It published the Anti-Suffrage Review, which said that women were not fit for
government and that Suffragettes neglected their families.
•In 1914, when the war broke out, Emmeline Pankhurst stopped the campaign and urged
women to support the war instead.

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