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AA.VV. Recenti tendenze nella ricostruzione della storia antica d'Israele. Roma: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 2005, 202 p. (AJ) Atti del Convegno Internazionale tenuto a Roma il 6-7-marzo 2003 organizzato da Mario Liverani e concluso da Giovanni Garbini. Gli importanti contributi di Finkelstein, Dever, Ska, Soggin, Lemche, Na'aman, Davies, Garbini, Thompson, sono tutti in inglese. Distributori mondiali: Bardi Editore, Roma. AHLSTRM, G. W. The history of ancient Palestine. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1993. (BBNHI) ALBERTZ, Rainer. A History of Israelite Religion in the Old Testament Period, vol. I: From the Beginnings to the End of Monarchy, Londres, SCM Press, 1994 Estante Virtual - Ana Tripicchio SP - R$ 250,00 - Editora: Trotta; Ano: 1999; Descrio: Volume 2. Novo. Sem Uso. Importado demora 10 semanas para chegar. Este Pronta Entrega. Perfeito. Ttulo completo: "Historia de la Religin de Israel en tiempos del Antigo Testamento. Desde o exilio hasta la epoca de los Macabeos". Brochura com 907 pginas. Dimenses: 15 cm X 23 cm X 2, 5 cm. ISBN: 84-8164348-3. O Autor professor catedrtico em Teologia Antiga na Universidade de Mnster.Os Captulos comeam com: I: Histria da Religio na poca do DEsterro; II: Histria da Religio na poca Exlica; Cap.III: Perspectiva da Histria da Religio no perodo helenstico. O 1 Volume est Esgotado. _______________. A History of Israelite Religion in the Old Testament Period. Louisville: Westminster, 1994. 2 v. (BBNHI) ALBRIGHT, William Foxwell. From the Stone Age to Christianity. Baltimore: The John Hopkins Press, 1940, p. 214. _______________. The Old Testament and the Archeology of the Ancient East. In: ROWLEY, H.H. (Org.) The Old Testament and modern study. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1951, p.47. ALT, Albrecht. Terra Prometida. Ensaios sobre a Histria de Israel. So Leopoldo: Sinodal, 1987. (BBNHI) ALTER, Robert. The Art of Biblical Narrative. New York: Basic Books, 1981, p.47-62. Estante Virtual - Metido a Sebo Livraria SP R$ 37,00 - Editora: Cia das Letras; Ano: 2008; Descrio: livro em perfeito estado; 285 pginas. AMIT, Y. Progression as a rhetorical device in Biblical Literature. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament. Londres, v.28, n.1, 2003, p.6-8. ATHAS , G. The Tel Dan Inscription: A Reappraisal and a New Interpretation. London: T & T Clark, [2003] 2006, 352 p. - ISBN 0567040437. (AJ) The first book-length treatment of the most important, and controversial, inscription found in Israel in recent years. The inscription contains a possible mention of the name "David'"and is thought by many scholars to verify the existence of this king. It contains a full account of the discovery, epigraphic analysis, palaeographical analysis, possible arrangement of the three fragments discovered, textual analysis and historical commentary. It is more thorough in each of these treatments than any preceding discussion, and reviews all of the major theories about the inscription, with a well-considered conclusion. BARTHES, R. Escritores, Intelectuais, Professores e outros ensaios. Lisboa: Presena, 1975, p.39. BEN ZVI, E. The urban center of Jerusalem and the development of the literature of the Hebrew Bible. In: AUFRECHT, W.E. et al. Urbanism in Antiquity: From Mesopotamia to Crete. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997, p.205-6. BIN GORION, M.I. (Ed.) As Lendas do Povo Judeu. So Paulo: Perspectiva, 1980, p.142-4.161-5. BLENKINSOPP, J. The Pentateuch. In: BARTON, ??? BOER, R. (ed.) Tracking "The Tribes of Yahweh": On the Trail of a Classic. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002, 216 p. ISBN: 082646050X (AJ)

Norman Gottwald's monumental The Tribes of Yahweh caused an immediate sensation when first published in 1979, and its influence has continued to be felt, both in the area of biblical politics and in the application of sociological methods to the Hebrew Bible. This book, following the reprint, with a new preface, by Sheffield Academic Press [1999], reflects on the impact and the implications of the work after twenty years. The distinguished contributors are David Jobling, Frank Frick, Charles Carter, Carol Meyers, Jacques Berlinerblau, Itumeleng Mosala, Gerald West, Roland Boer and, in a response to contributors as well as an interview with the editor, Norman Gottwald himself. BRIGHT, J. Histria de Israel. So Paulo: Paulinas, 1987. (BBNHI) BURKE, P. (org.) A Escrita da Histria: Novas Perspectivas. So Paulo: UNESP, 1992. (BBNHI) BURKE, P. Histria e teoria social. So Paulo: Editora UNESP, 2002. (BBNHI) BURKE, P. Variedades de histria cultural. Rio de Janeiro: Tempo Brasileiro, 2000. (BBNHI) CARDOSO, C. F. & VAINFAS , R. Domnios da histria. Ensaios de teoria e metodologia. Rio de Janeiro: Campus, 1997. (BBNHI) CARDOSO, C. F. Antigidade oriental: poltica e religio. So Paulo: Contexto, 1990. (BBNHI) CARDOSO, C. F. Narrativa, Sentido, Histria. Campinas: Papirus, 1997. (BBNHI) CARDOSO, C. F. Sociedades do Antigo Oriente Prximo. So Paulo: tica, 1986. (BBNHI) CARDOSO, C. F. Trabalho compulsrio na antigidade. Rio de Janeiro: Graal, 1984. (BBNHI) CARDOSO, C. F.Sete olhares sobre a antigidade. Braslia: Editora da UnB, 1994. (BBNHI) CARREIRA, J.N. Histria e historiografia na Antiguidade Oriental. Didaskalia. Lisboa, v.12, n.2, 1982, p.352. CAZELLES, H. Histria Poltica de Israel. So Paulo: Paulinas, 1986. (BBNHI) CHARTIER, R. beira da falsia: a histria entre certezas e inquietudes. Porto Alegre: Ed. UFRGS, 2002. (BBNHI) CHARTIER, R. A histria cultural entre prticas e representaes. Lisboa: Difel, 1990. (BBNHI) CHWARTS, S. Os sentidos da esterilidade no passado ancestral de Israel. Vrtices. So Paulo, n.4, 2003, p.155-69. CLEMENTS, R. E. (ed.) O Mundo do Antigo Israel. So Paulo: Paulus, 1995. (BBNHI) CRSEMANN, F. A Tor. Teologia e Histria Social da Lei do Antigo Testamento. Petrpolis: Vozes, 2002. (BBNHI) DAVIES, P. R. In Search of Ancient Israel. London: T. & T. Clark, [1992] 2005, 166 p. - ISBN 9781850757375. (AJ) This is a book about history, though it is not another History of Israel. P. R. Davies focuses on biblical scholarship to ask why it has been taken for granted that ancient Israel is an accessible historical entity, and to examine some of the hermeneutical practices of biblical historians which arise from, and subsequently protect, this assumption. Ancient Israel is a scholarly construct, the result of taking a literary construct, the biblical narrative, and making it the object of historical investigation. This scholarly construct is contradictory, imaginative and ideologic. See also: The Origin of Biblical Israel (2005) de VAUX, R. Instituies de Israel no Antigo Testamento. So Paulo: Teolgica, 2003. (BBNHI) de VAUX, R. Le patriarches hbreux et lhistoire. Revue Biblique. Paris, n.1, 1965, p.24-5. DIETRICH, W.; STEGEMANN, W. (hrsg.) Biblische Enzyklopdie. 12 Bnde. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1996. (AJ) Die Biblische Enzyklopdie will das von der neueren und neuesten Forschung bereitgestellte Wissen ber die Bibel auswerten und geschichtlich und systematisch geordnet wiedergeben. In der Aufeinanderfolge der historischen und der literaturgeschichtlichen Epochen, von den Anfngen der biblischen berlieferung bis zum Vorliegen der hebrischen und der christlichen Bibel, sollen Zugnge zu den heutigen bibelwissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen erffnet werden. Die Flle der Texte und Themen ist auf zwlf Epochen aufgeteilt: Band 1: Niels Peter Lemche, Die Vorgeschichte Israels. Von den Anfngen bis zum Ausgang des 13. Jahrhunderts v.Chr. Band 2: Volkmar Fritz, Die Entstehung Israels im 12. und 11. Jahrhundert v.Chr. Band 3: Walter Dietrich, Die frhe Knigszeit in Israel. 10. Jahrhundert v.Chr. Band 4: Manfred Oeming, Die Knigreiche Israel und Juda im 9. Jahrhundert v.Chr. Band 5: Antoon Schoors, Die Knigreiche Israel und Juda im 8. und 7. Jahrhundert v.Chr. Die assyrische Krise. Band 6: Christof Hardmeier, Das Knigreich Juda im 7. und 6. Jahrhundert v.Chr. Band 7: Rainer Albertz, Die Exilszeit. 6. Jahrhundert v.Chr. Band 8: Erhard S. Gerstenberger, Israel in der Perserzeit. 5. und 4. Jahrhundert v.Chr. Band 9: Ernst Haag, Das hellenistische Zeitalter. 4. - 1. Jahrhundert v.Chr. Band 10: Wolfgang Stegemann, Jesus und seine Zeit. Band 11: ...., Paulus und seine Zeit. Band 12: Ekkehard W. Stegemann, Die Anfnge der Kirche. * The SBL signed a contract with Kohlhammer Verlag to publish English translations of all the volumes in Kohlhammer's

Biblische Enzyklopdie series. The SBL has already translated volume 7: Rainer Albertz, Israel in Exile: The History and Literature of the Sixth Century B.C.E., SBL, 2003. DONNER, H. Histria de Israel e dos Povos Vizinhos I-II. 4. ed. Traduzido do alemo por Claudio Molz e Hans A. Trein. So Leopoldo/Petrpolis: Sinodal/Vozes, [1997] 2006, 535 p. (BBNHI/AJ) Apresenta-se, em 2 volumes, a histria do Israel bblico situado no contexto da histria dos povos vizinhos do Oriente Antigo. O vol. 1 vai dos primrdios, no 2 milnio, at a formao do Estado com o reinado de Salomo. O vol. 2 abrange da poca da diviso em dois reinos at Alexandre Magno. O ltimo captulo estuda o judasmo palestinense no perodo helenstico-romano. DREYFUS, F. Lactualisation lintrieur de la Bible. Revue Biblique. Paris, n.2, 1976, p.161-202. DRIVER, G.R. & J.C. MILES. The Babylonian Laws. Transliterated text, Translation and Philological notes. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1960, 2v. ECHEGARAY, J. G. O Crescente Frtil e a Bblia. Traduzido do espanhol por Jaime A. Clasen. Petrpolis: Vozes, 1995, 278 p. (AJ) Um livro que expe o meio ambiente geogrfico e histrico-cultural dos personagens e fatos que aparecem na Bblia. ELIADE, M. Histria das Crenas e das Idias Religiosas, I/2. Zahar Editores: Rio de Janeiro, 1978. (BBNHI) FARIA, J. de F. (org.) Histria de Israel e as pesquisas mais recentes. 2. ed. Petrpolis: Vozes, 2003, 181 p. (AJ) Este livro rene o trabalho de cinco exegetas do grupo "Biblistas Mineiros" que pesquisaram acerca da Histria de Israel contada nos textos bblicos e recuperada igualmente atravs da arqueologia e de documentos extra-bblicos. So reflexes que incluem a possibilidade de se ler a Histria de Israel sob outros enfoques e de se falar no de Histria, mas de Histrias de Israel. O livro sugere ainda o repensar da historiografia sobre o assunto e retoma a histria bblica de Israel pelo vis da profecia e faz uma releitura desta histria em forma de orao nos Salmos. Os autores: Jacir de Freitas Faria, Romi Auth, Airton Jos da Silva, Johan Konings e Jaldemir Vitrio. FINKELSTEIN, I.; SILBERMAN, N. A. David and Solomon: In Search of the Bible's Sacred Kings and the Roots of the Western Tradition. New York: The Free Press, 2006, 352 p. (AJ) In David and Solomon, Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman, leading archaeologists and authors who have done a great deal to uncover and understand the breathtaking findings of their field, focus on the first two great kings of the Bible as a lens through which we can see the evolution of the entire biblical era. David and Solomon offers a guide to a thousand years of ancient civilization and the evolution of a tradition of kingly leadership that held sway throughout the West for much of our history. FINKELSTEIN, I.; SILBERMAN, N. A. The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts. New York: The Free Press, 2001, xii + 385 p.. (AJ) Two leading scholars, an archaeologist and a historian, combine an exhilarating tour of the field of biblical archaeology with a fascinating explanation of how and why the Bible's historical saga differs so dramatically from the archaeological finds. They explain what the Bible says about ancient Israel and show how it diverges sharply from archaeological reality. They then offer a dramatic new version of the history of ancient Israel, bringing archaeological evidence to bear on the question of when, where, and why the Bible was first written. FOHRER, G. Histria da Religio de Israel. So Paulo: Paulinas, 1982. (BBNHI) FOKKELMAN, J.P. Gnesis. In: ALTER, R. & F. KERMODE (Orgs.) Guia Literrio da Bblia. So Paulo: Editora Unesp, 1997, p.55-7. GARBINI, G. Myth and History in the Bible. London: T & T Clark, 2006, 160 p. ISBN 0567040143. Em italiano: Mito e storia nella Bibbia. Paideia: Brescia, 2003, 216 p. (AJ) The Old Testament, and biblical scholarship itself, distinguishes between mythical and historical. This book argues that only historical thing in the Bible is the Bible itself, a superb product of Jewish thought. What is narrated in the Bible is only myth. But this myth about Israel's past was still built with fragments of history, or rather with written traditions that were different from those expressed in the actual text, and obviously more ancient. These essays follow in the spirit of his controversial History and Ideology in Ancient Israel, which combine detailed philological reseaerch, a wide knowledge of ancient Near Eastern literature and Biblical Archaeology - and a radical way of understanding what the biblical text is really telling us. This is an erudite and thought-provoking book, which should not be ignored by anyone who finds the origin of the Bible a fascinating and still largely unknown phenomenon. GARELLI, P. & NIKIPROWETZKY, V. O Oriente Prximo Asitico. So Paulo: Pioneira/Edusp, 1982. 2 v. (BBNHI)

GINZBURG, C. Sinais: Razes de um paradigma indicirio, in Mitos, emblemas, sinais. Morfologia e histria. So Paulo. Companhia das Letras, 1989, p. 143-179. (BBNHI) GOTTWALD, N. K. As Tribos de Iahweh: Uma Sociologia da Religio de Israel Liberto, 1250-1050 a.C. 2. ed. Traduzido do ingls por Anacleto Alvarez. So Paulo: Paulus, [1986] 2004, 939 p. (AJ) Usando modelos e concluses da sociologia e da antropologia, Gottwald, em estudo hoje considerado clssico, formulou modelos alternativos para o tribalismo israelita, visto como um todo estrutural-funcional. O autor chegou a um modelo do primitivo Israel como um movimento de retribalizao que conseguiu autonomia dentro da sociedade canania. O livro de Gottwald, The Tribes of Yahweh, foi relanado, em segunda edio, em 1999, pela editora Sheffield, Reino Unido. GOTTWALD, N. K. Introduo Scioliterria Bblia Hebraica. So Paulo: Paulus, 1992. (BBNHI) GRABBE, L. L. (ed.) Ahab Agonistes: The Rise and Fall of the Omri Dynasty. London: T & T Clark, 2007, 368 p. - ISBN 9780567045409. (AJ) In this volume the European Seminar on Historical Methodology uses the period of the 9th and 8th centuries as a field for investigating the question of writing a history of Israel. This period provides a striking example in which the biblical text can be compared with other written and arti-factual sources. Contributors explore a variety of aspects of the history of the period of Omri and Ahab and the following Jehu dynasty. As a volume it provides a comprehensive picture of the sources, the historical problems, and the areas of major debate. Participants discuss such topics as the dating of prophetic texts, the house of Ahab in Chronicles, the Tel Dan inscription, the Mesha inscription, the Jezebel tradition, the archaeology of Iron IIB, the relationship between the biblical text and contemporary sources, and the nature of the Omride state. An introductory chapter summarizes the individual papers and also the relevant section of Mario Liveranis recent history of the period. A concluding `Reflections on the Debate summarizes the issues raised in the papers and provides a perspective on the discussion. GRABBE, L. L. (ed.) Can a 'History of Israel' Be Written? London: T & T Clark, [1997] 2005, 208 p. ISBN 0567043207. (AJ) This book was published in 1997, as the result of the 1st European Seminar on Historical Methodology, a meeting holds by selected scholars in Dublin in July 1996. All papers addressed in some fashion or other the two following questions: Can a History of Israel be written and if so, how? What place does the text of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible have in the matter? GRABBE, L. L. (ed.) Did Moses Speak Attic? Jewish Historiography and Scripture in the Hellenistic Period. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001, 352 p. - ISBN 1841271551. (AJ) Is the Bible a Hellenistic book? The essays in this volume respond to that challenging question, formulated by Niels Peter Lemche, and offer everything from qualified agreement to vociferous opposition. In so doing, they debate and illuminate the many features of Jewish writing in the Second Temple period, including not only the scriptures themselves and their own history, but the non-canonized literature of the late Second-Temple period. GRABBE, L. L. (ed.) Good Kings and Bad Kings. London: T & T Clark, 2005, x +371 p. - ISBN 0826469760. (AJ) According to the Bible, among the last kings of the kingdom of Judah was one of the most notorious kingsManasseh -and one of the most righteous - Josiah. Are the accounts of their contrasting reigns anything more than the ideological creations of pious writers and editors? Does this juxtaposition of a 'good king' and a 'bad king' provide good historical information or only theological wishful thinking? In this volume the on-going discussions in the European Seminar on Methodology in Israel's History have tackled the history of Judah in the seventh century BCE, with a focus on the reign of Josiah. Some essays survey the history and archaeology of Judah from Sennacherib to Nebuchadnezzar. Several examine the reign of Manasseh and address the question of whether it is ripe for reevaluation. Others ask what we know of the reign of Josiah and, especially, what form his famous cult reform took or even whether it was historical. As always, the editor gives an introduction to the topic, with summaries of the contributions, plus a concluding summary of and personal perspective on the discussion. Contributors include such internationally known scholars as Rainer Albertz, Philip Davies, Axel Knauf, Nadav Na'aman, Marvin Sweeney, and Christoph Uehlinger. Reviews by John Engle and Eckart Otto: Review of Biblical Literature (April 4, 2006). GRABBE, L. L. (ed.) Leading Captivity Captive: 'The Exile' as History and Ideology. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998, 161 p. (AJ) This book was published in 1998, as the result of the Second European Seminar on Historical Methodology, a meeting holds by selected scholars in Lausanne in July 1997. Was there an 'Exile'? And if so, how did it fit into the pattern of population deportations that characterized the imperial strategies of the ancient Near East? In a methodological discussion of this issue, the contributors cover a range of topics, from ancient politics to modern ideology. In probing the meaning and implication of 'Exile' they also reflect a spectrum of opinions and conclusions. GRABBE, L. L. A History of the Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period: Vol 1, A History of the Persian Province of Judah. London: T & T Clark, 2006, 496 p. - ISBN 0567043525. (AJ)

In the first of four volumes on A History of the Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period, Lester Grabbe presents a comprehensive history of Yehud - the Aramaic name for Judah - during the Persian Period. Among the many crucial questions he addresses are: What are the sources for this period and how do we evaluate them? And how do we make them 'speak' to us through the fog of centuries? This first volume, Yehud: A History of the Persian Province of Judah offers the most up to date and comprehensive examination of the political and administrative structures; the society and economy; the religion, temple and cult; the developments in thought and literature; and the major political events of Judah at the time. GRABBE, L. L. Ancient Israel: What Do We Know and How Do We Know It? London: T & T Clark, 2007, 328 p. ISBN 9780567032546. (AJ) A number of 'histories of Israel' have been written over the past few decades yet the basic methodological questions are not always addressed: how do we write such a history and how can we know anything about the history of Israel? The purpose of this study is to provide a collection and analysis of the materials necessary for writing such a history. GRELOT, P. A evoluo do casamento como instituio no Antigo Testamento. Concilium. Petrpolis, v.55, n.5, 1970, p.560-9. HALLO, W. W. (ed.) The Context of Scripture. Canonical compositions, Monumental inscriptions, and Archival Documents from the Biblical World. Leider: Brill, 2.000, 3 vols. (BBNHI) HALLO, W. W.; LAWSON YOUNGER, K. (eds.) The Context of Scripture: Canonical Compositions, Monumental Inscriptions and Archival Documents from the Biblical World. 3 vols., Leiden/Boston/Cologne: Brill, 2002, I: xxviii+599 p. II: xxvi+438 p. III: liv+406 p. (AJ) The Context of Scripture illuminatingly presents the multi-faceted world of ancient writing that forms the colorful background to the literature of the Hebrew Bible. Designed as a thorough and durable reference work for all engaged in the study of the Bible and the ancient Near East, and involving approximately 90 of the world's outstanding scholars in the field, it provides reliable access to a broad, balanced and representative collection of Ancient Near Eastern texts that have some bearing on the interpretation of the Bible. Translations of recently discovered texts are included, alongside new translations of better-known texts and in some cases the best existing translations of such texts. The substantial three-volume work, with its specially designed page layout and large format, features full crossreferencing to comparable Bible passages, and new, up-to-date bibliographical annotations with judicious commentary. Its many distinct advantages over other collections will ensure the place of The Context of Scripture as a standard reference work for the 21st century. HALPERN, B. "Jerusalem and the Lineages in the seventh Century BCE: Kinship and the Rise of Individual Moral Liability" in HALPERN, B. & HOBSON, D. W. (eds.) Law and Ideology in Monarchic Israel, Sheffield, Sheffield University Press, 1991 HERRMANN, S. Historia de Israel en la poca del Antiguo Testamento. Salamanca: Sgueme, 1979. (BBNHI) HOUTART, F. Religio e modos de produo pr-capitalistas. So Paulo: Paulinas, 1982. (BBNHI) HUNT, L. (org.) A Nova Histria Cultural. So Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1992. (BBNHI) JASPER, D. Literary readings of the Bible. In: BARTON, J. (Org.) The Cambridge Companion to biblical interpretation. Cambridge: CUP, 1999, p.21-34. KIPPENBERG, H. Religio e Formao de Classes na Antiga Judia: Estudo Sociorreligioso sobre a Relao entre Tradio e Evoluo Social. Traduzido do alemo por Joo Anbal G. S. Ferreira. So Paulo: Paulus, 1997, 182 p. (BBNHI/AJ) Os movimentos judaicos de resistncia contra os gregos e contra os romanos tiveram interpretaes divergentes por parte dos especialistas. Kippenberg avana ao interpretar, neste rigoroso estudo, a antiga literatura judaica em relao aos conceitos e mtodos da etnologia ou antropologia social. Utilizando a etnologia, ele tenta reconstruir o tipo de ordem social da Judia antiga, comparando-o LE GOFF, J. Histria e Memria. Campinas: Editora Unicamp, 1990, p.545. LEMAIRE, A. Nouvelles donnes pigraphiques sur lpoque royale isralite. Revue des tudes juives. Paris, v.156, n.3-4, 1997, p.445-8. LEMCHE, N. P. Ancient Israel: a new history of Israelite society. Sheffield: Sheffield Acad. Press, 1995. (BBNHI) LEMCHE, N. P. Historical Dictionary of Ancient Israel. Lanham, MD: The Scarecrow Press, 2004, 320 p. (AJ) Because Ancient Israel means so much to us and because we actually know so little for sure, this dictionary is particularly important. It examines the usual sources in the Old Testament and surveys the findings of more recent archaeological research to help us determine just what happened and when, a far from simple task. It includes entries on most of the persons, places, and events which are generally considered, and shows more broadly what the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah were like and what role they played in the ancient world, but it also defines them as closely as possible according to the latest data. While the results may differ from traditional views, they are essential correctives.

LEMCHE, N. P. The Israelites in History and Tradition. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox, 1998, ix + 246 p. (AJ) Niels Peter Lemche focuses on the way Israelites understood themselves at different points in history--before, within, and after the monarchy. He discusses references to the people and their leaders in other ancient Near Eastern texts and examines the Israelites' self-understanding and behavior as a distinct people through their history. LVQUE, P. As primeiras civilizaes: a Mesopotmia & os hititas. Lisboa: Edies 70, 1990. (BBNHI) LEVINSON, B. M. Deuteronomy and the hermeneutics of legal innovation. Oxford University Press: 1997; LIPSCHITS, O.; BLENKINSOPP, J. (eds.) Judah and the Judeans in the Neo-Babylonian Period. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2003, xii + 612 p. - ISBN 9781575060736. (AJ) This volume is the outcome of an international conference held at Tel Aviv University, May 29-31, 2001. The idea for the conference germinated at the fifth Transeuphratene colloquy in Paris in March 2000. The Tel Aviv conference was organized in order to encourage investigation into the obscure five or six decades preceding the Persian conquests in the latter part of the 6th century. The essays here are organized in 5 parts: (1) The Myth of the Empty Land Revisited; (2) Cult, Priesthood, and Temple; (3) Military and Governmental Aspects; (4) Archaeological Perspectives on the 6th Century B.C.E.; and (5) Exiles and Foreigners in Egypt and Babylonia. Contributors: H. M. Barstad, B. Oded, L. S. Fried, S. Japhet, J. Blenkinsopp, G. N. Knoppers, Y. Amit, D. Edelman, Y. Hoffman, R. H. Sack, D. Vanderhooft, J. W. Betlyon, A. Lemaire, C. E. Carter, O. Lipschits, A. Zertal, J. R. Zorn, B. Porten, and R. Zadok. Review by Bob Becking, published 6/6/2004, and by John Kessler, RBL, published 5/22/2004. Review by John C. Endres: CBQ 67, n. 1 , January 2005, p. 177-179. LIPSCHITS, O.; KNOPPERS, G. N.; ALBERTZ, R. (eds.) Judah and the Judeans in the Fourth Century B.C.E. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2007, xii + 423 p. - ISBN 9781575061306. (AJ) During the past decade, the period from the 7th century B.C.E. and later has been a major focus because it is thought to be the era when much of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament was formed. As a result, there has also been much interest in the historical developments of that time and specifically in the status of Judah and its neighbors. Three conferences dealing roughly with a century each were organized, and the first conference was held in Tel Aviv in 2001; the proceedings of that conference were published as Judah and the Judeans in the Neo-Babylonian Period. The second volume was published in early 2006, a report on the conference held in Heidelberg in July 2003: Judah and the Judeans in the Persian Period. Judah and the Judeans in the Fourth Century B.C.E. is the publication of the proceedings of the third of these conferences, which was held in Mnster, Germany, in August 2005; the essays in it focus on the century during which the Persian Empire fell to Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic kingdoms came to the fore. Participants whose contributions are published here are: R. Achenbach, R. Albertz, B. Becking, E. Ben Zvi, J. Blenkinsopp, E. Eshel, H. Eshel, L. L. Grabbe, A. Kloner, G. N. Knoppers, I. Kottsieper, A. Lemaire, O. Lipschits, Y. Magen, K. Schmid, I. Stern., O. Tal, D. Vanderhooft, J. Wiesehfer, and J. W. Wright. LIPSCHITS, O.; OEMING, M. (eds.) Judah and the Judeans in the Persian Period. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2006, xxii + 721 p. ISBN 9781575061047. (AJ) In July 2003, a conference was held at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, focusing on the people and land of Judah during the 5th and early 4th centuries B.C.E. the period when the Persian Empire held sway over the entire ancient Near East. This volume publishes the papers of the participants in the working group that attended the Heidelberg conference. Participants whose contributions appear here include: Y. Amit, B. Becking, J. Berquist, J. Blenkinsopp, M. Dandamayev, D. Edelman, T. Eskenazi, A. Fantalkin and O. Tal, L. Fried, L. Grabbe, S. Japhet, J. Kessler, E. A. Knauf, G. Knoppers, R. Kratz, A. Lemaire, O. Lipschits, H. Liss, M. Oeming, L. Pearce, F. Polak, B. Porten and A. Yardeni, E. Stern, D. Ussishkin, D. Vanderhooft, and J. Wright. The conference was the second of three meetings; the first, held at Tel Aviv in May 2001, was published as Judah and the Judeans in the NeoBabylonian Period by Eisenbrauns in 2003. A third conference focusing on Judah and the Judeans in the Hellenistic era was held in the summer of 2005, at Mnster, Germany, and published by Eisenbrauns as Judah and the Judeans in the Fourth Century B.C.E. in 2007. Review by Erhard Gerstenberger, RBL, published 10/15/2006. Review by Richard J. Bautch: CBQ 69, n. 3, July 2007, p. 621-624. LIVERANI, M. Oltre la Bibbia: Storia Antica di Israele. 6. ed. Roma-Bari: Laterza, [2003] 2007, 526 p. (Em ingls: Israel's History and the History of Israel, London, Equinox Publishing, 2005. A edio em paperback saiu em 2007 (ISBN 9781845533410). (AJ) Partendo dalla constatazione che il racconto biblico frutto di una elaborazione molto tardiva, Mario Liverani riporta i materiali testuali allepoca della loro redazione, ricostruisce levoluzione delle ideologie politiche e religiose in progressione di tempo, inserisce saldamente la storia dIsraele nel suo contesto antico-orientale. Emergono cos la storia normale dei due piccoli regni di Giuda e dIsraele, analoga a quella di tanti altri piccoli regni locali, e la storia inventata, che gli esuli giudei costruirono durante e dopo lesilio in Babilonia, proiettando indietro sulla loro storia i problemi e le speranze del loro tempo. * One of Italy's foremost experts on antiquity addresses a new issue surrounding the birth of Israel and its historic reality. Many a tale has been told of ancient Israel, but all tales are alike in their quotation of the biblical story in its narrative scheme, despite its historic unreliability. This book completely rewrites the history of Israel through the evaluation of textual and literary critiques as well as archaeological and epigraphic findings. Conceived along the lines of modern historical methodology, it traces the textual material to the

times of its creation, reconstructs the temporal evolution of political and religious ideologies, and firmly inserts the history of Israel into its ancient-oriental context. LOHFINK, N. Distribution of the Functions of power: the laws concerning public offices in Deuteronomy 16:18-18:22 in CHRISTENSEN, D. L. (ed.) A song of power and the power of Song. Essays on the4 book of Deuteronomy: Eisenbrauns: 1993, p. 336352 LONG, V. P. (ed.) Israels past in present research. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 1999. (BBNHI) LONG, V. P. (ed.) Israel's Past in Present Research: Essays on Ancient Israelite Historiography. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1999, xx + 612 p. (AJ) This collection assembles 32 articles from 1963 to 1999, reflecting a wide range of perspectives on the controverted topic of Israelite history writing. The volume will prove useful for courses or seminars on historiography, Old Testament/Hebrew Bible historiography and historical studies, and as a resource for those interested in the current state of the question. LPEZ, F. Le roi dIsral: Dt 17,14-20 in LOHFINK, N. (ed.) Das Deuteronomium. Entstehung, Gestalt und Botschaft. Leuven University Press: 1985, p. 277-297. MAINVILLE, O. A Bblia luz da histria. So Paulo: Paulinas, 1999, p.63-143. MALAMAT , A. Origenes y periodo formativo. In: BEN-SASSON, H.H. (Ed.) Historia del pueblo judo. Madri: Alianza Editorial, 1991, v.1, p.46. MEEK, Th.J. Mesopotamian Legal Documents. In: PRITCHARD, J.B. (Ed.) Ancient Near Eastern Texts relating to the Old Testament. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969, p.219-220. METZGER, M. Histria de Israel. So Leopoldo: Sinodal, 1981. (BBNHI) MILLER, J. M. & HAYES, J. H. A History of Ancient israel and Judah. Filadlfia: Westminster Press, 1986. (BBNHI) MILLER, P. D.; HANSON, P. & McBRIDE, S. D. (eds.) Ancient Israelite religion. Filadlfia: Fortress, 1987. (BBNHI) MOORE, M. Philosophy and Practice in Writing a History of Ancient Israel. London: T &T Clark, 2006, x + 205 p. - ISBN 9780567029812. (AJ) Philosophy and Practice in Writing a History of Ancient Israel elucidates and examines assumptions about history writing that current historians of ancient Israel and Judah employ. It is undertaken in the context of the conflict between so-called minimalists and maximalists within the discipline today. Though the use of the Bible as evidence is the focal point of the opposition of these two approaches, Megan Moore shows that a number of related philosophical and practical concerns are telescoped in this issue, including concepts of Empiricism, Objectivity, Representation and Language, Subject, Explanation, Truth, and Evidence Evaluation and Use. Organized around these topics, Philosophy and Practice aims to situate the study of ancient Israel and Judah in the broader intellectual context of academic history in general and to provide insight into the formative assumptions of the current debate. This dissertation, written under the supervision of John Hayes from Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, is a serious contribution to the debate on how, and whether at all, to write a history of ancient Israel. Review by Ernst Axel Knauf, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, RBL, published 9/1/2007. NAKANOSE, S. Josiah's Passover. Sociology and the Liberating Bible, Maryknoll, Orbis Books, 1993. NORA, P. Le lieux de mmoire. Paris: Gallimard, 1993, t.III, v.1, p.24. NOTH, M. Histria de Israel. Barcelona: Garriga, 1966. (BBNHI) PIXLEY, J. A histria de Israel a partir dos pobres. 9. ed. Traduzido do espanhol por Ramiro Mincato. Petrpolis: Vozes, 2004, 136 p.Petrpolis: Vozes, 1989. (BBNHI/AJ) Este trabalho apresenta uma breve histria de Israel desde o xodo at a segunda guerra judaica (135 d.C.). Preocupado apenas com os grupos humanos que se instalaram na Palestina, o autor mostra Israel, durante todo o livro, como um projeto de reao camponesa que luta para sobreviver e para criar estruturas sociais e polticas mais justas. RSEN, J. Razo histrica. Teoria da histria: os fundamentos da cincia histrica. Braslia: Ed UnB, 2001. (BBNHI) SACCHI, P. The History of the Second Temple Period. London: T & T Clark, 2004, 534 p. - ISBN 0567044505. (AJ) This book represents the fruit of a long process of study and reflection, a powerful but subtle synthesis, by one of the most eminent scholars of Second-Temple Judaism. Far from a conventional narrative history, it is organized around

themes and seeks to uncover the essence of Hebraic/Jewish religious thinking while confronting the phenomenon of its division into several 'parties' and traditions. Drawing also on recent studies of Christianity as a 'Judaism', Sacchi provides a stimulating perspective on the nature of ancient Oriental and Occidental thought and the intellectual and spiritual heritage of European civilization. SASSON, J. M. (ed.) The Civilizations of the Ancient Near East. Peabody: Hendrickson, 2000, 4 vols. (BBNHI) SCHWANTES, M. A famlia de Sara e Abrao: Texto e Contexto de Gnesis 12-25. Petrpolis/So Leopoldo: Vozes/Sinodal, 1986, p.28. SHAFER, B. E. (org.) As religies no Egito Antigo. So Paulo: Nova Alexandria, 2002. (BBNHI) SPEISER, E.A. The wife-sister motif in the Patriarchal Narratives. In: FINKELSTEIN, J.J. & M. GREENBERG (Eds.) Oriental and Biblical Studies: Collected writings of E.A. Speiser. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1967, p.62-82. STEMBERGER, G. Do trato com a Bblia no Judasmo. Concilium. Petrpolis, v.233, n.1, 1991, p.57. TEUBAL, S.J. Sara e Agar: matriarcas e visionrias. In: BRENNER, A. (Ed.) Gnesis a partir de uma leitura de gnero. So Paulo: Paulinas, 2000, p.259. THIEL, W. A sociedade de Israel na poca pr-estatal. So Leopoldo/So Paulo: Sinodal/Paulinas, 1993. (BBNHI) THOMPSON, E. P. A formao da classe operria inglesa: a rvore da liberdade. R. Janeiro: Paz&Terra, 1997. (BBNHI) THOMPSON, J. B. Ideologia e cultura moderna. Petrpolis: Vozes, 1995. (BBNHI) THOMPSON, T. L. (ed.) Jerusalem in Ancient History and Tradition. London: T & T Clark, 2004, 280 p.- ISBN 0567083608. (AJ) The proceedings of an international conference of historians, archaeologists and biblical scholars, who met in Amman to discuss new perspectives on the history of ancient Jerusalem and its relationship to biblical tradition on October 12-14, 2001. Contributors include: Thomas L Thompson, Michael Prior, Niels Peter Lemche, Margreet Steiner, Sara Mandell, John Strange, Lester Grabbe, Philip Davies, Thomas M Bolin, Ingrid Hjelm, David Gunn, and Keith Whitelam. von RAD, G. Teologia do Antigo Testamento. So Paulo: ASTE, 1973, v.1, p.180. VV.AA. Israel e Jud: Textos do Antigo Oriente Mdio. So Paulo: Paulinas, 1985. (BBNHI) WEBER, M. Ancient Judaism. Nova Iorque: Free Press, 1952. (BBNHI) WHITELAM, K.W. The invention of Ancient Israel: the silencing of Palestinian History. Londres: Routledge, 1996. WILSON, R. R. Profecia e Sociedade no Antigo Israel. So Paulo: Paulus, 1993. (BBNHI) ZEVIT, Z. Three debates about Bible and Archaeology. Biblica. Roma, v.83, n.1, 2002, p.09-19.

http://www.bible.org/ - Pgina com grande volume de textos e links para o estudo da Bblia e teologia. http://www.bsw.org/scripture - Pgina com inmeros links para o estudo teolgico da Bblia na Web. http://www.airtonjo.com/index.htm - Pgina com material em portugus, especialmente sobre o Antigo Testamento. http://www.metodista.br/biblica - Pgina do Projeto da Bibliografia Bblica Latino-Americana. http://www.bibleorigins.net/ - Pgina com textos sobre a histria dos tempos bblicos em perspectiva humanista. http://www.otgateway.com/ - Pgina com textos e links sobre estudo acadmico do Antigo Testamento.

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