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DIVULGAO N 53/2010 N/Ref.: Proc. 10-346/D Gabinete de Apoio Assunto: LUnion europene (EU) subsitue et remplace la Communaut europenne/ The European Union (EU) replaces and succeeds the European Community (EC) Exm() Senhor(a) Juiz(a) Conselheiro(a) Juiz(a) Desembargador(a) Juiz(a) de Direito Em cumprimento de despacho do Exmo. Sr. Juiz Conselheiro Vice-Presidente deste C.S.M, dse conhecimento a V. Exa., em anexo, do expediente recebido do Gabinete de Relaes Internacionais da Direco Geral da Poltica de Justia, sobre o assunto acima. Mais se informa V. Exa., de o Exmo. Sr. Juiz Conselheiro Vice-Presidente deste C.S.M., determinou por despacho, que fosse veiculado pelos Exmos. Juzes que a referncia Unio Europeia, em substituio da meno Comunidade Europeia, pela assuno dos deveres e obrigaes ocorrida, deve ser tida em conta por todas as entidades oficiais. Com os meus melhores cumprimentos Lisboa, 27 de Abril de 2010 A Juza Secretria. Maria Joo Sousa e Faro

Exmos. Senhores, Junto temos a honra de enviar a comunicao do Secretariado Permanente da Conferncia da Haia de Direito Internacional Privado que notifica, na sequncia da entrada em vigor do Tratado de Lisboa, da substituio e sucesso da Comunidade Europeia pela Unio Europeia em todos os direitos e obrigaes no seio daquela organizao. Com os melhores cumprimentos,

De: Lydie de Loof [mailto:ll@hcch.nl] Em nome de Hague Conference Enviada: quarta-feira, 31 de Maro de 2010 9:34 Para: 'NationalOrgans@hcch.net'; 'Embassies@hcch.net' Assunto: L.c. ON No 10(10) L'Union europene (UE) substitue et remplace la Communaut europenne (CE) / L.c. ON No 10(10) The European Union (EU) replaces and succeeds the European Community (EC)

IPR/299.19 31.03.2010 L.c. ON No 10(10) Le Bureau Permanent de la Confrence de La Haye de droit international priv prsente ses compliments aux Organes nationaux et de liaison des Membres et a lhonneur de les informer de ce qui suit : Le Trait de Lisbonne modifiant le Trait sur lUnion europenne et le Trait instituant la Communaut europenne est entr en vigueur le premier dcembre 2009.

Rua Mouzinho da Silveira, n. 10 1269 273 Lisboa Portugal

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213 220 020 213 474 918

http://www.csm.org.pt E-mail: csm@csm.org.pt



En consquence, compter de cette date lUnion europenne substituera et succdera la Communaut europenne (article premier, troisime alina, du Trait sur lUnion europenne faisant suite aux modifications rsultant du Trait de Lisbonne). Par consquent, partir de cette date lUnion europenne exercera tous les droits et assumera toutes les obligations de la Communaut europenne, y compris son statut au sein de lOrganisation, tout en continuant exercer les droits existants et assumer les obligations de lUnion europenne. compter de cette date, lUnion europenne succdera notamment tous les accords conclus et engagements passs par la Communaut europenne avec la Confrence de La Haye de droit international priv, et tous les accords et engagements adopts au sein de la Confrence de La Haye liant la Communaut europenne. Le Bureau Permanent saisit cette occasion pour renouveler aux Organes nationaux et de liaison des Membres lassurance de sa trs haute considration. LA HAYE, le 31 mars 2010 Aux Organes nationaux et de liaison des Membres Copie titre dinformation aux Missions diplomatiques des Membres

L.c. ON No 10(10) The Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law presents its compliments to the National and Contact Organs of the Members and has the honour to inform them of the following: The Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community has entered into force on 1 December 2009. As a consequence, as from that date the European Union will replace and succeed the European Community (Article 1, third paragraph, of the Treaty on European Union as it results from the amendments introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon). Therefore, as from that date the European Union will exercise all rights and assume all obligations of the European Community, including its status in the Organisation, whilst continuing to exercise existing rights and assume obligations of the European Union. In particular, as from that date the European Union will succeed to all agreements concluded and all commitments made by the European Community with the Hague Conference on Private International Law and to all agreements or commitments adopted within the Hague Conference and binding on the European Community. The Permanent Bureau avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the National and Contact Organs of the Members assurances of its highest consideration and esteem. THE HAGUE, 31 March 2010 To the National and Contact Organs of the Members Copy for information to the Diplomatic Missions of the Members

Rua Mouzinho da Silveira, n. 10 1269 273 Lisboa Portugal

Telefone Fax

213 220 020 213 474 918

http://www.csm.org.pt E-mail: csm@csm.org.pt

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