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1. Plurais
-Terminadas em x, sh, s, ss e ch add es: class classes
2. Alguns verbos
Verbo to be
I am You are He She it is We You They are
Questions with verb to be: Are you? Is he? Are they?
Question words: What is? How are?
Sujeito + should + verbo principal: You should go. We
shouldn't go.
yes-no question: Should we go?
Question word: What should we do this weekend? Where
should we go?

Verbos causativos: Use os verbos causativos let,

make, have e get para mostrar que uma pessoa ou
coisa ajudou a fazer alguma coisa acontecer.
O verbo causativo let significa permitir que algum faa
algo. A forma let + pessoa + verbo: My friend let me
borrow his car.
O verbo causativo make significa forar algum a fazer
algo. A forma make + pessoa + verbo: My boss made
me work on the weekend.
O verbo causativo have significa dar a algum a
responsabilidade de fazer algo. A forma have + pessoa
+ verbo: That actress has her assistant wash her car
every day!
O verbo causal get significa persuadir algum a fazer
algo. Perceba que a forma diferente let, make e have.
Use get + pessoa + to + verbo: My best friend got me
to tell her the rumor.
Verbos de informao
found out, mentioned, discover, notice, tell, say

Modais de possibilidade - may, might e could

Eles so seguidos pela forma simples de um verbo. May e
might tm basicamente o mesmo significado, embora
may seja um pouco mais formal.
You may lose some weight from doing yoga. (pode) You
might sleep better if you get more exercise. (pode) He
could strengthen his heart with cardiovascular activity.
(poderia fortalecer o corao...)
Use not depois do modal para formar a negativa. May e
might normalmente no so contrados: She may not
have the strength to lift that much weight. Jogging might
not be the best exercise for you.
Couldn't tem um significado diferente de may not e
might not porque sinaliza a ausncia total de
possibilidade: He couldn't do the new yoga exercise. He
isn't flexible enough. Ele no consegue fazer....

Modais 'ought to' e 'had better' - Voc pode usar os

modais ought to e had better para dar conselhos. Had
better mais forte do que ought to; use-o para dar
conselhos srios.
He's very overweight. He ought to lose some weight. Ele
est com excesso de peso. Ele deveria perder um pouco

Have (irregular)
Has he, she, it Forma negative: n usa has

Propose e suggest
Os verbos propose e suggest introduzem a ideia de
possibilidade, assim como do importncia ao que a
pessoa tem a dizer. Note que os verbos depois de
propose e suggest esto sempre no infinitivo e que no
h acordo entre sujeito e verbo. Isso significa que voc
no adiciona -s ao verbo depois de he, she ou it: I
propose that he delay the project. I suggest she lay off
some staff.
Verbos estativos: Alguns verbos no descrevem aes
- eles descrevem estados, condies ou situaes. Eles
so chamados de stative verbs. Perceba que esses
verbos quase nunca so usados com -ing.
Os verbos de estado, como see, hear e know podem
descrever o que voc percebe ou entende: I hear birds
outside. Ouo pssaros l fora.
Os verbos de estado, como have e own podem descrever
o que voc possui: She has a new car.
Os verbos de estado como love e hate podem descrever
seus sentimentos sobre algo: I hate vegetables!
Lembre-se: os verbos de estado quase nunca so usados
na forma de -ing. Correto: I know John. Incorreto: I am
knowing John.

Can (Verbo modal)

Ele seguido pela forma bsica do verbo: I can swim.
She can skate.
Negativa: He can't surf. I cannot cook.
Peguntas: Can you ski? Can she play chess?
Modais de obrigao - Must e have to
Use os modais have to e must para expressar
obrigao. Observe que ambos so seguidos pela forma
bsica do verbo.
The doctor says I have to stop smoking. My health isn't
good. I must change my lifestyle. I need to get fit.
Have to pode ser substitudo por have got to: I've got
to exercise more. I'm gaining a lot of weight.
No h forma negativa de have got to; em vez disso, use
don't have to.
Mustn't e don't have to: Mustn't significa que uma
ideia muito ruim ou que no permitido. Don't have to
significa que voc no precisa fazer algo: The doctor told
her she mustn't eat so much fatty food (no deve). He's
so fit that he doesn't have to watch what he eats. (no
No h past tense de must; em vez disso, use had to:
Last year I had to go on a diet. I was overweight. Last
year eu tive que...
Have to e be allowed to
Use have to + verbo para dizer que algum obrigado
a fazer algo.
If you get a card, you also have to give a card. Se
comprar uma carta, voc tambm ter de descartar uma.
You have to destroy the aliens before they destroy you.

de peso.
Your health is very poor. You had better quit smoking. Sua
sade est ruim. melhor que voc pare de fumar.
A negativa de had better had better not. A forma
negativa de ought to ought not to, mas raramente ela
usada: You had better not start smoking. It's a terrible
habit. melhor voc no comear a fumar. um hbito
terrvel. She has terrible insomnia. She ought not to drink
coffee in the evening.
Usando o verbo wish: Use o verbo wish para lamentar
o fato de as coisas no serem diferentes. Para situaes
no presente, use o tempo presente do verbo wish +
verb past. Observe que, com o verbo wish, a nica
forma do verbo be no simple past were.
He wishes (that) he were more organized. Ele
gostaria... She wishes (that) she had a better technical
background. I wish I were taller. I'm too short for
basketball. Don't you wish you had more money?
Voc tambm pode usar wish + os modais de passado
could ou would + verb present para indicar
I wish (that) I could speak French. Eu gostaria de saber
falar francs. I wish (that) my son would study harder.
Para situaes no passado, use o tempo presente do
verbo wish + verb past perfect: Sally wishes (that)
she had studied something different in college. I wish
(that) I hadn't gotten married so young. He wishes
he had studied harder. She wishes she hadn't taken
the job last year. He wishes he had gone to Europe with
Ellie last summer. I wish that I had taken the chance to
travel when I was younger.
Oraes com 'propose' e 'suggest' - Use os verbos
propose e suggest para fazer sugestes. Note que os
verbos so seguidos por uma orao com that.
I propose that we delay the database project. Proponho
que adiemos o projeto do banco de dados.
I suggest that we hire a new project manager. Sugiro que
contratemos um novo gerente de projetos.
A palavra that pode ser omitida sem qualquer alterao
no significado.
I propose we delay the database project. I suggest we
hire a new project manager.
Os verbos propose e suggest introduzem a ideia de
possibilidade, assim como do importncia ao que a
pessoa tem a dizer. Note que os verbos depois de
propose e suggest esto sempre no infinitivo e que no
h acordo entre sujeito e verbo. Isso significa que voc
no adiciona -s ao verbo depois de he, she ou it: I
propose that he delay the project. Proponho que ele adie
o projeto. I suggest she lay off some staff. Eu sugiro que
ela demita alguns funcionrios.

Voc tem que destruir os aliengenas antes que eles

destruam voc.
Use be allowed to + verbo para dizer que algum pode
fazer algo.
The rules say he's allowed to roll again. As regras ditam
que ele pode jogar de novo.
Am I allowed to speak? Posso falar?

Verbos de vrias palavras

Alguns verbos consistem de duas ou trs palavras.
Alguns desses 'multiword verbs' podem ser separados
pelo objeto da frase, e outros no podem. Observe os
seguintes exemplos de verbos inseparveis com diversas
palavras. Perceba que todas as palavras do verbo devem
ficar juntas quando forem usadas em uma frase.
Let's look for some classic jeans. I can't keep up with the
Os seguintes verbos com diversas palavras so
separveis. Perceba como as palavras dos verbos podem
estar juntas ou serem separadas pelo objeto da frase. I
put on my tie.I put my tie on. I tried on 14 baseball caps.I
tried 14 baseball caps on.

'Worry' e 'concern' com 'that'

That: qdo a prxima parte da sentena for uma orao
independente (uma frase com um substantivo e um
verbo que pode se manter sozinha como uma sentena):
I'm worried that we'll fall behind the competition. I'm
concerned that we won't be able to compete. Are you
worried that we'll fail?
About: qdo a prxima parte da sentena for um
substantivo ou um gerndio (verb + ing). Note que,
nesses exemplos, concerned um adjetivo e concerns
um substativo: I'm worried about the competition. I'm
concerned about losing so much money. I have some
serious concerns about the deal. What are you
concerned about?
Outra expresso que voc pode usar para expressar
preocupao in danger of. In danger of sempre
seguido por um gerndio ou uma frase no gerndio:
We're in danger of falling behind the competition.
I can see why you're worried about that.

Verbos try, remember, stop

Linguagem de despedida - Os significados dos verbos try, remember e stop mudam dependendo da forma do verbo
que os segue.
'Try' Qdo o verbo try seguido por um infinitivo (to + verbo), como to buy, ele descreve uma tentativa de fazer algo: I
can't go to the mall. Maybe I'll try to buy something online. No posso ir ao shopping. Talvez eu tente comprar algo
Quando o verbo try seguido por um gerundio (verbo + -ing), como swimming**, ele significa fazer algo pela primeira
vez, ou fazer algo diferente.
I don't like biking. Maybe I'll try swimming on my vacation.
'Remember' Qdo o verbo remember seguido por um infinitivo, como to call, ele descreve lembra-se de cumprir
uma tarefa ou dever.
I always remember to call my mother on Sunday. Sempre me lembro de ligar para minha me aos domingos. Quando
o verbo remember seguido por um gerundio, como calling, ele descreve uma memria de algo feito no passado: I
remember calling the neighbors. Me lembrei de ligar para os vizinhos.

'Stop' Qdo o verbo stop seguido por um infinitivo, como to eat, ele descreve interromper uma ao para comear
outra. Nesse exemplo, a pessoa estava trabalhando, mas parou seu trabalho para comer: I stopped to eat when I got
hungry. Parei para comer quando fiquei com fome.
Quando o verbo stop seguido por um gerundio, como eating, ele descreve uma ao descontinuada: I stopped
eating when I felt sick. Parei de comer quando me senti mal.
3. Suffixes
Os finais de palavras, ou suffixes (sufixos), podem ajud-lo a identificar se uma palavra um verb (verbo), noun
(substantivo) ou adjective (adjetivo).
Verb suffixes: Os sufixos -ate, -ize e -ete podem indicar que uma palavra um verbo.
create (criar), criticize (criticar), compete (competir)
Noun suffixes: Os sufixos -ion, -ity e -ism podem indicar que a palavra um substantivo.
innovation (inovao), creativity (criatividade), criticism (crtica)
Adjective suffixes: Os sufixos -al e -ive podem indicar que a palavra um adjetivo.
critical (crtico), innovative (inovador)
4. Pronomes
Aps preposicoes como in, from, to for, with: usar pronomes obliquos: I have question for him
Pronomes oblquos (Subject
Pronomes: 'Object
Pronomes reflexivos
Use pronomes reflexivos para falar sobre aes em que o sujeito e o objeto sejam os mesmos. Pronomes reflexivos
so formados adicionando-se os sufixos -self ou -selves ao pronome: I cut myself making a bagel. He cut himself
in the kitchen. They bandaged themselves after the accident. How did you hurt yourself? I promised myself I'd quit
smoking. He bought himself a new suit
Tambm possvel usar pronomes reflexivos para adicionar nfase: I'm not going to help you. Do it yourself. The
boss asked to speak to me himself. It was then I knew I was in trouble. O chefe pediu para falar comigo mesmo. Foi a
que percebi que estava em apuros.
Voc pode usar pronomes reflexivos como objeto de uma preposio.
Candy's only 3 years old, but she can tie her shoelaces by herself. Candy tem somente 3 anos, mas consegue amarrar
seus cadaros sozinha.
I didn't buy it for you. I bought it for myself.No comprei isso para voc. Comprei para mim.
Pronomes impessoais
Voc pode usar os pronomes you e they para se referir a pessoas em geral: A: I'm going to Nigeria. I wonder if they
bow when they greet each other there. Ser que eles fazem uma referncia quando se cumprimentam? B: It says
here that you should bow to elderly people. Diz aqui que voc deve se curvar para as pessoas mais velhas.
One um pronome bastante formal que se refere a pessoas de forma geral: One should put one's hands together and
bow. What does one do when given a gift?
O que se faz quando ganhamos um presente?
Voc pode usar apenas people: People are very friendly there. In Germany, people never give knives as gifts. ...facas
de presente.
Pronomes demostrativos
This- These - Here: Perto
That Those - There: Longe
Quantificadores: There is, There are, A lot of, A few, Some, Most, Many, Not many
Pronomes possessivos
Os pronomes possessivos indicam propriedade e se dividem em mais de uma categoria em ingls: os possessive
adjectives, que so usados na frente de um substantivo, e os possessive pronouns, que no acompanham o
substantivo (ele fica subentendido).
It's my bedroom.
It's mine. ( meu.)
That's your
That's yours. ( seu.)
There's his
There's his. (L est o dele)
This is her house.
This is hers. (Este dela.)
Here is our
Here is ours. (Aqui est o

It's your apartment.

That's their yard

It's yours. ( seu.)

That's theirs. (L esto os

Possessive nouns so substantivos acompanhados de 's que indicam posse do substantivo que vem depois deles.
Ou seja, se usarmos 's junto com um nome, como John's, seguido de um substantivo, como house, temos John's house
e queremos dizer que a casa do John: This is my family's apartment. My wife's parents live in a beautiful house. Aki's
bedroom is large.
Para um possessive noun no plural, adicione o apstrofo (') depois do s que forma o plural: Her parents' living room
has big windows.
Para plural irregular, que no terminam com s, adicione 's: The children's bathroom is blue.
Para perguntar quem possui algo, use whose: A: Whose beautiful yard is that? De quem aquele lindo jardim? B: It's
ours. ( nosso)
Seja cuidadoso para no confundir um possessive noun com a forma contrada do verbo to be. Exemplo: My family's
apartment is large.
(The apartment of my family is large.) My family's large.
(My family is large.)
Pronomes indefinidos
Alguns pronomes no se referem a um substativo conhecido. Eles so os pronomes indefinidos. Eles incluem as trs
palavras a seguir.
Somewhere (em algum lugar); someone (algum); something (alguma coisa). John lives somewhere in Tokyo.
Someone stole a painting from the museum. The thief stole something from the woman's bag. A thief stole someone
from an art gallery. There was a murder somewhere in London yesterday. He lives somewhere in Asia. Maybe it's
Indonesia. Someone stole some money from my friend. I saw a thief steal something from the woman's bag.
5. Adjetivo possessive
Possessivos com apstrofe of
H algumas formas diferentes de indicar posse. Por exemplo:
"Possessive adjectives": Doctor Brennan is my doctor. Is she your doctor?
He called his doctor because he had a
fever. =
Possessivos: I'm a patient of Dr. Brennan's.
I'm Dr. Brennan's patient.
Possessivos com 'of': Voc tambm pode usar a palavra of para mostrar posse: He's a friend of my father. He's my
father's friend.
6. Adjetivos - substantivos - Verbos
Alguns substantivos de tempo podem ser transformados em adjetivos de tempo com a adio de y: rain rainy, snow
snowy, wind windy, cloud cloudy, There are a lot of clouds in the sky. It's a cloudy day.
Algumas vezes a consoante duplicada antes de adicionar y: sun sunny, fog foggy
Transformando verbos em substantivos
Alguns sufixos comuns que transformam verbos em substantivos so: -ion, -ing, -al, -ism, -ness, -ist e -ity.
discuss - discussion
discutir - discusso
suggest - suggestion sugerir - sugesto
hire - hiring
contratar - contratao
save - savings
economizar - economia
propose - proposal
propor - proposta
Alguns substantivos parecem muito diferente dos seus verbos. Por exemplo, o substantivo de think o mesmo do
passado do verbo:
think - thought
pensar - pensamento
Alguns substantivos, por outro lado, tm a mesma forma dos seus verbos.
delay - delay
atrasar - atraso
start - start
comear - comeo
lay off - layoff
adiar - adiamento
Nota do idioma: No h uma regra fixa para transformar verbos em substantivos, e nem todos os verbos podem ser
transformados em substantivos. Voc apenas precisa memorizar as formas diferentes.
Os advrbios de forma alteram o significado de um verbo. Eles costumam ser formados pelo acrscimo de -ly no final
de um adjetivo.
Slow > slowly --> The price is decreasing slowly. -- Quick > quickly --> The price is decreasing quickly.

Se o adjetivo termina com consoante + y, mude o y para i e acrescente -ly ao final.

Busy > busily --> The people in the office are working busily. Lazy > lazily --> He's walking lazily down the street.
Nem todos os adjetivos podem ser transformados em advrbios com -ly. Eis trs exemplos importantes: Good > well
--> He is doing well in school. Fast > fast --> Gas prices are going up fast. Hard > hard --> She studies really hard.
A adjetivos podem ser usados como advrbios acrescentando -ly: He managed the project cleverly. Fast, hard e
good so excees.
Use fast como adjetivo na frente de um substantivo: She's a fast learner.
Use fast como advrbio depois de um verbo. Ele no recebe o sufixo -ly: She learns fast.
Use hard como um adjetivo na frente de um substantivo: Bill is a hard worker.
Use hard como um advrbio aps um verbo. Ele no recebe o sufixo -ly: Bill works hard.
Use good como adjetivo antes de um substantivo: He's a good guy.
Use well, e no good, como um advrbio depois de um verbo: I work well with the team
Verbos - Adjetivos - Substantivos
She is going to marry Paul. She is getting married to Paul. He is dating Carol now. He dates a lot of girls. My sister
got pregnant six months after she got married. My parents divorced last year. They got divorced because of
money problems.
My brother is married. casado. My sister is pregnant. My parents are divorced. Jenny broke up with me. I'm single
Marriage isn't always easy. How was your date with Carol? Dating makes me nervous.
A normal pregnancy is
about nine months long. Divorce can be difficult for the kids.



Ordem dos adjetivos: Quando voc usa mais de um adjetivo numa descrio, uma regra geral pe coloc-los na
seguinte ordem: adjetivo de tamanho, depois adjetivo de idade, depois a cor: That is a fat, old, black dog.
Perceba a ordem tamanho-idade-cor dos adjetivos em ingls nestes exemplos: He has big, brown eyes. Her hair is
shorter and grayer than before. He's a thin, middle-aged man. That tall, young, blond man drives a truck. He's medium
height and blond (Ele tem altura mdia e loiro)
Quando voc usa mais de um adjetivo em uma descrio, uma regra geral coloc-los em ordem por opinio,
tamanho, idade e cor; sua origem, e depois o material: Look at this fabulous, long, old, navy blue, Chinese, silk jacket.
Veja essa fabulosa jaqueta azul-marinho antiga e longa, fabricada em seda na China.
navy blue
Perceba a ordem dos adjetivos nesses exemplos:
Heidi's carrying a stylish, beige, leather handbag.
Heidi est carregando uma carteira estilosa bege feita de
Your baseball cap is way too nasty, small and old.
Seu bon de beisebol est imundo, pequeno e velho.
How about your new, gray, Italian, wool suit?
Onde est seu novo terno italiano cinza feito em l?
I look for brands that use classic, Egyptian, cotton fabrics.
Procuro marcas que usam tecidos clssicos egpcios de
Adjetivos com infinitivos
Voc pode usar adjetivo + to + para explicar os sentimentos e estados de esprito. I'm happy to hear that you like
Korean food. I was surprised to get the promotion.
So good to see you! Amy's ready to eat dinner.
Substantivos, verbos e adjetivos
Verb (-ize)
describe, invent, produce, revolutionize
Noun (-ion)
description, invention, production, revolution
Adjective (-ary) (descriptive, inventive, productive, revolutionary
ive) -(ed)
Multi-Drive is a revolutionary new way to use your smartphone in your car.
Multi-Drive helps you be more productive on your way to work. You can prepare reports, make appointments and text
Todd Meacham created the Multi-Drive application. He's one of our most inventive developers.
Todd will now describe how Multi-Drive works. Todd?
Sorry, I'm not very organized. I can't find my notes. Uh, just a minute.





7. Comparando
Adjetivos de comparao
Para adjetivos com uma slaba, -er acrescentado para formar o comparativo: Slow > slower than --> The desktop
computer is slower than the laptop computer. Fast > faster than - My new computer is much faster than my old one.
Cheap > cheaper than The cellphone is cheaper than the smartphone.
Para adjetivos curtos terminados em e, acrescente r: Safe > safer than
Para adjetivos curtos terminados em vogal e consoante, dobre a consoante: Big > bigger than
Para adjetivos longos e curtos terminados em y, mude o y por i e acrescente -er.
Easy > easier than
pretty > prettier than
- This e-reader is easier to use than that one.
Para adjetivos com duas slabas ou mais, use more ou less + adjetivo + than. O adjetivo no muda: Expensive > more
expensive than / less expensive than --> The laptop computer is more expensive than the desktop. The desktop
computer is less expensive than the laptop.
Caso o ouvinte j saiba sobre o que voc est falando, a parte do than da frase pode ser ignorada: My old computer is
slow. I need something faster. (than my old computer). You can buy a desktop or a laptop computer. B: The laptop is
more expensive. (than the desktop computer)
Os adjetivos comparativos irregulares, entretanto, no usam a forma raiz.
Good > better than; bad > worse than; far > farther than; little > less than; much > more than
The tablet is better than the desktop. My new smartphone cost more than a computer.
Tambm h alguns adjetivos de duas slabas que podem seguir a regra para adjetivos longos e curtos: Quiet > quieter
than - quiet > more quiet than - Your street is quieter than my street. Your street is more quiet than my street.
Friendly > friendlier than
friendly - more friendly than - The woman is friendlier than the man. The woman is
more friendly than the man.
Adjetivos superlativos comuns
Quando usar um adjetivo para falar que alguma coisa tem uma certa qualidade a mais do que outra coisa, o adjetivo
se transforma em um superlativo. Para superlativos monosslabos, use o adjetivo + est. Whales are the biggest
animals. The fastest runner is the cheetah. Penguins live in the coldest places on earth.
Para formar o superlativo de um adjetivo bisslabo que termine em -y, troque o -y por -i e acrescente -est. Por
exemplo, o superlativo do adjetivo funny funniest: I think monkeys are the funniest animals.
Para a maioria dos adjetivos com duas slabas ou mais, use most ou least + adjetivo. O adjetivo no muda: intelligent
> most intelligent / least intelligent - Are monkeys the most intelligent animals? My least favorite animal is the snake. I
think the dolphin is the most beautiful sea animal.
Adjetivos irregulares good, bad)
Good e bad so dois adjetivos muito usados com formas de comparativo e superlativo irregulares: good - better
best / bad - worse - worst
The weather in Hawaii is good. The weather in Hawaii is better than in San Francisco. The weather in Hawaii is the
best in the United States. It was a bad vacation. It was a worse vacation than last year. It was the worst vacation ever.
Coral reefs are absolutely the best place to see fish. I think that an island is a pretty good place for a vacation. I like
the mountains good better than the beach. A glacier is a really bad place to be in the winter. The weather this year
was worse than last year. A desert is the worst place to be in the summer.
Comparativos repetidos
Use o comparativo + and + comparativo para dizer como algo est se modificando ao longo do tempo: Music
companies are offering cheaper and cheaper subscriptions. As empresas do ramo musical.. Live streaming is getting
better and better.

Use more and more, less and less ou fewer and fewer para dizer como algo est aumentando ou diminuindo ao
longo do tempo: More and more music is being downloaded illegally. I'm less and less interested in techno. Fewer
and fewer people are using CDs these days.
Comparao com as...as)
Use as + adjetivo + as para falar que suas coisas so iguais de alguma forma: My cat, Gatsby, is as intelligent as a
person. That dog isn't as loud as my parrot.
Voc tambm pode usar as + advrbio + as para dizer que duas coisas so iguais de alguma forma: Trudy sings as
well as Madonna. Your brother eats as quickly as my snake.
8. Adjetivos terminados em ED e ING
Algumas vezes, o final de um adjetivo determina como voc o utiliza. Nos seguintes exemplos, observe que os
adjetivos -ing descrevem uma coisa, como um programa de TV, enquanto os adjetivos -ed descrevem os sentimentos
de uma pessoa.
Coisas: Documentaries are boring. Let's watch something funny. This show is so confusing. Why did he murder the
baker? I love this action movie. It's really exciting. He thinks news channels are interesting. I don't. That was an
amazing movie! Let's watch it again.
Sentimentos: I'm bored. Can we watch something else? Now I'm really confused. Is that his sister or his mother?
Dan's excited to see the final episode of 'Live On.' The detective's interested in talking to the landlord. proprietrio.
That guy won $200,000 on 'Hazard Roll'? I'm absolutely amazed.
9. Gerundios
O gerndio composto por verb + ing e, aqui, atua como um substantivo: I like playing basketball
Eles podem atuar como sujeitos na frase: Swimming is her favorite activity. Cooking for my family is a lot of fun.
Playing soccer is good exercise.
Verbo terminado em vogal seguida por uma consoante, dobre a consoante e adicione ing: swiw- swimming, run running
Se o verbo terminar com -e, retire o -e e adicione ing: live living, give - giving
O verbo ski uma exceo. Na forma do gerndio, o i duplicado: ski skiing
How about e what about so seguidos por um substantivo ou um gerndio (verb + -ing): What about a game of
cards? How about watching a movie?
Why don't we seguido pela forma bsico do verbo: Why don't we go to the swimming pool? Why don't we go to a
Gerndios e infinitivos (so usados para falar sobre ideias complexas)
Os gerndios so formados com -ing. Os infinitivos so formados com -to + um verbo. Voc pode usar os infinitivos
e os gerndios depois de certos verbos.
Gerndio (verbo + -ing):Oscar enjoys cooking dinner for Frank.
Infinitivo (to + verbo): Frank plans to eat out.
Esses verbos s podem ter um infinitivo depois:
Plan: We're planning to go to the soccer game. We plan to go skiing tomorrow. Want: We want to see the play in the
park this week. She wants to buy a bread. Need: I need to get some money for the concert. Steve needs to go home.
Esses verbos s podem ter gerndio depois:
Enjoy: I enjoy listening to music. Mary enjoys playing soccer. Keep: Martin kept playing his guitar until midnight.
(Martin continuou tocando guitarra at meia noite). He kept playing the guitar.
Think about: We're thinking about going to a concert. Estamos pensando em ir a um show. We're thinking about
moving to Beijing.
Esses verbos podem ter um gerndio ou um infinitivo depois:
Like: I like going to musicals. I like to go to musicals.
Love: Joan loves eating in restaurants. Joan loves to eat in restaurants.
Begin: It began to snow.
It began snowing.
(Comeou a nevar)
Expresses com gerndio: Expresses que terminam com uma preposio costumam ser seguidas por um
gerndio - um verbo que termina com -ing. Aqui esto quatro expresses que so seguidas por gerndios. Voc pode
us-las para falar sobre o desenvolvimento pessoal ou profissional.
think about + gerndio: I've thought about doing some professional development. Think about taking
interested in + gerndio: Jan's interested in coaching other employees. Interested in going
plan on + gerndio: He plans on getting his MBA.
look forward to + gerndio: I look forward to taking a night course. Look forward to coaching
Descrevendo relacionamentos: Use expresses como as seguintes para descrever o que est acontecendo em um
relacionamento. Note que cada expresso seguida pelo gerundio (verb + -ing).
A expresso pode ser positiva: We spend time watching movies. I always have fun talking with him. She has fun
talking with Ethan. They spend time traveling. We spend time walking in the park.

A expresso pode ser negativa: We have a hard time getting together. She has trouble making money. They often
waste time fighting. We have trouble visiting his family. Jacob wastes time fighting with her.
10. Palavras com ing
Quando voc v ou ouve uma palavra terminada em -ing, h trs possibilidades: um adjetivo, um gerndio (um
substantivo terminado em -ing) ou um verbo em um tempo progressivo.
Adjetivos: My job is unchallenging. My work with the Peace Corps was very rewarding.
Gerndios: Working during the day and studying at night isn't easy.
Verbos: I am studying to become a teacher. He was working in a bank when he decided to change his career.
11. Profisses
A Maioria so verbos de atuao unidos s terminaes -er ou or: Bank > banker; design > designer; clean > cleaner;
act > actor; direct > director; Edit > editor
Terminados em -er, se o verbo j for terminado em e, basta acrescentar o r: Manage > manager; drive > driver; write
> writer
Terminam em -or, se o verbo terminar em e, tire o e e acrescente or: Supervise > supervisor; illustrate > illustrator
Se as ltimas duas letras do verbo forem: consoante + vogal + consoante, a ltima consoante deve ser dobrada.
program > programmer
12. Expresses importantes
'So' e 'such'
Use so + adjetivo ou so + advrbio para dar nfase a uma qualidade: Kyle is so disorganized; She works so quickly.
She's such a creative designer. Tom's so efficient
Use such + substantivo para enfatizar uma caracterstica: Debra is such a team player. She shows such
creativity. Oscar is such a hard worker. Emile shows shuch creativity. It's such a hardworking team.
Pedidos educados: Would like com substantivos e infinitivos
Para fazer um pedido educado: would like + infinitivo. Would contrado depois (I, he e they)
Mr. Samuels would like to check in on May 21st. He'd like to have a nonsmoking room. They'd like to check out on
January 3rd. I'd like to make a reservation, please.
Perguntas: Would + sujeito + like + substantivo/infinitivo : Would you like a double room? Would you like to
reserve the room now? Yes, I would. No, I wouldn't.
Would you care for anything else? Deseja mais alguma coisa. No, just the check, please.
Would you like to take that home with you? Yes, I would. Thanks!
I'd like the rest of my steak to go. No problem. I'll bring it back in just a minute.
I'm going to the pharmacy. He talked to the pharmacist.
She filled a prescription for her medication. I'd like to fill
a prescription. Gostaria de comprar os remdios receitados. I need to go to the pharmacy to fill a prescription. Are you
allergic to any medications? You forgot to take your medicine. I'm here to pick up my medication. I have to take three
pills a day. My medicine comes in tablets. She takes four capsules a day. Does my insurance cover this medication?
Are you currently taking any other medications? Voc est tomando alguma outra medicao atualmente. Take one
teaspoon, after meals (colher de ch). The side effect of this medicine is that it may cause drowsiness (tontura). Side
effects may include loss of appetite. Suitable for: adults and children over 12 years old
Acidentes e ferimentos
I fell down and bruised my shoulder. I have a bruise on my arm. machuquei - machucado
I sprained my ankle while I was playing soccer. Torci meu tornozelo. I have a sprained wrist.pulso torcido
I was walking on an icy road when I slipped and broke my leg.
I have a broken leg. Estava andando em uma
rua escorregadia quando escorreguei e quebrei minha perna. Estou com a perna quebrada
I fell off a wall and broke my leg. Eu ca de um muro e quebrei minha perna.
Como falar que vc n entendeu
Para indicar que voc no ouviu ou entendeu o que algum disse, use expresses como essas: I'm sorry, but could you
repeat that? Could you say that again, please? Sorry - what was that?
Para indicar que voc no entendeu o que algum disse, use expresses como essas: What do you mean? I'm not sure
I understand.
Pedindo pra repetir
I'm sorry could you repeat that?
Desculpe - voc poderia repetir isso?
I'm sorry, but I didn't catch that.
Desculpe, mas eu no entendi isso.
Would you mind repeating that? voc se importaria em repetir isso?

purchase (compra), market share (participao no mercado), revenue (receita), region (regio), strength (fora), sales,
overall (total), profits (lucro), delay (atraso), projects, database (banco de dados), huge, developers (desenvolvedor),
project manager, release (lanamento), software, customers (clientes), hiring freeze (congelamento de contratao),
staff (pessoal), lay anyone off (demitir algum), proposing (propondo), savings (economias), save (economizar),
suggest (sugerir), hiring (contratando)
Sales in Europe have decreased slightly. As a result, revenue there fell by 8%. As vendas na Europa caram
ligeiramente. Por conta disso, a receita de l caiu em 8%.
Our costs have risen. Consequently, our profits are going to decrease slightly. Nossos custos aumentaram.
Consequentemente, nossos lucros vo diminuir ligeiramente.
Expenses are up due to rising prices. As despesas esto altas, devido ao aumento dos preos.
Falando sobre aumento e redues
Use o present perfect para falar sobre mudanas que ocorreram durante um perodo de tempo at o presente. Use a
preposio to para expressar um resultado. Use a preposio by para expressar uma quantia.
Our market share has increased to 23 percent. Nossa participao no mercado aumentou em 23%.
Profits have decreased by 15 percent. Os lucros caram em 15%
Se no houve nenhuma mudana, voc pode usar o adjetivo flat.
Sales have been flat. As vendas esto inativas.
Use o past simple para falar sobre resultados ou quantidades de um perodo de tempo anterior.
Revenue fell by 8% last year. A receita caiu em 8% no ano passado.
Our market share rose to 35% last quarter.
Nossa participao no mercado aumentou em 35% no ltimo trimestre.
Use advrbios como nearly, slightly e significantly para dar informaes menos precisas.
Prices rose by nearly 20%. Os preos subiram em mais ou menos 20%.
Sales have decreased slightly. As vendas diminuram ligeiramente.
Revenue has increased significantly. A receita aumentou significativamente.
Opnio: In my opinion... It's his feeling that we need... I don't believe that we should... He thinks a hiring freeze is....
It's my feeling that a hiring freeze...
Expressando preocupaes
Worry: seguido por about + substantivo, ou por uma orao com that.
I worry about work when I get home at night. I worry that we will not finish the project on time.
Voc tambm pode usar os adjetivos worried e concerned para expressar ansiedade. Esses adjetivos tambm so
seguidos por about + substantivo, ou por uma orao com that.
I'm concerned about moving all the equipment.He's worried that the staff will react badly.
Outra forma de expressar ansiedade have + concern. Essa expresso tambm seguida por about + substantivo,
ou por uma orao com that.
He has some concerns about the staff. We have some concerns that the move will be difficult.
Afirmaes com palavras interrogativas + be
Voc pode incluir palavras interrogativas em afirmaes. Perceba a posio da palavra interrogativa what e do verbo
be no exemplo a seguir.
I've been thinking about what the best course for me is. Bette knows who the instructor is. I wonder what the
schedule is. I don't know where the school is. I wondered how good the instructors were. Queria saber se os
instrutores eram realmente bons.
Palavras interrogativas com ever
Acrescente -ever a palavras interrogativas para falar sobre uma possibilidade infinita de tempo, lugares ou coisas: You
can study whenever you want. I take my notebook wherever I go. I'm looking forward to whatever the instructor
teaches. Whoever took this picture is really creative. It's a flexible course. You can study however you want.
Voc pode usar as seguintes expresses para falar sobre o que usual. Se a expresso refere-se a um substantivo,
use a preposio for; se a expresso refere-se a um verbo, use to: It's common for older people to go back to
school. It's pretty normal to start college at 18.
Vocabulrio para conversar sobre o futuro
Use expresses como estas para falar sobre seu futuro financeiro: Gloria and I are consulting a financial planner. I'd
like to build our investments. ..ampliar.. We should set up a college fund for the children. ...estabelecer um fundo
Use expresses como estas para falar sobre locais onde gostaria de morar: My primary residence will be in Perth. But
I'd like to buy a vacation home near the beach. Jill and I want to retire in the country.
Compreendendo avisos
There's a tornado watch. We need to be ready, just in case. Fizeram um alerta de tornado. Vamos nos preparar, s
para garantir.

There's a tornado warning. Take cover in the basement! Hurry! Fizeram um aviso de tornado. Abrigue-se no poro!
The storm system was upgraded to a cyclone at 5 o'clock this morning. A previso meteorolgica foi elevada para
ciclone s 5h da manh.
This just in: The hurricane warning has been downgraded to a hurricane watch. Acabaram de avisar: o aviso de
furaco foi rebaixado para um alerta de furaco.
I was so afraid! I thought I was going to die. The watch has been upgraded to a warning. Thank goodness the warning
has been downgraded.
Hurry! Takecover under this mattress! Thank goodness! The warning has been downgraded to a watch . All residents
near the beach are advised to evacuate. The most important thing is not to panic. Don't panic. Try to remain calm.
Verbos de desatre: The fire spread quickly through the forest. The emergency services did everything they
could. Os servios de emergncia fizeram todo o possvel. Firefighters eventually managed to control the fire. Many
people donated money to help the survivors. Over 100 people were killed in the fire. Mais de 100 pessoas foram
mortas no incndio. Many people have been hospitalized. Thousands of buildings were destroyed. People have
been evacuated from their homes.
Pedir ajuda. Observe que be able to indica capacidade: Would you be able to come? Would you be willing to help?
How would you feel about volunteering? Pedir ajuda com will mais direto do que perguntar com would: Will you be
able to come? I'd be happy to help. I'll ask some of my friends. I'd love to help those poor people.
Perguntas integradas
Em uma pergunta comum com 'wh', o verbo vem antes do sujeito: Where is the law school?
Uma pergunta indireta est contida no interior de um enunciado ou de uma pergunta, portanto, o sujeito vem antes
do verbo. Perguntas indiretas depois de think e know so comuns em dilogos: Do you know where the law school
is? I don't know where the law school is.
Compare essas perguntas indiretas com as perguntas comuns usando 'wh'.
What should I do?
I've been thinking about what I should do. Estive pensando no que eu deveria fazer.
Where are the application forms? Onde esto os formulrios de inscrio?
Do you know where the application forms are? Voc sabe onde esto os formulrios de inscrio?
will para oferecer ou se voluntariar
Use will + verbo para oferecer ou se voluntariar para fazer algo no futuro prximo ou mais distante: Let's go to
Istanbul. I'll make the plane reservations right now. Vamos para Istambul. Vou fazer as reservas de vo agora mesmo.
I'll drive you to the airport next week, if you want. Te levo at o aeroporto na semana que vem, se voc quiser.
Use will + sujeito + verbo para fazer pedidos informais: A: When I go on vacation, will you take care of my dog?
Quando sair de frias, voc vai tomar conta do meu cachorro? B: Sure, I'll take care of little Sammie. Claro, vou tomar
conta da pequena Sammie.
Voc pode usar will not para recusar um pedido, mas tenha cuidado: Ele pode ser considerado direto demais e pode
ofender as pessoas: A: Will you get my luggage? B: No, I won't.
Fast, hard and good - Fast, hard e good como adjetivos e advrbios
Muitos adjetivos podem ser usados como advrbios acrescentando ly: He's clever. He managed the project
cleverly.Ele administrou o projeto com esperteza.
Fast, hard e good so excees. Use fast como adjetivo na frente de um substantivo: She's a fast learner. Ela aprende
Use fast como advrbio depois de um verbo. Note que ele no recebe o sufixo ly: She learns fast. Ela aprende rpido.
Use hard como um adjetivo na frente de um substantivo: Bill is a hard worker. Bill esforado.
Use hard como um advrbio aps um verbo. Note que ele tambm no recebe o sufixo ly: Bill works hard. Bill
trabalha duro.
Use good como adjetivo antes de um substantivo: He's a good guy.
Ele um bom rapaz.
Use well, e no good, como um advrbio depois de um verbo: I work well with the team. Trabalho bem com a equipe.
Nota de linguagem: A palavra guy pode ser usada em situaes informais para se referir a um homem. Tambm pode
ser usada informalmente para se referir a um grupo de pessoas, homens ou mulheres.
Durao c/ for and since
Use for para falar sobre um perodo de tempo: Dave met with us for an hour. Dave nos encontrou por uma hora.
Laura will work in Munich for three years. Laura vai trabalhar em Munique por trs anos.
Use since para falar sobre um perodo de tempo quando quiser se concentrar no ponto inicial desse perodo: Lindsey
and Carol have worked here since Wednesday. Lindsey e Carol trabalham aqui desde quarta. He's been our customer
since last year. Ele nosso cliente desde o ano passado.
Nota: Since costuma ser usado com o present perfect.
For and since
Use for com o present perfect continuous para falar sobre um perodo de tempo que comeou no passado e continua
at o presente.
I've been feeling bad for a few days.
Estou me sentindo mal h alguns dias.

I've been waiting for the nurse for 20 minutes. Estou esperando a enfermeira h 20 minutos.
Use since com present perfect continuous para focar no momento em que algo comeou.
I've been feeling nauseous since Tuesday.
Estou sentindo nuseas desde tera.
I've been having trouble sleeping since last Friday.
Tenho tido problemas para dormir desde sexta-feira passada.
I've been waiting for the nurse since I arrived. Estou esperando a enfermeira desde que cheguei.
Note que, com since, voc pode mudar a ordem das oraes. Acrescente uma vrgula depois da orao com since caso
ela venha primeiro na frase.
Since I got home, I've been feeling terrible.
Desde que cheguei em casa, tenho me sentido terrvel.
I've been feeling terrible since I got home.
Tenho me sentido terrvel desde que cheguei em casa.
Nota: As oraes com for geralmente no so mudadas dessa forma.
Relative clauses com 'who'
Use oraes relativas para combinar suas frases. Elas deixam sua fala e escrita mais fluentes e ajudam voc a evitar
as repeties. O pronome relativo who usado para pessoas; We have a lot of engineers. The engineers work late.
We have a lot of engineers who work late.
No exemplo, a orao principal - We have a lot of engineers - uma frase completa. A orao relativa - who work
late - no uma frase completa e no pode ficar sozinha.
Relative clauses com 'what'
Use as oraes relativas para combinar duas frases. Use o pronome relativo that para coisas.
I work for a company. The company has lots of problems. I work for a company that has lots of problems.
Nesse exemplo, a orao principal - I work for a company - uma frase completa. A orao relativa - that has lots of
problems - no uma frase completa e no pode ficar sozinha.
Lembre-se, usar oraes relativas deixa sua fala e escrita mais fluentes e ajuda voc a evitar repeties.
Urgncia: It's crucial. It's urgent. It's essential. It's vital. It's critical. It's imperative. It's absolutely critical.
Essas expresses razoavelmente formais so geralmente seguidas pela forma bsica do verbo. Note nos exemplos
que no h acordo entre sujeito-verbo: Os verbos atender e reportar no terminam em s. Depois de certos verbos
fortes ou emocionais como esses, o segundo verbo est em uma forma especial, chamada subjuntivo.
It's essential that he attend the meeting. essencial que ele comparea reunio.
It's vital she report to us immediately. vital que ela nos informe imediatamente.
Expresses e expresses idiomticas relativas a negcios: walk out the door = leave; 24/7 = all the time (24 hours a
day, seven days a week); run behind schedule = go slower than planned; miss the deadline = not meet the schedule;
move forward = continue; back on track = on schedule again; wrap up = finish; keep me informed = tell me what's
happening; fast-track = achieve as quickly as possible; work around the clock = work nonstop
Compras: slide your card, signature, receipt, cashier, check, handwash, handmade, made by hand, sewn by hand,
sales tax, return policy, refund. You can bring the item back within 30 days.
Causas e efeitos - I'm more productive because I have a smartphone. Use because of antes de uma frase nominal:
I'm more productive because of my smartphone. Use cause como verbo ou the cause of como uma frase nominal:
Texting while driving caused the accident. The cause of the accident was texting while driving. Make: My new tablet
computer has made me more productive. Use effect e impact ou affect. Cuidado para no confundir o substantivo
effect e o verbo affect: Video games have a big impact on students' performance in school. Video games have a big
effect on students' performance in school. Video games affect students' performance in school.
Especulando: I haven't met him yet. On the one hand, he may be attractive and interesting. On the other hand, he
might be weird and unattractive. He may be attractive. He might be weird. He could be old-fashioned.
Collocations: What do you think of my new car? That color looks good on you. He's late and holding everyone up. My
little brother is always getting in the way. He was so big, I couldn't get around him. Can I top up your drink? There
was an accident, and I couldn't get around it. I like Bill, but he's always getting in the way. Hurry up! You're holding
everyone up.
13. Quantificadores
'Some' e 'any'
Use some em frases positivas: We have some fresh oysters today. Temos ostras frescas hoje. I'll have some water.
Vou querer gua.
Voc tambm pode usar some para fazer pedidos e ofertas: Can I have some water, please? Would you like some
Use any em perguntas quando no tiver certeza se algo est disponvel: Do you have any fresh oysters this evening?
Voc tem ostras frescas essa noite? Do you have any lemon sorbet?
Voc tem algum sorvete de limo?
Use any com declaraes negativas para dizer que no tem alguma coisa: No, we don't have any salad this evening.
No, no temos nenhuma salada essa noite. I'm sorry. We don't have any shrimp cocktail today. No temos coquetel
de camares hoje.

- Quantificadores para fazer pedido em restaurante

Lembre-se que a maioria dos sobrenomes, como apple e steak, so contveis. Esses substantivos contveis possuem
forma no plural, geralmente com s: one apple, two apples
Alguns substantivos, como soup e milk, no podem ser contados. Para cont-los, voc deve acrescentar uma
expresso como a cup of ou two liters of: a cup of soup, two cups of soup
A maioria dos quantificadores s pode ser usado com um substantivo contvel ou incontvel. A lot of uma exceo.
Voc pode usar a lot of com substantivos contveis e incontveis para falar sobre uma grande quantidade de algo:
The garden salad has a lot of tomatoes.
A salada verde tem muitos tomates. Is there a lot of bacon in the
soup? Tem muito bacon na sopa?
Quantificadores com substantivos contveis
Use a few com substantivos contveis para falar sobre um nmero pequeno de coisas: I can only eat a few oysters. S
posso comer algumas ostras.
Use many com substantivos contveis no plural para falar sobre nmeros grandes, ou com a forma negativa, para
falar sobre nmeros pequenos.
They have many different kinds of ice cream. Eles tm muitos tipos diferentes de sorvete. There aren't many
strawberries in this fruit salad. No tem muito morango nessa salada de frutas.
Use how many para perguntar sobre a quantidade de um substantivo contvel: How many sausages would you like?
De quantas salsichas voc gostaria?
Quantificadores com substantivos incontveis
Use a little com substantivos incontveis para falar sobre uma quantidade pequena de algo: The soup has a little sour
cream on top. A sopa tem um pouco de creme por cima. Would you like a little milk with your coffee? Voc gostaria de
um pouco de leite com o seu caf?
Use much com substantivos incontveis em declaraes negativas para falar sobre quantidades pequenas: I don't
want much milk. Just a little, please. No quero muito leite. S um pouco, por favor.
Use how much para perguntar sobre a quantidade de um substantivo incontvel: How much bread would you like?
De quanto po voc gostaria?
Is there a lot of cheese in the salad? (a lot of pode ser com contvel ou incontvel)
The bread comes with a little butter on the side. (a little incontvel)
How much soup would you like? (much incontvel)
There aren't many shrimps in this shrimp cocktail. (many contvel)
Would you like a few of my strawberries? (a few contvel)
Excuse me, could we have a little more bread? (a little incontvel)
Expresses com 'one of the' e 'some of the'
Use one of the + superlativo + substantivo plural para dizer que algo faz parte de um grupo no vencido: 'The
Birds' has one of the most exciting plots I've ever seen.
Use some of the + superlativo + substantivo plural para dizer duas ou mais coisas que so parte de um grupo
no vencido: 'Avatar' has some of the best special effects ever.
Of all time e ever: para dar nfase: Amelie is one of the greatest characters of all time. 'The Terminator' is one of the
coolest movies ever.
Expresses com 'one of the' e 'some of the'
Use one of the + superlativo + substantivo plural para dizer que algo faz parte de um grupo no vencido: 'The
Birds' has one of the most exciting plots I've ever seen.
Use some of the + superlativo + substantivo plural para dizer duas ou mais coisas que so parte de um grupo
no vencido: 'Avatar' has some of the best special effects ever.
Of all time e ever: para dar nfase: Amelie is one of the greatest characters of all time. 'The Terminator' is one of the
coolest movies ever.
Substantivos contveis e incontveis
Para contar substantivos incontaveis, voc deve acrescentar uma expresso como a cup of ou two liters of. a cup of
soup, two cups of soup
Voc pode usar a lot of com substantivos contveis e incontveis para falar sobre uma grande quantidade de algo. Is
there a lot of bacon in the soup?
Use a few com substantivos contveis para falar sobre um nmero pequeno de coisas. I can only eat a few oysters.
Use many com substantivos contveis no plural para falar sobre nmeros grandes, ou com a forma negativa, para
falar sobre nmeros pequenos. They have many different kinds of ice cream. There aren't many strawberries in this
fruit salad.
Use how many para perguntar sobre a quantidade de um substantivo contvel. How many sausages would you like?
Use a little com substantivos incontveis para falar sobre uma quantidade pequena de algo: The soup has a little
sour cream on top. Would you like a little milk with your coffee?
Use much com substantivos incontveis em declaraes negativas para falar sobre quantidades pequenas: I don't
want much milk. Just a little, please.
Use how much para perguntar sobre a quantidade de um substantivo incontvel.
How much bread would you like?

Quantificadores both, either e neither

Use both + substantivo plural para identificar duas coisas juntas: Both games sound like fun. I'm good at playing
both games.
Use either + substantivo singular para dizer 'one or the other.' Note que h duas formas de pronunciar isso: I'm free
Saturday and Sunday. We can play either day. I've played these games before, and I don't like either game. (e no
gosto de nenhum)
Neither negativo de either. Use neither para dizer 'not one or the other.' Note que h duas formar de pronunci-lo.
Neither day is good for me. A: Which game do you want to play? B. Neither.
Quantificadores more, less e fewer
Use more com um substantivo para falar sobre o aumento na quantidade ou intensidade de algo: In the future, more
people will work from home.
We'll do more business with Africa.
Use fewer com plural e substantivos contveis para falar de uma queda no nmero de alguma coisa: People will work
fewer hours. In the future, fewer people will travel on business.
Use less com um substantivo incontvel para falar de uma queda na quantidade de alguma coisa: Soon, we'll use less
gasoline. We have less work this year.
Use a bottle of ou a liter of para identificar alguns lquidos: A: I'd like a T-bone steak and a bottle of sparkling mineral
water.B: Certainly. A T-bone, and would you like a liter of sparkling mineral water or just a small bottle?
Use a package of para identificar as quantidades de alguns slidos: We didn't have dessert at the restaurant, so after
dinner we bought a package of cookies.
Use a carton of para identificar as quantidades de certos lquidos e slidos: You're still thirsty? I think you've had a
carton of milk already. They brought out four huge cartons of ice cream and let us choose what we wanted.
Use a loaf of para informar uma quantidade de po assada em uma nica pea: She served a loaf of bread hot from
the oven.
Outra expresso de contagem til a dozen. Significa 12 unidades de algo: The chef puts a dozen fresh, local eggs in
each quiche. We'd like a dozen oysters, please.
A dozen oysters, a liter of sparkling mineral water, a carton of ice cream, a package of cookies, a loaf of bread
Quantificadores com of
Use of aps quantificadores. Observe que of normalmente seguido por um pronome, determinante, possessivo ou
the: Some of my family lives in Hewittville. Have you seen any of those warm blankets? The fire burned much of
the county. He gave many of his canned goods to the relief effort. ...enlatados para o esforo de assistncia. Most
of the volunteers are young people.
Aqui esto mais quantificadores com of: All of Hewittville's buildings were damaged or destroyed. Each of you should
volunteer at the fundraiser. He needed a coat, but none of them fit. I ate dinner with a few of the volunteers. Little of
the donated money was used for the fundraiser.
Many of the victims have lost everything. Do you know any of the evacuated families? Luckily, none of the
firefighters were injured. Much of the money is for housing. Each of us can help at the fundraiser. We know that
most of the victims have a story.
Too and enough
'Too many,' 'too much' e 'enough'
Use too many com substantivos contveis para dizer que uma quantidade mais do que necessria: She has 100
hats. That's too many hats!
Ela tem 100 chapus. So chapus demais! There are too many baggy jeans in the
stores now. Recentemente, tem jeans baggy demais nas lojas.
That store has too many plastic sandals. Aquela loja tem sandlias de plstico demais.
Use too much com substantivos incontveis para dizer que uma quantidade mais do que necessria: She's wearing
too much makeup. Ela est usando maquiagem demais. They're wearing too much fur.
Eles esto usando pele
Use enough com substantivos plurais contveis ou incontveis para dizer que uma quantidade suficiente: I have
enough handbags. I don't need any more. Tenho bolsas suficientes. No preciso de mais. We've done enough
shopping. Let's go home. J fizemos compras demais. Vamos para casa.
Use not enough com qualquer substantivo para dizer que voc tem menos de algo de que precisa: I don't have
enough money to buy that dress.
No tenho dinheiro suficiente para comprar aquele vestido.
You buy too many handbags! She's wearing too much makeup. I don't have enough money to buy it. She has too
many hats. I'm OK. I have enough time. This costs too much money.
Quantificadores both, either e neither
Use both + substantivo plural para identificar duas coisas juntas.
Galaxy Battlestar or Mars Attack. Hmmm, both games sound like fun. Galaxy Battlestar ou Mars Attack. Hmmm, os
dois jogos parecem divertidos.
I'm good at playing both games. Sou bom nos dois jogos.

Use either + substantivo singular para dizer 'one or the other.' Note que h duas formas de pronunciar isso.
I'm free Saturday and Sunday. We can play either day. Estou livre no sbado e domingo. Podemos jogar qualquer dia,
I've played these games before, and I don't like either game. J joguei esses jogos antes e no gosto de nenhum.
Neither negativo de either. Use neither para dizer 'not one or the other.' Note que h duas formar de pronunci-lo.
Neither day is good for me.
A: Which game do you want to play? B. Neither. They're both boring. Que jogo voc quer jogar? Nenhum. Todos so
14. In, on, at, for, until, when, by the time, while, as soon as
IN: grandes reas ou perodos de tempo, como pases ou anos, meses: Beijing is in China. They came here in 2005. I
came to this city in October 2011. (perodo de tempo)
ON: Use on para reas menores, como ruas, e para dias e datas: I live on Main Street. The lecture is on Monday.
(palestra) My birthday is on April 17th.
AT: Use at para endereos, negcios e prdios; e para perodos precisos de tempo: His house is at 465 Pine Street. The
concert is at 5 p.m. The lecture is at the auditorium.
Use in com morning, afternoon e evening. Use at com night, midnight e noon: In the morning, I'm very tired. At night,
I like to read.
Reviso: expresses de tempo
Use on para informar o dia em que um evento ocorre: We're going to Vegas on Friday.
Use at para informar a hora em que um evento ocorre: Our plane leaves at 6:40.
Use for para falar sobre um perodo de tempo especfico. Dan's lived there for six years.
Use from e to para falar sobre um perodo de tempo concludo: We worked together from 2009 to 2012.
Use until para falar sobre o tempo at um evento: They're going to play until 7.
Certas expresses de tempo, como when e by the time, permitem relacionar dois eventos: I was gardening when I
heard the phone ring. It was late by the time Lucy got home.
Use while para falar sobre dois eventos que ocorreram ao mesmo tempo: Christie slept while I watched the movie.
Use as soon as para falar sobre um perodo de tempo concludo: As soon as we're finished with this project, I'm
going to take a vacation.
Use expresses como estas para rememorar: Remember when we would make believe that we were married? Those
were the days. I'd swim all summer! Eram dias incrveis. Eu podia nadar... Life was simpler back then. ...naquela
Observe que, para eventos passados que s ocorreram uma vez, voc no pode usar would: Gale took her first step
when she was 10 months old. She would walk and fall around each room of the house, and then she'd start again.
Reviso: artigos
Artigos indefinidos a e na: Use a e an antes de um substantivo singular no especfico ou antes do adjetivo que
precede esse substantivo. Esses artigos significam 'um'. Alm disso, use a e an ao identificar algo: The victims are in a
hospital. Did you feel that shaking? It was an earthquake! He was killed in an avalanche. It was an awful disaster.
Use o artigo indefinido com there + be: There's been an earthquake. There was a tornado.
Artigo definido the: Use the antes de um substantivo especfico ou do adjetivo que precede esse substantivo. Use the
para locais nicos e para coisas que so nomeadas, como the Red Cross: My home was destroyed in the flood last
year. They were rescued by the Coast Guard. The injured victims were hospitalized.
Ausncia de artigo: Nenhum artigo usado com substantivos plurais indefinidos ou substantivos no contveis:
Firefighters came from many different counties. Airplanes were used to drop water on the fire.
Primeira vez e usos posteriores: Use a e an para introduzir um substantivo na primeira vez em que mencionado.
Depois disso, use the: There was a large earthquake in Alaska. The earthquake measured 6.8 on the Richter scale.
Luckily, all people in the area were evacuated before the earthquake occurred.
15. Nmeros grandes
1,000,000 = one million; 10,000,000 = ten million, 100,000,000 = one hundred million; 700,000,000 = seven hundred
1,000,000,000 = one billion; 50,000,000,000 = fifty billion; 800,000,000,000 = eight hundred billion. This game's
been downloaded one million times. I've scored three billion points on it.
16. Tag question
Tag question negativas
A maioria das tag questions negativas formada com do + not + pronome.
You work in marketing, don't you? You got a degree in engineering, didn't you? Caso a declarao tenha o verbo be
ou um auxiliar (can, have...) use esse verbo na tag question: You are the new sales manager, aren't you?
He was late, wasn't he? You can speak Arabic, can't you? You have got five years' experience in sales, haven't you?
Lynn's great, isn't she?

Tag question positivas

As tag questions afirmativas seguem as declaraes negativas. A maioria formada com do + pronome. You don't
remember his name, do you? She didn't like the food, did she?
Caso a declarao tenha o verbo be ou um auxiliar (can, have) use esse verbo na tag question: Tom isn't the CEO, is
he? They weren't at the event, were they?
We can't go next week, can we? Martha hasn't hired any new people,
has she?
17. Diferentes formas de 'other'
Another pode estar sozinho ou diante de um substantivo (se refere a uma pessoa ou coisa adicional. sempre
singular): We have a lot of nationalities in the office. One person is Chinese, another is French. One manager told me
to do it. Another manager told me not to do it.
Other deve ser seguido por um substantivo (se refere a mais de uma pessoa ou coisa adicional): He works 65 hours a
week. Other employees don't work so much. Others nunca est diretamente diante de um substantivo. Se refere a
mais de uma pessoa ou coisa adicional: I love my job. Others in my office don't feel the same way. Use the other
para se referir as demais pessoas ou coisas em um grupo sobre o qual se discute: I have two colleagues. One is
married, the other is single. Monday isn't a busy day for me. The other days are much busier. Use os outros para se
referir a duas ou mais pessoas e coisas adicionais: Two of my colleagues had good ideas. The others said nothing.
18. Because e because of
Voc pode usar because e because of para apresentar motivos. Because seguido de uma orao; because of, de
um substantivo.
Because + orao: I don't watch 'The Tenors' because it's so violent. A: Why do you like that show so much? B: I like it
because the plot's complex and exciting. I love the show 'Animal Avenue' because it's educational. The kids can't
watch it because there's too much sex and violence. Clark watches all the games because he loves sports.
Because of + substantivo
'Fallen Love' wasn't shown on TV because of the violence. I watch this show with my kids because of the PG rating.
Elephants are my favorite animal because of that show. The show's on late because of the MA rating. Maybe it's PG
because of the scary monkeys.
19. Colocaes com make, do e take
Colocaes so duas ou mais palavras normalmente usadas juntas. Uma boa compreenso das colocaes ajudar a
melhorar a sua fluncia oral, alm de suas habilidades de leitura e escuta.
Estas so algumas colocaes com o verbo make: Do you think we're making headway in the negotiations?
Progresso. We really need to make a decision today. I think we finally made a breakthrough in the negotiations.
Avano. Make headway, Make something work, Make sure
Estas so algumas colocaes com o verbo do: It's important to do research before negotiations begin. It's been a
pleasure doing business with you. You did very well. I want you to do your homework before the meeting
tomorrow. Do a great job, Do research, Do well, Do businee with
Estas so algumas colocaes com o verbo take: They're trying to take advantage of us! Our vendor takes good
care of us. There's no need to rush. Take your time. I want you to take the lead in the negotiations. Chefie. Take
care of, Take a break,
20. Verbos sensoriais com 'as if' e 'as though'
Use um verbo sensorial + as if ou as though para falar sobre sua percepo de uma situao: I feel as if I don't
have enough time off. It looks as though I'll be compensated well. It sounds as if you worked a lot of overtime.
Em conversas informais, voc ouvir like usado no lugar de as ir ou as though. Isso tecnicamente incorreto mas
muito comum: It seems like he's been off for a month. It looks like we'll have to work on the weekend. Parece que
precisaremos trabalhar no fim de semana
21. Conectores
Conectores de contraste
Use conectores de contraste para comparar ou contradizer alguma outra coisa que voc diz. Use However (porm,
embora), para introduzir uma frase contrastiva: I love parties. However, it's pretty rude to play loud music at 2 a.m.
It's fine to quickly kiss someone on the cheek. However, making out in public is inappropriate.
Use although para dizer 'apesar de'. Even though uma forma mais enftica although. Observe que ambos os
conectores introduzem uma orao contrastiva: Although it was bad manners to burp after the meal, I couldn't help
myself. Even though she has purple hair, it's impolite to point at her.
Use in spite of ou despite para dizer 'apesar de'. Observe que essas expresses introduzem uma frase nominal
contrastiva: In spite of his offensive behavior, I guess I'll invite him to the party. Despite the spitting in the street, I
thought they were very polite in general.
Oraes com although, even though, in spite of e despite tambm podem ser colocadas no fim de uma frase: We
started talking to them, even though they cut in line. I slurped up that delicious soup, in spite of his
complaints. ....apesar das reclamaes dele sobre o barulho

A kiss on the cheek is okay. However , making out is considered bad manners. People were very polite, in spite of
the burping. Despite his habit of picking his nose, he's a cute little boy. In the end, we watched the movie together,
even though she cut in front of me in line.
Use conectores de contraste para contrastar com ou contradizer algo que voc j disse. Use however para introduzir
um enunciado contrastante.
Louise trained to be a personal chef. However, she wants to be a doctor. ..No entanto.. Dylan starts college next
month. However, he'll continue singing at the club.
Use although para dizer "apesar do fato de". Observe que ele vem no incio de uma orao: Although Mike enjoys
baseball, he doesn't want to be a baseball player. Although I'm 70, I'm still ambitious.
Even though a forma mais intensa de although: Even though college is expensive, I'm training to be an engineer.
Embora.. Even though it won't be easy, I look forward to opening my own chain. Embora no seja fcil, estou
ansioso para abrir minha prpria rede de lojas.
Conectores de tempo
Os conectores de tempo indicam quando algo ocorreu. Use until para indicar algo que continua ocorrendo at
determinado perodo: The team will work around the clock until the project is finished. My flight was delayed, and I
didn't arrive until 9 in the evening.
Use as soon as para indicar algo imediatamente aps um determinado perodo no tempo (assim): As soon as we
wrap up the project, I will take some time off. She was fast-tracked for promotion as soon as she joined the company.
As soon as I checked into my room, I called the client.
Use by the time (qdo) para enfatizar o perodo de tempo que inicia uma ao ou evento. frequentemente usado
com tempos como o past perfect, onde so comparados dois pontos no tempo: By the time we wrapped up, we had
already missed the deadline. Quando finalizamos, j tnhamos perdido o prazo. My boss had gone by the time I
finished writing the email. Meu chefe j tinha ido embora quando acabei de escrever o e-mail. By the time I arrived
at the hotel, I already had six messages waiting for me. By the time I spoke with the client, we had already lost the
deal. Will the project be finished by the time I return?

Objetos indiretos
A estrutura mais comum de enunciado em ingls composta de sujeito-verbo-objeto.
Sujeito Verbo Objeto
a postcard.
Neste enunciado, a postcard o objeto direto porque o receptor da ao do verbo ( aquilo que Jack enviou).
Algumas vezes, um substantivo ou pronome no o receptor da ao do verbo, mas do objeto direto. Isso se chama
objeto indireto.
Verbo Objeto indireto Objeto direto
his wife
a postcard.
Nessa frase, his wife o objeto indireto, pois ela quem recebe o objeto direto (a postcard). Perceba que o objeto
indireto aparece entre o verbo e o objeto direto. Voc tambm pode colocar o objeto indireto aps o objeto direto,
utilizando as preposies to e for.
Sujeito Verbo Objeto direto Objeto indireto
a postcard
to his wife.
bought a gift
for his wife.
Aqui seguem mais alguns exemplos de objetos indiretos: I had to give the hotel my credit card number. I showed the
clerk my passport. I showed my passport to the clerk. The hotel gave my company a discount. The hotel provides
guests with free airport transportation.
Quando um pronome substitui o objeto indireto, ns o chamamos pronome objeto indireto: The hotel sent me a
confirmation email. The clerk gave her the bill. The clerk gave the bill to her.
1. Imperativo
Use a forma basica do verbo: Cut the vegetables. Slice the bread
2. Infinitivo
Use os verbos need*, want e like com um verbo no infinitivo (to + verbo) para formar sentenas. Exemplos: to get, to
buy e to play**.
I need to get a new computer. I want to buy a new tablet. I like to play computer games. He doesn't like to play
computer games.
s vezes, o verbo no infinitivo pode ser retirado e a afirmao mantm o mesmo sentido: I need a new computer. I
want a new tablet. I like computer games. He doesn't like computer games.
Voc tambm pode usar need, want e like com um infinitivo para fazer e responder perguntas.
A: What do you need to do? B: I need to clean my apartment.
A: What do you want to do? B: I want to go shopping.
A: What do you like to do? B: I like to play computer games.

Frases no infinitivo
Expresses especiais do infinitivo podem ser feitas com um substantivo ou uma frase nominal + be.
Substantivo + infinitivo
This meeting is an opportunity to give you some answers. We're not looking at layoffs to save money. (reduo de
pessoal para economizar dinheiro)
Frase nominal + be + infinitivo
The purpose of today's meeting is to give you a company update.
3. Simple present (Para fatos e habitos)
Verbo + s apos he, she, it
Yes-no questions no simple presente: Do antes de I, you, we e they. Does antes de he*, she e it. Coloque o verbo
antes do pronome. Do you like your job? Does it come from Italy?
Question words: coloque a "question word" antes de do ou does: Where do you live? What does he do? How many
sisters do you have? Where do you work?
4. Present continuo (Acontecendo agora)
Forme o "present continuous" com o verbo be e o verbo +ing.
Verbo + ing
We/you they
Yes No question: coloque o verbo to be no incio da frase: They are going home. Are they going home?
Question word: You are going home. Where are you going?
5. Presente Passivo
Uma estrutura de frase comum sujeito + verbo + objeto: Ai Jones directed this fantastic film.
Forma passiva - Objeto + be + Particpio passado + by + Sujeito: This fantastic film is directed by Ai Jones.
The movie is directed by George Lucas. The costumes are designed by Virginia Poole. The main character is
played by Bruce Willis. The subtitles are translated into five languages.
Bond is played by Sean Connery. Bond interpretado por Sean Connery. The music is written by Vangelis. A msica
foi escrita por Vangelis.
The film is directed by Ang Lee. O filme dirigido por Ang Lee. The movie is called 'Cake and Coffee.' O filme
chamado de "Bolo e caf.
The costumes are made by Julia Strong. Os trajes so feitos por Julia Strong. Her movies are seen by millions of
people. Seus filmes so vistos por milhes de pessoas.
6. Presente perfect
O presente perfeito usado para falar sobre algo que aconteceu no passado, em um momento no especificado.
Use o present perfect para dizer qdo um evento que foi concludo em um momento no especificado no passado tem
impacto sobre o presente. Forme o present perfect com have + particpio passado: I have printed my boarding
pass. Imprimi meu carto de embarque.
Declarao afirmativa
Declarao negativa
Have + Particpio passado
haven't + Particpio passado
Have + Sujeito + Particpio
passado + ?
No, I haven't been there before
Have you been to Bolivia?
She has lost her ticket. Ela perdeu a passagem. They've given us our boarding passes. Deram-nos nossos cartes de
embarque. I've gotten my plane ticket. Eu compre o meu bilhete de avio. Has Mr. Graham come to our office? We
haven't seen him. Ns no vimos ele. Have you been to Santiago? Voc j foi para Santiago.
Nota do idioma: No ingls americano, I've got indicate posse, como em I've got my ticket (possuir). Dizer I've gotten a
ticket. significa que voc acabou de conseguir ou comprar uma. No ingls britnico, got usado nos dois casos.
O particpio passado de muitos verbos igual forma do passado.
Particpio passado
O particpio passado de muitos verbos diferente forma do passado.
Particpio passado

Os pronomes pessoais e have formam as seguintes contraes:
Forma longa
Sujeito +
Sujeito +
I have
You have
He has
She has
It has
We have
You have
They have
Faa frases negativas com have not e has not. Use as contraes haven't e hasn't no ingls falado, a menos que
esteja enfatizando a palavra not.
I have not lost my passport. Joseph hasn't lost his passport.
Forme perguntas no present perfect com have + sujeito + particpio passado. Observe tambm as respostas
curtas: A: Has she packed her bags? B: Yes, she has. A: Have the Taylors bought their tickets? B: No, they haven't.
Advrbios para o present perfect
Use os advrbios yet, already, never e ever com o present perfect para indicar um perodo de tempo at o presente.
'Yet' Use o advrbio yet para falar de algo que ainda no aconteceu, ou para perguntar se algo j aconteceu. O
advrbio costuma aparecer no final da frase: I haven't printed my boarding pass yet. They haven't packed their bags
yet. Has she left for the airport yet?
'Already' Use o advrbio already para falar de algo que j aconteceu, ou para perguntar se algo j aconteceu. O
advrbio costuma vir logo antes do verbo principal: You can't come? But I've already booked the tickets! Carly has
already been to Paris, but I haven't. Has John already been to the Louvre? John j esteve no Louvre?
Never' e 'ever' Use o advrbio ever para perguntar se algo aconteceu, ou para perguntar sobre as experincias de
algum. Para respostas negativas, use never. Os advrbios geralmente vm antes do verbo principal: A: Have you
ever lived in another country? Voc j morou em outro pas? B: No, I've never lived in another country. No, nunca
morei em outro pas.
Nota do idioma: Um erro comum de alunos usar o advrbio ever em declaraes afirmativas. Observe a resposta
correta no exemplo.
A: Have you ever been to Paris? B: Yes, I have been to Paris. Voc j esteve em Paris? Sim, j estive em Paris.
7. Presente Perfect Continuous
Use o present perfect continuous para descrever um sintoma ou doena que comeou no passado e continua at o
presente. Use a estrutura I have been + verbo + -ing.
I have been vomiting a lot. Tenho vomitado muito. I have been having problems sleeping.
Use for para
acrescentar informaes sobre o tempo.
I have been feeling very bad for the last two days.
Present perfect continuous para fazer perguntas: How long has this been going on? H quanto tempo isso est
How long have you been feeling like this?
Use for com o present perfect continuous para falar sobre um perodo de tempo que comeou no passado e continua
at o presente: I've been feeling bad for a few days. I've been waiting for the nurse for 20 minutes.
Use since com present perfect continuous para focar no momento em que algo comeou: I've been feeling nauseous
since Tuesday. I've been having trouble sleeping since last Friday. I've been waiting for the nurse since I arrived.
Since I got home, I've been feeling terrible. I've been feeling terrible since I got home.
How long have you been feeling bad? Since the weekend. And how have you been feeling? Tired, and for the
last few days I've been feeling nauseous, too. Have you been taking anything?
8. Present perfect na voz passiva
Voc pode usar o present perfect na voz passiva para falar sobre uma ao ou evento passado que tenha impacto no
New regulations have been announced by the government. The report has been compiled by a safety expert.
...foi preparado... A decision has been made by the local council. ...foi tomada pelo conselho local. The new rules

have been criticized by the staff. The report has been compiled by a safety expert. The rule has been broken too
many times. New laws have been announced .
Lembre-se de que costumamos usar a voz passiva quando o objeto da ao mais importante do que o agente (ou
seja, a pessoa ou coisa que realizou a ao). Na verdade, s vezes o agente pode ser totalmente omitido: New
regulations have been announced. The report has been compiled. A decision has been made.
The tenants have been informed about the new rules and regulations by the management. The safety report has
been made available online if anyone wants to read it. Several tenant questions and comments have already been
received . A meeting date has been announced so everyone can discuss the situation.
9. Reported speech: Presente
Cody say: The outlook is good. Sarah: Cody says that the outlook is good.
Quando for reportar o que algum disse, voc pode precisar mudar os pronomes e o verbo para reportar corretamente
a declarao.
Cody falando com Linda: John has to cut some jobs.
Linda falando com Jonh: Cody says that you have to cut some jobs.
Your team should clean up. (Declarao original de Cody)
Cody says that our team should clean up. (Linda reportando a declarao para a equipe)
Jenny's deal is final. (Declarao original de Cody)
Cody says that Jenny's deal is final. (Linda reportando a declarao para a equipe)
Cody says that your deal is final. (Linda reportando a declarao para Jenny)
10. Reported speech: Passado
Cody disse para Linda: There are some visitors here today.
Tell John he should clean up his desk - John, Lisa said that you should clean up your desk.
A conversa com Cody aconteceu no passado, e ela no est tentando deixar a declarao particularmente atual ou
Linda: Cody said that there are some visitors here today.
Voc tambm pode usar told + pessoa + that para reportar uma conversa.
Cody told me that there are some visitors here today.
Lembre-se de que, quando reportar algo que algum disse sobre outra pessoa, voc pode precisar trocar os pronomes
e verbos para reportar corretamente a declarao.
Cody: I want to come to your team meeting.
Linda: Cody told me that he wants to come to our team meeting.
Perguntas do reported - passado
As declaraes podem ser reportadas no passado ou no presente.
I want to know the latest sales figures. Cody says he wants to know the latest sales figures. Cody said he wants to
know the latest sales figures.
As perguntas, entretando, costumam ser reportadas no passado. Note, na pergunta do reported, que a ordem da
palavra volta para sujeito + verbo.
How's the team doing? Cody asked how the team is doing.
Lembre-se de que, quando reportar algo que algum perguntou, voc pode precisar mudar os pronomes e verbos para
reportar corretamente a declarao.
Where are you meeting? Cody asked where we are meeting.
Who are the visitors? Cody asked who the visitors are.
Why are the visitors coming? Cody asked why the visitors are coming.
11. Passado recente com just
Use just + verbo no passado para falar sobre uma ao completada um pouco antes ou muito recentemente.
Zach and I just bought a house. Zach e eu acabamos de comprar uma casa. Carla just got promoted. Carla acabou
de ser promovida.
12. Verbos no passado
Muitos verbos no passado so formados simplesmente acrescentando -ed ao final do verbo no presente: Walk
walked; clean - cleaned
Verbos irregulares: Entretanto, alguns dos verbos mais comuns so irregulares, o que significa que suas formas no
passado no terninam em -ed. Eles podem ser formados de jeitos diferentes: Have - had; make - made; eat - ate; drink
- drank; let - let
O verbo be: O verbo be possui duas formas no passado - was e were. Use was com: he, she, it e I. Use were com you,
we e they. He was tired yesterday. They were happy in Paris.
Negativas: Use did + not para deixar os verbos no passado negativos. O verbo principal continua na forma base.
They did not like London. (didnt)
We did not meet John yesterday.
Use as expresses was not e were not para o verbo be. As contraes dessas expresses so wasn't e weren't: Frank
was not happy in Los Angeles. > Frank wasn't happy in Los Angeles. Oscar and Pam were not at home yesterday. >

Oscar and Pam weren't at home yesterday.

Perguntas no passado: Use a palavra did no comeo de uma frase para formar uma pergunta no passado. Use a
forma base do verbo principal depois do did. No acrescente s ao verbo. Did he go to Shanghai? Did they eat dinner
Para formar uma pergunta no passado com o verbo be, coloque was ou were na frente da orao interrogativa.:
Afirmao: He was happy. Pergunta: Was he happy?
Fazendo perguntas no passado
As perguntas no passado que no usam o verbo be, e que comeam com uma palavra interrogativa, usam o auxiliar
did. Note tambm que o verbo principal fica na sua forma bsica. A: What did you do on the weekend? B: I played
badminton. A: Where did you go for your vacation? B: I went to Peru.
Para perguntar sobre o dono de um objeto, use a palavra interrogativa whose: A: Whose backpack did you borrow? (De
quem voc emprestou a mochila?) B: I borrowed my brother's. (Peguei emprestada do meu irmo)
Para perguntar sobre a categoria de algo, use a expresso interrogativa what kind of: A: What kind of tent did you
buy? B: I bought a Shelty. It's the best brand. A: What kind of animals did you see? B: We saw deer, wolves and a
Voc pode usar a palavra interrogativa how com muitos adjetivos diferentes para pedir informaes detalhadas: How
far did you walk? At onde vocs andaram? How difficult was the hike? Quo difcil foi a caminhada?
Perguntas com o verbo be no precisam do auxiliar did: A: How was your weekend? B: It was great, thanks. A: How
long was your trip? B: We hiked for two weeks.
Verbos de eventos da vida no passado
Use esses verbos regulares com -ed no passado para falar sobre eventos cotidianos: Graduate - graduated
formarse - formou-se, Retire - retired aposentar aposentou, Die died falecer - faleceu
Aqui esto alguns verbos irregulares no passado que voc pode usar: Be born - was/were born
nascer nasceu,
Say my first word - said my first word dizer minha primeira palavra - disse minha primeira palavra, Grow up - grew
up crescer cresceu, Become an adult - became an adult ser adulto - tornar-se um adulto. Get a job - got a job
conseguir um emprego - conseguiu um emprego
Use was/were + not + verbo bsico, ou did + not + verbo bsico para fazer declaraes negativas no passado: I
wasn't born in a hospital.
I didn't get promoted. (No fui promovido.)
Use was/were + sujeito + verbo bsico, ou did + sujeito + verbo bsico para fazer perguntas no passado: A: Where
were you born? B: I was born in Seoul. A: Where did you grow up? B: I grew up in Belgium.
She (say) said her first word at 7 months old. Emile (graduate) graduated from a really good university. I was married
in 1983. That's when I (become) became an adult. My husband (retire) retired from a career in design. Poor girl. Her
grandfather (die) died yesterday. My parents (grow up) grew up in Denmark.
13. Passado simples Past tense
Past tense (Verbos regulares)
Os verbos regulares sempre terminam com -ed no passado: I worked as a manager. He worked in Paris for three
years. They worked in a restaurant last summer. We worked in sales.
Caso o presente de um verbo regular termine em e: Move > moved. I moved to a new apartment last week.
Caso o presente de um verbo regular termine em uma vogal + y: Play > played. We played tennis last weekend.
Caso o presente de um verbo regular termine em uma consoante + y: Study > studied. She studied for four hours
last night.
Forma negativa no passado (did + not + verbo inalterado): We didn't study last night.
He didn't work in
Perguntas no passado com verbos regulares. did + sujeito + verbo sem alteraes
Did you study last night?
Where did you work before?
Past tense (Verbos IRREgulares)
Meet - met; get - got (ter - teve); write - wrote; find - found (encontrar - encontrou); eat - ate . GO - went (foi); eat - ate
(comeu); bring - brought (trouxe); leave - left (deixou); sell - sold (vendeu). Make - made (fazia); rise - rose (subia); get
- got (tinha). Cut - cut (cortar); let - let (deixar); shut - shut (fechar). Give - gave (dar - deu); have - had (ter - teve); go
- went (ir - foi); see - saw (ver - viu); come - came (vir - veio); buy - bought (comprar - comprou); take - took (levarlevou)
He gave me his business card. I met some interesting people last night.
O verbo read tem a mesma grafia no presente e no passado, mas uma pronncia diferente. Oua a pronncia de read
nessas duas frases: I often read novels. I read a good novel last week.
Forma negativa no passado : did + not + verbo de base: She didn't go with them. (Ela no foi com eles) I didn't
buy it. (Eu no comprei isso)
Perguntas com os verbos irregulares no passado simples: Did + sujeito + verbo de base.
Did you see him last night?
Voc o viu na noite passada?
Did they have dinner at the hotel?
Eles jantaram no hotel?
Past tense do verbo 'to be'
Was (I, he, she e it): I was a banker. He was a computer programmer. She was a supervisor. It was very difficult.

Were (you, we e they): You were an actor.

We were designers. They were drivers. You were a writer. You were
Perguntas: passe o verbo para o incio da frase: He was an illustrator. / Was he an illustrator?
They were
managers. / Were they managers?
Forma negativa no passado: She was a driver. / She was not a driver. I was not a cleaner. / I wasn't a cleaner.
They were not editors. / They weren't editors.
14. Passado contnuo
Use o passado contnuo para se referir a uma ao ou evento que tenha durado por um perodo no passado. Forme o
passado contnuo com o passado do verbo be e um verbo + ing: A: I met Elsa in Spain. I was visiting my brother in
Madrid. We were eating tapas, and she walked into the restaurant. Conheci Elsa na Espanha. Estava visitando meu
irmo em Madri. Estvamos comendo tapas e ela entrou no restaurante. B: Were you hoping to find a girlfriend? Voc
estava esperando encontrar uma namorada? A: No, I was just lucky. I really wasn't trying to find a girlfriend. No, s
tive sorte. Eu realmente no estava tentando arrumar uma namorada.
Note que o passado contnuo frequentemente usado para apresentar ou contextualizar as informaes de uma
histria: So, I was driving in my car. Then I saw the accident. Ento, eu estava dirigindo meu carro. E a vi o acidente.
In 1960, they were both living in France. Larry was working in Orleans. Carol was studying French. Where did they
meet? Was she hoping to find a husband? They're celebrating 25 years of marriage.
Frase com when usando o passado contnuo - Pense sobre uma vez em que estava fazendo algo que foi
interrompido por outra coisa; talvez voc estivesse escrevendo um e-mail quando o telefone tocou, ou assistindo TV
quando algum bateu na porta. Use o passado contnuo para descrever a ao em andamento na poca, e uma
orao com when com o passado simples para descrever a interrupo. I was writing an email when the phone rang.
Eu estava escrevendo um e-mail quando o telefone tocou. I was taking a shower when someone knocked on the door.
Estava tomando banho quando algum bateu na porta.
Frase com while usando o passado contnuo
Use while + passado contnuo para descrever uma ao contnua (While it was raining) que seja interrompida por
outra ao. Use o passado simples para a ao que interrompe (the electricity went out): While it was raining, the
electricity went out. Enquanto chovia, a eletricidade acabou. While we were sleeping, the electricity came back on.
Enquanto estvamos dormindo, a luz voltou.
Quando duas aes no passado contnuo acontecem ao mesmo tempo, voc pode usar while com cada uma delas.
While Ken was calling the police, the neighbor's dog was barking. Enquanto Ken estava ligando para a polcia, o
cachorro do vizinho estava latindo.
While I was driving, I was putting on my lip gloss. Enquanto estava dirigindo, eu estava passando meu gloss.
Caso a orao com while aparea em segundo lugar na frase, no use a vrgula: The electricity came back on while we
were sleeping. A luz voltou enquanto estvamos dormindo. The neighbor's dog was barking while Ken was calling the
police. O cachorro do vizinho estava latindo enquanto Ken estava ligando para a polcia.

Past perfect continuous)
Use o past perfect continuous para dizer qual dos dois eventos no passado ocorreu primeiro. Forme o past perfect
continuous com had been + present participle e um verbo que termina em ing: I'd been surfing the web on
a laptop until I bought my tablet. Eu vinha navegando na internet em um laptop at que comprei meu tablet.
O past perfect indica um evento que comeou e terminou antes de outra atividade no passado. Com o past perfect
continuous, h uma nfase na durao do evento: Before Janet got her smartphone, she hadn't been keeping in
touch with her family. Antes de Janet comprar o smartphone, ela no mantinha contato com a famlia.
I love my new smartphone, the iCosmos 7. I (have) had been using a normal, old mobile phone before I (buy)
bought the iCosmos 7.
My old mobile phone had a big problem. It had (be) been losing some of my messages when I first got it.
I had been (talk) talking with some friends who had the iCosmos 7.
They loved it, so I bought it. The iCosmos (have) has been perfect.
Present participle: http://www.edufind.com/english-grammar/present-participle/
16. Passado Passivo
Use para colocar o foco em uma ao passada, e no na pessoa que realizou a ao. A estrutura semelhante do
presente passivo, exceto que o verbo auxiliar be fica no passado;
The special effects were created by 23 people. The bank manager was shot by the bad guys.
Caso a pessoa que realizou a ao no seja importante ou no seja conhecida, a orao com by + pessoa pode ser
A: Guess what? The producer was fired. B: Why? A: The actors weren't paid. B: Oh, no! Was a new producer
Jen Boothe made the costumes. / The costumes were made by Jen Boothe.
They called the movie 'Faces.' / The movie was called 'Faces.'
Cassavetes directed it. / It was directed by Cassavetes.
He made it in 1968. / It was made in 1968.

John Marley played the main character. / The main character was played by John Marley.
Reviso: passado passivo
Reviso: passado passivo
Use o passado passivo para enfatizar uma ao ou evento em vez de o agente. Por exemplo, nesta frase, os prdios
recebem mais nfase do que o incndio: Many buildings were destroyed in the fire. Muitos prdios foram destrudos no
Em estruturas passivas, o agente da ao pode ser totalmente omitido. Isso normalmente ocorre quando o agente no
tem importncia ou desconhecido: I was evacuated (by the military). Fui evacuado (pelo exrcito). The tornado
warning was announced on the radio (by someone).
O agente tambm omitido quando de conhecimento comum ou quando inclu-lo seria explicar o bvio: Thousands
of people were killed (in the tsunami).. The fire was eventually put out (by the firefighters).
The fire destroyed six homes. -- Six homes were destroyed by the fire. The Red Cross gave assistance. -- Assistance
was given by the Red Cross.
The military evacuated hundreds of people. -- Hundreds of people were evacuated by the military. They hospitalized
me almost immediately. -- I was hospitalized almost immediately. The disaster killed many people. -- Many people
were killed in the disaster. People donated millions of dollars. Millions of dollars were donated .
17. Passado perfeito
Use o passado perfeito para dizer qual dos dois eventos aconteceu primeiro. O passado perfeito formado com had +
particpio passado do verbo. Had contrado como 'd. Preste ateno ordem dos eventos nos exemplos a seguir.
When he arrived at the interview, Mr. Jones had gone.
I'd sent my resume before I went to the interview. Tinha enviado meu currculo antes de ir..
She'd already applied for the job when she saw the terrible salary. Ela j tinha se candidatado para a vaga quando
viu o salrio terrvel.
Quando uma frase contm uma conjuno de tempo, como before ou after, o passado perfeito opcional, j que a
relao de tempo j est clara. Nesses casos, voc pode usar o passado simples.
He sent his resume before he went to the interview. He flew to New York after he got the job.
She had applied for 10 jobs before she was even offered an interview. Ela tinha pedido 10 empregos antes de ela ter
oferecido uma entrevista.
She felt really sad after she had failed the interview. Sentia-se muito triste depois de ter falhado a entrevista.
He got the job after they had checked his references. The company wanted to be careful. Ele conseguiu o emprego
depois de terem verificado suas referncias. A empresa queria ter cuidado.
They interviewed her three times before she got the job. Eles entrevistaram seus trs vezes antes que ela comeou o
You should send the company your resume before you go for an interview. Voc deve enviar seu currculo a empresa
antes de ir para uma entrevista.
They went to a nice restaurant to celebrate after he got the job. Eles foram a um bom restaurante para comemorar
depois que ele conseguiu o emprego.
After he had sent out more than 20 resumes, he finally got an interview. Before he was interviewed in person, he had
two interviews on the phone. After he had been interviewed three times, by different managers, he was finally hired.
After he had worked at the company for six months, he quit.
-Mais passado perfeito - Already,' 'by the time' e 'when'
Use as expresses de tempo already, by the time e when com o past perfect para explicar a relao entre eventos
do passado.
Use already para reforar a ideia de que o evento no past perfect ocorreu antes de outro evento no passado.
Observe que already vem entre had e o past participle do verbo.
I'd already met the boss, so I didn't introduce myself. Had you already given references, or did they ask you? Had
you already seen the job ad before I sent it to you? He'd already applied for four positions before he got a call.
Use by the time e when para expressar a ideia de que o evento no simple past aconteceu depois do evento no past
perfect. By the time e when introduzem a orao no simple past.
By the time he applied for the job, the position had been filled. Had she arrived by the time you got there? I had just
sat down in the waiting room when the interviewer called my name. Had you already talked about benefits when
they offered you the job? Had you tried any of the company's products by the time you interviewed? When I saw
her, I knew I'd met her before. Had she arrived by the time you got there?
How many questions had you answered before they offered you the job?
18. Aes repetidas no passado com would
Use would + verbo para falar sobre hbitos ou eventos repetidos no passado: Glen and I would explore old
buildings in the city. We wouldn't come home until dark. When she'd play make-believe with her friends, she would
always be a doctor.

Voc tambm pode usar used to + verbo para falar sobre hbitos ou eventos repetidos no passado. Observe que
used to tambm enfatiza um estado passado que no existe mais: I used to be a troublemaker. I used to live near
the woods. I used to have a detective hat. I would put it on and solve imaginary crimes.
Nota lingustica: Preste ateno ao contexto quando usar would para aes e eventos passados. A estrutura
idntica de would para desejos, possibilidades, conselhos e estados futuros. Por exemplo, veja a diferena de
significado entre as duas frases abaixo:
When I was young, I would hang out with friends at the golf course. ...adorava ficar com meus amigos....
I would hang out with friends more if I weren't working so much right now. Eu sairia mais com meus amigos se no
estivesse trabalhando....
When I went home last week, I took this picture of that old train station a mile from town. Remember it? All the boys
would wake up early in the morning and hang out there all day. We would explore the station and make believe
that we were police or criminals. Or we'd play Capture the Flag. I used to love that game. The girls would ride
their bikes there to meet us, but they'd always get really scared and go home. Later, we'd walk back home on the
train lines and imagine all the places we would travel. Wouldn't you love to go back again?
Used to e be used to
Use used to + verbo para falar de hbitos ou preferncias do passado: Kayla used to like punk music. Ted used to
watch cartoons, but now he She is used to listening to jazz. She is used to listen to jazz. Use be used to +
substantivo para falar de algo com o qual voc est acostumado: Mark is used to loud music. He was in a rock
band. She has a headache. She's not used to punk rock concerts.
Em perguntas e negativas, o d em used to omitido ao falarmos de algo que voc fez no passado: A: Did you use
to like folk music? B: No, I did not use to like folk music.
19. O futuro com o presente simples
s vezes, voc pode usar o presente simples para falar sobre o futuro. Isso mais comum para se referir a eventos
que so parte de uma agenda, cronograma ou evento agendado. Os verbos que marcam o incio ou fim de um evento
- begin e close, por exemplo - costumam aparecer no futuro do presente simples.
Presente simples para o comeo de um evento: Begin (comear), Start, Open (abrir). The dance performance
begins at 8 o'clock tonight. Harold's Department Store opens at 9 a.m. tomorrow.
Presente simples para o fim de um evento: Close, End, Be over, Finish. The movie is over at 9:15 p.m. She
closes her shop at 6 o'clock.
Nota do idioma: Lembre-se de que aps he, she e it, os verbos no presente simples tm um s. Exemplo: The movie
ends at midnight.
20. Futuro com present continuous (Presente contnuo com sentido de futuro)
Para falar sobre algo que est planejando fazer, voc pode usar o "Present Continuous" (be + verbo + -ing) com
uma expresso do tempo futuro.
What are you doing tomorrow? We're having my parents over to dinner next weekend.
I'm meeting some friends on Wednesday night.
Future continuous
Use o tempo no future continuous para falar de um evento que vai durar um perodo de tempo no futuro. Forme o
tempo no future continuous com will be e um verbo + ing. Use-o para falar de coisas que voc espera acontecer.
People will be using their smartphones for everything. They'll be producing smartphones that you can wear like a
A: Will you still be working here in 20 years? B: Yes, but I'll be running the company. ...estarei no comando da

21. Futuro be + going to (Para falar sobre um evento que vai acontecer no futuro)
Use be + going to + verbo para expressar certeza quanto ao futuro, com base nos dados atuais ou para expressar
algo que voc realmente pretende fazer.
I have tickets for the festival. I am going to see three films.
A: What are you going to do at the festival? B: We are going to dance in the parade.
22. Futuro prximo e passado recente
Use about to + verbo no presente para falar sobre algo que vai acontecer em um momento ou muito em breve.
I'm about to play dominos with Mary and Kate. Do you want to play? Vou jogar...Don't start doing that puzzle. We're
about to have dinner. Melissa's about to play Galaxy Battlestar. I think he is about to lose.
Use just + verbo no passado para falar sobre uma ao concluda h um momento ou muito recentemente.
Al just won $500 in a dice game in Vegas! Al acabou de ganhar...
Sorry, I'm too tired to play Crazy Eights. I just finished writing that report.
We just saw that piece of the puzzle! Where is it now? I just finished that word game. It took me three hours. He
just got some really bad cards.

23. Futuro perfeito

Use o futuro perfeito para falar sobre algo que ter acontecido antes de outro evento futuro. Use will have + verbo
no particpio passado. O evento futuro deve ser informado com uma expresso when, by ou before no presente, a
menos que o tempo j esteja claro.
I will have set up a college fund before my children turn 16. I will have retired in the country by the time I'm
65. My kids will have graduated from college.
When I'm 60, I will have retired from my job and bought that
beach house. By that time, we (retire) will have retired in the country. I'll have (become) become CFO by 2025.
They (travel) will have traveled around the world by then. We'll have (paid) paid off our credit cards by the time
we buy a vacation home.
Perguntas e negativas no futuro perfeito so possveis, mas menos comuns: A: What will you have achieved by
2020? (conquistado at 2020) B: We'll have set up a college fund, but we won't have made any significant
investments. Teremos estabelecido um fundo educacional, mas no teremos feito quaisquer investimentos
significativos. (wont = will + not). Carl (not build) won't have built his investments before he retires.
24. Comunicando mudanas com o passar do tempo
Use tempos contnuos para comunicar mudanas que ocorreram com o tempo. O presente contnuo usado para
mudanas acontecendo agora.
Opinions about electric cars are changing.
O present perfect continuous para uma mudana que comeou no passado e ainda est acontecendo.
Air quality has been improving for several years.
Get com um adjetivo costuma ser usado com um verbo no gerndio para comunicar mudanas ocorridas com o
tempo. um significado similar a become.
Commuting is getting more irritating. The city has been getting serious about using natural gas.
getting better all the time.
25. Fazendo previses
Use will e be going to para dizer o que voc imagina que acontecer no futuro: Robots will take care of the elderly
(idosos). Doctors are going to have medical scanners they can hold in their hands. Mdicos vo ter aparelhos de
imagem mdicos que podero segurar nas mos. I think that robots will do more of our work.
Voc tambm pode usar o verbo predict para fazer previses: Scientists are predicting that fewer people will die from
Use a expresso in the future para enfatizar o que voc est falando sobre um momento distante do presente: In the
future, people will wear their technology, not carry it.
Use be + goint o + verbo para falar sobre um plano firme ou uma inteno para o futuro: A: What are you going to do
on vacation? B: I'm going to visit friends and family. And I'm not going to work.
Use will + verbo para dizer o que voc prev ou acredita que v acontecer. No ingls falado, o pronome e o verbo
costumam ser contrados.
We'll probably stay in a hotel. I'll be happy living by the sea. You'll like Paris. Voc vai gostar de Paris.
Quando o pronome e o verbo no forem contrados, costuma ser para uma nfase especfica: You will have fun. We
will not fight.
Para sentido negativo, use will + not + verbo. A forma curta won't. I won't get sick. They won't come with us.
Para especificar o tempo, voc pode acrescentar expresses de futuro: I'm going to go horseback riding on Thursday.
The next two days will be an adventure.
26. Futuro no passado
Para falar sobre um evento que estava prestes a acontecer, mas foi impedido por outro, use was going to + verbo,
depois but e uma orao no past tense: Chris was going to kiss Hannah, but her phone rang. They were going to
separate, but they fell in love again. We were going to stay at the Ritz, but it was just too expensive. Shawn was
going to marry Linda, but she didn't want to marry him. They were going to call the police, but they couldn't find
their phone.
Da mesma forma, voc pode usar was about to + verbo: The show was about to end, but they wrote three more
episodes. The police were about to catch the murderer, but he ran. Natalie was about to watch TV, but the
electricity went out. The killer was about to murder her, but she ran away. I was about to watch that new detective
show, but you finally got home.
27. Future tense
Use o futuro com will e sua forma negativa won't para se oferecer para fazer algo, fazer uma promessa ou previso.
I'll help you. I promise I won't spread any rumors. Prometo no espalhar qualquer rumor. I'm sure that team
coordination will improve. Tenho certeza de que a coordenao da equipe vai melhorar.
Use o futuro simples com be going to para falar sobre planos ou fazer uma previso: He is going to travel to
Mexico City next week.
I believe we're going to have a merger.

Use o futuro contnuo com will ou be going to com o verbo be e um particpio presente para falar sobre uma
ao contnua que estar acontecendo no futuro: I'll be doing some back and forth between here and Mexico. Vou
ficar indo e vindo daqui para o Mxico.
She's going to be running the office while he's away. Ela vai administrar o escritrio enquanto ele est fora.
Use o futuro perfeito com will ou be going to, o verbo have e um particpio passado para falar sobre aes que
tero sido concludas em um momento especfico no futuro: The meeting will have concluded by the time you
return. A reunio ter acabado na hora que voc voltar.
We won't have finished the project by next week. No teremos terminado o projeto at a semana que vem.
28. Condicional zero
A zero conditional expressa uma verdade universal ou a realidade. composta por duas oraes, uma orao com if e
uma principal, separada por vrgula. Os dois verbos ficam no presente.
Oraes com 'If'
Orao principal
If you roll two ones,
you lose the game.
If you explain the rules, we can play. If you land on my space, I score a point.
If you score 10 points, you win
the game.
Reviso: Ausencia de condicional
A ausncia de condicional pode ser usada para oferecer instrues, conselhos, avisos ou informaes. Observe que
tanto a orao que apresenta ir como a orao do resultado esto no presente.
If a tsunami occurs, move to higher ground right away. Se ocorrer um tsunami, v imediatamente para um local mais
Keep away from the shoreline if a tsunami is approaching land. Fique longe da costa se um tsunami estiver se
If there is a flood, do not go to a basement. Se houver uma enchente, no v para o poro.
29. Primeira Condicional
Use a primeira condicional para dizer o resultado de uma ao. Frases da primeira condicional tm duas oraes. Uma
orao tem a palavra if acompanhada da condio. A outra orao tem o resultado e vem com o futuro formado com
If we buy an electric car, it will help the environment. If the city changes to natural gas, air quality will
Voc pode usar verbos modais, como can, na orao com a consequncia.
If I save my money, I can buy an electric car next year.
Frases com unless tem o mesmo sentido de frases com if** acompanhadas de um verbo na negativa.
If I don't work hard, I'll lose my job. Unless I work hard, I'll lose my job.
Frases com unless indicam que algo acontecer se outro evento no acontecer. Use unless* acompanhado de uma
orao no presente. Depois, acrescente a orao principal com will: Unless the team can follow the schedule,
development will fall behind. A menos que a equipe consiga seguir a programao, o desenvolvimento ir atrasar.
Unless we innovate constantly, we won't stay competitive.
Reviso: 1 condicional
Use afirmaes com a 1 condicional para expressar uma possibilidade realista. Use If + tempo presente em uma
orao que indique uma condio, e will + verbo em uma orao que indique um resultado gerado caso a condio
seja atendida: If she moves abroad, she'll learn another language. She'll learn another language if she moves
A 1 condicional pode ter mais de uma condio na orao com if, e mais de um resultado na orao com will.
Perceba que voc no precisa repetir a palavra if para a segunda condio ou will para o segundo resultado: If you go
to law school and become a lawyer, you'll be very successful and make lots of money.
A 1 condicional tambm pode ser modificada com verbos como think e believe. Observe que that opcional
nessas sentenas: I think (that) if I go to law school, I'll be very successful. She believes (that) if she chooses a
career helping people, she'll be happy.
If he goes to college, he'll have more career choices.
He believes if he works late, the boss will promote him.
He will succeed and make money if he works hard.
If he doesn't apply soon, he won't get an interview.
He thinks that he'll have kids if he gets married.
If he doesn't save more, he won't have money for retirement.
30. 2 condicional
Use a 2 condicional para falar sobre uma situao irreal do futuro, algo fantasioso ou improvvel de acontecer. Use o
past simple na orao com if e would + verbo de base na result clause (orao do resultado): If I had a lot of
money, I'd travel around the world. Se eu tivesse...viajaria..

Se a result clause vier antes da orao com if, a vrgula (,) no necessria: I'd travel around the world if I had a lot of
A forma correta do verbo be no simple past na 2 condicional were: If he were a teacher, he'd be happier. Se ele
fosse..seria mais feliz. If they were younger, they'd travel around the world. Se eles fossem mais jovens, viajariam
pelo mundo.
No entanto, em conversas informais, voc frequentemente escutar was: I'd be a basketball player if I was taller. Eu
seria jogador de basquete se fosse mais alto.
I would travel around the world if I were rich.
If I didn't need the money, I would quit.
If I were you, I'd be tired, too.
It wouldn't be so rewarding if it were easy.
I'd be happier if I had a good job.
If I weren't so short, I would be a basketball player.
31. Reviso - 1 e 2 condicional
Use um enunciado na 1 condicional para expressar uma possibilidade realstica. Use if + tempo presente na
orao com if e um modal como will ou can na result clause (orao de resultado): If we recycle, the city will
be greener. If you build green cities, you can make a difference in the world.
Use um enunciado na 2 condicional para algo com menos possibilidade ou mesmo impossvel. Use if + past simple
na orao com if e **would na result clause (orao do resultado): If everyone planted trees, the air would be
cleaner. If I worked less, I would travel more.
Lembre-se de que were a forma correta do verbo be na 2 condicional: If this city were green, the world would be
a better place.
No entanto, em conversas informais, voc frequentemente escutar was: If I was more careful with my garbage, I
could recycle more.
As duas oraes podem ser trocadas. Quando isso ocorre, no necessrio usar vrgulas: We'll have more trees if we
open more parks. Life would be easier if I earned more money.
32. 3 condicional
Use um enunciado na 3 condicional para comunicar o resultado potencial de um evento que no aconteceu de
verdade: If Terry had gotten rich, he would have stopped working. Se Terry tivesse ficado rico, ele teria parado de
Em um enunciado na 3 condicional, use if + past perfect na orao com if e would have + past participle na
result clause: If she had been more ambitious, they would have promoted her. Se ela tivesse sido mais ambiciosa,
eles teriam promovido-a. If I had quit school, I wouldn't have been so successful. Se eu tivesse sado da escola,
no teria tido tanto sucesso.
Lembre-se, quando a orao com if vem depois da result clause, no nessrio usar vrgulas: I would have moved
to Buenos Aires if they had offered me the job. Eu teria me mudado para Buenos Aires se eles tivessem me oferecido
o emprego.
33. Reviso de tempo verbal para dar notcias
Voc pode usar uma variedade de tempos verbais para dar notcias. Use simple past, past continuous, present
perfect ou past passive para eventos no passado: Bob and Ellen got divorced (se divorciaram). The company was
having financial problems. Stewart has disappeared. (desapareceu). Lisa was fired by her company. (foi
Use simple present, present continuous ou present perfect continuous para eventos no presente: Allen is very
sick. Pat is looking for another job.
Janet has been seeing another man. (vem se encontrando)
Use present continuous, futuro com going to ou will, ou future continuous para eventos no futuro.
Jack is moving to Mexico. Kevin is going to buy a boat. Jason will be in New York next week. Ted will be managing
the department from now on. Ted gerenciar o departamento de agora em diante.
34. Oraes adverbiais de tempo
Oraes adverbiais frequentemente acrescentam informaes sobre tempo. Use advrbios como before, after, when
e while para colocar os eventos em ordem.
Use before + past simple para falar sobre o perodo de tempo anterior a um evento: Before I got this job, I worked
as a sales assistant. Chris had a really demanding job before he quit.
Use after + past simple para falar sobre o perodo de tempo seguinte a um evento: After she sold electric cars, she
went back to school. What did you do after you graduated?
Use when + passado simples para falar sobre um perodo de tempo especfico: When I was younger, I thought I
should study law. What did you do when you worked at XCCX?
Use while + passado contnuo para descrever um evento que aconteceu durante um perodo de tempo: I was
making a lot of money while I was living in Korea. While I was studying to be a lawyer, I worked for six months in a
35. Orao principal e subordinada

Em frase com uma orao principal e uma orao subordinada, cada orao precisa ter um sujeito e um verbo.
Orao principal
Orao subordinada
We ordered the perfect espresso
when we finished dessert.
Everything was fresh and delicious,
so we'll probably go again.
36. Mudana de tempo verbal
Tente usar os tempos verbais de forma consistente ao se comunicar. Se comear com o futuro, continue a us-lo de
uma frase ou orao para a prxima: In five years' time, I will retire at the age of 65.
Daqui a cinco anos, eu
me aposentarei aos 65 anos. I am going to try to socialize a lot, or I will become very lonely.
s vezes, porm, voc precisar passar de um tempo verbal para outro. Por exemplo, voc poder usar o passado
para falar sobre o que algum contou ontem. Depois, poder passar para o presente para falar sobre como algum se
sente agora: Yesterday, Grandpa said that he felt lonely when he was young. He also said that now he is more
Oops. I see another gray hair. I am definitely getting older. Getting older is scary, but I guess there are some
advantages. When I was young, I (act) acted kind of crazy and wild. I (be) was a little lonely in my 20s. I turned 60
years old yesterday, and I've (change) changed . These days, I (do) do things that are quite ... sociable. And I am
much more reflective. In five years, I'm going to (retire) retire . I'll be 65 by that time. I'll (live) live near the
mountains and play golf all day.
37. Reviso: tempos verbais narrativos
Lembre-se de usar uma variedade de tempos verbais ao narrar uma sequncia de eventos passados.
Passado simples: Use o passado simples para descobrir eventos concludos: There was a big earthquake off the
coast. Houve uma grande terremoto ao largo da costa.
Passado contnuo: Use o passado contnuo para fornecer detalhes sobre algo em 2 plano, como o que ocorria
enquanto outro fato aconteceu: People were swimming in the water when the tsunami hit. As pessoas estavam
nadando quando o tsunami atingiu a costa.
Passado perfeito: Use o passado perfeito para organizar vrios eventos passados em sequncia: We had been told
to get out of the water before the wave came, but some people hadn't listened. Fomos avisados para sair da gua
antes de a onda chegar, mas algumas pessoas no tinham ouvido.
Passado perfeito contnuo: Use o passado perfeito contnuo de forma semelhante ao passado contnuo: para
fornecer detalhes sobre algo em segundo plano: Before the disaster, people had been enjoying themselves on the
beach. Antes do desastre, as pessoas estavam se divertindo na praia.
Presente simples: Para fazer a histria parecer mais imediata, voc pode cont-la no presente, embora ela tenha
ocorrido no passado: The big wave hits the beach with incredible force. I am absolutely terrified. A onda gigante
atinge a praia com fora descomunal. Estou totalmente aterrorizado.
It was terrible. More than 20 people were killed
He had been fighting the fire alone before the firefighters arrived.
We were watching TV when the earthquake hit.
My friends had warned me about avalanches, but I didn't listen.
The wind was blowing like crazy when the electricity went off.
It hadn't rained in more than six months. We were thirsty and tired.
So, we go back to the hotel and wait for the storm to hit.
38. Reviso: passivas
A estrutura de enunciado mais comum em ingls sujeito + verbo + objeto.
Sujeito Verbo
Franco Martelli
this exquisite blouse.
Contudo, para dar mais nfase ao objeto blouse, voc pode transform-lo em sujeito. Isso chamado de voz passiva,
the passive.
be + past participle trecho com by
This exquisite blouse is designed
by Franco Martelli.
The passive pode estar em qualquer tempo. Aqui segue outro exemplo de present passive: That belt is sold in
many clothing stores.
Simple past passive: Se voc quer focar numa ao do passado e no na fonte da ao, use past passive. A
estrutura similar da present passive, exceto pelo fato de o verbo auxiliar be estar no passado, no no presente. His
new suit was quickly delivered by the department store.
Omitindo by: Voc pode emitir o trecho com by se for bvio quem responsvel pela ao, se a pessoa no for
importante ou se for desconhecida: His new suit was quickly delivered. The scarf is worn like this. .. usado assim. I
lost a very expensive sweater. It was made of cashmere.
39. Phrasal verbs
Phrasal verbs para namoros: Phrasal verbs so verbos seguidos por uma ou mais preposies. Juntos, o verbo e
a(s) preposio(es) normalmente tm um significado diferente do verbo ou da(s) preposio(es) isoladamente:
Frank has been going out with Susan for a long time.

H dois tipos de phrasal verbs - separvel e inseparvel.

Phrasal verbs separveis:
Phrasal verbs separveis podem ter um objeto direto no meio ou depois do verbo e da preposio. Nos seguintes
exemplos, observe que as palavras turned e down podem vir juntas ou separadas pelo objeto direto.
She turned down his invitation. She turned his invitation down. - Ela recusou o convite dele.
Qdo voc usa verbos separveis com pronomes, o pronome sempre vai entre o verbo e a preposio: He asked her
out. Ele a convidou para sair.
Phrasal verbs inseparveis:
Para phrasal verbs inseparveis, o objeto direto sempre vem depois do phrasal verb.
Karen broke up with her boyfriend. He cheated on her. Karen terminou com o namorado. Ele a traiu.
I don't get along with Tim. Eu no me dou bem com Tim
Break up with: to end a relationship
Go out with: to date
Turn down: to say no
Ask out: to invite on a date
Peter went out with her. Peter didn't ask her out. He has been cheating on her. I get along with Peter. Cheryl
broke up with Tom. I don't get along with Mary. Jessica asked Martin out. I think that Harry is cheating on Kate.
Max turned Jane down. I want to go out with Jack.


Discurso direto e indireto

Use o discurso direto para informar exatamente o que algum disse. Use aspas ao escrev-lo. Observe que o tempo
do verbo no discurso direto no se modifica: I'm tired of being alone. She said, 'I'm tired of being alone.'
Use o discurso indireto para parafrasear o que algum disse. A palavra that opcional: She says that she is tired of
being alone. She says she is tired of being alone.
Se o verbo introdutrio - por exemplo, said ou told - est no tempo passado, o verbo no discurso indireto
normalmente fica no passado: She said that she was tired of being alone.
Observe que ao utilizar o discurso indireto com o tempo presente do verbo say, o verbo no precisa mudar: My
mother says that I need to find a successful man.

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