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suena survive - rise against- y luilli sube al ring con un micrófono

PÚBLICO: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Marco Perez: no se para que sale este impresentable, soplagaitas, perdedor

loko95:tampoco te pases, está en sus comienzos

marco pérez: sí, en sus comienzos de perder

loko95: cállate me estas mareando con tanto insulto sin sentidos

luilli: hola señoras y señores, niños y niñas, comentaristas que me apoyan y los que no
MARCO PEREZ (dicen entre toses)

marco perez: que se ha creido como suba ahi le voy a dar ...

loko95 : un caldito don simon


luilli: estoy hasta las mismisimas pelotas de perder asi que, hoy voy a desafiar a un buen
amigo mio que acaba de llegar marroco para que os entereis de lo que es wrestling

PÚBLICO: siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

loko95 : gane o pierda va a ser un buen combate

marco perez: si un buen combate para abuchear a estos idiotas

luilli: y aqui viene mi pregunta para los maños aquí presentes

marco perez: que pesao

luilli: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesstaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaisssssssssssss
PÚBLICO: siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

marco pérez: estoy cansado de este tipo que no gana ni a un bebé

luilli: tio cállate me tienes hasta los huevos si hay narices suba aqui a pegarme ! venga!



marco pérez : no puedo estoy un poco mal de la cadera además

lo que pasa esque son todos unos impresentables empezando por luilli

loko95: lo que pasa es que estás cacao

my hero - foo fighters- y marocco sube al ring con un micrófono

PÚBLICO: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Marco Perez: ah não! ahora o outro perdedor veio ao ring tambien

loko95: calma, mais um comesando, eles são a nova geração, o futuro da empresa!

marco pérez: tengos pesadelos en pensar no futuro com eles

marocco: hola a todos, é com imenso prazer que venho ao ring aceitar este desafio, pois
amo lutar e faço isso com alegria. Não me emporto con eses comentaristas de segunda
categoria. É por isso que eles comentam e não lutam, não sabem fazer isso.


Primera pelea
Marocco vs Luilli
Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"

Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Marocco"!

A drum roll is playing loud and clear

A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and
most powerful moves

Marocco makes his way to the ring

a light shines over him on the ring

Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, luilli"!

Barrage of shots from a machine gun are heard over the arena

A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and
most powerful moves

luilli makes his way to the ring

The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other

and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent

after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort luilli prevails
luilli points to Marocco with decision

and smacks his face with an light Ear Slap!!

luilli grabs a Marocco's arm

and pulls him down with an light Arm Drag!!

luilli climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together

and throws himself toward Marocco hitting him with a light Double Axe Handle!!

luilli gets besides the laying opponent

to hit him with a light Knee Stomp!!

luilli pulls Marocco still groggy, by his hair

luilli gains speed bouncing against the ropes

and knocks Marocco down while running, performing a light Rope Drop Clothesline!!

Marocco pulls himself together and fights back

Marocco gets ready to hit luilli

and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm luilli's jaw performing an light
European Uppercut!!

Marocco jumps at his opponent

luilli doges the Bicycle Kick, taking the initiative

luilli throws the leg

to strike his opponent's head with an light Overhead Kick!!

luilli grabs Marocco by an arm

and twists his body throwing Marocco to the mat executing a light Arm Dragon Screw!!

luilli grabs Marocco's hair

luilli grabs one Marocco 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges
himself as well

luilli runs toward Marocco

and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!!

luilli grabs Marocco's hair

luilli grabs one Marocco 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges
himself as well

luilli bounces against the ropes and runs toward Marocco

and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!!

luilli grabs Marocco's hair

luilli grasps Marocco in a piledriver position

to crush him to the ground face first executing a strong Front Face Pancake!!

luilli grabs Marocco's head

falling backward slamming Marocco's head into the mat with a light Modified

Marocco pulls himself together and fights back

Marocco goes towards his rival

and hits him to his throat with a light Throat Thrust!!

Marocco loads his arm chop style and

luilli moves and dodges a a Forearm Smash, taking the initiative back

luilli stands firmly on the mat

and hits with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a strong Back Spinning
Wheel Kick!!

luilli grabs Marocco's neck

and makes him crash violently to the ground executing a light Falling Neck Breaker!!

luilli pulls Marocco still groggy, by his hair

luilli loads his opponent on his shoulders

and lets himself fall on his back, executing a violent Modified Samoan Drop!!

luilli locks his opponent's legs with his own shaping a 4

and pins him with a Figure 4 Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Marocco gets up and resolutely fights back

Marocco hugs his opponent's head

luilli easily avoids a a Knee on Head and gains the initiative

luilli gets ready to hit Marocco

and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a light European

luilli grabs a Marocco's arm

hurling him on the ground executing an light Arm Drag!!

luilli pulls Marocco still groggy, by his hair

luilli bounces against the ropes

and runs toward Marocco knocking him down with a strong Rope Drop Clothesline!!

luilli is about to perform his taunt

luilli Pone Los Pulgares Hacia Arriba Y Los Va Bajando executing A El Aniquilado

luilli grabs Marocco's hair

luilli grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

luilli bounces on the ropes running towards his opponent

and he hits his back with his arm taut performing a strong Clothesline to Back!!

luilli is about to perform his taunt

luilli Eleva Los Brazos Gritando executing The Luillis Taunt

luilli grabs Marocco's leg

Marocco avoids an a Argentine Leg Lock and takes the initiative

Marocco bounces off the top rope with luilli lying face up on the mat then leaps at him

making a mid-air horizontal half-rotation, landing on him with a light Springboard

Corkscrew Splash!!
Marocco grabs his laying opponent's leg

then he jumps to hit it with his knee, executing a light Knee on Leg!!

Marocco grabs luilli's hair

Marocco and lunges himself on the ropes

Marocco throws his opponent over his head straight up

and drops him backwards on the mat with a strong Back Body Drop!!

Marocco grabs luilli's hair

Marocco grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Marocco makes a dash against the ropes and runs towards his opponent,

and he hits his back with his arm taut performing a strong Clothesline to Back!!

Marocco pulls luilli still groggy, by his hair

Marocco easily moves behind luilli

and knocks him down with a Roll Up, pinning him!!

Referee starts counting...



luilli firmly pulls a shoulder up

Marocco turns luilli up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction

Marocco gets ready to hit luilli

and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a strong European

luilli pulls himself together and fights back

luilli approaches Marocco

and hits him to his throat with a light Throat Thrust!!

luilli grabs a Marocco's arm

and pulls him down with an light Arm Drag!!

luilli pulls Marocco still groggy, by his hair

luilli pone a su rival en sus hombros

y lo suelta dandole un rodillazo y una terrible patada executing strong


luilli is about to perform his taunt

luilli Pone Los Pulgares Hacia Arriba Y Los Va Bajando executing A El Aniquilado

luilli grabs Marocco's hair

luilli grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

luilli runs toward Marocco grasping his head

and leaps driving him down to the ground performing a strong Running DDT!!

luilli pulls Marocco still groggy, by his hair

luilli grabs Marocco holding him in an horizontal position

and drops him down rib first against his knee performing a light Rib Breaker!!

Marocco pulls himself together and fights back

Marocco goes towards his rival

luilli droops quickly dodging a a Throat Thrust

luilli approaches his opponent, getting in close range,

and knocks him down on the mat with a light Standing Clothesline out of nowhere!!

luilli grabs Marocco's hair

luilli grabs one Marocco 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges
himself as well

luilli bounces against the ropes and runs toward the opponent

Marocco suddenly dodges the a Rolling Elbow Smash, taking the initiative

Marocco runs toward luilli

and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!!

Marocco pulls luilli still groggy, by his hair

Marocco lifts the opponent on his shoulders

luilli somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

luilli grabs Marocco holding him in an horizontal position

and drops him down rib first against his knee performing a light Rib Breaker!!

luilli grabs his opponent's leg

then he stretches it backward, trying to subdue him with a light Koji Clutch!!

Marocco escapes from the hold

luilli charges his right leg

to hit his opponent with a violent Kick to Back!!

luilli gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them

and leaps toward Marocco quickly lowering them, performing a strong Double Axe

luilli grabs Marocco's hair

luilli approaches the opponent and grasps him by his chest,

Marocco dodges a a Tie Up Knee Strike with a nice movement, taking back the

Marocco grabs his opponent's arms

and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!!

Marocco is about to perform his taunt

luilli capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but Marocco is faster and is not caught off guard!

Marocco prepares his arm to strike the adversary

performing a light Punch!!

Marocco brings his foot up

then drops it into luilli executing an strong Modified Axe Kick!!

Marocco lifts the opponent on his shoulders

luilli somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

luilli grabs Marocco's leg flipping him onto his stomach

and reefs on the leg applying an light Argentine Leg Lock!!

luilli keeps his weak submission hold

Marocco escapes from the hold

luilli grabs Marocco's hair

luilli and lunges himself on the ropes

luilli grabs the running adversary by the hands

and throws him backwards with a strong Monkey Flip!!

luilli grabs Marocco's hair

luilli grabs one Marocco 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges
himself as well

luilli runs toward Marocco

and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!!

luilli rises on the turnbuckle

and throws himself on Marocco while performing a torsion with the body executing a
strong Twisting Body Attack!!

luilli grabs Marocco's legs and locks them

and pins him with a Figure 4 Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Marocco gets up and resolutely fights back

Marocco gets next to luilli bringing down an arm

and hits him with the forearm executing an strong European Uppercut!!

Marocco loads the leg

hitting the adversary with a light Middle Kick!!

Marocco grabs his opponent's head

to crash him on the ground with a somersault, by performing a strong Head Lock

Marocco is about to perform his taunt

Marocco executing The Dragon's Dance

Marocco pulls luilli still groggy, by his hair

Marocco lifts the opponent on his shoulders

luilli somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

luilli gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together

and throws himself toward Marocco hitting him with a strong Double Axe Handle!!


luilli grabs Marocco's hair

luilli and lunges himself on the ropes

luilli runs toward Marocco

and grabs his arm driving him down to the mat with a light Running Arm Drag!!

luilli gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them

and throws himself toward Marocco hitting him with a light Double Axe Handle!!

luilli tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...


Marocco gets his shoulder up somehow

luilli gets up while his opponent is still on the ground

luilli grabs Marocco's legs and locks them

and takes his shoulders to the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Marocco gets up and resolutely fights back

Marocco gets ready to hit luilli

luilli shifts and avoids an a European Uppercut, taking the initiative

luilli stands firmly on the mat

and hits with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a light Back Spinning
Wheel Kick!!

luilli pone a su rival en sus hombros

y lo suelta dandole un rodillazo y una terrible patada executing light Luillibomb!!

luilli tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...


Marocco firmly pulls a shoulder up

luilli turns Marocco up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction

luilli gets ready to hit Marocco

and hits him with the forearm executing an strong European Uppercut!!

luilli grabs Marocco's arm

and pulls him down with an light Arm Drag!!

luilli grabs Marocco's hair

luilli grabs one Marocco 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges
himself as well

luilli runs toward Marocco

and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!!

Marocco pulls himself together and fights back

Marocco goes towards his rival

and executes a strong Throat Thrust hitting his opponent to the neck!!

Marocco brings his foot up

luilli dodges the a Modified Axe Kick taking the initiative

luilli loads his opponent on his shoulders

Marocco climbs down his rival's shoulders dodging the a Modified Samoan Drop
regaining the initiative

Marocco grasps luilli lifting him up in an horizontal position

and drops him rib first against his knee performing a strong Rib Breaker!!

Marocco pinning maneuver!!

Referee start the count!





Marco Perez: pobre Luilli hasta ahora no puede ganar..

Loko95: ni yo tube esa racha que comense con derrotas tambien pero el ya lleva 3
seguidas.. espero que no se desanime..

Marco Perez: esta pelea era dominada por Luilli nose como pudo perder..

Las luces encienden y se apagan. La música comienza a sonar en plena marcha.

En el Titan Tron, las imágenes de los brazos y las piernas rotas, y la gente sin aire. Y
siempre, una persona con el rostro cubierto.

Loko95: Para las imágenes, vemos que esta no es una persona cualquiera.

Por lo tanto, Gilberto Marley aparece, igual a la persona en las fotografías. Con una
camisa con su foto con Bob Marley, jeans cortos y micrófono en mano.

Gilberto Marley (con un fuerte acento brasileño, mezcla de portugués y español): Como
has visto, esos fueron algunas de mis desafortunadas víctimas. Pero termina con el
presente, y saben que voy a repetirlo solo si: 1 - el futuro de la federación está en
situación de riesgo o 2 - estuviera lo suficientemente nervioso para llegar a ese punto.

Marco: wooow, un partidario de la federación, parece que va a dar su sangre (u otros)

para dirigir la federación pico.

Gilberto Marley (saludando a la audiencia): Doy las gracias a todos por el apoyo y
sabemos que quien se opone a mi ideales tienen posibilidades de salir de esta honorable
federation con huesos rotos. Gracias ...

Gilberto Marley hojas lentamente rigue

Público: Marley, Marley, Marley!

Loko95: Parece que cautivó al público en su primer discurso.

Marco: Parece que está muy determinado cuando lo hará, pero qué va a suceder, sólo el
futuro lo dirá.

Segunda Pelea
Ferroki vs Gilberto Marley
Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"

Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Ferroki"!

Suddenly high flames light on, as though the ‘Tron was set to fire!

Ferroki makes his way to the ring

two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring

Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Gilberto Marley"!

A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and
most powerful moves

Gilberto Marley makes his way to the ring

The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other

and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent

after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Ferroki prevails

Ferroki charges his arm

Gilberto Marley dodges the Hook Punch and counters

Gilberto Marley open his arms

and strikes Ferroki's face with both hands performing a light Mongolian Chop!!

Gilberto Marley gets ready to hit his opponent with a kick

Ferroki gets down to dodge an Overhead Kick and counterattacks

Ferroki lifts his knee and prepares to strikes the adversary

with an extreme power performing a light Powerful Knee Strike!!

Ferroki gets ready to hit his opponent

and he raises the knee to hit him with some light Knee Strikes!!

Ferroki jumps placing his own feet beneath Gilberto Marley's shoulders

and makes Gilberto Marley roll in a Rolling Crutch Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Gilberto Marley gets up and resolutely fights back

[Special Submission activated for Ferroki]

Gilberto Marley prepares his arm to strike the adversary

Ferroki moves to the side eluding a Punch and taking back the initiative

Ferroki prepares to strike the adversary

hitting him with a light Punch!!

Ferroki draws back his arm rocking his body

Gilberto Marley dodges the Big Punch, taking the initiative

Gilberto Marley jumps placing his own feet beneath Ferroki's shoulders

and makes Ferroki roll in a Rolling Crutch Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Ferroki gets up and resolutely fights back

Ferroki gets ready to hit Gilberto Marley

and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Gilberto Marley's jaw performing an
light European Uppercut!!

Ferroki strongly grabs the head of the adversary

and strikes him with unheard strength with a strong Hard Headbutt!!

Ferroki grabs his opponent by his hips

to throw him back by performing a strong Gutwrench Suplex!!

Ferroki grabs Gilberto Marley's hair

Ferroki grabs one Gilberto Marley 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

Ferroki grabs Gilberto Marley from behind

and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Gilberto Marley kicks out

Ferroki grabs his opponent's arm and laying on the ground perpendicularly

then he crosses his legs over his chest pulling on the shoulder to perform a light
Crucifix Armbar!!

Ferroki keeps his weak submission hold

Ferroki keeps his weak submission hold

Ferroki releases his grasp

Ferroki takes his opponent's legs crossing them

locking him in a light Texas Cloverleaf imitating the famous "Lasso from el Paso"!!
Gilberto Marley escapes from the hold

Ferroki grabs Gilberto Marley's hair

Ferroki grabs one Gilberto Marley 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

Ferroki charges his opponent

and strikes him with a strong Shoulder Block!!

Gilberto Marley pulls himself together and fights back

Gilberto Marley gets ready to hit the opponent

Ferroki dodges an Overhand Chop to gain the initiative

Ferroki prepares the back of his hand

hitting Gilberto Marley with a strong Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells

Ferroki turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee

Gilberto Marley ducks and eludes the Side Kick, retaking the initative

Gilberto Marley brings his foot up

then drops it into Ferroki executing an light Axe Kick!!

Gilberto Marley performs a really high jump

Ferroki bends dodging the Dropkick, taking the initiative

Ferroki flanks his opponents, and wraps one arm across his chest

and sweeps Gilberto Marley's leg with his own leg to slam the other wrestler back-first,
executing a light STO!!

Ferroki climbs the turnbuckle and

throwing himself towards the rival hitting him with an arm executing a violent Flying

Ferroki grabs his opponent's leg

then he stretches it backward to cause pain, performing a light Koji Clutch!!

Ferroki keeps his excruciating submission hold


Ferroki keeps his weak submission hold


Ferroki releases his grasp

Ferroki is about to perform his taunt

Ferroki Se Queda En Trance En Medio Del Ring Con Los Ojos En Blanco executing
The Hypnosis

[Special Submission activated for Gilberto Marley]

[Special Damage activated for Ferroki]

Ferroki grabs his opponent's arm

and turns it to make him fall down performing light Flipping Armbar!!

Ferroki keeps his ruthless submission hold

Ferroki keeps his ruthless submission hold

Ferroki releases his grasp

Ferroki grabs Gilberto Marley's hair

Ferroki grabs one Gilberto Marley 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

Ferroki charges the back of his elbow

Gilberto Marley dodges the Back Elbow Smash and counterattacks

Gilberto Marley grabs Ferroki from behind

and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Ferroki gets up and resolutely fights back

Ferroki prepares his arm

Gilberto Marley moves to the side eluding a Punch and taking back the initiative

Gilberto Marley prepares the back of his hand

performing a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!!

Gilberto Marley grabs the opponent's arm

Ferroki avoids the Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash and takes the initiative

Ferroki grabs Gilberto Marley's head from behind

and drives him down on the mat nape first, performing a powerful Reverse DDT!!

[Special Mortal Submission activated for Gilberto Marley]

Ferroki gets close to Gilberto Marley and jumps

to hit him with a strong Elbow Drop!!


Ferroki tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...


Gilberto Marley kicks out

Ferroki rises on the turnbuckle

and throws himself on Gilberto Marley while performing a torsion with the body
executing a violent Twisting Body Attack!!

Ferroki tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...





Marco Perez: buuueno.. yo pense que Gilberto venceria a Ferroki que despues de su
perdida de titulo no a ganado nada mas hasta hoy..
Loko95: shuu que va a hablar ferroki y eso si es extraño…

Ferroki: rey andres… en el PPV recuperare lo que es mio.. y no podras evitarlo..

Roxie Henry: Hola, hoy voy a entrevistar a una de las superestrellas que aún me quedan
por entrevistar, S-PAIN.

S-PAIN: Hola a la muchachada española. Estoy muy contento de volver a mi país.

Roxie Henry: Cuéntanos, ¿Porqué tu novia Vicky se enfrentó a XMP?

S-PAIN: Muy sencillo. XMP se atrevió a secuestrar a nuestra amiga Natalia y la prendió
fuego, y a Vicky le ha cabreado muchísimo que le hicieran aquella barbarie a su mejor

Roxie Henry: ¿Y no tienes miedo de lo que pueda hacer XMP?

S-PAIN: Ni hablar, yo no tengo miedo de ese imbecil. Se merece lo que le pasó y un

poco más. Además, si contraataca contra mí o contra mi novia se llevará una sorpresa
que no se esperará.

Roxie Henry: Hablemos del PPV Sed de Venganza. Ya te clasificaste para la ronda final
para ser el contendiente nº 1 por el título mundial, ¿podrás seguir con tu racha y ganar la
Triple Amenaza?

S-PAIN: Esta vez será muy diferente a los combates de clasificación, porque voy a
medirme contra unos tios poderosos, pero no voy a flaquear por eso. Es más, estoy
haciendo un entrenamiento especial para el PPV.

Roxie Henry: ¡Vaya, eso es increible! Para terminar, ¿Quieres dar un mensaje para la
gente de LWC?

S-PAIN: Sí, quiero decir a mis fans que hoy y en Sed de Venganza voy a ganar y a
Natalia, si estás escuchando esto, Vicky y yo vamos a darte una sorpresa a tu regreso.

Roxie Henry: ¡Ooooh, qué detallazo! Nos dicen que va a empezar tu combatem, así que
te dejamos. ¡Suerte en tu combate!

S-PAIN: Gracias, adios.

Roxie Henry: Y ahora devolvemos la conexión a Marco y a Loko95. (Al cámara)

Tenemos que saber qué tipo de entrenamiento hace.

*Aparecen los camarógrafos intentando entrar en el camerino de Rey, solo

consiguiendo entreabrirla*

Rey: Falta poco tiempo, todo cambiara muy pronto, y tú me vas a ayudar, tus
aspiraciones son lo que necesito.

Voz misteriosa 1: Esto será nuestro en muy poco tiempo, y no tienes que preocuparte
por nada, todo esta planeado, y victimas, hahaha, es lo que nos sobra. La dominación de
la oscuridad está cerca.

Voz misteriosa 2: Que bien que quieran las cosas que valgan la pena, este titulo no es ni
un orgullo ni una carga, pero que mas da, seguiremos nuestro camino.

Rey: Tu ya sabes que hacer, ve y hazlo, no nos decepciones.

Voz misteriosa 1: Si señor, pronto estaremos reunidos

Rey: Mas te vale, pronto te conoceran no te preocupes, Sed de Venganza esta cerca...

Voz misteriosa 2: Lo se y estaré a tu lado... como siempre.

*La puerta se cierra sola y las cámaras se van a otro lado*

Marcos: El recinto se queda completamente oscuro. No se ve nada.

Loko95 : Escucha al público, a enloquecido.

El público grita ¡WEEEEEEEEE!

Marcos: Ahora se enciende un foco que apunta a lo alto.

Loko95: Esta iluminando a una preciosa chica vestida completamente de blanco. ¿Qué
hace allá tan arriba?.

Fans: ¡WOOOO!

Marcos: En la pantalla aparece I NEED A HERO.

La chica empieza a cantar "I need A Hero" Bonnie Tyler

Todo el mundo canta el estribillo junto con la chica: I NEED A HERO.

Loko95 : Aparecen montones de chicas guapísimas por todas partes, con el vestido
también totalmente blanco.

Marcos: Y que lindas. Son de todos los tipos, las hay rubias , morenas , pelirrojas y
todas cantan mezcladas entre el público.

Chicas y público: I NEED A HERO

Loko95: Sale Superhéroe montado en un caballo blanco. Y él lleva un traje blanco esta

Marcos: Ha cambiado de color por lo que vemos, ahora lleva capa, traje botas y máscara
e incluso el caballo, todo ello de color blanco.
Loko95: Esta entrada si que es espectacular.

Marcos: Le habran subido el caché , por eso de que esta invicto hasta ahora. Pero mira,
la chica se coge de una especie de liana.

Loko95: ¡Esta loca! .¿Qué va hacer?.

Marcos: ¡Se lanza hacia abajo con la ayuda de la liana!. ¡No puede ser!. A caído
perfectamente en el caballo de Superhéroe.

Loko95: Valla manera de arriesgar la vida una chica tan bella. Y se la lleva Superhéroe
hasta el ring.

Marcos: Banjan los dos del caballo y suben al ring. Ahora saludan al público.

Loko95: El público esta en pie saludando y aplaudiendo como locos. ¿Qué haces
Marcos?. Deja ya a esa chica de blanco , ¿No decías que estabas felizmente casado?.

Tercera Pelea
Superhéroe vs Mordon
Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"

Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Mordon"!

Mordon makes his way to the ring

Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Superhéroe"!

it seems like a thunder has just stroke!

A red carpet is laid on the ramp from under the ‘Tron

Superhéroe makes his way to the ring

Wearing a red shirt and black shorts. And in his head wearing a golden mask

a light shines over him on the ring

Superhéroe gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!

Superhéroe open his arms

with a light Mongolian Chop!!

Superhéroe rushes drooping sideways to the rival

and knocks him down hitting him with his forearm on the legs executing a light
Forearm On Leg!!

Superhéroe grabs Mordon's hair

Superhéroe and lunges himself on the ropes

Superhéroe runs toward the opponent

Mordon dodges the Running Arm Drag and takes the initiative

Mordon runs toward Superhéroe and leaps

hitting his face with his knee performing a light Running Knee Smash!!

Mordon grabs Superhéroe's hair

Mordon raises Superhéroe on the shoulders and grabd his knee

to fall down slamming violently Superhéroe's nape on the ring executing an light
Emerald Fusion!!

Mordon easily moves behind Superhéroe

and knocks him down with a Roll Up, pinning him!!

Referee starts counting...



Superhéroe gets up and resolutely fights back

Superhéroe approaches his rival loading his arm

and hits him to his throat with a light Throat Thrust!!

Superhéroe dives into the opponent with a powerful clothesline

Mordon avoids the 3 Point Stance Charge gaining the initiative

Mordon draws back his arm rocking his body

and with a great strength punches Superhéroe's face performing a light Big Punch!!

Mordon loads his opponent on his shoulders

and throws himself backward, trampling him with light Samoan Drop!!
Mordon grabs Superhéroe's hair

Mordon grabs one Superhéroe 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

Mordon grabs Superhéroe from behind

and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Superhéroe kicks out

[Special Attack activated for Mordon]

Mordon grabs Superhéroe's hair

Mordon grabs one Superhéroe 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

Mordon bounces on the ropes, runs towards his opponent

stretches his arm hitting him with a light Clothesline!!

Mordon grabs Superhéroe's hair

Mordon puts his opponent on his shoulder

Superhéroe with a master stroke, escapes the Shoulder Breaker and regains the

Superhéroe locks Mordon's head under his arm

falling backward slamming Mordon's head into the mat with a light DDT!!

Superhéroe gets besides the laying opponent

Mordon avoids the Knee Stomp and counterattacks

Mordon grabs Superhéroe's hair

Mordon and lunges himself on the ropes

Mordon waits for the adversary

and grabs him performing a strong Power Slam!!

Mordon gets close to the opponent and jumps

Superhéroe avoids the Elbow Drop to gain the initiative

Superhéroe locks his opponent's legs with his own shaping a 4

and pins him with a Figure 4 Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Mordon kicks out

Superhéroe rises on the turnbuckle

and throws himself on Mordon while performing a torsion with the body executing a
light Twisting Body Attack!!

Superhéroe approaches his laying opponent

to perform a light Head Lock!!

Superhéroe keeps his weak submission hold

Superhéroe keeps his weak submission hold

Superhéroe releases his grasp

Superhéroe pulls Mordon still groggy, by his hair

Superhéroe grabs his opponent's arms while jumping

he throws him out of balance with a somersault covering him with a light Victory Roll!!

Referee starts counting...



Mordon kicks out

Superhéroe pulls Mordon still groggy, by his hair

Superhéroe loads his opponent on his shoulders

and throws himself backward, trampling him with powerful Modified Samoan

Superhéroe climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together

Mordon suddenly shifts dodging the a Double Axe Handle, taking the initiative

Mordon gets on the top turnbuckle raising an arm to the sky

and leaps toward Superhéroe hitting him with a violent Diving Elbow Drop!!

Mordon grabs Superhéroe's hair

Mordon grabs one Superhéroe 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

Mordon charges his elbow

and hits Superhéroe in the back of the head with a strong Back Elbow Smash!!

Mordon is about to perform his taunt

Mordon Charges All His Ki executing The Rising Fury

Mordon grabs Superhéroe's hair

Mordon and lunges himself on the ropes

Mordon waits for the adversary

and grabs him performing a strong Power Slam!!

Mordon gets close to the opponent and jumps

Superhéroe avoids the a Elbow Drop to gain the initiative

Superhéroe locks his opponent's legs with his own shaping a 4

and pins him with a Figure 4 Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Mordon kicks out

Superhéroe rises on the turnbuckle

and throws himself on Mordon while performing a torsion with the body executing a
light Twisting Body Attack!!

Superhéroe is about to perform his taunt

Mordon capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but Superhéroe is faster and is not caught off guard!

Superhéroe opens wide his arms

and strikes Mordon's face with both hands performing a strong Mongolian Chop!!

Superhéroe turns against the adversary

and kicks him with a light Modified Mule Kick!!!

Superhéroe lifts up his opponet so Mordon's back is resting on the wrestler's


then pulls down on his neck and legs performing a light Modified Canadian Back

Mordon escapes from the hold

Mordon quickly gets up and counterattacks!

Mordon prepares his arm

performing a light Punch!!

Mordon prepares his arm

and falls on Superhéroe with his fist executing a light Fist But!!

Mordon puts his opponent on his shoulders

and lets himself fall on his back, executing a strong Modified Samoan Drop!!

Mordon grabs Superhéroe's hair

Mordon grabs one Superhéroe 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

Mordon throws Superhéroe to the ring's corner

then runs and crushes him taking advantage of his own weight performing a violent
Body Avalanche!!

Superhéroe pulls himself together and fights back

Superhéroe approaches his rival loading his arm

and executes a light Throat Thrust hitting his opponent to the neck!!

Superhéroe prepares to hit Mordon hurling his leg

and connects with a violent Roundhouse Kick!!

[Special Initiative activated for Mordon]

Superhéroe is in front of his opponent

and HIT once HIT twice and HIT Tree times executing light Werre!!

Superhéroe put his legs around opponent s body

strangle him very hard executing light Super Llave!!

Superhéroe keeps his weak submission hold

Superhéroe keeps his weak submission hold

Superhéroe releases his grasp

Superhéroe grabs Mordon's hair

Superhéroe puts his opponent's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm

and pulls his own leg back ,then kicks the leg forward swiftly slamming it to the ground
to build-up speed to fall backwards and flips his opponent over himself, slamming him
back on the mat, connecting with a light Snap Suplex!!

Mordon pulls himself together and fights back

Mordon approaches his rival loading his arm

and gives a blow to his throat executing a violent Throat Thrust!!

Mordon loads the leg

hitting him with a light Middle Kick!!

Mordon puts the rival's head under his own legs and brings him over the shouldres

and makes his face crash performing a powerful Modified Powerbomb to


Mordon is about to perform his taunt

Mordon Charges All His Ki executing The Rising Fury

Mordon goes ahead of the dumped opponent grabbing him by the head with both
the hands

and raises him and nobbles Superhéroe down with the head on the ground
executing a violent Modified Two Handed Face Buster!!

Superhéroe pulls himself together and fights back

Superhéroe gets ready to hit Mordon

and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a strong European

Superhéroe charges the leg

to strike his opponent's head with an light Overhead Kick!!

Superhéroe grabs his opponent's trunks

and falls backwards while turning, hooking Mordon's leg with his legs and the other leg
with his free arm,ending up on top of him, pinning him performing a light Small

Referee starts counting...



Mordon gets up and resolutely fights back

Mordon gets ready to hit Superhéroe with his right hand

and slaps Superhéroe across the face, executing a light Slap!!

Mordon raises his arm

and lowers it to hit his opponent's neck performing a light Club to the Neck!!

Mordon grabs Superhéroe's hair

Mordon and lunges himself on the ropes

Mordon waits for the adversary

intercepting and grabbing him to perform a violent Power Slam!!

Mordon is about to perform his taunt

Superhéroe capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

catching Mordon off guard!

Superhéroe gets ready to hit his opponent with a kick

to strike his opponent's head with an light Overhead Kick!!

Superhéroe loads his opponent on his shoulders

and throws himself backward, trampling him with violent Samoan Drop!!

Superhéroe applies an armbar on the rival's arm inserting it among the legs

jumps ahead on the rival rotating on himself pinning him with a light Magistrale

Referee starts counting...





Marco Perez: y como la contraparte de Luilli tenemos a SuperHeroe que a Ganado

absolutamente todo… y se perfila como el luchador que le quitara el record de victorias
a Santo Angel.. cres que lo logre?.. Superhéroe lleva 5 y Santo Angel llego a 8…

Loko95: al parecer estara cerca pero no creo que logre vencer a los demas… aparte no
se a enfrentado a los grandes de la LWC

Loko: Se nos viene una gran lucha, el Elemental contra.....

SE corta el sonido se apagan las luces y suena



He-Man y Socko van hacia el ring, la gente en España delira, las mujeres gritan como

He-Man: Es un honor estar en el pais que vio nacer a Nadal, a Fernando Alonso y a la
oncena campeona europea, Españaaaa .... AREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Socko: España, no oigo bien, FNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN


He-Man: Pero antes de la fiesta y antes de la lucha, el ESB quiere rendir un homenaje,
de verdad y lo que digo lo hago con mucha sinceridad, hoy venimos a rendirle tributo
a ............. PAULONOVICH!!!
Loko: QUE????

Marco: ya era hora que lo reconozca

He-Man: Si a Paulo, es admirable lo que el ha ehcho por el mundo de la lucha, gente

como el nos enseña a que no importa las dificultades ni la forma de pensar o ser, uno
tiene que salir adelante a pesar de los prejuicios y salir triunfador de cualquier reto que
se presente

Marco: Habra que hacerle antipodping

Socko: Tienes razon He-Man, gente como Paulo, que vencio todos sus miedos y dio la
cara tal como es , es gente admirable

He-Man: Lo es mi estimado Socko, hacer lo que el hizo es solo de valientes, señores es

por eso que hoy en este mismo momento le rendimos homenaje con este videito
historico cortesia de nustros amigos del switcher, CON USTEDES LA PELEA DEBUT
VALENTIA....................JOSE (el del switcher uno mas para el staff ) RUEDA VIDEO


Publico: jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja

Loko: no puedo creerlo PERO SI ES PAULO o Mr chica no se

Marco: Dios mio, no se que decir, no s epoeude negar lo evidente





[se encuentra Angel Arceo en un camerino a oscuras]

Angel Arceo:
yo entiendo lo que quieres...
todos nosostros lo hemos buscado alguna vez...
y te prometo que si me ayudas obtendras a base de todas las ganacias monetarias o no,
armas suficientes para obtener a ese ser y ese sentir que en tu mundo no existe y yo
obtendre todo el dinero que jeje...
tan solo protegeme y te ayudare
[una voz profunda se escucha]
...:tan solo obten el odio para que yo llegue ahi
[se escucha que soplan y se renueva la luz dejando una vela negra y ensangrentada
en el suelo que desprende humo como si la hubieran apagado, angel arceo se venda
los brazos de los cuales aun brota sangre, la vela de la oscuridad se ha apagado la
luz a vuelto]

Cuarta pelea
Rey Andres (c) vs S-PAIN
Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"

Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, S-PAIN"!

Barrage of shots from a machine gun are heard over the arena

Sparks are showering

S-PAIN makes his way to the ring

with his lover who kisses him burning with passion

smoke hides the whole ring

Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Rey Andrees"!

it seems like a thunder has just stroke!

and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron

Rey Andrees makes his way to the ring

Rey Andrees makes his way to the ring, wearing a white karate suit taking all the dirt
with his giant ki, he arrives to the ring but he levitates to the top rope jumps on it
making a huge backflip, he raises his ki in the middle of the ring and the ring s

driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena

two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring

S-PAIN gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!

S-PAIN stares at Rey Andrees

and smacks his face with an light Ear Slap!!

S-PAIN loads his arm chop style and

Rey Andrees moves and dodges a Forearm Smash, taking the initiative back

Rey Andrees garbs his running opponent by the arm

to throw him down with an light Uraken!!

Rey Andrees grabs S-PAIN blocking his shoulder

S-PAIN breaks free from the Shoulder Lock just in time, regaining the initative

S-PAIN approaches Rey Andrees

and grasps Rey Andrees's head in a light Brain Squeezer, squeezing it!!

S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold

S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold

S-PAIN releases his grasp

S-PAIN grabs Rey Andrees's hair

S-PAIN and lunges himself on the ropes

S-PAIN runs toward Rey Andrees

and hooks his arm driving him down to the ground, performing a light Running Arm

S-PAIN grabs Rey Andrees's leg and sits on Rey Andreess back

and yards on it while leaning into Rey Andrees forming a light Argentine Leg Lock!!

S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold

S-PAIN keeps his weak submission hold

S-PAIN releases his grasp

S-PAIN grabs his opponent's head while he's laying on the mat

to perform a light Head Lock!!

S-PAIN keeps his excruciating submission hold

S-PAIN keeps his weak submission hold

S-PAIN releases his grasp

S-PAIN open his arms in a threatening gesture

and grasps Rey Andrees's head with a light Brain Squeezer!!

S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold

S-PAIN keeps his weak submission hold

S-PAIN releases his grasp

[Special Increased Pinning activated for S-PAIN]

S-PAIN clutches his laying rival's head

tightening it with a light Head Lock!!

S-PAIN keeps his weak submission hold

S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold

S-PAIN releases his grasp

S-PAIN pulls Rey Andrees still groggy, by his hair

S-PAIN grabs his opponent's trunks

and falls backwards while turning, hooking Rey Andrees's leg with his legs and the
other leg with his free arm,ending up on top of him, pinning him performing a light
Small Package!!

Referee starts counting...



Rey Andrees kicks out

[Special Damage Resistance activated for S-PAIN]

S-PAIN grabs Rey Andrees's leg flipping him onto his stomach

and yards on it while leaning into Rey Andrees forming a light Argentine Leg Lock!!

S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold

S-PAIN keeps his weak submission hold

S-PAIN releases his grasp

S-PAIN grabs Rey Andrees's hair

S-PAIN grabs one Rey Andrees 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

S-PAIN stands behind Rey Andrees

and hits Rey Andrees in the back of the head with a strong Back Elbow Smash!!

Rey Andrees pulls himself together and fights back

Rey Andrees prepares his arm to strike the adversary

and hits the adversary with a light Punch!!

Rey Andrees grabs a S-PAIN's arm

S-PAIN performs a somersault to stand up avoiding the Arm Drag, taking the

S-PAIN approaches Rey Andrees

and grasps Rey Andrees's head in a light Brain Squeezer, squeezing it!!

S-PAIN keeps his weak submission hold

Rey Andrees escapes from the hold

S-PAIN pulls Rey Andrees still groggy, by his hair

S-PAIN seems ready to hit his opponent

performing a violent Kicking Combination!!

UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that Rey Andrees has fallen out
of the ring!!!!

S-PAIN leaves the ring

Referee: "Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"

S-PAIN positions Rey Andrees's head on the apron ring

to hit him with an Elbow Smash on the head,executing a devastating Elbow Smash on
the Apron!!!!!

[Special Pinning Resistance activated for S-PAIN]

Referee: "Twooooooooooooooooo!!!"
S-PAIN positions the opponent's head on the apron ring

Rey Andrees withes unbalancing the opponent, who slips, to take the initiative !!!

Referee: "Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"

Rey Andrees grabs his opponent's head

and crashes it repeatedly on the ground, with a light Head Pounds outside the Ring!!

Rey Andrees is about to perform his taunt

Rey Andrees Stands In The Middle Of The Ring Hearing The Fans executing A Hearing
The Crowds

Referee: "Foooooooooooooooour!!!"

Rey Andrees lifts the adversary on a shoulder

S-PAIN avoids a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!!

S-PAIN lifts the adversary on a shoulder

to crash the adversary on it with a violent Powerslam on the Table!!!!

S-PAIN is about to perform his taunt

S-PAIN Mira Al Publico Y Eleva Su Mano Cerrada Al Cielo executing The Fist Of

Referee: "Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"

S-PAIN lifts the adversary on a shoulder

Rey Andrees avoids a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!!

Rey Andrees is about to perform his taunt

S-PAIN capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

catching Rey Andrees off guard!

Referee: "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix!!!"

S-PAIN positions Rey Andrees with the body inside the ring and the head on the apron

to hit him with an Elbow Smash on the head, executing violent Elbow Smash on the
Referee: "Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!"

S-PAIN positions Rey Andrees with the body inside the ring and the head on the apron

to hit him with an Elbow Smash on the head, executing devastating Elbow Smash on
the Apron!!!!!

Referee: "Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!!!"

S-PAIN goes up again in the ring

Referee: "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!!"

Rey Andrees goes up again in the ring

S-PAIN stands firmly on the mat

and hits Rey Andrees with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a
devastating Pain Kick!!

S-PAIN grasps the opponent while running

Rey Andrees bends down avoiding the opponent's grasp, preventing the a Big Toss
and taking the initiative

Rey Andrees grabs the rival's neck from behind

to twist it in with a light Neck Wrench !!

S-PAIN escapes from the hold

S-PAIN quickly gets up and counterattacks!

[Special Blocking activated for S-PAIN]

S-PAIN gets next to Rey Andrees bringing down an arm

and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a strong European

S-PAIN grabs his running opponent by the arm

to make his face fall on the mat with an violent Uraken!!

S-PAIN comes close to the lying opponent

and bending it imprisons him in an light Armbar!!

S-PAIN keeps his weak submission hold

S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold

S-PAIN releases his grasp

S-PAIN grabs his opponent's head while he's laying on the mat

Rey Andrees evades the a Head Lock, taking back the initiative

Rey Andrees grabs S-PAIN's hair

Rey Andrees kicks his opponent head making he fall down he goes to the top rop

and jumps making 2 backflips on air landing with his back on S-PAIN stomach
executing devastating Andomegancy!!

[Special Mortal Submission activated for S-PAIN]

Rey Andrees grabs S-PAIN's hair

Rey Andrees grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Rey Andrees runs toward S-PAIN and jumps

crushing him with his own body pinning him with a light Running Crossbody!!

Referee starts counting...



S-PAIN gets up and resolutely fights back

S-PAIN goes towards his rival

and hits him to his throat with a strong Throat Thrust!!

S-PAIN lifts his running opponent by grabbing his arm

to make his face fall on the mat with an powerful Uraken!!


S-PAIN grabs Rey Andrees's hair

S-PAIN locks Rey Andrees's head under his arm

forcing Rey Andrees to dive onto his head with a violent DDT!!

S-PAIN goes behind the ropes

launching himself against the rival performing a powerful Pescado!!

S-PAIN pulls Rey Andrees still groggy, by his hair

S-PAIN Lanza a Rey Andrees entre la primera y la segunda cuerda y salta sobre


OPONENTE CON AMBAS PIERNAS executing devastating 967!!


S-PAIN is about to perform his taunt

S-PAIN Mira Al Publico Y Eleva Su Mano Cerrada Al Cielo executing The Fist Of

S-PAIN grabs Rey Andrees's hair

S-PAIN grabs Rey Andrees's head while standing at his side

and trips him up falling backward with a strong Russian Leg Sweep, driving him down
back first!!

S-PAIN grabs Rey Andrees's leg and sits on Rey Andreess back

and reefs on the leg applying an light Argentine Leg Lock!!

S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold

S-PAIN keeps his weak submission hold

S-PAIN releases his grasp

S-PAIN comes close to the lying opponent

and bending it imprisons him in an light Armbar!!

S-PAIN keeps his weak submission hold

Rey Andrees escapes from the hold

S-PAIN is about to perform his taunt

S-PAIN Mira Al Publico Y Eleva Su Mano Cerrada Al Cielo executing The Fist Of

Rey Andrees pulls himself together and fights back

[Special Submission activated for S-PAIN]

Rey Andrees prepares to strike the adversary

performing a light Punch!!

Rey Andrees dives into S-PAIN with a powerful clothesline

knocking him down executing a violent Royal Tackle!!

Rey Andrees lifts his opponent on his shoulders

and lets himself fall on his back, executing a violent Royal Fall!!

S-PAIN pulls himself together and fights back

S-PAIN gets ready to hit Rey Andrees

and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a violent European

S-PAIN grabs his running opponent by the arm

to make his face fall on the mat with an violent Uraken!!

S-PAIN rises on the turnbuckle

and throws himself on Rey Andrees while performing a torsion with the body executing
a strong Twisting Body Attack!!

S-PAIN tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...



Rey Andrees kicks out

S-PAIN comes close to the lying opponent

and bending it imprisons him in an light Armbar!!

S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold


Rey Andrees can't resist anymore and taps out!!


Marco Perez: S-PAIN llegara en buen estado para el PPV.. ahora como le ira a Rey

Loko95: espero que Ferroki no recupere no me cae ese tipo

-El camarografo toma a Natalia y Vicky platicando y llega XMP, que asusta a Vicky y
le da una cachetada y sale corriendo.-

Natalia: No se por que te tengo que entrevistar a ti, TE ODIO!!!

XMP: solo has tu trabajo Y HAZLO BIEN!

Natalia: Bueno, estamo aqui en España, la madre patria, y tengo conmigo a maestro al
lado, que le tengo que preguntar afuerza sino no me pagan, que opinas de tu pelea de
hoy contra bloodred ¬¬

XMP:Como te fue en el hospital?

Natalia: eeh, bien, supongo....

XMP: Aun tienes marcas de las quemaduras

Natalia: Dejame en paz, no me molestes!!

XMP: Vamos si eso tiene arreglo, y creo que tu amado Christo se quejaria, digo, seguro
que no se enojaria si tuvieras algo MAS de plastico en tu cuerpo.

Natalia: como?

XMP: Digo las mujeres que han tenido, se podria decir que MAS plastico no cabe en su
cuerpo, incluida a ti.

Natalia: No te entiendo

XMP (Se golpea la frente de la frustracion): Pero si que eres lenta por Dios......que tu
novio te lo explique, ya que para entender un hueco se necesitra otro mas.

-XMP sale de la entrevista y Natalia sigue pensando, hasta que se ve su cara iluminada.-


se ve la carretera y muchos coches pasando, pero se distingue una harley davidson que
esta aparcando al lado del pabellon principe felipe (alli sera el show), el conductor se
quita el casco y es SERGINHO. la gente se empieza a emocionar.


SERGINHO los ignora, pero de repente ve a alguien conocido.

SERGINHO: mapi, dani, ivan y compañia... ¿que haceis aqui?

ivan: ostias sergio, pues acabamos de comprar entradas para verte luego.

SERGINHO: asi me gusta (le llaman al movil) bueno, me llaman por asuntos de trabajo,
despues del show nos vamos por ahi por los viejos tiempos.

mapi, dani, ivan y compañia: vale, luego nos vemos, pero tienes que ganar. ¿por
cierto ya me dijeron que esta tambien en la fed el montxo, otro de la cuadrilla.

SERGINHO: (se le oscurece la cara) ni me lo mencioneis, es uno de mis rivales esta

noche y lo voi a destrozar hoy y en el PPV.

SERGINHO se marcha hacia el pabellon.

Suena Path de Apocalyptica, se escuchan sonidos de ametralladoras, de repente una
explosion retumba en todo el estadio

Juan Olarte se acerca al ring cubierto con unas vendas

Loko95: jajajajaja miralo jajajaja parece una momia

Marco Perez: Callate Armando!!!!!

Loko95: Que no me llames Armando!!!!

Marco Perez: no es mi culpa que tengas un nombre tan feo, ademas todos sabemos que
lo de las vendas es por lo del rayo la semana pasada.

Loko95: Si es feo, pero no tienes que decirlo todo el tiempo!!!!. (Loko95 empuja a
Marco Perez)

Marco Perez: Hey que te pasa no me empujes (Marco Perez empuja a Loko95)

Juan Olarte: (Parado en el ring) Hey Hey señores.....tranquilos, las peleas en este show
las hacemos los luchadores, no los comentaristas, excepto por ese imbecil de Henry
Rojas que tuvo un golpe de suerte y se cree luchador.

Publico: Boooooo, PRISIONEROS!!!!!! PRISIONEROS!!!!!!

Juan Olarte: Si, Prisioneros es como deberian estar el y todos ustedes que le siguen,
pero de eso no es de lo que quiero hablar, de lo que quiero hablar es de esto.

El la pantalla del estadio empiezan a mostrar un video de una camara de seguridad en

donde Juan Olarte ataca por la espalda a Santo Angel, golpeandolo hasta dejarlo en el
piso sangrando

Publico: Buuuuuuuu!!!!! Apestas!!!!!!!

Juan Olarte: Eso que acaban de ver sucedio la semana pasada despues de que el show
salio del aire....... Como sabran Santo Angel y yo eramos compañeros de equipo y
estabamos teniendo unas cuantas victorias, pero no eran victorias importantes, el
problema era que Santo Angel era demasiado conformista y para el ganarle a los
Jobber's estaba bien, pero no para mi, yo estoy hecho para grandes cosas, yo estoy
hecho para ganar titulos, y al lado de ese inutil nunca lo lograria.

Publico: Que te pasa no eres nadie!!!! Santo Angel!!!!! Santo Angel!!!!! Santo

Juan Olarte: Es por eso que la semana pasada ataque a Santo Angel, porque tengo una
cuenta pendiente con el, porque quiero que pague por el tiempo que me hizo perder en
ese estupido Tag Team, hable con el GM BBM y ahora Santo Angel y yo nos
enfrentaremos en este ring para saldar cuentas de una vez por todas, y despues de que
acabe con Santo Angel la historia de esta empresa empezara a cambiar.

Juan Olarte suelta el microfono y espera que salga Santo Angel

* De repente en la mitad de la pelea suena Lights out de POD, Hardcore Kno entra
corriendo al ring y ataca a Salto Angel, Juan Olarte lo ve a los ojos, le da la mano y
entre los dos arrasan con el arbitro y con Salto Angel, Kno pide el micrófono y se
dispone a hablar*

Hardcore: Estamos próximos a una nueva era en esta federación. No sera la misma
basura que era antes, todo cambiara dentro de poco.

Juan Olarte: Así es, gente patética como esta *patea a Salto Angel* desaparecera del
mapa, y quedaran marcados con una señal que les quedara por el resto de sus vidas.
Pronto, pronto

Hardcore: Sed de Venganza no sera un PPV más, no señores, será el momento en el que
todo lo que digo tendra su explicación, todo a su tiempo, ya que nosotros no
dependemos de basura como *señala a todo el público* todos ustedes.

*Tiran los micrófonos al suelo y empiezan a irse del ring en medio de abucheadas del
público, las luces derepente se oscurecen mientras ellos van caminando por la rampa,
mostrando un video con la promo de Sed de Venganza, se muestra a una chica en el
poster y cuando dejan de rodar el video ellos ya no estan.*

Quinta pelea
Juan Olarte vs Santo Angel
Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"

Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, JUAN OLARTE"!

Barrage of shots from a machine gun are heard over the arena

Suddenly high flames light on, as though the ‘Tron was set to fire!

JUAN OLARTE makes his way to the ring

Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Santo Angel"!

a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow

Sparks are showering

Santo Angel makes his way to the ring

technicians create a terrific choreography with coloured lights as he steps into the ring

JUAN OLARTE gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!

JUAN OLARTE charges his open hand

Santo Angel ducks and evades the Slap, catching his opponent off-guard and
striking back

Santo Angel raises a hand putting it on JUAN OLARTE's forehead

and leaves him blind using his fingers performing an light Eye Rake!!

Santo Angel turns giving his shouldres to the adversary

and kicks him with a light Mule Kick!!!

Santo Angel grabs his opponent's arms

and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!!

Santo Angel grabs JUAN OLARTE's hair

Santo Angel grabs his opponent's head putting it under his arm

and swings over JUAN OLARTE and down to the ground, in a semi-circular motion, so
that both the wrestlers fall to the ground back-first, performing a light Swinging

JUAN OLARTE pulls himself together and fights back

JUAN OLARTE goes towards his rival

Santo Angel droops quickly dodging a Throat Thrust

Santo Angel goes towards his rival

and hits him to his throat with a light Throat Thrust!!

Santo Angel turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee

JUAN OLARTE ducks and eludes the Side Kick, retaking the initative
JUAN OLARTE loads a kick

and performs a light Toe Kick hitting his rival to his belly!!

JUAN OLARTE grabs the adversary from an arm and the groin

positioning him with the belly to abdomen to make him fall with a light Pump Handle

JUAN OLARTE lifts his opponent on his back crossing the legs with his own legs

Santo Angel easily evades Gory Special and gains the initiative

Santo Angel grabs JUAN OLARTE's hair

Santo Angel approaches JUAN OLARTE and grasps him by his chest,

then he lifts his knee and hits him with a light Tie Up Knee Strike!!

Santo Angel waits for the running opponent

JUAN OLARTE bends down avoiding the opponent's grasp, preventing the Big
Toss and taking the initiative

JUAN OLARTE stands behind Santo Angel

rolling backwards to pin Santo Angel with an Abdominal Stretch Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Santo Angel kicks out

JUAN OLARTE grabs Santo Angel's hair

JUAN OLARTE grabs one Santo Angel 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes,
then lunges himself as well

JUAN OLARTE runs to his opponent

Santo Angel steps aside avoiding a Lou Thesz Press Pin and counterattacks

Santo Angel throws JUAN OLARTE to the ring's corner

then runs and crushes him taking advantage of his own weight performing a light Body
Santo Angel grabs JUAN OLARTE's hair

Santo Angel grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Santo Angel makes a dash against the ropes and runs towards his opponent,

JUAN OLARTE gets down and avoids the Clothesline to Back. gaining the

JUAN OLARTE grasps Santo Angel's neck while running

and swings it driving him down to the ground performing a violent Running Swinging

JUAN OLARTE sits on his opponent's back

Santo Angel breaks free from his opponent's Sitting Reverse Armbar , regaining
the initative

Santo Angel grabs JUAN OLARTE's arms putting it between his legs

and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



JUAN OLARTE gets up and resolutely fights back

JUAN OLARTE charges his arm

and strikes his opponent's forehead with the side of the hand, executing an light
Overhand Chop!!

JUAN OLARTE grabs his opponent from the belt with an arm

Santo Angel escapes from the movement, with an elbow in the stomach, taking
back the initiative

Santo Angel grabs the rival's head preparing himself to strike him

and strikes him with unheard strength with a light Hard Headbutt!!

[Special Mortal Submission activated for Santo Angel]

Santo Angel hugs JUAN OLARTE to the chest

and throws him backwards with a devastating Castigo De Los Cielos!!

Santo Angel pulls JUAN OLARTE still groggy, by his hair

Santo Angel grabs JUAN OLARTE with his arms

and throws him backwards with a devastating Castigo De Los Cielos!!

Santo Angel grabs JUAN OLARTE's hair

Santo Angel grabs one JUAN OLARTE 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes,
then lunges himself as well

Santo Angel bounces on the ropes, runs towards his opponent

JUAN OLARTE crouches down and avoids the a Clothesline. gaining the initiative

JUAN OLARTE stalks his opponent

and knocks him on the ground with a shoulder hit, executing a strong Shoulder Block!!

JUAN OLARTE is about to perform his taunt

JUAN OLARTE executing The Colombian Power

JUAN OLARTE picks up his opponent's arm while he's laying on his back

and then applies a leverage with his opponent's body while pulling his arm and
hyperextending his joints, executing a light Strangle Hold!!

JUAN OLARTE keeps his ruthless submission hold

JUAN OLARTE keeps his ruthless submission hold

JUAN OLARTE releases his grasp

JUAN OLARTE moves behind his opponent while he's sitting on the ground

and wraps his hands around Santo Angels jaw, pulling straight back on the chin
performing a light Chin Lock!!

JUAN OLARTE keeps his weak submission hold

JUAN OLARTE keeps his weak submission hold

JUAN OLARTE releases his grasp

[Special Submission activated for Santo Angel]

JUAN OLARTE grabs his opponent's head while he's laying on the mat

Santo Angel evades the a Head Lock, taking back the initiative
Santo Angel blocks his rival's legs

JUAN OLARTE dodges the a Figura Argentina Wachin easily, taking the

JUAN OLARTE locks his rival's legs shaping a 4

and takes his shoulders to the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Santo Angel kicks out

JUAN OLARTE grabs Santo Angel's hair

JUAN OLARTE grabs his opponent's head putting it under his arm

Santo Angel dodges a a Swinging Neckbreaker with a back thrust and starts to

Santo Angel puts his opponent on his shoulder

and hurls him, crashing his shoulder on his knee, performing a strong Shoulder

Santo Angel locks the opponent from behind with a deadly hold between his arm and
his body

JUAN OLARTE breaks free from the a Dragon Sleeper easily, taking the initiative

JUAN OLARTE lies down in front of his rival, placing a leg under his opponent's neck

and closes the triangle placing the other one under his arm, choking him with a light
Triangle Choke!!

Santo Angel escapes from the hold

JUAN OLARTE is about to perform his taunt

JUAN OLARTE executing The Colombian Power

JUAN OLARTE grabs his opponent's leg

Santo Angel easily avoids the a Koji Clutch gaining back initiative

Santo Angel approaches his laying opponent

and performs a light Head Lock!!

Santo Angel keeps his weak submission hold

Santo Angel keeps his ruthless submission hold

Santo Angel releases his grasp

Santo Angel grabs JUAN OLARTE's hair

Santo Angel grabs one JUAN OLARTE 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes,
then lunges himself as well

Santo Angel stands behind JUAN OLARTE

and hits JUAN OLARTE in the back of the head with a light Back Elbow Smash!!

Santo Angel is about to perform his taunt

JUAN OLARTE capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

catching Santo Angel off guard!

JUAN OLARTE prepares the back of his hand

Santo Angel dodges a a Back Hand Chop, starting a counterattack

Santo Angel prepares his arm to strike the adversary

and hits the adversary with a light Punch!!

Santo Angel throws the leg

striking his head with an light Overhead Kick!!

Santo Angel seems ready to hit his opponent

and hits JUAN OLARTE with a series of kicks executing strong Kicking

Santo Angel is about to perform his taunt

Santo Angel Extiende Sus Brazos En Forma De Alas Y Luego Baja Sus Pulgares
executing A Die

Santo Angel grabs JUAN OLARTE's hair

Santo Angel and lunges himself on the ropes

Santo Angel waits for the running adversary

joining his fists and hitting him on the face with a light Polish Hammer!!

JUAN OLARTE pulls himself together and fights back

JUAN OLARTE opens wide his arms

Santo Angel moves to the side and he avoids a a Mongolian Chop, taking back the

Santo Angel puts a outstretched hand on JUAN OLARTE's forehead

and scratches him bringing it down putting his fingers in the eyes with an light Eye

Santo Angel stands firmly on the mat

and hits JUAN OLARTE with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a light
Back Spinning Wheel Kick!!

Santo Angel flanks the opponent, clutching his head with his right arm

JUAN OLARTE breaks free from his opponent's a Spanish Flip and regains the

JUAN OLARTE doges an opponent's attack moving behind Santo Angel

and pins him with a Roll Up!!

Referee starts counting...



Santo Angel kicks out

JUAN OLARTE gets ready to hit his opponent by opening his legs

Santo Angel skips aside to avoid the a Kick to Groin and counterattacks

Santo Angel gets closer to JUAN OLARTE laying on the mat

and strikes him with the elbow may times by performing a strong Elbow Crush!!

Santo Angel locks JUAN OLARTE from behind with a deadly hold between his arm
and his body

clenching it in a light Dragon Sleeper!!

Santo Angel keeps his weak submission hold

Santo Angel keeps his excruciating submission hold

Santo Angel releases his grasp

Santo Angel is about to perform his taunt

JUAN OLARTE capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

catching Santo Angel off guard!

JUAN OLARTE prepares to strike the rival loading the leg

Santo Angel moves to the side avoiding a a Middle Kick and goes to the

Santo Angel turns against the adversary

and kicks him with a strong Mule Kick!!!

Santo Angel lift his down-headed opponent

and slams him down violently with a powerful Vertabreaker!!

Santo Angel kneels on JUAN OLARTE's back, grasping his legs and his head

JUAN OLARTE spins and trips up the opponent, avoiding a a Bow & Arrow Lock

JUAN OLARTE is about to perform his taunt

Santo Angel capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

catching JUAN OLARTE off guard!

Santo Angel tucks the opponent's head in his armpit

JUAN OLARTE avoids the a DDT with a punching combination taking the

JUAN OLARTE tucks Santo Angel's head in his armpit

forcing Santo Angel to dive onto his head with a violent DDT!!

JUAN OLARTE is about to perform his taunt

Santo Angel capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but JUAN OLARTE is faster and is not caught off guard!

JUAN OLARTE hits the opponent with the back of his hand
Santo Angel dodges a a Back Hand Chop, starting a counterattack

Santo Angel puts a hand on JUAN OLARTE's face

and brings it down scratching him with an light Eye Rake leaving him blind!!

Santo Angel prepares to hit the opponent hurling his leg

JUAN OLARTE bends dodging the a Roundhouse Kick, starting the counterattack

JUAN OLARTE grabs the adversary from the belt with an arm

to crash him with the other one performing a violent Pepsi Twist!!

JUAN OLARTE grabs Santo Angel's head from behind

and drives him down on the mat nape first, performing a violent Reverse DDT!!

JUAN OLARTE is about to perform his taunt

JUAN OLARTE executing The Colombian Power

JUAN OLARTE gets closer to the opponent laying on the mat

Santo Angel moves to avoid the a Elbow Crush and gain the initiative

Santo Angel hooks JUAN OLARTE's legs who's laying prone on the mat

causing him pain with a light Reverse Figure 4!!

Santo Angel keeps his weak submission hold

Santo Angel keeps his ruthless submission hold

Santo Angel releases his grasp

Santo Angel grabs JUAN OLARTE's hair

Santo Angel locks JUAN OLARTE's head under his arm

forcing JUAN OLARTE to dive onto his head with a strong DDT!!

Santo Angel is about to perform his taunt

JUAN OLARTE capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

catching Santo Angel off guard!

JUAN OLARTE prepares the back of his hand

Santo Angel dodges a a Back Hand Chop, starting a counterattack

Santo Angel gets ready to hit JUAN OLARTE

and hits him with the forearm executing an light European Uppercut!!

Santo Angel turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee

JUAN OLARTE ducks and eludes the a Side Kick, retaking the initative

JUAN OLARTE holds his opponent's head

and smashes it with many kneelings executing a light Knees Lift!!


executing MORTAL Destroyer!!

JUAN OLARTE grabs one of his opponent's legs

Santo Angel breaks loose of his opponent's grap, neutralizing the a Stretch Muffler
and regaining the initiative!

Santo Angel grabs JUAN OLARTE's arms between his legs

and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



JUAN OLARTE gets up and resolutely fights back

JUAN OLARTE prepares the back of his hand

Santo Angel dodges a a Back Hand Chop, starting a counterattack

Santo Angel gets ready to hit JUAN OLARTE

and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm JUAN OLARTE's jaw performing an
strong European Uppercut!!

Santo Angel strongly grabs the head of the adversary

JUAN OLARTE lowers avoiding a a Hard Headbutt, taking back the initiative

JUAN OLARTE charges his arm

and hits him with a light Elbow Smash instead!!

JUAN OLARTE grabs Santo Angel lifting him sideways to himself

and skillfully turns him behind himself making him slam his back with a strong

JUAN OLARTE climbs the top turnbuckle

and leaps toward the prone opponent hitting him with his head, performing a strong
Diving Headbutt!!

JUAN OLARTE grabs Santo Angel's hair

JUAN OLARTE and lunges himself on the ropes

JUAN OLARTE raises his own leg into the oncoming opponent's face

performing a strong Big Boot!!

Santo Angel interrupts his opponent attacks sequence

The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other

and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent

after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort JUAN OLARTE

JUAN OLARTE puts a outstretched hand on Santo Angel's forehead

and scratches him bringing it down putting his fingers in the eyes with an light Eye

JUAN OLARTE dives into Santo Angel with a clothesline

knocking him down!!

JUAN OLARTE grabs his rival and lifts him sideways to himself

Santo Angel skillfully moves sideways dodging a Killer, taking back the initiative

Santo Angel puts his rival's head under his arm hooking him by his leg

and lifts him over himself executing a strong Fisherman Suplex throwing him behind
keeping the hold to the ground!!

Referee starts counting...


JUAN OLARTE gets up and resolutely fights back

JUAN OLARTE open his hand

Santo Angel dodges the a Chop and gains the initiative

Santo Angel gets ready to hit JUAN OLARTE

and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a light European

Santo Angel strongly grabs the head of the adversary

JUAN OLARTE lowers avoiding a a Hard Headbutt, taking back the initiative

JUAN OLARTE puts Santo Angel's head beneath his arm and lifts him

and crashes him to the ground face first executing powerful Falcon Arrow!!

Referee starts counting...



Santo Angel firmly pulls a shoulder up

JUAN OLARTE turns Santo Angel up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction

JUAN OLARTE charges his arm

Santo Angel dodges the a Hook Punch and counters

Santo Angel gets next to JUAN OLARTE bringing down an arm

and hits him with the forearm executing an strong European Uppercut!!

Santo Angel charges the leg

JUAN OLARTE gets down to dodge an a Overhead Kick and counterattacks

JUAN OLARTE moves sideways and charges his right hand

landing an uppercut on his chin, executing a light Side Mounting Punch!!

JUAN OLARTE grasps Santo Angel while running

and throws him up across the ring with a strong Big Toss!!

executing MORTAL Rmp!!

JUAN OLARTE tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...





-En eso Hardcore KNO entra al ring y comiensa a golpear a Santo Angel … y aplica su
Harcore Bomb-

Publico: buuuU!!!!

Loko95: esta parece la nueva union… esperemos que Santo Angel este bien…

suena SPOILIN FOR A FIGHT de AC/DC y SERGINHO entra al ring con Nikol.

PUBLICO: (en pie y animando como nunca se habia animado en esta fed) !!!

loko95: SERGINHO es un autentico idolo aqui ¿eh marco?

Marco Perez: si, se nota que aqui saben apreciar el buen wrestling, no como tu.

SERGINHO intenta callar al publico pero no lo consigue.


la mayoria de las mujeres le tiran ropa interior a SERGINHO (xD). de repente

SERGINHO consigue que se callae el publie, pero se oye una voz femenina de fondo.



Nikol pone cara de mala ostia y se abraza a SERGINHO para demostrar que es suyo.



SERGINHO: (haciendo callar al publico con un gesto) hoy, vais a tener el mayor
espectaculo de vuestras vidas, hoy pienso dar la vida si hace falta en el ring para


SERGINHO: hoy, formo tag con mi buen amigo kubit y voi a destrozar a terryhenry,
pero sobre todo a killer montxo.



SERGINHO: y les voi a a hacer sufrir lo inimaginable y asi les demostrare que !!! I


Marco Perez: que entrega, da gusto.

loko95: la verdad es que pocas veces hemos tenido tan buen ambiente, casi ni te oigo.

Las calles cercanas al Pabellon Principe Felipe estan abarrotadas, llenas de maños
bulliciosos expectantes de por ver a su idolo SERGINHO... Mientras en lla periferia, un
Porche Carrera Gt bastante distinguible se abre paso con gran maestria, ya que su
conductor y copiloto son natales de la capital aragonesa... Cuando estan cerca del
Pabellon, dan un par de rodeos, hasta que consiguen meterse en un pequeño callejon, y
dejar el coche. Avanzan un poco, y llegan a una de las puertas traseras del Pabellon.

Turko The Criminal: (Asomandose para que nadie lo vea) Mierda, hay seguratas en la

Killer Montxo: Tranquilo, joder, somos profesionales, y esos unos mamarrachos, no

Killer Montxo y Turko hacen su aparicion subitamente, y dejan KO a los maños que
custodiaban la parte de atras.

Killer Montxo: Al menos ha sido un buen recurso traerte...

Turko The Criminal: No iba a ser quien para perderme tu lucha y la de SERGINHO...

Killer montxo: Si, la del traidor ese... (Abre la puerta y entran)

Turko The Criminal: Calla hombre, que como digas eso mas alto... no duramos ni un

Killer Montxo: Es la pura verdad...

Caminando, se topan con otro antiguo de la LWC, proviniente de Zaragoza... Stone Cols
Kurt Angle...

Killer Montxo: Ey, Stone, que tal la vida en el asilo¿?

Stone Cols: Caya cerdak, vngo a vr a SERGINHO, no a un mirds como tu....

Stone Cols desparaece rapidamente...

Killer Montxo: Bueno... Me voy al ring (le da una entrada a Turko) No te alejes mucho,
por si las cosas se ponen feas...

Turko The Criminal: Tranquilo, alli estare...

Publico: fiuuu fiuuu mamacita!!

Marco Perez: esto no va nada bien…

Sexta pelea
Paulonovich y Cruscifer vs He-Man
y Socko
Cruscifer and paulonovich walks in the ring between thunderous applauses!

The opponents make their way to the ring as well, He-Man Show and Socko!
Cruscifer and Socko enter the ring.

paulonovich and He-Man Show are waiting in the respective corners

The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other

and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent

after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Socko prevails

Socko turns giving his shouldres to the adversary

Cruscifer eludes the attempt of a Mule Kick and he takes back the initiative

Cruscifer puts his opponent on his shoulders

and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a light
Samoan Drop!!

Cruscifer pulls Socko still groggy, by his hair

Cruscifer bounces against the ropes

and knocks the opponent down while running, performing a light Rope Drop

Cruscifer locks his rival's legs shaping a 4

and takes his shoulders to the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Socko gets up and resolutely fights back

Socko puts a outstretched hand on the opponent's forehead

and scratches him bringing it down putting his fingers in the eyes with an light Eye

Socko rushes drooping sideways to the rival

and hits the rival with his forearm executing a light Forearm On Leg!!

Socko grabs an opponent's arm, then he grabs his opposite leg too

Cruscifer easily dodges the Gangsta Stretch, gaining the initiative

Cruscifer puts Socko shoulder in a lever

and stretches it causing him pain performing a light Shoulder Lock!!

Cruscifer keeps his ruthless submission hold

Cruscifer keeps his excruciating submission hold

Cruscifer releases his grasp

Cruscifer grabs Socko's hair

Cruscifer grabs his opponent's head

Socko evades the Head Lock Takedown with great agility, counterattacking

Socko hurls the leg preparing the blow

and connects with a light Roundhouse Kick!!

Socko grabs both of his opponent's arms, hooks them, and places his hands palm down
flat against the opponent's upper back

Cruscifer breaks free from his opponent's clamp just in time, countering the Tiger
Bomb and regaining the initative

Cruscifer grabs his opponent's nape from behind with his right hand

and kneels down, throwing the opponent forward, flipping him down, slamming him on
the mat back first, executing a light Snapmare!!

Cruscifer grabs his opponent's leg

Socko easily avoids the Koji Clutch gaining back initiative

Socko puts his own hands under the opponent's armpits, who is prone on the mat

and locks his arms behind his back performing a light Butterfly Lock!!

Cruscifer escapes from the hold

Socko grabs Cruscifer's hair

Socko grabs one Cruscifer 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges
himself as well

Socko runs toward the opponent

and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!!

Socko crosses in a figure 4 the opponent's legs who's laying prone on the mat

Cruscifer easily avoids a Reverse Figure 4, taking the initiative

Cruscifer prepares the foot

and hits the opponent with an light Angry Stomp!!

Cruscifer grabs his opponent's arm and gets on the ground on his side

and twists his chest with the legs pulling on the shoulder, performing a violent
Cruceta Del Averno!!

Cruscifer keeps his ruthless submission hold

Socko escapes from the hold

Cruscifer grabs the opponent's arms putting it between his legs

and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Socko gets up and resolutely fights back

Socko pulls Cruscifer still groggy, by his hair

Socko grabs his opponent from behind

Cruscifer evades the a German Suplex and gains the inititative

Cruscifer grabs his opponent's trunks

and falls backwards while turning, hooking the opponent's leg with his legs and the
other leg with his free arm, ending up on top of him, pinning his shoulders against the
mat in a light Small Package!!

Referee starts counting...



Socko kicks out

Cruscifer grabs the opponent's legs and locks them

Socko dodges the a Figure 4 Pin and starts to counter-attack

Socko jumps sideways kicking

Cruscifer droops and avoids an a Enziguiri Kick taking initiative

Cruscifer grabs Socko blocking his shoulder

and submits him performing a strong Shoulder Lock!!

Socko escapes from the hold

Cruscifer comes close to the lying opponent

Socko avoids the a Armbar of the opponent and counterattacks

Socko catches his opponent's legs

and blocks them in a very painful 4 shape position performing a violent Figure 4!!

Socko keeps his weak submission hold

Cruscifer escapes from the hold

Cruscifer quickly gets up and counterattacks!

Cruscifer is about to perform his taunt

Cruscifer Luego De Golpear Y Reventar A The Opponent Pone Una Cara Sadica Que
Es Censurada Por La Tv Y Se Va Contra El Rival Y executing A Desgua Inger

Cruscifer grabs Socko's hair

Cruscifer uses the right hand to grab the opponent's head,

and then pulls his opponent forward, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat
performing a light Snapmare!!

Cruscifer gets besides the laying opponent

Socko avoids the a Knee Stomp and counterattacks

Socko gets close to his opponentl and jumps

to hitt him straight with a punch, performing a strong Fist Drop!!

Socko gets on the top turnbuckle

Cruscifer suddenly shifts dodging a a Diving Rolling Elbow Smash, taking the
Cruscifer grabs his opponent's arm and laying on the ground perpendicularly

and twists his chest with the legs pulling on the shoulder, performing a strong Crucifix

Cruscifer keeps his weak submission hold

Cruscifer keeps his weak submission hold

Cruscifer releases his grasp

Cruscifer is about to perform his taunt

Cruscifer Va De Una Cuerda A La Otra Y Asi Se La Pasa 6 Veces Hasta Que Por Fin
Se Da Cuenta Que Debe Golpear A The Opponent Y executing A Bankai

Cruscifer locks Socko's waist lifting him

runs to the opponent grabbing his neck executing a powerful 3D!!

Cruscifer grabs Socko's hair

Cruscifer grabs one Socko 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges
himself as well

Cruscifer bounces on the ropes running towards his opponent

hitting him with his extended arm performing a light Clothesline!!

Cruscifer is about to perform his taunt

Socko capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but Cruscifer is faster and is not caught off guard!

Cruscifer prepares his arm

Socko moves to the side eluding a a Punch and taking back the initiative

Socko approaches his rival loading his arm

and gives a blow to his throat executing a light Throat Thrust!!


Socko gives the touch to He-Man Show who enters the ring!

He-Man Show grabs Cruscifer executing a backbreaker

Socko bounces on the top rope executing a flying legdrop performing a devastating
Backbreaker & flying legdrop!!

He-Man Show grabs Cruscifer's hair

He-Man Show grabs one Cruscifer 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

He-Man Show charges the back of his elbow

Cruscifer dodges the a Back Elbow Smash and counterattacks

Cruscifer lifts the opponent on his shoulders horizontally

slamming him to the ground performing a light Fireman Carry!!


Cruscifer gives the touch to paulonovich who enters the ring!

paulonovich lifts the opponent on his shoulders

Cruscifer climb the turnbuckle performing a flying clothesline on the opponent

executing a violent Doomsday device!!

paulonovich grabs He-Man Show's hair

paulonovich grabs one He-Man Show 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes,
then lunges himself as well

paulonovich bounces on the ropes running towards his opponent

then he hits him with his extended arm performing a light Clothesline!!

paulonovich grabs He-Man Show's hair

paulonovich grabs one He-Man Show 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes,
then lunges himself as well

paulonovich throws the opponent to the ring's corner

then runs and crushes him taking advantage of his own weight performing a light Body

paulonovich grabs He-Man Show's leg

and pulls up the leg while sitting down executing an light Argentine Leg Lock!!

paulonovich keeps his weak submission hold

paulonovich keeps his weak submission hold

paulonovich releases his grasp

paulonovich grabs He-Man Show's hair

paulonovich grabs his opponent's arms

He-Man Show moves and dodges the a Irish Whip, gaining the initiative

He-Man Show tucks the opponent's head in his armpit

forcing the opponent to dive onto his head with a strong Modified DDT!!

He-Man Show grabs his bending opponent by the head

then he lifts him horizontally to make his face hit the mat with an strong Implant DDT!!

He-Man Show grabs paulonovich's hair

He-Man Show and lunges himself on the ropes

He-Man Show runs toward the opponent

and grabs his arm driving him down to the mat with a light Running Arm Drag!!

paulonovich pulls himself together and fights back

paulonovich stares at the opponent in front of him

and gives him an light Ear Slap!!

paulonovich charges his arm

and connects with a light Gran Taladro Gurren Lagann!!

paulonovich grabs the opponent's arm

He-Man Show avoids the a Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash and takes the initiative

He-Man Show lifts his opponent on his shoulders

and lets himself fall on his back, executing a violent Samoan Drop!!

He-Man Show is about to perform his taunt

He-Man Show Riendo Y Mirando Al Oponente Que Esta En El Suelo executing An Are
You Kidding Peque O Idiota

He-Man Show grabs paulonovich's hair

He-Man Show tucks the opponent's head in his armpit

forcing the opponent to dive onto his head with a light Modified DDT!!

He-Man Show raises his elbow preparing the hit

and rapidly brings it down on the rival's nape executing an light Elbow to Back of

paulonovich pulls himself together and fights back

paulonovich grabs his opponent's head

and lows his face with the knee to perform a light Knee on Head!!

paulonovich draws back his arm rocking his body

and hits the opponent's face with a light Gran Taladro Gurren Lagann!!

paulonovich takes the He-Man Show's arm

then twists in a circle cranking on the arm, then hits him with an elbow smash executing
an strong Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash!!

paulonovich grabs his opponent

and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!!

paulonovich winds up his entire body

and strikes the opponent's chest with a strong Biggest Chop!!

He-Man Show pulls himself together and fights back

The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other

and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent

after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort paulonovich prevails

paulonovich prepares to strike the adversary

He-Man Show moves to the side eluding a a Punch and taking back the initiative

He-Man Show prepares to strike the adversary

and hits the adversary with a light Punch!!

He-Man Show prepares to hit the rival

paulonovich moves and dodges a a Forearm Smash, taking the initiative back

paulonovich grabs the opponent raising him up onto his shoulder so the opponents head
is down his back

then grabs his opponents head under his arm and drops him onto his head from an
incredible height with strong Air Raid Siren!!

paulonovich is about to perform his taunt

He-Man Show capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

taking paulonovich is caught out!

He-Man Show gets ready to hit the opponent

paulonovich dodges an a Overhand Chop to gain the initiative

paulonovich takes the adversary's head and

and hits him with a powerful heading connecting a strong Hard Headbutt!!

paulonovich lifts up the opponent from behind

He-Man Show somersaults falling on his feet, dodging a a Back Suplex and taking
the initiative

He-Man Show catches his opponent's head

brings his body horizontally and makes his face fall on the ground to perform an violent
Implant DDT!!

He-Man Show charges the kick

and brings it down to hit the opponent with an light Angry Stomp!!

He-Man Show gets besides the laying opponent

and hits him executing a light Knee Stomp!!

paulonovich pulls himself together and fights back

paulonovich gets ready to hit the opponent with his right hand

and slaps the opponent across the face, executing a light Slap!!

paulonovich draws back his arm rocking his body

and with a great strength punches the opponent's face performing a strong Gran
Taladro Gurren Lagann!!
paulonovich prepares his arm

and falls on the opponent with his fist executing a strong Fist But!!

paulonovich lifts the opponent showing great strength

and throws him backwards performing a light Back Suplex!!

paulonovich moves towards his opponent lying at the corner of the ring

and tramples him with a light Stink Face!!

He-Man Show pulls himself together and fights back

He-Man Show hugs his opponent's head

and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a light Knee on Head!!

He-Man Show catches the rival's head

and makes him fall with a twist in a light Neckbreaker Cutter!!!!


He-Man Show gives the touch to Socko who enters the ring!

Socko lifts the opponent on his shoulders

paulonovich avoids the impact moving to the opponent's back

paulonovich lifts his opponent on his shoulders

and throws himself backward, trampling him with light Samoan Drop!!

paulonovich catches his opponent's leg through the shoulder

and locks his leg against the shoulder to execute a light Koji Clutch!!

Socko escapes from the hold

paulonovich is about to perform his taunt

Socko capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but paulonovich is faster and is not caught off guard!

paulonovich gets ready to hit the opponent with his right hand

Socko ducks and evades the a Slap, catching his opponent off-guard and striking
Socko approaches the opponent

and gives a blow to his throat executing a strong Throat Thrust!!

Socko turns giving his shouldres to the adversary

paulonovich eludes the attempt of a a Mule Kick and he takes back the initiative

paulonovich lifts the opponent showing great strength

and throws him backwards with a light Back Suplex!!

paulonovich grabs Socko's hair

paulonovich grabs one Socko 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

paulonovich runs toward the opponent

and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!!

paulonovich grabs Socko executing a backbreaker

Socko avoids the impact moving to the opponent's back

Socko grabs his opponent by the neck

and lets it fall against his back to perform an light Inverted Headlock Backbreaker!!

Socko lifts his opponent's leg

and hits it with an elbow performing a strong Elbow drop to inner thigh!!

Socko grabs paulonovich's hair

Socko grabs one paulonovich 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

Socko throws the opponent to the turnbuckle

then runs and crushes him taking advantage of his own weight performing a light Body

Socko is about to perform his taunt

Socko executing The Recatate

Socko grabs paulonovich's hair

Socko Locks his oponnet neck

and spins 180 degrees crushing the mat executing violent Fn Cutter!!

Socko tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...


paulonovich gets up and resolutely fights back

paulonovich grabs the opponent's neck firmly

Socko avoids a Abdominal Neck Wrench easily, taking the initiative

Socko gets ready to kick

and hits the opponent's nape with an violent Enziguiri Kick of valuable invoice!!

Socko grabs paulonovich's hair

Socko and lunges himself on the ropes

Socko prepares to strikes the adversary that is running against him

paulonovich crouches and eludes a a Polish Hammer taking back the initiative

paulonovich stands firmly on the mat

and hits the opponent with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a light Back
Spinning Wheel Kick!!

paulonovich grasps the opponent

and lifts him up, slamming him down to the mat performing a strong Body Slam!!

paulonovich grabs Socko's hair

paulonovich charges the movement raising the elbow

Socko shifts and avoids an a Elbow to Back of Head, counterattacking

Socko lifts up his opponet so the opponent's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder

then pulls down on his neck and legs performing a light Canadian Back Breaker!!

Socko keeps his ruthless submission hold

Socko keeps his weak submission hold

Socko releases his grasp

Socko opens the opponent's legs

hitting him with a light Kick to Groin!!

Socko climbs the turnbuckle and points his oponnent

paulonovich somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

paulonovich climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together

and jumps toward the opponent quickly lowering them, performing a strong Double
Axe Handle!!

paulonovich grabs Socko's hair

paulonovich grabs his opponent

and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!!


paulonovich gives the touch to Cruscifer who enters the ring!

Cruscifer waits for the running opponent

hooking him by the arm to make him fall on the ground with a light Hip Toss!!

Cruscifer is about to perform his taunt

Socko capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but Cruscifer is faster and is not caught off guard!

Cruscifer prepares his arm

and hits the adversary with a light Punch!!

Cruscifer stands firmly on the mat

Socko bends dodging the a Back Spinning Wheel Kick

Socko goes behind the opponent and inserts his arm under the opponent's armpit

and putting the hand behind the neck launches the opponent behind himself performing
an violent Half Nelson Suplex!!

Socko is about to perform his taunt

Cruscifer capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

taking Socko is caught out!

Cruscifer prepares his arm

Socko dodges the a Fist But and takes the initiative

Socko grabs the opponent's head from behind

and drives him down on the mat nape first, performing a violent Reverse DDT!!

Socko grabs Cruscifer's hair

Socko and lunges himself on the ropes

Socko prepares to strikes the adversary that is running against him

and hits him with both the fists performing a light Polish Hammer!!

Socko lies down in front of his rival, placing a leg under his opponent's neck

Cruscifer easily dodges his rival's a Triangle Choke, taking back the initiative

Cruscifer ve a su oponente tirado en lona y

hace un movimiento extra o de verdad muy muy raro y executing devastating

Bleach Destroyer!!

Referee starts counting...





HE-MAN SHOW enters the ring hitting Cruscifer and interrupting the 3 count while the
referee is distracted!!

Socko takes advantage of the situation!

Socko climbs the top turnbuckle

Cruscifer dodges the a Diving Crossbody taking the initiative

Cruscifer is about to perform his taunt

Cruscifer Va De Una Cuerda A La Otra Y Asi Se La Pasa 6 Veces Hasta Que Por Fin
Se Da Cuenta Que Debe Golpear A The Opponent Y executing A Bankai
Cruscifer grabs Socko's hair

Cruscifer and lunges himself on the ropes

Cruscifer waits for the running opponent

hooking his arm to the the rival's arm to throw him down with a light Hip Toss!!

Cruscifer ve a su oponente tirado en lona y

Socko somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

Socko goes up the turnbuckle while his opponent is lying on the ground and

throws himself closing his arms and legs to his chest and then impacts on the opponent
executing a strong Frog Splash!!

Referee starts counting...



Cruscifer gets up and resolutely fights back

Cruscifer grabs his opponent's arm and lays on the ground perpendicularly

Socko easily avoids the a Cruceta Del Averno, counterattacking

Socko picks up his opponent's arm while he's laying on his back

and then capsizes his rival's body while pulling his arm, submitting him with a light
Strangle Hold!!

Cruscifer escapes from the hold

Cruscifer quickly gets up and counterattacks!

Cruscifer kneels beside his downed opponent and grabs his throat with both hands

and squeezes performing a light Choke Hold!!

Cruscifer keeps his weak submission hold


HE-MAN SHOW enters the ring hitting Cruscifer and interrupting the submission
manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!!

Socko takes advantage of the situation!


Socko gives the touch to He-Man Show who enters the ring!

He-Man Show releases his grasp

He-Man Show gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together

Cruscifer suddenly shifts dodging the a Modified Double Axe Handle, taking the

Cruscifer gains speed bouncing against the ropes

and knocks the opponent down while running, performing a strong Rope Drop

Cruscifer grabs his rival and lifts him sideways to himself

and skillfully turns him behind himself making him slam his back with a light Tilt A
Whirl Side Slam!!

Cruscifer grabs his opponent's arm and lays on the ground perpendicularly

and twists his chest with the legs pulling on the shoulder, performing a violent
Cruceta Del Averno!!

Cruscifer keeps his ruthless submission hold


SOCKO enters the ring hitting Cruscifer and interrupting the submission manoeuvre
while the referee is distracted!!

He-Man Show releases his grasp

He-Man Show approaches his laying opponent

and hits him executing a light Knee Stomp!!

He-Man Show grabs Cruscifer's hair

He-Man Show grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

He-Man Show Lanzandolo hacia las cuerdas corre hacia el oponente

Cruscifer somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

Cruscifer gets close to his grounded opponent

and hits him executing a violent Knee Stomp!!

Cruscifer catches his opponent's leg through the shoulder

He-Man Show easily avoids the a Koji Clutch gaining back initiative

He-Man Show charges the kick

and brings it down to hit the opponent with an light Angry Stomp!!

He-Man Show is about to perform his taunt

He-Man Show Riendo Y Mirando Al Oponente Que Esta En El Suelo executing An Are
You Kidding Peque O Idiota

He-Man Show grabs Cruscifer's hair

He-Man Show grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

He-Man Show Lanzandolo hacia las cuerdas corre hacia el oponente

Cruscifer somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

Cruscifer grabs his opponent's arm and gets on the ground on his side

and twists his chest with the legs pulling on the shoulder, performing a strong Crucifix

He-Man Show escapes from the hold

Cruscifer grabs his opponent's fist

He-Man Show easily dodges the a Fist Lock, and gains the initiative

He-Man Show gets besides the laying opponent

to hit him with a violent Knee Stomp!!

He-Man Show gets close to his grounded opponent

and strikes his forehead with a light Knee Stomp!!

He-Man Show rises on the turnbuckle

Cruscifer dodges at the last moment avoiding a a Twisting Body Attack and takes
back the initiative

Cruscifer clutches his laying rival's head

tightening it with a light Head Lock!!

Cruscifer keeps his weak submission hold


SOCKO enters the ring hitting Cruscifer and interrupting the submission manoeuvre
while the referee is distracted!!

He-Man Show releases his grasp

He-Man Show is about to perform his taunt

Cruscifer capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but He-Man Show is faster and is not caught off guard!

He-Man Show grabs his opponent's head

and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a light Knee on Head!!

He-Man Show prepares to hit the rival

and tosses it towards the rival executing a light Forearm Smash hitting him with his

He-Man Show Golpeandolo en el bajo vientre, mientras el oponente esta doblado

Cruscifer somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

Cruscifer runs towards his opponent with an arm tight outside

and wraps up his opponent's torso and neck to push him down with a light Lariat!!

Cruscifer tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...


He-Man Show kicks out

Cruscifer lifts He-Man Show up, still groggy

Cruscifer takes a run-up on the ropes, runs towards his opponent

then he hits his back with his arm extended performing a strong Clothesline to Back!!

Cruscifer locks He-Man Show's waist lifting him

runs to the opponent grabbing his neck executing a devastating 3D!!

Cruscifer puts He-Man Show shoulder in a lever

and stretches it causing him pain performing a light Shoulder Lock!!

Cruscifer keeps his weak submission hold


SOCKO enters the ring hitting Cruscifer and interrupting the submission manoeuvre
while the referee is distracted!!

He-Man Show takes advantage of the situation!

He-Man Show releases his grasp

He-Man Show lifts up the opponent from behind

and throws him backwards with a strong Back Suplex!!

He-Man Show rises on the turnbuckle

and throws himself on the opponent while performing a torsion with the body executing
a strong Twisting Body Attack!!

Cruscifer interrupts his opponent attacks sequence

Cruscifer open his hand

hitting his opponent with the palm with a light Chop followed by a chant of

Cruscifer takes the adversary's head and

He-Man Show lowers avoiding a a Hard Headbutt, taking back the initiative

He-Man Show tucks the opponent's head in his armpit

forcing the opponent to dive onto his head with a violent DDT!!

He-Man Show grabs Cruscifer's hair

He-Man Show grabs one Cruscifer 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

He-Man Show bounces against the ropes and runs toward the opponent

and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!!

He-Man Show is about to perform his taunt

Cruscifer capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

taking He-Man Show is caught out!

Cruscifer prepares his arm

hitting him with a light Punch!!

Cruscifer is ready to hits the rival

executing a light Powerful Knee Strike!!

Cruscifer lifts the opponent on his shoulders

paulonovich climb the turnbuckle performing a flying clothesline on the opponent

executing a powerful Doomsday device!!


Cruscifer approaches his laying opponent

and performs a light Head Lock!!

Cruscifer keeps his weak submission hold


SOCKO enters the ring hitting Cruscifer and interrupting the submission manoeuvre
while the referee is distracted!!

He-Man Show takes advantage of the situation!


He-Man Show gives the touch to Socko who enters the ring!

Socko releases his grasp


Cruscifer gives the touch to paulonovich who enters the ring!

paulonovich charges his open hand

Socko ducks and evades the a Slap, catching his opponent off-guard and striking

Socko gets next to the opponent bringing down an arm

and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a strong European
Socko turns giving his shouldres to the adversary

to hit him with a strong Mule Kick there in his "secret"!!!

Cruscifer leans on the ropes to get the touch!

Socko tucks the opponent's head in his armpit

then he leaps down onto his back, swinging his legs forward, bending the
opponent, and driving him down to the mat face first, executing a powerful
Modified Snap DDT!!

Socko parryies an opponent's kick, grabbing his leg

paulonovich easily dodges the opponent's a Rolling Leg Lock, taking the initiative

paulonovich grabs his opponent's leg and pulls it on his way threading his head under
his arm

Socko avoids the a Capture Suplex, gaining the initiative

Socko puts his opponent's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm

and moves behind his opponent rolling as he lets himself fall with violent Swinging

Socko climbs the turnbuckle and points his oponnent

then aplica una 630 Corkscrew Splash that he calls Fn Rama executing devastating
The Fn' Rama!!

Referee starts counting...



paulonovich gets up and resolutely fights back

paulonovich gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together

and throws himself toward the opponent hitting him with a light Double Axe Handle!!

paulonovich is about to perform his taunt

paulonovich Le Dice Mira Mira A The Opponent No Ya No Y Mientras The Opponent

Esta Distraido Lo Ataca Con executing A Amakakeru Rio No Hirameki

paulonovich agarra una silla el arbitro lo detiene y entonces entra su hermano

Socko somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

Socko jumps on the top turnbuckle

and throws himself across the opponent in a light Diving Crossbody, pinning him!!

Referee starts counting...



paulonovich gets his shoulder up somehow

Socko gets up while his opponent is still on the ground

Socko tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...


paulonovich gets up and resolutely fights back

paulonovich gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky
holding them together

and leaps toward the opponent quickly lowering them, performing a light Double Axe

paulonovich agarra una silla el arbitro lo detiene y entonces entra su hermano


y este le da con el mazo entonces PAULONOVICH executing devastating



paulonovich tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...


Socko gets his shoulder up somehow

paulonovich gets up while his opponent is still on the ground

paulonovich gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky
holding them together
and leaps toward the opponent quickly lowering them, performing a strong Double Axe

paulonovich tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...


Socko gets his shoulder up somehow

paulonovich gets up while his opponent is still on the ground

paulonovich climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together

and leaps toward the opponent quickly lowering them, performing a light Double Axe

paulonovich gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together

Socko suddenly shifts dodging the a Double Axe Handle, taking the initiative

Socko gets close his opponent and grabs his arm

and makes him fall to the mat to perform an light Ultimate Armbar!!

Socko keeps his weak submission hold


CRUSCIFER enters the ring hitting Socko and interrupting the submission manoeuvre
while the referee is distracted!!

paulonovich releases his grasp

paulonovich grabs Socko's hair

paulonovich grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

paulonovich takes a run-up on the ropes, runs towards his opponent

Socko gets down and avoids the a Clothesline to Back. gaining the initiative

Socko rushes drooping sideways to the rival

and knocks him down hitting him with his forearm on the legs executing a light
Forearm On Leg!!

Socko gets on the top turnbuckle

waiting for the opponent to stand up and forward executing a light Diving Rolling
Elbow Smash!!

Socko grabs paulonovich's hair

Socko jumps on his bent opponent with the help of the ropes

driving his heel right on the back of his neck, knocking him on the ground and
connecting with a light Scissor Kick!!

paulonovich interrupts his opponent attacks sequence

paulonovich prepares his arm

performing a light Punch!!

paulonovich holds his opponent

Socko hits his opponent with a knee strike to evade the a Uppercut gaining the

Socko grabs the opponent's head putting it under his arm, and lifts him up in a vertical

falling down, driving the opponent on the mat head first with a light Brainbuster!!

Socko grabs his rival's legs

and blocks them in a very painful 4 shape position performing a light La Fn'
Figura 4!!

Socko keeps his weak submission hold


CRUSCIFER enters the ring hitting Socko and interrupting the submission manoeuvre
while the referee is distracted!!

paulonovich releases his grasp

paulonovich gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together

Socko suddenly shifts dodging the a Double Axe Handle, taking the initiative

Socko puts his rival's head under his arm hooking him by his leg

and lifts him over himself executing a light Fisherman Suplex throwing him behind
keeping the hold to the ground!!

Referee starts counting...





Loko95: gano!! Gano Socko!!.. el ESB ira a Sed de Venganza con la moral alta..

Suena Thousand Years Off Oppresion, ensorcedida por los fuertes abucheos que se
oyen dentro del pabellon

Publico: ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡MEDIA MIERDA, VUELVETE POR DONDE HAS


Killer Montxo se detiene en medio de la rampa, y les dedica un corte de manga.

Despues sigue su andanza hasta alcanzar el ring.

Killer Montxo: No se si esperabas verme entero, tal como estoy, pero me la pela... (El
publico no para de abuchear y de dedicar palabras ofensivas) ... Lo importante es que
estoy aqui, de una pieza, para callarte por segunda vez en esta temporada... Si, Iscariote,
en tu misma ciudad, humillandote delante de tu querido publico, que tambien un dia fue
el mio... (Mas y mas abucheos) ... Y no te confies, aunque... Pensandolo mejor si, como
llevas haciendo siempre, y pasara lo que siempre pasa, perderas, y yo y... (leyendose la
chuleta que llevaba apuntada en la mano para acordarse del nombre de TerryHenrry)
Bueno, TirriAngry, o como se llame, saldremos victoriosos... ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Y ni tu ni
Kubit, ni un tumulto de maños de mierda nos van a parar!!!!!!!!!!!

Marco Perez: Pues aun se le ve convencido al pobre ignorante este... SERGINHO lo va

a hacer papilla quiera o no...

Loko95: Esta en mejor estado que el... ganara...

Suena Step Up - Drowning Pool

Marco Perez: y aqui viene EL CAMPEON MUNDIAL!!!

Loco96: aun no veo porque se llama asi, con el titulo solo ha ganado una sola vez, y
contra un fake luchador.

Marco Perez: mas respeto al campeon!!!

Loco96: que sera de el y vincent se acabara Genei Ryodan?

Aparece Terryhenry con el abucheo total de la fanaticada en la arena, terryhenry

se acerca al ring con el titulo en la cintura y un microfono en la mano.
Terryhenry:..... (levanta el microfono pero no dice nada)

Publico: BUUUUU!!!!

Terryhenry:....... (se queda pensativo)

Publico: se callan a ver que va a decir.

Terryhenry: QUE DOMINIO VERDAD? yo no tengo que decir nada para que hagan lo
que me venga en gana.

Publico: BUUUUU!!!!

Terryhenry: estamos en españa que esperaba, solo usan 2 o 3 neuronas y eso con las

El publico en general abuchea a terryhenry e incluso un tipo tira basura al ring.

Terryhenry: se habra visto? semejante barbarie... botando su comida al piso... es obvio

que estamos en un pais denigrante.


Terryhenry: ahh.. me olvidaba, serginho7, este es tu pueblo no? ya decia yo de donde

provenia ese tu modo de creerte la gran cosa, 3 titulos en linea de titulos secundarios, no
es nada comparado a ser CAMPEON MUNDIAL.

Publico: BUUUUU!!!!

Terryhenry: sabes, yo soy muy bueno, por ello te dejare tocarlo para que sueñes algun
dia y digo... ALGUN DIA... con tener esta belleza en tus manos, que triste es la vida
para algunos, bueno muchos, jajajajaja..

El publico espera ansioso que hara serguinho7.

en eso se ve a SERGINHO en el despacho del GG Vincent.

SERGINHO: necesito vengar a zaragoza, quiero que me retires la norma de no atacar a


GG Vincent: (un poco triste) esta bien, de todas maneras hasta mi hermano me ha

SERGINHO: (con el rostro sombrio) va a pagar lo que ha hecho ese descerebrado.

Septima Pelea
XMP vs BloodRedSandman
Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"

Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Maestro Xtremo"!

A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and
most powerful moves

Maestro Xtremo makes his way to the ring

wearing a blackshirt with the mexican flag in the back, jeans and vans

driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena

with his lover who kisses him burning with passion

Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, BLOODREDSANDMAN"!

BLOODREDSANDMAN makes his way to the ring

greeting the mob from the limousine's roof

The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other

and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent

after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort


BLOODREDSANDMAN charges the hand

striking his forehead with his arm's side, performing an light Overhand Chop!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN approaches his opponent, getting in close range,

Maestro Xtremo ducks and evades the Standing Clothesline, catching his opponent
off guard!

Maestro Xtremo stands firmly on the mat

and hits with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a light Back Spinning
Wheel Kick!!

Maestro Xtremo takes and raises BLOODREDSANDMAN on his shoulders

and twirling executes an light Airplain Spin!!

Maestro Xtremo grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's legs and locks them

holding his back on the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!!

Referee starts counting...




[Special Damage Resistance activated for BLOODREDSANDMAN]

Maestro Xtremo pulls BLOODREDSANDMAN still groggy, by his hair

Maestro Xtremo kicks BLOODREDSANDMAN's groin

then slams his shoulder into BLOODREDSANDMANs head, performing a light Chop

Maestro Xtremo quickly puts his opponent on the cover position

and tries to cover him by helping with the ropes, executing an light Irregular Pin!!

Referee starts counting...




Maestro Xtremo gets besides the laying opponent

to hit him with a light Knee Stomp!!

Maestro Xtremo slips an arm under the neck of the laying opponent

and brings it on his free forearm closing him in a light Rear Naked Choke!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN pulls himself together and fights back

BLOODREDSANDMAN prepares his arm

Maestro Xtremo moves to the side eluding a Punch and taking back the initiative

Maestro Xtremo stares at BLOODREDSANDMAN

and gives him an light Ear Slap!!

Maestro Xtremo prepares to strike the rival

lifting his own leg and hitting him with a light Middle Kick!!

Maestro Xtremo grabs his opponent's nape from behind with his right hand

and then pulls his opponent forward, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat
performing a light Snapmare!!

Maestro Xtremo charges the kick

and hits BLOODREDSANDMAN with an light Angry Stomp!!

Maestro Xtremo grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair

Maestro Xtremo grabs one BLOODREDSANDMAN 's arms and spins, swinging him
into the ropes, then lunges himself as well

Maestro Xtremo runs to the rival

BLOODREDSANDMAN steps aside avoiding a Lou Thesz Press Pin and


BLOODREDSANDMAN runs toward Maestro Xtremo and jumps

hitting him with his head performing a light Running Headbutt!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs Maestro Xtremo's hair

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs one Maestro Xtremo 's arms and spins, swinging him
into the ropes, then lunges himself as well

BLOODREDSANDMAN runs to this opponent, who is running too

Maestro Xtremo steps aside avoiding a Lou Thesz Press Pin and counterattacks

Maestro Xtremo throws BLOODREDSANDMAN to the ring's corner

then runs and crushes him taking advantage of his own weight performing a light Body

Maestro Xtremo bounces off the top rope with BLOODREDSANDMAN lying face
up on the mat then leaps at him

making a mid-air horizontal half-rotation, landing on him with a light Tornillo


Maestro Xtremo locks his opponent's legs with his own shaping a 4

and pins him with a Figure 4 Pin!!

Referee starts counting...




Maestro Xtremo grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair

Maestro Xtremo and lunges himself on the ropes

Maestro Xtremo waits for the running opponent

BLOODREDSANDMAN avoids the a Hip Toss, gaining the initiative

BLOODREDSANDMAN is about to perform his taunt

Maestro Xtremo capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but BLOODREDSANDMAN is faster and is not caught off guard!

BLOODREDSANDMAN charges the hand

Maestro Xtremo dodges an a Overhand Chop to gain the initiative

Maestro Xtremo goes towards his rival

and gives a blow to his throat executing a light Throat Thrust!!

Maestro Xtremo stands in front of BLOODREDSANDMAN

to perform a light Karate Kick!!

[Special Attack activated for BLOODREDSANDMAN]

Maestro Xtremo lifts his opponent on his shoulders

and throws himself backward, trampling him with strong Voltereta Del Dolor!!

Maestro Xtremo grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair

Maestro Xtremo grabs one BLOODREDSANDMAN 's arms and spins, swinging him
into the ropes, then lunges himself as well

Maestro Xtremo starts spinning and jumps towards his opponent

and then lands a blow on his opponent's face, connecting with a light Spinning Wheel

Maestro Xtremo is about to perform his taunt

BLOODREDSANDMAN capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but Maestro Xtremo is faster and is not caught off guard!

Maestro Xtremo prepares his arm to strike the adversary

performing a light Punch!!

Maestro Xtremo prepares to strike the rival loading the leg

hitting the adversary with a light Middle Kick!!

Maestro Xtremo takes a run-up on the ropes and jumps on his bent opponent

hitting his nape with a heel stroke, sending him on the mat performing a strong Scissor

Maestro Xtremo is about to perform his taunt

Maestro Xtremo Cruza Los Brazos Enfrente De Su Pecho Formando Una X executing
The Xmp

BLOODREDSANDMAN interrupts his opponent attacks sequence


and strikes Maestro Xtremo's face with both hands performing a light Mongolian

BLOODREDSANDMAN hurls the leg preparing the blow

Maestro Xtremo bends dodging the a Roundhouse Kick, starting the counterattack

Maestro Xtremo turns giving his shouldres to the adversary

and kicks him with a light Mule Kick!!!

Maestro Xtremo hooks BLOODREDSANDMAN's neck

forcing him to an irregular movement performing a light Neck Breaker!!

Maestro Xtremo grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair

Maestro Xtremo grabs one BLOODREDSANDMAN 's arms and spins, swinging him
into the ropes, then lunges himself as well

Maestro Xtremo bounces on the ropes running towards his opponent

hitting him with his extended arm performing a light Clothesline!!

Maestro Xtremo bounces off the top rope with the opponent lying face up on the mat
then leaps at him

BLOODREDSANDMAN rolls out the way just in time, dodging the a Tornillo
Xtremo and regaining the lead

BLOODREDSANDMAN is about to perform his taunt

BLOODREDSANDMAN executing The Spanish Bastard Taunt

BLOODREDSANDMAN pulls Maestro Xtremo still groggy, by his hair

BLOODREDSANDMAN puts his opponent on his shoulders

Maestro Xtremo climbs down his rival's shoulders dodging the a No Te Metas Pa
Lo Ondo Ke Tu No Sabes Nadar regaining the initiative

Maestro Xtremo grasps BLOODREDSANDMAN

and lifts him up, slamming him down to the ground performing a strong Body Slam!!

Maestro Xtremo grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair

Maestro Xtremo grabs one BLOODREDSANDMAN 's arms and spins, swinging him
into the ropes, then lunges himself as well

Maestro Xtremo runs to this opponent, who is running too

and jumps against him to execute a light Lou Thesz Press Pin!!

Referee starts counting...




Maestro Xtremo grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair

Maestro Xtremo grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Maestro Xtremo runs toward BLOODREDSANDMAN grasping his head

and lets himself fall down performing a strong Running DDT!!

Maestro Xtremo grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair

Maestro Xtremo and lunges himself on the ropes

Maestro Xtremo runs toward the opponent

BLOODREDSANDMAN dodges the a Running Arm Drag and takes the initiative

BLOODREDSANDMAN bounces against the ropes

performing a devastating Ainglinglinglin!!

Referee starts counting...



Maestro Xtremo gets up and resolutely fights back

Maestro Xtremo prepares to strike the adversary

and hits the adversary with a light Punch!!

Maestro Xtremo charges violently the leg

and hits him right between the eyes with a light Karate Kick!!

Maestro Xtremo jumps on BLOODREDSANDMAN's head,

then with great agility performs a somersault to project BLOODREDSANDMAN in a

light Hopping Sunset Flip!!

Referee starts counting...



BLOODREDSANDMAN gets up and resolutely fights back

BLOODREDSANDMAN is about to perform his taunt

BLOODREDSANDMAN executing The Spanish Bastard Taunt

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs Maestro Xtremo's hair

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs one Maestro Xtremo 's arms and spins, swinging him
into the ropes, then lunges himself as well

BLOODREDSANDMAN runs toward the opponent

Maestro Xtremo suddenly dodges the a Rolling Elbow Smash, taking the initiative
Maestro Xtremo bounces against the ropes and runs toward BLOODREDSANDMAN

and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!!

Maestro Xtremo is about to perform his taunt

BLOODREDSANDMAN capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

catching Maestro Xtremo off guard!

BLOODREDSANDMAN tucks Maestro Xtremo's head in his armpit

falling backward slamming Maestro Xtremo's head into the mat with a light DDT!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN slowly climbs the top turnbuckle

and jumps down dropping his buttocks on Maestro Xtremo's face with a violent Banzai

BLOODREDSANDMAN is about to perform his taunt

BLOODREDSANDMAN Me Komen El Cipote executing A Esta Yegua No Es Mi Vieja

Yegua Gris

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs Maestro Xtremo's hair

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the

BLOODREDSANDMAN se va a un lado del ring y ve una tia buena


cojes de debajo del ring un BOTAFUMEIRO subes y le gritas a tu oponente TE

EN TODA LA BOKA executing devastating Te Matare A Ti Y A Toda Tu

Maestro Xtremo pulls himself together and fights back

Maestro Xtremo gets ready to hit BLOODREDSANDMAN

and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a light European

Maestro Xtremo stands firmly on the mat

and hits with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a light Back Spinning
Wheel Kick!!
Maestro Xtremo grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN raising him up onto his shoulder so
BLOODREDSANDMANs head is down his back

then grabs his opponents head under his arm and drops him onto his head from an
incredible height with strong Air Raid Siren!!

Maestro Xtremo rolls near BLOODREDSANDMAN and leaps

hitting him with his back performing a violent Rolling Thunder!!

Maestro Xtremo pulls BLOODREDSANDMAN still groggy, by his hair

Maestro Xtremo raises BLOODREDSANDMAN on his shoulders

and twirls performing an violent Airplain Spin!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN interrupts his opponent attacks sequence

BLOODREDSANDMAN prepares his arm to strike the adversary

Maestro Xtremo moves to the side eluding a a Punch and taking back the initiative

Maestro Xtremo prepares his arm

performing a light Punch!!

Maestro Xtremo loads his arm chop style and

and tosses it towards the rival executing a light Forearm Smash hitting him with his

Maestro Xtremo jumps on BLOODREDSANDMAN's head,

then with great agility performs a somersault to project BLOODREDSANDMAN in a

light Hopping Sunset Flip!!

Referee starts counting...



BLOODREDSANDMAN gets up and resolutely fights back


Maestro Xtremo moves to the side and he avoids a a Mongolian Chop, taking back
the initiative

Maestro Xtremo gets next to BLOODREDSANDMAN bringing down an arm

and hits him with the forearm executing an light European Uppercut!!

Maestro Xtremo charges violently the leg

BLOODREDSANDMAN dodges the a Karate Kick and counterattacks

BLOODREDSANDMAN puts his opponent on his shoulders

and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a
violent No Te Metas Pa Lo Ondo Ke Tu No Sabes Nadar!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs Maestro Xtremo's hair

BLOODREDSANDMAN and lunges himself on the ropes

BLOODREDSANDMAN stops the running rival whirling him in front of himself

Maestro Xtremo with a thrust of the back dodges a a Tilt A Whirl Piledriver,
taking the initiative

Maestro Xtremo waits for the adversary

intercepting and grabbing him to perform a light Power Slam!!

Maestro Xtremo grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair

Maestro Xtremo and lunges himself on the ropes

Maestro Xtremo waits for the running adversary

grabs his arm and launches him to the ground connecting a strong Monkey Toss!!

Maestro Xtremo grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair

Maestro Xtremo and lunges himself on the ropes

Maestro Xtremo runs toward BLOODREDSANDMAN

and hooks his arm driving him down to the ground, performing a light Running Arm

Maestro Xtremo is about to perform his taunt

BLOODREDSANDMAN capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but Maestro Xtremo is faster and is not caught off guard!

Maestro Xtremo prepares his arm to strike the adversary

performing a light Punch!!

Maestro Xtremo loads the leg

lifting his own leg and hitting him with a light Middle Kick!!

Maestro Xtremo tucks BLOODREDSANDMAN's head in his armpit

forcing BLOODREDSANDMAN to dive onto his head with a light DDT!!

Maestro Xtremo pulls BLOODREDSANDMAN still groggy, by his hair

Maestro Xtremo takes and raises BLOODREDSANDMAN on his shoulders

BLOODREDSANDMAN gets down from the opponent's shoulders avoiding an a

Airplain Spin, taking the initiative

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs Maestro Xtremo's hair

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs one Maestro Xtremo 's arms and spins, swinging him
into the ropes, then lunges himself as well

BLOODREDSANDMAN bounces against the ropes and runs toward the opponent

Maestro Xtremo suddenly dodges the a Rolling Elbow Smash, taking the initiative

Maestro Xtremo is about to perform his taunt

Maestro Xtremo Maestro Xtremo Sign His Oponent And Hit His Chest Say To Him
Levantate Novato Aqui Esta Tu Padre executing A Aqui Esta Tu Padre

Maestro Xtremo grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair

Maestro Xtremo spotting his bent opponent, throws himself on the ropes and leaps on

and strikes him on the nape performing a strong Scissor Kick knocking him down face

Maestro Xtremo grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair

Maestro Xtremo uses the right hand to grab BLOODREDSANDMAN's head,

and then pulls his opponent forward, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat
performing a light Snapmare!!

Maestro Xtremo grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair

Maestro Xtremo jumps on his bent opponent with the help of the ropes

driving his heel right on the back of his neck, knocking him on the ground and
connecting with a strong Scissor Kick!!
Maestro Xtremo gets close to his grounded opponent

and hits him executing a strong Knee Stomp!!

Maestro Xtremo jumps against BLOODREDSANDMAN

and hit his legs with a light Low Dropkick!!

Maestro Xtremo grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair

Maestro Xtremo and lunges himself on the ropes

Maestro Xtremo waits for the running adversary

intercepting and grabbing him to the crash him on the ring with a strong Power Slam!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN interrupts his opponent attacks sequence

BLOODREDSANDMAN open his arms ready to hit the opponent

Maestro Xtremo moves to the side and he avoids a a Mongolian Chop, taking back
the initiative

Maestro Xtremo gets ready to hit BLOODREDSANDMAN

and hits him with the forearm executing an strong European Uppercut!!

Maestro Xtremo stands firmly on the mat

and hits with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a light Back Spinning
Wheel Kick!!

Maestro Xtremo jumps on BLOODREDSANDMAN's head,

then with great agility performs a somersault to project BLOODREDSANDMAN in a

light Hopping Sunset Flip!!

Referee starts counting...




Maestro Xtremo turns BLOODREDSANDMAN still groggy up pulling his hair

Maestro Xtremo takes BLOODREDSANDMAN lifting him on the shoulders

and twirling executes an strong Airplain Spin!!

UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that BLOODREDSANDMAN
has fallen out of the ring!!!!

Maestro Xtremo is about to perform his taunt

BLOODREDSANDMAN capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but Maestro Xtremo is faster and is not caught off guard!

Maestro Xtremo leaves the ring

Referee: "Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"

Maestro Xtremo tucks BLOODREDSANDMAN's head in his armpit and wraps his arm
around the head

then raises BLOODREDSANDMAN and falls backwards, arching his back and legs,
slamming BLOODREDSANDMAN down to the steel step shoulder and neck first,
performing a light Suplex on Step Ladder!!

Maestro Xtremo is about to perform his taunt

BLOODREDSANDMAN capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

catching Maestro Xtremo off guard!

Referee: "Twooooooooooooooooo!!!"

BLOODREDSANDMAN jumps from the apron ring dropping his foot onto Maestro
Xtremo's body

and hits him with a violent Diving Stomp from Apron Ring!!

Referee: "Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs his opponent tight

Maestro Xtremo escapes from the opponent's hold and starts to counter-attack!!!

Maestro Xtremo throws himself from the apron ring on BLOODREDSANDMAN

performing a strong Flying Headbutt from Apron!!!!!

Referee: "Foooooooooooooooour!!!"

Maestro Xtremo lifts the adversary on a shoulder

BLOODREDSANDMAN avoids a a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the

Referee: "Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"

BLOODREDSANDMAN lifts the adversary on a shoulder

to crash the adversary on it with a strong Powerslam on the Table!!!!

Referee: "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix!!!"

BLOODREDSANDMAN pushes his opponent in an unprotected ground zone

Maestro Xtremo dodges the a Vertical Suplex on the Ground and gains the

Maestro Xtremo jumps from the apron ring

performing a strong Flying Headbutt from Apron!!!!!

Maestro Xtremo is about to perform his taunt

Maestro Xtremo Maestro Xtremo Sign His Oponent And Hit His Chest Say To Him
Levantate Novato Aqui Esta Tu Padre executing A Aqui Esta Tu Padre

Christo y Natalia llegan al ring y Christo golpea con una silla a XMP!!..

Marco Perez: y ahora que pasara con ellos.. en Sed de Venganza!!

[se ve a el mexicano entrenando en backstage y se ve acercarse a angel arceo hacia

EL_Méxicano: a! eres tu, que te parecio mi ultima batalla? aun cres que soy un

Angel Arceo:Perdedor jeje, revisemos tu historia...

cuando comensaste en la lucha libre te coronaste de victorias y creaste una experiencia
que te ha hecho capaz de dominar llaves de submision toda clase, pero, ahora llevas un
increible record de el doble de derrotas que tus victorias, sin mencionar que desde que
llegaste a esta federacion no has logrado nada incluso eres considerado por muchos
como un jobber

El_Méxicano: calla! si tienes algun verdadero problemas conmigo, intenta...golpearme

Angel Arceo: golpearte? ja! yo no necesito vencerte de una forma tan primitiva. pero
olvidemos eso , estamos cerca de una época de fraternidad y amor, por cierto a ti como
te a hido en el amor?

El_Méxicano: mmss..., no me ha ido muy bien , cada relacion que he tenido la he

echado a perder por celos y ellas me han dejado por su falta de fe y lealtad, aun asi con
mi dolor las amo

Angel Arceo: hasta en eso eres un gran perdedor jajajjaja

(se ve a angel arceo alejarse riendose del mexicano, a el mexicano mirandolo con
rabia e impotencia)

suena SPOILIN FOR A FIGHT de AC/DC y sale SERGINHO, mientras terryhenry lo

esta esperando en el ring.



Marco Perez: aqui llega el heroe local.

loko95: veamos que intenciones tiene.

terryhenry: vaya vaya, si viene el heroe a salvar la ciudad.



terryhenry: ¿todo eso?, si apenas e abierto la boca jajaja.



SERGINHO saca un puño americano y se dispone a golpear pero terryhenry abil lo

esquiva. pero de repente se ve a stone cols, si a !!!STONE COLS!!! que agarra a terry
por la espalda y SERGINHO le encaja un directo a terry con el puño americano.

Marco Perez: cierto, el retirado stone cols era de zaragoza.

loko95: stone cols era aquel tipo que hacia todo el rato spears ¿no?

Marco Perez: sisi, ese ese.



loko95: esta decidido a patear a terry.

Marco Perez: ¿con quien debo ir yo?


SERGINHO: por cierto killer, tengo un regalito para ti estes donde estes. dentro video.
se ve a alguien tirado en el backstage, acercan la camara y se ve que tiene una brecha
sangrante del tamaño de un puño en la cabeza. acercan la camara y es...

loko95: no puede ser el es...

Marco Perez: !!!TURKO!!!

esta serginho con Marco

SERGINHO: Y KE KEDE KLAROOO!!!! KOMO BUELBA a oir una sola palabra

mas despreciando zaragoza TE MATO!!!! ESKE TE MATO!!! Y LUEGO TE


?((/$$·""@ A INSULTAO ESTA
a eso k sale corriendo acia el ring




NO HAN SIDO!!!!!!!



y a lo k no akaba la palabra serginho saca de la manga una silla y le pega en la cabeza a


SERGINHO7: sieskeeee ya m se la istoria esta demasiado bien, sales to feliz y de

repente TUKKU




se levnta BLOODREDSANDMAN y mientras se gira SERGINHO le pega una patad en

las partes


-Suena Wait and bleed de Slipknot y entra XMP.-
Loko: ahora esta otro metiche, haber que dice este loko, lo detesto en serio.

XMP: Primeramente: Tu Bloodred y toda la fanaticada de españa, no se que tantas

tonterias estan quejandose de ser ofendidos mientras que la gente de latinoamerica ah
soportado tanta opresion que nos esclavizaron, robaron nuestras riquezas y asesinaban
por no aceptar sus ideas religiosas, ustedes se ofenden por lo que dice terryhenry?
vamos si ustedes son europeos, no les vasto con quitarnos todo?

Marco Perez: Wow, que reflexion de XMP, en serio es un maestrazo, callo a toda la

XMP: Tu terry, en vez de hablar tonterias de tener un titulo, mejor preocupate por el
desconsuelo de tu hermanito que de seguro estara llorando como nena tras ver que ni
siquiera su propio hermano lo soporta, pero bueeeeno, como vas a soportarlo si comete
tanta estupidez como quitarme el poder de GM que tenia, pero para que culparte, digo
es algo genetico, lo lleva en la sangre y tu tambien


XMP: Estoy de acuerdo, CALLA BLOODRED, que nadie a ti te llamo, y en vez de

preocuparte por ver que le dicen a tu gente, mejor preocupate por la pelea que vas a
tener en este momento, por que......veran todos estos ojos, como cae un fuerza maña
Suena Toxicity de SOAD!!!!!!!!
Sale ChRiStO con micrófono en mano.... el público enloquece y sale fuegos artificales
de todas partes de la arena.....

ChRiStO> Esperen... esperen.... esperen.....

Público> Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

ChRiStO: Ante todo.... CÓMO ESTÁ MI GENTE DE ESPAÑA??????????

Público> Joderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....

ChRiStO: mmm... he dicho... CÓMO CARAJO ESTÁ MI GENTE DE



ChRiStO: Me alegro.... yo sé que no me invitaron a la recepción pre - lucha de hoy....

pero quiero aclararle a mi compañero de equipo XMP, algo que muchos pensaron y
nadie se atevió a decir... A quien carajo le importa lo q pasó hace
aaaaaaaaaaaañññññññoooooooosssssssssss......... por favor Maestro, si quieres contar
historias, dedícate a un programa cultural en un canal de televisión, y retírate de la
lucha... porque sinceramente... como se diría... ABURRES!!!!!!!!

Público: BIIIIIIIIIENNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ChRiStO: Así que compañero de lucha... haznos el favor a toda la comunidad luchística
y cállate.... y prepárate que quiero los campeonatos en parejas... los cuales voy a ganar...
con o sin ti..... ahhh.. otra cosa... lo único plástico que tiene Natalia es su cédula..............


ChRiStO: Así como tú tienes tu muñeca inflable!!!!!!!!!

(Suena Toxicity de SOAD y ChRiStO se va)

-XMP tambien se retira –

Terryhenry se levanta del piso como si nada hubiera pasado, frotandose la cara.

Terryhenry: eso es todo? un simple puñito... tenia razon, los hijos de españoles pelean
como marikitas...

El publico empieza a tirar cosas al ring, le cae una que otra botella a terry e
incluso a serginho7.

Terryhenry: ya nadie aguanta broma en este pais? que rara es esta gente.

Publico: BUUUU!!

Terryhenry: XMP, Christo entrometerse en donde nos les llaman les costara caro,
pronto... pronto todos veran lo que yo!! Terryhenry soy capaz!!! TODOS SE
ARRODILLARAN ANTE MI!!!... y mi hermano entrara en razon!!! LO SE!!!

El publico abuchea totalmente a terryhenry

e eso SERGINHO coje un microfono.


se largan (de una vez) los luchadores que no estan involucrados en la pelea.


SERGINHO: terryhenry, dices que no te a dolido, pefecto asi no tendras excusas en el

combate en el que te pienso destrozar. pero por el aspecto de la marca que te ha dejado
el puño se diria que te acordaras de mi una temporadita jajaja.


SERGINHO: bueno kubit y killer, salgan ya y demos el espectaculo que esta gente se
merece de una maldita vez.

loko95: eso, menos hablar y mas pelear.

Marco Perez: eso, a pelear
Loko95: ahora solo falta kubit y parece que todos los presentes ya eston impacientes

*Marco Perez intenta evadir de una botella arremesada del público

Marco Perez: aquí las cosas están empezando a calentar

* Luces se borran para el delirio de los aficionados e empieza a tocar el tema KILLING

Publico :

las luces se encienden y parece llevar Kubitschek usando Bermudas y camisa negros
com uno craneo con un manchada de rojo y con los pies descalzos caminar en el
comienzo de la rampa de entrada al ring va mirando todo el escenario para un segundo
antes de una fa pero despos segue su camino ate el ring sube en la parte superior de una
de las esquinas con Puno planteado cerrado

Publico : kubit , kubit , kubit !!!!

Marco Perez: finalmente tienemos algún tipo de acción

Fanatico: Kubit y Serginho campeones en pareja !!!!!!!!!!

loko95:parece que tenemos los aficionados más emocionados ahora

*kubit saluda Serginho con quien habla

Kubit:uoh esta lucha in pareja se convirtió en una royal rumble ????nunca había
visto tantos combatientes se habían reunido en un solo lugar

Kubit (ahora HABLANDO a los fans pelo microfono): deberias tener más cuidado
con lo que dices TerryHenry, aun con su ilusión de poder, ¿Qué es exactamente lo
que puedes hacer tu estas solo TerryHenry , ni genei ryodan ni Vicent ,
quieren ayudar a usted ahora

TerryHenry:Yo no los necesitan para derrotar te ...

Kubit :No Terry ? tu que mintió y engañó y robó y aun asi solo conseguiste tu
titulo con ayuda de Genei Ryodan Y Vicent
y usando su poder para chegar a la parte superior de la empresa,tu orgulho es
mayor que tu talento ,pero no puede engañar a todos siempre in Sed de Venganza
Seré sólo usted, yo y la verdad ,no puede impedir mi venganza, yo serei campeon ...

Killer Montxo :si se cierra, tu no tienes derecho de hablar asi con ....

Kubit:y para usted Killer ,hasta ahora yo no querido participar de su problema

con Serginho, por que ustes dos tienes cosas pendentes , pero Ahora tengo la
oportunidad lo prometo que voy a darle lo que mereces , usted ha sido la culpa del
final de Fuerza Manã KO , graças a usted ,Genei Ryodan era libre para actuar
como lo quiseras y todavia uniu se con este mal carácter terryhenry, ahora Killer
será tu y yo

*El referi comienza la pelea con killer Montxo Y kubit en ring

Octava Pelea
Terryhenry y Killer Montxo vs
Kubitschek y Serginho
"Elpadrino" TerryHenry and Killer Montxo walks in the ring between thunderous

The opponents make their way to the ring as well, kubitschek and SERGINHO7!

Killer Montxo and kubitschek enter the ring.

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry and SERGINHO7 are waiting in the respective corners

The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other

and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent

after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort kubitschek prevails

kubitschek jumps at his opponent

and kicks him twice performing a light Bicycle Kick!!

kubitschek grabs his opponent's head and puts it under his shoulder

taking him on his knees to connect a series of fistbuts, performing a light Head Lock &

kubitschek locks his opponent's legs with his own shaping a 4

and pins him with a Figure 4 Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Killer Montxo kicks out

kubitschek grabs Killer Montxo's hair

kubitschek grabs one Killer Montxo 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

kubitschek runs toward the opponent

and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!!

kubitschek grabs Killer Montxo's hair

kubitschek grabs one Killer Montxo 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

kubitschek stretches in flight with his feet held togheter

hitting him with a light Dropsault, spinning in the air before falling down to the

kubitschek grabs his opponent's leg

and performs an light Indian Death Lock!!

Killer Montxo escapes from the hold

Killer Montxo pulls himself together and fights back

Killer Montxo prepares to strike the adversary

performing a light Punch!!

Killer Montxo locks kubitschek's waist lifting him

runs to the opponent grabbing his neck executing a strong 3D!!

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry leans on the ropes to get the touch!

Killer Montxo climbs the top turnbuckle

and dives toward the opponent hitting him with his head, performing a light Diving

Killer Montxo turns his opponent on his belly bending his arms behind his back

then he twists them in an unnatural way performing a light Chicken Wing!!

Killer Montxo keeps his ruthless submission hold

Killer Montxo keeps his ruthless submission hold

Killer Montxo releases his grasp

Killer Montxo grabs kubitschek's hair

Killer Montxo turns and grabs the opponent's head putting it under his armpit

and makes him turn bringing him over his shoulder falling down, making him hit it with
his chin performing a light Rolling Cutter!!

Killer Montxo bounces on the ropes performing a clothesline to the knee lifting

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry bounces on the ropes executing a clothesline to

kubitschek's neck performing a violent Clothesline & clothesline on the knee

Killer Montxo grabs one of his opponent's legs

and applies a leverage by lifting it, stretching his opponent's joints and performing a
light Stretch Muffler!!

kubitschek escapes from the hold

kubitschek interrupts his opponent attacks sequence

The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other

and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent

after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Killer Montxo prevails

Killer Montxo lifts his running opponent by grabbing his arm

to throw him down with an powerful Earthquake Punch!!

Killer Montxo grabs his running opponent by the arm

to throw him down with an strong Uraken!!

Killer Montxo pulls kubitschek still groggy, by his hair

Killer Montxo makes a single sidestep

kubitschek ducks and eludes the a Super Kick, retaking the initative

kubitschek puts his opponent on his shoulders

and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a light
The Falling!!

kubitschek flanks his opponents, and wraps one arm across his chest

Killer Montxo breaks loose of his opponent's grip, neutralizing the a STO and
regaining the initiative!

Killer Montxo grabs the opponent's arm hooking it against his one

and with both the hands he twists his wrist performing an light Hammer Lock!!

kubitschek escapes from the hold

kubitschek quickly gets up and counterattacks!

kubitschek grabs Killer Montxo's hair

kubitschek raises his elbow preparing the hit

and connects with a light Elbow to Back of Head on the rival's head!!


kubitschek gives the touch to SERGINHO7 who enters the ring!

SERGINHO7 lifts the opponent on his shoulders

kubitschek climb the turnbuckle performing a flying clothesline on the opponent

executing a strong Doomsday device!!

SERGINHO7 grabs Killer Montxo's hair

SERGINHO7 grabs one Killer Montxo 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes,
then lunges himself as well

SERGINHO7 grasps his opponent by the neck

to make him fall face first with a light Full Nelson Bulldog!!!!

SERGINHO7 grabs Killer Montxo's hair

SERGINHO7 grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

SERGINHO7 takes a run-up on the ropes, runs towards his opponent

Killer Montxo gets down and avoids the a Clothesline to Back. gaining the

Killer Montxo prepares to hit the opponent hurling his leg

and hits the opponent with a strong Roundhouse Kick!!

Killer Montxo grabs the opponent raising him up onto his shoulder so the opponents
head is down his back

then grabs his opponents head under his arm and drops him onto his head from an
incredible height with strong Air Raid Siren!!

Killer Montxo jumps on his opponent on the ground

hitting him with his back, connecting with powerful Madness In Sparta!!

Killer Montxo gets over his laying opponent

grabbing the back of his head and hits him with his other hand executing a light
Clutching Punch!!

SERGINHO7 escapes from the hold

SERGINHO7 quickly gets up and counterattacks!

SERGINHO7 charges his right leg

to hit his opponent with a strong Kick to Back!!

SERGINHO7 grabs Killer Montxo's hair

SERGINHO7 raises his opponent on his shoulder

and makes him fall, striking his shoulder with his knee, executing a light Shoulder

SERGINHO7 jumps pointing the knee against opponent

and hits him right to the face with a light Knee Drop!!

Killer Montxo interrupts his opponent attacks sequence

Killer Montxo gets ready to hit the opponent

striking his forehead with his arm's side, performing an light Overhand Chop!!

Killer Montxo gives the touch to "Elpadrino" TerryHenry who enters the ring!

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry charges the leg

to strike his opponent's head with an light Overhead Kick!!

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry lifts the right hand

SERGINHO7 eludes the adversary's a Garra Del Mal Ahi Te Va , taking back the

SERGINHO7 blocks the opponent and hurls him holding his leg

to raise him and then to slam him on the ground with a violent TTD!!!!

SERGINHO7 grabs "Elpadrino" TerryHenry's neck

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry dodges the a Falling Neck Breaker easily, taking the

Killer Montxo leans on the ropes to get the touch!

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry pulls SERGINHO7 still groggy, by his hair

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry lifts the right hand

and grabs the adversary's jaw tightening it in a powerful Garra Del Mal Ahi Te

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry keeps his excruciating submission hold

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry keeps his agonizing submission hold

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry releases his grasp

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry grabs his opponent by the arm

then he takes it down to twist it by performing an light Ultimate Armbar!!

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry keeps his ruthless submission hold

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry keeps his ruthless submission hold

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry releases his grasp

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry grabs SERGINHO7's hair

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry moves around his opponent, and grabs his head
and starts gripping it violently, performing a devastating Dormilona De Poder!!

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry keeps his excruciating submission hold

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry keeps his excruciating submission hold

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry releases his grasp

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry grabs his opponent by the head

and by lifting him by 45° connects with an light Inverted DDT!!

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry grabs SERGINHO7's hair

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry grabs one SERGINHO7 's arms and spins, swinging him into
the ropes, then lunges himself as well

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry hooks SERGINHO7 from behind

and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



SERGINHO7 kicks out

SERGINHO7 pulls himself together and fights back

kubitschek leans on the ropes to get the touch!

SERGINHO7 prepares to strike the adversary

and hits the adversary with a light Punch!!

SERGINHO7 lifts the opponent on his shoulders

kubitschek climb the turnbuckle performing a flying clothesline on the opponent

executing a violent Doomsday device!!


SERGINHO7 gives the touch to kubitschek who enters the ring!

kubitschek climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry suddenly shifts dodging the a Double Axe Handle, taking
the initiative
"Elpadrino" TerryHenry lifts kubitschek on his shoulders and slams him

then run to the corner and fly with a DIVING HEADBUTT executing MORTAL
Damage Chaotic!!


"Elpadrino" TerryHenry tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...


kubitschek firmly pulls a shoulder up

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry turns kubitschek up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry grasps the opponent and slams him down to the ground

kubitschek easily dodges the opponent's a Rushing Armbar, taking the initiative

kubitschek uses the right hand to grab the opponent's head, pulling the opponent above
his shoulder performing a Snapmare

and then pulls his opponent forward, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat
performing a light Snapmare!!

kubitschek grabs "Elpadrino" TerryHenry's hair

kubitschek and lunges himself on the ropes

kubitschek grasps the opponent

and with the other arm hits him performing a light Real Deal!! !!

kubitschek lifts the opponent on his shoulders

SERGINHO7 climb the turnbuckle performing a flying clothesline on the

opponent executing a devastating Doomsday device!!

kubitschek hooks his opponet's leg with his own legs

and twists it by trapping it with his own to perform an light Indian Death Lock!!

kubitschek keeps his weak submission hold

kubitschek keeps his weak submission hold

kubitschek releases his grasp

kubitschek is about to perform his taunt

kubitschek Is With The Devil In Your Body executing A Rage


kubitschek gives the touch to SERGINHO7 who enters the ring!

SERGINHO7 and kubitschek lift "Elpadrino" TerryHenry by the neck

and slam him violently to the ground executing a devastating Double-chokeslam!!

SERGINHO7 grabs "Elpadrino" TerryHenry's hair

SERGINHO7 grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

SERGINHO7 runs toward the opponent grasping his head

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry gets free from the opponent's a Running DDT, taking
the initiative

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry throws the leg

striking his head with an light Overhead Kick!!

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry grasps the opponent and slams him down to the ground

SERGINHO7 easily dodges the opponent's a Rushing Armbar, taking the initiative

SERGINHO7 grabs "Elpadrino" TerryHenry's neck

snapping it to the side executing an light Abdominal Neck Wrench!!

SERGINHO7 keeps his weak submission hold


KILLER MONTXO enters the ring hitting SERGINHO7 and interrupting the
submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!!

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry takes advantage of the situation!


"Elpadrino" TerryHenry gives the touch to Killer Montxo who enters the ring!

Killer Montxo releases his grasp

Killer Montxo se coloca detras de SERGINHO7 que esta cegato despues de un

piquete de ojos que se ha llevado
SERGINHO7 somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

SERGINHO7 jumps on the turnbuckle

makes a jump towards the opponent hitting him with his arm performing a violent
Flying Clothesline!!

SERGINHO7 tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...


Killer Montxo firmly pulls a shoulder up

SERGINHO7 turns Killer Montxo up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction

SERGINHO7 gets on the top turnbuckle

waiting for the opponent to stand up and forward executing a light Diving Rolling
Elbow Smash!!

SERGINHO7 is about to perform his taunt

SERGINHO7 executing A Humillation

SERGINHO7 approaches his laying opponent

tightening it with a light Head Lock!!

SERGINHO7 keeps his weak submission hold

SERGINHO7 keeps his weak submission hold

SERGINHO7 releases his grasp

SERGINHO7 takes the opponent's arm

Killer Montxo avoids the a Arm Lock easily, taking the initiative

Killer Montxo jumps on his opponent on the ground

hitting him with his back, connecting with powerful Madness In Sparta!!

Killer Montxo sits on his opponent's back

and puts pressure on his elbow joint by grabbing his wrist, twisting and squeezing his
arm between his legs, performing a light Sitting Reverse Armbar!!

SERGINHO7 escapes from the hold

SERGINHO7 quickly gets up and counterattacks!

SERGINHO7 gets ready to hit the opponent

and smacks his opponent's forehead with an light Overhand Chop!!

SERGINHO7 holds his opponent's head

and then he strikes it with his knee many times, by performing a light Knees Lift!!

SERGINHO7 puts his opponent on the turnbuckle following him up

then he jumps down holding his arm to perform a light Jumping Armbar Takedown!!

SERGINHO7 keeps his weak submission hold

Killer Montxo escapes from the hold

SERGINHO7 grabs Killer Montxo's hair

SERGINHO7 grabs one Killer Montxo 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes,
then lunges himself as well

SERGINHO7 bounces on the ropes running towards his opponent

Killer Montxo crouches down and avoids the a Clothesline. gaining the initiative

Killer Montxo dives into the opponent with a powerful clothesline

knocking him down executing a strong 3 Point Stance Charge!!

Killer Montxo se coloca detras de SERGINHO7 que esta cegato despues de un

piquete de ojos que se ha llevado

SERGINHO7 somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

SERGINHO7 lifts his opponent on his shoulders

Killer Montxo climbs down his rival's shoulders dodging the a Simphony Of
Destruction regaining the initiative

Killer Montxo stalks his opponent as he is getting on his feet

and uses the sole of the foot to strike his opponent's chin, delivering a strong Super

Killer Montxo grabs SERGINHO7's hair

Killer Montxo grabs one SERGINHO7 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes,
then lunges himself as well
Killer Montxo charges his opponent

SERGINHO7 moves out of the way avoiding the a Shoulder Block, taking the

SERGINHO7 garbs his running opponent by the arm

to make his face fall on the mat with an light Uraken!!

SERGINHO7 puts Killer Montxo shoulder in a lever

and submits him performing a light Shoulder Lock!!

SERGINHO7 keeps his weak submission hold

Killer Montxo escapes from the hold

Killer Montxo quickly gets up and counterattacks!

Killer Montxo is about to perform his taunt

SERGINHO7 capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

taking Killer Montxo is caught out!

SERGINHO7 blocks the opponent's arm tight

and falls down with strong Falling Arm Breaker!!

SERGINHO7 is about to perform his taunt

Killer Montxo capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but SERGINHO7 is faster and is not caught off guard!

kubitschek leans on the ropes to get the touch!

SERGINHO7 charges the hand

Killer Montxo dodges an a Overhand Chop to gain the initiative

Killer Montxo stares his opponent's in his eyes

and knocks him down on the mat with a light Standing Clothesline out of nowhere!!

Killer Montxo grabs SERGINHO7's hair

Killer Montxo and lunges himself on the ropes

Killer Montxo grasps the opponent

SERGINHO7 bends and dodges the a Real Deal taking the initiative

SERGINHO7 flanks his opponents, and wraps one arm across his chest

and leaps onwards, sweeping him with his leg, slamming him back first on the mat,
connecting with a light STO!!

SERGINHO7 is about to perform his taunt

Killer Montxo capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but SERGINHO7 is faster and is not caught off guard!

SERGINHO7 opens wide his arms

and strikes the opponent's face with both hands performing a light Mongolian Chop!!

SERGINHO7 holds his opponent

Killer Montxo hits his opponent with a knee strike to evade the a Uppercut gaining
the initiative

Killer Montxo drives his opponent's head against his own

and slams his jaw on his head with a light Jaw Breaker!!

kubitschek leans on the ropes to get the touch!

Killer Montxo grabs SERGINHO7's hair

Killer Montxo grabs one SERGINHO7 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes,
then lunges himself as well

Killer Montxo corre de un lado para otro despistando a SERGINHO7, de repente,

el Killer grita "Sera posible, SERGINHO7 nos quiere ¡¡¡¡TiMaR!!!!"

SERGINHO7 somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

SERGINHO7 jumps on the turnbuckle

jumps towards the rival hitting him with his arm executing a strong Flying

SERGINHO7 tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...


Killer Montxo gets up and resolutely fights back

Killer Montxo climbs the top turnbuckle

and throws himself across the opponent in a violent Diving Crossbody, pinning him!!

Referee starts counting...



SERGINHO7 gets his shoulder up somehow

Killer Montxo gets up while his opponent is still on the ground

Killer Montxo climbs the turnbuckle and

makes a jump towards the opponent hitting him with his arm performing a violent
Flying Clothesline!!

Killer Montxo grabs SERGINHO7's hair

Killer Montxo grabs one SERGINHO7 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes,
then lunges himself as well

Killer Montxo grasps his opponent by the neck

and moving forward he make his rival fall to the ground performing a strong Full
Nelson Bulldog!!!

Killer Montxo gets on the top turnbuckle

and leaps toward the opponent, hitting him with his body in a pinfall attempt perfoming
a strong Diving Crossbody!!

Referee starts counting...



SERGINHO7 gets up and resolutely fights back

SERGINHO7 is about to perform his taunt

Killer Montxo capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but SERGINHO7 is faster and is not caught off guard!

SERGINHO7 stares at the opponent in front of him

and hits his face with an light Ear Slap showing no respect!!


SERGINHO7 gives the touch to kubitschek who enters the ring!

kubitschek bounces on the ropes performing a clothesline to the knee lifting Killer

SERGINHO7 bounces on the ropes executing a clothesline to Killer Montxo's neck

performing a devastating Clothesline & clothesline on the knee back!!

kubitschek locks his opponent's legs with his own shaping a 4

and pins him with a Figure 4 Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Killer Montxo gets up and resolutely fights back

Killer Montxo approaches the opponent

and grasps the opponent's head in a light Brain Squeezer, squeezing it!!

Killer Montxo keeps his weak submission hold


SERGINHO7 enters the ring hitting Killer Montxo and interrupting the submission
manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!!

kubitschek releases his grasp

kubitschek is about to perform his taunt

kubitschek Is With The Devil In Your Body executing A Rage

kubitschek grabs Killer Montxo's hair

kubitschek grabs one Killer Montxo 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

kubitschek jumps onto his opponent with his feet held togheter

and hits his face with a violent Dropsault!!

kubitschek is about to perform his taunt

kubitschek Is With The Devil In Your Body executing A Rage

kubitschek gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together

and leaps toward the opponent quickly lowering them, performing a violent Double
Axe Handle!!

kubitschek grabs Killer Montxo's hair

kubitschek grabs one Killer Montxo 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

kubitschek runs toward the opponent

and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!!

kubitschek grabs Killer Montxo's hair

kubitschek approaches the opponent and grasps him by his chest,

executing a light Tie Up Knee Strike!!

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry leans on the ropes to get the touch!

kubitschek lifts the opponent on his shoulders

Killer Montxo somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

Killer Montxo clutches his laying rival's head

and performs a light Head Lock!!

kubitschek escapes from the hold

kubitschek quickly gets up and counterattacks!

kubitschek tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...



Killer Montxo gets up and resolutely fights back

Killer Montxo holds his opponent's fist

and twists it by executing a light Fist Lock!!

Killer Montxo keeps his weak submission hold


SERGINHO7 enters the ring hitting Killer Montxo and interrupting the submission
manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!!

kubitschek takes advantage of the situation!

kubitschek releases his grasp

kubitschek lifts the opponent on his shoulders

and slams his column against his knee executing devastating Final Death!!

kubitschek tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...


Killer Montxo gets up and resolutely fights back

Killer Montxo takes his opponent's head and arms

to make his body weave unnaturally with a light Eastern Stretch!!

kubitschek escapes from the hold

Killer Montxo is about to perform his taunt

kubitschek capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but Killer Montxo is faster and is not caught off guard!

Killer Montxo locks kubitschek's waist lifting him

runs to the opponent grabbing his neck executing a devastating 3D!!


Killer Montxo grabs his opponent leg and then he sits on him,

he increases the pressure on the grasp by executing a light One Leg Boston Crab!!

kubitschek escapes from the hold

Killer Montxo is about to perform his taunt

kubitschek capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

taking Killer Montxo is caught out!

kubitschek lifts up his opponet so the opponent's back is resting on the wrestler's

Killer Montxo avoids a a Canadian Back Breaker, counterattacking

Killer Montxo applies a front facelock and tucks the opponent's head in his armpit and
wraps his arm around the head

and swings over the opponent and down to the ground, in a semi-circular motion, so that
both the wrestlers fall to the ground back-first, performing a light Swinging

Killer Montxo climbs the top turnbuckle

and throws himself across the opponent in a strong Diving Crossbody, pinning him!!

Referee starts counting...





SERGINHO7 enters the ring hitting Killer Montxo and interrupting the 3 count while
the referee is distracted!!

kubitschek takes advantage of the situation!


kubitschek gives the touch to SERGINHO7 who enters the ring!


"Elpadrino" TerryHenry touches Killer Montxo suddenly entering the ring!

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry approaches the opponent

and hits him to his throat with a light Throat Thrust!!

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry charges the leg

striking his head with an light Overhead Kick!!

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry grabs his opponent by the arm

SERGINHO7 easily evades the a Ultimate Armbar and counterattacks

SERGINHO7 is about to perform his taunt

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

taking SERGINHO7 is caught out!

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry prepares to hit the opponent hurling his leg

SERGINHO7 bends dodging the a Roundhouse Kick, starting the counterattack

SERGINHO7 grabs the opponent's neck

to twist it in an irregular way with a light Neck Wrench!!

SERGINHO7 keeps his weak submission hold

SERGINHO7 keeps his weak submission hold

SERGINHO7 releases his grasp

SERGINHO7 is about to perform his taunt

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

taking SERGINHO7 is caught out!

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry gets ready to hit his opponent with a kick

to strike his opponent's head with an light Overhead Kick!!

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry grasps the opponent and slams him down to the ground

SERGINHO7 easily dodges the opponent's a Rushing Armbar, taking the initiative

SERGINHO7 blocks in the air the opponent's leg

bringing him down to the ground performing a light Rolling Leg Lock!!

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry escapes from the hold

SERGINHO7 grabs "Elpadrino" TerryHenry's hair

SERGINHO7 grabs one "Elpadrino" TerryHenry 's arms and spins, swinging him into
the ropes, then lunges himself as well

SERGINHO7 charges the back of his elbow

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry dodges the a Back Elbow Smash and counterattacks

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry Charges his arm

and strikes his opponent's face with light Elbow Smash!!

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry grabs his opponet's arm

SERGINHO7 easily evades the a Ultimate Armbar and counterattacks

SERGINHO7 grabs "Elpadrino" TerryHenry's leg

and pulls up the leg while sitting down executing an light Argentine Leg Lock!!

SERGINHO7 keeps his weak submission hold

SERGINHO7 keeps his weak submission hold

SERGINHO7 releases his grasp

SERGINHO7 is about to perform his taunt

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but SERGINHO7 is faster and is not caught off guard!

SERGINHO7 stares at the opponent

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry avoids an a Ear Slap and takes the initiative

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry charges the leg

to hit his opponent's head with an light Overhead Kick!!

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry grabs his opponet's arm

SERGINHO7 easily evades the a Ultimate Armbar and counterattacks

Killer Montxo leans on the ropes to get the touch!

SERGINHO7 puts "Elpadrino" TerryHenry shoulder in a lever

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry breaks free from the a Shoulder Lock just in time,
regaining the initative

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry grabs SERGINHO7's ankle

twisting the foot executing an strong Ankle Lock!!

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry keeps his weak submission hold

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry keeps his weak submission hold

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry releases his grasp

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry climbs on the turnbuckle

and dashes towards his opponent to hit him to the throat with his leg, performing a
violent Guillotine Leg Drop!!

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...


SERGINHO7 firmly pulls a shoulder up

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry turns SERGINHO7 up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry gets next to the opponent bringing down an arm

and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm the opponent's jaw performing an
violent European Uppercut!!

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry gets ready to hit his opponent with a kick

to hit his opponent's head with an light Overhead Kick!!

SERGINHO7 interrupts his opponent attacks sequence

SERGINHO7 charges his arm

and hits his opponent with a light Hook Punch!!

SERGINHO7 prepares the leg

and hits him on the face with a strong Destruction Impact!!

SERGINHO7 grabs his opponent's head

and then he strikes it with his knee many times, by performing a light Knees Lift!!

SERGINHO7 jumps onto the second rope with the the opponent pressed against the

and hits him.. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 times!! performing a light 10 Punches at


SERGINHO7 puts his opponent on his shoulders

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry climbs down his rival's shoulders dodging the a
Simphony Of Destruction regaining the initiative

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry grasps the opponent and slams him down to the ground

SERGINHO7 easily dodges the opponent's a Rushing Armbar, taking the initiative

SERGINHO7 uses the right hand to grab the opponent's head,

and kneels down, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat, back first connecting
with a light Snapmare!!

SERGINHO7 is about to perform his taunt

SERGINHO7 executing A Humillation

SERGINHO7 dodges at the last moment avoiding a a Twisting Body Attack and
takes back the initiative

SERGINHO7 crosses in a figure 4 the opponent's legs who's laying prone on the mat

performing a strong Reverse Figure 4!!

SERGINHO7 keeps his weak submission hold

"Elpadrino" TerryHenry can't resist anymore and taps out!!


Marco Perez: sii ganaron Kubit y Serginho pero perdio Terry.. ahora estamos a un paso
del PPV… como ira esto…

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