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29 Lio
Instituto de Desenvolvimento do Potencial Humano









29 LIO

29 Lio
Instituto de Desenvolvimento do Potencial Humano

1. Leitura e Compreenso
Reading Comprehension........................................................................................................................ 4
1.1. Vocabulary Help............................................................................................................................ 4
1.2. Reading Comprehension 1............................................................................................................4
1.3. Underline the Correct Sentence....................................................................................................4
1.4. Did You Know?.............................................................................................................................. 5
1.5. Reading Comprehension 2............................................................................................................5
1.6. Resposta a Exerccios Selecionados..............................................................................................5
2. Vocabulrio para Leitura e Compreenso de Textos...........................................................................6
3. Expresses Idiomticas (Phrasal Verbs)..............................................................................................9
4. Gramtica (Grammar).........................................................................................................................9
5. Textos (Texts)..................................................................................................................................... 10
6. Letras de Msicas (Lyrics)..................................................................................................................11
6.1. Adagio (Lara Fabian)
Adagio................................................................................................................................................. 11
6.2. Something (Beatles)
Alguma Coisa..................................................................................................................................... 12
6.3. Jesus Christ Superstar................................................................................................................13
7. Histrias (Stories)............................................................................................................................... 14
7.1. The Velveteen Rabbit...................................................................................................................14
7.2. The Emperor and the Nightingale...............................................................................................15
7.3. Thumbelina................................................................................................................................. 15
8. Histrias, Frases e Anedotas
(Stories, Quotes and Jokes)..................................................................................................................15

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Instituto de Desenvolvimento do Potencial Humano



The Unsinkable ship: How safe was she?
Many of the marketing ploys associated with the Titanic were lies or
misunderstandings. For instance in one magazine, the Engineer,
there was an article that reported the launch. It said that some of her
features were a roller skating rink, a fish pond, a theatre and shops!

But the major point that was being thrown around in the media
during that time in 1912, was how the Titanic was unsinkable. This
was said to have been true in many shipping magazines of the time
because of its watertight system. The hull had been divided into 16
watertight compartments that were sealed by huge watertight
doors. The ship was supposed to have stayed afloat if only 2 of these compartments were flooded.
Thomas Andrews, the man in charge of overseeing the Titanics construction, had said that the ship
was practically unsinkable; the press just left out the practically bit and bingo, an unsinkable ship.
Most passengers and a lot of the crew strongly believed that the ship simply couldnt sink! This is why
many of the lifeboats loaded off the Titanic werent full; no one wanted to get into a cold life boat only
to get back onto the ship when it didnt sink! Unfortunately this never happened.
The list of Titanic disappointments rolls on. A Canadian team in 1995 found that she had been
made from unsafe metals. Also it was found that the Titanic had faulty rivets, its rudder was
too small and the ship was moving too fast in the icy waters.
It is up to you... how safe do you think she was?

1.1. Vocabulary Help

ploy manobra para frustrar os planos do adversrio, artimanha
for instance por exemplo
watertight a prova dgua, seguro, impermevel
huge grande, enorme
leave out omitir
lifeboat bote salva-vidas
faulty defeituosos
rudder leme, timo

lie mentira
hull casco
seal selar
oversee supervisionar
crew tripulao
roll on continua
rivets rebite
icy gelada

1.2. Reading Comprehension 1

a) Que tipo de artigos noticiava-se poca do lanamento do Titanic?
b) Porque os primeiros botes salva-vidas a deixarem o Titanic no estavam lotados?
c) Quais foram os erros cometidos no Titanic?

1.3. Underline the Correct Sentence

1. The Titanic was a plane launched in 1912
2. Thomas Andrews, the man in charge of overseeing the construction of the ship, considered
Titanic an unsinkable ship
3. Some features of the Titanic: a roller skate rink, a fish pond, a theatre and shops.
4. The ship could not sink - this statement was responsible for many deaths.
5. A Canadian team found that she sunk because its rudder was too small
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Instituto de Desenvolvimento do Potencial Humano

1.4. Did You Know?

a) Did you know... some Titanic passengers kept dogs on board in kennels?
b) One dog was worth 750 pounds. That was quite a large amount in 1912!
c) Did you know... During the Second World War a German propaganda movie was made, called
Titanic. The hero in this story was the sole German officer on board, an invented character!

d) Did you know... passengers rode the stationary bicycles in the Gymnasium to pass time before the
ship sank!
e) Did you know... that windows and panelling from the Olympics first class lounge can be found at
The White Swan Hotel in Alnwick, England.
f) Did you know... that none of the surviving Titanic officers or crew reached the status of captain
during the rest of their seafaring lives!
g) Did you know... one of the Titanics coal bunkers was on fire as it left Southampton!
h) Did you know...it has been said by many survivors that Officer Murdoch commited suicide just
before the ship sank with one of the pistols the crew had to keep the crowds away from the
i) Did you know...that one of the first lifeboats to leave the Titanic carried only 28 people; it could
hold 64!
j) Did you know...that before the Titanic had even left the harbour, its suction snapped another
ships ropes and then nearly ran into it. The ship was called New York!

1.5. Reading Comprehension 2

Qual das afirmaes acima a mais surpreendente e por qu?

Como voc imagina ter sido o perfil do passageiro do Titanic? Porque?

Dos tripulantes que sobreviveram ao desastre, qual deles chegou a patente de capito?

Como a multido era mantida afastada dos botes salva-vidas?

1.6. Resposta a Exerccios Selecionados

Reading Comprehension 1
Dizia-se muitas mentiras, como por exemplo, que o navio tinha pista de patinao, lago para pesca,
teatro e lojas. Dizia-se tambm que o Titanic era um navio que no poderia nunca afundar.
Por que ningum acreditava que o Titanic pudesse afundar.
O navio foi feito com metais inseguros. Descobriu-se tambm que o Titanic tinha rebites defeituosos,
o leme era muito pequeno e o navio estava se movendo muito rpido na hora do acidente.
Underline the correct sentence
The ship could not sink this statement was responsible for many deaths.
Reading Comprehension 2
1. Esta questo no tem resposta correta, cada um deve avaliar a afirmao que mais lhe surpreendeu.
2. Muitos deles eram ricos. Afirmaes 1 e 2.
3. Nenhum
4. Com armas

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Instituto de Desenvolvimento do Potencial Humano



{421} to live <0,044%> [1] Did you know that none of the
surviving Titanic officers or crew reached the status of
captain during the rest of their seafaring lives! (Voc
sabia que nenhum dos oficiais sobreviventes ou a tripulao do
Titanic chegou a ser capito pelo resto da sua vida no mar!)
[2] Not to have knowledge of what happened before
you were born is to be condemned to live forever as a
child. (No ter conhecimento do que aconteceu antes do seu
nascimento ser condenado a viver para sempre como uma
criana.) [3] Please help me mend my broken heart and let me live again. [Por favor, ajudeme a consertar meu corao partido (quebrado) e deixe-me viver outra vez.] [4] I cant settle down
and live here in the palace. (Eu no posso me instalar e viver aqui no palcio.) [5] However
mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names. (Por mais que a
vida seja dura com voc, encare-a e viva-a: no a despreze e a chame de nomes feios.)
{422} faith <0,028%> [1] I'm not above doing anything to restore your faith. (Eu no estou
acima de fazer qualquer coisa para restaurar a sua f.) [2] Sweet Faith I'll be joining you, when
my story's over. (Doce f eu me unirei a voc, quando minha histria estiver terminada.) [3]
Before this light fades away, before I run out of faith, be the only man to say that you'll
hear my heart. (Antes que esta luz se apague, antes que eu perca minha f, seja o nico homem a
dizer que voc escutar meu corao.) [4] The Little Prince watched him, growing fonder and
fonder of his lamplighter, who was so faithful to orders. (O Pequeno Prncipe o observou, se
afeioando mais e mais ao seu acendedor de luminria, o qual obedeciam a ordens.) [5] I've been
unfaithful to you. I slept with your best friend Phil. I'm so terribly sorry. (Eu tenho sido
infiel a voc. Eu dormi com seu melhor amigo Phil. Eu sinto muito.)
{423} society <0,018%> [1] High Society is where all the people who want to be seen
like to hang out. (A Alta Sociedade onde todas as pessoas que querem ser vistos gostam de
congregar.) [2] The Chinese Triads are an important secret society with tentacles in
every continent. (Os Triados Chineses so uma sociedade secreta importante com tentculos
em todos os continentes.) [3] Born into society, a banker's only child, he had everything a
man could want: power, grace, and style. (Nascido dentro da sociedade, filho nico de um
banqueiro, ele tinha tudo que um homem poderia querer: poder, encanto e estilo.) [4] In
England a Building Society is where you can ask for a mortgage. (Na Inglaterra, Uma
Sociedade de Construo onde voc solicita uma hipoteca.) [5] Naked people have little or
no influence on society. (Pessoas nuas tm pouca ou nenhuma influncia na sociedade.)
{424} east <0,018%> [1] East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet.
(Leste leste e oeste oeste e nunca os dois devero se encontrar.) [2] The war on the Eastern
Front was the most cruel of all. (A guerra na frente do leste foi a mais cruel de todas.) [3] It's a
light and tumble journey, from the East Side to the park. ( uma viagem leve e
movimentada, a vinda do Lado Leste ao parque.) [4] I prefer to live on the East Coast. (Prefiro
morar na costa leste.) [5] The last time anything like this happened, a star appeared in the
east and three wise men came over the hill. (A ltima que vez que algo assim aconteceu, uma
estrela apareceu no leste e trs sbios vieram pela colina.)
{425} race <0,018%> [1] Ill race you to school, the girl said. (Eu vou apostar uma
corrida contigo escola, a menina falou.) [2] One key to understanding contemporary
British society, which is made up of people of different races, characterized by
different hair styles and skin colours, and with different faiths, lies in the history of
its empire. (Uma chave para entender a sociedade britnica contempornea, que constituda
de pessoas de raas diferentes, caracterizadas por seus diferentes estilos de cabelo e cores de pele
e com religies diferentes, pode ser encontrada na histria de seu imprio.) [3] Listen Jesus, do
you care for your race? [Oua Jesus, voc se importa com a (gosta da) sua raa?] [4] You're

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Herod's race! You're Herod's case! (Voc da raa de Herodes! Voc caso para Herodes!)
[5] Oh honey, remember two weeks ago when I went to the horse races? Marylou was
the name of one of the horses I bet on. (Oh querida, lembra h duas semanas atrs quando
eu fui corrida de cavalos? Marylou foi o nome de um dos cavalos em que eu apostei.)
{426} ready <0,018%> [1] Everything is ready! The pulley, the bucket, the rope (Tudo
est pronto! A manivela, o balde, a corda...) [2] When the Chinese government protested,
Britain was ready to go to war. (Quando o governo da China protestou, o Reino Unido estava
pronto para declarar guerra.) [3] Im dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep. (Estou
malhado, sonolento e pronto para dormir.) [4] Im ready for tigers with all their claws. (Eu
estou pronta para os tigres e todas as suas garras.) [5] It used to take her 20 minutes to get
breakfast ready. Now I do it in seven. (Ela costumava preparar o caf da manh em 20
minutos. Agora eu fao em sete.)
{427} palace <0,018%> [1] And the scholars wrote many books describing the city, the
palace and the garden, but not one of them forgot the Nightingale [E os estudiosos
escreviam muitos livros descrevendo a cidade, o palcio e o jardim, mas nenhum deles (jamais) se
esquecia do Rouxinol...] [2] Along with the maps, documents, photographs of palaces and
objects, the museum also displays text panels where today's perspective is often added.
(Junto com os mapas, documentos, fotografias de palcios e objetos, o museu tambm exibe painis
com texto onde a perspectiva de hoje muitas vezes includa.) [3] Take him to some shady
palace, save me from the wrath of this man. (Leve-o para algum palcio sombreado, poupeme da raiva deste homem.) [4] They were filled with admiration for it and for the palace and
the garden. (Eles estavam cheios de admirao por ela e pelo palcio e pelo jardim.) [5] The
palace was as quiet as a tomb. (O palcio ficou to quieto quanto um tmulo.)
{428} interest <0,018%> [1] My rest was not absolutely necessary, but I was interested
and wished to know more about him. (A rigor, esse descanso no me era necessrio, mas eu
ardia de curiosidade de saber mais a respeito dele.) [2] A large screen in the museum carries
brief testimonies of interest from eight people from East Africa, India, the Caribbean
and Hong Kong who recall their experiences of moving to Britain. (Um grande painel no
museu mostra curtos testemunhos de interesse de oito pessoas do Leste da frica, ndia, Caribe e
Hong Kong que se recordaram de suas experincias de mudana para o Reino Unido.) [3] Oh,
where I live is not very interesting. (Oh, onde eu moro no muito interessante.) [4]
Geographers are not interested in ephemeral things Theyre not interested in flowers.
(Gegrafos no esto interessados em coisas efmeras... Eles no esto interessados em flores.) [5]
Little Tim was in the garden filling in a hole when his neighbor peered over the fence.
Interested in what the cheeky-faced youngster was up to, he politely, he asked: What
are you up to there, Tim? (O pequeno Tim estava no quintal enchendo um buraco quando seu
vizinho apareceu na cerca. Interessado no que aquele jovem de cara desrespeitosa estava
aprontando, ele perguntou educadamente: O que voc est fazendo a, Tim?).
{429} sense <0,018%> [1] In the leaves on the trees and the touch of the breeze, there's a
pleasin' sense of happiness for me. (Nas folhas das rvores e o toque da brisa, h um sentido
agradvel de felicidade para mim.) [2] In a sense, World War I marked the beginning of the
end of the empire. (Num certo sentido, a Primeira Guerra Mundial marcou o incio do fim do
imprio.) [3] Baby, when I get down I turn to you and you make sense of what I do.
(Querida, quando eu estou para baixo (deprimido) eu me volto para voc, e voc entende o que fao.)
[4] Once again I felt chilled by the sense of something irreparable. (Mais uma vez me senti
gelado por uma sensao de alguma coisa irreparvel.) [5] Haven't you got a sense of humor?
(Voc no tem senso de humor?)
{430} hair <0,018%> [1] Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been
loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby.
(Geralmente, quando voc se torna Real, a maior parte de seu cabelo foi amorosamente arrancada, e
seus olhos caem e voc se torna frouxo nas juntas e muito surrado) [2] Then, if a child comes to
you, if he laughs, if he has golden hair, if he doesnt answer your questions Youll know

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Instituto de Desenvolvimento do Potencial Humano

who he is. (Ento, se uma criana vier at voc, se ele rir, se tiver cabelos dourados, se no
responder as suas perguntas... Voc saber quem ele .) [3] And her hair in a fine mist floats on
my pillow. (E seu cabelo numa fina neblina flutua em cima do meu travesseiro.) [4] The most of
the hairs in his tail had been pulled out to string bead necklaces. [A maioria dos pelos em
sua cauda tinham sido arrancados para fazer (encordoar) colares de contas.] [5] How long before
I can get a haircut? (Em quanto tempo eu posso cortar o cabelo?)
{431} to continue <0,018%> [1] As he continued on his journey, the Little Prince thought
that the lamplighter was the only one who didnt strike him as ridiculous! (Enquanto ele
continuava sua viagem, o Pequeno Prncipe percebeu que o acendedor de luminria foi o nico que
no o surpreendeu sendo ridculo!) [2] It is also an impact that continues to be felt in a
Britain where ethnic minorities represent almost six percent of the population. (Tambm
um impacto que continua a ser sentido no Reino Unido onde as minorias tnicas representam quase
seis por cento da populao.) [3] So the Little Prince continued on his journey. (Assim o
Pequeno Prncipe continuou sua viagem.) [4] Music Music Strike up the great gong and
drown out their voices!. But the voices continued. [Msica... Msica... Batam o grande
gongo e abafem (desapaream com) suas vozes!". Mas as vozes continuaram.] [5] Flattered, the
wife continued her vigil while he drifted back to sleep. (Lisonjeada, a esposa continuou sua
viglia enquanto lentamente ele voltava a dormir.)
{432} doubt <0,018%> [1] He always referred to the dictionary when he was in doubt
over a word. (Ele sempre se referiu ao dicionrio quando tinha dvidas de uma palavra.) [2]
Some historians believe that there is no doubt that Britain's rule of India prevented
the subcontinent's fragmentation into scores of small states. (Alguns historiadores
acreditam que no resta dvida de que o governo da ndia pelo Reino Unido impediu a
fragmentao do subcontinente em grande nmero de pequenos estados.) [3] In the middle of
the night I go walking in my sleep, through the jungle of doubt to the river so deep.
(No meio da noite eu ando no meu sono, atravs da selva da dvida at o rio to profundo.) [4]
And so you see I have come to doubt. (E portanto voc v que estou em dvida.) [5] When
in charge, ponder. When in trouble, delegate. When in doubt, mumble. (Quando no
comando, pense. Quando tem problemas, delegue. Quando em dvida, murmure.)
{433} important <0,018%> [1] And no grown up will ever understand how such a thing
could be so important. (E nenhum adulto entender como uma coisa assim pode ser to
importante.) [2] It also exploited the invention of the telegraph and marine cable
systems to ensure that important information reached London quickly from the
colonies. (Tambm explorou a inveno dos sistemas de telgrafo e cabos marinhos para
assegurar que informaes importantes chegassem rapidamente das colnias a Londres.) [3]
But my rose is more important, since she is the one Ive watered, shes the one I put
under glass. (Mas a minha rosa mais importante, j que ela aquela que reguei, ela aquela
que ponho debaixo de uma redoma de vidro.) [4] Its the time you spent on your rose that
makes your rose so important. ( o tempo que voc passou com sua rosa que faz sua rosa to
importante.) [5] PLEASE remember, it is very important to count instruments, etc,
before closing the patient! (POR FAVOR, lembre-se, muito importante contar os
instrumentos, etc, antes de fechar o paciente!)
{434} eight <0,017%> [1] It has taken only the eight years since then for the whole
countryside to glow with health and prosperity. (No foram necessrios mais do que os
oito anos que nos separam dessa poca para que a regio inteira reluzisse de sade e
prosperidade.) [2] It was now the eighth day since my crash landing in the desert. (Era o
oitavo dia desde minha aterrissagem forada no deserto.) [3] An old man turned ninetyeight, he won the lottery and died the next day. (Um velho fez 98 anos, ganhou na loteria e
morreu no dia seguinte.) [4] Then it wasnt by accident that I met you eight days ago. You
were returning to the place where you fell? (Ento no foi um acidente ter te encontrado
oito dias atrs. Voc estava retornando ao lugar de sua queda?) [5] You think you have
problems. I'm eighty years old. Every morning at 8:00 I get up and try to move my
bowels. They give me all kinds of stuff but nothing helps. (Voc acha que voc tem
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Instituto de Desenvolvimento do Potencial Humano

problemas. Eu tenho oitenta anos de idade. Toda manh s 8h00 eu me levanto e tento urinar.
Eles me do todo tipo de coisa, mas nada ajuda.)
{435} experience <0,011%> [1] A pessimist is an optimist with experience. (Um
pessimista um optimista com experincia.) [2] Are you experienced? (Voce tem
experincia?) [3] The doctor initially set the machine on 10 percent, telling the man
that even 10 percent was probably more pain than he'd ever experienced.
(Inicialmente, o mdico ajustou a mquina para 10%, dizendo ao homem que mesmo 10% era
provavelmente mais dor que j tenha experimentado.) [4] The nursery magic is very strange
and wonderful, and only those playthings that are old and wise and experienced, like
the Skin Horse, understand all about it. (A mgica do quarto de criana muito estranha e
maravilhosa, e somente aqueles brinquedos que so velhos e sbios e experientes como o Cavalo
de Pele, compreendem tudo isso.) [5] After the first 5 years, the monk asked him what two
words described his experiences and all he said was HARD BEDS. (Depois dos
primeiros 5 anos, o monge perguntou a ele quais as duas palavras que descreviam suas
experincias e tudo o que ele disse foi: CAMAS DURAS.)
Freqncia acumulada desta lio: 0,30%



Freqncia acumulada at esta lio: 68,13%


to refer to: se referir a

Ex: He always referred to the dictionary when he was
in doubt over a word.
Ele sempre se referiu ao dicionrio quando tinha
dvidas de uma palavra.

to be provoked by: ser provocado (causado por)

Ex:The younger brother was provoked by his older
sister into throwing a stone.
O irmo mais novo foi provocado pela irm mais velha
para atirar uma pedra.

to hold together: manter coeso

Ex: A strong mother will hold together a family with many different temperaments.
Uma me forte manter coesa uma famlia com muitos temperamentos diferentes.

to work in: trabalhar em

Ex: The old man had worked in the same factory all his life.
O velho tinha trabalhado na mesma fabrica toda a sua vida.

to move to: se mudar para

Ex: The Americans move to many different parts of their country throughout their lives.
Os americanos mudam-se para muitas regies diferentes de seu pas durante suas vidas.

1) Bsico: unidades 96 e 97 do livro Essential Grammar in Use
2) Intermedirio: unidades 46 e 47 do livro English Grammar in Use
3) Avanado: unidades 50 e 51 do livro Advanced Grammar in Use

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Instituto de Desenvolvimento do Potencial Humano



The British Empire For Posterity Part 2
O Imprio Britnico Para Posteridade Parte 2
Along with the maps, documents, photographs of palaces and
objects, the museum also displays text panels where today's
perspective is often added. One panel refers to the opium wars
provoked by British sales by private traders of Indian-produced
opium to China. When the Chinese government protested, Britain
was ready to go to war."

Junto com os mapas, documentos, fotografias de palcios e objetos, o

museu tambm exibe painis com texto onde a perspectiva de hoje
muitas vezes includa. Um painel se refere s guerras de pio provocadas por vendas britnicas de pio
produzido na ndia, feitas por comerciantes privados, para a China. Quando o governo da China
protestou, o Reino Unido estava pronto para declarar guerra.
But not everything is negative. Some historians believe that there is no doubt that Britain's rule of
India prevented the subcontinent's fragmentation into scores of small states. Similarly, while
Britons were major slave traders, the movement to ban slavery also began in Britain: it prohibited
the slave trade in 1807, after which the Royal Navy intercepted foreign slave ships.
Mas nem tudo negativo. Alguns historiadores acreditam que no resta dvida de que o governo
da ndia pelo Reino Unido impediu a fragmentao do subcontinente em grande nmero de
pequenos estados. Ao mesmo tempo, enquanto britnicos eram grandes comerciantes de escravos,
o movimento para banir a escravido tambm comeou no Reino Unido: proibiu o comrcio de
escravos em 1807, aps o qual a Marinha Real interceptou navios estrangeiros de escravos.
A crucial factor in holding together the empire was communication. In the 19th century, Britain built
railways in most of its colonies (as well as in much of Latin America). It also exploited the invention of
the telegraph and marine cable systems to ensure that important information reached London quickly
from the colonies.
Um fator crucial em manter o imprio coeso foi a comunicao. No sculo 19, o Reino Unido
construiu estradas de ferro na maioria de suas colnias (e tambm em muitos paises da Amrica
Latina). Tambm explorou a inveno dos sistemas de telgrafo e cabos marinhos para assegurar
que informaes importantes chegassem rapidamente das colnias a Londres.
In a sense, World War I marked the beginning of the end of the empire, although in both this conflict and
World War II, Britain was helped immeasurably by food and raw materials from the colonies, as well as
by no fewer than two million soldiers from Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and India in
World War II alone.
Num (certo) sentido, a Primeira Guerra Mundial marcou o incio do fim do imprio, embora tanto
neste conflito como na Segunda Guerra Mundial, o Reino Unido fora ajudado imensamente por
alimentos e matrias primas das colnias, tanto quanto por dois milhes de soldados do Canad,
da Austrlia, da Nova Zelndia, da frica do Sul e da ndia somente na Segunda Guerra Mundial.
The recollections of more than 1,000 people who worked in the former colonies has been recorded.
A large screen in the museum carries brief testimonies of interest from eight people from East
Africa, India, the Caribbean and Hong Kong who recall their experiences of moving to Britain.
There are tales of economic migration, joy, discrimination, disappointment and integration.
As lembranas de mais de mil pessoas que trabalharam nas antigas colnias foram gravadas. Um
grande painel no museu mostra curtos testemunhos de interesse de oito pessoas do Leste da frica,
ndia, Caribe e Hong Kong que se recordaram de suas experincias de mudana para o Reino Unido.
Existem histrias de migrao econmica, felicidade, discriminao, desapontamento e integrao.

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Instituto de Desenvolvimento do Potencial Humano

It is also an impact that continues to be felt in a Britain where ethnic minorities represent almost six percent
of the population. One key to understanding contemporary British society, which is made up of people of
different races, characterized by different hair styles and skin colours, and with different faiths, lies in the
history of its empire.
Tambm um impacto que continua a ser sentido no Reino Unido onde as minorias tnicas
representam quase seis por cento da populao. Uma chave para entender a sociedade
contempornea britnica, que constituda de pessoas de raas diferentes, caracterizadas por seus
diferentes estilos de cabelo e cores de pele e com religies diferentes, pode ser encontrada na
histria de seu imprio.
I picked up a line from Cicero," Mr. Letts recalled. "It says: Not to have knowledge of what happened
before you were born is to be condemned to live forever as a child.' I like to think of this as the idea that
guides the museum."
Achei uma linha de Ccero, lembrou o Sr. Letts. Diz: No ter conhecimento do que aconteceu
antes do nascimento ser condenado a viver para sempre como uma criana. Gosto de pensar
nisso como a idia que guia o museu.



6.1. Adagio (Lara Fabian) - Adagio

I dont know where to find you, I dont know how to reach you
Eu no sei onde encontr-lo, eu no sei como alcan-lo
I hear your voice in the wind, I feel you under my skin
Eu escuto a sua voz no vento, eu sinto voc em mim (debaixo de minha pele)
Within my heart and my soul, I wait for you, Adagio
Dentro do meu corao e em minha alma, eu o espero, Adagio
All of these nights without you, all of my dreams surround you
Todas estas noites sem voc, todos meus sonhos cercam voc
I see and I touch your face, I fall into your embrace
Vejo e toco o seu rosto, caio em seus braos
When the time is right I know, you'll be in my arms, Adagio
Quando a hora estiver certa eu sei, voc estar em meus braos, Adagio
I close my eyes and I find a way, no need for me to pray
Fecho meus olhos e acho uma soluo, no preciso rezar
I've walked so far, I've fought so hard
J andei tanto, lutei to duramente
Nothing more to explain, I know all that remains is a piano that plays
Nada mais para explicar, eu sei que tudo que resta um piano que toca
If you know where to find me, if you know how to reach me
Se voc souber onde me achar, se souber como me alcanar (contatar)
Before this light fades away, before I run out of faith
Antes que esta luz se apague (esmorea), antes que eu perca minha f
Be the only man to say that you'll hear my heart
Seja o nico homem a dizer que voc escutar meu corao

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Instituto de Desenvolvimento do Potencial Humano

That you'll give your life, forever you'll stay
Que dar sua vida, sempre voc ficar
Don't let this light fade away, don't let me run out of faith
No deixe esta luz se apagar, no me deixe perder a f
Be the only man to say that you believe, make me believe, Adagio
Seja o nico homem a dizer que voc acredita, me faa acreditar, Adagio
Capacidade de identificar os sons de lngua inglesa (estime em %):
Compreenso do texto/assunto da msica a partir da escuta (estime em %):
Compreenso da msica levando-se em conta a letra escrita (estime em %):
Quantidade total de palavras dessa msica:
Quantde. de palavras diferentes dessa msica:
Palavras mais freqentes:


I; you; to; my; know; that; me; your;
will ('ll); the; of; Adagio; find

6.2. Something (Beatles) - Alguma Coisa

Something in the way she moves, attracts me like no other lover
Alguma coisa no jeito que ela se movimenta me atrai como nenhuma
outra amante
Something in the way she woos me
Alguma coisa no jeito que ela me namora
I dont want to leave her now, you know I believe and how
Eu no quero deixa-la agora, voc sabe que acredito e como
Somewhere in her smile she knows that I dont need no other lover
Em algum lugar do seu riso ela sabe que eu no preciso de outra amante
Something in her style that shows me
Alguma coisa em seu estilo que me mostra
I dont want to leave her now, you know I believe and how
Eu no quero deixa-la agora, voc sabe que acredito e como
Youre asking me will my love grow, I dont know, I dont know
Voc est me perguntando se meu amor vai crescer, eu no sei, eu no sei
You stick around now it may show
Voc fica por aqui agora (que) pode aparecer
I dont know, I dont know
Eu no sei, eu no sei
Something in the way she knows and all I have to do is think of her
Alguma coisa no jeito que ela sabe e tudo que preciso fazer pensar nela
Something in the things she shows me
Alguma coisa nas coisas que ela me mostra
I dont want to leave her now, you know I believe and how
Eu no quero deixa-la agora, voc sabe que acredito e como

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Instituto de Desenvolvimento do Potencial Humano


Capacidade de identificar os sons de lngua inglesa (estime em %):
Compreenso do texto/assunto da msica a partir da escuta (estime em %):
Compreenso da msica levando-se em conta a letra escrita (estime em %):
Quantidade total de palavras dessa msica:
Quantde. de palavras diferentes dessa msica:
Palavras mais freqentes:


I; dont (do not); know; something;
in; her; you; she; me

6.3. Jesus Christ Superstar

The Last Supper
A ltima Ceia
The Last Supper, Thursday night
A ltima Ceia, Quinta-feira noite
Look at all my trials and tribulations sinking in a
gentle pool of wine
Olhe para todas minhas aflies e tribulaes
afundando num gentil lago de vinho
Don't disturb me now I can see the answers till this evening is this morning life is fine
No me pertube agora eu posso ver as respostas at esta tarde tornar-se esta manh a vida boa
Always hoped that I'd be an apostle, knew that I would make it if I tried
Sempre esperei que eu fosse um apstolo, eu sabia que eu conseguiria se tentasse
Then when we retire we can write the gospels
Ento quando nos aposentarmos podemos escrever o Evangelho
So they'll still talk about us when we've died
Assim eles ainda falaro de ns quando estivermos mortos
The end... Is just a little harder when brought about by friends
O fim... apenas um pouco mais difcil quando provocado por amigos
For all you care this wine could be my blood
Para todos os efeitos (Portanto) este vinho poderia ser meu sangue
For all you care this bread could be my body
Para todos os efeitos (Portanto) este po poderia ser meu corpo
The end! This is my blood you drink, this is my body you eat
O fim! Este meu sangue que vocs bebem, este meu corpo que vocs comem
If you would remember me when you eat and drink...
Se vocs se lembrarem de mim quando vocs comerem e beberem
I must be mad thinking I'll be remembered yes, I must be out of my head!
Devo estar louco em pensar que serei lembrado sim, eu devo estar louco!
Look at your blank faces! My name will mean nothing ten minutes after I'm dead!
Olhe para seus rostos vazios! Meu nome no significar nada dez minutos depois que eu estiver morto!
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Instituto de Desenvolvimento do Potencial Humano

One of you denies me, one of you betrays me
Um de vocs me nega (negar), um de vocs me trai (trair)
Not I! Who would? Impossible!
Eu no! Quem faria (seria)? Impossvel!



7.1. The Velveteen Rabbit

The strange rabbit stopped dancing, and came quite close. He doesn't
smell right! He isn't a rabbit at all! He isn't real!. I AM Real! I am
REAL! The Boy said so! And he nearly began to cry. Just then there was
a sound of footsteps, and the Boy ran past near them, and with a stamp
of feet and a flash of white tails the two strange rabbits disappeared.
O estranho coelho parou de danar, e chegou bem perto. Ele no cheira
bem! Ele no nenhum coelho! Ele no real!. Eu SOU real! Eu sou
REAL! O Menino disse! E quase ele comeou a chorar. Naquele
instante (ento) houve o som de passos, e o Menino os passou correndo
perto deles, e com um estampido de ps e um lampejo de rabos brancos
os dois estranhos coelhos sumiram (desapareceram).

7.2. The Emperor and the Nightingale

But she had to be accompanied by twelve servants, each holding tightly to a
silk thread, fastened to her leg. The imperial city talked of nothing but the
wonderful bird. When two people met on a street, one of them had only to say
nightin, for the other to say gale.
Mas ele tinha que ser acompanhado por doze criados (serviais), cada um
segurando firmemente um fio de seda amarrado ao p dele (do rouxinol). A
cidade imperial s falava do pssaro maravilhoso. Quando duas pessoas se
encontravam na rua, era s uma delas falar "rou", para a outra dizer "xinol".

7.3. Thumbelina
And with each day, she and the bird grew fonder of each other. But she never
mentioned him to the mouse or the mole. Before too long spring returned, and the
earth warmed, and the swallow told Thumbelina it was time again for him to fly.
E a cada dia, ela e o pssaro se afeioavam cada vez mais. Mas ela nunca
mencionou (nada sobre) a andorinha ao camundongo ou toupeira. Logo a
primavera voltou, e o solo se aqueceu, e a andorinha disse para Thumbelina que
era a hora dela voar novamente.

29 Lio
Instituto de Desenvolvimento do Potencial Humano




Calvin and Hobbes

Vocabulary Help
my gosh: [interjeio] Deus!, caramba!
caterpillar: lagarta
chomp: morder e mastigar ruidosamente

Fuzzy: flocoso, penugento, felpudo

kill it: mate-a
bottom: traseiro

New Skin
A married couple was in a terrible accident where the woman's face was severely burned. The
doctor told the husband that they couldn't graft any skin from her body because she was too skinny.
So the husband offered to donate some of his own skin.
However, the only skin on his body that the doctor felt was suitable would have to come from his
buttocks. The husband and wife agreed that they would tell no one about where the skin came from,
and requested that the doctor also honor their secret. After all, this was a very delicate matter.
After the surgery was completed, everyone was astounded at the woman's new beauty. She looked
more beautiful than she ever had before! All her friends and relatives just went on and on about her
youthful beauty!
One day, she was alone with her husband, and she was overcome with emotion at his sacrifice. She
said: Dear, I just want to thank you for everything you did for me. There is no way I could ever repay
My darling, he replied, I get all the thanks I need every time I see your mother kiss you on the cheek.
Vocabulary Help
burn: queimar
skinny: magra
skin: pele
however: entretanto
suitable: adequada
buttocks: ndegas
astounded: surpresos
beauty: beleza
relatives: parentes
repay: pagar, compensar
cheek: bochechas
kiss: beijar
overcome with emotion: subjugada pela emoo, transbordando de emoo

29 Lio
Instituto de Desenvolvimento do Potencial Humano

Diner: Waiter, look at this chicken, nothing but skin and bones.
Waiter: What else do you want, feathers?
Diner: I can't eat such a rotten chicken. Call the manager!
Waiter: It's no use. He won't eat it either.
Diner: You'll drive me to my grave!
Waiter: Well, you don't expect to walk there, do you?
Vocabulary Help
chicken: galinha
feathers: penas
manager: gerente

skin and bones: pele e osso

rotten: ruim, pssimo

The Senior Driver

As a senior citizen was driving down the freeway, his car phone rang. Answering, he heard his
wife's voice urgently warning him:
Herman, I just heard on the news that there's a car going the wrong way on 280. Please be careful!
Hell, said Herman, It's not just one car. It's hundreds of them!
Vocabulary Help
senior citizen: senhor de idade
ring/rang/rung: tocar
wrong way: contramo
hundreds: centenas

freeway: autoestrada
news: noticirio
be careful: seja cuidadoso

The Farmer and the Snake

One winter a farmer found a snake stiff and frozen with cold. He had compassion on it, and taking
it up, placed it in his bosom. The snake was quickly revived by the warmth, and resuming its
natural instincts, bit its benefactor, inflicting on him a mortal wound: Oh, cried the farmer with
his last breath, I am rightly served for pitying a scoundrel.
The greatest kindness will not bind the ungrateful.
Vocabulary Help
winter: inverno
snake: cobra
frozen: congelada
bosom: peito, seio
bite (bite, bit, bitten): picar
last breath: ltimo suspiro
kindness: gentileza
ungrateful: ingrato

find/found/found: encontrar
stiff: dura
cold: frio
warmth: calor
wound: ferida
scoundrel: canalha, patife
bind: ligar

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Instituto de Desenvolvimento do Potencial Humano

The Barber
This guy sticks his head into a barber shop and asks: How long before I can get a haircut? The
barber looks around the shop and says: About 2 hours. The guy leaves.
A few days later the same guy sticks his head in the door and asks: How long before I can get a
haircut? The barber looks around at shop full of customers and says: About 2 hours. The guy leaves.
A week later the same guy sticks his head in the shop and asks: How long before I can get a
haircut? The barber looks around the shop and says: About an hour and a half. The guy leaves
The barber looks over at a friend in the shop and says: Hey, Bill, follow that guy and see where he goes.
In a little while, Bill comes back into the shop laughing hysterically. The barber asks, Bill, where
did he go when he left here? Bill looked up and said: To your house.
Vocabulary Help
haircut: corte de cabelo
stick: enfiar
follow: seguir
laugh: rir

leave/left/left: sair, partir

customer: fregus
see/saw/seen: ver

29 Lio
Instituto de Desenvolvimento do Potencial Humano

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