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Standard Technical


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Copyright 2002 Bureau of Reclamation
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1 Edio: Dezembro de 2002
Meio Eletrnico
SGA/Norte - Quadra 601 - Lote I - Sala 410
Edifcio Sede da CODEVASF
Braslia - DF
CEP - 70830-901
(061) 226-8466
E-mail: burec2001@aol.com
Kenneth Franc. - Eng Civil - Especialista em Especificao - Bureau of Reclamation
Richard A simonds. Eng Civil - Especialista em Tabulaes - Bureau of Reclamation
Catarino Esquivel - Eng Civil - Especialista em Irrigao - Bureau of Reclamation
Thomas Haider Eng Civil - Especialista em Canais - Bureau of Reclamation
Clete Mages - Eng Mecnico - Bureau of Reclamation
Sherwood Baxter - Eng Eltrico - Bureau of Reclamation
Rod Vissia - Eng de Planejamento - Bureau of Reclamation
Douglas C. Olson - Eng de Planejamento - Bureau of Reclamation
Peter J. Hradilek - Eng Civil - Especialista em Barragens - Bureau of Reclamation
Equipe Tcnica do Bureau of Reclamation no Brasil
Catarino Esquivel - Chefe da Equipe
Ricardo Rodrigues Lage - Especialista Administrativo
Evani F. Souza - Assistente Administrativo
Revisores Tcnicos:
ENGECORPS (Corpo de Engs Consultores) - Vrios Especialistas
CODEVASF / DNOCS - Vrios Especialistas
Composio e Diagramao:
Print Laser - Assessoria Editorial Ltda

Ficha Catalogrfica:

Standard Technical Specifications / Kenneth Franc.... [et al.].

Braslia: Secretaria de Recursos Hdricos, 2002.
574 p. : il. (Manual de Irrigao, v.5)
Trabalho elaborado pelo Bureau of Reclamation, do Departamento de Interior, dos Estados Unidos, por solicitao do Ministrio da Integrao Nacional do governo brasileiro.
1. Manual - Especificao . I. Franc, Kenneth. II. Srie.
CDU 627.82.004.15

Standard Technical Specifications


Em maio de 1986, o Banco Mundial aprovou um Contrato de Emprstimo para a

elaborao de estudos e projetos de irrigao no Nordeste do Brasil. O Contrato inclui
recursos para assistncia tcnica Secretaria de Infra-Estrutura Hdrica e, para isto, foi
assinado - em novembro de 1986 - um acordo com o Bureau of Reclamation, do Departamento do Interior, dos Estados Unidos.
A assistncia abrange a reviso de termos de referncia, estudos bsicos, setoriais
e de pr-viabilidade; projetos bsicos e executivos; especificaes tcnicas para construo de projetos de irrigao; critrios, normas e procedimentos de operao e manuteno de projetos de irrigao; apresentao de seminrios tcnicos; acompanhamento da
construo de projetos; formulao de recomendaes de polticas relativas ao desenvolvimento da agricultura irrigada.
O trabalho de assistncia realizado por uma equipe residente no Brasil, e por
pessoal temporrio do Bureau, do Centro de Engenharia e Pesquisa de Denver, Colorado,
Estados Unidos. A equipe residente conta com especialistas em planejamento, projetos
de irrigao, barragens, hidrologia, sensoriamento remoto e operao e manuteno.
O Bureau vem prestando estes servios h mais de dezesseis anos. Neste perodo,
obteve um conhecimento bastante amplo sobre a agricultura irrigada, no Brasil. Devido a
este conhecimento e grande experincia do Bureau, em assuntos de irrigao, o Ministrio da Integrao Nacional, solicitou que fossem elaborados manuais tcnicos, para
utilizao por rgos governamentais (federais, estaduais e municipais), entidades privadas ligadas ao desenvolvimento da agricultura irrigada, empresas de consultoria, empreiteiras
e tcnicos da rea de irrigao.
A coleo que ora entregue a esse pblico um dos resultados do Contrato
mencionado. Ela composta dos seguintes Manuais:

Planejamento Geral de Projetos de Irrigao

Classificao de Terras para Irrigao
Avaliao Econmica e Financeira de Projetos de Irrigao
Operao e Manuteno de Projetos de Irrigao
Especificaes Tcnicas Padronizadas
Standard Technical Specifications
Avaliao de Pequenas Barragens
Elaborao de Projetos de Irrigao
Construo de Projetos de Irrigao
Para sua elaborao contou com o trabalho de uma equipe de engenheiros e especialistas do Bureau of Reclamation, por solicitao do governo brasileiro.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation

Standard Technical Specifications

O objetivo dos Manuais apresentar procedimentos simples e eficazes para serem

utilizados na elaborao, execuo, operao e manuteno de projetos de irrigao.
Os anexos 10, 11 e 12 do Manual de Operao e Manuteno de Projetos de
Irrigao foram redigidos por tcnicos do Instituto Interamericano de Cooperao para a
Agricultura - IICA. O anexo do Manual de Avaliao de Pequenas Barragens foi elaborado pelo Grupo de Hidrometeorologia da Superintendncia de Desenvolvimento do Nordeste - SUDENE, em convnio com o Institut Franais de Recherche Scientifique pour le
Developement en Cooperation - ORSTOM.
Foram publicadas, separadamente, pelo IBAMA / SENIR / PNUD / OMM (Instituto
Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais, Secretaria Nacional de Irrigao,
Programa das Naes Unidas para o Desenvolvimento, Organizao Meteorolgica Mundial), as Diretrizes Ambientais para o Setor de Irrigao. Estas diretrizes devem ser
seguidas em todas as etapas de planejamento, implantao e operao de projetos de
O Bureau of Reclamation agradece a gentil colaborao da CODEVASF (Companhia de Desenvolvimento do Vale do So Francisco) e do DNOCS (Departamento Nacional de Obras Contra as Secas) pela disponibilizao de informaes sobre Leis e Normas
Tcnicas Brasileiras.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation

Standard Technical Specifications


APRESENTAO ............................................................................................................ 3
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 10

WORKS ............................................................................................... 12
CIVIL WORKS - PRELIMINARY ACTIVITIES ............................................. 12
MOBILIZATION AND DEMOBILIZATION .................................................. 12
CONSTRUCTION CAMP ....................................................................... 13
STAKING OUT THE WORK ................................................................... 14
ACCESS TO THE WORK AND HAUL ROUTES ......................................... 14
SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATIONS ........................................................... 14
DIFFERING SITE CONDITIONS ............................................................... 15
POWER FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES .............................................. 15
WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES .............................................. 15
AREAS AND BORROW AREAS .............................................................. 16
DURING CONSTRUCTION ..................................................................... 16
LOWERING GROUNDWATER TABLE ...................................................... 18
SYSTEMS FOR LOWERING GROUND-WATER TABLE ............................... 19
SITE DRAINAGE .................................................................................. 20
FENCES .............................................................................................. 21

SECTION - EARTHWORK ............................................................................................... 25

C-030100 EARTHWORK, GENERAL ...................................................................... 25
C-030101 CLASSIFICATION OF EXCAVATION ....................................................... 25
C-030102 DEFINITION OF EARTH MATERIALS ....................................................... 26
C-030103 BLASTING .......................................................................................... 28
C-030201 EXCAVATION FOR CANALS AND DRAINS ............................................. 28
C-030203 EXCAVATION FOR STRUCTURES .......................................................... 30
C-030205 EXCAVATION FOR TRENCHES .............................................................. 31
C-030207 EXCAVATION FOR BUILDINGS .............................................................. 33
C-030211 EXCAVATION IN BORROW AREAS ........................................................ 35
C-030213 OVERHAUL ......................................................................................... 36
C-030301 BACKFILL ABOUT STRUCTURES ........................................................... 37
C-030303 BACKFILL IN PIPE TRENCHES ............................................................... 38
C-030401 CONSTRUCTION OF EMBANKMENTS .................................................... 40
C-030501 SLOPE PROTECTION - RIPRAP .............................................................. 43
C-030505 PROTECTION OF SLOPES WITH VEGETATION ........................................ 44
C-030507 CYCLOPIC CONCRETE ......................................................................... 44
C-030601 SURFACING FOR ROADS ..................................................................... 45

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation

Standard Technical Specifications

SECTION - CONCRETE STRUCTURES .............................................................................. 47

C-040100 GENERAL CONCRETE REQUIREMENTS .................................................. 47
C-040101 COMPOSITION AND MIXING ................................................................ 47
C-040102 CONCRETE TESTING AND QUALITY CONTROL ....................................... 50
C-040103 CEMENT ............................................................................................. 52
C-040104 ADMIXTURES ..................................................................................... 53
C-040105 WATER .............................................................................................. 54
C-040106 AGGREGATES ..................................................................................... 54
C-040107 REINFORCING BARS ............................................................................ 55
C-040108 FORMS AND SHORING ........................................................................ 57
C-040109 TRANSPORTATION OF CONCRETE ........................................................ 58
C-040110 CONCRETE PLACEMENT SCHEDULE AND DRAWINGS ............................. 59
C-040111 PLACING CONCRETE ........................................................................... 60
C-040113 CONSOLIDATION OF CONCRETE .......................................................... 61
C-040115 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS ...................................................................... 62
C-040117 REMOVAL OF FORMS .......................................................................... 63
C-040119 CONCRETE CURING ............................................................................. 64
C-040120 PROTECTION OF CONCRETE ................................................................ 64
C-040121 CONCRETE FINISHING, INSPECTION AND REPAIR ................................... 65
C-040122 CONSTRUCTION OF STRUCTURES ........................................................ 69
C-040123 PRODUCTION OF CONCRETE ................................................................ 69
C-040124 TOLERANCES ..................................................................................... 71
C-040125 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT FOR CONCRETE ................................... 75
C-040128 MISCELLANEOUS - CONCRETE STRUCTURES ........................................ 76
C-040130 EMBEDDED ITEMS ............................................................................... 77
C-040201 TRIMMING AND SHAPING CANAL ........................................................ 78
C-040203 CONCRETE CANAL LINING ................................................................... 79
C-040401 WATERSTOPS .................................................................................... 82
SECTION - SHOTCRETE ................................................................................................. 84
C-040501 SHOTCRETE ....................................................................................... 84
C-040505 MIXED REINFORCED CONCRETE SLABS ................................................ 89
SECTION - BUILDING AND URBANIZATION WORKS .......................................................... 92
C-050000 BUILDINGS ......................................................................................... 92
C-050201 FOUNDATIONS FOR BUILDINGS ............................................................ 93
C-050302 MASONRY ........................................................................................ 102
C-050304 BRICKS ............................................................................................ 105
C-050308 PAVEMENTS AND FLOORS ................................................................ 107
C-050312 CEILINGS ......................................................................................... 112
C-050314 ROOFING .......................................................................................... 112
C-050316 WATERPROOFING ............................................................................. 116
C-050318 WOODEN FRAMES ............................................................................ 117
C-050320 METALLIC FRAMES ........................................................................... 119
C-050322 GLASS ............................................................................................. 120
C-050324 HARDWARE ..................................................................................... 121
C-050326 PAINT FOR BUILDINGS ...................................................................... 122
C-050328 FINISHES .......................................................................................... 125
C-050330 ELECTRICAL AND TELEPHONE INSTALLATIONS ................................... 128
C-050332 WATER SUPPLY AND SANITARY SYSTEMS ......................................... 133
DIVISION - MECHANICAL ............................................................................................ 137
S-010101 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL ................................................. 137

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation

Standard Technical Specifications


AND MOTOR UNITS .......................................................................... 154

PUMP AND MOTOR UNITS, GENERAL ................................................. 154
VERTICAL - SHAFT, CENTRIFUGAL PUMPING UNITS ............................. 163
INDUCTION ELECTRIC MOTORS ......................................................... 170
SYNCHRONOUS ELECTRIC MOTORS ................................................... 175

SECTION - GATES AND VALVES .................................................................................. 179

S-010301 GATES AND VALVES, GENERAL ......................................................... 179
S-010302 BUTTERFLY VALVES WITH ACTUATORS ............................................. 182
S-010303 BUTTERFLY VALVES (WITHOUT ACTUATORS) ..................................... 184
S-010304 GATE VALVES .................................................................................. 185
S-010305 GLOBE VALVES ................................................................................ 185
S-010306 CHECK VALVES ................................................................................ 186
S-010307 PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES ................................................................ 186
S-010308 SURGE ANTICIPATOR VALVES ........................................................... 187
S-010309 MULTI-FUNCTION VALVES ................................................................. 188
S-010310 PRESSURE REDUCING VALVES, GLOBE-TYPE ....................................... 188
S-010311 AIR VALVES ..................................................................................... 189
S-010312 STANDARDIZED CAST OR DUCTILE IRON SLIDE GATES ........................ 190
S-010313 AUTOMATIC LEVEL CONTROL VALVES ............................................... 192
SECTION - WATER LEVEL CONTROL GATES .................................................................. 194
SECTION - HANDLING APPARATUS .............................................................................. 220
S-010701 HANDLING APPARATUS, GENERAL ..................................................... 220
S-010702 TRAVELING GANTRY CRANE, ELECTRIC .............................................. 222
S-010703 TRAVELING GANTRY CRANE, MANUAL .............................................. 225
S-010704 OVERHEAD TRAVELING CRANE, MANUAL ........................................... 226
S-010705 MONORAIL HOIST ............................................................................. 229
SECTION - STRUCTURAL EQUIPMENT .......................................................................... 232
S-010801 STOPLOGS ....................................................................................... 232
S-010802 TRASHRACKS .................................................................................. 235

PUMP .............................................................................................. 238

SUMP PUMP ..................................................................................... 238
COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL ................................................. 240
LINE METERS .................................................................................... 243
PRESSURE SWITCHES ....................................................................... 245
WATER-LEVEL DEVICES ..................................................................... 246
MANOMETER .................................................................................... 247
FLOW SWITCH ................................................................................. 247
SPRINKLERS ..................................................................................... 248
HYDROPNEUMATIC TANKS ................................................................ 253
SURGE STANDS ................................................................................ 254
FILTERING EQUIPMENT ...................................................................... 256
EMERGENCY DIESEL MOTOR-GENERATOR UNITS ................................. 257
ASSEMBLY JOINTS ........................................................................... 260
CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM FOR PIPELINES ................................ 263

SECTION - ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL ............................................................. 267

S-020200 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL ................................................... 267

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation

Standard Technical Specifications



POTENTIAL TRANSFORMERS ............................................................. 303
CURRENT TRANSFORMERS ................................................................ 308
DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS ......................................................... 315
AUTOTRANSFORMERS ...................................................................... 322
MEDIUM VOLTAGE CIRCUIT BREAKERS - 15 kV ................................... 328
HIGH VOLTAGE CIRCUIT BREAKERS - 72.5 kV ..................................... 335
SWITCHGEARS ................................................................................. 346
LIGHTNING ARRESTERS ..................................................................... 355
INSULATORS .................................................................................... 361
AUTOMATIC RECLOSERS .................................................................. 368
THREE-POLE DISCONNECTING SWITCHES - 15 kV ................................ 372
THREE-POLE DISCONNECTING SWITCHES - 72.5 kV ............................. 379
SINGLE POLE DISCONNECTING SWITCHES - (15 kV) (72.5 kV) .............. 389
FUSE DISCONNECTING SWITCHES - 15 kV .......................................... 394
FUSE DISCONNECTING SWITCHES - 72.5 kV ....................................... 399
15 kV TANDEM SWITCHES ................................................................ 401
BARE COPPER CABLES ...................................................................... 403
0.6 kV TO 15 kV POWER CABLES ....................................................... 410
CONTROL CABLES ............................................................................ 418
ALUMINUM CONDUCTORS ................................................................ 427
STEEL CORE ALUMINUM CONDUCTOR ............................................... 431
DIRECT CURRENT SYSTEM - (48 Vdc) (125 Vdc) .................................. 437
THREE-PHASE BANK OF CAPACITORS ................................................ 446
GROUNDING RESISTORS ................................................................... 455
MEASUREMENT ASSEMBLIES ............................................................ 459
PAINT AND ANTI-CORROSION TREATMENT ......................................... 465
DATA SHEET (EXAMPLE) ................................................................... 467
METERING AND PROTECTIVE CUBICLES .............................................. 468
EQUIPMENT PRICE ADJUSTMENTS ..................................................... 470
WELDING ......................................................................................... 471
PACKING .......................................................................................... 472
FURNISHED BY THE CONTRACTOR ..................................................... 474

DIVISION PIPELINES .................................................................................................... 477

S-030101 PIPELINES, GENERAL ......................................................................... 477
S-030201 SECTION - STEEL PIPE AND FITTINGS ................................................. 480
S-030301 SECTION - REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE AND FITTINGS ....................... 482
S-030401 SECTION - ASBESTOS-CEMENT PIPE AND FITTINGS ............................. 484
S-030501 SECTION - PVC PIPE AND FITTINGS .................................................... 488
S-030701 SECTION - DUCTILE IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS ..................................... 491
S-030801 SECTION - ALUMINUM PIPE AND FITTINGS ......................................... 492
DIVISION - INSTALLATION OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ............................................... 494
I-010101 INSTALLATION, GENERAL .................................................................. 494
BY THE CONTRACTOR ...................................................................... 499
I-010103 PUMP UNITS .................................................................................... 499
I-010105 GATES AND VALVES ......................................................................... 501
I-010107 HANDLING APPARATUS .................................................................... 504
I-010109 COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT ................................................................ 504
I-010111 SUMP PUMPS ................................................................................... 505
I-010113 STRUCTURAL EQUIPMENT ................................................................. 505

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation

Standard Technical Specifications


WATER LEVEL CONTROL GATES ........................................................ 507

INSTALLATION OF PIPELINES AND APPURTANCES ............................... 510
CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEMS FOR PIPELINES .............................. 521

SECTION - INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ................................................. 523

I-020101 INSTALLATION, GENERAL .................................................................. 523
INSTALLED BY THE CONTRACTOR ..................................................... 528
I-020103 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ................................................................... 528
I-020104 INSTALLATIONS ............................................................................... 529
I-020105 ACCEPTANCE OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS ............................................ 530
I-020106 SWITCHGEARS ................................................................................. 531
I-020108 DISCONNECTING SWITCHES .............................................................. 532
I-020109 POWER CIRCUIT BREAKERS ............................................................... 532
I-020110 DIRECT CURRENT SYSTEM - (48 Vdc AND) 125 Vdc ............................ 532
I-020111 INSULATORS .................................................................................... 532
I-020112 GROUNDING ..................................................................................... 532
I-020113 CONDUIT SYSTEMS .......................................................................... 534
I-020114 INSULATED CONDUCTORS ................................................................ 536
I-020115 PAYMENT FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEM .................................................. 537
APPURTENANT STRUCTURES ............................................................ 538
D-030103 BLASTING ........................................................................................ 542
SECTION - OPENCUT EXCAVATION .............................................................................. 546
D-030201 OPENCUT EXCAVATION, GENERAL ..................................................... 546
D-030203 OPENCUT EXCAVATION REQUIREMENTS ............................................ 546
SECTION - CONSTRUCTION OF DAM EMBANKMENTS ........................................... 550
DIVISION - PREPARATION AND TREATMENT OF FOUNDATIONS ..................................... 563
D-040101 GENERAL ......................................................................................... 563
D-040203 CONCRETE STRUCTURE FOUNDATION AREAS ..................................... 565
D-040205 SLUSH GROUTING FOUNDATIONS ...................................................... 569
D-040207 DENTAL CONCRETE .......................................................................... 569
D-040209 TOLERANCES ................................................................................... 570
SECTION - GEOLOGICAL-GEOTECHNICAL MAPPING ....................................................... 573

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation

Standard Technical Specifications


This MANUAL contais standard technical Specifications prepared by the Bureau of

Reclamation for use in the competitive bidding process for the construction of irrigation
projects in Brazil. These Specifications are available in Portuguese as well as in English.

The standard technical Specifications should be considered a preliminary version, and

should be continously modified, updated, and improved. In the upper right-hand corner
of the first page of each standard Specification, the dates of the latest and next-tolastest revisions should be indicated, in order to keep track of the revision process.
The Specifications were developed by specialists in the areas, with the assistance of
civil, hydraulic, irrigation, mechanical, and electrical engineers. The principal source
document for these Specifications was the Caderno de Encargos prepared by
CODEVASF in 1988. Other source documents included the technical specifications
prepared for the Itaparica, Piranhas/Acu and Jaguaribe-Apodi Projects, and Bureau of
Reclamation standard specifications.

The following is a general description of the coding system, the content and the use of
the Specifications.

Identification Code. The letter and number identification code for each Specification
is located on the upper right-hand corner of each page of the Specifications. The
letters are used to identify the type of work or service described in the Specifications.
For the English version the letter codes are as follows:

T - Table of Contents and Introduction

C - Civil Works
D - Dams
S - Equipment Supply
I - Equipment Installation
In the Portuguese version these letter codes are TP, CP, DP, SP and IP, respectively.
The 6-digit number code, which immediately follows the letter code is used to identify
the standard Specification in accordance with the Table of Contents, which has the
Code T - 010101. Each Specification is listed in the Table of Contents next to the letter
and number code used for its identification, (e.g. I - 030101 is for Installation of
Pipelines and Appurtenances). This Introduction has the Code T - 010102.
The identification codes are also the names of the WORDSTAR archives on the diskettes.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Content. The civil works Specifications include requirements for the construction
of canals, pipelines, pumping plants, power supply substations, and buildings. Also
included in the civil works Specifications are requirements related to preliminary
work, local conditions, and sitework. The dam Specifications provide requirements
for the construction of earth and concrete dams. The equipment supply Specifications
indicate requirements for the furnishing of mechanical equipment, electrical
equipment; and primary, secondary and on-farm pipe. The equipment installation
Specifications indicate requirements for installing mechanical equipment, electrical
equipment; and primary, secondary, and on-farm pipe.


Use. The standard Specifications are intended to be used to assist in the development
of technical specifications for any given specific project. The standard Specifications
should be considered as basic text that can be inserted, as required, into the text of
specifications being developed for a given specific project. Only those standard
Specifications, or portions thereof, required for a particular project should be used.
For each particular project, the standard Specifications should be modified, revised,
and/or supplemented, as needed. Individual words, phrases and paragraphs can be
modified wherever necessary to meet the needs of a specific project. Some standard
Specifications may require little or no revision, while others may require extensive
revisions and/or additions in order to meet project requirements.

It may be decided that some of the revisions, modifications, and/or additions made for
a specific project should be included in the standard Specifications. ANY CHANGES
The identification code system should in no way limit the use of any individual standard
specification. Standard Specifications can be combined, and portions of different individual
standard Specifications can be selected and combined into the specifications being
prepared for a particular project. For example, Installation of Pipelines and Appurtenances
(I - 030101), includes requirements for the excavation and backfill of pipeline trenches,
concrete in pipe trenches, construction at road crossings, and valve installation, as well
as transport, repairs, installation, filling, and testing of the pipe. Any pertinent information
from the pipeline installation Specifications may be extracted and included in the civil
works specifications, depending on the requirements of the particular project. Another
example would be the use of the blasting Specifications, C - 030103 and D - 030103.
If subsurface investigation along a canal or pipeline alignment indicate the need for rock
excavation by blasting, Specification D - 030101 could be modified and used in the
canal or pipeline specification by deleting the contour blasting requirements which normally
pertain only to dam construction.
Paragraphs, sentences, phrases, or words contained within parentheses in the standard
Specifications text may or may not be applicable to a specific project. If applicable, the
parentheses should be removed; if not applicable, the paragraph, sentence, phrase, or
word, and the parentheses should be deleted.
Note that the parentheses are provided to assist the specification preparation for a
specific project. The parentheses are not intended to limit modifications to the standard
Specifications to only those items contained in parentheses. All paragraphs, sentences,
phrases and/or words are subject to modification depending on the needs of a specific
Wherever blanks occur in the text of the standard Specifications, they should be filled in
with the appropriate information relative to the specific project for which specifications
are being prepared.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications




This section deals with the preliminary activities to be performed by the CONTRACTOR
which are necessary for the proper execution and completion of the work. Preliminary
activities include, but are not necessarily limited to mobilization and demobilization of
personnel and equipment; construction of the CONTRACTORs camp; staking out the
work; and construction of roads necessary for access to the work and haul routes.


Description of the work. The CONTRACTOR shall make all necessary arrangements for
the mobilization of personnel and equipment immediately after signing the Contract and
receipt of the Notice to Proceed, so as to be able to effectively start and complete the
work within the stipulated contract time.
Upon completion of the work, the CONTRACTOR shall remove all equipment, construction
camp installations, temporary buildings, surplus or unused materials, debris, and other
like materials, belonging to the CONTRACTOR or used under the CONTRACTORs
direction during construction. All areas shall be left in a completely clean condition.


Measurement and Payment. Mobilization and demobilization will not be subject to

measurements for payment purposes. Lump-sum payments will be made to the
CONTRACTOR for mobilization prior to the beginning of the work and for demobilization
upon termination of the Contract, in accordance with the Bidding Schedule.
The lump-sum prices for these items include, but are not necessarily limited to, the
the cost of transporting and installing all construction equipment owned or leased
by the CONTRACTOR to the work site, and its subsequent removal;
the cost of transporting all CONTRACTOR and/or Sub-contractor personnel to the
work site and subsequent return of such personnel;
the cost of all travel by Contractor personnel necessary for the execution of the
work, or as determined by the ENGINEER, regardless of the duration and nature of
the trip. C-010105

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications



Description of the work. The construction camp shall be constructed in accordance

with the designs and plans prepared by the CONTRACTOR and approved by the
ENGINNER. The designs and plans shall be based on the preliminary layout submitted in
the Bid Proposal by the BIDDER.
The construction camp shall consist of two different areas:
a residential area of living quarters and dining facilities for personnel of both the
an administrative area of central offices for staffs of both the CONTRACTOR and
the ENGINEER, and warehouses, work shops, garages and yards, laboratories, and
medical facilities.

All construction camp permanent facilities installed by the CONTRACTOR shall become
the property of the CLIENT upon completion of the work, unless otherwise specified.
Living quarters shall provide the following minimum requirements:
sleeping facilities accomodating a maximum of four persons per each 12 square
meter room with floor-to-ceiling height of 2.6 meters; the rooms shall have natural
a single bed, with mattress, pillow, top and botton sheets, and two blankets for
each person;
lighted corridors, with lighting fixtures spaced at maximum 10 meter intervals;
a minimum of one toilet (WC) for every twelve persons;
a minimum of one shower for every fifteen persons;
a collective lavatory, with one faucet for every twelve persons;
complete electric installations, including electrical outlets and lighting for all rooms;
the dining facilities shall be fully lighted and shall have toilet and washroom facilities.
The dining area shall have tables for a maximum of twelve persons. The kitchen
shall be contiguous to the dining area and shall have running potable water. Special
care shall be given to proper hygienic conditions in all dining facilities, in order to
protect the health of workers.

Additional requirements for construction and maintenance of the camp include:

equipment to supply compressed air;
supply of potable and industrial water;
storing, stockpiling, processing, handling, and transportation of construction
construction of concrete portions of structures in accordance with the applicable
requirements contained in the specifications;
installations required for the transmission and distribution of electric power to the
various locations at the camp;
construction of water and sewage systems;
construction and maintenance of all roads.

The locations for construction of the facilities will be designated by the ENGINEER and
shall be in the proximity of the work.

Measurement and payment. A lump-sum payment will be made to the CONTRACTOR

for the construction camp in accordance with the Bidding Schedule.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

This lump-sum price shall include the cost of all work and materials necessary to construct
and maintain the camp in accordance with the approved designs and plans and the
requirements specified herein.


Description of the work. The CLIENT will provide the CONTRACTOR with basic topography
of the work site. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all materials, equipment, and labor
required for staking out the work, including stakes, survey field books, measuring tapes
and instruments.
The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for maintaining all stakes and markers until
authorized to remove them.
The ENGINEER will check the survey measurements as work progresses, in order to
verify that the lines, grades and dimensions established by the CONTRACTOR are accurate
and in accordance with the designs provided. The survey verifications made by the
ENGINEER shall in no way exempt the CONTRACTOR from responsibility to execute the
work in accordance with the designs provided.
In the event of any survey mistakes by the CONTRACTOR which cause errors, damage,
or any other irregularities in the work, the CONTRACTOR shall be required to remove
and reconstruct the affected portion of the work at no additional cost to the CLIENT and
within the time period stipulated by the ENGINEER.


Measurement and Payment. No separate payment will be made to the CONTRACTOR

for materials,equipment, and labor required for staking out the work as required by the
designs provided or as directed by the ENGINEER, and the costs shall be included in the
prices for the work for which the surveys are required.



Description of the work. All work for access to the site shall be performed by the
CONTRACTOR. He shall be responsible for constructing and maintaining, at his own
expense, any temporary haul roads, temporary access roads, and associated structures
required for construction operations.
Permanent roads are defined as roads which are required to be constructed by the
CONTRACTOR in accordance with the Specifications and drawings. Construction and
payment for these roads shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of the
Specifications. If the CONTRACTOR uses these roads for access and hauling, the roads
shall be maintained and repaired as necessary until final acceptance of the work.


Measurement and payment. No separate payment will be made to the CONTRACTOR

for construction and maintenance of temporary access roads and haul routes and the
costs shall be included in the prices for the work for which the access roads and haul
routes are required.


All results of borings, studies, or tests performed for the classification of the subsurface,
which are available to the CLIENT, shall be furnished to the CONTRACTOR as part of
the information pertaining to local conditions at the work site.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Since the CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible for the structures to be constructed,
it would be to his benefit to obtain, at his own expense, whatever additional subsurface
information may be required in order to perform the work in an acceptable manner.
The tests and investigations for classification of the subsurface shall follow the DNER
and ABGE standards and also the CLIENTs Standards, Methodology and Guidelines
for Ecological and Geotechnical Studies.


The CONTRACTOR shall promptly, and before the conditions are disturbed, give a written
notice to the CLIENT of (a) subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site which
differ greatly from those indicated in this contract, or (b) unknown physical conditions
at the site, of an unusual nature, which differ greatly from those ordinarily encountered
and generally recognized as typical for the area and type of work being performed.
The CLIENT shall investigate the site conditions promptly after receiving the notice. If
the conditions do differ greatly and cause an increase or decrease in the CONTRACTORs
cost of, or the time required for, performing any part of the work under this Contract,
whether or not changed as a result of the conditions, a verification of the requirement
for an equitable adjustment shall be made by the CLIENT.



Description of the work. The CONTRACTOR shall make all necessary arrangements and
shall provide all power required for construction purposes. This shall include providing
all necessary transmission lines, distribution circuits, transformers, and other equipment
required for distributing the power to the place or places of use by the CONTRACTOR.
At the termination of the Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall dismantle and remove all
distribution lines serving his installations, or those of his subcontractors, that are not
part of the permanent power installation.


Measurement and payment. No separate payment will be made to the CONTRACTOR

for providing power for construction purposes and the cost shall be included in the
prices for the work for which the power is required.



Description of the work . The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all water required for
construction purposes. The CONTRACTOR shall make all arrangements for obtaining
water and provide all means for conveying water to points of use.
Water required for use in concrete and soil cement shall meet the requirements set forth
in item (C-040105 - Water).


Measurement and payment. No separate payment will be made to the CONTRACTOR

for furnishing water and providing necessary facilities for conveying water to points of
use and the costs shall be included in the prices for the work for which the water is

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications



Description of the work. Clearing and cleaning construction areas and borrow areas
shall include the following:
Clearing all vegetation, including cutting and uprooting of all trees and shrubs.
Cutting and stacking of usable timber at locations designated by the ENGINEER.
Demolition or removal of small buildings and other structures located within the
construction and borrow areas.
Removal of stones, rocks, and other material in the area.
Removal and transportation of all materials resulting from the clearing and cleaning
operations to the boundary limits of the cleared areas or to other locations previously
designated by the ENGINEER.
Burning of materials resulting from the clearing and cleaning operations when
approved by the ENGINEER.
Scraping and final cleaning of the top surface layer of the natural ground of all
construction and borrow areas to a depth of 20 cm to remove any remaining
unsuitable material.
All areas to be cleared and cleaned are shown on the drawings or shall be designated by
Usable timber shall be identified by and become the property of the CLIENT.
The CONTRACTOR shall be liable for any damages to adjacent property of others,
which are a result of the clearing, cleaning, and disposal operations.


Measurement and Payment. Clearing and cleaning construction areas and borrow areas
shall be measured to the nearest square meter of area actually cleared and cleaned. No
measurement will be made for clearing and cleaning of areas outside the limits designated
by the ENGINEER.
Payment for clearing and cleaning will be made at the unit price per square meter
indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
The unit price shall include the cost of all labor, tools and equipment required to perform
the work as specified herein.
Under no circumstances will payment be made for clearing an area more than once,
therefore it is the CONTRACTORs responsibility to assure that the clearing and cleaning
operations be performed during the appropriate period, so that areas will remain clean
until completion of the work.



Description of the work. The CONTRACTOR shall design, furnish all materials for,
construct, operate, and maintain all cofferdams, dikes, channels, flumes, drains, sumps,
and pumping equipment that are necessary for the protection of the work against floods
and provide conditions so that the construction can be performed in areas free of water.
The portions of work that will require the diversion and control of the river shall be
designed based on the topographic, geologic, and hydrologic data included in the

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for the construction and safety of the
cofferdams and for the diversion and control of the river during construction. Damage
occurring during their construction shall be repaired by and at the CONTRACTORs
Except as otherwise provided, the CONTRACTOR shall not interrupt nor interfere with
the natural flow of the river for any purpose without the approval of the ENGINEER.
The CONTRACTOR shall at all times pass the full flow of the river through the site,
except that the CONTRACTOR will be permitted to reduce such flow in the amount of
water used for construction purposes, as approved by the ENGINEER.
Materials used in the compacted sections of the cofferdams shall be obtained from
designated borrow areas or from required excavations.
All of the equipment for the removal of water from the various parts of the work shall
have sufficient capacity to maintain the construction areas free of water, regardless of
its origin.

Contractors Plan. At least 15 days before beginning construction of the diversion works,
the CONTRACTOR shall submit his plan for the diversion and control of the river for
approval by the ENGINEER.
The CONTRACTORs plan shall include the general and detail plans, as well as pertinent
specifications regarding the cofferdam design and construction; the type and capacity
of the equipment for the removal of water from the area; a schedule with the construction
sequence of the diversion and control works;and the methods for the removal of the
temporary works and installations which will not cause damage to the permanent
Approval of the plan by the ENGINEER does not relieve the CONTRACTOR from full
responsibility for the adequate accomplishment of the diversion and control operations.


Maintenance of the Diversion and Control Works. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all
equipment and personnel necessary for the maintenance and repair of the diversion and
control works. Maintenance and repair include, but are not limited to, the removal and
substitution of inadequate materials and the control and repair of erosion due to piping,
undue settlements, erosion and sliding of slopes, and the repair of all structures.
The CONTRACTOR shall perform repairs in accordance with recognized procedures and
practices, approved by the ENGINEER.


Control of Water in Excavations for Structures. During excavation for the construction
of hydraulic structures that extend below the water table or which collect water at the
bottom of the excavation, the control of water shall not be required until it is about 0.50
m above the final surface of the excavation, as long as stability of the excavated slopes
is not compromised and no interference is created for the movement of excavation and
transport equipment.
If the excavation operations are suspended due to a high groundwater table, continuation
of the excavation shall only be permitted after the water is removed and the groundwater
table is lowered to a minimum depth of 0.50 m below the final excavation surface,
unless otherwise approved by the ENGINEER. The dewatering shall be accomplished in
a manner that will prevent loss of fines from the foundation.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Measurement and Payment. A lump-sum payment will be made for diversion of river and
control of water during construction as indicated in the Bidding Schedule. The lumpsum price bid shall include the cost of all labor, equipment, and materials necessary for
constructing and maintaining cofferdams, dikes, channels, flumes, temporary timberings,
and other temporary diversion and protective works; removing or leveling such works,
where required; and disposing of materials.
Except for lowering the groundwater table in accordance with item (C-020303 - Lowering
Groundwater Table), no measurement or payment will be made for control of water
during construction, and the cost of all work required for maintaining areas free of
water and dry shall be included in the applicable price in the Bidding Schedule for



Description of the work. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish, install, maintain, and operate
all necessary equipment for the lowering of the groundwater table as required for
construction of the work. If a plan for lowering the groundwater table is not provided by
the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR shall be required to prepare a plan which shall be
submitted for approval to the ENGINEER.
Approval of the plan by the ENGINEER shall in no way relieve the CONTRACTOR from
full responsibility for the adequacy of the installations used for lowering the groundwater
Installations shall include all components necessary for proper operation, including drains,
filters, collectors, hoses, connections, valves, gauges, centrifugal and vacuum pumps,
vacuum tanks, and piping and/or conduits to convey the water from the pump discharge
outlet to its final disposal point.
A complete backup installation shall be available at all times for immediate operation in
the event of a breakdown or malfunction of the equipment being utilized.
The CONTRACTOR shall provide a sufficient number of qualified personnel to operate
and maintain the system on a continuous basis in order to prevent damage to the work.
Any discontinuity of the operations must be approved by the ENGINEER.
The CONTRACTOR shall be liable for any damages caused by his operations to existing
structures, whether owned by the CLIENT or by others. The CONTRACTOR shall repair
any such damage, at no additional cost to the CLIENT.


Types of systems. Some types of drawdown systems available include well-points,

deep wells, vaccum systems and drainage by electrosmosis. The CONTRACTOR shall
develop a system for lowering the groundwater table and submit it to the ENGINEER for


Measurement and payment. If deep wells are approved and utilized for lowering the
groundwater table, an estimate shall be made of the actual number of linear meters of
well drilled for each diameter of well, as approved by the ENGINEER.
Payment for drilling deep wells will be made at the applicable unit prices per linear meter
for each diameter well indicated in the Bidding Schedule for these indefinite quantities.
The unit prices shall include cost of all work and materials required for drilling the wells.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The lowering of the groundwater table by a deep well system or by any other type of
system shall be measured for payment on the basis of the actual number of hours of
operation of the system as approved by the ENGINEER.
Payment shall be made at the unit price per hour of operation indicated in the Bidding
The unit prices shall include the cost of all labor, equipment, and materials required for
furnishing, installing, maintaining, and operating the system.
No separate payment shall be made for any type of tests or trial runs required prior to
implementation and operation of the system.



General. The type of system selected for lowering the ground-water table shall depend
on factors such as soil permeability; excavation depth; location of watertable; duration
of drawdown and type of work foundations located near the drawdown operation. The
following discussion regarding specific types of systems for lowering the ground-water
table is provided for the CONTRACTORs information. The actual system used shall be
dependent upon the conditions encountered and shall be approved by the ENGINEER.


Well-Points. Well-points consist of small diameter pipes (1 1/2 to 2 1/2"),30 to 100 cm

long, perforated, and wrapped in a small mesh screen.
Well-points are usually driven into the ground by means of high pressure water jets,
through holes at their lower end.
Well-points are connected to pipes of the same diameter, which are in turn connected,
on the ground surface, to a collecting/header pipe of larger diameter by means of flexible
canaflex-type pipes that permit observation of water flow. Gate valves are welded to
the header pipe which allow each individual well-point to be turned off for cleaning.
The header pipe is connected to a pump unit that removes the water from the header
pipe, and also air that eventually enters the well-point.
If the soil is less permeable or enough water is not available, well-points may be installed
inside holes of larger diameters with the space between the hole walls and the well
points filled with adequate filter material.
The lower ends of the well-points, for a single stage system, shall be at the same


Deep Wells. Deep wells are wells with a diameter from 300 to 600 mm within which a
steel pipe of 150 to 300 mm in diameter is installed. The steel pipe is capped at the base
and perforated along a certain length, which is the draining portion of the well.
At the lower end of the pipe a centrifugal vertical axis pump is installed. The pump is
connected to an electrical motor (for submergerd type pumps) whose capacity shall be
determined on the basis of local hydrogeological conditions at the site and as a function
of head.
The spacing between wells shall vary from 5 to 20 m, depending on soil permeability
and drawdown required.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Since the pumps must have a substantial capacity, the system shall be operated
intermittently. Thus, a relay system shall be installed in each well that will turn the
pump on when the water level reaches a given maximum elevation and turns it off when
the minimum predetermined elevation is attained so that the pump always operates
Deep wells shall be used in fairly permeable soils, such as gravel or sandy soils, where
water infiltrates into the wells freely, by gravity.

Vacuum System. The adhesion and capilarity of soils with low permeability (k = 10-3 to
10-5 cm/seg), such as fine sand, silty sand or silt obstruct water percolation. The solution
is to apply a vacuum, regardless of the drainage system being used, i.e. well-points or
deep wells.
If well-points are being used, they shall be installed inside filtering wells. The draining
length of the filtering wells shall be slightly longer than that of the well-point and the
upper portion sealed off with impermeable material (bentonite and kneaded clay). Vacuum
is then applied at the header pipe.
If deep wells are being used, the draining length shall also be controlled. Vacuum is
applied to the internal piping where the pump is located between seal joints, installed in
the well pipe, to keep the air out.
When vacuum is applied to drawdown systems, a pressure gradient is created between
the inside of the well and the adjacent subsurface area (which is subjected to atmospheric
pressure), forcing the water to percolate into the well, to be pumped out by the centrifugal


Electrosmosis. In fine soils, such as silts, clay silts and fine silt-clay sands, with
permeability coefficients from 10-5 to 10-7 cm/seg, the drawdown methods previously
described will not function. Nevertheless, these soils may be drained by means of wells
or well-points, together with an electric current passing through the soil. This method is
known as electrosmosis.
Two electrodes are placed into the satured soil, with an electric current flowing between
them. The water in the soil between the eletrodes migrates from the positive electrode
(anode) to the negative electrode (cathode). If well-points are made to function as a
cathode, water will percolate into the wells and can be pumped out.
This process may be used for stabilizing excavated surfaces in saturated soils since the
water will percolate towards the well-points installed outside the excavation and will
create percolation forces that increase slope stability.


Description of the work. The CONTRACTOR shall handle all flows from natural drainage
channels intercepted by the work being performed under these Specifications. The
CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain any temporary drainage installations or
structures required to bypass or otherwise cause the flows to be harmless to the work
and adjacent property. When the temporary drainage installations or structures are no
longer needed and prior to acceptance of the work, the CONTRACTOR shall remove the
temporary installations or structures and restore the site to its original condition as
approved by the ENGINEER.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Measurement and payment. No separate payment will be made to the CONTRACTOR

for temporary drainage installations or structures. The cost of all work and materials
specified herein shall be included in the prices bid in the Bidding Schedule for the items
of work which require temporary drainage installations or structures.


Description of the work. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish and erect fences, including
gates and cattleguards, at the locations shown on the drawings and in accordance with
the requirements of this Specification.
Fences shall consist of posts and braces that may be of wood or reinforced concrete,
with barbed or smooth wire, or chain link fabric.




Wooden posts and braces. Posts and braces of hardwood (Aroeira, Sabi, Pau-Fuso,
Barauna, or Corao-de-Negro, or other woods of similar quality), with diameters of
aproximately 25 cm and 15 cm, respectively.
The lower half of posts and braces shall be given a preservative treatment.
Posts and braces shall be chamfered at the top and trimmed at the base, straight, and
free of cracks and any other defects that would make them inadequate for fences.
Posts and braces shall be 2.50 m and 2.20 m in length, respectively.


Reinforced concrete posts and braces. Posts and braces for wire fences shall have
square cross-sections of 20 x 20 cm and 12 x 12 cm,respectively. Lengths shall be
2.50 m and 2.20 m,respectively. Posts for chain link fence shall have a square crosssection of 15 x 15 cm and length of 2.5 m. Concrete strength shall be equal to or higher
than 15.0 MPa.
Reinforcement shall consist of spiral-shaped stirrups (3 mm diameter wire, at 20 cm
spacing) and longitudinal bars (6 - 6.3 mm diameter bars for wire fence posts and 4 6.3 mm diameter bars for braces and chain link fence posts), symmetrically arranged.
Minimum concrete cover shall be 2 cm.
Concrete shall consist of good quality materials, in a batch that yields a dense and
homogeneous concrete, with good appearance, and with acceptable results in absorption
tests, according to ABNT s NB-221 standards. The absorption test is required to guarantee
durability of the posts and braces.


Cattle-guards. Cattle-guards shall be constructed with 4" x 2" I-section structural steel,or
with steel rails, supported by reinforced concrete beams. Concrete beam and steel rail
dimensions shall be as shown on the drawings.
Cattle-guards shall be 2.5 m in length and 4 m in width.


Gates. Gates shall be 2.5 m wide and made of hardwood (sucupira, ip, peroba, etc).
Gates shall be built with two vertical boards, 7 x 12 cm in cross-section and 1.6 m long
and with three boards 2.5 x 1.5 cm in cross-section and the same length as that of the
gate opening, installed horizontally, and one board 2.5 x 7 cm in cross section, installed

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Barbed wire. The barbed wire shall be MOTO brand, or equal, galvanized barbed wire.
The number of strands of wire and the spacing shall be as specified on the drawings.


Smooth wire. The smooth wire shall be high strength carbon steel smooth wire, with
oval cross-section and 3x2.4 mm or 2.7x2.2 mm gage. The wire shall be erected through
holes in the posts and braces. The number of wire strands shall be as specified on the


Chain link. Chain link fabric shall be galvanized, with square mesh and dimensions as
specified on the drawings.


Stays. Stays shall be of high strength carbon steel wire.Stays may be off-the-shelf,
with a wire gage of 4 mm. Stays may also be made of fence wire and metal fasteners.
The ends of the wire stay shall be wrapped around the first and last wire strand, similar
to the off-the-shelf stays.
The metal fasteners shall be used for clamping the stays to the intermediate wire strands.
Metal fasteners shall be kneaded for clamping the stays to the fence wires.
Distances between stays shall be 2 to 3 m.


Ratchets. There shall be one ratchet for each wire strand.

Ratchets may be fastened to posts, as needed.
Ratchets fastened to posts shall be classified as simple or double.
Double ratchets are recommended for fastening and stretching fence sections of equal
Ratchets which are not fastened to posts, called free ratchets, are tied to posts by the
same wire used for the fence.




Cleaning of Fence Strip. A 6 meter-wide strip shall be cleaned to facilitate fence erection
and subsequent maintenance, and to provide protection against fires. Cleaning shall be
in accordance with item (C-020101 - Clearing and Cleaning Construction Areas and
Borrow Areas).


Wire Fences with Wooden Posts. Posts shall be properly aligned and vertical, and backfill
shall be placed and compacted such that displacement does not occur.
Fences shall be 1.5 m high and posts shall be buried 1 meter into the ground. Brace
posts shall be buried 70 cm into the ground.
The distance between posts shall be up to 1.0 meter for barbed wire and up to 10.0
meters for smooth wire. There shall be a post at all locations where there is a change in
horizontal or vertical alignment. Braces shall be aproximately 10 meters apart.
For property boundaries and calf enclosures, five wire strands shall be used and the
spacing between strands shall be 30 cm.

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Standard Technical Specifications

For beef cattle pasture boundaries, four wire strands shall be used and the spacing
between strands shall be 37.5 cm.
For dairy cattle pasture boundaries, three or four wire strands shall be used and the
spacing between strands shall be 50 or 37.5 cm, respectively.
Fences around pastures used for goats or sheep shall have nine strands of wire,
aproximately 16.7 cm apart.
Posts shall be stayed by female topped braces, fastened with No. 18 AWG galvanized
wire and counter-braced with boards.
Wires shall be drawn tight with ratchets fastened to the posts.
Spacing between wire strands shall be maintained by means of wire or wooden stays.
Barbed wire shall be fastened to posts by means of galvanized steel staples.

Wire Fences with Reinforced Concrete Posts. Posts shall be properly aligned and vertical,
and backfill shall be placed compacted such that no dislocation occurs.
Posts shall be stayed by female topped braces, fastened with No. 18 AWG galvanized
wire and braced with a reinforced concrete beam.
The distance between posts shall be up to 1.0 meter for barbed wire and up to 10.0
meters for smooth wire. There shall be a post at all locations where there is a change in
horizontal or vertical alignment.
Fences shall be 1.5 m high and posts shall be buried 1 meter into the ground. Brace
posts shall be buried 70 cm into the ground. Braces shall be aproximately 10 meters
The number of wire strands for fences with reinforced concrete posts shall be the same
as specified for fences with wooden posts.
If barbed wire is used, the wire shall be fastened to posts and braces by means of a
strap of smooth galvanized No. 14 AWG.
The tightening and spacing of strands shall be performed as specified above for wire
fences with wooden posts.


Strands shall be fastened by means of a brace of smooth galvanized No. 14 AWG wire.
Chain Link Fence. Posts for fastening the fabric shall be made of reinforced concrete,
with cross-section of 15x15 cm and length of 2.6 m. Fences shall be 1.8 high and posts
shall be buried 70 cm into the ground. Posts shall be properly aligned and vertical and
shall be set in concrete of at least 150 kg/m3 m so that no displacement occurs.
Concrete strength for the posts shall be 15.0 MPa or greater.
Reinforcement shall consist of helicoidal-shaped stirrups (3 mm diameter wire at 20 cm
intervals) and longitudinal bars (4 - 6.3 mm diameter) symmetrically placed.
Posts shall be approximately 2 meters apart. Three high strength carbon steel smooth
wire strands with oval cross-section of 3x2.4 mm gage shall be used to fasten the
fabric. The strands shall be installed along the top, middle and bottom lines of the fabric.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

For fastening the fabric to the smooth wires, wire ties of smooth galvanized No. 14
AWG wire shall be used.

Measurement and payment. Fences shall be measured by linear meters and gates and
cattle-guards shall be measured by installed units, in accordance with the details shown
on the drawings.
Payment for fences, gates, and cattleguards shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the
applicable unit price indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
The unit prices for fences, gates , and cattleguards shall include the cost of all labor,
equipment and materials required to perform the work as specified herein, except for
Payment for cleaning of the fence strip shall be in accordance with item (C-020101 Clearing and Cleaning Construction Areas and Borrow Areas).

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Standard Technical Specifications



The CONTRACTOR shall immediately cease all earthwork operations when unusual or
unexpected subsurface conditions are encountered such as sink holes, low-load carrying
capacity soils, or other conditions which have not been identified in the Project designs.
The ENGINEER will evaluate the conditions and determine if any design and/or construction
changes are necessary. Any increase or decrease in contract costs shall be made in
accordance with item (C-010202 - Differing Site Conditions).


General. The principal criteria that will be used in the classification of materials excavated
will be the difficulty of removal or the resistance to excavation of the material. Thus, the
classification is based on the equipment required to economically excavate the material.
Excavation will be classified in the categories listed below.


Material in the 1st category. Materials in the 1st category include all deposits which are
loose or moderately cohesive, such as gravels, sands, silts, clays, or mixtures thereof,
with or without organic materials, formed by natural aggregation, that can be excavated
with hand tools or with conventional excavation equipment. Included in the lst category
are rock fragments, loose rock, or cobbles that have diameters equal to or less than 15
cm, regardless of the moisture content, and, in general, any material that can not be
classified as 2nd or 3rd category, as described below.


Material in the 2nd category. Materials in the 2nd category include those with a lower
resistance to mechanical excavation than that of solid rock. Excavation shall be performed
by a combination of methods that involve ripping equipment,blasting or other equivalent
processes. Blocks of rock, boulders, or cobbles with diameters greater than 15 cm and
equal to or less than 1 meter are included in this category.


Material in the 3rd category. Materials in the 3rd category include those natural formations
that result from the natural aggregation of mineral grains, bonded by permanent cohesive
forces of great intensity, with a resistance to mechnical excavation equal to that of
solid rock.
To be classified as rock the material must have hardness and texture such that it can
not be loosened or broken down with hand tools and can only be removed by blasting,
wedges, steel bars or rods, or by other similar means.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Included in this category are those rock fragments, blocks of rock, or boulders which
have diameters greater than 1 meter.

Excavation in very soft soils. Excavations in very soft soils are those performed in
saturated material with low strengh (less than one blow per 30 cm of the SPT), and are
incompatible for excavation by conventional earthmoving equipment. This type of
excavation will require the use of draglines or other similar equipment.


Measurements. The classification of the excavations and the estimation of percentages

of material in each category shall be performed by the Engineer.
When the volume of material to be classified is composed of 1st and 2nd category
materials, the percentage of each of these materials in the overall volume shall be
Excavations which have mixtures of 3rd category materials with those of the other
categories, with poorly defined limits or boundaries, will receive special attention from
the Engineer in order to permit a just classification of the excavated materials.
If 3rd category material is verified in an excavation, after 1st and 2nd category materials
have been removed, the surface shall be surveyed and when removal of the 3rd category
material is concluded another survey shall be performed in order to determine the
excavated volumes.
The CONTRACTOR may utilize the excavation method he considers most convenient
and productive, since the method of excavation will not influence the classification of
the material.



Materials for compacted embankments. Materials to be used in embankments shall be
produced from required excavations or from borrow areas shown on the drawings or
approved by the ENGINEER. Embankment materials shall be free from organic matter,
mica, and under no circumstance shall peat, organic clays, and expansive or collapsible
soils be used. All materials shall have good workability and shall be impermeable when
compacted. Suitable soils include GW-SW, GP-SP, GM-SM, and GC-SC, as described in
the Unified Soil Classification System. 1.1 Soils suitable for embankment construction
are those in which 90% of the materials, by weight, have diameters less than 10
centimeters and a maximum of 35% of the material passes the ASTM No. 200 sieve
The material passing the ASTM No. 200 sieve size shall comply with one of the
following requirements:
Liquid Limit - LL 35, or
Liquid Limit - LL 40 and Plasticity Index - PI (0.6 LL - 9).
The California Bearing Ratio index shall be greater than 5.
Maximum density obtained in the Normal Proctor Test shall be greater than 1,700


Soils marginally suitable for embankment construction are those in which a maximum of
25% of the materials, measured by weight, have diameters greater than 15 centimeters.
The material passing the ASTM No. 40 sieve size shall comply with one of the
following requirements:

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Standard Technical Specifications

Liquid Limit - LL 35, or

Liquid Limit - LL 65 and Plasticity Index - PI (0.6 LL - 9).
The California Bearing Ratio index shall be greater than 3.
Maximum density obtained in the Normal Proctor Test shall be greater than
1,500 grams/dm3 .


Soils unsuitable for embankment construction are those with high contents of organic
matter, peat, humus, roots, or any other similar matter. Soils whose organic matter
content is greather than 4%, by weight, and a California Bearing Ratio index lower than
3, or those whose expansion is greather than 2%, as determined by the California
Bearing Ratio test, shall be defined as unacceptable soils for embankment construction.


Earth materials in contact with concrete. No material with sulfate content, expressed in
SO3 higher than 0.2% shall be used for embankment or fill in contact with any type of
concrete work.


Materials for soil-cement. Materials used for soil-cement shall have the following
Liquid limit ........................................................................................ 40 %
Plasticity index .................................................................................. 18 %
% smaller than the No. 200 sieve size .................................................. 50 %
Soil-cement shall be prepared in concrete mixers and shall have a minimum California
Bearing Ratio index of 30% and maximum expansion of 1%.


Materials for backfill about structures and in pipe trenches. Materials obtained from
required excavations may be used for backfill provided that the requirements specified
herein are met. When excavated materials are not suitable for backfill, materials from
borrow areas shall be used. Such borrow materials shall consist of clean, natural, silicium
sands and gravel or materials from stone crushing operations and shall have a gradation
conforming to the following:
ASTM Sieve Size

% Passing the sieve size, by weight

1 1/2"




No. 10


No. 20

0- 50

No. 200

0- 20

In areas where the bottom of the trench or structure foundation is below the groundwater
table or where effective drainage is needed as determined by the ENGINEER, backfill
materials shall consist of silicium gravel and sand, resistant to water and weathering,
and shall have a gradation conforming to the following:

ASTM Sieve Size

% Passing the sieve size, by weight

1 1/2"


No. 10

0- 25

No. 20

0- 05

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Material from required excavations shall generally be acceptable for backfill provided it
is free from roots, organic matter, and decayable substances. Except as provided in
item (C-030102 - Backfill in Pipe Trenches), rock or clods shall not exceed 7.5 cm;
plasticity index shall be less than 10; and no more than 20 % of the material, by weight,
shall pass the No. 200 sieve size; unless otherwise indicated on the drawings.


Description of the work. If blasting is required, it shall be approved by the ENGINEER.
The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the ENGINEER, for approval, a blasting plan to be
followed for excavation by blasting.
The blasting plan shall include, as a minimum, the location and time of the blast, the
volume of excavation anticipated, the type and amount of explosive, and the location,
depth, and spacing of holes. Approval of the plan shall in no way relieve the CONTRACTOR
from full responsibility for the adequacy and safety of the work.
Blasting will not be allowed if there is a possibility of excessive fracturing of surrounding
materials or of loosening or damaging adjacent foundations or structures.
Transportation and storage of explosives shall be performed and supervised by duly
qualified personnel and only after securing authorization from the proper authorities.
Fuses and detonators of any type shall not be transported in the same vehicles or stored
in the same facility as explosives. The location and arrangement of powder magazines,
as well as transportation methods shall be approved by the ENGINEER.
Blasting shall always be performed in strict compliance with existing laws applicable to
work being performed under these Specifications.
The handling and use of explosives shall not be allowed when an electrical storm is
impending or during a storm.


Measurement and payment. No measurement or payment shall be made to the

CONTRACTOR for blasting, and the cost shall be included in the unit prices indicated in
the Bidding Schedule for the items requiring this work.
Note to Specifiers: This Specification should be used in cases where the use of explosives
is not anticipated, except that the use of explosives may be necessary due to unforseen
conditions. C-030201




Description of the work. Excavation for canals and drains shall be performed in accordance
with the lines, grades, and dimensions shown on the drawings or established by the
Excavation for canals and drains shall include the following:
All excavation performed below the natural ground surface, or below the surface
after scraping, to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the drawings.
In the case of canals and drains constructed in embankment, all excavation
performed from the top of the fill to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on
the drawings.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

(When required in the project specification and designs, excavation for canals and drains
shall include required excavation for adjacent O & M road sections.)
In order to obtain materials from the required excavation which are suitable for the
construction of embankments or other earthwork, or for use as concrete aggregate, the
CONTRACTOR shall perform selective excavation, and transport the material to designated
points of use or stockpiles, as directed by the ENGINEER.
Excavation for canals and drains shall be performed with adequ-ate mechanical equipment.
Depending on the types of materials encountered in natural ground, the CONTRACTOR
may use explosives when approved by the ENGINEER. All necessary precautions shall
be taken to minimize disturbing or loosening of the rock and/or ground adjacent to the
required excavation.
Except as otherwise provided below for small canals and drains, trimming and shaping
of canals and drains shall be performed and paid for in accordance with item (C-040201
- Trimming and Shaping of Canal).
Excavation for canals and drains shall be classified in accordance with item (C-030101Classification of Excavation).
Small canals or drains shall be indicated on the drawings or designated as such by the
ENGINEER. Whenever possible, small canals and drains shall be excavated by
mechanical equipment or machinery with buckets or scoops shaped like the canal or
drain sections shown on the drawings.
The bottom and side slope surfaces of small canals and drains in excavation or in
compacted embankments that are to receive concrete lining, shall be carefully trimmed
to the lines and dimensions shown on the drawings or as directed by the ENGINEER.
The CONTRACTOR shall perform the excavation in a manner to assure the stability of
excavated slopes. In order to minimize any possible stability problems, the CONTRACTOR
shall start the lining operations as soon as possible after the completion of excavation.
The refilling of any excess excavation shall be made in accordance with item (C-040201
- Trimming and Shaping Canal).

Tolerances. The following tolerances shall be permitted:

Canals. Deviation from design sections: + 2 cm
Drains (and road sections). Deviation from design sections + 5 cm
These tolerances shall only be permitted when they occur gradually and uniformly along
the alignment or grade.


Measurement and payment. Excavation for canals and drains shall be measured by
cubic meters of material excavated to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the
drawings or established by the ENGINEER. Measurement of excavation for canals and
drains shall be performed using the Average End Area Method, between stations at 20
meter intervals, or at other intervals, as determined by the ENGINEER. Measurements
will be taken before and after excavation.
The ENGINEER will classify materials encountered while the excavation is being performed
for subsequent calculation of the quantities that correspond to each type of material.
No measurement or payment shall be made for any excavation that the ENGINEER
considers to be in excess of that necessary for the adequate execution of the work.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Payment for excavation for canals and drains shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the
applicable unit price per cubic meter of classified material excavated as indicated in the
Bidding Schedule for the haul distances listed below:
Up to ____1 m
from ____ 1 m to ____ 1 m
from ____ 1 m to 1000 m
Haul distances shall be measured between the centers of gravity of the material excavated
and the material placed or deposited. When the haul distance required is greater than
1000 m, as approved by the ENGINEER, the haul of such material shall be paid for as
specified in item (C-030213 - Overhaul).
The unit prices shall include the cost of all labor, equipment and materials required to
perform the work as specified herein, including loading, hauling, unloading and spreading
of materials, as needed.
1 - Haul distances shall be determined by the design engineer.



Description of the work. Excavation for structures shall be performed in accordance

with the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the drawings or established by the
Excavation for structures shall include all excavation required for the structures below
the original ground surface, or below the surface after scraping, including any final
trimming required for placing forms and concrete.
Excavation for structures may be performed manually or with mechanical equipment.
Depending on the types of materials encountered, the CONTRACTOR may use explosives
when approved by the ENGINEER.
All necessary precautions shall be taken to minimize disturbing or loosening of the rock
and/or ground adjacent to the required excavation. All excavation performed for the
convenience of the CONTRACTOR, or in excess of that required, for any reason except
for additional excavation directed by the ENGINEER, shall be at the expense of the
CONTRACTOR, including the cost for refilling the excess excavation (with lean concrete).
Excavation for structures shall be classified in accordance with item (C-030101 Classification for Excavation).
The CONTRACTOR shall be required to excavate all drainage or interceptor ditches and
provide all other drainage installations necessary to maintain the excavations in good
order during construction and to protect concrete foundations from damage.
All excavated materials which the ENGINEER considers suitable for use in other parts of
the work, which are in excess of the requirements for backfill about the structure, shall
be hauled by the CONTRACTOR to the site where the materials will be used or to
previously selected locations. All unsuitable materials shall be hauled to the waste areas
shown on the drawings or to locations approved by the ENGINEER. Materials deposited
in waste banks shall be left with reasonably even and regular surfaces as approved by

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Excavation performed for concrete foundations shall be controlled through the verification
of the specified lines and dimensions.

Measurement and payment. Excavation for structures shall be measured by cubic meter
of material excavated to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the drawings or
established by the ENGINEER.
The ENGINEER will classify the materials encountered while the excavation is being
performed for subsequent calculation of the quantities that correspond to each type of
material. No measurement or payment will be made for any excavation that the ENGINEER
considers to be in excess of that required for proper performance of the work.
Payment for excavation for structures shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the
applicable unit price per cubic meter of classified material indicated in the Bidding Schedule
for the haul distances listed below:
Up to ______ 1 m
From ______ 1 m to ______ 1 m
From ______ 1 m to 1,000 m
Haul distances shall be measured between the centers of gravity of the material excavated
and the material placed or deposited.
When the haul distance required is greater than 1000 meters, as approved by the
ENGINEER, the haul of such material shall be paid for as specified in item (C-030213 Overhaul).
The unit prices shall include the cost of all labor, equipment, and materials required to
perform the work as specified herein, including loading, hauling, unloading, and spreading
of materials, as needed.
1 - Haul distances shall be determined by the design engineer.



Description of the work. Excavation for trenches shall be performed in accordance with
the lines, grades and dimensions required for proper installation of pipe, as shown on
the drawings or as established by the ENGINEER.
Excavation for trenches may be performed manually or with mechanical equipment.
Depending on the types of materials encountered, the CONTRACTOR may use explosives,
when approved by the ENGINEER. All necessary precautions shall be taken to minimize
disturbing or loosening of the rock and/or ground adjacent to the required excavation.
When not shown on the drawings, the minimum width (W) of the trench shall be calculated
as follows:
For pipe with an internal diameter equal to or less than 450 mm;
W = d + 40 cm
For pipe with an internal diameter greater than 450 mm;

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

W = d + 90 cm
W = width of the trench (cm)
d = outside diameter of the pipe (cm)
Trench widths for all other cases shall be as established by the ENGINEER.
Trenches with depths greater than 1.5 meters shall be shored, or the side walls sloped
at an angle to stabilize the excavation, as determined by the ENGINEER.
The CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain all necessary shoring for the trench walls.
Trenches shall be excavated to the depths required for laying the pipe to the lines and
grades shown on the drawings, or as directed by the ENGINEER.
Excavation for the pipe trenches shall be classified in accordance with item (C-030101
- Classification of Excavation).
When the foundation material below the bottom of the pipe is of the 2nd or 3rd category
or otherwise unsuitable, as determined by the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR shall perform
additional excavation to a depth of 10 cm below the specified bottom elevation of the
pipe in order to allow the placing of bedding material for the pipe.
All excavated material not suitable or not required for backfill or compacted backfill shall
be hauled by the CONTRACTOR to the waste areas shown on the drawings or to
locations approved by the ENGINEER. Materials deposited in waste banks shall be left
with reasonably even and regular surfaces as approved by the ENGINEER.
The bottom of the trench upon which the pipe will be laid shall be smooth, straight and
uniform, without high or low points, hard or soft, that may result in unequal loading of
the pipe. If a crane with slings is used to lower the pipe into the trench, holes shall be
excavated in the bottom of the trench to facilitate removal of the slings. When bell or
sleeve joints are used, holes of adequate size shall be excavated in the bottom of the
trench to prevent the bells or sleeves from coming in contact with the subgrade. The
pipe shall be uniformly supported along its entire length.

Measurement and payment. Excavation for trenches shall be measured by cubic meter
of material excavated to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the drawings or
established by the ENGINEER.
The CONTRACTOR will not be required to excavate trenches to vertical sides, but
regardless or whether the trench sides are vertical or sloped, measurement of excavation
for trenches will be made to vertical sides and to the widths specified herein.
Measurement of excavation for trenches shall be performed using the Average End Area
method, between stations at 20 meter intervals, or at other intervals, as determined by
the ENGINEER. Measurements will be taken before and after excavation.
The ENGINEER will classify the materials encountered during the excavation for
subsequent calculation of the quantities that correspond to each type of material.
In addition to the classification of excavation, all trench excavation shall correspond to
one of the following trench depth ranges:

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Less than 2.00 m

From 2.00 to 4.00 m
From 4.00 to 6.00 m
No measurement or payment shall be made for any excavation that the ENGINEER
considers to be in excess of that required for proper performance of the work.
Payment for excavation for trenches shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the applicable
unit price per cubic meter of classified material indicated in the Bidding Schedule for the
depth ranges specified above and the haul distances listed below:
Up to _____ 1 m
From _____ 1 m to _____ 1 m
From _____ 1 m to 1000 m
Haul distances shall be measured between the centers of gravity of the material excavated
and the material placed or deposited.
When the haul distance required is greater than 1000 m, as approved by the ENGINEER,
the haul of such material shall be paid for as specified in item (C-030213 - Overhaul).
The unit prices shall include the cost of all labor, equipment and materials required to
perform the work as specifed herein, including shoring, loading, hauling, unloading and
spreading of materials, as needed.
1 - Haul distances shall be determined by the design engineer.





The various types of excavations for buildings shall be performed according to the
elevations, dimensions, and slopes shown on the drawings or established by the
ENGINEER. The required excavations shall be performed so as to prevent any damages
to life, property or both.


Excavation in excess of 1.5 meters in depth shall be sloped or protected by means of

appropriate devices. Permanent excavations shall be protected by means of retaining or
curtain walls.


Excavations for foundations, basements, water reservoirs, and other underground facilities
shall be executed as specified in the foundation drawings and other designs, with due
consideration being given to soil characteristics and to the amount of material to be


Excavation work shall comply with these Specifications and with the specific standards
set forth in ABNT Standard NBR-6122 (NB-51).


Excavation for blocks and surrounding foundation walls shall be performed using shoring
and removal of water, as needed, so that structural elements can be constructed and
waterproofed in open excavations.


All excavations shall be protected, as needed, against runoff or groundwater, through

drainage, pumping, or groundwater drawdown, in accordance with items (C-020401 -

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Site Drainage) and (C-020303 - Lowering Groundwater Table), in order to assure an

adequate execution of the work.

Refill of temporary excavations and of areas near retaining or curtain walls shall be
carefully executed, so as to prevent displacements which may effect neighboring
structures, buildings or public property.


Excavations shall be classified according to the type of excavated material and the
difficulties encountered in excavating, as stipulated in item (C-030101 - Classification
of Excavation).


Excess excavations shall be filled with lean concrete or other material approved by the
ENGINEER, at the CONTRACTORs expense, in accordance with item (C-030203 Excavation for Structures).


Sloped Excavations


Sloped excavation slopes shall be adequately protected against both groundwater and
superficial erosion during their execution.


Final slopes, unless otherwise specified, shall be protected by means of vegetation or

other material, so as to avoid future erosion.




In the event that the excavation drawings are not furnished by the CLIENT, the
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for preparing and submitting them for approval and
authentication by the ENGINEER.


The dimensions of structural elements shall meet the loads to which each element is to
be subjected during the various phases of the work (temporary and/or permanent).


Adjacent conditions and estimated overloads during the various phases of the work
shall be taken into account.


Under no circumstances shall the CONTRACTOR initiate excavations without prior

authentication of drawings by the ENGINEER.


Designs shall meet pertinent ABNT standards, particularly NBR-6122 (NB-51).


Measurement and Payment. Excavations for buildings shall be measured in cubic meters
of material excavated to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the drawings or
established by the ENGINEER.
The ENGINEER will classify the materials during the excavation for the purpose of
subsequently calculating the corresponding volume of each type of material.
No measurement or payment will be made for excavation performed in excess of that
necessary for the adequate execution of the work.
Payment for excavation for buildings shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the applicable
unit price per cubic meter of classified material indicated in the Bidding Schedule.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The unit prices shall include the cost of all labor, equipment, and materials required to
perform the work as specified herein, as well as to load, haul and unload the material as
When the haul distance exceeds 1000 m, and with the approval of the ENGINEER, haul
of excavated or backfill material shall be paid for in accordance with (C-030213 Overhaul).


Description of the work. Borrow materials shall be excavated in accordance with these
Specifications or as directed by the ENGINEER.
The CONTRACTOR shall inform the ENGINEER sufficiently in advance before beginning
excavation of any borrow area so that all necessary inspections and measurements of
the area may be performed.
All excavation performed by the CONTRACTOR shall conform to the directions of the
ENGINEER, with the intent of obtaining the highest yield and best utilization of the
materials from the borrow area. If the ENGINEER determines that the materials being
excavated from a borrow area are unsuitable for use in the work, the CONTRACTOR
shall discontinue the excavation, the materials excavated shall be disposed of as directed,
and suitable material shall be obtained from other borrow areas previously approved by
The CONTRACTOR shall clear, clean and scrape all borrow areas in accordance with
item (C-020101 - Clearing and Cleaning Construction Areas and Borrow Areas).
Unsuitable materials, as determined by the ENGINEER, shall be hauled to waste areas to
prevent mixing with suitable materials at the borrow area site.
The CONTRACTOR shall construct and maintain, in a manner approved by the ENGINEER,
all drainage ditches and other works necessary for the control of runoff and groundwater,
in order to avoid flooding and/or ponding which might cause deterioration of suitable
The ENGINEER shall designate the extent and depth of the excavation cuts in all borrow
areas, and the excavation cuts shall be made to the designated depths.
The CONTRACTOR shall perform excavation in borrow areas in a manner that will at all
times guarantee the stability of the excavated slopes and of the excavation in general
during the borrow operations. When necessary, the ENGINEER will direct changes in the
extension, depth, slopes, or manner in which the excavation is being performed,to
reduce the possibility of the slopes collapsing or sliding, or to improve the yield and
quality of excavated material.
Excavation from borrow shall be performed with adequate mechanical equipment.
The CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary precautions to avoid excess excavation and
to ensure that the excavated surface and the remaining material is maintained in a
satisfactory condition.
The CONTRACTOR may use explosives when approved by the ENGINEER.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Blasting in borrow areas shall not be allowed closer than 50 meters to a construction
site, except when otherwise approved by the ENGINEER.
During excavation of a borrow area the CONTRACTOR may be directed to excavate
materials which could be used in subsequent stages of the work. The CONTRACTOR
shall excavate and stockpile the materials in a manner approved by the ENGINEER.
Stockpile areas shall be dry, protected from runoff, and shall be kept free of any
vegetation, debris, or other foreign material that might interfere with the eventual
utilization of the materials.
After completion of the borrow operations, the CONTRACTOR shall return the area to a
natural appearance and evenly spread the previously removed topsoil over the area.

Measurement and payment. No separate payment will be made for materials excavated
from borrow areas and used for embankment, backfill, or other required earthwork, and
the costs of excavation from borrow shall be included in applicable unit prices for the
items of work in which the borrow materials are used. Volume determinations shall be
made at the place where the borrow materials are actually used, as described in the
applicable paragraphs. When the volume of the material actually placed cannot be
measured effectively, measurement shall be performed at the borrow area using the
Average End Area method, between stations at 20 meter intervals, or other intervals, as
determined by the ENGINEER. The unit prices which include the cost of excavation from
borrow shall also include the costs of separating the material and stockpiling, whenever
such operations are required.
No payment shall be made for the disposal of unsuitable materials from borrow areas,
regardless of the haul distance, and the costs of such disposal shall be included in the
price of the work in which the adjacent suitable borrow material is to be used.
When the haul distance required from the borrow area to the site of placement is greater
than 1000m, as approved by the ENGINEER, the haul of such material shall be paid for
as specified in item (C-030213 - Overhaul).




Description of the work. Overhaul is defined as the product of excavated volume, in

cubic meters, times haul distance, in kilometers, when the required haul distance of the
material exceeds the maximum established haul distance. Overhaul includes the hauling
of materials from required excavations or from borrow areas for the construction of
embankments and placing of backfill, filters, surfacing, and riprap, as well as the haul of
unsuitable or excess materials from excavations to waste areas, except unsuitable
materials from borrow areas, all as approved by the ENGINEER.


Measurement and Payment. The overhaul shall be measured in cubic meters x kilometers,
m3 x km, for the different types of classified materials to be hauled. Material volumes
shall be measured at the site of placement or deposit for embankments , backfill, filters,
surfacing, and riprap, whenever possible. If not possible or not practical, as determined
by the ENGINEER, material volumes shall be measured in excavation. All material volumes
for haul of unsuitable or excess materials to waste areas shall be measured in excavation.
The above measurements shall be performed using the Average End Area Method,
between stations at 20 meter intervals, or other intervals, as determined by the ENGINEER.
Haul distances will be measured along the shortest practical route which can be followed
by the haul equipment, between the centers of gravity of the material excavated and
the material placed or deposited, after deduction of the first kilometer.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

All haul routes shall be approved by the ENGINEER.

At the discretion of the ENGINEER, overhaul of materials which are not specifically
referred to in this paragraph may be considered for purposes of measurement and
payment. In these cases, the ENGINEER shall determine the volume of material to be
measured and the amount to be paid as overhaul.
Under no circumstances shall special coefficients be applied to the measured volume for
expansion of materials. Expansion of materials must be accounted for in the
CONTRACTORs prices for overhaul.
Payment for overhaul shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the applicable unit price
per cubic meter x kilometers indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
The unit prices shall include the cost of all labor, equipment, and materials required to
perform the work as specified herein.


Description of the work. Backfill about structures shall be placed to the lines, grades
and dimensions shown on the drawings, as specified herein or as directed by the
ENGINEER. Backfill material shall be obtained from required excavation for structures,
but when sufficient suitable material is not available from this source, additional material
shall be obtained by the CONTRACTOR from other required excavation or from designated
borrow areas. Backfill material shall be subject to the approval of the ENGINEER.
All backfill material shall be free from roots, organic matter and stones or clods over 7.5
cm in diameter. Suitable materials for backfill about structures are defined in item (C030102 - Definition of Earth Materials).
All backfill material shall be compacted unless otherwise shown on the drawings or
directed by the ENGINEER. Compaction shall be performed with proper mechanical
equipment, however, manual compaction may be performed whenever the access of
mechanical equipment to a specific location is impractical. Backfill material shall be
placed and compacted uniformly about the structure to prevent unequal loading.
Backfill about structures shall be placed in successive horizontal layers, not to exceed
10 cm in thickness after compaction. Compaction shall be performed until the relative
density obtained is at least 97% of the laboratory maximum dry density as determined
by the Standard Proctor compaction test.
During backfill operations, density tests shall be performed by the ENGINEER. At least
four tests shall be performed per eight-hour shift or one for every 100 cubic meters of
backfill placed. Additional tests may be performed, as determined by the ENGINEER.


Measurement and Payment. Backfill about structures shall be measured in cubic meters
of material placed, measured to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the drawings.
The volume of the structure shall be deducted.
Payment for backfill about structure shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the applicable
unit price per cubic meter indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
For backfill about structures performed with materials from borrow areas, payment shall
be in accordance with the haul distances listed below:

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Up to ____ 1 m
From ____ 1 m to ___ 1 m
From ____ 1 m to 1000 m
The haul distances shall be measured between the centers of gravity of the material
excavated and the material placed.
When the haul distance required is greater than 1000 m, as approved by the ENGINEER,
the haul of such material shall be paid for as specified in item (C-030213-Overhaul).
The unit prices shall include the cost of all labor, equipment and materials required to
perform the work as specified herein, including furnishing water, moistening materials
and compacting materials.
When the material for backfill about structures is obtained from borrow areas, the unit
prices for backfill about structures shall include the cost of excavating the material from
the borrow area.
No measurement or payment shall be made for backfill required as a result of excess
excavation performed by the CONTRACTOR.
1 - Haul distances shall be determined by the design engineer.


Description of the work. Backfill in pipe trenches shall be placed to the lines, grades and
dimensions shown on the drawings, as specified herein or as directed by the ENGINEER.
Prior to placing backfill material in the pipe trench, the holes excavated for the pipe bells
and for removing the cable slings shall be refilled with sand manually tamped under the
pipe to fill all voids to the fullest extent possible. Backfill material shall be obtained from
required excavation for trenches, but when sufficient suitable material is not available
from this source, additional material shall be obtained by the CONTRACTOR from
designated borrow areas. Backfill material shall be subject to the approval of the
A layer of bedding material, on which the pipe will be laid, shall be provided in the
bottom of the trench when the trench excavation is in 2nd or 3rd category material. The
bedding shall have a minimum thickness of 10 cm and, if compaction of the material is
required, it shall be compacted as specified for compacting backfill material.
Backfill material placed to 30 cm above the pipe shall contain no rocks, stones, or clods
greater than 20 mm in diameter unless otherwise shown on the drawings. All other
backfill shall be free of rocks, stones, or clods over 7.5 cm in diameter. All backfill
material shall be free from roots and other organic matter. Suitable materials for backfill
in pipe trenches are defined in item (C-030102 - Definition of Earth Materials). If bedding
is required for the pipe foundation, the material used shall be subject to approval by the
All backfill shall be compacted unless otherwise shown on the drawings or directed by
No more than 3 pipe units shall be laid ahead of the backfilling operation. Backfill shall
be placed about the pipe so as to leave the joints exposed prior to filling with water and
testing. Backfill shall be placed to a minimum depth of 1/2 the outside diameter of the
pipe and to a maximum depth of 30 cm over the top of the pipe, prior to filling and

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Backfill about the pipe shall be placed and compacted in layers having about the same
top elevation on both sides of the pipe to prevent unequal loading and displacement of
the pipe. Backfill below and around the pipe and up to 30 cm above the pipe shall be
compacted with manually operated tools or equipment. Backfill material shall be carrefully
placed and thoroughly tamped and compacted in a manner such as to all void spaces
beneath the lower part of the pipe.
Care shall be taken to avoid hitting the pipe with the compaction equipment and thereby
damaging the coating on the pipe. Any damaged coating shall be repaired at the
CONTRACTOR s expense with suitable material as directed by the ENGINEER.
Compaction shall be performed until the relative density obtained is at least 97% of the
laboratory maximum dry density as determined by the Standard Proctor compaction
test. The backfill material shall be wetted, as necessary, to obtain the optimum moisture
content for the compaction load to be applied.
During backfill operations, density tests shall be performed by the ENGINEER. At least
four tests shall be performed per eight-hour shift or one for every 100 cubic meters of
backfill material placed. Additional tests may be performed, as determined by the
After filling and testing of the pipe is completed, backfill shall be placed and compacted
in sucessive layers not to exceed 15 cm in thickness after compaction. Backfill shall be
placed and compacted to the lines and grades shown on the drawings.

Measurement and Payment. Backfill in pipe trenches shall be measured in cubic meters
of material placed, measured to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the drawings.
The volume of pipe and fittings 150 mm and larger in diameter shall be deducted. The
volume of concrete in pipe trenches, measured as specified in item (I-030101-Installation
of Pipelines and Appurtenances) shall also be deducted.
Payment for backfill shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the applicable unit price per
cubic meter indicated in the Bidding Schedule. For backfill in pipe trenches performed
with materials from borrow areas, payment shall be in accordance with the haul distances
listed below:
Up to ________ 1 m
From ________ 1 m to ________ 1 m
From ________ 1 m to 1000 m
The haul distances shall be measured between the centers of gravity of the material
excavated and the material placed.
When the haul distance required is greater than 1000 m, as approved by the ENGINEER,
the haul shall be paid for as specified in item (C-030213 - Overhaul).
The unit prices shall include the cost of all labor, equipment and materials required to
perform the work as specified herein, including furnishing water, moistening materials
and compacting materials.
When material for backfill in pipe trenches is obtained from borrow areas, the unit prices
for backfill in pipe trenches shall include the cost of excavating the material from the
borrow area.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Bedding material shall be measured in cubic meters of bedding placed and compacted.
The bedding shall be paid for at the unit price per cubic meter indicated in the Bidding
Schedule. The unit price shall include all labor, equipment and materials required for the
1 - Haul distances shall be determined by the design engineer.

Description of the work. Embankments shall be constructed using materials from required
excavation or from borrow areas. Embankments shall be constructed to the lines, grades,
and dimensions shown on the drawings, or established by the ENGINEER.
The heights of the embankments shall never be lower than those specified on the
drawings, unless otherwise directed by the ENGINEER.
When necessary, as determined by the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR shall build the
embankments to heights above those shown on the drawings, in order to allow for
subsequent settling.
Embankments shall be built in approximately horizontal, uniform, successive layers carried
over the entire width of the embankment to the required grades as shown in the
corresponding cross section drawings.
Each layer shall have a nearly horizontal surface, with sufficient grade, however, for
adequate draining during construction, particularly when there is an interruption in the
embankment construction. The distribution of the materials in each layer shall not cause
any segregation of the materials and shall provide a homogeneous fill without cavities,
lenses, pockets, streaks, laminations, or other imperfections.


Non-compacted embankments. Foundations for non-compacted embankment shall be

scored with a plow making open rows not more than 1 meter apart and not less than 4
cm deep.
Non-compacted embankments shall be constructed with vehicles traveling over the
embankment as much as possible, in order to obtain the utmost advantage of their
compaction effect. These embankments shall be leveled off to a uniform elevation.
Materials such as stones, gravel, and clods shall be thoroughly mixed with other materials
so as to prevent the formation of lenses or pockets with higher permeabilities.


Compacted embankments. Compacted embankments shall be constructed by preparing

the foundation by wetting and scarification.
Any type of equipment that will produce the required scarification may be used. The
rows produced shall not be more than 30 cm apart and shall be more than 5 cm, but less
than 7 cm deep.
Materials shall be free of stones and clods over 10 cm in diameter and of roots and other
organic material, as approved by the ENGINEER. Suitable materials for compacted
embankments are defined in item (C-030102 - Definition of Earth Materials). The materials
shall be brought to a near optimum moisture content (+ 2%), either by spreading and
drying the material if too wet or by moistening if too dry. The materials shall then be
spread in horizontal layers, with a maximum placement thickness between 15 and 30
cm, over the entire width of the embankment. The moistening and mixing of the materials
shall preferably be performed during excavation of the material.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Each layer shall be thoroughly and evenly compacted over its entire surface with a
maximum thickness after compaction of 25 cm. If the ENGINEER determines that the
top surface which is to receive the next layer of embankment material is too dry or
smooth for adequate bonding of both layers, the surface shall be wetted and/or scarified,
as specified above, to provide an effective bond.
After scarifying, the resulting loose material shall be mixed with the material of the
following layer to obtain a homogeneous mixture of materials before beginning compaction
operations. All clods in the materials shall be broken up or crushed using any adequate
type of equipment, as approved by the ENGINEER. In the event that it is impossible to
break up the clods, these clods shall be removed from the embankment material.
After any interruption or delay during the construction of compacted embankments, all
exposed or adjacent surfaces upon or against which additional compacted embankment
will be placed shall be prepared as specified above.
Once the materials have been placed as described above, the compaction of the material
shall be performed until the relative density obtained is between 97% and 100% of the
laboratory maximum dry density, as determined by Standard Proctor compaction test.
The compaction equipment used shall be appropriate for the type of materials being
placed and shall require prior approval from the ENGINEER.
Rollers shall be used for the compaction of all canal embankments.
For embankments adjacent to structures or in places not accessible to compacting
rollers, compaction shall be performed by hand or power tampers. In such cases, each
layer shall be placed with only the material necessary to guarantee proper compaction
and the thickness of a layer shall never exceed 15 cm of loose material.
As approved by the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR may select and utilize other compaction
methods that are deemed necessary for construction of the embankments, provided,
that such alternate methods shall result in compliance with these Specifications.
For canals in fill, embankments shall be constructed and compacted over the entire
width of the section so that after excavation and trimming, the exposed finished surfaces
shall have the same degree of compaction as the interior sections of the embankment.
For canals in partial fill with the bottom of the canal in cut, the bottom of the canal shall
be scarified, as specified above, and then compacted in place to ensure the same degree
of compaction for the entire canal surface.
The ENGINEER shall perform all necessary compaction tests for control of the embankment
construction. If the test results are not satisfactory, the ENGINEER will direct changes
in the materials or in the compaction process, in order to obtain results as specified
Each layer of embankment shall be measured by the ENGINEER to determine whether
the grade and depth comply with the Specifications requirements. If a layer does not
meet the compaction, grade, or depth requirements, the ENGINEER will, if necessary,
order total or partial removal and replacement at the expense of the CONTRACTOR.
Placement of materials in layers thicker than specified above shall only be approved
when the topography does not allow the placing of layers with a maximum thickness
after compaction of 25 cm, or when the equipment being used makes it possible to

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

obtain the compaction requirements throughout the entire layer. In either case, the
CONTRACTOR shall obtain approval from the ENGINEER.
The following tests shall be performed on the constructed embankments and on the
embankment materials:
Tests shall be performed using the Standard Proctor compaction test for every
1000 cubic meters of material placed.
Test for determining the apparent dry specific mass, in place, of embankment
layers at 100 meter intervals, alternately on the centerline and edges, corresponding
to the above mentioned compaction test.
A test for particle size (DNER-ME-80-64); liquid limit (DNER-ME-44-64); and
plasticity limit (DNER-ME-82-63), for the main body of the embankment, for each
set of ten samples submitted to the compaction test, as mentioned above.
Test for the California bearing ratio (CBR), with the load of the Normal Proctor
method; for each set of four samples for the top layers. The number of tests will
be determined by the ENGINEER.

Tolerances. The following tolerances shall be permitted:


Variation in height of + 3 cm for the centerline and the edges from the design sections.


Variation in width of + 20 cm for the embankment berm, with no allowance for negative
variations from the design sections.
Verification shall be performed by checking elevations at centerline and edges at very
other station.


Measurement and payment. Construction of embankments shall be measured in cubic

meters of material placed to the lines, grades, dimensions, and cross-sections shown on
the drawings or established by the ENGINEER. Measurement of the embankments shall
be performed using the Average End Area method, between stations at 20 meters
intervals, or other intervals, as determined by the ENGINEER.
Payment for construction of embankments shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the
applicable unit price per cubic meter indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
For embankments constructed with materials from borrow areas, payment shall be in
accordance with the different haul distances listed below:
Up to ___ 1 m
From ___ 1 m to ___ 1 m
From ___ 1 m to 1000 m
The haul distances shall be measured between the centers of gravity of the material
excavated and the material placed.
When the haul distance required is greater than 1000 m, as approved by the ENGINEER,
the haul shall be paid for as specified in item(C-030213 - Overhaul).
The unit prices shall include the cost of all labor, equipment and materials required to
perform the work as specified herein, including the volume of embankment material
required for canals in fill.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

When the material used in embankments is obtained from borrow areas, the unit prices
for construction of embankments shall include the cost of excavating the material from
the borrow area.
No measurement or payment shall be made for materials in embankments constructed
outside the lines specified in the drawings or established by the ENGINEER.
1 - Haul distances shall be determined by design engineer.


Description of the work. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish, haul, and place riprap at the
locations shown on the drawings for surface stability, slope and erosion protection, and
filters. The riprap shall be dumped into position, and where required by the drawings or
directed by the ENGINEER, the riprap shall be compacted in layers by equipment travel
over the top. Riprap shall be placed into position in such a manner as to ensure that the
material is stable and without tendency to slide, and so that there will be no unreasonably
large unfilled spaces within the riprap.
The type, capacity and amount of equipment to be used shall depend on the type of
riprap work to be performed. The CONTRACTOR shall submit, for approval, a list of the
equipment to be used for each type of work required.
The thickness of the riprap and the maximum and minimum sizes of the rock to be used
shall be in accordance with the drawings or as determined by the ENGINEER.
All rock for riprap shall be hard, dense, and durable, and resistant to water and weathering.
When necessary, specific density, weight, and other quality requirements shall be
Riprap shall be bedded in a layer of graded filter material when shown on the drawings.
Voids in riprap shall be filled with rock spalls, stones, and/or gravel when specified in
the drawings or directed by the ENGINEER. The types of material and the amounts
required to fill the voids shall be as directed and approved by the ENGINEER.


Measurement and payment. Riprap shall be measured by cubic meters of material placed
to the dimensions and depths shown on drawings or established by the ENGINEER.
When dimensions are not shown on the drawings, the actual volume placed at the work
site shall be measured.
For riprap placed under water, measurement shall be made in the borrow area, or
measurement shall be performed after excavation in stockpiles.
Payment for riprap shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the applicable unit price per
cubic meter indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
Payment for riprap shall be in accordance with the haul distances listed below:
Up to ___1 m
From ___1 m to ___1 m
From ___1 m to 1000 m
The haul distances shall be measured between the centers of gravity of the material
excavated and the material placed.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

When the haul distance required is greater than 1000 m, as approved by the ENGINEER,
the haul shall be paid for as specified in item (C-030213 - Overhaul).
The unit prices shall include the cost of all materials, labor, equipment and, when utilized,
filter materials, required to perform the work as specified herein.
1 - Haul distances shall be determined by the design engineer.


Description of the work. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish and plant native grass to
cover exposed earth slopes of canals, drains, and roads, as well as the surface of any
other areas shown on the drawings or directed by the ENGINEER.
Because of the severe weather conditions (hot, dry climate) in the Project area, the
CONTRACTOR shall carefully select the type of vegetation to be planted and the type of
care to be provided, all subject to approval by the ENGINEER.
Native grasses shall be of a specific variety determined by the ENGINEER. Grass shall be
supplied in cuttings or sod and shall be hauled to the required locations by the
Grass cuttings or sod shall be planted over the finished slope surface after spreading a
15 cm layer of topsoil. Topsoil shall be obtained from required scraping or excavation.
The rows of cuttings or sod shall be planted from the top down.
Cuttings shall be planted in alternate rows, with a maximum spacing of 10 cm, or as
indicated in the drawings.
Sod shall be placed so that 97% of the area is covered.
The work shall include watering of the planted grass cuttings or sod until the grass is
evenly green.
The work shall be visually inspected and controlled by the ENGINEER.


Measurement and payment. Protection of slopes with vegetation shall be measured in

square meters of effectively protected area, as approved by the ENGINEER.
Payment shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the unit price per square meter indicated
in the Bidding Schedule.
The unit price shall include the cost of all labor, equipment, and materials required to
perform the work as specified herein.


Description of the work. Cyclopic concrete consists of unreinfor ced concrete, whose
volume is increased by the addition of hand-size rocks placed in the concrete while it
is still plastic.
The concrete shall be in accordance with the requirements in item (C-040100 - Concrete
Construction - General).

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The percentage of hand-size rocks, based on the total aggregate volume in the concrete
mass, shall not exceed 30%.
Hand-size rocks shall not exceed 30 cm in any dimension.
Care shall be taken so that hand-size rocks are completely covered by concrete and
that no rocks touch each other or the formwork.
The concrete shall be fully plastic during arrangement of the rocks.
The cyclopic concrete shall be placed at the locations shown on the drawings and
approved by the ENGINNER.

Measurement and payment. Cyclopic concrete shall be measured in cubic meters, on

the basis of the dimensions shown on the drawings.
Payment for cyclopic concrete shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the unit price per
cubic meter indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
The unit price shall include the cost of all labor, equipment and materials required to
perform the work as specified herein, including furnishing and hauling hand-size rocks
and all materials required for the concrete construction.



Description of the work. Surfacing for roads shall consist of soil and gravel, soil layers,
or soil mixtures. Surfacing shall be performed in accordance with the applicable
specifications in DNER-ES-P-10-71, when other more complete supplementary
specifications are not available. The CONTRACTOR shall perform such operations as
selection, spreading, mixing, moistening or drying, compacting, and finishing of the
materials on the roadway, in amounts that will provide the required width and the
design thickness after compaction.
After compaction, the dry density of the material shall be at least 97% of the laboratory
maximum dry density as determined by the Intermediate Proctor compaction test.
Moisture content shall be within + 2% of the optimum moisture as defined in the
Intermediate Proctor compaction test.


Measurement and payment. Surfacing for roads shall be measured in cubic meters of
material placed on the roadway in accordance with the thickness, width, and lengths
shown on the drawings.
Payment for surfacing for roads will be made to the CONTRACTOR at the applicable
unit price per cubic meter indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
When surfacing materials are obtained from borrow areas, payment shall be in accordance
with the haul distances listed below:
Up to ____ 1 m
From ____ 1 m to ____ 1 m
From ____ 1 m to 1000 m
Haul distances shall be measured between the centers of gravity of the material excavated
and the material placed.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

When the haul distance required is greater than 1000 m, as approved by the ENGINEER,
the haul of such material shall be paid for as specified in item (C-030213 - Overhaul).
The unit prices shall include the cost of all labor, equipment, and materials required to
perform the work as specified herein, including excavation of surfacing material from
borrow areas.
1 - Haul distances shall be determined by the design engineer.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications




This section provides the requirements for concrete construction in accordance with
the project designs.
Concrete shall have compression strength equal to or higher than the specified values
for the various concrete works as required in the project designs, as shown on the
drawings. The CONTRACTOR shall have adequate equipment and qualified personnel at
both the batching plant and work site for taking representative samples of concrete for
specified testing. The CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain all equipment at the
worksite necessary for the concrete construction required under these Specifications.
The CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible for strength, stability, durability, and finishes
of all required concrete construction.
The construction of reinforced concrete structures, relative to preparation, transportation,
placing, consolidation, construction joints, curing, forms, reinforcement, expansion joints,
removal of forms and shoring of the concrete, materials and services shall be in accordance
with standard ABNT-NBR-6118 and the following applicable Specifications.



Composition. Concrete shall consist of Portland cement, sand, gravel, and water, all in
accordance with the applicable material specifications. All the requirements in item (C040123 - Production of Concrete) shall be obeyed.




Trial Mixing. Trial mixing shall be performed in accordance with Item 8.3.1 of NBR-6118
(NB-1), which establishes basic guidelines to be adopted, and which states that any
standard method may be used for trial mixing.
Thus, the ENGINEER shall accept the use of the INT methods of IPT and ABCP. Regardless
of the method used, all data shall be submitted to the ENGINEER for approval.
Trial mixing shall be performed to obtain a concrete that meets the design requirements
of the project using available materials.
All concrete mixes shall be evaluated in accordance with the following:
Characteristic strength after 28 days (fc28 ).

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Maximum nominal size aggregate as related to the dimensions of the concrete, in

accordance with Item of NBR-6118 (NB-1).
Consistency measured by slump, in accordance with NBR-7223 (NB-256). In
general, the slump shall be between 5 and 8 cm, unless otherwise directed by the
Aggregate size gradation (mechanical analysis).
Water/cement ratio on the basis of the desired strength and durability.
Concrete testing for quality control.
Consolidation of concrete.
Aggregate physical indexes (specific mass, unit weight, swelling, and moisture

Pre-Determined Mixes. The ENGINEER shall only accept pre-determined mixes when
performed at the work site for small concrete placements. The following conditions
shall be met:
Minimum cement content shall be 300 kg/m3 of concrete.
The aggregate gradation shall be determined so as to obtain a concrete with
adequate workability for its intended use.
Water content shall be the minimum compatible with the required concrete
If a pre-determined mix is used, the ENGINEER shall accept the mix proportions of
materials listed in Calculator Caldas Branco, by Eng. Ablio de Azevedo Caldas Branco,
provided that all other applicable specifications listed herein are met.
Special attention is recommended when using the aforementioned tables since the mix
formula selected must still meet the requirements pertaining to the characeristic concrete
strength specified in the project designs (fck), as well as concrete strength for samples
tested after 28 days (fc28 ).


Classes of Concrete - The classes of concrete for the various components of work shall
be established in accordance with the maximum size of the aggregate and with the
required design strenght as specified in the Project design. General guidelines for the
various classes of concrete are provided in Table - Classes of Concrete.
The quality control of the concrete shall be perfomed by the ENGINEER who will verify
if the specified conditions are attained.
In order to preserve the quality and economy of the work, and after investigations of
materials and the determination of the mixes, the CLIENT may modify the characteristics
of the concrete classes established.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications






M ass


CA 8 a CA 7

Lightly reinforced structural


CA 6 a CA 5

Concrete subject to abrasion, and structural


CA 2

Prestressed structural


CA 1



CA 6 a CA 4

Concrete for pre-casting and secondary concrete


CA 4

Pneumatically applied concrete


CA 6 a CA 4

Concrete ciclopico


CA 8


Types of Concrete. The types of concrete and characteristic strengths listed below shall
comply with project designs.
CA.1 Concrete
fck = 30.0 MPa
CA.2 Concrete
fck = 22.0 MPa
CA.3 Concrete
fck = 20.0 MPa
CA.4 Concrete
fck = 18.0 MPa
CA.5 Concrete
fck = 15,0 MPa
CA.6 Concrete
fck = 13,5 MPa
CA.7 Concrete
fck = 11.0 MPa
CA.8 Concrete
fck = 9.0 MPa


Material Requirements. When the actual materials used change or when the characteristics
of the materials change, it shall be necesary to calculate new mix proportions and
perform the corresponding tests.
Different types of cement or cement of different brands shall not be allowed in the same
batch of concrete. All batching shall be calculated on the basis of one full bag of cement.
Cement shall always be measured by weight; measuring by volume shall not be allowed.
The CONTRACTOR shall have a sufficient amount of cement on hand, prior to the start
of concrete batching, for each scheduled concrete placement.
Specially built wheelbarrows or carts, fork-lift trucks, and/or screens for handling
aggregates shall clearly display on the outside the name of the aggregate and the volume
required per bag of cement for the respective batch.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications



Molded Test Specimens. The purpose of these tests is to provide information about the
properties and characteristics of the concrete produced at the work site, compared to
the properties and characteristics that are predicted in the laboratory and to those
specified in the Project designs.
Tests shall conform to NBR-5738 (MB-2), NBR-5739 (MB-3) and Items 15 and 16 of
NBR-6118 (NB-1).
Samples for test cylinder specimens shall be obtained in accordance with NBR-5750
The number of samples required shall depend on the amount and type of concrete
placed and shall be determined by the ENGINEER. As a minimum, at least one series of
samples shall be taken for every 25 cubic meters of placed concrete. A series of samples
shall consist of three test cylinders in accordance with Item of NBR-6118 (NB1).
To the extent possible, test specimens shall be made near the place where they are to
be stored during the initial 24 hours.
The height of the test cylinders shall be twice the diameter (15 by 30 cm). Test cylinder
molds shall be made of metal and the thickness must comply with ABNT specifications.
Test cylinders shall be provided with devices that prevent leakage of mortar.
Concrete shall be placed in the cylinders in layers compatible with the consolidation
process to which it will be submitted. Normally, for hand consolidation, three layers
shall be used and the consolidation shall be performed using an iron rod 16 mm in
diameter and 60 cm long, hemispherically tipped at the lower end.
Consolidation shall begin immediately after the placing of each concrete layer.
The upper surface of the specimem shall be smoothed out with either a trowel or metal
straight edge so that specimens have an even height. An even height is obtained by
levelling the top in two perpendicular directions.
After removal from the cylinder the test specimens shall be placed in boxes and covered
on all sides by a layer of moist sand at least 5 cm thick. Once the test specimens have
been placed in the box, the sand must be kept saturated.
In both the cylinder and boxes, test specimens shall be protected from the sun and loss
of humidity and kept at the temperature of the work site. In the laboratory, the specimens
shall be kept in a moisture saturated atmosphere at 23o C, + 2o C.
All test specimens shall be labeled showing:
Casting date and date of concrete placement;
Part of the structure where the sample was taken during concrete placement;
Additional information (cement brand, aggregate characteristics, batch formula
used, consistency, etc.).
The testing of specimens shall be in accordance with NBR-5739 (MB-3).

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

During testing, the surfaces of test specimens shall remain in contact with the testing
machine base plates and shall not have a gap greater than 0,05 mm, in 150 mm, in the
same plane. When necessary, as determined by the ENGINEER, the surfaces shall be
ground or capped. Capping shall not exceed 5 mm in thickness and shall be comprised
of cement paste or sulphur mixtures in accordance with NBR-5738 (MB-2).
Structural concrete shall be accepted or rejected in accordance with item 16 of NBR6118 (NB-1). Regardless of the test results, the CLIENT may direct the CONTRACTOR
to perform additional testing in accordance with sub-item 4 below.
The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for any additional concrete tests, structural
tests, approved design changes, removal and reconstruction of defective structural
concrete sections, or for any other costs associated with determinations made by the
ENGINEER concerning acceptance or rejection of the concrete.

Core Samples. Core sampling shall be performed whenever the results obtained from
concrete test cylinders do not meet the structural requirements established in the
Core samples shall be taken from locations that constitute a representative sampling of
the entire batch being tested.
Sampling shall consist of at least six core samples taken from the structure. Cores shall
be 15 cm in diameter.
Core samples shall only be taken in the presence of the ENGINEER, after authorization
by the CLIENT.
Core samples shall not be taken from areas that will cause structural weakening of the


Quality Control. Quality control tests are methods for assessing the quality of fresh
concrete. These tests are useful in determining if the concrete constituents in fresh
concrete meet the specified levels of quality.
Types of tests include the following:
Slump test in accordance with NBR-7223 (MB-256), or ASTM C 143.
Sampling fresh concrete in accordance with ASTM C 172.
Concrete uniformity in accordance with ASTM C 94, annex A 1.
Density (unit weight) and yield strength in accordance with ASTM C 138, except
that a 7.0 liter container may be used for nominal aggregate sizes up to 3.8 cm.
Air content in accordance with ASTM C 231.


Special Concrete Tests. Special concrete tests for hardened concrete such as mechanical
sounding, gammagraphy, and hardness test (sclerometry), may be required when
determined necessary by the ENGINEER. If required, details of these tests will be provided
The ENGINEER, at his discretion and separate from the tests specified in this Specification,
may direct the CONTRACTOR to perform additional non-destructive tests. In those
cases also, if required, the ENGINEER will provide details of the tests to the CONTRACTOR.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Tests Results. The CONTRACTOR shall provide two copies of the results of all the tests
and conclusions reports to the CLIENT. The CLIENT shall return one of the copies certified,
with any pertinent comments based on the tests results.
Acceptance of the tests results by the CLIENT shall in no way relieve the CONTRACTOR
from full responsibility for the adequate strength, stability, durability and finishing in the
construction of the overall or any part of the concrete structure.


General. Cement shall conform to Item 8.1 of NBR-6118 (NB-1) and to the requirements
specified herein.
All cement shall have been recently manufactured and will only be accepted if the
factory labels and wrappings are intact.
Various types of Portland cement are manufactured, some of which have been
standardized and comply with specific ABNT Technical Standards provided below.


Common Portland Cement. Common Portland cement for concrete, pastes and mortars
shall conform with the standards below and may be used for general construction work.
NBR-5732 (EB-1); NBR-5734 (EB-22); NBR-5740 (MB-11); NBR-5741 (MB-508); NBR5742 (MB-509); NBR-5743 (MB-510); NBR-5744 (MB-511); NBR-5445 (MB-512); NBR5446 (MB-513); NBR-5447 (MB-514); NBR-5748 (MB-515); NBR-5749 (MB-516); NBR6474 (MB-346); NBR-7215 MB-1); NBR-7224 (MB-348); NBR-7226 (TB-76) and NBR7227.


High Early-Strength Portland Cement. High early strength Portland cement shall conform
with NBR-5733 (EB-2). This type of cement is generally used for precast concrete and
its use shall be approved by the ENGINEER.


Fly-Ash Portland Cement. Fly-Ash Portland cement shall conform with NBR-5735 (EB208). This type of cement is generally used in concrete pavements and its use shall be
approved by the ENGINEER.


Portland Pozzolan Cement. Portland Pozzolan cement shall conform to NBR-5736 (EB758). This type of cement shall be used for concrete subjected to chemical attack and
its use shall be approved by the ENGINEER, especially when used in exposed concrete.


Special Cements. If required, details of special cements such as Portland Cement with
Moderate Sulfates and Hydration Resistance; and Portland Cement with High Sulfates
Resistance, which shall be in accordance with NBR-5737 (EB-903) for concrete subjected
to aggresive enviroments; and White Portland Cement shall be provided in the Project


General Standards for Portland Cement. The main requirements for Portland cement are
provided below.


Chemical Composition Requirements

Ignition loss - as established in NBR-5743 (MB-510), or maximum ignition loss of
Insoluble residue - as established in NBR-5744 (MB-511), or maximum insoluble
residue of 1%.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Magnesium oxide content - as established in NBR-5749 (MB-516), or maximum

magnesium oxide content of 6.5%.

Physical Characteristics
Fineness - as established in NBR-7215 (MB-l), NBR-7224 (MB-348) and NBR-5734
Initial Set - as established in NBR-7215 (MB-1), or minimum initial set time of one
Final Set - as established in NBR-7215 (MB-1), or maximum final set time of ten
Expansion - as established in NBR-7215 (MB-1), NBR-5732 (EB-1) and NBR-5733
Compression Strength - as established in NBR-7215 (MB-1).


Packaging and labeling. Cement bags must conform to the following:

Both ends shall have 6 mm lettering with strength, 25, 32, 40 MPa (250, 320,
400 Kgf/cm2 ), as the case may be.
The middle of the bag shall have the standard cement brand and manufacturers
Net weight shall be 50 kg and the bags shall not be damaged in any way at the
time of inspection and acceptance.


Storage. The cement must be stored in a dry and protected location and shall be easily
accessible for inspection and identification of each shipment. Stacks must be placed on
wooden platforms or pallets and shall not exceed ten bags of cement.
Wooden platforms or pallets shall be raised 30 cm from the ground and separated by 30
cm from the storage facility walls.


Acceptance. Cement which does not meet the specifications requirements shall be
rejected by the ENGINEER.
Cement stored for over three months must undergo a new series of tests and will be
rejected if it does not meet the requirements.
Cement samples shall be taken as prescribed in NBR-5741 (MB-508).


General. Admixtures used for modifying the setting, hardening, resistance, workability,
durability, and permeability conditions of concrete shall only be used when indicated in
the project designs or upon approval by the ENGINEER.
Only admixtures whose properties have been certified by independent laboratory test
data, confirming that the applicable ASTM Standards have been met, shall be used.
Admixtures which would introduce more than 0.10 of 1 percent chloride, by weight of
cement, shall not be used in concrete for bridge decks or in concrete in which aluminum,
galvanized metalwork or prestressing steel is to be embedded.
Admixtures shall be used in strict compliance with the manufacturers recommendations
and/or instructions.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

For admixtures approved by the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR shall submit precise
information about product description, recommended dosage, and chemical composition.
Indiscriminate use of admixtures shall not be allowed. All admixtures, including those
having identical effects on the concrete, shall require separate approval.

Plasticizers. Plasticizers are used to decrease water content and increase strength, thereby
producing increased concreteworkability.
Plasticizers are recommended for concrete with a cement content of over 300 kg/m3.
Plasticizers shall conform to ASTM C-494.


Air-Entraining Admixture. Air entraining admixtures are used to substitute the fines in
the concrete, thereby reducing the fine aggregate content. Air entraining admixtures are
recommended for concrete with cement content of under 300 kg/m3 . Air entraining
admixtures shall conform to ASTM C-260, type C or E.


Retardants. Retardants are used to retard the initial concrete setting, thereby increasing
quality and allowing faster development of strength. These admixtures develop some of
the same characteristic changes caused by plasticizers. Retardants are recommended
for concrete with cement content of over 300 kg/m3. Retardants shall conform to ASTM


Accelerators. Accelerators speed up the initial strength and hardening of concrete. They
are recommended for concrete with cement content of over 300 kg/m3. Accelerators
shall conform to ASTM C-494.


Water used in making and curing concrete, mortar, and grout shall comply with NBR6118 (NB-1), NBR-6587 (PB-19) and these Specifications.
Water shall be free of any acids, oils, alkalis, salts, silt, sugars, organic matter or other
substances which are harmful or may alter the characteristics of the concrete.
The maximum allowed suspended solids and soluble sulfates shall be 2,000 mg/l and
0.5%, respectively.
If excessive turbidity occurs during the rainy season or at any other time during use, the
water shall be filtered.
Contaminated water shall not be used and if water is suspected of having been
contaminated, periodical testing shall be performed to verify water quality.


Aggregates shall conform to NBR-7211 (EB-4), Item 8.1.2 of NBR-6118 (NB-1) and to
the requirements specified below.


Sand. Sand shall be quartzous and free from unacceptable amounts of deleterious
substances, as specified in the applicable ABNT standards, such as clay lumps, colloids,
twigs, mica, soft and/or friable granules, organic matter, sodium chloride, and other
deliquescent salts, etc.
Coarse sand is sand which passes the ABNT 4.8 mm sieve and is retained on the ABNT
2.4 mm sieve, with a nominal maximum size of 4.8 mm.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Medium sand is sand which passes the ABNT 2.4 mm sieve and is retained in the ABNT
0.6 mm sieve, with a nominal maximum size of 2.4 mm.
Fine sand is sand which passes the ABNT 0.6 mm sieve and is retained in the ABNT
0.075 mm sieve, with a nominal maximum size of 0.6 mm.
Sand shall be graded in accordance with the applicable requirements of MB-7 of the
ABNT standards.

Coarse Aggregate. Coarse aggregate for concrete shall be crushed rock, natural gravel
or a mixture of each. Coarse aggregate shall be well graded with particle sizes between
4.8 mm and (38 mm) (76 mm)1 . Coarse aggregate shall be graded in accordance with
the applicable requirements of MB-7 of the ABNT standards. The fineness modulus shall
also be in accordance with MB-7.
Commercially available crushed rock is classified as follows:
# 0 diameter from 4.8 to 9.5 mm;
#1 diameter from 9.5 to 19 mm;
# 2 diameter from 19 to 38 mm;
(# 3 diameter from 38 to 76 mm)1.

Natural gravel found in earth deposits or in rivebed deposits shall meet all the requirements
for coarse aggregate as specified in the ABNT standards prior to use in the concrete.
The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for washing, screening, and gradation of these

Aggregate quality indexes. Aggregate quality shall be assessed by means of indexes

defined in the ABNT standards. In special cases other standards may be used in order to
obtain a more precise assessment. Additional testing of materials from deposits not
previously approved by the ENGINEER may be required. Quality indexes are defined as


Mechanical Strength. Tests shall be performed to measure mechanical strength of the

aggregate in accordance with NBR-6465 (MB-170). Tests results shall be within the
values specified in NBR-7211 (EB-4).


Harmfull Substance Content. Tests shall be performed to measure the content of harmful
substances, such as clay lumps, powdery materials, etc., in accordance with NBR-7211
(EB-4), NBR-7218(MB-8), and NBR-7219 (MB-9).


Organic Matter. Tests shall be performed for determining organic matter content in
accordance with NBR-7220 (MB-10). Test results shall be within the values specified in
NBR-7220 (MB-10) and NBR-7211 (EB-4).
1 - Revise or delete maximum size aggregate as required.


General. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all required reinforcing bars as shown on the
drawings. Reinforcing bars shall conform to Item 7 of NBR-6118, and to the requirements
specified herein.
Reinforcing bars shall have yield strengths equal to or greater than 400 MPa (4000 Kgf/
cm2 ) and shall conform to NBR-7480 or to ASTM A-615 or A-617, grade 60. The
reinforcing bars shall be deformed bars.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Reinforcing bars shall be free of heavy flaky rust, loose mill scale, dirt, grease or any
other foreign substances which may prevent adhesion to the concrete.
Exposed surfaces of dowels shall be thoroughly cleaned before placing concrete.
Reinforcement shall be secured in position so that it will not be displaced during the
placing of the concrete, and special care shall be exercised to prevent any disturbance
of the reinforcement in concrete that has already been placed. Chairs, hangers, spacers,
and other supports for reinforcement shall be of concrete, metal, or of other materials
approved by the ENGINEER.
The amount of concrete cover protecting reinforcement shall not deviate from that
specified by more than the following tolerances:
Protective Cover Specified
Less than 50 mm

3 mm

From 50 to 75 mm

6 mm

More than 75 mm

12 mm

The spacing of reinforcing bars shall not deviate from the required spacing by more than
25 mm.
Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, reinforcement in structures shall be placed so
that there will be a clear distance of at least 25 mm between the reinforcement and any
anchor bolts, form ties, or other embedded metalwork.
The reinforcing bars shall be sorted and stored according to size and length, as indicated
in NBR-7480 (EB-3).
The CONTRACTOR shall obtain a manufacturers or laboratory certification that the
reinforcing bars being supplied meet tensile strength and bending test standards, as
required in the ABNT Standards MB-4 and MB-5, respectively.
If the quality of the reinforcing bars is unacceptable, the lot shall be removed from the
work site. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for any delays caused by the rejection
of any lot of reinforcing bars.
All cutting and bending shall be performed in accordance with standard practices, using
approved methods. Bending with heat shall not be allowed unless authorized by the
Splicing of reinforcing bars shall be performed in accordance with Standard NBR-6118
(NB-1). Welding of reinforcing bars shall be permitted only at locations approved by the
Before placing of concrete, the reinforcement shall be inspected and approved by the

Measurement and Payment. Reinforcing bars shall be measured in kilograms (kg) of bars
placed in accordance with the drawings.
Payment for reinforcing bars will be made to the CONTRACTOR at the unit price per
kilogram indicated in the Bidding Schedule.The unit price shall include the cost of all
labor, equipment and materials required to perform the work as specified herein.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications



Forms and shoring shall conform to NBR-7190 (NB-11) and/or NB-14.
Forms shall have sufficient strength to withstand the pressure resulting from placement
and vibration of the concrete, and shall be maintained rigidly in proper position.
In long spans, subject to deformation caused by the weight of the concrete, the forms
shall be installed with the necessary counter-curve.
Forms shall be made water tight before placing of the concrete, in order to prevent any
loss of mortar.
Narrow and tall forms shall have small openings or windows in the lower part of the
forms to facilitate cleaning of debris prior to placing and to facilitate consolidation during
placing of concrete.
Forms shall be clean and free from encrustations of mortar, grout, or other foreign
The forms shall be wetted to saturation to prevent the absorption of water from the
concrete mortar.
Anti-adhesive products, such as form oil, shall be applied to the surfaces of the forms
before being set in place to avoid contamination of the reinforcing bars. Form oil shall
effectively prevent sticking and shall not soften or stain the concrete surfaces, or cause
the surfaces to become chalky or dust producing.
The CONTRACTOR shall install before and maintain during concrete placement, a
monitoring system, approved by the ENGINEER, to continually monitor form positions
during concrete placement. Any deficiencies in the form positions observed by the
CONTRACTOR or the ENGINEER shall be immediately corrected by the CONTRACTOR.
The costs for installing and maintaining this system, monitoring of forms positions and
correction of deficiencies shall be included in the costs of the forms.
Metallic or wooden shoring shall conform to the criteria established in NBR-6118 (NB-l).
The following requirements shall be met for wooden shoring:
Wooden form stays of rectangular section with the smaller dimension less than 5
cm for hard woods and 7 cm for soft woods will not be permitted.
Form stays longer than 3 m shall be counter-supported to prevent buckling, unless
otherwise demonstrated.
Wooden form stays may contain only one splice. The splice shall not be located
within the middle third of the length of the stay. The end surfaces of the spliced
parts shall be level and perpendicular to their common axis. The ends of the
spliced parts shall be overlapped by splice plates.
Formwork for curved surfaces shall be constructed accurately to the required curvature.
The dimensions for the concrete surfaces shall be as shown in the sections of the
drawings. The CONTRACTOR shall interpolate intermediate sections as necessary for
the type of construction adopted, and shall construct wooden forms so that the curvature
is continuous between sections. Where necessary, to meet the requirements of curvature,
the wooden forms shall be constructed with laminated straight pieces, cut so as to

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

obtain tight and smooth form surfaces. The forms shall be constructed so that the joint
markings on the surface generally follow the flow line of the water. After the forms
have been constructed, all surface imperfections shall be repaired; all nails shall be
hidden; and any rough areas and offsets of the formed surfaces caused by improper
joining of the form panels shall be covered to produce the required curvature.
Curved surface forms shall be supported by wooden form stays. For this purpose, the
CONTRACTOR shall prepare shoring detail drawings and submit them for the ENGINEERs
approval. Shoring of curved surface formwork shall be rigid in order to prevent movement
during concrete placement. Metallic shoring is preferred over wood shoring.
Chord forming of curves with straight forms shall be allowed only where authorized by
Concrete forms for exposed surfaces may be made of plywood, steel plates, boards
lined with plywood sheets, or plastic coated boards.
(Plywood forms for exposed surfaces shall be coated with Tego-Film type plastic on
both sides.
The plywood shall contain five sheets, with the grain of the first and fifth sheets,
adjacent to the plastic coatings, in the longitudinal direction. The sheets shall be
manufactured from top quality material.
The second, third and fourth sheets shall have the grains in alternate directions, being
the second and fourth sheetss grain in the transverse direction and the third in the
longitudinal direction.
The plastic material Tego-Film shall be impregnated with a synthetic resin, and applied
to the plywood surfaces under high pressure and temperature.
The sheets shall be glued with a synthetic and waterproof phenolated resin.)
Embedded metal form ties used for holding forms together shall terminate at least 5 cm
from the formed surface of concrete. When removed, form tie ends should leave regular
recesses without causing appreciable spalling. Recesses left by the removal of form ties
ends shall be filled with concrete or mortar. Recesses on surfaces permanently exposed
to the atmosphere or to water shall be filled with dry pack.
Embedded wire form ties will not be allowed for holding together the forms for concrete
walls subjected to water pressure or in cases where the concrete surfaces are permanently
exposed. Embedded wire form ties may be used where there is to be earthfill on both
sides of the concrete. Embedded wire form ties shall be cut flush with the concrete
surfaces after form removal.

Transportation of concrete shall be performed using equipment and methods that will
prevent segregation or separation of concrete materials and prevent slump loss exceeding
2 cm.
The maximum time interval allowed between the completion of mixing of the concrete
and its placement shall be one hour. The time interval for placement of concrete may be
increased or decreased depending on the characteristics of the admixtures, weather, or
other conditions, at the discretion of the ENGINEER.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Whenever possible, the transportation system selected should allow for direct placement
of the concrete into its final position.
If direct placement is not possible, proper care shall be taken in the handling of concrete
in intermediate containers.
Long distance transportation shall only be allowed in special vehicles provided with
mixers, so as to keep the concrete uniformly mixed.
At the work site, concrete may be hauled from a batch mixer to the placement site by
wheelbarrows with pneumatic tires, mechanical shovels, chutes, conveyors, pumps, or
by other means. The use of wheelbarrows with iron or solid rubber wheels will not be
The use of aluminum pipe or aluminum chutes will not be permitted.
If wheelbarrows or carts are used, a smooth travel path shall be provided, with the use
of ramps and boardwalks, as necessary.
Elevators or hoists shall be used for transportation to excessive vertical heights, as
determined by the ENGINEER.
When concrete is pumped, the slickline shall have a minimum diameter equal to or
greater than three times the maximum size aggregate for crushed rock and 2.5 times
the maximum size aggregate for well-rounded aggregate.


Concrete placement schedule. Prior to placing concrete, the CONTRACTOR shall submit
to the CLIENT for approval, a complete, detailed concrete placement schedule showing
the CONTRACTORs plans for placement of all the individual features, units, and other
elements of the concrete work required under these Specifications. The concrete
placement schedule shall be complete and shall be in such form and detail as is necessary
to show the location, sequence, and date of each scheduled concrete placement operation.
If at anytime the placement of concrete deviates or is expected to deviate from the
approved concrete placement schedule, the CONTRACTOR shall revise the schedule to
show the effects of the deviation on the concrete work. The revised schedule shall be a
complete schedule and shall show those elements of work completed, those underway,
and the appropriate revisions for future concrete placements.
The concrete placement schedule will be reviewed for completeness, reasonableness of
timing, sequence of construction, and practicality.


Concrete placement drawings . The CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit to the
CLIENT for approval, placement drawings for each individual concrete placement. An
individual concrete placement is defined as a portion of concrete work placed in one
continuous operation between specified lines or joints.
The drawings shall show locations, dimensions, blockouts, openings, recesses,
waterstops, finishes, and details of all electrical, mechanical, and structural items
embedded in or associated with the individual concrete placement, except reinforcing

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Each drawing shall also have a list of reference drawings from which the details shown
on the placement drawing were obtained, and shall also reference the related reinforcing
steel drawings associated with the placement.

Placing concrete shall conform to Item 13.2 of NBR-6118 (NB-1) and to the requirements
specified herein.
The CONTRACTOR shall notify the ENGINEER and the technical control laboratory,
sufficiently in advance, of the date and time when concrete work is to begin, as well as
how long the work is anticipated to last and at which structures the concrete placements
are to be made.
Concrete placement procedures shall be approved by the ENGINEER for the type of
structure being constructed. The ENGINEER shall direct any changes in the procedure or
stop the work if placement procedures are not acceptable.
All surfaces of forms and embedded materials shall be free from curing compound, dried
mortar from previous placements, and other foreign substances before the adjacent or
surrounding concrete placement is begun.
All surfaces upon or against which concrete is to be placed shall be free from standing
water, mud, and debris. These surfaces shall be continually wetted to maintain a
saturated with surface-dry condition at the time of concrete placement to prevent
loss of water by the concrete.
Rock surfaces shall be free from oil, objectionable coatings, and loose, semidetached,
and unsound fragments. Immediately prior to placement of concrete, surfaces of rock
shall be washed with an air-water jet and shall be brought to a uniform surface-dry
condition, as specified above.
Earth foundations shall be damp when concrete is placed against them.
Surfaces shall be thoroughly moist but not muddy to a depth of 15 cm, or to impermeable
material, whichever is less.
The temperature of the concrete when it is being placed shall be not more than 32o C.
As determined by the ENGINEER, in common agreement with the CONTRACTOR, he
may establish measures within the following alternatives to reduce the temperature of
the concrete.
Cooling the agregates with water, deducting the amount of water from the concrete
mix, and protecting the agregates from the sun.
Placing concrete at night.
Using ice as the water component of the concrete mix.
Concrete which has started to set or harden shall be wasted.
Retempering of concrete shall not be permitted.
Concrete shall not be placed in standing water except with permission from the ENGINEER,
and the method of placing shall be subject to approval. Concrete shall not be placed in
running water, and shall not be subjected to running water until after the concrete has

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Concrete shall not be allowed to flow over long lateral distances which causes segregation
of the aggregate from the concrete mass.
Concrete shall be placed in approximately horizontal layers.
The depth of concrete layers shall not exceed 3/4 the length of the vibrating head, or 50
cm, whichever is less. Lesser depths of layers will be required where concrete cannot
otherwise be placed and consolidated in accordance with the requirements of these
When depositing concrete from a height greater than two meters , appropriate chutes
or tremies shall be used.
For narrow and deep forms, concrete shall be placed through openings (windows) on
the sides of the form or with hoppers or drop chutes.

Consolidation of concrete shall conform to Item 13.2.2 of NBR-6118 (NB-1) and to the
requirements specified herein.
Concrete shall be consolidated by vibration with immersion-type vibrators, electrically
or pneumatically driven, unless otherwise approved by the ENGINEER.
Prior to initiating the concrete placement, the CONTRACTOR shall make ready a sufficient
number of properly operating vibrators and operators, and shall have readily available
additional vibrators to replace defective ones during the progress of the placement. The
ENGINEER may require that the CONTRACTOR delay the start of the concrete placement
until the number of working vibrators available is acceptable. The CONTRACTOR shall
immediately replace improperly operating vibrators with acceptable vibrators.
Consolidation must be carefully carried out so that concrete completely fills all voids
and surfaces of forms, joints, and embedments.
Proper care shall be taken to avoid contact of the vibrating head with other vibrators,
with reinforcement, with other embedded items, or with formed surfaces that will be
exposed to view.
Immersion-type vibrators shall be immersed and withdrawn vertically or, when this is
not possible, as determined by the ENGINEER, at a maximum angle of 45o ; other methods
of immersion shall always require approval by the ENGINEER. Vibration shall be sufficient
to remove air bubbles and rock pockets, forming a thin film of mortar on the concrete
surface. Excessive vibration which cause segregation or excessive quantities of water
on the surface of the concrete will not be permitted.
Vibrators shall be slowly immersed and withdrawn from the concrete.
The concrete shall be vibrated to a depth not greater than the length of the vibrating
The thickness of the concrete layers to be vibrated shall preferably be three-fourths the
length of the vibrating head.
Vibrators shall be inserted at points 45 to 75 cm apart.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Vibration shall be performed for short periods of time (5 to 15 seconds) at points adjacent
to one another.
The vibrating head shall penetrate and revibrate concrete in the upper portion of the
underlying layer in order to ensure the bonding of both layers.
Immersion-type vibrators with heads of less than 10 cm in diameter shall be operated at
speeds of at least 7000 vibrations per minute when immersed in concrete. Immersiontype vibrators with heads equal to or greater than 10 cm in diameter shall be operated
at speeds of at least 6000 vibrations per minute when immersed in concrete.
In exceptional cases, and if approved by the ENGINEER, other types of vibrators such as
form vibrators, straight edges, or manual consolidation may be used.

Construction joints shall conform to Item 13.2.3 of NBR-6118 (NB-1) and to the
requirements specified herein.
Construction joints are joints which are purposely placed in concrete to facilitate
construction; to reduce initial shrinkage stresses and cracks; to allow time for the
installation of embedded metalwork; or to allow for the subsequent placing of other
concrete. Bond is required at construction joints regardless of whether or not
reinforcement is continuous across the joint.
Construction joints shall be located as shown on the design drawings or the drawings
prepared by the CONTRACTOR as a part of the concrete placement schedule. Care shall
be taken so that location of construction joints do not coincide with the shear planes.
Unless otherwise specified, joints in beams shall preferably be normal to the longitudinal
axis of the beam (vertical joints). The joint position shall be secured by wood forms
adequately fastened.
Placement of the beam concrete shall attain the middle third of the span; joints next to
the supports are not permitted.
Placement of concrete for concrete slabs shall attain the middle third of the longer span.
Joints shall be located parallel to the principal reinforcement.
In concrete slabs with stiffening ribs, joints shall be located parallel to the longitudinal
axis of the rib.
The relocation, addition, or elimination of any construction joints proposed by the
CONTRACTOR to facilitate construction shall be submitted in writing to the ENGINEER
for approval.
A cold joint is an unplanned joint resulting when a concrete surface hardens before the
next batch is placed against it. Cold joints are undesirable and should be avoided. However,
in the event of equipment breakdown or other unavoidable prolonged interruption of
continuous placing when it appears that unconsolidated concrete may harden to the
extent that later vibration will not fully consolidate it, the CONTRACTOR shall immediately
consolidate such concrete to a stable and uniform slope. If delay of placement is then
short enough to permit penetration of the underlying concrete, placement shall resume
with particular care being taken to thoroughly penetrate and revibrate the concrete
surface placed before the delay. If concrete cannot be penetrated with a vibrator, the

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

cold joint shall then be treated as a construction joint if the design requirements are
such that a construction joint is practical. If a construction joint will impair the structural
integrity, as determined by the ENGINEER, the concrete shall be repaired as determined
by the ENGINEER. Repairs in some instances will include removal of all or a portion of
the previously placed concrete and the CONTRACTOR will not be entitled to any payment
for such work.
Care shall be taken to prevent cold joints when placing concrete in any part of the work.
The concrete-placing rate shall ensure concrete is placed while the previously placed,
adjacent concrete is plastic so that the concrete can be made monolithic by normal use
of the vibrators.
Concrete shall not be placed in rain sufficiently heavy or prolonged to wash mortar from
concrete. A cold joint may necessarily result from prolonged heavy rainfall.
Construction joints must assure adequate bonding between the already hardened concrete
and the new concrete. In order to guarantee bonding, the surface of the joint must be
roughened by forming nitches, grooves or saliences and cleaned prior to placing adjoining
concrete. Methods of roughening and cleaning may include mechanical abrasion or
cutting, wire brushing, sand blasting, acid etching, or high pressure water jetting. All
methods shall be subject to the approval of the ENGINEER.
The construction joint surface must be cleaned of powdery materials, laitance, grease,
and any other foreign material that may interfere with bonding.
Immediately prior to placing concrete, the joint surface shall be thoroughly washed with
water or air-water jets, and shall be uniformly surface dried.
Special care and attention must be given to adequately consolidate the new concrete
adjacent to construction joints to ensure adequate bonding to the already hardened
During placement of new concrete on surfaces of hardened concrete, the use of structural
adhesives may be required, as determined by the ENGINEER.

Removal of forms shall conform to Item 14.2.1 of NBR-6118 (NB-1) and to the
requirements specified herein.
Forms shall be removed within 24 hours after the concrete has hardened sufficiently to
prevent damage by careful form removal, and specified repair and curing shall commence
immediately thereafter. It is the CONTRACTORs responsibility to design and build
adequate forms and to leave them in place until the forms can be safely removed. The
CONTRACTOR shall be liable for damage and injury caused by removing forms before
the concrete has gained sufficient strength.
The removal of ceiling forms shall be performed in an adequate and gradual manner,
particularly in the case of cantilevered sections, so as to avoid fissures resulting from
differential loads.
Forms on upper sloping faces of concrete, such as forms on the watersides of warped
transitions, shall be removed as soon as the concrete has attained sufficient stiffness to
prevent sagging. Any needed repair or treatment required on such sloping surfaces shall
be performed at once and be followed immediately by the specified curing.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

To avoid excessive stresses in concrete that might result from swelling of forms, wood
forms for wall openings shall be loosened as soon as the loosening can be accomplished
without damage to the concrete. Forms for the openings shall be constructed so as to
facilitate such loosening. Forms for conduits, siphons, and tunnel lining shall not be
removed until the concrete strength is such that form removal will not result in perceptible
cracking, spalling, or breaking of edges or surfaces, or other damage to the concrete.
Forms shall be removed with care so as to avoid injury to the concrete and any concrete
so damaged shall be repaired in accordance with these Specifications.

Concrete curing shall conform to Item 14.1 of NBR-6118 (NB-1) and to the requirements
specified herein.
The curing process shall begin on unformed concrete surfaces as soon as they have
been finished and have attained a dull appearance free from bleed water and moist
The curing process shall begin on formed concrete surfaces as soon as minor surface
imperfections have been repaired, but in no case shall curing begin more than 2 hours
after form removal. Concrete surfaces shall be kept continuously moist after form removal
until initiation of the final curing process.
The following curing procedures will be allowed:
Continuous moistening of exposed concrete surface for 14 days.
Covering concrete surfaces with burlap materials, which are kept water saturated
for 14 days. The minimum layer thickness shall be 5 cm.
Covering concrete surfaces with a layer of sawdust, sand, or other approved
materials which are kept water saturated for 14 days. The minimum layer thickness
shall be 5 cm.
Covering exposed concrete surfaces with plastic canvas materials (polyethylene
film) or waterproof bituminous paper for 28 days. The materials shall be light in
color,shall be placed after all concrete surfaces have been thoroughly moistened
with water, and shall be held tightly against the concrete to prevent circulation of
air inside.
Coating concrete surfaces with chemical curing compounds or membranes,
consisting of finely ground pigment and wax-base or water-emulsified resin-base,
ready mixed for immediate use. The curing compounds or membranes shall be
reapplied as necessary to maintain a continuous, water-retaining film on the concrete
surface for 28 days. Use and application of curing compounds or membranes shall
be approved by the ENGINEER.


The CONTRACTOR shall protect all concrete against damage until final acceptance by
the ENGINEER. Concrete shall not be loaded, forms and shoring shall not be removed,
and backfill shall not be placed against concrete until the concrete has gained sufficient
strength to safely support its weight and all imposed loads.
Fresh concrete shall be protected against: erosion from rain; contamination from foreign
materials; and damage from foot traffic until the concrete has hardened. Methods of
protection shall be subject to approval by the ENGINEER.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

When precipitation appears imminent, the CONTRACTOR shall immediately make ready
at the placement site all materials which may be required for protection of concrete. The
ENGINEER may delay placement of concrete until adequate provisions for protection
against weather are made.
Concrete curing compounds or membranes shall be kept intact, and other curing materials
and processes shall be maintained as necessary to assure continuous curing for the
minimum specified curing time.
Where foot traffic or other construction activity is necessary on concrete being cured
by curing compounds or membranes or by plastic canvas or polyethylene film, the
curing compounds or membranes shall be protected by covering with sand or earth not
less than 3 cm thick, with plywood, or by other effective means approvedbythe
Protective coverings shall not be placed on curing compound until after the compound
has dried for 24 hours. The CONTRACTOR shall remove protective coverings before
final acceptance of the work.


General. After the removal of forms the concrete shall be inspected by the ENGINEER.
Only after the inspection and at the direction of the ENGINEER shall the CONTRACTOR
repair any concrete voids or other flaws, including sack rubbing or surface grinding of
exposed concrete required to obtain smooth surfaces.
If the ENGINEER does not approve and accept any part of the work, the CONTRACTOR
shall remove and reconstruct the work at his expense, as many times as necessary,
until final acceptance of the work.
In accordance with the tolerances defined in item (C-040124 - Tolerances), concrete
surfaces may show irregularities which, at the ENGINEERs discretion, should be repaired
so as to fall within the limits permissable for the various classes of finish, in accordance
with the drawings.
Surface irregularities may be described as abrupt or as gradual. Offsets caused by
displacements or loosening of the forms, and other similar defects, shall be considered
abrupt irregularities and shall be verified by direct measurement. All other irregularities
shall be considered gradual and shall be verified by means of templates 1,5 m long.


Classes of Finish. Different classes of finish shall be defined for concrete surfaces,
whether or not formed.


Formed Surfaces. Formed surfaces shall not, in general, have the need for any treatment
such as chipping, sand blasting, sanding, or others, unless specifically required and
executed during the repair of imperfections.
Unless specified differently or so indicated on the drawings, the classes of finish for
formed surfaces shall be:
F1 - applies to formed surfaces upon or against which fill material or concrete is to
be placed. These surfaces do not require treatment after removal of the forms,
except for repair of defective concrete and filling of holes left by the form ties.
The correction of surface irregularities will only be necessary in depressions which,
when measured, exceed 25 mm. Form sheathing may be any material that will not

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

leak mortar when the concrete is vibrated. Forms may be built with a minimum of
F2 - applies to all the formed surfaces permanently exposed for which other classes
of finishes are not specified. Surface irregularities shall not exceed 6 mm in case
of abrupt irregularities and 25 mm for gradual ones. Form sheathing may be shiplap,
plywood, or steel. Thin sheets (steel lining) supported by a backing of wood
boards may be used on approval, but the use of steel lining is not encouraged. To
obtain an F2 surface, the forms must be built in a workmanlike manner to required
dimensions and alinement, without conspicuous offsets or bulges.
F3 - applies to surfaces of structures prominently exposed to public view where
appearance is of special importance. The forms shall be built accurately to the
required dimensions in a skillful, workmanlike manner. The forms may be either
tongue-and-groove boards or plywood; steel sheating or lining is not permitted.
Surface irregularities shall not exceed 3 mm in the case of abrupt irregularities and
6 mm for gradual ones.
F4 - applies to formed surfaces for which alignment and eveness of surface are of
paramount importance from the standpoint of eliminating the destructive effects
of water action, such as the formed surfaces of spillways, turnouts, bridge piers,
Surface irregularities shall not exceed 6 mm in case of abrupt irregularities parallel to the
flow and 3 mm where not parallel to the flow, and 6 mm for gradual irregularities. The
work necessary for obtaining this finish shall be executed immediately after the removal
of the forms. To obtain this finish the forms must be strong and held rigidly and accurately
to the prescribed alinement. Any form material or sheathing that will produce the required
surface may be used. For warped surfaces, the forms shall be built of laminated splines,
cut to make tight, smooth form surfaces, after which the form surfaces are dressed and
sanded to the required curvature.

Unformed Surfaces. The unformed surfaces generally will be the horizontal or nearhorizontal upper faces of slabs, floors, beams, etc. All the internal or external surfaces
shall be leveled and finished with sufficient slope to guarantee drainage, unless other
superposed finish materials are indicated on the drawings or determined otherwise by
Unless specified differently or so indicated on the drawings, the classes of finish applied
to unformed surfaces shall be as follows:
U1 - screeded finish. This applies to unformed surfaces that will be covered by fill
material or concrete, as well as to surfaces that will subsequently be covered or
receive a smoother finish, as specified later. The finishing operations shall consist
of sufficient leveling and screeding to produce a uniform surface. Surface
irregularities shall not exceed 10 mm.
U2 - floated finish. This applies to unformed surfaces destined to remain visible
and which do not require a smoother finish. It is also the second stage, after U1,
of U3 finish as subsequently specified. Floated finish may be executed with manual
or power driven equipment, starting as soon as the screeded surface has hardened
sufficiently to produce a surface with a uniform texture where no screed marks
appear. If the U3 finish is to be applied subsequently, floating shall continue until
a small quantity of mortar without excess water is brought to the surface, so as
to permit effective troweling.
Surface irregularities should not exceed 6 mm in case of gradual irregularities, and 3 mm
in case of abrupt ones. Any necessary cutting and filling should be done during the
floating operations.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Joints and edges shall be tooled where indicated on the drawings or as directed.
U3 - troweled finish. This applies to unformed surfaces where surface uniformity
is of major importance from the standpoint of eliminating the destructive action of
water, and to others as indicated in the drawings or directed by the ENGINEER.
The troweled finish shall be started as soon as the floated surface has hardened sufficiently
to avoid an excess of fine material from being drawn to the surface. Steel troweling shall
be performed firmly so as to flatten the sandy texture of the floated surface and produce
a dense uniform surface free of blemishes and trowel marks. Except when specified
otherwise, the gradual surface irregularities shall not exceed 6 mm. Abrupt irregularities
should be eliminated.


Concrete Repairs


General. After removal of the forms and inspection of the concrete, all repairs necessary
for the correction of all imperfections noted or measured on the concrete surfaces
should be made, so that the specified requirements are met.
Routine curing should be interrupted only in the area of repair operations.
Minor surface repairs shall be completed within 2 hours after form removal. Dry-pack,
concrete replacement less than 25 cm thick, and cement mortar repairs shall be completed
within 7 days of the original concrete placement, or shall utilize epoxy-resin bonding
systems. Repairs involving epoxy-resin bonding systems shall be performed after 7 days
and before 60 days from the original placement. Concrete replacements over 25 cm
thick and all other repairs shall be completed within 60 days after original concrete
Defective concrete shall be repaired by cutting out the unsatisfactory material and replacing
it with new concrete. All repairs on exposed or hydraulic surfaces shall be executed by
sawing with a diamond or carburundum disk all along the border of the damaged area,
following plumb lines, level lines, or lines parallel to the lines of the forms or structure. The
cuts by the disk shall have a minimum depth of 12 mm, and the remaining defective
concrete shall be removed so as to avoid breakage beyond the cut lines.
The repairs on exposed surfaces shall be executed so as not to adversly affect the
aesthetics of the structure. Thus, the coloration of the repaired areas shall be
approximately the same as that of the rest of the concrete of the structure.
The locations to be repaired shall be completely washed by air and water jetting, so that
all loose materials are removed, and the surface has an adequate texture with effective
When necessary, bonding with existing concrete may be obtained by the use of epoxybased resins, as directed and approved by the ENGINEER.


Repairs with Dry-Pack. Dry-pack should be used for filling holes having a depth equal to
or greater than the least surface dimension of the repair area. This procedure should not
be adopted for relatively shallow depressions with depths less than 3 cm, or behind
considerable amounts of exposed reinforcement, or in holes that extend completely
through a structure.
Voids, holes left by the removal of form ties, narrow slots cut for the repair of cracks,
and the recesses for grout pipes shall be filled with dry-pack. The ENGINEER, at his
discretion, may alter the type of filling material, as well as the locations of its application.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The exact proportions of the component materials of the mixture and its method of
application shall be defined by the ENGINEER.

Repairs with Replacement Concrete. This process shall be utilized when the area to be
repaired has a minimum depth of 10 cm, or when the break passes entirely through a
wall or beam. The minimum area for this type of repair should be of the order of 30 cm
by 30 cm in mass concrete, and 20 cm by 20 cm in structural concrete, as long as its
depth extends beyond the reinforcement.
Reinforcement bars may not remain partially embedded in existing concrete; a space of
at least 25 mm should be cleaned out around the exposed bar.
Repairs with concrete may only start after adequate cleaning and after the surface is in
a saturated , surface dry condition.


Repairs with Replacement Mortar. Repairs with replacement mortar should be adopted
in areas too large for repair with dry-pack, and too shallow for repair with concrete. In
structural concrete, the process should be used where the defects are no deeper than
the far side of the reinforcement that is nearest to the surface. Repairs may be made by
either the use of shotcrete or by hand methods.
All the areas to be repaired should be chipped to a minimum depth of 25 mm.


Repairs with Epoxy-Resin Bonding Systems. Epoxies should be used to bond new concrete
or mortar to old concrete whenever the depth of repair is between 4 and 15 cm. Epoxybonded epoxy mortar should be used where the depth of repair is less than 4 cm to
When surfaces are repaired with epoxy-bonded epoxy mortar, the surfaces of the finished
epoxy mortar shall, in areas visible to the public, be lightly ground or otherwise prepared
to eliminate gloss and produce a surface color and texture that closely matches the
surrounding concrete surfaces.


Cracks or Fissures. The treatment of cracks or fissures with sealant will only be necessary
when increased impermeability is required, or when they are to be in contact with
aggressive elements.
The initial treatment of cracks and fissures shall be the drilling of holes along the crack,
spaced from 30 to 40 cm, and depths from 5 to 6 cm.
Next, the entire crack shall be covered with adhesive material, taking care to leave
tubes at each orifice, destined to facilitate the injection of sealant material.
If it is necessary to make the piece monolithic again in the area of the crack, then the
sealant material has to be rigid. The ENGINEER shall conduct a second inspection for the
purpose of acceptance of the repairs.
Any repairs that fail will be repaired by the CONTRACTOR at the CONTRACTORs

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Standard Technical Specifications


For purposes of this Specification, construction of structures includes construction of
permanent buildings at the locations shown on the drawings and/or as directed by the
ENGINNER. The structures to be constructed are the following:
(The price in the Bidding Schedule for concrete in structures includes all cast-in-place
concrete in the structures listed in a. through __ above.)
Cast-in-place concrete for the structures shall conform to the requirements of item (C040100 - General Concrete Requirements). Pipe and fittings, miscellaneous metal work,
mechanical and electrical equipment, and other items forming a part of the structure are
provided for elsewhere in these Specifications.
The structures will be located at various points along the canals, laterals, and pipelines,
as shown on the drawings or as otherwise designated. The sequence of construction of
the structures shall be subject to approval by the ENGINEER.
The structures shall be built to the lines, grades, and dimensions shown on the drawings.
The dimensions of each structure as shown on the drawings will be subject to such
modifications as may be found necessary by the ENGINEER to adapt the structure to
the conditions disclosed by the excavation or to meet other conditions. Where the
thickness of any portion of a concrete structure is variable, it shall vary uniformly between
the dimensions shown.
Where necessary, as determined by the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR will be furnished
additional detail drawings of the structures to be constructed. The CONTRACTOR will
not be entitled to any additional payment above the prices in the Bidding Schedule by
reason of the dimensions fixed by the ENGINEER or by reasons of any modifications or
extensions of a minor character, as determined by the ENGINEER, to adapt a structure
to a structure site.
The CONTRACTOR shall place and attach to each structure, all timber, metal, and other
accessories necessary for its completion, as shown on the drawings.
The cost of furnishing all materials and performing all work for installing timber, metal,
and other accessories for which specific prices are not provided in the Bidding Schedule
shall be included in the applicable prices bid in the Bidding Schedule for the work to
which such items are appurtenant.




Batching Plants


Central Batching Plants. The CONTRACTOR shall have central batching plants sized for
production of concrete compatible with the placement schedules and the peaks of
concurrent concrete operations. All the concrete for the Project shall be batched at

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

these central batching plants. All batching equipment shall be subject to the approval of
The central batching plants shall be capable of allowing rapid changes in the controls to
compensate for variations in moisture content and grading of the aggregates and to
alter the weight proportions of the constituent materials of the concrete.

Scales. The scales shall have capacity to weigh the entire quantity of each ingredient
necessary for each batch. Weighing in parts of an ingredient for the same batch will not
be permitted.
The scales shall be checked for accuracy before the start of each operation, and at
monthly intervals during construction. Whenever judged necessary, the ENGINEER shall
order new accuracy checks of the scales. The CONTRACTOR shall make such
adjustments, repairs, or replacements as may be necessary to meet the specified
requirements for accuracy of measurement, as specified in the following paragraph.


Accuracy. Accuracy of the weighing equipment, to within 0.40%, for any increment of
test weight up to the equipment capacity is acceptable. (The equipment used to mix
and weight the concrete materials shall be capable of controlling the delivery of the
materials so that the combined errors in feeding and weighting them during normal
operations will not exceed the tolerances indicated in Table _____ ).






Pozzolan Material


W at er

Aggregates smaller or equal to 38 mm

Aggregates larger than 38 mm


(The tolerances in the delivery of concrete materials, that is, the proportion and weight
combination of the materials, shall not exceed the values in Table _____ ).

Control of Batching. The CONTRACTOR shall conduct all the tests necessary for control
of batching as indicated in item (C-040102 - Concrete Testing and Quality Control). The
test results shall be submitted to the ENGINEER for approval.




Mixers. Mobile mixers will only be permitted when this equipment and its operation are
such that concretes of uniform consistency and grading are produced, without segregation
of the materials.
The utilization of truck mixers for mixing and transporting concrete shall be in accordance
with ASTM-C-94.
Overmixing which requires additional water to maintain concrete consistency will not
be permitted.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Batch size shall be at least 10% of, but not in excess of, the rated capacity of the mixer.
The minimum mixer capacity shall correspond to the capacity required to produce a
batch of concrete utilizing one sack of cement.
The sequence of addition of the ingredients to the mixers shall be determined in the
field, and the necessary adjustments made to obtain maximum efficiency.
If truck mixers are used, they shall not be loaded beyond the capacity recommended by
the manufacturer and should operate with the rotational characteristics indicated on the
manufacturers nameplate attached to the mixer. The discharge of each batch shall be
such that no segregation occurs. The following times should be observed for the mixing
of the concrete ingredients in the mixer:
for inclined axis mixers ........................................................... t = 120 d (sec)
for horizontal axis mixers .......................................................... t = 60 d (sec)
for vertical axis mixers ............................................................. t = 30 d (sec)

with d being the maximum diameter, in meters, of the mixer.

However, the time shall not be less than 90 seconds, unless directed otherwise by the
The timing starts after all ingredients, except for the last of the water, are in the mixer.
All water shall have been added to the mixer before one-fourth (1/4) of the corresponding
period has elapsed.
The specified mixing periods are based on the hypothesis of adequate control of both
the rotational speed of the mixer and the addition of the materials, including water. The
ENGINEER will increase the minimum mixing time required as needed, if indicated by the
results of concrete uniformity tests.
The mixer should rotate at a uniform speed for at least twelve (12) revolutions after the
addition of all the materials. The mixers shall not be loaded or operated at velocities in
excess of the capacities recommended by the manufacturer.

Control of Mixing. The adequacy of the mixing will be determined in accordance with
item (C-040102 - Concrete Testing and Quality Control).
Samples of concrete for such tests will be taken from any batch which is commonly
mixed during concrete production. For testing purposes, the CONTRACTOR shall mix, in
the mixers to be tested, the size of batch directed by the ENGINEER, and shall assist in
the collection of the required samples from that batch.


In the finished surfaces of the concrete, the acceptable deviations from plumb or
determined alinements, as well as from the shapes and dimensions shown in the drawings,
shall be defined as tolerances.
If other tolerances are not established in the drawings for any individual structure, or
part thereof, the maximum admissible deviations shall be in conformance with the
tolerances presented in TABLE _____.

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Standard Technical Specifications

TABLE - Deviations from specified lines, grades, and dimensions


Deviations for substation structures

Variation in length and width dimensions
from those specified .............................................................. 15 to +50 mm
Horizontal misplacement or eccentricity:
2 percent of the footing width in the
direction of misplacement, but not more than ........................................ 50 mm
Reduction in thickness from that specified:
5 percent of specified thickness, not to exceed ..................................... 25 mm


Variation from plumb or specified batter for lines and surfaces of piers, stems,
When overall height of line or surface is:
Less than 3 meters ......................................................................... +- 6
3 meters or more ............................................................................ +-l0
For any two successive intermediate
points on the line or surface separated by:
3 to 6 meters ...................................................................................... 6
More than 6 meters ............................................................................ l0


Variation from level or specified grades for slabs:

When overall length of line or surface is:
Less than 3 meters ......................................................................... +- 6
3 to 6 meters, inclusive .................................................................. +- l0
More than 6 meters ...................................................................... +- 20
For any two successive intermediate points on the line or surface separated
3 to 6 meters, inclusive ........................................................................ 6
More than 6 meters ............................................................................ l0




Variation in cross-sectional dimensions of piers and stems

from those specified and in thicknesses of slabs and walls
from those specified .......................................................................... -6to +l5 mm


Variation from specified elevation for top of

concrete for foundations ......................................................................... +- l5 mm


Variation from specified grade or alignment for cable trenches:

When overall length is:
Less than 3 meters ......................................................................... +- 6
3 to 6 meters, inclusive ....................................................................... l0
More than 6 meters ...................................................................... +- 20
For any two intermediate points separated by:
3 to 6 meters, inclusive ........................................................................ 6
More than 6 meters ............................................................................ l0



Deviations for pumping plant structures and other buildings


Irrigation Manual

Variation in length and width dimensions from those specified . - l5 to + 50 mm
Horizontal misplacement or eccentricity:
2 percent of footing width in direction of misplacement,
but not more than .............................................................................. 50 mm
Reduction in thickness ................................... 5 percent of specified thickness

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Standard Technical Specifications


Variation of horizontal dimensions at all floor and roof levels from specified position in
Overall building dimensions ............................................... +-15mm per 30m
length with maximum for entire length of +- 25 mm
Overall bay dimensions:
For dimensions less than 3 m ......................................................... +- 6 mm
For dimensions equal to or greater than 3 m .................................... +-10 mm
Intermediate dimensions for column, wall, and partition locations:
For dimensions less than 3 m .......................................................... +-6 mm
For dimensions equal to or greater than 3 but less than 6 m .............. +-10 mm
For dimensions 6 m or more .......................................................... +-15 mm


Variation of vertical dimensions from specified position in plan:

Overall building dimensions ........................................................... +-15 mm
Overall story height:
For dimensions less than 3 m ........................................................... +- 6 mm
For dimensions equal to or greater than 3 m ...................................... +-10 mm
Intermediate dimensions:
For dimensions less than 3 meters ................................................... +-6 mm
For dimensions of 3 to 6 m, inclusive ............................................. +-10 mm
For dimensions 6 meters or more ................................................... +-15 mm


Variation from plumb or specified batter for lines and surfaces of columns, piers, walls,
and for arrises:
When overall height of line or surface is:
Less than 3 m ................................................................................. +-6 mm
3 to 6 m, inclusive ......................................................................... +-10 mm
More than 6, but less than 12 m ..................................................... +-15 mm
12 meters or more ......................................................................... +-25 mm
For any two successive intermediate points on
the line or surface separated by:
3 to 6 m, inclusive ............................................................................... 6 mm
More than 6 m .................................................................................. 10 mm


Variation from plumb for lines and surfaces of

corner columns, control joint grooves, and other
conspicuous lines: . When overall height of line or surface is:
Less than 3 m ................................................................................. +-6
3 to 6 m, inclusive ......................................................................... +-10
More than 6 m .............................................................................. +-15
For any two successive intermediate points on
the line or surface separated by:
3 to 6 m, inclusive ............................................................................... 6
More than 6 m .................................................................................. 10



Variation from level or established grades for floors, roof decks, ceilings, beam soffits,
and arrises:
When overall length of line or surface is:
Less than 3 m ................................................................................. +-6 mm
3 to 6 m,inclusive .......................................................................... +-10 mm
More than 6 m, but less than l2 m ................................................... +-15 mm
12 m or more ................................................................................ +-20 mm
For any two successive intermediate points on the line or surface separated by:
3 to 6 m,inclusive ................................................................................ 6 mm
More than 6 m .................................................................................. 10 mm

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Standard Technical Specifications


Variation from level or specified grades for exposed lintels, sills, parapets, horizontal
grooves, and other conspicuous lines:
When overall length of line or surface is:
Less than 3 m ................................................................................. +-6 mm
3 to 6 m,inclusive ........................................................................... +-l0 mm
More than 6 m ............................................................................... +-l5 mm
For any two successive intermediate points on the line or surface separated by:
3 to 6 m,inclusive ................................................................................ 6 mm
More than 6 m ................................................................................... l0 mm


Variation in location from specified position in plan of sleeves

and wall openings ................................................................................... +-l5 mm


Variation in sizes from those specified for sleeves, floor openings,

and wall openings, except wall openings for swinging doors .......................... +-6 mm


Variation in sizes from those specified for wall

openings for swinging doors ............................................................. - 0 to + 6 mm

Variation in cross-sectional dimensions from

those specified for columns and beams and in
thicknesses from those specified for slabs and .................... walls -6 to +l5 mm

C. Deviations for canal and pipeline structures


Variation of length and width dimensions
from those specified ............................................................ - l5 to + 50 mm
Misplacement or eccentricity:
2 percent of the footing width in the direction
of misplacement but not more than ...................................................... 50 mm
Reduction in thickness from that specified ..................... 5 percent of specified
thickness, not to exceed 25 mm


Monolithic siphons and culverts:

Departure from established alignment ............................................. +-50 mm
Departure from established profile grade ......................................... +-50 mm
Variation from specified thickness:
At any point ............................................................. - 2.5 percent of specified
thickness or -6 mm, which-ever is greater
At any point ..................................................................... + 5 percent of specified
thickness or+15 mm, whichever is greater
Variation from specified inside dimensions .. +-0.5 percent of inside dimensions


Checks, drops, turnouts, inlets, chutes, and similar structures:

Departure from established alignment ............................................. +-25 mm
Departure from established grade ................................................... +-25 mm
Variation from plumb or specified batter for
lines and surfaces of columns, piers, walls, and for arrises:
When overall length of line or surface is:
Less than 3 m ................................................................... Exposed +-l0 mm
Buried +-20 mm
3 m or more ...................................................................... Exposed +-l5 mm
Buried +-25 mm
For any two successive intermediate points on the line or surface separated by:
3 to 6 m,inclusive .................................................................. Exposed l0 mm

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Standard Technical Specifications

Buried 20 mm
More than 6 m ...................................................................... Exposed l5 mm
Buried 25 mm

Variations from level or specified grades for slabs, beams, and horizontal grooves:
When overall length of line or surface is:
Less than 3 m ................................................................... Exposed +-l0 mm
Buried +-20 mm
3 m or more ...................................................................... Exposed +-l5 mm
Buried +-25 mm
For any two successive intermediate points on the line or surface separated by:
3 to 6 m,inclusive .................................................................. Exposed l0
Buried 20
More than 6 m ...................................................................... Exposed l5
Buried 25



Variation in cross-sectional dimensions of columns, piers, slabs,

walls, beams, and similar parts of the structures in 3. above from
those specified .................................................................................. -6to +l5mm


Variation in sizes and locations from those

specified for slab and wall openings .......................................................... +-l5 mm


Variation from plumb or level for sills and

sidewalls for radial gates and similar watertight joints ............................... Not greater
than a rate of
3 mm in 3 m


Dimensions between sidewalls for radial gates shall not be more than shown on the
drawings at the sills and not less than shown on the drawings at the top of the walls.


Variation from plumb of pipe erected vertically

in any length of 3 m ................................................................................ +-l5 mm
Note: Deviations not designated as (+) or (-) indicate the maximum deviation permitted
between designated successive points.



Concrete shall be measured on the basis of the dimensions shown on the drawings for
each type of concrete work required. Concrete shall be measured in cubic meters.
Payment for the various types of concrete work shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at
the applicable unit price per cubic meter indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
Except when specified otherwise, the unit prices for concrete work shall include the
cost of supplying all materials as well as mixing, transportation, placing, consolidation,
finishing and technical control of the concrete work. Unless otherwise specified, the
unit prices for concrete work shall not include the cost of furnishing and placing of
formwork, reinforcement, or expansion joints, and such work shall be paid for separately.
Measurement and payment for concrete canal lining shall be in accordance with item (C040203 - Concrete Canal Lining).

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Standard Technical Specifications

Formwork shall be measured by square meters on the basis of the dimensions shown in
the drawings. Payment for formwork shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the unit
prices per square meter indicated in the Bidding Schedule, which prices shall include all
required shoring.
Measurement and payment for reinforcing bars shall be in accordance with item (C040107 - Reinforcing Bars).
Measurement and payment for expansion joints in concrete canal lining shall be in
accordance with item (C-040205 - Expansion Joints).
Measurement and payment for waterstops shall be in accordance with item (C-040401
- Waterstops).
Measurement and payment for cyclopic concrete shall be in accordance with item (C030507 - Cyclopic Concrete).


No structural features, such as beams, columns, parcels, slabs, etc., may be constructed
without prior and correct verification, by the CONTRACTOR and the ENGINEER, of the
corresponding locations, dimensions, connections and shoring of the forms and
reinforcement, as well as the placing of electrical, hydraulic and other piping to be
embedded in the concrete.
All door and window openings, whose upper sides should not be even with the roofing
and where no beam details are shown on the drawings, at the level of the respective
lintels, the lintels shall be of reinforced concrete and extend a minimum of 20 cm on
each side of the opening.
The same precautions shall be taken with the window sills, which shall be furnished
with reinforced concrete parcels.
Holes for placing piping through beams or other structural members, when absolutely
unavoidable, shall be accomplished with bushings or boxes purposely placed in the
forms according to the drawings. The location and dimensions of these holes shall be
subject to careful study by the CONTRACTOR to avoid reducing the safety integrity of
the structure.
It shall be the CONTRACTORs total responsibility for any eventual weakening of any
member resulting from the holes for placing the referred piping. It would, thus, be
preferable to reroute the piping that may prejudice the structure, or the CONTRACTOR
may propose to the CLIENT, changes in the structural designs and installation designs
he judges convenient.
The wall coping or cymatium around the perimeter of the roof shall have reinforced
concrete supports and parcels jointed with the structure to contain the masonry work
and avoid cracks caused by joining materials with different coefficients of expansion.
In the cases where structure members require reinforcing bars with lengths greater than
the standard 12 m lengths, the resulting splicing shall meet the requirements of standard
ABNT-NBR-6118 (NB-1).
The costs for the materials and work required under this item shall be included in the
prices in the Bidding Schedule for the various types of concrete.

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Standard Technical Specifications


General. The requirements included herein are general specifications for the installation
of items to be embedded in concrete. Where more specific details are required, they
shall be included in the drawings.
The CONTRACTOR shall install metalwork and other items to be enbedded in concrete,
as shown on the drawings. Items to be embedded in concrete include, but are not
limited to, the following:
anchor bolts and inserts in first - and second-stage concrete;
electrical ducts and conduits;
ground connections.

Pipes and conduits of aluminum shall not be embedded in structural concrete unless
approved by the ENGINEER and effectively coated or covered to prevent aluminiumconcrete reaction or electrolytic action between aluminium and steel.
Embedded metal items particularly susceptible to erosion shall be protected by an unbroken
film of asphalt, varnish, pitch, or other inert material, as directed by the ENGINEER.
Dissimilar metals should not be embedded in direct contact or close proximity with each
other unless adequate measures are taken, as approved by the ENGINEER, to assure
that there will be no serious galvanic action.
For items and services not specifically shown on the drawings or identified in these
Specifications, the applicable regulations of the ASTM, ACI, AISC, and AWS should be
All items to be embedded shall be accurately placed in correct position and alignment at
the locations shown in the drawings, and secured in a way to avoid displacement before
and during placement of concrete.
In areas where second-stage concrete is required, blockouts shall be left in the firststage concrete, as well as inserts where inserts of the second-stage concrete will be
secured. Blockouts shall susequently be backfilled with mortar or injected with cement
grout, as shown on the drawings.
All the services of installation shall be performed in accordance with good construction
techniques, by personnel trained and specialized in this area. Any damage caused to
materials furnished by the CLIENT or by others shall be repaired or replaced by and at
the expense of the CONTRACTOR. At the time of concrete placement, metallic items
shall be clean and free of rust or other foreign material.

Anchor Bolts and Inserts in First-Stage Concrete. All anchor bolts and plates to be embedded
in concrete shall be accurately positioned by means of adequate templates so that after
placement of concrete they will be alined with the items to which they will be connected.
The axes of holes in the templates shall be in accordance with the axes of holes drilled or
punched in the base-plate or item to be secured to the concrete. The holes in the templates
shall exceed by 1 mm the nominal diameter of the anchor bolts or screws.
The references or marks of coincidence for the location of the item to be installed shall
be clearly indicated in each template, so as to facilitate the precise location of the
anchor bolts. After the anchor bolts have been positioned, each anchor bolt shall be
securely fixed in place to prevent displacement during placement and setting of the

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Standard Technical Specifications

The holes in base-plates or other items shall not be enlarged to adjust to anchor bolts
that were not correctly positioned, without express prior authorization of the ENGINEER.
After placement of concrete, surfaces of ungalvanized metal to remain permanently
exposed shall be cleaned with wire brushes and receive two coats or primer paint, as
directed by the ENGINEER.

Inserts in Second-Stage Concrete. For inserts in second-stage concrete which are required
for the attachment of special equipment, extra care shall be given to meeting the
requirements of the drawings and specifications of the manufacturers of these equipment.
After accurate positioning and securing of the inserts, placing of second-stage concrete
may proceed, in accordance with the drawings.
For mobile equipment rails, the accurate adjustment of the regulating plates, the alinment
of the rails, and tightening of the nuts that secure the attachment clips of the rails, shall
be performed prior to filling blockouts with second-stage concrete.


Embedded Pipe. Pipes and fittings to be embedded in the concrete shall be accurately
positioned and securely held in position to avoid damage or displacement before and
during placement of concrete. Special care shall be taken to avoid plugging of pipes
during performance of the work. The pipes and fittings to be embedded in the concrete
shall not receive paint or any other coatings on the outside surface, unless otherwise
directed by the ENGINEER. However, at the time of concrete placement the surfaces
shall be free of dirt, oils, grease, and other objectionable materials.
Each piping system shall be cleaned internally and pressure tested before concrete
placement, except that drain pipes and other piping designed for pressures of not more
than 0.1 kg/cm2 above atmospheric pressure need not be tested. Testing pressure
above atmospheric pressure shall be 50% in excess of the pressure to which the piping
and fittings may be subjected, but minimum testing pressure shall not be less than 3.5
kg/cm2 above atmospheric pressure. The pressure test shall be held for 4 hours with no
drop in pressure except that which may be caused by air temperature. The CONTRACTOR
shall submit for the approval of the CLIENT drawings showing the anchoring of the
piping during the tests.
Pipes and fittings shall be maintained at a minimum distance of 25 mm from other
embedded items and the outside face of the concrete.


Measurement and Payment. No separate measurement or payment shall be made for

embedded items in concrete. The costs for embedded items in concrete shall be included
in other items of work where this service is required.



General. The work includes the removal of excess or overbuilt materials and/or the filling
of depressions or holes on canal side slopes and bottoms after excavation or after
construction of embankments, in order to prepare the slopes and bottoms for placement
of the concrete lining.
Excess or overbuilt materials on canal side slopes and/or bottoms shall be excavated
and trimmed first by a backhoe or a grader, as required, followed by a finishing excavation
to be performed manually or with special equipment.
In rock excavation, loose pieces or parts that have been excessively disturbed or loosened
during blasting shall be removed and filled with soil cement, with no less than 6%
Portland cement content by weight, and shall be compacted with a power tamper or

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

other similar equipment. When compaction using power tampers is not possible, manual
tampers shall be allowed. Materials used in the soil cement shall comply with the
requirements specified in item (C-030102 - Definition of Earth Materials).
During compaction, soil cement shall have a moisture content equal to the optimum
moisture as defined in the Intermediate Proctor compaction test, + 2%. After compaction,
the dry density of soil cement shall be at least 97% of the laboratory maximum dry
density as determined by the Intermediate Proctor compaction test.
Earth backfill shall not be allowed for the purpose of filling excess excavation performed
outside the specified limits. The filling of excess excavation shall be made with soil
cement, as described above or by increasing the thickness of the concrete lining.
Geometrical control of the trimming and shaping shall be performed visually on a
continuous basis, together with survey verification of alignments and grades at specified
Compaction tests shall be performed on the finished slopes and bottoms as necessary.
The work shall be classified by the ENGINEER as trimming and shaping of earth or rock

Measurement and Payment. Trimming and shaping of canal slopes and bottoms shall be
measured in square meters.
Areas shall be measured on the basis of theoretical sections, as shown on the drawings.
Thus, the area between any two stations will be the product of the average perimeter of
such theoretical sections times the distance between the stations. The perimeter of a
section is the sum of the length of the slopes and the bottom of the section.
The ENGINEER shall classify the areas to be measured, as a percentage of trimmed and
shaped earth and percentage of trimmed and shaped rock.
Payment for trimming and shaping canal slopes and bottoms shall be made to the
CONTRACTOR at the applicable unit price per square meter indicated in the Bidding
Schedule. The unit prices for trimming and shaping canal slopes and bottoms shall
include the cost of all labor, equipment and materials required to perform the work as
specified herein.
No payment shall be made, under any circumstances, for shaping required as a result of
excess excavation performed by the CONTRACTOR.
No separate payment will be made for trimming and shaping for small canals excavated
by mechanical equipment or machinery with buckets or scoops shaped like the canal
section, and the costs for trimming and shaping of these canals shall be included in the
applicable unit price in the Bidding Schedule for excavation of the canal.



General. The CONTRACTOR shall place concrete canal lining to the lines, dimensions,
and thickness shown on the drawings or directed by the ENGINEER, and in accordance
with this Specification.
Where reinforced concrete lining is specified, reinforcement shall be used, with the
diameter and mesh spacing shown on the drawings.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Concrete shall conform to the applicable requirements of item (C-040100 - General

Concrete Requirements) and to these Specifications.
The CONTRACTOR shall supply all equipment and materials required for the placing
operations. Subgrades shall be thouroughly moistened prior to placing concrete canal
The concrete lining may be placed manually or mechanically and shall provide a smooth
surface with the specified thickness. The placing operations shall be rigorously controlled
so that the concrete is not porous and has no voids or pockets. Concrete shall be
vibrated internally just ahead of the slip form.
The concrete canal lining shall not vary from the established grade by more than 1 cm
for each 20 meters. No minus tolerance shall be allowed from the specified thickness.
Concrete canal lining shall be cured with approved curing compounds or membranes.
Manually placed lining shall be finished by means of a slip-form machine, travelling on
guides along the bottom and on the slopes of the canal, as described in the United
States Bureau of Reclamation Concrete Manual, with the lining placed in alternative
panels. Each panel will be no more than 2.5 meters long.
Bottom slabs shall be placed first, and side panels shall be placed from the bottom up.
Intervening panels shall only be placed after the adjacent panels have hardened. Joins
between the panels shall be filled with an approved sealing compound in accordance
with item (C-040205 - Expansion Joints in Concrete Canal Lining).
A longitudinally operating slip-form machine may also be used. The driving mechanism
moves the machine along the canals centerline with the slip-form section transverse to
the centerline.
Under proper conditions of operation the surface made by the slip-form will require no
further screeding and very little finishing. The slip -form surface and the final finish shall
be approved by the ENGINEER.
Transverse joints and longitudinal shall be spaced as shown on the drawings. The
dimensions of the joints shall be in accordance with the details on the drawings or as
directed by the ENGINEER. All longitudinal joints shall be at the same grade as the canal
segment that is being constructed.
Joints shall be cut while the concrete is still plastic using straight edges, mechanical
knifes, or cutters operated manually or by means of devices attached to the slip-form.
If the placing equipment used by the CONTRACTOR does not allow for interruptions in
the lining operation, the CONTRACTOR may perform uninterrupted lining operations
through sections where structures will be constructed, with subsequent removal of that
portion of the lining where the structures will be constructed. No payment will be made
to the CONTRACTOR for labor, equipment or materials required for placing and removing
concrete canal lining for this purpose.
In any section where the CONTRACTOR removes the concrete or interrupts the lining
for the construction of a structure, the exposed excavated foundation surface is damaged
due erosion, mudding, ponding, or any other reason, the foundation shall be repaired by
and at the expense of the CONTRACTOR, which shall include any additional concrete
required for correct placing of the canal lining.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Any concrete canal lining which is removed, in accordance with these specifications or
as directed by the ENGINEER, shall be deposited at the foot of the outer slope of the
Concrete for required filling depressions or holes in the subgrade shall be considered as
backfill for excess excavation and shall be performed by and at the expense of the

Measurement and Payment. Concrete for canal lining shall be measured in cubic meters
of concrete placed in accordance with the dimensions shown on the drawings.

No additional payment shall be made for excess concrete placed over and above the
volume calculated using the dimensions of concrete lining shown on the drawings.
Payment for concrete canal lining shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the unit price
per cubic meter indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
The unit price for concrete canal lining shall include the cost of all labor, equipment and
materials required to perform the work as specified herein, including furnishing and
placing wire mesh, forming joints, and finishing operations.
Materials for filling joints shall be measured and paid for in accordance with item (C040205 - Expansion Joints in Concrete Canal Lining) and item (C-040401 - Waterstops).


Description of the work. The CONTRACTOR shall supply and place the materials for
filling expansion joints in the concrete canal lining at the locations shown on the drawings.
The material to be used for filling the joints shall be a durable, adhesive compound
which shall seal the concrete canal lining joints and prevent water leakage during
contraction and expansion cycles. The consistency of the joint material shall allow
placement at any temperature between 4o and 50o C, either by means of a gun or trowel.
After placement the material shall not run.
The joint sealing material shall be an elastic mastic with a base of polyurethane or
polysulfide rubber, with or without a tar additive and shall meet the laboratory tests
specifications related to adherence, viscosity, penetration and durability. Asphaltic mastics
shall not be used. The joint material shall be approved by the ENGINEER prior to placement.
The joint material shall be applied after the concrete canal lining has hardened sufficiently,
as directed by the ENGINEER.
Before applying the joint material, the CONTRACTOR shall thoroughly dry the joints and
remove any loose material or foreign matter.
The joint material shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.


Measurement and payment. Expansion joints shall be measured in linear meters of joints
shown on the drawings which have been approved and accepted by the ENGINEER.
Payment for expansion joints in concrete canal lining shall be made to the CONTRACTOR
at the unit price per linear meter indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
The unit price shall include the cost of all labor, equipment and materials required to
perform the work as specified herein.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


General. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish and install waterstops, Fugenband, or similar,
in joints at the locations shown on the drawings and in accordance with the requirements
specified herein. Waterstops shall be fabricated from materials specified in subitem 2
The CONTRACTOR shall protect waterstops during the progress of the work and shall
repair or replace any waterstops that are damaged at no additional cost to the CLIENT.
Waterstops shall be stored in a cool place and shall be protected from direct sunlight
and contact with oil, grease or curing compound.
Waterstops shall be installed with approximately one-half the width of the material
embedded in the concrete on each side of the joint. Special care must be taken during
the placing and vibrating of concrete around the joints so as to ensure complete contact
of the waterstops with the concrete and to obtain a continuous watertight joint.
If a waterstop is installed on one side of a joint and the scheduled date for placing
concrete on the other side of the joint is more than one month, the waterstop shall be
protected from direct sunlight.
Splices in waterstops shall be performed by vulcanizing in metal molds or by using
special connecting sleeves and rubber cement. When vulcanizing is used, the ends to be
joined shall be beveled cut at a 450 angle or flatter so that the ends will be pressed
together when the mold is closed. The ends and the surrounding surfaces shall be
buffed to obtain rough, clean surfaces. The buffed surfaces shall receive two thin coats
of rubber cement and be allowed to dry completely. A piece of gum rubber, used for
vulcanized joints, shall be cut to the same size as the beveled ends and placed at one of
the ends to be joined. The mold shall be heated to 145o . The prepared splice shall then
be set and centered in the heated mold and closed tightly to avoid any displacement
during the vulcanizing process. The mold shall be kept at 145o C for 25 minutes with the
splice secured.
If splices are made with connecting sleeves, the ends to be joined shall be carefully
buffed and cleaned prior to being placed in the sleeve. The inner surface of the sleeve
and the outer surfaces of the waterstop shall be carefully coated with rubber cement.
After the ends of the waterstops have been placed in the sleeve, the sleeve shall be
closed tightly against the waterstop until complete hardening of the cement.
Each finished splice, whether by vulcanizing or by sleeve, shall be tested by bending the
splice 180o around a pin 5 cm in diameter without showing any separation at the splice.


Materials. Waterstops shall be fabricated from one of the materials listed below.
Waterstops fabricated from other materials shall be approved by the ENGINEER prior to
use in the work. Materials listed below shall conform to standards ABNT-NBR-7462
(MB-57), MB-383, NBR-6565 (MB-394), MB-407, NBR-6566 (MB-464), MB-469 and
NBR-7318 (MB-497) and to the requirements specified herein.


Butyl. Butyl shall have the following physical characteristics:

Specific weight = 1.2 g/cm3 + 0.05.
Tensile Strength, without Aging:
Failure Stress: 74 kg/cm2 , minimum;
Elongation to failure: 400%, minimum;
Shore-A hardness: 60 + 5.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Tensile Strength, with Aging:

The test for measuring tensile strength with aging shall be performed in an oven at 100o
C with air circulation over a period of seven days. Results must correspond to 80% of
the results for failure stress and elongation to failure obtained in the tensile strength
without aging tests. Shore-A hardness shall be 62 + 5.
Aging Test in Ozone:
This test shall be performed as prescribed in ASTM D-1149 at 38o C with 100 parts of
ozone in one hundred million parts, by volume, and the test specimen shall be elongated
by 20%. No cracking shall be observed using a seven-fold magnification after 72 and
120 hours.
Water Immersion Test:
This test shall be performed as prescribed in ASTM D 471.
Maximum weight variation allowance = 0.5%.

Neoprene. Neoprene shall have the following physical characteristics:

Minimum tensile strength - ASTM D-412 = 11 MPa (110 kg/cm2 ).
Minimum elongation to failure - ASTM D-412 = 400%.
Minimum bonding to concrete - ASTM D-903 = 3.6 kg/cm.
Strength in Ozone - This test shall be performed as prescribed in ASTM D-1149
for 70 hours at 38o C with 100 parts of ozone in one hundred million parts, by
volume, and the specimen shall be elongated by 20%.No cracking shall be observed
using a seven-fold magnification.
Water Immersion Test - This test shall be performed as prescribed in ASTM D471. Maximum weight variation, after seven days in water, at 25o C = 5%


Hypalon. Hypalon shall have the following physical characteristics:

Minimum tensile strength - ASTM D-412 = 3.5 MPa (35 kgf/cm2 ).
Minimum elongation to failure - ASTM D-412 = 400%.
Minimum bonding to concrete - ASTM D-903 = 3.6 kg/cm.
Strength in Ozone - This test shall be performed as prescribed in ASTM D-1149
for 70 hours at 38o C with 100 parts of ozone in one hundred million parts, by
volume, and the specimen shall be elongated by 20%. No cracking shall be observed
using a seven-fold magnification.
Water Immersion Test - This test shall be performed as prescribed in ASTM D471. Maximum weight variation after seven days in water, at 25o C = 5%.


Measurement and payment. Waterstops shall be measured in linear meters of waterstop

actually installed as shown on the drawings.
Payment for waterstops shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the unit price per linear
meter indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
The unit price shall include the cost of all labor, equipment and materials required to
perform the work as specified herein.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications



General. Shotcrete (mortar or concrete applied by pneumatic projection) shall be used
where indicated in the drawings for the eventual treatment of the exposed surfaces of
rock, for repairs of concrete, or anywhere else as determined by the ENGINEER.
Shotcrete is usually applied by the dry-mix process, and these Specifications are directed
towards that method. However, the jet-mix process may also be employed, if duly
approved and authorized by the CLIENT.
All the pertinent provisions of item (C-040100 - General Concrete Requirements) not in
conflict with provisions made here, shall also apply to shotcrete.
Shotcrete shall be mixed so as to have a workability compatible with the equipment to
be used and to guarantee a minimum of rebound.
The compression and shear strengths required for shotcrete shall comply with the
following minimum values applicable for 7 and 28 days after application.
If values measured after 7 days do not reach the specified minimum, the CONTRACTOR
shall modify the shotcrete batch formula as directed by the ENGINEER and shall bear all
costs resulting therefrom.

7 days

28 days

Compression strength



Adhesion to rock



Sand for shotcrete should be uniformly graded conforming with the grading as specified
for concrete sand. For coarse aggregate shotcrete the quantity of sand passing the No.
100 sieve may be substantially increased, at the ENGINEER s discretion, if needed for
added plasticity and adhering qualities, provided that quality and strength are not
detrimentally affected. If a sand is deficient in fines, the addition of diatomaceous earth
in not more than 3% of the cement, by weight, may be permitted at ENGINEER s
discretion, to increase the plasticity of the mix and decrease the amount of rebound.
Sand should contain 3% to 6% of moisture for efficient operation of equipment for
application of both sand and coarse aggregate shotcrete.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

For coarse aggregate shotcrete the maximum aggregate size shall be 10 mm (3/8"),
except that up to 20 mm (3/4") aggregate may be employed if approved by the ENGINEER.
The ENGINEER may approve the use of natural pozzolans for the purpose of making the
mix more plastic and decreasing the rebound.
The amount of pozzolans shall not be greater than 3% of the weight of the cement.
Accelerators, with the exception of calcium chloride, may be used as specified for

Mix. The mix proportions of ingredients used by the CONTRACTOR shall provide a
homogeneous product as well as guarantee a minimum rebound.
Shotcrete batch formulas shall be determined by the CONTRACTOR, by trial mixes,
prior to placing, so that the mix conforms to the Specifications for workability,
permeability, strength, and durability using the smallest possible amount of cement, but
such amount shall not be lower than the minimum specified for each case. Batch formulas
must be approved by the ENGINEER.


Batching. Thorough mixing of all ingredients, especially any coarse aggregate and setaccelerating admixture, if used, is essential to good quality shotcrete. The mixing of the
cement, admixtures (except the set-accelerating admixture), and aggregates should be
made in the dry with a mechanical mixer.
The mixing period should not be less than two minutes, and the mixer should be cleaned
frequently to maintain mixing efficiency.
After the components have been homogenized, the resulting mix shall be applied within
one hour. Any unused mixed material (cement, aggregate, accelerators) that stands
longer than one hour will not be accepted.
The ENGINEER reserves the right to increase mixing time, when the aforementioned
time is not sufficient for obtaining an adequate homogeneous mixture of the ingredients.


Quality Control. The CONTRACTOR shall perform preliminary trial runs for demonstration
of equipment performance and concrete quality control, in the presence of the ENGINEER,
prior to the start of concrete placement.
Nozzlemen shall demostrate, to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER, the ability to apply
shotcrete of the required quality prior to placing of shotcrete in the work.
Procedures for extracting core specimens to be used in strength tests shall be as directed
by the ENGINEER.


Preliminary Cleaning and Treatment. Prior to shotcrete placement, the surface shall be
throughly cleaned of all loose materials, with air and water jets and, if required, scrubbed
with a wire brush.
Any cavity in the rock whose bottom cannot be reached shall be manually filled with
mortar, prior to final shotcrete placement.
The surfaces shall be maintained moist before placing the sotcrete.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Placing. The projection nozzle shall be maintened at a distance of between 70 cm and

1.5 m from the surface, and the shotcrete should be applied in a stream as nearly
normal as possible to the surface being covered.
The air pressure should be in the order of 4.0 kg/cm2 . This pressure shall be obtained by
means of a pressure reducing valve in the compressed air hose
The ENGINEER may authorize increased pressures, when a relatively long length of dry
mixture tube is necessary, and for relativelly elevated vertical displacements. The
equipment used should guarantee a constant flow of air and mixture and, if this condition
is temporarily interrupted, the jet should be directed away from the surface until the
flow normalizes.
Compressed air shall be completely free from any impurities such as lubricating oil
emulsions from the compressors. For this purpose, an air cleaner or a chamber with a
minimum capacity of one m3 shall be installed on the air hose immediately before the
application equipment. The hose shall be bled once every hour.
The water pressure, at the projection nozzle, shall be sufficiently greater than the operating
air pressure to assure that water is intimately mixed with the other materials. A value at
least 1.0 kg/cm2 above the air pressure is recommended. During placement, air and
water pressures shall be kept constant. Workers shall be protected by rubber boots,
gloves and hooded coat, as well as plastic goggles. To assure adequate protection
against toxic materials, nozzlement and helpers shall, when applying shotcrete containing
an accelerating-hardening admixture, wear sandblasting hoods supplied with filtered air
free of objectionable or toxic material, in addition to the specified protective clothing.


Thickness. The shotcrete shall be applied in layers having a thinckness that will assure
the shotcrete completely adheres to the surface or preceding layer and no sagging
occurs. In order to obtain the specified thickness, shotcrete shall be applied in several
layers, with the first approximately 3 cm thick.
Shotcrete thickness shall be carefully controlled. Final thickness shall be determined by
steel spikes driven into the surface to be lined after the first layer has been placed.
Average thickness of the shorcrete layer shall be as indicated on the drawings. Minimum
thickness over rock protrusions shall be two-thirds of design thickness.
The time intermal between two layer applications shall range from 30 to 60 minutes. All
layers shall have the same batch formula and the same water/cement ratio.


Rebound. Rebound shall not exceed 30%. The CONTRACTOR shall try to reduce rebound
by using an adequate water/cement ratio and, in some cases, fly ash. Overloading the
surface with green concrete should be avoided.
Rebound concrete shall be removed before it begins to set, and under no circumstances
shall it be re-used. Vertical and slanted surfaces shall be kept free of rebound material
and shall be lined from the bottom up.


Concrete Repairs. If the lining has voids, spots, or pockets containing rebound material,
the lining shall be removed and shotcrete placement shall be repeated, at the expense of
All repairs shall be considered as new placement of lining and all the different steps shall
be followed, namely preparation of the surface, placing, curing and protection.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Curing and Protection. Shotcrete shall be cured by maintaining the lining wet during 14
days. If shotcrete is placed above ground, it should be protected from the direct rays of
the sun for 3 days. No surfaces shall be allowed to become dry during the curing period.
If accelerating admixtures or high initial strength cement are used, the curing period
may be shortened, upon approval by the ENGINEER, to a minimum of seven days. Water
used for curing shall be clean and free of harmful substances. Before the start of lining
work, the CONTRACTOR shall have, on hand, all equipment required for the curing and
protection of applied shotcrete.


Drains. Drain openings, for the purpose of relieving pressures on the lining, shall be
made as indicated on drawings or directed by the ENGINEER.
Unless otherwise specified in the drawings, the drains shall be made with a percussion
perforator, to a depth of at least 40 cm, to be measured from the external surface of the


Reinforcement. Reinforecement for reinforced shotcrete shall comply with pertinent

requirement in item (C-040110 - General Concrete Requirements). Reinforcement steel
shall be placed as indicated on the drawings.


Measurement and Payment. Shotcrete work shall be measured based on the volume of
concrete placed for the thicknesses indicated in the drawings or as directed by the
No measurement or payment will be made for shotcrete placed for the convenience of
the CONTRACTOR or not placed as directed by the ENGINEER.
Shotcrete volume shall be measured in cubic meters and shall be calculated by multiplying
the lined area by the thickness specified on the drawings. The volume shall be paid for
at the unit price indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
The price shall include the cost of materials, including reinforcement, when needed,
labor, and equipmemt required for the work.



General. Exposed concrete shall comply with all requirements for reinforced concrete
and with conditions which are inherent to surface finishing materials.
These conditions require a strict quality control of concrete, in order to assure even
color, homogeneous texture, regular surfaces, and resistance to dust and weathering.
Construction of exposed concrete with white cement requires even more rigorous
attention, particularly with regards to evenness of color.




Reinforcement. Reinforcement shall comply with item (C-040107 - Reinforcing Bars)

and with the following.
Since iron oxide discolors the surface of exposed concrete and such stains are hard to
remove, reinforcement shall be covered by a cement slurry or protected against weathering
by means of a polyethylene film, until placing the concrete.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Agregates. Aggregates shall comply with item (C-040106 - Aggregates) and with the
specifications below.
Aggregates shall have a uniform color, be from a single source and supplied in a
single lot; aggregates shall be thoroughly washed.


Water. Water shall comply with item (C-040105 - Water).


Cement. Cement shall comply with item (C-040103 - Cement) and with the specifications
Only one brand of cement shall be used. If the timeframe of the work so allows, all
cement shall come from a single lot.
If white cement is used, minimum cement content shall be 400 kg/m3. The
characteristic concrete strength values defined in the drawings shall be attained.


Forms and Shoring. Forms and shoring shall comply with item (C-040108 - Forms and
Shoring) and with the specifications below.
Forms shall be finished wood or plywood forms, with a Tego-Film plastic coating
on both surfaces.
If finished wood is used, both surfaces shall be coated with a protective agent, for
the purpose of preventing concrete adherence to the form.
The use of burnt oil as protective agent or of any other products which may prevent
the even coloring of exposed concrete will not be allowed.
Tolerance in form positioning shall be plus or minus 5 mm.
The plumbness and leveling of forms shall be constantly checked, particularly during
the placing of concrete. When necessary, corrections shall be carried out immediately,
by means of wedges, shoring, etc.
In order to assure the watertightness of the forms, tongue-and-groove mortise
joints may be used, provided that the form is not used again.
Otherwise, watertightness of joints shall be obtained by means of caulking
compounds that do not harden in contact with air, preferably a silicone elastomer.
In order to obtain smooth concrete surfaces, nails shall be countersunk into the
forms and the recess caulked with a silicone elastomeric product.
The spacing between internal and external forms of reinforced walls shall be
established by means of spacers and ties passing through the concrete.
Spacers, installed under compression and preferably being PVC pipes, shall establish
the minimum spacing between the forms. Ties, installed under tension and preferably
being metallic, shall limit the maximum spacing between the forms.
Spacers and respective ties shall be placed as indicated in the drawings and as
approved by the ENGINEER.
As a rule, spacers shall be vertically and horizontally aligned. Placement tolerance
shall be 5 mm. Whenever possible, spacers shall be located in recessed joints, so
that they do not appear on the exposed concrete surface.
If metallic forms are allowed, they shall be free from oxidation.
Forms shall be kept moist from the beginning of concrete placement until concrete
has hardened. Forms shall be protected from direct sunlight by means of sacks,
canvas, or opaque polyethylene film.


Admixtures. Admixtures shall comply with item (C-040104 - Admixtures).


Batching. Batching shall comply with item (C-040101 - Composition and Batching).


Quality Control. Quality control shall comply with item (C-040102 - Concrete Testing
and Quality Control) and with the specifications below.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Construction. Concrete construction shall comply with item (C-040122 - Construction

of Concrete Structures) and with the specifications below.


Placing Concrete
Concrete shall be placed gradually.
If cement paste escapes through the joints of the forms and is deposited on hardened
concrete surfaces, it shall be immediately cleaned off by means of a water jet. The
hardening of the cement film on exposed concrete causes differences in concrete
If it rains, the ENGINEER shall decide whether concrete placing shall continue or be


Consolidation of Concrete
Consolidation of concrete shall comply with item (C-040113 - Consolidation of
Concrete shall be well consolidated by vibration. The vibrator head shall be introduced
into the concrete through channels that allow immersion.


Construction Joints
Construction joints resulting from interruptions in concrete placement, particularly
joints on reinforced walls, fall under two categories: exposed and non-exposed.
Construction joints shall comply with item (C-040115 - Construction Joints).


Measurement and Payment. Measurement and payment for smooth or polished exposed
reinforced concrete shall be made in accordance with the requirements for concrete as
set forth in item (C-040125 - Measurement and Payment for Concrete).




Definition. Mixed slabs are slabs composed of precast intermediate elements, made of
normal or lightweight, plain or reinforced, ceramic or silica-lime concrete, placed between
conventional reinforced concrete ribs. The precast concrete elements are integral with
the ribs and resist compressive forces resulting from flexure.


Standards. Mixed reinforced concrete slabs shall comply with the most recent version
of pertinent ABNT standards, particularly NBR-6118 (NB-1), NBR-6119 (NB-4), NBR7197 (NB-116), and NBR-5627 (NB-503). Mixed reinforced concrete slabs shall comply
with all pertinent requirements of item (S-040100 - General Concrete Requirements)
and the additional requirements specified herein.


Basic Conditions. As per item 1 of NBR-6119 (NB-4).




Reinforcement. - Transverse reinforcement shall be placed in the compression block of

the concrete or, if there is none, in empty spaces designed for this purpose, in the transversal
joints of the intermediate elements. Reinforcement shall be at least 0.6 cm2 /m, with only
Class CA-50 or CA-60 steels being acceptable.

Stirrups, when required, shall comply with the section on beams in standard NBR-6118

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Intermediate Elements. The compressive strength of intermediate elements shall be

determined as the average value of at least six tests, results of which shall be submitted
to the ENGINEER, on a timely basis.




Ribs. The distance between the faces of any two adjacent ribs shall be equal to or less
than 50 cm. Rib width shall be at least 4 cm, but greater than 1% of the theoretical span.


Intermediate Elements. The continuity of the intermediate elements in the direction of

the ribs shall be accomplished by filling the joints with a 1:3 cement:sand mortar, so
that they are able to efficiently transmit compressive stresses. A rib shall always be
located between any two rows of intermediate elements.
When laying intermediate elements, care shall be exercised to place them in the correct
position, particularly when zones of tensile and compressive stresses will exist.
Intermediate elements shall have geometrically determined shapes. On the lower face,
elements shall be flat, so as to rest firmly on the shoring; there shall be cavities in the
upper face which shall be filled with mortar.


Assembly. All material shall be carefully selected. Special care shall be given to placing
precast beams, as regards to the position of negative and distribuition reinforcement;
beams shall not be installed on the basis of length alone.
When placing precast beams, a block shall be used at each end in order to obtain the
correct spacing of the beams. The first row of blocks shall be supported, at one end, by
an existing beam and, at other, by the first precast beam.
During concrete placement operations, all traffic in the area shall be over planks supported
by the precast beams.
All materials (beams, intermediate elements, reinforcement) shall be moistened before
concrete is placed; concrete shall be compacted (with a trowel) so that it penetrates the
joints between beams and blocks.
Reinforcement Requirements. - Next to the beams, distribuition reinforcement
(placed in both directions, as set forth in subitem 4.1., above) shall be supported
by a lath 1.25 cm thick, with one of its ends made fast by means of a small
amount of concrete. Concrete shall be placed after removing the lath.
Special Notice: Reinforcement shall not extend into the joints between beams and blocks
but shall be embedded in the concrete.
The same care shall be taken with regard to the negative reinforcement between the
inlaid slabs.
If not present in the design, slabs which are simply supported along all edges shall have
reinforcement to accomodate bending moments - as stated in NBR-6118 (NB-1).

Deflections. Deflections greater than those stated in NBR-6118 (NB-1) shall not be
accepted. For the purpose of avoiding such deflections, the following minimum amounts
of camber (at the center of the span) and shoring are recommended.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

up to 3,0m

camber amount of

3,0 to 4,0m

camber amount of

camber amount of

h = 9.5 at 11.5cm
every 1.5m

h = 15.0 at 20,.cm
every 1.30m

h = 25.0 at 20.0cm
every 1.20m

h = 35.0 cm
every 1.0m

0.5 cm

0.5 cm

0.5 cm

0.5 cm

1.0 cm

1.0 cm

0.5 cm

0.5 cm

2.0 cm

2.0 cm

1.0 cm

1.0 cm


camber amount of

2.5 cm

2.0 cm

1.5 cm

5,0 to 6,0m


Measurement and Payment. Measurement and Payment for mixed reinforced concrete
slabs shall be made as set forth item (C-040125 - Measurement and Payment for Concrete).

4,0 to 5,0m

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications







The work contracted for construction of buildings shall be executed in full compliance
with these Specifications, the drawings and other requirements stated therein.


All materials, except when otherwise stipulated in the Specifications, shall be furnished


All labor, except when otherwise stipulated in the Specifications, shall be furnished by


Any work that does not meet the requirements of these Specifications shall be rejected
by the ENGINNER.


The CONTRACTOR shall demolish and reconstruct, at this own expense, any work
rejected by the ENGINEER, immediately after official notification by the CLIENT.


The materials used shall be appropriate for the type of work being executed and shall
meet design requirements and these Specifications.


The CONTRACTOR shall keep enough engineers, foremen, workers, and clerks, in the
appropriate technical field, as well as sufficient material, at the work site for the
accomplishment of the work.


The CONTRACTOR shall be liable for any damages caused to the CLIENT and/or to third
parties, resulting from neglect, unskillfulness or omission.


The CONTRACTOR shall maintain constant surveillance over the work site and shall be
held liable for any damages caused as a result of negligence during the execution of the
work, until the final acceptance.


Equipment, machinery and tools used shall be appropriate for each type of work
performed, as determined by the ENGINEER.


The CONTRACTOR shall take due precautions and care so as to completely assure the
stability of adjacent buildings and utility networks that may be affected by the work,
paved areas and third party property, as well as to guarantee the safety of works and
pedestrians, during all stages of the work.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


All trash and refuse from the work shall be periodically removed. This work shall include
removal and transport of the material to the limits of the work area or to an area
previously established by the ENGINEER.


Concrete, Earthwork and Foundations. In accordance with the requirements in this

Specification, the CONTRACTOR shall execute concrete construction, earthwork and
subsurface investigations for foundations. All said work and services shall be in
accordance with the applicable Specifications for construction of civil works. Therefore,
all applicable provisions of the civil works Specifications are made a part of this


Description of the Work


The work shall be performed in strict compliance with designs and these Specifications.


The CONTRACTOR shall provide detail drawings for the work being executed, as required
or requested by the ENGINEER; detail drawings shall be examined and certified by the
ENGINEER. During construction, the ENGINEER may provide complementary drawings
which shall, in turn, be certified by the CONTRACTOR.


In the event a partial or a total modification is made to the work, whether proposed by
the CLIENT or by the CONTRACTOR, this fact shall in no way invalidate or annul the
CONTRACT, which shall always remain in force. In cases where changes to the design
result in additional work, the CONTRACTOR shall submit the corresponding manner of
measurement and payment, for the CLIENTs analysis and approval, prior to starting the
work. Changes in amounts shall not be considered sufficient reason for changing unit
prices. No prices adjustment shall be made in the event the CONTRACTOR initiates and
concludes additional work without requesting a price review.


Any difference of opinion on the interpretation of CONTRACTOR documentations for

the execution of work shall be subjected to the stipulations contained in these






Definition. For the purpose of these Specifications, the following features and/or parts
of a building shall be considered as Foundation.




Base plates;




Balance beams or lever beams;


Retaining walls;


Piles/pile cap;


Caissons/caissons cap.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Standards and Regulations. The construction of foundations shall meet applicable ABNT
standards, particularly NBR-6l22 (NB-5l) and NBR-6ll8 (NB-l), as well as local codes and
regulations of the official agency within whose jurisdiction the work is to be accomplished.


Shoring. -The CONTRACTOR shall provide all required shoring.


Quality of the Groundwater


The CONTRACTOR shall investigate the quality of the groundwater and the occurrence
of any deteriorating effects to the works must be immediately communicated to the


The CONTRACTOR shall investigate how to assure the protection of reinforcement and
concrete against aggressive groundwaters, as well as the method for placing the concrete,
in order to guarantee the integrity and durability of the structure.


Responsibility. The construction of the foundations as well as the strength of the concrete
and the stability of the structures shall be the sole responsibility of the CONTRACTOR.


Modifications and Additions


Modifications and/or additions caused by differing site conditions shall be treated according
to item (C-0l0202 -Differing Site Conditions).


Concrete. All concrete work shall meet the requirements specified herein and shall be in
accordance with item (C-040122 - General Concrete Requirements).
Before starting construction of the buildings, the ENGINEER shall inspect and approve the
building foundations.


Surface Foundations


Definition. Surface, shallow or direct foundations are foundations immediately below

the lowest part of the superstructure, where pressures are transmitted through the
base, directly to the supporting soil, with negligible pressures transmitted through lateral




Concrete shall meet all design requirements (fck, slump, etc.).


In constructing surface foundations the CONTRACTOR must strictly comply with design
depths; excavations must be made to the depth where the soil offers the required
strength, compatible with the allowable design stresses and able to prevent differential


Preparation for Concrete Placement


The procedures necessary for satisfactory preparation of foundations over which concrete
will be placed are determined by design requirements and the characteristics and type
of the foundation material.


Before placing the concrete for the foundations, the excavations shall be cleaned and
any material detrimental to concrete, such as wood, loose dirt imported by rains, etc.,
shall be removed.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


In the event there is water in the foundation trenches, it must be completely removed
before placing the concrete. Under no circumstances shall concrete be placed before
removal of water.


The bottom of the trench must be lined with a layer of lean concrete, at least 6 cm in


Under no circumstances shall foundation concrete be placed using the soil as side forms.


Preparation of Foundations in Rock

When the design stipulates effective adherence of concrete to rock, the surface
of the rock must be roughened and thoroughly cleaned, in the area of the foundation.
Loose rocks, dry mortar, organic matter, oily or friable substances, and other
foreign material must be removed.
Open cracks, filled with clay or other fine materials, must be cleaned to an adequate
depth by means of air and water jets.
Cleaning methods include the use of picks, levers, hard brooms, sand blasting and
other appropriate means.
Groundwater from outside the foundation area must be drained and channeled to
pumping areas. 2.4 Types of Surface Foundations


Foundation Blocks. Foundation blocks are isolated foundations, rigid and undeformable,
of reinforced concrete, constructed on the ground surface. These types of foundations
are generally used for moderate structural loads and when the allowable load on the soil
is not too high. Foundation blocks are characterized by their height.


Isolated Footings. - Isolated footings are isolated foundations of reinforced concrete,
semi-flexible or semi-rigid, shallow constructed on the ground surface.
Continous Curtain Footings
Continuous curtain footings are continuous and rigid foundations, of reinforced
concrete, constructed on the ground surface, utilized when the base of one
or more footings overlap, as required by the designs.
Tensile stresses produced at the lower part of the footing will be resisted by
the reinforcement, which must be adequately covered by concrete, to avoid
In order to avoid the occurrence of forces above those anticipated in the
design, it is important to strictly control the location of foundation features,
as well as their respective batter.
For continuous curtain footings, constructed at different levels, the footing
located at the lower level must be constructed first, in compliance with the
standards set forth in item 6.3 of NBR-6l22 (NB-5l).
The CONTRACTOR shall verify whether the soil bearing capacity is compatible
with the information used in the designs and shall construct the footings on
soils that assure adequate stability of the structure.


Foundation Beams. Foundation beams, constructed on the ground surface, are semiflexible or semi-rigid foundations, in the shape of a continous beam, common to several
columns whose centers, in plan, are located in the same alignment. Foundation beams
are constructed of reinforced concrete and are intended to transmit to the soil, the loads
from all the points (columns) on each beam.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Lever Beams or Balance Beams. Lever or balance beams are used to transmit part of the
loads of one foundation element to another contiguous foundation element.


Retaining Walls. Retaining walls are structures designed to support lateral forces resulting
from earth and/or water loads.
Types of retaining walls
Gravity walls;
Relief gravity walls;
Flexible walls; - Buttress walls; and
Sheet piling.
Retaining walls, unless otherwise specified, may be built of masonry (rock and brick),
concrete, wood, or steel, as shown on the drawings or as determined by the ENGINEER.
Unless provided by the CLIENT, the CONTRACTOR shall prepare retaining wall designs
and submit them to the ENGINEER, for review and approval, prior to construction.
As required and at the request of the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR may be required to
provide, together with the design and detail drawings, the structural calculations for the
feature at issue.
Retaining walls shall be constructed in compliance with the applicable requirements for
concrete, when concrete is used; concrete must be waterproof.
Retaining walls shall include required drainage as provided for in the designs.
Retaining walls shall be made waterproof after being completed and before final backfill
work is undertaken.
The ENGINEER will accept retaining walls as foundation structures directly over the soil,
provided they are designed for such use and located at grade where the soil strength is
compatible with the loads it will be subjected to.


Load Test


Load tests for surface foundations, when requested by the ENGINEER, shall comply
with ABNT-NBR-6489 (NB-27) standard.


Deep Foundations


General. Whenever surface soils have low bearing capacity and are compressible and,
therefore, do not permit the use of surface foundations, structural loads shall be transfered
to soils with greater load capacity, located at greater depths, by means of deep
A layer of lean concrete, 6 cm minimum thick, shall be laid under all concrete
works in contact with the soil (beams, slabs).
Deep foundations under 3 meters in length will not be allowed.
When executing a deep foundation, the CONTRACTOR should not limit himself to
the Project design elevations but, rather, continue with the driving and/or excavation
until reaching a base layer whose bearing capacity is compatible with the
foundations calculated loads.
Changes required during the execution of the work may only be implemented
after being approved by the ENGINEER.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The CONTRACTOR shall undertake, at his own expense, any shoring of adjacent
buildings and slopes, or any other shoring required for the execution and stability
of the work.



The concept of driving to refusal shall be used for the control of pile driving only
and not for determining the load capacity of a pile. Whenever driving to refusal is
not defined in the design or the Specifications, the CONTRACTOR shall use a
driving to refusal value equal to a 20 mm advance for 10 hammer blows, after the
third consecutive attempt.
Piles shall have the required minimum length, to avoid welds or joints.
In driving adjacent piles, spaced at a distance under five times the pile diameter
and, more particularly, for sections even with the ground surface, care shall be
taken to avoid damaging the in-place piles.
Whenever required, pile ends shall be cut with a chisel, at the design elevation; no
other device shall be permitted for this work.
After the piles are driven, constructed or pressed, the ends shall be finished, in
order to connect them to the stress block or beam. Also, the following measures
shall be taken:
For concrete cutting, use very sharp chisels, work horizontally and, whenever
posssible, slope slightly upward;
Concrete shall be cut in thin layers, beginning at the sides and progressing
toward the center;
Pile ends shall be perpendicular (normal) to their longitudinal axis;
Piles must penetrate the pile cap by at least 10 cm for concrete piles, and 20 cm
for metallic piles, except when specified otherwise.
Pile Caps.
Wooden forms shall be used for forming the pile caps, in compliance with item (C040108 - Forms and Shoring).
Since the bottom of the excavation will be lined with lean concrete, care must be taken
for the concrete not to cover the piles. For this purpose, the piles must be higher than
the bottom of the excavation. The final elevation of the piles shall only be attained after
placing the lean concrete.


Concrete Piles
General. Piles shall be molded in the soil, in place, by means of steel tubes or other
appropriate equipment, with a belled-out section formed by the concrete, at the
base; concrete piles must comply with pertinent ABNT standards, particularly NB49, NBR-6118 (NB-1) and NBR-6122 (NB-51), as well as the following specifications.
Minimum diameter shall be 25 cm.
Piles molded in place may be of reinforced or plain concrete, with retrievable
or non-retrievable casing, as required.
Concrete mixes for construction of the piles shall be trial mixes; however,
when approved by the ENGINEER, pre-determined mixes shall be allowed
when the rated load on the pile does not exceed 10 t.
In the event a pre-determined mix of concrete is accepted, the cement
component of the mix shall not be less than 300 kg/m3 of concrete, and the
concrete shall have a plastic consistency.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

In any of the previous hypotheses, the CONTRACTOR must prove to the

ENGINEER that the concrete to be used for constructing the piles meets
design requirements.
In order to meet the above criteria, the CONTRACTOR shall carry out, as
determined by the ENGINEER, all tests required to adequately determine the
characterization of the concrete to be used for the piles.
Minimum spacing between piles, from axis to axis, shall be equal to three
times the diameter of the smallest pile.
Unless otherwise specified, the minimum concrete cover for the steel
reinforcement shall be 25 mm.
Piles subject to horizontal displacement shall be constructed of reinforced
concrete and have appropriate devices for absorving the loads resulting from
such displacements.
The upper parts of the piles shall be connected to one another by means of
encircling reinforced concrete collar or foundation blocks, as specified in the
Each pile cap shall cover a maximum of six piles.


For isolated piles without lateral support. For isolated piles, unsupported in two
approximately orthogonal directions, maximum allowable deviation, between the
pile axis and the load application point resulting from all the loads to which the
pile is subjected, shall be 10% of the piles diameter.
In performing safety checks for pile buckling, the CONTRACTOR shall take into account
an increase in the buckling length as a function of how the pile is supported.
For isolated piles with lateral support. The lateral support beam shall be sized for
actual eccentricity, when eccentricity exceeds the value in the above paragraph.
Buckling checks and verifications shall only be carried out for the pile.
For aligned pile sets. In checking the eccentricity in the direction of the piles
alignment, the CONTRACTOR shall consider the loads on the piles. A maximum
increase of 15% over the safe design load of piles shall be tolerated without any
Increases in excess of 15% shall be corrected by increasing the number of piles or by
structural devices.
For non-aligned pile sets. The CONTRACTOR shall check the stress on all piles.
Maximum increase of stress on any pile must not exceed 15% of safe design
load. Increases in excess of 15% must be corrected as specified in the paragraph

Deviation from plumb

Whenever a pile shows an angle deviation with regard to its design position, the
CONTRACTOR shall check its stability maximum deviation without correction shall
be 1:100.
Whenever a set of piles shows an angle deviation with regard to their design
positions, the CONTRACTOR shall check the stability of the set, taking into account
soil support and structural joints.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Driven Precast Concrete Piles

Reinforced precast concrete piles, driven into the soil, shall meet the following
The reinforcement shall be able to sustain stress during transportation, handling
and driving, as well as the usual work to which they will be subjected, including
horizontal displacement.
Minimum strength (fck) of the concrete used for driven precast concrete piles
shall be 20 MPa (200 kg/cm2).
Concrete shall be consolidated by vibration and submitted to careful curing. If
either the waters or the soils are aggressive, special measures must be
undertaken to protect the concrete.
If joints are needed, they shall be able to bear all stresses to which they are
subjected. Steel sleeves shall be used for joints. The sleeves shall extend for
a distance of twice the average diameter of the pile on each side of the joint.
Plumbness of the pile shall be carefully controlled during driving and any
displacement from the vertical shall be immediately corrected.
The pile driver shall be equipped with a special hammer that ensures the
plumbness of the pile. The ratio between the weight of the hammer and that
of the pile must comply with item of NBR-6122 (MB-51).
In order to prevent undue compaction of the soil, which would make the
driving of adjacent piles in the same block more difficult, piles must be driven
from the center of the group of piles outwards, or from one end to the other.
For hollow concrete piles, before placing concrete for the pile cap, the hollow
space shall be carefully plugged.
A steel cap with wooden pad shall protect the end of the pile during driving.
Maximum allowable driving to refusal for precast piles shall be 30 mm advance
for 10 blows.
Piles shall be driven a minimum length of five meters.


Control of Execution
The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the CLIENT a work schedule with the following
Real length of the pile below the leveling grade;
Supplement used - type and length;
Variation from plumb, displacements and breakage;
Characteristics of the pile driving equipment, including weight of the hammer,
diameter, drop distance, number of blows/minute, etc.;
Pile leveling grade;
Number of blows/meter for each pile;
Date in which each pile was driven;
Final driving to refusal elevation for each pile (for 10 hammer blows);
Displacement and raising of piles, as a result of driving of adjacent piles,
when applicable.
The CONTRACTOR shall provide pile driving diagrams for at least 10% of the
piles, including the piles closest to the exploratory borings.


Metallic Piles
Definition. Metallic piles are foundation elements made of structural steel sections,
rolled or welded, simple or multiple, double plated (square, circular or rectangular
sections), with high strength points, as well as a work load around 800 kg/cm2.
Utilization. Metallic piles are used for any type of soil and are particularly indicated
when the elements have multiple functions (foundation, shoring and structure).

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Types. The ENGINEER will allow the use of the following types of pile sections: H,
I, and tubular sections, as well as welded sections.

Load Test - Piles. Load tests for deep foundations, when required by the ENGINEER,
shall comply with NBR (NB-20).


Caissons. Caissons shall comply with pertinent ABNT standards, particularly NBR-6118
(NB-1), NBR-6122 (NB-51) and NBR-7678/83.


General Characteristics
Caissons shall always be constructed of concrete, reinforced or unreinforced.
They may have an outer steel casing - retrievable or unretrievable - or an outer
reinforced concrete casing.
Caissons shall be excavated manually or mechanically, with possible use of
bentonitic sludge.
In the case of manual excavation, the minimum diameter required to assure the
safety of the worker will be 70 cm.
In the case of mechanical excavation, the last 50 cm shall be excavated manually,
including the widening of the base (if applicable), in order to avoid disturbance of
the soil structure.
Caissons must be set on soils highly resistant to compression.
In the event the side slopes cave in, the CONTRACTOR shall submit to the
ENGINEER, for approval, a solution to the problem.
The CONTRACTOR shall provide adequate protection near the structure, in order
to prevent the introduction of foreign matter. Wooden, masonry or concrete collars
or borders may be used.
In any event, before placing concrete, the caissons shall be inspected again and
the dimensions, qualities and characteristics of the soil verified. The bottom of
the excavation shall be cleaned and any layer softened by the weather or infiltration
water shall be removed.
When variable base elevations are foreseen for the various caissons, excavation
shall proceed from the lowest elevation to the highest.
The CONTRACTOR shall not perform work simultaneously on the widened bases
of adjacent caissons, either for excavation or concrete placement.
Allowable loads and structural calculations shall comply with items 8.4 and 8.5 of
NBR-6122 (NB-51).


Tolerances. Tolerances shall comply with item 8.6 of NBR-6122 (NB-51), with special
attention to the following maximum allowable values:
Eccentricity: 10% of caisson diameter;
Deviation from plumb: 1%.



Work with Compressed Air. When the execution of caissons by means of compressed
air is foreseen, the CONTRACTOR shall submit to the CLIENT, for approval, a description
of the equipment and method to be used, together with working drawings and any
other documents required for an adequate analysis.
Other Constructive Measures. In addition to the requirements heretofore established in
these Specifications, the following shall also be taken into account:
Widening of the Base
The caissons shall be designed to avoid bases greater than 2 meters, which
will only be accepted in special circumstances and when adequately justified.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

When soil characteristics indicate problems with the widening of the caisson
base, it might be necessary to consider the use of injections of grout, surface
applications of mortar, or even shoring, in order to avoid the collapse of the
Whenever the base of the caisson is set on sloped rock, the structure shall
comply with item 6.1.2 of NBR-6122 (NB-51).

The nucleus reinforcement shall be placed so as to assure its rigidity and
prevent deformation during handling and concrete placement.
The reinforcement connecting the shaft to the base shall be designed and
placed so as to assure satisfactory concreting of the widened base. Care
shall be taken that the grid composed of the vertical steel and the buttress
shall not be smaller than 30 cm x 30 cm. If necessary, the CONTRACTOR
shall use sets of bars instead of isolated bars.

Time frame. No more than 24 hours shall pass between the final widening of the base
and the placing of concrete.


Preparation of the Caisson Head. The concrete at the top of the caisson is usually not
satisfactory. This concrete shall be removed until reaching the adequate material, even
if it is below the final grade. Concrete shall be placed again over the section where the
previous concrete was removed, up to the required finished grade.


Connection between the Caisson and the Cap. The adequate transference of the column
load to the caisson shall always be guaranteed, as shown in the design.


Concrete Ballast. When a capping block is needed, the bottom of the excavation for the
block shall be covered with a layer of lean concrete, at least 10 cm thick.


Control of Execution. The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the CLIENT, for approval, the
following information about each caisson:
Top elevation;
Actual dimensions of the widened base;
Material of the base support bedding layer;
Equipment used in the various stages of the work;
Displacement and deviation from plumb;
Quantities of material used during concrete placement operations and a comparison
with the previously estimated amount of each material;
Quality of the materials; and
Abnormal conditions encountered and measures taken.


Load Tests. Load tests for caisson foundations, whenever required by the ENGINEER,
shall comply with NBR-6489 (NB-27).


Measurement and Payment


Blocks, footings, foundation beams, retaining walls.


Concrete. The concrete used for blocks, footings, foundation beams, and retaining
walls shall be measured and paid as stipulated in item (CP040125 - Measurement and
Payment for Concrete).

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Forms. The forms used for blocks, footings, foundations beams, and abutment walls
shall be measured and paid as stipulated in item (CP040125 - Measurement and Payment
for Concrete).


Reinforcement. The furnishing and placing of reinforcement shall be measured and paid
as stipulated in item (CP040107 - Reinforcing Bars).


Piles. Pile driving shall be measured on the basis of the length between the pile end
elevation and the finished grade, in linear meters of pile actually driven, as shown on the
drawings and approved by the ENGINEER. Payment shall be made to the CONTRACTOR
at the applicable unit prices for the different types of piles indicated in the Bidding
Unit prices shall include the cost of supplying all materials and equipment required;
transportation to the work site; placing; cutting and making joints, as required; losses,
casings, as required; and any other work required to perform the work as specified


Caissons. Caissons shall be measured on the basis of the linear meter of caisson actually
constructed, as shown on the drawings and approved by the ENGINEER.
Caisson bases shall be measured on the basis of base units actually constructed, as
shown on the drawings.
Payment shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the applicable unit prices for the different
types of caissons and their respective diameters, as indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
The unit prices shall include the cost of supplying all materials and equipment required;
excavations for the caissons, casings, placing materials, and any other work required to
perform the work as specified herein.




Common Bricks - For Wall Finishing. The bricks for wall finishing shall be in accordance
with item (C-050304 - Bricks).


Brick masonry shall be constructed with hollow or solid bricks or with burnt cellular
blocks, as specified below, and shall comply with the dimensions and alignments shown
in the drawings.


Thicknesses shown in the drawings are relative to finished walls. Maximum tolerance
from design thickness shall be 2 cm.


If the size of the bricks will effect changes in the thickness of walls, drawings must be
modified to show such changes, after approval by the ENGINEER.


Bricks shall be moistened before being used.

Mortar batching formula 1:1:9 (cement:lime:medium size sand) shall be used in laying
hollow or solid bricks.


Mort batching formula 1:2:7 (cement:lime:medium size sand) shall be used in laying
cellular bricks.


Recently finished masonry shall be protected from the rain.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


When the temperature is very high and relative humidity very low, bricks shall be frequently
moistened, in order to prevent evaporation.


Soaked bricks or bricks which have been in the rain shall not be laid, in order to avoid a
chemical reaction between the sulfates contained in the bricks and the alkalis in the
cement, which would result in undesirable efflorescence.


Courses shall be perfectly leveled, aligned and plumb. Maximum thickness of joints shall
be 15 mm; joints shall be sunk with a jointing tool or a trowel, so that the plaster
adheres well to the bricks.


Brick perforations shall run the length of the wall and never across it.


Metal or hardwood cases shall be used for fixing striker plates and base boards. Cases
shall be canted or coated with waterproofing material.


Peroba blocks, or blocks made of similar wood, shall be used for fixing frames, fittings
or base boards.


If there is an overlap of brick masonry and concrete surfaces, both surfaces shall be
covered with cement and sand mortar, so as to roughen the surfaces and assure adequate
adherence between them.


All parapets, ramps and low masonry walls shall be strengthened by means of a reinforced
concrete band.


Joining of the masonry and reinforced concrete columns shall be assured not only by a
rough layer of cement and sand mortar but also by anchors made of round steel bars
installed before placement of the concrete.


Reinforced concrete lintels shall be placed over window and door openings.


Sealing walls with no structural function shall be pressed against the ceiling slab by
means of a course of bricks laid at an angle. The pressing can only be done eight days
after the conclusion of each wall section.


The function of the sills under window openings is to uniformly distribute the loads
concentrated on the lower masonry. The absence of sills will cause cracks in the masonry
and in the finishing material.


Masonry work which is to receive metal anchor bolts shall be constructed with solid


Special Brick Masonry - For Facing


Special brick masonry shall comply with all specifications set forth in the previous item,
as applicable.


Mortar batching 1:2:5 (cement:lime:medium size sand) shall be used for laying special
bricks for facing.


Courses shall be leveled, aligned and plumb.


If bricks have small variations in size, the wall shall be made plumb on one of the sides
and the other side shall show the irregularities due to different brick sizes. This operation

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

is called facing. External walls shall always be faced on the outside, except when
otherwise determined by the ENGINEER.

In order to avoid difficulties in cleaning masonry or damage thereto, all excess and
spilled mortar shall be removed from the surface of the bricks before it hardens.


Except when otherwise determined, all joints shall be 7 mm thick.


Joints shall be filled with the common or white Portland cement paste, and smoothened
so that their surface shows small, shallow and continuous grooves. 2.8 Joints shall be
sunk uniformly by 1 cm, by means of a template, before the mortar thickens.


Concrete in sills and lintels shall not show on the facade and, therefore, they shall be set
back approximately half a brick.


The visible face of the bricks shall be cleaned before the mortar hardens.


Bricks shall be thoroughly moistened before being used.


All bricks shall belong to a single lot; have flat surfaces; be adequately molded, as
established above; have homogeneous texture; be resistent; and comply with EB-20.
Samples from each lot of bricks shall be submitted to the ENGINEER, for approval.


For adequate adherence of bricks to concrete surfaces, the concrete surfaces shall be
covered with a cement and sand mortar layer, including the lower face of beams.


Hollow Elements


Ceramic Hollow Elements. As established above for Special Brick Masonry - For Facing,
when applicable.


Asbestos Cement. As established in the previous item, when applicable. The batching
formula of the mortar used in laying the element shall be 1:4 (cement:medium size




Special care shall be taken in constructing panels with hollow concrete elements;
specialized personnel shall be used for this work.
Mortar batching formula 1:1 (cement:medium size sand) shall be used in laying
these blocks.
In order to avoid difficulties in cleaning masonry or damage thereto, all excess and
spilled mortar shall be removed from the surface of the blocks before it hardens.
Hollow elements shall be carefully laid, using a plumb string line.
Courses shall be straight and leveled with the use of a circular spirit level.
The first course shall receive a coating of asphalt emulsion, under the bed of
Except when otherwise determined, hollow elements shall be layed in a grid, with
the joints of the different courses along the same plumb line.
For the hollow elements, no warping, differences of level, or being out of plumb
shall be allowed. Sinuosity of the vertical or horizontal joints shall also not be

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Standard Technical Specifications

Where required, expansion joints shall be constructed with appropriate material

(asphalt, bituminous mastic, glass wool, or neoprene).

Joints shall be pointed with the end of a trowel or a special tool before the mortar
hardens; they should be sufficiently deep, after pointing, so that the edges of the
hollow elements are exposed and sharp.
The joints shall later be filled with common or white cement paste, slightly sunk or
cut with a masons jointer or a jointing tool and smoothened so that their surface
shows continuous, concave, shallow grooves.
Except when otherwise indicated, joints shall have a minimum width of 6 mm.


Mortared Stone. The construction of masonry in mortared stone shall be performed as

indicated in the drawings, in these Specifications and/or as determined by the ENGINEER.
The masonry shall be constructed in layers, horizontally supported, with the required
interlocking, forming a solid block, without voids. The first course shall consist of large
stones, carefully selected, laid over a lean concrete bed when in contact with soil or
rock. Exposed surfaces shall be well finished and without protrusions.
Stone shall be sound, dense and durable.
To the extent possible, stones shall be flat and cubic in shape.
Mortar batching formula 1:3 (cement:medium size sand) shall be used in joining the


Measurement and Payment. Masonry shall be measured in square meters of surface,

after deducting areas of more than 1.7 m2; areas under 1.7 m2 will not be deducted.
Structural columns with dimensions exceeding 40 cm (in cross section) as well as beams,
located within the masonry structure, shall be deducted.
Payment of masonry work shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the applicable unit
price indicated in the Bidding Schedule. Unit prices shall include the cost of supplying all
materials and equipment required; storage; transportation to the work site; placing; and
any other operation required to perform the work as specified herein.




Clay Bricks


General. Clay bricks shall be hollow, prime quality, adequately baked, light, hard, resounding,
of uniform dimensions, and non-vitrified. Surfaces shall be flat with sharp edges. Specific
porosity shall be less than 20%.


When tapped, bricks shall give a clear sound, which is characteristic of well baked bricks.


Bricks shall not contain pieces of stone, voids, excess sand, or other foreign matter.
Bricks shall be easily cut with a trowel, and fractures shall be flat and only slightly irregular
(showing homogeneity). The broken surface shall contain fine and tightly packed grains
and shall be uniformly colored from core to surface.


Lots with bricks of variable dimensions or weights, or with many broken units, will not be

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Hollow Bricks
Characteristics. Hollow clay bricks shall comply with ABNT standards NBR-6461 (MB-53)
and - 7171 (EB-20), except items 6 and 7 and the dimensions in item 2. Minimum
compressive strengths - in kgf/cm2 - contained in item 10 of the forementioned standard,
shall be as follows: 45, 30 and 5 for types 1, 2 and 3, in Table 1.


Solid Bricks


Characteristics. Solid clay bricks shall comply with ABNT standards NBR-6460 (MB-52)
and -7170 (EB-19) for type 2, except items 3, 4 and 7.


Cellular Concrete Bricks


Composition. Cellular concrete in plates or blocks shall be autoclaved cellular concrete,

so as to guarantee stable dimensions.


Concrete Mix Design. Mix formulas shall be selected for each specific set of physical
properties required. Trial mixing shall be performed on the basis of laboratory batching
formulas, that should be adjusted for practical concrete mixing under field conditions.
Five methods are acceptable for determining the mix design for cellular concrete:


Absolute Volume Method. The principle involved is that mortar volume is the sum total
of the volumes of cement, fine aggregate, water and entrained air. This mortar volume
shall be sufficient to fill the void spaces of an aggregate volume which is light, dry and
compact, plus an additional volume to provide satisfactory workability. The mix design
shall comply with ACI-613-54 standards (American Concrete Institute).


Volumetric Method. The volumetric method consists of a trial mix using estimated volumes
of cement, fine and coarse aggregates, using sufficient water to provide the required
slump. The method shall comply with ACI 211 standards.


Specific Weight Factor Method. The method shall comply with ACI 613-A-59 standards.
A trial mix shall be prepared as indicated in item 1.3.2. and tests shall be carried out as


Specific Weight Factor Method. This method is based on the use of the pynometer as
specified in ACI 613-A-59. The method determines, with precision, a specific weight
factor by means of a pynometer analyses of aggregates, and relates that factor to the
moisture content of the aggregate at the time it is mixed.


Weight Method. This method takes into account that the total weight of all components
in a mixture is equal to the total weight of that mixture. If the weight of a given concrete,
per unit of volume, containing a particular aggregate, is estimated and the cement and
water weights, for the same unit of volume, are known, the weight of the aggregates in
that volume may be determined by subtracting one from the other.


Wooden Bricks


General Characteristics. Wooden bricks shall be hardwood bricks, treated with a

pentachlorophenol based product.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Refractory Bricks


General Characteristics. Refractory bricks shall be silicon-aluminum bricks, acid resistant,

silicon and silicon carbide insulated.
Calcium Silicate Bricks


General Characteristics. Calcium silicate bricks shall have high compressive strength
and shall be manufactured in compliance with DIN standard 106.


Expanded Vermiculite Bricks


General Characteristics. Expanded vermiculite is a hydrated magnesium, aluminum and

iron silicate material. The quality of bricks produced with this material shall be in accordance
with the appllicable ABNT standards.


Glass Bricks


General Characteristics. Glass bricks shall be molded into a single, extraclear, glass piece.

Glass shall be translucent but not transparent.


Measurement and Payment. Measurement and payment for brick and materials shall be
in accordance with item (C-050302 - Masonry).






Pavements shall be constructed only after all the pipe to be laid under it has been
completed and, when applicable, after the drainage system has been installed.


For the purpose of this Specification, pavement shall consist of a subgrade, a sub-base,
a base, and the pavement or paving.


The mortar for laying ceramic bricks shall not contain lime, since the soil humidity will
react with the lime and produce white stains on the surface of the ceramic pieces.


Highly adhesive mixtures shall be prefered for laying bricks.


Pavements in laundry areas or areas subjected to rain shall have sufficient slope to
permit fast drainage of water into gratings. Slope shall always exceed 0.5%.


Surfaces to be paved shall be adequately leveled and compacted.


Concrete paving shall have a smooth or rough finish, as specified in the drawings.


Asphalt Pavements. As specified in the drawings.


Ceramic Pavements


Ceramic pavements shall be laid so that joints are perfectly aligned and have minimum
thickness, unless otherwise indicated.


Bricks shall be laid by means of mortar with a volumetric batch formula of l:2:3
(cement:sand:smooth, medium size gravel). If gravel is not available, the batching formula

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

shall be l:5 (cement:medium size sand). Highly adhesive mixtures shall be prefered for
laying bricks.

Pavements shall be carefully cleaned before the joint mortar hardens.


After the mortar begins to harden, the laying of the pavement shall be verified by
tapping the bricks and substituting any piece not adequately secured.


In areas with flat slopes - minimum slope = 0.3% - paved with bricks, no deviations in
the slope from preestablished slopes shall be allowed, nor bulges exceeding l cm in 5 m,
that is, 0.2%.


Except when otherwise specified, joints shall not exceed 2 mm for bricks larger than
200 x 300 mm or with areas larger than 400 cm2, or 1.2 mm for bricks smaller than
200 x 300 mm.


Unreinforced Concrete and Mortar


Concrete Base


Surfaces to be finished with portuguese mosaic work, bricks, cement-mortar or with

similar materials, except slabs, patios and driveways, shall have unreinforced concrete


The subgrade shall be compacted as indicated in the drawings.


Concrete bases shall consist of plain concrete, with a volumetric batching formula of
l:2:4 (cement:sand:crushed stone).


Minimum concrete base thickness shall be 6 cm in areas subject to light, rolling, or

sliding traffic loads.


The minimum thickness of the concrete base in areas with heavy industrial traffic,
subjected to blows or impacts, shall be 12 cm.


Under special circumstances, the dimensions of concrete base and sub-base will require
a specific design that takes into account the possibility of a subgrade.




To the extent possible, the cement-mortar finish shall be obtained by simple leveling,
floating and moderately troweling the concrete base, while the concrete is still plastic.


If it is impossible to construct the cement-mortar finish and respective base in one

operation, the surface of the base shall be thoroughly cleaned and abundantly washed
immediately prior to placing the cement mortar finish. The cement-mortar shall have a
volumetric batching formula of 1:3 (cement:sand).


Except when otherwise specified, the cement-mortar surface shall be divided into panels,
by means of grooves or construction joints that reach the concrete base.
The sides of panels shall not exceed 2 m. 4.2.5 Joints shall be arranged in a simple
design; alternating joints and intersections with acute angles shall be avoided.


Cement-mortar surfaces shall be carefully cured and, therefore, the surfaces shall be
kept permanentely moist for seven days after placement.

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Standard Technical Specifications


The cement-mortar finish shall have a thickness of approximately 20 cm with the thickness
at any point not less than 10 cm.


Precast Concrete Blocks

Pavements of precast concrete blocks shall consist of unreinforced concrete slabs, with
the thickness indicated in the drawings.


The depth of the form in which the concrete blocks are cast shall be equal to the
thickness of the concrete blocks.


The dimensions and arrangement of concrete blocks shall be specified, for each particular
case, in the respective detailed drawing; concrete block sides shall not be less than l50


Joints between concrete blocks shall be at least l0 mm wide and shall be filled with
asphalt, broken stones, soil for planting grass, wooden laths, etc., as indicated in the


Wooden laths placed in the joints may also serve as the mold for the concrete.


Wooden laths shall be joined without overlapping, by simple splicing of the ends.


Continous joints, whether longitudinal or transversal, shall be reticulated; alternating

joints shall not be allowed.


Joints shall be cut avoiding acute angles.


Before placing the concrete, base and wooden laths shall be slightly moistened.


Concrete shall be finished with a special wooden float. Any spaces near the mold shall
be filled and excess material removed with a bricklayer trowel.


A common bricklayer float shall be used for smoothing the concrete where required.


As required, concrete blocks shall have a slight slope, not less than 0.7%.


Concrete Base


For the purpose of these Specifications, concrete base is the layer under the paved
area, including the wall thickness, whose purpose is to prevent water from penetrating
into the buiding, particularly through capillary action. The concrete base shall comply
with ABNT standard NB-279.


The concrete base shall be composed of concrete, with a volumetric batching formula
of l:2:4 (cement:sand:crushed stone), to which a liquid plasticizer, whose physicalchemical action increases the waterproofing properties of the product by reducing capillary
action, is added to the mixing water. The concrete base shall be at least 6 cm thick.


Plasticizer content shall vary between 0.2% and 0.5% of the weight of cement.
Placement of concrete to which a plasticizer has been added shall be a continous and
uninterrupted operation.


In the event placement of concrete must be interrupted, a work plan shall be developed
so that construction joints are located where the waterproofing of the construction is
not affected.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


After the concrete has set and before it has hardened, the surface shall be thoroughly
brushed, so as to remove the cement film, exposing larger aggregate.


Before placing new concrete, the surface of the hardened concrete shall be cleaned and


Elastomer/Rubber Paving Tiles


Elastomer tile pavements shall be constructed over a cement paving base and shall be
perfectly smooth.


Elastomer tiles shall be laid by means of an appropriate rubber-base adhesive product.


The rubber pavement base shall be level and free from any cracks, holes, depressions,
or other irregularities.


Special care shall be taken to verify that the base is totally dry before laying the tiles.


The adhesive shall be applied to both the base and the lower surface of the rubber tiles.


One liter of adhesive shall be used for every 1.4 to 1.7 m2 of flooring. Care shall be
taken not to apply an excessive amount of adhesive.


The adhesive shall be applied to approximately 0.9 to 1.0 m2 of floor at a time; the
adhesive shall be allowed to dry until it becomes sufficiently viscous. 5.8 Tiles shall only
be laid after drying of the adhesive for 30 minutes and provided both surfaces are
sufficiently tacky; tiles shall be tapped with a rubber hammer in order to improve


Wooden Floors


Simple Parquet Blocks


Parquet block floors shall comply with the specifications for first class flooring set forth
in ABNT standards NB-9 and NBR-645l (NB-l4).


Parquet blocks shall be carefully selected so that pavement has a uniform appearance.


There shall be no interruption in the design of parquet floors of adjacent areas with the
same floor finish specifications.


Only one species of wood shall be used in each pavement and in adjacent areas. Only
whole parquet blocks shall be used. Parquet blocks shall be distributed so that the
flooring has an even mix of blocks, without any groups of lighter or darker blocks.


Parquet blocks shall be laid over mortar with a batching formula of l:2:3 (cement:fine
sand:smooth gravel), as set forth in the forementioned NB-9 standard.


Parquet blocks shall be laid by specialized workers (parquet layer).


A 10 mm expansion joint shall be left next to the walls; the joint shall not be visible but
shall be covered by the baseboard or the adjacent wall finish.


Parquet blocks shall be softly tapped with a rubber hammer (mallet), in order to obtain
full adherence to the base.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


No traffic shall be allowed over parquet floors for 24 hours after being laid, even over
Wooden floors shall be sanded, caulked and waxed, or coated with synthetic resin, as
indicated in the drawings.


Tongue-and-Groove Parquet Blocks


Tongue-and-groove parquet blocks shall be laid over a slightly rough cement paving


Parquet blocks shall have a specical cross-section for the fitting together of tongue and
grooves, and the blocks and the finished floor shall comply with the applicable standards
for first class floors set forth in NB-9. 6.2.3 Parquet floors shall have flat, dressed and
perfectly even surfaces.


The tongue projection shall be slightly smaller than the depth of the groove; both shall
be trapezoidal in cross section. Blocks shall fit perfectly and the joint on the top surface
shall be practically invisible.


Parquet blocks shall be laid dry, with the use of special glue of proven efficiency,
recommended by the manufacturer, and whose composition shall be submitted to the
ENGINEER for approval.


Parquet blocks shall be softly tapped with a rubber hammer (mallet), in order to obtain
total adherence and evenness. Dry and clean conditions shall be required for laying
tongue-and-groove parquet blocks.


Parquet blocks shall be sanded with care, in order to produce flat and smooth surfaces,
without any blemishes.


Parquet blocks shall be machine sanded, in the following order: with coarse sandpaper,
no. l6; with medium sandpaper, no. 40 or 50; and fine sandpaper, no. l00, in succession.


No chemical product shall be used for cleaning wooden floors.


Measurement and Payment. Measurement of pavements and/or floors shall be made in

square meters of the area effectively paved, in accordance with the dimensions shown
on the drawings, with reductions for boxes, openings, or other areas not paved or
Only areas effectively paved, covered and accepted by the ENGINEER will be measured.
Payment shall be made at the corresponding unit price contained in the Bidding Schedule,
which price shall include the cost of furnishing, transporting, storing, preparing and
placing the materials, as well as all labor and incidental expenses relating to the work.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


General. Ceiling support structures shall receive a fire-resistant coating, except when
otherwise stipulated.
Pieces shall be handled with care, so as not to damage their finish.


Types of Ceilings


Metallic Ceilings - (aluminum or steel).

Metallic ceilings shall be contructed of aluminum or steel sheets.
Metallic ceiling installation shall strictly comply with manufacturers
recommendations and with Supplementary Specifications.


Wooden Ceilings
Wooden panels shall constructed of kiln-dried, solid wood moldings of the tongueand-groove type.
Wooden panels shall be applied in flat laths, fastened directly to the roof, at 50
cm intervals.
Wooden panels for lowering ceilings shall be secured to 5" x 2" beams, fastened
to the walls by means of angle irons, at the height indicated in the drawings, at 50
cm intervals.
Panels shall be fastened by means of clamps, inset among the moldings.


Measurement and Payment. Ceilings shall be measured in square meter of ceiling installed,
based on the design dimensions and/or as determined by the ENGINEER.
Payment for ceilings shall be made at the applicable unit prices indicated in the Bidding
Unit prices shall include the cost of supplying, transporting, storing and installing all
materials, including all pieces and accessories required to perform the work as specified


General. All roofing woodwork shall be executed using hardwood, at least two years
old, unburnt, without sapwood, woodworms, borers, or knots, cracks or splits that
might lower its durability, strength or appearance. Roofing woodwork shall comply with
The wood structure and slabs or beams shall be adequately connected so as to avoid
separation of the roof by the wind.


The construction of the roof - woodwork and tiling - shall comply with the design and
detailed drawings furnished by the CLIENT or, if unavailable, with a specific design
prepared by the CONTRACTOR and previously approved by the CLIENT.


Wood shall comply with the applicable ABNT standards.


The tiling design shall comply with NBR-6120 (NB-5) and NBR-6123 (NB-599), as

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Standard Technical Specifications


Except when otherwise indicated, the whole strucure shall be treated with synthetic
resins, pentachlorophenol and iron naphthanate, combined with plastic water-repellent
products, easily applied by means of brush, spray-gun or by immersion.


When asbestos cement tiles, self-supporting steel tiles or ribbed wood tiles are used for
tiling, the CONTRACTOR shall strictly follow, in every detail, the instructions from the
All traffic during tiling operations shall be over planks and never over the tiles.


The caulking product used in waterproofing shall be permanently flexible, have good
adherence and be resistant to water and to weathering.


The intersections between roofs and walls shall be protected by cover strips, either
horizontal or following the slope of the roof, as specified in the drawings.


Cover strips may be metallic or constituted by an upward concrete parapet, integral

with the vertical facing and not common with the tiles.


Concrete cover strips shall be adequately waterproofed.


Cover strips shall be big enough to adequately cover the intersection between tiles and


Tiling placed against the vertical parapet cover strip shall have a concave downward
profile against the vertical face and not concave upward. 1.13 The thickness and
dimensions of cover strips shall be indicated in the drawings.


With Self-Supporting Tiling


Aluminum Tiling


Tile size shall vary depending on the span to be covered, which should be preferably
covered by a single tile piece, in order to avoid the need for a transverse joint.
In order to assure adequate draining of water, roofs shall have a minimum slope of
10 degrees (17.6%).
Longitudinal overlaps shall be one and a half corrugations; the upper part of the
overlap shall be in the direction of prevailing winds.
Transverse overlaps shall be 150 mm, for slopes exceeding 10 degrees (17.6%),
and 200 mm, for slopes equal to 10 degrees (17.6%).
Plates shall be placed from the eaves toward the ridge and mounted in the opposite
direction from prevailing winds.
Longitudinally, the maximum spacing between fastening pieces shall be 1000
Transversely, the maximum spacing between fastening pieces shall be two
The locations of the fastening pieces shall always be at the top of the corrugation.
Aluminum fastening pieces shall be preferred. Steel fastening pieces shall be of
galvanized steel and comply with standard ABNT-MB-25 (NBR-7397, 7398, 7399
and 7400).
No copper or copper alloy fastening pieces shall be allowed.
Transverse fastening shall be executed with aluminum screws.
Tile holes shall exceed screw diameter by no more than 0.8 mm. Minimum distance
from the edge of the tile to the hole shall be 40 mm.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Longitudinal fastening shall be executed with aluminum screws.

Roofs shall be finished with simple ridges, shed ridges, cover and counter-cover
Accessories of the cover strips counter-type with external top finish shall be

Galvanized Steel Tiling


Woodwork. Woodwork shall consist of support pieces for fastening the tiles, except
when otherwise indicated in the drawings or in the Specifications. The woodwork
structure shall be as indicated in the drawings.


Roofing pieces shall have two corrugations, so as to assure the stability of the
tiles, particularly when subject to torsion during installation. .In order to avoid
joints, pieces shall preferably be the size of the span to be covered.
Roofing pieces shall be formed from galvanized steel sheets.
Sheets shall be stamped and welded from the top. Weld areas shall be cold
galvanized again, in order to assure the durability of the product.
When roofing pieces are to be supported on concrete, steel rods with embedded
hooks shall be placed in the concrete at the time the beams are constructed. A
steel section shaped to fit the profile of the roofing piece shall be welded to these
rods to form a cradle to support the roofing pieces.
Roofing pieces shall be anchored by welding the lower corrugation to the cradle.


Asbestos Cement Tiling


Installation of the tiles requires strict compliance with the instructions furnished by the
manufacturers of the tile specified in the drawings.


Woodwork. Woodwork shall consist only of support pieces for fastening the tiles, except
when otherwise indicated in the drawings or in the Specifications. The woodwork support
structure shall be as indicated in the drawings.


Tiling. Asbestos cement tiles and accessory pieces shall comply with the pertinent
ABNT standards, particularly with NBR-7581, NBR-6468, NBR-5642, and NBR-6470.
Tile size shall depend on the span to be covered, which should be preferably
covered by a single piece, in order to avoid overlapping of tiles.
No intermediate supports shall be allowed when a single tile piece is used over a
In order to obtain better watertightness, minimum slope for a single tile piece shall
be 3%, and 9% when pieces overlap.
Plates shall be placed from the eaves toward the ridge and mounted in the opposite
direction from prevailing winds.
Fastening pieces shall always be placed at the top of the corrugation.
Aluminum fastening pieces shall be preferred.
Steel fastening pieces shall be of galvanized steel.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Ribbed Tile Roofing


Asbestos Cement Tiling


Woodwork structure shall consist of ridge beams, purlins, rafters, and crossbars,
with their respective supporting pieces.
Except when otherwise indicated in the design or in the specifications, woodwork
shall comply with the following specifications: Ridge beams shall measure 76 x
114 mm in cross-section and shall be arranged symmetrically with regard to the
ridge line.
Purlins and rafters shall measure 76 x 114 mm in cross-section; lumber 76 x
76 mm may also be used as rafters.
Crossbars shall measure 76 x 114 mm in cross-section and the 114 mm side
shall be placed across the purlin, in order to provide a mortise joint between
the two pieces.
Crossbar support pieces shall measure 76 x 114 mm in cross-section and be
500 mm long.
Crossbars shall be aligned in the direction of the ridge beams and purlins;
maximum allowed distance between them shall not exceed 2.5 m.
Joints in ridge beams and purlins shall coincide with supports, in order to
assure more safety, solidarity and rigidity of the joint.
Roof hips and valleys shall be constructed similarly to ridges, that is, two 76
x 114 mm pieces arranged symmetrically with regard to the axis.


Tiling. Except when otherwise indicated, tiling shall comply with the following
Transverse overlap shall be 140 mm, for slopes equal to or greater than 26.8%,
and 200 mm, for slopes varying from 17.6% to 26.8%.
Lateral overlap shall be approximately 1/4 of the undulation, for slopes equal to or
greater than 17%. Roofs subjected to unfavorable wind conditions shall have a
lateral plate overlap of 1 1/4 undulations.
The overhang of eave tiles shall comply with the following criteria:
Eaves without gutters: from 250 mm to 400 mm;
Eaves with gutters: from 100 mm to 250 mm.
At least 50 mm of the length of the tiles shall be supported by the purlins.
Tiles shall be fastened with flat hooks.
Tiles shall be placed from the eaves toward the ridge, perpendicularly to the
purlins, and mounted in the opposite direction from prevailing winds.
In order to avoid the overlaping of four plate thicknesses, the corners of two
plates shall be cut, according to the hypotenuse of a triangle whose sides are
equal to the lateral and longitudinal overlaps, respectively.
Ventilation tiles and chimney hats shall be used for allowing pipes through the
roof, even if it is necessary to deviate them from their vertical alignment. Pipes
shall be contained in this manner, thus eliminating any joint on the plates surface.
Articulated ridges with ventilation shall be used; ridges shall be fastened by means
of screws with lead washer rings.
Roof hips and valleys shall consist of asbestos cement pieces.
Installation of the tiles shall be in strict compliance with the instructions furnished
by the manufacturers of the tile specified in the drawings.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Ceramic Tile Roofing




Woodwork structure shall consist of trusses, ridge beams, purlins, rafters, crossbars,
hip beams, laths, and respective support pieces. The woodwork structure shall be
constructed as shown on the drawings or as approved by the ENGINEER.


Minimum slope shall be 32.4%.


Joints shall coincide with supports, over the truss plates or over crossbars, so as to
assure the safety, solidarity and rigidity of the joint.
Unless otherwise indicated, all main joints and connections shall be strengthened with a
steel plate, which will be fastened with adequate bolts and nuts.




Colonial Tiling. Lower tiles, or canal tiles, shall be convex, with a flat notched edge
parallel to the laths. The notched edge shall rest over the laths and, thus, avoid oscilla
tions and slipping of tiles.
The same tiles, placed with the convex face upward, shall be used as ridges and hips;
joints shall be made with mortar with a volumetric batching formula of 1:0.25:4


French Tiling. Tiles shall have a small projection for support from the lath work, in order
to avoid slippage.
Tiles shall be placed beginning at the eaves and from left to right.
Ridges and hips shall be finished with curved or special tiles; joints shall be made with
mortar with a volumetric batching formula of 1:0.25:4 (cement:lime:sand).


Measurement and Payment. Roofing shall be measured in square meters of the surface
effectively covered.
Payment for roofing shall be made at the applicable unit price indicated in the Bidding
Schedule. Unit prices shall include the cost of supplying and placing all materails, such
as tiles, woodwork, etc., as well as all pieces and accessories, including treatment of
the wood, required to perform the work as specified herein.






Waterproofing shall strictly comply with ABNT standards, particularly NB-279, and this


For the purpose of these Specifications, waterproofing is the use of waterproofing

products and other materials for the protection of structures from the penetration of
water. Thus, the impermeability of the waterproofing materials is one basic consideration
to be satisfied. Also, the construction will continue to be waterproof even if small
cracks or structural changes occur, provided such deformations are normal, foreseeable
and do not result from accidents or large deformations.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Persons or workers not directly involved in waterproofing work shall not be allowed on
the site while the work is under way.


Special measures shall be taken against intoxication and fires due to gases resulting
from bituminous or elastomer waterproofing work in enclosed environments - water
tanks, basements, small toilet facilities, etc. which must be sufficiently ventilated. No
fires, smoking, etc, shall be allowed in such environments. Workers shall use special
masks and the eletrical equipment used shall not cause sparks, whether in the lamps or
on the wires.
Whenever local conditions or circumstances recommend the use of a system other than
that foreseen in the design, the ENGINEER shall be notified and the most adequate
system shall be used, after approval from the ENGINEER.
Work shall be executed and controlled by specialized personnel. All work shall be


The specifications for the type of waterproofing used in each case shall be prepared by
the CONTRACTOR and submitted to the ENGINEER for approval.


The most adequate type of waterproofing shall be determined on the basis of the type
of exposure to water. There are three types of waterproofing, depending on the exposure,
as follows:
Waterproofing against water under pressure;
Waterproofing against percolating water;
Waterproofing against soil moisture.


Measurement and Payment. Waterproofing shall be measured in square meter of

effectively waterproofed area.
Payment of waterproofing shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the applicable unit
price indicated in the Bidding Schedule. The unit price shall include the cost of supplying,
storing and transportating all materials; of preparing surfaces to receive the waterproofing
products; and of supplying all labor and equipament required to perform the work as
specified herein.






Wooden frames for doors, windows, closets, counters, garniture, guard rails, etc., shall
strictly comply with pertinent drawings and as specified below.


Pieces with any evidence of warping, displacement, cracks, splits, unevenness or other
flaws of the wood shall be rejected.


Joinings shall be mortise-and-tenon joints, with an expansion wedge to assure greater

rigidity of the joint.


Final finish of doors shall be specified for each case.


Wooden frames shall be fastened to inlaid blocks by means of Ec-brass screws, 6" x 2
1/4" (ABNT NB-45 terminology). At least eight screws shall be used for each common

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Special care shall be given to fixture finishings with baseboards and/or finish of adjacent
walls. Whenever necessary, detailed drawings of such finishings shall be made and
submitted to the ENGINEER for approval.


Wooden frames for glazing shall comply with ABNT Standard NBR-7199 (NB-226).


Although NBR-7199 (NB-226) accepts the use of downward-opening window frames,

their use will not be allowed under this Specification.
All glazed areas exposed to the weather shall be submitted to watertightnees tests, by
means of a water jet from a pressurized hose.


Glass panes shall be installed by using one of following systems:


Wooden baguettes and caulking product with an elastomer base, preferably silicone,
which demonstrates adherence to glass and wood.


Elastomeric compression gasket, in rigid profile, preferably neoprene, with a filling strip.


Wooden baguettes and elastomer gaskets.


When baguettes and a caulking product are used, glass panes shall be installed over
elastomer packing, preferably neoprene, compling with NBR-7199 (NB-226), as regards
dimensions and positioning.


No plywood shall be allowed for outer doors.


Only countersunk screws shall be used in frames. Countersink holes shall be appropriately
finished with a bushing of the same wood as the frame and adequately sanded in order
to appear as a continuous surface.


The bottom of inner W.C door frames shall not reach the floor but shall extend only to
the top of the waterproof baseboard, so as to avoid contact with cleaning water.


Frames shall be made of finished hardwood.


The width of inner door frames shall always be equal to the wall thickness.


Frames to be painted shall be protected with a coating of linseed oil and only be installed
after the adjacent masonry work is concluded.


Garniture shall be of shaped and finished hardwood.


The same wood used in wax-finish frames shall be used for garniture.


Door leaves may be solid, with panels, plywood or hollow-core, as specified in the


Dimensions of frames, garniture, doors, windows, etc. shall strictly comply with the


Measurement and Payment. Wooden frames shall be measured on the basis of square
meters of actually installed wooden frames, as indicated in the drawings.
Payment of wooden frames shall be made at the applicable unit prices indicated in the
Bidding Schedule. Unit prices shall include the cost of supplying, transporting, storing

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

and installing all materials, including hardware, as well as the labor and equipment
required to perform the work as specified herein.





Metallic frames for doors, windows, closets, counters, garniture, guard rails, etc., shall
be executed in strict compliance with the drawings and these Specifications. Ordinary
and special metal work shall be performed in a professional manner by qualified workers.


Material shall be new, clean, straight, and flawless.


The CONTRACTOR shall prepare, on the basis of the drawings, all detailed construction
drawings and submit them to the ENGINEER for approval.


Cross sections of the materials shall strictly comply with the drawings and the samples
submitted to the ENGINEER for approval.


Door and window frames shall only be installed after approval by the ENGINEER.


After assembly, all door and window frames shall be marked clearly, in order to be easily
identified and installed in the appropriate places.


The CONTRACTOR shall install door and window frames in the appropriate places,
including sealing the respective anchor bolts and frames in place.


If design drawings do not provide clear enough indications as to the location of the
handle of tilting windows, the CONTRACTOR shall request, sufficiently in advance, all
necessary clarifications from the ENGINEER.


After door and windows are installed, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the
plumbing and leveling of door and window frames and for their functioning.


Door and window frames shall never be forced open when out of alignment.


Anchor bolts shall be solidly fastened to the masonry or concrete by grout firmly
introduced into the bolt holes.


Special care shall be taken so that assemblies are not deformed when screwed to the
anchor bolts and/or frames.


Moveable parts of door and window frames shall have drip stops - both horizontally and
vertically - in order to assure watertightness and avoid the penetration of rain into the


Metallic frames to be glazed shall comply with ABNT Standard NBR-7199 (NB-226).


All glazed areas in the metallic frames shall be tested for watertightness by means of a
water jet from a pressurized hose.
Glass panes shall be installed by using one of the following systems:


Baguette of the same material as the frame, together with a elastomer-base caulking
product, preferably silicone, which provenly demonstrates adherence to glass and metal

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Standard Technical Specifications


Elastomeric compression gasket, in rigid profile, preferably neoprene, with a filling strip.


When baguettes and a caulking product are used, glass panes shall be installed over an
elastomer packing, preferably neoprene, complying with ABNT Standard NBR-7199 (NB226), as regards dimensions and positioning.


Ordinary Steel or Iron Frames


Frames shall be squared and all welded angles and splices shall be ground or filed
smooth, so that no burrs or sharp edges are left after the welding procedure.


All rivet or bolt holes shall reamed and any roughness filed smooth. Holes made at the
work site shall be drilled and not punched.


Small differences in size between rivet or bolt holes, when not evident, may be corrected
by means of a boring drill or scraper. Forcing hole alignment or the use round files will
not be permitted.


All junctions shall have intermediate points of anchorage - at maximum 100 mm intervals,
and at the ends.


All dismountable pieces shall be fastened with yellow brass bolts, if they are to painted,
and with chromium - or nickel-plated brass bolts, otherwise.


Cross section shapes shall be ground to standardized sections with consistently equal


Cross section shapes shall provide complete watertightness of the window and door


In the fabrication of door and window frames, elements made up of more than one
single shape, whether welded or joined by any other means, shall not be used.


Sections and sheets to be used in making the frames shall be submitted to a preliminary
anti-rust treatment.


Measurement and Payment. Metallic frames shall be measured on the basis of square
meters of actually installed metallic frames, as indicated in the drawings.
Payment of metallic frames shall be made at the applicable unit price indicated in the
Bidding Schedule. Unit prices shall include the cost of supplying all materials including
hardware, as well as the labor and equipment required to perform the work as specified




Common Flat Glass


Glazing work shall comply with ABNT Standard NBR-7199 (NB-226), with detailed
drawings and with these Specifications.


Glazing work shall comply with the applicable requirement in items (C-050318 - Wooden
Frames) and (C-050320 - Metalic Frames).

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Glass panes shall preferably be supplied in the appropriate size: cutting glass at the
work site shall be avoided.
Cuts shall be emery ground, so that edges are smooth and without irregularities. The
use of glass panes with jagged edges is strictly forbidden.


For safety reasons, glazing areas should be cordoned off to all traffic: if access to such
areas cannot be controlled, they shall be adequately protected.


Glass with bubbles, undulations, scratches, or any other defect shall not be accepted.


Glass panes shall be set over plastic glazing compound, neoprene strip, or equivalent, as
required for each type of glass or frame.


Glass panes set over putty only shall not be accepted.


Frame recesses for holding glass panes shall be cleaned and sanded before glass in set
into them.


Glass shall be set before the final coat of paint is applied.


The thickness of flat glass shall depend on the half-perimeter of the opening to be
glazed: minimum values shall be as follows:

Glass Thickness

Up to 1.5 m

3 mm

From 1.5 to 2.5 m

4 mm

From 2.5 to 3.5 m

5 mm


Measurement and Payment. Glass shall be measured on the basis of square meters of
actually glazed area, by glass type and thickness, except when otherwise indicated.
Payment of glass shall be made at the applicable unit price indicated in the Bidding
Schedule. The unit price shall include the cost of supplying all materials, labor and
equipment required to perform the work as specified herein.






Hardware for wooden and metalic door and window frames, closets, counters, etc.,
shall be new, flawless and in perfect working condition.


Hardware shall be of chromium-plated brass, dull or polished finish, as specified for

each case; hardware that includes choromium-plated iron parts shall also be acceptable,
when specified.


Hardware shall be installed with care. Recesses or mortises for hinges, locks, end plates,
etc., shall have the same shape as the hardware. Clearances requiring splices, wooden
bushings, etc., shall not be allowed.


Good quality screws and bolts shall be used for fastening the hardware; finish and
dimensions shall perfectly coincide with that of the hardware pieces to be installed. All
screws and bolts shall comply with ABNT Standard NB-45.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


The choice of screw and bolt sizes, as well as instructions for their use, are specified in
the APPENDIX of NB-45.


The locations of the hardware in the frames shall be measured with precision to avoid
visible discrepancies in position or level differences.


If there are no indications in the drawings about the position of locks, latches, pulls,
hinges, and other hardware, their position shall be determined by the ENGINEER, who
shall notify the CONTRACTOR.
Latches and bolts, when drawn back shall not protrude more than 0.8 mm from the face
of the unit.


At least three points shall be used in fastening cover plates to their housing.


Except under special conditions, door handles shall be located 105 cm from the finished
floor. Key-only locks shall also be placed 105 cm from the floor.


Locks for sash windows shall not be installed on the outside of the window, closure
springs shall be installed on door frames, and guard plates located on the respective


Lock tumblers shall be hidden inside door frames or panels an only knobs or handles
shall be visible.


Door locks shall be set 160 cm from the floor or, if impossible, installed so that opening
and closing of the doors is facilitated. In both cases, locks shall be installed after giving
due consideration to aesthetics.


Hardware, particularly hinges, shall be sufficiently strong to easily withstand the work
intended for the piece.


The CONTRACTOR shall comply with painting specifications, in order to avoid staining
hardware with paint or vanish. All exposed pieces, such as end plates, guard plates,
escutcheons, knobs, handles, latches, pulls, etc., shall be protected from paint by means
of plastic adhesive tape.


Measurement and Payment. No separate payment shall be made for hardware. Hardware
costs shall be included in unit prices pertaining to other items, such as wooden or
metallic door and window frames, counters, etc., where the hardware is required.






Paint for buildings shall comply with the applicable provisions of item (S-020248 - Paint
and Anti-Corrosive Treatment) and with the following requirements.


Painting shall be executed in a professional manner by qualified personnel using the best
technique available.


All surfaces to be painted shall be carefully cleaned and prepared for the type of paint


After applying the undercoat or the primary coat, as appropriate, the painted surfaces
shall be carefully rendered and sanded, as indicated in the drawings, followed by at

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

least three coats of the paint, as specified. Highly penetrating paints shall be used for
undercoat and primer coat.

A sufficient number of coats shall be applied until surfaces are uniformly painted.


Paint coats shall only be applied after the previous coat is thoroughly dry, at intervals of
at least 24 hours, during dry weather, and 48 hours, during humid weather.


Red lead paint or primer over iron shall form an elastic and continous film, resistant to
weathering and foreign agents. Iron window and door frames which arrive from the
shop with only one red lead coat shall receive a second coat, as reinforcement.


Any dripping or spattering over unpainted surfaces (floors, glass panes, fixtures, etc.)
shall be avoided. Any unavoidable stains shall be cleaned while the paint is still wet, by
means of an appropriate paint remover.


On the frames in general, escutcheons, rosettes, pulls, etc. shall be removed or protected
with tape before painting is started. Both the interior and exterior surfaces of the frames
are to be painted.


In order to remove all dust, surfaces shall be cleaned with brush and dry cloth after
being sanded and before applying the next coat.


When finished, painted surfaces shall have a uniform texture, color and luster (flat,
semi-gloss, glossy).


Finishing paints shall be taken to the work site in their original packing, with clearly
marked indication of manufacturer and type of material. All cans shall arrive with seals
and soldered points intact.


Paints for top coat shall not be prepared at the work site; no substance or product shall
be added to the original paint.


If paint requires thinning, only thinners and dosages recommended by the paint
manufacturer shall be used.


Brushes shall be kept in turpentine while not in use.


The CONTRACTOR shall protect painted rooms and pieces. Before work is accepted,
the CONTRACTOR shall repair any damages or defects to the paint, regardless of the
cause of such damages or defects, and even if repair requires total repainting of one or
more rooms.


Whitewash. Whitewash shall comply with the specifications below.


Only good quality, new and pure white lime shall be used.


Non hydrated lime shall be slaked with a small amount of water and the remaining water
added after hydration has been completed; care shall be taken not to add too much
Adequate amounts of crude linseed oil and glue shall be added.


Surfaces shall receive at least three coats of whitewash, in crossed directions, alternately.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Oil Based Paint. Oil based paint systems shall comply with the following:


Over plaster finish


Without Finishing Compound


Dry sanding and cleaning of dust.

One coat of a waterproofing agent.
At least three coats of finish paint, as recommended by the Manufacturer.
Over PVA Based Finishing Compound
Dry sanding and cleaning of surfaces to be painted.
Application of fine and successive coats of finishing compound, at four-hour
Dry sanding and cleaning.
One base coat of paint appropriate for oil based paint.
One coat of waterproofing agent.
At least three coats of finish oil paint, with touch ups of the finishing compound
before the second coat is applied, as recommended by the Manufacturer.


With Oil Based Finishing Compound

Dry sanding and cleaning of surfaces to be painted.
One coat of primer appropriate for oil based finishing compound.
Application of fine and sucessive coats of finishing compound.
At least three coats of finish oil paint, with touch ups of the finishing compound
before the second coat is applied, as recommended by the Manufacturer.


Over Wood
Dry sanding and cleaning of dust. . One undercoat of a waterproofing agent.
One base coat of oil based finishing compound.
Dry sanding and cleaning of dust.
At least three coats of finish paint, with touch ups of the finishing compound
before the second coat is applied, as recommended by the Manufacturer.


Over Metal
After cleaning pieces manually, mechanically or chemically, as specified, until all
rust is removed, and after application of an anti-corrosive agent, the following
services shall be performed:
dry cleaning and dust removal;
application of finishing compound for surface correction, as required.
dry sanding and dust removal;
at least two coats of finish paint, in the colors indicated in the drawings.


Latex-PVA Based Paint. Latex-PVA based paint systems shall comply with the following:


Over Rendering


Without Finishing Compound

Dry sanding and dust cleaning.
One coat of anti-alkaline sealing agent.
At least three coats of finish paint, as recommended by the Manufacturer.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Over Finishing Compound

Dry sanding and removal of dust.
Application of finishing compound in fine, successive coats.
Dry sanding and cleaning of dust.
At least three coats of finish paint, with touch ups of the finishing compound
before the second coat is applied, as recommended by the Manufacturer.


Over Wood
Dry sanding and dust cleaning.
One undercoat for waterproofing.
One coat of finishing compound.
Dry sanding and cleaning.
At least three coats of finish paint, with touch ups of the finishing compound
before the second coat is applied, as recommended by the Manufacturer.


Measurement and Payment. Painting shall be measured in square meters of the surfaces
effectively painted, conforming to the dimensions shown on the drawings, with reductions
for doors, windows and other areas not painted. Only areas effectively painted and
accepted by the ENGINEER will be measured.
Payment for painting shall be made at the applicable unit price indicated in the Bidding
Schedule. Unit prices shall include the cost of supplying all materials and equipment
required; storage; transportation to the work site; placing; and any other operation
required to perform the work as specified herein.




Mortar Finishes


General. Mortar finishes shall comply with the applicable ABNT standards, particularly
NB-231, and with this Specification.


Finished surfaces shall be straight, plumb and level; corners shall be sharp; no undulations
will be accepted.


The base surface for the various coats of mortar shall be sufficiently regular to allow an
even thickness of mortar.


The surface to be finished shall be clean, free from dust, grease, oil or organic material.


Except when otherwise indicated, mortar finishes shall consist of at least two
superimposed, continuous and uniform layers: mortar render coat, applied over the
surface to be finished, and plaster, to be applied over the mortar render coat.


Surfaces shall be roughened before mortar is applied.

As pretreatment, for the purpose of improving the adherence of the mortar render coat
an irregular layer of rough, strong mortar (first coat) shall be applied.
Surfaces of walls and ceilings shall be cleaned with a broom and thoroughly moistened
before any mortar is applied.


The render coat shall be applied, at the earliest, 24 hours after the application of the
rough mortar layer (first coat).

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Surfaces not appropriate as base for the finish (such as wooden or metal parts) shall be
covered by a support layer (wire screen, etc).


Mortar for individual finishing layers shall have the same thickness throughout and shall
be carefully spread.


Finishes with lime mortar and/or cement shall be kept moist, since fast drying would be
detrimental to curing.


Mortar mixes shall be free from small stones and other foreign matter.


Render and plaster finishes, internal and external, on masonry walls, at the ground level,
shall be executed with a 1:3 cement and sand mortar mix by volume, with an appropriate
waterproofing admixture, up to the height, and according to other recommendations,
indicated in the drawings.


All concrete surfaces to be covered by mortar render or plaster finishes shall receive a
rough layer (first coat) of 1:3 cement and sand mortar mix.


Rough Mortar Layer - First Coat. A rough mortar layer - first coat shall be executed with
a 1:3 cement and sand mortar mix by volume; sand used shall be coarse sand, that is,
between 3 and 5 mm in diameter, with predominance of 5 mm grains.


Mortar Render Coat


A mortar render coat shall be started only after all conduits have been installed and after
the complete set of the masonry mortar and rough mortar layers.


The render coat thickness shall not exceed 20 mm, so that, with the application of a 5
mm plaster layer, the overall mortar finish does not exceed 25 mm in thickness.


Render coats for internal and external surfaces shall be executed with a 1:1:6 mortar
mix (cement:lime:sand) by volume, using medium grade sand, with maximum diameter
of 3 mm.


The render coat shall be clean and without dust, before receiving the plaster finish; all
visible impurities shall be removed.


Plaster Finish Coat


The surface of the mortar render coat shall be thoroughly moistened before applying the
plaster finish.


The external plaster finish coat shall not be executed when the surface may get wet by
rain or without adequate protection.


If temperatures are high, all external plaster finishes executed during the day shall have
their surfaces moistened at the end of the day.


Ceramic Finishes




After the masonry work is finished, all holes on the surface shall be filled, particularly
those holes resulting from the placing of bricks or blocks with the holes across the wall.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


After the holes have been filled, a rigorous check shall be made of the straightness of
surfaces, leaving guides that will produce straight surfaces after the finishing is
completed, whether by glazed or other type of tiles.


Brick surfaces shall be thoroughly moistened.


The rough mortar layer shall be executed with the surfaces still moist and, later, the
mortar render coat shall be applied, as previously described.


Tiles shall be laid after curing of the render coat.


Seventy-two hours after the laying the tile, the joints between the tiles shall be filled
with white cement mortar.


Before placing glazed or other tiles, bushings shall be set into the walls, for later installation
of fixtures.


Tiles shall be laid with a mortar mix 1:2:3 (cement:sand:smooth coarse sand) by volume.
If there is no coarse sand available, a 1:5 cement and sand mortar mix shall be used.


Tiles shall be immersed in clean water for 24 hours before being laid.


Surfaces shall be completely plumb and flat and joints shall be aligned and uniform.


Joint thickness shall not exceed 1.5 mm.


Tiles cut for installing conduits, faucets, and other fixtures shall not be cracked or have


The adherence of tiles or bricks shall be verified three days after having been laid.
Adherence shall be tested by tapping them with a trowel. Any tile or brick giving a
hollow sound shall be rejected. After checking adherence, mortaring and pointing of tile
joints shall be started.


Ceramic Bricks Finishes


General. Surface preparation and masonry work shall be in accordance with subitem 2,
and as set forth below.
Ceramic bricks shall be laid after the mortar render coat has cured for approximately
10 days.
Bricks shall be laid in a crisscross pattern - except when otherwise specified - with
their larger side laid horizontally and the joints aligned and level.
Joints shall be uniformly 10 mm thick and shall be pointed 5 mm, by means of a
special tool, before hardening of the mortar, so that the bricks present clean sharp
Joints shall be smoothened later with a pre-mixed paste.
Bricks shall be laid while the highly adhesive mortar beads are still fresh.
The face of the bricks shall be flat against adjacent door and window casings.
A continuous 10 mm joint shall surround the casings.
The joint of the window and door sills shall coincide with a horizontal joint in the
All excess mortar over the brick surface or on the joints shall be removed before

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

If no highly adhesive mix is available, bricks shall be laid with a volumetric mortar
mix of 1:2:3 (cement:sand:smooth coarse sand) or 1:2:5 (cement:lime:medium
fine sand). The joints shall be smoothed with plain cement paste.

Wooden Finishes




The cross-section of wooden baseboards shall strictly comply with the drawings.


Unless otherwise specified, baseboards shall be smooth and 50 x 20 mm in crosssection; the free edge of baseboards shall be slightly rounded.


Baseboards shall be fixed by means of screws and nylon bushings tightly secured to the


Spacing between bushings shall not exceed 80 cm.


In the event the drawings do not indicate harmony between the wooden baseboards
and other materials or frame garniture, materials shall be determined on a timely basis,
for each particular case, in consultation with the ENGINEER.


Measurement and Payment. Finishes shall be measured in square meters of area effectively
finished and approved by the ENGINEER.
Payment of finishes shall be made at the applicable unit price indicated in the Bidding
Schedule. The unit price shall include the cost of supplying, transporting, storing and
laying all materials, as well as all labor and equipment required to perform the work as
specified herein.






These specifications are relative to light, power, telephone, lightning arrestors, and any
other control/communication system required.


Installation shall comply with ABNT standards, particularly NB-3, and local utility company
standards, as well as the specifications herein.


Cases not covered in these specifications shall be resolved by the ENGINEER, so that
high standards of workmanship and equipment are used throughout.


As required by the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR shall obtain, at his own expense,
quality control certificates for the material and equipment installed. Only quality control
certificates issued by reputable and technically qualified sources shall be accepted.


The CONTRACTOR shall test the equipment received, in the presence of the ENGINEER.


The CONTRACTOR shall submit to pertinent local agencies, on a timely basis, the electrical
and telephone installation designs and, after notifying the ENGINEER, shall comply with
any changes required by the agencies.


The CONTRACTOR shall execute all electrical and telephone wiring. All costs related to
approval and inspections, as well as other pertinent costs, shall be paid by the

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


The CONTRACTOR shall request an inspection of all telephone conduits when ready to
be used, rather than waiting until all work is completed.


All electrical and telephone installations shall be carefully executed and all lines, conduits,
and equipment shall be carefully fastened to their support structures and fittings.


All exposed live parts of circuits shall be protected from accidental contacts, either by a
protective wrapping or by being out of reach of non-qualified personnel.


Before concrete placement, all conduit ends shall be adequately capped, in order to
prevent dirt and moisture from entering.


Control Panels


The distribution of panels and their connections with feeder line shall comply with the


The height at which panels are installed will depend on their dimensions and on the ease
of switch operation and inspection of the instruments. Under no circumstances shall the
bottom edge of the panels be located less than 50 cm from the finished floor.


Installation depth shall depend on the thickness of the specified finish at the panel location
and against which the framing of the panel box will be seated.


Telecommunications control panels shall comply with utility company specifications

and be constructed as specified in detailed drawings previously approved by the


Panels shall provide safety to the elements installed within and to personnel. The outer
cover and any external switches shall be adequately insulated so as to prevent any
possibility of electrical shock.




Wire dimensions shall be indicated in the design. Copper wires shall comply with ABNTNB-3 standards.


Wires shall be continuous from one connection box to another.


Splices and branchings shall only be made at connection boxes.


Spliced wires and wires whose insulation layer has been damaged and repaired with
electrical tape shall not be used.


In order to facilitate identification, wires shall be supplied in different colors. Feeder

lines shall be red, blue and black for the R, S and G phases, respectively, and white for


In distribution circuits, black shall be used for the phase and white for the return and


Conduits. The recommendations below shall apply to the installation of rigid electrical
Cuts in conduits shall only be made in straight sections. All burrs resulting from
cutting the conduit or cutting threads into the conduit shall be removed.

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Standard Technical Specifications

The connection between conduits and boxes shall be made by means of bushings
and washers;
The connection between conduits shall only be made by means of sleeves and
other devices that guarantee the regularity of the inner surface, as well as electrical
Rigid conduits in reinforced concrete structures shall be installed over the
reinforcement or over the surface of pre-molded pieces; conduits shall be installed
so as to prevent any deformation during the placing of concrete; conduit ends and
boxes shall also be protected;
Vertical conduit sections shall be installed before the masonry around them;
Care shall be taken to avoid a decrease in inner diameter when making curves
with electrical conduits of less than 25 mm in diameter; .The radius of curves
made at the work site shall always be equal to or greater than the values set forth
in Table 10 of NB-3;
Any electrical conduit with splits or with a decreased diameter as a result of
bending shall be rejected;
Curves in electrical conduits with diameters exceeding 25 mm shall be prefabricated
or shall be made at the shop by means of special machinery;
Curves shall not be less than 90o ; and
Where conduits are cut for expansion joints, electrical continuity and sealing shall
be maintained by a special device as required.

Boxes and Conduletes


Boxes shall be installed at the following places:



wire entrance and exit points;

splices and branching points;
points where devices or equipment are to be installed; and
points where conduits branch off.

Conduletes may be installed at the following places:

Wire entrance and exit points into conduits, and
At points where conduits branch off.


Boxes in the power distribution network shall be employed as follows, unless otherwise
specified in the drawings.
Octagonal boxes with removable bottom, for luminaries in pavement or floor slabs;
Stamped octagonal boxes, 3" x 3", between parallel surfaces, at the end of
distribution lines, for telephone or bell points;
Stamped rectangular boxes, 4" x 2", for sets of 3 outlets and switches, or less;
Stamped square boxes, 4" x 4", for pull boxes or for sets of more than 3 outlets
or switches;
Maximum distance between boxes shall be 15 m;
The top edge of switch boxes shall be 1.3 m above the finished floor, and the top
edge of pull boxes shall be 30 cm above the finished floor.
Boxes for light fixtures and high outlet boxes shall be installed as specified in the
drawings and/or determined by the ENGINEER;
Switch boxes shall be installed at least 10 cm from door frames; and
All boxes in a room shall be well aligned and uniformly arranged.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Special Pull Boxes


Special pull boxes shall be made of non-corrosive, high-strength aluminum alloy, with a
hinged, screw-on cover to facilitate opening, and with fastening lugs.




Only 600 V wires adequately protected against abrasion shall be installed in electrical


Wiring shall only be done after the following work has been completed:
Roof tiling or waterproofing;
Mortar finish of walls, etc.;
Installation of doors and windows and making the building weatherproof; and
Any pavements or flooring requiring mortar.


Before wiring, conduits shall be dried with oakum and cleaned by the passage of a
bushing soaked in insulating varnish or paraffin.


Lubricants such as talcum, dolomite, soap stone, etc., may be used to facilitate wiring.


Wire or metallic tape may be used to pull wiring.


Wire splices shall only be made at boxes; installation of wires in spliced conduits will not
be permitted.


Insulation of splices and branchings shall be at least equivalent to wire insulation.


Underground wires shall not be subjected to tensile stress that may damage their soldered
ends or insulation.


Wire splices and junctions shall be made so that complete and permanent electrical
contact is assured; splices and junctions shall be made by soldering and application of
electrical insulating tape. Ordinary adhesive tape shall not be used.
Electrical continuity through lead caps and steel reinforcements shall be assured by
means of electrical soldering around the splice or junction.


Splices and junctions shall be enclosed in metallic insulators, of appropriate form and
dimensions, which shall be completely filled with insulating compound, in accordance
with the manufacturers recommendations.


Wire ends shall not be exposed to atmospheric humidity, except while splicing, joining or
fastening wire terminals.


Power entrance facilities shall be delivered complete, with the final connection to the
public power grid ready and operational, and with approval from the utility company.


Underground Lines


Only wires insulated against moisture shall be used underground.


Splices and junctions shall be made according to the type of wire used and shall always
assure mechanical strength, permanent electrical contact and watertightness.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Wires exiting from underground sections and rising along walls or other surfaces shall
be protected by a rigid enamelled or galvanized electrical conduit, to a minimum height
of 3 meters.




The utility company grid and the internal distribution network for buildings shall be
independent from each other and terminate at an entry box.


The entry box shall consist of an individual compartment, with the dimensions required
by the utility company, as well as by the number of cables.


The location of pull boxes, outlets, etc. shall comply with the design details.


Incoming cables shall comply with the requirements of the utility company and shall be
supplied by the CONTRACTOR, who shall also provide any specifications, designs,
estimates, and other requirements, including the payment of pertinent taxes.


The material and the location of pull boxes shall comply with utility company requirements.


Minimum nominal inside diameter of the conduits shall be 3/4".


Wires shall make up a continuous, complete and distinct electrical network that complies
with the drawings.


Outlets, Switches and Lighting Fixtures. Outlets, switches and lighting fixtures shall
comply with the drawings.


Lightning Arrestors


Lightning arrestors shall be installed to effectively protect the building (including antennas).
Lightning arrestors for excess voltage shall be installed at the sub-station entry point,
on the high voltage side.


Ground rods shall be driven into the soil at least 3 m away from walls; rods shall be
sufficient in number and length to provide required ground resistance.


All ground wires in a building shall be linked into a single network, in compliance with
item 2183 of NFPA 78 (National Fire Protection Association - USA) and VBE standards
(Verbandes Deutscher Elektrotechniker - FRG).


The CONTRACTOR may improve resistance and grounding capacity by chemically treating
grounding points, as required; a specialized company shall be contracted for this work;
at least three rods shall be driven into the soil.


Ground rods shall be located inside boxes with removable covers that permit regular
inspections of connections.


Ground installations shall have a point for measuring grounding resistance. The resistance
of this point shall be negligible, and the cover shall be removable only with an appropriate


The distance between fasteners for grounding wires shall not exceed 1.5 m.


Minimum area for grounding wires connecting to the ground rods shall be 70 mm2.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Grounding wires shall be mechanically protected by means of non-magnetic material for

at least 3 m above the soil.


Interconnecting grounding wires shall be protected mechanically, along their whole length,
by means of non-magnetic material.


Measurement and Payment. Electrical and telephone installations shall be measured on

the basis of an overall survey of the systems installed and tested, as indicated in the
drawings and approved by the ENGINEER.
Payment for the electrical and telephone systems shall be made at the applicable lump
sum prices indicated in the Bidding Schedule. The lump sum price shall include the cost
of supplying, transporting, storing, and installing all materials for electrical and telephone
installations, as well as all labor and equipment required to perform the work as specified






Water supply and sanitary systems include the supplying, transportation, storage, and
installation of all materials relative to water supply systems, sanitary systems, and
storm water drainage of buildings.


Work shall comply with ABNT standards for each type of installation, with local codes
and orders issued by pertinent official agencies with jurisdiction over the locality wherein
the work is being executed, and with the specifications below.


Hydrostatic tests shall be performed at the pressures specified for each type of installation,
as stated in pertinent standards.


Pipes shall not be located inside concrete columns, pillars, beams, and other structural
elements of the building.


The bottom of the trench for underground pipes shall be adequately compacted before
pipes are laid. Pipes shall be laid on a continous base or cradle made up of a plain
concrete layer containing 150 kg/m3 of cement, with a 6 cm average thickness.


At the option of the ENGINEER, the base may not be required, provided the soil strength
and quality so permit.


During the execution of the work, if the ENGINEER considers that the soil will not assure
permanent pipe stability and watertightness, the pipes being used shall be replaced by
pipes of another material that is compatible with the type of soil and its strength.
Bell and spigot pipes shall be laid by inserting the spigot into the bell and with the bells
laid uphill.


Backfill shall be executed in 20 cm layers of good quality material, free from any waste,
stones, etc., successively and carefully compacted and moistened.


Pipe cutting for joints and connections shall only be done in straight sections and threads
shall not extend beyond the respective joint.
Threaded parts shall have clean cut threads that correctly align the connecting pieces.


Joints shall assure complete sealing of the pipe against the leakage of water or gases.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Rigid PVC pipe joints shall be made by means of an adhesive and cleaning solution, or a
ruber gasket, depending on whether pipes belong to the cold water supply or the sanitary


Joints between rigid PVC and cast iron or concrete pipes shall be made with appropriate


Joints between galvanized steel and lead pipes (if specified in the drawings) shall be
made with a special copper or brass piece (adaptor), which is threaded at one end and
soldered at the other.


Joints between ceramic, asbestos cement or cast iron pipes and vitrous ceramic or
asbestos pipes shall be made with tar soaked oakum and prepared asphalt.


Joints on cast iron pipes shall be executed with tar soaked oakum or cord and molten
lead that is caulked afterwards.


Joints in galvanized steel pipes, if part of the cold water installation, shall be threaded.


Galvanized steel pipes shall not be bent; curves shall be made by meams of appropriate


Joints between rigid PVC and metal pipes shall be made by means of connections with
brass sleeves threaded and cast directly on the pipe.


Copper pipe joints shall be made by means of appropriate brass or copper connections,
with the inner joint space being soldered after sanding and application of flux, as
recommended by the manufacturer.


Pipes shall have their ends capped or plugged; caps or plugs shall only be removed when
sanitary fixtures are connected.


Cold Water




Cold water installations shall comply with Standard ABNT-NB-92/1966.


Pipes shall not go through septic tanks or manholes, nor be laid in the same trench with
drain and sewage pipes.


All main lines shall be embedded.

Fittings shall have the same joint characteristics as the pipes.


Special PVC connections, solvent-cemented at one end and with brass threads at the
other, shall be used for connecting pipes to shut-off valves, faucets, or other special
threaded pieces.


A sealing compound supplied and recommendad by the manufacturer shall be used for
threaded couplings.


Unions or threaded couplings shall be placed at convenient intervals, in order to facilitate

pipe disassembling.


Pipes shall be installed using curves and elbow bends; pipes shall never be bent.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


All water pipes outside of buildings shall be laid at a higher elevation than drain and
sewage pipes.


Sanitary fixtures shall only be installed when all other work that might damage them has
been completed.


Minimum pipe diameter shall be 3/4", including sub-lines.


Building Supply Line


A brick masonry housing shall be built and completely finished (both rendering and
plaster finishes). The housing shall comply with the following requirements:
It shall be convered by a concrete slab, adequately weather-proofed, with a 10
cm ledge over an access door;
It shall have ceramic floors, with an adequate slope, so as to facilitate drainage of
leaking water; and
It shall have a galvanized No. 14 USG steel plate door, with permanent ventilation,
brass fastener and hinges, and mounted on an iron frame anchored to the walls of
the housing.




No building shall be supplied directly from the public water system; water supply shall
always be accomplished from water reservoirs.


Reservoirs shall have cleaning and overflow pipes.


Reservoirs shall have smooth walls and be completely watertight.


Watertightness shall be assured by waterproofing that complies with pertinent standards.


Reservoirs may be made of asbestos cement or reinforced concrete.


Pumping Units


Pumping units shall be mounted on a nonvibrating base of cork plates or equivalent



Pumping units should be installed with a positive suction head. If this is not possible, an
automatic priming device shall be installed.


Whenever necessary, the pumping station shall have the devices listed below.
On the pump suction line:
Check valve;
Control valve (gate valve, brass); and
Excentric pipe reducers;
On the pump discharge:
Excentric pipe reducers;
Check valves;
Elastic coupling joint; and
Control valve (gate valve, brass).

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


The discharge of water from the pump supply line into the reservoir shall be free-flow.


Internal Water Distribution System


The water distribution system shall be composed of the following elements:

Reservoir outlet;
Distribution manifold;
Feeder column;
Main lines and sub-lines;
0.5 m. c. a. minimun service pressure at the top of columns;
Control valves located at the following heights above the floor:
1.8 m, for toilet discharge valves, main lines and sub-lines;
1.2 m, for filters, showerheads and urinals; and
0.75 m, for bathtubs.

Measurement and Payment. Water supply, sanitary, and drainage systems shall be
measured on the basis of an overall survey of the systems installed and tested, as
indicated in the drawings, the applicable standards and as approved by the ENGINEER.
The survey shall be based on the List of Material.
Payment of water supply, sanitary, and drainage systems shall be made at the applicable
lump sum price indicated in the Bidding Schedule. The lump sum price shall include the
cost of supplying, transporting, installing and testing all materials for water supply and
sanitary systems, as well as all labor and equipment required to perform the work as
specified herein.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications





Objective. This Document establishes the general technical conditions with which the
supply of equipment and materials shall comply, for the _____________ (name) Project.
The PURCHASER assumes that prior to the submittal of the Bid, the contents of the
Bidding Documents were reviewed in detail by the BIDDER, who will be responsible for
all obligations derived from lack of knowledge or misinterpretation of any of the
requirements contained therein.


Languages and Units of Measure. In principle, units of the International System of Units
shall be used in the Bid, and later in all documents submitted by SUPPLIER during the
course of the Contract, unless otherwise requested .
All instruction manuals, captions, leaflets, test reports, etc., issued by the SUPPLIER,
shall be written in Portuguese.


Operating Conditions. Unless otherwise indicated, the equipment shall be designed and
constructed to operate in the environmental conditions described in item _______ of the
Instructions to Bidders, Chapter _______, Volume ________ . The medium to be pumped
will be raw water at ambient temperature. The water may contain varying amounts of
sand, silt, and organic matter.
When equipment is specified for exterior use, it shall be designed to be installed outdoor,
exposed to direct sun rays and to storms.
It is emphasized that the predominant climate of the job site contributes to forming of
fungi and acceleration of corrosion. Thus, a treatment of tropicalization and suitable
protection against said climate conditions shall be provided for the equipment and
The equipment must be designed to endure continuous and intermittent operation up to
24 (twenty four) hours a day, over a 3 (three) month of period, at an ambient temperature
of up to 40o C.


Supply Scope. The supply scope of each package includes, but is not limited to the
following items:


Preparation of design drawings, data, catalog sheets, and calculation sheets and submittal
for approval where applicable.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Furnishing instruction manual for assembly, operation and maintenance of equipment

and/or materials.


Manufacturing and supplying of equipment and/or materials in accordance with the

PURCHASERs respective Technical Specification and the approved drawings.


Supply of special tools required for assembly and maintenance of equipment.


List of spare parts as specified in the General and Special Conditions of Contract, Chapters
_____ and _____ , Volume _____. Individual Specification paragraphs may require spare
parts for one or more years in the supply of the equipment with no additional payment


Tests of equipment and/or materials at factory, as indicated in these Specifications and

in the respective Technical Specification of the equipment.


Packing, transportation and insurance of equipment from factory to jobsite, in accordance

with the General and Special Conditions of Contract and with these MECHANICAL


Supervision of equipment and/or material assembly and installation,when requested by

the PURCHASER, as established in the General and Special Conditions of Contract and
in accordance with this Specification.


Test of equipment at jobsite and operation start-up, whenever the PURCHASER requests
the assembly supervision at the jobsite.


Instructions to the PURCHASERs operation and maintenance personnel when requested



Equipment and/or materials guarantee in accordance with the General and Special
Conditions of Contract.


Recommended Standards. For purposes of design, raw material selection, manufacture

and tests, the standards with which the equipment and materials shall comply, will be
listed in the respective specification. It is established that such standards shall always
prevail in their latest approved revisions.
The recommended standards do not exclude others which ensure equivalent or superior
quality to that specified, providing the BIDDER clearly mentions the alternative standards
in his Bid, indicating the items in which they are applicable, and encloses a copy of said
standards. The PURCHASER, however, retains the right to reject the proposed standards,
at its own discretion.
In case of any conflict between the PURCHASERs Specification and recommended
standards, the requirements in the Specification shall prevail.


Conflicting Information. The PURCHASER shall be informed in writing of any doubts

which may arise during the performance of any phase of the acquisition and/or
manufacturing process, due to errors or conflict between related technical documents.
In these cases the SUPPLIER shall adopt the solution indicated in writing by the

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


General Manufacturing Requirements. Mechanical equipment and materials shall comply

with the requirements specified in the respective technical paragraphs for the item
being furnished and also to the general provisions herein specified.
The equipment shall be constructed according to the most up-to-date engineering
techniques, using high quality materials. All parts shall be finished, in keeping with their
importance, placement and utilization.
In general, all the material shall be specified in full detail, and their mechanical properties
and chemical composition proven. Other materials than those specified may be proposed
by the BIDDER, provided that:
All the materials used or supplied in accordance with these specifications will be of
equivalent or superior quality to those specified and will provide equal or better
service under the environmental conditions at its destination.
All materials used or supplied in accordance with these specifications must be
described in detail in the proposal, and for each type of material, the Standard
Specification and the Technical Standard which it meets must be included.

Acceptance of substitute materials shall be exclusively at the discretion of the


Rolled Sheets and Shapes. Rolled sheets and shapes shall have physical and chemical
properties in compliance with ASTM or equivalent standards, as below:
For carbon steel sheets and shapes for stuctural use:
ASTM A36, Specification for Structural Steel;
For high-strength low-alloy carbon steel sheets for structural use:
ASTM A572, Specification for High-Strength Low Alloy Columbium-Vanadium
Steels of Structural Quality.
All sheets employed shall have their mechanical properties and chemical composition
proven by means of material quality certificates issued by the sheet manufacturers
themselves. All sheets with thickness equal to or more than 19mm shall be subjected to
ultra-sonic tests, in accordance with the requirements in ASTM Standard A 435. For
these plates the permissible tolerance in the thickness of plates shall in all cases be


Castings. The physical and chemical properties of castings shall comply with ASTM or
equivalent standards, as below:
Carbon steel castings: ASTM A27, Specification for Mild-to-Medium-Stength
Carbon Steel Castings for General Application, grade 65-35, grade 70-36 and
grade 70-40;
Low alloy cast steel: ASTM A148, Specification for High-Strength Steel Castings
for Structural Purposes, grade 80-50;
Corrosion-resistant steels: ASTM A296, Specification for Corrosion-Resistant
Iron Chromium, Iron-Chromium-Nickel Base Alloy Castings for General Application,
grade CA-15 and grade CF-8;
Cast iron: ASTM A48,Specification for Gray Iron Castings, class 30.
The principal castings to be submitted to physical and chemical tests and which shall be
inspected by the PURCHASER shall be defined in the Basic Inspection Schedule before
the casting is executed. If the test specimen is cast together with the corresponding
part, the part drawing shall indicate the location from which it is to be removed.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

An acceptable alternative is for two test specimens to be cast from each run, separate
from the parts, with identification of the test specimens as being pieces for chemical
analysis. The SUPPLIER shall notify the PURCHASER of the date when the castings are
to be executed so that they may obtain them. The PURCHASER, at his discretion, shall
inspect the castings before they are machined.
Defects that appear during cleaning of the castings or during machining operations shall
be carefully corrected down to sound metal before any subsequent work is performed.
The castings shall not be subjected to preparations without previous authorization by
the PURCHASER, with the exception of small inclusions or defects which do not affect
the chararcteristics of the part. The PURCHASER may or not accept the repaired castings.
Filling of foundry faults shall be executed by highly qualified welders and in accordance
with the best welding technicques. Any casting requiring filling during any manufacturing
stage after the first annealing, shall be submitted to further annealing treatment, unless
indicated otherwise.
Variations in thickness, or in other dimensions of the castings, shall be admissible providing
the strength of the part is such that the calculated stresses of the actual dimensions do
not exceecd the admissible stresses adopted in the design.
Castings shall show no deformation or distortion and the dimensions shall not exceed
those called for in the design. The stucture of the castings shall be homogeneous and
free from any impurities.

Forgings. Forgings shall present physical and chemical properties as defined in the ASTM
or equivalent standards below:
Steel forgings: ASTM A668, Specification for Steel Forgings, Carbon and Alloy,
for General Industrial Use;
Carbon Steel forgings for flanges, fittings, valves and parts for general service:
ASTM A 181"Specification for Forged or Rolled Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings,
Valves and Parts for General Service.
All forged parts shall be free from defects that could affect their strength, such as
seams, pockets, bubbles, cracks, chips, protuberances, porosity, sand, excessive nonmetallic insertions, and separations. The inspection of forgings shall include ultra-sonic
inspection after shaping, unless the PURCHASER instructs to the contrary.
All forgings shall be submitted to a uniform shaping process during the forging operation,
in order to produce parts that comply with the specification requirements, and shall be
annealed or normalized.
In the case of several parts being produced from one die, individual tests to determine
physical properties shall not be required.


Stainless Steel. Stainless steels shall have physical and chemical properties as defined
in the ASTM or equivalent standards below:
Corrosion Resistant Steel Sheets:
ASTM A167 Specification for Corrosion-Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel
Plate, Sheet, and Strip,types 304 and 316, or
ASTM A176 Specification for Stainless and Heat Resistant Chromium Steel
Plate, Sheet, and Strip, type 410, or
ASTM A240, Specification for Heat-Resisting Chromium and ChromiumNickel Stainless Steel Plate, and Strip for Fusion-Welded Unfired Pressure
Vessels, type 405 and type 410;

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Standard Technical Specifications

Corrosion-Resistant Steel Bars:

ASTM A276 Specification for Stainless and Heat Resistant Steel Bars and
Shapes, type 410 or 316.

Nonferrous Metals. Nonferrous metals shall have physical and chemical properties as
defined in the ASTM or equivalent standards below:
Bronze for bearings, bushings, wear-plates, etc.:
ASTM B584, Specification for Copper-Alloy Sand Casting for General
Applications, Alloy no. 903, 923, 932 or 937.




Slide Bearings. Slide bearings shall in general be used only on mechanical components
subject to limited angular movements and others which by their nature have an acceptable
performance under such conditions. Bushings employed in these bearings shall be of the
self-lubricating type, or of bronze corresponding to alloys no. 937 or 932 of Specification
ASTM B584, duly provided with grooves for suitable distribution of the lubricant.

In general, the bearing housing shall be of the two-piece type, self-aligning, with covers,
gaskets, and lubricated in accordance with the purpose for which it is to be used.
The specifications, adjustments and tolerances shall be determined by the procedures
established in the AFBMA (Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturing Association) standard,
or other approved equivalents.

Roller Bearings. Roller bearings shall be generally employed on mechanical equipment

subject to large forces, high-and low-speed rotation, under intermittent or continuous

The type of bearing shall be determined according to its specific application and its
dimesions shall be established in the calculation sheets.
The specifications, adjustments and tolerances shall be determined by the procedures
established in the AFBMA standard, or other approved equivalents.
Bearings shall always be lubricated and provided with retainers appropriate to working
conditions. When standard roller bearing housings are used,these should be either twopiece or one-piece depending on the type of bearing employed. The mounting surface of
the bearing housings shall be machine finished and should rest upon machined surfaces.

Shafts. Shafts shall have characteristics selected according to the physical stresses to
which they are to be subjected.
The distance l between two bearings supporting a shaft shall not exceed 100 d, d
being the shaft diameter. Units of l and d are expressed in cm.
For high-speed rotating shafts (rotation greater than or equal to 1500 rpm), the critical
rotation speed should be checked, and should be higher than 110% of the running


Embedded Parts. Sets of embedded parts shall be designed for rigidity and shall take
into account the possibility of corrosion.
All sealing surfaces in contact with rubber or neoprene seals shall be of stainless steel.
Embedded lateral guiding parts shall whenever possible be comprised of rails.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Supports for rolling or sliding parts shall be made of sheet metal or shapes and shall be
provided with studs for adjusting and fastening the embedded parts, having threads of
sufficient length for this purpose.
All the manufacturing tolerances of the surfaces of the embedded parts shall be compatible
with assembly tolerances, thereby ensuring easy assembly and perfect sealing.



Terminology.- In accordance with Standard ABNT-NBR-5874.


Qualification of Welders. The SUPPLIER shall be responsible for quality welding. All the
selected welders shall be qualified in accordance with standard MB-262 of ABNT Qualificao dos Processos de Soldagem, de Soldadores e de Operadores and/or ASME,
section IX, or by equivalent entities.

If the work of a given welder is rejected, he shall be submitted to a new qualification

test to once again prove his skill in executing welding works.
All the expenses relating to qualification tests shall be at the SUPPLIERs expense,
including the supply of test pieces and required electrodes.

Welding Process. Unless otherwise authorized or specified, all the weldings shall be
performed by the arc welding method, by a method which keeps air from the molten
metal and, where practicable, under control of a procedure utilizing automatic machines.

The process and the welding sequence, both at the factory and on-site shall be submitted
for the PURCHASERs approval. On-site weldings shall not require special processes,
materials, equipement or techniques or pre-heating or post-heating.
Parts to be joined by welding shall be carefully cut to predetermined dimensions and,if
required, rolled to the radius in accordance with the dimensions indicated on the drawings.
The edges of each piece shall be bevelled to permit total penetration either by means of
oxyacetylene torch, by bevelling machine, or by machining, depending on the type of
the piece and type of welding.
The cut surfaces shall be sound and free of any faults caused by rolling, beveling or any
other process. The surfaces of sheets to be welded shall be free of any trace of rust,
grease or any other foreign material.
All weldings performed in the construction of parts subject to important hydraulic loads
shall comply with the requirements of ASME, Section VIII Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code standard, Part UW.
Weldings performed in the construction of parts not subject to important loads, shall
comply with applicable requirements of the Structural Welding Code for Steel - AWS
D1.1 or equivalent from another approved standard.
The electrodes, which shall be approved by the PURCHASER, shall be conveniently
selected according to their electric current, materials and welding process characteristics.
After being removed from their packages, the electrodes shall be stored in ovens, as
recommended to avoid damages or deterioration.
In bimetallic weldings the electrodes shall be selected through tests made on test pieces
of the same materials to be joined by welding.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The weldings shall not be performed over damp surfaces or during periods of strong
winds, unless the welder and the pieces are suitably protected.
After welding, all slag and spatter shall be removed, leaving surfaces with complete
penetration, uniform, smooth and free of any porosity or presence of foreign matter. If
the welding is to be applied in the form of successive passes, each pass, except the last
shall be slightly hammered before the next fillet is applied.
The welded parts shall be free of faults, such as inclusions, grooves, bends, etc. with
regular thickness and without undercuttings, slags, porosity, failures on the root, binding
defects and cracks.
All the defective weldings shall be repaired by removing same by grinding or arc gouging
to sound metal, followed by new welding as originally specified.

Heat and Thermochemical Treatments.- Steel shall be submitted to heat or thermochemical

treatments, whenever it is necessary to restore or alter their properties or produce
certain characteristics. Detailed specifications for heat and thermochemical treatments
shall be included in the design documents.


Cleaning, Painting and Protection of Surfaces


General. The standards and technical recommendations for the performance of cleaning,
painting and protection of any part of the equipment, shall be those described in the Steel
Structures Painting Manual, prepared by Steel Structures Painting Council-SSPC.

The thickness of the film per coating and the methods and care in application must be
strictly in compliance with the paint manufacturers recommendations.
The antirust painting of equipment which will remain submerged, will be performed by
the Installation Contractor at the jobsite, and such parts shall be delivered unpainted.
Parts fully embedded in concrete, shall be delivered unpainted. For partially embedded
parts, the embedded portion shall be coated for a distance of 150 mm from the concrete
Painting of any part of equipment shall only be performed after the INSPECTOR has
issued a written statement that the respective equipment or part thereof has been
inspected while unpainted.

Colors. The PURCHASER will furnish at the SUPPLIERs request, within a practicable
time, a standard with the specification of all the colors to be used in the several parts of
equipment which have been specified with finish painting under the responsibility of the


Definitive Painting Specifications. The definitive specifications for paintings to be executed

at the plant, containing cleaning methods and all painting details of the paint manufacturers,
for the paint selected by the SUPPLIER, shall be submitted, in a timely manner for the
PURCHASERs approval.


Paint Application. The surfaces shall not present failures, pores, runs, splashes, roughness,
waviness, cracks, cleaning marks, blisters, as well as variations in color, texture and
shine. The paint film shall be smooth and of even thickness.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Edges, corners, small holes (cracks), splices, joints, weldings, rivets and other surface
irregularities shall receive special treatment so as to ensure that the paint film has
suitable thickness.
The painting shall be made on prepared and dried surfaces.
Unless otherwise specified, the temperature of the surfaces to be painted and of the air
in contact with the same shall not be under 7o C during paint application, and paint
should not be applied while the preceeding coat of paint has not yet dried. This should
be checked by touch.
Painting shall not be applied on surfaces which have been heated by exposure to the
sun or other sources of heat.
Painting shall not be applied in locations where the relative humidity of the air is over
85%. If painting is necessary in such locations, the relative humidity shall be reduced by
means of shelters and/or heating the enclosure until paint has dried.
Machined surfaces shall be protected for transport with a coat of varnish easily removable
by suitable solvents. In the case of parts which are subject to transport by sea, their
surfaces shall be protected with varnish suitable for that purpose.

Coverage. The surface area effectively covered by one liter of a given paint, shall not
exceed the coverage prescribed for that particular paint.

The minimum thickness of film of dry paint, per coating, shall be that specified by the
paint manufacturer.

Care of Painted Surfaces. Parts which have been painted shall not be handled or worked
until the paint film is totally dry and hard.

Until final assembly, all painted parts shall be stored without direct contact with the
ground, in ventilated locations and free of formation of condensation.
The paint of parts in which the painting has possibly been damaged shall be removed,
and subsequently painted with a new paint or touched up, with the specified paint.

Surfaces in Contact. Whenever a difference in potentials may be established between

metallic surfaces of different chemical composition, by contact of rivets or bolts, each of
the surfaces in contact shall be cleaned, pre-treated and shall receive a primer coating, all
in compliance with that specified for the particular case of the metals involved.

On the other hand, if the contact is between ferrous surfaces and between other parts
of similar chemical composition, those surfaces shall be protected, although not mandatory
by means of painting.
Surfaces in metallic contact, established by highly resistant bolts, in couplings of friction
type, shall not be painted, but shall receive a protective coating of grease of varnish
until they are mounted,when they shall then be removed.In the case of a non metallic
surface being in contact with a metallic surface through rivets or bolts, the contact
surface of the metal shall be cleaned and shall receive three coats of specified primer.

Other Protection Processes. Depending on the part, other protection processes can be
applied such as: metal-coating, hot-dip galvanizing, chromium plating, cadmium plating,
etc. Each one of these processes shall be indicated in the respective Technical Notes of
Construction and are subject to approval by the PURCHASER.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Unless otherwise specified, bolts, nuts and flat and spring washers for equipment subject
to weather effects, shall be hot dip galvanized in compliance with ASTM A153 Standard,
Class C or galvanized.

Inspections and Tests


General. Factory inspections to be carried out by the PURCHASER, under no circumstances

shall free the SUPPLIER of any of his contractual obligations or responsibilities.
The PURCHASER shall retain the right to inspect at any stage during the manufacturing
The SUPPLIER shall combine with the PURCHASER the setting up of a Basic inspection
Schedule for each supply, according to the stipulated deadlines. this schedule shall also
cover tests and inspections to be conducted at the Jobsite.
The SUPPLIER shall attach to this Schedule, a description for the different items, their
identification, place of manufacture and expected date for inspection.
The PURCHASER shall commence its inspections at the factory, only after receiving and
approving all the Drawings, Lists of Materials and Calculation Sheets related to the
equipment or to the part to be inspected.
The SUPPLIER shall perform internally the tests defined in the Basic Inspection Schedule
prior to the dates established for inspections by the PURCHASER.
With the results of these tests, the SUPPLIER shall prepare his Internal Report, which
shall be presented to the PURCHASERs inspector on the day the tests are initiated with
the presence of the PURCHASER, as called for in the Basic Inspection Schedule.
The PURCHASERs inspector has the right to request partial or total repetition of each
of the tests included in the SUPPLIERs Internal Report.
Other verifications may be defined during the detailing of the design, after having been
agreed upon between the PURCHASER and the SUPPLIER.
The SUPPLIER shall furnish the PURCHASER the following documents:
Copies of the purchase orders and specifications of the raw material and
Certificates and reports on tests of materials;
Certificates of tests of mechanical and electrical components;
Reports on factory tests.
The applicable standards to be used for non-destructive tests upon receipt of raw materials
and the standards to be used for welding control are:
Receipt of rolled products (thickness = 19mm)
ASTM A435 (ultrasonic) standard.
Receipt of weldings
ASME, Section VIII (ultrasonic, magnaflux, penetrating liquid and X-ray).

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Standard Technical Specifications


Tests and Inspections during Manufacturing


Destructive Tests

Mechanical Tests. - Elongation tests shall comply with the requirements of NBR
6152 Standard Determinao das Propriedades Mecnicas Trao de Materiais
Mecnicos and the bend tests with the requirements of NBR 6153 Standard
Determinao da Capacidade do Dobramento de Produtos Metlicos, both from
The bend tests shall be considered satisfactory, when the test specimen tested complies
with the requirements of ABNT-MB-262.
For sheets, rolled shapes, castings and steel cables, the tensile strength of the test
specimen shall be equal to or higher than the minimum tensile strength of the material
from which the test specimen originated as specified by a standard acceptable to the
With respect to the weldings, elongation and bend tests shall be conducted on test
specimens joined by the weld fillets.
For weldings joining different metals, the tensile strength of the test specimen shall be
equal to or higher than the minimum strength of the base material which has the highest
tensile strength, as specified by a standard acceptable to the PURCHASER.
For weldings calculated with a lower tensile strength than that of the base metal, the
tensile strength of the test specimen shall be equal to or higher than the tensile strength
of the weld metal, as specified by a standard acceptable to the PURCHASER.
Chemical Analysis. For stainless steel and other materials resistant to corrosion, a
chemical analysis shall be made by sampling, at the PURCHASERs discretion to
check the certificates.
The cost for this analysis shall be at the PURCHASERs expense, if the SUPPLIER presents
the certificates of the chemical tests of these materials.

Nondestructive Tests

The following shall be submitted to Hardness Tests:

Shafts, sealing rubber, stainless steel and metallic surfaces of components
subject to wear.
The following shall be submitted to ultrasonic tests:
100% of the sheets, with thickness equal to or greater than 19mm, as per
ASTM A435 Standard, in their raw material form.
Cast and/or Forged Parts, such as: shafts requiring structural dependability.
Bevels for jobsite weldings.
Structural butt welds, characterized in the approved construction drawings
shall be tested by sampling a length equivalent to 30% of the total length of
the fillet. The sections to be tested shall be determined at the discretion of
the PURCHASERs inspector. If unacceptable defects are detected, the
ultrasonic test shall be extended throughout the remaining 70%. Rejected
parts shall be repaired and again submitted to the applicable tests. Parts
which do not comply with the conditions of the design shall be scrapped or

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Standard Technical Specifications

The following shall be submitted to penetrating Liquid or Magnetic Particle test:

100% of the bimetallic fillet welds and structural fillet welds (in angle).
Shafts requiring structural dependability (after final machining and heat
The above mentioned parts shall be rejected if, after the test, they present cracks or
porosity over that permitted in the ASME Standard or another applicable standard.
Rejected parts shall be repaired and again submitted to tests. Depending on the extent
or type of of the defect, the defective portion can be rejected.
Thickness of the Surface Protections. Thickness of the chrome plating and similar
processes of surface protection shall be verified by means of a magnetic measuring
instrument or any other acceptable appartus. Parts which do not contain the
thickness recommended in the design shall be rejected.
The base paint coating shall be checked prior to the application of the finish coating. A
magnetic measuring instrument shall be used. The final thickness of the paint shall
comply with the paint manufacturers specification, and if not attained, the painting
shall be rejected. Checking of the base and finish paint coatings shall only be done after
the times required for the paint cure are observed, in accordance with the manufacturers

Dimensions and Finishing Checking during Manufacture

Structural Parts. Before assembly of the mechanical components and after possible
corrections and approval of the weldings, after heat treatment and after final
machining, the structural parts shall be submitted to complete verification of
dimensions and checking of finish machining.
Mechanical Elements. 100% of the following mechanical elements shall be
submitted to dimensional and finish inspection, after final machining and/or prior
to any assembly
Roller Bearings;
The remaining mechanical elements, such as nuts, bolts, anchor bolts, etc., after final
machining and before any assembly, shall be inspected for dimensions by sampling, at
the discretion of the PURCHASER.

Electric Motors. All the electric motors shall be submitted, at the factory, to type and
routine tests, in compliance with ABNT Standards NBR-7094 and NBR-5383.


Final Factory Tests and Inspections. Final factory tests and inspections shall be conducted
for each equipment or part thereof, assembled, after completion of the former applicable
tests defined above.
Verifications as to surface finish, manufacture, assembly, no-load operation tests and
any other necessary mechanical or electrical verifications shall also be conducted, to
ensure compliance with all the requirements of the technical specifications, which shall
form part of the Basic Inspection Schedule.


Inspections. At the sole discretion of the PURCHASER, the witnessing of the Tests
required in the respective Specification may be totally or partially dispensed with.

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Standard Technical Specifications

In cases where the witnessing of the Tests are dispensed with, the PURCHASER may
demand the presentation of a complete report on the tests, for each model of the
equipment, containing all data necessary for a perfect understanding of the tests
conducted and their results, with a guarantee of their authenticity.

Equipment Rejection at Factory. The equipment shall be rejected if, in the course of
inspection, any equipment failure or deficiency in relation to the PURCHASERs
Specifications and approved drawings is detected.
Equipment rejection shall not exempt the SUPPLIER from its responsibilities regarding
the delivery date of the equipment.
If, in the PURCHASERs opinion, it is determined that the SUPPLIER is incapable of
complying with the requirements of the ENGINEER, or if the rejection makes the planned
delivery date impracticable, the PURCHASER retains the right to cancel all its obligations
and purhase the equipment from another source, the SUPPLIER thus being considered
as breaking the contract and subject to penalties applicable to the case.


Equipment Acceptance at Factory. The equipment shall be considered accepted if the

final acceptance tests at the factory lead to satisfactory results. In this case, The
ENGINEER shall affix an inspection seal next to the nameplate, and after approving the
packing, shall issue a Certificate of Liberation for the material.
The acceptance of the equipment at the Factory by the ENGINEER shall not affect the
conditions in Item 15 (Provisional and Final Acceptance) regarding provisional and final
acceptance at the jobsite, and shall not in any way exempt the SUPPLIER from its
responsibility to supply the equipment in conformity with the Contract/Purchase Order,
or anull or jeopardize any future claim the PURCHASER may make, based on the existence
of equipment which is unsuitable, faulty or in conflict with the Specification.


Packing, Transportation and Handling. The equipment shall be suitably packed so as to

protect it against damages during transportation and storage, in conditions that envolve
multiple handling, transhipment, transporting on unpaved roads, prolonged warehousing,
exposure to humidity, sea air and possibility of theft.
Without limiting the SUPPLIERs responsibilities, following is a list of conditions that
should be observed, in addition to other conditions eventually included in this Specification:
Boxes, crates and pallets shall be constructed in a manner suitable for each shipment
requirement and shall be strapped with steel bands. The wood shall be dry.
The steel bands shall be of non-annealed steel, applied with stretching tools and
fastened with pressed clamps.
Nails shall be coated with anti-corrosion protection and be adequate for package
In case of equipment susceptible to damages caused by moisture, impermeable
coverings in the form of bags or envelopes sealed with impermeable adhesives
shall be used. A moisture absorbing protection such as silicon gel shall be provided.
Machined surfaces, which may be subject to oxidation while being transported or
installed, shall be transported covered with grease or other easily removable
Items to be shipped in bales shall be separated and bound in accordance with
dimensions and weights compatible with handling at the jobsite.
The packing shall be subject to inspection and approval by the ENGINEER. If the boxes
arrive at the destination damaged or in unsuitable conditions the equipment shall be
inspected, and any damaged or unsuitable equipment shall be returned and replaced at

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Standard Technical Specifications

the SUPPLIERs expense. Each package shall be marked with the names of the
PURCHASER and of the Project, the number of parts it contains, name of the SUPPLIER,
number of Contract/Purchase Order, number of shipment, destination, and gross and
net weights. A list shall also be furnished, on which all materials, accessories and/or
spare parts contained in each package are listed, to facilitate checking of same.
Transportation and insurance shall be in accordance with the General and Special
Conditions of Contract, and in addition, the following conditions shall be observed:
In the case of supply by national companies:
Shipping and insurance of the equipment from the factory to the jobsite
warehouse shall be the responsibility of the SUPPLIER.
The insurance shall also cover the unloading operation at the delivery site, which will be
performed by the PURCHASER, in accordance with the SUPPLIERs instructions.
Optionally, the PURCHASER may directly handle this freight and insurance, if
so established in the Contract/Purchase Order.

In the case of supply by foreign company:

The shipping and insurance of the equipment from the factory to the Brazilian
port of ______ shall be the responsibility of the SUPPLIER. The shipment and
insurance of the equipment from the Brazilian port of __________ to the jobsite
warehouse shall be the responsibility of either the SUPPLIER or the PURCHASER
according to that which was established in the Contract.
Storage at Jobsite. The storage and safekeeping of equipment and materials,
after arrival at the destination jobsite warehouses up to the effective date of
installation, shall be done by the PURCHASER following instructions furnished by
Spart parts packaged separately and each package marked with the words PEAS
SOBRESSALENTES to avoid using the spare parts the equipment.

SUPPLIERS Drawings and Data


Manufacturing Schedule. The BIDDER shall present with the Bid a detailed schedule of
the supply, containing at least the following events:
Preparation of manufacturing drawings and submittal for approval;
Approval of the drawings by the PURCHASER;
Preparation of the instruction manuals;
Inspection, tests at factory;
Transportation and delivery to worksite.


Drawings and Data to be Submitted for Approval. Independent from any document furnished
with the bid, the SUPPLIER shall submit for the PURCHASERs analysis and approval,
after the contract has been signed and before starting manufacture, all documents
comprising the equipment design and/or catalog data, in five (5) copies. The drawings
being furnished in blueprint form. The drawings, data,and calculation sheets listed in the
respective Technical Specifications shall be the minimum amount of material furnished.

The drawings shall be submitted with all elements required for a clear understanding of
the dimensions, concepts, and operability of the equipment and shall contain where
applicable, plan drawings, views, sections, and details with all elevations, in addition to

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Standard Technical Specifications

electrical diagrams, material lists, and calculation sheets. The drawings shall be prepared
in compliance with the ABNT standard NBR - 5984.
Where data are required for commercial products or equipment, the SUPPLIER shall
submit 5 (five) sets of complete identifying data giving the manufacturers name, type,
model, size, and characteristics of the equipment. When a catalog sheet is submitted,
the particular item proposed shall be underlined or marked. The data shall be
comprehensive and shall fully demonstrate that all equipment provided will meet the
requirements of these specifications.
The drawings, data, and calculation sheets shall be stamped with the PURCHASERs
name, contract number, works name, SUPPLIERs reference number and revision number
and date.
All the drawings and other technical documents furnished shall become the exclusive
property of the PURCHASER, who may make use of same in any manner it wishes.

Criteria for Approval of Drawings and Data. The PURCHASER shall decide on the drawings
and data received within a maximum time limit of thirty (30) days following receipt
thereof. However, the SUPPLIER shall be granted the right to extend the foreseen
equipment delivery date by a period of time equal to the delay caused by the PURCHASER
in analysing the documents. This right is not applicable to drawings submitted for
clarification and/or correction of ones initially presented.
After analysis, the PURCHASER shall return to the SUPPLIER one (l) copy of each drawing
and/or data sheet, stamped with the following indications:
Drawings and data stamped APROVADO authorize the SUPPLIER to continue detailing
the design and to start manufacturing the equipment covered by the drawing. Drawings
and data stamped APROVADO COM RESTRIES authorize the SUPPLIER to continue
detailing the design and to start manufacturing, including therein the alterations requested;
the re-submittal of the drawings for new checking, however, is necessary.
Drawings and data stamped NO APROVADO shall be resubmitted for approval after
having been corrected or altered. The alterations so made do not confer to the SUPPLIER
the right to extend the delivery date for the equipment.
Immediately after completion of the approval procedure, the SUPPLIER shall submit to
the PURCHASER one (1) reproducible copy of the originals of each drawing, in polyester,
accompanied by one (1) blueprint. The polyester shall be 0.3 mm thick.
Whenever modifications to the equipment design or manufacture are required, the
PURCHASER shall be informed and, if such modifications affect the design, the SUPPLIER
shall resubmit five (5) new copies for analysis,the procedure established above being
The approval by the PURCHASER of drawings, data,and calculations shall not diminish
the SUPPLIERs responsibilities in relation to the equipment design, raw material,
manufacture and guaranteed characteristics. The fact of the PURCHASER calling the
SUPPLIERs attention to certain errors or omissions does not imply that the the

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Standard Technical Specifications

PURCHASER will be responsible for others not mentioned or not detected during drawing
analysis and approval process.
Any fabrication or procurement performed, or shipment made, prior to approval of the
drawings and data, shall be at the SUPPLIERs risk.

Presentation Schedule. Unless otherwise stated in the Technical Specifications or in the

schedule contained in these specifications, the deadlines for presentation of drawings
and data for approval shall be the following:
Deadline for remittance, counted

Description as from the date

the contract is signed

Drawings and design data which affect the performance of civil works

up to 30 days

Drawings and design data which do not affect the performance of the civil works

up to 60 days

Desenhos e informaes de projeto que no tenham influncia na execuo das obras civis

at 60 dias

It shall be observed that within the deadlines established above or in the Specifications
all the drawings of all the items of the Contract shall be submitted for the PURCHASERs

Instruction Manual. - Within thirty (30) days prior to the expected delivery date of the
equipment, the SUPPLIER shall forward five (5) copies of the equipment Instruction Manual,
in A4 format, to the PURCHASER.

Manual shall be complete and shall contain all instructions for operation, modifications
and adjustment of the equipment at the jobsite; recommendations regarding tools and
instruments to be used; routines of maintenance, storage, handling and lifting of the
unit and accessories, together with drawings for assembly and moving of parts and
Where applicable, the Manuals shall indicate , in a very clear manner, the recommended
adjustment values of parts and devices.
The Instruction Manuals shall be written in Portuguese and furnished suitably bound.
The drawings included in the Manuals shall be numbered, properly folded and attached
to the volume in a manner similar to that of the text pages.

Installation Supervision. The PURCHASER retains the right to contract with the SUPPLIER
the assembly installation services in accordance with the General and Special Conditions
of Contract.
The SUPPLIER shall provide a capable assembly and test supervisor to supervise the
assembly and installation at the jobsite, and the initial and final tests and inspections at
the jobsite , of the equipment being supplied.
The supervisor shall act as a consultant for the PURCHASER as regards practical methods
and required precautions and shall be responsible for alignments, clearances and other
requirements inherent to the equipment assembly, as well as guiding the PURCHASER
with respect to handling, checking, start-up and other operations required for the effective
operation of the equipment.
The SUPPLIER shall, in advance, furnish the PURCHASER with forecasts of personnel,
tools and equipment required for assembly within the conditions and time limits established
in the Contract.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Personnel Training. The SUPPLIER shall provide, at his expense, training of the technicians
indicated by the PURCHASER, providing them with instructions and information to qualify
them for the perfect operation and maintenance of the equipment to which this document
relates. Training shall be completed 30 days before the normal start-up of operation, or
the acceptance tests of the system and/or equipment, and shall comply with the provisions
contained in the following paragraphs. Training shall be of sufficient duration to ensure
the complete preparation of the personnel responsible for the operation and maintenance
of the system and/or equipment, using instructive facilities as well as equipment or
similar items already installed in order to define and implement the preventative and
corrective maintenance programs.
This training shall be comprised of a study of the theory of operation of the equipment,
with an analysis of schematic diagrams, a determination of the instruments and devices
required for maintenance work, and practical exercises in preventive and corrective
maintenance. A global understanding of the operation and installation of the system
shall be achieved.
Together with the bid, the BIDDER shall present a general training plan containing all the
specifications of the training to be furnished, including programs, instruction material,
instructors curricula, training locations and other information.
The SUPPLIER shall furnish all the material required for the training process. The
PURCHASER will be responsible for the participants travel and lodging expenses, including
all related legalobligations.
Travel and lodging expenses of the instructors shall be at the expense of the SUPPLIER.
Evaluation of the training program criteria shall be established by common accord between
parties, including the list of participants and the minimum qualifications required for
same, in sufficient time to ensure that training is completed before the normal operation
of the system.


Provisional and Final Acceptance


Provisional Acceptance. General checking and operation tests shall be carried out after
the completion of the installation at the jobsite, in the presence of the PURCHASER.

Once the conditions imposed by the reference standards and set forth by this Specification
are complied with, and the equipment put into operation, it shall be considered delivered
and installed and a Provisional Acceptance Certificate will be issued by the PURCHASER,
without detriment to the guarantees stipulated in the General and General and Special
Conditions of Contract.

Final Acceptance. When the guarantee period ends with no pending contract item
outstanding, there is termination of the contract and a certificate of FINAL ACCEPTANCE
of the equipment relative to the supply will be issued by the PURCHASER.




General. Unless otherwise specified, the CONTRACTOR shall mark all electrical equipment
to be designated, other than disconnecting switches, with the assigned designations, by
nameplate, with letters approximately 38 mm high. Fuse and disconnecting switch
identification signs are provided for elsewhere in the Specifications.


Nameplate. A nameplate shall be installed on each _______, ______ and ______. The
nameplates shall be made of stainless steel, at least 1 mm thick. All information on the
nameplate shall be in Portuguese and in the metric system.

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Standard Technical Specifications

The nameplate shall be located so as to be visible from the front of equipment after it is
placed in its permanent operating position. Each nameplate shall contain at least the
following applicable information:
The words (type of equipment);
Manufacturer s name and placed and year of manufacture;
Manufacturing serial number;
Type (Manufacturer s);
Dimensions of dismountable components and overall dimensions;
Weight of dismountable components and total weight;
Manufacturing standards used.

Exceptions to the Specifications. The BIDDER shall include in his Bid an explicit list of all
points where the proposed equipment deviates from these specifications, and shall fill
out the specific form which is presented in Part ___ of the Instructions to Bidders.
The PURCHASER retains the right to accept or reject the exceptions and deviations
proposed. Deviations not included in the Declaration of Exceptions of the Bid will not be
accepted later, since their absence shall be an indication that the proposed equipment
fully complies with requirements established by the PURCHASER.


Alternative Bid . Alternative bids, offering equipment with other arrangements and/or
concepts of design which are different from the ones included in the Specifications may
be considered by the PURCHASER, provided that an alternative qualifying bid has been
evaluated and found to be the lowest cost bid.
The alternative bid shall be presented in explicit detail, including all elements required
for a perfect characterization of the equipment offered, otherwise it shall not be considered

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Standard Technical Specifications






Objective. The objective of these Technical Specifications is to define the minimum

technical criteria and supply conditions required of the pump and motor units for the
_________ (name) Pumping Station of the_________ (name) Project.


Operating Conditions. The equipment shall be designed and constructed for the operating
conditions as stated in paragraph 3 of Section __________ , MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT,
GENERAL (S-010101).
The equipment shall be designed for external use.
The equipment must be designed to endure continuous and intermittent operation up to
24 hours a day, over a 3-month period, at an ambient temperature of up to 40o C;
The intermittent working regime referred above is characterized by starting and stopping
the pumping units during operation, so that within 20 hours there may occur up to 2
starts of the pump;


Scope of Supply. The supply scope of these specifications includes, but is not limited to
the following items:


Preparation of design drawings and calculation sheets and submittal for approval.


Furnishing instruction manuals for assembly, operation and maintenance of equipment

and/or materials.


Manufacturing and supplying of pump and motor units in accordance with these
Specifications and approved drawings.


Supplying of special tools required for assembly and maintenance of equipment.


Supplying of spare parts for the pump and motor units, as required in these specifications.


Tests of equipment and/or materials at factory, as required in these specifications.


Packing, transportation of the equipment from factory to jobsite, and unloading at the
jobsite, including necessary transportation insurance.


Supervision of assembly of equipment and/or materials and installation, when requested


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Standard Technical Specifications


Test of equipment at jobsite and operational start-up, whenever the PURCHASER requests
the assembly supervisor at the jobsite.


Instructions and training for the PURCHASERs operation and maintenance personnel.


Equipment and/or materials guarantee.

The SUPPLIER shall present a project schedule which ensures the supply of the equipment
in an orderly and continuous manner, thus allowing the sequential and complete assembly
of each pumping system.


Technical Standards. The latest revision of the following standards shall be adopted for
the manufacturing and suppling of materials,and the dimensioning and tests of the
pump and motor sets.
ABNT - Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas
DIN - Deutsches Institut Fur Normung
ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
API - American Petroleum Institute
AISI - American Iron and Steel Institute
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
AWWA - American Water Works Association
ISO - International Organization for Standardization
SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers
HIS - Hydraulic Institute Standards
ANSI - American National Standards Institute
IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE - The Institute of Electrical and Eletronic Engineers,Inc.
NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association
VDI - Verein Deutscher Ingeneure


Modifications. The lay-out of equipment shown on the drawing may be taken as a

guide, allowing the SUPPLIER to make any suggestions and/or alterations which better
adapt to the equipment he is offering. Suggestions and/or alterations which include
technical aspects inferior to those here required, however, will not be accepted;
All specification requirements will be considered as included in the alternative offered;
Suggestions and/or alterations will not be accepted which alter dimensions of buildings,
except that building openings for the pump column, pump base and pipe outlets already
designed in the structure may be altered.
The alterations which have been allowed above must be submitted to the ENGINEER in
sufficient time, in order to be implemented, if approved;
The SUPPLIER must provide detailed drawings of all the equipment in 04 (four) copies,
one of which must be a reproducible for heliographic copies;
The reproducible drawing must be or CRONAFLEX paper or similar, so as to be durable
and allow good reproductions;
The drawings must contain all the details of design, manufacture and assembly which
may result in any of the previously mentioned alterations in civil works;

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Standard Technical Specifications

The modifications or information submitted cannot be altered without prior authorization

of the ENGINEER, and omissions will not exempt the SUPPLIER from his obligations
under these specifications;
Once the designs submitted are analysed, the changes by the ENGINEER, within the
scope of the present specifications, must be promptly carried out by the SUPPLIER
within the established schedule and without any additional charge;
The modified designs will be signed by both the ENGINEER and the SUPPLIER, each of
whom will keep a copy. No discrepancies shall exist between these copies;
The approval of a design by the ENGINEER will not make him responsible for errors or
omissions on the part of the SUPPLIER who will remain responsible for compliance with
all provisions of the specifications;
The SUPPLIER will provide new drawings to replace the ones which were altered according
to the instructions in the items above.

Pump and Motor Efficiencies. Electric motor efficiencies and power factors shall not be
less than those specified in (S-010205 - Induction Electric Motors) or (S-010206 Synchronous Electric Motors), as applicable.
Basic Efficiency and Minimum Efficiency for the combination pump and motor units
will be as specified in the Technical Data Sheets.
Units with efficiencies higher than the Basic Efficiency specified will be accepted as
conditions of equality. Units with efficiencies lower than the Minimum Efficiency will
not be accepted.
In the evaluation of the bids submitted under this Solicitation, if a pump and motor unit
is found to have an efficiency lower than the Basic Efficiency specified, a penalty
shall be applied by adding to the applicable lump-sum price bid for furnishing the unit a
value of US$ 1.00 per kilowatt for each 1/10 of 1 (one) percent in which the efficiency
of the unit proposed by the BIDDER is less than the Basic Efficiency specified.
The number of kilowatts to be used in the determination of the dollar value of the above
penalty shall be established as the power of the pump and motor unit and shall be found
by the application of the following formula:

Q x H(man) x 9.8

P = power of the pump and motor, unit in kw,
Q = design discharge of the pump and motor unit in m3 /s,
n = pump and motor Basic Efficiency.
H(man) = design manometric head in m.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Inspections and Tests


General. The pumps and motors shall be submitted to the tests specified in this
The PURCHASER shall be granted the right to have a representative present to observe
the tests. This representative may, at the PURCHASERs discretion, be from any agency.
The SUPPLIER will guarantee the PURCHASERs representative free access at any stage
of the process of manufacture or assembly of the equipment, and shall supply, free of
charge, any of the components to be tested, and offer all facilities necessary for the
tests themselves.
Any expense incurred to carry out the tests, whether for personnel or material, will be
the SUPPLIERs entire responsibility.
The results of the tests for each unit must be presented in separate, specific certificates.


Pumps. All pumps shall be submitted in the factory to hydrostatic testing at a pressure
equal to the highest value of the following conditions:
Test pressure equal to 1.5 times the shut-off pressure;
Test pressure equal to 2 times the working pressure;
Test pressure equal to 1.2 times the maximum operating pressure of the pump,when
operating in the reverse direction as a turbine.
The test pressure shall be maintained during a minimum period of 1 hour.
Welding performed on impeller and pump shafts shall be tested with penetrating fluid
(Dye Check) and/or magnetic particles (magnaflux).


Motors. The electric motors shall be submitted in the factory to type and routine tests
according to ABNT NBR-7094 and NBR-5383. After mounting, all motors shall be
submitted to the following tests, witnessed by the PURCHASER at the factory:
Measurement of insulation resistance to ambient temperature;
Withstand voltage test;
Winding resistance measurements;
No-load test;
No-load test for determination of excitation curve;
Locked rotor test for determination of starting current and torque. This test can
be carried out with reduced voltage,in which case the torque and the starting
current are extrapolate to normal voltage, taking into account the saturation effects;
Determination of vibration and noise levels.The noise level may be determined
without checking the levels in each octave band;
Check of temperature level and noise of bearings.
After the described tests have been carried out, a motor of each type chosen at the
PURCHASERs discretion, shall be submitted to the following tests:
Plotting of curves current x useful power, current x efficiency, current x
power factor, current x absorbed power and current x rotation;
Determination of the maximum torque and corresponding rotation. This test may
be carried out with reduced voltage, its values being extrapolated to the rated
voltage after taking into account the saturation effects.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Should rotor bars and rings be of non-cast material, welding shall be controlled by
process analysis and utilization of the penetrating fluid Dye Check.
When ABNT specification or methodology are omitted or insufficient for the above
tests, NEMA or DIN/VDE standard requirements shall be mandatory.

Pump and Motor Unit. The pump and motor unit shall be submitted in the factory to
operation tests according to DIN-1944, Class II standard, the pumps being tested at the
rated speed with plotting of at least six points placed along the characteristic curve of
the pump, i.e.:
Rated water head operating point;
Maximum and minimum water head discharge points, according to curves of the
Points (no less than two) which permit checking the performance of the pump at
intermediate points;
Shut-off water head point.
For testing the unit, the duly calibrated motor (plotted curves), shall be employed when
possible. Should the performance of tests at the factory not be possible with the motor
itself and at the rated speed the SUPPLIER shall submit to the PURCHASER an alternative
for approval.
For the pump and motor unit tests with reduced speed, the four conditions below shall
be maintained:
The test conditions shall be such as to produce the same specific speed as the
field installation.
The motor used in the tests shall have all the curves plotted.
The points equivalent to the ones previously mentioned shall be tested.
The calvitation sigma factor shall be the same as the field
In the reduced speed test, the pump cavitation sigma factor shall be plotted.
The test information shall include discharges, corresponding water heads,power consumed
by the pump (bhp), hydraulic power (Whp),power consumed by the motor, efficiency,
rotation of pumps and NPSH.
At least one pump of each model will have the tests witnessed by the PURCHASER.
Tests shall be carried out to assure the control of the maximum internal temperature of
the pump and unit bearings in a continuous operating condition.
The internal temperature of the bearings under continuous operation of the pump at
approximately 30o C ambient temperature shall not exceed 80o C.
A surface temperature of the bearing box above 50o C shall be taken as evidence that
the internal temperature of bearing exceeds 80 o C, except when shown otherwise by
This surface temperature shall be indicated by a thermometer firmly pressed against the
external surface of the bearing box and sealed with an adequate plastic paste.
The thermometer shall have a precision of plus or minus 1 Co at 55 Co .

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The pump and motor units shall be submitted, at the jobsite, to the following tests:

Vibration Tests. The pump and motor units sets shall be submitted to vibration tests
according to VDI Standard and the vibration levels shall remain within limits considered
BOM (GOOD) as established by VDI Directive 2056.


Noise Test. The pump and motor units shall be submitted to noise tests according to ISO
Standards - Noise Rating Criteria Curves - Curves NC. 7.4.3 Bearing Temperatures.
Temperature levels of the bearings shall be checked with machines in operating condition.

Charges required as a result of tests at the jobsite shall be the SUPPLIERs responsibility.

Packaging, Transporting, Unloading and Storage. The SUPPLIER shall provide necessary
packing of the equipment to avoid its damage or deterioration during transit to its final
destination and during the storage period. Packaging, transporting, and insurance shall
be in accordance with paragraph 11, Section MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL (S010101) and as specified in this paragraph.
The packing shall be sufficient to resist violent handling during transit and storage. The
size and the weight of the packing boxes shall take in account, where possible , the
distance to the final destination and the absence of heavy weight handling facilities at
all places along the route.
All the pumps must be submitted to a cleaning and washing process, internally and
externally, with an anti-corrosive product. The non painted machined parts, such as
threads, must be protected against corrosion.
All the existing holes in the equipment must be closed by plugs or flanges of wood or
other similar material.
The equipment shall be protected for a storage period of 6 (six) months.
Any repair to the equipment or packing, until delivery to the PURCHASER, must be
made at the expenses of the SUPPLIER.
Special attention shall be given to the protection of the motor shafts, to avoid shocks
which may damage or bend them.
Before shipment, motors and pumps shall be stored in a dry place, free from dust, gases
or corrosive smoke and at a uniform temperature. The motors and pumps shall be stored
in their normal position and other objects shall not lean against them.
The delivery of the equipment shall be made by the SUPPLIER according to the terms of
the Contract. The SUPPLIER will be responsible until the delivery has been completed.
The supply will be considered as being completed after delivery of the equipment at the
storage site and after issuance of the respective acceptance form.
The transportation, including loading and unloading of the equipment, and until storage
at the site will be the exclusive responsibility of the SUPPLIER and its costs shall be
included in the price of the equipment.
The supplied equipment must be totally covered by insurance against loss and damages,
caused during manufacturing or to the purchasing,transportation, storage and supply
according to these Specifications.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Drawings and Data to be Furnished by the SUPPLIER


Technical Data and Information for the BID. The BID must contain the following
Relating to the pump and motor units
Torque curves of the motors and pumps;
Outline drawings of assemblies, including dimensions of the bases and
Characteristics of the lubrication system;
Moments of inertia of the pumps and motor;
Maximum dynamic and static head on the floor slab by the motor.
Relating to the pumps
Data sheet containing their main characteristics;
Complete performance curves of the model of pumps being offered;
Adopted manufacturing standards;
Type of bearings;
Descriptive memorandum for the tests;
Principal materials;
Minimum submergence;
Complete performance curves with admissible maximum and minimum
Relating to the motors
Data sheets containing their main characteristics;
Performance curves of the motors;
Principal materials;
Type of bearings;
Standards of manufacture and test;
Descriptive memorandum for the tests.


Complementary Data to be Provided at the Time of Delivery:

Catalogs and discriptive data for the motor and pump;
Dimensional drawings;
List of spare parts;
Drawings showing the exact location, with dimensions, of the anchor bolts
for the pump and motor units.
Drawings of the necessary sections and details (such as flanges, couplings,
bearings, etc.).
Instructions for specific and for preventative maintenance, for assembly and
disassembly, for loading and unloading, and lubrication details.
Operating-characteristic curves for operating pumping units either individually
and in parallel, with other units in the pumping plant.
Curves of NPSH required as a function of discharge.
Allowable input power variation limits for the various values of discharge and
manometric height within which the pumps can operate without cavitation
Reports of all tests required by these specifications which are performed in
the factory.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Guarantee. The SUPPLIER of the pump and motor units shall confirm that the design of
the suction and discharge piping, including the pump manifold and discharge line, as
indicated in the Reference Drawings, will not affect the operating characteristics of the
The BIDDER shall present the following guarantees in his BID:




Guaranteed Net Efficiency - indicate as follows:

The BIDDER guarantees that the net efficiency of each pump, when they are pumping
________ m3 /h at ________ m of total water head and rotation of _________ RPM, will be
equal to or higher than ________ %.

Effective Power in the Shaft - indicate as follows:

The BIDDER guarantees that the effective power in the shaft of each pump, when they
are operating at a rotation of _______ RPM, and total water head of _______ m, will be
equal to or lower than __________ CV.


The BIDDER guarantees that the NPSH required by the pump relative to a drop of 3
(three) per cent of the total head, in the operating point corresponding to _________ m3
/h, is not greater than ________ m.

Material Removal

The BIDDER guarantees that cavitation will not occur (zero tolerance for the removal of
material from the casing and rotor) for the operating conditions to be encountered.


The BIDDER guarantees that the minimum submergence in relation to (indicate the
reference) will not exceed _________ m.

The BIDDER guarantees that the interval between two disassemblies of the pump and
motor unit for maintenance of the bearings is more than ________ hours of operation.


Electric Motors.


Guranteed Efficiency - indicate as follows:

The BIDDER guarantees that the efficiency of the motors developing full power under
the normal operating conditions will be equal to or higher than __________ %.


Power - indicate as follows:

The BIDDER guarantees that the power developed by the motors having voltage, power
factor, frequency, and other rated operating conditions, and without heating in an amount
higher than the limit specified, will be at least _________ CV.

Current with Rotor Locked

The BIDDER guarantees that the motor current with rotor locked shall not exceed
________ A, with the Standard tolerances included.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications



The BIDDER guarantees that the motors can operate continuously in overload with
110% of the rated power and 105% of the rated voltage at the rated frequency, without
the temperature of the windings exceeding those specified for insulation class B (ABNT).

Non-Compliance With the Efficiency Values Guaranteed and Established in the Contract.
When perfomance tests in factory indicate that the actual efficiencies presented by the
equipment purchased are lower than the values guaranteeed by the SUPPLIER in his bid
and on which the contract has been based, the PURCHASER will decide on one of the
following alternatives:


Acceptance of Modifications in the Design. Acceptance of modifications to be made in

the equipment at the SUPPLIERs expense, so as to meet requirements established in the
Contract. If the modification implies an extension of delivery time, a penalty for delay in
delivering shall be charged according to the General and Special Conditions of the Contract.


Reduction in the Contract Amount. To be established by the following procedure:

Obtain an average of three consecutive performance tests in order to determine

the final efficiency value. The test methods shall be the same established in
paragraph 7 of this Specification and shall be witnessed by a representative of the
Establish a difference between the actual and the guaranteed efficiencies and
apply a reduction in the Contract amount following the procedre specified in
subparagraph 6 for evaluation of bids.
10.3.3 Equipment Rejection . - To reject the equipment and to cancel the Contract with
the consequent execution of the bank guarantee and the other penalties forseen in the

Technical Assistance. The SUPPLIER must provide the following additional services in
accordance with the General and Special Conditions of the Contract:


Supervision of the installation and testing of the pump and motor unit in the field.


The supply of all the tools which will be necessary for the mounting and/or the
maintenance of the supplied units;


The supply of detailed operation and maintenance manuals in portuguese, for each of
the supplied units;


The training of the personnel for operation, maintenance and/or repairs of the supplied
units in accordance with paragraph 14 of Section MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL
The SUPPLIER must give technical assistance, at the work site, for a period of 5 (five)
years, from the beginning date of the start-up of the equipment . The SUPPLIER may
accredit regional enterprises, which have qualified technicians, for this kind of service.


Measurement and Payment . The quantity of pump and motor units described in this
Specification will be measured as complete pump and motor assemblies, expressed in
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the Contract.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications




Objective. This paragraph defines the manufacturing requirements which, together with
the requirements of paragraph PUMP AND MOTOR UNITS, GENERAL (S-010201),
establish the minimum conditions to be complied with for supplying the vertical-shaft,
centrifugal pumping units for the _______ (name) Project.


General. Pumps shall be a vertical-shaft type with one or more stages, with oil or water
bearing lubrication, and driven by an electric motor. The pumps shall be as required by
the Technical Data Sheets and be either a submersible type with motor submerged or a
pump with motor attached to the discharge head .


Identification of Units. In addition to the requirements and the information described in

item Mechanical Equipment (S-010101), the nameplate supplied with each pump shall
contain the following additional information:
Number of Stages
Diameter of Pump Discharge in Millimeters
Diameter of Impeller in Millimeters
Discharge Manometric Height
Discharge Flow
Direction of Rotation


Design and Manufacturing Requirements


General. The pumps must have vertical shafts direct connected to a vertical hollowshaft motor.
Rotation may be in either direction. The weight of the rotating parts of the pump,
including any unbalanced hydraulic thrust of the pump impellers, shall be carried by a
thrust bearing in the motor. The unit shall be designed to operate safely at the maximum
speed attainable in the reverse direction of rotation due to water returning through the
pump at times when the power supply to the motor is interrupted and the discharge
valve fails to close. Maximum reverse speed shall be determined using the head listed in
the Technical Data Sheets. All internal pump losses, including column and discharge
elbow losses, will be in addition to the total heads listed. The capacity of the pump at
rated total head shall not exceed 110 percent of the required minimum capacity. The
pump shall be designed to start and stop against a closed discharge valve with the
discharge line full of water and to operate satisfactorily over the expected range of total
heads. The pumps shall be designed to operate satisfactorily at the pressure head resulting
from throttling the discharge of the pump to 50 percent of the pump nominal capacity.
The performance curve of the pump shall have a continuously rising pressure characteristic
with decreasing capacity over the expected range of heads.
The pump shall be furnished in accordance with AWWA E101 and in accordance with
the requirements of these specifications. The same material combination shall be used
on all identical pumping units. Special consideration shall be given to the pumping unit
design to assure that the critical speed of the pumping unit is at least 25 percent greater
or less than the pump operating speed.
The pump bowls, column pipe, and discharge head shall be designed for a working
pressure equivalent to the pump shutoff head.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The pumps will be installed in individual wet-type wells whose dimensions are specified
on the drawings.
The pumps must work with a minimum submergence. The pumps must work, in parallel,
in groups of two or more, or individually, and must be designed and built so as to fulfill
this requirement.
The pumps must be operated by electric motors in accordance with the electric equipment
The pump impellers and shafts must be statically and dynamically balanced and must
rotate without vibration or oscilation within a rotation bracket from zero to rated RPM +
The pumps must withstand, without damage or loss of durability, reverse flow and the
internal and external forces caused by this operation.
The pumping assemblies must have the maximum possible interchangeable elements,
components or complete units, to facilitate maintenance and assure continuity of

Pump Column and Discharge Head Assembly. The pump shall be supported from its
base by means of a vertical flanged discharge column, with a horizontal discharge
located above the supporting base. On the non-submersible type pump, the length of
the discharge column shall be such that the bottom of the suction bell inlet, is
approximately one-half the diameter of the bellmonth inlet or a minimum distance of
150 mm, above the sump floor, with the controlling structural elevation shown on the
drawings. The centerline of the discharge shall be at the elevation indicated on the
The discharge column shall be made of steel pipe not lighter than that recommended by
AWWA E101 for Vertical Turbine Pumps, and shall be furnished in lengths not exceeding
3 meters. Discharge columns shall be seamless carbon steel, except that columns larger
than those listed in AWWA E101 shall be made of straight seam pipe in accordance
with ASTM designation: A 134 or A 139 with a wall thickness suitable for the intended
service. The pump may be furnished with a cast iron, cast steel, or fabricated plate steel
discharge head assembly. Fabricated plate steel discharge heads shall be provided with
either a long-radius forged steel elbow, or with a long-radius elbow with no less than
three mitered joints (four segments). The steel discharge elbow shall have a wall thickness
of not less than that specified above for the column. The discharge head shall be designed
to withstand the maximum shutoff head without undue deflection.
The pump discharge shall terminate with a straight piece of pipe suitable for connection
with a Dresser or Gibault type coupling with a thrust harness when shown on the
drawings, or shall terminate with a flanged connection. Flanged connections shall be of
steel with bolt holes compatible with the accessories offered.


Pump Base and Soleplate. The pump base provided with the pumping unit shall be
designed to rigidly support the unit over an opening in the concrete floor through which
the assembled pump column and bowl assembly can be installed and withdrawn. The
base shall be provided with a one-piece steel soleplate complete with shear keys on the
bottom. The shear keys shall be of such area that the maximum bearing stress imposed
on the grout from the pump shutoff head shall not exceed 500 N/cm2. The soleplate
shall be suitable for anchoring and grouting around the opening in the concrete floor,
and shall be drilled for the anchor bolts in the factory. The pump base and soleplate shall

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

be designed to carry the entire weight of the complete unit, and to transmit to the
concrete structure the entire horizontal thrust due to hydraulic pressure at shutoff head.
All surfaces in contact between the motor and the pump base and between the pump
base and soleplate shall be machined. If a fabricated steel base is furnished, adequate
braces shall be provided between the base and motor support unit.

Bowl Assembly. The pump bowl and suction case shall be designed for easy removal of
the impellers and bearings. Bowls shall be provided with replaceable wearing rings where
there are close running clearances between the impeller and the bowl. The surfaces of
all vanes used to direct the flow of water through the suction piece and pump bowl shall
be as smooth as practible and free of blow holes, chilled areas, slag, or foreign matter.
The suction bowl on the non-submersible pump shall have a bellmouth inlet designed to
reduce entrance losses and shall have a sufficient number of vanes to support the lower
guide bearing. A strainer with 25 mm square openings shall be provided at the bottom
of each pump. Means shall be provided in the bowl assembly to sustain the weight of
the impeller and pump shaft when dismantling the pump. A sand collar shall be provided
on the bowl shaft above the suction case bearing.


Impeller. The impeller shall be designed to minimize cavitation and shall be fastened to
the shaft in such a manner as to make it readily removable. The impeller shall be of the
enclosed type with a replaceable wearing ring where there are close running clearances
between the impeller and the bowl. The wearing ring shall be shrunk fit, utilizing an
interference fit of 0.0005 mm per millimeter of ring inside diameter.
The water passages of the impeller shall be hand finished to remove rough spots and
excessive irregularities.


Shafts. The pump shafts shall have a section of not less than 500 Brinell hardness at
the bowl bearings, intermediate bearings and the packing box wearing surfaces. The
shaft couplings shall be threaded. The ends of shafts 50 mm in diameter and larger shall
have male and female fit to ensure alignment. For a hollow-shaft motor, a bolted shaft
coupling shall be provided between the motor and the discharge head. An adjusting nut
shall be provided at the top of the top shaft for adjusting the elevation of the pump
impeller with reference to the pump bowl.


Bearings.- The pump shall have a line shaft guide bearing located where the shaft leaves
the discharge head and shall have sufficient shaft guide bearings, spaced not over 1.5
m apart, to maintain the alignment of the pump shaft and to prevent vibration. The bowl
assembly shall be equipped with adequate bearings, including a suction case bearing
below the first-stage impeller. The bowl assembly of multistage pumps shall be provided
with water-lubricated, intermediate-bowl bearings. The line shaft guide bearings above
the impellers shall be of the bronze oil-lubricated type. The suction case bearing shall be
of the bronze-sealed, grease-lubricated type.
The line shaft and bearings of the pump shall be protected from water and foreign
matter by a shaft-enclosing tube with proper provision for lubrication of the bearings. A
packed or gasket-type seal shall be provided where the shaft-enclosing tube leaves the
discharge head. Drain ports and seals, designed to drain excess oil from the guide
bearings and to prevent the entrance of pressure water into the shaft-enclosing tube,
shall be provided above the impellers.
The shaft guide bearings shall be lubricated by means of a solenoid oiler, complete with
an oil reservoir and all necessary tubing, fittings, and conduit.
The solenoid-operated oiler shall be electrically operated.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Discharge Flows and Pressure.- The pumps shall be manufactured to meet the
requirements shown in the Technical Data Sheets.
The figures for discharge, and manometric height shown in the Technical Data Sheets
represent the figures to be reached when the pumps operate in parallel.
The SUPPLIER must choose pumps which will also operate well when working individually,
in which case there may be a decrease of manometric height and a consequent increase
of discharge.
Compliance with the above will not exempt the SUPPLIER from guaranteeing the working
of the pumping units, whether they operate in parallel or individually.


Materials. All the material must be new, without defects or imperfections.

The impellers shall be of bronze or cast iron.
The pump shaft shall be corrosion-proof cast stainless steel.
The pump bowl shall be of grey cast iron or steel.
The bearings shall be of bronze.
The bushing shall be of carbon steel. All the components which may require replacement
must be easily accessable, and removable.
The base-plates and supports must be of carbon steel.
The methods of coating and treatment of surfaces must be submitted to the ENGINEER
for approval.
Other materials than those specified may be proposed by the BIDDER, provided that:
All materials used or supplied will be of equivalent or superior quality to those
specified and will provide equal or better service under the environmental conditions
as its destination.
All material used or supplied must be described in detail in the Proposal, in
accordance with these specifications, and for each type of material, the Standard
Specification and the Technical Standard which it meets must be included.
Acceptance of substitute materials shall be exclusively at the discretion of the


Reference drawings. The supply of the specified equipment must be in accordance with
the following drawings, which are an integral part of this Specification:
Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The above mentioned drawings serve as a general orientation for the preparation of the
proposals and shows the main characteristics and dimensions of the equipment. The
design and the elaboration of the detailed fabrication drawings are a part of the supply
and they are therefore, a responsibility of the SUPPLIER who will note and comply with
the main dimensions and the characteristics presented in the drawings listed above.
Any error in the reference drawings or specifications, be it omission, addition or
misplacement of words or symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the
requirements of the drawings and/or specifications. In case of discrepancy between the
drawings and the specifications, the latter will govern. The SUPPLIER shall bring to the
attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications or reference drawings.

Technical Data Sheets 7. Measurement and Payment. The supply of vertical-shaft,

centrifugal pumping units shall be measured as complete assemblies furnished, expressed
in units.
Payment for vertical-shaft centrifugal pumping units shall be made at the unit price
established in the Contract.




Objective. This paragraph defines the manufacturing requirements which, together with
the requirements of paragraph PUMP AND MOTOR UNITS, GENERAL (S-010201),
establish the minimum conditions to be complied with for supplying the horizontal-shaft
centrifugal pumping units for the _______ (name) Project.


General. Pumps shall be a centrifugal type with one or more stages, oil or grease bearing
lubricated, direct connected between shafts by means of a flexible coupling, and pump
driven by an electric motor.


Identification of Units. In addition to the requirements and the information described in

item MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT (S-010101), the nameplate supplied with each pump
shall contain the following additional information:
Number of Stages
Diameter of Pump Discharge in Millimeters
Diameter of Impeller in Millimeters
Discharge Manometric Head
Discharge Flow
Direction of Rotation


Design and Manufacturing Requirements


General. The details below apply to the pump and motor units, as well as to the motor
and the pump individually.
The units shall be carefully balanced so that, when they are installed and in the actual
operating condition, the vibrational amplitude does not surpass the values established
by the standards.
The motor shall be balanced separately, before assembly to the pump.
The design of the pump and motor units shall allow for a trip condition under reverse
rotation, in case of damage to the check valve. Under such condition, there shall be no
damage to elements such as coupling, shafts and bushings.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The bearings of the pump and motor unit shall be designed for at least 50,000 operating
The possible axial force on the shafts, in both directions, resulting from the hydraulic
asymmetry in the pump or from the magnetic fields in the motor, shall be supported, if
necessary, by a thrust bearing placed at the pump side. 4.2 Discharge Flows and
Pressures. - The pumps shall be manufactured to meet the requirements shown in the
Technical Data Sheets.
The figures for discharge and manometric head shown in technical Data Sheets represent
the figures to be reached when the pumps operate in parallel.
The SUPPLIER must choose pumps which will also operate well when working individually,
in which case there may be a decrease in manometric height and a consequent increase
in discharge.
Compliance with the above will not exempt the SUPPLIER from guaranteeing the working
of the pumping units, whether they operate in parallel or individually.

Materials. The materials for the main components of the pumps shall be as follows:
Pump casing - nodular cast iron ASTM A-48, Class 30 or ductile iron ASTM A-536
Impeller - nodular cast iron ASTM A-48, Class 30
Pump shaft - stainless steel ASTM A-276, Type 410
Metallic foundation with anchor bolt - carbon steel ASTM A-36 or nodular cast
iron ASTM A-48, class 30
All the material used must be new, without defects.
The methods of coating and treatment of surfaces shall be submitted to the PURCHASER
for approval.
Other materials than those specified may be proposed by the BIDDER, provided that:
All the materials used or supplied in accordance with these specifications will be
of equivalent or superior quality to those specified and will provide equal or better
service under the environmental conditions at its destination.
All the material used or supplied in accordance with these specifications must be
described in detail in the Proposal, and for each type of material the Technical
Standard and Standard Specification to which it conforms must be provided.
Acceptance of substitute materials shall be exclusively at the discretion of the


Casing. The pump body shall be of the spiral type, provided with cover, bearing retainer
and support feet, designed to permit easy handling of the impeller and motor.
The pump shall be split on the horizontal centerline, with the suction and discharge
connections cast integral with the lower half. The pump casing shall be provided with
replaceable wearing rings where there are close-running clearances between the impeller
and the casing.
Suitable tapped holes shall be provided for air vents and for drains. Each air vent shall be
provided with a 1/4 inch cock. The drains shall be located such that the case can be
completely unwatered. Tapped holes shall also be provided in the discharge flange and

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

the suction flange for connection of pressure gauges. The casing construction shall
permit the pump to be readily assembled and dismantled.
The casing base, or the suporting bracket, shall be drilled in the shop for doweling to the
baseplate in the field. The necessary dowels shall be furnished with the pumping unit.

Impeller. The pump impeller shall be set on the shaft, firmly fastened by means of a pin
and balanced statically and dynamically, after the mounting of the shaft.
The pumps must have such impellers to get a decreasing pressure with an increasing
delivery, from the zero delivery up to the nominal delivery.
The SUPPLIER must not adopt impellers either of the maximum or of the minimum
diameter, used in the proposed pump model. The Supplier must inform, for the quoted
pump, the diameter of the specific impeller and the maximum and the minimum diameters
of the available impellers.


Shaft. The pump shafts shall be a single high quality piece dimensioned to operate
without distortion and vibration. The shaft shall have sufficient size to transmit torque
over the whole CAPACITY x PRESSURE curve.
The shaft surfaces which are in contact with non-metallic sealing materials, shall be
supplied with replaceable, alined protection bushings.
The SUPPLIER shall be responsible for the coupling of the pump to the motor.


Stuffing Boxes. The pump stuffing boxes shall be suitable for the maximum head listed
in the Technical Data Sheets plus the maximum suction head and shall be provided with
mechanical double inside seals. If water is required for operation of the packing, the
water being pumped will be used, and all necessary pipe, fittings, throttle valves, leakage
water shield, and drains shall be furnished to form a complete operating unit for the
mechanical seal. A filter or centrifugal separator shall also be furnished as necessary to
provide water suitable for the intended use, as recommended by the mechanical seal


Pump Bearings. The pump shaft shall be supported by two bearings of suitable design;
one located on each side of the pump. The bearings may be of the oil-or grease-lubricated,
ball-or roller-bearing type. One bearing shall be of the thrust type, designed to withstand
the unbalanced hydraulic thurst. Suitable fittings shall be furnished for the type of
lubrication provided. If babbitt-lined bearings are provided, suitable bearing temperature
sensors shall be furnished.
If the bearings are water cooled, suitable cooling water piping shall be supplied, and a Ytype strainer with blowoff shall be provided in the cooling water supply piping. The
bearing cooling water shall be taken from the pump discharge and returned to the pump
Neoprene seals shall be provided for the bearings to prevent loss of lubricent and entrance
of moisture and dirt.


Baseplate. The pump and the motor may be mounted on a common baseplate or on
separate baseplates. The baseplates shall be of sufficient size and rigidity to maintain
the pump and motor in proper alignment and position without the benefit of grout,
when subjected to the stresses imposed by normal operation. All contact sufaces between
the pump and baseplate and between the motor and baseplate shall be machined. Means

Irrigation Manual

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Standard Technical Specifications

shall be provided for transmitting the entire load due to pump shutoff head to the
concrete structute. If shear keys are provided, they shall be of such area that the
maximum bearing stress imposed on the grout from the pump shutoff head shall not
exceed 500 N/cm2. The baseplates shall be provided with drain connections and grout
holes. After the unit has been installed and properly aligned, the baseplate(s) will be
drilled and reamed for the anchor bolts.

Reference Drawings. The supply of the specified equipment must be in accordance with
the following drawings, which are an integral part of this Specification:
Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

The drawings listed above are intended as a general orientation in preparing bids, and
indicate the main characteristics and dimensions of the equipment. The design and
elaboration of detailed drawings for manufacturing are part of the supply and the
responsibility of the SUPPLIER, who will note and comply with the main dimensions and
characteristics presented in the drawings listed above. Any error in the reference drawings
or specifications, be it omission, addition or misplacement of words or symbols, will not
be cause for lack of compliance with the requirements of the drawings and/or
specifications. In case of conflicts between the drawings and the specifications, the
specifications will govern. The SUPPLIER shall bring to the attention of the ENGINEER
any error in the specifications or reference drawings.

Technical Data Sheets


Measurement and Payment. The supply of horizontal-shaft centrifugal pumping units

shall be measured as complete assemblies furnished, expressed in units.
Payment for horizontal-shaft centrifugal pumping units shall be made at the unit price
established in the Contract.



Objective. This paragraph defines the manufacturing requirements which, together with
the requirements of paragraph _________ , PUMP AND MOTOR UNITS, GENERAL (S010201), establish the minimum conditions to be complied with for supplying the induction
electric motors for the _______ (name) Project.


General. The motors shall be the induction type with squirrel-cage rotor. They shall be
adequate for continous twenty four (24) hour/day operation, for indoor or outdoor
installation, so as to comply with the characteristics of the load (water pump).


Identification of Units. In addition to the requirements and the information described in

item_____, MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT (S-010101), the nameplate supplied with each
pump shall contain the following additional information:
Rated power in CV or Kw
Synchronous speed (r.p.m.)
Number of phases

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Rated voltage
Power factor

Design and Manufacturing Requirements


General. All motors shall be designed, manufactured and tested according to the last
revisions of the applicable ABNT, ANSI, IEEE, NEMA and IEC standards.
Any discrepancy between this specification and the mentioned standards or the
SUPPLIERS standards shall be communicated to the PURCHASER for explanation.
The motor power shall be confirmed by the BIDDER, and shall be such as to carry
continuously the maximum pump load developed under all operating conditions (from
zero flow to the intersection of the pump characteristic curve with the minimum elevation
system curve). The rated motor power shall be at least equal to the higher power
required by the motor actuated load, in the design conditions, rounded up to the first
normalized rated power.
The motors used to operate the horizontal - shaft centrifugal pumps shall be of standard
commercial power in the following ranges:


Voltages. Motors shall be designed for use with voltages of 380 V or 2,400 V or 4,160
V, three-phase, 60 Hz.
The motors shall operate satisfactorily with rated load, provided that the percentage
voltage variation does not surpass + 10% of the rated voltage at a frequency of 60 Hz.


Housing and Ventilation. Motors shall be of open or enclosed type, as indicated in the
Technical Data Sheets with fan-cooled ventilation, with ABNT protection grade IPW-23
for 380-V motors, and with NEMA protection grade WPII with air intake filters (equivalent
to ABNT IPW-44) for 2,400-V or 4,160-V motors. For 4,160 V motors, for outdoors
installation, the protection grade shall be IPW-54 with air intake Filters.
Ventilators shall be adequate for motor operation in both directions of rotation and
provided with means for easy removal.
Covers shall preferably be made of fabricated steel plate; cast iron covers will also be
The main dimensions of motors shall follow the standardization of ABNT NBR-5460
standard or NEMA MG-1 standard, where applicable.
The motors shall be designed for horizontal or vertical mounting as indicated in the
Technical Data Sheets.
The motor housing shall be provided with lifting eyes. Larger motors shall be equipped
with permanent liffiting lugs and facilities for replacement or cleaning of the air filters.


Insulation and Temperature Rise. The insulation shall be of class F material, not

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The maximum temperature rise of the windings, based on a 40o C ambient temperature
and with 1.0 operating factor, shall not surpass that indicated on the Technical Data
Sheets or the following values, whichever is less:
Thermometer method:Insulation class F .............................................. 100 oC
Resistance method: Insulation class F ................................................... 90 oC
Windings shall be abrasion-protected and fungi-resistant.


Rotation. Motors shall be designed to operate with rotation in both directions.

Whenever the direction of the rotation is important for the operation of the pump, a
nameplate of corrosion-proof material shall be supplied, indicating the correct direction
of rotation.
The motors shall be constructed in such a way that they can safely withstand a speed
test of 20% over the synchronous speed and with rotation in either direction.
In addition, due to abnormal conditions such as the trip of a protective device, the motor
shall be capable of one hot start (motor iniatially at rated load temperature) or two
successive cold starts (motor initially at ambient temperature) without exceeding a
temperature rise that will cause injurious heating to any of the motors parts.


Torques and Currents. The torques with the rotor locked shall not be lower than the
ones indicated in ABNT-NBR-7094 and/or NEMA MG-1-12.37.
The maximum torques shall not be lower than the ones indicated in ABNT-NBR-7094
and/or NEMA MB-1-12.38.
Motors shall be able to start and accelerate, without surpassing the specified temperature
rise,the loads with moment of inertia, listed in table NEMA MG-1-20.42, or the load
curve of the pump to be operated.
The motor current with the rotor blocked shall not exceed the following values:
380 V motors:
maximum current with rotor blocked = 700% of rated current
2,400 V or 4,160 V motors:
maximum current with rotor blocked = 400% of rated current
The characterstics of the motor torques shall permit the operation of the motor at full
load, with a momentary voltage drop of up to 20%.
The motor torques shall be higher than the ones required by the pumps by at least 30%
(thirty per cent) for any point of the torque x speed curve up to the rotation corresponding
to the maximum motor torque, taking into account a motor with 85% (eighty-five per
cent) of the rated voltage.


Power Factor and Efficiency. All the motors shall be constructed with high power factor
and high efficiency.
For the motors with a rated voltage of 380 V, the minimum admissible power factor and
efficiency while operating in the 75% to 100% range of rated power, will be: 0.87 for
the power factor (compensation by capacitors or other means not being acceptable)
and 0.9 for the efficiency.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

For the motors with a rated voltage of 2,400 V or 4,160 V, the minimum admissible
power factor and efficiency, while operating in the 75% to 100% range of rated power,
will be:
Minimum admissible power factor: 0.9
Should the motor be manufactured with a power factor below that specified, the
manufacturer shall furnish the required compensation elements and a detailed specification
for same, guaranteeing operation of the set with a power factor equal to or more than
0.9 and an instantaneous starting current equal to or less than 400% of the set rated
Minimum admissible efficiency: 0.92

Bearings and Lubrication. The motor shall be equipped with a thrust bearing and one or
more guide bearings. The thrust bearing for vertical-shaft motors shall be designed to
carry the weight of the rotating parts of the motor and pump, including the unbalanced
hydraulic thrust of the pump impeller.
The bearings shall be oil or grease lubricated and shall be provided with facilities for
draining the lubricant and relubricating the bearings without disturbing the bearing housing.
The bearings shall be self-cooled and shall be double sealed against loss of the lubricant
or entrance of dirt. Each bearing shall be insulated to prevent circulating currents from
passing through the bearing surface. The bearing insulation may be omitted provided
induced shaft voltages are sufficiently low so that current will not flow through the
bearing lubricating film from one bearing surface to another.
The support bearings shall be located above the rotors. Each support bearing will have
a monolithic roller plate separate from the thrust block. The use of spacer plates will not
be permitted.
The surface of the roller plate shall be perpendicular to the centerline of the shaft, such
that when the shaft is vertically alined the roller plate distributes the load uniformly over
all the supports.
The sleeve bearings, when utilized, must be of the ring or disc type, with auto-ventilated
oil reservoir and seals to prevent the entrance of water and dust. Indicators of oil level
and inspection windows shall be provided.
When forced oil lubrification is necessary, the bearings shall be equipped with a reservoir
of adequate capacity to allow the rotor to stop rotating without damage, in case of a
failure of the lubrication system.


Connection Box. Connection boxes shall be a reinforced structure, with neoprene gaskets
and threaded inlets for conduits.
When viewed from the coupling side of the motor, the box shall be mounted as indicated
on the Technical Data Sheets. If no requirement is indicated, the box may be mounted
in the standard location of the SUPPLIER.
They shall be adequately sized to accomodate the power cables with pressure type
copper connectors. The material and size of the terminals supplied with the motors shall
be compatible with the gages of the copper motor power cable.
Separate boxes shall be supplied for current transformers, heaters and/or temperature
and/or vibration detector devices, if so specified.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Heaters. When specified in the Technical Data Sheets, embedded heating elements
shall be provided in each phase of the stator winding. The elements shall be calibrated
to operate at a temperature to protect the insulation. The devices shall be normally
closed contacts and shall reset automatically upon cooling. The contacts shall be suitable
for connection in a 120-volt, 60-hertz control circuit. The device leads shall be terminated
in the low-voltage terminal box.


Temperature Detection Device. Each motor bearing shall be provided with a bearing
temperature detection device. The bearing temperature relays shall be actuated by a
remote probe embedded in metal as close to the bearing surface as feasible and so
located to provide quick response to bearing temperature. The bearing temperature
relay contact shall open on high temperature to provide automatic shutdown of the unit
by deenergizing the control circuit in the motor control equipment.
Each bearing temperature relay shall be adjustable within the limits required by the
associated bearing.
Each relay shall be enclosed in an individual metal enclosure. The relays shall be mounted
on the motor in such a manner that vibration will not cause false operation.
All wiring from the relays shall terminate on terminal blocks in a low voltage terminal
box. If special leads are required between the probes and the relays, the leads shall be
furnished as part of the relays. All leads associated with the relays and probes between
the low voltage terminal box and the motor shall be furnished as part of the relays and
shall be run in liquidtight flexible metal conduit.


Accessories. When specified in the Technical Data Sheets, motors shall be provided
with temperature detector devices, and/or vibration sensors, and/or heaters.
________V motors shall be equipped with winding temperature detectors. The sensors
shall be of 10 Ohms at 25 oC resistance type, furnished in sets of 3 for each phase. All
interconnection wiring between realys and/or sensors and terminal box shall be layed
inside waterproof flexible metal conduits.
All motors shall be furnished with a terminal for connecting the housing to the ground
All motors shall have a terminal for a fourth cable connected to the housing inside the
connection box in addition to the external terminal for connection to the ground grid.
All the motors with rated power equal to or higher than 1500 CV shall be provided with
three current transformers, ratio 500/5A, precision class 5B100 ABNT, insulation class
7.2 KV, which shall feed the differential relays for motor protection.


Reference Drawings. The supply of the specified equipment must be in accordance with
the following drawings, which are an integral part of this specification:
Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The drawings listed above are intended as a general orientation in preparing bids, and
indicate the main characteristics and dimensions of the equipment. The design and
elaboration of detailed drawings for manufacturing are part of the supply and the
responsibility of the SUPPLIER, who will note and comply with the main dimensions and
characteristics presented in the drawings listed above.
Any error in the reference drawings or specifications, be it omission, addition or
misplacement of words or symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the
requirements of the drawings and/or specifications. In case of conflicts between the
drawings and the specifications, the specifications will govern. The SUPPLIER shall
bring to the attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications or reference

Technical Data Sheets


Measurement and Payment. The supply of induction electric motors shall be measured
as complete assemblies furnished, expressed in units.
Payment for induction electric motors shall be made at the unit price established in the



Objective. This paragraph defines the manufacturing requirements which, together with
the requirements of paragraph PUMP AND MOTOR UNITS, GENERAL (S-010201),
establish the minimum conditions to be complied with for supplying the synchronous
electric motors for the _______ (name) Project.


General. The motors shall be vertical hollow shaft or horizontal solid shaft synchronous
type. They shall be adequate for continuous twenty-four (24) hour/day operation, for
indoor or outdoor installation, so as to comply with the characteristics of the load
(water pump).


Identification. All the motors must have stainless steel identification plates with, at
least, the following information:
Nominal power, in CV or Kw
Synchronous speed (r.p.m.)
Number of phases
Nominal voltage
Power factor


Manufacturing Requirements


General. All motors shall be designed, manufactured and tested according to the last
revisions of the applicable ABNT, ANSI, IEEE, NEMA, and IEC standards.
Any discrepancy between this specification and the mentioned standards or the SUPPLIER
s standards shall be communicated to the PURCHASER for explanation.
The motor power shall be confirmed by the BIDDER, and shall be such as to carry
continuously the maximum possible pump load developed under all operating conditions
(from zero flow to the intersection of the pump characteristic curve with the minimum
elevation system curve) . The rated motor power shall be at least equal to the higher

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

power required by the motor actuated load, in the design conditions, rounded up to the
first normalized rated power.
The motors shall operate over all of the conditions of the characteristic curves of the
pumps without the required power exceeding that of the motor. The nominal rotation of
the pumps shall not exceed 900 r.p.m or be less than 720 r.p.m . The rotating parts
shall be mechanically balanced (statically and dynamically). The pumps and motors shall
be coupled by rigid sleeves. A support bearing of sufficient capacity to support the
weight of all of the rotating loads plus the hydraulic thrust shall be incorporated in each
motor. The calculated useful life of this bearing shall not be less than 10 years with 24
hour per day continual operation.

Voltages. The motors shall be designed for operation in a system with 13.6 kV, 4.16 kV
or 2.4 kV, 3 phases, 60 Hz, neutral grounded through a resistor, installation in the field
in a vertical or horizontal position as indicated in the Technical Data Sheets.
They must operate satisfactorily with nominal load, provided that the sum of the percent
variations of the voltage and the frequency do not exceed 10%.


Housing and Ventilation. The motors must be totally closed, with fan cooled ventilation
system and grade of IPW55 protection.
Motors with cooling by means of air-air heat exchangers are acceptable, provided that
the ventilators for changing the heat of the internal and external air are mounted on the
axis of the motor.
The totally enclosed motors shall be equipped with drains and vents to permit the
escape of condensation but not allow the entrance of dust and insects.
The housing shall be designed in a manner to minimize the penetration of dust and to
avoid its accumulation on the external surfaces.
The housing shall be equipped with permanent lifting eyes.
Openings must be designed with covers adequate to close the housing of the motors.
The openings shall be of sufficient size to permit removal of all of the components from
within the housing.


Insulation and Temperature Rise. The insulation shall be of class F material, or of superior
quality, not hygroscopic.
The temperature rise of the windings of the stator, based on a 40 degree centigrade
ambient temperature and with a 1.0 service factor, shall not exceed that indicated on
the Technical Data Sheets or the following values, whichever is less:
Thermometer method: Insulation class F ..............................................100o C
Resistance method : Insulation class F .................................................. 90o C
The windings shall be protected against abrasion and shall be fungi-resistant.


Torques. The torques with the rotor locked shall not be less than those indicated in
ABNT NBR 5117 and/or as required by the loads.
The maximum torques and the synchronization shall not be less than those indicated in
ABNT NBR 5117 and/or as required by the loads.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

All of the motors shall have the thermal capacity to permit 2 (two) successive starts, at
full voltage, with the motor at ambient temperature (cold), of 1 (one) start at the nominal
operating temperature (hot).

Power Factor and Efficiency. All the motors shall be constructed with high power factor
and high efficiency.
For the motors with a rated voltage of 380 V, the minimum admissible power factor and
efficiency while operating in the 75% to 100% range of rated power, will be: 1.00 for
the power factor (compensation by capacitors or other means not being acceptable)
and 0.90 for the efficiency.
For the motors with a rated voltage of 2,400 V or 4,160 V, the minimum admissible
power factor and efficiency, while operating in the 75% to 100% range of rated power,
will be:
Minimum admissible power factor: 1.0
Should the motor be manufactured with a power factor below that specified, the
manufacturer shall furnish the required compensation elements and a detailed specification
for same, guaranteeing operation of the set with a power factor equal to or more than
1.0 and an instantaneous starting current equal to or less than 400% of the set rated
Minimum admissible efficiency: 0.92


Bearings and Lubrication. The motor shall be equipped with a thrust bearing and one or
more guide bearings. The thrust bearing for vertical shaft motors shall be designed to
carry the weight of the rotating parts of the motor and pump, including the unbalanced
hydraulic thrust of the pump impeller.
The bearings shall be oil or grease lubricated and shall be provided with facilities for
draining the lubricant and relubricating the bearings without disturbing the bearing housing.
The bearings shall be self-cooled and shall be double sealed against loss of the lubricant
or entrance of dirt. Each bearing shall be insulated to prevent circulating currents from
passing through the bearing surface. The bearing insulation may be omitted provided
induced shaft voltages are sufficiently low so that current will not flow through the
bearing lubricating film from one bearing surface to another.
The support bearings shall be located above the rotors. Each support bearing will have
a monolithic roller plate separate from the thrust block. The use of spacer plates will not
be permitted.
The surface of the roller plate shall be perpendicular to the center line of the shaft, such
that when the shaft is vertically alined the roller plate distributes the load uniformly over
all the supports.
The sleeve bearings, when utilized, must be a ring or disc, including an auto-ventilated
oil reservoir and seals to prevent the entrance of water and dust. Indicators of oil level
and inspection windows shall be provided.
When forced oil lubrication is necessary, the bearings shall be equipped with a reservoir
of adequate capacity to allow the rotor to stop rotating without damage in case of a
failure of the lubrication system.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Connection Boxes. The connection boxes shall be a reinforced structure with neoprene
gaskets and threaded inlets for conduits.
When viewed from the coupling side of the motor, the box shall be mounted as indicated
on the Technical Data Sheets . If no requirement is indicated, the box may be mounted
in the standard location of the supplier.
The boxes shall be adequately sized to accomodate the power cables with pressure
type copper connectors. The materials and size of the terminals furnished with the
motors shall be compatible with the gages of the power cables for the motors.
Separate boxes shall be supplied for heaters and/or temperature detection devices, if so


Accessories. When specified in the Technical Data Sheets, the motors shall be provided
with heaters with thermostats with silver contacts, normally closed.
The winding temperature detection devices, when specified, shall be platinum resistance
type, 100 ohms at zero degrees centigrade, 6 in number, and with their leads brought to
an independent connection box.
All of the motors shall be furnished with terminals for connecting the housing to the
ground wires, with protective devices against voltage surges installed in their own
principal terminal boxes, and with auto-balanced differential protection by means of
three current transformers, class B10 F20 C5.


Reference Drawings. The supply of the specified equipment must be in accordance with
the following drawings, which are an integral part of this specification:
Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

The drawings listed above are intended as a general orientation in preparing bids, and
indicate the main characteristics and dimensions of the equipment. The design and
elaboration of detailed drawings for manufacturing are part of the supply and the
responsibility of the SUPPLIER, who will note and comply with the main dimensions and
characteristics presented in the drawings listed above.
Any error in the reference drawings or specifications, be it omission, addition or
misplacement of words or symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the
requirements of the drawings and/or specifications. In case of conflicts between the
drawings and the specifications, the specifications will govern. The SUPPLIER shall
bring to the attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications or reference

Tecnical Data Sheets


Measurement and Payment. The supply of synchronous electric motors shall be measured
as complete assemblies furnished, expressed in units.
Payment for synchronous electric motors shall be made at the unit price established in
the Contract.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications






Objective. The objective of this Specification is to establish the minimum technical

conditions which shall be complied with for supplying the gates and valves for
the_________(name) Project.


Operating Conditions. In accordance with Section MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL



Scope of Supply. The gates and valves shall be supplied complete, with all the components
required for their installation and operation, such as anchor bolts, screws, accessories
for flanged joints, rings and lubricants for push-on joints, adhesives for bonded joints,
sealer for threaded joints, etc.


Technical Standards. Unless otherwise indicated in the List of Materials or Technical

Data Sheets, the equipment, materials, and tests shall comply with the standards of
ABNT and, in the cases where the standards do not address all features, to the latest
revision of applicable standards of the following organizations:
AWWA - American Water Works Association
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ANSI - American National Standards Institute
AISC - American Institute of Steel Construction
API - American Petroleum Institute
ISO - International Organization for Standardization
ISA - Instrument Society of America
DIN - Deutsches Institut fur Normung
MSS - Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fitting Industry, Inc.
(Falls Church, Virginia, EUA)
AGMA - American Gear Manufacturers Association


Manufacturing Requirements. The equipment and materials shall comply with the
appropriate technical paragraphs for the item being furnished.


General. There shall be compatibility between the valves and the pipes, connections and
corresponding special adapters, related to the types and characteristics of the spigots,
bells, flanges and other connected components.
In order to comply with a particular type of connection or special component, including
the provisions in the preceding paragraph, a combination of two or more components will
be acceptable.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Flanges. All the flanges of the valves, pipes, connections, and fittings shall comply with
ABNT Standard NBR-7675, class PN-10 or PN-16, or with ISO-2531 Standard when
compatible. When the two standards are not compatible, the ISO Standard shall prevail.
AWWA C-207 Standard shall be used only when indicated in the referenced drawings
and the Technical Data Sheets.


Threads. All valve, pipe, connections, and fitting threads shall comply with ABNT Standard
NBR-6414 (BSP)


Materials Substitution. Other materials than those specified may be proposed by the
BIDDER, provided that:
All materials used or supplied in accordance with these specifications will be of
equivalent or superior quality to those specified and will provide equal or better
service under the environmental conditions at its destination.
All material used or supplied in accordance with these specifications must be
described in detail in the proposal, and for each type of material, the Standard
Specification and the Technical Standard which it meets must be included.
Acceptance of substitutes being exclusively at the discretion of the PURCHASER.


Anticorrosion Coating. Anti-corrosion coating shall meet the requirements of item _____
(S-010101 - Mechanical Equipment - General), and the following. All the surfaces of the
gates, valves, connections, and fittings subject to corrosion shall be treated with an
anticorrosion protective coating after required surface preparation.
Where the type of coating is not specified, the coating shall be an anticorrosive painting,
consisting of at least two coats of anticorrosive base with a minimum final dry film
thickness of 50 microns and one coat of finishing paint with a minimum dry film thickness
of 30 microns.


Inspections and Tests.. The following tests will be made at the factory, by the SUPPLIER,
in the presence of the PURCHASER:
Visual and size inspection ;
Hydrostatic and leak test of the body.
If some kind of defect is detected it will be the duty of the SUPPLIER to make the
necessary repairs at his own expenses, by a method approved by the PURCHASER .
However, if the defects are excessive, or are not repairable due to improper fabrication,the
gates and valves may be rejected. Items which were not manufactured in agreement
with the is Specification may also be rejected.
All the items which were submitted for repair will be reexamined. After approval of the
final tests at the factory, the gates and valves shall be painted and, after painting
inspection, they may be prepared for shipment.


Packing, Shipping and Handling.. The gates and valves must be submitted to a cleaning
and drying process and also be internally protected with an anti-corrosive product before
The non-painted machine parts, threads and small tolerance parts, must also be protected
against corrosion.
All the existing openings and holes must be closed by plugs or flanges of wood or of
other adequate material.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The packaging of the equipment must be sufficient to protect them during the
transportation and the loading and unloading operations. The SUPPLIER will remain
responsible for all damages which may happen by the non-observance of this requirement.

Drawings and Data to be Furnished by the SUPPLIER.


Information required for the BID and before start of fabrication:

Commercial products data
The drawings and data listed in the specific technical specifications for the
respective equipment.


Complementary information required before delivery date:

Instruction Manuals
3 copies of reports of tests performed in the factory.
3 copies of list of spare parts being furnished.


Guarantee. Unless otherwise specified in the respective technical specifications for the
equipment being furnished, the SUPPLIER shall furnish an equipment and/or materials
guarantee in accordance with the General and Special Conditions of the Contract.


Technical Assistance. In accordance with the General and Special Conditions of Contract,
the SUPPLIER may be required to provide assembly supervision and training in the
operation, maintenance and/or repairs of multi-function valves, surge anticipator valves,
pressure reducing valves and butterfly valves with actuators.


Measurement and Payment. Measurement and payment shall be as specified in the

specific technical specifications for the respective equipment being furnished.


Rerefence Drawings.. The supply of the specified equipment must be in accordance

with the following drawings, which are an integral part of this specification:
Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

The above mentioned drawings serve as a general orientation for the preparation of the
proposals and shows the main characteristics and dimensions of the equipment. The
design and the elaboration of the detailed fabrication drawings are a part of the supply
and they are therefore, a responsibility of the SUPPLIER who will note and comply with
the main dimensions and the characteristics presented in the drawings listed above.
Any error in the reference drawings or specifications, be it omission, addition or
misplacement of words or symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the
requirements of the drawings and/or specifications. In case of discrepancy between the
drawings and the specifications, the latter will govern. The SUPPLIER shall bring to the
attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications or reference drawings.

Technical Data Sheets

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications




Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements, the data to be

submitted, and the measurement and payment criteria which, together with the
requirements of item (S-010301) GATES AND VALVES, GENERAL, establish the minimum
conditions to be complied with for supplying the butterfly valves with actuators for the
_______ (name) Project.


Manufacturing Requirements


General. All of the valves must be furnished with flanged extremities and accompanying
flange, bolts, nuts, and gaskets of 1.5 millimeter thickness.
The actuating mechanism for the valves shall be a hydropneumatic type with reservoir
or electrically operated as indicated in the Technical Data Sheets. There shall be one
unit for each valve.
An electrical outlet will be available for each actuator in accordance with the design
All of the valves must be provided with lifting eyes.
All valves of the same type and size must be interchangeable.
The valves shall meet the fabrication requirements of AWWA- C504 and the requirements
in the Technical Data Sheets concerning pressure class, end connections, and type of
The following information shall be punched on the body of each valve:
Name of the manufacturer
Serial number
Diameter and pressure class
Technical standards for fabrication
The valve shall close automatically with stopping of the pumping unit or by a signal from
the control center of the pumping plant.
The valve shall open automatically with the start-up of the pump unit or by a signal from
the control center of the pumping plant.
The hydropneumatic or electrical driving mechanism shall have adequate torque for
opening and closing operations calculated in accordance with AWWA C504.
The velocity of operation shall be such that the total 90 degree range of movement in
the course of opening or closing of the valve shall be executed in a time interval between
60 and 90 seconds. The electrical voltage will be 3-phase, 380 V, 60 Hz.
The motor shall be adequate for an outdoor installation,and shall be weather proofed
with IPW-55 degree of protection, unless indicated for indoor installation. The available
control voltage is _____ Vdc. In case the fabricator requires a different electrical voltage,
a transformer must be provided. The maximum number of operations will be 4 per hour,
and an indicator of the position of the disc shall be provided. The motor insulation must
be tropicalized and provided with anti-condensation electrical heating elements
thermostatically controlled.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Each electric or hydropneumatic operator shall be provided with an auxiliary handwheel

for manual operation.Manual operation must be made through an independent external
lever-type switch which will disconnect the electrical or hydropneumatic operator.
The butterfly valves shall be provided with a protection system against excess torque,
shall be furnished with limit switches for both open and closed positions, and shall have
additional contacts indicating the position of the disc.

Hydropneumatic Operators


General. A high pressure oil accumulator system shall be furnished to supply oil under
pressure to actuate the hydraulic cylinder operated valves. The oil accumulator system
shall consist of a pump/motor unit mounted on an oil sump tank, an electrical motor
control cabinet, a bank of accumulators, and all necessary controls and appurtances.
The system shall be designed to use a petroleum base hydraulic oil with a viscosity of
90 SUS at 100o F.


Sump Tank. The sump tank shall be constructed of welded steel plate and shall be of
ample size to receive the working capacity of the oil stored in the accumulators, 45
litres minimum. The tank shall contain flanges for floor mounting. It shall be fitted with
a flush type fluid level indicator, a clean out cover, filler/breather, and a drain connection.
In addition, the return connection shall contain a 10 micron screw cannister type fluid
filter with internal bypass.


Pump/Motor Unit. The positive displacement pump/motor unit shall be sized to charge
the accumulators with oil in less than five minutes, 0,06 l/s minimum. The motor shall
be suitable for 230 volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle power and of the open drip-proof construction.
Piped to the unit shall be a relief valve, gauge with isolation valve, 100 mesh suction
strainer, check valve, and pressure switch.


Control Cabinet.- A NEMA 3R electrical control cabinet for wall mounting shall house a
motor starter, Manual-Off- Automatic selector switch, start button, and circuit breaker.
The pressure switch shall function to automatically start the oil pump when the pressure
is below 100kgf/cm2 and stop the oil pump at 110 kgf/cm2 .


Accumulator Bank.- The oil pump shall charge a bank of accumulators (quantity - two
minimum) sized to stroke the hydraulic cylinders 3 (three) times between the pressures
of 100 kgf/cm 2 and 72 kgf/cm2 . The accumulators are to be nitrogen precharged, and
built in accordance with the ASME Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels.The accumulators
shall be affixed to a metal rack assembly for floor or wall mounting. Each accumulator
shall be fitted with an isolation ball valve and piped to a commom manifold containing a
system isolation valve and an accumulator drain valve. A system charging assembly,
with appropriate gauges, shall also be supplied to initially charge the accumulators with
nitrogen and to recharge them when necessary.


Miscellaneous. All piping and fittings shall be carbon steel pipe or seamless steel tubing
with a rated 2 working pressure of 150 kgf/cm . All exposed carbon steel surfaces are
to be cleaned thoroughly, removing rust, scale, dirt, and grease, and painted with an
industrial rust resistant primer and an oil resistant industrial enamel. The pump/motor
unit, electrical cabinet, and accumulators shall be connected to the hydraulic cylinders
in the manufacturers shop, filled with oil to the normal operating level, and tested to
verify correct mechanical and electrical operation. In preparation for shipment, all openings
shall be plugged and all instrumentation adequately protected.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Electrical Control. Electrical control of the valve will be accomplished by a reversing

switch and local and remote push buttons, all furnished by the SUPPLIER.
Data and Technical Information for the Bid. The SUPPLIER must include with his bid the
drawings of the general arrangement and details, including schematic electrical drawings
of the valve and the actuators for the PURCHASERs information.
The discharge coefficients and the curve of the resistant torque versus movement of
the valve shall also be submitted.
When requested, the above documents will be furnished with certificates for approval


Complementary Data and Technical Information to be Submitted. AWWA C504 torque

calculations and detailed design drawings, completely marked with reference numbers
and indicating all of the materials to be used, shall be furnished for approval. Approval
on the part of the PURCHASER shall not relieve the SUPPLIER from the total responsibility
for his adequate execution.
The start of fabrication will only be permitted after approval of the design.
The dimensions of the valves, actuators, reservoirs, and all of the equipment or
complementary devices for the proper operation of the valves, after complete assembly,
must be compatible with the spaces existing in the pumping plant. The submittal must
contain a written description of the operation and the safety devices.


Measurement and Payment. The quantity of butterfly valves, including actuators and
accessory equipment will be measured as complete assemblies, expressed in units.
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the Contract.




Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements and the

measurement and payment criteria which, together with the requirements of item (S010301), GATES AND VALVES, GENERAL, establish the minimum conditions to be
complied with for supplying the butterfly valves (without actuators) for the _______
(name) Project.


Manufacturing Requirements. The butterfly valves shall be manufactured in compliance

with AWWA Standard C504, ISO-5752, short-type or other internationally accepted
standards. The type of construction shall be WAFER, LUG or FLANGED, as specified
in the Technical Data Sheets. In general, valves with a diameter of up to 600 mm shall
be the WAFER or LUG type and those with a diameter of more than 600mm shall be
the FLANGED type.
The main materials to be employed in the manufacture shall be in accordance with the
requirements of AWWA C504.
The valves shall be operated by a handwheel with a reduction gearbox. A position
indicator on the butterfly valve shall be provided for diameters 200mm and larger. When
required, as indicated in the (List of Materials) (Technical Data Sheets), the position
indicator shall have a long rod to actuate the limit switches, furnished by others, for
remote signaling.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Measurement and Payment. The quantity of butterfly valves will be measured as the
number of complete assemblies furnished, expressed in units.
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the Contract.



Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements and the

measurement and payment criteria which, together with the requirements of item (S010301), GATES AND VALVES, GENERAL, establish the minimum conditions to be
complied with for supplying the gate valves for the _______ (name) Project.


Manufacturing Requirements. For diameters 75 mm and smaller, the valves shall be of

bronze, with cast iron handwheel, and female threaded ends.
The general characteristics for manufactering the bronze valves shall comply with the
ABNT Standard design 04:07.007-007. For diameters of over 75 mm through 300
mm,the valves shall be of ductile iron with fixed or rising stem and direct actuation by
handwheel and with flanged ends.
For diameters of over 300 mm, the valves shall be ductile iron with fixed or rising stem
and actuation by handwheel and with flanged ends. They shall be equipped with reduction
gears and by-pass valve.
The general characteristics for manufacturing the ductile iron valves shall comply with
ABNT Standard PB-816. The construction aspects shall be as follows:
Body, lid and wedge: ductile iron;
Stem: stainless steel AISI-410;
Sealing rings: bronze ASTM B-62;
Seals: Neoprene synthetic rubber.
The valves shall meet the pressure requirements shown in the Technical Data Sheets.


Measurement and Payment. The quantity of gate valves will be measured as the number
of complete assemlies furnished, expressed in units.
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the Contract.



Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements and the

measurement and payment criteria which, together with the requirements of item (S010301), GATES AND VALVES, GENERAL, establish the minimum conditions to be
complied with for supplying the globe valves for the _______ (name) Project.


Manufacturing Requirements. For diameters 75 mm and smaller, the valves shall be

threaded, with bronze body, cap and disk; rolled brass stem and stuffing box gland;
graphitized asbestos gland and sealing gasket; and nodular iron handwheel.
The general characteristics for manufacturing the valves shall comply with the ABNT
Standard design,_____ or MSS- SP 80.
For diameters over 75 mm, the valves shall be flanged, with cast iron body, cap and
stuffing box gland, bronze disc, rolled brass stem, graphitized asbestos gland and sealing
gasket; and nodular iron handwheel.

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Standard Technical Specifications

The valves shall meet the pressure requirements shown in the Technical Data Sheets.

Measurement and Payment. The quantity of globe valves will be measured as the number
or complete assemblies furnished, expressed in units.
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the Contract.




Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements and the

measurement and payment criteria which, together with the requirements of item (S010301), GATES AND VALVES, GENERAL, establish the minimum conditions to be
complied with for supplying the check valves for the _______ (name) Project.


Manufacturing Requirements. Check valves shall be of the WAFER type with split disk
(double- door disc) for installation between flanges with through bolts.
The general characteristics for manufacturing the valves shall comply with the API-594
or the MSS-SP-80 Standards.
The body and disk shall be of ductile iron; spring and shafts of AISI-304 or 316 stainless
steel; and sealed with BUNA-N rubber.
When perfurated disc-type valves are specified, the perfurated area shall be equal to
___% of the disc area.
The valves shall meet the pressure requirements shown in the Technical Data Sheets.


Measurement and Payment. The quantity of check valves will be measured as the number
of complete assemblies furnished, expressed in units.
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the Contract.



Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements and the

measurement and payment criteria which, together with the requirements of item (S010301), GATES AND VALVES, GENERAL, establish the minimum conditions to be
complied with for supplying the pressure relief valves for the _______ (name) Project.


Manufacturing Requirements. For diameters of less than 50 mm, the valves shall be of
the type with springs; ends with female threads; cast iron body; AISI-304 stainless
steel disk; phosphor bronze diaghragm; and 18-8 stainless steel seating ring; adjustable
for the pressures indicated in the Technical Data Sheets.
For diameters of 50 mm or more, the valves shall be of the type with springs; flanged
ends; with lever for manual opening; adjustable for the pressures indicated in the Technical
Data Sheets. The following characteristics shall be complied with:
Body and cover: cast carbon steel or ductile iron;
Spring: carbon steel or stainless steel;
Stem, disk and internal parts: stainless steel;
Lever: nodular iron.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Measurement and Payment. The quantity of pressure relief valves will be measured as
the number or complete assemblies furnished, expressed in units.
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the Contract.



Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements and the

measurement and payment criteria which, together with the requirements of item (S010301), GATES AND VALVES, GENERAL, establish the minimum conditions to be
complied with for supplying the surge anticipator valves for the _______ (name) Project.


Manufacturing Requirements. The valves shall have the following functions:

To open automatically when the pressure drops below an adjustable predetermined
To slowly close automatically, when the pressure reaches an adjustable
predetermined level.
The valve shall be constructed of the following materials:
Main valve body and cover - cast iron ASTM A48 or cast steel ASTM A216 or
carbon steel
Main valve trim - stainless steel
Pilot control system - cast bronze with stainless steel trim
Diaphragm - BUNA-N or neoprene
Seals - BUNA-N
The valve shall have flanged ends, shall be of the required pressure class, and shall meet
the physical and operational requirements shown on the List of Materials and Technical
Data Sheets except that any additional options indicated in these Specification paragraphs
may also be used.


Description. This valve shall be hydraulically operated with pilot controls that will cause
the main valve to open on a low pressure wave. The low pressure pilot shall be set to
open the main valve at any pressure below its normal operating pressure. The low
pressure pilot shall allow the main valve to open to a preset amount as controlled by a
hydraulic limiter.
The main valve shall be a hydraulic operated, pilot-controlled, diaphragm-type, globe
valve. The valve stem shall be guided by at least two bearings. The main valve shall
have a single renewable seat and a renewable disc having a rectangular cross-section
and contained on three and one half sides. No external packing glands are permitted.
The diaphragm must not be used as a seating surface and there shall be no pistons
operating the main valve or any pilot controls. The pilot controls shall be direct acting,
adjustable, spring-loaded , diaphragm valves.


The pilot system shall be furnished with isolation valves on the sensing lines and a flowclean (self-cleaning) strainer to prevent silt and debris from entering the pilot control
Measurement and Payment. The quantity of surge anticipatory control valves, including
the pilot control systems and accessories, will be measured as the number of complete
assemblies furnished, expressed in units.
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the Contract.

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Standard Technical Specifications




Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements and the

measurement and payment criteria which, together with the requirements of item (S010301), GATES AND VALVES, GENERAL, establish the minimum conditions to be
complied with for supplying the multi-function valves for the _______ (name) Project.


Manufacturing Requirements. The equipment, to be installed at the entrances of the

(blocks) (lots) shall have the following functions:
To reduce the pressure, and maintain a regulated, prefixed but adjustable
downstream value, irrespective of the upstream variations;
To sustain the upstream pressure above a minimum prefixed but adjustable value
by blocking the flow when the upstream pressure drops below the prefixed value
and opening again when the pressure rises;
To measure and totalize the flow;
To indicate the pressures upstream and downstream from the valves with pressure
gages mounted on the valve;
To limit the flow to a pre-fixed value.
The valves shall comply with the following characteristics:
Ends: flanged;
Control: hydraulic;
Body and cover: cast iron;
Diaphragm: Neoprene;
Internal parts: plastic/stainless steel/brass;
Seals - BUNA-N, or equal.
The valves shall be diaphragm-actuated globe type with pressure reducing and pressure
sustaining pilots.
The valve water meter shall be a turbine type with a measured accuracy of plus or
minus 2%. The control head shall include a flow indicator and digital register.


Measurement and Payment. The quantity of multi-function valves, including the pilot
control systems and accessories, will be measured as the number of complete assemblies
furnished, expressed in units.
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the Contract.



Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements and the

measurement and payment criteria which, together with the requirements of item (S010301), GATES AND VALVES, GENERAL, establish the minimum conditions to be
complied with for supplying the pressure reducing valves for the _______ (name) Project.


Manufacturing Requirements. The pressure reducing valve shall maintain a constant

downstream pressure regardless of varying inlet pressure. Tha valve shall have flanged
ends and shall be of the required pressure class as stated in the List of Materials and
Technical Data Sheets. The valve shall be a hydraulically operated, diaphragm-actuated,
globe valve. It shall contain a resilient, synthetic rubber disc, having a retangular crosssection, contained on three and one half sides by a disc retainer and forming a tight seal
against a single removable seat insert. The diaphragm assembly containing a valve stem

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Standard Technical Specifications

shall be fully guided by at least two bearings . The diaphragm assembly shall be the only
moving part and shall form a sealed chamber in the upper portion of the valve, separating
the valve actuating pressure from the pressures in the pipeline. The diaphragm shall
consist of nylon fabric bonded with synthetic rubber and shall not be used as a seating
surface. Packing glands and/or stuffing boxes are not permitted and there shall be no
pistons operating the valve or pilot controls. All necessary repairs shall be possible
without removing the valve from the line.
The pilot control shall be a direct-acting, adjustable, spring-loaded, normally open,
diaphragm valve, designed to permit flow when controlled pressure is less than the
spring setting. The control system shall include a fixed orifice. The pilot shall have
opening and closing speed control.
The pilot system shall be furnished with isolation valves on the sensing lines and a flowclean (self-cleaning) strainer to prevent silt and debris from entering the pilot valve
The valve shall be constructed of the following materials:
Main valve body and cover - cast iron ASTM A48 or cast .. steel ASTM A216 or
carbon steel
Main valve trim - stainless steel
Pilot control system - cast bronze with stainless steel trim
Diaphragm - BUNA-N or neoprene
Seals - BUNA-N.
The valve shall meet the physical and operational requirements shown on the List of
Materials and Technical Data Sheets except that any additional options indicated on these
Specification paragraph may also used.


Measurement and Payment. The quantity of pressure reducing valves, including pilot
control systems and accessories, will be measured as the number of complete assemblies
furnished, expressed in units.
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the Contract.



Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements and the

measurement and payment criteria which, together with the requirements of item (S010301), GATES AND VALVES, GENERAL, establish the minimum conditions to be
complied with for supplying the air valves for the _______ (name) Project.


Manufacturing Requirements. The triple-function air valves shall perform the following
To adequately expel the air displaced by the water while the line is being filled at
a rate equal to the specified filling rate.
To admit a sufficient quantity of air while the line is emptied, in order to avoid
forming a vacuum and to avoid collapsing the pipeline.
To automatically expel air bubbles which may be formed with the line in operation.
The simple-type air valves shall perform only the first and last functions stated above.

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Standard Technical Specifications

The release of trapped air when the pipeline is under pressure shall be with the release
air directed downward. A bleeding petcock shall be furnished for each valve, located at
the top to permit checking the effectiveness of each air valve, unless the valve
effectiveness can be checked by pushing down on the float. Another petcock shall be
located at the bottom to allow the valve to be drained, when no other means to drain
the valve are available.
The valves shall be constructed of the following materials:
End: flanged for diameters larger than or equal to 50 mm and threaded for smaller
Body and lid: cast iron equal to ASTM A48 or ductile iron equal to ASTM A536;
Floats: stainless steel or other corrosion resistant material;
Seals: natural rubber or BUNA-N
Pressure rated for up to 20 kg/cm2
The valves shall meet the physical and operational requirements shown on the List of
Materials and Technical Data Sheets except that any additional options indicated in
these Specification paragraphs may also be used.

Measurement and Payment. The quantity of air valves will be measured as the number
of triple-function type valves and simple-type valves furnished, expressed in units.
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the Contract.



Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements and the

measurement and payment criteria which, together with the requirements of item (S010301), GATES AND VALVES, GENERAL, establish the minimum conditions to be
complied with for supplying the standardized cast or ductile iron sllide gates for the
_______ (name) Project.


Manufacturing Requirements. The two types of slide gates allowed are as follows:
With two-directional flow: these shall be manufactured in compliance with AWWA
Standard C501;
With single-direction flow: designed to work with the hydraulic pressure forcing
the frame against the seat.
With either style gate , the components shall have the following characteristics:
Frame, guides, slides, gear housing, yoke and pedestal : cast or ductile iron;
Seals - Natural or synthetic rubber;
Stem: AISI-304 stainless steel;
Seating faces: phosphor bronze;
Anchor bolts - Bronze or stainless steel.
Other materials than those specified may be proposed by the BIDDER, provided that:
All materials used or supplied will be of equivalent or superior quality to those
specified and will provide equal or better service under the environmental conditions
at its destination. . All materials used or supplied must be described in detail in the
proposal, in accordance with these specifications, and for each type of material,

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Standard Technical Specifications

the Standard Specification of the Technical Standards which it meets must be

Acceptance of substitute materials shall be exclusively at the discretion of the
The gates shall be manually actuated, or motorized when indicated in the design, with a
suspension pedestal. The slide gates with motorized actuation shall also be provided
with an alternate manual actuation device.
Motorized slide gates must be equipped with torque switches and gate position limit
All the necessary components shall be supplied for their installation and operation, such
as suspension pedestals, extension stems, handwheels, etc.
The design pressure head shall be the vertical distance from the center of the gate to
the maximum water surface.
The stem diameter and the number of stem guides for the gate shall be selected so that
the unsupported length of stem shall not be greater than 200 times the radius of gyration
of the stem, either in the body or the threaded section. No portion of the stem shall have
a cross-sectional area smaller than the root area of the threaded portion of the stem.
The bottom end of the stem shall be threaded and screwed into the stem block. The
stem block shall be rigidly pinned or keyed to the stem. The stem guides shall be fully

Motor-Operated Gate Lift. The motor-operated gate lift shall be supplied with stand,
motor, stem cover, gate position indicator, motor control equipment, and all parts required
and necessary for a complete installation. In addition to being motor-operated, the lift
shall be capable of being manually operated, and shall be supplied with a handwheel for
that purpose. The centerline of the handwheel of the lift shall be located at an elevation
no less than 750mm and not more than 1000mm above the structure on which the
operator will stand. The lift shall be equipped with a bronze lifting nut and provision shall
be made for lubrication of all sliding and rolling surfaces. The gate position indicator
shall be of the counter or dial type with positive mechanical drive to show the gate
opening in meters with divisions at the SUPPLIERs option. The lift shall be equipped
with a clear plastic stem cover. The lift shall be capable of opening and closing the gate
against the applicable face or back pressure head at an operating speed of 150 mm per
minute, plus or minus 10 percent. All electrical equipment enclosures shall be NEMA
type 4.
The motors shall be induction type, rated as shown on the List of Materials and Technical
Data Sheets and shall be designed for the required service. The motors shall be totally
enclosed and shall have a minimum time rating of 15 minutes continuous.
The torque switch mechanisms shall be an integral part of the motor operators and shall
function to protect the gate and motor operators in both the opening and closing
directions. The setting of the torque switches shall be adjustable, and the adjustment
shall be independent for the two travel directions.
The limit switches and associated gearing shall be an integral part of the motor operators.
Eight independent limit switches shall be provided, set to function in accordance with
the following schedule:

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Standard Technical Specifications



Close at fully-open position.

Open at fully-open position.
Close at fully-closed position.
Open at fully-closed position.

The limit switches shall be heavy-duty type, adjustable to operate at any gate position.
All power and control conductors connections external to the gates shall terminate on
terminal blocks in one enclosure. All terminals shall be clearly marked with terminal
designations. The enclosure shall be provided with a connection suitable for a rigid steel
A handwheel shall be provided for manual operation of the gate. The handwheel shall
not rotate during electric operation, and the motor shall not rotate during manual operation.
To place the operator in manual operation, a declutching lever shall be used to mechanically
disconnect the motor drive from the gear train.
Failure of the motor gearing shall not render the handwheel inoperative. The lift shall
automatically return to electric drive position after manual operation.
The wall thimble shall be made of cast iron and shall provide a rigid mounting designed
to prevent warping of the gate frame during installation.

Measurement and Payment. The quantity of standardized slide gates, including all pieces
and equipment necessary for a complete installation, will be measured as the number
furnished, expressed in units.
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the Contract.




Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements and the

measurement and payment criteria which, together with the requirements of item (S010301), GATES AND VALVES, GENERAL, establish the minimum conditions to be
complied with for supplying the automatic level control valves for the _______ (name)


Manufacturing Requirements. Automatic valves shall be of the floater articulated type

with the floater coupled to the lever by chain, and with flanged body.
The material utilized for components manufacturing shall comply with the following
Cover - Ductile iron
Body - Ductile iron
Floater - Fiberglass
Base - Ductile iron
Lever - SAE 1020 steel
Chain - SAE 1020 steel
Rod - AISI-410 stainless steel
Valve regulator - Brass
Valve disk - Brass
Seal joint - Natural rubber
Diaphram - Natural rubber

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Standard Technical Specifications

Automatic valves will be installed at the lower part of the reservoirs and shall have
enough force to seal the reservoirs inflow at the established water level.

Measurement and Payment. The quantity of automatic level control valves shall be
measured as complete assemblies furnished, expressed in units.
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the Contract.

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Standard Technical Specifications





Objective. The objective of these Technical Specifications is to define the minimum

technical conditions which shall be complied with for supplying the water level control
hydromechanical equipment for the _________(Name) Project.


General Considerations. The general disposition of the hydromechanical equipment is

shown on the related drawings in subparagraph 16, Reference Drawings.
The main characteristics and quantities are indicated on the Technical Data Sheets.
The following types of equipment are included in these specifications:
Radial gates
Slide gates
Downstream control gates
Siphon wasteways
Disk-type self-centering valve
The application and the concept of each type of gate is described in the items referring
to the purposes and concepts of these equipment.
These Specifications, presented in the singular form for a particular type of equipment
apply equally to all equipment of the same type.
The SUPPLIER, based on his experience and knowledge, shall supply equipment which
complies with all the requirements of this Specification, regarding performance, operation,
safety, durability and ease of maintenance. Any deviation from these Specifications
shall be subject to prior approval by the PURCHASER.
Should the BIDDER, during the bidding process, wish to propose equipment of a different
concept, he should present a basic proposal corresponding to the concept defined in
this Specification and another alternative proposal containing detailed technical
specifications with technical explanations indicating the differences as related to the
basic proposal.
Alternative proposals shall also include installation drawing and civil works material
quantities, at detail levels sufficient for construction as determined by the PURCHASER.
Wherever the alternative proposal modifies any part of the Project, the BIDDER shall be
fully responsible for all necessary modifications and shall present new drawings and

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Standard Technical Specifications

costs of the modified works, at detail levels sufficient for construction as determined by

Operating Conditions. In accordance with Section MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL



Scope of Supply


Equipment, Materials and Services Included in the Supply. The SUPPLIER shall be
responsible for supplying to the PURCHASER the complete items of equipment, with all
the material required for their adequate operation and full compliance with their planned
The scope of the supply described herein is indicative, complementing the indications in
Section MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL (S-010101) and the SUPPLIER shall, at
his own discretion, increase same should he deem this necessary for the good performance
and fuctioning of the equipement, as this shall be entirely under his responsibility.
The following shall be included in the supply as applicable:
All design documents, including assembly, operation and maintenance manuals.
In a provisional sense, all the materials, equipment and measuring instruments
required for factory tests and inspections.
All oils and greases required for initial filling, with a sufficient additional quantity
to cover a six (6) month period of operation.
All special devices required for transporting, assembly and dismantling the
An additional quantity of 10% (10 percent) of all screws, nuts, washers, pins,
studs, quick-fasteners, etc., required for on-site assembly;
Electrodes for welding to be done during on-site assembly;
All the paints required for on-site touching-up. The quantity to be supplied shall be
approximately 20% (twenty percent) of the total amount of each paint required
for factory painting, as well as that required for the final unapplied finish coat;
Spare parts for a period of operation of five (5) years, in accordance with a list to
be presented by the SUPPLIER and approved by the PURCHASER. The minimum
amount of spare parts required are as follows:
One sealing panel for gate;
One set of screws, nuts and washers for each gate;
One set of retainers for each gate;
One set of roller bearings for one drive mechanism;
One eletric motor of each type;
Protection, cleaning and factory painting as specified forthe corresponding item;
Preassembly in the factory;
Protective packing for transportation;
Factory tests;
Storage of the equipment at the factory up until the due shipping date, and loading
onto the transport vehicle.
Instruction to and training of the PURCHASERs operating and maintenance
Equipment guarantee.


Equipment, Materials and Services not Included in the Supply.

The following items of equipment will not be included in the supply:
Parts for anchoring in primary concrete;

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Standard Technical Specifications

Necessary paint to cover the equipment parts, which are in contact with
water and embedded parts;
Electric cables and accessories required for connecting the electric motors to
the electric panels;
Local and central electric control panels;
Instruments for controlling the opening position of gates;
Automatic supervisory control system for the gates.


Other Materials and Services. Depending on the PURCHASERs decision, the SUPPLIER
may also be required to furnish the following items:
Transportation and insurance of the equipment, from the factory to the delivery
On-site assemby supervision, including the supervision of tests and the possible
supply, provisionally, of the apparatus and equipment required for conducting onsite tests and inspections.
Support beams for mounting the drive mechanisms of the radial gates for
automation of the irrigation canals.


Recommended Technical Standards. Unless otherwise specified, the design, materials,

manufacture, painting, assembly and testing of the equipment shall comply with the
standards of the following organizations:
ABNT - Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas
IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission
ISO - International Organization for Standardization
DIN - Deutsches Institut fur Normung
ANSI - American National Standards Institute
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers
ASME - American Society for Mechanical Engineers
AISI - American Iron and Steel Intitute
AISC - American Institute of Steel Construction
AISE - Association of Iron and Steel Engineers
AWWA - American Water Works Association
AWS - American Welding Society
HI (USA) - Hydraulic Institute
FEM - Fdration Europene de la Manutention
CMAA - Crane Manufacturers Association of America
API - American Petroleum Institute
AFBMA - Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association
NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association
IEEE - The Intitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc.
SSPC - Steel Structures Painting Council
AGMA - American Gear Manufacturers Association

It is not the PURCHASERs intention to restrict the SUPPLIER to these standards alone.
Should the SUPPLIER wish to adopt standards other than those mentioned, these will
be accepted providing their requirements are at least equal to the standards specified. In
such cases, the SUPPLIER shall submit a copy of the standard he plans to adopt, together
with a statement showing that the proposed standard is equivalent to or higher than, in
all significant aspects, the specified standard.

Purpose. The specific purpose of each type of equipment is indicated in the Technical
Data Sheets and List of Materials.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Basically, the radial gates and slide gates with electromechanical actuation and provided
with appropriate seals, shall have the purpose of controlling the flow of water passing
through the water intakes to the compensating reservoirs, or along the irrigation canal.
Control for opening and closing these gates shall be done manually, at the gate itself or
from a central control center, or shall be provided by an Automatic Supervisory Control
The downstream control gate will be used to automatically control the flow without
using an external Automatic Supervisory Control System by maintaining a constant
downstream water elevation under varying flow demand and upstream water level
The slide gates will be used to totally seal a canal reach, in case a total flow interruption
is required for maintenance or repair of the canal or equipment, when the gates are
installed together with downstream control gates, or to allow drainange of the canal,
when the gates are installed with canal bottom drains.
The slide gates may also be utilized for a number of other purposes. For these various
applications the slide gates may be motor-driven or hand-operated, depending upon
The disk-type self-centering valve is a device located at the end of a pipeline, installed
inside a box or tank. The equipment maintains the box or tank water level almost constant,
independent of the downstream flow. This equipment is a downstream control device.
The siphon wasteways are hydraulic equipment located at the side of the canal to
evacuate all excess water which may cause damages if allowed to overflow.

Manufacturing Requirements


Radial Gate


General. Each radial gate shall be constructed of welded sheet metal and comprised of
a cylindrical gate leaf reinforced by support beams, and two lateral arms.
The hydraulic thrust on the gate leaf shall be transmitted through the lateral arms to the
main support bearings embedded in the concrete side walls of the canal.
The radial gates shall be provided with at least three abutment shoes, on each side,
within the range of the respective embedded parts.
Actuation of the gate by an electromechanical hoist shall be effected by means of steel
cables. This hoist shall also permit manual operation by means of a crank.
All components of the radial gate shall comply, where applicable, to the DIN 19704 or
equivalent standard.
The BIDDER shall present in his bid, in the clearest manner possible, construction details
of the components and the gate, based on his experience with this type of equipment.


Gate leaf. The gate shall be of welded steel construction.

The lower edge of the watertight plate shall be provided with a bevel to ensure a perfect
fit on the embedded part of the sill.
Fastening of seals shall be by means of pressure plates, tightened whenever possible by

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The gate leaf shall be provided with eyes lets located symmetrically in relation to the
center of gravity, for lifting the gates by means of steel cables during handling and
assembly operations.
All areas that could retain water shall be provided with drainage holes.
The structure of each gate leaf shall be comprised of a curved plate perfectly centered
with the axis of rotation of the radial gate and reinforced with beams, forming a rigid
The reinforcing beams shall rest on the side arms, transmitting to the main bearings all
the forces resulting from hydraulic thrusts and actuating forces.

Side Arms and Main Bearings. The side arms shall consist of welded beams.
The ends of the arms shall be fastened to the gate leaf by means of fitted bolts through
connecting flanges.
The bearings to withstand the loads trasmitted by the arms shall be supported on
concrete side walls.
Each bearing shall be provided with a shaft and a bushing of self-lubricating material
such as Lubrite or similar material approved by the PURCHASER.


Abutment Shoes. The sides of the radial gate shall be provided with abutment shoes,
the quantity and location of which shall be such as to ensure that, with the radial gate
fully open, at least two shoes on each side shall remain within the range of the respective
lateral embedded parts.
The contact surface of the abutment shoe with the lateral embedded part shall be of
medium-hard bronze.


Seals. Seals shall comply with the design conditions established in the item referring to
materials and components.
Whenever feasible, water pressure shall assist in the sealing effect.
The concept of the seal fastening systems shall be such as to render any alteration in
the degree of compression to which the seals are subject unquestionalbly impossible
when the seals are in working position, the only admissible alterations being those
caused by wear or aging which may occur over normal periods of time.
Whenever applicable, seals shall be furnished with an excess in length of 20mm for
adjustment purposes during assembly. Seal fastening bars shall be of carbon steel.
Nuts and bolts employed for adjustment purposes shall be of stainless steel.


Embedded Parts. Embedded parts to be placed in secondary concrete shall be appropriate

to support the load transmitted by the radial gate.
Each unit shall be comprised of, at least, embedded parts for abutment and lateral
sealing, a sill, main bearings, and possibly a frontal seal, depending upon the main
characteristics indicated in the Technical Data Sheets and List of Materials.
All embedded parts shall be of welded steel construction.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

All joints to be made during assembly shall be provided with fish plates, with nuts, bolts
and guide pins positioned during assembly in the factory.
Each embedded part shall be provided with studs which, being welded to the components
embedded in the primary concrete, shall serve only and exclusively the purposes of
aligning, leveling and adjusting its position, as well as to ensure this position after it has
been installed and during the secondary concreting.
A flat stainless steel bar shall be welded to the embedded abutment and lateral sealing
parts, along the path of travel of the abutment shoes and lateral seals.
The top end of the flat stainless steel bar shall be bent away from the opening, so as to
permit a progressive support to the seal, when the radial gate descends from its fully
open position.
A flat stainless steel bar shall also be welded to the embedded parts of the sill along the
seat of the seal.

Drive Mechanism. A central drive mechanism shall be installed upon a steel or concrete
support beam crossing the canal, whereas twin drive mechanisms shall be placed on the
concrete side walls.
Each drive mechanism shall be comprised of at least an electric motor, a normal brake,
a safety brake, reduction gearbox, flexible joints, shafts, winding drum, steel cables and
a base plate to permit the assembly of the drive mechanism components. Brakes may
be either of the electromagnetic or electrohydraulic type. The drive mechanism shall
have provision for mounting a sensor for the measurement and transmission of the
position of the gate opening.
The sensor for measuring and transmitting the position of the gate opening shall be of
the resistive type, with a variation of 0 to 500 ohms (500 ohms indicating a fully open
gate, and 0 ohms indicating a fully closed gate), rated at 4 W at 70 o C, tolerance of plus
or minus 5% and linearity not exceeding 1%.
The drive mechanism shall include reversible micro-switches to indicate the fully open
and fully closed positions of the gate.
The sensor and the micro-switches shall be housed in a weatherproof enclosure complying
with ABNT IP-65 and other applicable standards.
Cable shall be AISI 313 stainless steel, with 18% chrome and 8% nickel and a steel
core, of sufficient length to include two spare turns around the drum with the gate
closed. Connections of the cable to the gate leaf shall be made to the lower upstream
portion of the gate.
A safety manual drive shall be included for actuation in the case of electric power
failure. The crank shall be at a suitable height and the effort applied to the crank with a
radius of 35cm shall not exceed 180 N. The drive mechanism shall bear an indication of
the direction in which the crank is to be turned to open the gate.
An interlock shall be included in the manual drive system to prevent electrical actuation
when the crank is in place.
All necessary protective devices for weather and safety shall be provided.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The braking system shall operate upon any accidental or voluntary power failure.
A system shall be included to limit any overload to 150% of rated load on the cable or
120% of rated effort of the drive mechanism, by stopping the motor and applying the
Devices shall be included to permit the motor to be changed, with the drive mechanism
under load.

Support Beam. A support beam crossing the canal shall be used to fasten the drive
mechanism when a center drive unit is used.
The support beam may be of welded steel construction or of concrete; however a steel
support beam shall be given preference,depending upon the price difference between
the two alternatives. When of steel, the ends of the support beam shall be fixed to the
concrete side walls by means of embedded components.


Slide Gate.


General. The gate leaf of the slide gate shall be of welded steel construction in one
piece. Watertightness shall be ensured by special natural rubber or neoprene extruded
shapes in the form of a musical note. Smooth sliding action of the gate leaf shall be
provided by shoes.
Depending upon the main characteristics indicated in the Technical Data Sheets the
gate shall be provided with electromechanical actuation, which will also permit manual
operation by a crank, or it shall be required to be only operated by hand crank.
All components of the sliding gate shall, whenever applicable, comply with the DIN
19704 or equivalent standard.
The BIDDER shall present his bid, in the clearest manner possible, construction details
of the components and the gate, based of his experience with this type of equipment.


Gate Panel. The gate panel shall be of welded steel construction, in one piece. The
facing can be of smooth, reinforced or bent metallic plate.
Fastening of seals shall be by means of pressure plates, tightened whenever possible by
All areas that could retain water shall be provided with drainage holes.


Sliding Shoes. The sides of the slide gates shall be provided with at least two (2) sliding
The contact surfaces of the sliding shoes with the lateral embedded parts shall be of
medium-hard bronze.


Seals. Seals shall comply with the design conditions established in the item referring to
materials and components.
Whenever feasible, water pressure shall assist in the sealing effect.
The concept of the seal fastening systems shall be such as to render any alteration in
the degree of compression to which the seals are subject unquestionably impossible

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

when the seals are in working position, the only admissible alterations being those
caused by wear or aging which may occur over normal periods of time.
Whenever applicable, seals shall be furnished with an excess in length of 20mm for
adjustment purposes during assembly. Seal fastening bars shall be of carbon steel.
Nuts and bolts employed for adjustment purposes shall be of stainless steel.
A brass to stainless steel sealing system could be acceptable, providing this complies
with leakage limitation requirements. Its concept shall be presented in detail in the bid,
with due justification for its advantages.

Embedded Parts. Embedded parts to be placed in secondary concrete shall be appropriate

to support the load transmitted by the gate.
Each unit shall be comprised of, at least, embedded parts for sliding, lateral sealing, and
guide sealing, a sill, guides, and possibly a frontal seal, depending upon the main
characteristics indicated in the Technical Data Sheet.
Embedded parts for sliding, lateral sealing and guiding shall have their minimum lengths
equivalent to twice the height of the slide gate opening.
All embedded parts shall be of welded steel construction.
All joints to be made during assembly shall be provided with fish plates, with nuts, bolts
and guide pins positioned during assembly in the factory.
Each embedded part shall be provided with studs which, being welded to the components
embedded in the primary concrete, shall serve only and exclusively the purposes of
aligning, leveling and adjusting its position, as well as to ensure this position after it has
been installed and during the secondary concreting.
In the case of small-size gates, the embedded parts shall be delivered assembled in the
form of frames provided with bracing to prevent misalignment and unlevelling during
transportation and concreting.
A flat stainless steel bar shall be welded to the embedded parts of the sill and the lateral
and frontal sealing parts along the path of the seals.


Drive Mechanism. The electromechanical drive mechanism for the sliding gate can be
single or double-type and shall be comprised of a motor, reduction gearbox and one or
more shafts with worm screws mounted on a pedestal(s) of suitable height, with mounting
provisions for the pedestal(s). The drive mechanism shall have provision for mounting a
sensor for the measurement and transmission of the position of the gate opening.
The sensor for measuring and transmitting the position of the gate opening shall be of
the resistive type, with a variation of 0 to 500 ohms (500 ohms indicating a fully open
gate, and 0 ohms indicating a fully closed gate), rated at 4 W at 70 o C, tolerance of plus
or minus 5% and linearity not exceeding 1%.
The drive mechanism shall include reversible micro-switches to indicate the fully open
and fully closed positions of the gate.
The sensor and the micro-switches shall be housed in a weatherproof enclosure complying
with ABNT IPW-65 and other applicable standards.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

A safety manual drive shall be included for actuation in the case of electric power
failure. The crank shall be at a suitable height and the effort applied to the crank with a
radius of 35cm shall not exceed 180 N. The drive mechanism shall bear an indication of
the direction in which the crank is to be turned to open the gate.
The upper portion of the drive shaft shall be provided with a machined acme screw
thread, with a pitch selected to render the unit self-locking.
The shaft shall be of the rising type and its upper end provided with a ring to limit its
The shaft shall also be provided with a guide bearing with a bronze bushing in a support
permitting adjustment in two directions. The guide pin coupling the shaft to the gate
leaf shall be of stainless steel.
All necessary protection for weather and safety shall be provided.

Downstream Control Gate.


General. The NEYRTEC-type downstream control gate, or equivalent, shall be a totally

self-contained automatic water-level controlling gate that does not use any external
transmission or drive systems to open and close the gate.
The NEYRTEC-type downstream control gate, or equivalent, shall be equipped with
floats, counterweights, damping system and all other devices required to make it selfcontained and automatic.


Design. The NEYRTEC-type downstream control gate, or equivalent, shall be constructed

of welded steel plate, floaters and sections. The design, construction, and tests where
applicable shall meet the requirements of these specifications.

Any equivalent gate must use designs resulting in gates manufactured by an established
manufacturer showing succesful operation for five (5) or more years of service.

Siphon Wasteway

The siphon wasteway shall be constructed of welded sheet metal painted and steel
beams and shall be:
Totally closed when not operating
Of hydraulic operation, with no moving mechanical or electrical parts.
Of progressive operation, or suitable for evacuting flow

The siphon wasteway shall present a progressive flow from o to the normal flow indicated
in the Technical Data Sheets.
The maximun decrement between water levels between the begining flow discharge to
normal flow discharge operations is also indicated in the Technical Data Sheets.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Disk-Type Self-Centering Valve


All parts of the disk-type self-centering valve shall be made of welded steel and shall be
designed to comply with abrupt flow variations. The equipment shall consist of:

outletpiece for pipeli

sealing device
floater connected to the sealing device
articulated arm

The outletpiece shall be made of flanged steel with diameter and pressure class indicated
The disk-type self centering valve shall be made of stell and shall shut off pipeline flow
at the service pressure innidicated in the Technical Data Sheets. The seal shall be made
of a plate of seal material (rubber or other material) fastened to the disk.
The disk shall be centralized on the pipe outletpiece by water pressure without any
other guides.

Seals. The sealing systems for the hydromechanical equipment shall be designed to employ
heat-resistant material, either natural rubber or a butadiene-styrene copolymer, or a mixture
of both, and shall contain carbon black, zinc oxide, accelerators, antioxidant, vulcanizing
agents and plasticizers, so as to ensure a seal that complies with the leakage limits
established in the specific technical specifications with the gates closed. Seals shall be
fastened in place by means of steel plates with no sharp edges, and stainless steel nuts
and bolts. It shall be possible to adjust the seals, taking into consideration the clearance
existing between the embedded parts and the moving parts.

Corner seals shall be made with a single molded part, which shall be vulcanized or
bonded with a suitable adhesive (such as Super Bonder) to the corresponding lateral
and frontal parts.
Seals shall not be accepted with splices other than those mentioned above, and vulcanizing
operations on the jobsite shall also not be acceptable.
Mounting holes in the seals shall all be executed in the factory, unless for shipping
reasons the equipment is designed and manufactured in parts, which shall have to be
welded together on-site. Drilling the rubber seals for the fastening bolts shall be done by
using the seal clamp bars as a template. The sealing set shall be preassembled at the
factory and then disassembled for transport.
Sealing components shall be packed separately for transportation purposes.
All other procedures differing from those described above shall be the object of agreements
between the SUPPLIER and the PURCHASER.

Gears. For normal working conditions the calculation for the strength of the teeth on all
gears shall consider a safety factor of not less than five (5), in relation to the breaking
stress of the material employed.
ABNT, ISO,AGMA,DIN or equivalent manufacturing standards shall be followed.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

If crown-and-worm gears are used, the material for the worm gear shall be case-hardened,
tempered steel, ground and polished. The crown shall be of phosphor bronze or aluminum
bronze, in accordance with SAE specifications 65 and 68 or the like.

Pulleys. Pulleys for steel cables shall be of cast steel or spherodial cast iron with minimum
characteristics equal to those required by ASTM standard A27 grade 70-40 and DIN
1.693 type GGG-50 respectively, or the like.
According to DIN Standards 15.061 and 15.062, the grooves shall be machined to a
height of h = 1.5 d and lower radius = 0.53d. The hubs shall be provided with slide or
roller bearings.
All pulleys shall be balanced, and provided with suitable protection to prevent the cable
from escaping from its groove.


Cables. The strands of which the cables are comprised shall have a breaking strength
varying from 160 kgf/mm2 to 200 kgf/mm2.
Steel cables shall be dimensioned to withstand, before reaching their respective breaking
points, a load equivalent to six times the sum of the following components: the load
itself, weight of the maximum length of hanging cable, and system outputs.
When the raising system requires the use of several lifting cables, the strains on these
shall be equalized by means of compensating pulleys or a cable equalizer bar.
The cables shall be class 6x37.
Selection of the construction shall be in accordance with the diameter, in the following
For cable diameters equal to or less than 7/16 inch: Warrington 6x37 construction,
with artificial fibre core;
For cable diameters larger than 7/16 inch:
Filler or Warrington Seale 4x41 Construction with artificial fibre cores.
Terminals, wedges, supports and other devices for fastening the cables shall be capable
of withstanding ninety percent (90%) of the guaranteed breaking strength of the cables
to which they are fastened.
The SUPPLIER shall furnish the cables with sufficient length to permit cutting off samples
for testing.


Winding Drums. These shall be manufactured from structural steel sheet, rolled, welded
longitudinally and annealed before machining.
Longitudinal welds on the drum cylinders shall be X-rayed along one hundred percent
(100%) of their length.
Drums shall be machined in accordance with ABNT Standard 4130.
They shall have sufficient length to permit winding the entire length of the cable, and
with the load in its fully raised position one full turn of groove shall not be occupied by

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

With the load in its fully descended position, at least two full turns of groove shall be
occupied by cable.

Brakes. - The radial gate winch raising system shall be provided with an electromagnetic
and/or electrohydraulic type brake.

Breaking capacity in both directions of movement shall be of at least one hundred and
fifty percent (150%) of the full load torque of the corresponding motor. Brakes with
electric control shall be capable of performing at least fifteen (15) operations per minute.

Lubrication systems. All bearings, swiveling shafts and mechanisms, that do not contain
self-lubricating material, shall be provided with lubrication devices.
The lubrication of points that are difficult to reach shall be by means of tubing connected
to same. These tubes shall be fitted with grease nipples grouped in easily accessible
positions on the service walkways.
The tubes shall be of copper or copper-plated seamless tubing and on the moving parts,
and for those subject to displacement or vibration, high-pressure flexible tubing shall be
Whenever the type of equipment so permits, and the difficulty or inconvenience of
point-to-point lubrication is apparent, the SUPPLIER shall funish a central automatic or
manual lubrication system for the group of points to be lubricated.
All reduction gearing shall be lubricated by oil bath, provided that the tangential velocities
do not surpass a value of 15m/s.
The temperature of the lubricating oil shall not rise more than 40o C above the ambient
Forced lubrication shall be adopted for gears with tangential velocities equal to or higher
than 15m/s. In such cases, the forced oil flow shall be sufficient to conduct the heat
corresponding to the power loss in the gearing, and the volume of circulating oil shall be
sufficient to maintain the oil temperature within the above permissible limits.
Calculations to determine the volume of oil contained in reduction gearboxes and
calculations for dimensioning of the forced oil circulation shall be presented in detail.
Reduction gearboxes shall be provided with oil-level windows and air vents. If forced
lubrication is used, a pressure guage or other devices shall be provided to indicate that
the lubrication is operating. Devices for filling and draining the gearboxes shall be easily
Gears that are lubricated with grease shall be covered by protective housings containing
trays to collect excess grease.
The SUPPLIER shall furnish a general lubrication plan for each item of equipment, including
the characteristics and commercial names of the lubricants, indicating equivalent brands.
This plan shall be presented in the Instruction Manuals.


Electric Induction Motors


General Conditions. Motors shall be installed in environments with the service conditions
indicated in Item ____ of the Instructions to Bidders, Chapter ___,Volume____.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Motors shall be induction, squirrel-cage rotor type. They shall be suitable for continuous
operation, outdoor installation and designed to handle the characteristics of the load.
All motors shall be designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with the latest
revisions of the applicable ABNT, ANSI, IEEE, NEMA and IEC standards.
Any divergencies between this specification and the above mentioned or the SUPPLIERs
standards shall be communicated to the PURCHASER, for enlightenment.
The SUPPLIER shall indicate the main characteristics of motors, by submitting the Data
Sheet Induction Motor, shown in the Technical Data Sheets for this Specification.

Voltages. The motors shall be designed to operate under an voltage of 380 V, threephase, 60Hz.

They shall operate satisfactorily under rated loads, provided the percentage of voltage
variation does exceed plus or minus 10% of rated voltage at a frequency of 60 Hz.

Housing and Ventilation. Motors shall be enclosed type with fan, ABNT degree of protection
IP (w) 54.

Housings shall have provision for lifting eyes.

Fans shall be suitable for operation in either direction of rotation and provided with
means for easy removal.
Covers shall be made of rolled steel, cast iron covers not being acceptable.
The principle dimensions of the motors shall comply with the requirements of ABNT
Standard NBR-5460, or NEMA Standard MG-1, where applicable.

Insulation and Temperature Rise. The insulation shall be of Class F, non-hygroscopic


The temperature rise, based on an ambient temperature of 50o C and with a service
factor of 1.0, shall not exceed the following values:
Thermometricmethod:Class F insulation ...............................................100o C
Resistance method: Class F insulation .................................................. 90o C
Windings shall be protected from abrasion and shall be fungus resistant.

Rotation. The motors shall be designed to rotate in either direction.

Whenever the dirction of rotation is important for operating the equipment, a corrosionproof identification plate shall be provided, illustrating the direction of rotation.

Torques. The torques with locked rotors shall not be below those indicated in ABNTs
NBR-7094 and/or NEMAs MG-1-12.37.

Maximum torques shall not be below those indicated in NBR-7094 and/or NEMAs table
The motors shall be capable of starting and accelerating, without exceeding the specified
temperature rise, the moment of inertia loads listed in NEMAs table MG-1-20.42.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The ratio of the power drawn with a locked rotor, in kVA, to the rated power, in HP or
kW, shall correspond to the values in ABNTs NBR-7094.
All motors shall have thermal capacity to permit two successive starts under full voltage,
with the motor at ambient temperature accelerating a load whose acceleration time is of
up to 15 seconds.

Connection Boxes. Connection boxes shall be of reinforced construction, with neoprene

gaskets and threaded openings for conduits.

When viewed from the coupling end of the motor, they shall be assembled as indicated
in the Technica Data Sheet.
They shall be large enough to contain the power cables with pressure type copper
connectors. The material and the size of the terminal supplied with the motor shall be
compatible with the connectors on the motors copper power supply cables.
Separate boxes shall be supplied for heaters, if these are called for in Technical Data

Accessories. All motors shall be provided with heater resistors,when indicated in the
Technical Data Sheet.

All motors shall be provided with a terminal for connecting the housing to the ground
Nameplates shall be of durable corrosion resistant material, with the data engraved or
stamped, in such a manner that the information cannot be removed by abrasion, corrosion
or ageing.
Another plate of the screwed-on type, shall be furnished with the identification number
of the motor.
All motors shall have a terminal for a fourth conductor, connected to the housing, inside
the connection box, in addition to the external terminal for connection to the grounding

Spare Parts. All spare parts shall be interchangeable with and identical to the corresponding
original components installed on the equipment.


Painting Methods. The painting methods to be employed for radial and slide gates are
described below, for each particular case. The NEYRTEC downstream control gate, or
equivalent, the siphon wasteways, and the disk-type self-centering valve shall be furnished
painted with the manufacturers standard coating.


Structures. The gate structures will be painted at the jobsite, by the Installation Contractor,
the method to be employed being:

Cleaning to almost white metal by abrasive blast, as per SSPC SP-10 standard;
Primer painting with one (1) coat of coal-tar epoxy resin base paint, with high
resistance to abrasion features;
Finish painting with one (1) coat of the same paint as used for the primer painting.
The minimum final thickness of dry film for the two (2) coats will be 400 microns.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Embedded parts. The surfaces totally embedded in concrete shall not be painted and the
surfaces not embedded in concrete will be painted at the jobsite by Installation Contractor.
The painting method to be employed will be:

Cleaning to white metal by abrasive blast, as per SSPC-SP5 standard;

Primer painting with two (2) coats of epoxi resin paint with a high content of zinc.
The minimum final thickness of dry film for the two (2) coats will be 140 microns.
Finish painting with two (2) coats of coal-tar epoxy resin paint.The minimum final
thickness of dry film for the two (2) coats will be 300 microns.

Supporting Beams and Bases for Mounting of Actuating Mechanism. These parts shall be
painted at the factory with primer painting and one (1) coat of final painting, the final coat
of finish paint will be applied at the jobsite by the Installation Contractor in the PURCHASERs
standard color.

The painting method to be employed shall be:

Cleaning by commercial abrasive blast in compliance with SSPC-SP6 standard;
Primer painting with two (2) coats of iron oxide type primer with a base of
chlorinated, high thickness, unsaponifiable rubber. The minimum final thickness
of dry film for the two (2) coats shall be 140 microns.
Finish painting with one (1) coat of unsaponifiable chlorinated rubber. The minimum
final thickness of dry film for the coat shall be 105 microns.

Motors and Reducers. The motors and reducers shall be delivered with final primer and
finish painting, of the type resistant to oils, in the PURCHASERs standard color, painted
in accordance with the method usually employed for these components, duly approved by


Design Calculations. Calculations for parts and components of the hydromechanical

equipment shall be developed in accordance with DIN 1904, and other applicable
Allowable stresses under normal load shall be determined according to criteria in DIN
Standard 19704.
For the calculations, the most unfavourable combinations of the following forces shall
be considered:
Hydraulic load;
Equipment and accessories weight;
Frictional forces;
Anticipated actuation force.
Forces appearing when the gate is operated dry shall also be calculated.
Suspension points shall be dimensioned as a function of the actuation force. The rated
capacity of the drive mechanism shall be at least one hundred and ten percent (110%)
of the maximum calculated actuation force.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

To calculate the force required for actuation, the dynamic friction coefficients in the
following table shall be adopted:


Rubber seals upon stainless steel



Brass or bronze upon stainless steel



Self-lubricating bearings (Lubrite)



Self-lubricating bearings (Fiberglide)



Pre-compression of the seals shall also be taken into consideration.

The maximum calculated force under normal actuating conditions shall be obtained
using the most unfavourable coefficients of friction.
The anticipated actuation force shall be the maximum calculated force, increased by ten
percent (10%) for safety reasons.
The embedded parts shall be calculated according to the loads transmitted by the
equipment and the drive mechanism.
Embedded lateral parts shall be submitted to forces transmitted by the abutment shoes
of the radial gates or the slide shoes of the sliding gates.
Stress on the concrete shall not be higher than admissible, according to the value
reached in the item 9, General Design Requirements.

General Design Requirements


Design Stresses. All components parts of the hydromechanical equipment shall be

designed, based on the most unfavourable conditions to which they are to be subjected,
during operation and during assembly, on-site testing, or transportation.
Maximum stresses for the various load conditions to which the hydromechanical
equipement is to be subjected shall comply with the requirements of DIN Standard


Stresses on Concrete. The maximum stress in the concrete resulting from contact pressure
between equipment components and the concrete shall not be higher than 500 N/cm2.
Contact pressure shall be calculated, considering implicit components, by beams on
elastic foundations theory.
The maximum permissible rate of adherence of anchor bolts in the concrete shall be of
60 N/cm2.


Transportation, Assemby and Disassembly Facilities. The equipment shall be designed

in such a manner as to include facilities for transportation, assembly and disassembly,
for purposes of preventive maintenance or possible repairs. Access to the more delicate
parts or those subject to wear shall involve minimum disassembly.
All components which by virtue of their size, form, or other reason require means to
facilitate handling during operations such as transportation, assembly and disassembly,
shall be provided with hoisting eyes, threaded holes for attaching lifting rings, supports,

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

etc. The SUPPLIER shall make provision for instances in which special device such as
guide pins should be used to attend to particular conditions of transportation, assembly
and dismantling, and include these in the supply of the corresponding equipment.

Standardization. The use of standard components, both mechanical and electrical, shall
be emphasized by the SUPPLIER in the Technical Data Sheets. Standard components
for the same application shall all be provided by the same manufacturer.


Leakage Limitation. For the radial and slide gates the maximum admissible leakage
around the seals between the gates and the corresponding embedded parts shall not
exceed 0.25 liters per second per linear meter of seal. For the NEYTRTEC-type
downstream control gate or equivalent, leakage shall be within the range allowed by the


Speed Tolerance. - The permissible tolerance for the speed of any item of equipment shall
be of plus or minus 5% of the corresponding nominal value specified in the Technical Data


Inspections and Tests


Preassembly in the Factory. The equipment and/or their parts shall be preassembled to
operating conditions at the factory and shall be checked by the ENGINEER.
Match marks shall be suitably made in a legible manner, by means of painting and
punching, to ensure a correct coupling during assembly at the jobsite. Special assemblies
shall be executed with the aid of guide pins.
The following preassemblies shall be made at the Factory:
Radial gates - preassembly of the gate leaf over a cradle and gate leaf with gate
arms and main bearings.
Slide-gates - preassembly of the gate leaf, in a horizontal position for checking
dimensions, leveling, alignment and coupling with drive mechanisms. The
uprightness of the gate leaf when suspended by their suspension points shall also
be checked.
Seals - see subitem 7.6.
Drive mechanism - complete assembly.
Embedded Parts - complete preassembly of the abutment embedded parts, and
side sealing of the radial gates, for which the construction of a suitable support
will be required with the tolerances of the drawing, required angles and reference
For the remaining gates, preassembly of the sealing chassis, shall be completed in a
horizontal position.
In all the preassemblies the dimensions, leveling, alignment and coupling shall be checked.


On-Site Tests and Inspections


General. All on-site tests will be conducted by the PURCHASER under the supervision of

The on-site inspections to be performed by the PURCHASER, shall not, under any
circumstances, free the SUPPLIER from any of his obligations or contractual

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The indication of the tests and inspections defined in the following items are for guidance,
and the PURCHASER may request an extension or other types of tests and inspections,
in addition to the ones indicated, if deemed necessary for checking the quality or
performance of the equipment, providing such tests do not affect its main characteristics.
Tests described for an equipment or part thereof are applicable to other equipment or
parts of the same type.
After the initial and final on-site tests and inspection, the respective reports shall be
prepared by the PURCHASER and the SUPPLIER, giving the values obtained in the
corresponding tests. A copy of these reports shall remain with the PURCHASER for his
In general, the apparatus, devices and tests loads utilized during the tests and inspections
will be furnished by the PURCHASER. The SUPPLIER, however, shall accept the
responsibility of furnishing for use during the tests and inspections, the special apparatus
and devices required for the tests, when requested by the PURCHASER.

Initial On-Site Tests and Inspections.- All the equipment, after final assembly at the jobsite,
shall be submitted to no-load, rated load, and overload operation tests, when specified or
required by applicable technical standard.

All the operating characteristics required in the technical specification and Design
Documents shall be checked. It will be verified whether all the mechanical or electrical
components of the equipment operate under normal operating conditions, as defined in
these documents or in the applicable technical standards.

Final On-Site Tests and Inspections. - At the end of the guarantee period, the PURCHASER
shall have the right to conduct all the defined tests and inspections, whether to be conducted
at the factory or to be conducted at the jobsite, or other tests deemed necessary, and
may even, when the type of test so requires, dismantle part of the equipment for the
required verifications.

When excessive wear, alterations in operational characteristics, unacceptable differences

in relation to previous tests or in relation to the technical specifications are detected,
the SUPPLIER shall perform the design verification to determine the causes of the
irregularities, as well as proceed with the modifications and/or corrections in the
equipment, being responsible for all incurred costs, providing the irregularities are not
due to misuse of the equipment.

Packaging, Storage, Transport, and Handling


Packing for Transportation. The supply shall be packaged in compliance with the best
established practices.
All threaded parts to be used in the final assemblies, shall be transported oil immersed.
Those used in other assemblies, i.e., embedded parts, shall only be dipped in oil.
Electric motors shall be sealed with impermeable tape or other suitable means. A protective
paper (grade A greaseproof or the the like) shall be inserted between the motor brushes
and collectors.
Spare parts shall be packed separately.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Factory Storage. Only the components which may be exposed to weather can be stored
in the yards. The remaining components, such as electrical material, mechanisms, etc.,
shall be placed in enclosed areas, sheltered from dust and humidity.


Transportation. The SUPPLIER shall furnish freight and insurance for the equipment to
the delivery location, if so requested by the PURCHASER and in accordance with the
specific proposal and contract. In the event such services are contracted, the SUPPLIER
shall be responsible for the loading of the parts to be shipped on the transporters trucks
or railroad cars.
The SUPPLIER shall be responsible for possible damages to the equipment during the
transportation to the delivery location, due to faulty packing, improper placing of the
parts on the vehicles and/or accidents that might occur during the transportation by
fault of the transporter.
In the event the SUPPLIER should subcontract these services, the subcontractor shall
have proven experience in the transportation of similar equipment, the PURCHASER
having the right to request a substitue if the subcontractor does not comply with the
requirements. In any case, the total responsibility shall continue to be of the SUPPLIER.


Storage at the Jobsite. The SUPPLIER shall inform the PURCHASER on the care to be
taken when the equipment must be stored at the jobsite before assembly. If, by any
reasons beyond the SUPPLIERs control, the assembly is delayed, the latter shall furnish
in writing, at the official request of the PURCHASER, the care and periodic maintenance
procedures to be taken for the equipment or part stored, ensuring its conservation.
Defects caused by non-compliance with the orientation for storage furnished by the
SUPPLIER shall be the PURCHASERs responsibility. If the defects are not a consequence
of faulty storage but are due to manufacture and/or design, the corrections shall be the
SUPPLIERs responsibility.


Drawings and Data to be Furnished by the SUPPLIER.


Information required for the BID and before start of construction.

Shop drawings;
Commercial products data;
Design calculations


Complementary information required at time of delivery.3 sets of:

Dimensional drawings;
List of spare parts for five (5) years of operation;
Drawings showing the exact location with dimensions of the anchor bolts for
mounting by the Installation Contractor.
Reports of all tests required by these specifications which are performed in the
5 sets of:
Instruction Manuals


Warranty. The SUPPLIER shall furnish an equipment and materials warranty in accordance
with the General and Special Conditions of the Contract. This warranty shall remain

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Standard Technical Specifications

valid for 12 months after each piece of equipment is put into operation or for 24 months
after the date of delivery at the jobsite, whichever period concludes earlier.

Technical Assistance. The SUPPLIER shall perform the supervision of assembly and testing
of the gates at the jobsite, if so requested by the PURCHASER and in accordance with the
General and Special Conditions of the contract. In the event such services are contracted,
the SUPPLIER shall provide assistance in the assembly, make adjustments, tests and
start-up of the equipment and accessories. It shall also be the SUPPLIERs responsibility
to instruct and assist the PURCHASERs personnel assigned for the operation and
maintenance of the equipment. The SUPPLIER shall provide a group of qualified, competent
and technically skilled persons that are to work at the installation site.

The supervisors shall act as the PURCHASERs consultants, in questions of methods,

practices and required precautions and shall be responsible for alignments, clearances
and other requirements pertinent to the assembly of his supplied equipment as well as
for the work relating to handling, storage,withdrawals from stock, removal of packagings,
assembly, cleaning and painting of surfaces, tests, confirmations, start-up and
commissioning of the other operations required before the preparation of the equipment
for their specific functions.
The SUPPLIER shall assume total and entire responsibility with respect to precision,
quality and range of performance of his equipment, provided the assembly services
have been performed in compliance with the instruction and recommedations of the
supervisors and providing the equipment to be assembled has been stored and handled
in accordance with the SUPPLIERs instructions.

Measurement and Payment. The quantity of water level control equipment units described
in this Specification will be measured as complete assemblies, expressed in units.
The payment for these units will be made at the applicable unit price established in the


Reference Drawings. The supply of the specified equipment must be in accordance with
the following drawings, which are an integral part of this specification:
Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

The drawings listed above are intended as general orientation in preparing bids, and
indicate the main characteristics and dimensions of the equipment. The design and
elaboration of detailed drawings for manufacturing are part of the supply and the
responsibility of the SUPPLIER, who will note and comply with the main dimensions and
characteristics presented in the drawings listed above.
Any error in the reference drawings or specifications, be it omission, addition or
misplacement of words or symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the
requirements of the drawings and/or specifications. In case of discrepancy between the
drawings and the specifications, the latter will govern. The SUPPLIER shall bring to the
attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications or reference drawings.

Technical Data Sheets.

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Standard Technical Specifications




Objective. The objective of these specifications is to define the criteria and supply
conditions required of the steel suction pipes, discharge pipes, and manifolds for the
________(Name) pumping station of the ________(Name) Project.


Operating Conditions. In accordance with Section MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL



Scope of Supply. The supply scope of these Specifications includes, but is not limited to
the following items:


Preparation of design drawings and calculation sheets and submittal for approval.


Tests of equipment and/or materials at factory, as required in these Specifications.


Transportation of the equipment from factory to jobsite, and unloading at the jobsite,
including necessary transportation insurance.
The SUPPLIER shall present a project schedule which ensures the supply of the equipment
in an orderly and continuous manner, thus allowing the sequential and complete assembly
of each pumping system.


Technical Standards.. The latest revision of the following standards shall be adopted for
the manufacturing and supplying of materials.
ABNT - Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas
DIN - Deutsches Institut fur Normung
ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
API - American Petroleum Institute
AISI - American Iron and Steel Institute
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
AWWA - American Water Works Association
ISO - International Organization for Standardization
SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers
ANSI - American National Standards Institute

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Standard Technical Specifications


Manufacturing Requirements


Steel plate - ASTM designation: A 283, grade C or D, or ASTM designation: A 36.
Welding fittings - ANSI B16.5.
Electric-fusion (arc) -welded, spiral-seam steel pipe - ASTM designation: A 139,
grade B, C, or D.
Standard steel pipe - ASTM designation: A 53, grade A, galvanized for pipe less
than 4 inches in diameter and black for pipe 4 inches and larger in diameter.
Flexible joints. - Flexible joints shall be either Dresser type or Gibault type
with center sleeves and follower rings or flanges and without pipe stops.
The coupling gaskets shall be made of natural or synthetic rubber suitable for cold water
service and shall be triangular shaped for Dresser joints or square shaped for Gibault
joints. The center sleeves and follower rings or flanges shall be of solid-ring construction
which requires no field welding or bolting to form the center sleeves or follower rings or
flanges into circular rings. The thickness of the center sleeve shall be equal to or greater
than the adjoining pipe sections. Harnesses shall be furnished to prevent longitudinal
opening of the joint where shown on the drawings.
Flange gaskets - AWWA standard C207, full faced.
Grooved-end-type (Victaulic) couplings AWWA - C606.


Fabrication. The fabrication of suction pipes, discharge pipes and manifolds shall be in
accordance with these specifications and drawings and with the requirements of AWWA
standard C200.
The minimum wall thickness of the pipe shall be 6mm.
Pipe bends shall have a minimum radius of 3 pipe diameters.
Field joints shall be provided as necessary to facilitate lining or installation of the pipe.
Field joints shall be threaded couplings for pipe less than 100mm in diameter, flanged
for pipe from 100mm to 700mm in diameter, and welded for pipe larger than 700 mm in
diameter. Flanges shall be suitable for the working pressure of the adjacent pipe.


Painting.- Painting shall be done according to Standard SSPC-PS-11-01-68 T of The

Steel Structures Painting Council, the Technical Data Sheets and other Standards defined
therein, and as summerized below:
For exterior surfaces of exposed above ground pipe:


Base coat:
Two coats of red-lead type IV,
Final thickness (dry film): 80 micron.


Finish Coat:
Two coats of synthetic enamel (alkyd resin based).
Final thickness (dry film): 70 micron.
Colors of finishing paint shall be defined by the PURCHASER at the time of issuance of
the supply contract for this equipment.

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Standard Technical Specifications

For exterior surfaces of buried and non-exposed pipe and interior surfaces of pipe, coaltar epoxy, cement-mortar, or coal-tar enamel shall be applied.
Weld spatter, slag burrs, or other objectionable surface irregularities shall be removed or
repaired before cleaning. Any contaminants to the paint coating, from cleaning operations
or other sources, shall be removed before the surfaces are painted.
All oil and grease, if present, shall be removed from steel surfaces to be painted by the
use of clean solvent and clean, lint-free wiping material. Cleaning solvent shall be xylene.
Cleaning cloths and solvents shall be discarded before they become contaminated to
the extend that a greasy film would remain on the surface being cleaned.
Following the initial solvent cleaning, the surfaces shall be blast cleaned to base metal,
using dry, hard, sharp, sand or steel grit, to produce a near-white sandblasted surface
free of all foreign sustances. The surface shall be cleaned to equal or exceed NACE No.
2 or SSPC-SP10.
Coal-tar epoxy coating shall be mixed and applied according to the manufacturers
instructions, except as otherwise specified.
The first coat shall be applied by brush or roller and succeeding coats by brush, spray,
or roller. Prior to applying the first coat, all welds and rough or irregular surfaces shall be
given a vigorously brushed coat to ensure complete coverage free of pinholes; the first
general coat may then be applied over the wet brush coat. The second and any following
coats shall be applied after the preceding coat has become tack free, but time between
coats shall not exceed the firm-to-touch time by more than 50 percent. Air and metal
temperatures shall be above 10o C during application and the curing period. The minimum
final curing times shall be 5 days between 10o C and 16o C or 3 days above 16o C. The
complete coating shall be applied either in the shop or in the field.
Damaged areas or other areas requiring touchup coating shall be sanded to roughen the
surface, and thereafter the manufacturers special instructions regarding special solvent
wiping or other preparation for touchup repair shall apply; areas in which the specified
drying time between coats is exceeded shall be treated and prepared by the same
Coal-tar enamel and coal-tar epoxi-coated metalwork shall be protected against exposure
to direct sunlight until permanent submergence or until installation under cover. Protection
may be by covering or shading, except that surfaces which will be exposed to sunlight
in their installed position and eventually will be submerged shall be protected by a heavy
coat of phenolic aluminum paint spray applied approximately 1 week after applying the
last coat of coal-tar epoxy. The reflective aluminum coating shall be renewed if necessary.

Inspections and Tests. Each section of the suction pipes, discharge pipes, and manifolds
shall be hydrostatically tested to a test pressure which stresses the steel to 16,000 N/
cm2. Any section with nozzles shall be tested after the nozzles have been attached by
welding. Wye branches and miter bends shall be completely fabricated before testing.
Any sections cut for handling purposes after the hydrostatic tests shall be cut on planes
normal to the pipe axis and not at the cone-cylinder intersections. In case of failures all
defects shall be repaired and the complete test procedure repeated before lining or
coating are applied.
The SUPPLIER shall furnish all temporary supports, bulkheads, air vents and other
equipment necessary to perform the hydrostatic tests.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The PURCHASER shall be granted the right to have a representative present to observe
the tests. This representative may, at the PURCHASERs discretion, be from any agency.
The SUPPLIER will guarantee the PURCHASERs representative free access at any stage
of the process of manufacture or assembly of the equipment, and shall supply, free of
charge, any of the components to be tested, and offer all facilities necessary for the
tests themselves.
Any expense incurred to carry out the tests, whether for personnel or material, will be
the SUPPLIERs entire responsibility. The results of the tests shall be certified.

Packaging, Transport,and Handling. The SUPPLIER shall provide the necessary supports
for the material to avoid its damage or deterioration during transit to its final destination
and during the storage period.
The supports shall be sufficient to resist violent handling during transit and storage.
During loading, transportation, unloading, and storage, every precaution shall be taken
to prevent damage to the coatings of the suction pipe, discharge pipe, and manifolds.
Trucks, trailers, or railway cars used for transporting coated pipe shall be provided with
padded bolsters curved to fit the outside of the pipe, and heavy padding shall be used
under ties. Open ends of pipe with an internal lining of shop-applied cement-mortar shall
be tightly closed with a plastic wrap consisting of at least two thickness of 0.15mm
sheet polyethylene plastic.
The plastic wrap shall be installed on the pipe ends immediately after lining of the pipe
unit is completed and will remain on the pipe until the time of installation.
Water shall be placed inside the pipe unit to maintain a continuously moist environment
to prevent drying and shrinkage of the mortar lining. The plastic wrap shall be removed
and replaced as required for the introduction of water.
Any damage to the lining or coating shall be repaired as directed if in the opinion of the
PURCHASER, a satisfactory repair can be made; otherwise the damaged section shall
be replaced at the expense of the SUPPLIER.
After cement-mortar-lining operations are completed and prior to handling and shipping,
internal supports shall be furnished and placed in the pipe to maintain circularity. The
differences between the maximum and minimum diameters, at any point along the pipe
shall not exceed 7mm for pipe sizes 600mm and smaller or 1 percent of the nominal
pipe diameter for pipe sizes larger than 600mm.
All internal supports shall remain in place through storage.
The delivery of the equipment shall be made by the SUPPLIER according to the terms of
the Contract. The SUPPLIER will be responsible until the delivery has been completed.
The supply will be considered as being completed after delivery of the material at the
storage site and after issuance of the respective acceptance form.
The transportation, including loading and unloading of the equipment, and until storage
at the site will be the exclusive responsibility of the SUPPLIER and its costs shall be
included in the price for the equipment.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The supplied equipment must be totally covered by insurance against loss and damages,
caused during manufacturing or to the purchasing, transportation, storage and supply
according to these specifications.

Drawings and Data to be Furnished by the SUPPLIER


Before Start of Construction:

Checked shop drawings showing complete layouts, assembly details, dimensions,
weld sizes, and materials.
Design calculation sheets


Before Delivery:
3 sets of test reports


Modifications. The lay-out of equipment shown on the drawings may be taken as a

guide, allowing the SUPPLIER to make any suggestions and/or alterations which better
adapt to the equipment he is offering. Suggestions and/or alterations which include
technical aspects inferior to those here required, however, will not be accepted.
All specification requirements will be considered as included in the alternative offered.
Suggestions and/or alterations will not be accepted which alter dimensions of building.
Alterations which have been allowed above must be submitted to the ENGINEER in
sufficient time for approval in order to be implemented.
The SUPPLIER must provide detailed drawings of all the equipment in 04 (four) copies,
one of which must be a reproducible for heliographic copies.
The reproducible drawing must be on CRONAFLEX paper or similar, so as to be durable
and allow good reproductions.
The drawings must contain all the details of design, manufacture and assembly.
The modifications or information submitted cannot be altered without prior authorization
of the ENGINEER, and omissions will not exempt the SUPPLIER from his obligations
under these specifications.
Once the designs submitted are analysed, the changes by the ENGINEER, within the
scope of the present specifications, must be promptly carried out by the SUPPLIER
within the established schedule and without any additional charge.
The modified designs will be signed by both the ENGINEER and the SUPPLIER, each of
whom will keep a copy. No discrepancies shall exist between these copies.
The approval of a design by the ENGINEER will not make him responsible for errors or
omissions on the part of the SUPPLIER, who will remain responsible for compliance with
all provisions of the specifications.
The SUPPLIER will provide new drawings to replace the ones which were altered according
to the instructions in the items above.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Warranty. The SUPPLIER shall furnish an equipment and materials warranty in accordance
with the General and Special Conditions of the Contract. This warranty shall remain
valid for 12 months after each piece of equipment is put into operation or for 24 months
after the date of delivery at the jobsite, whichever period concludes earlier.


Technical Assistance. In accordance with the General and Special Conditions of the
Contract, the SUPPLIER may be required to furnish supervision during the assembly of
the steel suction pipes, discharge pipes, and manifold and during initial operation of the


Measurement and Payment.- The quantity of suction pipe, discharge pipe, and manifolds
described in this Specification, will be the quantity necessary to complete one pumping
station system, expressed in kilograms.
Payment for steel suction pipe, discharge pipe, and manifolds will be made at the applicable
price established in the Contract.


Reference Drawings. The supply of the specified equipment must be in accordance with
the following drawings, which are an integral part of this specification:
Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

The drawings listed above are intended as general orientation in preparing bids, and
indicate the main characteristics and dimensions of the equipment. The design and
elaboration of detailed drawings for manufacturing are part of the supply and the
responsibility of the SUPPLIER, who will note and comply with the main dimensions and
characteristics presented in the drawings above listed.
Any error in the reference drawings or specifications, be it omission, addition or
misplacement of words and symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the
requirements of the drawings and/or specifications. In case of discrepancy between the
drawings and specifications, the latter will govern. The SUPPLIER shall bring to the
attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications or reference drawings.

Technical Data Sheet.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications





Objective. The objective of this Specification is to establish the minimum required technical
conditions required for the cranes and hoists for the __________(Name) Project.
The handling apparatus is intended to assist in the assembly and maintenance of pump
and motor sets, valves and accessories, trashracks and stoplogs for the Pumping Stations.
The concepts and general arrangement of the equipment are shown on the design
drawings, and specific requirements and quantities are given in the Technical Data


Operating Conditions. In accordance with Section MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL



Scope of Supply. The supply scope of these Specifications shall be in accordance with
The handling apparatus shall be supplied complete, with all the components required for
their installation and operation, such as anchor bolts, rails, stops, clips, washers and
nuts, electrical control equipment, etc.


Technical Standards. Design and construction of the mechanical, electrical, and structural
parts of the mechanisms shall be in conformance with the requirements of the most
recent revisions of the following standards:
ABNT - Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas
ANSI - American National Standards Institute
CMAA - Crane Manufacturers Association of America Inc. Especificao No. 70
DIN - Deutsches Intitute for Normung
EOCI - Electric Overhead Crane Institute
FEM - Fdration Europene de la Manutention
NEC - National Electric Code
NEMA - National Electric Manufacturers Association
SSPC - Steel Structurers Painting Council
AISI - American Iron and Steel Institute


Manufacturing Requirements. The cranes and hoists shall conform to the requirements
of this specification and to the additional requirements contained in the respective
technical specifications for the specific item.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Materials. The materials of the main components shall be as required by the respective
specific Specifications, the Standards referenced, and/or as follows:
Gantry legs ASTM-A36 carbon steel section
Main beam (bridge girder) ASTM-A36 carbon steel I beam
Fixed and swivel wheels Steel hubs and rubber wheels
Mechanisms SAE-1020 carbon steel
Hook Forged steel
Chains SAE-1003 carbon steel
A factor of safety of 5 (five) based on the ultimate strength of the materials shall be
used in the design of all handling apparatus components (stress in components not to
exceed 20% of ultimate strength of the material).


Painting and Protection


Surface preparation. All surfaces for painting shall be cleaned of all foreign material
such as rolling scale, dirt, rust, grease and other substances, so that a clean and dry
surface is attained.
All sharp edges shall be ground or eliminated by other means in order to improve the
paint bonding.
Steel surfaces shall be sand-blasted to near-white metal. Sand-blast cleaning shall be
equal to or superior to the requirements of the Steel Structure Painting Council Surface
Preparation Specification SSPC-SP10-68 T for number 10 Near-White Blast Cleaning.


Painting. Painting shall be done according to Standard SSPC-SP-11-01-68 T of The

Steel Structures Painting Council and other Standards defined therein, and as summerized
Base coat: Two coats of red-lead.
Final thickness (dry film): 80 micron.
Finish coat:
Two coats of synthetic enamel (alkyd resin based).
Final thickness (dry film)=70 micron.
Colors of finishing paint shall be defined by the PURCHASER at the time of issuance of
the supply contract for this equipment.


Other Types of Protection. Shaft surfaces, gears and other surfaces which clearly need
not be painted, shall be protected against corrosion with a thick coat of grease or other
approved type of rust-protection. Such protection shall be maintained throughout the
installation period at the site up to the end of the Provisional Acceptance Tests and shall
be inspected and approved by the PURCHASER.


Packaging, Transport and Handling. Packaging, transport and handling shall be in

accordance with the provisions of Section MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL (S010101). Hoists and their components shall be duly packed in wooden boxes for shipment,
to protect their components against humidity, corrosion and other damages caused
during transportation. All parts should be duly marked to permit their identification.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Drawings and Data to be Furnished by the SUPPLIER


Information required for the BID and before start of construction:

Commercial products data
The drawings and data listed in the specific technical specifications for the
respective equipment
Shop drawings of non-commercial equipment


Complementary information required before delivery data:

Instruction Manuals
3 copies of all test reports required in the specific technical specifications for the
respective equipment
3 copies of spare parts list


Spare Parts. The SUPPLIER shall include in his proposal a complete list of spare parts,
including prices at the factory site and at the delivery site, valid for 1 (one) year from the
date of shipment of the goods. He must also include, in his proposal, a list of spare parts
recommended for 3 (three) years of operation.


Warranty. The SUPPLIER shall furnish an equipment and materials warranty in accordance
with the General and Special Conditions of the Contract. This warranty shall remain
valid for 12 months after each piece of equipment is put into operation or for 24 months
after the date of delivery at the jobsite, whichever period concludes earlier.


Measurement and Payment. The quantity of handling apparatus described in this

Specification will be measured as complete assemblies, expressed in units, except when
specified otherwise.
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the Contract.



Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements and other criteria
which, together with the requirements of item HANDLING APPARATUS, GENERAL (S010701), establish the minimum conditions to be complied with for supplying the electric
traveling gantry crane for the _______ (name) Project.


General. The traveling crane shall be for (indoor) (outdoor) installation, totally electrically
operated and equipped with a hoist mounted on a single beam that projects laterally
beyond both sides of the gantry as shown on the design drawings.


Manufacturing Requirements. Trolley movement, crane run and hoisting by the gantry
shall be done from a push-button station hanging from the gantry trolley. The gantry
shall have an independent system of movement controlled from a push-button station
fastened to its structure.
The composition and physical properties of the materials used in the fabrication of the
equipment shall be appropriate for the intended service in accordance with good
engineering practice.
Materials for all components shall be of adequate class and grade, be free from defects
and be of recent manufacture. Components not manufactured by the SUPPLIER shall
come from a renowned manufacturer, acknowledged for his quality products. A list of

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Standard Technical Specifications

these manufacturers, together with relevant information, shall be submitted to the

PURCHASER for approval.
All welding procedures shall be in accordance with P-MB 262 from ABNT: Qualification
Method for Welding Procedures, Welders, and Operators or corresponding standards
from American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
The cranes power supply will be 3 phase (220) (380) volt, 60 Hz, furnished through
bare electrical copper conductors provided with stand-off insulators, brushes, stretchers
and fastening materials. The electric hoist and trolley shall be fed through a cable carrying
reel system or similar equipment.
The SUPPLIER shall give all the necessary information for the placement of anchoring
bolts for rails, rail tracks, feeder busbars and accessories on his layout drawings.
Except for minor adjustments and alignments, machining at the assembly site will not
be allowed.
The overhead bridge crane steel structures shall be constructed of welded stell members
from ABNT standardized beams.
The overhead bridge crane runway shall be made up of rails fitted in the concrete beams
of each pumping station.
The travelling runway shall be comprised of parts installed in the first stage concrete,
anchor bolts, rail fish plates, rails, support plates for rails, clips, washers and nuts,
stops with respective fastening systems all other necessary accessories according to
the SUPPLIERs design drawings.

Inspection, Assembly and Tests. The PURCHASER will inspect all equipment supplied.
At his own expenses and in his premises, the SUPPLIER shall provide for the performance
of the following minimum tests, in the presence of the PURCHASERs inspector:
Visual inspection of all parts and components to be supplied, including dimensional
All of the mechanisms shall be no-load operated in both directions, in the presence
of the PURCHASERs inspector. Any abnormal noise, heating or vibration shall be
The site assembly shall be made under the SUPPLIERs supervision. The SUPPLIER shall
supply all components, bolts and nuts required for assembly.
After the traveling gantry crane has been assembled, duly adjusted, lubricated, and is
ready to operate, the following tests shall be made, under SUPPLIER supervision:
The gantry, trolley and hoist shall be examined to check for possible defects, such
as: misalignment, strange noises, overheating, faults, etc.
The gantry, trolley and hoist shall be operated in each direction of travel, and in
hoisting and in lowering through the full range, at no-load.
The above test shall be repeated with a load 20 % greater than the hoists rated
load capacity.
With the gantry and trolley in motion, the range of maximum and minimum
limitations established in the Technical Data Sheets shall be checked,as well as
the correct operation of the Gantry limit switches.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The rail tracks of the Gantry and trolley shall be tested to check maximum bending
under rated loading.

Data to be Submitted by the SUPPLIER. In addition to other items required to be submitted

with the bid documents, the SUPPLIER shall also submit the following documentation
with his bid:
Type and model of the electrical hoist
Required power for lifting (rated and maximum)
Required power for moving the trolley (rated and maximum)
Required power for moving the gantry (rated and maximum)
Hoist lifting speed
Trolley translation speed
Gantry translation speed
Maximum lifting height
Trolley and hoist clearances
Dimensions of the rail track (trolley and gantry)
Weight of hoist, trolley, and components
Total gantry weight


Technical Assistance. The SUPPLIER shall provide supervision of the installation and
mounting of the gantry crane in the field. Technical assistance shall be in accordance
with the provisions of the General and Special Conditions of the Contract.


Reference Drawings. The supply of the specified equipment must be in accordance with
the following drawings, which are an integral part of this Specification:
Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

The drawings listed above are intended as a general orientation in preparing bids, and
indicate the main characteristics and dimensions of the equipment. The design and
elaboration of detailed drawings for manufacturing are part of the supply and the
responsibility of the SUPPLIER, who will note and comply with the main dimensions and
characteristics presented in the drawings listed above.
Any error in the reference drawings or specifications, be it omission, addition or
misplacement of words or symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the
requirements of the drawings and/or specifications. In case of discrepancy between the
drawings and the specifications, the latter will govern. The SUPPLIER shall bring to the
attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications or reference drawings.

Technical Data Sheets


Measurement and Payment. The supply of traveling electric gantry cranes shall be
measured as complete assemblies furnished, expressed in units.
Payment for traveling electric gantry cranes shall be made at the unit price established
in the Contract.

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Standard Technical Specifications




Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements and other criteria
which, together with the requirements of item HANDLING APPARATUS, GENERAL (S010701), establish the minimum conditions to be complied with for supplying the manual
traveling gantry crane for the _______ (name) Project.


Manufacturing Requirements


Mechanisms. The hoist, trolley and bridge mechanisms for raising and lowering and for
trolley and bridge travel shall be manually operated.
The directional travel of the gantry crane shall be in all directions when on swivel wheels
and supported by the Pump House floor. The wheels shall have locking devices for
immobilizing the crane, when necessary, as indicated on the Technical Data Sheets.
The gantry crane shall be sufficiently high to permit loading and unloading the pump and
motor units onto a conventional truck.


Metal Structures. The metal structure of the gantry crane shall be dismountable, in
order to permit transportation of the gantry crane from one Pumping Station to another.


Inspections and Tests. The following tests and inspections shall be performed at the
factory, in the presence of the ENGINEER:
Dimensional check of the gantry crane and its components;
Working check on the crane;
Check on paintwork and other types of protection;
Operation of the hoist,trolley and bridge with a 20% overload showing their
operating capacity and proving them to be adequate for the proposed work.


Data to be Submitted by the SUPPLIER. In addition to other items required to be submitted

with the bid documents, the SUPPLIER shall also submit the following documentation
with his bid:
Catalog Data Sheets.


Reference Drawings.. The supply of the specified equipment must be in accordance

with the following drawings, which are an integral part of this specification:
Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

The drawings listed above are intended as general orientation in preparing bids, and
indicate the main characteristics and dimensions of the equipment. The design and
elaboration of detailed drawings for manufacturing are part of the supply and the
responsibility of the SUPPLIER, who will note and comply with the main dimensions and
characteristics presented in the drawings listed above.
Any error in the reference drawings or specifications, be it omission, addition or
missplacement of words or symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the

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Standard Technical Specifications

requirements of the drawings and/or specifications. In case of discrepancy between the

drawings and the specifications, the latter will govern. The SUPPLIER shall bring to the
attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications or reference drawings.

Technical Data Sheets.


Measurement and Payment. The supply of traveling manual gantry cranes shall be
measured complete assemblies furnished, expressed in units.
Payment for traveling manual gantry cranes shall be made at the unit price established
in the Contract.



Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements and other criteria
which, together with the requirements of item HANDLING APPARATUS, GENERAL (S010701), establish the minimum conditions to be complied with for supplying the manual
overhead traveling crane for the _______ (name) Project.


General. The overhead travelling crane shall be for indoor installation. The hoist, trolley
and bridge mechanics shall be of the hand operated type, chain-driven.
The apparatus for movement of the overhead traveling crane bridge shall be through
two directly opposite wheels coupled by means of a mechanical shaft to obtain
The SUPPLIER shall provide a crown-pinion manually operated gear mechanism for the
hoist, trolley and bridge movements, lockable in both directions. The torque needed for
all operations shall not exceed 6 kg.m, considering a 0.3 m crank radius.


Design Requirements


Concrete Stresses. Pieces of equipment supported on concrete shall be designed as

beams on an elastic foundation, and the distribution of the pressures of the pieces on
the concrete shall be checked in both the longitudinal and transverse directions of the
piece by the SUPPLIER, such that the maximum compression pressure from the forces
being transmitted to the concrete surface shall be limited by the ultimate strength of the
concrete, incorporating a factor of safety such that the maximum compression pressure,
P(max)=0.40 times the ultimate stress of the concrete.
The concrete will be specified to have a characteristic compression strength, fck =
1800 N/cm2 .
The maximum bonding stress allowed between the concrete and steel shall be limited to
60 N/cm2 .


Fabrication Requirements


Steel Structures. The overhead cranes steel structures shall be constructed of welded
steel members from ABNT standardized beams.


Traveling Ways. The overhead traveling crane runway shall be made up of rails fitted in
the concrete beams of each pumping station.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Traveling runways shall be comprised of parts installed in the first stage concrete,
anchor bolts, rail fish plates, rails, support plates for the rails, clips, washers and nuts,
stops with respective fastening systems and all other necessary accessories according
to the design drawings.

Inspections and Tests


Factory Tests and Inspections. Tests and inspections will be formalized by the
PURCHASER according to an Inspections Guide to be worked up by mutual agreement
between the PURCHASER and the SUPPLIER in accordance with subparagraph 8 of
The following tests and inspections are expected to be performed in the presence of a
PURCHASERs representative:
Dimensional checking of crane and components.
Adequacy of the crane operation.
Adequacy of painting and other kinds of protective coatings.


On-Site Tests and Inspections. On-site tests and inspections shall include, but not
necessarily be limited to, the following:


Provisional acceptance tests. After the final installation with all components properly
assembled and lined up, the equipment shall be submitted to a complete performance
test, in the presence of a the PURCHASERs representative, to demonstrate the capability
of operating without vibrations.
While being tested, the equipment shall be observed for the detection of faulty equipment
and operation. Any faults shall be corrected at the SUPPLIER s expense and the tests
shall be repeated until satisfactory results are attained.
Should the SUPPLIER be unable to demonstrate to the PURCHASER that the equipment
will be able to perform satisfactorily the operation for which it has been designed, the
equipment can be rejected and the SUPPLIER shall disassemble it at his own expense
and proceed to make necessary repairs or replacement of defective components. After
being repaired the equipment shall be re-assembled and a new series of tests shall take
place until conditions of acceptance are finally reached.
The following tests and inspections shall be performed:
Visual inspection of components.
Dimensional checking of all components and traveling runway alignment.
Rated load and no-load bridge operation verification.
Rated load and no-load raising and lowering.
Hoist operation at 20% (twenty percent) overload.
Paint and coating inspection.
A Provisional Acceptance Letter will only be issued after Provisional Acceptance tests
have been satisfactorily passed.


Final Acceptance Tests. Before the warranty period expires, the PURCHASER shall have
the right to perform, in the presence of the SUPPLIER, the above provisional acceptance
tests, or other tests deemed necessary, and may also, if so required by the test,
disassemble part of the equipment for necessary inspection.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Should any alterations in the performance characteristics be found, or should unacceptable

discrepancies be verified in relation to the former tests or related to this Technical
Specification, the SUPPLIER shall review his designs in order to determine the causes
for the irregularities, and make modifications and/or necessary corrections in the
equipment at his own expense. The SUPPLIER shall subsequently repeat the tests until
the irregularities are corrected. Correction of irregularities due to equipment misuse will
not be required at SUPPLIERs expense.
Equipment shall be considered as fully accepted when the final acceptance tests have
been successfully accomplished.

Data to be Submitted by the SUPPLIER. -In addition to other items required to be submitted
with the bid documents, the SUPPLIER shall also submit the following documentation
with his bid.
Maximum lifting height
Trolley and hoist clearances
Dimensions of the rail track (trolley and bridge)
Weight of hoist, trolley and components
Catalog data sheets


Reference Drawings. The supply of the specified equipment must be in accordance with
the following drawings, which are an integral part of this specification:
Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

The drawings listed above are intended as a general orientation in preparing bids, and
indicate the main characteristics and dimensions of the equipment. The design and
elaboration of detailed drawings for manufacturing are part of the supply and the
responsibility of the SUPPLIER, who will note and comply with the main dimensions and
characteristics presented in the drawings listed above.
Any error in the reference drawings or specifications, be it omission, addition or
misplacement of words or symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the
requirements of the drawings and/or specifications. In case of discrepancy between the
drawings and the specifications, the latter will govern. The SUPPLIER shall bring to the
attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications or reference drawings.

Technical Data Sheets


Measurement and Payment. The supply of overhead traveling manual cranes shall be
measured as complete assemblies furnished, expressed in units. Payment for overhead
traveling manual cranes shall be made at the unit price established in the Contract.

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Standard Technical Specifications




Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements and other criteria
which, together with the requirements of item HANDLING APPARATUS, GENERAL (S010701), establish the minimum conditions to be complied with for supplying the monorail
hoist for the _______ (name) Project.


General. The monorail hoist will be used in the pumping station for the servicing of
pumps and motors, and for placing and removing stoplogs and trashracks.
The hoist shall be a standard article in regular production by an established manufacturer
of such equipment.
The hoist shall be marked with its rated load. The markings shall by legible from the
loading stations.
The supply shall include the following monorail components:
Supporting catheads
I-steel beam monorail


Design Requirements.- The design of the trolley and hoist shall be in accordance with
applicable provisions of ANSI B 30-11 code for underhung cranes and monorail systems.
The maximum stress in the mechanical and structural parts shall not exceed 20 percent
of the ultimate strength of the material.
The hoisting capacity shall be as shown in the Technical Data Sheets and List of Materials.


Manufacturing Requirements


Hoist.- The hoist shall be hand-operated and suspended from the trolley. The hoist shall
be a low-headroom hand-operated type. The hook shall be a standard hook equipped
with a safety latch. The hoist shall be of the removable type, connected to the trolley by
means of safety latches.
The moving parts shall be prelubricated. Servicing requirements shall be clearly described
in the service manuals. The high-hook and low-hook positions and the hand operated
chain length shall be as shown in the Technical Data Sheets and List of Materials.


Trolley.- The trolley shall be of a capacity that is equal to, or greater than, the rated load
of the hoist. The trolley shall be integral with the hoist and be a chain-operated geartype trolley.
The trolley shall be suitable for use of the AISC beam shown on the List of Materials and
Technical Data Sheets. (The beam will be furnished by others.) Wheels shall be drop
forged with a tread heat treated to a minimum hardness of 425 Brinell.


Cathead.- Catheads shall be constructed of ASTM A 36 carbon steel I beams with the
dimensions as indicated in the reference drawings. Hanging arms, simple or double,
shall be fastened to columns by welding, as specified in item _____ Mechanical Equipment
- General (S-010101), and with cantilever type supports. The monorail shall be fastened

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Standard Technical Specifications

to the hanging arms by proper bolts. The columns shall be welded to steel plates,
together with installation support members. Base plates shall have 4 holes for anchor
bolts. Anchor bolts and nuts shall be furnished with the catheads.

Monorail.- The monorail shall be constructed of ASTM A572 carbon steel I beams, and
shall be sized to withstand hoist loads at the indicated spans. The monorail shall be one
continuous beam with no splices allowed. Each monorail shall have 2 stops, one at each


Paint. The monorail hoist shall be furnished painted with the manufacturers standard
paint system. Non- painted surfaces shall be coated as required under HANDLING


Inspections and Tests. The PURCHASER will inspect all equipment supplied. At his own
expenses and in his premises, the SUPPLIER shall provide for the performance of the
following minimum tests, in the presence of the PURCHASERs inspector:


Visual inspection of all parts and components to be supplied, including dimensional



The hoist shall be no-load operated in both directions, through the full range, in the
presence of the PURCHASERs inspector. Any abnormal noise, heating or vibration shall
be checked.


The above test shall be repeated with a load 20% greater than the hoists rated load
capacity. The range of maximum and minimum limitation, established in the Technical
Data Sheets shall be checked.


Data to be Submitted by the SUPPLIER. In addition to other items required to be submitted

with the bid documents, the SUPPLIER shall also submit the following documentation
with his bid:
Type and model of the hoist
Maximum lifting height
Trolley and hoist clearances
Dimensions of the rail track

Weight of hoist, trolley, and components


Reference Drawings. The supply of the specified equipment must be in accordance with
the following drawings, which are an integral part of this specification:

Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

The drawings listed above are intended as general orientation in preparing bids, and
indicate the main characteristics and dimensions of the equipment. The design and
elaboration of detailed drawings for manufacturing are part of the supply and the

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Standard Technical Specifications

responsibility of the SUPPLIER, who will note and comply with the main dimensions and
characteristics presented in the drawings listed above.
Any error in the reference drawings or specifications, be it omission, addition or
misplacement of words or symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the
requirements of the drawings and/or specifications. In case of discrepancy between the
drawings and the specifications, the latter will govern. The SUPPLIER shall bring to the
attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications or reference drawings.

Technical Data Sheets.


Measurement and Payment. The quantity of hoist, supporting catheads and trollies shall
be measured in units furnished.
The monorail shall be measured in linear meters.
Payment for monorail hoists shall be made at the unit price established in the Contract.

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Standard Technical Specifications





Objective. The objective of this Specification is to establish the minimum technical

conditions which shall be complied with for supplying the stoplogs for the _________
(name) Pumping Station of the __________ (name) Project.


General. The stoplogs will be used to allow for inspection and maintenance routines on
the pumps installed in each chamber of the pumping station.
They must be furnished in modules (sections), unless otherwise specified, to avoid large
dimensions and to facilitate installation, storage and transportation.
The stoplogs shall be furnished to the specified dimensions shown on the drawings.


Operating Conditions. In accordance with Section MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL



Scope of Supply. The stoplogs shall be supplied complete to the jobsite with all
components required for their installation and operation, such as lifting eyes, hoisting
beam, guides, sills, rubber seals, anchor bolts, etc.
Spare parts shall be supplied as specified in subparagraph 12 of this Specification.
Included are the services of a technical expert to orient the assembly of guides, sills and
stoplogs, as well as to assist in the commissioning and tests of the equipment.


Technical Standards.. Stoplogs and lifting devices shall be designed and manufactured
in accordance with the following standards:
ABNT 14 - Calculation and execution of Welded Steel Structures
DIN 19704 - Basis of Calculations for Hydraulic Structure Equipment.
AISC - Manual of Steel Construction


Design Requirements. The maximum water level at the top of the channel shall be
adopted as the normal loading case according to DIN 19704 standard. The allowable
steel working stresses used in the design shall be the smallest that result from applying
safety coefficients of 1.8 on the yield stress and 2.8 on the ultimate tensile stress.
The load transmitted by guides and sills to the concrete taken as beams on an elastic
foundation shall not exceed 120 kgf/cm2.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Manufacturing Requirements


Guides and Sills. Guides and sills shall be constructed of welded carbon steel shapes,
provided with aligning and anchoring devices, installed within the slots of the first stage
concrete shown in the drawings.
The surfaces on the guides and sills which the rubber seals of the stoplog will contact
shall be plates of carbon steel welded to the guides and sills.
The guides and sills shall be fixed to the first stage concrete by expansion anchor bolts
supplied by the SUPPLIER.
Guides and sills shall be straight and smooth pieces, in a common plane and aligned to
a flatness of plus or minus 1.5 mm and a perpendicular tolerances of plus or minus 3.0
The guides and sills shall be suitable for the installation of trashracks when it is indicated
on the drawings that the same slot will be used for both trashrack and stoplog installation.


Stoplogs. Stoplogs shall be of welded carbon steel with seals on the downstream face.
Stoplogs subject to heads greater than ______ meters of water shall have a by-pass
valve in the lower module to allow equalizing of the upstream and downstream hydraulic
Seals shall be neoprene compounded, of the music-note type which will seal by bending,
on the sides and top, and shall be a flat rubber strip on the bottom, which will seal by
The corners of the music-note type rubber seals shall be premolded at the factory.
Gluing at the work site is unacceptable.
All splices required for joining sections of seals together shall be done by vulcanizing in
molds using heat and pressure. Each splice shall have sufficient strength to allow for 50
percent elongation over an element of seal strip containing the splice, with no visible
splice separation.
Rubber seals shall have a type A Shore durometer hardness of 60 to 70 as per ASTM
D2240. Hardness of the rubber shall be determined by the SUPPLIER to take care of the
water head to be sealed.
Drilling the rubber seals for the fastening bolts shall be done at the factory by using the
seal clamp bars as a template. The sealing set shall be preassembled at the factory and
then disassembled for transport.


Hoisting Beams. Hoisting beams will be employed for placement and removal of stoplogs
and trashracks. Hoisting beams shall be constructed of carbon steel beams with suitable
dimensions to fit within the guides and with enough weight for coupling to the pieces to
be hoisted. Hoisting beams shall have efficient coupling mechanisms, and shall have,
when specified, devices for actuating the stoplog bypass valve.


Painting and Antirust Treatment. Painting shall be done at the SUPPLIERs plant to give
complete corrosion protection. The SUPPLIER should submit for the PURCHASERs
approval his painting scheme, supplying paint characteristics and their respective coat

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Standard Technical Specifications

In addition to the requirements mentioned in sub-item _____ of item GENERAL

REQUIREMENTS, painting and anti-rust treatment shall comply with the following

Surface Preparation

All surfaces to painted shall be clean and free of foreign materials such as crust, debris,
rust, grease and other substances, in order to obtain clean and dry surfaces.
Steel surfaces shall be sand blasted to white metal. Cleaning with sand blast shall be
equal to or superior to the requirements in The Steel Structure Painting Council Surface
Preparation Specification SSPC-SP-68T for No. 10 Near White Blast Cleaning.


Painting shall be in accordance with the SSPC-SP11-01.68T Standard and other applicable
standards summarized as follows:
Basic painting
Two coats of red oxide lead paint, final thickness - 80 microns
Finishing paint
Two coats of resin base synthetic enamal, final thickness - 70 microns

Packaging, Transport, and Handling. In accordance with Section MECHANICAL



Drawings and Data to be Furnished by the SUPPLIER.


Before start of fabrication:

Shop drawings including lifting arrangement
Commercial products data
Dimension drawings
Guides and sills fixing details
Weights of pieces
Coupling mechanism details
Stoplogs, bypass device details . Materials used for antirust treatment and painting


Before delivery date:

3 sets of spare parts list


Warranty. The SUPPLIER shall furnish an equipment and materials warranty in accordance
with the General and Special Conditions of the Contract. This warranty shall remain
valid for 12 months after each piece of equipment is put into operation or for 24 months
after the date of delivery at the jobsite, whichever period concludes earlier.


Technical Assistance. The SUPPLIER must provide supervision of the installation of the
stoplogs in the field in accordance with the General and Special Conditions of the Contract.


Spare Parts. The SUPPLIER shall supply spare parts in the amount of 1 (one) set of
rubber seals, including molded corners, clamp bars, bolts and nuts for every 4 (four)
stoplog sections furnished with a minimum of 1 (one) set required.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Measurement and Payment. The supply of stoplogs will be measured as complete

assemblies, furnished, including hoisting beam, expressed in units.
A supplied complete assembly shall be defined to mean the equipment needed to block
off one chamber of the pumping plant, including the required spare parts.
Payment will be made at the applicable price established in the Contract. No separate
payment will be made for furnishing the required spare parts. Their cost shall be included
in the bid price for furnishing the stoplog assemblies.


Reference Drawings. The supply of the specified equipment must be in accordance with
the following drawings, which are an integral part of this specification:

Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

The drawings listed above are intended as general orientation in preparing bids, and
indicate the main characteristics and dimensions of the equipment. The design and
elaboration of detailed drawings for manufacturing are part of the supply and the
responsibility of the SUPPLIER, who will note and comply with the main dimensions and
characteristics presented in the drawings above listed.
Any error in the reference drawings, or specifications be it omission, addition or
misplacement of words or symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the
requirements of the drawings and/or specifications. In case of discrepancy between the
drawings and the specifications, the latter will govern. The SUPPLIER shall bring to the
attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications or reference drawings.

Technical Data Sheet




Objective. The objective of this specification is to establish the minimum technical

conditions which shall be complied with for supplying the trashracks for the pumping
plants of the ______(Name) Project.


General. The trashracks will be installed in front of each intake chamber in order to
prevent foreign elements or debris, from entering the pumps. Trashrack cleaning
equipment must be provided , its mode of operation will be the BIDDER s choice, unless
otherwise shown on the drawings.


Operating Conditions. In accordance with Section MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL



Scope of Supply. The trashracks shall be supplied complete to the job site with all
components required for their installation and operation, such as hoisting beams, pins,
locks, cleaning apparatus, etc.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Technical Standards. Trashracks and lifting beams shall be designed and manufactured
according to the following standards:
ABNT NB 14 - Calculation and Execution of Welded Steel Structures
DIN 19704 - Basis of Calculations for Hydraulic Structure Equipment.
AISC - Manual of Steel Construction
SSPC - Steel Structures Painting Council


Manufacturing Requirements


Fabrication. - Trashracks shall be manufactured of flat bars welded to the steel angle bars
of the frame, supported and braced in the transverse and diagonal directions as required
to avoid vibrations. For purposes of mechanical dimensioning, the criteria of a 50%
maximum blocked area during operation shall be followed.

The trashracks shall be dimensioned as shown on the design drawings and shall be
suitable for installation in the stoplog slot when it is indicated on the drawings that the
same slot will be used for both trashrack and stoplog installation.

Hoisting Beams. Hoisting beams will be employed for placement and removal of stoplogs
and trashracks. Hoisting beams shall be constructed of carbon steel beams with suitable
dimensions to fit within the guides and with enough weight for coupling to the pieces to
be hoisted. Hoisting beams shall have efficient coupling mechanisms for lifting the


Painting and Antirust Treatment. In addition to the requirements mentioned in Mechanical

Equipment - GENERAL (S-010101), painting and anti-rust treatment shall comply with
the following requirements:


Surface Preparation
All surfaces to painted shall be clean and free of foreign materials such as crust, debris,
rust, grease and other substances, in order to obtain clean and dry surfaces.
Steel surfaces shall be sand blasted to white metal. Cleaning with sand blast shall be
equal to or superior to the requirements in The Steel Structure Painting Council Surface
Preparation Specification SSPC-SP-68T for No. 10 Near White Blast Cleaning.


Painting shall be in accordance with the SSPC-SP11-01.68T Standard and other applicable
standards summarized as follows:
Basic painting
Two coats of red oxide lead paint, final thickness - 80 microns
Finishing paint
Two coats of resin base synthetic enamal, final thickness
70 microns


Packaging, Transport, and Handling. In accordance with item MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT,

GENERAL (S-010101).


Drawings and Data to be Furnished by the SUPPLIER.


Before Start of Construction:

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Standard Technical Specifications

Shop drawings including hoisting beam and cleaning device.

Dimension drawing . Guides and sills fixing details
Weights of pieces
Coupling mechanism details
Materials used for antirust treatment and painting

Warranty. The SUPPLIER shall furnish an equipment and materials warranty in accordance
with the General and Special Conditions of the Contract. This warranty shall remain
valid for 12 months after each piece of equipment is put into operation or for 24 months
after the date of delivery at the jobsite, whichever period concludes earlier.


Measurement and Payment. The trashracks described in this specification, will be

measured as complete assemblies furnished, including hoisting beam, expressed in units.
A complete supplied assemby shall be defined to mean the equipment needed to screen
foreign elements or debris from one intake chamber of a pumping plant.
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the Contract.


Reference Drawings. The supply of the specified equipment must be in accordance with
the following drawings, which are an integral part of this specification:
Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

The drawings listed above are intended as general orientation in preparing bids, and
indicate the main characteristics and dimensions of the equipment. The design and
elaboration of detailed drawings for manufacturing are part of the supply and the
responsibility of the SUPPLIER, who will note and comply with the main dimensions and
characteristics presented in the drawings above listed.
Any error in the reference drawings or specifications, be it omission, addition or
misplacement of words or symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the
requirements of the drawings and/or specifications. In case of discrepancy between the
drawings and the specifications, the latter will govern. The SUPPLIER shall bring to the
attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications or reference drawings.

Technical Data Sheets.

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Standard Technical Specifications





Objective. The objective of this Specification is to establish the minimum technical

conditions wich shall be complied with for supplying the sump pump for the __________
(name) Pumping Station of the _______ (name) Project.


General. The sump pumps will be installed in pumping station sumps and shall have the
capacities to pump the required quantity of water when operating against the total head
shown on the Technical Data Sheets. The pumps shall be submersible type and be
equipped with motor and control system.


Operating Conditions. In accordance with Section MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL



Scope of Supply. The supply of these specifications includes, but is not limited to the
following items:


Preparation of commercial products data and submittal for approval.


Furnishing instruction manuals.


Manufacturing and supplying of sump pump in accordance with these Specifications

and approved data.


Packing, transportation of the equipment from factory to jobsite, and unloading at the
jobsite, including necessary transportation insurance.


Equipment and/or materials guarantee.


Technical Standards. The sump pumps shall be manufactured in accordance with ANSI
B58.1 of the American National Standards Institute and with the requirements of this


Manufacturing Requirements


Pump. The pump case, impeller, and strainer shall be made of cast iron or bronze. The
impeller shall be direct connected to the motor shaft. A mechanical seal having seal
faces of ceramic and carbon and stainless steel parts shall be used to positively seal
water from the motor chamber. All parts of the pump shall be designed for easy
dissassembly and maintenance. Replacement parts shall be readily available from the

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Standard Technical Specifications


Motor. The motor shall be of the submersible type with a cast iron case completely
sealed against water leakage and moisture. The motor shaft shall be stainless steel. The
motor casing shall be filled with a rust-preventive insulating fluid and grounded through
the power cable. The motor shall be rated as shown on the Technical Data Sheets and
List of Materials (phase, voltage, power).


Controller. The control equipment for the sump pump shall consist of three float-switch
assemblies and a control panel.
The switches shall be independently adjustable over the entire depth of the sump. A
support or mounting bracket shall be provided for the switches. The float switches shall
initially be set to turn the pump on when the water level in the sump rises 600mm above
the sump floor, energize a remote alarm and an indicator light when the water level in
the sump rises to 750mm above the sump floor, and turn the pump off when the water
level in the sump drops to 150 mm above the sump floor. The indicator light shall remain
on until the controls are manually reset. The remote alarm shall be deenergized when
the water level drops below 750 mm above the sump floor and the pump shall be turned
off then the water level drops to less than 150 mm above the sump floor.
The control equipment shall conform to applicable requirements of the latest series of
NEMA publication No. ICS. Liquidtight, flexible metal conduit shall be provided for insulated
The waterproof conduit shall be interlocked galvanized steel with an extruded, oil-resistant
PVC cover. The SUPPLIER shall furnish the required insulated conductors and complete
electrical connections between the motor starter, motor, and float switch. The insulated
conductors furnished shall be of the proper type and size for the application and shall be
rated for 600 volts.
The control panel enclosure shall be a NEMA type 3R with all operating and indicating
devices mounted on the door. The control panel shall include:
Strip heaters
Provisions for padlocking of panel door.
Combination motor starter, horsepower rated for the pump and provided with a
molded-case air circuit breaker, control circuit transformer, magnetic contactor,
and hand reset overload relay(s).
Manual-off-Automatic selector switch
Lamps for running and trouble indication
Terminal blocks with marking strips
Switchboard wiring
Each float-switch assembly shall consist of a mercury switch embedded in a float made
of lightweight, corrosion-resistant material, with the electric cable an integral part of the
float, such that the assembly is watertight. The cable shall be of sufficient length to
mount the floats in the sump as specified and to connect to the magnetic motor starter.
The cable-mounting clamps shall be made of corrosion-resistant material.


Painting. Painting shall be the SUPPLIERs standard coating.


Packaging, Transport and Handling. In accordance with Section MECHANICAL


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Standard Technical Specifications


Drawings and Data to be Furnished by the SUPPLIER


Drawings and Data to be furnished at time of Bid and before start of construction:
Complete identifying data giving the manufacturers name, type, model, size, and
characteristics of the equipment.


Complementary data to be furnished at the time of delivery:

Instruction Manuals


Warranty. The SUPPLIER shall furnish an equipment and materials warranty in accordance
with the General and Special Conditions of the Contract. This warranty shall remain
valid for 12 months after each piece of equipment is put into operation or for 24 months
after the date of delivery at the jobsite, whichever period concludes earlier.


Measurement and Payment. The quantity of sump pumps described in this Specification
will be measured as complete assemblies furnished, expressed in units.
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the contract.


Reference Drawings.. The supply of the specified equipment must be in accordance

with the following drawings, which are an integral part of this specification:
Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

The drawings listed above are intended as general orientation in preparing bids, and
indicate the main characteristics and dimensions of the equipment. The design and
elaboration of detailed drawings for manufacturing are part of the supply and the
responsibility of the SUPPLIER, who will note and comply with the main dimensions and
characteristics presented in the drawings listed above.
Any error in the reference drawings, or specifications be it omission, addition or
misplacement of words or symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the
requirements of the drawings and/or specifications. In case of discrepancy between the
drawings and the specifications, the latter will govern. The SUPPLIER shall bring to the
attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications or reference drawings.

Technical Data Sheets.




Objective. The objective of these Technical Specifications is to define the criteria and
supply conditions required of the commercial equipment for the_________ (name) Project.


Operating Conditions . The equipment shall be designed for external use in operating
conditions in accordance with Section MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL (S-010101).

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Standard Technical Specifications


Scope of Supply. The supply scope of these specifications shall be in accordance with
Section MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL (S-010101) and as further specified in
the respective technical paragraphs for the specific items.


Technical Standards. The latest revision of the following standards and others listed in
the specific Technical Specifications shall be adopted for the manufacturing and suppling
of materials,and the dimensioning and tests of the commercial equipment.
ABNT - Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas
DIN - Deutsches Institut fur Normung
ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
API - American Petroleum Institute
AISI - American Iron and Steel Intitute
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
AWWA - American Water Works Association
ISO - International Organization for Standardization
SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers
HIS - Hydraulic Institute Standards
ANSI - American National Standards Institute
IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE - The Intitute of Electrical and Electronic Enginners, Inc.
NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association


Manufacturing Requirements. The commercial equipment shall conform to the

requirements of this paragraph and to the additional requirements contained in the
respective technical paragraphs for the specific items.


Painting. Painting shall be done according to Standard SSPC-PS-11-01-68 T of The

Steel Structures Painting Council, the Technical Data Sheets and other Standards defined
therein, and as summarized below:
For interior and exterior surfaces of line meters - Fusion epoxy (to produce minimum
200 micron thickness).
For exterior and interior of water-level device brackets, supports and mounting
materials - coal-tar epoxy (2 coats to produce minimum 400 micron thickness).
Weld spatter, slag, burrs, or other objectionable surface irregularities shall be removed
or repaired before cleaning. Any contaminants to the paint coating, from cleaning
operations or other sources, shall be removed before the surfaces are painted.
All oil and grease, if present, shall be removed from steel surfaces to be painted by the
use of clean solvent and clean, lint-free wiping material. Cleaning solvent shall be xylene.
Cleaning cloths and solvents shall be discarded before they become contaminated to
the extent that a greasy film would remain of the surface being cleaned. Following the
initial solvent cleaning, the surfaces shall be blast cleaned to base metal, using dry,
hard, sharp, sand or steel grit, to produce a near-white sandblasted surface free of all
foreign sustances. The surface shall be cleaned to equal or exceed NACE No. 2 or
Coal-tar epoxy coating shall be mixed and applied according to the manufacturers
instructions, except as otherwise specified. The first coat shall be applied by brush or
roller and succeding coats by brush, spray, or roller. Prior to applying the first coat, all
welds and rough or irregular surfaces shall be given a vigorously brushed coat to ensure
complete coverage free of pinholes; the first general coat may then be applied over the
wet brush coat. The second and any following coats shall be applied after the preceding
coat has become tack free, but time between coats shall not exceed the firm-to-touch

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Standard Technical Specifications

time by more than 50 percent. Air and metal temperatures shall be above 10o C during
application and the curing period. The minimum final curing times shall be 5 days between
10o C and 16o C or 3 days above 16o C. The complete coating shall be applied either in
the shop or in the field.
Damaged areas or other areas requiring touchup coating shall be sanded to roughen the
surface, and thereafter the manufacturers special instructions regarding special solvent
wiping or other preparation for touchup repair shall apply; areas in which the specified
drying time between coats is exceeded shall be treated and prepared by the same
Coal-tar, epoxy-coated metalwork shall be protected against exposure to direct sunlight
until permanent submergence or until installation under cover. Protection may be by
covering or shading, except that surfaces which will be exposed to sunlight in their
installed position and eventually will be submerged shall be protected by a heavy coat of
phenolic aluminum paint spray applied approximately 1 week after applying the last
coat of coal-tar epoxy. The reflective aluminum coating shall be renewed if necessary.

Inspections and Tests


General. The commercial equipment shall be submitted to the tests specified in the specific
technical specification and as listed below.

The PURCHASER shall be granted the right to have a representative present to observe
the tests as specified in Section MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL (S-010101),
and as established in the General and Special Conditions of the Contract.
The results of the tests for each unit must be presented in separate, specific certificates.

Line meters - Test reports showing the operating index for each meter propeller
and volumetric test results at the maximum and minimum flow and at least one
intermediate flow.
Pressure switches - Pressure proof tests
Water - level devices - None required
Manometers - None required
Flow Switches - None required.
Sprinklers- SeespecificTechnicalSpecification


Packaging, Transport, and Handling. The SUPPLIER shall provide necessary packing of
the equipment to avoid its damage or deterioration during transit to its final destination
and during the storage period.
All the equipment must be submitted to a cleaning and washing process, internally and
externally, with an anti-corrosive product. The non painted machined parts, such as
threads, must be protected against corrosion.
All the existing holes in the equipment must be closed by plugs or flanges of wood or
other similar material.


Drawings and Data to be Furnished by the SUPPLIER


Drawings and data to be furnished for the BID and before start of construction:

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Standard Technical Specifications

Commercial products data

The drawings and data listed in the specific technical paragraphs for the respective

Complemetary data to be furnished before delivery date:

Instruction Manuals
3 copies of list of spare parts being furnished.
3 copies of reports of tests performed in the factory.


Warranty. The commercial equipment warranty will be valid for 12 (twelve) months
from the beginning of start-up, or 24 (twenty four) months from the date of supply to
the destination site whichever comes first. Except that for line meters the period will be
3 years and 4 years respectively.


Technical Assistance. The SUPPLIER may be required to provide training of the personnel
for operation, maintenance and/or repairs of the line meters in accordance with the
General and Special Conditions of the Contract.


Reference Drawings.. The supply of the specified equipment must be in accordance

with the following drawings, which are an integral part of this specification:
Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

The drawings listed above are intended as general orientation in preparing bids, and
indicate the main characteristics and dimensions of the equipment. The design and
elaboration of detailed drawings for manufacturing are part of the supply and the
responsibility of the SUPPLIER, who will note and comply with the main dimensions and
characteristics presented in the drawings listed above.
Any error in the reference drawings, or specifications be it omission, addition or
misplacement of words or symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the
requirements of the drawings and/or specifications. In case of discrepancy between the
drawings and the specifications, the latter will govern. The SUPPLIER shall bring to the
attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications or reference drawings.

Technical Data Sheets.




Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements and other criteria
which, together with the requirements of item COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL
(S-011101), establish the minimum conditions to be complied with for supplying the
line meters for the _______ (name) Project.


General. The line meter equipment shall include meter tubes; flow-straightening devices,
mounting for the meter unit, meter unit with propeller and drive mechanism, transmitting
device with analog converter and watertight receptacle (where specified in the Technical
Data Sheets for specified pumping stations), totalizing registers, temporary covers (for
each meter), bolts, rubber gaskets, and all other necessary accessories.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The meter register shall be impelled by the propeller and shall measure the flow of water
by registering the revolutions of the propeller. The equipment shall be so arranged that
the meter assembly, propeller and drive mechanism can be easily installed and removed
for inspection and maintenance.
For specified pumping stations listed on the Technical Data Sheets,a transmitting device
will be installed on the line meter. The transmitter will transmit a pulse rate signal to a
analog converter. The analog converter will convert the signal into a 4 to 20 milliampere,
direct-current signal which is transmitted to a programmable controller. The programmable
controller then will start and stop the pumping units to control the flow to the various
farm units.
During the normal irrigation season, the meter will operate at maximum flow and the
meter installation will receive limited attention.

Manufacturing Requirements


Meter Tube. The meter tube shall be either fabricated steel construction or cast
construction, suitable for operation at the pressure shown in the Technical Data Sheets.
The meter tube shall have flow-straightening vanes immediately ahead of the propeller.
The mounting for the meter assembly shall be flanged. The manufacturers serial number
shall be stamped on the tube.


Meter Assembly. The meter assembly shall consist of a meter base with propeller and
drive mechanism. The meter base shall be either fabricated steel construction or cast
construction suitable for the pressure specified and shall support the drop pipe with
propeller and drive mechanism. The totalizing register shall match the mounting flange
of the meter tube, and shall be complete with gasket and bolts.
The meter propeller shall be made of plastic, molded and cured to prevent internal
stresses, cracking and fracture due to impact, and shall be designed to minimize the
collection of waterborne materials. The propeller shall rotate on two bearings. Bearings
shall be either stainless steel ball bearings or ceramic bearings. The drive mechanism
shall operate from the propeller by means of a magnet molded into or firmly attached to
the propeller. The magnetic coupling shall be such that the drive mechanism is completely
sealed from the water pressure.
The drive mechanism may be a direct-connected shaft, shaft and gearing, or a flexible
drive line between the propeller drive magnetic coupling and the register. All shafts shall
be of stainless steel and shall be supported on both ends by stainless steel ball bearings.
The drop pipe and drive mechanisms shall be completely assembled, lubricated and
sealed at the manufacturers shop and shall require no further field lubrication.


Totalizing Register. The totalizing register shall operate from the drive mechanism shaft,
either directly or through a magnetic coupling by means of change or ratio gears.
The totalizing register shall be suitable for mounting on the meter assembly.
The register shall be of the straight reading, six-digit counter type to totalize the quantity
of water delivered in units of cubic meters or decimals thereof, and shall have the rateof-flow indicator to show instantaneous rate of flow directly in liters per second. The
register shall be equipped with a test hand to check the accuracy of the rate of flow
indicator. The decimal factors for totalizing the quantity of water delivered in cubic
meters shall be stamped on the totalizer, meter base, and meter tube.

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Standard Technical Specifications

In lieu of change gears, changes in calibration may be made by exchanging the register
assembly, where this service is offered by the Supplier at no charge.
The register shall be protected by a glass or polycarbonate face and shall be housed in
a hermetically sealed weather-resistant metal or plastic enclosure with hinged cover and
padlock hasp. Plastic enclosure shall be of ABS plastic.

Transmitting Device. The transmitting device shall be mounted on the base and shall be
arranged to support the totalizing register. The transmitter shall electrically transmit a
pulse rate output signal proportional to the rate of flow to a analog converter.


Analog Converter. The analog converter shall be housed in a weatherproof enclosure.

The analog converter shall accept a pulse rate signal from the transmitter and convert it
into a 4 to 20 milliampere, direct-current signal proportional to the pulse rate. The 4 to
20 milliampere output signal will then be transmitted to the programmable controller.


Temporary Cover. The temporary cover designed for maximum head on the meter shall
be furnished by the SUPPLIER. After the meter is installed, the temporary cover shall be
turned over to and shall become the property of the PURCHASER.


Measurement and Payment. The quantity of line meters will be measured as complete
assemblies furnished expressed in units.
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the Contract.



Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements and other criteria
which, together with the requirements of item COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL
(S-011101), establish the minimum conditions to be complied with for supplying the
pressure switches for the _______ (name) Project.


General. The pressure switches will be installed on the suction pipe or discarge pipe at
the pumping stations with the pressure settings shown on the Technical Data Sheets.
Pressure switches for pumping plants will either shut down the pumping units when a
pre-set pressure head is reached or will be connected to separate programmable controllers
for controlling the operation of various pumping units.


Manufacturing Requirements.


Pressure Switches. Each pressure switch shall consist of one internal, single-pole, doublethrow, snap-action microswitch rated at 125 volts, 10 amperes, and pressure proof
tested at 20 kgf/cm2. The pressure switch shall have an approximate actuation value
differential of 161 gf/cm2 to 422 gf/cm2.


Painting. The pressure switches shall be coated with the Suppliers standard paint system.


Measurement and Payment. The quantity of pressure switches will be measured as

complete assemblies furnished, expressed in units.
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the Contract.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications




Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements and other criteria
which, together with the requirements of item COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL
(S-011101), establish the minimum conditions to be complied with for supplying the
water-level devices for the _______ (name) Project.


General. The water-level devices will be either probe unit assemblies or float-operated
types. Each probe unit assembly shall include suspension wire, probe tips with molded
plastic tip shields, a cast flanged electrode holder, flanged probe pipe and a probe
control relay.
Each float-operated type shall include a steel float, corrosion-resistant operating chain
or tape, counterweight, and electrically independent, adjustable, enclosed, mercury type


Manufacturing Requirements


Probe unit Assembly


Probe Tips. Each probe tip shall be of the single-probe type, made of stainless steel
metal, provided with a molded plastic shield, and provided with a terminal connection so
that the suspension wire can be readily detached for replacement purposes.


Suspension Wire. The suspension wire shall be stranded copper or stainless steel and
shall be insulated. The length of the wire shall be as required by the Technical Data
Sheets, and the wire shall be continuous from the probe tip on the outlet body.


Electrode Holder. The electrode holders shall be cast-flanged type suitable for use with
suspension wire electrodes. The holders shall have flanges that meet the requirements
for 150-psi steel flanges in accordance with ANSI B16.5.


Flanged Probe Pipe. The pipe length shall be as required in the Technical Data Sheets.
The end connection and gasket shall match the electrode holder flange.
Control Relay. The relays shall be a solid-state type with the voltage, current, and number
type of contacts in agreement with the requirements of the Technical Data Sheets.



Float-Operated Assembly. The float switches shall be furnished in a NEMA type 4

watertight enclosure for mounting on a pedestal or bracket.
Each float switch shall be complete with a stainless steel float, suitable pipe guides,
corrosion-resistant operating chain or tape, counterweight, and electrically independent,
adjustable, enclosed, mercury-type contacts. The contacts shall be suitable for use on a
control circuit voltage up to and including 230 volts alternating current. The shaft furnished
as part of each float switch shall be stainless steel and shall be completely suspended in
oil-retaining porous bronze bearings. The range of float travel shall be as required by the
Technical Data Sheets. Supports for each shaft shall be adequately braced to withstand
the force of the counterweight and float when the float is unsupported by water. The
mechanism used to trip the mercury contact shall be such that any misalinement of any
part of the float switch within the limits of mechanical motion from water fluctuations
will not cause false operation of the switch.
Differential gearing or sheaves shall be provided where required to maintain free
counterweight travel above the floor.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Painting. Brackets, and mounting or support materials shall be coated with coat-tar
epoxy. Other materials shall be coated with the manufacturers standard paint system.


Measurement and Payment. The quantity of water-level devices will be measured as

complete assemblies furnished, expressed in units.
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the Contract.



Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements and other criteria
which, together with the requirements of item COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL
(S-011101), establish the minimum conditions to be complied with for supplying the
manometers for the _______ (name) Project.


Manufacturing Requirements.


General. The manometers shall be an indicator type with a minimum 100 mm dial and a
bourdon tube-type gauge. The dial range and units, the operating pressure, the accuracy,
the colors for background and indicator, and the materials of construction shall be as
required by the Technical Data Sheets.


Painting. Painting shall be the manufacturers standard coating system.


Measurement and Payment. The quantity of manometers will be measured as complete

assemblies furnished, expressed in units.
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the Contract.



Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements and other criteria
which, together with the requirements of item COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL
(S-011101), establish the minimum conditions to be complied with for supplying the
flow switches for the _______ (name) Project.


Manufacturing Requirements.


General. The flow switch shall be either a paddle or piston type as required by the
Technical Data Sheets.
The materials of construction, pressure, size, flow actuation point, and electrical
characteristics shall be as required by the Technical Data Sheets.


Painting. Painting shall be the manufacturers standard coating system.


Measurement and Payment. The quantity of flow switches will be measured as complete
assemblies furnished, expressed in units.
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the Contract.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications




Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements and other criteria
which, together with the requirements of item COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL
(S-011101), establish the minimum conditions to be complied with for supplying the
sprinklers for the _______ (name) Project.


Operating Conditions. In accordance with Section MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL



Manufacturing Requirements


General. The sprinklers shall be rotary percussion type, propelled by the force of the
water being discharged, with diameters conforming to the Technical Data Sheets, with
complete 360-degree rotation, one or more nozzles and with vertical axis, for application
of water above the crops.
The riser pipe to which the sprinkler will be connected will have a nominal diameter of
____ mm (____ inches) and a threaded end conforming to the Reference Drawings.
The sprinkler inlet shall be threaded to connect to the riser pipe as shown on the drawings.
Alternatively, the BIDDER may propose to furnish sprinklers with either male or female
threads, provided that suitable connecting pieces, as required for connecting to the riser
pipes, are also furnished if the sprinkler threads are not compatible with those shown
for the riser pipe.
All the parts for a given type and size of sprinkler shall be interchangeable.
All the sprinklers and nozzles shall be permanently and clearly marked with the name of
manufacturer, designation of sprinkler type and year of manufacture. The nozzles shall
show their diameter in millimeters.


Materials. The materials used in the fabrication of the sprinklers shall be as follows:
The body of the sprinkler shall be of cast brass, cast bronze, or other material with
physical characteristics at least equal to those of brass.
The impact arm shall be of cast brass, cast bronze, or other material with physical
characteristics at least equal to those of brass.
The nozzle(s) shall be of brass or other material with physical characteristics at
least equal to those of brass.
The bearing sleeve (bushing) shall be of brass or other material with physical
characteristics at least equal to those of brass.
The spring shall be stainless steel.
The washers shall be of brass or other wear-resistant material.
NOTE: Due to the high ambient temperatures, the body, impact arm, and the nozzles of
the sprinklers shall not be proposed in plastic or similar materials.


Qualification Tests


General Considerations. The selection of the sprinklers will be made based on the results
of performance tests which each BIDDER shall provide, at his costs. Only the three
laboratories listed below will be acceptable to perform the performance tests on the

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

CEMAGREF, Le Tholonet, Aix-En-Provence, France

Center for Irrigation Technology, California State University, Fresno, California, USA
Israel Center of Waterworks Appliances - ICWA, Israel

The BIDDER shall furnish 5 samples of each proposed model of sprinkler and 5 samples
of each nozzle, or combination of nozzles, of the proposed diameters.
The samples for the tests shall be randomly selected by a representative of the CLIENT
from among the sprinklers that comprise part of the assembly line of the fabricator.
The referenced samples shall be submitted to the laboratory tests described in subitems 4.2 through 4.4. The CLIENT reserves the right to observe, at any moment, the
partial or total execution of the tests.
In addition to the results of the above-referenced tests, the BIDDER shall also furnish
one sample of each proposed model of sprinkler with his proposal.
Any BIDDER who does not comply with any one of the requirements established herein
shall be considered disqualified.



In a New State. The five samples of each model shall be submitted to performance tests
in a new state with all of the proposed combinations of nozzles and models, considering
the spacing specified for each combination.
The performance tests in the new state shall consist of, at least, tests of the sprinkler
discharge, diameter of coverage, rotation, Christiansen s coefficient of uniformity and
the statistical coefficient of uniformity.
For each sample, results will be presented for each proposed combination of nozzles. A
nozzle and model combination will be disqualified whenever more than one sample of
the five with the same nozzle combination does not meet one or more of the requirements
for the above-mentioned parameters.
When only one sample, among the five of the same nozzle combination, does not meet
one or more of the requirements established herein, that sample shall be discarded for
that nozzle combination, and only the results for the four remaining samples shall be
considered for the later analyses. In case no sample is eliminated, the results of the five
samples will be utilized in the later analyses.
The sprinklers shall meet the following requirements after being tested for two hours at
the design operating pressure shown on the Technical Data Sheets:

Discharge. The sprinkler discharge shall be within plus or minus 5% of the nominal design

Diameter of Coverage. Reference is made to the Technical Data Sheets. In a laboratory

test without the presence of wind, the diameter of coverage shall provide the following

e/D = 55%
e = the design spacing between the sprinklers, in meters

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Standard Technical Specifications

D = diameter of coverage, in meters.

Rotation. The rotation of the sprinklers shall be between 1 and 3 revolutions per minute.

Christiansen s Coefficient of Uniformity (CUC). The sprinklers shall have a Christiansen

s coefficient of uniformity greater than 87% when tested as described below.
The uniformity of distribution of the sprinklers, operating at the design operating pressure
shown on the Technical Data Sheets, with zero wind conditions, shall be calculated in
accordance with the Christiansen method and expressed in the following manner:
CUC = 100 [1 - (SUM(X)/MN)]
CUC = Coefficient of Uniformity in %
N = Number of readings
M = Arithmetical average of all the readings
SUM(X) = Sum total of the absolute deviations of the individual readings from the
arithmetical average of all of the readings.

The readings are the depths of the water collected in vessels regularly spaced over the
irrigated area.
The tests shall be conducted in a closed shed which shall have a level floor and shall be
free from any obstacle which might interfere with the distribution of the water. The
sprinklers shall be mounted vertically at a height of 0.5 m above the plane the collector
The equipment used to measure the discharge of the sprinklers shall have a precision of
1% of the volume of the collector vessel used for this purpose, and the equipment used
for pressure measurements shall have a precision of 0.05 kgf/cm2.
The vessels utilized for measuring the water collected during the tests shall have a
height of 2 to 3 times the average depth of the water collected, a diameter of 0.5 to 1
times its height, and shall be placed vertically with a deviation of not more than 3
degrees. All the upper surfaces of the vessels shall be on a horizontal plane with deviations
not in excess of plus or minus 2 cm. The vessels shall be spaced at intervals of 2 x 2 m
between each other with a tolerance of not more than 5 cm. The volumes of water in
the vessels shall be measured with a precision of plus or minus 1.0 cm3 for the purpose
of calculating the depth of water collected.
The radial method of test to determine the coefficient of uniformity will also be acceptable,
provided that it is performed in a closed shed without the presence of wind and that the
procedure is in conformance with ISO standard No. 7748-2, Irrigation Equipment-Rotating
Sprinklers, PART 2: Uniformity of Distribution and Tests Methods. Other requirements
of these specifications shall be maintained.
The pressure shall be measured at a point immediately prior to the entry of the water in
the sprinkler.
During performance of the test, the pressure shall not vary more than plus or minus
0.05 kgf/cm2.
Duration of the test shall be 2 hours.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Statistical Coefficient of Uniformity (CUE). The sprinklers shall have a statistical coefficient
of uniformity greater than 82% when tested as described in sub-item for the
Christiansen s coefficient of uniformity and considering the design spacing of the sprinklers.

The statistical coefficient of uniformity is expressed by the equation:

CUE = 100 [1 - (S/M)] = 100 - CV
Where: CUE = Coefficient of Uniformity in %
S = Standard deviation of the precipitation readings
M = Arithmetical average of all of the readings
CV = Coefficient of variation of the readings.

After 1500 Hours of Continuous Operation. The sprinkler models classified in one or
more proposed nozzle combinations in the performance tests in the new state shall be
submitted to tests of 1500 hours of continuous operation without interruption, at the
operating pressure shown on the Technical Data Sheets.
This test shall be done on three samples of each model of sprinkler. When one model of
sprinkler is proposed with more than one combination of nozzles, the particular model
and nozzle combination to be used for the 1500-hour continous operation test shall be
the one that provides the greatest sprinkler discharge.
The three samples to be submitted to the 1500-hour continuous operation test shall be
selected from those sprinklers meeting the requirements of sub-item 4.2.1. The three
samples shall be those with discharges closest to the average discharge for the nozzle
combination to be tested, as determined from the results of the tests performed in
accordance with sub-item 4.2.1. The sample with a discharge closest to the average
discharge shall be considered as the representative sample. The other two samples
shall be considered supplementary samples.
After the three samples have been operated for 1500 hours, as specified herein, the
representative samples of each model shall be submitted to the same tests as required
in sub-item 4.2.1. That is, for each combination of proposed nozzle sizes, values of the
discharge, diameter of coverage, velocity of rotation, precipitation Christiansen s
coefficient of uniformity, and the statistical coefficient of uniformity shall be determined.
The same requirements for these parameters, as stated in sub-item 4.2.1, shall apply
for qualification purposes.
If the representative sample does not meet the specified requirements for one or more
of the parameters with a specific nozzle combination, the representative sample shall
be disqualified for that nozzle combination. In this case, the two suplementary samples
shall be tested with the same nozzle combinatination. If either one of the supplementary
samples fails to meet one or more of the stated requirements, that model shall be
disqualified for that proposed nozzle combination.


Watertightness Tests


Hydrostatic Pressure Test.- This test shall be performed with a representative sprinkler
selected as specified in sub-item 4.2.2. The sprinkler shall be installed on a pipe equivalent
to the riser pipe with a torque of 3.2 kg.m, after having the nozzle(s) replaced with an
appropriate cap. The cap shall be screwed on with a torque of 0.5 kg.m. The sprinkler
shall be connected to a supply of water and all air evacuated from the system. The
pressure shall be raised from 0 (zero) to 10 kgf/cm2 in increments of 1 kgf/cm2. At each
increment, the pressure shall be maintained for 1 (one) minute. At the pressure of 10
kgf/cm2, the pressure shall be maintained for 10 (ten) minutes.

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Standard Technical Specifications

The sprinkler shall present no evidence of leakage during this test.


Test Under Operating Conditions.- The representative sprinkler selected as specified

in sub-item 4.4.2 shall be connected to a source of water with a torque of 3.2 kg.m.
The pressure shall be gradually raised in increments of 0.5 kgf/cm2 between 1 and 6
kgf/cm2. At each increment, the pressure shall be maintained for one minute and the
sprinkler shall be inspected for leakage. Leakage during this test shall not exceed 5% of
the sprinkler discharge.


Wear Test - 1500 Hours. The sprinkler selected as provided in sub-item 4.2.2 must
operate continually for 1500 hours under the design operating pressure shown on the
Technical Data Sheets. As additional information, during the 1500-hour continous
operation test, the average time in seconds for full circle rotation and the maximun and
minimum times to rotate through each 90-degree quadrant of the circle shall be recorded
at the start of the test and every 500 hours thereafter.
After the conclusion of the 1500-hour continous operation test, all impact surfaces and
friction surfaces, as well as all washers, shall be inspected for evidence of deformation,
bending, and wear. All changes and/or anomalies encountered shall be recorded so that
a comparison can be made of the conditions before and after the 1500-hour test.
This test shall be applied only to the sprinkler models previously qualified under the
performance tests in the new state and after completion of all performance tests done
after 1500 hours of operation.
The outcome of this test will not result in disqualification of the sprinkler model; however,
it will be a parameter to be considered at the time of contract negotiations.


Drawings and Data to be Furnished by BIDDER with the BID:

Drawings of each model of the proposed sprinklers, showing all of the components
and indicating materials, dimensions and an exploded view.
Number and diameter(s) of the nozzle(s) of the proposed model(s).
Information or catalogs of commercial products, which shall include technical
specifications of the models proposed, as well as detailed illustrations identifying
the component pieces.
Five copies of the report of the test results, duly certified. The report shall contain,
in addition to results of the qualification tests required in sub-item 4., data on the
average, minimum, and maximum precipitation for each sprinkler spacing considered
in the Technical Data Sheets for tests in the new state and after 1500 hours of
Spare parts - The BIDDER shall include with his Bid, a list of spare parts necessary
for 5 years of operation and maintenance, indicating separately the respective
unit price for each part.


Measurement and Payment. The quantity of sprinklers will be measured as complete

assemblies furnished, expressed in units.
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the Contract for furnishing
sprinklers. No separate payment will be made for furnishing the required spare parts.
Their cost shall be included in the bid price for furnishing sprinklers.


Reference Drawings. The supply of the specified equipment must be in accordance with
the following drawings, which are an integral part of this specifications:

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Standard Technical Specifications

Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

The above mentioned drawings serve as a general orientation for the preparation of the
proposals and show the main characteristics and dimensions of the equipment. The
design and the elaboration of the detailed fabrication drawings are a part of the supply
and they are therefore, a responsibility of the SUPPLIER who will note and comply with
the main dimensions and the characteristics presented in the drawings listed above.
Any error in the reference drawings or specifications, be it omission, addition or
misplacement of words or symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the
requirements of the drawings and/or specifications. In case of discrepancy between the
drawings and the specifications, the latter will govern. The SUPPLIER shall bring to the
attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications or reference drawings.

Technical Data Sheets.




Objective. This Specification establishes minimum technical conditions together with

the requirements of item (S-010101 - MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL) which
shall be complied with for supplying hydroneumatic tanks utilized for regulation and
water hammer protection for the pumping stations of the _______ (name) Project.


General Considerations - The hydropneumatic tanks shall be of the membrane type.

Tanks without membrane may be acceptable if furnished with one electric drive air
compressor per tank or per group of tanks, as approved by the ENGINEER. The compressor
shall have the capacity of supplying daily air volume requirements. The air compressor
supply shall include an electric motor, electric cables, control cabinet, interconnection
piping and valves.
The tanks shall be installed vertically.


Manufacturing Requirements.


General - The tanks shall be of carbon steel sheet.

The tanks shall be supported by 3 or 4 steel legs welded to the tank, as shown in the
drawings. The tanks shall consist of the following components:
One air/water separation membrane
One flanged bottom outlet, with diameter indicated in the Technical Data Sheets
One water level indicator
Two level contacts for alarm
One pressurestat 0-15 kg/cm2
One air inlet installed at an adequate height for human operation, equipped with a
valve for connecting a portable air compressor
One manhole

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Standard Technical Specifications


Painting - The hydropneumatic tanks shall be delivered painted according to the applicable
requirements of item (S-010101 - MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL), and the
Cleaning with abrasion treatment
Base paint with a coat of zinc paint or equivolent (minimum thickness of 30
One finishing paint coat (minimum thickness of 100 microns)


Transportation and Handling - In accordance with item (S-010101 - MECHANICAL



Guarantee - The supplier shall present a guarantee for tanks and equipment according to
the General and Special Conditions of the Contract. This guarantee shall be valid for a
period of 12 months starting on the date the equipment is put into operation.


Measurement and Payment. Supply of the hydropneumatic tanks will be measured as

complete assemblies furnished, expressed in units.
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the Contract.





Objective - This Specification establishes minimum technical requirements, together

with the requirements of item (S-010101 - MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL) which
shall be complied with in the design, manufacturing, transportation, assembly, installation,
testing and sizing for surge stands, utilized to protect facilities and equipment of the
_______ (name) Project from damages due to hydraulic transients.


Scope - The surge stand shall consist of a steel cylinder, coated internally and externally
as specified by the AWWA C-203 Standard, and fittings for pipeline tap, anchoring
plate and other accessories needed for the complete installation and operation.
The surge stand shall have a diameter of ___ m and a height of ____ m.
All necessary accessories for transporting to the jobsite, unloading, installation and
testing of equipment shall be furnished. These accessories could include pipe telescoping
parts, shipping spiders, reinforcing, installation supports and supports for testing


Modifications - In case of discrepancies between the requirements of this Specification

and standards, parameters and drawings herein mentioned, the Specification contents
will prevail. Hoever, the SUPPLIER shall communicate these discrepancies to the
PURCHASER, in writing, for clarification.


Recommended Standards - The equipment specified herein shall be designed in accordance

with the Standards of the following entities, wherever applicable:
Associao Brasileira de Normas Tecnicas (ABNT)
American National Standard Institute (ANSI)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
American society of Testing and Materials (ASTM)
American Water Works Association (AWWA)
Deutsche Industrie Normen (DIN)

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Standard Technical Specifications

If the supplier elects to prepare his design in accordance with standards of an entity not
listed above, he shall submit complete information of the respective proposed alternative
standards. Such standards shall only be used for manufacturing, after the PURCHASERs
written approval.

Manufacturing Requirements.


Pipe and Fittings - Manufacturing shall be in accordance with item (S-030101, PIPELINES


Flanges - Pipe ends shall be provided with flanges as specified in the ABNT PB-15
Standard, with diameters as indicated on the drawings.


Installation - During installation, each pipe section shall be handled using adequate
equipment when moving them into place, to prevent distortions or variations of the pipe
diameter. Special pieces for internal shoring should be placed prior to the pipe installation
without damaging the internal coating of the pipe. The shoring shall remain in place until
the installation is completed.
The SUPPLIER shall include in his proposal, dimensions, materials, and shoring methods
to be used, as well as capacity, dimensions and main characteristics of the equipment
to be used in the installation of the surge stand.
The intallation CONTRACTOR shall present , together with his proposal, a description of
the installation schedule and hydrostatic testing, in order to allow the PURCHASER to
coordinate with other construction and installation activities being performed by others.
After assembly and installation, the equipment and accessories shall be hydrostatically
tested for a period of 24 hours. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all necessary equipment
for the test.


Reference Drawings. The supply of the specific equipment must be in accordance with
the following drawings, which are an integral part of this Specification.
Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

The drawings listed above are intended as general orientation in preparing bids, and
indicate the main characteristics and dimensions of the equipment. The design and
elaboration of detailed drawings for manufacturing are part of the supply and the
responsibility of the SUPPLIER, who will note and comply with the main dimensions and
characteristics presented in the drawings listed above.
Any error in the reference drawings or specifications, be it omission, addition or
misplacement of words or symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the
requirements of the drawings and/or specifications. In case of discrepancy between the
drawings and the specifications, the latter will govern. The SUPPLIER shall bring to the
attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications or reference drawings.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Technical Data Sheets.


Measurement and Payment. The supply of surge stands shall be measured in units
Payment for surge stands shall be made at the unit price established in the Contract.






Objective - This Specification establishes the minimum technical conditions, together

with the requirements of item (S-010101 - MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL) which
shall be complied with for supplying filtering equipment for pumping stations of the
_______ (name) Project.


General Conditions - Filters shall stop passage of particles, of bigger size than that
indicated in the Technical Data Sheets, capable of plugging the sprinklers.
These filters shall operate automatically, with automatic cleaning mechanisms by filtered
water jet, activated by a loss of head device, adjustible to a maximum value, as indicated
in the Technical Data Sheets.


Scope of Supply - The filters shall be furnished complete with all necessary components
for installation and operation, such as motors, automation and protection systems,
pumps for cleaning, control panel, mud collecting system, joints, etc.
The scope of supply shall include the services of a qualified technician for installation
supervision, as well as testing assistance and personnel training.


Manufacturing Requirements.


General - All parts of the equipment shall be designed to withstand stresses and pressures
which occur during normal operation, with an added safety coefficient as recommended
by the ABNT Standards.


Filter - The filter shall be of the rotative type, actuated by an electric motor.
The maximum rotation velocity of the filter shall be ____ m/s.
The maximum water velocity through the filtering elements shall be lower than _____ m/
The maximum water velocity at the filter exit shall be lower than ___ m/s.
The filter screen shall be made of stainless steel wires and the filter structure of carbon
Bearings shall be of the self-lubricating type, Railko, or equivalent.


Rotation System - The rotation system shall consist of an electric motor and a transmission
mechanism. The motor shall have protection class IP-55 Class B, or equivalent.


Cleaning System - The cleaning system shall consist of an electric motor and pump and
a device to spray water on the filter. All necessary piping shall be of stainlees steel.

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Standard Technical Specifications

A device for the collection and evacuation of the cleaning water shall be provided.

Control and Automation System - The control and automation system shall consist of
the following:
Motor protection, by thermal relay
Loss of head detector
Control panel with, at least, the following three functions:
Automatic operation
Programmable sequences operation
Continuous operation


Painting and Protection - The equipment shall painted in accordance with item (S-010101
- Mechanical Equipment - GENERAL) and the following procedures:
One coat of zinc base paint, or equivalent (minimum thickness, 30 microns)
One coat of finishing paint (minimum thickness, 125 microns)
Gear boxes may be furnished without the finishing paint.


Transportation and Handling - In accordance with item (S-010101 - MECHANICAL



Guarantee - The SUPPLIER shall present a guarantee for the filtering equipment according
to the General and Special Conditions of the Contract. This guarantee shall be valid for
a period of 12 months starting on the date the equipment is put into operation.


Spare Parts - The SUPPLIER shall furnish, as spare parts, a set of parts subject to
wearing out during a 5-year period of normal operation. The spare parts list is subject to
the approval of the ENGINEER.


Measurement and Payment. Supply of the filter equipment will be measured as complete
filtering assemblies furnished, expressed in units.
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the Contract. No separate
payment will be made for spare parts. The costs of the spare parts shall be included in
the filter prices.





Objective - This Specification establishes the manufacturing requirements and other

criteria, together with the requirements of item (S-010101 - MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT,
GENERAL), which shall be complied with for supplying emergency diesel motor-generator
units for the _______ (name) Project.


General Conditions - Emergency motor-generator units shall be furnished for indoor

installation, with automatic starting when failure occurs in the power system, and
automatic stopping when the power supply is re-established.


Manufacturing Requirements.


Diesel Motor - The diesel motor shall be 4-cycle, adequate for use with commercial
diesel oil of 10,000 hCal/kg, with direct combustible injection, and natural aspirator.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Maximum net power, without overload, available at the wheel, shall be approximately
54 CV at 1000 RPM.
The air filter shall be the dry type, with a changeable paper element, and equipped with
an alarm device indicating Filtro Exige Manuteno.
The cooling system shall consist of a closed water circuit, circulated by centrifugal
pump and cooled by fan, equipped with a bypass-type thermostat, light for over-heating
signal contact, and a sensor thermometer. The radiator shall have adequate contact
surface for heat exchanging, and shall be equipped with a pressure relief device.
The injector pump shall be equipped with an oil filter, and a shut-down solenoid.
The diesel motor shall have an automatic speed regulator, of the mechanical centrifugal
industrial type, with a micro manual regulating device. Static and dynamic regulating
ranges shall be from 3 to 4% and from 8 to 10%, respectively.
The lubricating system shall be a forced oil type, actuated by a geared pump, and
equipped with changeable paper element oil filter, pressure switch for defective lubrication
signal, and manometer type sensor.
The electrical system of the diesel motor shall consist of a starter, and a 12 Vdc leadacid type battery with a capacity of 88 Ah and capable to provide power for at least 10
consecutive starts. An alternator, utilized to charge the battery, will not need to be
Defective lubrication and cooling water over heating shall be prevented by a protection
system for the diesel motor, with an automatic shut down of the motor, by means of a
blocking relay connected to the shut down solenoid.

Generator - The generator shall be a three-phase syncronous alternator with the following
Static excitation
Manufacturing and tests in accordance with ABNT and ANSI Standards
Rated voltage; 380/220V, 60 Hz
Minimum inductive power factor of 0.8
Stator winding connection: wye with an accessable neutral
4 poles
ABNT Standard, Class F insulation
Hot varnished winding, polar shoes, with dumper
Dynamic balancing, executed by the nominal rotation of the generator
Static exciter, mounted on a panel with an automatic voltage regulator with a fine
adjustment of +/-10% of rated voltage and a response of less than one second to
accomodate an instantaneous variation of up to 100% of rated load
A lamenated steel sheet casing electrically welded with watertight protection


Control Board - The control board shall be a self-supporting panel, mounted on a concrete
base, with the cables entrance at the bottom. The panel shall be made of steel sheet,
with a minimum thickness of No. 14 USG, and provided with a front door with a lock
and a rubber seal, and with antirust base paint and a synthetic enamal finish.
The panel shall have the following components:
One 0-500V voltmeter with voltswitch for voltage reading of three phases

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One 0-100 A ammeter with ampswitch for current reading of three phases
Three 100/5A dry-type current transformers
One three-pole molded case circuit breaker for power circuit
Molded case circuit breakers for control circuits
One slow-charging-type battery charger, with 380v, three-phase or 220V singlephase input, at the SUPPLIERs discretion
One automatic voltage regulator for static excitattion system with fine voltage
adjusting button and a gain adjusting button.
Automatic unit starting equipment
Interconnection terminal blocks
Indicating lights

Oil Tank - The diesel oil tank shall have a capacity of 200 liters, mounted on a frame and
equipped with a level indicator.


Coupling and Base - The motor and generator shafts shall be connected by an elastic
coupling. The assembly will be mounted directly on a base made of steel beams, welded
electrically. The SUPPLIER shall furnish anchor bolts, soleplates and other hardware to
anchor the unit onto a concrete base.


Lubricating Bearings - Bearings shall be heavy-duty-type or roller-type, when required.

Roller bearings shall be equipped with adequate devices for grease replacement and
with double-sealed joints to prevent the entrance of dust and water.
Bushing bearings, when utilized, shall be of the ring-and-disk-type, including self-cooled
oil reservoirs and an inspection hole.


Connection Box - The connextion box shall be of reinforced construction with neoprene
gaskets and threaded connections for the conduits.
The connection box shall be of an adequate size to accomodate the feeder cables, with
pressure-type copper connectors, or pot heads.


Testing - Emergency motor-generator units shall be subjected to the following tests, in

the presence of a PURCHASERs representative, at the factory, prior to shipment.


Diesel Motor - The motor shall be submitted to visual, size and capacity checking.
Functional tests will be performed for the following factors:
Regular noises
Overheating, checking essential parts of the motor
Pressure, checking essential parts of the motor


Generator - The generator, completely mounted shall be submitted to the following

Visual and size checking
Withstand voltage test
Voltage and frequency regulation
Connection and circuit continuity verification
Exciter winding short circuit tests
Dielectric tests
Stator and field windings resistance measurements

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Standard Technical Specifications


Control Board - The control board shall be submitted to the following tests:
Visual and size checking
Components location and fastening checking
Manufacturing details checking
Connection and circuit continuity verification
Wiring insulation checking with Megger
General functioning checking
Operation sequence checking
Withstand voltage test
Instrument polarity checking


Guarantee - The SUPPLIER shall present a guarantee for the equipment according to the
General and Special Conditions of the Contract. This guarantee shall be valid for a
period of 12 months starting from the date the equipment is put into operation, or for a
period of 24 months after the delivery date, whichever comes first.


Packaging, Transportation and Handling - In accordance with item (S-010101 - Mechanical

Equipment - General).


Drawings and Technical Documents - In addition to the requirements specified in item

(S-010101 - MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL), the supplier shall furnish the
following documents:
Performance curves of the motor-generator unit
Outline and dimension drawings of the unit, including approximate weights
A complete discription of the equipment to be furnished (Materials List) including
catalogs and standards utilized
Dimension drawings of the control board
Internal wiring and interconnection drawings
Component list
Operation manuals


Measurement and Payment. Supply of the emergency motor-generator units will be

measured as complete furnished assemblies, including interconnections between the
units and the control boards, expressed in units.
Payment will be made at the applicable unit price established in the Contract.





Objective - This Specification establishes minimum technical conditions, together with

the requirements of item (S-010101 - MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL), which
shall be complied with for supplying assembly joints for the _______(name) Project.


Scope of Supply - The assembly joints shall be furnished complete with all necessary
components for the installation and operation, such as bolts and accessories for flanged


Recommended Standards - Except when otherwise indicated in the Technical Data Sheets,
equipment, materials and tests shall comply with ABNT Standards, and where these
standards are insufficient, the latest editions of the applicable standards of the following

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Standard Technical Specifications

AWWA - American Water Works Association

ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ANSI - American National Standards Institute
AISC - American Institute of Steel Construction
ISO - International Standardization Organization


Manufacturing Requirements. Equipment and materials shall be in accordance with the

applicable Specifications for the item to be furnished.


General - There shall be compatibility between assembly joints, pipes, fittings and special
corresponding parts relating to type, material, diameter, flange, etc.
In order to satisfy certain types of fittings or special pieces, and also the requirements
this Specification, composition of two or more pieces will be allowed.


Flanges - Flanges for assembly joints and components shall comply with the ABNT NBR
7675 Class PN-10 or PN-16 Standards or with the ISO 2531 Standard when compatible.
When the two Standards are not compatible, the ISO 2531 Standard will prevail. The
AWWA C 207 Standard will be used only for cases indicated in the drawings and in the
Technical Data Sheets.


Nominal Diameters - Assembly joints of the non-flanged flexible type (Dresser or Gibault
joints) shall have inner diameters compatible to the outer diameter of the pipes of either
carbon steel, ductile iron, or asbestos cement. Pipes are usually indicated with inside
nominal diameters.


Alternative Materials - Materials different from those specified herein may be offered,
when they comply with Project required pressures, and may be accepted as determined
by thye PURCHASER.


Anti-Coprrosion Coating - Anti-corrosion coating shall be in acordance with the applicable

requirements of item (S-010101 - MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL), and the
All surfaces subject to corrosive action, except rubber rings and gaskets, shall
receive anti-corrsion coating after adequate preparation of the surfaces.
When no standards for coating are specified, coating shall be antirust painting,
consisting of, at least, two coats of antirust base, with a final minimum dry
thickness of 50 microns and one finishing coat with a minimum dry thickness of
30 microns.


Inspection and Testing - The tests listed below shall be performed at the factory:
Visual and size checking
Seal and body hydrostatic tests.
The SUPPLIER shall repair all failures occuring during hydrostatic tests. Repairing methods
shall be submitted to the PURCHASER for approval. Whenever defects are excessive or
irreparable due to inadequate manufacturing, the assembly joints will be rejected.
All pieces which need repairs shall be re-checked.
After final factory tests and approval, the assembly joints shall be painted and after
painting inspection, the assembly joints may be prepared for shipping.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Packing, Transportation and Handling - In accordance with item (S-010101 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, GENERAL).


Guarantee - Unless specified to the contrary, in the applicable Specifications for materials
or equipment to be furnished, the SUPPLIER shall present a guarantee for the equipment
and/or material, according to the General and Special Conditions of the Contract.


Technical Assistance - According the requirements in item (S-010101 - MECHANICAL

EQUIPMENT, GENERAL), the supplier shall provide field supervision and training for the
PURCHASERs personnel in assembling and disassembling operations of the assembly


Dresser Joints and Gibault Joints - Dresser joints (or Gibualt joints) shall be designed
and manufactured to absorb vibrations, to correct axial displacement, to withstand high
axial stresses, to seal the joints for operation pressures for classes PN-10 and PN-16 (10
Kgf/cm2 and 16 Kgf/cm2, respectively), and prinicipally, to facilitate assembly and
disassembly of piping. Fastening flanges and the middle cylinder shall be forged carbon
steel (or cast iron for Gibault joints in one piece). Acceptance of welded pieces will be at
the discretion of the PURCHASER.
Joints shall be of general use type, with reduced length. Fastening bolts and nuts shall
be of hot galvanized steel as specified by ASTM A-153 Class C Standard, or equivalent.
Seal rings shall be of ethylene propylene and of slow aging process and high abrasion
Joints to be installed on asbestos cement pipes shall have inner diameters compatible to
the pipe outer diameters and the seal rings shall be of natural rubber.
Middle cylinder extremities shall be bevelled in order to prevent damage to the fastening
flange coating, and seal rings.
Joints made of ductile iron may be accepted if they comply with the requirements of the


Rod-Type Fixed Joints - Fixed joints shall be designed and manufactured to withstand all
hydraulic thrust stresses produced by pumps remain entirely rigid. Joints shall have
suitable sealing for operation pressure of _____ Kgf/cm2. Joints shall be of easy assembly
and disassembly. Joints referred to herein shall consist of a tube with two rigid fixed
flanges, and one sliding flange. The fixed flange at one end will be fastened to a flanged
pipe by short bolts. The second fixed flange, located between the two tube ends, will be
fastened to another flanged pipe by long worm-thread rod-type bolts. The sliding flange
has a sealing function which, upon being tightened against the pipe flange, will compress
the rubber ring to form a complete seal. Joints shall be made of carbon steel. The bolts
and nuts shall be of hot galvanized steel as specified by the ASTM A-153 Class C
Standard. Seal rings shall be of ethylene propylene.
Flanges shall comply with the requirements specified in subitem 2.2. The sliding flange
shall be designed and manufactured in such a manner to prevent damage to the coating
and the seal ring.


Expansion Joints - Expansion joints shall be designed and manufactured to absorb axial
and lateral movements, in any direction.
Expansion joints shall consist of two bellows united by a middle cylinder, an internal
guide tube, and tightening unit fixed at the ends. Joints shall be designed to withstand

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Standard Technical Specifications

operation pressures of ___ Kgf/cm2 and the tightening unit shall be designed to withstand
reaction stresses produced by the bellows.
The joints shall be flange type, and the flanges shall comply with the requirements
specified in subitem 2.2.
The joints shall be manufactured from ASTM A-572 carbon steel for tubes and flanges
and an adequate type of steel for the bellows. Bolts, nuts and the tightening unit shall
be of hot galvanized steel as specified by ASTM A-153 Class C Standard. Seal Gaskets
shall be of rubber.
The expansion joints shall be of the easy assemble-disassemble type.

Measurement and Payment. The supply of the items described herein shall be measured
as complete assemblies furnished, expressed in units.
Payment will be made according to the applicable unit prices established in the Contract.





Objective - This Specification establishes minimum technical requirements for the supply
of rectifiers, sacrifice anodes and crush coke for impressed current cathodic protection
of buried steel pipe and fittings for the _______ (name) Project.
In addition to the requirements in item (S-010101 - Mechanical Equipment - GENERAL),
the materials furnished shall comply with the characteristics specified herein.


Technical Standards - To meet requirements of design, raw materials, manufacturing

standards, product quality and test criteria, the equipment and materials to be furnished
shall comply with this Specification and shall not contradict the following standards:
ABNT - Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas
CEI - Commission Electrotechnique Internationale
ANSI - American National Standards Association
NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association
ASTM - American Society for Testing Materials
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.


Manufacturing Requirements.


Rectifiers - In addition to the requirements of the above standards, rectifiers and

accessories shall be designed and manufactured according to the following characteristics:


Service - Outdoor installation, mounted on a post or on a concrete base.


Type - Static, with silicon diodes, tap changer for variable current and voltage output.
2.1.3 Voltage Supply - 380 V, three phase, 60 Hz, tolerance +/- 15%.


Power - Adjustable with minimum of 7.5 kVA


Output - Adjustable up to 30 Adc


Efficiency - Equal to or higher than 80%

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Standard Technical Specifications


Power Factor - Equal to or higher than 0.7 inductive,measured with maximum output
voltage, rated output current and rated input voltage


Enclosure - Rectifiers shall be furnished assembled in closed cabinets to be mounted on

a post or on a concrete base. Access to the components shall be provided by means of
a door with a lock, or metal sheet fixed by screws. An aperture with a transparent glass
cover shall be provided to allow reading of the metering instruments. The cabinets shall
have a ground terminal for a 50 mm copper cable for grounding of all metal parts. The
cabinet shall house the rectifier and all accessories.


Transformer - The transdormer shall be dry-type, three-phase, equipped with a tap

changer capable of operating in the three phases simultaneously.


Rectifier - The rectifier shall be composed of silicon diodes forming 3 rectifying bridges
of 4 diodes each, with inputs connected to the three-phase transformer secondaries,
and the outputs connected in parallel.


Protection - The input shall be protected by a three-pole, thermo-magnetic molded case

circuit breaker, and the output shall be protected by a bi-pole circuit breaker.


Accessories The following accessories shall be furnished with the cathodic protection
system equipment:
Bi-pole and three-pole thermo-magnetic molded case circuit breakers for output
and input protection
Lighting or surge protection (AC and DC sides)
Automatic potential control for the protected structure
Undervoltage relay for AC supply fault alarm
AC source indicating light


Sacrifice Anodes - The sacrifice anodes shall be of the iron silicon type and shall comply
with the following characteristics:


Chemical Composition Silicon ............................................................................................ 14.5%

Manganese ..................................................................................... 0.75%
Carbon ........................................................................................... 0.95%
Chromium ......................................................................................... 4.5%
Iron ................................................................................................ 79.3%


Physical, Electrical and Mechanical Characteristics Tensil Strength ........................................................................ 1000 kg/cm 2
Compression Strength .............................................................. 7000 kg/cm 2
Hardness ................................................................................... 520 Brinel
Specific Weight .............................................................................. 7 g/cm 3
Specific resistivity at 20 oC .............................................. 72 micro ohms/cm
Expansion coefficiency .............................................................. 13.2 x 10-6


Connection Point - Each anode shall have a pig tail for connection. The pig tail shall be
made of copper and molded to the anode body. The connection shall be made by welding
the pig tail to the feeder cable.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Anodes - The anodes shall have the following minimum dimensions:

Length ............................................................................................. 75 cm
Diameter .......................................................................................... 1 inch


Activated Coal - Activated coal shall be steel-mill coke or recalcinated petroleum coke,
crushed, and furnished in bags suitable for transportation and storage


Chemical Composition Moisture ............................................................................... 9.5 to 14.7 %

Volatile matter ..................................................................... 3.00 to 3.14 %
Coal ............................................................................... 78.22 to 78.40 %
Fly ash 18.6 %
Sulfur ................................................................................maximum 1.2 %


Physical Characteristics Gardation .................................................................... 1/2" maximum 15 %

3/8" maximum 85 %


Nameplate - The rectifiers nameplate shall comply with the requirements specified in
item (S-010101 - Mechanical Equipment - General), and shall contain the following
additional information:
Input voltage in V
Power in kVA
Power Factor
Output current in A dc
Output voltage in V dc


Painting and Antirust Treatment - Surface preparation, antirust treatment and painting
of the rectifiers shall comply with item (S-010101 - Mechanical Equipment - GENERAL).
Finishing paint shall be light gray, ANSI-70 Notation Munsell No. 5 gloss range 70 to 73.


Inspection and Testing at the Factory - In addition to the requirements specified in item
(S-010101 - Mechanical Equipment - GENERAL), the material covered by this specification
shall be submitted to the following tests and checks.


Visual check
Dimensional check
Dialectric tests
Transformer ratio check
Measurement of rectified current by oscilloscope and recorder
Circuit breaker functioning check
Transformer losses check


Sacrifice Anodes - Inspection and tests shall be made by sampling. At least 10% of the
anodes shall be inspected and tested. The following tests shall be performed on the
sacrifice anodes:
Dimensional and visual check

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Standard Technical Specifications

Resistivity test
Mechanical and thermal shock test
Moisture absorption test
Connection point check

Measurement and Payment. Supply of the cathodic protection system will be treated as
a unit, and payment will be made at the lump sum price established in the Contract for
the completed system.

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Standard Technical Specifications





Objective. These Specifications establish the general requirements for furnishing electrical
equipment and materials for the _____________ Project.
The CLIENT assumes that prior to the submittal of the Bid, the contents of the Bidding
Documents were reviewed in detail by the BIDDER, who will be fully responsible for all
obligations resulting from lack of knowledge or misinterpretation of any of the
requirements contained therein.


Supply Scope. The supply scope of each package includes, but is not limited to the
following items:


Preparation of designs, drawings, data, and calculation sheets and submittal for approval
where applicable.


Furnishing Instruction Manuals for assembly, operation and maintenance of equipment

and/or materials.


Manufacturing and furnishing of equipment and/or materials in accordance with the

respective Specification and approved drawings.


Supply of special tools required for assembly maintenance and operation of the equipment.


List of spare parts as specified in the General and Special Conditions of the Contract,
Chapters _____ and _____ , Volume _____. The respective equipment Specifications may
require furnishing spare parts for one or more years of operation at no additional cost.


Tests of equipment and/or materials at the factory, as indicated in these Specifications

and in the respective equipment Specification.


Packing, transportation and insurance of equipment from factory to the delivery site, in
accordance with the Bidding Documents.


Supervision of equipment and/or material assembly and installation, when requested by

the CLIENT, as established in the Bidding Documents and in accordance with the specific
equipment Specification.


Test of equipment at jobsite and operation start-up, whenever the CLIENT requests
installation supervision at the jobsite.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Training of the CLIENTs operation and maintenance personnel in accordance with the
Bidding Documents.


Equipment and/or materials guarantees in accordance with the Bidding Documents.


The CONTRACTOR shall perform any additional electrical design as required; furnish all
electrical materials and equipment required and not included in the List of Materials; and
make the electrical supply complete, as shown on the drawings and as described in
these Specifications.




General. Unless otherwise specified,the CONTRACTOR shall mark all electrical equipment
to be designated, other than disconnecting switches, with the assigned designations,
by nameplate, with letters approximately 38 mm high. Fuse and disconnecting switch
identification signs are provided for elsewhere in the Specifications.


Nameplates. A nameplate shall be installed on each ________, ______ and _______ . The
nameplates shall be made of stainless steel, at least 1 mm thick. All information on the
nameplate shall be in Portuguese and in the metric system.
The nameplate shall be located so as to be visible from the front of the equipment after
it is placed in its permanent operating position.
Each nameplate shall contain at least the following applicable information:
The words (type of equipment);
Manufacturers name and place and year of manufacture;
Manufacturing serial number;
Type (Manufacturers);
Dimensions of dismountable components and overall dimensions;
Weight of dismountable components and total weight;
Manufacturing standards used.


Equipment and Materials. Electrical equipment and materials shall be as specified on the
drawings and in accordance with these Specifications and the applicable recommended
standards listed in subitem 5.
If the CONTRACTOR-furnished electrical equipment and materials are of such size, type,
ratings, or other physical properties that changes are required in the designs in these
Specifications, it shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to effect all changes
necessary as required and approved by the ENGINEER without additional compensation,
unless the CONTRACTOR can show that the changes are necessary regardless of the
Other materials may be proposed by the BIDDER, provided that:
All the materials used or furnished must be of equivalent or superior quality than
those specified and shall be apropriate to work under the environmental conditions
at its destination;
All materials used or furnished must be described in detail in the Proposal and, for
each type of material, the Standard which it meets must be included.
Acceptance of substitute materials shall be exclusively at the descretion of the

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Standard Technical Specifications

All designs and materials not specifically covered in these Specifications or in the
recommended standards shall be subject to the approval of the ENGINEER.
All weldings necessary in the manufacturing and/or assembly of the equipment shall be
made in accordance with item (S-020256 - Welding).
The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for and shall replace, at his expense, any insulating
oil which may have been contamined by faulty handling.
The definitions considered in these Specifications are in accordance with the terminology
of ABNT-NBR-5356, ABNT-NBR-5458, ANSI.C57.12.80 and CEI-76.1.
The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all miscellaneous materials which are required for making
electrical wire, cable, conduit, and grounding connections to the equipment.
Special tools and appliances furnished by the Manufacturer for maintenance and
adjustment of the Manufacturers electrical equipment shall become the property of the
CLIENT. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all additional tools and equipment as necessary
to properly install, adjust, and check the operation of the electrical equipment.
The drawings and data to be furnished by the CONTRACTOR are specified in item (S020260 - Drawings and Technical Data to be Furnished by the CONTRACTOR).

Recommended Standards. For purposes of design, raw materials, quality, tests and
manufacturing, the equipment and materials shall comply with the requirements in these
Specifications, and when not in conflict, with the latest editions of the following standards.
The standards listed below do not exclude other recognized standards, provided they
ensure quality levels equal to or higher than those listed. In any case, the BIDDER shall
reference in his Bid the standards, or applicable portions thereof, adopted. The CLIENT
may require the BIDDER to supply copies of the adopted standards.
In the event of conflicting requirements between referenced standards, the recommended
standards and/or code and these Specifications, these Specifications shall govern,
followed by the recommended standards and finally those standards adopted by the
The acronyms below refer to:
ABNT - Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas;
ANSI - American National Standards Institute;
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials;
CEI - Commission Eletrotechnique Internationale;
NBR - Normas Brasileiras Registradas;
NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association;
CPN - Conselho Nacional de Petrleo;
NEC - National Electrical Code.

ABNT-NBR-5032 - Isoladores de Porcelana ou Vidro para Linhas Areas e Subestaes

de Alta Tenso - Especificao.
ABNT-NBR-5034 - Buchas para Equipamento Eltrico acima de 1 kV. Especificao.

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Standard Technical Specifications

ABNT-NBR-5032 - Isoladores de Porcelana ou Vidro para Linhas Areas e Subestaes

de Alta Tenso - Especificao.
ABNT-NBR-5034 - Buchas para Equipamento Eltrico acima de 1 kV. Especificao.
ABNT-NBR-5051 - Buchas para Equipamento Eltrico Acima de 1 kV - Mtodo de
ABNT-NBR-5389 - Tcnicas de Ensaios Eltricos de Alta Tenso - Padronizao.
ABNT-NBR-5435 - Buchas para Transformadores sem Conservador de leo - Tenso Nominal de 15 kV e 25,8 kV.
ABNT-NBR-5437 - Bucha para Transformadores sem Conservador de leo - Tenso
Nominal 1,3 kV.
ABNT-NBR-5915 - Chapas Finas a Frio de Ao-carbono para Estampagem Especificao
ABNT-NBR-6323 - Ao de Ferro Fundido - Revestimento de Zinco por Imerso a
Quente - Especificao
ABNT-NBR-6334 - Ensaios de Galvanizao.
ABNT-NBR-6529 - Ensaios de Vernizes Utilizados para Isolamento Eltrico - Mtodo
de Ensaio.
ABNT-NBR-6546 - Transformadores para Instrumentos - Terminologia.
ABNT-NBR-6649 - Chapas Finas a Frio de Ao-carbono para Uso Estrutural Especificao.
ABNT-NBR-6663 - Chapas Finas de Ao-carbono e de Ao de Baixa Liga e Alta
Resistncia - Requisitos Gerais.
ABNT-NBR-6869 - Determinao de Rigidez Dieltrica de leos Isolantes.
ABNT-NBR-7034 - Materiais Isolantes Eltricos - Classificao Trmica.
ABNT-NBR-7397 - Produto de Ao ou Ferro Fundido - Verificao do Revestimento
de Zinco - Determinao da Massa por Unidade de rea.
ABNT-NBR-7398 - Produto de Ao ou Ferro Fundido - Verificao do Revestimento
de Zinco - Verificao da Aderncia.
ABNT-NBR-7399 - Produto de Ao ou Ferro Fundido - Verificao da Espessura por
Processo No Destrutivo.
ABNT-NBR-7400 - Revestimento de Zinco - Verificao da Uniformidade do Revestimento.
ABNT-NBR-7876 - Linhas e Equipamento de Alta Tenso. Medio de Radio Interferncia da Faixa de 0,15 MHz a 30 MHz.
Mtodo de Ensaio
ABNT-NBR-8159 - Ferragens Eletrotcnicas para Redes Areas, Urbanas e Rurais
de Distribuio de Energia Eltrica, Formatos e Tolerncia.
ABNT-EB-157 - Nveis de Tenso de Rdio-Rudo em Transformadores de Fora e
ABNT-EB-171 - Medidores de Rdio-Rudo e de Intensidade de Campo de 0,015 a
30 Mc/s.
ABNT-MB-271 - Medio de Tenso e de Campo Rdio-Rudo de 0,015 a 30 Mc/s
em Equipamentos Eltricos de Tenso at 600 Vcc ou CA e Equipamentos No
ABNT-MB-272 - Medio de Tenso e Rdio-Rudo em Transformadores de Fora e
ANSI-C-57.92 - Guide for Loading Oil - Immersed Distribution and Power
ANSI-C-59-131 - Acceptance and Maintenance of Insulating Oil in Equipment.
ANSI-C-68.1 - Techniques for Dielectric Tests.
ANSI-C-76.1 - Requirements and Test Code for Outdoor Apparatus Bushings.
ANSI-Z-55.1 - Gray Finishes for Industrial Apparatus and Equipments.
ASTM-A-90 - Methods of Test for Weight of Coatings on Zinc-Coated (Galvanized)
Iron or Steel Articles.

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Standard Technical Specifications

ASTM-A-123 - Specification for Zinc (Hot-Galvanized) Coatings on Products

Fabricated from Rolled, Pressed and Forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars and Strip.
ASTM-A-153 - Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware.
ASTM-A-239 - Test for Locating the Thinnest Spot in a Zinc (Galvanized) Coating
on Iron or Steel Articles by the Preece Test.
ASTM-A-794 - Practice for Determining Permanent Effect of Heat on Plastics.
ASTM-A-877 - Tests for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Insulating Liquids Using
Disk Electrodes.
NEMA CC1 - Eletric Power Connectors.
CEI-85 - Classification of Materials for the Insulation of Electrical Machinery and
Apparatus in Relation to their Thermal Stability in Service.
CEI-137 - Bushing for Alternating Voltages above 1000 V.
CEI-243 - Methods of Test for Electric Strength of Solid Insulating Materials at
Power Frequencies.
TEC PUB-76 - Power Transformers.
CIS-PR-16 - Specification for Radio-Interference Measuring Apparatus And
Measurements Methods.
CNP-16 - Resolues 6/72 e 15/81, do Regulamento Tcnico 06/81 - Rev.1.
ABNT-NBR-5336 - Transformador de Potncia - Especificao.
ABNT-NBR-5356 - Transformador de Potncia - Especificao.
ABNT-NBR-5380 - Transformador de Potncia - Mtodo de Ensaio.
ABNT-NBR-5415 - Guia para Recebimento, Instalao e Manuteno de Transformadores de Fora e Distribuio em Lquido Isolante.
ABNT-NBR-5416 - Aplicao de Cargas em Transformadores de Potncia - Procedimento.
ABNT-NBR-5440 - Transformadores para Redes Areas de Distribuio - Padronizao.
ABNT-NBR-5458 - Eletrotcnica e Eletrnica - Transformadores - Terminologia.
ABNT-NBR-6146 - Invlucros de Equipamentos Eltricos - Proteo.
ABNT-NBR-6546 - Transformadores para Instrumentos - Terminologia.
ABNT-NBR-6820 - Transformadores de Potencial - Especificao.
ABNT-NBR-6821 - Transformadores de Corrente - Mtodo de Ensaio.
ABNT-NBR-6855 - Transformadores de Potencial - Especificao.
ABNT-NBR-6856 - Transformadores de Corrente - Especificao.
ABNT-NBR-7036 - Recebimento, Instalao e Manuteno de Transformadores de
Distribuio, Imersos em Lquido Isolante -Procedimento.
ABNT-NBR-7277 - Medio do Nvel de Rudo de Transformadores e Reatores.
ABNT-NBR-7731 - Guia para a Execuo de Servios de Medio de Rudo Areo e
Avaliao de seus Efeitos Sobre o Homem.
ABNT-NBR-8125 - Transformadores para Instrumentos - Descargas Parciais Especificao.
ANSI-C-57-12.00 - Distribution, Power and Regulating Transformers
ANSI-C-57-12.10 - Requirements for Transformers, 138,000 Volts and Below, 501
through 10,000/13,333/16,667 kVA, Single-Phase, 501 through 30,000/40,000/
50,000 kVA, Three-phase.
ANSI-C-57-12.20 - Requirements for Overhead-Type Distribution Transformers
67,000 Volts and Below; 500 kVA and Smaller.
ANSI-C-57-12.70 - Terminal Markings and Connections for Distribution and Power
ANSI-C-57-12.80 - Terminology.
ANSI-C-57-12.80a - Supplement to C-57-12.80.
ANSI-C-57-12.90 - Test Code for Distribution, Power and Regulating Transformers
ANSI-C-57-13 - Requirements for Instrument Transformers.

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Standard Technical Specifications

ANSI-C-57-15 - Requirements, Terminology and Test Code for Step-Voltage and

Induction-Voltage Regulators.
ASTM-A-90 - Methods of Test for Weight of Coatings on Zinc-Coated (Galvanized)
Iron or Steel Articles.
ASTM-A-123 - Specification for Zinc (Hot-Galvanized) Coatings on Products
fabricated from Rolled, Pressed and Forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars and Strip.
ASTM-A-153 - Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware.
CEI 60 - Tension Rise Test
CEI 76.1 - Power Transformers - General.
CEI 76.2 - Power Transformers - Temperature Rise.
CEI 76.3 - Power Transformers - Insulating Levels and Dielectric Tests.
CEI 76.4 - Power Transformers - Tappings and Connections.
CEI 76.5 - Power Transformers - Ability to Withstand Short-Circuit.
CEI 296 and CEI 296A - Specification for New Insulating Oils for Transformer and
NEMA-TR1 - Transformers, Regulators and Reactors.
Circuit Breakers
ABNT-NBR-7118 - Disjuntores de Alta Tenso.
ABNT-NBR-7102 - Ensaios Sintticos em Disjuntores de Alta Tenso.
ABNT-NBR-TB-26 - Terminologia de Disjuntores.
ANSI-C37.03 - Definitions for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers.
ANSI-C37.04 - Rating Structure for AC High-Voltage Circuit
ANSI-C37.06 - Preferred Ratings and Related Required Capabilities
for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a
Symmetrical Current Basis.
ANSI-C37.07 - Interrupting Capability Factors of Reclosing
Service for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers.
ANSI-C37.09 - Test Procedure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers.
ANSI-C37.073 - Requirements for Capacitance Current Switching for
AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a
Symmetrical Current Basis.
ANSI-C37.721 - Application Guide for Transient Recovery Voltage
for High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a
Symmetrical Current Basis.
ANSI-C37.722 - Schedules of Preferred Transient Recovery Voltage Ratings and
Related Required Capabilities for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a
Symmetrical Current Basis.
CEI-56.1 - General and Definitions.
CEI-56.2 - Nominal Characteristics.
CEI-56.3 - Design and Construction.
CEI-56.4 - Type and Routine Tests.
CEI-56.5 - Rules for Selection of Circuit Breakers.
CEI-56.6 - Information to be Given in Specifications, Transport Rules, Installation
and Maintenance.
CEI-60 - Tension Rise Test.
CEI-137 - Bushing for Alternating Voltages above 1000 V.
CEI-267 - Guide to the Testing of Circuit Breakers with Respect
to Out-of-Phase Switching.
CEI-376 e CEI-376 A e B - Specification and Acceptance of New
Sulphur Hexafluoride.
NEMA SG-1 - Connectors.
NEMA SG-4 - Alternating Current High-Voltage Circuit Breakers.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Lightning Arresters
ABNT-NBR-5287 - Pra-Raios para Sistema de Distribuio (Pra-Raios de Resistor
ABNT-NBR-5309- Pra-Raios para Sistema de Transmisso e Distribuio - Mtodo
de Ensaio.
ABNT-NBR-5424 - Guia de Aplicao de Pra-Raios de Resistor No-Linear em Sistemas de Potncia.
ANSI-C-62.1 - Surge Arresters for Alternating Current Power Circuits.
CEI-99.1 - Lightning Arresters (Non-Linear Resistor Type Arresters AC Systems).
NEMA LA-1 - Surge Arresters.
Automatic Reclosers
ANSI-C-37.60 - Automatic Circuit Reclosers for Alternating Current Systems.
NEMA SG-13 - Automatic Circuit Reclosers, Automatic Line Secionalizers and OilFilled Capacitor.
ABNT-NBR-5049 - Isoladores de Porcelana ou Vidro para Linhas Areas e Subestaes
de Alta Tenso.
ABNT-NBR-5417 - Tolerncia para Peas de Cermica para Eletrotcnica.
ABNT-NBR-5472 - Isoladores e Buchas - Terminologia.
ABNT-NBR-6248 - Isoladores de Porcelana Tipo Castanha - Padronizao.
ABNT-NBR-6249 - Isoladores de Porcelana ou Vidro Tipo Roldana - Padronizao.
ABNT-NBR-7107 - Cupilha para Conchas de Engates Concha-Bola - Especificao.
ABNT-NBR-7108 - Vnculos de Ferragens Integrantes de Isoladores para Cadeia Padronizao.
ABNT-NBR-7109 - Isolador Tipo Disco - Padronizao.
ABNT-NBR-7110 - Isolador Tipo Pino - Padronizao.
ABNT-NBR-8159 - Ferragens Eletrotcnicas para Redes Areas, Urbanas e Rurais
de Distribuio de Energia Eltrica, Formatos e Tolerncia.
ANSI-C-29.1 - Test Methods for Electrical Power Insulators.
ANSI-C-29.2 - Wet-Process Porcelain Insulator (Suspension Type).
ANSI-C-29.5 - Wet Process Porcelain Insulators - Low Medium Voltage Pin Type.
ANSI-C-29.6 - Wet Process Porcelain Insulators - High Voltage Pin Type.
ANSI-C-29.8 - Wet-Process Porcelain Insulator (Apparatus, Cap and Pin Type).
CEI-120 - Recommendations for Ball and Socket Coupling of String Insulator Units.
CEI-274 - Test on Insulators of Ceramic Material or Glass for Overhead Lines with a
Nominal Voltage greater than 1000 volts.
CEI-305 - Characteristics of String insulator Units of the Cap and Pin Type.
CEI-383 - Test on Insulators of Ceramic Materials or Glass for Overhead Lines with
Rated Voltage Greater than 1000 V.
NEMA 140 - Wet Process Porcelain Insulators (Suspension Type).
ASTM-D-116 - Testing Vitrified Ceramic Materials for Electrical Applications.
Disconnecting Switches
ABNT-NBR-6935 - Seccionador, Chaves de Terra e Aterramento Rpido Especificao.
ABNT-NBR-7571 - Seccionadores - Caractersticas Tcnicas e Dimensionais - Padronizao.
CEI-265 - Dielectric Tests - Correction Factors and Tolerances.
NEMA SG6-31 - Apparatus Insulators for Use with High-Voltage Air Switches.
ASTM-A-36 - Material Quality Control Tests - Carbon Steel Sheets.

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Standard Technical Specifications

ASTM-B-193 - Resistivity of Electrical Conductor Materials.

ASTM-B-236 - Material Quality Control Tests - Aluminum.
ASTM-B-498 - Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors,
Steel Reinforced (ACSR).
ASTM-E-10 - Material Quality Control Tests - Copper.

The CLIENT shall be informed in writing of any doubts which may arise during the
performance of any phase of the Contract due to errors or conflict between related
technical documents.
In these cases the SUPPLIER shall adopt the solution indicated in writing by the CLIENT.

Equipment Acceptance at Factory. The equipment shall be considered accepted if the

final acceptance tests at the factory lead to satisfactory results. In this case, The
ENGINEER shall affix an inspection seal next to the nameplate, and after approving the
packing, shall issue a Certificate of Liberation for the material.
The acceptance of the equipment at the factory by the ENGINEER shall not affect the
conditions in subitem 10 (Provisional and Final Acceptance), and shall not in any way
exempt the SUPPLIER from his responsibilities to furnish the equipment in conformity
with the Contract/Purchase Order, or anull or jeopardize any future claims by the CLIENT
based on equipment which is unsuitable, faulty or in conflict with the Specifications.


Equipment Rejection at Factory. The equipment shall be rejected if, in the course of
inspection, any equipment failure or deficiency in relation to the Specifications and/or
approved drawings is detected.
Equipment rejection shall not exempt the SUPPLIER from its responsibilities regarding
the delivery dates of the equipment.
If, in the CLIENTs opinion, it is determined that the SUPPLIER is incapable of complying
with the requirements of the Specifications, or if the rejection makes the planned
equipment delivery date impracticable, the CLIENT retains the right to cancel all its
obligations and purhase the equipment from another source, the SUPPLIER thus being
considered as breaking the Contract and subject to penalties applicable to the case.


Installation Supervision. In accordance with the Bidding Documents, the CLIENT may
request the services of Erecting Engineers to supervise the assembly, installation, testing
and final inspections of the equipment at jobsite.
The Erecting Engineers shall act as consultants for the CLIENT as regards to practical
methods and required precautions and shall be responsible for alignments, clearances
and other requirements inherent to the equipment installation, as well as providing
guidance to the CLIENT with respect to handling, checking, start-up and other functions
required for the effective installation and operation of the equipment.


Personnel Training. The SUPPLIER shall provide training for the CLIENTs personnel,
providing them with instructions and information to qualify them for operation and
maintenance of the equipment. Training shall be completed 30 days before the normal
start-up of operation or the acceptance tests of the system and/or equipment, and shall
comply with the provisions contained in the following paragraphs.
Training shall be of sufficient scope and duration to ensure the complete preparation of
the personnel responsible for the operation and maintenance of the system and/or

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Standard Technical Specifications

equipment, using instructive facilities as well as equipment or similar units already installed
in order to define and implement the preventative and corrective maintenance programs.
The training shall be comprised of a study of the theory of operation of the equipment,
with an analysis of schematic diagrams, a determination of the instruments and devices
required for adjustment and/or maintenance work, and practical exercises in preventive
and corrective maintenance. An overall understanding of the operation and installation
of the system shall be achieved.
The SUPPLIER shall submit, for approval by the ENGINEER, a general training plan
containing all the specifications of the training to be furnished, including programs,
instruction material, instructors curricula, training locations and other information.
The SUPPLIER shall furnish all the material required for the training process. The CLIENT
will be responsible for the participants travel and lodging expenses, including all related
legal obligations. Travel and lodging expenses of the instructors shall be at the expense
of the SUPPLIER.
Evaluation of the training program criteria shall be established by common accord between
the CLIENT and the SUPPLIER, including the list of participants and the minimum
qualifications required for same, in sufficient time to ensure that training is completed
before the normal operation of the system.

Provisional and Final Acceptance


Provisional Acceptance. General checking and operation tests shall be carried out after
the completion of the installation at the jobsite, in the presence of the ENGINEER.
Once the conditions imposed by the recommended standards and set forth by this
Specification are complied with, and the equipment is put into operation, it shall be
considered delivered and installed and a Provisional Acceptance Certificate will be issued
by the CLIENT, without detriment to the guarantees stipulated in the Bidding Documents.


Final Acceptance. When the guarantee period ends, with no pending Contract item
outstanding, the Contract is terminated and a certificate of FINAL ACCEPTANCE of the
equipment relative to the supply will be issued by the CLIENT.


Packing and Guarantee. The packing of and guarantee for the equipment and spare
parts shall be in accordance with item (S-020258 - Packing).


Payment. Payment for the various items of electrical equipment and materials will be
made as specified in item ______ of the Bidding Documents, Chapter _____ , Volume
________ , which prices shall include the costs of the following:
Performing required designs.
Furnishing drawings, data and Instruction Manuals.
Furnishing equipmentnecessary to perform required tests.
Testing and providing assistance for CLIENT testing as required.
Transporting and storing equipment and material.
Performing all welding and modifying equipment as required.
Painting equipment and materials.
Furnishing all brackets, fastenings, bolts, nuts, lockwashers and other accessories,
as required for mounting or installing electrical equipment and materials.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Furnishing materials for marking assigned designations on all electrical equipment

to be designated. .Furnishing, transporting and handling insulating oil for all electrical
equipment requiring insulating oil.
Furnishing filtering equipment and storage tanks, and filtering insulating oil as
Furnishing spare parts to electrical equipment which require spare parts.
Furnishing to the CLIENT all special tools and appliances supplied by each
Manufacturer for maintenance and adjustment of the Manufacturers equipment.
Providing equipment installation supervision if required.
Providing training to the CLIENTs personnel in operation and maintenance of the
equipment, if required.
Making all control, metering, instrumentation relaying testing and furnishing all
miscellaneous materials which are required for making connections to electrical
equipment. The CONTRACTOR shall estimate the number of connections to be
made to the equipment based on prior knowledge or experience with similar
equipment. No additional compensation will be allowed the CONTRACTOR in the
event that actual connections exceed the number estimated by the CONTRACTOR
at the time of Bidding.



Objective. This Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for

furnishing power transformers, maximum voltage up to 15 kV, three-phase, with two
windings, for outdoor installation.


Nominal Characteristics. The transformer shall have the following nominal characteristics:


Rated Power. The transformer shall be designed and constructed for the continuous
service power specified in the Technical Data Sheets and items ____, _____ and ___ in
the List of Materials.


Rated Voltages. -The rated voltages are the following:

Primary: ......................................................................................... _____ V
Secondary: .................................................................................... _____ V


Taps. The transformer shall be furnished with a no load tap changer on the primary
voltage side. The tap changer shall allow the following voltages: ____ / _____ / _____ /
_____ /_____ kV.


Frequency. The rated frequency shall be 60 Hz.


Windings. The nominal characteristics of the windings shall be as shown in the Table



At 60 Hz, 1 minn
Applied Voltage (kV,



Rated Voltage (kV)

Maximum Voltage kV (rms)


Atmospheric Impulse (kV, crest)
















Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Operating Characteristics. The transformer shall have the following operating



Temperature Rise. The temperature rise allowable limits shall be in accordance with
standard ABNT-NBR-5356.


Overload and Short-Circuit. The transformer shall be designed to withstand short duration
overloads as well as forces caused by short-circuits, in accordance with standard ABNTNBR-5356.
The component equipment such as bushings, changer, etc. shall withstand overloads
corresponding to up to one and one-half times the rated power of the tranformer.


Short-Circuit Impedance. The positive sequence impedance percentage for the transformer
shall be ______ %.


Excitation Current. The excitation current shall be the lowest possible, consistent with
an economic analisis. The no-load excitation current, at rated frequency and voltage,
shall not exceed 1.2% of the rated current. The excitation current with 110% of the
rated voltage shall not exceed 2.5% of the rated current measured at 100% of the rated
frequency and voltage, with the changer in the rated position.
A tolerance of +/- 7.5% of the impedance value at 75o C determined by the tests, in
relation to the specified value, will be allowed.


Cooling. The transformer shall be constructed to operate under natural cooling (selfcooling) with insulating mineral oil.


Operation in Parallel. All the transformers in the same item of the Order shall be designed
to operate in parallel with each other. When the transformer is designed to operate in
parallel with another already existing transformer, the CLIENT shall furnish the
characteristics of the existing transformer.
A transformer is considered suitable to operate in parallel when the number of coils,
voltages, resistances, reactances and grounding connections ratios are suitable for such
operation. The impedance of the tranformer shall agree with those of the transformers
with which it is to operate in parallel, with a maximum difference of 7.5%. This tolerance
is also applicable to the voltage taps with the same ratio of turns.


Connections and Angular Displacement

Connection : wye - delta.
Angular displacement : 30o .
Group (ABNT) : DY1.
Neutral accessible and grounded through grounding resistor.


Manufacturing Characteristics


Design and Construction. The transformer design shall be modern in all respects and
constructed to operate satisfactorily and comply with this Specification. The transformers
shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with approved practices and with
new materials of the best quality, incorporating, when possible, the improvements
indicated by modern technology, even when not explicitly mentioned in this Specification.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The transformer shall be manufactured to withstand transportation by sea or land so

that, upon arrival at its destination, the transformer will be ready to be put into permanent
operation without requiring internal inspection or adjustment.
Whenever possible, the transformer shall be manufactured to permit the interchange of
parts with similar units, including units of different manufacturers.

Tank. The tank shall be constructed to withstand full vacuum at sea level as well as
overpressures resulting from possible internal short-circuits, without leakage or
deformations. Side walls, cover and the bottom of the tank shall be of steel plate of 3
mm minimum thickness.
The cover shall be fixed to the tank with a minimum of eight bolts or undetachable
The tank shall be manufactured (without a breather, to operate hermetically sealed))
(with a breather equipped with a pressure relief valve).
Joints and seams shall be welded where possible. All joints subject to being opened
periodically during operation and/or maintenance shall be designed to permit easy leakproof
The tank shall have a manhole and an inspection port, in accordance with standard
The gasketed joints of the manholes and inspection ports, of the bushings and other
bolted connections, shall be designed to avoid the gaskets being exposed to the weather
and shall be provided with spacers to avoid crushing the gaskets by excessive tightening.
The gaskets shall be protected from rainwater falling on the cover and ponding.


Oil Reservoir. The power transformers shall be furnished with oil reservoirs mounted on
the transformer tank and provided with a special rubber gasket to prevent the oil from
coming in contact with the environment.
The reservoir shall have sufficient volume to allow for an oil temperature variation of 75o
C over the ambient reference temperature. The reservoir shall be strong enough to
safely support the weight of the oil and other forces exerted upon it.


Radiators. The oil shall be cooled by permanent-type radiators mounted on the side of
the transformer. The radiators shall be fastened to the tank by welding.
The radiator walls shall have a minimum thickness of 3 mm for tubing and 1.2 mm for
steel plate construction.


Windings. The transformer windings shall be of copper. The windings shall be designed
and constructed to withstand, without damage, the mechanical and thermal effects
caused by external short-circuits, as specified in subitem 3.
All of the fastening (tigntening) shims of the coils shall be of special permawood type


Core. The core shall be constructed of cold rolled oriented grain laminated steel sheets,
of reduced losses and high permeability. Mechanical means shall be provided to prevent
the loosening of the sheets due to vibration.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The core shall be provided with eyelets or other devices suitable for lifting the core-coils
assembly. For grounding purposes, the core shall be electrically connected to the tank
of the transformer at a single point easily accessible through the inspection port (handhole).
The parts and/or devices for fastening the core/windings shall be such as to avoid the
formation of closed circuits where parasitic currents might occur.

Bushings. The windings terminals, including the neutral, shall exit the tank by means of
oil-proof bushings, impermeable to moisture and unalterable by the normal operating
conditions of the transformer.
The insulation levels of the bushings shall not be lower than the insulation levels of the
windings to which they are connected.
The rated current of each bushing shall be adequate to transmit the rated power of the
transformer as well as the specified overloads and additional power, within the allowable
limits of temperature rise.
The bushings, for each level of insulation, shall comply with this Specification and shall
be designed to withstand momentary arcing or discharge without damage to the sealing
joints or any other part.
The bushings shall be installed on the side of the tank away from the radiators, with the
____ kV bushings on the opposite side of the ____ kV and neutral bushings. The bushings
shall be installed in steel sheet boxes welded to the tank, with openings at the bottom
for cable entrance. The boxes shall be provided with screw-fixed front covers to facilitate
connections and maintenance.


Terminal Connectors. The terminal connectors shall adapt to all of the terminal bushings
and shall be tinned to permit the use of aluminum or copper conductors.
(The transformers shall be furnished with pothead cable terminals for connection of
high voltage insulated cables to the bushings. The potheads shall be suitable for 95 mm2
for the 15 kV cables and ____ mm2 for the 6 kV cable sizes.)
(The dimensions of the high voltage connectors shall correspond to the gages of 6 to 50
mm2 conductors.)
(The terminals of the low voltage bushings shall be of flat bar type with NEMA standard
holes and the line and neutral connectors shall be suitable for the connection of the
conductors specified in the Technical Data Sheets.)


Tap Changer. The alignment device shall preferably be placed next to the nameplate in
a position directly accessible to the operator from ground level. The tap changer shall
have an external position indicator and means of locking it in any position with a padlock.


Insulating Medium. The transformer shall be oil insulated. The oil required for completely
filling the transformer shall be included with the furnished transformer.
The insulating oil shall comply with the requirements of standard CNP-06/85 of the
Conselho Nacional do Petrleo.


External Oil Level Indicator. An external oil level indicator shall be furnished with the
transformer and shall be placed in a visible position on the transformer on the low
voltage side, whenever possible. The indicator shall have reference marks for the minimum,
maximum and at 25o C oil levels.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Safety Valve. The transformers shall be provided with a spring type automatic pressure
relief device for protection against damage caused by a sudden increase in internal
The safety device shall be turned outward so that the discharged oil does not fall on the


Drainage and Filtering of the Insulating Oil. A 2" to 3" diameter drainage valve shall be
provided, installed on the bottom of the tank and equipped with a valve for adapting a
filter-press. This valve shall allow the total drainage of the oil from the tank.
An oil filtering valve shall be provided close to the top of the tank and on the side
opposite the drainage valve. This valve shall have a deflector to prevent oil from dripping
on the windings.


Buchholz Relay. The power transformers shall be provided with oil pressure relays and
Buchholz type gas detectors, with two sets of contacts, one for an alarm, and the
other to disconnect the circuit breaker.


Installation of the Oil Thermometer. A leakproof recess suitable for the installation of a
thermometer shall be provided. The thermometer shall be installed at a point where it
will register the highest temperature of the oil.


Oil Temperature Indicator. The power transformer shall be provided with an oil temperature
indicator, graduated from 0o C to 120o C, with a maximum temperature indicator, and
two adjustable contacts in the range of at least 55o C to 110o C.


Grounding Terminals. For grounding purposes, two flat, smooth, stainless steel plates
suitable for the connection of grounding connectors for 70 to 120 mm2 copper cables
shall be welded to the base of the transformer.


Terminal Box. A weather-proof terminal box shall be furnished, mounted on the tank
and accessible from the ground, which shall contain the transformer controls, alarm and
protection terminal blocks. The terminal box shall have a door provided with a latch and
a Yale type or equivalent lock. The base of the box shall be provided with welded
sleeves for connecting conduits for control cables arriving at the transformer. (The box
shall be removable, to allow moving the transformer without having to disconnect the
attached conduits.)
All control, alarm and transformer protection conductors shall be led to the control box
through rigid steel conduits. All conductors to be used shall be of special type, flexible
copper cable, with a minimum gage of 2.5 mm2, used for controls, with insulation for
600 V, fire-and-water-proof, and shall be identified (by the color of the insulation or) by
unperishable labels attached at the ends. Terminal blocks, accessory terminals and the
wiring shall be visible and easily accessible. The door shall be easy to remove to allow
free access to wiring and terminals. Should the wiring be run behind the panel, the panel
should be mounted on hinges or other device to allow turning it around sufficiently to
allow easy access to the wiring and terminals behind it.


Means for Lifting the Active Part, the Completely Mounted Transformer and the Cover.
Means (lugs, eyelets, hooks, etc.) shall be provided for lifting the completely assembled
transformer, including the oil; means shall also be provided for lifting the active part and
the cover.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Means for Moving the Transformer. The transformers shall be provided with means for
locomotion, such as a base with bi-directional wheels and means for attaching cables
and chains. The base shall also be provided with 4 slots for raising the transformer with
a jack.


Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment. Paint and anti-corrosion treatment shall comply
with the requirements specified in item (S-020248 - Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment).
The paint applied to the internal part of the tank shall be resistant to the effects of the
insulating oil, without contaminating the oil. The external finishing paint shall be light
grey color, ANSI 70, notation Munsell No.5, gloss range 73 to 77.
The transformer frame and all metal parts and hardware subject to corrosive action shall
be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with standards ASTM A-123 and -153, Class C.


Nameplate. The nameplate shall comply with the requirements of subitem 3 of item (S020200 - Electrical Equipment) and shall include the following additional information:
Rated power, in kVA
Rated frequency, in Hz
Rated voltages, in kV
Impedance percentage
Connection diagram
Phase diagram
Type and volume of insulating oil
Basic impulse level




Type Tests. The type tests listed below shall be performed in accordance with the
ABNT standards or equivalent approved technical standards, in the presence of the
Temperature Rise Test.
Impulse Test.
Measurement of the Power Factor of the Insulation.
Noise Level - The noise level produced by the transformer shall not exceed the
limits established in Table 22 of standard ABNT-NBR-5356; the tests shall be
performed in accordance with standard ABNT-NBR-5380.
Radio Influence Voltage Level for rated voltage Test, in accordance with standard


Acceptance and Routine Tests. The tests listed below shall be performed on all of the
units, in accordance with the ABNT standards and in the presence of the ENGINEER.
Electrical resistance of the windings.
Measurement of the transformation ratio at all taps.
Verification of the polarity.
Angular displacement and phase sequence.
Measurement of the no-load losses and of the excitation currents.
Measurement of the losses under load.
Tests with applied induced voltages.
Resistance of the insulation of each winding to ground and between windings,
hot and cold.
Watertightness and pressure resistance.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Voltage applied to the wiring.

Visual and dimensional inspection.
Checking of the adhesion and thickness of the paint.

The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with information in accordance
with the following form, for each transformer Type, Class and Voltage included in the
List of Materials.

Power transformer with two windings, rated power of ________/_______ kVA in _______/
________ cooling type, _____ kV rated primary voltage, with no-load and no-voltage
change-over, with taps of + _______ x _______ % and - _______ x _______ %, secondary
voltage of __________ kV, 60 Hz rated frequency, manufacured by ____________



Rated voltage
(kV, effective)
Maximum voltage
(kV, effective)
Atmospheric impulse withstand voltage, full wave
(kV, crest)
Atmospheric impulse withstand voltage, with chopped wave
(kV, crest)
Withstand voltage, 60 Hz,
1 min. (kV, effective)
Induced voltage
(kV, effective)



Rated withstand voltage at industrial frequency (kV, effective) ...................... kV

Rated atmospheric impulse withstand voltage (crest) ................................... kV


The values listed below shall not be surpassed when measured after the impulse test:
No-Load Losses
Excitation Current
(in % of rated current)
At rated voltage ___________________ W ____________________________ %
At 110% of rated voltage ___________ W ____________________________ %
Tolerance for each unit _____________ W ____________________________ %
Tolerance for the average values
of all units in the Order _____________ W ____________________________ %

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications





OA __________________________

______ x _______






OA __________________________

______ x _______


Tolerance for each unit in the Order ............................................................ %

Tolerance for the difference in the values measured in
any two units in the Order ......................................................................... %

100% 75%
(kVA) (kV) 100% 75% 50%

OA __________________________

______ x _______


Tolerance for each unit in the Order ............................................................ %

Tolerance for the average values of all
the units in the Order ................................................................................ %

Minimum guaranteed values for maximum loss taps, at rated voltage OA of _______ and
windings loaded with _______ kV to _______ kV:

Irrigation Manual



Copyright Bureau of Reclamation



Standard Technical Specifications



100% 80%
(kVA) (kV) 100% 80%

OA __________________________

______ x _______


Tolerance .............................................. _____% _____%





Tenso nominal (kV):

Rated voltage (kV)
Impulse Level (kV, crest) _________________
Rated current (A)
Creepage minimum
distance (mm)
Catalogue reference




Weight .................................................................... kg
Magnetic flux (tesla) ................................................... T
Current density (A/mm2)
Weight (kg)
Copper wire used (mm2)
Weight .................................................................... kg
Dimensions: Length ................................................. mm
Width .................................................................... mm
Height ................................................................... mm
Creepage distance (mm)
Between the phase terminals
of the transformer
Between the phase terminals and
the grounded part of the

Irrigation Manual

Mixing with other manufacturers oil ( ) Yes ( ) No
If Yes, specify:
Total quantity .......................................................................................... 1
Weight ................................................................................................. kg

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Total height ........................................................................................... mm

Height up to the cover ............................................................................ mm
Height for core lifting .............................................................................. mm



Height ................................................................................................... mm
Width .................................................................................................... mm
Length .................................................................................................. mm



Number of crates .........................................................................................

Total weight ........................................................................................... kg
Bulk volume ........................................................................................... m3
Transformer weight shipped with oil .......................................................... kg
Transformer weight shipped with gas ......................................................... kg
Accessories weight shipped separately ....................................................... kg
Number of oil drums: __________ of __________ kg each.


Objective. This Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for

furnishing three-phase power transformers, maximum voltage up to 72.5 kV, with two
windings, for outdoor use.


Nominal Characteristics


Primary-Voltage winding: rated voltage of 69 kV, connected in delta, 69 kV
insulation class, 350 kV impulse level, taps for 72450/70725/69000/67275/65550
V and full insulation.
Secondary-Voltage winding: rated voltage of 13.8 kV or 4.16 kV, connected in
wye, with accessible neutral, 15 kV or 7.2 kV insulation class, impulse level of
110 kV or 60 kV (phase) and 95 kV or 60 kV (neutral), respectively, and full


Power. The specified power shall be the rated power in kVA, under continuous duty, at
the transformer output, under rated secondary voltage and frequency, and the transformer
shall be capable of supplying this power from any tap, without exceeding the temperature
rise limits in subitem 3.1.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

All transformers shall be specified for a given power with natural cooling (self-cooling by
natural circulation of oil). Additional stages of cooling may also be specified, according
to the following table, and the contingency of one of the cooling units going out.

Transformer Power Natural Cooling %

Power Increase Over Natural Cooling kVA

1st. Stage

2nd. Stage






33 1/3

66 2/3


33 1/3

66 2/3

Transformers specified with additional cooling stages, shall be capable of operation

with the power indicated for natural cooling, without the temperature rise exceeding
the values of subitem 3.1, when fans are disconnected.
The first additional transformer cooling stage shall be done by installing fans (to blow air
over the tank and radiators). The second stage may be effected by additional fans and/
or by increasing the battery of radiators.

Voltages. The rated voltages are:

Primary ......................................................................................... ______ V
Secondary .................................................................................... ______ V


Taps. The transformer shall be furnished with no-load tap changers on the primary
voltage side. The tap changer shall allow the following voltages: _____/_____/_____/
_____ kV.


Frequency. The rated frequency shall be 60 Hz.


Operating Characteristics. The transformer shall have the following operating



Temperature Rise. The transformers shall be capable of supplying the continuous rated
powers defined in this Specification without showing an average temperature rise in the
windings greater than 55o C for an ambient air temperature of 40 o C, and a temperature
rise at the hottest point of the windings greater than 65 o C, also taking into consideration
a 5% increase in the rated secondary voltage value, and a power factor greater than or
equal to 0.8.
The transformers shall not exceed the temperature rise limits indicated above, without
load and with secondary voltages 10% above the rated voltages.


Overloads. The transformers shall be designed to withstand daily overloads and shortduration overloads, in compliance with standards ABNT-NBR-5380 and NBR-5416 or
ANSI C57.92.


Rated Voltage Tolerances. The rated voltages of the transformers are considered for
transformers without load. Under these conditions, when applying a rated voltage to a
particular winding, the voltages obtained on the other windings shall be within +/0.5% of their respective rated voltages specified.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Regulation. Regulation shall be guaranteed for a temperature of 75 o C and power factors

of 1.0 and 0.80, and have a maximum tolerance in relation to declared values of +/7.5%.


Impedances. Percentual impedances at 75o C and 60 Hz, are as follows:

20 MVA Transformers: 10.5% at 20 MVA and connected for 69 kV;
15 MVA Transformers: 10.5% at 15 MVA and connected for 69 kV;
10 MVA Transformers: 7.5% at 10 MVA and connected for 69 kV;
5 MVA Transformers: 7.5% at 5 MVA and connected for 69 kV; For these
impedances a tolerance of +/- 7.5% is admissable.
Zero-sequence impedance shall have at least 80% of the impedance value of the positivesequence. Transformers where this does not occur shall be provided with a reactor or
reactors to raise the zero-sequence impedance value to at least this minimum. The
reactors shall have suitable electrical and mechanical characteristics and, preferably, be
located within the transformer tank. The price of the transformer shall include the supply
of these reactors.
If the impedances in the range of taps differ from the impedances at rated voltage, the
percentage of impedance variation for any tap shall not exceed the percentage of
difference between the voltage on this tap and the rated voltage. The impedance variation
between two adjacent taps shall not be greater than twice the percentage of variation
of the voltages between these two taps.
For any tap, should the tested impedance voltage vary by more than 2 1/2 percent of
the impedance voltage tested at rated voltage, the impedance voltage values that do
not meet this limit shall be decreased on the taps above the rated voltage and shall be
increased on the taps below the rated voltage.


Parallel Operation. Two transformers shall be considered to be suitable for parallel

operation when they have the same phase diagram and similar ratios of turns, voltages,
impedances and ground connections.
The impedance of the transformer shall match that of the transformers with which it is
to operate in parallel, with a maximum difference of 7.5%. This tolerance applies also to
the voltage taps with the same ratio of turns.
All transformers pertaining to one same order item shall be designed to operate in
parallel with each other.
When the transformer is designed to operate in parallel with another existing transformer,
the characteristics of this last transformer shall be included in the Bidding Documents.


Short-Circuit Requirements. The transformers shall be able to withstand, without damage,

the mechanical and thermal forces caused by short-circuits at the terminals of any of its
windings, with the rated voltage and frequency held constant at the terminals of the
other windings, providing the maximum effective value of the alternating current
component of the short-circuit current and its duration do not exceed the values specified
Ratio Between the Maximum rms
Value of the AC Component, and the Current of the Windings

Maximum Short-Circuit Duration on the

Transformer Terminals Rated (s)


less than 25

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Dielectric Requirements. All transformers shall be insulated to withstand, with no signs

of deterioration, the induced voltage, rated frequency voltage and impulse voltage testes
applied to the dielectric, in compliance with standards ABNT-NBR-5356 and -5380, or
ANSI C57.12.00 and C57.12.90.
Rated frequency voltage tests applied to the dielectric and impulse voltage tests shall be
conducted in accordance with the following table.
Level Insulation

At Industrial
Frequency (1 minute)

Impulse Tests (Peak Values)

Chopped Wave

Full Wave














Excitation Current. The excitation current shall be as low as possible, and should not
exceed 12 times the current corresponding to the no-load loss at rated voltage and
frequency. The excitation current, at 110% of the rated voltage and at rated frequency,
shall not exceed twice its value at the rated voltage and frequency.


Noise and Radio Influence Level. The design and construction of the transformer shall
be such that the audible sound level does not exceed the values indicated in standards
ABNT-NBR-5336 or NEMA TR-1.
The radio influence levels shall nor exceed the limits indicated in standards ABNT-EB157 or NEMA TR-1.


Angular Displacement and Phase Diagram. Angular displacement shall be 30o with the
low voltages lagging behind the high voltage, as indicated in diagram no. 25, item 10.2,
of standards ABNT-NBR-5336, or Figure no. 2 of ANSI C57.12.00.


Insulating Oil. - The transformers shall be supplied with the required quantity of insulating
oil, plus a 10% reserve, and shall be free from inorganic acids, alkalis and corrosive
compounds, so as to preserve the insulation and conductors.

The SUPPLIER shall guarantee satisfatory performance with any oil, the basic
characteristics of which shall comply with the tests indicated in Table No. 1 Insulating
Oil Characteristics.

Manufacturing Characteristics


Windings. The transformer windings shall be of copper, designed and constructed to

resist, without damage, the effects caused by short-circuits, as specified in item 3.7.
The insulating material shall be for Class 105o C.
All taps on the windings shall be designed for the rated power of the transformer.


Core. The core shall be manufactured of cold-rolled, laminated silicon-steel plates, with
low losses and high permeability, and shall be provided with mechanical means to prevent
loosening of the plates due to vibration.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The core shall be provided with lugs or other suitable devices for hoisting the core-andwindings assembly. For grounding purposes the core shall be electrically connected to
the transformer tank, at an easily accessible point.

Tank. The tank, including the cover, shall be of steel, preferably of a rust-proof steel
alloy, with a minimum thickness of 3mm. All joints and seams shall be carefully welded
to render the tank completely oil-tight throughout the life of the transformer.
The tank shall withstand over-pressures caused by possible internal short-circuits with
no leakage or deformation.
The tank, cover and radiators for all the transformers shall be manufactured to withstand
full internal vacuum pressures at sea-level (maximum 4 mm of mercury) with no apparent
The transformer cover shall be securely fastened to the tank by means of bolts and
provided with suitable oil-tight gaskets. The cover shall not be welded to the tank. The
cover shall be provided with lifting lugs and a manhole with minimum dimensions of 45
cm diameter, or 24 x 40 cm. If there is not sufficient space for a manhole, an inspection
port (handhole) shall be provided, preferably circular in shape, with a minimum diameter
of 12 cm, and if not circular, with a minimum dimension of 10 cm. Non-circular openings
shall have rounded corners.
These openings shall provide quick access to the connections, without affecting the
bushings. All transformer openings shall have guard lips to avoid water accumulating
outside the gaskets.
The transformers shall be supplied with four suitably located supports, at a minimum
distance of 25 cm from ground level, to permit lifting with a hydraulic jack. The tank
shall be provided with hooks to permit lifting and moving the complete transformer
(including the oil) as a unit.
Each transformer shall have a drainage valve, 50.8 mm (2) in diameter, located so as
to allow the complete drainage of the tank and protected from damage by blows and
mishandling. The valve shall be globe-type and fitted with a shut-off valve for receiving
the press-filter and oil-sampling plug.
The transformers shall be provided with an oil-filtering valve located near the top of the
tank, opposite the drainage valve. This valve shall be threaded for a 38.1 mm (1 1/2)
pipe having an outside diameter of 48.3 mm and 11 1/2 threads per inch. The valve
shall be provided with a deflector to prevent oil from dripping on the windings.


Oil Reservoir. The transformers shall be provided with an oil reservoir mounted on the
transformer tank and provided with a special rubber membrane to avoid oil contact with
the environment.
The reservoir shall have sufficient volume for an oil temperature variation of 75o C over
the referenced ambient temperature. The reservoir shall be strong enough to support
the weight of the oil and other forces exerted upon it.
The reservoir shall be provided with an opening to allow internal inspection and cleaning
of the membrane.
The reservoir shall also be provided with the following accessories:

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Standard Technical Specifications

Valves for connecting to the press-filter;

Two collecting wells, located beneath the reservoir at each end and provided with
drainage valves;
Weatherproof breather, protected by a corrosion-proof metal screen. Breathers
shall be filled with silica-gel.
The piping between the transformer and the reservoir shall include two shut-off valves
and flanges between the valves and the transformer tube to permit removal of the
Buchholz relay or to test same without draining the reservoir oil.

Wheels. Wheels for the transformer base shall be provided for movement in two orthogonal
directions, capable of supporting the weight of the completely assembled transformer,
including insulating oil, for movement in the yard. 4.6 Bushings. Bushings shall comply
with the requirements in standards ABNT-NBR-5034 or ANSI C76-1, and have the
following classes of insulation:
Rated primary voltage : 69 kV
Rated secondary voltage : 15 kV or 7.2 kV
Neutral : 15 kV or 7.2 kV
Conductors shall be of high-conductivity copper with cross-sections adequate for the
currents for which they are designed, without exceeding the temperature rise limits
stipulated in the standards.
Terminals for all the windigs, including the neutral terminal, shall be led to the outside of
the tank by means of bushings. Bushings for the same voltage class shall all be identical
and interchangeable among one another and between transformers of the same lot.
Bushings shall be of brown porcelain, completely oil-tight, damp-proof and unaffected
by ambient temperatures.
The 69 kV bushings shall be condensive type, filled with insulating compound or liquid.
Bushings filled with insulating liquid shall have magnetic type oil level indicators, visible
from the ground. Any proposal for supplying compound-filled bushings shall provide
proof that the characteristics of the compound are adequate for the proposed use.
The insulation level of the bushings shall not be below that of the winding taps for
which they are intended.
The 69 kV bushings shall be provided with arcing horns, adjustable in such a manner
that under overload conditions they will discharge before the bushings. The mounting of
these arcing horns shall be such that the bushings and other transformer parts will not
be damaged by discharges across them.
Available gaps and the factory-adjusted gap shall comply with the following table:
GAP Adjustment in Millimeters
Insulation class kV





Factory Adjusted to

The arcing horns shall have electrical discharge characteristics for 60 Hz, dry and wet,
practically equivalent to the standard spark gaps.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Terminal Connectors. The terminal connectors shall be mounted on the heads of the
bushings and should completely seal the bushing. Terminal connectors shall be
dimensioned to permit the passage of the rated current and momentary currents without
damage or excessive heating. The design of the terminal connectors shall be subject to
approval by the CLIENT.
Transformer Capacity (MVA)

HV Bushings

LV Bushings

1/0 a 2/0 MCM

2/0 a 4/0 MCM


1/0 a 400 MCM

2 x 4/0 a 2 x 400 MCM


400 MCM a 636 MCM

2 x 400 MCM a 2 x 636 MCM


400 MCM a 1000 MCM

2 x 400 a 2 x 1000 MCM


Grounding Terminals. Transformers shall be provided with grounding terminals in

compliance with standards ABNT-NBR-5356 or ANSI C-57.12.10, item 7.2.8.


Markings. The windings, terminals and their respective connections shall be identified
by means of markings comprised of numbers and letters, which shall be accurately
shown on the transformer schematic diagram.
The windings terminals shall be marked with the letters H and X.
Letter H is reserved for the higher voltage windings and letter X for lower voltage
windings. These letters shall be accompanied by the numbers 0,1,2,3 etc., to indicate
the neutral terminal and the various phases and taps.
The marking character height shall not be less than 30 mm.


Splices and Connections. All terminal blocks shall have their live parts immersed in oil
and located in such a manner to permit any reconnections to be made through the
inspection opening, upon removal of a limited amount of oil. A minimum quantity of
removable parts shall be provided, so as to practically eliminate the risk of parts becoming
loosened and falling on the windings.


Transformer Cooling. Oil cooling shall be done by removable type radiators mounted on
the side of the transformers and connected with flanges.
Each radiator shall be provided with upper and lower plugs for draining oil. Two-position
(open and closed) oil shut-off valves shall be installed between the tank oil ports and the
radiator coupling flanges, to permit removal of the radiators without the necessity of
draining or lowering the tank oil level. Each valve shall have a clearly visible position
indicator (open and closed). All the valves shall be capable of withstanding the oil
pressure of the full tank without leaking.
For forced ventilation, fans and deflectors shall be supplied, to increase the cooling
effect. The fans shall be protected by means of galvanized steel grating made from bars
with a minimum diameter of 6 mm (1/4).
Characteristics of the power supply for the ventilators are specified in the Technical
Data Sheets.
The fan motors shall be shielded, protected against dust and water sprays, in accordance
with class IP55, defined in standard ABNT-NBR-6146.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Operation of the forced ventilation shall be controlled by the temperature of the oil or
the windings, or manually.
When windings temperature control is specified, a base shall be included, with a recess
for installing the temperature sensor.
When oil temperature control is specified, a base shall be included with a recess for
installing the control thermostat.
The system shall be designed to comply with the stages of forced ventilation described
in subitem 4.12. Even if the transformer is specified to operate initially with only natural
cooling, a provision shall be included for mounting conduits, connection boxes and
terminal boxes, including the supports required for mounting fans.
The cooling system shall be designed with sufficient reserve capacity to permit one of
the fans in any of the banks to be removed from service and still allow the transformer
to operate at its rated power with forced ventilation, without exceeding the allowable
temperature rise.
A system of automatic controls and alarms shall be supplied, including all accessories,
whether or not listed herein.
The circuits shall be designed to permit both manual and remote control. Fans shall be
statically and dynamically balanced.
The proposed system shall be submitted for approval by the CLIENT and shall include at
least the following components:
Banks of fans, with starting switches and devices for overload and short-circuit
Device for phase-failure protection if the motors are three-phase;
Timed protection against undervoltage;
Two-position control switch, Manual-Automatic;
Switch for Local-Remote control;
Supervisory and alarm devices in accordance with the Manufacturers standards
and in compliance with this Specification.

Thermal Supervision. All transformers shall be provided with a dial type thermometer,
with mercury contacts, located in accordance with Manufacturers standards to indicate
temperature at the surface of the oil.
The thermometer shall read temperatures between 20o C and 120o C and shall be provided
with a pointer indicating maximum temperature, and contacts to operate an alarm and
a circuit breaker, with high temperature settings independent from one another.
If the forced ventilation control is by means of oil temperature, the thermometer shall be
provided with contacts for controlling the fans.
Unless otherwise indicated, all transformers shall be provided with a recessed resistor
type temperature sensor on one phase of each winding.
The sensor component shall be adequately insulated from the transformer windings,
and its wiring and terminals shall be insulated for 600 volts.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Sensor component terminals shall be connected to the teminal block in the transformer
terminal box.
The sensors indicated above shall be accompanied by the following test results:
Calibration curve, showing the temperature of the internal part of the heat sensor,
as a function of the current in the element and the oil surface temperature. During
this test the heat sensor shall be immersed in an oil bath, so as to simulate
temperature and circulation conditions in the transformer;
Curves for the current transformers, showing the primary current and the currents
corresponding to the various secondary taps.
Thermometers shall have an accuracy of +/- 1o C throughout the scale and the
transformers shall be provided with an additional recess for the thermometer bulbs, as
well as protectors for the capillary tubes.

Oil Level Indicator. The transformers shall be provided with a magnetic type visible oil
level indicator, with alarm contacts for both high and low levels, and the indicator face
marked with the word Nvel relative to the level at 25 o C. The indicator shall be
mounted on the oil reservoir chamber, in such a position to be visible from the ground.


Buchholz Relay. The transformers shall be provided with oil pressure relays and Buchholz
type gas detectors, with two sets of contacts, one for an alarm, and the other to
disconnect the circuit breaker.


Safety Valve. The transformers shall be provided with a diaphragm-type safety device
for protection against damage caused by a sudden increase in internal pressure. The
device shall be oriented sideways, to the outside of the transformer, to avoid spillage of
vented oil onto the transformer. The diaphragm shall be of glass, bakelite or mica. There
shall be a screen or deflector beneath the diaphragm to prevent particles from coming in
contact with the windings.
A device, provided with an oil level indicator, contacts and oil-filter plug, located above
the diaphragm, shall be included to signal, both local and remote, if rupture of the
diaphragm occurs.


Tap Changers. All transformers shall be provided with rotating, no-load, no-voltage tap
changers, with simultaneous switching for all three phases.
The tap changers shall be of sturdy mechanical and electrical construction, mounted
within the transformer tank, immersed in oil and provided with an external mechanism
for manual operation. The tap changers shall be located on the high-voltage side and
installed at a height of 1000 mm +/- 200 mm.
The tap changers shall be designed and constructed, including the arrangement of
connections and cable terminals, to withstand conditions caused by transient voltages.
The external mechanism shall be protected with a padlock against unauthorized operation,
and shall have a position indicator near the actuator, clearly visible without having to
unlock the padlock.
The positions of the tap changer shall be designated by means of numbers, exactly
corresponding to the voltages indicated on the schematic diagrams. These positions
shall be in low-relief indelible printing with oil-proof paint, in a color that presents a clear
contrast with the surrounding material and can be read in daylight, even when immersed
in insulating oil.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Terminal Box. A weather-proof terminal box shall be furnished, mounted on the tank
and accessible from the ground, which shall contain the transformer control, alarm and
protection terminal blocks. The terminal box shall have a door provided with a latch and
a yale-type or equivalent lock. The base of the box shall be provided with welded
sleeves for connecting conduits for control cables arriving at the transformer. The box
shall be removable to allow moving the transformer without having to disconnect the
attached conduits.
All control, alarm and transformer protection wiring shall be led to the control box
through rigid steel conduit. All wires to be used shall have a minimum gage of 2.5 mm2,
of flexible stranded copper, of the special type used for controls, with insulation for 600
V, fire-and-water-proof, and shall be identified (by the color of the insulation or) by
unperishable labels attached to their ends.
Terminal blocks, accessory terminal and the wiring shall be visible and easily accessible.
The door shall be easy to remove to allow free access to wiring and terminals. Should
the wiring be run behind the panel, this should be mounted on hinges or other devices to
permit it to be turned sufficiently to allow easy access to the wiring and terminals
behind the panel.
The same terminal box may be used for the connections for the power supply and
cooling equipment controls, or another box with the same characteristics may be used.


Gaskets. Due to the rapid deterioration of cork gaskets bonded with lacquer when in
contact with oil, they will not be accepted as gasket material. Gaskets shall be of nitrile
rubber or equivalent. The BIDDER shall indicate the material to be used, certifying that
it is oil-resistant.
The tank, inspection cover and bushings gasket-fitted joints and other bolted connections
shall be designed to avoid the exposure of gaskets to the weather. Joints shall be
provided with spacers to avoid crushing the gaskets by excessive tightning. The joints
shall be water and oil-tight.
The SUPPLIER shall furnish, at no extra cost, tank and cover gaskets to replace those
that cannot be re-used after transportation and assembly.


Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment. Paint and anti-corrosion treatment shall comply
with the requirements specified in item (S-020248 - Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment)
and the following requirements.
The paint applied to the internal part of the tank shall be resistant to the effects of the
insulating oil without contaminating the oil.
The external finishing paint shall be synthetic enamel of light gray color, ANSI 70,
notation Munsell No. 5, gloss range 73 to 77.
The transformer frame and all metal parts and hardware subject to corrosive action shall
be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with standards ASTM A-123 and -153, Class C.


Nameplate. The nameplate shall comply with the requirements of subitem 3 of item (S020200 - Electrical Equipment) and shall include the following additional information:
Rated power, in kVA
Rated frequency, in Hz . Rated voltages, in kV
Impedance percentage

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Connection diagram
Phase diagram
Type and volume of insulating oil
Basic impulse level



Routine Tests. Routine tests, for the purpose of checking the quality and uniformity of
the labor and materials used in manufacturing the transformers, shall be conducted on
all the units in the presence of the ENGINEER.
The methods and equipment used in performing routine tests shall be in accordance
with standards ABNT-NBR-5380 or ANSI C57.12.90.
If any transformer fails or does not satisfy the routine tests, it shall be rejected, and the
SUPPLIER shall correct the faults encountered and submit the unit again to all the
specified tests.
Only transformers that have had all their routine tests duly approved by the ENGINEER
shall be accepted.
The cost of all routine tests and repetitions of same shall be included in the power
transformer price.
The routine tests are the following:
Measurement of the Ohmic Resistance of the Windings.
This test shall be conducted cold, at a temperature of 70o C.
Measurement of the Transformation Ratio on all Taps.
An error of 0.5% shall be permissible in the required ratios, based on primary and
secondary voltages.
Checking of Voltage Vector Diagrams
Measurement of No-Load Losses and Excitation Current.
This test shall be conducted before and after the impulse test. Currents and losses
measured after the impulse test shall be used to check the guarantees.
Measurement of Short-Circuit Losses and Short-Circuit Voltage.
This shall be conducted with full-load current circulation, for the end taps.
Applied Voltage and Induced Voltage.
These tests shall be conducted after the impulse test.
Resistance to Pressure and Tightness.
This tests shall be performed on the complete transformers, with all acessories,
filled with insulating liquid, and after the dielectric tests. The transformers shall
withstand a monometric pressure of 0.5 kgf/cm2 during 36 hours.
Insulation Resistance.
The resistance of the insulation of each winding to ground, and between windings
shall be measured. The Meggers used for these measurements shall have a scale
suitable for reading values of up to 50,000 megaohms, shall be motorized, and
shall be of at least 2,500 V. . Visual and Dimensional Inspection


Type Tests. At the discretion of the CLIENT these tests may be dispensed with, when
reports of the same tests on identical transformers are required to be furnished by the
SUPPLIER. Acceptance of the tests reports by the CLIENT shall be at the SUPPLIERs
risk and cost.
The type tests are the following:

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Temperature Rise Test. The temperature rise test shall be performed in accordance with
standards ABNT-NBR-5380 or ANSI C57.12.90, using the short-circuit method for the
temperature rise in the windings over the oil temperature at the top of the tank.
The temperature of various metal parts of the transformer points near the terminals
shall be measured and recorded, as well as oil temperature differences at the top and
bottom of the transformer.
The temperature rise test shall be conducted with each comutator connected to the tap
corresponding to the maximum loss, and before the impulse test.
The test shall also be performed with the cooling system in operation and with the total
losses and currents corresponding to the power under forced ventilation, with one of
the fans disconnected during the test.


Impulse Tests. Impulse tests shall be conducted in compliance with standard ABNTNBR-5380 or ANSI C57.12.90, in accordance with the following requirements:
No impulse voltage shall be applied to the transformers before the tests officially
witnessed by the Engineer, or without prior approval from same;
The tests shall be applied successively to all the winding terminals to be tested,
unless otherwise specified;
The Buchholz type or pressure relay shall, if possible, be connected;
During the application of impulse voltages, the transformer spark gaps shall be
temporarily removed from the terminals to be tested.
The tests shall be conducted at ambient temperature and in the following sequence,
except for the neutral terminals:
Two reduced full waves;
Two chopped waves;
One full wave;
One reduced full wave;
The following tests shall be applied to the neutral terminals:
One reduced full wave;
Two full waves;
One reduced full wave.
For the reduced wave test, the impulse voltage shall have a form of 1.2 x 50 microseconds
and shall have a crest value between 50 and 70 percent of the full-wave value, without
discharge across the bushings or the gaps of the test equipment. For the chopped wave
tests, the impulse voltage applied shall be chopped at the extremity by a discharge
across an appropriate gap. The crest voltage and discharge time shall not be less than
those required by the ABNT or ANSI standards for the insulation class specified.
For the full-wave tests, the impulse voltage shall have a form of 1.2 x 50 microseconds
and a crest value not less than specified, without discharges across the bushings or the
gaps of the test equipment.
A cathode-ray oscillogram shall be taken of each impulse voltage and current applied to
the transformer, including those applied during preliminary and calibration tests. Cathoderay oscillograms shall be taken of the currents at the grounded terminals of the windings
submitted to reduced waves and full waves.
The test equipment shall include an electro-acoustic detector capable of recording
oscillations and noise in the transformer.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The SUPPLIER shall keep a record of all the impulse voltages applied to the transformer
terminals, including these applied during preliminary and calibration tests, and final tests.
This record shall include the nature of each test, the reference of the oscillograms and
the electro-acoustic detector, calibration of the gaps, connections of all the transformer
terminals, atmospheric conditions, number of waves and voltages applied, curve times,
and a record of any evidence of discharges from gaps, bushings, test circuit protectors,
and any malfunction or fault in the internal and external testing of the transformer.
The impulse test record and drawings of test circuits shall be fully accessible to the
CLIENT at any time.

Radio Influence Test. The radio influence test shall be conducted in compliance with
standards ABNT-NBR-5380 or NEMA TR-1. Levels shall be in accordance with those
specified in subitem 3.12.


Noise Level Test. Noise levels shall comply with those specified in subitem 3.10.


Acceptance Tests. All the routine tests listed in subitem 5.1, as well as the type tests
listed in the Bidding Documents, shall be performed in accordance with subitem 5.2.
The following tests shall also be conducted:
Thickness and adhesion of paint and galvanizing;
Insulating oil tests. Galvanization tests shall be conducted in accordance with
standards ABNT-NBR-6334 or ASTM-A90, A123, A153 and A239.
The acceptance tests shall be conducted in the presence of the ENGINEER, on selected
samples in each group of transformers with the same characteristics.
Except for galvanization tests, sampling shall be conducted on 10% of the number of
units, with a minimum of two units, for each group of transformers presented for
Should any unit fail any of the tests or checks described above, a new sampling, with
twice the number of units shall be selected and submitted to all the acceptance tests.
Any failure of any unit, however, will be cause for rejection of the whole lote.
At the discretion of the CLIENT to avoid excessive delays in delivery of the transformers,
in the case of failure during the second sampling, acceptance of individual transformers
may be undertaken. In this case, all additional inspection costs shall be at the expense
of the SUPPLIER.
In case tests for temperature rise, impulse, radio influence, or noise level are required for
acceptance tests, the sampling for these tests shall be as established in the Bidding

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Insulating oil, type A, naptha base, new, inhibited or not, after contact with the equipment.





Density 20/4 C



Guaranteed Values After

Contact with Equipment


Oil shall be clear and transparent, free from

material in suspension or sedimentation











Cinematic viscosity:
. at 20oC


. A 37.8oC


Flash point



Fluidity point


Neutralization Index
. Colorimetric


. Potenciometric




Interface voltage at 25o C





ASTM color


Water content









Corrosive sulfur



Aniline point


deg. C



Refraction Index at 25 C




Dielectric rigidity



25 (esp.


2.54 mm

2.54 mm)


kV/ 2.03 mm

40 (esp. 2.03 mm)







Power factor at 100o C or

dissipation factor (tg ) at 90o
C Oil after ageing

Oxidation stability at 100o C, ABNT-MB-101

164 h:
- Neutralization Index

CEI 74

. Sludge index


. Interface voltage at 25o C


Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications



The BIDDER shall include in his Bid Data Sheets, information in accordance with the
following form, for each transformer Type, Class and Voltage included in the List of
1 - TYPE

Power transformer with two windings, rated voltage of ________/_______ kVA in _______/
________ cooling rate, rated high voltage of _______ kV with hand operated switch
without load and without voltage, with taps of + _______ x _______ % and - _______ x
_______ %, low voltage of _______ kV with tap to _______ kV, rated requency of 60 Hz,
manufactured by ________________________________________________________.




Rated voltage
(kV, effective)
Maximum voltage
(kV, effective)
Atmospheric impulse withstand voltage,
full wave (kV, crest)
Atmospheric impulse withstand voltage, chopped wave
(kV, crest)
Withstand voltage at 60 Hz, 1 min.
(kV, effective)
Induced voltage
(kV, effective)


Rated withstand voltage at

industrial frequency (kV, effective) ............................................................. kV
Rated atmospheric impulse withstand voltage (crest) ................................... kV


The values below shall not be exceeded when measured after the impulse test:
No Load Losses

Excitation Current
(in % of rated current)


At rated voltage ___________________ W ____________________________ %


At 110% of rated voltage ___________ W ____________________________ %


Tolerance for each unit _____________ W ____________________________ %


Tolerance for the average of the values in all the

units in the order ___________________ W ____________________________ %

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications





OA ___________________________
OA/FA ________________________

______ x _______
______ x _______






OA ___________________________
OA/FA ________________________

______ x _______
______ x _______


Tolerance for each unit in the order .................... %

Tolerance for the difference in the values measured in
any two units in the order .............................. %


100% 75%

OA ___________________________
OA/FA ________________________

______ x _______
______ x _______


Tolerance for each unit in the order .................... %

Tolerance for the average in the values measured in all
the units in the order .................................. %
Minimum guaranteed values for maximum loss taps, at a rated voltage OA of _______ and
windings loaded with _______ kV to _______ kV.








100% 80%

OA ___________________________
OA/FA ________________________

______ x _______ % _________________ %

______ x _______ % _________________ %

Tolerance ......................................._____% _____%

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications













Rated voltage (kV)

Level of impulse
(kV, crest)
Rated current (A)
Minimum creepage
distance (mm)
Catalogue reference





Weight ................................................................................... kg
Magnetic flux (tesla) ................................................................. T
Current density (A/mm2)
Weight (kg)
Copper wire used (mm2)
Weight ................................................................................... kg
Length ................................................................................. mm
Width ................................................................................... mm
Height .................................................................................. mm
Break distance (mm)
Between the phase terminals
of the transformer
Between the phase terminals and the grounded part of the


Permissable to mix with other manufacturers/brands of oil ( ) Yes ( ) No
If yes, specify:
Total quantity ........................................................................... l
Weight ................................................................................... kg



Number of fans ..........................................................................

Rated power of each motor ....................................................... W
Total power used ..................................................................... W
Speed .................................................................................. rpm



Irrigation Manual


Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Resistance _________________ ohm, at _______________ o C.
Number of contacts
Range of adjustments
Capacity of the contacts
alternating current __________________A, __________________V.
direct current _______________________A, __________________V.





Capacity of the contacts
alternating current ________________ A, __________________ V.
direct current _____________________ A, ___________________V.


Number of contacts for alarm
Number of contacts for disconnection
Capacity of the contacts, in permanent use
alternating current ________________ A, __________________ V.
direct current _____________________ A, ___________________V.
Short duration
alternating current ________________ A, ___________________V.
direct current _____________________ A, ___________________V.


Quantity of SILICA-GEL



Included in the scope of supply ( ) Yes ( ) No




Irrigation Manual

Total height .......................................................................... mm

Height up to the cover ........................................................... mm
Height for lifting of core ......................................................... mm

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications



Height .................................................................................. mm
Width ................................................................................... mm
Length ................................................................................. mm



Number of crates b.- Total weight ............................................. kg

Total volume .......................................................................... m 3
Weight of transformer shipped with oil ....................................... kg
Weight of transformer shipped with gas ..................................... kg
Weight of accessories to be shipped separetely ........................... kg
Number of oil barrels __________ of __________ kg each.




Objective. Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for furnishing

induction-type potential transformers, rated frequency 60 Hz, for voltages up to 72.5
kV for (outdoor) (indoor) use.


Nominal Characteristics


Inductive Potential Transformer for 13.8 kV - Measurements

Voltage 13.8 kV (effective)
Maximum operating voltage (phase 5 kV (effective)
to phase)
Frequency 60 Hz
Impulse level, full wave (1.20 x 50 us) 110 kV (crest)
Impulse level, chopped wave (2 us) 130 kV (crest)
Insulation level at industrial frequency
Dry and wet (1 min) 34 kV (effective)
Dry (1 min) on the secondary winding 2.5 kV (effective)
Maximum level of partial discharges at
18 kV (effective) phase-to-phase 10 pC
Minimum leakage line length 345 mm
Thermal power not less than 266 VA
Transformer ratio 120:1
Class of accuracy (ABNT) 0.3-P75:0.6-P200
Voltage factors
1.2 for continuous operating conditions
1.5 during 30 seconds
Temperature rise at 40 o C ambient temperature:
In the winding (measured by resistance) 55o C
In the winding (at the hottest point) 65o C
In the insulating oil (near the top of the oil), if applicable 55o C


Inductive Potential Transformer for 69 kV - Measurements

Voltage 69/ 3 kV (effective)
Maximum operating voltage 72.5/ 3 kV (effective)
Secondary voltages 115/ 3 V (effective) and 115 V (effective)
Frequency 60 Hz

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Atmospheric impulse level, full wave (1.2 x 50 us) 350 kV (crest)

Atmospheric impulse level, chopped wave (3 us) 400 kV (crest)
Insulating level at industrial frequency:
Dry (1 min) 140 kV (effective)
Wet(10 sec.) 140kV (effective)
Dry (1 min) on the secondary windings 2.5 kV (effective) . Maximum level of
radio influence voltage at 46 kV (effective), phase-to-ground 350 uV
Maximum level of partial discharges
at 50 kV (effective), phase-to-ground 10 pC
Start and end phase-to-ground voltage level of the visual corona higher than 46
kV (effective)
Minimum leakage line length 1,668 mm
Voltage factors:
1.2 for continuous operating conditions
1.9 during 30 seconds
Minimum thermal power 1,440 VA
Temperature rise at 40o C ambient temperature:
In the winding (measured by resistance) 55o C
In the winding (at the hottest point) 65o C
In the insulating oil (near the top of the oil) if applicable 55o C
Transformer ratios: 350/600 : 1
Classes of accuracy for all transformer ratios:
Secondary measurement 0.3 ZZ (ANSI) accuracy classes shall be maintained
Voltage limits: 90 to 110% of the rated voltage
Frequency limits: 99 to 101% of the rated frequency for measurement.
Temperature limits: 10 to 50o C
Number of secondary windings
For measurement 01

Operating Characteristics


Temperature Rise. Potential transformers shall be designed to comply with temperature

rise limits specified in standard ABNT-NBR-6855 for class A temperature rise,
considering the maximum ambient temperature of 40o C.


Polarity. Potential transformers polarity shall be subtractive.

The polarity of all windings shall be clearly indicated on the transformer and in all drawings,
including the nameplate.
The polarity indication shall conform with standard ABNT-NBR-6855.


Partial Discharges. Test voltages and maximum admissible levels of partial discharges
are specified in standard ABNT-NBR-8125.


Visual Corona. For potential transformers of maximum voltage up to 72.5 kV, the start
and end phase-to-ground voltage level of the visual corona shall not be less than 46 kV


Radio Influence Voltage. For potential transformers of a maximum voltage up to 72.5

kV, the maximum voltage level of radio influence, at the visual corona start and end
voltage specified in item 2.4 above, shall not exceed 350 uV.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Manufacturing Characteristics


Insulating Medium. Potential transformers of 13.8 kV may be of the dry type or oil
insulated type.
For potential transformers of 69 kV the insultating medium shall be oil.
The insulating oil level of the transformers shall conform with standard ABNT-NBR6855.


Core. The core shall be manufactured of cold rolled, laminated silicon steel plates, with
low losses and high permeability.


Bushings. Bushings shall have physical and electrical characteristics in compliance with
standard ABNT-NBR-5034.


Lifting Device. Transformers shall be provided with lifting eyes or lug type supports of
adequate mechanical strength to support lifting the equipment after complete assembly.


Fastening. Transformers shall be adequate for base mounting on a flat surface.


Primary Terminals and Connectors. Primary terminals shall be of copper or copper alloy,
of high conductivity and shall be completely and uniformly tinned, adequate for bimetallic
The supply shall include primary connectors adequate for the conductor type and crosssection furnished.


Grounding Terminal. Potential transformers shall be provided with a grounding terminal,

including a high conductivity copper alloy connector, adequate for connection of two
bare copper cables, of cross-sections ranging from 50 mm2 to 150 mm2.


Secondary Terminal Box. Secondary terminals of potential transformers shall be

accessible, in a weather and dust-proof metallic box, where all external connections
converge. They shall be provided with 2 (two) holes to box ventilation, in order to avoid
humidity condensation. Such holes shall be provided with a screen to prevent insect
The construction and dimensions of the box shall allow easy maintenance and access to
its components, as well as to external cable connections. The box cover and screwed
plates shall be joined on the corners by neoprene or rubber gaskets in order to avoid
water penetration.
Cables for outdoor connections shall have access to the box through the lower part
with threaded connections for rigid or flexible 1 1/2 IPS gauged metallic conduit.
All connections inside the box shall be made in high quality, impact-resistant terminal
blocks and shall ensure adeaquate connections to the terminals, even when subject to
The terminal blocks shall be moulded type with separators between adjacent terminals.
Blocks in which the terminal fastening bolts enters into direct contact with the cables
which fasten them by spring pressure shall not be permitted.
The outdoor cables cross-section shall range from 2.5 to 6 mm2.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Pressure Relief Device. Transformers of maximum voltage equal to or greater than 38

kV shall be equipped with a safety device to avoid the danger of fragmentation of the
If the furnished equipment does not contain this device, the BIDDER shall describe, in
detail, the equipment behavior in case an internal failure occurs.


Oil-Filled Transformers. Oil insulated potential transformers shall further comply with
the following requirements:
Tank. - The parts of the transformer housing the internal windings and insulations
shall consist of hermetically sealed compartments, designed and manufactured to
prevent the entry of moisture or air, as well as leakage of oil. The compartments
shall be capable of withstanding the full pressure developed in the interior under
specified operating conditions and ambient temperatures.
Oil Filling. - The filling of transformers with insulating oil shall be under vacuum to
avoid retention of moisture and/or air bubble formation in the insulating material.
Expansion Chamber. - An expansion chamber shall be located on the transformer
top to accommodate oil volume variations caused by temperature changes.
Pressurized nitrogen chamber types are permitted, provided that all sealing joints
are lower than the oil level. Preference, however, shall be given to compensation
chambers that work at atmospheric pressure, as long as the insulating material
does not come in contact with air.
Other Requirements. - The furnishing of transformers shall include the oil required
for the first filling, as well as the following accessories:
Oil filling valve;
Plug for oil sample removal;
Oil level gage.


Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment. - Paint and anti-corrosion treatment shall comply
with the requirements specified in item (S-020248 - Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment).

The paint applied to the internal part of the tank shall be resistant to the effects of the
insulating oil, without contaminating the oil. The external finishing paint shall be applied
light grey color, ANSI 70, notation Munsell No.5, gloss range 73 to 77.
The transformer frame and all metal parts and hardware subject to corrosive action shall
be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with standards ASTM A-123 and -153, Class C.

Nameplate. The nameplate shall comply with the requirements of subitem 3 of item (S020200 - Electrical Equipment) and shall include the following information:
Rated power, in kVA
Rated frequency, in Hz
Rated voltages, in kV
Impedance percentage
Connection diagram
Phase diagram
Type and volume of insulating oil
Basic impulse level

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Standard Technical Specifications




Type Tests. Type tests shall be performed according to standards ABNT-NBR-6855 and
-6820, in the presence of the ENGINEER, on one or more units of each voltage transformer
The type tests are:
Ohmic resistance of the windings;
Excitation current and no-load losses;
Short-circuit voltage and losses under load;
Atmospheric impulse withstand voltage;
Temperature rise;
Short-circuit test;
Hot-tightness (special test).


Acceptance Tests. Acceptance tests shall be performed on all units in the List of Materials.
Any unit presenting unsatisfactory results in any test shall be rejected.
Acceptance tests shall be performed in compliance with standards ABNT-NBR-6820
and -8125.
The acceptance tests are:
Induced voltage;
Voltage applied to the dielectric;
Partial discharges (when applicable); . Polarity;
Insulation power factor;
Cold-tightness and mechanical resistance to internal pressure (oil-insulated potential
Insulation resistance measurement;
Visual and dimensional inspection.

The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with information in accordance
with the following form, for each transformer Type, Class and Voltage included in the
List of Materials.
1 - TYPE
(Brief description and catalog reference)


Irrigation Manual

Maximum voltage (effective value) ............................................................. kV

Insulation level:
Rated atmospheric impulse withstand voltage, full wave (crest) ..................... kV
Rated atmospheric impulse withstand voltage, chopped wave (crest) ............. kV
Rated withstand voltage, 60 Hz, 1 minute (effective) ................................. kV
Rated withstand voltage, 60 Hz, 1 minute
(effective value) on the secondary winding ............................................... kV
Group of connections
Number of secondary windings

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Standard Technical Specifications


Nominal ratio (ABNT)

Secondary voltages
Rated load
Accuracy Class (ABNT)
Secondary winding, measurement
Secondary winding, protection
Rated thermal capacity ............................................................................ VA
Simultaneous capacity (when applicable) ................................................... VA
Temperature rise class (ABNT)
(maximum ambient temperature of 40o C)
Partial discharges:
Test voltage .......................................................................................... kV
Maximum partial discharge level .............................................................. pC
m.- Phase-to-ground voltage (effective) for start and end of visual corona:
Start .................................................................................................... kV
End ...................................................................................................... kV
Radio influence voltage
Test voltage .......................................................................................... kV
Maximum radio influence voltage level ...................................................... uV
Insulation power factor p.- Rated frequency ................................................ Hz



For bushings, when applicable, indicate the following characteristics:

Type ........................................................................................................
Manufacturer ............................................................................................
Specific creepage distance ................................................................ mm/kV
Expansion chamber
Yes ( ) No
Type ........................................................................................................
Primary terminal
Type ........................................................................................................
Material ....................................................................................................
Primary connectors
Type ........................................................................................................
Material ....................................................................................................
Manufacturer ............................................................................................
Total weight of the equipment




Objective. This Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for

furnishing single-phase current transformers.


Nominal Characteristics


Current Transformer for 13.8 kV - Measurement or Protection

Voltage 13.8 .......................................................................... kV (effective)
Maximum operating voltage ................................................ 15 kV (effective)
Current ............................................................................. 40,300 or 500 A
Frequency ........................................................................................ 60 Hz
Impulse level, full wave (1.2 x 50 us) ....................................... 110 kV (crest)
Impulse level, chopped wave (2 us) .......................................... 130 kV (crest)

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Standard Technical Specifications

Insulating level at industrial frequency:

Dry and wet (1 min) ........................................................ 34 kV (effective)
Dry (1 min) for secondary windings .................................. 2.5 kV (effective)
Maximum level of partial discharge at
10.5 kV (effective), phase-to-ground ................................................... 10 pC
Minimum leakage path length .......................................................... 345 mm
Thermal current ................................................................. 25 kA (effective)
Dynamic current ............................................................. 62.5 kA (effective)
Thermal factor:
Measurement .................................................................................... 1.0
Protection ......................................................................................... 1.2
Transformer ratios:
As specified in the Technical Data Sheets.
Accuracy class (for all transformer ratios):
Measurement 0.3C12.5-0.6C25 (ABNT)
Protection (ANSI) ............................................................... lp.2 In:2.5 C200
................................................................................ 1.2 =20 In: 10 C200
The maximum secondary current shall be limited to 50 A (effective) at 25 kV (effective)
for any load value, varying from 50 to 100% of the rated accuracy load, for measurement
current transformers.
Temperature rise at ambient temperature of 40o C:
In the winding (measured by resistance) 55o C
In the winding (hottest point) 65o C
In the insulation (near the top of the oil, if applicable) 55o C

Current Transformer for 69 kV - Measurement and Protection

Voltage ......................................................................... 69/3 kV (effective)
Maximum operating voltage ......................................... 72.5/ 3 kV (effective)
Current .......................................................................... 1,200 A (effective)
Frequency ........................................................................................ 60 Hz
Atmospheric impulse level, full wave (1.2x50 us) .......................350 kV (crest)
Atmospheric impulse level, chopped wave (3 us) .......................385 kV (crest)
Insulating level at industrial frequency:
Dry and wet (1 min) ..................................................... 140 kV (effective)
Dry (1 min) for secondary windings ................................ 2.5 kV (effective)
Maximum level of partial discharge at 50 kV (effective),
phase-to-ground ............................................................................... 10 pC
Maximum voltage level of radio influence
at 46 kV (effective), phase-to-ground ................................................ 350 uV
Minimum leakage path length ....................................................... 1,668 mm
Thermal current (1 sec.), relative to the highest
transformation ratio ........................................................... 25 kA (effective)
Dynamic current (2 cycles), relative to the
highest transformation ratio .................................................. 62.5 kA (crest)
Thermal factors
In the primary winding ...................................................................... 1.2
In the secondary winding for measurement .......................................... 1.2
In the secondary winding for protection .............................................. 1.2
Transformer ratios:
Measurement: ............. 100/200/300 x 200/400/600 x 400/800/1,200 : 5 A
Protection: .................. 100/200/300 x 200/400/600 x 400/800/1,200 : 5 A

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Standard Technical Specifications

Number of cores:
For measurment ................................................................................ 01
For protection ................................................................................... 01
Accuracy classes for all transformer ratios:
Core for measurement
Error: 0.3% (lp - 0.1 ln; 1.0 ln; 1.2 ln)
Loads: B-0.5; B-1; B-2 (ANSI)
Note: ln = 100; 200; 300; 400; 600; 800; 1,200 A - Core for protection
Class: C
Loads: B-1; B-2; B-4 (ANSI)
Error: 2.5% (lp = 1.0 ln; 1.2 ln)
Error: 10% (1.2 ln lp 21 ln)
Note: ln = 100; 200; 300; 400; 600; 800; 1,200 A
Response to high currents:
Core for measurement - secondary current limitation:
Maximum secondary current: 50 A (effective)
Charges: B-0.5; B-1; B-2 (ANSI)
Primary current: 21 ln
ln = 1,200 A
To comply with this item, designs using simulated or complementary loads
may be presented, provided that electronic components are not used. This
shall be clearly indicated in the Bid and in the design.
Core for protection - accuracy limit factor: 21
Temperature rise at 40o C ambient temperature:
In the winding (measured by resistance) ............................................. 55o C
In the winding (hottest point) ............................................................ 65 o C
In the insulating oil (near the top of the oil) ......................................... 55 o C

Operating Characteristics


Type. The current transformers shall be Class A, of high impedance, for (indoor) (outdoor)
use, and shall be appropriate for measurement or for protection.


Number of Phases. The transformers shall be single-phase.


Number of Cores. The current transformers shall have _______ core(s). (The single-core
type transformer shall be for (measurement) (protection)) (The transformers with _____
cores shall have one core for measurement and the others for protection, unless otherwise


Rated Frequency. The rated frequency shall be 60 Hz.


Rated Current and Ratios. The rated primary currents and ratios in each current transformer
core shall be as specified in the Technical Data Sheets. The primary currents and the
ratios shall be in compliance with standard ABNT-NBR-6856.
The rated secondary current shall be 5 A.


Rated Loads and Accuracy. Rated loads and accuracy shall be as specified in the Technical
Data Sheets. Specified loads and accuracy shall comply with standard ABNT-NBR-6856.


Rated Thermal Factor. The rated thermal factor shall be as specified in the Technical
Data Sheets.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Rated Thermal Current. The rated thermal current shall be as specified in the Technical
Data Sheets.
3.9 Rated Dynamic Current. - The rated dynamic current shall be 2.5 times the rated
thermal current.


Voltages and Level of Insulaion. The voltages and level of insulation shall be as specified
in the Technical Data Sheets.


Temperature Rise. The current transformers shall be designed to comply with the
temperature rise limits defined in Table 10 of standard ABNT-NBR-6856 for Class A
temperature, over the maximum ambient temperature of 40o C.


Polarity. The polarity of the current transformers shall be subtractive.

Polarities of all the windings shall be clearly marked on the transformers and in all
drawings and diagrams, and also on the nameplate.


Partial Discharges. The maximum level of partial discharges from the current transformers
shall not surpass 10 pC (liquid insulation current transformers) or 50 pC (solid insulation
current transformers), when tested in accordance with the requirements of standard


Visual Corona. The visual corona starting and ending phase-to-ground voltage level, for
transformers of a maximum voltage equal to 72.5 kV, shall not be lower than 46 kV


Radio Influence Voltage. For the transformers of a maximum voltage equal to 72.5 kV,
the radio influence voltage corresponding to the visual corona starting and ending phaseto-ground voltage shall not be greater than 350 uV.


Manufacturing Characteristics


Insulating Medium. Current transformers up to 15 kV maximum voltage, when specified

for indoor use, shall be of the dry type, epoxy-molded.
Current transformers for outdoor use, of a maximum voltage between 15 and 72.5 kV,
oil insulated or of the dry type will be allowed.


Core. The core shall consist of cold-rolled, laminated, silicon steel plates, of reduced
losses and high permeability.


Bushings. Bushing shall comply with the manufacturing and electrical characteristics in
standard ABNT-NBR-5034.


Lifting Device. Current transformers for outdoor use shall have lifting eyelets or lug type
supports, with adequate mechanical strength for lifting the completely assembled


Fastening. The 15 kV maximum voltage current transformers, for indoor use, shall be
appropriate for mounting in any position.

Other transformers shall be appropriate for fastening through the base on a flat surface.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Primary Terminals and Connectors. The primary terminals shall be of high conductivity
copper of copper alloy and shall be fully and uniformly tinned, appropriate for bimetal
The supply shall also include the primary connectors appropriate for the conductor type
and gage specified in the Technical Data Sheets.


Grounding Terminal. The current transformers shall have a grounding terminal, including
a high-conductivity copper alloy connector, adequate for the connection of 2 (two) bare
copper cables with 50 to 150 mm2 gage.


Secondary Terminal Box. Secondary terminals, in current transformers for outdoor use,
shall be accessible and in a weather-and-dust-proof metal box, to which all outdoor
connections shall converge. The box shall be provided with two louvers for ventilation
and to avoid humidity condensation. The louvers shall be provided with screens to
prevent insect access.
The construction and dimensions of the box shall permit easy maintenance and access
to its components as well as connections to outdoor cables. The box door and bolted
plates shall be provided with neoprene or rubber gaskets at the joints to prevent water
The cables for outdoor connection shall have access to the box through its lower part,
with threaded connections for rigid or flexible 1 1/2 IPS gage metal conduits (one inlet
for each secondary core).
All connections inside the box shall be made to high-quality, impact-resistant terminal
blocks, and shall ensure the fastening of terminals, even when they are subject to
Terminal blocks shall be the moulded, with barriers between adjacent terminals. The use
of blocks shall not be permitted where the terminal fastening bolts, in direct contact
with cables, are of the spring-pressure type.
The gage for outdoor cables shall vary between 6 and 25 mm2.


Oil-Insulated Current Transformers. Oil-insulated current transformers shall also comply

with the following requirements:
Tank. Transformer parts which house the windings and internal insulation shall
consist of hermetically sealed compartments, designed and manufactured to avoid
penetration of humidity and air, and also prevent oil leakage. The compartments
shall be capable of withstanding the full pressures developed inside the tank under
specified operating conditions and ambient temperature.
Oil Filling. The transformers shall be filled with insulating oil under vacuum to
prevent humidity retention and the formation of air bubbles in the insulation material.
Expansion Chamber. An expansion chamber shall be furnished for installation on
top of the transformer to compensate oil volume variations caused by temperature
changes. The pressurized nitrogen-type chamber is acceptable provided all sealing
gaskets are below the oil level. Preference shall be given to the compensation
type chamber, which operates at atmospheric pressure, provided contact between
the insulating liquid and the air does not occur.
Pressure Relief Device. Transformers with 72.5 kV voltage shall be provided with
safety devices to prevent the danger of porcelain fragmentation. If the type of
equipment furnished does not include this device, the BIDDER shall describe in

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Standard Technical Specifications

detail how the equipment behaves in the event of the occurrence of an internal
Other Requirements. - Furnishing of the current transformers shall include supply
of the oil required for the first filling, as well as the following accessories:
Oil-filling valve;
Plug for withdrawal of oil sample;
Oil-level gage.

Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment. Paint and anti-corrosion treatment shall comply
with the requirements specified in item (S-020248 - Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment).
The paint applied to the internal part of the tank shall be resistant to the effects of the
insulating oil, without contaminating the oil. The external finishing paint shall be applied
light grey color, ANSI 70, notation Munsell No.5, gloss range 73 to 77.
The transformer frame and all metal parts and hardware subject to corrosive action shall
be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with standards ASTM A-123 and -153, Class C.


Nameplate. The nameplate shall comply with the requirements of subitem 3 of item (S020200 - Electrical Equipment) and shall include the following information:
Rated power, in kVA
Rated frequency, in Hz
Rated voltages, in kV
Impedance percentage
Connection diagram
Phase diagram
Type and volume of insulating oil
Basic impulse level




Type Tests. The type tests shall be performed according to the provisions of standards
ABNT-NBR-6856 AND -6821, in the presence of the ENGINEER on one or more units of
each type of current transformer, as specified in the Bidding Documents. The type tests
Ohmic resistance of windings;
Atmospheric impulse withstand voltage test;
Temperature rise test;
Rated thermal current;
Rated dynamic current;
Watertightness under heat (special test);
Radio influence (curent transformers of maximum voltage equal to or greater than
145 kV).


Acceptance Tests. The acceptance tests shall be performed on all units in the List of
Materials, and units which show unsatisfacotry results in any of the tests shall be
Acceptance tests shall be performed in accordance with standards ABNT-NBR-6821
and -8125. The acceptance tests are:
Induced voltage tests;
Industrial frequency withstand voltage test;

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Standard Technical Specifications

Partial discharges test;

Polarity test;
Accuracy test;
Insulation power factor test;
Test for watertightness under cold conditions and mechanical strength against
internal pressure;
Insulation resistance;
Visual and dimensional inspection.

The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with the information in the
following form, for each transformer Type, Class and Voltage included in the List of
(Brief description and catalog reference)

Maximum voltage (effective value) ............................................................. kV

Insulation level:
Rated atmospheric impulse withstand voltage, (crest value) ......................... kV
Rated atmospheric impulse withstand voltage,
chopped wave (crest value) ..................................................................... kV
Rated withstand voltage, 60 Hz, dry, 1 minute (effective value) .................. kV
Rated withstand voltage, 60 Hz, dry, 1 minute
(effective value) on the secondary winding ............................................... kV
Number of cores for measurement
Number of cores for protection
Primary and secondary currents
Rated ratios
Rated loads
For measurement .................................................................................... VA
For protection ....................................................................................... VA
Accuracy class (ABNT)
For measurement
For protection
Thermal rated factor
Thermal rated current ............................................................................... kA
Dynamic rated current .............................................................................. kA
Rated frequency ...................................................................................... Hz
Temperature rise class (ABNT)
(maximum ambient temperature of 40o C)
Partial discharges
Test voltage .......................................................................................... kV
Maximum partial discharge level .............................................................. pC
Radio influence voltage
Test voltage .......................................................................................... kV
Maximum radio influence voltage level ...................................................... uV

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Standard Technical Specifications


Phase-to-ground voltage level of the visual corona (effective value)

Start .................................................................................................... kV
End ...................................................................................................... kV
Insulation power factor


When applicable, indicatethefollowing characteristics:

Type ........................................................................................................
Manufacturer ............................................................................................
Specific creepage distance ................................................................ mm/kV

Expansion chamber
( ) Yes ( ) No
Type ........................................................................................................
Finishing of metal surfaces
Galvanizing: ( ) Yes ( ) No
Painting : ( ) Yes ( ) No
Total weight of the current transformer kg
Primary terminal
Type ........................................................................................................
Material ....................................................................................................
Primary connectors
Type ........................................................................................................
Material ....................................................................................................
Manufacturer ............................................................................................



Objective. This Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for

furnishing (single-phase) (three-phase), 60 Hz, oil-filled, self-cooled overhead distribution
(and auxiliary services) transformers, for voltages up to 13.8 kV.


Principal Characteristics




Distribution Transformer, 3-Phase, for 13.8 kV System, Primary in Delta, Secondary in

Grounded Wye.
Following are the nominal characteristics of the 3-phase transformer:

Rated Voltage (V)


Tap Voltages (V)

13800/13200/12600 ou

Withstand Voltage, 60 Hz, 1 min (kV)


Impulse Withstand Voltage (kV)


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Standard Technical Specifications

Rated voltage (V)

380/220 ou 400/231

Withstand Voltage, 60 Hz, 1 min (kV)


ImpulseWithstand Voltage(kV)


Frequency (Hz)


Angular Displacement (degrees)


Power (kVA)









Maximum Excitation Current(%)









Maximum No-loadLosses (W)









Maximum Total losses 75o C (W)









D.C. Voltage at 75o C/13,800 V (%)









Note 1:

If requested, the taps may be:

13800- 13200- 12600- 12000- 11400 V or 13800- 13200- 12600- 12000- 11400- 10800- 10200 V.


Distribution Transformer, Single-Phase, for 13.8 kV System.

Following are the nominal characteristics of the single-phase transformer:

Rated Voltage (V)


Tap Voltages (V)

13800/13200/12600 ou

Withstand Voltage, 60 Hz, 1 min (kV)


Impulse Withstand Voltage (kV)


Withstand Voltage, 60 Hz, 1 min (kV)

2 Terminals: 220

ImpulseWithstand Voltage(kV)


Frequency (Hz)


Power (kVA)









Maximum No-load Losses (W)

Maximum Excitation Current(%)










Maximum Total losses 75o C (W)










D.C. Voltage at 75o C/13,800 V (%)










Tenso de C.C a 75oC e Tenso Nominal %










Note 1:
Note 2:


If requested, the transformer may have a single tap.

If requested, the taps for phase/phase transformers shall be:
13800-13200-12600-12000-11400 V or 13800-13200-12600-12000-11400-10800-10200 V

Special Transformers for Auxiliary Services in Substations and Disconnecting Switches

Following are the electrical characteristics of the special transformers:
Voltage - 45 kVA - under continuous operation.
Type of cooling - self-cooling.
Frequency - 60 Hz.
Primary voltages - 14,400/13,800/13,200 V or 4,320/4,160/ 4,000 V.
Primary connection - delta.
Secondary voltages - 380/220 - 220/127 V.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Secondary connection - Wye with accessible tapped neutral

Connection group - DY1.
Impedance - 4.00%, in the 14,400 V position at 60 Hz frequency and 75o C
temperature (Class A - 105o C).
Losses - in compliance with standard ABNT-NBR-5440.
Insulation - 25 kV or 15 kV Class,Applied voltages:
LV Winding - 10 kV at industrial frequency for 1 minute.
HV Winding - 50 kV or 34 kV at industrial frequence for 1 minute.
Rated Atmospheric Impulse Withstand Voltage.
Full wave, 150 kV (crest) or 95 kV (crest) Chopped wave, 165 kV (crest) or
105 kV (crest)
Induced Voltage. The induced voltage test shall be performed in compliance
with standard ABNT-NBR-5356/81 however, with the time corresponding to
application of 2 x 7,200 cycles.
Class of insulation. - The SUPPLIER shall design the transformer to withstand
all the insulation tests corresponding to MAXIMUM VOLTAGE OF THE
EQUIPMENT of 25.8 kV (effective) in accordance with column 1 of Table 16
of standard ABNT-NBR-5356/81, page No. 46.


Operating Characteristics. The operating characteristics of the transformer are the



Operation at Higher than Rated Voltage. The transformers shall be capable of withstanding
an overvoltage of 5% in the secondary winding, without surpassing the temperature
rise limits allowed for operating at rated capacity and a power factor equal to or greater
than 80%. The transformers, operating at no-load, shall withstand an overvoltage of
10% in the secondary winding, without surpassing the temperature rise limits stated
above. 3.2 Temperature Rise. The average temperature rise of the windings above the
ambient temperature shall not exceed 55o C. The transformers shall be designed so that
the temperature rise above the ambient temperature, at the hottest point, will not be
greater than 65o C.


Short-Circuit Characteristics. The transformers shall be capable of withstanding, without

damage, the mechanical and thermal effects caused by short-circuits in the secondary
terminals, with rated voltage applied to the primary terminals, under the following
The value of the symmetrical current (rms) shall be equal to 25 times the basic
current, with a maximum duration of 2 seconds.
The duration of the short-circuit may vary in accordance with the values given in
item 10.1.1 of standard ANSI C.57-12-00.


Manufacturing Characteristics


Positioning and Dimensions. Positioning of the components and principal dimensions:

All components and dimensions of the transformers shall comply with Figures 1
to 5 of Attachment B of standard ABNT-NBR-5440.


Tank. The tank shall have no vents and, therefore, shall operate hermetically sealed.
The tank shall be manufactured to withstand the variation of internal pressures, as well
as its own weight when suspended. The walls of the tank may be rectangular, oval or


Tank Material. The side walls and bottom of the tank shall be of steel plate of 3 mm
minimum thickness.

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Standard Technical Specifications

The radiator walls shall have a minimum thickness of 1.6 mm for tubing and 1.2 mm for
sheet metal.

Cover. The cover shall be molded, of 3 mm minimum thickness steel plate. The cover
shall be attached to the tank by means of at least 8 bolts or non-detachable clamps.


Inspection Port. The cover shall be provided with an inspection port suitably located and
sufficiently large to facilitate inspection and tap changing. The inspection port shall
have a minimum diameter of 12 cm, and the smallest dimension shall not be less than
10 cm.
The inspection port shall be closed by a cover attached to the transformer by at least
four non-detachable bolts or one center bolt. All of the openings in the tank or cover
shall have guard lips to prevent the accumulation and penetration of water inside tank.
4.6 Joint Sealing Material. - The joint sealing material shall be of synthetic rubber with
a minimum thickness of 7 mm, resistant to the chemical action of the oil at a temperature
of 105o C and to the effects of humidity and rays of the sun.


Bushings. The bushings shall be of brown, glazed porcelain with electrical characteristics
compatible with the corresponding windings.
The primary terminal bushings shall be installed on the tank cover and provided with
guard lips to prevent water accumulation. The secondary terminal bushings shall be
installed on the sides of the tank. The bushing attachments shall be internal.


Terminal Connectors. The terminal connectors shall be adaptable to all the bushing
terminals and shall be tin-plated to allow the use of aluminum or copper conductors.
The dimensions of the primary voltage connectors shall correspond to the cross-sections
of the 6 to 50 mm2 conductors. The secondary voltage connectors shall be (dimensioned
in accordance with Tables 10 and 11 of standard ABNT-NBR-5440.) (two No. 50 mm2
gage cables).


Core. The core shall be constructed of cold-rolled, laminated silicon steel plates, with
low losses and high permeability.
Mechanical means shall be provided to prevent loosening of the plates due to vibration.
For grounding purposes, the core shall be electrically connected to the transformer tank
at an easily accessible point.


Windings. The transformer windings shall be of copper designed and constructed to

resist, without damage, the effects caused by short-circuits, as specified in subitem
The insulating material shall be Class 105o C.
All taps on the windings shall be designed for the rated power of the transformers.


Transformer Cooling. The transformers shall be self-cooled, with type B insulating mineral
oil, in accordance with resolution No. 15/81 of CNP, with the specification in accordance
with Technical Regulation CNP 06/Rev. 1.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Drainage Plug. The transformers shall be equipped with a drainage plug of 15 mm

nominal diameter, Whitworth Gas thread, installed on the lower part of the tank wall to
allow total drainage of the oil.


Oil Level Indicator. The transformers shall be provided with an insulation oil level indicator
inside the tank. The indicator shall be marked with an indelible line and the word Nvel
engraved above it, easily visible through an inspection port. The indication shall refer to
the oil level at 25o C.


Tap Changer. The tap changer shall be of the rotary control type with simultaneous
change in the phases, for no-voltage operation, with the internal control visible and
accessible through the inspection port.
Activation of the tap changer shall be effected without the necessity of the operator
coming in contact with the insulating oil, even under the maximum temperature conditions
The minimum dielectrical rigidity of the material of the tap changer system shall be 10
kV/mm, in accordance with the test method established in standard ABNT-NBR-5405.
The positions of the tap changer system shall be marked in low relief letters and painted
with oil-proof paint, in a color that presents a clear contrast with the surrounding material
and can be read in daylight, even when immersed in insulating oil.


Markings. The windings, terminals and their respective connections shall be identified
by means of markings comprised of numbers and letters, which shall be accurately
shown on the transformer schematic diagram.
The windings terminals shall be marked with the letters H and X. Letter H is reserved for
the higher voltage windings and letter X for lower voltage windings. These letters shall
be accompanied by the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3 etc., to indicate the neutral terminal and the
various phases and taps.
The marking character height shall not be less than 30 mm.


Grounding Device. The tank shall be provided with a grounding connector for ___ to
____ mm diameter copper or aluminium conductors, attached by one of the M-12 x 1.75
threaded bolts used for fastening the transformer to the post.


Lifting Lugs. Devices for lifting the transformer shall be provided. These devices shall
consist of lug-type supports of adequate strength, size and shape suitable for lifting and
positioning the complete tranformer. The lifting devices shall have no sharp edges that
may damage the lifting cables or chains of the transformers.


Device for Lifting the Active Part. Devices shall be provided for lifting the active part.
These devices shall consist of lifting eyelets located on the upper part of the core to
keep the unit vertical during lifting.


Support for Fastening to the Post. The transformers shall be provided with two fastening
supports welded to the wall of the tank, in accordance with Figure 6 of Attachment 8 of
standard ABNT-NBR-5440.


Support Structure. The bottom of the transformer shall have a base support that assures
a minimum clear distance of 10 mm between the bottom of the transformer and the
supporting structure.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment. Paint and anti-corrosion treatment shall comply
with the requirements specified in item (S-020248 - Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment).
The paint applied to the internal part of the tank shall be resistant to the effects of the
insulating oil, without contaminating the oil. The external finishing paint shall be applied
light grey color, ANSI 70, notation Munsell No.5, gloss range 73 to 77.
The transformer frame and all metal parts and hardware subject to corrosive action shall
be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with standards ASTM A-123 and -153, Class C.


Nameplate. The nameplate shall comply with the requirements of subitem 3 of item (S020200 - Electrical Equipment) and shall include the following information:
Rated power, in kVA
Rated frequency, in Hz
Rated voltages, in kV
Impedance percentage
Connection diagram
Phase diagram
Type and volume of insulating oil
Basic impulse level




Routine Tests. The routine tests shall be performed on all transformers in the presence
of the ENGINEER. The routine tests are:
Electrical resistance of the windings.
Voltage ratios.
Electrical resistance of the insulation.
Angular displacement.
Phase sequence.
Losses (no-load and under load)
Excitation current.
Short-circuit voltages.
Applied voltages.
Induced voltage.
Dielectrical rigidity of the oil.
Thickness and adhesion of the paint.
Visual and dimensions
These tests shall be performed in accordance with standards ABNT-NBR-5380 or ANSI
C.57-12-90. The tolerances established in these standards shall be complied with.


Type Tests. The following type tests shall be performed in the presence of the ENGINEER,
on one unit of each capacity and voltage class. The type tests are:
Temperature rise
These tests shall be performed in accordance with standards ABNT-NBR-5380 or ANSI

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications



The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with information in accordance
with the following form, for each transformer Type, Class and Voltage included in the
List of Materials:
(Brief description and catalog references)

Excitation current ..................................................................................... %

No-load and full load losses ........................................................................ W
Percent impedance at 75o C and rated voltage .............................................. %
Angular displacement and polarity
(1) Primary winding
Number of turns
Number of coils
Voltage of each coil ................................................................................. V
Wire diameter ....................................................................................... mm
Current density ............................................................................... A/mm2
Total weight of copper ........................................................................... kg
Type of insulation

(2) Secondary winding



Irrigation Manual

Number of turns
Diameter of wire or conductor ................................................................ mm
Current density ............................................................................... A/mm2
Total weight of copper ........................................................................... kg
Type of insulation
Impregnation of the coils
Process used
Insulating material used
Material used
Magnetic density of the silicon steel plate
Process of orientation of the magnetic flux lines
Core weight .......................................................................................... kg
Average temperature rise of the winding over the ambient temperature (taken as
40o C) at full load (using the method of variation of the resistance). ............. o C
Temperature rise at the hottest point of the winding above the ambient temperature
(taken as 40o C) at full load (using the thermometer method). ........................ o C
Plate thicknesses .................................................................................. mm
Fastening of the cover (number of bolts)
Inspection port (dimensions) ................................................................... mm
Fastening means of the top cover (number of bolts)
Anti-corrosion treatment
Surface preparation for painting
Internal paint
External paint

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Standard Technical Specifications


Diameters of the tubing, if applicable ...................................................... mm
Wall thickness ......................................................................................mm
Surface preparation and paint
Current density ................................................................................. A/mm2
Primary and secondary terminal bushings
Layout drawing
Electrical characteristics
Drawings and details
Material used





Objective. This Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for

furnishing Class 15 kV, three-phase autotransformers, oil-filled, self-cooled, 1.5 MVA
current carrying capacity.


Nominal Characteristics


The nominal characteristics of the autotransformer are the following:



Rated Voltage (V)


Tap Voltages (V)


Withstand Voltage, 60 Hz, 1 min (kV)


Impulse Withstand Voltage (kV)


Rated voltage (V)


Withstand Voltage, 60 Hz, 1 min (kV)


ImpulseWithstand Voltage(kV)


Frequency (Hz)


Angular Displacement (degrees)

Power (kVA)



Operating Characteristics. The autotransformers shall be capable of withstanding an

overvoltage of 5% in the secondary winding without exceeding the temperature rise
limits, operating with rated voltage and voltage factor equal to or more than 80%.
When under no-load operation, the autotransformers shall withstand an overvoltage of
10% on the secondary winding, without exceeding the temperature rise limits.


Temperature Rise. The average temperature rise of the windings above the ambient
temperature shall not exceed 55o C.
The autotransformers shall be designed so that the temperature rise, above the ambient
temperature, at the hottest point, shall not be greater than 65o C.
The autotransformer shall be capable of withstanding, without damage, the mechanical
and thermal effects caused by short-circuits in the secondary terminals, with rated
voltage applied at the primary terminals.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Manufacturing Characteristics


Tank. The tank shall be manufactured to withstand the variations of internal pressures,
as well as its own weight when suspended. The walls of the tank may be rectangular,
oval or circular.


Tank Material. The side walls and bottom of the tank shall be of steel plate of 3 mm
minimum thickness.
The radiator walls shall have a minimum thickness of 1.6 mm for tubing and 1.2 mm for
sheet metal.


Cover. The cover shall be molded, of 3 mm minimum thickness steel plate. It shall be
fastened to the tank by means of at least eight bolts or non-detachable clamps.


Inspection Port. The cover shall be provided with an inspection port suitably located and
sufficiently large to facilitate inspection and tap changing.The inspection port shall have
a minimum diameter of 12 cm, and the smallest dimensions shall not be less than 10
The inspection port shall be closed by a cover attached to the autotransformer by at
least four non-detachable bolts, or one center bolt. All of the openings in the tank or the
cover shall have guard lips to avoid accumulation and penetration of water inside the


Joint Sealing Material. The joints sealing material shall be of synthetic rubber with a
minimum thickness of 7 mm, resistant to chemical action of the oil at a temperature of
105o C, and to the effects of humidity and rays of the sun.


Bushings. The bushings shall be of brown, glazed porcelain, with electrical characteristics
compatible with the corresponding windings.
The primary and secondary terminal bushings shall be assembled on the tank cover and
provided with guard lips to avoid accumulation of water. The bushings shall have internal
mounting fixtures.


Terminal Connectors. The terminal connectors shall be adaptable to all the bushing
terminals and shall be tin-plated so as to permit the use of aluminum or copper conductors.
The dimensions of the high voltage connectors shall correspond to the cross-sections of
the 6 to 50 mm2 conductors. The low voltage connectors shall be dimensioned in
accordance with Tables 10 and 11 of standard ABNT-NBR-5440.


Core. The autotransformer core assemblies shall be of the Core-Type, and shall be
constructed of laminated cold-rolled silicon steel plates, with low loss and high
The core mounting hardware, or pediments, shall be isolated from the core and
electrically separated to avoid formation of closed loops. Should there be axial tieing of
pediments by means of vertical metal rods, the rods shall be electrically insulated.
For grounding purposes, the core shall be electrically connected to the autotransformer
tank at an easily accessible point.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Windings. The autotransformer windings shall be of copper, designed and constructed

to resist, without damage, the effects caused by short-circuit.
The windings shall be connected in delta with accessible neutral.
A stabilizer winding in delta shall be designed, adequte for stabilizing the neutral in the
case of unbalanced loads and to suppress the third harmonic voltages. The SUPPLIER
shall be responsible for sizing this latter winding.


Transformer Cooling. The transformer shall be self-cooling, with type B insulating mineral
oil, in accordance with CNP (National Petroleum Council) Resolution No. 15/81,
specification CNP Technical Regulation 06/Rev. 1.


Oil Reservoir. An oil reservoir with sufficient capacity shall be provided to allow for oil
expansion caused by 75o C variation in temperature.
The reservoir shall be provided with oil filling and draining valves, breather with air drier,
and a visual oil level indicator marked with the level corresponding to 25o C, and an
indicator needle showing the maximum temperature reached.


Pressure Relief Device. The pressure relief device shall be adequate for operating at the
maximum allowable overpressure values, with provisions for discharging of insulating
To keep the discharged oil from falling on the autotransformer, the device shall be
discharged to the outside.


Oil Filtering. Two valves with nominal diameters of 25 mm shall be installed, one close
to the top of the tank and the other on the opposite side close to the base, so that it is
possible to drain all the oil. The drainage valve shall be equipped with a cock and plug
for taking samples of the oil.
The filter valve shall be provided with a cock and deflector, to avoid direct flow of the oil
onto the windings.


Tap Changer. The tap changer shall be of the rotary control type with simultaneous
change in the phases, for no-voltage operation, with the internal control visible and
accessible through the inspection port.
Activation of the tap changer shall be effected without the necessity of the operator
coming in contact with the insulating oil, even under the maximum temperature conditions
The minimum dielectrical rigidity of the material of the tap changer system shall be 10
kV/mm, in accordance with the test method established in standard ABNT-NBR-5405.
The positions of the tap changer system shall be marked indelibly in low relief letters
and painted with oil-proof paint, in a color that presents a clear contrast with the
surrounding material and can be read in daylight, even when immersed in insulating oil.


Markings. The windings, terminals and their respective connections shall be identified
by means of markings comprised of numbers and letters, which shall be accurately
shown on the transformer schematic diagram.

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Standard Technical Specifications

The windings terminals shall be marked with the letters H and X. Letter H is reserved for
the high voltage windings and letter X for the low voltage windings. These letters shall
be accompanied by numbers 0, 1, 2, 3 etc., to indicate the neutral terminal and the
various phases and taps.
The marking character height shall not be less than 30 mm.

Grounding Device. The tank shall be provided with a grounding connector for copper
cable, which shall be fixed to the base on the secondary bushings side, aligned with the
H0, X0 bushing.


Lifting Lugs. Devices shall be provided for lifting the autotransformer, consisting of lug
type supports, of adequate strength size, and shape for lifting and positioning the complete
autotransformer. The lifting devices shall have no sharp edges that may damage the
lifting cables or chains, or the autotransformers.


Lifting Device for the Active Part. Lifting devices for the active part shall be provided,
consisting of eyelets located in the upper part of the core, in a manner to maintain the
unit vertical during lifting.


Spark Dischargers. The spark dischargers shall be mounted in such a manner that the
bushings and other parts of the autotransformer shall not be damaged from the occurrence
of a discharge across them.
The spark dischargers shall have electrical discharge characteristics for 60 Hz, dry and
The adjustable spacing between the dischargers shall be between 38 and 115 mm, with
the spacing from the factory set at 75 mm.


Base Support. The autotransformer shall be mounted on a flat surface base. The base
support shall be capable of supporting the weight of the completely assembled
autotransformer and shall be equipped with wheels for movement in two orthogonal


Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment. Paint and anti-corrosion treatment shall comply
with the requirements specified in item (S-020248 - Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment).
The paint applied to the internal part of the tank shall be resistant to the effects of the
insulating oil, without contaminating the oil. The external finishing paint shall be applied
light grey color, ANSI 70, notation Munsell No.5, gloss range 73 to 77.
The autotransformer frame and all metal parts and hardware subject to corrosive action
shall be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with standards ASTM A-123 and -153, Class


Nameplate. The nameplate shall comply with the requirements of subitem 3 of item (S020200 - Electrical Equipment) and shall include the following information:
Rated power, in kVA . Rated frequency, in Hz
Rated voltages, in kV
Impedance percentage
Connection diagram
Phase diagram
Type and volume of insulating oil
Basic impulse level

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Standard Technical Specifications




Routine Tests. The routine tests shall be performed on all autotransformers in the presence
of the ENGINEER. The routine tests are:
Electrical resistance of the windings.
Voltage ratios.
Electrical resistance of the insulation.
Angular displacement.
Phase sequence.
Losses (no-load and under load).
Excitation current.
Short-circuit voltages.
Applied voltage.
Induced voltage.
Dielectrical rigidity of the oil.
Thickness and adherence of the paint
Visual and dimensional.
These tests shall be performed in accordance with standards ABNT-NBR-5380 or ANSI
C.57.12.90. The tolerances established in these standards shall be complied with.


Type Tests. The following type tests shall be performed in the presence of the Engineer,
on one autotransformer of each capacity and voltage class:
Temperature rise
These tests shall be performed in accordance with standards ABNT-NBR-5380 or ANSI

The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with information in accordance
with the following form, for each autotransformer Type, Class and Voltage included in
the List of Materials:
(Brief description and catalog references)

Irrigation Manual

Excitation current ...................................................................................... A

No-load and full load losses ........................................................................ W
Parcial impedance at 75o C and rated voltage ohms
Angular displacement and polarity
Number of turns
Number of coils
Number of coils per phase
Number of coil layers
Voltage of each coil per phase ................................................................... V
Column total height, copper to copper .....................................................mm

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Standard Technical Specifications








Irrigation Manual

Coil inside diameter ............................................................................... mm

Wire or bare copper conductor diameter ..................................................mm
Current density ............................................................................... A/mm2
Coil thickness ....................................................................................... mm
Channel radial dimension, copper to copper .............................................. mm
Copper total weight ............................................................................... kg
Type of insulation
Impregnation of the coils
Process used
Insulating material used
Material used
Magnetic density of the silicon-steel plate
Process of orientation of the magnetic flux lines
Angle of cut of the laminations
Core weight .......................................................................................... kg
Plate thicknesses .................................................................................. mm
Inspection Port (dimensions) ................................................................... mm
Fastening of the top of cover (number of bolts)
Anti-corrosion treatment
Surface preparation for painting
Internal painting
External painting
Diameters of the tubing, if applicable ...................................................... mm
Wall thickness ......................................................................................mm
Surface preparation and paint
Primary and secondary terminal bushings
Basic impulse insulation level of primary bushings ...................................... kV
Basic impulse insulation level of secondary bushings .................................. kV
Layout drawing
Drawings and details
Material used
Range of suitable conductors (copper and aluminium) which can be used
Material used and thickness
Voltage switch
Material used . Safety method
Insulating oil
Type of insulating oil
Dielectric strength
Oil volume for each autotransformer ........................................................... l
Autotransformer drawings
Views with the main dimensions indicated
Shipment data
Gross weight for shipment (including crates) ............................................. kg
Transformer net weight (including oil) ....................................................... kg
Average temperature rise of the winding over the ambient temperature (taken as
40o C) at full load (using the method of variation of the resistance) .............. o C
Temperature rise at the hottest point of the winding over the ambient temperature
(taken as 40o C) at full load (using thermometer method). ............................. o C

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications




Objective. This Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for

furnishing medium voltage, Class 15 kV circuit breakers.


General Conditions. The BIDDERS may offer either the small oil volume circuit breakers
(SOV), the normal oil volume circuit breakers (NOV) or vaccum circuit breakers for the
(type of equipment) circuit(s).
Any alternative different from that stated above will require previous approval by the
The circuit breakers with small oil volume shall have arc extinguishing chambers, at the
upper part, with sufficient space for gas expansion and means for separating the oil
from the gas formed. The expulsion of oil through the exhaust breathers shall be negligible
whenever the circuit breaker interrupts current within its rated breaking capacity.
The circuit breakers control device shall be spring-operated, three-pole type, and shall
have a manual lever loading mechanism (and automatic spring loading mechanism
operated by a standard-type motor). (The mechanism shall be provided with energy
storage for performing at least three successive operations (opening-closing-opening)).
The circuit breakers shall be furnished with insulating oil, or when this is not possible,
nitrogen shall be introduced into the chambers, in which case the oil should be furnished
separately in adequate containers.
All the materials shall be tested for fungus. The insulating material shall receive treatment
to assure the normal life of the equipment under Project operating conditions.
The circuit breakers shall operate at a maximum temperature of 50o C and an altitude
less than 1,000 m.
All the tank external welds shall be continous around the welded contour in order to
avoid gaps between the metal parts.
All the joints with the possibility of being opened shall be designed to allow easy testing
for leaks after reassembling.
The circuit breakers shall have means that allow measurement of the oil level in the
tank. For SOV circuit breakers, means for measuring the oil level at each terminal shall
be provided.
The NOV type circuit breakers covers shall be fastened to the tank through adequate
The circuit breakers shall have a means for pressure relief located at the lower part of
the tank.
The tripping mechanism (rods) shall contain firm adjustments to avoid disregulation.


Nominal Characteristics. The circuit breakers nominal characteristics are:

Rated voltage: 7.2 kV or 15 kV
Rated frequence: 60 Hz
Three-phase symmetrical breaking capacity: 350 MVA (minimum)

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Standard Technical Specifications

Trip device operating voltages: 125 Vdc

Low frequency withstand test voltage: ________
Impulse test voltages: _________
Rated continuous current: _______
Transient recovery voltage: _______
Symmetrical current capability: _______
Short-duration current capability: ______

Operating Characteristics. The circuit breakers operating characteristics are:

Maximum interrupting time or break time: 5 cycles/60 Hz
Sequence of operations: O-C-O
Manual for 15 kV circuit beakers and automatic operation for 7.2 kV circuit breakers
Protective devices:
Trip coil
Maximum current protection by means of primary actuation of 3 direct overcurrent relays or 3 secondary relays through the corresponding current
Under-voltage protection by means of a minimum voltage coil.
Relaying, as shown on the drawings.
The circuit breakers shall be capable of interrupting low magnetizing and inductive currents
of short duration, caused by limited arc and overvoltage.
The maximum and minimum voltages coils command circuit shall be of 220 Vac, 48 Vdc
or 125 Vdc.
The circuit breakers shall be capable of interrupting capacity currents without inducing
prejudical overvoltages.
The circuit breakers shall be furnished with opening tripping rods, overvoltage tripping
rods and duty cycle counter.
The circuit breakers shall have at least two auxiliary NO (normally opened) contacts and
two NC (normally closed) contacts.
The 7.2 kV circuit breakers shall be furnished with a base with wheels.
The bushings shall be located at the upper part of the circuit breaker.
The circuit breaker operation mechanism shall be located in the front panel.
The LOV circuit breakers shall have polyester fiberglass separators that separate the
phases in the interior of the tank. These separators should be coated with insulating
The circuit breakers shall have indicators that permit visual observation of the operation
position (on and off). These indicators shall be mechanical type, located in the front
panel and easily identified.
The bushings shall be made of vitrified porcelain, brown glass with the following
Rated voltage: 15 kV

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Standard Technical Specifications

Rated current: 800 A

Applied voltage, 60 Hz, for 1 min, dry and wet, 60 kV (effective)
Withstand voltage of atmospheric impulse: 95 KV (crest)
External arc distance: 305 mm
Creepage distance: 450 mm
The terminal connectors shall be made of special copper alloy and permit the use of
overcurrent relays with direct action in the bushings on the power source side.
The tank covers sealing gaskets, for the LOV type circuit breakers, shall have shore
hardness of 65 +5. The circular gaskets should be placed in grooves to avoid slippage.
The circuit breakers shall have an appropriate connector, on the tank (NOV) or on the
main supports (SOV), for grounding. The system grounding method shall be subject to
approval by the CLIENT.

Manufacturing Characteristics


Front Panel. The control front panel shall be provided with:

Mechanical signaling of the circuit breaker position (open A on a green surface;
closed F on a red surface);
Signaling of the closing spring position (loaded: yellow color; unloaded: white
Mechanical button for closing - F - on a red surface;
Mechanical button for opening - A - on a green surface;
Handle for loading the circuit breaker closing springs.


Conductive Parts. All of the conducting parts shall comply with the requirements for
currents in normal operation and in short-circuit and the resulting mechanical stresses.
The temperature rise in any part of the circuit breaker shall not exceed the limits
established in the ABNT, CEI or ANSI standards.
The contacts of the main circuit shall be silver coated.
The terminals shall be of the smooth pin type.
The terminal connectors shall be of copper alloy, tinned, Burndy NDR-6734-I type, with
Durlum type alloy bolts, or similar.


Insulating Oil. The insulating oil shall comply with the standards CEI-296 and -296A or
ANSI C59-131.


Accessories. The circuit breakers shall be furnished with the following accessories:
Miscellaneous Devices
Oil level indicator
Drainage valve for each pole or for the tank
Oil removal device for each pole or for the tank
Moisture resistances and thermostate for 220 V, 60 Hz
Grounding Terminals.
Each circuit breaker shall be provided with two grounding terminals on opposite
sides, with connectors for copper cables with cross-sections 25 to 50 mm2.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment. Paint and anti-corrosion treatment shall comply
with the requirements specified in item (S-020248 - Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment).
The paint applied to the internal part of the tank shall be resistant to the effects of the
insulating oil, without contaminating the oil. The external finishing paint shall be applied
light grey color, ANSI 70, notation Munsell No.5, gloss range 73 to 77.
The frame and all metal parts and hardware subject to corrosive action shall be hot-dip
galvanized in accordance with standards ASTM A-123 and -153, Class C.


Nameplate. The nameplate shall comply with the requirements of subitem 3 of item (S020200 - Electrical Equipment) and shall include the following information:
Rated power, in kVA
Rated frequency, in Hz
Rated voltages, in kV
Temperature rise
Connection diagram
Baisc impulse level


Tests. The circuit breakers shall be submitted to tests and inspections by the SUPPLIER
in the presence of the ENGINEER. All the circuit breakers shall be furnished complete
with all parts and accessories, including insulating oil.


Routine tests. - Routine tests shall be performed according to standards CEI 564 and ANSI C37-09. The tests are:
Bushing tests
Watertightness tests
Coil tests
Auxiliary circuit tests
Spacing and mechanical settings tests
Mechanical operation tests
System energy storing tests
Conductivity tests
Withstand tests of secondary and control circuits at industrial frequency voltage
The routine tests shall be performed by the SUPPLIER at the factory or at an approved
laboratory of known technical capacity.
The watertightness and resistence to pressure tests shall be performed by sampling, as
agreed to by the SUPPLIER and the CLIENT.
Type tests. - The type tests are:
Mechanical tests
Dielectric tests
Applied operation impulse tests
Industrial frequency tests - Artificial pollution tests
Partial discharge tests ( when the circuit breaker uses capacitance devices,
for voltage equalization in the interrupting chambers). The method of these
tests if required, shall be proposed by the Manufacturer
Interrrupting and reestablishment of short-circuited current tests
Out-of-phase opening tests
Critical current tests

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Standard Technical Specifications

Interrupting fault voltage test

Short duration withstand current test
Operation tests (opening and closing) of capacitors
Acceptance tests. Acceptance tests results provide the bases for determining
which circuit breakers will be acceptable for shipping. The acceptance tests will
be performed on 10% of the circuit breakers on the List of Materials. The acceptance
tests consist of the following, in addition to the routine tests:
Insulation resistence tests
Dielectric rigidity tests in the insulating oil
Thickness and adherence of the paint.

Should any units fail in any of the tests, one other sample with the same number of
units as the first tests shall be selected and submitted to all the acceptance tests,
however, any failure will cause rejection of the lot.

The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with the information in the
following form, for each Circuit Breaker Type, Class and Voltage included in the List of
(Brief description and catalog reference)


Irrigation Manual

Main circuit
Normal conditions
Tenso mxima ................................................................................... kV
Maximum voltage ................................................................................ kV
Frequency ......................................................................................... Hz
Continuous operation rating current ....................................................... A
Short-circuit conditions by the terminals
Short-circuit symmetrical breaking current ............................................ kA
Short-circuitsymmetrical breaking current under normal reclosing............. kA
Short-circuit symmetrical breaking current under quick reclosing .............. kA
Withstand voltages
Full wave impulse withstand voltage .................................................... kV
60 Hz, 1 minute dry withstand voltage ................................................. kV
Auxiliary control voltage
Circuit breaker closing and opening circuit
Closing circuit voltage .......................................................................... V
Opening circuit voltage ......................................................................... V
Current required for closing the circuit
breakeratthe rated opening circuit voltage ............................................... A
Current required for opening the circuit
breaker attherated opening circuit voltage ............................................... A
Opening coil
Rated voltage ...................................................................................... V
Maximum and minimum voltages required for the operation of the coil ....... V
Rated power ...................................................................................... W
Closing coil
Rated voltage ...................................................................................... V

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Standard Technical Specifications

Maximum and minimum voltages required for

the correct closing of the coil ................................................................ V
Rated power ...................................................................................... W
Auxiliary contacts
Number of contacts normally open
Number of contacts normally closed
Control circuit
Operating times and sequences
Opening time cycles cycles
Break time cycles
Closing time cycles
Make time cycles
Control Motor
Rated voltage ...................................................................................... V
Maximum and minimum permissible voltage ............................................ V
Starting current ................................................................................... A
Full load current .................................................................................. A
Power ............................................................................................... W
Sequence of possible operations without the assistance of external energy
Voltage .................................................................................................. V
Consumption of heaters not controlled by thermostats ................................ W
Consumption of heaters controlled by thermostats ...................................... W
Other characteristics
Performance. - Permissible number of operations before
contact maintenance and change of oil required.
With continuous operation rated current
With the highest short-circuit current able to break by the terminals


Circuit breaker weight without the oil (enclosure excluded) ....................... kg
Circuit breaker oil weight .................................................................... kg
Enclosure weight, including the control mechanism ................................ kg
Weight of the support structure ........................................................... kg
Finish and painting. - Description of the processes and specifications of materials
used for finishing and painting of the circuit breakers.



Irrigation Manual

Rated voltage ........................................................................................ kV
Rated current .......................................................................................... A
Wet withstand voltage at operation frequency ........................................... kV
Dry withstand voltage at operation frequency ............................................ kV
Impulse withstand voltage ...................................................................... kV
Torsionadmissible strengthwhen the load is
appliedtothe bushing external terminal ..................................................... kgf
Means of execution of the power factor test ...................................... (yes/no)
Description of material and of the bushing construction
Measuring equipment

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Standard Technical Specifications


Irrigation Manual

Dimensions ....................................................................................... cm
Scale range ......................................................................................... A
Accuracy ........................................................................................... %
Dimensions ....................................................................................... cm
Scale range ......................................................................................... V
Accuracy ........................................................................................... %
Watt meters
Dimensions ....................................................................................... cm
Scale range ........................................................................................ W
Accuracy ........................................................................................... %
Number of elements
Number of wires
Scale range ..................................................................................... VAr
Dimensions ....................................................................................... cm
Accuracy ........................................................................................... %
Number of elements
Number of wires
Power factor meters
Dimensions ....................................................................................... cm
Scale range
Accuracy ........................................................................................... %
Overcurrent phase relays - Manufacturer
Timed element adjustment range ........................................................... A
Instantaneous element adjustment range ................................................ A
Neutral overcurrent relay
Timed element adjustment range ............................................................. A
Instantaneous element adjustment range .................................................. A
Overvoltage relay
Voltage adjustment range ..................................................................... V
Time adjustment range ......................................................................... S
Blocking relay
Number of contacts normally open
Number of contacts normally closed ...................................................... V
Supply voltage

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications




Objective. This Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for

furnishing 72.5 kV high voltage circuit breakers.


Nominal Characteristics. Rated characteristics of the circuit breakers are as follows:

Rated Voltage: 72.5 kV
Frequency: 60 Hz
Continuous operation current: 1,600 A
Interrupting capacity: 30 kA
Interrupting time: 5 cycles
Impulse withstand voltage, full wave: 325 kV
Dry withstand voltage, 60 Hz,
during 1 minute: 140 kV
Capacitive loads interrupting capacity: 10 A
Inductive loads interrupting capacity: 10 A
The circuit breakers shall withstand short circuit transient recovery votages and interrupt
satisfactorily transformer magnetizing currents, no-load line currents, no-load cable
currents, out-of-phase currents and capacitive currents up to 10 A.
Operation Characteristics. The circuit breakers operating characteristics are as follows:


Operation time:
Interrupting time or break time
Operation sequence
Control circuit and spring loading motor voltages:
Circuit Breaker


72,5 kV

Capacitor relay

115 Vca

Closing coil

115 Vca


220 Vca


Maximum time difference between the instant that the contacts in the three circuit breaker poles close or open
during the closing/opening operation, shall be 0,5 cycle.


Manufacturing Characteristics


Interrupting Units 4.1.1 Small Oil Volume Circuit Breakers. The circuit breakers shall be
provided with an anti-pumping device, with electrical and mechanical free trip. The
circuit breaker shall be free restrike type.
The suppression chambers shall have, in the upper part, sufficient space for the expansion
of the gas and means to separate the oil from the gas that builds up. The discharge of
oil through the exhaust breathers shall be negligible whenever the circuit breaker interrupts
current within its rated interruption capability.


SF6 Gas Circuit Breakers. The circuit breakers shall contain a large quantity of SF6 gas
in order to reduce the amount of gas decomposed by the interruption of the arc.
Filters to absorb gaseous products due to arcing shall be provided.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Overpressure relief devices to eliminate explosion risks shall be provided.

Each circuit breaker shall be provided with a grounded valve to supply gas to reestablish
the pressure without disconnecting the circuit breaker in service.
The circuit breaker shall be provided with an anti-pumpimg device, with electrical and
mechanical free trip. The circuit breaker shall be restrike-free.
The SF6 gas circuit breaker ground insulation shall be separate from the SF6 gas in the
The circuit breakers shall be of the single pressure Puffer type, with low gas pressure,
uniform throughout the chamber. The rated insulation level (with the circuit breaker
open) shall be maintained even when the gas pressure drops below the atmospheric
pressure, without outside exchanges.

Number of Operations. The circuit breakers shall remain operative for at least the number
of operations between maintenances indicated in Table 6 of ANSI C37.06-1971 standard.


Rated Operation Cycle. The circuit breaker shall perform at minimum, the CO-15S-CO


Activation System-Number of Operations without Reloading. The activation system shall

perform no less than three CO cycles (except circuit breakers with spring activation




Types. Three enclosures shall be furnished for each circuit breaker:

Enclosure 1 - Mechanical Control Enclosure. This enclosure houses the mechanical
controls (springs, motor, contacts activation mechanism,etc.), mechanical signaling,
manual operation, spring loading device, etc.
Enclosure 2 - Control and Protection Enclosure. Protection, signaling and electrical
control devices shall be installed in this enclosure.
Enclosure 3 - Metering Enclosure. Metering instrument shall be installed in this


Construction. Enclosures shall be of rigid construction, made of thick steel plate, water,
dust and insect-proof and protection against any other agents that may cause damage.
Enclosures shall be of sufficient size to facilitate inspection services, repair or replacement
of the components and shall be installed in a convenient position, at a height which
allows the operator to have easy access to the equipment, when standing on the ground.
Access to the enclosures shall be through a front door and, if possible, also through a
side door. The doors shall be easily removable and provided with safety locks.
Each enclosure shall be provided with air vents with screens, to allow continuous air
circulation. These air vents shall be located on the upper and lower parts of the enclosure
and shall have a minimum area of 100 cm2. The screens shall be of brass or stainless
Each enclosure shall be provided with an incandescent lamp for illumination, with normal
thread and receptacles and with a limit switch.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Each enclosure shall have a cable opening located at the bottom, closed with a bolted
plate. This opening shall have dimensions adequate for entrance of control cables as
well as reserve cables.

Control Devices. All controls shall be individual.

The following control devices shall be furnished with each circuit breaker:
Three-pole reset mechanism, motor-load spring type (Enclosure 1);
Pistol type operating switch, for the circuit breaker opening and closing operations
(Enclosure 2);
Mechanical control, for the circuit breaker opening and closing operations, protected
against accidental operation, and slow closing device, for inspection of the contacts
(Enclosure 1);
Blocking switch. This switch shall not be electrically connected with the relays
furnished with the circuit breaker. A reset control mechanism shall be provided
with motor-operated automatic energy storage and lever operated manual storage.
The blocking switch shall be installed at the front of the control and protection enclosure
The circuit breakers shall be capable of performing, as a minimum, the successive opening
and closing operations indicated in standards ABNT-NBR-7118, CEI-56 or ANSI C37.12.


Signaling and Control Devices. The following signaling and control devices shall be
furnished for each circuit breaker:
Trip free;
Anti-pumping device;
Signaling lamps, located above the operating switch or push buttons, to indicate
if the circuit breaker is on (red lamp) or off (green lamp);
Mechanical setting, readily visible, for the indication of:
Circuit breaker open (green indication) or closed (red indication);
Spring loaded or not loaded.
Operations counter, readily visible.
Spare auxiliary contacts (five normally-open and five normally-closed).
Capacitor trip device
The capacitor trip device shall have a 115 Vac supply voltage, operating even if supplied
with 70% of rated voltage and retaining sufficient energy for operation for 45 seconds
after the power supply stops, even if supplied with 70% of the rated voltage.


Protection and control enclosure panel (Enclosure 2). - The following devices
shall be installed on this panel:
Push button or operating switch.
Blocking switch.
Signaling lamps.
Capacitor relay provided with test switch, with signaling.

Irrigation Manual

___ phase overcurrent relays, inverse time directional (type IRV-8,

Westinghouse or similar), with instantaneous unit.

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Standard Technical Specifications

_____ neutral overcurrent relay, very inverse time directional (type

IRV-9, Westinghouse or similar), with instantaneous unit.
_____ overvoltage relay (this relay shall not require auxiliare supply
in DC).

Note : The tap ranges shall be defined in the Technical Data Sheets
Metering enclosure panel (Enclosure 3) The following instruments shall be installed
on this panel:
____ electronic voltmeter(s), accuracy class 0.5 with 3 1/2 digits, with
independent power supplies for metering and supply to its circuits, with 4position commutation switch, scale 0-75 kV, with power supplied by a PT
with 69,000 - 115 V ratio.
____ ammeters, 99 mm diameter, 270o dial, unaffected by temperature variation
(65o C maximum) taud-band suspension type and anti-static glass, accuracy
class 1.5 with scale 0-7.5 A.
____ three-phase wattmeter(s), 99 mm diameter, 270o dial, unaffected by
temperature variation (65o C maximum),taud-band suspension type, scale
0-12 MW, with power supplied by 69,000 - 115 V PTs and 100-5 A CTs.
____ three-phase variometer(s), 99 mm diameter, 270o dial, unaffected by
temperature variarion (65o C maximum), taud-band suspension type, scale
0-12 MVAr, with power supplied by 69,000 - 115 V PTs and 100-5 A CTs.
____ power factor meter(s), 99 mm diameter, 270o dial, unaffected by
temperature variation (65o C maximum), scale 1:0 (inductive) - 0-1.0
(capacitive), with power supplied by 69,000 - 115 V PTs and 100-5 A CTs.


Disconnecting Switches. The alternating current supply of the control circuits shall be
disconnectable by means of knife-switches, installed in the enclosure or in other visible
disconnecting device.
The motor connecting and disconnecting circuits and heater and thermostat circuits
shall each be protected by thermo-magnetic circuit breakers installed in molded boxes.


Fuses. The sub-circuits located in the control circuits shall be protected by fuses, clearly
identifiable, installed in a protected area of easy access.


Thermostats and Heaters. Thermostats and heaters required for maintenance of the
enclosures, during normal service operations, shall be furnished. Each circuit breaker
shall have a circuit exclusively for the power supply to the heaters and thermostats. The
voltage for this circuit shall be 220 Vac.


Wiring. Splices or taps in the wires shall not be permitted. The conductors shall be of
stranded copper cables, insulated for 600 V with nonflammable material, minimum
cross-section of 4 mm2, for current transformer secondary circuits, and 2.5 mm2 crosssection for the remaining circuits.
Connections outside the enclosures shall be made by terminal strips.
Each terminal strip shall have 20% spare terminals, with a minimum of four.
Terminals for external connections shall be suitable for stranded copper conductors of 6
mm2 cross-sectional area.
Not more than three wires shall be connected to each terminal. Groups of wires may be
tied with reusable plastic straps or with metal corrosion-proof wires covered with plastic

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Standard Technical Specifications

material. String or tape will not be accepted. All wiring shall be securely fastened to the
steel frame by means of adequate clamps except where there are passages for
wires.Proper means shall be provided to firmly fasten all external connection wiring. All
control cables shall enter through the bottom of the enclosure unless otherwise specified.
Terminal strips, terminals and wiring shall be visible and have easy access. The terminal
strips shall be individualized by letters and the wires by numbers.

Conductors. All conductors shall comply with requirements related to currents in normal
operation, in short-circuit, and to the resulting mechanical forces. Temperature rise at
any part of the circuit breaker shall not exceed the limits established in the ABNT, CEI or
ANSI Standards.
Contacts in the main circuit shall be silver-plated.
The terminals shall be of the plain pin type.
The terminal connectors shall be of copper alloy, tinned, Burndy type NBR-6734-T, with
Durlum-type alloy or similar connecting bolts.


Insulating Parts


Bushings. Circuit breaker bushings shall meet the requirements of the ABNT-NBR-5034,
CEI-137 or ANSI-C76.1 standards.


Oil. Insulating oil shall be in accordance with the CEI 296, 296A or ANSI C59-131


SF6 Gas. In the SF6 gas circuit breakers, the gas shall be in accordance with the CEI376, -376-A and -376-B standards.


Support Structure. The circuit breakers shall have all three poles mounted on a single
All support structures shall be designed to withstand impact forces resulting from the
system operation without causing excessive vibrations.
Each support structure shall be provided with two ground terminals, at opposite sides,
for copper cables with cross-sectional area of up to 70 mm2. 4.6 Accessories


Miscellaneous Devices

Oil level indicator;

Oil drain valve or valves (one to drain the lower part of the pole and, if possible,
one to drain the oil of the suppression chamber);
Oil filling plug.

Spark Dischargers. The circuit breakers with voltage equal to or higher than 69 kV shall
be provided with spark discharges to avoid external discharges.


Ground Terminals. Each circuit breaker shall be provided with two ground terminals, at
opposite sides, with connectors for copper cables with cross-sectional area of up to 70

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Standard Technical Specifications


Time Travel Devices. Provision shall be made for temporary installation of time travel
devices in the circuit breakers.


Relays. Relays shall be of the plug-in type and have devices to allow testing without
having to disconnect them from the circuit.
Relays shall be provided with the required settings. The positions of all setting points,
normally used to regulate the relays, shall be readily determined without removing the
relays from their cases.
Each relay shall be provided with an indicator in series with each trip circuit. All indicators
shall be electrically operated, unless mechanically operated indicators are specifically
indicated for the relay in question. An indicator shall be furnished for each separate unit
of the relay, such as instantaneous or delayed trip. The indicators shall be red for
instantaneous operation, and yellow for delayed operation. All relay units shall have
their terminals connected to separate pins. The indicators shall be of the replaceable
type, without requiring removal of the relay cover.
Relays shall be provided with a device to permit their removal from the panel, without
disconnecting the circuit breaker or interrupting the circuit current.
The relays to be furnished are listed in item 2.2.5.


Metering Instruments. The metering instruments described in item 4.2.5 shall have
scales on a white base, black marking and dull black finish.


Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment. Paint and anti-corrosion treatment shall comply
with the requirements specified in item (S-020248 - Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment).
The paint applied to the internal part of the tank shall be resistant to the effects of the
insulating oil, without contaminating the oil. The external finishing paint shall be applied
light grey color, ANSI 70, notation Munsell No.5, gloss range 73 to 77.
The frame and all metal parts and hardware subject to corrosive action shall be hot-dip
galvanized in accordance with standards ASTM A-123 and -153, Class C.


Nameplate. The nameplate shall comply with the requirements of subitem 3 of item (S020200 - Electrical Equipment) and shall include the following additional information:
Rated power, in kVA
Rated frequency, in Hz
Rated voltages, in kV
Temperature rise
Connection diagram
Basic impulse level




Type Tests. The purpose of the type tests is to verify whether a particular type or circuit
breaker, style or model is cabaple of operating satisfactorily under the specified conditions.
The type tests are those specified in the ABNT-NBR-7118, CEI-56-4 or ANSI C.37.09
standards. The radio influence voltage tests stated in the NEMA No. SG-4 standard shall
be added to the type tests. These tests shall be performed as indicated in the applicable

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Standard Technical Specifications

The type tests shall be performed by the SUPPLIER on one unit for each type and model
in the List of Materials, and need not be repeated on other like units manufactured
thereafter, except when the tests are considered as routine or acceptance tests.
The type tests may be dispensed if one of the following conditions is satisfied:
The existence of prototype tests and results already approved by the CLIENT;
The existence of prototype tests and results approved by an official Federal Agency
or Department;
The submittal, by the SUPPLIER, of complete original reports of tests performed
in the presence of a representative of a nationally known purchasing company,
with all data (methods, instruments, test circuits, etc.) required for a complete
analysis and understanding of the data, subject to approval by the CLIENT.
Waiving of tests by the CLIENT shall only be valid if made in writing.

Routine Tests. The purpose of routine tests is to verify the quality and uniformity of
workmanship and of the materials used in manufacturing the circuit breakers.
The routine tests are as follows:
Watertightness tests according to item 09.05.5 of standard ANSI C37.09;
Resistors and coils tests according to item 09.05.8 of standards ANSI C37.09;
Dimensions and visual inspection;
Control and secondary wiring verification according to item 09.05.9 of standard
ANSI C37.09;
Clearance and mechanical adjustment verification according to item 09.05.10 of
standard ANSI C37.09;
Timing tests according to item 09.05.12 of standard ANSI C37.09;
Stored energy system tests according to item 09.05.13 of standard ANSI C37.09;
Mechanical operation tests according to item 6.2.5 of ABNT-NBR-7118, item 23
of CEI-56.4 or item 09.05.11 of ANSI C37.09 standards;
Main circuit electrical resistance test according to item 6.2.4 of ABNT-NBR-7118,
item 22 of CEI-56.4 or item 09.05.14 of ANSI C37.09 standards;
60 Hz, dry, applied voltage test on primary circuit components according to item
6.2.2 of ABNT-NBR-7118, item 20 of CEI-56.4 or item 09.05.15 of ANSI C37.09
60 Hz, dry, applied voltage test on control and secondary wiring according to item
6.2.3 of ABNT-NBR-7118, item 21 of CEI-56.4 or item 09.05.16 of ANSI C37.09
Bushing potential device test according to item SG4-4.03 of standard NEMA No.
Gas receiver tests, if applicable, according to item 9.5.4 of standard ANSI C37.09;
Routine tests shall be performed by the SUPPLIER on all high voltage circuit breakers in
the List of Materials.


Acceptance Tests. The purpose of the acceptance tests is to prove the results of routine
tests carried out by the SUPPLIER and to verify the circuit breakers general condition
before shipment.
The acceptance tests include the routine tests plus impulse, temperature rise and
galvanization tests.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Impulse and temperature rise tests shall be performed as acceptance tests on one unit
per lot.
Temperature rise, impulse and galvanization tests shall be performed in accordance
with the following paraghaphs. The other tests shall be performed according to item
The temperature rise test shall be performed in accordance with item 6.1.3 of standard
ANBT-NBR-7118, item 3 of standard CEI-56.4, or item 09.4.4 of standard ANSI C37.09.
The impulse test shall be performed in accordance with item of standard ANBTNBR-7118, item 4 of standard CEI-56.4 or item of standard ANSI C37.09.
Galvanization of steel members, plates and non-threaded parts of bolts and nuts have a
minimum thickness of 70 micra.
The galvanization tests shall be performed on galvanized hardware pertaining to one of
the circuit breakers submitted for inspection.
Acceptance tests shall be performed on all the high voltage circuit breakers in the List of
Materials except temperature rise, impulse and galvanization tests.
Remark: The metering instruments and relays which are part of the equipment supply,
shall be submitted separately for operation and calibration tests. If these tests are
dispensed with by the CLIENT, the SUPPLIER shall present Approval Certificates for the
referred equipment. For purposes of approval by the CLIENT, the Certificates shall be
accompanied by test reports performed in prototypes, in accordance with applicable
ABNT, CEI or ANSI standards.

The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with the information in the
following form, for each Type, Class and Model of circuit breakers in the List of Materials.
(Brief description of the equipment and catalog reference)
a.- Main Circuit
Normal conditions
Voltage (maximum) ............................................................................ kV
Frequency ......................................................................................... Hz
Continuous operation rated current ........................................................ A
Short-circuit conditions by the terminals
Short-circuit symmetrical interrupting current under normal
reclosing (O-3 min. CO-3 min.-CO) ....................................................... kA
Short-circuit symmetrical interrupting currentunder normal
reclosing (CO-15s-CO) ........................................................................ kA
Short-circuit symmetrical interrupting current at quick
reclosing (O-O, 3 s - CO-3 MIN -CO) .................................................... kA
Short-circuit symmetrical interrupting current in the specified sequence .... kA
Short-circuit making current ................................................................ kA
Closing and latching capacity current ................................................... kA

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Standard Technical Specifications

Transient recovery voltage* ................................................................ kV

Voltage rise ratio* ......................................................................... kV/us
Note: The values in the items * and * shall be verified in accordance with Table VA
of standard CEI-56-2, item 7.



Irrigation Manual

Withstand voltages
Full wave impulse withstand voltage .................................................... kV
60 Hz, 1 min, dry withstand voltage .................................................... kV
Special Conditions
Conductors no-load interrupting current .................................................. A
Transformers no-load interrupting current ............................................... A
Cables no-load interrupting current ........................................................ A
Phase difference interrupting current ...................................................... A
Capacitance interruping current ............................................................. A
Auxiliary and control circuit
Circuit breaker closing and opening circuit:
Closing and latching circuit voltage ........................................................ V
Opening circuit voltage ......................................................................... V
Currentrequired for closing the circuit breaker under the rated
opening circuit voltage ......................................................................... A
Currentrequired for opening the circuit breaker underthe rated
opening circuit voltage ......................................................................... A
Opening coil
Rated voltage ...................................................................................... V
Maximumand minimum voltages required for the
correctoperation of the coil ................................................................... V
Rated power ...................................................................................... W
Closing Coil:
Rated voltage ...................................................................................... V
Maximumandminimum voltages required for the
correct operation of the coil .................................................................. V
Rated power ...................................................................................... W
Trip device per capacitor
Input voltage ....................................................................................... V
Output voltage .................................................................................... V
Loading time ....................................................................................... s
Auxiliary contacts
Number of contacts normally open
Number of contacts normally closed
Control Circuit
Operations time and sequence:
Opening cycle .............................................................................. cycles
Break time ................................................................................... cycles
Closing time cycles
Make time cycles
Control motor
Rated voltage ...................................................................................... V
Maximum and minimum permissible voltages V - Starting current .............. A
Full load current .................................................................................. A
Power ............................................................................................... W
Sequence of possible operation withoutexternal energy
Maximumrequired timefor energy storage at:
Motor rated voltage ............................................................................. s
Motor minimum voltage ........................................................................ s

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Standard Technical Specifications



Heater (s)
Voltage .................................................................................................. V
Power consumptionnot controlled by thermostats ....................................... W
Power consumption controlledby thermostats ............................................ W
Other Characteristics
Noise level ........................................................................................ dB
Radio-noise voltage level ..................................................................... uV
Permissible number of operations before maintenance ofcontacts
and change of oil is required.
With continuous rated current
With highest short-circuit current capable to break the terminals




Construction details
All circuit breakers
Number of devices in series per pole
Maximum time between opening of the first and last pole ......................... s
Maximum time between closing of the firstandlast pole ............................ s
Force on the base due to operation of the circuit breaker ....................... kgf
SF6 circuit breakers
Normal gas pressure of the circuit breaker ..................................... kgf/cm2
Minimum gas pressure ................................................................ kgf/cm2
Maximum gas pressure ................................................................ kgf/cm 2
Operation pressure of the circuit breakers ...................................... kgf/cm2
Low pressure alarm device ........................................................... (yes/no)
Provision to prevent closing the circuit breaker
in the occurence of low pressure .................................................. (yes/no)
Circuit breakers to be furnished are of the Puffer-type .................. (yes/no)
Total capacity of the circuit breaker tanks .......................................... cm3
SF6 annual consumption per circuit breaker ........................................ cm3
Minimum distance between poles ...........................................................mm
Minimum distance to ground .................................................................. mm
Weight of circuit breaker without oil (enclosure excluded) ....................... kg
Weight of oil ..................................................................................... kg
Enclosure weight, including the control mechanism ................................ kg
Weight of support structure ................................................................ kg
Finish and paint
Description of the processes and specification of material used for the preparation
and finish of the circuit breakers exposed surfaces.


Irrigation Manual

Rated voltage ........................................................................................ kV
Rated current .......................................................................................... A
Wet withstand voltage, at operating frequency .......................................... kV
Dry withstand voltage, at operating frequency ........................................... kV
Impulse withstand voltage ...................................................................... kV
Bending allowable strength when applying the load

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Standard Technical Specifications



Irrigation Manual

to the bushing external terminal .............................................................. kgf

Means of execution of the power factor test ...................................... (yes/no)
Description of the bushing material and construction.
Measuring Instruments
Dimensions ....................................................................................... cm
Scale range ......................................................................................... A
Accuracy ........................................................................................... %
Dimensions ....................................................................................... cm
Scale range ......................................................................................... V
Accuracy ........................................................................................... %
Dimensions ....................................................................................... cm
Scale range ........................................................................................ W
Accuracy ........................................................................................... %
Number of elements
Number of wires
Dimensions ....................................................................................... cm
Scale range ...................................................................................... Var
Accuracy ........................................................................................... %
Number of elements
Number of wires
Power factor meters
Dimensions ....................................................................................... cm
Scale range ........................................................................................ W
Accuracy ........................................................................................... %
Phase over-current relays
Timed element adjustment range ........................................................... A
Instantaneous element adjustment range ................................................ A
Neutrals over-current relay
Timed element adjustment range ........................................................... A
Instantaneous element adjustment range ................................................ A
Over-voltage relay
Voltage adjustment range ..................................................................... A
Time adjustment range ......................................................................... S

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Standard Technical Specifications

Blocking relay
Number of contacts normally open
Number of contacts normally closed
Supply voltage .................................................................................... V



Objective. The objective of this Specification is to establish minimum technical

requirements for furnishing (high) (medium) -voltage and low-voltage switchgears. The
switchgears to be furnished shall be used to supply power to the (high) (medium) and
low-voltage motors and the (power distribution system) (lighting system) (auxiliary services
(The supply voltage levels of the main pumping station motors shall be ____ or _____


Manufacturing Characteristics


General. Except where otherwise specified, all switchgear, equipment and materials
shall be designed, manufactured and tested according to the latest editions of the
standards pertaining to the following organizations:
ABNT - Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas
ANSI - American National Standard Institute
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
CEI - Commission Electrotechnique Internationale
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
NEC - National Electrical Code
NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association The switchgears shall have
the following specific characteristics:
Removable plates located at the bottom of the panels, provided with gaskets;
Ventilation openings including screens and filters;
A sealing compound applied to the outer lower portion of the panel for additional
protection of inaccessible surfaces;
Internal lighting.
Each switchgear assembly shall consist of a set of low-or-medium-voltage motor starting
units, in accordance with NEMA ISS-1979 standard, or a power unit for (the protection
and metering system at the entrance to the substation), (the power distribution system),
(the lighting system) (or for the supply to and control of auxiliary services).
The switchgears shall be installed under a covered structure or exposed, according to
the requirements in the Technical Data Sheets.


Motor Starting Units. The switchgears shall be of rigid construction, enclosed, selfsupporting, and constructed of sheet metal.
The switchgear shall be unit-compartmentalized, divided into compartments by metal
separaters, to house the motor starting units and/or other devices.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Each compartment shall allow sufficient vertical space to accomodate the cables
connected to the units. Adequate supports shall be included for the wiring. Access to
the wiring, terminal blocks and connections shall be from the front.
The vertical sections shall be constructed using sheet metal with a thickness not less
than 2.66 mm (USG No. 12).
(Each compartment shall be provided with a hinged door at the front, with latch, and the
specified operating or measuring devices.)
Seal gaskets shall be installed at all the doors to prevent entry of dust and insects. The
ventilation openings shall be provided with a screen and filter.
Each switchgear housing structure shall be attached at the bottom to a suitable steelframe base. Holes for grout and anchor bolts shall be provided in this base for fastening
of the housing.
Each structure shall be provided with suitable means for handling and shall withstand,
without damage, the stresses imposed upon it during transportation and installation.

Power Distribution and Lighting Units. The switchgears shall be constructed of sheet
metal, to be installed on the wall, indoors.
The structure, including the doors shall be constructed of sheet metal 1.9 mm (No. 14
USG) minimum thickness and/or of greater thickness or reinforced, as necessary.
The units shall be in cabinet shape with internal mirrow, two-leaf door, latch-lock with
triangular body activated with keys.
All the devices installed within the units shall be completely accessible from the front,
for purposes of maintenance and replacement. The component, as a whole, shall allow
easy substitution of defective parts.
Means for performing routine maintenance and adjustments shall be provided without
removing the devices. Tests shall be performed without the necessity of any modification
of the wiring.
All elements of the same type and nominal sizes shall be interchangeable phisically and


Power Supply and Control Unit for Auxiliary Services. All the general characteristics of
the motor starting unit apply to this unit. Specific characteristics are specified in the
Technical Data Sheets.


Protection and Metering Cubicle - 15 kV. Each cubicle shall consist of essentially the
following components:
2.5.1 One enclosed cubicle for metering, with busbars and dimensions in accordance
with (name of utility company)s standards.
(The transformers and the meters shall be furnished by (name of utility company)).


One enclosed cubicle for system protection with busbars interconnected with the metering
cubicle, containing the following components:

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Standard Technical Specifications

One three-phase, low oil volume, fixed installation circuit breaker with the following
main characteristics and the requirements specified in item (S-020208 - Medium
Voltage Circuit Breakers - 15 kV).
Rated voltage 13.8 kV
Rated current 800 A
Interrupting capacity, three phase, symmetrical 350 MVA
Basic impulse level 110 kV
One three-phase, 15 kV, 600 A disconnect switch in accordance with the Technical
Data Sheets and/or single line diagrams. . Three 12 kV distribution-type lightning
Six 15 kV single pole potheads
Three 15 kV bushings
All materials, devices and accessories necessary for the internal connections of
the cubicle components.

Busbars. The main busbar shall be of horizontal, three-phase electrolytic copper, sized
for the rated and short-circuit currents.
In each compartment, a vertical copper busbar shall be provided, branching from the
main circuit, to supply power to the various units, with suitable continuous capacity.
The busbars shall be mounted on insulating material with suitable dielectric properties
and resistant to thermal and mechanical effects from the specified short-circuit current.
A horizontal, electrolytic copper ground bus shall be provided, with suitable dimensions,
throughout the entire extension of the assembly, furnished with pressure-type connectors
at each end of the cables of nominal cross sections of 70 to 95 mm2.


Wiring. (The switchgears that include control elements (CTs, PTs, etc.) shall have all
wirings completely installed at the factory and shall be furnished with the connections
necessary for the devices that make up the switchgears, including easily accessible
terminals for the installation of the control system. The internal wiring shall be made
with cables of soft temper copper wires, tinned, Class 2 strand, insolated with a polyvinyl
cover, fire resistant, 70o C maximum temperature, service voltage of 750 V, in accordance
with Standard ABNT-NBR-6148, and cross-sectional area of not less than 1.5 mm2 .
(The terminals shall have insulation class of 500 V, for eyelet-type terminals. The terminals
shall have, as a minimum, 20% of the number of terminal fittings as spares.)
All control wiring shall be of copper conductors, with 1.5 mm2 minimum cross section
for voltage circuits and 2.5 mm2 for current circuits, with 600 V thermoplastic insulation.
Conductors with smaller cross sections may be used for the wiring of communicator or
supervisory equipment, provided it is properly supported and suitable for voltages and
currents in the respective circuits. These conductors shall not be installed next to control
and measurement equipment wiring.
Proper mechanical protection shall be provided when the conductors pass through
locations where their insulation may be liable to damage.
For connection of power cables, pressure-type terminals shall be supplied for low-voltage
cables, and properly supported terminals for medium-voltage cables. Connections between
fixed parts and doors or hinged panels shall only be made with flexible conductors.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The switchgear housing shall be provided with a horizontal compartment at the lowermost
part, with terminal blocks for connection of power and control cables. The switchgear
internal wiring shall be identified by the electric point (potential point) method at each
end, and all terminal blocks shall be marked.
The power terminal blocks shall be sized for a minimum capacity of 130% of the rated
current in the respective circuit, and for 30 A for the control circuits. At least 10%
safety factor shall be provided for the control circuits. Connections for standard voltages
shall be by terminals. All the terminals shall be of the pressure type.



Power Supply. The power supply shall enter at the lower part of the switchgear assembly
through the main power supply cables.
The switchgears shall be equipped at the entrance with a three-pole, 600 V, 2,400 V,
4,160 V or 13,000 V circuit breaker, of the low oil volume or moulded-case type.
The circuit breakers shall be manually operated, equipped with opening and closing coils
or with thermomagnetic triggers and of adequate interruption capacity.
The lever for the circuit breaker actuation shall be externally operated, located on the
compartment door, with indicator of position (on-off).
(The circuit breakers rated currents and short-circuit currents are stated in the Technical
Data Sheets. The circuit breakers shall comply with the requirements specified in (S020208 - Medium Voltage Circuit Breakers - 15 kV). The 4,160 V circuit breaker shall be
of the draw-out type.)


Starting Units for 380-V Motors. The motor starting units shall consist of:
Molded-case circuit breaker, contactors and thermal relays, with direct or
autotransformer-compensated starter switch.
Control transformer, (110 v) (220 V) secondary voltage, protected by mouldedcase circuit breakers at the primary and secondary .
Indicator lights: green, red and yellow.
Current transformer.
Current meter and timer.
Three-phase supervisory relay.
The interruption capacity for each control and protection unit shall be guaranteed for
the specified short-circuit current.
The size of each motor starting unit shall be selected according to the applicable standards
for the indicated load.
The magnetic contactors shall be electromagnetic, three-pole, with a (110 V) (220 V),
60 Hz, AC operating coil. The contactors shall withstand a 25% voltage drop without
tripping and resetting at 80% of the rated voltage.
Each starting unit shall be equipped with a thermal overload relay, with compensation
for ambient temperature and without automatic reset.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Starting Units for (2.4) (4.16 kV) motors. These motor starting units shall consist of:
Control transformer to command the circuit breaker
Draw-out type, low volume circuit breaker
Indicator lights: green, red and yellow
Vacuum-operated contactors
Medium-voltage fuses
Multi-function protective relay
Three-phase supervisory relay
Current transfomer for the three-phase supervisory relay
Current and voltage meters at each motor
The circuit-breaker shall comply with the requirements specified in item ___ (SP020208
- Medium Voltage Circuit-Breakers - 15 kV).
The remaining componentes shall be installed in the switchgear assembly as shown on
the drawings.


Measurement and Protection Cubicles - 15 kV. The components of this cubicle are listed
in subitem 2.5 (Protection and Metering Cubicle - 15 KV).


Auxiliary Services Panel. The components of the auxiliary services are shown on the
respective drawings.


Additional Components. All the switchgears shall be equipped with thermostat operated
heaters for temperature control. The power supply circuit shall be adequately protected.
The auxiliary control devices, such as push button switches, selector switches, etc.,
shall be of the heavy-duty type.
Incandescent indicator lights shall be mounted on the starting units, with means for
bulb replacement from the front.
Indicating instruments and meters shall be flush mounted, wired from the back, direct
reading, with a white face, and black pointer and markings, in a dust-proof case, of the
1.5% accuracy class. Current transformers shall be of the dry type, and have shortcircuit devices and secondary winding. These devices shall have thermal and mechanical
capacity to withstand the specified short-circuit currents.
Potential and control transformers shall be dry type, protected by properly sized fuses.
Rated current values for circuit-breaker triggers, even when shown on the drawings,
shall be subject to later confirmation.
Even when shown in the drawings, the arrangement and sizes of the motor starting
units may be subject to changes.
All the equipment and materials used in manufacturing the equipment shall undergo the
specific tests related to them.


Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment. Paint and anti-corrosion treatment shall comply
with the requirements specified in item (S-020248 - Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment).
The paint applied to the internal part of tanks shall be resistant to the effects of the
insulating oil, without contaminating the oil.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The frame and all metal parts and hardware subject to corrosive action shall be hot-dip
galvanized in accordance with standards ASTM A-123 and -153, Class C.

Nameplate. The nameplate shall comply with the requirements of subitem 3 of item (S020200 - Electrical Equipment) and shall include the following additional information:
Rated power, in kVA
Rated frequency, in Hz
Rated voltages, in kV
Impedance percentage
Connection diagram
Phase diagram
Type and volume of insulating oil
Basic impulse level
All compartments, and assembled devices not having individual designations, shall be
provided with nameplates made of black laminated plastic, engraved with white letters.
The dimensions, wording and arrangement of the nameplates shall be in accordance
with the drawings.


Tests. The equipment covered by this Specificaton shall undergo the following tests at
the factory, in the presence of the ENGINEER:
Wiring continuity;
Insulation resistance; . Applied voltage;
Busbar heating;
Mechanical operation and interconnections, including unit interchangeability;
Units operation and electric control.
All the switchgears in the List of Materials shall be individually tested. All tests results
shall be positive with the units not testing positive subject to rejection. Units that can
be repaired shall be repaired at the risk of and by the SUPPLIER, at no cost to the

The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with information in accordance
with the following form, for each switchgear Type, Class, and Voltage in the List of
(Brief description and catalog reference)

Irrigation Manual

Rated voltage ............................................................................................ V

Voltage class ............................................................................................ V
Rated current ............................................................................................ A
Short duration rated current ...................................................................... kA
Momentary rated current .......................................................................... kA
Impulse withstand voltage ........................................................................ kV
Applied voltage ......................................................................................... V
Temperature rise of the busbar .................................................................. o C

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Standard Technical Specifications



Protection class
Sheet metal thickness ............................................................................. mm
Material used
Total weight ........................................................................................... kg
Distance between phases ...................................................................... mm
Total height .........................................................................................mm
Total width .......................................................................................... mm
Total depth .......................................................................................... mm
Surface Preparation, Treatment and Painting
Sheet metal preparation
Surface treatment
External paint
Internal paint


Materials . Coupling treatment

Phase bus
Diameter .............................................................................................. mm
Amperage ............................................................................................... A
Neutral bus
Diameter .............................................................................................. mm
Amperage ............................................................................................... A
Ground bus
Diameter .............................................................................................. mm
Amperage ............................................................................................... A



Type of conductor
Rated cross-sectional areas used
For voltage circuits ............................................................................. mm 2
For current circuits .............................................................................. mm 2
Conductors isolation
Terminal blocks
Allowable temperature ............................................................................ o C
Maximum and minimum acceptable conductor cross-sectional area ........... mm2



Irrigation Manual

Circuit breaker type
Rated voltage ............................................................................................ V
Rated current ............................................................................................ A
Rated frequency ...................................................................................... Hz
Rated symmetrical interrupting current for the circuit breaker duty cycle ......... kA
DC rated resetting capacity ....................................................................... kA
Allowable short-duration current (3s) .......................................................... kA
Impulse levels:

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Standard Technical Specifications



Phase to ground .................................................................................... kV

Circuit breaking ..................................................................................... kV
Voltage applied at 60 Hz for 1 minute
Phase to ground .................................................................................... kV
Circuit breaking ..................................................................................... kV
Temperature rise at rated current: o
Of main contacts ..................................................................................... C
Of couplings .......................................................................................... o C









Irrigation Manual

Bases and N4 fuse units

Model/catalog no.
Rated current .......................................................................................... A
Current limiting ........................................................................................ A
Contactors . Manufacturer
Model/catalog no.
Rated current .......................................................................................... A
Rated voltage .......................................................................................... V
Interrupting capacity ................................................................................ A
Control voltage ........................................................................................ V
Closing minimum voltage .......................................................................... V
Opening minimum voltage ......................................................................... V
Coil power consumption
At closing ........................................................................................ VA
At opening ....................................................................................... VA
Thermal relays
Model/catalog no.
Regulation range ...................................................................................... A
Starter switch
Model/catalog no.
Rated capacity ........................................................................................ A
Control transformer
Model/catalog no.
Rated power ........................................................................................ VA
Voltage ratio
Accuracy class
Model/catalog no.
Power ................................................................................................. (W)
Voltage ................................................................................................ (V)
Current measurement
Current transformer
Model/catalog no.

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Standard Technical Specifications

- Model/catalog no.
Model/catalog no.





Irrigation Manual

Control transformer
Model/catalog no.
Rated Power .......................................................................................... W
Voltage ratio
Accuracy class
Model/catalog no.
Power ................................................................................................... W
Voltage .................................................................................................. V
Model/catalog no.
Rated current .......................................................................................... A
Rated voltage .......................................................................................... V
Current interrupting capacity ..................................................................... A
Control voltage ........................................................................................ V
Closing minimum voltage .......................................................................... V
Opening minimum voltage ......................................................................... V
Coil power consumption
At closing ........................................................................................ VA
At opening ....................................................................................... VA
Medium voltage Fuses
Model/catalog no.
Rated current .......................................................................................... A
Current limiting ........................................................................................ A
Phase fault relay
Model/catalog no.
Current measurement
Current transformer
Model/catalog no.
Model/catalog no.

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications



Voltage measurement
Instrument transformer
Model/catalog no.
Model/catalog no.
Selector switch
Model/catalog no.


Objective. This Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for

furnishing lightning arresters. The definitions used in this Specification are those
established by the applicable ABNT, ANSI and CEI Technical Standards.


Nominal Characteristics


Distribution-Type Lightning Arresters - 5 kA, 12 kV


Description. Lightning arresters for outdoor use, connection to 13.8 V system, with
neutral effectively grounded in the substation, with hardware for mounting on crossarms.


System Characteristics:
Neutral effectively grounded in the substation
Phase-to-phase rated voltage 13.8 kV
Maximum operating voltage 14.5 kV
Maximum phase-to-ground fault voltage 12 kV
Impulse level 95 kV
Frequency 60 Hz


Lightning Arrester Characteristics

Rated voltage 12 kV
Rated discharge current (8 x 20 us) 5 kA
Short-duration current (4 x 10 us) (crest) 65 kA
Creepage current under rectangular wave (1,000 us) 75 A
Minimum disruptive voltage at 60 Hz 18 kV
Maximum disruptive voltage at full wave (1.2 x 50 us) (crest) 70 kV
Maximum disruptive voltage for wave front of 100 kV/ us (crest) 73 kV
Maximum residual discharge voltage for wave of 8 x 20 us and 5 kA (crest) 54 kV
Class 5000 A, series B (ABNT).


Station-Type Lightning Arresters, 10 kA, 12 kV


Description. Station type lightning arrester for outdoor use, connection to 13.8 kV
system, with grounded neutral, fastened at the base and with mounting accessories.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


System Characteristics
Effectively grounded neutral
Rated voltage 13.8 kV
Maximum operating voltage 14.5 kV
Maximum phase-to-ground fault voltage 12 kV
Impulse level 95 kV
Frequency 60 Hz


Lightning Arrester Characteristics

Rated voltage 12 kV
Maximum disruptive voltage at full wave (1.2 x 50 us) (crest) 49 kV
Maximum disruptive voltage for wave front of 100 kV/us (crest) 54 kV
Minimum disruptive voltage at 60 Hz 20.5 kV
Maximum residual discharge voltage for wave of 8 x 20 us and 5 kA (crest) 44 kV
Rated discharge current (8 x 20 us) (crest) 10 kA
Short-duration current (4 x 10 us) (crest) 100 kA
Class 10,000 A, series A (ABNT).


Station-Type Lightning Arresters - 10 kA, 75 kV


Description. Station type valve lightning arresters for outdoor use, connection to 69 kV
system, with neutral grounded through grounding transformer, fastened at the base
and with mounting accessories.


System Characteristics
Neutral grounded through grounding transformer
Rated voltage of the system 69 kV
Maximum operating voltage 72.5 kV
Maximum phase-to-ground fault voltage 72.5 kV
Impulse level 350 kV
Frequency 60 Hz


Lightning Arrester Characteristics

Rated voltage 75 kV
Maximum disruptive voltage at full wave (1.2 x 50 us) (crest) 270 kV
Maximum disruptive voltage for front wave of 625 kV/ us (crest) 310 kV
Minimum disruptive voltage at 60 Hz 112.5 kV
Maximum residual discharge voltage for wave of 8 x 20 us and 10 kA (crest) 270
Rated discharge current for wave of 8 x 20 us (crest) 10 kA
Short-duration current for wave of 4 x 10 us (crest) 100 kA
Class 10,000 A, series A (ABNT)


Manufacturing Characteristics


General. The SUPPLIER shall analyse the protection requirements for the electrical systems
and equipment and shall furnish lightning arresters adequate for that protection.
The lightning arresters may be of the conventional type, comprised of multiple arresters,
in series, with non-linear silicon carbon (SiC) resistors or non-linear zinc oxide (ZnO)

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The lightning arresters shall be mounted on a column or columns inside hermetically

sealed porcelain housings suitable for outdoor installation, forming a self-supporting
structure consisting of one or more sections.
The lightning arresters shall be provided with an internal pressure relief device which
shall operate before overpressure levels are reached, to avoid putting in risk the integrity
of the porcelain housing. The gas outlet orifices shall be protected against the entrance
of foreign material impairing their operation.
Conventional type lightning arresters shall be provided with magnetic air blast coils and
control resistors and capacitors to improve the internal voltage distribution and to increase
safety against contamination of the porcelain surface.
Special attention shall be given to the sealing of the body of the lightning arresters. The
type of sealing compound or cement shall be of proven efficiency; preference shall be
given to sealing by welding.
The SUPPLIER shall present for approval the type of sealing used, with all manufacturing
details, tests to which it was submitted and reports on proven efficiency under working
conditions similar to project operating conditions.

Porcelain. The porcelain used shall conform to the ASTM-D-116 standard or any other
that assures quality equal to or higher than said standard and shall be non-porous porcelain
of high dielectric resistance, high mechanical resistance, chemically inert, of high melting
point and produced by the wet process.
All exposed surfaces of the porcelain shall be glazed. The material used for porcelain
production shall be rigorously selected, controlled and analized by the SUPPLIER to
guarantee a high quality product.
Parts with glazed surface faults which have been retouched with paint or that present
any other abnormality will be rejected.


Terminals and Connectors. The lightning arresters shall be furnished with line and
grounding terminals and connectors of tinned copper, as specified below:
12 kV rated voltage lightning arresters: connector suitable for 10 (6 AWG) to 70
mm2 (4/0 AWG) gage copper or aluminum conductor;
75 kV rated voltage lightning arresters: connector suitable for 4/0 AWG to 636
MCM gage aluminum conductor;

All lightning arresters with grounding terminal shall be provided with a connector for 35
(1/0 AWG) to 70 mm2 (4/0 AWG) gage copper conductor.


Hardware. Lightning arresters shall be furnished complete with all hardware required for
mounting. The ferrous metallic parts shall be zinc coated by the hot-dip method.


Automatic Disconnector. The distribution type lightning arresters shall be provided with
a device which, in the event of a defect, shall automatically disconnect the lightning
arresters from the system to which they are connected and shall indicate that they are


Overpressure Protective Device. The station type lightning arresters shall be provided
with an internal overpressure relief device.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment. Paint and anti-corrosion treatment shall comply
with the requirements specified in item (S-020248 - Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment).
The frame and all metal parts and hardware subject to corrosive action shall be hot-dip
galvanized in accordance with standards ASTM A-123 and -153, Class C.


Nameplate. The nameplate shall comply with the requirements of subitem 3 of item (S020200 - Electrical Equipment) and shall include the following information:
Rated power, in kVA
Rated frequency, in Hz
Rated voltages, in kV
Impedance percentage
Connection diagram
Basic impulse level




General. The equipment shall be submitted to tests and inspections by the SUPPLIER, in
the presence of the ENGINEER, in accordance with the ABNT recommended standards
and with the requirements of this Specification.


Report of Tests. A complete report, in _____ copies, of tests done, with the data (methods,
instruments, and applied constants) necessary for a complete evaluation shall be
presented. This report shall indicate the names of the CLIENT, the SUPPLIER and the
tests results.


Type Tests. These tests are designed to verify if a particular lightning arrester type,
style or model, is capable of functioning satisfactorily under the specified conditions.
The type tests are:


SiC Lightning Arresters

Test of disruptive voltage at rated frequency, dry and wet.
Tests of disruptive voltages at atmospheric impulse.
Tests of disruptive voltages at operation impulse, dry and wet (when applicable).
Tests of residual voltages.
Test of withstand current, with high impulse current and with long duration
rectangular impulse current.
Test of the operation cycle.
Test of internal overpressure relief.
Test of radio influence voltages and internal ionization.
Tests of withstand voltages in the porcelain housing,without the active internal
Test of the automatic disconnector (when applicable).
Test of artificial pollution.
Watertightness test
The type tests shall be performed in accordance with the with applicable provisions of
the ABNT and CEI standards, in the presence of the ENGINEER on one or more units of
each type of lightning arrester as indicated in subitem 4.5 (Sampling).

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


ZnO Lightning Arresters

Test of reference voltage at industrial frequency.
Test of residual voltage.
Test of long duration current impulse.
Tests of the operation cycle.
Test of heat dissipation.
Test of artificial pollution.
Tests of internal overpressure relief.
Test of the automatic disconnector (when applicable).
The type tests shall be performed in accordance with the applicable provisions of standard
CEI-TC-37WG-4 (latest edition) in the presence of the ENGINEER on one or more units
of each type of lightning arrester, as indicated in subitem 4.5 (Sampling).


Acceptance Tests. The acceptance tests shall be performed on all of the units in the
Order; units presenting unsatisfactory results in any of the tests will be rejected. The
acceptance tests are:


SiC Lightning Arresters

Visual and dimensional inspection.
Test of disruptive voltage at industrial frequency.
Test of disruptive voltage at atmospheric impulse with normalized wave.
Test of residual discharge voltage.
Test for measuring the leakage current.
The acceptance tests shall be performed in accordance with the applicable provisions of
the ABNT and CEI standards.


ZnO Lightning Arresters

Visual and dimensional inspection.
Test of reference voltage at industrial frequency.
Test for measuring the leakage current
Watertightness test.
The acceptance tests shall be performed in accordance with the applicable provisions of
standard CEI TC-37WG-4.


Sampling. The above tests shall be performed in the presence of the ENGINEER, on
selected samples of each group of lightning arresters of the same characteristics.
The sampling for the type tests shall be performed on three units or on 1% of the lot,
whichever is greater, except for the visual inspection test.
Should any sample fail in any of the type tests above described, the test in which the
failure occurs shall be repeated on twice the number of units as in the first test. Any
failure in the second test shall be cause for rejection of the lot.
The visual inspection test shall be done on 10% of the lot or a minimum of three units
of each type. The lot will be rejected should more than 10% of the samples present
verified discrepancies in the product.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Should a retest be allowed, it shall be done on twice the number of samples as in the
first test.
In this retest no discrepancy will be allowed.

Tests Exemption. The type tests may be dispensed with partially or totally, at the
discretion of the CLIENT when one or more of the following conditions are met:
The lightning arrester is a model or type that has been manufactured for at least
3 years;
There already exists a prototype aproved by the CLIENT;
There is already a prototype approved by an official organization.
Should the referred test be dismissed, the SUPPLIER shall submit complete reports of
the tests for approval by the CLIENT (for each type of lightning arresters) with all data
(method, instruments and constants used) necessary for a complete evaluation of the
Exemption of the tests by the CLIENT shall be authorized in writing prior to opening of
Bids. (The exemption certificate issued by the CLIENT shall become an integral part of
the Bidding Documents.)

The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with the information in the
following form, for each Lightning Arrester Type, Class and Voltage included in the List
of Materials.
(Brief description and catalog reference)

Rated voltage .......................................................................................... kV

Continuous operation voltage (ZnO lightning arrester) ................................... kV
Disruptive voltage, 1.2 x 50 us full wave (crest value) .................................. kV
Disruptive voltage for front wave (crest value) ............................................. kV
Disruptive voltage at 60 Hz ....................................................................... kV
Discharge residual voltage for 8 x 20 us and 10 kA wave (crest value) ........... kV
Minimum surge current with 2,000 A rectangular wave .................................. A
Rated discharge current, 8 x 20 us (crest value) .......................................... kA
Discharge current for 4 x 10 us short-duration wave .................................... kA
Disruptive voltage for operating surge (crest value) ...................................... kV
Energy absorption capacity ........................................................................ kj
Leakage path length ................................................................................ mm
Over-pressure relief class .......................................................................... kA

Note: Characteristics (c), (d) and (e) are not applicable to ZnO lightning arresters.

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Standard Technical Specifications


( ) Base ( ) Body
Galvanized hardware for installing on a metal plate:
( ) Included ( ) Not included




Objective. This Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for

furnishing disc, pin, spool or strain type insulators.


Nominal Characteristics


Spool-Type Insulators


Vitrified porcelain (FIGURE 1)

Material ............................................................vitrified porcelain
Diameter (D) ......................................................80 mm
Height (H) .........................................................80 mm
Failure mechanical load in bending .......................6 kN
Maximum operating bending load ......................... 2 kN
Dry external discharge voltage .............................25 kV
Wet voltage discharge:
Horizontal axis ........................................... 10 kV
Vertical axis .............................................. 10 kV
Maximum effective voltage of 3-phase
network with neutral ground ............................... 1.3 kV


Baked glass (FIGURE 1)

Material ............................................................baked glass
Diameter (D) ......................................................80 mm
Height (H) .........................................................80 mm
Failure mechanical load in bending .......................6 kN
Maximum operating bending load ......................... 2 kN
Dry external discharge voltage .............................20 kV
Wet voltage discharge:
Horizontal axis ........................................... 12 kV
Vertical axis .............................................. 12 kV
Maximum effective voltage of 3-phase
network with neutral ground ............................... 1.3 kV


Pin-Type Insulators


Simple type (FIGURE 2)

Material ............................................................vitrified porcelain

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Standard Technical Specifications

Diameter (D) ......................................................130 mm

Height (H) .........................................................152 mm
Thread diameter ................................................25 mm
Creepage distance .............................................320 mm
Voltage class .....................................................25 kV
Dry discharge voltage, 60 Hz ............................... 85 kV
Wet discharge voltage, 60 Hz ..............................55 kV
Withstand dry voltage for 1 minute,
induced frequency .............................................72 kV
Withstand wet voltage for 10 seconds,
induced frequency .............................................40 kV
Critical discharge voltage under impulse ................ 1.2 x 50 microseconds:
Positive polarity .........................................140 kV
Negative polarity ........................................ 170 kV

Disc-Type Insulators for Network


Tempered glass (FIGURE 3)

Material ............................................................tempered glass

Connector .........................................................eye-fork ANSI class 52-2.
Diameter (D) ......................................................175 mm
Pitch (P) ............................................................140 mm
Creepage distance .............................................200 mm
Dry discharge voltage load .................................. 60 kV
Wet discharge voltage load .................................38 kV
Withstand dry voltage, 1 minute, induced
frequency .........................................................48 kV
Withstand wet voltage, 10 seconds, induced
frequency .........................................................33 kV
Critical discharge voltage, dry, under
impulse 1.2 x 50 microseconds:
Positive polarity .........................................76 kV
Negative polarity ........................................ 80 kV
Perforating voltage in oil ..................................... 80 kV
Electromechanical failure load ..............................80 kN
Maximum allowable load ..................................... 25 kN
Maximum voltage of radio interference
(1,000 KHz) ......................................................50 microvolts

Vitrified porcelain (FIGURE 4)

Material ............................................................vitrified porcelain
Connector .........................................................eye-fork ANSI class 52-2.
Diameter (D) ......................................................152 mm
Pitch (P) ............................................................140 mm
Creepage distance .............................................178 mm
Dry discharge voltage load .................................. 60 kV
Wet discharge voltage load .................................30 kV
Withstand dry voltage, 1 minute, induced
frequency .........................................................48 kV
Withstand wet voltage 10 seconds induced
frequency .........................................................33 kV
Critical discharge voltage dry, under
impulse 1.2 x 50 microseconds:

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Standard Technical Specifications

Positive polarity .........................................100 kV

Negative polarity ........................................ 100 kV
Perforating voltage in oil ..................................... 80 kV
Electromechanical failure load ..............................45 kN
Maximum allowable load ..................................... 22 kN

Strain- Type Insulators



Material ............................................................vitrified porcelain

Creepage distance .............................................42 mm
Failure mechanical load in bending .......................45 kN
Maximum operating bending load ......................... 12 kN
Dry external discharge voltage .............................25 kV
Wet external discharge voltage ............................ 12 kV
Maximum effective voltage of 3-phase
network with grounded neutral ............................ 42 kV

Manufacturing Characteristics


Porcelain. The porcelain used shall be according to standard ASTM-D-116 and shall be
non-porous, of high dielectric resistence, high mechanical strength, chemically inert and
with high fusion point, produced by wet process. All of the porcelain exposed surfaces
shall be vitrified and dark brown. The material used for the production of porcelain
should be rigorously inspected, controlled and analized by the SUPPLIER to guarantee a
high quality product.
Parts with glass faults that were retouched with emery and reglazed as well as those
retouched with paint, will be rejected.


Glass. The glass used in the production of insulators shall be, preferably, of the sodiumcalcium type, baked or tempered, homogeneous and colorless. The suspension insulators
shall be of temperated glass.


Cement. The cement used for joining the parts of porcelain should be of best quality,
uniform, with minimum coefficient of linear thermal expansion, and should have high
mechanical strength.


Hardware. The hardware for insulators shall be adequately protected against corrosion,
with zinc coating, according to standards ABNT-NBR-7397, -7398, -7399 and -7400 or
equivalent ASTM standards, except when utilizing hardware made of stainless steel.


Interchangeability and Joining. All units pertaining to a same item of the Order shall be
identical in all their components and also interchangeable.


Counterpins. The counterpins or cotter pins shall be made of brass or bronze and shall
be in accordance with section 4.4 of standard ANSI-C29.2.


Installation. Faults in jointed parts, excess cement, lack of matching surfaces and
eccentricity between component parts, that may affect the performance of the insulator,
will not be accepted.
An elastic material shall be placed between the component parts, during joining of the
parts, as a precaution against mechanical damage in the porcelain or the glass, caused

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

by stresses due to different thermal expansion coefficients of the insulator component

parts, as well as to dampen the stresses between the insulating bodies. Whenever the
compatibility of the coefficient of dieletric-metal thermal expansion can be confirmed,
this requirement may be excluded.



Each insulator shall be marked, in a permanent and an indelible way, with the following:
The Manufacturers name;
Year manufactured.


The marking process on the insulating body shall not produce prejudicial saliences or
barbs or damage the glazing of the porcelain.


The hardware, when applicable, should be marked with the following information:

Insulator Manufacturer name;

The value of the mechanical or electromechanical failure load in kN, for on string

The marking on the hardware shall not damage the quality of the zinc coating.


Insulator Thread. The adjustment of the thread shall be according to standards ABNTNBR-5032 or ANSI-C29.5.




General. The material shall be submitted to inspection and tests by the SUPPLIER, in the
presence of the ENGINEER, according to the recommended technical standards and this


Type Tests. The type tests are to verify if a determined type, style or model of insulator
is capable of satisfactory operation under the specified conditions.
The type tests are the following:
Withstand voltage of impulse (1.2 x 50 microseconds);
Withstand voltage, 1 minute, 60 Hz, dry;
Withstand voltage, 10 seconds, 60 Hz, wet;
Disruptive voltage at 50% under impulse;
Dry discharge voltage, 60 Hz;
Wet discharge voltage, 60 Hz;
Radio interference;
Atmospheric impulse withstand voltage.
For the spool-type insulators only the dry and wet discharge tests, in the horizontal and
vertical position, shall be performed.
The tests listed above shall be performed according to standards ABNT-NBR-5049
(formerly MB-22), ANSI-C29.1 or CEI-383. In case any of the results of these tests are
not satisfactory, that design will be rejected. Retesting will not be allowed. One or more
tests of the design or of the prototype may be dispensed with according to the CLIENT
in case one or more of the following conditions are met:

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Standard Technical Specifications

There already exists a prototype approved by the CLIENT;

There already exists a prototype approved by an official organization;
The type of insulator is of standard design of a known manufacturer and has been
in production for at least 3 (three) years).
In those cases, the SUPPLIER shall submit, for the approval of the CLIENT ___ copies of
a complete report of the above tests (for each type of insulator) with all the information
(method, instruments, and constants used) necessary for a complete evaluation of the

All the insulators shall be submitted to the routine tests according to the standards
ANSI-C29.1 and CEI-C24.4 or ABNT-NBR-5032 and -5049, with the values specified in
this Specification.
The routine tests shall be performed by the Quality Control Division of the SUPPLIER on
all the units furnished.


The Acceptance Tests. The acceptance tests are made to verify the results of the
routine tests performed for quality control by the SUPPLIER, and report the general
conditions of the insulators, before shipping.
The acceptance tests are the following:
Visual inspection (of samples);
Dimensions verification;
Electromechanical failure (for disc-type insulators only);
Mechanical failure;
Porosity (for porcelain insulators only);
Load maintained for 24 hours (for disc-type insulators only);
Zinc coating.
The acceptance test listed above should be performed as specified below:
The visual and dimensional verification as directed by the ENGINEER;
The thermal, electromechanical failure, perforation and porosity tests according
to items 21, 22, 25.1 and 26 of standard CEI-383, respectively;
The impact, mechanical failure and load tests according to sections, and 8.5.4 of standard ANSI C29.1, respectively.
The acceptance tests should be performed in the presence of the ENGINEER, on chosen
samples in each group of insulators with the same characteristics.
The number of samples for the acceptance tests shall be in accordance with the following
P = x if n = 100
P = 3 if 100 n 500
P = 4+1.5n if 500 = n = 15,000
P = number of insulators to be tested
n = number of insulators in the lot

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

x = number of insulators to be tested, as agreed to between the SUPPLIER and the

CLIENT for a specified condition.
In case the SUPPLIER wants to present, at one time, more than 15,000 insulators for
inspection, there should be as many lots as necessary with approximately the same
number of insulators, respecting the maximum number of 15,000 insulators in each lot.
The samples from lots chosen at random and according to the criteria above should be
divided, as much as possible, into three equal parts and submitted to the acceptance
tests specified in item 4.4, in the following order:






If only one insulator fails in any of the tests, the test in which the failure occurs shall be
repeated on twice as many samples. If there is another failure, the lot will be rejected.
If two or more insulators fail in any of the tests, the lot will be rejected.
The number of units required for the second test, if required, should be double the
number of units in the first test, or a minimum of 24 units.
In the second test, all of the acceptance tests should be performed. If only one insulator
fails in any of the tests, the lot will be rejected.
The axis of the hole in the insulator shall not deviate from the axis of symmetry of the
insulator, when verified with a gage or pin. Registration of deviation of symmetry will
cause rejection of the lot.

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Standard Technical Specifications


The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with the information in the
following form, for each Class and voltage included in the List of Materials.
(Brief description and catalog reference)
Code ABNT(NBR-7109)
F-Fork, E-Eye, S-Socket, B-Ball Coupling

Disc diameter




Creepage distance


Electromechanical strength


Electromechanical load


Load maintained, 24 hours










Impact Resistance


Routine test, 10 sec. (tension)


Maximum Operating Load

Electrical Characteristics






Dry discharge voltage, 60 Hz


Wet discharge voltage, 60 Hz


Dry voltage (1 min.), 60 Hz


Wet voltage (10 sec.), 60 Hz


Perforation voltage, in oil, 60 Hz


Dry discharge critical voltage under impulse of 1.2 x 50 us

Radio influence Voltage





Effective to
ground 60 Hz





Code ABNT(NBR-7110)
3-phase network maximum effective voltage


Creepage distance


Bending strength


Maximum bending operating load


Dry discharge voltage, 60 Hz


Wet discharge voltage, 60 Hz


Perforation voltage, in oil, 60 Hz

Electrical Characteristics

Dry discharge critical voltage under

impulse of 1.2 x 50 us
Radio influence Voltage





Effective to ground 60 Hz


RIV grounded, 1 MHz


RIV grounded, 1 MHz


Atmospheric impulse level

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications



Three-phase network maximum effective voltage
Mechanical Characteristics


Bending strength


Maximum operating bending load


Dry external discharge

Electrical Characteristics


Wet external discharge

Horizontal axis


Vertical axis





Three-phase network maximum effective voltage
Mechanical Characteristics
Electrical Characteristics


Bending strength


Maximum operating bending load


Dry external discharge


Wet external discharge


Creepage distance





Objective. This Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for

furnishing 15 kV, three-phase automatic circuit reclosers. The definitions used in this
Specification are those contained in the latest edition of ANSI C37.60 standard.


Nominal Characteristics
Number of phases
Class of insulation
Rated voltage
Maximum voltage
Impulse level (1.2 x 50 us wave)
Rated current
Symmetrical interruption capacity
Withstand voltage, 60 Hz, dry, 1 minute
Withstand voltage, 60 Hz, wet 10 seconds

15 kV;
14.4 kV;
15.5 kV;
60 Hz;
110 kV;
560 A;
10,000 A;
50 kV;
45 kV;

Note: The minimum work cycles required shall comply with Table 2 A of ANSI C-37.60.1974
standard and for insufficient information in that standard, with NEMA SG-13 standard.


Operating Characteristics.
The reclosers shall have electromechanical control.

For these reclosers, the fault current shall be sensed by electromechanical relays supplied
by bushing-type current transformers internally mounted in the recloser.
Three phase relays and one grounding relay shall be used.
Phase Relay. The phase relays shall have time x inverse current characteristics,
type C 08, with instantaneous unit, Westinghouse or similar.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Grounding Relay. The grounding relays shall have time x inverse current
characteristics, type C 09, with instantaneous unit, Westinghouse or similar.
The operating mechanism of the recloser shall consist of an electric motor, gear and
articulations. This unit shall close the contacts of the switch and store energy in the
discharge spring.
The relays and the control devices shall be enclosed in separate weatherproof control
housing, connected to the operation mechanism of the reclosers.
The selection and sequence of the number of rapid and slow operations shall be easily
set in the control housing.
The control shall be provided with:
Operations counter;
Selector switch for blocking the ground discharge circuits;
Local-remote switch;
Selector switch for blocking the reclosing;
Control switch of the recloser with the position Open-Neutral - Closed, with
pistol grip;
Lamps indicating the positions Open and Closed.
The reclosers shall have the following characteristics:
Be equipped with devices for manual opening and locking;
Be equipped with an indicator clearly showing the position of the main contacts,
whether closed or open, visible from floor level;
They shall also be equipped with a lever for manual opening and closing operation,
or by means of a control rod. In cases of permanent defects and after a
predetermined number of operations, the recloser shall remain open. In this case,
closing shall be manual by the mentioned lever.
Power for activation shall be supplied by an outside source, 220 Volts, single phase.
The minimum values for discharge to phase and to ground shall be obtained from the
relay curves.
The electronic reclosing circuit shall operate even if the AC supply voltage fail below
70% of the rated value.
With the operation of the recloser is due to the action of the instantaneous unit of the
phase or grounding relays, reclosure shall be blocked.

Manufacturing Characteristics


Terminal and Connectors. The reclosers shall be provided with line terminals with
connectors, in a vertical or horizontal position, for copper or aluminum cables.
The connectors of the line terminals shall be suitable for the connection of 35 to 240
mm2 cross-sectional area copper or aluminium cables.
All reclosers shall also be furnished with grounding terminals with connectors for 35 to
95 mm2 copper cables.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Bushings. The bushings shall be of porcelain. The porcelain shall be manufactured by

the wet process and shall be homogeneous, without cracks, pits or other faults, and
shall be glazed. The glaze shall be without imperfections such as blisters or burns.


Lifting Lugs. The equipment shall be provided with lifting lugs located on the tank cover
and having sufficient strength to lift and position the recloser.


Tank and Structure. The tanks shall be constructed of steel sheet metal of sufficient
thickness to withstand, as a function of their capacity and shape, all the stresses foreseen.
All joints and seams shall be carefully welded to make the tank oil and humidity proof.
The Bid shall state the MSG gauge or the thickness, in millimeters, of the sheets.
The support structures for the equipment shall be designed to withstand, without
excessive vibration, the impact forces due to operations. The tanks of three-tank
equipment shall be rigidly fastened, one to the other, by the support structure (single
support structure type).


Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment. Paint and anti-corrosion treatment shall comply
with the requirements specified in item (S-020248 - Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment).
All metal parts and hardware subject to corrosive action shall be hot-dip galvanized in
accordance with standards ASTM A-123 and -153, Class C.


Nameplate. The nameplate shall comply with the requirements of subitem 3 of item (S020200 - Electrical Equipment) and shall include the following additional information:
Rated power, in kVA
Rated frequency, in Hz
Rated voltages, in kV
Impedance percentage
Connection diagram
Phase diagram
Basic impulse level


Gaskets. Gaskets shall be of nitrile rubber or similar material.

Due to its rapid deterioration when in contact with oil, cork containing lacquer as an
agglutinative agent will not be accepted as gasket material. The BIDDER shall present
the composition of the material to be used, confirming its long term resistance to oil.


Basic Accessories. The following basic devices, considered or not as accessories by the
BIDDER, shall always be included in the equipment covered by this Specification:
Device for manual opening and closing;
Contact position indicator;
Line and grounding connectors;
Operations counter;
Device to block reclosing;
Oil level indicator;
Drainage and oil sampling valve;
Ground discharge device;
Device for blocking the ground discharge;
Galvanized steel structure for installation at substations;
Heaters (if recommended and in accordance with the manufacturer);

Irrigation Manual

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Standard Technical Specifications

Bushings with 430 mm (17) creepage distance;

Set of 3 current transformers, bushing-type, multiple ratio, 800/600/500/400/
300/200/100 : 5A;
Set of 3 thermal-demand ammeters, 15 minute period of integration, with integrated
maximum current indication and instantaneous current indicator element, scale 05 A, with 50% expansion (7.5 A), installed in a weatherproof channel;
Set of wires and conduits for connecting the current transformers to the ammeters;
Hardware for assembling the ammeters;
Winch for lowering the tank;
Device for capacitor discharge furnished with a test interrupter, and signal.
The device for capacitor discharge shall have a supply voltage of 220 Vac and shall hold
a load sufficient to operate up to 45 (forty-five) seconds after the supply is cut off, even
if supplied at 70% of the rated voltage.

Tests. The tests listed below shall be performed in accordance with the latest edition of
ANSI C.37.60 standard and this Specification.


Type Tests. The type tests are performed to verify whether a determined type or model
of recloser is capable of operating satisfactorily under the specified conditions.
The following are the type tests:
Visual and dimensional inspection;
Temperature rise;
Radio influence;
Measurement of the time-current characteristic;
Short duration current;
Mechanical and electrical operation;


Acceptance and Routine Tests. The following are the acceptance and routine tests:
Visual and dimensional inspection;
Applied voltage, 60 Hz, 1 minute dry;
Determination of the minimum discharge current;
Manual operation;
Automatic operation;
Galvanizing (if required).


Manual Operation Test. The manual operation test shall consist of manually opening
and closing the reclosers about ten times, without voltage or current.


Automatic Operation Test. The automatic operation test shall consist of automatically
performing three operation cycles on the main contacts, without voltage and using a
current equal to 100% of the minimum value of the discharge device. When there are
devices for discharge due to zero sequence currents, the test shall be repeated on this


Galvanizing Test. The thickness of the zinc coating, which shall be at least 70 micra,
shall be checked at several points, at the discretion of the ENGINEER.


Acceptance and Rejection. All of the units shall present satisfactory acceptance
characteristics. In the event of malfunctioning, minor corrections may be admitted, at
the discretion of the ENGINEER.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with the information in the
following form, for each Automatic Recloser Type, Class and Voltage included in the
List of Materials.
(Brief description and catalog reference)

Maximum design voltage ............................................................................ V

Rated voltage ............................................................................................ V
Operation voltage ...................................................................................... V
Impulse withstand voltage with 1.2 x 50 us wave ....................................... kV
60 Hz, 1 min, dry withstand voltage .......................................................... kV
60 Hz, 1 min, wet withstand voltage ......................................................... kV
Continuous rated current ............................................................................ A
Closing current .......................................................................................... A
Interrupting capacity
Operation cycle (work cycle)
Operating time



Weight with oil (without control if same is in a separate enclosure)
Oil capacity and complete specification




Description of type and operation

Time-current characteristics
Description of all adjustments: minimum trip currents, quick operations, number of
interlocking operations, reclosing times, reset times, curves, etc.
Weight and dimensions (if the control mechanism is installed in a separate enclosure)
Control cable characteristics with indication of thenumber of conductors, conductor
gages and cable lengths.

Objective.. This Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for

furnishing three-pole disconnecting swithces, for (outdoor) (indoor) use, with a rated
voltage of 15 kV. 2. Nominal Characteristics
Rated Voltage
15 kV
Rated Frequency
60 Hz
Rated Current ________ A
Rated Short-Duration Withstand Current. - The effective value of the rated shortduration withstand current shall be _______ A. The rated duration (t) of the shortduration current shall be one second.
The crest value of the rated withstand current shall be equal to 2.5 times the rated
short-duration withstand current.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Rated Insulation Level. - The rated insulation level of the disconnecting switch
shall comply with the following table:


Rated voltage of disconnecting switch (effective kV)


Rated atmospheric impulse withstand voltage, to ground and between poles (crest kV)


Rated atmospheric impulse withstand voltage, to ground and between open contacts (crest kV)


Rated dry and wet withstand voltage, 60 Hz, 1 minute, to ground and between poles (effective kV)


Rated dry and wet withstand voltage, 60 Hz, 1 minute, to ground and between open contacts (effective kV)


Interrupting Capacity for Low Inductive and Capacitive Currents.

The interrupting capacity for low inductive and capacitive currents shall be
____________ A.

Characteristics of Insulators. Each insulator stack shall have the following minimum

Rated voltage of disconnecting switch (effective kV)


Technical reference for stack, complying with NEMA standard

Composition of stack

1 x TR-4

Disrupting voltage at 60 Hz (effective kV):

- Dry


- W et


Withstand voltage 60 Hz (effective kV):

- Dry, 1 minute


- Wet, 10 seconds


Atmospheric impulse withstand voltage (crest kV)


Minimum creepage distance (mm)


Mechanical strength of the stack (kgf):

- normal


- inverted



Temperature Rise. The rise in temperature of any part of the disconnecting switch shall
not exceed the maximum limits establised in Table 9 of standard ABNT-NBR-6935.


Operating Characteristics. The disconnecting switch shall be provided with a manual

type operating mechanism.
All components of the mechanism required for adequate operation of the unit shall be
Axles, tubes, levers and accessories of the operating mechanism shall be capable of
transmitting the maximum stresses inherent to the operation of the disconnecting switch
without breaking or bending and with no loss of movement, so as to ensure the safe,
simultaneous operation of all three poles of the disconnecting switch.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The three poles of the disconnecting switch shall be considered as having simultaneous
operation if the most advanced blade is not out-of-phase by more than 1.5 degrees in
relation to any of the other blades, at the instant in which the advance blade and the
fixed contact touch when closing or separate when opening.
All axles and shafts for mechanical connection between poles shall be continuous, with
the necessary fittings at the ends. Vertical axles and shafts shall be provided with
guides and bearings spaced __________ mm apart.
All mechanical connections of axles and shafts shall be made in such manner to avoid
The disconnecting switches with grounding blades shall be provided with one operating
mechanism for the main blades and another one for the grounding blades. The operating
mechanism for the grounding blades shall be manual and shall operate independently of
the mechanism for the main blades.
The lower portion of the vertical control shaft shall be provided with a mechanical
device indicating OPEN and CLOSED positions of the main blades and grounding
blades. This device shall be firmly affixed to the shaft by means of rivets, in such a
position as to be clearly visible from the floor.
The vertical operating shaft on the manual type operating mechanisms shall be grounded
by means of a flexible copper pigtail.
The manually operated mechanisms for main blades and grounding blades shall be provided
with a means of padlocking, both in totally open and totally closed positions.

Auxiliary Contacts Switch. (Disconnecting switches shall be provided with an auxiliary

contacts switch, as specified in the Technical Data Sheets, containing a minimum of
eight contacts, four of which shall be N.C. type and four N.O., progammed for operation
in compliance with standard ABNT-NBR-7571.
Auxiliary contacts switches shall be installed in individual weatherproof boxes, with
threaded connections on the underside for 1 1/2" diameter conduits.
Contacts shall have a current carrying capacity of 10 A in DC, or 20 A in AC).
Disconnecting switches provided with grounding blades, shall also be provided with an
auxiliary contacts switch for the main blades and another for the ground blades.


Electrical Blocking. Disconnecting switches shall be provided (with) (without) a normally

closed electrical blocking system, as indicated in the Technical Data Sheets.
(The blocking system shall consist of an electromagnet with a locking device to prevent
the disconnecting switch from opening if the coil, powered by an external interlock
circuit, is de-energized).


Mechanical Interlocking. All disconnecting switches provided with grounding blades

shall be provided with a mechanical interlock system to prevent the simultaneous operation
of the main and grounding blades.
The device, when mounted on the structure, shall be able to withstand the maximum
forces that can be exerted by the protection mechanism.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Kirk Blocking. Disconnecting switches shall be provided (with) (without) mechanical

interlocking (by means of a Kirk-type cylinder lock, as indicated in the Technical Data


Line Terminals and Connectors. Disconnecting switch terminals shall be of the flat bar
type, with dimensions and holes in compliance with standard ABNT-NBR-7571. Terminals
shall be of copper alloy, totally and uniformly tin plated.
Disconnecting switches shall be furnished with suitable line terminals, as indicated in
the Technical Data Sheets. Connectors shall be of the bolt-type, made of a high mechanical
strength copper alloy, with high electric coductivity and shall be tin plated.
Terminals and connectors shall reduce to a minimum the possibility of the conductors
and clamps separating due to fatigue. All movements necessary for the operation of the
switch shallnotalter theposition of the terminals.
The base of each pole and the housing for the motor-driven operating mechanism shall
be provided with ground terminals with bronze connectors suitable for copper cables
with nominal cross-section of between 70 and 120 mm2. Disconnecting switches with
rated voltages greater than 38 kV shall have two (2) base grounding terminals, with
connectors as described above.


Other Characteristics. Disconnecting switches shall also comply with the following
Corona Effect. - All metal components of the switches shall be shaped as to
eliminate all areas or points of high intensity electrostatic field. All surfaces shall
be smooth, with no projections or irregularities that could cause corona.
Bearings. - Bearings for rotary insulator stacks and other moving parts shall be of
stainless steel balls or rollers, sealed to prevent water penetration, and selflubricating.
Components requiring periodical lubrication shall be provided with easily accessible devices
for lubrication, even under pressure.
Base Mounting Holes. - Bases shall have mounting holes in compliance with standard
ABNT - NBR-7571, or as indicated in the Technical Data Sheets.


Manufacturing Characteristics


General. When more than one unit is furnished for under the same item of the Order, all
the units shall conform to the same design and be essentially the same, with all
corresponding parts interchangeble.
The design shall permit easy repair and replacement of parts.


Metal Parts. All parts conducting current shall be made of copper or of a high conductivity
copper alloy. Other materials may be accepted, at the exclusive discretion of the CLIENT.
Exposed springs shall be made of corrosion-resistant metal, such as silicon bronze or
stainless steel; shall be designed and manufactured in such a manner that elastic qualities
do not alter under the weather conditions or operations to which they are submitted.
Bolts, nuts, washers and pins used in non-ferrous metal parts, shall be made of silicon
bronze or high-strength stainless steel.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Bases for the disconnecting switches shall be made of structural of steel.

All parts shall be well finished, with no imperfections, burrs or other irregularities that
may impair assembly.

Main Contacts. The main contacts of the disconnecting switches shall be made of highconductivity material of suitable mechanical strength. For disconnecting switches with
a rated voltage equal to or greater than 1,000 A, all contact areas through which the
current passes shall be silver plated. As an alternative to this requirement, high-pressure
contacts may be used.
The contacts shall be self-aligning and capable of self-cleaning to remove any oxide
deposits, without this operation causing damage to the contact surfaces.
Design of the contacts shall be such that magnetic forces do not tend to open the
disconnecting switch when it is submitted to the crest value of the withstand current
and to the rated short-duration current specified.


Grounding Blade. The disconnecting switch shall be provided (with) (without) a grounding
blade as specified in the Technical Data Sheets.
(Grounding blades shall be of the same material and manufacturing quality as the main
blades. The grounding blades shall withstand short-duration current and crest values of
short-duration current equal to the values specified for the disconnecting switch.
Each grounding blade shall be provided with a flexible copper pigtail of adequate length
for connecting the grounding blade to the disconnecting switch base. This pigtail shall
have the same current carrying capacity as the grounding blade. One end of the pigtail
shall be firmly connected to the grounding blade at its hinged side. The other end shall
be fixed to the pole base, together with the grounding connector).


Arcing Horns. The disconnecting switch shall be provided (with) (without) arcing horns,
as specified in the Technical Data Sheets.
(The arcing horns shall be made of hard copper, suitable copper alloy, copperweld or
equivalent material).


Insulators. Disconnecting switches shall be supplied with pedestal-type insulator stacks,

in compliance with item 3.3. The mechanical and electrical characteristics of the insulator
stacks shall comply with standard NEMA SG6-31.
The insulators shall be manufactured by firms nationally recognized as producers of that
type of equipment.
The porcelain shall be manufactured by the wet process, and shall be homogeneous,
free of cracks, cavities and other faults, and shall be impervious. The glaze shall be free
of imperfections, bubbles and blisters.


Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment. Paint and anti-corrosion treatment shall comply
with the requirements specified in item (S-020248 - Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment).
And all metal parts and hardware subject to corrosive action shall be hot-dip galvanized
in accordance with standards ASTM A-123 and -153, Class C.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Nameplate. All disconnecting switch bases shall have stainless steel or anodized aluminum
nameplates, with the following information indelibly marked there on. The information
shall be written in Portuguese and in units of the International system of Units:
Manufacturer s name;
Month and year of manufacture;
Type or Manufacturer s catolog number;
Rated voltage, in kV;
Rated current, in amperes;
Rated frequency, in Hz;
Insulation level.




Type Tests. The type tests are:

Atmospheric impulse withstand voltage tests;
Temperature rise test;
Short-duration withstand current test, and withstand crest current value test;
Operation and mechanical strength tests


Acceptance Tests. The acceptance tests are:

Withstand voltage test at industrial frequency, dry, on all three poles of the
disconnecting switch;
Voltage test applied to the auxiliary and control circuits;
Measurement of the ohmic resistance of the main circuit;
Operation test;
Galvanization tests;
Visual and dimensional inspection.
The withstand voltage test shall be conducted on a representative sampling of the lot of
disconnecting switches of the same type in the List of Materials, according to the table
below, and following the requirements of standard ANBT-NBR-6935.
No. of Units in the Lot Units to be


Up to 5

All units

From 6 to 10

5 units

From 11 to 30


From 31 to 50

40%, with a minimum of 15 units

From 51 to 100

30%, with a minimum of 20 units

Over 100

20%, with a minimum of 30 units

The appllied voltage tests, measurement of ohmic resistance and visual and dimensional
tests shall be conducted on all units in the List of Materials, complying with the
requirements of standard ABNT-NBR-6935.
Galvanization tests shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of standards
ABNT-NBR-7414, -7397, -7398, -7399 and -7400, on three test specimens prepared
and coated with zinc, following the same conditions and processes to which the parts in
the lot were subjected.
The operation test shall be conducted on 10% of the units, with a minimum of 1
disconnecting switch, and shall comply with standard ABNT-NBR-6935.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with the information in the
following form, for each Disconnecting Switch Type, Class and Voltage included in the
List of Materials.
(Brief description and catalog reference).

Preliminary drawing (attached) number


Rated voltage .......................................................................................... kV

Rated frequency Hz c.- Rated current ........................................................... A
Rated short-duration withstand current ....................................................... kA
Crest value of the withstand current .......................................................... kA
Rated duration of the withstand current ........................................................ s




Rated atmospheric impulse withstand voltage, normalized wave (crest)

Switch closed to ground ........................................................................... kV
Open switch, opposite teminal and base grounded ....................................... kV
Open switch, opposite terminal grounded and base ungrounded .................... kV
Withstand voltage at 60 Hz, dry, 1 minute (effective):
Switch closed to ground ........................................................................... kV
Open switch, between terminals ................................................................ kV
Withstand voltage at 60 Hz, wet, 1 minute (effective):
Switch closed to ground ........................................................................... kV
Open switch, between terminals ................................................................ kV




NEMA reference of the column
Composition of the column
Disruptive voltage at 60 Hz, dry (effective) ................................................. kV
Disruptive voltage at 60 Hz, wet (effective), ............................................... kV
Withstand voltage at 60 Hz, dry, 1 minute (effective) ................................... kV
Withstand voltage at 60 Hz, wet, 10 seconds ............................................. kV
Impulse withstand voltage (crest) .............................................................. kV
Creepage distance .................................................................................. mm
Mechanical strength of the column to top bending ...................................... kgf





Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications




aximumohmicstrength of the contacts .................................................... ohms

Total weight of the disconnecting switch .................................................... kg




Objective. This Specification establishes minimum technical requirements for furnishing

three-pole disconnecting switches, for outdoor use, with rated voltage of 72.5 kV.


Nominal Characteristics


Disconnecting Switches 69 kV

Rated Voltage ................................................................... 69 kV (effective)

Maximum Operating Voltage ............................................ 72.5 kV (effective)
Currents ................................................... 630, 1250 and 1600 A (effective)
Frequency ........................................................................................ 60 Hz
Rated current

Short Duration
symmetric current
kA (effective)

Momentary current
(minimum duration 10 cycles)
kA (peak)






Atmospheric impulse level, phase to ground disconnecting switch with closed

Full wave (1.2 x 50 us) ...................................................... 350 kV (peak)
Atmospheric impulse level, between disconnecting switch terminals, with open
Full wave (1.2 x 50 us) ...................................................... 385 kV (peak)
Insulation level at industrial frequency, phase to ground,disconnecting switch with
closed contacts:
Dry (1 min) ................................................................. 175 kV (effective)
Wet (10 sec.) .............................................................. 145 kV (effective)
Insulating level at industrial frequency, between disconnectingswitch terminals,
with open contacts:
Dry (1 min) ................................................................. 193 kV (effective)
Wet (10 sec.) .............................................................. 160 kV (effective)
Phase-to-ground voltage of visual corona start and end greater than 46 kV (effective)
Maximum radio influence level at 46 kV (effective), phase toground:
Disconnecting switches with open contacts ................................. 1000 uV
Disconnecting switches with closed contacts ................................. 350 uV
Minimum leakage line length ..................................................... 1668 mm
Maximum installation height .................................................... 18000 mm

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Operating Characteristics. The disconnecting switches shall be suitable for outdoor

installation and designed to comply with all specified technical and operating
characteristics. The disconnecting switches, correspond to the following types:


Disconnecting Switches - 69 kV. The disconnecting switches correspond to the following

Vertical opening disconnecting
switch, horizontal mounting
Side opening disconnecting
switch, horizontal mounting
Side opening disconnecting
switch, vertical mounting
Double side opening disconnecting
switch, horizontal mounting








Disconnecting Switches - 69 kV, With Grounding Blades. The three-pole disconnecting

switches shall be provided with manual operating mechanism for simultaneous operation
of the three poles, both for the main blades and for the grounding blades. Provisions
shall be made for easy future installation of arcing horns as well as for mechanical
interlocking that allows the closing of the disconnecting switches main blades only
when the grounding blades are open and vice versa.


Mechanical Balance of the Disconnecting Switches. The disconnecting switches blades

shall open and close without shock or considerable vibration, shall operate free from
irregular movements and shall not strike the stops with such a force as to deform any
part, even with frequent operations. The switches shall be provided with adequate
counterweights to ease the opening and closing operations.
The operating control handle shall have limiting devices that frees it as soon as the
opening or closing operations are completed.
Proper mechanical means shall be provided to lock the disconnecting switches in the
closed or in the open positions with simultaneous blocking of manual and electrical
The electrical contacts in the different joints shall not be affected by the weather, and
the use of flexible cords will not be acceptable. These contacts shall be provided with
devices that assure work under continuous pressure and shall remain, together with the
bearings, protected by a metallic cover sealed by special gaskets.
Should there exist connections between copper and other non-ferrous metals, the
measures to be taken to avoid the galvanic corrosion effects shall be described in the
Bid proposal.


Maximum Torque for Manual Operation. After operation of the disconnecting switches
over a period of two years, even without maintenance, the maximum resistant torque
for manual operation shall not exceed the normal physical strength of a man (about 35
The SUPPLIER shall provide a manualy operated driving device which allows the opening
and closing operations to be performed with speeds and time intervals as approximately
equal as possible.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Heating. The limits of temperature rise of the various conducting parts of the disconnecting
switches shall not exceed the limits specified in standard CEI-129-1975, Table V.


High Voltage Terminals and Grounding Connectors. The disconnecting switches shall
be supplied with plate type, tinned copper high voltage terminals with dimensions and
holes drilled in accordance with NEMA CC-1-1975 standard.
The support base of each pole of the disconnecting switches as well as the operating
mechanisms shall be provided with at least one grounding connector, in high conductivity
copper alloy, adequate for fastening braided bare copper cable with cross-section varying
from 50 to 150 mm2.
For the horizontal opening semi-pantographic switches, connectors and fixed main
contacts (stirrup or pendulum), shall be furnished for fastening to the upper line


Manufacturing Characteristics. Each disconnecting switch shall be provided with a steel

base suitable for mounting on a support structure 2,300 to 18,000 mm high.
Each horizontal switch chassis shall have at least two grounding connectors.
All chassis bases shall be made of structural steel.
The disconnecting switches shall safely withstand the anticipated short-circuit stresses
and winds of up to 110 km/h.


Support Insulators. The insulating stacks for the disconnecting switches whether
stationary or rotating, shall be composed of solid core or multicone type porcelain
The insulator stacks shall comply with the minimum requirements specified when tested
in accordance with standard ANSI Test code for Apparatus Bushings.
All sections comprising the insulator stacks, included in the same Order, shall have the
same characteristics and shall be interchangeable.
All porcelain insulators shall be designed so that no undue stresses, derived from changes
in temperature and load variations in the high voltage terminals, occur in any of the
parts, and shall be provided with suitable means to accomodate the expansion or deflection
of the conductor and current conducting parts, resulting from overload or transient
All porcelain utilized shall be homogeneous, free of pits and cracks, and shall be well
vitrified and waterproof.
The vitrification shall be free of imperfection such as bubbles and/ or carbonized areas.


Main Contacts of the Vertical Closing Semi-Pantographic Disconnecting Switches


Stirrups. The stationary contacts shall be made by means of cylindrical stirrups or

pendulums to which tongs are connected.
A limiting device shall be required to lock the switch tongs in the closed position and to
ensure its connection to the stirrup or pendulum.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The disconnecting switches shall not open under abnormal dynamic conditions (shortcircuit, wind, etc.).

Displacement for Tongs Connection. The stirrups or pendulums shall be supported

perpendicular to the upper longitudinal bus bars.
The stirrups or pendulums shall be suspended and fastened to the busbar conductors,
to enable connection between the stirrups or pendulums and the tong.
The following cable displacements shall be considered:
Vertical displacement - vertical displacement of the cable from continuous stress
in the conductor.
Horizontal displacement - displacement of the cable due to stresses caused by the
Longitudinal displacement - variations in cable length due to variations in
Stirrups displacement - since the switches are closed over the stirrups, displacement
of the stirrups due to the variation of cable lengths under the effects of temperature,
wind, etc., shall be considered.


The longitudinal connection displacement can be taken as a function of the conducting

cables and the distance between the anchoring point and the sag compensation
device. The longitudinal displacement value is an average value).
The value of stirrups displacement is also an average value. This value is partially
absorbed by the conductors and by the stirrup or pendulum supporting device. The
value shall be considered for the stress on the top of the disconnecting switch.

Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment. Paint and anti-corrosion treatment shall comply
with the requirements specified in item (S-020248 - Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment).
All metal parts and hardware subject to corrosive action shall be hot-dip galvanized in
accordance with standards ASTM A-123 and -153, Class C.


Nameplate. All disconnecting switch bases shall have stainless steel or anoized aluminum
nameplates, with the following information indelibly marked there on. The information
shall be written in Portuguese and in units of the International system of Units:
Manufacturer s name;
Month and year of manufacture;
Type od Manufacturer s catolog number;
Rated voltage, in kV;
Rated current, in amperes;
Rated frequency, in Hz;
Insulation level.

5. Tests
The Routine and Type Tests shall be performed on completely assembled disconnecting
switches in accordance with this Specification and related technical standards in the
presence of the ENGINEER.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The assembly of the disconnecting switch shall be such that it represents as close as
possible the normal operating conditions. With respect to the height of the support
structures on which the switches will be installed, these shall not be higher than the
maximum heights permitted for project installation.
The normal atmospheric conditions and respective correction factors and tolerances
to be utilized in Dielectric Tests are those corresponding to standard CEI-60, -129
and -265.
Dielectric Tests on side opening switches shall be effected on two poles, one of
which shall always be the one in the center (phase S or B).

Raw Material Quality Control Test. Tests shall be performed on the following materials:
Carbon steel sheets or panels


Hardness, according to standard ASTM E-10.
Conductivity or resistivity, according to standard ASTM B-193.


Chemical analysis, according to standard ASTM-B-236.
Conductivity, according to standard ASTM B-236. 5.1.3 Carbon Steel Sheets or
Chemical analysis;
Creepage distance;
Elongation; and
Bending; all acording to standard ASTM A-36.


Routine Tests. Routine tests described below, shall be performed on all the disconnecting


Main Contacts Ohmic Resistance Measurement. This test shall be performed in accordance
with item 36.5 of standard CEI-129 on 100% of the switches of the first lot and on
10% of the switches comprising the subsequent lots.


Dimensional. This test shall be performed based on approved by the ENGINEER.


Visual. Manufacturer finish shall be verified on the different components, which shall be
of the same finishing quality as the approved prototype unit which shall remain at the
factory as a comparison standard.
During manufacture, the welding process utilized and the quality of resulting weldings
shall be checked and approved by the ENGINEER.


Zinc-Coating. The zinc-coated parts shall be submitted to the following tests:

Preece Test, according to standard ASTM A-239.
Zinc coat thickness, according to standard ASTM A-90.
Adherence, according to standard ASTM B-498.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The tests shall be performed on each part of each type for every lot of the order.

Insulators. The insulators comprising the switch stacks shall be submitted to the following
tests, according to standard ABNT-NBR-5032:
Voltage applied at high frequency.
Voltage applied at industrial frequency.
Mechanical traction.
Mechanical compression.
Mechanical bending.
Mechanical failure.
The SUPPLIER shall furnish certificates relative to the following tests performed on
prototype units:
Withstand voltage at industrial frequency, dry and wet.
Discharge voltage at industrial frequency, dry and wet.
Atmospheric impulse.
Disruptive voltage at 50% over impulse value. . Radio influence.


Type Tests. The Type Tests described below shall be performed on the first disconnecting
switch to be manufactured, which shall be considered as a prototype for the units in the
List of Materials.
All the tests described in subitem 5.2 shall be performed on the prototype unit.
This unit, after being tested, approved and identified by the ENGINEER, shall remain at
the factory, and considered as a standard for comparison of the finish of the other units
to be manufactured.
Prior to performing the Type Tests described below, no opening or closing operation
shall be effected in the disconnecting switch or pole thereof to be tested.
The following figure shall serve as a basis for describing the tests.


Voltage Applied at Industrial Frequency - Dry and Wet. These tests shall be performed in
accordance with item 35.8 of standard CEI-129, on one complete pole for each
disconnection switch type, except that for side-opening switches the tests shall be
according to note 2 of item 4. The test frequency is 60 Hz.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The test values and configuration are as follows:


Applied Voltage
(Effective kV)

Test Condition

69 k V

Time Application

Open Switch; M with Voltage; F, D Grounded
Open Switch; F with Voltage; M, D Grounded

Dry Wet
Dry Wet

Closed Switch; M, F with Voltage; D Grounded

Dry Wet

Open Switch; M with Voltage; F Grounded D Insulated

Dry Wet

Open Switch; F with Voltage; M Grounded D Insulated

Dry Wet





















The artificial rain conditions shall be in accordance with item 8.1 of standard CEI-60-11973, European practice.

Impulse. The impulse tests shall be performed in accordance with item 35.6 of standard
CEI-129 on one complete pole of each disconnecting switch type, except that for side
opening switches the tests shall be according to note 2 of item 4.
The values and configurations are the following:
Rated Voltage (kV peak)

69 kV

Polarity Number of Impulses

Open Switch; M with Voltage; F, D Grounded
Open Switch; F with Voltage; M, D Grounded
Closed Switch; M, F with Voltage; D Grounded
Open Switch; M with Voltage; F Grounded D Insulated
Open Switch; F with Voltage; M Grounded D Insulated





















All the current and voltage recordings of chopped waves shall be made in logarithmic
scale. For other voltage recordings the choice of scale shall be at the discretion of the
The selection of wave scanning shall also be at the discretion of the ENGINEER.
The coaxial cable maximum length, relative to the distance between the tap and the
osciloscope shall be 30 meters.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The memories of the osciloscope will not be permitted to be utilized for recording of

Radio Influence Level Measurement. Radio influence level measurements shall be

performed in accordance with item 42 of standard CEI-129 on one complete pole for
each type of disconnecting switch, except that for side opening switches the tests shall
be according to note 2 of item 4.
The voltage values are those specified in subitem 2 (Nominal Characteristics).


Visual Corona. The tests shall be performed in the following conditions:

Pole of disconnecting switch in open position.
Pole of the disconnecting switch in closed position.
On two poles of the side opening disconnecting switch in open position, as set
forth in note 2, item 4.
The tests shall include the determination of the visual corona starting and ending voltages,
positive and negative, and observations of visual corona with the following values:


Corona Starting and Ending Voltage

(Effective kV)

Open Switch; M with Voltage; F, D Grounded


Open Switch; F with Voltage; M, D Grounded


Closed Switch; M, F with Voltage; D Grounded


Open Switch; M with Voltage; F Grounded; D Insulated


Open Switch; F with Voltage; M Grounded; D Insulated


Prior to initiating the test the room shall be kept dark for five minutes, to allow the
observers to get used to darkness.
The voltage applied to the pole of the disconnecting switch shall be continuously increased
to establish the voltage at which visible discharges appear on the pole of the disconnecting
switch (visual corona starting voltage).
After the pole under tests having remained under this voltage for one minute, the applied
voltage shall gradually be reduced until all discharges have disappeared (visual corona
ending voltage). Three successive tests shall be performed in accordance with this
method and average values of visual corona starting and ending voltages shall be
determined, positive and negative. All the voltage values obtained shall be higher than
the specified voltages.
Visual observation shall be made and photographs shall be taken, especially for the
voltage values corresponding to the starting and ending of the visual corona.
The type of camera, exposure and sensitivity of the film used shall be subject to approval
by the CLIENT.

Short-Circuit. The short-circuit tests shall be performed in accordance with item 37 of

standard CEI-129, with the time for the short-duration current of three seconds.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Operation and Mechanical Strength. The operation and mechanical strength tests shall
be performed in accordance with item 39 of standard CEI-129 on a completely assembled
disconnecting switch.


Temperature Rise. The temperature rise tests shall be performed in accordance with
item 36 of standard CEI-129, only on the disconnecting switches.
The temperature measuring points shall be selected in mutual agreement between the
The tests shall be performed with the pole containing the same contacts used in the
Operation and Mechanical Strength tests.

The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with the information in the
following form, for each type, model and capacity of Disconnecting Switch included in
the List of Materials.
(Brief description and catalog reference)
Catalog reference
Preliminary drawing (attached)
Rated voltage .......................................................................................... kV
Rated frequency ...................................................................................... Hz
Rated current ............................................................................................ A
Rated short duration withstand current ....................................................... kV
Crest value of the withstand current .......................................................... kV
Rated duration of the withstand current ........................................................ s


Rated atmospheric impulse withstand voltage, normalized wave (crest)

Switch closed to ground ......................................................................... kV
Open switch, opposite terminal and base grounded .................................... kV
Open switch,oppositeterminal grounded and base ungrounded .................... kV
Withstand voltage at 60 Hz, dry, 1 minute (effective)
Switch closed to ground ......................................................................... kV
Open switch, between terminals .............................................................. kV
Withstand voltage at 60 Hz, wet, 1 minute (effective)
Switch closed to ground ......................................................................... kV
Open switch, between terminals .............................................................. kV



Irrigation Manual

Maximum capacity of closure and opening of small capacitive and inductive currents
Capacitive ............................................................................................... A
Inductive ................................................................................................ A
Level of radio influence, referred to 150 ohms ............................................. kV

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Minimum ending voltage of visible corona ................................................... kV

Spacing between poles ............................................................................ mm
Minimum space between metal parts and the disconnecting
switch in the open position ...................................................................... mm
Maximum ohmic resistance of the main circuit
Total weight of the disconnecting switch .................................................... kg


NEMA reference of the column
Composition of the column
Disruptive voltage at 60 Hz, dry (effective) ................................................. kV
Disruptive voltage at 60 Hz, wet ............................................................... kV
Withstand voltage, 60 Hz, dry, 1 minute (effective) ..................................... kV
Withstand voltage, 60 Hz, wet, 10 seconds ................................................ kV
Atmospheric impulse withstand voltage (crest) ............................................ kV
Creepage distance .................................................................................. mm
Mechanical strength of the column to top bending ...................................... kgf

7 - GROUNDING PLATES (if applicable)


Short duration withstand current (closure) .................................................. kV

Withstand current duration ......................................................................... s
Crest value of the withstand current .......................................................... kV

8 - MOTOR DRIVEN MECHANISM (if applicable)


Rated voltage of the motor

Admissable motor voltage variation range
Control rated voltage
Allowable control voltage variation range
Current at motor full load ............................................................................ A
Motor starting current ................................................................................ A
Maximum force transmitted to the supporting structure ............................... kgf

9 - AUXILIARY CONTACT SWITCH (if applicable)

Number of auxiliary contacts (NO/NC)
Continuous operation current conducting capacity
At 125 Vdc ............................................................................................. A
At 220 Vac ............................................................................................. A
Contact interrupting capacity in inductive circuit
At 125 Vdc ............................................................................................. A
At 220 Vac ............................................................................................. A

Allowable tractive force, in the longitudinal direction ................................... kgf
Allowable tractive force, in the transversal direction .................................... kgf

11 - PRIMARY CONNECTORS (if applicable)


Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications




Objective. This Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for

furnishing (15 kV) (72.5 kV) rated voltage, single-pole disconnecting switches, for outdoor
The single-pole disconnecting switch shall be actuated by manipulator rod.
The type of mounting of the disconnecting switch shall be (vertical) (inverted horizontal).


Nominal Characteristics
Rated voltage. The rated voltage of the disconnecting switch(es) shall be (15 kV)
(72.5 kV), as indicated in the Technical Data Sheets.
Rated Frequency. - The rated frequency shall be 60 Hz.
Rated current. The rated current shall be _____ A.
Rated Short-Duration Withstand Current. The effective short-duration withstand
current shall be _______ A. The rated time (t) of the short-duration current shall be
one second.
The crest value of the rated withstand current shall be equal to 2.5 times the rated
short-duration withstand current.
Rated Insulation Level. The rated insulation level of the disconnecting switch shall
be according to the following Table:



Switch rated voltage (effective kV)



Rated atmospheric impulse withstand voltage, to ground and between poles (crest, kV)



Rated atmospheric impulse withstand voltage, to ground and between open contacts (crest, kV)



Rated withstand voltage, 60 Hz, 1 minute, dry and wet, to ground and between poles (effective kV)



Rated withstand voltage, 60 Hz, 1 minute, dry and wet, to ground and between open contacts




Insulator Characteristics. Each stack of insulators shall have the following minimum

Rated voltage of the disconnecting switch (effective kV)

Technical reference of the stack according to NEMA standard
Stack composition









- dry



- wet



Disruptive voltage at 60 Hz (effective kV):

Withstand voltage at 60 Hz (effective kV):

- dry, 1 minute


- wet, 10 seconds



Atmospheric impulse withstand voltage (kV, crest)



Minimum creepage distance (mm)



- normal



- inverted



Mechanical strength of the stack (kgf):

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Temperature Rise. The temperature rise of any part of the disconnecting switch shall
not exceed the maximum limits established in Table 9 of standard ABNT-NBR-6935.


Radio Influence Level. For 72.5 kV rated voltage disconnecting switches, the radio
influence voltage level, at a voltage of 1.1. Un/1.732 (Un being the rated voltage of the
switch), shall not exceed 500 uV at 150 ohm.


Operating Characteristics


Actuation. The disconnecting switches shall be actuated by a manipulator rod and with
an eyelet hole adapted to the rod designed in such a manner that opening or closing can
only be possible by fitting the end of the manipulator rod into the eyelet hole.


Base Drilling. The bases shall have fastening holes in compliance with the requirements
indicated in the Technical Data Sheets.


Terminals and Connectors. The disconnecting switch line terminals shall be of the flat
bar type, with dimensions and fastening holes in accordance with standard ABNT-NBR7571. The terminals shall be of copper alloy and shall be completely and uniformly
(Each disconnecting switch shall be delivered with suitable line connectors, as indicated
in the Technical Data Sheets. The connectors shall be bolt-type, of high mechanical
resistance and high electrical conductivity copper alloy, and shall be tinned.)
The terminals and connectors shall reduce, to a minimum, the possibility of the conductors
and clamps breaking due to fatigue. The movements necessary for operating the
disconnecting switch shall not alter the position of the terminals.
The disconnecting switch base shall have a grounding terminal with a bronze connector,
suitable for copper cables of nominal cross-section varying between 70 and 120 mm2.
The 72.5 kV rated voltage disconnecting switches shall have two grounding terminals
with connectors, as specified above.


Corona Effect. All the metal parts of the disconnecting switch shall be shaped to eliminate
areas or points of high-intensity electrostatic field. All the surfaces shall be smooth,
without protrusions or irregularities which may cause corona.


Manufacturing Characteristics


General. When more than one unit is requested under one item of the Order, they shall
all be of the same design and essentialy identical, with all their corresponding parts
being interchangeable.
The design shall permit easy repair and replacement of parts.


Metal Parts. All the current conducting parts shall be of high-conductivity copper or
copper alloy.
External springs shall be of corrosion-resistant metal, such as silicon bronze or stainless
steel, and shall be designed and fabricated in such a manner that their elasticity properties
will not alter during the course of time or by the service which they are required to

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Bolts, nuts, washers and pins, utilized in the parts composed of non-ferrous metal, shall
be of high-resistance silicon bronze or stainless steel.
The disconnecting switch bases shall be of galvanized steel beams.
All the parts shall be well finished, without imperfections, burrs or other irregularities
which may cause difficulties in assembling.

Main Contacts. The main contacts of the disconnecting switches shall be of high
conductivity material of adequate mechanical strength. In disconnecting switches of
rated current equal to or greater than 1,000 A, all contact areas through which current
will pass shall be silver-plated. As an alternative to this requirement, high-pressure contacts
may be utilized.
The contacts shall be capable of self-cleaning, to remove any oxidation coating, without
that operation damaging the contact surfaces.
Design of the contacts shall be such that the magnetic forces shall not tend to open the
disconnecting switch when subjected to the withstand current crest value and to the
short-duration rated current specified.


Insulators. The disconnecting switches shall be furnished with pedestal-type insulator

stacks according to item 2.3. The mechanical and electrical characteristics of the insulator
stacks shall comply with NEMA standard SG6-31.
The insulators shall be made by manufacturers of known reputation in the manufacturing
of this type of product.
The porcelain shall be manufactured by the wet process and shall be homogeneous,
free from cracks, cavities and other faults, and shall be water-proof. The glazing shall be
free of imperfections, blisters or burns.


Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment. Paint and anti-corrosion treatment shall comply
with the requirements specified in item (S-020248 - Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment).
All metal parts and hardware subject to corrosive action shall be hot-dip galvanized in
accordance with standards ASTM A-123 and -153, Class C.


Nameplate. All disconnecting switch bases shall have stainless steel or anodized aluminum
nameplates, with the following information indelibly marked there on. The information
shall be written in Portuguese and in units of the International system of Units:
Manufacturers name;
Month and year of manufacture;
Type or Manufacturers catalog number;
Rated voltage, in kV;
Rated current, im amperes;
Rated frequency, in Hz;
Insulation level.


Tests. The Type Tests and Acceptance Tests shall be performed on completely assembled
disconnecting switches in accordance with this specification and applicable technical
standard in the presence of the ENGINEER. 5.1 Type Tests. The type tests consist of
the following:

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Withstand voltage test at industrial frequency, dry and wet;

Atmospheric impulse withstand voltage test;
Radio influence level measurement (72.5 kV rated voltage disconnecting switches);
Temperature rise test;
Short-duration withstand current and crest value of withstand current tests;
Operating and mechanical strength tests;
The type tests shall be performed in accordance with the provisions of standard ABNTNBR-6935, on one or more units of each type of disconnecting switch in the List of
Materials, as specified in the Technical Data Sheets.

Acceptance Tests. The acceptance tests consist of the following:

Industrial frequency, dry, withstand voltage test;
Ohmic resistance measurement of the main circuit;
Operating test;
Galvanizing test;
Visual and dimensional inspection.
The withstand voltage test shall be performed on a sample which is representative of
the lot of disconnecting switches of the same type furnished, in conformance with the
Table below and complying with the provisions of standard ABNT-NBR-6935:

No. of Units in the Lot

Up to 5

All the units

From 6 to 10

5 units

From 11 to 30

50% of the units

From 31 to 50

40%, with a minimum of 15 units

From 51 to 100

30%, with a minimum of 20 units

More than 100

20%, with a minimum of 30 units

The ohmic resistance measurement and visual and dimensional inspection shall be
performed on all the units in the List of Materials, in accordance with provisions of
standard ABNT-NBR-6935.
The galvanizing tests shall be performed according to the provisions of standards ABNTNBR-7414,-7397,-7398,-7399 and -7400, on three test specimens prepared and zinc
coated in compliance with the same conditions and processes by which the parts in the
lot were coated. The operating test shall be performed on only 10% of the units, with a
minimum of 1 disconnecting switch, and shall comply with the requirements in standard

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with the information in the
following form, for each type, model and capacity of disconnecting switch in the List of
(Brief description and catalog reference)

Catalog reference
Preliminary drawing (attached)


Rated voltage .......................................................................................... kV

Rated frequency ...................................................................................... Hz
Rated current ............................................................................................ A
Rated short duration withstand current ....................................................... kA
Crest value of the withstand current .......................................................... kA
Rated duration of the withstand current ........................................................ s




Rated atmospheric impulse withstand voltage, normalized wave (crest)

Switch closed to ground ......................................................................... kV
Open switch, opposite terminal and base grounded .................................... kV
Open switch, opposite terminal grounded and base ungrounded .................. kV
Withstand voltage at 60 Hz, dry and wet
Switch closed to ground ......................................................................... kV
Open switch, between terminals .............................................................. kV


Maximum capacity of closure and opening of small capacitive and inductive currents
Capacitive ............................................................................................... A
Inductive ................................................................................................ A
Level of radio influence ........................................................................... MV
Minimum visible corona ending voltage ....................................................... kV
Minimum space between metal parts and the
disconnecting switch in the open position .................................................. mm
Maximum ohmic resistance on the main circuit
Total weight of the disconnecting switch .................................................... kg


Irrigation Manual

NEMA reference of the column
Composition of the column
Disruptive voltage at 60 Hz, dry (effective) ................................................. kV
Disruptive voltage at 60 Hz, wet (effective) ................................................ kV
Withstand voltage at 60 Hz, dry, 1 minute (effective) ................................... kV

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Standard Technical Specifications


Withstand voltage at 60 Hz, wet, 10 seconds ............................................. kV

Atmospheric impulse withstand voltage (crest) ........................................... kV
Creepage distance .................................................................................. mm
Mechanical strength of the column to top bending ...................................... kgf


Allowable tractive force, in the longitudinal direction ................................... kgf
Allowable tractive force, in the transversal direction .................................... kgf



Objective. This Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for

furnishing indicator fuse disconnecting switches, 15 kV, single-pole, for outdoor
installation on wooden or concrete cross-arms, rod operated, (with) (without) devices
for opening under load.


This Specification applies to the following types of switches:

FUSE SWITCH, TYPE A BASE, 15 kV, 50 or 100 A.
FUSE SWITCH, TYPE C BASE, 15 or 38 kV, 100 or 200 A.
FUSE HOLDER, TYPE A BASE, 15 kV, 50 or 100 A.
FUSE HOLDER, TYPE C BASE, 15 or 38 kV, 100 or 200 A.
Nominal Characteristics. The definitions used in this Specification are in accordance
with standard ABNT-NBR-5459.


The fuse disconnecting switches nominal characteristics are shown on Table 1 below:


Fuse Holder

Rated Withstand Voltage

Atmospheric Impulse (crest)

Industrial Frequency (Dry

and Wet) (60 Hz)


Contacts (kV)



Rated (A)

Capacity (kA)












































Maximum (kV)

Rated (A)




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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Operating Characteristics


Operating Device


The hook for fastening the load-break LOADBUSTER type tools, shall withstand a
mechanical traction force of 200 N applied to the plane of the hook in a perpendicular
direction to the insulator axis.


Conducting parts shall be of copper alloy,with a percentage of zinc not higher than 6%,
and aluminum ABNT No. 6061, T4 temper, with diameter of 9.5 mm (3/8).


Corona Effect. Metal parts shall be shaped to eliminate areas or points with a high
intensity electrostatic field. All surfaces shall be smooth, with no projections or
irregularities that might produce corona.


Mounting Hardware. Fuse switches shall be supplied with suitable clamps for mounting
them in the distribution network.


Disconnecting Blade. The 200 A switch bases may operate with a high-conductivity
copper blade. The blades shall be capable of permanently conducting a 300 A current
without exceeding the temperature rise limit.


Protection Against Galvanic and Eletrolytic Action. Galvanized surfaces in contact with
non-ferrous or other ungalvanized parts shall be protected against galvanic or electrolytic


Contacts. High-pressure contacts shall be used on the fuse switches. The contacts
shall be self-cleaning, and the sweeping action shall not cause abrasion or scratching
of the surfaces of the contacts.
The material used in the contacts shall present high electrical conductivity and suitable
mechanical strength, with:
Contacts for fuse switch bases with an asymmetrical interrupting capacity greater
than 4 kA,as well as the fuse holder, shall be silver-plated.
Contact pressure springs shall be of copper alloy, stainless ... steel or equivalent
material approved by the CLIENT.


Terminals and Connectors


Terminals and connectors shall form an integral part of the short-circuits, and shall be
suitable for bare copper or aluminum conductors, of the following gages: 13 to 53 mm2
for 100 A switches, and 21 to 107 mm2 for 200 A switches.


Connectors shall be of the pressure bolt type, of copper alloy of high mechanical strength
and electrical conductivity, in accordance with standard ABNT-NBR-5370, suitable for
connection of aluminum and/or copper cables.




Insulators shall have mechanical and electrical characteristics in compliance with standard
ABNT-NBR-5032 and shall be furnished completely assembled on the switches.


Insulators shall be porcelain bushing type for outdoor use, uniformly glazed and free from
imperfections such as: faulty glaze, fractures, incrustations, etc., in accordance with
standard ABNT-NBR-8668.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Fuse Unit


Fuse switches shall withstand, without damage, the interrupting of overload and shortcircuit currents for which the fuse units are designed.

After replacement of a burned fuse, the fuse switch shall have the same electrical and
mechanical characteristics as previous to the interruption and be able to conduct the
rated continuous duty current under maximum rated voltage, without exceeding the
specified temperature rise limits.

The fuse tube shall be of phenolic resin or fiberglass, coated internally with a layer of
vulcanized fiber which, in addition to providing additional strength, shall contribute to the
formation of gases, to facilitate extinguishing of the arc at the moment of interruption.
The extremities shall also be provided with parts made of high-conducting cast bronze;
the fuse should be easily, rapidly and safely removable and replaceabe using an adequate
operating rod.


The fuse switch shall allow alterations to capacity and interruption values by simply
changing the fuse, without replacing the stationary parts.


Fuse units shall be provided with a hinged device to trip the short-circuit to allow visual
inspection of a burned fuse.


Fuse holders. The BIDDER shall guarantee in his proposal that the fuse holder will not
affect the operating characteristics of the fuses specified in standards ABNT-NBR-5385
and -5389.


Manufacturing Characteristics


Types. Only expulsion-type and indicator-type fuse switches, with fiber tubes and a
single replaceable fuse element, rod operated, shall be acceptable.
The fuse holders shall have provision for venting gases and other substances, during
interruptions, through the lower portion of the cartridge.


Interchangeability. The equipment shall be constructed in such a manner to permit the

interchangeability of parts with similar units. All switches in the List of Materials, designed
in accordance with the same manufacturing specifications, shall be electrically and
mechanically identical.


Fastening Parts. All bolts, nuts, washers, etc., used for fastening non-ferrous parts to
galvanized or other non-ferrous parts, shall be made of a non-ferrous alloy.


Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment. Paint and anti-corrosion treatment shall comply
with the requirements specified in item (S-020248 - Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment).
All metal parts and hardware subject to corrosive action shall be hot-dip galvanized in
accordance with standards ASTM A-123 and -153, Class C.


Nameplate. All disconnecting switches bases and fuse holders shall have a stainless
steel or anodized aluminum nameplate with the following information indelibly marked
thereon. The information shall be written in Portuguese and in units of the International
System of Units:

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Standard Technical Specifications

Disconnecting Switch Bases:

Manufacturers name;
Month and year of manufacture;
Type, or manufacturers catalog no;
Rated voltage, in kV;
Rated current, in amperes;
Rated frequency, in Hz
Insulation basic level.
Fuse Holder:
Manufacturers name;
Month and year of manufacture.
Type or catalog number;
Type or catalog number of the short-circuit for which the fuse holder was
Rated voltage, in kV;
Rated interrupting capacity, in amperes;
The nameplate shall be fastened to the center strap of the insulator on type A bases,
and to the side of the upper terminal on type C bases.



Test on switch components. The following tests shall be conducted on the switch


Insulator Tests. Switch insulators shall be tested as described in standards ABNT-NBR8668, item 5.2.1 and -5032.
These tests may be dispensed with, at the discretion of the CLIENT provided the SUPPLIER
submits to the CLIENT reports on the tests conducted on the insulators and a guarantee
certificate signed by the testing agency.


Hardware Tests. Tests shall be conducted to check the weight and adhesion and
uniformity of the zinc coating, as specified in this Specification and in the recommended
Sampling, for each test, shall be one unit of each fuse switch in the sample in compliance
with standard ABNT-NBR-8668, Table 4. Should any sample fail any of the tests, the
ENGINEER shall repeat the tests on twice the number of samples from the same lot.
Should any sample upon retesting prove faulty the entire lot will be rejected.


Type Tests. These tests shall be conducted on three representative units of the first lot.
The type tests are the following:
Withstand voltage, 60 Hz, dry, for one (1) minute;
Withstand voltage, 60 Hz, wet, for one (1) minute;
Withstand voltage, 60 Hz, between live parts, with the short - circuit open, and
dry, for one (1) minute;
Impulse withstand voltage, wave of 1.2 x 5.0 us;
Interrupting capacity;
Radio interference;
Temperature rise;

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Standard Technical Specifications

The tests described above shall be conducted as described in standard ABNT-NBR8668.


Acceptance Tests. Acceptance tests are the following:

General inspection;
Dimensions verification;
Withstand voltage, dry, at industrial frequency;
Temperature rise;
Zinc coating;
Mechanical operation;
Measurement of contact ohmic resistance;
Thermal cycles; The verification of the external condition of the assembly and its
components shall include finish, uniformity, nameplates and conformity with
drawings approved by the CLIENT.
The manual operation test shall consist of manually opening and closing the fuse switch,
completely assembled (including the fuse), without voltage or current.
The withstand voltage test, at 60 Hz, dry, for one minute shall be conducted in compliance
with standard ABNT-NBR-8668.
Sampling shall be in accordance with standard ABNT-NBR-8668.

The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with the information in the
following form, for each type, model and capacity of disconnecting switch in the List of
(Brief description and catalog reference)

Irrigation Manual

Rated voltage .......................................................................................... kV

Symmetrical and asymmetrical short-circuit capacity ...................................... A
Temperature rise on conducting parts, under rated
current and continuous operation ............................................................... o C
Withstand voltage, 60 Hz, dry, for 1 (one) minute
with switch open and closed ..................................................................... kV
Basic insulation level ................................................................................ kV
Impulse voltage, for open switch ............................................................... kV
Level of radio influence ............................................................................ kV
Material, general characteristics and dimensions of the complete switch, including
fuse holders, insulators, connectors, etc.
Drawing of dimensions, plates and weight.
Mechanical characteristics, if applicable.
Material, characteristics and dimensions of the fuse units.
Characteristics of the connectors and terminals.

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications




Objective. This Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for

furnishing 72.5 kV, 200 A fuse disconnecting switches, for outdoor installation.
The fuse switches shall comply with the ABNT standards in their most recent editions
or, if not sufficient, with the most recent editions of the applicable ANSI, NEMA or CEI


Nominal Characteristics


Rated voltage 69 kV
Maximum operating voltage 72.5 kV
Rated current 200 A
Asymmetric interrupting capacity 2.5 kA or 4.5 kA
Basic insulation level 350 kV
Test voltage between terminals and ground, 60 Hz:
Dry, for one (01) minute 175 kV
Wet, for ten (10) seconds 140 kV


Insulators. Each stack of insulators shall have the (NEMA) TR-16 technical reference
and shall consist of two (02) TR-147 (NEMA) insulators with the following characteristics:
Disrupting voltage, dry, 60 Hz 140 kV
Disrupting voltage, wet, 60 Hz 85 kV
Basic insulation level 190 kV
Minimum leakage distance 66 cm
Discharge distance, dry 35 cm
Mechanical strength:
Horizontal reinforcement at the top 1360 kg
Tension 5450 kg
Torsion 172 kg.m
Diameter of the circle of bolts 7.6 cm (3)
The stack of each pole shall be installed on a galvanized, structurally rigid base with
NEMA mounting holes and a grounding connector hole.


Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment. Paint and anti-corrosion treatment shall comply
with the requirements specified in item (S-020248 - Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment).
All metal parts and hardware subject to corrosive action shall be hot-dip galvanized in
accordance with standards ASTM A-123 and -153, Class C.


Nameplate. All disconnecting switches bases and fuse holdets shall have stainless steel
or anodized aluminum nameplates with the following information indelibly marked thereon.
The information shall be written in Portuguese and in units of the International System
of Units:

Irrigation Manual

Manufacturers name;
Month and year of manufacture;
Type or Manufacturers catalog number;
Rated voltage, in kV;

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Rated current, in amperes;

Rated frequency, in Hz;
Insulation level.

The nameplate shall be fastened to the center clamp of the insulation on type A bases,
and to the side of the upper terminal on type C bases.
Fuse Holder
Manufacturers name;
Month and year of manufacture;
Type or catalog number;
Type or catalog number of the short-circuit for which the fuse holder is
Rated voltage, in kV;
Rated interrupting capacity, in amperes.

Tests. The switch furnished under this Specification shall be submitted to the following
tests, in the presence of the ENGINEER:
Dielectric Tests
Effective withstand voltage, 60 Hz, dry, for 1 (one) minute
Effective withstand voltage, 60 Hz, wet, for 10 (ten) seconds
Impulse withstand voltage, wave of 1.2 x 50 u sec.
Temperature Rise Test
Interrupting Test
Radio Influence Test
Galvanizing Test
The above tests shall be performed in accordance with standard ABNT-MB-25. To verify
the uniformity of the zinc coating,the number of one-minute immersions in the Preece
Test shall be six (6) for the smooth parts and four (4) for threaded parts, without
showing copper deposits, according to standard ABNT-MB-25.

The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with the information in the
following form, for each type, model and capacity of disconnecting switch in the List of
(Brief description and catalog reference)

Irrigation Manual

Rated voltage .......................................................................................... kV

Symmetrical and asymmetrical interrupting capacity ....................................... A
Temperature rise on conducting parts, under rated
current and continuous operation ............................................................... o C
Withstand voltage, 60 Hz, dry, for 1 (one) minute
with switch open and closed ..................................................................... kV
Basic insulation level ................................................................................ kV
Impulse voltage, for open switch ............................................................... kV
Level of radio influence ............................................................................ kV

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Standard Technical Specifications




Material, general characteristics and dimensions of the complete switch, including

fuse holders, insulators, connectors, etc.
Drawing of dimensions, plates and weight.
Mechanical characteristics, if applicable.
Material, characteristics and dimensions of the fuse units.
Characteristics of the connectors and terminals.


Objective. This Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for

furnishing short-circuit fused switches, assembled in tandem with 15 kV knife-type
single-pole disconnecting switch for outdoor installation.
The switches shall comply with the ABNT standards in their most recent editions or, if
not sufficient with the most recent editions of the aplicable ANSI or NEMA standards.


Nominal Characteristics


SWITCH (Tandem unit) . Rated voltage 15 kV

Maximum operating voltage 15.5 kV
Frequency 60 Hz
Basic insulation level 110 kV
Test voltage between terminals and ground, 60 Hz
Dry, for 60 seconds 50 kV
Wet, for 10 seconds 45 kV

Disconnecting Switch


Rated current

400/600 A

200 A

Momentary current

20/40 kA

Interrupting capacity

9 kA, 15 kA


9 kA, 15 kA


Insulator. Insulators shall have the following characteristics:

NEMA technical reference TR-4
Disruptive voltage, dry, 60 Hz 85 kV
Disruptive voltage, wet, 60 Hz 55 kV
Basic insulation level 110 kV
Minimum leakage distance 305 cm
Discharge distance, dry 190 cm
Mechanical strength:
Bending at the top 900 kg
Bending in inverted position 450 kg
Torsion 81 kg.m
Compression 4500 kg
Diameter of the circle of bolts 76 mm


Bases. The unit shall be mounted on a galvanized, structurally rigid base, appropriate for
mounting on a steel structure.
The mounting holes shall be in accordance with NEMA standards.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Manufacturing Characteristics. If applicable, the construction characteristics shall be as

described in the specifications for 15 kV single pole disconnecting switches and fused
disconnecting switches.


Tests. The disconnecting switch furnished under this Specification shall be submitted
to the following tests, in the presence of the ENGINEER:


Mounting and Operating Test


Dielectric Tests
Effective withstand voltage, 60 Hz, dry, for 1 minute
Effective withstand voltage, 60 Hz, wet, for 10 seconds
Impulse withstand voltage, wave of 1.2 x 50 microseconds


Temperature Rise Tests

With rated current
Performance tests


Short-Duration Current Tests

Momentary current
Four second current


Radio Influence Test


Galvanization Test. All steel parts shall be galvanized and, when submitted to the Preece
test, the smooth parts shall withstand six immersions and the threaded parts, four
immersions, without showing copper deposits, according to standard ABNT-MB-25.

The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with the information in the
following form, for each capacity of tandem units in the List of Materials.
(Brief description and catalog reference)

Preliminary drawing (attached)


Irrigation Manual

Rated voltage .......................................................................................... kV

Rated frequency ...................................................................................... Hz
Rated current ............................................................................................ A
Short-duration withstand current ............................................................... kA
Crest value of withstand current ................................................................ kA
Rated duration of withstand current ............................................................. s

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Standard Technical Specifications




Rated atmospheric impulse withstand voltage, normalized wave(crest)

Switch closed to ground ......................................................................... kV
Open switch, opposite terminal and base grounded .................................... kV
Open switch, opposite terminal and base ungrounded ................................ kV
Withstand voltage at 60 Hz, dry for 1 minute, wet for 10 seconds
Switch closed to ground ......................................................................... kV
Open switch, between terminals .............................................................. kV



Maximum closing and opening capacity of small capacitive and inductive currents
Capacitive ............................................................................................... A
Inductive ................................................................................................ A
Level of radio influence ........................................................................... MV
Minimum ending voltage of visible corona ................................................... kV
Minimum space between metal parts and the
disconnecting switch in open position ....................................................... mm
Maximum ohmic resistance of the main circuit .......................................... ohm
Total weight of the disconnecting switch .................................................... kg



NEMA reference of the column
Composition of the column
Disruptive voltage at 60 Hz, dry (effective) 1 minute .................................... kV
Disruptive voltage at 60 Hz, wet, 10 seconds ............................................. kV
Atmospheric Impulse withstand voltage (crest) ............................................ kV
Creepage distance ................................................................................... cm
Mechanical strength of the column to top bending ...................................... kgf



Allowable tractive force, in longitudinal direction ........................................ kgf
Allowable tractive force, in transversal direction ......................................... kgf

4 - FUSE




Model/catalog number
Rated current ............................................................................................ A
Current limitation ....................................................................................... A

Objective. This Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for

furnishing bare copper cables.
Furnishing bare copper cables shall be in accordance with this Specification and, when
not in conflict, with the following technical standards in their latest editions:

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Standard Technical Specifications

ABNT-NBR-5111 - Fios de Cobre Nu de Seo Circular para Fins Eltricos.

ABNT-NBR-5159 - Fios de Cobre Nu de Seo Circular para Fins Eltricos.
ABNT-NBR-5349 - Cabos de Cobre Nu para Fins Eltricos.
ABNT-NBR-5384 - Resistividade de Metais e Ligas.
ABNT-TB-19 - Gerao, Transmisso e Distribuio de Energia Eltrica.
ASTM-B1-70 - Hard-Drawn Copper Wire.
ASTM-B2-70 - Medium-Hard-Drawn Copper Wire.
ASTM-B3-69 - Soft or Annealed Copper Wire.
ASTM-B8-72 - Concentric-lay-Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard, Medium-Hard,
or Soft.
ASTM-B193-65 - Resistivity of Electrical Conductor Materials.
ASTM-B263-58 - Determination of Cross-Sectional Area of Stranded Conductors.
The definitions used in this Specification are in accordance with standards ABNT-NBR5111 and -5460.
The acronyms above refer to:
ABNT - Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas.
NBR - Normas Brasileiras Registradas.
NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials.
The standards listed above do not exclude other recognized standards, provided they
ensure quality levels equal or higher than those listed. In any case, the BIDDER shall
reference in his Bid the standards, or applicable portions thereof, adopted. The CLIENT
may require the BIDDER to supply copies of the adopted standards.
In the event of conflicting requirements between a referenced specification, standard or
code and these Specifications, these Specifications shall govern, followed by the listed
standards and finally those standards adopted by the BIDDER.

Technical Characteristics


System Characteristics. The characteristics of the system are the following:

Rated voltage between phases 0.38 to 13.8 kV;
Number of phases 3;
Frequency 60 Hz;
Connection delta wye with grounded neutral.


Fabrication Characteristics. The basic characteristics of the wires and cables are as
Material. - The material used for wires and cables shall beelectrolytic copper of a
minimum purity of 99.0%.
Conductor. - The conductor shall be a wire or cable.
If the conductor is a cable, it shall be formed of wires which shall be arranged spirally
around the center core of the same material and, before stranding shall comply with this
Specificationand withstandardABNT-EB-11.
Cross-Section. - The cross-section of the conductor shall be circular. The diameters
and cross-sectional areas of the wires and cables shall comply with the values in
Table No. 1.

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Standard Technical Specifications




Area (mm2)

Diameter (mm)

Weight kg/km














7 wires




7 wires




19 wires




37 wires

Note: Medium-hard temper

Type of Temper. - The solid wires and the component strands of the cables shall
be of the soft, medium-hard, or hard-drawn type as specified in the Technical
Data Sheets.

Operating Characteristics. The operating characteristics of the wires and cables are as


Percent Conductivity. The percent conductivity of the bare copper wires at 20o C shall
not be less than the values ing in the following Table:

Diameter mm

Conductivity % (minimum)



Up to


Over 8,25 mm


Up to 8,25 mm


Over 8,25 mm





Resistivity. The electrical resistivity values of the bare copper wires at 20o C shall not be
higher than those given in the following Table:


Diameter mm

Resistivity (maximum)






Up to 8,25



Over 8,25




Up to 8,25



Over 8,25



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Standard Technical Specifications


Electrical Resistance. The electrical resistance value of the bare copper wires and cables,
under continuous current at 20o C, shall not be higher than those established in the
ABNT standards.
The increases in electrical resistance and weight, resulting from stranding the cables
(simple stranding), shall be in compliance with the following Table:
Class and Cross-Section

Increase in Electrical Resistance of the Cable and Weight (%)

Class: AA
42,41 mm2 or less

Over 42,41 mm2

Classes: A and B
1.015 mm2 or less


Tensile Strength, Elongation and Failure Load. The tensile strength, the elongation of
the wires and the failure load of the cables shall be in compliance with the ABNT


Construction Characteristics


Cable Stranding. The cables shall be uniformly stranded throughout the entire length.
Stranding shall be of the simple type, Class AA, A or B, as specified in the Technical
Data Sheets. The preferred lay shall be as follows:
Class AA
The preferred lay for cables with less than seven (7) wires shall be eleven
(11) times the external diameter of the cable, but never less than eight (8) or
more than fourteen (14) times the external diameter. - The preferred lay for
cables with seven (7) or more wires shall be 13.5 times the external diameter
of each layer. The lay in each layer shall not be less than ten (10) nor more
than sixteen (16) times the external diameter.
Classes A and B
The stranding lay of each layer shall not be less than eight (8) nor more than sixteen (16)
times the external diameter of each layer considered. In cables with 37 or more wires,
this requirement is only applicable to the next to the last and the external layer.
The direction of stranding of successive layers shall be alternated and the direction of
stranding of the external layer shall always be to the right.


Splices. No splices whatsoever shall be permitted in the component wires of Class AA

cables with seven (7) wires or less, when the wires are of medium-hard or hard-drawn
For other cables, the distance between two consecutive splices shall not be less than
those indicated in the following Table:

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Standard Technical Specifications

Number of wires in the


Minimum Distance Between Splices in the Finished Cables

Hard-Drawn or Medium-Hard Drawn Wire
Class AA

Class A

Soft Wire
Class B

All Classes

No splices

0,30 m

No splices

15,0 m

15,0 m

0,30 m


15,0 m

15,0 m

0,30 m


15,0 m

15,0 m

15,0 m

0,30 m

20 to 26

15,0 m

15,0 m

15,0 m

0,30 m in one layer

27 to 60

7,5 m

7,5 m

7,5 m

0,30 m in one layer

1,5 m

1,5 m

0,30 m in one layer

61 or more

Note: The values without the reference in one layer mean the distance between
splices in any layer, in a reach of cable.

Weights. The weights of the wires and cables shall be in compliance with the Table No.


Finish. The finish of the (solid) wires and of the component wires of the cable shall not
show cracks, roughness, scale, grooves, burrs, inclusions, etc. The surface shall be clean
and free of all residues.


Packing. The cables shall be packed in reels or spools of hard wood and adequately
protected during handling, transportation and storage.
The reels shall be equipped with metal axles with holes of a minimum diameter of 7 cm
and firmly fixed to the center part of each flange. The internal part of the reel shall not
be painted.
The cable shall not fill the reel completely; a minimum space corresponding to one layer
of cable shall be left unfilled.
Each reel shall have a minimum continuous length of 200 m of cable for lots of up to
1,000 m, unless otherwise specified.
For lots of over 1,000 m, the minimum length of cable shall be 500 m, unless otherwise
Each reel shall have the following identification data legibly stamped or painted on each
side or edge:
Manufacturers name;
Name of the CLIENT;
Number of the reel;
Number of the Purchase Order;
Type and gage of the cable;
Rated voltage;
Weight of the cable;
Total gross weight.
A shipping bill of lading shall be attached to the end of the cable inside the packing crate
and shall contain the same information listed above.

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Standard Technical Specifications

An arrow and the phrase Role neste Sentido (Roll in this Direction) shall be painted on
each flange of the reel.



Acceptance Tests. The acceptance tests shall be performed in the presence of the
ENGINEER for the purpose of verifying the general condition of the material before
The acceptance tests are the following:
Dimensions measurements;
Resistivity test;
Electrical resistance test;
Tensile strength and elongation tests;
Verification of the finish;
Weight Verification; . Verification of the length of the pitch and direction of
stranding of each layer;
Verification of the number of conductors in each layer;
Verification of the diameters of the component wires and of the cross-sectional
area of the cables;
Verification of the packing.
The acceptance tests shall be performed in accordance with the requirements in standards
ABNT-NBR-5159, -5111 and -5349 and with the following requirements:
The criteria for sampling, acceptance and rejection of the wires shall be in accordance
with Items 7.2 and 7.2 of standard ABNT-NBR-5111.
The length of the test specimens shall be as specified in the Table of standard ABNTNBR-5759.
The criteria for sampling, acceptance and rejection of the cables shall be in accordance
with Items 4.2 and 7 of standard ABNT-NBR-5349.
The acceptance of a lot does not exempt the SUPPLIER from the responsibility of replacing
any unit (spool or reel) not in conformity with the requirements of this Specification
(within the period of ___ year(s) from the date of installation, in normal and appropriate
conditions of use of the material).


Other Test Requirements. Other test requirements are specified below. The additional
requirements are to emphasize particular or additional conditions, as required by this


Tests on Wires. The test results from the mechanical and electrical tests on the solid
wires, or on the component wires of the conductors before stranding, shall be in
compliance with the applicable ABNT standards.


Tests on Cables
Tensile Strength and Elongation Tests. -For soft copper cables, the tensile strength
and elongation tests on the component wires may be performed either before
stranding or on wires removed from the cable. In the latter case, the individual
value for elongation shall be 15 units less than the minimum value specified in the

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Standard Technical Specifications

ABNT standards, before stranding. The average value shall be five units less than
the value before stranding.
For medium-hard-drawn copper cables, the CLIENT may dispense with the tensile strength
and elongation tests on the wires before stranding, in which case the conductors shall
be tested as one complete unit, performing only the tensile strength test in conformance
with the values calculated as follows:
Failure load (minimum):
Tc =


Tc = minimum failure load of the cable;
S = nominal cross-sectional area of the wire;
N = number of wires in the cable.
Failure load (maximum) of the hard-drawn copper cable:

Tc = S.N.Tf
Tc = failure load of the cable
Tf = maximum tensile strength of the wire;
S = nominal cross-sectional area of the wire;
N = number of wires in the cable.
Note: The free length between the grips which hold the test specimen shall not be less
than 600 mm, and precautions shall be taken to make sure that all cable wires are firmly
fixed during the test.
Electrical Resistance Test. - The test for determining electrical resistance shall be
performed on the cables tested as one unit. The values resulting from the tests
shall not exceed the values calculated as follows:
R = 1,02


R = maximum electrical resistance of the cable, at 20oC
P = maximum specified resistance for the wire, at 20oC
S = nominal cross sectional area of the wire;
N = number of wires in the cable;
1.02 = increase (2%), in compliance with ICEA Pub No. S-61-402 (Part 2) standard.

For the purpose of acceptance, the CLIENT may perform tests on the wires and cables,
as necessary at the receiving location. In such case, the samples shall be selected in the
presence of the SUPPLIERs representative and the ENGINEER and the tests shall be
performed by nationally recognized firm in this field and the test results certified by it. If
the requirements of this Specification are not met, based on the test results, the material
shall be replaced and the cost of such replacement, as well as the costs of the tests,
shall be at the SUPPLIERs expense.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with the information in the
following form, for each gage, form and type of bare copper wire and conductor included
in the List of Materials.




Diameter ............................................................................................... mm
Cross-sectional area ............................................................................... mm 2
Weight .............................................................................................. kg/km
Electrical resistance at 20o C .............................................................. ohm/km
Conductor length on the reel ...................................................................... m
Diameter of the component wires ............................................................. mm
Number of component wires
Source of the raw material (copper)
Method employed in determining the conductivity
Type of stranding
Description of the reel

Objective. This Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for

furnishing 0.6 to 15 kV power cables.
Furnishing 0.6 to 15 kV power cables shall be in accordance with this Specification and,
when not in conflict, the following technical standards in their latest editions:
ABNT-NBR-5111 - Fio de Cobre Nu de Seo Circular para Fins Eltricos;
ABNT-NBR-5281 - Condutores Eltricos Isolados com Composto Termoplstico
Polivinlico (PVC), at 600 V a 60o C;
ABNT-NBR-6769 - Fio de Cabo Esmaltado de Ao Circular Base de Polister
Classe Trmica, 155o C, Grau 2;
ABNT-NBR-6790 - Continuidade e Ader^encia do Revestimento de Estanho em
Fio de Cobre Mole, Meio Duro ou Duro;
ABNT-NBR-5288 - Determinao das Caractersticas dos Condutores Eltricos
Isolados com Composto Termoplstico;
ABNT-NBR-5159 - Fios de Cobre Nu de Seo Circular para Fins Eltricos - Ensaios;
ABNT-NBR-5349 - Cabos de Cobre Nu para Fins Eltricos;
ABNT-NBR-5368 - Fios de Cobre, Estanhado Mole, Meio Duro e Duro de Seo
Circular para Fins Eltricos;
ABNT-NBR-5384 - Resistividade de Metais e suas Ligas;
ABNT-NBR-5460 - Gerao, Transmisso e Distribuio de Energia Eltrica;
ASTM-B1-1970 - Hard-Drawn Copper Wire;
ASTM-B2-1970 - Medium-Hard-Drawn Copper Wire;
ASTM-B3-1969 - Soft or Annealed Copper Wire;
ASTM-B8-1972 - Concentric - Lay Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard, MediumHard or Soft;
ASTM-B33-1971 - Tinned Soft or Annealed Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes;
ASTM-B-189-1969 - Lead-Coated and Lead-Alloy-Coated Soft Copper Wire for
Electrical Purposes;
ASTM-B-193-1972 - Resistivity of Electrical Conductor Materials;

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

ASTM-B-262-1965 - Determination of Cross-Sectional Area of Stranded

ASTM-D-2219-1968 - Vinyl Chloride Plastic Insulation for
Wire and Cable, 60o C operation;
ASTM-D-2220-1968 - Vinyl Chloride Plastic Insulation for Wire and Cable, 75o C
ICEA PUB. - Rubber-Insulated wire and Cable for the No. S-19-81-1969
Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy;
ICEA PUB. - Thermoplastic-Insulated Wire and Cable for the No. S-61-402-1968 Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy;
ICEA PUB. - Cables Rated 0-35,000 Volts and Having Ozone - No. S-68-516-1973
Resistant Ethylene-Propylene Rubber Insulation;
ICEA PUB. - Cross - Linked - Thermosetting - Polyethylene - No. S-66-524-1971
Insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy.
The definitions used in this Specification are in accordance with standards ABNT-NBR5111 and -5460.
The acronyms above refer to:
ABNT - Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas.
NBR - Normas Brasileiras Registradas.
NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials.
ICEA - Insulated Cable Engineers Association.
The standards listed above do not exclude other recognized standards, provided they
ensure quality levels equal or higher than those listed. In any case, the BIDDER shall
reference in his Bid the standards, or applicable portions thereof, adopted. The CLIENT
may require the BIDDER to supply copies of the adopted standards.
In the event of conflicting requirements between a referenced specification, standard or
code and these Specifications, these Specifications shall govern, followed by the listed
standards and finally those standards adopted by the BIDDER.

Nominal Characteristics


System Characteristics. The characteristics of the system are the following:

Rated voltage between phases 0.38 to 13.8 kV;
Number of phases 3;
Frequency 60 Hz;
Connection delta wye with grounded neutral;
Type insulated cables,600, 6,000 and 15000 V
Number of conductors per cable single or several conductors as specified in the
Technical Data Sheets.
Conductor material copper or tinned copper;
Type of insulation thermoplastic or thermosetting material;
Class of insulation 0.6 to 15 kV;
Frequency 60 Hz.


Operating Characteristics. The operating characteristics of the cables are as follows:


Temperature Rise. The cables shall withstand, without damage, the maximum
temperatures allowed in the ICEA standards, for each type of insulation.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Polyvinyl Chloride Insulation. - The cables constructed with 60o C polyvinyl cloride
and 75o C polyvinyl chloride insulation shall withstand the respective temperatures,
in dry or humid enviroments, at a rated voltage of up to 600 V.
Polyethylene Insulation. -The cables constructed with polyethylene insulation shall
withstand the following temperatures, in dry or humid operating conditions:
Under normal operation
Under overload (up to 5,000 V)
Under overload (from 5,001 to 15,000 V)
In short circuit

75o C;
96o C;
90o C;
150o C.

Synthetic Rubber Insulation. - The cables constructed with synthetic rubber

insulation shall withstand the temperatures indicated in Table 3-1 of the ICEA
Pub. No. S-19-81 standard.
Cross-linked Thermosetting Polyethylene Insulation. - The cables constructed with
cross-linked thermosetting polyethylene insulation shall withstand the following
temperatures in dry or humid operating conditions:
Under normal operation
Under overload
In short circuit

90o C;
130o C;
250o C.

Ethylene-Propylene Rubber Insulation. The cables constructed with ethylenepropylene rubber insulation shall withstand the following temperatures, in dry or
humid operating conditions, at voltages of up to 35,000 V between phases for
100% insulation, and no more than 25,000 V for 133% insulation:
Under normal operation
Under overload
In short circuit

90o C;
130o C;
250o C.


Withstand Voltages. The cables shall withstand the voltages required in the ICEA
standards for the corresponding types and levels of insulation.


Construction Characteristics


The conductor shall be round, concentric, braided, in accordance with standard
The components wires of the conductor shall be of copper, in accordance with
standard ASTM-B-3. The cables with thermoplastic insulation and of tinned copper
shall be in accordance with standard ASTM-B-33. For cables with rubber insulation,
the minimum number of component wires shall be the number required by standard
ABNT-NBR-5349 for nominal round wires of the same cross sectional area, Class
B, or shall be in accordance with Table 2.2 of the ICEA Pub. No. S-19-81 standard.
The material used for the construction of the conductor shall be electrolytic copper
of a minimum purity of 99.90%.
Prior to stranding, the component wires shall be, according to the temper types
(soft or annealed, medium-hard or hard types), as specified in the following Table.
The electrical and mechanical properties of the wires shall comply with the requirements
of standard ABNT-NBR-5368.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Diameter mm

Conductivity % (minimum)




Up to 8,25 mm


Over 8,25 mm



Up to 8,25 mm


Over 8,25 mm


The percent conductivity of the bare copper wires at 20o C shall not be less than the
valves in the Table above.
The weight of the conductor, prior to the application of theinsulation, shall be in
accordance with the weights calculated based on the cross-sectional areas and
weights specified, in compliance with the applicable ASTM standards and the
following Table.

Area, Diameter, Weight and Formation of the Bare Copper Wires and Cables

rea (mm2)

Diameter (mm)

Weight kg/km













7 Wires




7 Wires




19 Wires




37 Wires

Note: Medium hard temper

The electrical resistivity valves of the bare copper wire, at 20o C shall not be higher than
those given in the following Table.


Diameter mm

Resistivity (Maximum)





Medium Hard

Up to 8,25



Over 8,25



Up to 8,25



Over 8,25




The electrical resistance valve of the bare copper wires and cables at 20o C, under direct
current, shall not be greater than those established in the ABNT standards.
The increase in the electrical resistance and weight, resulting from the stranding of the
cables (simple stranding), shall be in compliance with the following Table.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Class and Cross-Sectional Area of the Cable

Increase of the Electrical Resistance and Weight

Class: AA
42,41 mm2 or less

Over 42,41 mm2

Classe: A and B
1.015 mm2 or less

The tensile strength, the elongation of the wires and failure load of the cables
shall be in compliance with the ABNT standards.

Insulation. Thermoplatic insulation (polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene) and thermosetting

insulation (synthetic rubber, cross-linked polyethylene and ozone resistant ethylenepropylene rubber) are acceptable.
Physical and Electrical Characteristics of the Insulation
The physical and electrical characteristics of the thermoplastic insulation shall
comply with the ICEA Pub. No. S-61-402 standard, Items 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9
for 60o C polyvinyl chloride, 75o C polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene,
The physical and electrical characteristics of the thermosetting insulation
shall comply with the ICEA Pub. No. S-19-81 standard, Items 3.8, 3.11,
3.13, 3.14 and 3.15 for operations under the following conditions: synthetic
rubber resistant to 60 C, dry or humid; synthetic rubber resistant to 75o C dry
and 60o C humid; synthetic rubber resistant to 75o C, dry or humid; synthetic
rubber resistant to ozone and butyl rubber resistant to ozone. The termosetting
insulation shall also comply with the ICEA Pub. No. S-66-524 standard for
cross-linked polyethylene and with ICEA Pub. No. S-68-516 standard for
ozone resistant ethylene propylene rubber.

Thickness of the Insulation

The thickness of the thermoplastic insulation (polyvinyl chloride and
polyethylene) shall comply with Item 3.2 and Tables 3.1 and 3.2 of the ICEA
Pub. No. S-61-402 standard.
The thickness of the termosetting insulation shall comply with the ICEA PUB.
No. S-19-81 standard, Item 3.2 and Tables 3.1 and 3.2 for synthetic rubber;
with the ICEA Pub. No. S-66-524 standard, Table 3.1 for cross-linked
polyethylene; and with ICEA PUB No. S-68-516 standard, Table 1, for ozone
resistant ethylene-propylene rubber.
The insulations may be destroyed by fire, but shall not propagate it.
Any other types of insulation shall comply with the requirements in Parts 3
and 4 of the ICEA Pub. No. S-61-402 standards.


The shielding of the insulated cables shall consist of conductor shielding and
insulation shielding.
The shielding of the conductor shall be placed around the conductor, on cables for
voltages greater than 2 kV and in accordance with Item 2.4 of the ICEA Pub. No.
S-19-81 standard.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The shielding of the insulation shall be metallic, non-magnetic, protected against

the chemical action of the cable components and in accordance with Item 4.1.1
of the ICEA Pub. No. S-19-81 standard.

Protective Cover. The finished cable shall contain an external cover for compaction and
protection of the component conductors.
Characteristics of the Protective Cover. - The protective cover shall comply with
Item 4.13 of the ICEA Pub. No. S-19-81 standard, according to the type of material
Thickness of the Protective Cover. - The thickness of the protective cover shall
comply with Item 4.3.4 of the ICEA Pub. No. S-61-402 standard for polyvinyl
chloride and with Item 4.13.9 of the ICEA Pub. No. S-19-81 standard for synthetic
rubber insulation.
The protective cover may be destroyed by fire, but shall not propagate it.


Identification. The cables comprised of two, three or four conductors shall have each of
the conductors identified by a number.
The numbers shall be printed with white indelible paint on a black background and
adequately spaced for immediate identification of the conductor.


The cables shall be packed in reels or spools of hard wood and adequately protected
during handling, transportation and storage.
The reels shall be equipped with metal axles with holes of a minimum diameter of
7 cm and firmly fixed to the center part of each flange. The internal part of the reel
shall not be painted.
The cable shall not fill the reel completely; a minimum space corresponding to one
layer of cable shall be left unfilled. . Each reel shall have a minimum continuous
length of 200 m of cable for lots of up to 1,000 m, unless otherwise specified.
For lots of over 1,000 m, the minimum length of cable shall be 500 m, unless otherwise
Each reel shall have the following identification data legibly stamped or painted on
each side or edge:
Manufacturers name;
Name of the CLIENT;
Number of the reel;
Number of the Purchase Order;
Type and gage of the cable;
Rated voltage;
Weight of the cable;
Total gross weight.
A shipping bill of lading shall be attached to the end of the cable inside the packing
crate and shall contain the same information listed above.
An arrow and the phrase Role neste Sentido (Roll in this Direction) shall be
painted on each flange of the reel.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications




Acceptance Tests


The cable acceptance tests shall be performed in the presence of the ENGINEER for the
purpose of verifying the condition of the material prior to shipment.


The acceptance tests are the following:

Conductor tests:
Tension failure and elongation;
Verification of the diameters of the component wires;
Verification of the diameters and the cross-sectional area of the cables;
Verification of the weight;
Verification of the number of conductors in each layer;
Verification of the length of the pitch and direction of stranding of each layer;
Verification of the finishing;
Verification of the packing;
Insulation and protective shield tests:
Verification of the thickness;
Tension and elongation;
Thermal shock;
Heat distorsion;
Cold bending;
Water absorption; - Resistance to fire;
Capacity and power factor;
Resistance to ozone.
The completed cable tests:
Measurement of the diameter across the insulation;
Measurement of the external diameter;
Resistance of the insulation;
Applied voltage;
Corona level.


The acceptance tests shall be performed as specified below:

The tests on the conductors shall be performed in accordance with standard
The tests on the insulation and on the protective shield shall be performed in
accordance with the following ICEA standards:
ICEA Pub. No. S-61-402 standard, Items 6.4.3, 6.4.11 to 6.4.15, 6.5, 6.7
and 6.9.3 for polyvinyl chloride or polyethylene;
ICEA Pub. No. S-19-81 standard, Items 6.4.3, 6.4.13, 6.4.14, 6.6 to 6.9,
6.19 and 6.20 for synthetic rubber;
ICEA Pub. No. S-66-524 standard, Items 6.4.3, 6.4.11, 6.4.12, 6.4.14, 6.5,
6.6, 6.10 and 6.11 for cross-linked polyethylene;
ICEA Pub. No. S-19-81 standard, Items 6.4.3, 6.4.13, 6.4,14, 6.6 to 6.9,
6.19 and 6.20, with the exceptions contained in the ICEA Pub. NO. S-68516 standard for the tests g, i and j for ozone resistant ethylenepropylene rubber.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The tests on the completed cables shall be performed in accordance with the
following ICEA standards:
ICEA Pub. No. S-61-402 standard, Items 6.11 to 6.13 for polyvinyl chloride
and polyethylene;
ICEA Pub. No. S-19-81 standard, Items 6.22 to 6.24 for synthetic rubber;
ICEA Pub. No. S-66-524 standard, Items 6.14 to 6.16 for crosslinkedpolyethylene;
ICEA Pub. No. S-19-81 standard, Items 6.22 to 6.24, with the exceptions
contained in the ICEA Pub. NO. S-68-516 standard for the tests c, d and
e for ozone resistant ethylene-propylene rubber.

Note: The tests in sub-item 5.1.2, measurement of the diameter across the insulation
and measurement of the external diameter, shall be performed according to subitems
5.2.2 and 5.2.3.

The acceptance tests shall be performed in the presence of the ENGINEER, on samples
taken from the spools or reels in the lot.


The criteria for sampling, acceptance or rejection shall each comply with the requirements
in subitem 5.1.3 for tests on the conductors, insulation, protective covers and the
completed cable, respectively.


The acceptance of a lot does not exempt the SUPPLIER from the responsibility of replacing
any unit (spool or reel) not in conformity with the requirements of this Specification
(within the period of ___ year(s) from the date of installation, in normal and appropriate
conditions of use of the material).


Other Test Requirements. Other test requirements are specified below. The additional
requirements are to emphasize particular or additional conditions, as required by this


Tinning Tests. The tests on the tinning of the component wires of the conductor shall
be performed in accordance with standard ABNT-NBR-6790 and shall comply with
paragraphs 3, 4, 5 and 6 of standard ABNT-NBR-5368.


Measurement of the Diameter Across the Insulation. The diameter across the insulation
of the cables shall be measured to assure the possible utilization of the cables with
premolded connections. The diameters and tolerances shall be stated in the Technical
Data Sheets.


Measurement of the External Diameter. The external diameter of the cable shall be
measured to assure the possible utilization in channels and conduits. The diameters and
tolerances shall be included in the Technical Data Sheets.


Verification of the Weight. The weight shall be verified by weighing a ten-meter length
of conductor taken by the ENGINEER from the spool or reel under inspection. The
weight shall not vary more than 2% from the calculated weight.


Electrical Resistance of the Conductor. The electrical resistance of the conductor at a

temperature of 20o C, shall be in accordance with Item 2.6, part 2, of the ICEA Pub.
Nos. S-61-402 and S-19-81 standards.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with the information in the
following form, for each gage, form and type of power cable included in the List of

Cross-section ........................................................................................mm 2
External diameter .................................................................................... mm
Diameter across the insulation .................................................................. mm
Cable weight ...................................................................................... kg/km
Electrical resistance at 20C ............................................................... ohm/km
Length of the cable on the reel ................................................................... m
Minimum bend radius
Current-temperature curves



Cross-sectional area ............................................................................... mm 2

Source of the raw material (copper)
Number of component wires
Diameter of the component wires ............................................................. mm
Process used for determining the conductivity
Type of stranding






Thickness of the insulation ...................................................................... mm
Thickness of the cover ............................................................................ mm
Physical characteristics before and after aging

Objective. This Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for

furnishing control cables.
Furnishing control cables shall be in accordance with this Specification and, when not in
conflict, the following technical standards in their latest editions:
ABNT-NBR-5111 - Fio de Cobre Nu de Seo Circular para Fins Eltricos;
ABNT-NBR-5281 - Condutores Eltricos Isolados com Composto Termoplstico
Polivinlico (PVC), at 600 V e 60o C;
ABNT-NBR-6769 - Fio de Cabo Esmaltado de Ao Circular Base de Polister,
Classe Trmica 155o C, Grau 2;
ABNT-NBR-5288 - Determinao das Caractersticas dos Condutores Eltricos
Isolados com Composto Termoplstico;
ABNT-NBR-5159 - Fios de Cobre Nu de Seo Circular para Fins Eltricos - Ensaios;
ABNT-NBR-5368 - Fios de Cobre Mole, Estanhado para Fins Eltricos;
ABNT-NBR-5384 - Resistividade de Metais e suas Ligas;
ABNT-NBR-5460 - Eletrotcnica e Eletr^onica, Sistemas Eltricos de Pot^encia;
ASTM-B1-1970 - Hard-Drawn Copper Wire;
ASTM-B2-1970 - Medium-Hard-Drawn Copper Wire;

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

ASTM-B3-1969 - Soft or Annealed Copper Wire;

ASTM-B8-1972 - Concentric - Lay - Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard, MediumHard or Soft; . ASTM-B33-1971 - Tinned Soft or Annealed Copper Wire for Electrical
ASTM-B-189-1969 - Lead-Coated and Lead-Alloy-Coated Soft Copper Wire for
Electrical Purposes;
ASTM-B-193-1972 - Resistivity of Electrical Conductor Materials;
ASTM-B-263-1965 -Determination of Cross-Sectional Area of Stranded Conductors;
ASTM-D-2219-1968 - Vinyl Chloride Plastic Insulation for Wire and Cable, 60o C
ASTM-D-2220-1968 - Vinyl Chloride Plastic Insulation for Wire and Cable, 75o C
ICEA PUB. No. - Rubber-Insulated Wire and Cable for the S-19-81-1969
Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy;
ICEA PUB. No. - Thermoplastic-Insulated Wire and Cable for the S-61-402-1968
Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy;
ICEA PUB. - Cables Rated 0-35,000 Volts and Having Ozone-No. S-68-516 Resistant
Ethylene-Propylene Rubber Insulation.
The definitions used in this Specification are in accordance with standards ABNT-NBR5111 and -5460.
The acronyms above refer to:
ABNT - Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas.
NBR - Normas Brasileiras Registradas.
NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials.
ICEA - Insulated Cable Engineers Association.
The standards listed above do not exclude other recognized standards, provided they
ensure quality levels equal or higher than those listed. In any case, the BIDDER shall
reference in his Bid the standards, or applicable portions thereof, adopted. The CLIENT
may require the BIDDER to supply copies of the adopted standards.
In the event of conflicting requirements between a referenced specification, standard or
code and these Specifications, these Specifications shall govern, followed by the listed
standards and finally those standards adopted by the BIDDER.

Nominal Characteristics


System Characteristics. The characteristics of the system are as follows:

Rated voltage between phases 0.38 to 13.8 kV;
Number of phases 3;
Frequency 60 Hz;
Connection Delta wye with grounded neutral;
Type 600 V, Type A, B, C AND D;
Number of conductors per cable single or several conductors, asindicated in the
Technical Data Sheets.
Material of the conductor copper or tinned copper;
Type of insulation thermoplasticor thermosetting material;
Class of insulation 0.6 to 5 kV;
Frequency 60 Hz.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The control cables are classified into four classes, depending on their intended use,
corresponding to types A, B, C and D of ICEA Pub. Nos. S-19-81 and S-61-402 standards,
as described below:
Type A - Cables for control and supervision, records, information such as
communication, telemeasuring, temperature, pressure variation, indicator lights,
etc., in circuits of 300 volts rated voltage;
Type B - Control cables for operation and interconnection of protection devices
and for general use in cubicles, with voltage class of 600 Volts;
Type C -Control cables for connection to circuits with high induced currents caused
by operating the circuit breakers; for circuits in humid areas on the ground surface
or underground, when excess induced voltages may occur; and used in circuits
with voltage switch of 1,000 volts;
Type D - Control (pilot cable) and supervision cables, used in protection circuits, in
combination with the protection of cables for carrying energy at high voltage,
installed jointly on the same course as the electrical energy cables. They operate
in circuits with voltage class of 600 volts and have an insulation level to ground of
5,000 volts, due to the induced voltages on the occurrence of faults in the electrical
energy cables.

Operating Characteristics. The operating characteristics of the cables are as follows:


Current. The cables shall be used for both direct current and alternating current.


Temperature Rise. The cables shall withstand, witout damage, the maximum temperatures
permitted in the ICEA standards, for each type of insulation.
Polyvinyl Chloride Insulation. - The cables constructed with 60o C polyvinyl chloride
and 75o C polyvinyl chloride insulation shall withstand the respective temperatures,
in dry and humid environments, at a rated voltage of up to 600 V.
Polyethylene Insulation. -The cables contructed with polyethylene insulation shall
withstand the following temperatures, in dry or humid environments:
Under normal operation
Under overload (up to 5,000 V)
Under overload (from 5,001 to 15,000 V)
In short circuit

75o C;
96o C;
90o C;
150o C;

Synthetic Rubber Insulation. - The cables constructed with synthetic rubber

insulation shall withstand the temperatures indicated in Table 3-1 of the ICEA
Pub. No. S-19-81 standard.
Ethylene-Propylene Rubber Insulation. - The cables constructed with ethylenepropylene rubber insulation shall withstand the following temperatures, in dry or
humid enviroments, at voltages of up to 35,000 V between phases for 100%
insulation, and no more than 25,000 V for 133% insulation:
Under normal operation
Under overload
In short circuit


90o C;
130o C;
250o C;

Withstand Voltages. The cables shall withstand the voltages required in the ICEA
standards for the corresponding types and levels of insulation.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Construction Characteristics


The conductor shall be round, concentric, braided, in accordance with standard
The components wires of the conductor shall be of copper, in accordance with
standard ASTM-B-3. The cables with thermoplastic insulation and of tinned copper
in accordance with standard ASTM-B-33. For cables with rubber insulation the
minimum number of component wires shall be the number required by standard
ABNT-NBR-5349 for nominal round wires of the same cross-sectional area, Class
B, or shall be in accordance with Table 2.2 of the ICEA Pub. No. S-19-81 standard.
The material used for the construction of the conductor shall be electrolytic copper
of a minimum purity of 99.90%.
Prior to stranding, the component wires shall be, according to the temper types
(soft or annealed, medium-annealed, medium-hard, or hard), as specified in the
following table.

Diameter mm

Conductivity % (minimum)




Up to 8,25 mm


Over 8,25 mm



Up to 8,25 mm


Over 8,25 mm


The electrical and mechanical properties of the wires shall comply with the requirements
of ABNT-NBR-5368 standard.
The percent conductivity of the bare copper wires at 20o C shall not be less than the
valves in the Table above.
The weight of the conductor, prior to the application of the insulation, shall be in
accordance with the weights calculated based on the cross-sectional areas and
weights specified, in compliance with the applicable ASTM standards and the
following Table.
Area, Diameter, Weight and Formation of the Bare Copper Wires and Cables

Area (mm2)

Diameter (mm)

Weight kg/km













7 Wires




7 Wires




19 Wires




37 Wires

Note: Medium hard temper

The electrical resistivity valves of the bare copper wire, at 20o C shall not be higher than
those given in the following Table.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Resistivity (Maximum)

Diameter mm






Medium Hard

Up to 8,25



Over 8,25



Up to 8,25



Over 8,25




The electrical resistance valve of the bare copper wires and cables at 20o C, under direct
current, shall not be greater than those established in the ABNT standards.
The increase in the electrical resistance and weight, resulting from the stranding of the
cables (simple stranding), shall be in compliance with the following Table.
Class and Cross-Sectional Area of the Cable

Increase of the Electrical Resistance and Weight

Class: AA
42,41 mm2 or less

Over 42,41 mm2

Classe: A and B
1.015 mm2 or less

The tensile strength, the elongation of the wires and failure load of the cables
shall be in compliance with the ABNT standards.
The conductors shall have the configuration shown in the following Table:


Gage mm2

Number of Wires







Insulation. Thermoplatic (polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene) and thermosetting insulation

(synthetic rubber and ozoneresistant ethylene-propylene rubber) are acceptable.
Physical and Electrical Characteristics of the Insulation
The physical and electrical characteristics of the thermoplastic insulations
shall comply with ICEA Pub. No. S-61-402 standard, items 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9
for 60 o C polyvinil chloride, 75o C polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene,
The physical and electrical characteristics of the thermosetting insulations
shall comply with the ICEA Pub. No. S-19-81 standard, items 3.13, 3.14 and
3.15 for, respectively, synthetic rubber resistant to 75o C in dry or wet

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

environments and ozone-resistant synthetic rubber and with ICEA Pub. No.
S-68-516 standard for ozone-resistant ethylene-propylene rubber.

Thickness of the Insulation

The thickness of the thermoplastic insulation (polyvinyl chloride and
polyethylene) shall comply with item 3.2 and Table 7.6 of ICEA Pub. No. S61-402 standard.
The thickness of the termosetting insulations shall comply with ICEA Pub.
No. S-19-81 standard, item 3.2 and Tables 7.8-1 for synthetic rubber and
butyl rubber; and with the ICEA Pub. No. S-68-516 standard, Table 1, for
ozone-reistant ethylene-propylene rubber.
The insulations may be destroyed by fire, but shall not propagate it.
Any other types of insulation shall comply with the requirements in Parts 3 and 4
of the ICEA Pub. No. S-61-402 standard.

Protective Cover. The finished cable shall contain an external cover for compaction and
protection of the component conductors.
Characteristics of the Protective Cover. - The protective cover shall comply with
item 4.13 of the ICEA Pub. No. S-19-81 standard, according to the type of material
Thickness of the Protective Cover. - The thickness of the protective cover shall
comply with Item 4.3.4 of the ICEA Pub. No. S-61-402 standard for polyvinyl
chloride; and with Item 4.13.9 of the ICEA Pub. No. S-19-81 standard for synthetic
rubber insulation.
The protective cover may be destroyed by fire, but shall not propagate it.


The shielding of the insulated cables shall consist of conductor shielding and
insulation shielding.
The shielding of the conductor shall be placed around the conductor, on cables for
voltages greater than 2 kV and in accordance with Item 2.4 of the ICEA Pub. No.
S-19-81 standard.
The shielding of the insulation shall be metallic, non-magnetic, protected against
the chemical action of the cable components and in accordance with Item 4.1.1
of the ICEA PUB. No. S-19-81 standard.


Identification. The individual conductors shall be identified by means of colors in

conformance with Item 5.6.3 of ICEA Pub. Nos. S-19-81 and S-61-402 standards.
The strands of the control cables may be identified by numbers instead of color codes.
The numbers shall be printed with idelible white paint on a black base, appropriately
spaced, thus permitting immediate identification of the conductor.


The cables shall be packed in reels or spools of hard wood and adequately protected
during handling, transportation and storage.
The reels shall be equipped with metal axles with holes of a minimum diameter of
7 cm and firmly fixed to the center part of each flange. The internal part of the reel
shall not be painted.
The cable shall not fill the reel completely; a minimum space corresponding to one
layer of cable shall be left unfilled.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Each reel shall have a minimum continuous length of 200 m of cable for lots of up
to 1,000 m, unless otherwise specified.
For lots of over 1,000 m, the minimum length of cable shall be 500 m, unless otherwise
Each reel shall have the following identification data legibly stamped or painted on
each side or edge:
Manufacturers name;
Name of the CLIENT;
Number of the reel;
Number of the Purchase Order;
Type and gage of the cable;
Rated voltage;
Weight of the cable;
Total gross weight.
A shipping bill of lading shall be attached to the end of the cable inside the packing
crate and shall contain the same information listed above.
An arrow and the phrase Role neste Sentido (Roll in this Direction) shall be
painted on each flange of the reel.



Acceptance Tests


The control cable acceptance tests shall be performed in the presence of the ENGINEER
for the purpose of verifying the conditions of the material before shipment.


The acceptance tests are the following:

Conductor tests:
Tension failure and elongation;
Verification of the diameters of the component wires;
Verification of the diameters and the cross-sectional area of the cables;
Verification of the weight;
Verification of the number of conductors in each layer;
Verification of the length of the pitch and direction of stranding of each layer;
Verification of the finishing;
Verification of the packing;
Insulation and protective shield tests:
Verification of the thickness;
Tension and elongation;
Thermal shock;
Heat distortion;
Cold bending;
Water absorption;
Resistance to fire;
Capacity and power factor;
Resistance to ozone.

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Standard Technical Specifications

The completed cable tests:

Measurement of the diameter across the insulation;
Measurement of the external diameter;
Resistance of the insulation;
Applied voltage;
Corona level.

The acceptance tests shall be performed as specified below:

The tests on the conductors shall be performed in accordance with standard
The tests on the insulation and on the protective shield shall be performed in
accordance with the following ICEA standards:
ICEA Pub. No. S-61-402 standard, Items 6.4.3, 6.4.11 to 6.4.12, 6.4.14,
6.5, and 6.9.3 for polyvinyl chloride or polyethylene insulation;
ICEA Pub. No. S-19-81 standard, Items 6.4.3, 6.4.13, 6.4.14, 6.8, 6.9 and
6.20 for synthetic rubber insulation;
ICEA Pub. No. S-19-81 standard, Items 6.4.3, 6.4.13, 6.4,14, 6.8, 6.19 and
6.20, with the exceptions contained in the ICEA Pub. No. S-68-516 standard
(ozone-resistance test), for ozone resistant ethylene-propylene rubber
The tests on the complete cable shall be performed in accordance with the following
ICEA standards:
ICEA Pub. No. S-61-402 standard, Items 6.11, 6.12, and for
polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene insulation;
ICEA Pub. No. S-19-81 standard, Items 6.22, 6.23 and for synthetic
rubber insulation;
ICEA Pub. No. S-19-81 standard, Items 6.22 and 6.23, with the exceptions
contained in the ICEA Pub. No. S-68-516 standard for tests b and c
(applied voltage and insulation resistance tests) for ozone resistant ethylenepropylene rubber insulation.

Note: Measurement of the diameter across the insulation and the external diameter of
the cables shall be done in accordance with subitems 5.2.2 and 5.2.3, respectively.

The acceptance tests shall be performed in the presence of the ENGINEER, on samples
taken from the spools or reels in the lot.


The criteria for sampling and acceptance or rejection shall comply with the requirements
in subitem 5.1.3 for the conductor, insulation, protective cover and completed cable


Acceptance of a lot does not exempt the SUPPLIER from the responsibility of replacing
any unit (spool or reel) not in conformity with the requirements of this Specification
(within a period of ___ year(s) from the date of installation, in normal and appropriate
conditions of use of the material).


Other Test Requirements. Other test requirements are specified below. The additional
requiremenrs are to emphasize particular or additional conditions, as required by this

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Standard Technical Specifications


Tinning Tests. The test on the tinning of the component wires of the conductor shall be
performed in accordance with standard ABNT-NBR-6790 and shall comply with paragraphs
3, 4, 5 and 6 of standard ABNT-NBR-5368.


Measurement of the Diameter Across the Insulation. The diameter across the insulation
of the cables shall be measured to assure the possible utilization of the cables with
premolded connections. The diameters and tolerances shall be stated in the Technical
Data Sheets.


Measurement of the External Diameter. The external diameter shall be measured to

assure the possible utilization of the cables in ducts and conduits. The diameters and
tolerances shall be stated in the Technical Data Sheets.


Verification of the Weight. The weight shall be verified by weighing a ten-meter length
of conductor taken by the ENGINEER, from the reel or spool under inspection. The
weight shall not vary more than 2% from the calculated weight.


Electrical Resistance of the Conductor. The electrical resistance of the conductor, at a

temperature of 20o C, shall be in accordance with Item 2.6, part 2, of the ICEA Pub.
Nos. S-61-402 and S-19-81 standards.

The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with the information in the
following form, for each gage, form and type of control cables included in the List of

Cross-sectional area .............................................................................. mm2

External diameter .................................................................................... mm
Diameter across the insulation .................................................................. mm
Cable weight ...................................................................................... kg/km
Electric resistance at 20o C ................................................................ ohm/km
Length of the cable on the reel ................................................................... m
Minimum bend radius
Current-temperature curves



Cross-sectional area .............................................................................. mm2

Source of the raw material (copper)
Number of component wires
Diameter of the component wires ............................................................. mm
Process used for determining the conductivity
Type of stranding



Irrigation Manual

Thickness of the insulation ...................................................................... mm
Thickness of the cover ............................................................................ mm
Physical characteristics before and after aging

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Standard Technical Specifications




Objective. This Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for the
furnishing aluminum conductors for transmission lines.
For purposes of design, inspection, raw material and manufacturing standards, the
aluminum conductors (AC) to be furnished shall comply with the requirements in this
Specification and, when not in conflict, with the latest revisions of the following standards:
ABNT-NBR-5188 - Fios de Alumnio Nus de Seo Circular para Fins Eltricos Especificao.
ABNT-NBR-5166 - Fios de Alumnio Nus de Seo Circular para Fins Eltricos Mtodo de Ensaio.
ABNT-NBR-6242 - Verificao Dimensional para Fios e Cabos Eltricos - Mtodo
de Ensaio.
ABNT-NBR-6814 - Fios e Cabos Eltricos, Ensaios de Resist^encia Eltrica - Mtodo
de Ensaio.
ABNT-NBR-7106 - Fios e Cabos Eltricos, Ensaios de Rasgamento.
ABNT-NBR-7271 - Condutores de Alumnio para Instala,c~oes Areas com ou
sem Cobertura Protetora - Especificao.
ABNT-NBR-7272 - Condutor Eltrico de Alumnio - Ruptura e Caracterstica
ABNT-NBR-7273 - Condutor Eltrico de Alumnio -Retirada e Preparo do Corpo-deProva para Ensaios de Tipo;
ABNT-NBR-7302 - Condutores Eltricos de Alumnio Tenso - Deformao com
Condutores de Alumnios - Mtodo de Ensaio.
ANBT-NBR-7304 - Condutores Eltricos de Alumnio - Corona em Condutores de
Alumnio - Mtodo de Ensaio.
ABNT-NBR-7308 - Carretis de Madeira para Condutores Nus de Alumnio Caractersticas Dimensionais e Estruturais - Padronizao.
ABNT-NBR-7212 - Rolos de Fios e Cabos Eltricos - Caractersticas Dimensionais
- Padronizao.
ASTM-B-193 - Resisitivity of Electrical Conductor Materials;
ASTM-B-230 - Aluminum Wire, EC-H19, for Electrical Purposes;
ASTM-B-231 - Aluminum Conductors, Concentric-lay-stranded;
ASTM-B-233 - Aluminum Rolled Rods for Electrical Purposes;
ASTM-B-262 - Aluminum Wire, EC-H16 or H26 for Electrical Purposes;
ASTM-B-354 - Uninsulated Metallic Elctrical Conductors;
ASTM-E-8 - Tension Testing of Metallic Material.
The above acronyms refer to:
ABNT - Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas.
NBR - Norma Brasileira Registrada.
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials.
The standards listed above do not exclude other recognized standards which ensure
equal or higher quality, provided the BIDDER states in his Bid the standards or applicable
portions thereof that have been adopted. If necessary, the CLIENT may require the
BIDDER to supply copies of the adopted standards.
In case of doubt or contradiction, this Specification shall prevail, followed by the
recommended standards, and finally the standards presented by the BIDDER.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Fabrication Characteristics


Basic Characteristics. The basic material shall be aluminum, of uniform quality.

The temper shall be H19 (hard-drawn), H16 or H26 (3/4 hard-drawn) in accordance with
standard ABNT-NBR-5118.


Components. The conductors shall be formed of wires concentrically placed in relation

to a center wire of the same material, forming layers of stranded wires.
The wires shall be manufactured of aluminum of at least 99.50% purity.
The wire diameters shall be expressed in millimeters up to the third decimal point.
The wire diameters shall comply with Table 2 of standard ABNT-NBR-7271.
The aluminum wire diameter shall be considered as the arithmetic average of three
readings, spaced at least 500 mm one from the other along the wire. The value used as
the reading at each point shall be the arithmetic average of two readings, taken at right
angles at a single point.
The allowable variation in the diameter of the wires shall be in accordance with the
requirements in item 9-3 of standard ASTM-B-230 or in item 8 (c) of standard ASTM-B262, in accordance with the temper specified in the Technical Data Sheets.
The variation in cross-sectional area of the completed conductor shall comply with the
requirements of standard ASTM-B-231.


Cross-Section. The cross-section of the conductors shall be circular and shall comply
with standard ABNT-NBR-7271.


Stranding. The stranding of the conductors shall be uniform throughout the conductor
The stranding class shall be AA or A in accordance with standard ABNT-NBR-7271.
The direction of the stranding of successive layers shall be alternated, with the stranding
of the external layer always to the right.


Specific Weight. For purposes of calculation, the specific weight of the aluminum wires
shall be 2.703 g/cm3 at 20o C.


Resistivity. For purposes of calculation, the volumetric resistivity of the aluminum wires
shall be 0.028264 mm2/m at 20o C.


Effective Resistance. The effecitve resistance of the completed conductor is a function

of the stranding. For purposes of calculation, the incremental increases of electrical
resistance, resulting from stranding, are given in Table 3 of Annex A of Standard ABNTNBR-7271.


Tensile Mechanical Strength and Elongation. The tensile strength of the conductor shall
be considered as the sum of the tensile strength of the component wires, according to
the criteria established in standards ABNT-NBR-7271 and -5118.

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Standard Technical Specifications

The wires of temper H19 shall not present breaks or cracks when submitted to the
winding test.

Splices. No splices of any kind will be permitted in the aluminum conductors (AC), of
Classes AA and A, with seven strands.
Splices are permitted, by cold welding or electric welding, during stranding, as long as
the minimum distance of 15 m is maintained between them on the same wire or any
other wire of the completed conductor, with the following conditions:
Not more than two splices in any one reel;
Not more than 10% of the reels shall contain splices;


Finish. The aluminum conductor (AC) shall not have any scratches, flakes, cracks and
other defects which can affect the electrical and/or mechanical strength of the wires.




Type Tests. Approval of the aluminum conductors (AC) furnished under this Specification
is based on the type tests.
The type tests are the following:
Conductor tensile strength, according to standard ABNT-NBR-7272;
Stress-strain tests, according to standard ABNT-NBR-7302;
Corona test, acoording to standard ABNT-NBR-7304;
Radio Influence voltage test, according to standard NEMA-107;


During the manufacturing process, the following routine and/or verification tests shall
be performed:
Construction of the conductors;
Mechanical characteristics;
Area of the conductors;
Stranding lay;
Electrical resistance tests (standard ABNT-NBR-6814);
Ductility test for the wires of temper H19.


Acceptance Tests. The acceptance tests are for the purpose of assuring that the
conductors being received by the CLIENT are in compliance with the minimum
characteristics required by this Specification.
The acceptance tests are the following:
Stranding lay measurement;
Cross-sectional area measurement;
Measurement of the dimensions and formation of the cables, in accordance with
standard ABNT-NBR-6242;
Verification of the electrical characteristics, in accordance with standard ABNTNBR-5384;
Tensile test on the component strands, in accordance with standard ABNT-NBR5166;
Ductility test on the component strands, in accordance with standard ABNT-NBR5166;

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Standard Technical Specifications


Sampling. A visual inspection shall be effected on 100% of the lot during the
manufacturing process. The final inspection, at the SUPPLIERs installations, shall be
effected on 10% of the lot, in accordance with items 6.2.2 and 6.2.3 of standard
Samples for the type and acceptance tests shall be taken at random, in accordance with
Tables 5 and 6 of Annex A of standard ABNT-NBR-7271.
Control of the dimensions shall be done on the sample itself.
Test specimens shall be taken with sufficient length for performing the tests, disregarding
the first meter. The specimens for the wire tests, before stranding, shall be taken in
accordance with standard ABNT-NBR-5118. The specimens for the type tests shall be
taken in accordance with standard ABNT-NBR-7273. For the acceptance tests, the test
specimen shall be 3 m in length taken from each reel or spool to be sampled.


Acceptance or Rejection. If the test specimen taken from a collected sample complies
with the minimum requirements for the test in question, the sample shall be accepted.
If the test specimen fails, two more test specimens shall be taken from the same sample
and retested. If the latter two tests approve the test specimen, the sample shall be
accepted but, should another test specimen not be approved, the sample shall be rejected.
The lot shall be considered as being satisfactory when the number of defective samples
does not exceed the values in Table 5 or 6 of Annex A of standard ABNT-NBR-7271.




General Conditions. Packing and preparation for shipment shall be subject to approval
by the ENGINEER. Packing of all the material shall be done in a manner to ensure safe
transportation under any conditions and restrictions which may be encountered. The
packing shall be such that it shall protect the material from breakage, losses and damages
from the time it leaves the plant until it reaches its destination.
The packing shall be considered satisfactory if the material is found to be in perfect
condition upon arrival at its destination.
The conductors shall be packed in coils or wooden reels to protect them from damage
during transportation and handling.
The reels shall be made from strong wood, free from knots and other defects which
may weaken it.
The internal part of the reels shall not be painted and the drum shall be wrapped in a
layer of waterproof paper, which shall serve as a lining for the conductor. The external
part of the reel shall be painted without, however, covering the printing of the
Manufacturers identification or his registered trademark and the necessary data requested
in the Order, such as: weight, length, etc., which shall be easily readable.
The conductors shall be firmly tied and wrapped in waterproof paper to protect them
from rain (and from salt penetration during marine transportation).
The lathes used for covering shall be firmly nailed to the outside edges of the reel in
such a manner as to cover the reel completely.

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Standard Technical Specifications

The covering lathes shall be secured at the reel edges with zinc-coated steel straps.
The conductors packed in coils shall be protected by a layer of waterproof paper, covered
by a layer of burlap. The coils shall be tied with a belt of resistant material without,
however, causing damage to the conductor.
The final packing shall be done in such a manner that the weight and dimensions are
kept within reasonable limits, in order to facilitate handling, storage and transportation.
The continuous lengths of cables shall not vary more than +/- 5% of the lengths of
each reel or coil, and the average length variation shall not be more than +/- 2%.
Lengths different from nominal lengths will not be accepted.

Marking. All coils and reels shall be marked externally in a clearly visible place and with
indelible characters with the following information:
Manufacturers name;
Nominal cross-sectional area of the conductor in mm2, and type of conductor
Length of the conductor, in meters;
Gross and net weights, in kilograms;
Series number of the reel;
The name of the CLIENT;
Arrow, and indication Role neste Sentido to indicate the unwinding direction of
the cable.

The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with the information in the
following form, for each gage, form and type of aluminum conductor included in the List
of Materials.




Gages, diameters, and cross-sectional areas of the conductors andcomponents wires.

Stranding lay
Tensile strength and minimum elongation
guarantee values of conductors and component wires .................................. kN
Electrical resistance at 20o C of the cables and component wire ................. ohms
Standard weights and lengths of the conductors, and of the corresponding packing
reels and coils
Conductor weight per 1,000 m ................................................................. kg
Process used in determining the conductivity
Source of the raw material (aluminum)
Reduction in the proposed cost, in case of rejection of reels
Inspection site

Objective. This Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for the
furnishing steel core aluminum conductor for electric power supply lines.
For purposes of design, inspection, raw material, quality, finishing, tests and
manufacturing standards, the material to be furnished shall comply with the requirements
of this Specification and, when not in conflict, with the latest revisions of the following
ABNT-NBR-5118 - Fios de Alumnio Nus, de Seo Circular para Fins Eltricos.

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Standard Technical Specifications

ABNT-NBR-5366 - Cabos de Alumnio (CA) e Cabos de Alumnio com Alma de

A,co (CAA), para Fins Eltricos.
ABNT-NBR-5471 - Eletrotcnica e Eletr^onica, Condutores Eltricos, Terminologia.
ABNT-NBR-6756 - Fios de A,co Zincados para a Alma de Cabos de Alumnio.
ABNT-NBR-7270 - Cabos de Alumnio com Alma de A,co.
ABNT-NBR-7308 - Carretis de Madeira para Condutores Nus de Alumnio.
ASTM-A-90 - Weight of Coating on Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Iron or Steel Articles.
ASTM-A-239 - Uniformity of Coating by the Preece Test (Copper Sulfate Dip) on
Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Iron or Steel Articles.
ASTM-B-493 - Resistivity of Electrical Conductor Materials.
ASTM-B-230 - Aluminum Wire, EC-H19, for Electrical Purposes.
ASTM-B-232 - Aluminum Conductors, Concentric - Lay - Stranded Coated Steel Reinforced (ACSR).
ASTM-B-233 - Aluminum Rolled Rods for Electrical Purposes.
ASTM-B-354 - Uninsulated Metallic Electrical Conductors.
ASTM-B-498 - Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors,
Steel Reinforced (ACSR).
ASTM-E-8 - Tension Testing of Metallic Materials.
CEI-209 - Aluminum Conductors, Steel reinforced.
The acronyms related to standards refer to:
NBR - Norma Brasileira Registrada.
ABNT - Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas.
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials.
CEI - Commission Eletrotechnique Internationale
The standards listed above do not exclude other recognized standards which ensure
equal or higher quality provided the BIDDER states the applicable parts or standards in
his Bid. Should it be deemed necessary, the CLIENT may require the BIDDER to supply
copies of the adopted standards.
In case of doubt or contradiction, this Specification shall prevail followed by the
recommended standards and finally the standards presented by BIDDER.

Fabrication Characteristics


Steel Core. The steel for the wires to be used in the cable core shall be produced by one
of the following processes: open-hearth furnace (acid or basic), electric furnace or basic
oxygen furnace.


The chemical composition of the steel core wires shall be as follows:

Carbon ............................................................. 0.50
Manganese ....................................................... 0.50
Silicon .............................................................. 0.10
Sulphur (maximum) ...................................................
Phosphorus (maximum) .............................................

- 0.85%
- 1.10%
- 0.30%

The permissible impurity contents in the primary zinc ingot, according to standard ABNTNBR-5996, are as follows:

Irrigation Manual

Pb ................................................................................................. 0.07
Fe (max.) ....................................................................................... 0.02
Cd (max.) ....................................................................................... 0.03
Al (max.) ..................................................................................... 0.005

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Standard Technical Specifications

For purposes of calculation, the specific weight of the steel wires is considered as
g = 7.780 x 103 kg/m3, at 20o C

Diameter. The diameter of the component wires of the steel core, for each type of cable,
shall be in accordance with Table 2 of standard ABNT-NBR-7270.

The diameter of the steel wire shall be considered as the arithmetic average of three
readings, spaced at least 500 mm from each other, along the wire. The value used as
the reading at each point shall be the arithmetic average of two readings taken at right
angles at a single point.
The allowable variation of the steel wire diameter shall be in accordance with that
specified in Table 1 of standard ABNT-NBR-6756.

Required Stresses and Elongation. The steel wire shall withstand the stresses stated in
Table 2 of standard ABNT-NBR-6756, relative to its galvanizing class and meet the
respective minimum elongation values.


Ductility. The steel wire shall not fracture when wound in spirals of eight turns, at a
speed no higher than fifteen (15) turns per minute, around a cylindrical spindle of diameter
equal to two times the wire nominal diameter.


Galvanizing Class. The component wires integrating the steel core shall have Class A


Zinc Coating Weight. The zinc coating weight shall not be less than that specified in
Table 4 of standard ABNT-NBR-6756.


Zinc Coating Adherence. The zinc coating shall not crack to the point of being removed
by rubbing with the finger after the galvanized steel wire is wound at least eight turns
around a cylindrical spindle of diameter specified in Table 3 of the standard ABNT-NBR6756.


Zinc Coating Uniformity. - The steel wire shall have a uniformly distributed zinc coating
which, for verification purposes, shall be subjected to the number of immersions one
minute duration each, in copper sulfate solution, density of 1.186 at 18o C, without
resulting in permanent copper deposit, as specified in Table 5 of standard ABNT-NBR6756.

This test is not required for electrolytically galvanized steel wires.


Splices. Splices in the finished wire shall not be allowable. Splicing shall be allowed only
during manufacturing (before or after the patenting heat treatment and only before
cold drawing), by electric welding or arc welding.
The welding process shall be such that the wires with welded sections withstand a
tensile stress greater than 96% of the minimum specified stress value, at 1% elongation.


Finishing. The zinc coating shall be sufficiently smooth, continuous, with uniform thickness
and free from flaws not compatible with the quality of a good product.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Aluminum Wire


Diameter. The diameter of the aluminum wires, for each type of cable, shall be in
accordance with Table 2 of standard ABNT-NBR-7271.
The diameter of the aluminum wire shall be considered as the arithmetic average of
three readings, spaced at least 500 mm from each other, along the wire. The value used
at each point shall be the arithmetic average of two readings taken at right angles at a
single point.
The allowable variation of the aluminum wire diameter shall be in accordance with item
9.3 of the ASTM-B-230 standard.


Required Stresses and Elongation. The aluminum wire shall be of H19 temper and shall
withstand the stresses specified in Table 1 of standard ABNT-NBR-5118 as well as
meet the elongation values required.


Ductility. The aluminum wire shall not fracture or crack when wound in spirals of eight
turns, at a speed no higher than fifteen (15) turns per minute, around a cylindrical
spindle of diameter equal to the wire nominal diameter.


Resistivity. The resistivity shall not exceed the value of 28.264 ohm.mm2/km at 20o C,
equivalent to 61% of standard established by the International Annealed Copper Standard


Specific Weight. For purposes of calculation, the specific weight of aluminum wires
shall be considered as 2.703 x 103 kg/m3. 2.2.6 Electrical Resistance and Conductor
Weight. The electrical resistance and the weight of the conductor unit length are a
function of the conductor stranding. For purposes of calculations, the incremental values
are stated in Table 30, Annex A of standard ABNT-NBR-7270.


Splices. Splices by cold welding or electric butt welding shall be allowed during stranding
provided that a minimum distance of 15 m between welds on the same wire or on any
other wire of the completed conductor is maintained.


Complete Conductor3


Cross-Sectional Area Variation. The variation of the cross-secional area of the aluminum
conductor with steel core shall be in accordance with item 9.1 of the ASTM-B-232


Tensile Strength of the Complete Conductor. The minimum tensile strength of the
completed conductor shall be calculated in accordance with item 5.3.1 of standard


Stranding. The conductors shall be uniformly stranded along their full length to a Class
AA, in accordance with item 4.4 of standard ABNT-NBR-7270.


Finishing. The aluminum conductors shall be free from scratches, scrapes, cracks and
other flaws not compatible with a good product.

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Standard Technical Specifications




Type Tests. The type tests are performed to assure that the steel core aluminum
conductors are in accordance with the requirements of this Specification.
The type tests are as follows:
Tensile strength of the completed conductor. - This test shall be performed in
accordance with standards ABNT-NBR-7272 and item of standard ABNTNBR-7270.
Stress-strain test. - This test shall be performed in accordance with standard
Fluency test on the completed conductor. - This test shall be performed in
accordance with standard ABNT-NBR-7303.
Corona test on the completed conductor. - This test shall be performed in
accordance with standard ABNT-NBR - 7304.


Routine Tests. The routine tests shall be performed in a continuous manner during
manufacturing, to assure the conformity of the steel core aluminum conductors with
the requirements specified or approved by the CLIENT. The tests shall be performed at
the SUPPLIERs facilities during the manufacturing process.
The routine tests are as follows:
Aluminum Wires. - Visual inspection and complete tests, in accordance with
standard ABNT-NBR-5118.
Galvanized Steel Wires. - Visual inspection and complete tests, in accordance
with standard ABNT-NBR-6756.
Completed Conductor. - Visual inspection and tests on the aluminum and steel
Note: The visual inspections shall confirm the conditions established in this Specification
as to the visual aspects and finishing of the conductors.


Acceptance Tests. The acceptance tests are for the purpose of assuring that the
conductors being received by the CLIENT are in compliance with the minimum
characteristics required by this Specification and the Technical Data Sheets.
The acceptance tests are as follows:
Verification of the dimensional characteristics specified in items 3.1.2, 3.2.1,
3.3.1 and 3.3.3 in accordance with standard ABNT-NBR-6242.
Verification of the electrical characteristics described in items 3.2.4 and 3.2.6, as
specified in item of standard ABNT-NBR - 7270, in accordance with standard
Verification of the mechanical characteristics described in items 3.1.3, 3.2.2 and
3.3.2. and specified in item of standard ABNT - NBR-7270, in accordance
with standard ABNT-NBR-5166.
Verification of the mechanical characteristics described in items 5.1.6 and
of standard ABNT-NBR-7270, in accordance with standards ABNT-NBR-6005, 6207 and -6756.
Verification of the steel wires zinc coating specified in items 5.1.6 and of
standard ABNT-NBR-7270, in accordance with standard ABNT-NBR-6334.


Sampling. The visual inspection shall be performed on all the units in the lot; the rejected
units shall not be subjected to the remaining tests.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Test specimens for the type tests shall be taken in accordance with standard ABNTNBR-7273.
Random samples for the routine tests shall be taken as follows.
Aluminum Wires. - One sample of aluminum wire shall be taken from every lot of
five (5) spools and test specimens shall be in accordance with standard ABNTNBR-5118.
Galvanized Steel Wires. - Sampling shall be determined in accordance with Table
5, Annex A of standard ABNT-NBR-7270, and test specimens shall be in accordance
with standard ABNT-NBR-6756.
Completed Conductor. - Samples of the steel and aluminum wires shall be taken
according to Table 5, Annex A of standard ABNT-NBR-7270, and specimens shall
be taken in accordance with standard ABNT-NBR-5118 and -6756, for aluminum
and steel wires, respectively. The number of wires to be tested from each reel
shall be determined in accordance with Table 6, Annex A of standard ABNT-NBR7270.
Test specimens of 3 m shall be taken from each sample reel or coil for the acceptance
tests, discarding the first meter of the conductor.

Acceptance or Rejection. Acceptance or rejection of the conductor shall be in accordance

with item 7 of standard ABNT-NBR-7270.




General Conditions. Packing of the conductor and preparation for shipment shall be
subject to approval by the ENGINEER. Packing of all the material shall be made to ensure
safe transportation under any condition and limitations that may be encountered. The
packing shall be such that all material will be protected against breakage, losses and
damages from the plant to its destination.
Packing shall be considered acceptable if the material arrives in perfect condition at its
The conductor shall be packed in wooden reels or coils for protection against damages
during transporting and handling.
The reels shall be made of strong wood, free from knots and any other flaws which may
cause their weakening.
The inside of the reel shall not be painted and the drum shall be protected with a layer
of waterproof paper which serves as a lining for the conductor. The outside of the reel
shall be painted without, however, covering the SUPPLIERs identification or his trade
mark and the data required in the Order, such as: weight, length, etc., which shall be
easily readable.
The lathes used for covering shall be firmly nailed on the flange edges to keep the reel
completely covered.
The flange edges over the ends of the covering lathes shall be tied with galvanized steel
The conductors packed in coil shall be protected by a layer of waterproof paper, covered
with a layer of burlap. The coils shall be tied by steel bands.

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Standard Technical Specifications

When wooden boxes are used for packing, both the coil and the inside of the box shall
be protected with waterproof paper; the box shall be closed and tied by steel wires of
adequate diameter.
The final packing shall be made so as to keep the weight and dimensions within reasonable
limits in order to facilitate handling, storage and transportation.
The conductor length variations shall not be more than +/- 5% of the lengths specified
for each reel or coil; and the average length variation shall not be more than +/- 2%.
Lengths different from standard lengths will not be acceptable.



Reels. The outside of the reels shall be visibly marked with the following information:
Name of the Manufacturer;
The name of the CLIENT;
Conductor nominal cross-sectional area in mm2, and type of material;
Length of the cable, in meters;
Net and gross weights, in kg;
Reel or coil series number;
Arrow showing the conductor unwinding direction.


Coils. Each coil shall have an indelible bill of lading firmly attached to the outside end of
the conductor containing the same information listed in subitem 4.2.1.

The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with the information in the
following form, for each gage, form and type of aluminum conductor included in the List
of Materials.

DIRECT CURRENT SYSTEM - (48 Vdc) (125 Vdc)



Gages, diameters, and cross-sectional areas of the conductors and components

Stranding lay
Tensile strength and minimum elongation (guarantee
values of conductors and component wires ................................................. kN
Electrical resistance, at 20o C, of the cables
and component wires ........................................................................... ohms
Standard weights and lengths of the conductors, including the corresponding packing
reels and coils
Conductor weight per 1,000 m ................................................................. kg
Process used in determining the conductor conductivity
Source of the raw material (aluminum)
Inspection site

Objective. This Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for

furnishing (48 Vdc) (125 Vdc) batteries and chargers systems with switchgear for
emergency lighting, control, (automation) and protection.
For purposes of design, raw-material, manufacturing, quality and tests standards,
batteries, chargers and distribution boards to be furnished shall comply with the

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Standard Technical Specifications

requirements in this Specification and, when not in conflict, with the applicable technical
standards, in their latest editions, published by the following entities:
ABNT - Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas
NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturer Association
CEI - Comission Eletrotechnique Internationale
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ANSI - American National Standards Institute
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
NEC - National Electrical Code

Nominal Characteristics


Battery Chargers. Chargers shall be sized to have enough power for performing all load
operations of the direct current system without being overloaded.
Supply to the chargers shall be three-phase, 380 V +/- 10%, 60 Hz +/- 5%.
Each charger shall also have the following characteristics:
Supply (48 Vdc) (125 Vdc) rated voltage for the consumer, independent of load
Static voltage regulation of +/ - 1% for a load current variation of 5 to 100% of
rated current during input voltage variation of +/- 10%;
Limitation control of total current of 15 to 110% of rated current for overload and
short-circuit protection;
Output equal to or over 0.85 for a current variations of 10 to 100% of rated
Power factor equal to or over 0.85 for current variations of 10 to 100% of rated
Charger indicating lamps for in operation, fault-phase, charger out-of-service, nooutput voltage, high output voltage and low output voltage;
Meters for the voltage and current supplied by the charger and over-voltage and
over-current protection;
Equipped with contact for charger failure remote alarm, for interface with a
supervisory system remote unit;
Dynamic regulation, the charger shall have a response time under 100 minutes,
with an output voltage deviation of plain 1.5 V when in parallel with an Ah rated
capacity battery numerically equal to 4 x rated current and supplying rated current;
undergo instantaneous load variations (steps) causing current variations equal at
least to 25% of rated current;
Provided with input and output fuses, as well as magnetic contactors, compatible
with the protection required for the electronic circuits;
Sized for a load expansion of approximately 15%;
Manual and automatic reload system;
Audible noise maximum level of 75 dB, measured from a distance of one meter
from the board and one meter above the floor.
The charger components shall be assembled in an individual standard cabinet with natural
or forced cooling and filtered vents, with the following controls, alarms and signals:
(Disconnecting switch, load interrupting type, for input load);
(Three-pole molded-case circuit breaker);
Lamp test push button;
Memorized event replacement;

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Standard Technical Specifications

Circuit breaker open local alarm and signal;

Blown fuse local alarm and signal;
AC phase failure alarm and visual signal;
AC high or low voltage alarm and visual signal;
DC high and low voltage alarm and visual signal;
Charger special load signal;
Charger fault alarm and visual signal;
Lack of control voltage alarm and signal;
Ground fault alarm and visual signal;
Input ammeter with three current transformers and selector switch;
Ammeter for the charger, DC output current;
Ammeter for the load, DC current;
Voltmeter for the charger, AC input voltage;
Voltmeter for the charger, DC output voltage;
Voltmeter for the load, DC voltage.
All signals and alarms listed above shall have contacts for remote signaling.

Batteries. Stationary lead-acid type storage battery units of 150 Ah rated capacity
elements shall be furnished.
Each battery shall be capable of providing the rated load for five hours. This value shall
be guaranteed for the life of the battery.
Batteries shall operate on a variation rate during which the voltage per element shall be
between 1.15 and 1.60 V. At no time during discharging operations shall the voltage on
the battery elements terminals be less than 1.15 V.
The battery unit rated voltage shall be (48 Vdc) (125 Vdc) (+10%, -20%), in accordance
with the ANSI standard relative to operating voltages of relays and control devices.


Direct Current Distribution Boards. The (48 Vdc) (125 Vdc) direct current distribution
boards shall be furnished for indoor installation, constructed of cold-rolled steel members
and panels with 2 mm (14 USG) minimum thickness, to be installed adjacent to the
chargers cabinets. Direct current distribution circuits originate from these distribution
boards for control, protection, signaling and alarm of medium voltage and low voltage
panels, and the emergency lighting system. Each distribution board shall be provided
with thermalmagnetic protected bi-pole circuit breakers.
Emergency lighting circuits shall be equipped with magnetic contactors for emergency
system control, sized according to the system capacity.
The control circuit of this contactor, of (48 Vdc) (125 Vdc), shall include the following
inter-connected devices:

selector switch of two positions: manual-automatic.

on-off control switch for manual control.
test push-button.
on-off signaling lamp set.

Automatic control shall be made through the under-voltage relay installed at the rectifier
input which, through a contact which will close during no-voltage, will control the
contactor closing.
(The 48 Vdc distribution board shall be used for the automation system at the pumping
stations and shall have at least 10 output circuits.)

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Standard Technical Specifications


Operating Characteristics


Direct Current Distribution Boards. The direct current distribution boards shall be equipped
with doors with neoprene sealing gaskets, lock and latch. It shall be equipped internally
with a dead front panel that shows only the circuit breaker lever.
The switchgear shall be furnished with the following minimum accessories:
Molded-case type, bi-pole input circuit-breaker;
Molded-case type, bi-pole output circuit-breakers mounted on a fixed framework
or fastened to the assembly board;
Magnetic contactors for manual and automatic control, with anticipated remote
control by means of under-voltage relays;
External switch for changing control from Automatic to Manual;
Copper ground bar to which metallic sheets, structures and equipment frames
shall be electrically connected. The copper bar shall be equipped with two
connectors for grounding of 70 mm2 copper cables.


Manufacturing Characteristics




Battery Stand Lay-out. The batteries shall be composed of such components to allow its
layout in rows on a supported stand.


Stands. The battery support-stands shall be of steel construction, painted with two
coats of electrolytic-resistant light grey paint finished to a minimum thickness of 0.13
The surface treatment of the stands, before applying the finishing paint, shall be the
same as for the battery charger cabinet and the switchgear. The cleaning and painting
of metallic surfaces shall be done as specified in subitem 5.
The stands shall be two-row step type, insulated from the ground by insulators that
guarantee a minimum resistance of 50 k.ohm.


Nameplate. An electrolytic-resistant material nameplate fastened by bolts to the battery

stand shall be provided, with the following minimum information:
Manufacturers names;
Date of manufacture;
Type of battery;
Number of plates of each cell;
Rated capacity in Ah;
Maximum allowable load current value;
Maximum allowable temperature rise under load conditions.
The nameplate shall comply with the applicable requirements of subitem 3 of item (S020200 - Electrical Equipment - General).


Battery Cases. The battery cases shall have the folowing characteristics:
The material shall be translucent plastic or ebonite;
The case shall withstand the battery normal operation temperatures (45o C,
continuous on the electrolyte);

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Standard Technical Specifications

The case shall withstand mechanical shocks resulting from handling;

The case shall have markings of maximum and minimum electrolyte levels;
The case cover shall have an opening for the thermometer/densimeter and refilling
of electrolyte;
The case shall contain a safety device for gas to escape, protecting the elements
from accidental explosions as well as prevention of electrolyte contamination.

Connections. Each battery shall be provided with one complete set of component
Connections of suitable sizes for copper cables to the battery terminals shall be provided.
All connection bolts, nuts, and connectors shall be resistant to electrolytic action.


Accessories. Each set of batteries shall be provided with at least the following accessories:
One syringe-type densimeter;
One thermometer suitable for measuring the electolyte temperature;
One suitable device for electrolyte level filling;
One voltmeter with (+3) - 0 - (-3 V) scale, with zero in the center, 1% accuracy
class, proper for measuring the elements voltages;
Fused disconnecting switch or molded-case circuit breaker, in an explosion-proof
metallic box, provided with cable terminals and sealing plug, to be installed in the
battery room;
Other accessories which the SUPPLIER deems necessary for a good performance
by the batteries.


Battery Chargers


General. All components of each charger shall be assembled in a metallic panel, for
indoor use, self-supported or for installation on a support constructed of cold rolled
steel members and sheets with 2mm (14 USG) minimum thicknesses.
The panel shall be provided with doors with neoprene sealing gaskets, lock and latch.
The cabinet shall be provided with a copper ground bar, to which all metallic sheets,
structures and equipment frames shall be electrically connected.
The bar shall also be provided with two connectors for 70 mm2 gage copper grounding


Wiring. All wirings shall be performed in accordance with the wiring diagrams, with
flexible copper cable of 2.5 mm2 minimum gage (except for the electronic circuits
conductors), insulation for 750 V, non-propagating, flameproof type.
Groups of wires and cables shall be tied together with plastic clamps. Tying with string
or tape will not be allowed.
The flexible cable ends shall be equipped with compression terminals with insulating
sleeves. Not more than two conductors shall be located on the same equipment terminal
or terminal block. All conductors shall be identified by rings according to the
Manufacturers operation diagrams. Identification of internal wiring shall be by the electic
point method.
External cable connections shall always be made through terminal blocks.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Nameplates. The nameplates shall comply with the requirements specified in subitem 3
of item (S-020200 - Electrical Equipment - General) and shall contain the following
additional information:
Rated voltage;
Rated frequency;
Supply circuit phases number;
Battery type;
Number of elements for which the charger shall be used;
Consumer rated voltage;
Variation voltage adjustment range;
Equalization voltage adjustment range;
Load voltage adjustment range;
Rectifier rated output voltage;
Output current adjustment range, in percent of rated current.


Charger Accessories. Each charger shall be furnished with the following minimum
(. Input disconnecting switch, three-pole, load interrupting type,600 V, with Diazed
type fuses.)
(. Feeder molded-case circuit breaker, three-pole, with thermo-magnetic elements.)

Contactor for starting the charger (by manual control) or to turn it off (by means
of manual control or by protective device actuation);
External switch for turning the charger on and off through a contactor;
External switch for changing from automatic to manual control;
External switch for selecting variation and equalization operation;
Three current transformers, accuracy class 0.6 B2, for ammeter circuit;
Two 380/115 V single-phase potential transformers, V2V connection, accuracy
class 0.6 WXY, protected by (fuses) (circuit breakers) in the primary and secondary
Static rectifier, three-phase, 380 Vac input voltage (+/ - 10%), 60Hz, (48 Vdc)
(125 Vdc)-30 A output voltage;
External control rheostat for manual load control;
Ammeter with scale of 0 to 150 A for measuring the rectifier output current;
Voltmeter with scale 0-150 V for measuring the rectifier output voltage;
Voltmeter with scale 0-150 V and voltmeter switch for measuring the charger
feeding voltage;
Ammeter with scale 0-50 and ammeter switch for measuring the charger feeding
Bi-pole disconnecting switch, no-load operation (48 Vdc) (125 Vdc;
Bi-pole contactor, with (48 Vdc) (125 Vdc) coil;
Voltage drop diode set, 4 V voltage, current capacity;
Contactor on/off indicating lamps which shall be on when charger is in operation;
White lamps, normally dim, for grounding indication;
Direct current under-voltage and over-voltage indicating lamps;
Direct current over-current indicating lamps;
Alternating current under-voltage or no-voltage indicating lamp;
Lamp test button;
Internal protection fuses with start indication;
Under-voltage relay at the consumer output, continually adjustable in the range of
(40 to 52 Vdc) (95 to 135 Vdc); such relay shall switch the under-voltage signaling
lamp on;

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Standard Technical Specifications

Under-voltage relay at the charger feeding unit, which shall operate when voltage
is below minimum operating limits and shall switch the under-voltage lamp (AC)
on as well as close other contacts for controlling the emergency lighting system
Protective ground fault relay, function 64 for (48 Vdc) (125 Vdc), withtwo reversible

Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment. Paint and anti-corrosion treatment shall comply
with the requirements specified in item (S-020248 - Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment).
The external finishing paint shall be light grey color, ANSI 61, Munsell notation 8.3 G
All frames, metal parts and hardware subject to corrosive action shall be hot-dip galvanized
in accordance with standards ASTM A-123 and -153, Class C.


Tests. At minimum, the following tests shall be performed.


Batteries. Verification of the equipment furnished according to the List of Materials.

Visual and dimensional verification according to approved documents, inspection of the
finishing paint, marking of the terminals and identification of the batteries and stands.
The batteries shall be submitted to the following tests:
Measurement of final charged voltage
Measurement of final charged density
Measurement of final charged temperature
Measurement of open circuit voltage
Measurement of final discharge density
Measurement of capacities ( in Ah and Wh)
Rapid discharge test


Battery Chargers. Verification of the equipment furnished according to the List of

Visual and dimensional verification, according to approved documents, inspection of
the finishing paint, marking of the terminals and identification of the battery chargers.
Applied voltage test.
Circuit operation test.
No-load operation test.
Current limit measurement.
Output ripple voltage measurement.


Direct Current Distribution Boards

Dielectric withstand test on the circuit-breakers.
Circuit breaker calibration test.
Electrical and mechanical operation test of the circuit breakers.
Electrical test for control, signaling and protection circuits.
Insulating resistance test.
Paint test (thickness and adherence)

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Standard Technical Specifications


The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with the information in the
following form, for each Type, Model and Capacity of Direct Current systems included
in the List of Materials.
(Brief description and catalog reference)

Total number of elements
Rated voltage .......................................................................................... V
Capacity (for 5 hours) ............................................................................ Ah
Maximum current at the end of the discharge period .................................... A
Rated discharge time with rated charge ................................................ hours
Variation voltage per cell ........................................................................... V
Quick charge voltage per cell ..................................................................... V
Useful life years
Guaranteed capacity at the end of the useful life ....................................... Ah
Number of complete cycles of charge and discharge guaranteed for the useful life

Input voltage ........................................................................................... V

Input voltage with 100% of the load on the inverter
to the batteries completely charged ........................................................ kW
Power factor at the input at rated input and output
Maximum input voltage, with 100% load with the
batteries discharged .............................................................................. kW
Corresponding power factor under the above condition
Output voltage tolerance with input line voltage variation
of +10% -10% and total load on the rectifier ............................................ %
Rated output voltage ............................................................................. kW
Rated output current ................................................................................ A
Overcurrent capacity, 1 hour .................................................................... %
Efficiency, average value (25 to 100 % of load) .......................................... %
Rectifier equipped with automatic quick recharge device ........................ yes/no
Limit of the battery charging current, adjustment range ................................ A
Charger current limiting adjustment range

Rated voltage .......................................................................................... V
Minimum operating voltage ....................................................................... V
Maximum operating voltage ...................................................................... V
Insulation class ........................................................................................ V
Rated current .......................................................................................... A
Symmetrical interrupting current .............................................................. kA
Operating time ...................................................................................... ms
Voltage of dielectric test ........................................................................... V
Overload current ...................................................................................... A

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Standard Technical Specifications


Rated current .......................................................................................... A
Maximum withstand current during short-circuit .................................... A/sec
Scale range ............................................................................................. A
Dimensions .......................................................................................... mm

Rated voltage .......................................................................................... V
Scale range ............................................................................................. V
Dimensions .......................................................................................... mm
5.3 - RELAYS
5.3.1 - Undervoltage Relay

Rated voltage .......................................................................................... V
Rated frequency .................................................................................... Hz
Voltage adjustment range ......................................................................... V
Pick-up/drop out ratio
Number of contacts
5.3.2 - Timing Relay

Adjustment of the timing element for alarm ................................................. s

Rated primary current ............................................................................... A
Rated secondary current ........................................................................... A
Transformation ratio
Rated frequency .................................................................................... Hz
Insulation class ........................................................................................ V
Induced voltage ..................................................................................... kV
Applied voltage, 60 Hz, 1 min ................................................................. kV
Basic impulse insulation level
Accuracy class
Total weight .......................................................................................... kg

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Standard Technical Specifications


Rated primary voltage ............................................................................... V
Rated secondary voltage ........................................................................... V
Transformation ratio
Rated frequency .................................................................................... Hz
Burden load .......................................................................................... VA
Insulation class ........................................................................................ V
Applied voltage, 60 Hz, 1 min ................................................................. kV
Basic impulse insulation level
Accuracy class
Total weight .......................................................................................... kg



Objective. This Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for

furnishing three-phase bank of capacitors with 15 kV output.
For the purpose of design, raw material, manufacturing quality and tests standards, the
three-phase bank of capacitors to be furnished shall comply with the requirements in
this Specification and, when not in conflict, with the following technical standards in
their latest editions:
ABNT-NBR-5282 - Capacitores de Potncia
ABNT-NBR-5289 - Capacitores de Potncia - Mtodos de Ensaio


Nominal Characteristics


Lightning Arresters. The lightning arresters are utilized for protecting the bank against
lightning discharges and/or voltage surges.
Rated voltage ................................................................................... 12 kV
Creepage current .............................................................................. 10 kA
Rated frequency ............................................................................... 60 Hz
System Connections ............................................................. Grounded Wye


Potential Transformer. The potential transformers shall be used between two phases for
feeding and transforming voltages which shall feed the control.
Rated primary voltage ................................................................... 13,800 V
Rated secondary voltage .................................................................... 115 V
Nominal ratio ................................................................................... 120: 1
Insulation voltage class ...................................................................... 15 kV
Frequency ........................................................................................ 60 Hz
Accuracy Class .............................................................................. 0.6 P 50
Installation .................................................................................... Outdoor


Current Transformer. The current transformer shall be used for interconnecting the star
Rated primary current ......................................................................... 7.5 A
Rated secondary current ........................................................................ 5 A

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Standard Technical Specifications

Nominal ratio .................................................................................... 1.5: 1

Insulation voltage class ...................................................................... 15 kV
Frequency ........................................................................................ 60 Hz
Accuracy Class (ABNT) ............................................................ A10 F20 C25
Installation .................................................................................... Outdoor

Grounding Switch.
Rated voltage ................................................................................... 15 kV
Maximum operating voltage ............................................................ 15.5 kV
Frequency ........................................................................................ 60 Hz
System operating current ................................................................... 400 A
Momentaneous current ................................................................. 20,000 A
Four second current ..................................................................... 10,000 A
Impulse withstand voltage 1.2 x 50 us .............................................. 110 kV
Industrial frequency voltage, dry ......................................................... 50 kV
Industrial frequency voltage, wet ........................................................ 45 kV
Number of poles ............................................................................. Four (4)
Mounting ....................................................................................... Vertical
Opening .......................................................................................... Lateral
Insulating means .................................................................................... Air
Terminal box with 3 NO and 3 NC contacts ............................... 250 V - 10 A


Control Panel.
Timed surge relay with LED signaling
Current adjustment
Instantaneous element
Time element

1.5 - 12 A
0.5 - 2 A

Timed surge relay with blocking

Rated voltage
115 V
Adjusting scale
55/64/70/82/93/105/120/140 V
10 A - 220 VAC (2 NA)
Voltage Sensor (for automatic control)
Rated voltage
Opening voltages
Closing voltages
Time delay
Counter of Operations

Irrigation Manual

115 V
110 - 125 V
105 - 115 V
0 - 120 sec.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Capacitor Bank

Rated Capacity of the Bank kVAr

Rated Capacity of the Capacitor

Unit KVAr

Number of Capacitor Units per

Phase in each Star

Total Capacitor Units in the


















1.200 (*)








(*) Option to be indicated in the Order by the CLIENT.


15 kV Three-Pole Switch
Rated voltage ................................................................................... 15 kV
Maximum operating voltage ............................................................ 15.5 kV
Frequency ........................................................................................ 60 Hz
System operating current ................................................................... 400 A
Momentaneous current ................................................................. 20,000 A
3 - second current ....................................................................... 10,000 A
Impulse withstand voltage 1.2 x 50 us .............................................. 110 kV
Industrial frequency voltage, dry ......................................................... 50 kV
Industrial frequency voltage, wet ........................................................ 45 kV
Number of poles .................................................................................... 03
Mounting .................................................................................... horizontal
Opening .......................................................................................... vertical
Insulating means .................................................................................... Air


Operating Characteristics


Automatic Protection and Control. At the link between the two stars, there shall be a 15
kV, outdoor type, preferably dry, current transformer mounted in any position in
accordance with the Technical Data Sheets.
This current transformer shall feed a relay (induction type) for protection against instability
of the neutral current, with alarm and disconnect contacts.
A terminal strip shall be installed next to the protection elements, current transformer
and relay for protection against instability of the neutral, with the relay and strip as a
unit in the same enclosure.
For protection against power surges and for automatic operation of the bank, a voltage
sensor device shall be included, having voltage regulating bands as specified in the
Technical Data Sheets.
For protection against lightning and operation discharges, three lightning arresters shall
be supplied, as specified in the Technical Data Sheets.
Note: The neutral instability protection relay may be included in the same panel as the
voltage sensor, in accordance with the Technical Data Sheets.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Complementary Equipment. The following complementary equipment shall be furnished:

15 kV, outdoor installation, power transformer with galvanized hardware for
mounting on double T posts and characteristics in conformance with the Technical
Data Sheets.
Dry, 15 kV, three-pole switch for horizontal installation with vertical opening,
shaft control and operating lever,for mounting on double T posts and characteristics
in conformance with the Technical Data Sheets.


Drawings and Information. The SUPPLIER shall submit for approval, within the maximum
time limit of _______ month(s) from the _____________ date, _______ copies of the following
Drawings of the capacitor bank, indispensable for preparing the mounting design.
Diagram for connecting the capacitor elements.
Capacitor bank control diagram.
Complete and definite capacitor bank specifications.
Before delivery of the capacitor bank, the SUPPLIER shall submit ________ copies of
each of the following documents:
Complete drawings of the capacitor banks, with dimensions.
Complete instruction manual, containing:
Complete and fully detailed drawings of all the parts and of the group of the
capacitor bank and auxiliary units.
Protocol of the tests on the equipment supplied.
Instructions for installing, operating and maintaining the equipment.
Catalogs, leaflets and technical literature on the equipment supplied.
One copy of the final drawings shall be reproducible.
The information and data described above shall be submitted in accordance with item
(S-020260 - Drawings and Technical Data to be Furnished by the CONTRACTOR).


Manufacturing Characteristics


Main Characteristics of the Bank of Capacitors

Total capacity of the bank shall be as specified in the Technical Data Sheets.
Number of stages shall be as specified in the Technical Data Sheets.
Capacity of each capacitor unit shall be as specified in the Technical Data Sheets.
Connection: Double star, with un-grounded neutral
Frequency: 60 Hz
Total capacitor units in the bank shall conform with the requirements in the
Technical Data Sheets.
Number of parallel capacitor units per phase on each star shall conform with the
requirements in the Technical Data Sheets.
Outdoor installation
Insulation level: 15 V
Rated voltage of the capacitor unit: 8,660 V
Maximum allowable voltage: The units shall be able to operate for long periods of
time under an effective voltage between terminals not greater than 1.10 times
the rated voltage, excluding transients.
Maximum allowable current: The capacitors shall be capable of continuous operation
at an effective value current 1.8 times the rated current, when the fundamental

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

and harmonic current components are considered while maintaining the limits for
maximum allowable voltage.
Maximum allowable capacity: The capacitors shall operate satisfactorily at 135%
of the rated reactive capacity.
The capacitor units shall use bio-degradable oils for insulation purposes. The use
of PCBs (Biphenil Polichlorides) will not be allowed.
The bank shall be inserted into or withdrawn from the system, automatically or
manually, by means of actuating voltage relays which control oil switches capable
of connecting and disconnecting the capacitor bank. These switches shall be
mounted on the capacitor banks structures.
Dry current-limiting reactor, air core, sized for rated current equal to bank rated
current, and other transient characteristics shall be as specified in the Technical
Data Sheets.

Metal Structures. Metal structures shall be galvanized to make it possible for the
framework of the capacitors to be insulated, and the structures shall be adaptable to
the bases indicated in the Technical Data Sheets.
4.3. Grounding Switch. - For capacitor bank maintenance purposes, one switch shall be
supplied for each stage for grounding the corresponding capacitors.
This switch shall have an auxiliary contact box, with three normally-open contacts and
three normally closed contacts (250 Vdc - 10A) in accordance with the Technical Data


Fuses. Fuses shall be supplied, with adequate capacity for individual protection of each


Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment. Paint and anti-corrosion treatment shall comply
with the requirements specified in item (S-020248 - Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment).
All metal parts and hardware subject to corrosive action shall be hot-dip galvanized in
accordance with standards ASTM A-123 and -153, Class C.


Nameplate. A nameplate shall be provided for each bank of capacitors in accordance

with subitem 3 of item (S-020200 - Electrical Equipment - General).


Inspection at the Factory

A typical bank shall be premounted at the factory, in the presence of the ENGINEER,
to verify the adequate fitting of the structure and the corresponding equipment.
The BIDDER shall inform the CLIENT of the date inspection of the bank may be
performed, with a minimum advance notice of ________ days.

The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with the information in the
following form, for each type of bank of capacitors included in the List of Materials.
(Brief description and catalog reference)

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications



Total bank capacity ................................................................................ kVA

Number of stages
Capacity of each capacitor unit ............................................................... kVA
Frequency .............................................................................................. Hz
Number of capacitors
Number of parallel capacitor units per phase in each star
Type of installation
Insulation level ........................................................................................ kV
Rated voltage of each capacitor unit ............................................................ V
Minimum allowable voltage ....................................................................... kV
Maximum allowable current ........................................................................ A
Maximum allowable capacity ................................................................... kVA





Basic Characteristics (Brief description of the lightning arresters and catalog reference)
Rated Characteristics
Rated voltage ........................................................................................ kV
Continuous operation voltage (ZNO arresters) ............................................ kV
Disruptive voltage, at 1.2 x 50 us full wave (crest value) ............................ kV
Disruptive voltage for front wave (crest value) ........................................... kV
Disruptive voltage at 60 Hz ..................................................................... kV
Residual discharge voltage for 8 x 20 us and 10 kA wave (crest value) ........ kV
Minimum surge current with 2,000 A rectangular wave ................................ A
Rated discharge current, 8 x 20 us (crest value) ........................................ kA
Discharge current for short-duration 4 x 10 us wave .................................. kA
Disruptive voltage for operating surge (crest value) .................................... kV
Energy absorption capacity ..................................................................... kJ
Length of leakage path ..........................................................................mm
Over-pressure relief class ........................................................................ kA

Note: Rated characteristics for disruptive voltages at 1.2 x 50 us, full wave (crest), front
wave (crest) and at 60 Hz are not applicable to ZNO arresters.
( ) At the base ( ) Not included

Galvanized hardware for mounting by the frame on metal sheet:

( ) Included ( ) Not included

Primary Connectors




Type of equipment (Brief description and catalog reference)

Rated Characteristics
Maximum voltage (effective value) ........................................................... kV

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Standard Technical Specifications

Insulation level:
Rated atmospheric impulse withstand voltage,
full wave (crest value)
Rated atmospheric impulse withstand voltage,
chopped wave (crest value)
Rated withstand voltage, 60 Hz, 1 minute (effective value)
Rated withstand voltage, 60 Hz,1 minute,
on secondarywinding (effective value)
Group of connections
Number of secondary windings
Nominal ratio (ABNT)
Secondary voltages
Rated load
Accuracy class (ABNT):
Secondary winding measurement,
Secondary winding protection,
Rated thermal power .............................................................................
Simultaneous power (when applicable) ....................................................
Temperature rise class (ABNT) (maximum ambient temperature of 40o C)
Partial discharges:
Test voltage
Maximum level of partial discharges
Phase-ground voltage (effective) at start and end of visible corona:
Radio influence voltage
Test voltage
Maximum level of ratio influence voltage
Insulation power factor
Rated frequency Hz
Other Characteristics
Bushings, when applicable, indicate the following characteristics:
Specific creepage distance
Expansion chamber ( ) Yes ( ) No
Treatment of metal surfaces
( ) Galvanizing ( ) Paint
Data sheet attached to Bid no.________________
Primary terminal
Primary connectors
Overall weight of the equipment kg






List of Accessories




Type of Equipment (Brief description and catalog reference)

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Standard Technical Specifications


Rated Characteristics
Maximum voltage (effective value) kV
Insulation level:
Rated atmospheric impulse withstand voltage,
full wave (crest value)
Rated atmospheric withstand voltage,
chopped wave (crest value)
Rated withstand voltage, 60 Hz, 1 minute,
dry (effective value)
Rated withstand voltage, 60 Hz, 1 minute,
on secondary winding, dry (effective value)
Number of cores for measurement
Number of cores for protection
Primary and secondary currents:
Rated ratios
Rated loads:
For measurement
For protection
Accuracy class (ABNT):
For measurement
For protection
Rated thermal factor
Rated thermal current ............................................................................. kA
Rated dynamic current x1T
Rated frequency Hz
Temperature rise class (ABNT):
(maximum ambient temperature of 40o C)
Partial discharges:
Test voltage
Maximum level of partial discharges
Radio influence voltage
Test voltage
Maximum level of ratio influence voltage
Phase to ground voltage level of visible corona (effective value):
Insulation capacity factor

Characteristics of the Bushings

When applicable, indicate the following characteristics:
Minimum creepage distance mm/kV
Other Characteristics
Expansion chamber
( ) Yes ( ) No
Metal surfaces finish
Galvanized: ( ) Yes ( ) No
Painting: ( ) Yes ( ) No
Data sheet attached to Bid no. _______________
Total weight of the current transformer .................................................... kg
Primary terminals

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Standard Technical Specifications


Primary connectors
List of Accessories



Rated voltage ........................................................................................ kV

Maximum operating voltage .................................................................... kV
Frequency ............................................................................................. Hz
System operating current .......................................................................... A
Momentaneous current ............................................................................. A
Four second current ................................................................................. A
Impulse withstand voltage ...................................................................... kV
Industrial frequency voltage .................................................................... kV
Number of pole
Insulating means
Terminal box with 3 NO and 3 NC contacts


Overcurrent time relay with LED signaling

Current adjustment
Instantaneous element
Time element
Blocked time over voltage relay
Rated voltage
Adjustment range
10 A contacts
Voltage sensing relay (for automatic control)
Rated voltage
Opening voltages
Closing voltages
Time delay
Counter of operations



Rated voltage ........................................................................................ kV

Maximum operating voltage .................................................................... kV
Frequency ............................................................................................. Hz
System operating current .......................................................................... A
Momentaneous current ............................................................................. A
Three second current ............................................................................... A
Impulse withstand voltage ...................................................................... kV
Industrial frequency voltage, dry .............................................................. kV
Industrial frequency voltage, wet ............................................................. kV
Number of pole
Insulation means

Irrigation Manual

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Standard Technical Specifications




Objective. This Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for

furnishing grounding resistors.
For the purpose of design, raw material, manufacturing quality and tests standards, the
grounding resistors to be furnished shall comply with the requirements in this Specification,
and, when not in conflict, with the technical standards published by the following entities,
in their latest editions:
ABNT - Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas.
IEEE - Intitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
ANSI - American National Standards Institute.
CEI - Comission Eletrotechnique Internationale.
ISO - International Organization for Standardization.
ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials.
NEC - National Electrical Code.
The standards listed above do not exclude other recognized standards which ensure
equal or higher quality, provided the BIDDER states in his Bid the standards or applicable
portions thereof that have been adopted. If necessary, the CLIENT may require the
BIDDER to supply copies of the adopted standards.
In case of doubt or contradiction, this Specification shall prevail, followed by the
recommended standards, and finally the standards presented by the BIDDER.
All the drawings and information shall indicate all the values and units in the International
System of Units.


Nominal Characteristics. Grounding resistors for the power transformers neutral shall
be furnished, for outdoor use, for a ground-phase voltage of 2,400 V and an initial
current of 400 A, 10 seconds, up to 500o C temperature rise, with stainless steel
resistance element and a current transformers of 100-5 A ratio for protection, insulation
class 5 kV, 42.5 F10C100 accuracy, mounted inside the enclosures, with accessible
secondary terminals, in a weatherproof connection box.
The resistors shall be furnished with the following equipment:



Insulating bushings with insulation level of

Terminal connector for connecting bushings of item 1

Current transformer 100-5 A ratio, accuracy Class C-100 ANSI


Stainless steel resistance elements

to be defined by the BIDDER

Resistance elements supports, of non-corrosive material

to be defined by the BIDDER

Pedestal insulators with insulation level of 7.2 kV, for insulation of the units

Pedestal insulators with insulation level of 7.2 kV for insulation of the enclosures

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Standard Technical Specifications


Operating Characteristics


General. The grounding resistors shall be suitable for outdoor installation, with the
incorporated current transformer, assembled in a box, forming up to two (2) superposed
modules in a self supporting structure. The resistance element shall be of stainless
The secondary terminals of the current transformer shall be accessible in a weatherproof
connection box.


Insulation. The main insulation characteristics of the grounding resistor are the following:
Rated voltage 2.4 kV
Insulation level 7.2 kV
Impulse level (crest values) 60 kV
Industrial frequency voltage 19 kV


Temperature Rise. The grounding resistor shall permit a temperature rise of 500o C for
an initial current of 400 A, 10 seconds.


Manufacturing Characteristics. All material used in the construction of each equipment

shall be of superior quality and such that it complies with all the requirements imposed
by this Specification.
The construction of all the components comprising each unit shall comply with the most
modern techniques, and each part shall receive the proper finish, in accordance with
their intended use.
All sharp corners of the active component, of the parts and accessories shall be such
that they produce electrical field without producing partial discharges, internal corona,
The unit components, parts and accessories shall be identical, thus permitting easy


Structure. The resistors and current transformers shall be assembled in metal enclosures
for outdoor installation, forming up to two superimposed modules. The structure shall
be self supporting, manufactured of galvanized steel sheets, minimum gage No. 12
USG. All the structure metal parts shall have electrical continuity. Two structure grounding
terminals shall be located on the lower part and on the same side of the neutral connection
terminal, but not in the same alignment. The current transformer shall be installed below
the resistor elements.


Bushings. The leading-in bushings shall comply with standard ABNT-NBR-5034.


Resistor Element. The resistor element shall be of stainless steel, resistant to high


Terminal Box. The secondary terminals of the 100-5A current transformer shall be led to
a weatherproof terminal box, installed on the side of the neutral connection terminal,
but not in the same alignment.


Nameplate. Each grounding resistor shall be provided with a steel nameplate in accordance
with subitem 3 of item (S-020200 - Electrical Equipment - General) and shall include the
following additional information:

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Standard Technical Specifications

Initial current and time in seconds;

Temperature rise;
Resistance; . Rated voltage;
Impulse level;
Current transformer ratio;
Accuracy class of the current transformer.

Marking and Codification. All and any components, parts or accessories (including
replacement parts), tools, etc., shall be marked, in accordance with a codification
established in a rational manner, to avoid any confusion.
This codification shall form a part of the Instruction Manual.
The marking may be made by engraving, painting, etc., but with such characteristics
that ensure its resistance and durability for a long time.


Welding. Welding shall be in accordance with (S-020256 - Welding).

All weldings presenting defects such as cracks, discontinuities, scales, corrosion, etc.,
will be rejected.


Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment. Paint and anti-corrosion treatment shall comply
with the requirements specified in item (S-020248 - Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment).
All metal parts and hardware subject to corrosive action shall be hot-dip galvanized in
accordance with standards ASTM A-123 and -153, Class C.


Drawings. The drawings and technical data to be furnished by the SUPPLIER shall be in
accordance with item (S-020260 - Drawings and Technical Data to be Furnished by the


Manufacturing. Manufacturing of the parts related to the equipment may be initiated

only after the SUPPLIER has in hand the manufacturing drawings approved by the
No alteration may be made by the SUPPLIER to the terms, values and units specified in
this Specification.
In case of details not stipulated in this Specification, the SUPPLIER shall comply with
existing acceptable procedures.
Any modification in the original design that, for technical reasons, becomes necessary
during the manufacture shall be communicated to the ENGINEER and can only be effected
with the written approval by the CLIENT.
The control of the manufacture of the equipment shall be based on the approved drawings
and according to this Specification.




General. The SUPPLIER shall submit to the CLIENT the list of tests to be performed at
the factory and the tests that should be conducted at the jobsite. This list shall be
subject to the approval by the CLIENT, who may introduce modifications or additions.
The list shall be submitted in a timely manner for approval.

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Standard Technical Specifications

The routine tests of all the components in the Order shall be at the expense of the
SUPPLIER and shall preferably be conducted at the factory.
The SUPPLIER shall inform the CLIENT in writing, ___________ days in advance of the
date in which the equipment will be ready for inspection and tests.
The SUPPLIER shall provide all facilities for detailed inspection of the equipment and
services and shall furnish all labor, equipment and instruments required for the tests at
the factory (and at the jobsite), according to the procedures of the approved tests.
The ENGINEER shall inspect the quality of the materials and equipment and follow the
performance of the routine tests as well as analyze the tests reports.
Any part which does not comply with this Specification or with that established in the
the Contract can be rejected at the factory (or at the jobsite).
All the tests of the grounding resistors shall be basically conducted in compliance with
standards IEEE-32 (Standard Requirements Terminology And Test Procedure For Neutral
Grounding Devices) and AIEE-32 (Standard For Neutral Ground Services - American
Institute of Electrical Engineers) standards.
The current transformers of the grounding resistors shall be tested in accordance with
standard ANSI-C37.13.

Routine Tests. The routine tests to be conducted on the grounding resistors shall comprise
Visual inspection and verification of the type, quality and quantity;
Dimensional verification;
Measurement of insulation resistance;
Ohmic value of the resistance element;
Test of applied voltage.


Routine Tests of the Current Transformers in the Grounding Resistors. Routine tests
shall be conducted on all the current transformers and shall comprise of:
Checking the polarity;
Determination of accuracy;
Tests of induced voltage;
Tests of voltage applied to the dielectric.

The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with the information in the
following form, for every type, model and capacity of grounding resistor included in the
List of Materials.
(Brief description and catalog reference)

Rated voltage ........................................................................................ kV

Initial current ........................................................................................... A
Time sec.

Irrigation Manual

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Standard Technical Specifications

Frequency ............................................................................................. Hz
Maximum operating time min.
Resistance at 40o C .............................................................................. ohm
Temperature rise o C
Maximum temperature o C
Impulse voltage ..................................................................................... kV
Construction material of the resistor element
Current transformer
Rated voltage
Rated current
Accuracy class
Level of insulation
Impulse voltage
Test voltage at industrial frequency Dry (1 minute)
Wet (10 seconds)
Porcelain bushings
Rated current
Level of insulation
Impulse voltage
Test voltage at industrial frequency Dry (1 minute)
Wet (10 seconds)
Supporting insulation
Level of insulation
Test voltage at industrial frequency
Dry (1 minute)
Wet (10 seconds)
Total weight .......................................................................................... kg



Objective. This Specification establishes the minimum technical requirements for

furnishing measurement assemblies, oil immersed for outdoor use.
For purposes of design, raw material, quality control, tests and manufacturing standards,
the measurement assemblies to be furnished shall comply with the requirements in this
Specification and, when not in conflict, with the following technical standards, in their
latest editions:
ABNT-NBR-6546 - Transformadores para Instrumentos - Terminologia.
ABNT-NBR-6856 - Transformadores de Corrente - Especificao.
ABNT-NBR-6855 - Transformadores de Potencial - Especificao.
ABNT-NBR-6821 - Transformadores de Corrente - Mtodo de Ensaio.
ABNT-NBR-6820 - Transformadores de Potencial - Mtodo de Ensaio.
ABNT-NBR-5034 - Buchas para Equipamento Eltrico de Tenso Superior a 1 kV Especificao.
ABNT-NBR-7876 - Linhas e Equipamentos de Alta Tenso. Medio de RdioInterferncia na Faixa de 0,15 a 20 MHz - Mtodos de Ensaio.
ABNT-NBR-6323 - Ao ou Ferro Fundido. Revestimento de Zinco por Imerso a
Quente - Especificao.
For items not covered by the ABNT Standards, the SUPPLIER shall apply the following
standards and shall indicate in his Bid the standards to be used:

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Standard Technical Specifications

CEI - Comission Eletrotechnique Internationale;

ANSI - American National Standards Institute;
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Material.

Nominal Characteristics


Type. The measurement assemblies are for outdoor use, oil immersed, suitable for
installation in three-phase, 15 kV maximum voltage system.


Measurement Assemblies
Maximum system voltage 15 kV
Rated operating voltage 13.8 kV
Rated frequency 60 Hz
Rated atmospheric impulse withstand voltage
(crest value) 110 kV
Rated atmospheric impulse withstand voltage
with chopped wave (crest value) 121 kV
Rated withstand voltage, 60 Hz, 1 minute (effective value) 34 kV


Current Transformers. Each measurement assembly shall be furnished with the number
of current transformers indicated in the Technical Data Sheets.
The current transformers shall have the following characteristics:
Number of Phases. The transformer shall be single-phase.
Number of Cores. The current transformers shall have a core for measurement.
Rated Frequency. Rated frequency shall be 60 Hz.
Current and Nominal Ratios. The primary currents and nominal ratios are indicated
in the Technical Data Sheets.
The representation of the primary currents and nominal ratios shall be in accordance
with standard ABNT-NBR-6856.
The secondary rated current shall be 5A.
Rated Loads and Accuracy. The rated loads and accuracy shall be in accordance
with the Technical Data Sheets.
The specified loads and accuracy shall comply with the requirements of standard ABNTNBR-6856.
Rated Thermal Factor. The rated thermal factor shall be in accordance with the
Technical Data Sheets.
Rated Thermal Current. The rated thermal current shall be in accordance with the
Technical Data Sheets.
Rated Dynamic Current. The rated dynamic current shall be 2.5 times the rated
thermal current.
Temperature Rise. The current transformers shall comply with the temperature
rise limits defined in Table 10 of standard ABNT-NBR-6856 for Class A
temperature rise considering a maximum ambient temperature of 40o C.
Polarity. - Polarity of the current transformers shall be subtractive.
The polarity of all windings shall be clearly marked in the equipment and in all drawings
and diagrams including the nameplate.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Polarity indication shall comply with the requirements of standard ABNT-NBR-6856.


Potential Transformers. Each measurement assembly shall be furnished with the number
of potential transformers indicated in the Technical Data Sheets.
The potential transformers shall have the following characteristics:
Maximum Voltage and Insulation Level. Maximum voltage of the potential
transformers shall be 15 kV. The transformer insulation level shall be as specified
on the List and Tables 3 and 4 of standard ABNT-NBR-6855, corresponding to the
maximum specified voltage.
Rated Frequency. Rated frequency shall be 60 Hz.
Connection Group. The transformer group shall be Group I - phase-to-phase
Nominal Ratio. The nominal transformer ratio shall be according to the Technical
Data Sheets.
The nominal ratio shall be according to standard ABNT-NBR-6855.
Secondary Voltage. The secondary voltage shall be 115 V.
Rated Loads and Precision Class. The rated loads and accuracy class shall be
according to the Technical Data Sheets.
The rated loads and accuracy class shall comply with the requirements of standard
Rated Thermal Power. The rated thermal power shall be in accordance with the
Technical Data Sheets.
Temperature Rise. The potential transformers shall meet the standard ABNT-NBR6855 temperature rise limits, for Class A temperature rise, considering a maximum
ambient temperature of 40o C.
Polarity. The potential transformer polarity shall be subtractive.
The polarity of all windings shall be clearly indicated in the equipment as well as in all
drawings and in the nameplate.
Polarity indication shall comply with standard ABNT-NBR-6855.


Manufacturing Characteristics


General Design. Design, raw material, labor and manufacturing of the measurement
assemblies shall incorporate the improvements of the latest technique even if not explicitly
stipulated in this Specification.
Each new design shall be fully described in the Bid Proposal.
In the event that more than one unit is required for the same item in the List of Materials,
all units shall have the same design and be essentially equal.


Primary Connectors. The supply shall include the primary connectors, suitable for the
type and gage of conductor indicated in the Technical Data Sheets.
The connectors shall be of high conductivity copper alloy and fully and evenly tinned,
proper for bimetallic connections.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Secondary Terminal Case. The secondary terminals of the measurement assemblies

shall be accessible in a metallic weather and dust-proof box to which the external
connections will converge.
The box dimensions and construction shall allow easy maintenance and access to its
components as well as the connections with the external cables. The part of the box
and screwed sheet corners shall be sealed with neoprene or rubber gaskets to prevent
water penetration.
The cables for the external connections shall have access to the case through the lower
part with provision for threaded connection of rigid or flexible 1 1/2 IPS gage metallic
All connections within the box shall be made in high quality impact-resistant terminal
blocks and shall ensure fastening of the terminals even when subject to vibrations.
The terminal blocks shall be the molded type with barriers between adjoining terminals.
Blocks with anchoring bolts of the terminals in direct contact with the cables or spring
pressure connectors will not be allowed.
The secondary terminals shall be identified and numbered according to the connection
The external cables shall be equipped with gages ranging from 6 to 25 mm2.


Grounding Terminal. The measurement assembly tank shall be equipped with a grounding
terminal, including a high conductivity copper alloy connector, suitable for connection
of two bare copper cables of cross-sectional areas ranging from 25 to 70 mm2.


Tank. The tank, including the cover and the bottom shall be constructed in a 3 - mm
minimum thickness steel sheet and shall withstand the pressure variations without
being subject to permanent deformations.
All openings shall be sealed so as to prevent oil leakage or penetration of water and
moisture. Bolt-tightening limiters shall be provided to prevent damaging the joint gaskets.
The anchoring of the cover to the tank shall be made in a way to ensure that the sealing
joint is evenly tightened. The anchoring system using non-detachable clamps are preferred.


Core. The current and potential transformer cores shall be made of laminated cold-rolled
silicon steel sheets, of high permeability and reduced losses.
Provision must be made for mechanical means to keep the sheets from becoming loose
due to vibrations.


Insulation Means. The measurement assemblies will be oil immersed. The filling of
assemblies with insulating oil shall be done under vacuum to prevent humidity retention
and the formation of air bubbles in the insulating material.


Bushings. The bushings shall have physical and electrical characteristics according to
the requirements of standard ABNT-NBR-5034.


Anchoring. The measurement assembly shall have provision for cross-arm mounting on
concrete poles.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Lifting Device. The measurement assemblies shall be provided with a supporting or

lifting lug with suitable mechanical strength for lifting the totally assembled equipment.


Other Requirements. The supply shall include the oil required for the first filling as well
as the following accessories:
Oil level indicator;
Drainage and oil sample valve.


Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment. Paint and anti-corrosion treatment shall comply
with the requirements specified in item (S-020248 - Paint and Anti-Corrosion Treatment).
The paint applied to the internal part of the tank shall be resistant to the effects of the
insulating oil, without contaminating the oil. The external finishing paint shall be applied
light grey color, ANSI 70, notation Munsell No.5, gloss range 73 to 77.
Frames and all metal parts and hardware subject to corrosive action shall be hot-dip
galvanized in accordance with standards ASTM A-123 and -153, Class C.


Nameplate. The nameplate shall comply with the requirements of subitem 3 of item (S020200 - Electrical Equipment) and shall include the following additional information:
The designation USO AO TEMPO;
Rated primary and secondary currents of the CTs;
Primary voltages and nominal ratios of the PTs;
Maximum voltage and insulation level of the equipment;
Rated frequency;
Thermal factor of the CTs;
Rated thermal power of the PTs;
Accuracy of the CTs and PTs;
Connection diagram;
Total weight;
Type and weight of insulation oil.
Designation of currents, voltages, nominal ratios, insulation level, accuracy, and
connection diagram shall comply with the requirements of standards ABNT-NBR-6855
and -6856.




Type Tests. The following type tests shall be performed in the presence of the ENGINEER:
Ohmic resistance of the windings;
Test of atmospheric impulse withstand voltage;
Test of temperature rise;
Rated dynamic current (CTs);
Rated thermal current (CTs);
Test of short-circuit (PTs);
Excitation current and no-load losses (PTs);
Short-circuit voltage and load losses (PTs);
The type tests shall be performed according to standards ABNT-NBR-6855, -6856, 6820 and -6021, in one or more units of each type of measurement assembly, according
to the Technical Data Sheets.

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Standard Technical Specifications

If any of the tested units are unable to present satisfactory results, the inspection of the
lot shall be suspended until a detailed report on the causes of the failure as well as on
the remedial action by the SUPPLIER is presented. The ENGINEER reserves the right to
accompany the equipment investigation as well as to follow up on the failure analysis.
For re-testing the specified type tests shall be repeated in the unit initially tested and in
two other units, at no expense to the CLIENT. If none of the units are approved by the
tests the lot will be rejected.

Acceptance Tests. The following acceptance tests shall be performed in the presence
of the ENGINEER :
Induced voltage;
Withstand voltage at industrial frequency;
Insulation power factor;
Water-tightness (cold) and mechanical strength against internal pressure;
Insulation resistance;
Visual and dimensional inspection.
The acceptance tests shall be performed on all units in the List of Materials, and the
units presenting unsatisfactory results in any tests shall be rejected.
The acceptance tests shall be performed according to the requirements in standards
ABNT-NBR-6855, -6856, -6820 and -6821.

The BIDDER shall include in his Bid, Technical Data Sheets with the information in the
following form, for each measurement assembly included in the List of Materials).
(Brief description and catalog reference)

Operating maximum voltage (kV, effective) ................................................. kV

Rated frequency ...................................................................................... Hz
Rated atmospheric impulse withstand voltage (kV, crest value) ..................... kV
Rated withstand voltage with chopped wave (kV, crest value) ....................... kV
Rated withstand voltage, 60 Hz, 1 minute (kV, effective) ............................. kV
Insulation power factor
Number of current transformers
Number of potential transformers:



Irrigation Manual

Primary and secondary currents:

Nominal Ratios:
Rated load (VA) ...................................................................................... VA
Accuracy class (ABNT)
Rated thermal factor
Rated thermal current ............................................................................... kA

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Standard Technical Specifications


Rated dynamic current ............................................................................. kA

Temperature rise class (ABNT)



Connection group
Nominal ratio (ABNT)
Secondary voltage ..................................................................................... V
Rated load ............................................................................................. VA
Accuracy class (ABNT)
Rated thermal power ............................................................................... VA
Temperature rise class
Simultaneous power, if applicable ............................................................. VA



Minimum creepage distance ..................................................................... mm
Specific creepage distance .................................................................. mm/kV


Type b.- Manufacturer

Oil volume for 1 unit








Finishing of metallic surfaces

Galvanizing ( ) Yes ( ) No
Painting ( ) Yes ( ) No
Data Sheet attached to Bid no.____________
Equipement weight without insulating oil kg
Weight of insulating oil kg

General. Surface preparation, the materials to be used and the application of paint and
anti-corrosion treatment of any part of the equipment, accessories and hardware shall
be in accordance with the requirements in the Steel Structures Painting Manual, prepared
by Steel Structures Painting Council-SSPC.
The thickness of the paint film per coating and the methods and care in application must
be in strict compliance with the paint manufacturers recommendations.
The painting of equipment which will remain submerged, will be performed by the
Installation Contractor at the jobsite, and such parts shall be delivered unpainted.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Parts to be embedded in concrete shall be delivered unpainted. For partially embedded

parts, the embedded portion shall be coated for a distance of 150 mm from the concrete
Painting of any part of equipment shall only be performed after the ENGINEER has
issued a written statement that the respective equipment or part thereof has been
inspected while unpainted.

Colors. The CLIENT will furnish at the SUPPLIERs request, within a reasonable time, a
standard with the specification of all the colors to be used in the several parts of
equipment which will be furnished with finish painting by the SUPPLIER.


Definitive Specifications for Painting. The definitive specifications for painting to be

executed at the factory, containing cleaning methods and all painting details of the
paint manufacturers, for the paint selected by the SUPPLIER, shall be submitted to the
CLIENT for approval.


Paint Application. The surfaces shall not present failures, pores, runs, splashes, roughness,
undulations, cracks, cleaning marks, blisters, or variations in color, texture and shine.
The paint film shall be smooth and of even thickness.
Edges, corners, small holes (cracks), splices, joints, weldings, rivets and other surface
irregularities shall receive special treatment so as to ensure that the paint film has
suitable thickness.
The painting shall be made on prepared and dried surfaces.
Unless otherwise specified, the temperature of the surfaces to be painted and of the air
in contact with them shall not be under 7o C during paint application, and paint should
not be applied while the preceeding coat of paint has not yet dried. This should be
checked by touch. Painting shall not be applied on surfaces which have been heated by
exposure to the sun or other sources of heat.
Painting shall not be applied in locations where the relative humidity of the air is over
85%. If painting is necessary in such locations, the relative humidity shall be reduced by
means of shelters and/or heating the enclosure until the paint has dried.
Machined surfaces shall be protected for transport with a coat of varnish easily removable
by approved solvents. In the case of parts which are transported by sea, their surfaces
shall be protected with varnish suitable for that purpose.


Coverage. The surface area effectively covered by one liter of a given paint, shall not
exceed the coverage prescribed by the Manufacturer for that particular paint.
The minimum thickness of the dry paint, per coating, shall be that specified by the paint


Care of Painted Surfaces. Parts which have been painted shall not be handled or worked
until the paint film is totally dry and hard.
Until final assembly, all painted parts shall be stored without direct contact with the
ground, in ventilated locations and free of formation of condensation.
The paint of parts in which the painting has been damaged shall be removed and
subsequently painted with a new paint or touched up with the specified paint.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Surfaces in Contact. Whenever a difference in potentials may be established between

metallic surfaces of different chemical composition, by contact of rivets or bolts, each
of the surfaces in contact shall be cleaned, pre-treated and shall receive a primer coating,
all in compliance with that specified for the particular case of the metals involved.
On the other hand, if the contact is between ferrous surfaces and between other parts
of similar chemical composition, those surfaces shall be protected, although not mandatory
by means of painting.
Surfaces in metallic contact, established by highly resistant bolts in friction type couplings,
shall not be painted but shall receive a protective coating of grease or varnish, which
shall be removed after mounting. In the case of a non-metallic surface being in contact
with a metallic surface through rivets or bolts, the contact surface of the metal shall be
cleaned and shall receive three coats of the specified primer.


Other Protection Processes. Depending on the part, other protection processes can be
applied such as: metal-coating, hot-dip galvanizing, chromium plating, cadmium plating,
etc. Each one of these processes shall be indicated in the respective equipment
Equipment frames, mounting brackets, bolts, nuts, and washers for major items of
electrical equipment (such as disconnecting switches, insulators, disconnecting fuses,
distribution transformers, resistors, capacitors, power switchgear assemblies, motor
control assemblies, unit substations, batteries, battery charges, ______, ______, ______,
_______ and _______) subject to corrosive action shall be galvanized in accordance with
the applicable provisions of Standards ASTM A-123 and A-153.
Mounting bolts, nuts, and washers for minor items of electrical equipment and lighter
weight items shall be either galvanized or of noncorrosive metal. Cadmium-plated
mounting hardware will not be permitted.


Measurement and Payment. No measurement or payment will be made for painting and
anti-corrosion treatment. The cost for furnishing, preparing and applying the materials
for cleaning, repairing damaged paint, paiting and other protection processes specified
shall be included in the unit prices in List of Materials and in the Bidding Schedule for the
furnished equipment and the installed equipment, respectively, that require these services.


Proximity to the sea ................................................................................. no
Ambient temperature, max. ................................................................. 33 oC
Altitude .............................................................................................. 90 m
Installation ........................................................................................ outside
Voltage ............................................................................................ l3,8 kV
Voltage class ...................................................................................... l5 kV
Number of phases ..................................................................................... 3
Frequency .......................................................................................... 60 Hz
Short circuit capacity, three phase symmetrical ................................. 350 MVA
Basic insulation level ............................................................................ ll0 kV
Neutral ................................................................................ grounded source

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Number of cubicles ............................................... 2
Type .......................................................... self-supporting on a concrete base
Minimum thickness of steel plate ........................................................... 3 mm
Supply feed ........................................................ through bushings on the top
Outlet feed on the side, through insulators, for conductors 35.95mm2 - Rated buss
bar amperage ..................................................................................... 400 A
Gage of control circuits ............................................ 600 V, minimum, l5 mm2
Identification of internal wiring ....................................... by theelectric terminal
Painting ................................................. ANSI No. 6l (Munsel 8, 3G.6.l0/0,54)
Control Voltage ................................................................................ l25 Vcc
Auxiliary services voltage ........................................................... 22OVCA-F-N
Circuit breakers
Quantity ................................................................................................... 4
Installation .......................................................................................... Fixed
Insulating means ............................................................... small volume of oil
Operation mechanism ................................................... spring loaded - manual
Rated current ..................................................................................... 800 A
Interruption capacity ...................................................................... 350 MVA
Interlock .......................................................................... by mechanical lock
Current transformer
Quantity ................................................................................................... 3
Current transformation ratio ............................................................... l50-5 A
Accuracy class ................................................................................ 1OB l00
Three-pole sectionalizing switch
Quantity ................................................................................................... 1
Operation ......................................................................................... manual
Insulation class.................................................................................... l5 kV
Rated current ..................................................................................... 600 A
Instantaneous current ......................................................................... 25 kA
Interlock .......................................................................... by mechanical lock
Lightning arrestors
Quantity ................................................................................................... 3
Rated voltage ...................................................................................... l2 kV
Impulse voltage ................................................................................... ll0 kV
Instantaneous/time delay overcurrent ........................................................... 3
Ground fault overcurrent ............................................................................. 1
Blocking ................................................................................................... 1




Protection class ...........................................................................................
Number of cubicles ......................................................................................
Type ..........................................................................................................
Steel plate thickness ....................................................................................
Power supply feed .......................................................................................
Outlet ........................................................................................................

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Painting ..................................................................................... BUSS BARS

Insulation class............................................................................................
Rated current ..............................................................................................
Instantaneous current ..................................................................................
Basic insulation level of insulators ..................................................................
Type of connection ......................................................................................
Phase identification ......................................................................................
Withstand voltage, dry, 60 Hz, RMS ..............................................................
Manufacturer/catalog reference .....................................................................
Rated voltage ..............................................................................................
Basic level of insulation ................................................................................
Withstand voltage, dry, 60 Hz, RMS ..............................................................
Manufacturer/catalog reference .....................................................................
Installation (fixed, removable) ........................................................................
Insulation means .........................................................................................
Rated current ..............................................................................................
Interruption capacity ....................................................................................
Basic level of insulation ................................................................................
Operation mechanism ...................................................................................
Trip current .................................................................................................
Control voltage ............................................................................................
Interlock mechanism ....................................................................................
Withstand voltage, dry, 60 Hz, RMS ..............................................................
Manufacturer/catalog reference .....................................................................
Current transformation ratio ..........................................................................
Accuracy class ............................................................................................
Rated voltage ..............................................................................................
Basic level of insulation ................................................................................
Withstand voltage, dry, 60 Hz, RMS ..............................................................
Manufacturer/catalog reference .....................................................................
Operation mechanism ...................................................................................
Interlock mechanism ....................................................................................
Rated current ..............................................................................................
Instantaneous current ..................................................................................
Rated voltage ..............................................................................................
Basic level of insulation ................................................................................
Withstand voltage, dry, 60 Hz, RMS ..............................................................
Manufacturer/catalog reference .....................................................................
Type ..........................................................................................................
Rated voltage ..............................................................................................
Discharge current ........................................................................................
Withstand voltage, dry, 60 Hz, RMS ..............................................................
Manufacturer/catalog reference .....................................................................
Characteristic curves ....................................................................................

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Manufacturer/catalog reference .....................................................................
Characteristic curves ....................................................................................
Manufacturer/catalog reference .....................................................................
Gage of control circuit ..................................................................................
Gage of current/potential circuit ....................................................................
Method of identification of internal wiring .......................................................
Inlet connector, gage ...................................................................................
Outlet connector, gage .................................................................................
Grounding connector, gage ...........................................................................
Name of entity/number of the standard ..........................................................
Total height ................................................................................................
Total width .................................................................................................
Total length ................................................................................................
Total weight ...............................................................................................
Manufacturing design ...................................................................................
Dimensional drawings ..................................................................................
One-line, three-line, and schematic diagrams ...................................................
Internal wiring .............................................................................................
List of material ............................................................................................
List and schedule of tests .............................................................................
Finalfinished product ....................................................................................




Losses. For comparison of Bids for furnishing transformers, each BIDDER shall present
the following guaranteed values for each transformer type, class and/or voltage.
No load losses, in watts.
Total losses, for rated power and power factor = 1 .
Evaluation of the annual cost of the transformer shall be based on the guaranteed loss
values computed by the following formula:
Pa = 0,17 C + 157 x PFE + 240 PT

Pa = Annual cost of the transformer in US Dollars.
C = Transformer Bid price, in US Dollars.
PFE = Noload losses (guaranteed value) in kW.
PT = Total losses (guaranteed value) for rated power and power factor = 1, in kW.

The annual cost shall be used for comparison of Bids.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Excess Losses. If the guaranteed loss values are surpassed by values obtained from the
loss values verification tests, the following shall apply:

The CLIENT may reject the transformers;

The CLIENT may accept the transformers as long as they do not surpass the
guaranteed loss values by ___ % subject to adjustment of the price of the transformers
based on the value of excess losses computed by the following formulas:
D1 = 1570 (PFE - PFE) in US Dollars
D2 = 2400 (PT - PT) in Us Dollars

PFE = No load losses (guaranteed value) in kW.
P = Total losses (guaranteed value) for rated power and power T factor = 1, in
PFE = No load losses (measured value) in kW.
PT = Total losses (measured value) for rated power and power T factor = 1, in kW.
D1 = Adjustment due to difference (PFE - PFE), in Dollars
D2 = Adjustment due to difference (PT - PT), in Dollars

(The price adjustments shall be based on the average price of the transformers in predetermined lots, comparing the actual loss values: (+-) with the guaranteed values).



Qualification of Welders. The SUPPLIER shall be responsible for quality welding. All the
selected welders shall be qualified in accordance with standard ABNT-MB-262 Qualificao dos Processos de Soldagem, de Soldadores e de Operadores and/or ASME,
section IX, or by equivalent entities.
If the work of a given welder is rejected, he shall be submitted to a new qualification
test to once again prove his skill in executing welding works.
All the expenses relating to qualification tests shall be at the SUPPLIERs expense,
including the supply of test pieces and required electrodes.


Welding Process. Unless otherwise authorized or specified, all weldings shall be performed
by the arc welding process, by a process that keeps air from the molten metal or any
other welding process that produces a joint meeting the minimum strength requirements
of the base metals.
The process and the welding sequence, both at the factory and the field shall be submitted
to the CLIENT for approval. Field weldings shall not require special processes, materials,
equipment or techniques or pre-heating or post-heating.
Parts to be joined by welding shall be carefully cut to predetermined dimensions and,if
required, rolled to the radius in accordance with the dimensions indicated on the drawings.
To permit total penetration the edges of each piece shall be bevelled either by means of
oxyacetylene torch, by bevelling machine, or by machining, depending on the type of
the piece and type of welding.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The cut surfaces shall be sound and free of any faults caused by rolling, beveling or any
other process. The surfaces of sheets to be welded shall be free of any trace of rust,
grease or any other foreign material.
All weldings performed in the construction of parts subject to important hydraulic loads
shall comply with the requirements of standard ASME, Section VIII Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Part UW.
Weldings performed in the construction of parts not subject to important loads, shall
comply with applicable requirements of the Structural Welding Code for Steel - AWS
D1.1 or equivalent requirements from another approved standard.
The electrodes, which shall be approved by the CLIENT, shall be selected according to
their electric current, materials and welding process characteristics. After being removed
from their packages, the electrodes shall be stored in ovens, as recommended to avoid
damages or deterioration.
In bimetallic weldings the electrodes shall be selected through tests made on test pieces
of the same materials to be joined by welding.
The weldings shall not be performed over damp surfaces or during periods of strong
winds, unless the welder and the pieces are adequately protected.
After welding, all slag and spatter shall be removed, leaving surfaces with complete
penetration, uniform, smooth and free of any porosity or presence of foreign matter. If
the welding is to be applied in the form of successive passes, each pass, except the last
shall be slightly hammered before the next fillet is applied.
The welded parts shall be free of faults, such as inclusions, grooves, bends, etc. with
regular thickness and without undercuttings, slags, porosity, failures on the root, binding
defects and cracks.
All defective weldings shall be repaired by removing the weld by grinding or arc gouging
to sound metal, followed by new welding as originally specified.

Measurement and Payment. No measurement or payment will be made for welding. The
cost for Furnishing all equipment and materials for welding and performing the required
welding shall be included in the unit costs in the List of Materials and the Bidding
Schedule for the Furnished equipment and the installed equipment, respecticvely, that
require these services.



General. The equipment shall be suitably packed to protect it against damages during
transportation and storage, in conditions that envolve multiple handling, transfers,
transporting on unpaved roads, prolonged storage, exposure to humidity, sea air and
possibility of theft.
Without limiting the SUPPLIERs responsibilities, following is a list of conditions that
should be observed, in addition to other conditions included in the Specifications:
Boxes, crates and pallets shall be constructed in a manner suitable for each shipment
requirement and shall be strapped with steel bands. The wood shall be dry. .The
steel bands shall be of non-annealed steel, applied with stretching tools and fastened
with pressed clamps.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Nails shall be coated with anti-corrosion protection and be adequate for packing
In case of equipment susceptible to damages caused by moisture, impermeable
coverings in the form of bags or enclosures sealed with impermeable adhesives
shall be used. A moisture absorbing material such as silicon gel shall be provided.
Machined surfaces which may be subject to oxidation while being transported or
installed shall be transported covered with grease or other easily removable
Items to be shipped in bundles shall be separated and bound in accordance with
dimensions and weights compatible with handling at the jobsite.
The packing shall be subject to inspection and approval by the ENGINEER. If the boxes
arrive at the destination damaged or in unsuitable conditions, any damaged or unsuitable
equipment shall be returned and replaced at the SUPPLIERs expense.
Each package shall be marked with the name of the CLIENT and of the Project, the
number of parts it contains, name of the SUPPLIER, number of Contract/Purchase Order,
number of shipment, destination, and gross and net weights. A list shall also be furnished,
on which all materials, accessories and/or spare parts contained in each package are
listed, to facilitate verification of the contents.
Transportation and insurance shall be in accordance with the requirements in the Bidding
Documents and, in addition, the following conditions shall be observed:
In the case of supply by Brazilian SUPPLIERS:
Shipping and insurance of the equipment from the factory to the jobsite
warehouse shall be the responsibility of the SUPPLIER.
The insurance shall also cover the unloading operation at the delivery site, which may
be performed by the CLIENT, in accordance with the SUPPLIERs instructions, or by
The CLIENT, as specified in the Bidding Documents.
In the case of supply by foreign SUPPLIERS:
The shipping and insurance of the equipment from the factory to the Brazilian
port of ______ shall be the responsibility of the SUPPLIER. The shipment and
insurance of the equipment from the Brazilian port of __________ to the jobsite
warehouse shall be the responsibility of the SUPPLIER or the CLIENT, according
to the requirements in the Bidding Documents.

Storage at Jobsite. The storage and security of the equipment and materials, after
arrival at the destination site and until the effective date of installation, shall be
the responsibility of the CLIENT following instructions furnished by the SUPPLIER.
Spare parts shall be necessarily packed separately from other parts and the packages
clearly labeled PEAS SOBRESSALENTES (SPARE PARTS) to prevent using them
before the initial operation of the equipment.

Measurement and Payment. No measurement or payment will be made for packing. The
cost for furnishing all required materials, the construction of the packing crates, etc.,
packing of the equipment and materials and the guarantees shall be included in the unit
prices in the List of Materials for the furnished equipement.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications





Manufacturing Schedule. The BIDDER shall present in his Bid a detailed schedule of the
supply, containing at least the following dates:
Preparation of manufacturing drawings and submittal for approval;
Approval of the drawings by the CLIENT;
Preparation of Instruction Manuals;
Inspection and tests at factory;
Transportation and delivery to worksite.


Drawings and Data to be Submitted for Approval. Independent from any document
furnished with the Bid, the SUPPLIER shall submit to the CLIENT for analysis and approval,
after the Contract has been signed and before starting manufacture, all documents
comprising the equipment design and/or catalog data, in _____ copies. The drawings
shall be furnished in blueprint form. The drawings, data,and calculation sheets listed in
the respective equipment Specifications shall be the minimum data to be furnished.
The drawings shall be submitted with all details required for a clear understanding of the
dimensions, concepts, and operability of the equipment and shall contain, where
applicable, plan drawings, views, sections, and details with all elevations, in addition to
electrical diagrams, material lists, and calculation sheets. The drawings prepared shall
comply with the standard ABNT-NBR-5984.
Where data are required for commercial products or equipment, the SUPPLIER shall
submit _____ sets of complete identifying data giving the manufacturers name, type,
model, size, and characteristics of the equipment. When a catalog sheet is submitted,
the particular item proposed shall be underlined or marked. The data shall be
comprehensive and shall fully demonstrate that all equipment provided will meet the
requirements of these Specifications.
The drawings, data, and calculation sheets shall be stamped with the CLIENTs name,
Contract number, Project name, SUPPLIERs name and revision number and date.
All the drawings and other technical documents furnished shall become the exclusive
property of the CLIENT, who may use the documents in any manner it wishes.


Criteria for Approval of Drawings and Data. The CLIENT shall review the drawings and
data and communicate his findings to the SUPPLIER within 30 days following receipt
thereof. However, the SUPPLIER shall be granted the right to extend the scheduled
equipment delivery date by a period of time equal to the delay beyond 30 days caused
by the CLIENT in analysing the documents. This right is not applicable to drawings
resubmitted for clarification and/or correction.
After analysis, the CLIENT shall return to the SUPPLIER one copy of each drawing and/
or data sheet, stamped with the following indications:
Drawings and data stamped APROVADO authorize the SUPPLIER to continue detailing
the design and to start manufacturing the equipment covered by the drawing.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Drawings and data stamped APROVADO COM RESTRIES authorize the SUPPLIER
to continue detailing the design and to start manufacturing, including therein the alterations
requested; the re-submittal of the drawings for new checking, however, is necessary.
Drawings and data stamped NO APROVADO shall be resubmitted for approval after
having been corrected or altered. The alterations so made do not confer to the SUPPLIER
the right to extend the delivery date for the equipment.
Immediately after completion of the approval procedure, the SUPPLIER shall submit to
the CLIENT one reproducible copy of the originals of each drawing, in polyester,
accompanied by one blueprint. The polyester shall be 0.3 mm thick. Whenever
modifications to the equipment design or manufacture are required, the CLIENT shall be
informed and, if such modifications affect the design, the SUPPLIER shall resubmit five
new copies for analysis,the procedure established above being repeated.
The approval of drawings, data,and calculations by the CLIENT shall not diminish the
SUPPLIERs responsibilities in relation to the equipment design, raw material, manufacture
and guaranteed characteristics. The fact of the CLIENT calling the SUPPLIERs attention
to certain errors or omissions does not imply that the the CLIENT will be responsible for
others not mentioned or not detected during drawing analysis and approval process.
Any manufacturing or procurement performed, or shipment made, prior to approval of
the drawings and data, shall be at the SUPPLIERs risk.

Submittal Deadlines. Unless otherwise stated in the specific equipment Specification,

the deadlines for drawings and data submittals for approval shall be the following:
Deadline for remittance, counted as from
the date the contract is signed

Drawings and design data which affect the performance of civil works

up to 30 days

Drawings and design data which do not affect the performance of the civil works

up to 60 days

It shall be noted that all the drawings of all the items of the Contract shall be submitted
to the CLIENT, for approval, within the deadlines established above or in the Specifications.

Instruction Manual. Within 30 days prior to the expected delivery date of the equipment,
the SUPPLIER shall forward to the CLIENT, ____ copies of the equipment Instruction
Manuals, in A4 format.
The Manuals shall be complete and shall contain all instructions for operation,
modifications and adjustment of the equipment and, at least, the following information:
Typical technical data of the equipment and all their accessories.
Guaranteed values and informative values.
Recommendations regarding tools and instruments to be used.
List of codified and marked materials:
For parts and accessories; - For spare parts and accessories;
For tools.
Instructions and working procedures for:
Storage of the equipment;
Handling and lifting of the units, components and accessories,
includingexplanatory drawings;

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Assembly, partial and total dismantling, including explanatory drawings;

Start of operation and normal operation;
Preventive maintenance and safety standards.
___ copy(ies) of each report on tests conducted.
___ copy(ies) of the catalog of the components furnished.
___ copy(ies) of each final drawing.

The portions of each manual relative to the operation shall be as instructive as possible,
considering that the educational background of the users is not necessarily technical.
These manuals shall include a detailed description of the functions of each subsystem,
operation of the several controls and signaling, accompanied by illustrative drawings.
The manual shall also cover aspects of maintenance (operators maintenance) for the
daily review of the proper operation of all the controls and signaling devices.
The portions of the manuals relative to maintenance shall include the periodic preventive
maintenance and emergency corrective maintenance. These manuals shall include
diagrams, test procedures, tables of minimum and maximum allowable values and a list
of required instruments. The diagrams shall be complete for the follow up and detection
of defects, containing drawings and/or photographs with the layout and identification
of the components and points of tests.
The manuals shall be submitted to the CLIENT prior to clearance of the equipment for
The Instruction Manuals shall be written in Portuguese and furnished suitably bound.
The drawings included in the Manuals shall be numbered, properly folded and attached
in a manner similar to that of the text pages.

Measurement and Payment. No measurement or payment will be made for preparation

and submittal of drawings by the CONTRACTOR. The cost for all the materials and the
labor necessary for preparing and furnishing all the drawings, data, calculations and the
Instruction Manuals shall be included in the unit prices in the List of Materials for furnishing
the equipment and/or the Bidding Schedule for work these services.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications





Objective. The objective of this Specification is to establish the minimum technical

conditions which shall be complied with for supplying the pipes and fittings for the
________(Name) Project.


Operating Conditions. Exposed pipe and fittings shall be suitable for the environmental
conditions described in item __ of the Instructions to Bidders. Buried pipe and fittings
shall be suitable for service in the soil conditions indicated on the drawings. The medium
to be pumped will be raw water at ambient temperature. The water may contain varying
amounts of sand, silt, and organic matter.


Scope of Supply. The pipes and fittings shall be supplied complete, with all the
components required for their installation and operation, such as anchor bolts, screws,
accessories for flanged joints, rings and lubricants for the push-on joints, adhesives for
bonded joints, sealer for threaded joints etc.


Pipe Options. Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings or in the List of Materials, the
SUPPLIER has the option of furnishing the following types of pipe:


Distribution Pipelines. For distribution pipelines, the SUPPLIER has the option of furnishing
welded steel pipe, ductile iron pipe, asbestos-cement pipe, rigid PVC pipe for permanent
irrigation systems, and/or DEFOFO rigid PVC pipe for permanent irrigation systems,
provided that the pipe furnished shall conform to the applicable requirements of these


On-farm Pipelines. For buried on-farm pipelines, the SUPPLIER has the option of furnishing
ductile iron pipe, asbestos-cement pipe, rigid PVC pipe for permanent irrigation systems,
or DEFOFO rigid PVC pipe for permanent irrigation systems. The pipe furnished shall
conform to the applicable requirements of these specifications.
For above-ground on-farm pipelines, the SUPPLIER has the option of furnishing rigid
PVC pipe or aluminum pipe for moveable sprinkling systems. The pipe furnished shall
conform to the applicable requirements of these specifications.


Manufacturing Requirements. Pipes and fittings shall conform to the requirements of

this paragraph and to the additional requirements contained in the respective technical
paragraphs for the specific type of pipe.


General. There shall be compatibility between the pipes and fittings, relating to the
types and characteristics of the spigots, bells, flanges and other connecting components.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

To obtain compatibility with a particular type of connection or fitting, a combination of

two or more components will be acceptable.

Flanges. All the flanges of the pipes and fittings shall comply with ABNT Standard NBR7675, class PN-10 or PN-16, as specified in the Technical Data Sheets.


Threads. All pipe and fitting threads shall comply with ABNT Standard NBR-6414 (BSP).


Fittings. Different materials from those specified for the fittings may be proposed, as
long as they will bear the pressures specified in the design, acceptance of same being
exclusively at the discretion of the PURCHASER.


Anticorrosion Coating. All the surfaces of the pipes and fittings subject to corrosion
shall be treated with an anticorrosion protective coating after being appropriately prepared.
Where the type of coating is not specified, the coating shall be an anticorrosive painting,
consisting of at least two coats of anticorrosive base with a minimum final dry film
thickness of 50 microns and one coat of finishing paint with a minimum dry film thickness
of 30 microns.


Identification. Each pipe or fitting shall contain clearly on the external surface the
fabricators name, pipe class, nominal internal diameter, identification of the tests to
which it was submitted, as well as the date and the fabrication series.


Inspections and Tests. Pipes and fittings shall be submitted to the tests specified in the
applicable Specifications for the specific type of pipe.
The PURCHASER shall be granted the right to have a representative present to observe
the tests. This representative may, at the PURCHASERs discretion, be from any agency.
The SUPPLIER will guarantee the PURCHASERs representatives free access at any
stage of the process of manufacture or assembly of the equipment, supplying free of
charge, any of the components to be tested, and offering all facilities necessary for the
tests themselves.
Any expense incurred to carry out the tests, whether for personnel or material, will be
the SUPPLIERs entire responsibility, no part of it being chargeable to the PURCHASER.
The results of the tests must be represented in separate, specific certificates.


Packaging, Transportation, and Storage. Pipes shall be packaged in a manner to prevent

any movement of the pipe units during the transportation and the loading and unloading
operations, and the SUPPLIER will remain responsible for all damages which may happen
by the non-observance of this requirement.
Pipes, fittings and other components necessary for the complete assembly of the pipeline
shall be transported by the SUPPLIER (including loading, unloading and packing) to the
jobsite and placed in a reserved area designated by the PURCHASER.


Warranty. The SUPPLIER shall furnish an equipment and materials warranty in accordance
with the General and Special Conditions of the Contract. This warranty shall remain
valid for 12 months after each piece of equipment is put into operation or for 24 months
after the date of delivery at the jobsite, whichever period concludes earlier.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Technical Assistance. In accordance with the General and Special Conditions of the
contract, the SUPPLIER shall furnish and bear the costs of all necessary technical
assistance during the receipt, installation and commissioning of the pipe and fittings,
until the final acceptance of the system.


Receipt of the goods. The receiving of all materials will be done by representatives of
the PURCHASER and the SUPPLIER, who shall maintain in the locality personnel to do
this work without any expense to the PURCHASER;
The SUPPLIER shall ensure that the pipe is stacked in a correct manner using wood
blocking to form the stacks.
Pipes shall be juxtaposed and never crossed.
Stacks shall be formed of pipe with the same diameter and pressure class.
Fittings shall be grouped by diameter and pressure class.
Rubber sealing rings, wrapped in the correct manner to protect the material, shall not be
exposed to sunshine and shall be sheltered in the best possible manner to avoid high
If defective pieces are found in a shipment, the whole shipment shall be checked by the
PURCHASERs and the SUPPLIERs representatives. Once the cause for the defect(s)
has (have) been determined, if possible, a decision will be made as to the rejection of
the defective piece(s) alone or of the whole shipment. Defective pieces shall be listed in
a proper form and returned to the SUPPLIER with an annexed report, signed by the
PURCHASERs and the SUPPLIERs representaties, without cost to the PURCHASER.
No defective parts or material will be permitted to remain in the storage area.
The material will be considered received when the Bill of Lading and the Shipping Notice
are stamped with the signatures of the representatives of the PURCHASER and the


Installation. The SUPPLIER shall provide technical assistance during the installation of
the pipe and fittings, furnishing advice and consultation services to personnel of the
PURCHASER and the installation contractor. The SUPPLIERs representative shall
immediately inform the representative of the PURCHASER whenever the installation
procedures being followed are not equal or superior to the SUPPLIERs established
standards for installation.


Filling and Testing. After the pipeline system, or portions thereof, have been installed
and are ready for testing, the SUPPLIERs representative shall furnish to the PURCHASER
and the installation contractor a recommended procedure for filling the system or portion
to be tested. The procedure shall be such as to assure that damage to the pipes or other
components does not occur due to air entrapment in the pipeline, sudden valve closures,
or other causes.
After the pipeline, or portion thereof, has been filled and is in operational condition,
functional tests will be performed in design conditions, during four (4) hours under a
static pressure equal to the design maximum operating pressure. The proper functioning
of all elements, watertightness of pipe sections, valves, joints etc. will be verified.

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Standard Technical Specifications

The system performance shall be assessed by the SUPPLIERs representative who shall,
jointly with the PURCHASERs representative, produce a report thereof. If faults are
detected in the Goods which can be ascribed to materials or workmanship of the
SUPPLIER, the defective parts shall be made good or replaced according to the directions
of the PURCHASERs representative. All costs arising from occurences under this Clause
shall be borne by the SUPLIER. If leaks are found, the SUPPLIER shall bear the costs of
repeat tests, which shall be performed after the leaks have been repaired.
The SUPPLIER shall make available, free of cost to the PURCHASER, all equipment and
accessories necessary for the performance of the tests, such as:
Blind flanges for the closing of the lines openings;
Test pump, precision manometers, etc.

Reference Drawings.. The supply of the specified equipment must be in accordance

with the following drawings, which are an integral part of this specification:
Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

The drawings listed above are intended as general orientation in preparing bids, and
indicate the main characteristics and dimensions of the equipment. The design and
elaboration of detailed drawings for manufacturing are part of the supply and the
responsibility of the SUPPLIER, who will note and comply with the main dimensions and
characteristics presented in the drawings listed above.
Any error in the reference drawings or specifications, be it omission, addition or
misplacement of words or symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the
requirements of the drawings and/or specifications. In case of discrepancy between the
drawings and the specifications, the latter will govern. The SUPPLIER shall bring to the
attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications or reference drawings.

Technical Data Sheets.




Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements, inspections and

tests, and other criteria which, together with the requirements of Section _________ ,
PIPELINES, GENERAL (S-030101), establish the minimum conditions to be complied
with for supplying the steel pipe and fittings for the _______ (name) Project.


Technical Standards. Steel pipe and fittings shall be designed, manufactured and tested
in compliance with the ABNT - Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas (Brazilian
Technical Standards Association) standards and, when such are nonexistant, in
compliance with the latest editions of one of the following entities:
API - American Petroleum Institute; . ASTM - American Society for Testing and
AWWA - American Water Works Association; and other corresponding international

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Standard Technical Specifications


Manufacturing Requirements


General. Steel pipe shall be manufactured of flat carbon steel sheets, with longitudinal,
transverse or helical welding, by means of electric resistance or submerged arc welding.
In compliance with design conditions, alternatives may be proposed for supplying lengths
of piping with diameters which make telescopic packing possible for transportation, in
order to economize on the freight cost. In such cases, technical justification must be
supplied for approval by the PURCHASER.
Also as an alternative, manufacture of the pipes on the jobsite may be proposed, with
all the necessary equipment, materials and facilities for manufacture, at the BIDDERs


Coating. Coating of the internal and external surfaces of the pipes and fittings shall be
done as indicated in the designs, complying with the provisions of AWWA Standard
C203 for coal-tar enamel coating, C205 for cement-mortar coating, or C210 for coal-tar
epoxy coating.




Hydrostatic Test. Before coating and before beveling the edges, each pipe and each
fitting shall be hydrostatically tested, as specified in the manufacturing standards.
While under pressure equivalent to one and one-half times the maximum design pressure,
all the welds shall be inspected and all the leakage points shall be marked. All the pipes
which show leakage under test shall be repaired (by grinding the weld and rewelding) at
the leakage points and shall undergo a new hydrostatic test.
The test pressure shall not exceed the value of:


P = maximum test pressure - kgf/cm2
G= allowable stress in the steel, not to exceed 85% of the yield stress - kgf/cm2
e = thickness of sheet - mm
D = internal diameter of the pipe - mm
The test pressure shall be maintained for a sufficient length of time to permit inspection
of all the welded joints.
Repair of the leaks in the joints shall only be permitted if there are less than 1 for each
1.5 meters of welding fillet and if the sum of the lengths does not exceed 2.5% of the
total length of the welds. Otherwise, the pipe shall be rejected.

Welding Tests. Samples shall be taken for welding tests at least at every 100 meters of
manufactured pipes, at the ENGINEERs discretion.
The tests called for in the standards may be requested in part or in total, at the ENGINEERs
discretion. They are:
Hydrochloric acid attack test;
Reduced section tensile test;

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Standard Technical Specifications

Free bend test;

Root bend test;
Notch impact test;
Lack of success in the first series of tests shall require a new weld test and, if success
is not obtained, the lot represented by the samples taken shall be rejected.

Other Tests. Radiographic, ultrasonic or dye-check tests shall be performed on the

welds made in the field.


Measurement and Payment. The quantity of steel pipe will be measured as the length of
pipe furnished, expressed in linear meters.
The quantity of steel pipe fittings, such as bends, tees, crosses, reducers, sleeves, and
adaptors will be measured as the number or pieces furnished, expressed in units.
Payment for steel pipe and fittings will be made at the applicable unit prices established
in the Contract.



Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements, inspections and

tests, and other criteria which, together with the requirements of Section PIPELINES,
GENERAL (S-030101), establish the minimum conditions to be complied with for supplying
the reinforced concrete pipe and fittings for the ________ (name) Project.


Technical Standards. Reinforced concrete pipe and fittings and the rubber gaskets for
the joints shall be designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with this specification
and the following ABNT standards:
NBR 6565 - Vulcanized elastomers - Determinaton ofaccelerated aging in an oven
- Test method.
NBR 7211 - Specification for aggregates for concrete.
NBR 7318 - Vulcanized elastomers - Determination of hardness - Test method.
NBR 7462 - Vulcanized elastomers - Tensile test - Test method.
NBR 7531 - Rubber gaskets for plain or reinforced concrete sewer pipe Determination of water absorption - Test method.
NBR 8890 - Specification for reinforced concrete sewer pipe with circular cross
NBR 8892 - Reinforced concrete sewer pipe with circular cross section Determination of the index of absorption of water - Test method.
NBR 8893 - Plain or reinforced concrete sewer pipe with circular cross section Determination of watertightness - Test method(Hydrostatic proof test)
NBR 8895 - Plain or reinforced concrete sewer pipe with circular cross section Verification of the watertightness of the rubber-gasketed joint - Test method.
NBR 9795 - Reinforced concrete pipe - Determination of diametral compression
strength - Test method (Three-edge bearing test).


General Requirements


Classes. Two classes of reinforced concrete pipe are permitted, designated A-2 and A3 in accordance with the requirements for the minimum crack load and the minimum
failure load prescribed in Table 1.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Table 1 - Diametral Compression Strength

Nominal Diameter DN

Minimum Crack Load (kN/m)

Minimum Failure Load (kN/m)

Class A-2

Class A-3

Class A-2

Class A-3





























































In Table 1, the minimum crack load is defined as the working load, in Newtons, at the
moment that there appears in the pipe being tested, a crack or cracks with a width of
0.2 mm and a minimum length of 300 mm. For design purposes, this load defines the
strength of the pipe with respect to external loads. The minimum failure load is defined
as the ultimate load resulting in complete failure of the pipe.
The reinforced concrete pipe furnished under this Solicitation shall be of the classes
specified in the Technical Data Sheets.

Manufacturing Requirements. Reinforced concrete pipe shall be manufactured in

accordance with the requirements of ABNT Standard NBR 8890 with the following


Materials. The cement shall not have a tricalcium aluminate (C3A) content in excess of


Reinforcing. The principal reinforcement of the pipes shall be single or double cages,
circularly-formed or helically-wound. Eliptically-formed reinforcement shall not be


Inspections and Tests. Inspecting and testing the reinforced concrete pipes shall comply
with the requirements of ABNT Standard NBR 8890 with the exceptions listed below.
The number of sample per lot and the criteria for acceptance or rejection of the lot also
shall be in accordance with NBR 8890.


Diametral Compression Strength. The diametral compression strength shall be determined

in conformance with ABNT Standard 9795.


Watertightness of the Pipe and Watertightness of the Rubber-Gasketed Joint. No separate

test for the determination of the watertightness of the pipe (NBR 8893) need to be done
if this test is performed in conjunction with the test for the determination of the
watertightness of the joint (NBR 8895), using the test apparatus and procedure required
for the test of the joint. For both tests, the minimum internal hydrostatic pressure shall
be 100 kPa, which shall be maintained for a 30-minute duration.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Fittings for Reinforced Concrete Pipe. Fittings for reinforced concrete pipe, such as
bends, tees, reducers, and sleeves, shall be standard products for the pipes and shall be
approved by the CLIENT.


Measurement and Payment. The quantity of reinforced concrete pipe will be measured
as the length of pipe furnished, expressed in linear meters.
The quantity of fittings for reinforced concrete pipe, such as bends, tees, reducers and
sleeves, will be measured as the number or pieces furnished, expressed in units.
Payment for reinforced concrete pipe and fittings will be made at the applicable unit
prices established in the Contract.



Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements, inspections and

tests, and other criteria which, together with the requirements of Section PIPELINES,
GENERAL (S-030101), establish the minimum conditions to be complied with for supplying
the asbestos-cement pipe and fittings for the _______ (name) Project.


General Requirements. The asbestos cement pipes and connections shall be furnished
in diameters 50 mm through 500 mm, inclusive. They shall comply with ABNT Standards
NBR-8057, NBR-8058 and NBR-8059, class 20 or higher, as specified in the Technical
Data Sheets. Within the 500-mm diameter limitation, pipes with diameters other than
those shown in the tables included in this paragraph may be used in lieu of pipe of a
smaller diameter, provided that suitable adaptors are provided for connecting to pipe
and fittings of the diameters shown.
Asbestos-cement coupling sleeves shall conform to the same requirements as the pipes.
Asbestos-cement pipe and coupling sleeves shall be externally coated with a bituminous


Technical Standards. The necessary inspections and tests for acceptance and receipt of
each lot shall be performed in accordance with the above-mentioned specifications and
also with the following ABNT specifications:
NBR-6464: determination of diametral crushing strength
NBR-8061: determination of water absorption
NBR-8062: watertightness under internal hydrostatic pressure
NBR-8063: determination of solubility in acid
NBR-8064: verification of straightness
NBR-8065: determination of internal burst pressure strength
NBR-8067: rubber ring - determination of hardness
NBR-8068: rubber ring - determination of permanent deformation under elongation
NBR-8069: rubber ring - determination of permanent deformation under compression
NBR-8072: rubber ring - determination of hardness variation with accelerated
NBR-8075: determination of longitudinal bending strength
NBR-8411: end dimensions - standardization

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Standard Technical Specifications


Manufacturing Requirements


Pipe Units shall be furnished with dimensions and tolerances indicated in Table l.

Table l - Dimensions and Tolerances

Diamn DN

Minimum Length Wall (mm)

Average Inside
Diameter (mm)

Thickness (mm)




















































































Note: Wall thickness dimensions are minimums; that is, minus tolerance on the dimension
is zero.
The average inside diameter shall be determined by obtaining 3 diameter measurements
at each end of the pipe. The measurements shall be taken within 30 cm of each end,
shall be made with an angle of approximately 60 degrees between them, and shall be
measured with an accuracy of plus or minus lmm. The arithmetic average of the 6
measured diameters shall be taken as the average inside diameter.

The ends of the pipe units shall be machined to the dimensions and tolerances indicated
in Tables 2 and 3, as defined in Figure l. Figure l

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Standard Technical Specifications

Table 2 - Spigot Diameters and Tolerances

Dep (mm) Spigot Outside Diameter

Cp Minimum
Spigot Length


Nominal Diameter DN



































































Note: At the request of the PURCHASER, the pipes may be furnished with spigots machined
to a length (dimension Cp) equal to the length of the corresponding coupling.
Table 3 - Spigot Thicknesses and Tolerances

Nominal Diameter

Spigot Thicknesses(mm)

Tolerances (mm)




































































Note: Spigot thicknesses and tolerances were developed from the inside diameters and
tolerances of the pipe, given in Table l, and the outside diameters and tolerances of
the spigot, given in Table 2.


The SUPPLIER shall establish his manufacturing dimension in conformance with the
above criteria. The maximum and minimum thicknesses of the machined portion of the
spigot shall not deviate from the SUPPLIER s established dimension by more than the
following amounts at any point in the circumference of the spigot:

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Standard Technical Specifications

Spigot Thickness (mm)

Deviation (mm)

10 and less

+- 1,5

Over 10 to 20

+- 2,0

Over 20 to 30

+- 2,5

Over 30 to 60

+- 3,0


Inspections and Tests


Watertightness. Each pipe unit shall be submitted to a watertightness test. The pipes
shall not present any signs of leakage, spots, or sweating when submitted to an internal
hydrostatic pressure, as indicated in Table 4, for 30 seconds. In the tests of pipes 350
mm and smaller, the time of application can be reduced to 5 seconds provided that the
internal hydrostatic pressure is increased by l0%.

Table 4 - Internal Hydrostatic Test Pressures





Internal Hydrostatic Pressure (MPa)





Bursting Strength. Samples for internal hydrostatic bursting tests shall be taken from
the finished pipe units in accordance with the sampling procedure specified in ABNT
NBR 8057. The test samples shall not rupture with a pressure less than that indicated in
Table 5.

Table 5 - Minimum Internal Hydrostatic Burst Pressures

Bursting Pressure (MPa)

Nominal Diameter DN (mm)















































External Diametral Crushing Strength. Samples for external diametral crushing tests
shall be taken from the finished pipe units in accordance with the sampling procedure
specified in ABNT NBR 8057. The test samples shall not break with a load less than that
indicated in Table 6. The method of test shall be the three-edge bearing test specified in
ABNT NBR 6464 or ASTM C497. The vee-block crushing strength test shall not be

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Standard Technical Specifications

Table 6 - Minimum External Diametral Crushing Loads

Crushing Load (kN/m)
Nominal Diameter DN (mm)















































Other Tests. The SUPPLIER shall perform other quality control tests as specified in
ABNT NBR 8057.


Ductile Iron Fittings for Asbestos-Cement Pipe. As specified in the Technical Data Sheets,
the ductile iron bends, tees, crosses, and other fittings shall have flanged or push-on
The general conditions, specifications, and necessary inspections and tests for acceptance
and receipt of each lot shall comply with ABNT Standard NBR-7675.


Measurement and Payment. The quantity of asbestos-cement pipe will be measured as

the length of pipe furnished, expressed in linear meters.
The quantity of asbestos-cement coupling sleeves and rubber gaskets required for joining
the asbestos-cement pipes will not be measured separately and their costs shall be
included in the cost of the pipe.
The quantity of ductile iron fittings for asbestos-cement pipe, such as bends, tees,
crosses, reducers, and adaptors will measured as the number or pieces furnished,
expressed in units.
Payment for asbestos-cement pipe and fittings will be made at the applicable unit prices
established in the Contract.



Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements, inspections and

tests, and other criteria which, together with the requirements of Section PIPELINES,
GENERAL (S-030101), establish the minimum conditions to be complied with for supplying
the PVC pipe and fittings for the _______ (name) Project.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Rigid PVC Pipe and Fittings.


Manufacturing Requirements. Pipes and fittings of rigid PVC, with push-on joints, shall
comply with the ABNT Standards NBR 5647, NBR 6588, NBR 7673 and NBR 8217.
The pipe and fittings shall withstand pressures of ___ MPa and the supply shall include
the number gaskets.
The PVC fittings shall have the same characteristics as the PVC pipe.


Inspections and Tests. The necessary inspections and tests for acceptance and receipt
of each lot shall be performed in compliance with the above-mentioned standards and
also the following ABNT standards:

5680: standardization
5683: internal burst pressure strength
5684: effects in water
5685: watertightness under internal hydrostatic pressure
5686: long-term strength under internal hydrostatic pressure
5687: dimensional stability

The rigid PVC fittings shall conform to the same requirements as the pipes.
Rigid PVC pipe and fittings shall withstand service pressure of 0.4 MPa and the supply
shall include rubber gaskets.

DEFOFO Rigid PVC Pipe and Fittings


Manufacturing Requirements . The DEFOFO line of PVC pipe shall be manufactured with
external diameters equal to the diameters of cast or ductile iron pipes with push-on
joints, thus allowing the use of cast iron or ductile iron bends, tees, crosses, and other
DEFOFO rigid PVC pipe with push-on joints shall be manufactured in compliance with
ABNT Standards NBR 7664, NBR 7665, NBR 7670, NBR 7672 and NBR 7673, which
establish the minimum conditions for acceptance and receipt of the material.


Inspections and Tests. The necessary inspections and tests for acceptance and receipt
of each lot shall be performed in compliance with the above-mentioned ABNT Standards
and also with the following ABNT Standards:
NBR 5683 - Internal burst pressure strength-test method
NBR 5684 - Effects in water-test method
NBR 5685 - Watertightness under internal hydrostatic pressure-test method
NBR 7228 - Strength under sustained internal hydrostatic pressure for 1000 hourstest method.


Ductile Iron Fittings for DEFOFO PVC Pipe. Ductile iron bends, tees, crosses, and other
fittings shall have flanged or push-on joints as specified in the List of Materials.
The general conditions, specifications and necessary inspections and tests for acceptance
and receipt of each lot of ductile iron fittings shall comply with ABNT Standard NBR


Cast Iron Fittings for DEFOFO PVC Pipe. Cast iron bends, tees, crosses, and other
fittings for DEFOFO PVC pipe shall have push-on joints.

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Standard Technical Specifications

The general conditions, specifications and necessary inspections and tests for acceptance
and receipt of each lot shall be based on ABNT standards NBR 7664, NBR 7665, NBR
7667, NBR 7668, NBR 7669, and NBR 7670.

Rigid PVC Pipe and Fittings for Moveable Sprinkler Irrigation Systems


Manufacturing Requirements. PVC pipes and fittings, such as line valves, elbow bends
with valve operator, tees, sprinkler outlets, bends, caps, reducers, adaptors,etc., for
the moveable sprinkler systems shall withstand service pressure of 0.8 MPa, and shall
be supplied complete, including quick coupling joints and rubber sealing rings.
PVC pipes and fittings with quick coupling joints shall withstand an internal pressure of
1.5 MPa.
The pipe units shall be 6 m long.
The quick coupling joints shall be designed so that one operator can perform coupling
and uncoupling. The couplings shall have reinforced female ends.
An ultraviolet (UV) inhibiting agent shall be incorporated in the formulation of the PVC
compound from which the pipe and fittings are manufactured. Determination of the
type and quantity of agent to be used shall be the responsibility of the SUPPLIER. The
type and quantity of agent to be used shall be sufficient to provide substantial protection
from UV radiation when the pipe and fittings are installed above ground, exposed to
direct sunlight.
Rigid PVC pipe and fittings for moveable sprinkler systems shall comply with the ABNT
Standards NBR 5647, NBR 6588, NBR 7673 and NBR 8217.


Inspections and Tests. The necessary inspections and tests for acceptance and receipt
of each lot shall be effected in compliance with the above-mentioned standards and
also with the following ABNT standards:

5680: standardization
5683: internal burst pressure strength
5684: effects in water
5685: watertightness under internal hydrostatic pressure
5686: long-term strength under internal hydrostatic pressure
5687: dimensional stability

The fittings shall conform to the same requirements as the pipes.


Measurement and Payment. The quantity of rigid PVC pipe for pipelines and water
systems, and DEFOFO rigid PVC pipe will be measured as the length of pipe furnished,
expressed in linear meters.
The quantity of PVC, ductile iron, or cast iron fittings for rigid PVC pipe for pipelines and
water systems and for DEFOFO rigid PVC pipe, such as bends, tees, crosses, reducers,
and adaptors will be measured as the number or pieces furnished, expressed in units.
The quantity of PVC pipe for the moveable sprinkler irrigation systems will be measured
as the number of pieces furnished, expressed in units, each piece being 6 m long and
including quick couplings and rubber sealing rings.

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Standard Technical Specifications

The quantity of fittings for PVC pipe for the moveable sprinkler systems, such as line
valves, outlet bends with valve operator, tees, sprinkler outlets, bends, caps, reducers,
adaptors, etc. will be measured as the number of pieces furnished, expressed in units.
Payment for PVC pipe and fittings will be made at the applicable unit price established
in the Contract.



Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements, inspections and

tests, and other criteria which, together with the requirements of Section PIPELINES,
GENERAL (S-030101), establish the minimum conditions to be complied with for supplying
the ductile iron pipe and fittings for the _______ (name) Project.


Technical Standards. The following standards shall be complied with:

Push-on joints: ABNT NBR 7674
Rubber rings: ABNT NBR 7676
Pipes with flanged joints: ABNT NBR 7560
Pipes with class K-7 and K-9 push-on joints: ABNT NBR 7663
Pipes with class 1 MPa push-on joints: ABNT NBR 8318


Manufacturing Requirements. Ductile iron pipe shall be internally coated with cement
mortar applied by a centrifugal spinning process in compliance with ABNT Standard
NBR 8682, and shall be externally coated with bituminous paint.
The pipes shall have flanged joints, class K-12, or push-on joints, classes K-7, K-9 or 1
MPa, as specified in the Technical Data Sheets.


Inspections and Tests. The necessary inspections and tests for acceptance and receipt
of each lot shall be performed in compliance with the above-mentioned standards.


Ductile Iron Fittings. Ductile iron bends, tees, crosses, and other fittings shall have
flanged or push-on joints as specified in the Technical Data Sheets.
The general conditions, specifications, and necessary inspections and tests for acceptance
and receipt of each lot shall comply with ABNT Standard NBR 7675.


Cast Iron Fittings. Cast iron bends, tees, crosses, and other fittings shall have push-on
The general conditions, specifications and necessary inspections and tests for acceptance
and receipt of each lot shall be based on ABNT Standards NBR 7664, NBR 7665, NBR
7667, NBR 7668, NBR 7669 and NBR 7670.


Measurement and Payment. The quantity of ductile iron pipe will be measured as the
length of pipe furnished, expressed in linear meters.
The quantity of ductile or cast iron fittings, such as bends, tees, crosses, reducers, and
adaptors will measured as the number or pieces furnished, expressed in units.
Payment for ductile iron pipe and ductile or cast iron fittings will be made at the applicable
unit prices established in the Contract.

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Standard Technical Specifications




Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements, inspections and

tests, and other criteria which, together with the requirements of Section PIPELINES,
GENERAL (S-030101), establish the minimum conditions to be complied with for supplying
the aluminum pipe and fittings for the _______ (name) Project.


Manufacturing Requirements. Aluminum pipes and fittings, such as line valves, outlet
bends with valve operator, tees, sprinkler outlets, bends, caps, reducers, adaptors etc.,
for the moveable sprinkling systems shall be supplied complete, including quick coupling
joints and rubber sealing rings.
The aluminum pipes and fittings with quick coupling joints shall withstand an internal
pressure of 1.5 MPa.
The pipe units shall be 6 m long.
The quick coupling joints shall be designed so that one operator can perform coupling
and uncoupling. The couplings shall have reinforced female ends.
The pipe and fittings shall be manufactured from a first class aluminium alloy, shall be
the product of an experienced and capable manufacturer, and shall have adequate strength
and durability when in use.
The Denting Factor is defined as:
DF = Ys x T x T , where:
DF = Denting Factor
Ys = yield stress of the alloy in kg/mm2
T = average thickness of the piping wall in mm.
The DF shall not be lower than 28.5
The pipe and fittings shall be manufactured in accordance with the best accepted
practices. The pipes shall have a cylindrical visual aspect; the internal surface shall be
smooth to the touch and free from sharp points or protuberances. The pipes shall be
free from cracks, deformations and any other defects which may affect their useful life
or their adequacy of operation.


Inspections, Tests, and Acceptance. All pipes and fittings shall be tested at an internal
hydrostatic pressure of 1.5 MPa.
Receipt and acceptance of the lot shall be contingent upon submittal of certificates of
test results from the manufacturer and from an inspecting organization acceptable to
the PURCHASER. Pipes with signs of shock, dents, curves, ovalization and other damages
shall be rejected, at the discretion of the PURCHASER.


Measurement and Payment. The quantity of aluminum pipe for the moveable sprinkling
systems will be measured as the number of pieces furnished, expressed in units, each
piece being 6 m long and including quick couplings and rubber sealing rings.
The quantity of fittings for aluminum pipe for the moveable sprinkling systems, such as
line valves, outlet bends with valve operator, tees, sprinkler outlets, bends, caps, reducers,
adaptors, etc., will be measured as the number of pieces furnished, expressed in units.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Payment for aluminum pipe and fittings for the moveable sprinkling systems will be
made at the applicable unit prices established in the Contract.



Objective. This Specification defines the manufacturing requirements, inspections and

tests, and other criteria which, together with the requirements of Section PIPELINES,
GENERAL (S-030101), establish the minimum conditions to be complied with for supplying
the galvanized malleable iron pipe and fittings for the _______ (name) Project.


Manufacturing Requirements. The galvanized malleable iron pipe shall be manufactured

in compliance with ABNT Standard NBR-5580, with threaded ends.
Bends, tees, nipples, bushings, and other fittings shall be manufactured in compliance
with ABNT Standard NBR-6943, Class 10, with threaded ends.
Galvanizing of the pipe and fittings shall comply with ABNT Standard NBR-5580, shall
be by the hot-dip process,and shall be continuous, internally and externally. The threads
shall not be galvanized.
Lengths of the pipe units shall be as shown on the Technical Data Sheets.


Measurement and Payment. The quantity of galvanized malleable iron pipe will be
measured as the number of pieces furnished, expressed in units, with the lengths of the
pieces as shown on the Technical Data Sheets.
The quantity of fittings for galvanized malleable iron pipe will be measured as the number
of pieces furnished, expressed in units.
Payment for galvanized malleable iron pipe and fittings will be made at the applicable
unit prices established in the Contract.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications




General. Except as otherwise provided in these Specifications,the installation of

mechanical equipment by the mechanical equipment INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR
(CONTRACTOR) shall be in accordance with the requirements herein specified. The
mechanical equipment furnished by the mechanical equipment Supply Contractor will
usually have been shop assembled to check fits, marked to facilitate assembly in the
field, tested when appropriate to determine that all parts function properly, and
disassembled as required for shipment. The equipment furnished may be unpainted,
prime painted, completely painted, galvanized, or coated, as applicable; and the cleaning,
painting or coating, and repairing of paint, galvanizing, or coatings, shall be performed
by the CONTRACTOR as specified in these Specifications.
The CONTRACTOR shall coordinate his installation and testing activities with the civil
works Contractor, equipment Supply Contractors, electrical equipment Installation
Contractor, and the Engineer. The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the CLIENT for approval,
an installation and testing schedule. The installation and testing schedule shall be based
on the construction program and the equipment delivery dates provided by the civil
works Contractor and the equipment Supply Contractors, respectively.
In order to prepare an installation and testing schedule for bidding purposes, the CLIENT
will provide upon request the following documents:
Civil works Specifications.
Equipment Supply Specifications.
Civil works Contractors construction program.
Equipment Supply Contractors manufacturing and delivery schedules.
The list of equipment and materials to be installed under these Specifications, including
estimated weights, is provided in item (Mechanical Equipment and Materials to be Installed
In accordance with the applicable paragraphs of this Specification, the CONTRACTOR
will be required to perform a certain amount of earthwork and concrete construction.
This work shall be performed in accordance with the requirements contained in the
applicable civil works Contruction Specifications. Therefore, all applicable provisions of
the civil works Specifications are made a part of this Specification. The CONTRACTOR
shall report to the CLIENT within 24 hours any shortage in or damage to equipment
discovered at the storage area.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible for removal from the storage area, handling,
and installation of the equipment and shall be liable for any damages that may occur to
the equipment prior to final acceptance of the work.
In addition to the requirements specified in this Specification, the Suppliers
recommendations for handling, transportation, assembly and installation shall always
be followed. A Suppliers representative and/or erecting engineer may be present at the
jobsite to provide technical assistance with regard to the Suppliers recommendations.
The CONTRACTOR shall make arrangements with the Suppliers for coordinating the
services of erecting engineers. The CONTRACTOR shall follow the instructions of erecting
engineers and will be held responsible for and shall correct any work done contrary to
the directions of the erecting engineer. The cost of the services of erecting engineers
for the CLIENT-furnished equipment will be borne by the CLIENT. The CONTRACTOR
shall give the CLIENTs representative 2 weeks advance notice of the time when the
erecting engineers will be needed on the job. The CONTRACTOR will not be held
responsible for any erroneous instruction issued by the erecting engineers.
During loading, transporting, unloading and handling of the equipment, care shall be
taken to avoid any unnecessary jars, impacts, or other treatment likely to damage the
equipment. Equipment which is too heavy for manual handling shall be loaded and
unloaded with cranes or other hoisting equipment equipped with properly placed slings.
Slings shall be wrapped with approved materials. Metal slings or chains shall not come
in direct contact with the equipment. Haul vehicles shall not have any protrusions such
as rivets that may damage the equipment. The equipment shall be evenly supported
over its entire length on the vehicle. Haul vehicles shall have adequate lateral supports
and the equipment shall be securely fastened to the vehicle during transportation.
If the site is not ready or available for installation of the equipment after the CONTRACTOR
has hauled the equipment from the storage area, the CONTRACTOR shall provide suitable
warehouses or other adequate means of protection at the site, as directed by the
ENGINEER and at no additional cost to the CLIENT.
The CONTRACTOR shall load, haul, and unload any spare parts furnished with the
equipment to the location directed by the CLIENT.
Installation of the equipment shall be in conformance with the following:
The Manufacturers recommendations.
The respective specification requirements for the specific item being installed.
The requirements of this Specification.
When a conflict exists between the above requirements, the order of preference shall be
in the order listed above.
Special care shall be taken in assembling all gearing to assure that the gears will mesh
properly, engage evenly over their full face width, and operate freely without excessive
All couplings and flange faces shall be cleaned thoroughly of all dirt and burrs before
connection to ensure correct fit and true alignment.
Unless otherwise specified, gaskets shall be placed in flanged joints of piping, and pipe
flange bolts shall be tightened so that the joint will not leak. All piping shall be cleaned
prior to assembly.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Installation of equipment may include connecting to existing piping and electrical systems,
conduits, cables, etc.
Equipment or metalwork to be embedded in concrete shall be located accurately, and
shall be held in correct position and alignment and protected from damage and
displacement during placing and setting of the concrete.
Unless specified otherwise, all braces, supports, and other items used to position and
align embedded equipment or metalwork, which will also be embedded in the concrete,
shall be metal.
Anchor bolts will normally be set during placement of first-stage concrete. Where it is
impracticable to embed anchor bolts or anchors for the installation of comparatively
light metalwork before the first-stage concrete is placed, and when it is necessary to
anchor parts where inserts or anchor bolts have not been provided, holes shall be drilled
in the concrete and expansion anchors shall be installed as approved by the ENGINEER.
All the holes for expansion anchors shall be straight and true to the diameter recommended
by the Supplier of the expansion anchors. The CONTRACTOR shall use diamond bits, or
equal, to drill the holes so that the expansion anchors fit securely. Holes shall be core
drilled where called for on the drawings. If drilling water is used, surfaces of concrete to
remain exposed shall be cleaned immediately to prevent discoloration of the concrete by
the drilling water and cuttings.
The surfaces of all metalwork to be in contact with or embedded in concrete or grouting
mortar shall be adequately cleaned.
Equipment bases or supports and baseplates shall be leveled and aligned carefully,
adjusted to correct alignment and grade with steel shims as necessary, and rigidly
secured in place. Unless otherwise shown on the drawings or required by these
Specifications, all steel shims shall be left in place.
Where shown on the drawings or required by these Specifications, all spaces under the
equipment, bases, or supports shall be filled completely as required with nonsettling
grouting mortar or mortar.
All equipment shall be tested for compliance with the Specification requirements and to
determine if all equipment functions as required.
Deficiencies in equipment performance will be corrected by the CLIENT, the equipment
Supply Contractor, or the CONTRACTOR. The cost of making changes to obtain
satisfactory operation of the equipment will be borne by one or more of the three parties
listed above after determination by the CLIENT of the degree of responsibility, if any, of
the three parties.

Repair of Damaged Materials. Damaged or defective materials shall not be installed.

If any defects, errors, or inaccuracies are found in materials furnished to the

CONTRACTOR, the CLIENT will decide whether the materials will be returned to the
Supplier for correction, or whether the defects, errors, or inaccuracies will be corrected
in the field by the CONTRACTOR. The repair of damage which is due to the operations
of the CONTRACTOR, and the correction of minor defects, errors, or inaccuracies in
materials furnished to the CONTRACTOR which may be expected to occur in the ordinary
commercial grade of shopwork and manufacture of such materials, as determined by
the ENGINEER, shall be made by the CONTRACTOR without additional cost to the

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Repair of damage to the materials which is not the fault of the CONTRACTOR, and
correction of defects, errors, or inaccuracies which are over and above what may be
expected to occur in the ordinary commercial grade of shopwork and manufacture, as
determined by the ENGINEER, shall be made by the CONTRACTOR when and as directed
by the CLIENT. The CONTRACTOR shall receive an equitable adjustment for this work.
Damaged or defective surfaces or areas of paint, galvanizing, or coating shall be cleaned
and repaired to the equal of the undamaged surfaces.

Welding. General welding requirements shall conform to the following:


Terminology. The terminology used in this Specifications is in accordance with standard



Qualification of Welders. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for quality welding. All
welders shall be qualified in accordance with standard ABNT-MB-262 Qualificao dos
Processos de Soldagem, de Soldadores e de Operadores and/or ASME, Section IX, or
by standards from equivalent entities.
If the work of a given welder is rejected, he shall be submitted to a new qualification
test to once again prove his skill in executing welding works.
All expenses relating to welders qualification tests shall be at the CONTRACTORs
expense, including the supply of test pieces and required electrodes.


Welding Process. Unless otherwise authorized or specified, all the weldings shall be
performed by the arc welding method.
The process and the on-site welding sequence shall be submitted to the CLIENT for
Surfaces to be welded shall be free of heavy rust, grease, paint or any other foreign
Welding shall comply with applicable requirements of the Structural Welding Code for
Steel - AWS D1.1, or equivalent, or other standards approved by the CLIENT.
The electrodes, which shall be approved by the CLIENT, shall be conveniently selected
according to their electric current, materials and welding process characteristics. After
being removed from their packages, the electrodes shall be stored in ovens, as
recommended to avoid damages or deterioration.
In bimetallic weldings, the electrodes shall be selected through tests made on test
pieces of the same materials to be joined by welding.
The weldings shall not be performed over damp surfaces or during periods of strong
winds, unless the welder and the parts being welded are suitably protected.
After welding, all slag and spatter shall be removed, leaving surfaces with complete
penetration, uniform, smooth and free of any porosity or presence of foreign matter. If
the welding is to be applied in the form of successive passes, each pass, except the
last, shall be slightly hammered before the next fillet is applied.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The welded parts shall be free of faults, such as inclusions, grooves, bends, etc., with
regular thickness and without undercuttings, slags, porosity, failures on the root, binding
defects and cracks.
All defective weldings shall be repaired by removing the same by grinding or arc gouging
to sound metal, followed by new welding as originally specified.

Pre-Operational Services and Tests. Each complete unit of operating equipment shall be
serviced and tested after installation. The servicing shall include cleaning all parts, filling
with oil, lubricating, adjusting, and all other work and material required to prepare the
equipment for operation. Bearings and other moving parts shall be lubricated properly,
and gear housings shall be filled with suitable gear oil. If directed by the CLIENT, the
CONTRACTOR shall flush all bearings, reservoirs, oil tanks, and gear housings with
kerosene before greasing or filling with oil. Unless specified otherwise, all hydraulic oil,
lubricating oil, gear oil, and grease shall be furnished by the CONTRACTOR. Kerosene
for flushing or cleaning shall also be furnished by the CONTRACTOR.

After each unit of operating equipment has been serviced, it shall be tested for proper
operation, and adjustments shall be made until the operation of the unit is approved by
the CLIENT. In coordination with the electrical equipment Installation Contractor,
preliminary checks will be made to ensure the electrical features of each unit of mechanical
equipment operate properly prior to the performance of the operational tests. The
performance of such checks shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of responsibility for
proper commissioning of the installed equipment. All tests will be witnessed by a
representative of the CLIENT. The CONTRACTOR shall provide all temporary test materials
or equipment required for operating tests, and such materials and equipment shall remain
the property of the CONTRACTOR. After the test of each unit of operating equipment
has been completed, but prior to acceptance, the CONTRACTOR shall recheck the
alignment and adjustment of moving parts and the tightness of bolted connections to
ensure the unit is in proper operating condition.
All piping and tanks shall be tested for leaks before being placed in service.
The CONTRACTOR shall make all necessary arrangements and shall provide all power
required for installation and testing. This shall include providing equipment required for
distributing the power to the place or places of use by the CONTRACTOR.
The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all water required for testing purposes. The
CONTRACTOR shall make all arrangements for obtaining water and provide all means
for conveying water to points of use.
At the conclusion of testing and after acceptance of the work, the CONTRACTOR shall
dismantle and remove all temporary power, equipment, and supplies that are not part of
the permanent work.

Cost.- Except as otherwise provided in these Specifications, the cost of all work required
herein, including the costs of assembling, erecting, supporting, servicing, adjusting,
cleaning, painting or coating, and repairing of paint, galvanizing, or coatings, drilling
holes, making all required connections, making required tests, and maintaining installed
equipment in proper condition until acceptance shall be included in the applicable prices
bid in the Bidding Schedule for installing the equipment.
The cost of handling and installing minor miscellaneous items of metal, timber, and
other materials, for which specific prices are not provided in the Bidding Schedule, shall
be included in the prices for the work to which they are appurtenant.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The CONTRACTOR shall return all unused equipment and materials to the CLIENT. The
CONTRACTOR will be backcharged for any equipment or materials lost or damaged
beyond repair after removal from the initial storage area or for any equipment or materials
not incorporated in the work and not returned. The amount of backcharge will be equal
to the amount that the equipment or materials cost the CLIENT in the supply solicitation
or equal to the amount of the replacement cost to the CLIENT, whichever is higher. If
directed by CLIENT during the progress of the work, rather than being backcharged for
lost or damaged equipment and materials, the CONTRACTOR shall replace, at the
CONTRACTORs expense, such equipment and materials with equivalent grades of
equipment and/or materials, as approved by the CLIENT. Any equipment or materials
damaged after removal from the storage area which in the opinion of the CLIENT can be
repaired satisfactorily, shall be repaired at the expense of and by the CONTRACTOR.


The following table(s) list the equipment and materials to be installed by the Contractor.
Where the quantity of a unit to be installed is greater than one, the estimated weight is
for one item only.
Table (Title of Schedule or Lot)
Item and quantity




Estimated weight (kilograms)

General. The correct assembly and alignment of all parts of the pumping unit shall be
the CONTRACTORs responsibility. An antiseize compound shall be applied to the shaft
threads before the shaft is assembled. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish metal shims,
anchor bolts complete with adjusting nuts and washers as shown on the drawings, and
other devices necessary for installing the pumping units.
The pumping unit shall be installed under the supervision of a qualified erection engineer
from the pumping unit Supplier. The unit shall be installed in accordance with the Suppliers
installation instructions. Any damage caused by the CONTRACTOR shall be repaired or
replaced, by and at the expense of the CONTRACTOR, as approved by the CLIENT. All
couplings and flange faces shall be cleaned thoroughly of all dirt and burrs before
connection to ensure tight fit and true alignment. The finished surfaces of all flanged
joints shall be coated with joint compund before bolting.


Installation. The baseplate for the horizontal units and the base and soleplate of the
vertical pumping units shall be cleaned thoroughly before installation to remove all dirt,

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

rust, and other foreign matter. The baseplate for the horizontal unit and the soleplate for
the vertical unit shall be placed in position and the pump units shall be leveled by means
of shims or the adjusting nuts on the anchor bolts. The pump discharge shall then be
aligned and connected with the discharge piping, and final leveling of the soleplate and
baseplate shall be accomplished. After final leveling and alignment, the soleplate and
baseplate of the pump units shall be anchored by tightening the upper nuts on the
embedded anchor bolts evenly but not firmly enough to deform the lead washers under
the soleplate and baseplate. After the unit is in the final position, the soleplate and
baseplate shall be grouted in place as shown on the drawings. After the grout has set,
the upper nuts on the embedded anchor bolts shall be fully tightened. The motor shaft
of the unit shall be turned by hand to assure free rotation. After electrical connections
have been made the motor shall be checked for correct direction of rotation.

Pre-Operational Services and Tests.- After the pumping unit is completely installed, it
shall be serviced. The servicing shall consist of complete lubricating, adjusting, and
cleaning of the unit. All lubricating devices shall be checked for correct operation, and
the unit shall be thoroughly lubricated. Additional lubricating oil and grease shall be
furnished by the CONTRACTOR in accordance with the Suppliers recommendations.
The CONTRACTOR shall unwater, sweep, and hose down the complete sump area of
the vertical pump units prior to the initial startup of the units to ensure that all construction
waste and accumulated debris have been removed.
Any damage to the pumping units or related equipment during initial startup due to
foreign objects left in the sump areas shall be corrected at the CONTRACTORs expense.
All necessary electrical tests and checkouts shall be coordinated with the electrical
equipment Installation Contractor. Before initially energizing the pump motors, the
CONTRACTOR shall successfully test all pumping plant control, monitoring, and protective
circuits, following a detailed step-by-step test plan previously approved by the CLIENT.
The CONTRACTOR shall also check the motor insulation in accordance with NEMA
standard MG1-12.02. The high-potential test voltage shall be in accordance with NEMA
standard MG1-3.01L. If the motor fails the test, it shall be corrected in accordance with
the Suppliers recommendations and subject to the approval of the CLIENT.
After being serviced, the pumping unit shall be given an operating test under load for a
period of at least 8 hours or as directed by the CLIENT. The tests shall be conducted by
the CONTRACTOR under the supervision of the Suppliers erecting engineer. During the
tests, the operation of the pumping unit shall be observed carefully and recorded as to
noise, vibration, and motor-bearing temperatures. Vibration levels shall not exceed the
limits recommended by the Hydraulic Institute Test Code, Centrifugal Pump Section.
Without additional cost to the CLIENT, the CONTRACTOR shall make any changes and
correct any errors for which he is responsible as determined by the CLIENT.


Reference Drawings. - The installation of the specified equipment must be in accordance

with the following drawings, which are an integral part of this Specification:

Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Any error in the reference drawings or specifications, be it omission, addition or

misplacement of words or symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the
requirements of the drawings and specifications. In case of conflicts between the drawings
and the features of the equipment supplied or existing features at the site, the features
of the equipment supplied and existing features at the site will govern. The CONTRACTOR
shall bring to the attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications or in the
reference drawings. I-010105



Slide Gates. The CONTRACTOR shall install the wall thimble, gate, actuator mechanism,
stem, stem guides, and accessories in accordance with the drawings and these
specifications. Care shall be taken to avoid warping the gate frame and to maintain
tolerances between seating faces. All gates, thimbles, stems, and actuators shall be
plumbed, shimmed, and aligned accurately.
Tapped holes in thimbles shall be plugged for protection.
During construction, the surfaces of the thimble and the gate shall be covered or otherwise
protected from concrete spillage, paint, oil, and debris. Any damage that occurs to the
thimble or gate in handling shall be corrected prior to installation of the gate or operating
and testing of the gate.
Thimbles shall be positioned accurately and supported to prevent shifting during the
pouring of the surrounding concrete. Thimbles shall be carefully braced both horizontally
and vertically to prevent distortion. Concrete shall be placed carefully to provide a good
bond to the thimble without voids. Grout shall be forced into any air-vent holes provided
for the release of entrapped air during the concreting operations.
After the entire assembly of manually actuated gates has been installed, adjusted, and
properly lubricated, each slide shall be operated for three complete cycles.
After installation of gates with motor-actuated lift mechanisms, torque switches shall
be adjusted and limit switches set in accordance with the Suppliers recommendations.
The gate shall then be operated through three complete cycles.
After installation of gates with hydraulic-cylinder lift mechanisms, the alignment of the
cylinder with the gate shall be checked by opening the gate before water is turned into
the gate chamber. Binding or side thrust on the cylinder rod shall be eliminated to ensure
proper cylinder operation and long life of seals. All connections shall be carefully checked
for leaks. After proper alignment has been obtained and absence of leaks assured, the
gate, submerged or subjected to normal operating heads, shall be checked through
another complete cycle of operation.
A field leakage test shall be performed by the CONTRACTOR after installation of the
slide gate. The CLIENT shall be notified of the test in sufficient time to enable him to
have a representative present at the test site. After all adjustments have been made and
the mechanisms properly lubricated, each gate slide shall be operated through one
complete cycle as a final check on proper operation before starting the leakage test.
Seating and unseating heads shall be measured from the top surface of the water to the
center of the gate.
Seating head. Under the design seating head, the leakage shall not exceed 1.25
liters/min per meter of seating perimeter.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Unseating head. Under the design unseating head, the leakage for heads of 6
meters of water or less shall not exceed 2.50 liters/min per meter of seating
perimeter. For unseating heads greater than 6 meters of water, the allowable
leakage shall not exceed the rate per meter of seating perimeter specified by the
following equation:
maximum allowable leakage (liters/min/meter of seating perimeter)
= 1.275 + 0.205 (unseating head in meters of water)

Gate Valves. Gate valves shall be inspected in the storage area for damage in shipment
and storage. The inspection shall verify compliance with specifications, directions of
opening, size and shape of operating nut, number of turns, and type of end connections.
A visual inspection of the bronze gate rings and body rings shall be performed to detect
any damage in shipment or scoring of the seating surfaces. Inspection personnel shall
look for bent stems, broken handwheels, cracked parts, missing parts and accessories,
and any other evidence of mishandling during shipment or deterioration during storage.
Each valve should be cycled through one complete opening and closing cycle. If practical,
all gates valves 400 mm and larger shall be operated through one full operating cycle in
the position in which they are to be installed.
Instruction manuals supplied by the Supplier shall be reviewed in detail before valves are
installed. At the job site and immediately prior to installation, each valve shall be visually
inspected again and any foreign material in the interior portion of the valve shall be
removed. Adjacent piping shall also be inspected and cleaned.
All bolts shall be protected to prevent corrosion, either with a suitable paint or by
polyethylene wrapping.
Gate valves shall be installed in the closed position. The valve shall be placed on a
suitable support to prevent settling and excessive strain on the connection to the pipe.
Piping systems should be supported and aligned in such a way as to minimize bending
of the valve connection.
When installed below ground, the valves shall be installed in a concrete vault to facilitate
the installation and maintenance. The operating nut should be accessible from the top
opening of the vault with a valve key. The size of the vault shall provide for easy
removal of the valve bonnet and internal parts of the valve for repair purposes. The
concrete for the vault shall have a minimum strength of 15 MPa.
Gates valves installed above ground or in pumping plant piping systems shall be supported
and aligned in such a way as to minimize bending of the valve end connections as a
result of pipe loading.
After installation and before pressurization of the valve, all pressure-containing bolting
(bonnet, seal-plate, bypass, and end connections) shall be inspected for adequate
tightness to prevent leakage. In addition, an inspection shall be made for adequate
tightness of all tapped and plugged openings to the valve interior.
If gate valves are used to isolate hidrostatic test sections, the test pressures should not
exceed twice the rated working pressure of the gate valve. After this test, steps should
be taken to relieve any trapped pressure in the body of the valve. The gate valve should
not be operated in either the opening or closing direction at differential pressures above
the rated working pressure.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

On completion of the installation, valve location, size, make, type, date of installation,
number of turns to open, direction of opening, and other information deemed pertinent
shall be entered on a permanent record and provided to the CLIENT.

Valves, Except for Gate Valves.- Valves shall be inspected in the storage area for damage
in shipment and storage. The inspection shall verify compliance with the specifications
for the quantity and type of valves to be installed. Each butterfly and globe valve shall
be cycled through one complete opening and closing cycle to ensure that it operates
properly and that stops or limit switches are correctly set. The valves shall be closed
before installation. At the job site and immediately prior to installation, each valve shall
be visually inspected and foreign material in the interior portion of the valve shall be
removed. Adjacent piping shall also be inspected and cleaned.
All instruction manuals furnished by the Supplier shall be reviewed in detail before the
valves are installed. Valves shall be installed in accordance with the Suppliers instructions.
Suppliers representatives and/or erecting engineers may be present at the jobsite to
provide technical assistance with regard to the installation, adjustment, and initial
operation of the multi-function valves, surge anticipator valves, pressure reducing valves,
and butterfly valves with or without actuators. The directions given by these
representatives shall be followed in conformance with paragraph INSTALLATION,
GENERAL (1-010101).
Valves with adjustable seating shall be installed so that the seat adjustment side of the
valve can be easily accessed and adjusted in service. Pipe ends shall be prepared in
accordance with the pipe manufacturers instructions for the joint used. The pipe/valve
joint should not be deflected. Valves shall not be used as jacks to pull pipe into alignment.
For wafer-type butterfly valves, the valve disc shall be concentrically centered between
the mating flanges. Valve discs, when opened, must not contact the pipe port. The
Suppliers recommendations for the minimum internal pipe diameter required for clearance
shall be maintained.
When valves are installed in vaults, the vault design shall provide space for removal of
the valve/actuator assembly for purposes of repair. The valve operating nut should be
accessible from the top opening of the vault with a tee wrench.
Care shall be exercised when rubber-seated butterfly valves are used to isolate sections
of the pipeline for testing. These valves are designed or factory adjusted to hold rated
pressure only and test pressures above the valves rated pressure may cause leakage
past the rubber seat.
On completion of installation, valve location, size, make, type, date of installation, number
of turns to open and direction of opening, as applicable, and any other information
deemed pertinent shall be entered on a permanent record and provided to the CLIENT.


Reference Drawings. The installation of the specified equipment must be in accordance

with the following drawings, which are an integral part of this Specification:
Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Any error in the reference drawings or specifications, be it omission, addition or

misplacement of words or symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the
requirements of the drawings and specifications. In case of conflicts between the drawings
and the features of the equipment supplied or existing features at the site, the features
of the equipment supplied and existing features at the site will govern. The CONTRACTOR
shall bring to the attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications or in the
reference drawings.



General. The hoist shall be installed in accordance with the specifications and drawings,
the Suppliers recommendations and the Instruction Manual.


Testing. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish test weights which combine to provide 100
percent and 120 percent of the rated hoist capacity. The CONTRACTOR shall disable
the load limiting device furnished with the electric hoists and then test the handling
apparatus by raising, lowering, and transporting the 120 percent test weight through
the full travel of all motions, except as limited by the size of the test weight itself. The
CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate that brakes and limit switches operate properly and
are adjusted correctly. Then the CONTRACTOR shall reactivate the load limiting device
if so equipped and demonstrate that the device will prevent lifting the 120 percent test
weight but will allow handling the 100 percent test weight through full travel of all


Reference Drawings. The installation of the specified equipment must be in accordance

with the following drawings, which are an integral part of this Specification:
Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

Any error in the reference drawings or specifications, be it omission, addition or

misplacement of words or symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the
requirements of the drawings and specifications. In case of conflicts between the drawings
and the features of the equipment supplied or existing features at the site, the features
of the equipment supplied and existing features at the site will govern. The CONTRACTOR
shall bring to the attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications or in the
reference drawings.



General. The commercial equipment shall be installed in accordance with the Instruction
Manuals in the location shown on the drawings or specified by the CLIENT.
After completing the installation, the equipment shall be tested for compliance with the
specifications requirements in accordance with the Suppliers instructions, as approved
by the CLIENT.


Reference Drawings. The installation of the specified equipment must be in accordance

with the following drawings, which are an integral part of this Specification:

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

Any error in the reference drawings or specifications, be it omission, addition or

misplacement of words or symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the
requirements of the drawings or specifications. In case of conflicts between the drawings
and the features of the equipment supplied or existing features at the site, the features
of the equipment supplied and existing features at the site will govern. The CONTRACTOR
shall bring to the attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications or in the
reference drawings.



General. Sump pumps shall be installed in accordance with the specifications and drawings
and the Suppliers instructions and/or recommendations. The installation of the sump
pump shall be complete with all necessary fittings and accessories, including valves,
piping, pipe supports, tubing, and anchors.
After the pump has been installed and serviced, it shall be given an operating test and
adjustments made, as necessary, to obtain proper control and satisfactory operation of
the unit.


Reference Drawings. - The installation of the specified equipment must be in accordance

with the following drawings, which are an integral part of this Specification:
Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

Any error in the reference drawings or specifications, be it omission, addition or

misplacement of words or symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the
requirements of the drawings and/or specifications. In case of conflicts between the
drawings and the features of the equipment supplied or existing features at the site, the
features of the equipment supplied and existing features at the site will govern. The
CONTRACTOR shall bring to the attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications
or in the reference drawings.



Stoplogs. The surfaces of stoplog seats and guides to be embedded in concrete shall be
thoroughly cleaned immediately before the concrete is placed. The stoplogs seats and
guides shall be positioned to the tolerances shown on the appropriate installation drawings
and then embedded in concrete. The seats and guides shall be rigidly supported to
prevent movement during the placement of the concrete. After embedment, the side
seating surfaces shall lie in a commom plane and bear evenly against the stoplog seat
bars when the stoplogs are installed in their respective slots. The bottom seats shall be
level in both directions.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Each completely assembled stoplog and the lifting beam shall be tested for proper
engagement, alignment, interchangeability, and operation in their slots at their respective
structure as follows:

Attach the lifting beam to each of the stoplogs to determine satisfactory lifting capability
of each stoplog. 1.2 Install one of the stoplogs, to be designated by the CLIENT, in each
of the slots at the structure using the lifting beam. Check for binding or interference as
the stoplog and lifting beam are lowered and raised through the full depth of each of the
stoplog slots. Check for uniform bearing of the stoplog seals and seat bars against the
embedded seats.


Stack a set of stoplogs in each of the stoplog slots at the structure. Check for the
uniform bearing of the stoplog seals and seat bars against the embedded seats. Also,
check for uniform contact of the bottom seals against the mating stoplog or embedded
bottom seat. It may be necessary to manually push the stoplogs over to their seated
position with wedges or other external forces.
Final operation and correction of any deficiencies shall be approved by the CLIENT. Any
required changes or adjustments shall be made until the operation of the stoplogs and
all appurtenant parts is satisfactory to the CLIENT. After all testing is completed, any
damage to the seals or paint on any of the stoplogs or lifting beam shall be repaired by
After installation and testing of the stoplogs are completed, the CONTRACTOR shall
store the stoplogs and lifting beam as directed by the ENGINEER. Storing shall include
the furnishing of timber blocking necessary to prevent damage or compression of the
seals while the stoplogs are in storage. The CONTRACTOR shall cut notches in the
timber blocking to accommodate the seals.


Trashracks. The surfaces of metalwork to be embedded in concrete shall be thoroughly

cleaned immediately before the concrete is placed. The metalwork shall be set accurately
in position and supported to prevent movement during the placing and setting of the


Reference Drawings. The installation of the specified equipment must be in accordance

with the following drawings, which are an integral part of this Specification:

Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

Any error in the reference drawings or specifications, be it omission, addition or

misplacement of words or symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the
requirements of the drawings and/or specifications. In case of conflicts between the
drawings and the features of the equipment supplied or existing features at the site, the
features of the equipment supplied and existing features at the site will govern. The
CONTRACTOR shall bring to the attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications
or in the reference drawings.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications




Slide Gates. Slide gates shall be installed and tested in accordance with paragraph


Radial Gate.


Embedment. The surfaces of metalwork to be embedded shall be thoroughly cleaned

immediately before embedment. The metalwork shall be accurately set in position and
firmly supported accurately in position during placement of concrete, blockout concrete,
or nonsettling grouting mortar.


Alignment. The gate shall be installed in accordance with the tolerances shown on the
drawings. All matchmark drawings shall be followed carefully. Hammering that will
damage or distort structural members of the gate will not be permitted. Flame cutting
will not be permitted without specific approval of the CLIENT.
The hoist shall be assembled and accurately placed in correct alignment with relation to
the gate. The output shafts of the center drive unit and the input shafts of the drum
units shall be aligned with respect to vertical and horizontal planes. The offset
misalignment between these shafts shall not exceed 0.50 mm per 300 mm of drive
shaft length, with a maximum limit of 3.0 mm.
The wire ropes shall be adjusted to equalize tension and prevent racking of the gate.
This can be accomplished by unbolting and rotating one of the drive shaft couplings.


Lubrication. At field assembly of the gate the hub pins and the self-lubricating bushings
for the arms shall be lubricated as recommended by the bushing manufacturer. If
lubrication is not recommended, hub pins and bushings shall be put together dry.
After installation, the hoist shall be cleaned, lubricated and serviced in accordance with
the Suppliers instructions.
The gear reduction unit of the gearmotor shall be filled to the correct level with the
Suppliers recommended lubricant.
The bearings in the drum unit assembly and the flexible couplings shall be packed with
At assembly, the pin connecting the wire rope to the gate shall be lightly greased.
The worm gear speed reducer shall be filled to correct level with lubricant.
The wire ropes shall be lubricated with chain or cable fluid.


Testing. Unless otherwise directed, all field testing of the gates and hoists will be
witnessed by a representative of the CLIENT.
The gate and hoist shall be test-operated to demonstrate that the equipment has been
fabricated and installed as required by the specifications, as follows:
Alignment test. Before installation of the gate seals, check alignment of the gate
and hoist by operating the gate from the fully lowered position (closed) to the fully
raised position (open). The gate should track vertically without any metal to metal
contact between the sides of the leaf faceplate and the embedded wallplates.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Operating test. Prior to testing of the gate and hoist, permanent wiring between
the power source and the hoist motor shall have been installed and checked, and
equipment appurtenant to the gate assembly installed and serviced as required.
After installation of the gate seals, fully raise and lower the gate five times with
the hoist to induce structural stretch in the wire ropes. The gate and hoist equipment
shall operate smoothly and quietly without observable vibration, excessive backlash,
and binding.
After the run-in operations, the limit switch for the hoist shall be adjusted to stop the
motor under the following conditions:
When the gate is in the fully raised position shown on the Installation drawings.
When the gate is in the fully lowered position with the gate weight resting completely
on the bottom seal. Remove any excess slack from the wire ropes to prevent
whipping action of the ropes; however, do not tension the wire ropes to the point
that the gate weight does not rest on the bottom seal.


Downstream Control Gates.- Downstream Control gates shall be installed and tested in
accordance with the Suppliers instructions and drawings.


Reference Drawings. The installation of the specified equipment must be in accordance

with the following drawings, which are an integral part of this Specification:
Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

Any error in the reference drawings or specifications, be it omission, addition or

misplacement of words or symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the
requirements of the drawings and specifications. In case of conflicts between the drawings
and the features of the equipment supplied or existing features at the site, the features
of the equipment supplied and existing features at the site will govern. The CONTRACTOR
shall bring to the attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications or in the
reference drawings.



General. Steel pipe with cement-mortar interior lining shall be hauled with protective
coverings over the ends which shall only be removed after the pipe has been placed in
position and is ready to be joined.
All internal supports in buried steel pipe shall remain in place until the pipe has been laid
and the backfill compacted to a height of 70% of the diameter above the bottom of the
pipe. The pipe shall be installed to line and grade as shown on the drawings. The
CONTRACTOR shall furnish all external bracing and supports required to prevent distortion
during erection, placing of concrete, and backfilling. Field joints not shown on the drawings
may be added as required to facilitate installation of the pipe. 2. Field Welding. - Welding
shall be in accordance with subparagraph 3 of paragraph INSTALLATION, GENERAL (I010101) and the requirements specified herein.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Welding shall be performed by any welding process that will produce a joint meeting the
minimum strength requirements of the base metals.
Joints may be lap joints, butt joints, or butt-strap joints, as shown on the drawings or
specified in the Project Design and in accordance with the piping furnished.

Lap Joints. Lap joints shall be single-welded unless otherwise specified as double-welded.
Field joints shall be assembled so that seams in adjacent pipes are offset from each
other by at least five times the thickness of the thinner of the pipes being joined.
At the option of the CONTRACTOR and subject to the approval of the CLIENT, singlewelded lap joints may be welded from the outside of the pipe, or from inside the pipe if
the diameter is large enough.
Clearance between overlapping surfaces of lap joints shall not exceed 3.0 mm at any
point around the periphery. The minimum overlap of the assembled bell-and-spigot sections
of the joint shall be 25 mm or three times the thickness of the belled pipe, whichever is


Butt Joints. Butt joints shall be single- or double-welded, at the option of the CLIENT,
and shall be full-penetration butt welds. Field joints shall be assembled so that seams in
adjacent pipes are offset from each other by at least five times the thickness of the
thinner of the pipes being joined.
At the option of the CLIENT, single-welded butt joints may be welded from the outside
of the pipe, or from inside the pipe if the diameter is large enough. Backing rings not
exceeding 6.25 mm thick by 50 mm wide may be utilized. At the option of the CLIENT,
the backing rings may be left in place after welding.


Butt-Strap Joints. Where butt-strap joints are used, the butt straps shall have a minimum
plate thickness equal to the thinnest member being joined and shall be fabricated from
material equal in chemical and physical properties to the thinnest member being joined.
The strap shall have a minimum width of 10 cm or the width necessary to obtain a
minimum of 3.75 cm lap between pipe ends and the edge of the butt strap.
For butt-strap joints the seams of adjacent pipe sections may be in alignment, provided
the butt-strap seams are offset from the pipe seams by at least five times the thickness
of the thinner member involved in the joint. At the option of the CONTRACTOR and
subject to approval of the CLIENT, the butt strap may be welded from the outside of the
pipe, or from inside the pipe if the diameter is large enough.


Testing. Test for leaks in all types of completed welded joints shall be made by
hydrostatically testing the completed installation unless the procedures, frequency of
tests,and standards for acceptance or rejection of an alternative non-destructive method
are approved by the CLIENT.


Reference Drawings. - The installation of the specified equipment must be in accordance

with the following drawings, which are an integral part of this Specification:
Drawing number


* Insert pertinent drawing numbers and titles.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Any error in the reference drawings or specifications, be it omission, addition or

misplacement of words or symbols, will not be cause for lack of compliance with the
requirements of the drawings and/or specifications. In case of conflicts between the
drawings and the features of the equipment supplied or existing features at the site, the
features of the equipment supplied and existing features at the site will govern. The
CONTRACTOR shall bring to the attention of the ENGINEER any error in the specifications
or in the reference drawings.



General. The objective of these specifications is to establish the minimum requirements

for the installation of the pipelines and appurtances for the ________ Project. The scope
of the work includes installation of valves of various types, flowmeters, air valves,
anchor blocks and thrust blocks, connections to pump manifolds and other civil works,
and all other work required for a complete, watertight pipeline system conforming to the
design drawings.
The CONTRACTOR shall coordinate his installation and testing activities with the civil
works contractor, equipment supply contractor, and the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR
shall submit to the CLIENT, for approval, an installation and testing schedule. The
installation and testing schedule shall be based on the sequence of construction and the
equipment delivery dates provided by the civil works and equipment supply contractors
In order to prepare an installation and testing schedule for bidding purposes, the CLIENT
will provide upon request the following documents:
Civil works specifications.
Equipment supply specifications.
Civil works contractors construction program.
Equipment supply contractors manufacturing and delivery schedule.
The list of pipe and accessory equipment to be installed under these specifications is
provided in the List of Materials.
In accordance with the applicable portions of these specifications, the CONTRACTOR
will be required to perform a certain amount of earthwork and concrete construction.
This work shall be performed in accordance with the requirements contained in the civil
works specifications. Therefore, all applicable provisions of the civil works specifications
are made a part of these specifications.
The CONTRACTOR shall report to the CLIENT within 24 hours any shortage in or damage
to the pipes and accessory equipment discovered at the storage area.
The CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible for removal from the storage area, handling,
and installation and shall be liable for any damages that may occur to the pipes and
accessory equipment prior to final acceptance of the work.
In addition to the requirements specified herein, the Suppliers recommendations for
hauling, handling, and installation shall always be followed. A Suppliers representative
may be present at the jobsite to provide technical assistance with regard to the Suppliers
recommendations. Directions given by this representative should be followed.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Transport and Handling of Pipe, Fittings, and Accessory Equipment.The CONTRACTOR, after formal acceptance of the pipe, fittings and accessory equipment,
shall be fully responsible for storage and handling and shall be liable for any damages
that may occur to the pipe, fittings and equipment prior to final acceptance of the work.
During loading, hauling, unloading and handling pipe, fittings and accessory equipment,
care shall be taken to avoid any unnecessary jars, impacts, or other treatment likely to
crack or otherwise damage the pipe, pipe coating, or fittings. Pieces which are too
heavy for manual handling shall be loaded and unloaded with cranes or other hoisting
equipment equipped with properly placed slings. Slings shall be wrapped with approved
materials. Metal slings or chains shall not come in direct contact with the coating on the
pipe or fittings.
When pipe units are placed along the pipeline alignment prior to installation, they shall
be supported on sandbags or earth berms approximately located at the quarter points
from each end of the pipe. The ends of the pipe and the middle portion shall not be in
contact with the ground.


Pipe Trench Excavation


Construction Characteristics. Pipe trenches shall be excavated to the dimensions, lines,

and grades required for proper installation of pipe, as shown on the design drawings or
as established by the ENGINEER.
Excavation for trenches may be performed manually or with mechanical equipment.
Depending on the types of materials encountered, the CONTRACTOR may use explosives,
when approved by the ENGINEER. All necessary precautions shall be taken to minimize
disturbing or loosening of the rock and/or ground adjacent to the required excavation.
The minimum width (W) of the trench shall be established as follows:
For pipe with an internal diameter equal to or less than 450 mm;
W = d + 40
For pipe with an internal diameter greater than 450 mm;
W = d + 90
W = width of the trench (cm)
d = outside diameter of the pipe (cm)
Trench widths for other cases such as two pipes in the same trench, shall be as established
by the ENGINEER.
Trenches more than 1.5 m deep shall be shored or the trench walls shall be sloped to a
stable angle as directed by the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain
all necessary shoring for the trench walls.
Trenches shall be excavated to the depths required for laying the pipe to the lines and
grades shown on the drawings.
Excavation for trenches shall be classified in accordance with paragraph ______,
CLASSIFICATION OF EXCAVATION (C-030101) in the civil works specifications. When
the foundation material below the bottom of the pipe is category 2 or 3 material, or is

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

otherwise unsuitable as determined by the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR shall perform

additional excavation to a minimum depth of 10 cm below the specified bottom elevation
of the pipe in order to allow the placing of sand bedding material.
All excavated material not suitable or not required for backfill of the pipe trench shall be
hauled by the CONTRACTOR to the waste areas shown on the drawings or to locations
approved by the ENGINEER. Materials deposited in waste banks shall be left with
reasonably even and regular surfaces as approved by the ENGINEER.
The surface of the bottom of the trench on which the pipe will be laid shall be smooth,
straight and uniform, with no high or low spots and with no hard or soft spots that may
cause unequal forces on the pipe. If the pipe is lowered into the trench by a crane with
a sling or slings, small recesses shall be excavated in the trench bottom for easy removal
of the slings from beneath the pipe. At pipe joints involving bells or collars, ample holes
shall be excavated in the trench bottom to prevent the bells or collars from coming in
contact with the bottom of the trench. Each pipe unit shall be uniformly supported
along the bottom for the full length of the barrel of the pipe.

Measurement and Payment. Excavation for trenches shall be measured by cubic meter
of material excavated to the dimensions, lines and grades shown on the drawings and
as specified in this subparagraph, or otherwise established by the ENGINEER.
The CONTRACTOR will not be required to excavate trenches to vertical sides, but
regardless or whether the trench sides are vertical or sloped, measurement of excavation
for trenches will be made to vertical sides and to the widths specified herein.
Measurement of excavation for trenches shall be performed using the Average End Area
method, between stations at 20 meter intervals, or at other intervals, as determined by
the ENGINEER. Measurements will be taken before and after excavation.
The ENGINEER will classify materials encountered while the excavation is being performed,
for subsequent calculation of the quantities that correspond to each type of material.
In addition to the classification of excavation, all trench excavation shall correspond to
one of the following trench depth ranges:
Less than 2.00 m
From 2.00 m to 4.00 m
From 4.00 m to 6.00 m

No measurement or payment shall be made for any excavation that the ENGINEER
considers to be in excess of that required for proper performance of the work or for
excavation performed for the CONTRACTORs convenience.
Payment for excavation for trenches shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the applicable
unit prices per cubic meter of classified material indicated in the Bidding Schedule for
the depth ranges specified above and the haul distances listed below:
Up to

m1 to
m1 to

1.000 m

* (Haul distances shall be determined by the design engineer).

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Haul distances shall be measured between the centers of gravity of the material excavated
and the material placed or deposited.
When the haul distance required is greater than 1000 m, as approved by the ENGINEER,
the haul of such material shall be paid for as specified in paragraph OVERHAUL (C030213), in the civil works specifications.
The unit prices in the Bidding Schedule for excavation for trenches shall include the cost
of all labor, equipment and materials required to perform the work as specifed herein,
including loading, hauling, unloading and spreading of materials, as needed.

Pipe Installation. The methods of lowering the pipe into the trench and placing the pipe
in position shall be such as to prevent damage to the pipe and to prevent soil from
entering the pipe.
Before lowering the pipe into the trench, the CONTRACTOR shall clean the pipe units
and visually inspect the units, including the coating, to ensure that they are in an
acceptable condition.
Damaged pipe shall not be laid until it is repaired, as approved by the ENGINEER.
Any length of pipe that in the opinion of the ENGINEER is damaged beyond repair by the
CONTRACTORs operation shall be removed from the worksite and replaced by and at
the expense of the CONTRACTOR.
When pipe laying operations are not in progress, the ends of the pipeline in the trench
shall be covered with wooden covers to keep out rocks, soil, animals or other foreign


Repairs . Asbestos-cement and PVC pipe shall be repaired by cutting out and replacing
damaged sections, or, for asbestos-cement pipe, by cutting by machining in accordance
with the Suppliers recommendations. Asbestos-cement pipe shall have their ends
machined with a hand lathe. The type of lathe used shall comply with the Suppliers
recommendations. Power saws and other equipment which produce dust particles during
the cutting and machining operations shall not be used. All shavings, chips, or other
asbestos-cement residue shall be disposed of as directed by the ENGINEER in a manner
such as to not result in a health hazard.
PVC pipe may be cut by hand saw or other appropriate machine and the ends shall be
properly bevelled. The ends shall be cut perpendicular to the pipe centerline and shall
have no signs of cracks or irregularities.
Steel pipe may be cut by machines approved by the ENGINEER or with an oxy-acetylene
torch. The exterior coating shall be removed for 15 cm on each side of the proposed cut
and the interior lining shall be carefully cut and finished flush with the pipe edge. After
cutting, the removed exterior coating and any damaged interior lining shall be replaced
with the appropriate materials. Pipe ends shall be cut perpendicular to the pipe centerline
and all burrs and rough edges shall be removed and the ends shall be bevelled.
Steel pipe with minor dents or distortions shall be repaired by inserting a spider-jack and
exerting an outward pressure at the points of minimum diameter, and striking the outside
with an appropriate hammer at the points of maximum diameter. After this operation,
the interior lining shall be repaired with the appropriate lining material until a smooth
surface has been obtained. The exterior coating of steel pipe shall be repaired wherever
the thickness is less than specified or where adherence of the coating is inadequate.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Ductile iron pipe may be cut by machines approved by the ENGINEER. Under no
circumstances shall the use of hammer and chisel be allowed.
Repairs to ductile-iron pipe lining shall be performed in accordance with the Suppliers

Joining the Pipe.


Welding. General welding requirements shall conform to the following:

Terminology. - The terminology used in this Specification is in accordance with

ABNT Standard NBR-5874.
Qualification of Welders. - The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for quality
welding. All the selected welders shall be qualified in accordance with standard
MB-262 of ABNT - Qualificao dos Processos de Soldagem, de Soldadores e de
Operadores and/or ASME, section IX, or by equivalent entities.
If the work of a given welder is rejected, he shall be submitted to a new qualification
test to once again prove his skill in executing welding works.
All the expenses relating to qualification tests shall be at the CONTRACTORs expense,
including the supply of test pieces and required electrodes.
Welding Process. - Unless otherwise authorized or specified, all the weldings shall
be performed by the arc welding method.
The process and the on-site welding sequence shall be submitted to the CLIENT for
Surfaces to be welded shall be free of heavy rust, grease, paint or any other foreign
Welding shall comply with applicable requirements of the Structural Welding Code for
Steel - AWS D1.1, or equivalent, or another approved standard.
The electrodes, which shall be approved by the CLIENT, shall be conveniently selected
according to their electric current, materials and welding process characteristics. After
being removed from their packages, the electrodes shall be stored in ovens, as
recommended to avoid damages or deterioration.
In bimetallic weldings the electrodes shall be selected through tests made on test pieces
of the same materials to be joined by welding.
The weldings shall not be performed over damp surfaces or during periods of strong
winds, unless the welder and the pieces are suitably protected.
After welding, all slag and spatter shall be removed, leaving surfaces with complete
penetration, uniform, smooth and free of any porosity or presence of foreign matter. If
the welding is to be applied in the form of successive passes, each pass, except the
last, shall be slightly hammered before the next fillet is applied.
The welded parts shall be free of faults, such as inclusions, grooves, bends, etc. with
regular thickness and without undercuttings, slags, porosity, failures on the root, binding
defects and cracks.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

All the defective weldings shall be repaired by removing same by grinding or arc gouging
to sound metal, followed by new welding as originally specified.

Field Welding. Welding shall be performed by any welding process that will produce a
joint meeting the minimum strength requirements of the base metals. Joints may be lap
joints, butt joints, or butt-strap joints, as shown on the drawings or specified in the
Project Design and in accordance with the piping furnished.
Lap Joints. - Lap joints shall be single-welded unless otherwise specified as doublewelded. Field joints shall be assembled so that seams in adjacent pipes are offset
from each other by at least five times the wall thickness of the thinner of the
pipes being joined.
At the option of the CONTRACTOR and subject to the approval of the CLIENT, singlewelded lap joints may be welded from the outside of the pipe, or from inside the pipe if
the diameter is large enough.
Clearance between overlapping surfaces of lap joints shall not exceed 3.0 mm at any
point around the periphery. The minimum overlap of the assembled bell-and-spigot sections
of the joint shall be 25 mm or three times the wall thickness of the belled pipe, whichever
is greater.
Butt Joints. - Butt joints shall be single - or double-welded, at the option of the
CLIENT, and shall be full-penetration butt welds. Field joints shall be assembled so
that seams in adjacent pipes are offset from each other by at least five times the
wall thickness of the thinner of the pipes being joined.
At the option of the CLIENT, single-welded butt joints may be welded from the outside
of the pipe, or from inside the pipe if the diameter is large enough. Backing rings not
exceeding 63 mm thick by 50 mm wide may be utilized. At the option of the CLIENT,
the backing rings may be left in place after welding.
Butt-Strap Joints. - Where butt-strap joints are used,the butt straps shall have a
minimum plate thickness equal to the thinnest member being joined and shall be
fabricated from material equal in chemical and physical properties to the thinnest
member being joined. The strap shall have a minimum width of 100 mm or the
width necessary to obtain a minimum of 38 mm lap between pipe ends and the
edge of the butt strap.
For butt-strap joints the seams of adjacent pipe sections may be in alignment, provided
the butt-strap seams are offset from the pipe seams by at least five times the thickness
of the thinner member involved in the joint. At the option of the CONTRACTOR and
subject to approval of the CLIENT, the butt strap may be welded from the outside of the
pipe, or from inside the pipe if the diameter is large enough.
When field welding is necessary for pipe and fittings assembly, radiography or sonography
tests shall be performed to assure welding quality. Welded parts will be approved only
after positive radiography or sonography tests and visual inspection by the ENGINEER.
After the ENGINEER s approval, the CONTRACTOR shall coat the inside and outside
parts of the pipe furnished uncoated as required the by welding process.


Rubber-Gasketed Joints. Asbestos-cement, PVC, and ductile iron pipe with rubbergasketed joints shall be installed in accordance with the Suppliers recommendations.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

The rubber gasket and the pipe spigot, bell or coupling, and the gasket groove shall be
thoroughly cleaned and lubricated with the Suppliers recommended lubricant. An inert
soap can be used as a temporary substitute for the Suppliers lubricant with the approval
of the ENGINEER. Mineral-based oils and greases and other compounds detrimental to
the rubber gasket material shall not be used.
Care should be taken that the rubber gasket is installed with the proper sides toward the
interior and exterior of the joint.
Pipe units shall be joined by using a lever or one or more hand winches as required to
force the spigot of the pipe unit being laid into the bell of the pipe already installed.
Adequate timber blocking shall be provided between the lever and the bell of the pipe
unit being laid to prevent damage to the bell.
After the pipe joint is assembled, the position of the rubber gasket within the joint shall
be verified by introducing a thin metal feeler gage between the spigot and the outer
edge of the bell or coupling until it encounters the gasket. In all of the points around the
circunference of the joint, the penetration of the feeler gage must be uniform. If at some
point in the circumference the gasket is found to be out of position, the last pipe unit
installed shall be removed and relaid as a new piece of pipe, using a new rubber gasket.

Measurement and Payment for Pipe Installation. Measurement for installing pipe shall be
in linear meters along the centerline of the pipeline for each type and diameter of pipe
which has been tested and approved by the ENGINEER. The measurement shall be
continuous through the centerlines of bends, tees, reducers and other fittings with no
allowance for lap at joints. The lengths of reducers shall be included with the larger
diameter pipe. No separate payment will be made for installing bends, tees, reducers
and other fittings, and the cost of their installation shall be included in the cost of
installing pipe. A separate measurement and payment will be made for installing valves.
Payment for installing pipe shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the applicable unit
prices per linear meter indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
The unit prices shall include the cost of field welding of joints, weld tests and all labor,
equipment and materials required to install the pipe and fittings as specified herein.


Concrete in Pipe Trenches.


Construction Characteristics. When the pipe units have rubber-gasketed joints and where
Gibault or Dresser-type joints are utilized, concrete blocking, encasements, or anchors
shall be required at all bends, Y-sections, tees, reducers, valves, and road crossings, as
shown on the drawings or as directed by the ENGINEER.
Concrete shall be 15.0 MPa, (lean concrete).
Where required, concrete shall be formed to the dimensions and sections shown on the
For unformed concrete, the CONTRACTOR shall ensure that there is contact between
the concrete and the trench walls. When timber shoring is used during trench excavation,
it shall be removed before placing the concrete.


Measurement and Payment. Concrete in pipe trenches shall be measured in cubic meters
of concrete placed to the dimensions shown on the drawings or as directed by the

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Payment for concrete in pipe trenches shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the unit
price per cubic meter indicated in the Bidding Schedule.

Construction at Road Crossings.


Construction Characteristics. At road crossings the pipe shall be encased with 15.0
MPa concrete, (lean concrete), in accordance with the dimensions and sections shown
on the drawings. Concrete encasement shall be in accordance with item 8.
Trench excavation, backfill, and compacting backfill shall be in accordance with items 3
and 10.
The CONTRACTOR shall provide all necessary traffic detours and take all necessary
safety measures while laying pipe at road crossings. The CONTRACTOR shall resurface
all removed or damaged portions of the road.
Road surfacing cut, removed, or damaged by the CONTRACTOR shall be replaced with
the same or better kind of material and to the same dimensions as the original surfacing.
The repaired surfacing shall result in a pavement equal to or better than the original
pavement and shall be subject to the approval of the ENGINEER.


Measurement and Payment. Road crossings shall be measured in liner meters along the
pipe centerline between the road boundaries, which shall include the width of the
pavement plus the widths of the unpaved shoulders. No measurement for payment shall
be made for crossings of unpaved road.
Payment for road crossings shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the unit price per
linear meter indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
The unit price shall include the cost of removing and replacing surface pavement and
furnishing traffic detours, signals and all other necessary safety measures.
Measurement and payment for excavation, backfill and compacting backfill, laying pipe
and the concrete encasement shall be in accordance with the applicable paragraphs
contained in this specification.


Backfilling Pipe Trenches.


Construction Characteristics. Prior to placing backfill material in the pipe trench, the
holes excavated for the pipe bells and for removing the cable slings shall be refilled with
sand manually tamped under the pipe to fill all voids to the fullest extent possible.
Backfill material shall be obtained from required excavation for trenches, but when
sufficient suitable material is not available from this source, additional material shall be
obtained by the Contractor from designated borrow areas. Backfill material shall be
subject to the approval of the ENGINEER.
A layer of sand bedding material, on which the pipe will be laid, shall be provided in the
bottom of the trench when the trench excavation is in category 2 or 3 material. The
sand bedding shall have a minimum thickness of 10 cm and shall be compacted as
specified in this subparagraph.
Backfill material placed to 30 cm above the pipe shall contain no rocks, stones, or clods
greater than 20 mm in diameter. All other backfill shall be free of rocks, stones, or clods
over 7.5 cm in diameter. All backfill material shall be free from roots and other organic
matter. Suitable materials for backfill in pipe trenches are defined in paragraph DEFINITION

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Standard Technical Specifications

OF EARTH MATERIALS (C-030102) in the civil works specifications. If sand bedding is

required for the pipe foundation, the material shall conform to the requirements of the
civil works specifications.
All backfill shall be compacted unless otherwise shown on the drawings or directed by
No more than 3 pipe units shall be laid ahead of the backfilling operation. Initial backfill
shall be placed about the pipe so as to leave the joints exposed prior to filling and
testing. Backfill shall be placed to a minimum depth of 1/2 the outside diameter of the
pipe and to a maximum depth of 30 cm over the top of the pipe, prior to filling and
Backfill about the pipe shall be placed and compacted in layers having about the same
top elevation on both sides of the pipe to prevent unequal loading and displacement of
the pipe. Backfill below and around the pipe and up to 30 cm above the pipe shall be
compacted with manually operated tools or equipment. Backfill material shall be carefully
placed and thoroughly tamped and compacted in a manner such as to fill all void spaces
beneath the lower part of the pipe.
Care shall be taken to avoid hitting the pipe with the compaction equipment and thereby
damaging the coating on the pipe. Any damaged coating shall be repaired at the
CONTRACTORs expense with suitable material as directed by the ENGINEER.
Compaction shall be performed until the relative density obtained is at least 97% of the
laboratory maximum dry density as determined by the Standard Proctor compaction
test. The soil backfill shall be moistened as required to obtain the optimum moisture
content for the compactive effort to be applied.
During backfill operations, density tests shall be performed by the ENGINEER. At least
four tests shall be performed per eight-hour shift or one for every 100 cubic meters of
backfill material placed. Additional tests may be performed, as determined by the
After filling and testing of the pipe is completed, backfill shall be placed and compacted
in sucessive layers not to exceed 15 cm in thickness after compaction. Backfill shall be
placed and compacted to the levels and dimensions shown on the drawings.

Measurement and Payment. Backfill in pipe trenches shall be measured in cubic meters
of material placed, measured as specified in Item 3.2. The volume of pipe and fittings
150 mm and larger in diameter shall be deducted. The volume of concrete in pipe
trenches, measured as prescribed in Item 8.2, shall also be deducted.
Payment for backfill shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the applicable unit prices per
cubic meter indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
For backfill in pipe trenches performed with materials from borrow areas, payment shall
be in accordance with the haul distances listed below:
Up to
* (Haul

Irrigation Manual

m1 to
m to
1.000 m
distances shall be determined by the design engineer).

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Standard Technical Specifications

The haul distances shall be measured between the centers of gravity of the material
excavated and the material placed.
When the haul distance required is greater than 1000 m, as approved by the ENGINEER,
the haul shall be paid for as specified in paragraph OVERHAUL (C-030213) in the civil
works specifications.
The unit price for backfill in pipe trenches shall include the cost of all labor, equipment
and materials required to perform the work as specified herein, including furnishing
water, moistening materials and compacting materials.
When material for backfill in pipe trenches is obtained from borrow areas, the unit price
for backfill in pipe trenches shall include the cost of excavating the material from the
borrow area.
Sand bedding shall be measured in cubic meters of sand placed and compacted. The
sand bedding shall be paid for at the unit price indicated in the Bidding Schedule. The
price shall include all labor, equipment and materials required for the work.

Installation of Valves.


Construction Characteristics. Valves shall be installed at the locations shown on the

drawings or established by the CLIENT.
Valves shall be accurately aligned with the piping on either side of the valve. Wafer-type
butterfly valves shall be accurately aligned to be concentric with the adjacent flanges.
Valves shall be cleaned prior to installation.
Paint or linings shall be repaired if damaged. The paint and/or lining shall be repaired
after installation.
Valves shall be installed according to the Suppliers recommendations, subject to approval
by the ENGINEER. The use of hammers or other methods that may damage valve housing
shall not be allowed. Each valve shall be opened and closed before and after installation
to ensure that it is operating correctly.
After installation valves shall be cleaned.
Valves shall be installed in concrete box structures, as indicated on the drawings.
Valves shall be supported on adequate supports. Thrust blocks shall be provided to
accomodate the hydraulic force on the valve in installations where rubber-gasketed
joints are utilized and movement of the valve can occur.


Measurement and Payment. The installation of valves shall be measured by the number
of valves actually installed and tested.
Payment for installing valves shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the unit price per
valve indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
Valve box structures shall be measured by the number of structures actually constructed
in accordance with the specifications.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Payment for the valve box structures shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the unit
price per structure indicated in the Bidding Schedule. The price shall include the cost of
all labor, equipment and materials required to construct the valve box structures.

Filling and Testing Pipelines.


Construction Characteristics. Before completely covering the pipelines with backfill, as

specified in subparagraph 10 of this specification, the CONTRACTOR shall fill the pipelines
with water, and test them to verify that there are no defective joints, connections, or
Tests shall be performed in sections not longer than 500 meters, unless otherwise
approved by the ENGINEER.
Tests shall be performed a minimum of seven days after construction of the concrete
blocking, encasements, and anchors along the pipeline.
The ends of pipe sections to be tested shall be temporarily anchored during the test in
order to withstand axial hydraulic forces.
Each section of pipeline shall be tested by applying a pressure 50% greater than the
maximum operating hydrostatic pressure. At no point in the pipeline shall the pressure
be less than 1.0 kgf/cm2 . While the section is being filled with water and before applying
the pressure, the air in the pipes shall be removed, by means of the air release valves
located at high points of the pipeline. The test shall be performed within 24 hours after
filling the lines with water. The test pressure shall be maintained for 24 hours. After
testing the pipeline sections and making the final connections, the entire pipeline shall
be filled and tested.
The CONTRACTOR shall supply the required pumps, pressure gages. and connections
for the performance of tests, including conveying the water necessary for filling and
testing. The CONTRACTOR shall coordinate his activities with the Suppliers
representative so that a mutual testing program is obtained without duplication of
equipment or effort.
The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the CLIENT, for approval, a detailed filling and testing
plan, developed jointly with the pipe Suppliers representative, describing the equipment
and methods to be used.
No pipeline or test section shall be tested without authorization from the ENGINEER.
After applying the pressure, the conditions of all joints, valves and fittings shall be
verified. All defective joints, valves and fittings shall be replaced or repaired at the
CONTRACTORs expense, and a new pressure test shall be performed, also at the
CONTRACTORs expense.
Test sections shall only be accepted if no leakage occurs.
After completing the final test, the CONTRACTOR shall complete the backfill in accordance
with subparagraph 10 of this specification.


Measurement and Payment. Filling and testing of pipelines shall be measured in linear
meters of pipeline actually tested in accordance with the specifications, and approved
by the ENGINEER.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Payment for filling and testing of pipelines shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the
unit price per linear meter indicated in the Bidding Schedule. The unit price shall include
the cost of all labor, equipment and materials required to complete the work as specified



Description of the Work. Buried steel pipes are protected against eletrolic corrosion by
impressed current cathodic protection as specified in the design. The detail design, after
performing resistivity measurements and soil tests, will indicated equipment location for
the protected pipelines, correct equipment sizing and materials utilized, as well as test


Intallation of Equipment and Materials.


Rectifiers. Rectifiers shall be installed on posts or on concrete bases, as shown on drawings

or as determined by the ENGINEER.

The CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary precautions during transportation in order to
avoid damages to the equipment and components.
The CONTRACTOR will receive the power supply at 380 V, three phase, in alternating
current to feed the first rectifier. Power for the second and subsequent rectifers shall be
at the expense of the CONTRACTOR. The supply cables shall be protected in PVC cable
conduit buried to an adequate depth, subject to approval by the ENGINEER.

Cables. From the rectifier output, the negative cable will be placed in PVC conduit and its
termination end will be welded to the protected pipe at the nearest point. Special care
shall taken in order to avoid damage to cable insulation during installation.

The pipe coating where the cable is welded to the pipe shall be removed, and the pipe
surface shall be sanded to bare metal and cleaned. Insulation material at the cable end
shall be removed only as necessay for welding. The welding shall be Copperweld type
or similar. The CONTRACTOR shall take special care so that heat resulting from the
welding process doesn t damage the cable insulating material. After completion of the
welding process, the removed pipe coating shall be re-applied and the CONTRACTOR
shall remove all foreign material and water from the conduit and then seal it.
The positive cable shall be placed in PVC conduit and burried, to an adequate depth
approved by the ENGINEER for mechanical protection from the rectifier to the last anod
in the anod bed. The anods will be welded to the positive cable by the Cooperweld
process and extra care shall be takem to protect the cable because any damage to the
insulation may cause current discharges directly to the ground that can cause the electrical
cables to fail and damage the anod bed.

Sacrifice Anods. Sacrifice anods will be installed in a horizontal or vertical position parallel
to each other, as shown on the drawings. The number of parallel anods and their respective
depths are shown on the drawings.

The CONTRACTOR shall perform manual excavation of trenches to the dimension and
at the locations indicated by the ENGINEER, install anods in the correct position, weld
the anod to the positive cable, backfill the trenches with crush coke to completely cover
the anods, backfill the hole with excavated material and manually compact the backfill.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Test Points. Test points shall be installed along the pipeline at locations to be determined
in the detail design or by the ENGINEER to allow operational monitoring of cathodic
protection system.


Energization. Energization of the cathodic protection system will be the CONTRACTOR

s responsibility.
Prior to energization of the rectifiers, the CONTRACTOR with the ENGINEER present,
shall check to verify that all equipment and components of the cathodic protection
system have been installed and that all eletrical connections comply with the installation
schemes, that no polarity inverse connections between positive and negative cables
have been made, that no cross-connections exist and that all connections have been
Still before energizing the system, the CONTRACTOR shall perform a complete natural
potential pipe/soil measurement at all test points, with a proper voltmeter (minimum
range 50.000 ohm/V) and a Cu/CuS04 cell.
These values shall be carefully noted and will be used for comparing with values obtained
after energization and adjustment of the cathodic protection system.
After energization of the system, the CONTRACTOR shall again measure the pipe/soil
potentials at the tests points and adjust the rectifiers, one by one, to provide total
protection of pipe reach protected by each rectifier and to assure protection for the total
length of the pipeline with the potentials adjusted, as much as possible, above the
minimum protection level (minimum increase of 0.25V in relation to natural potentials or
minimum potential of 0.85 V). Due to soil conditions where the pipeline will be installed,
with some reaches indicating very high soil electrical resistivity, relatively high negative
pipe/soil potentials will result after system energization, which will not prejudice pipe
operating conditions.
Cathodic protection system adjustments will be made on the basis of minimum pipe/soil


Measurement and Payment. The installed rectifiers will be measured in units.

The work includes excavation of the trenches, installation of power cables, and backfill,
when applicable, installation of PVC cable conduits and test points.
The installed sacrifice anods will be also measured in units. Installation services will
include excavation of trenches, installation of positive and negative cables and backfill,
PVC cable conduits, removal and re-application of pipe coating, welded connections,
tests, etc.
Activated coal-crush coke will be measured in cubic meters. These services include
excavation and backfill of the anods bed.
Payment for the cathodic protection system shall be made at the unit prices established
in the Contract.
The unit prices shall include the costs of labor, equipment and materials necessary to
perform the services specified herein.

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Standard Technical Specifications




General. Except as otherwise provided in these Specifications, the installation of electrical

equipment by the electrical equipment INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR (CONTRACTOR)
shall be in accordance with the requirements herein specified. The equipment furnished
by the electrical equipment Supply Contractor (Supplier) will usually have been shop
assembled to check fits, marked to facilitate assembly in the field, tested when appropriate
to determine that all parts function properly, and disassembled as required for shipment.
The equipment furnished may be unpainted, prime painted, completely painted, galvanized,
or coated, as applicable; and the cleaning, painting or coating, and repairing of paint,
galvanizing, or coatings, shall be performed by the CONTRACTOR as specified in these
The CONTRACTOR shall coordinate his installation and testing activities with the civil
works Contractor, equipment Supply Contractors, mechanical equipment Installation
Contractor, and the ENGINEER.
The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the CLIENT for approval, an installation and testing
schedule. The installation and testing schedule shall be based on the construction program
and the equipment delivery dates provided by the civil works Contractor and the equipment
Supply Contractors, respectively.
In order to prepare an installation and testing schedule for bidding purposes, the CLIENT
will provide upon request the following documents:
Civil works Specifications.
Equipment Supply Specifications.
Civil works Contractors construction program.
Equipment Supply Contractors manufacturing and delivery schedules.
The list of equipment and materials to be installed under these Specifications, including
estimated weights, is provided in item (I-020102 - Equipment and Materials to be Installed
In accordance with the applicable paragraphs of this Specification, the CONTRACTOR
will be required to perform a certain amount of earthwork and concrete construction.
This work shall be performed in accordance with the requirements contained in the
applicable civil works Construction Specifications. Therefore, all applicable provisions
of the civil works Specifications are made a part of this Specification. The CONTRACTOR
shall report to the ENGINEER within 24 hours any shortage in or damage to equipment
discovered at the storage area.

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Standard Technical Specifications

The CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible for removal from the storage area, handling,
and installation of the equipment and shall be liable for any damages that may occur to
said equipment prior to final acceptance of the work.
In addition to the requirements specified in this Specification, the Manufacturers
recommendations for handling, transportation, assembly and installation shall always
be followed. A Suppliers representative and/or Erecting Engineer may be present at the
jobsite to provide technical assistance with regard to the Suppliers recommendations.
The CONTRACTOR shall make arragements with the Supplier for coordinating the services
of Erecting Engineers. The CONTRACTOR shall follow the instructions of Erecting
Engineers and will be held responsible for and shall correct any work done contrary to
the directions of the Erecting Engineer. The cost of the services of Erecting Engineers
for the CLIENT-furnished equipment will be borne by the CLIENT. The CONTRACTOR
shall give the CLIENTs representative 2 weeks advance notice of the time when the
erecting engineers will be needed on the job. The CONTRACTOR will not be held
responsible for any erroneous instruction issued by the Erecting Engineers.
During loading, transporting, unloading and handling of the equipment, care shall be
taken to avoid any unnecessary jars, impacts, or other treatment likely to damage the
equipment. Equipment which is too heavy for manual handling shall be loaded and
unloaded with cranes or other hoisting equipment equipped with properly placed slings.
Slings shall be wrapped with approved materials. Metal slings or chains shall not come
in direct contact with the equipment.
Haul vehicles shall not have any protrusions such as rivets that may damage the
equipment. The equipment shall be evenly supported over its entire length on the vehicle.
Haul vehicles shall have adequate lateral supports and the equipment shall be securely
fastened to the vehicle during transportation.
If the site is not ready or available for installation of the equipment after the CONTRACTOR
has hauled the equipment from the storage area, the CONTRACTOR shall provide suitable
warehouses or other adequate means of protection at the site, as directed by the
ENGINEER and at no additional cost to the CLIENT.
The CONTRACTOR shall load, haul, and unload any spare parts furnished with the
equipment to the location directed by the ENGINEER.
Installation of the equipment shall be in conformance with the following:
The Manufacturers recommendations.
The respective specification requirements for the specific equipment being installed.
The requirements of this Specification.
When a conflict exists between the above requirements, the order of preference shall be
in the order listed above.
Special care shall be taken in assembling all gearing to assure that the gears will mesh
properly, engage evenly over their full face width, and operate freely without excessive
All couplings and flange faces shall be cleaned thoroughly of all dirt and burrs before
connection to ensure correct fit and true alignment.
Installation of equipment may include connecting to existing electrical systems, conduits,
cables, etc.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Equipment, conduits, cables and/or metalwork to be embedded in concrete shall be

located accurately, and shall be held in correct position and alignment and protected
from damage and displacement during placing and setting of the concrete.
Unless specified otherwise, all braces, supports, and other items used to position and
align embedded equipment, conduits, cables and/or metalwork, which will also be
embedded in the concrete, shall be metal.
Anchor bolts will normally be set during placement of first-stage concrete. Where it is
impracticable to embed anchor bolts or anchors for the installation of comparatively
light metalwork before the first-stage concrete is placed, and when it is necessary to
anchor parts where inserts or anchor bolts have not been provided, holes shall be drilled
in the concrete and expansion anchors shall be installed as approved by the ENGINEER.
All the holes for expansion anchors shall be straight and true to the diameter recommended
by the Manufacturer of the expansion anchors. The CONTRACTOR shall use diamond
bits, or equal, to drill the holes so that the expansion anchors fit securely. Holes shall be
core drilled where called for on the drawings. If drilling water is used, surfaces of
concrete to remain exposed shall be cleaned immediately to prevent discoloration of the
concrete by the drilling water and cuttings.
The surfaces of all metalwork to be in contact with or embedded in concrete or grouting
mortar shall be adequately cleaned.
Equipment bases or supports and baseplates shall be leveled and aligned carefully,
adjusted to correct alignment and grade with steel shims as necessary, and rigidly
secured in place. Unless otherwise shown on the drawings or required by these
Specifications, all steel shims shall be left in place.
Where shown on the drawings or required by these Specifications, all spaces under the
equipment, bases, or supports shall be filled completely as required with nonsettling
grouting mortar or mortar.
All equipment shall be tested for compliance with the Specification requirements and to
determine if all equipment functions as required.
Deficiencies in equipment performance will be corrected by the CLIENT, the equipment
Supply Contractor(s) or the Installation Contractor. The cost of making changes to
obtain satisfactory operation of the equipment will be borne by one or more of the these
parties after determination by the CLIENT of the degree of responsibility, if any, of each

Repair of Damaged Materials (Equipment, conduits, cables, metalwork, glasswork, etc.).

Damaged or defective materials shall not be installed.
If any defects, errors, or inaccuracies are found in materials furnished to the
CONTRACTOR, the CLIENT will decide whether the materials will be returned to the
Supplier for correction, or whether the defects, errors, or inaccuracies will be corrected
in the field by the CONTRACTOR. The repair of damage which is due to the operations
of the CONTRACTOR, and the correction of minor defects, errors, or inaccuracies in
materials furnished to the CONTRACTOR which may be expected to occur in the ordinary
commercial grade of shopwork and manufacture of such materials, as determined by
the ENGINEER shall be made by the CONTRACTOR without additional cost to the CLIENT.
Repair of damage to the materials which is not the fault of the CONTRACTOR, and
correction of defects, errors, or inaccuracies which are over and above what may be
expected to occur in the ordinary commercial grade of shopwork and manufacture, as

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Standard Technical Specifications

determined by the ENGINEER shall be made by the CONTRACTOR when and as directed
by the CLIENT. The CONTRACTOR shall receive an equitable adjustment for this work.
Damaged or defective surfaces or areas of paint, galvanizing, or coating shall be cleaned
and repaired to the equal of the undamaged surfaces.

Welding. General welding requirements shall conform to the following:


Terminology. The terminology used in this Specifications is in accordance with standard



Qualification of Welders. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for quality welding. All
welders shall be qualified in accordance with standard ABNT-MB-262 Qualificao dos
Processos de Soldagem, de Soldadores e de Operadores and/or ASME, Section IX, or
by standards from equivalent entities. If the work of a given welder is rejected, he shall
be submitted to a new qualification test to once again prove his skill in executing welding
All expenses relating to welders qualification tests shall be at the CONTRACTORs
expense, including the supply of test pieces and required electrodes.


Welding Process. Unless otherwise authorized or specified, all weldings shall be performed
by the arc welding method.
The process and the on-site welding sequence shall be submitted to the CLIENT for
Surfaces to be welded shall be free of heavy rust, grease, paint or any other foreign
Welding shall comply with applicable requirements of the Structural Welding Code for
Steel - AWS D1.1, or equivalent, or other standards approved by the CLIENT.
The electrodes, which shall be approved by the CLIENT shall be conveniently selected
according to their electric current, materials and welding process characteristics. After
being removed from their packages, the electrodes shall be stored in ovens, as
recommended to avoid damages or deterioration.
In bimetallic weldings the electrodes shall also be selected through tests made on test
pieces of the same materials to be joined by welding.
The weldings shall not be performed over damp surfaces or during periods of strong
winds, unless the welder and the parts being welded are suitably protected.
After welding, all slag and spatter shall be removed, leaving surfaces with complete
penetration, uniform, smooth and free of any porosity or presence of foreign matter. If
the welding is to be applied in the form of successive passes, each pass, except the last
shall be slightly hammered before the next fillet is applied.
The welded parts shall be free of faults, such as inclusions, grooves, bends, etc. with
regular thickness and without undercuttings, slags, porosity, failures on the root, binding
defects and cracks.
All the defective weldings shall be repaired by removing same by grinding or arc gouging
to sound metal, followed by new welding as originally specified.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Servicing and Testing. Each complete unit of operating equipment shall be serviced and
tested after installation. The servicing shall include cleaning all parts, filling with oil,
lubricating, adjusting, and all other work and material required to prepare the equipment
for operation. Bearings and other moving parts shall be lubricated properly. If directed
by the ENGINEER the CONTRACTOR shall flush all bearings, reservoirs and oil tanks
with kerosene before greasing or filling with oil. Unless specified otherwise, all insulating
oil, lubricating oil, and grease shall be furnished by the CONTRACTOR. Kerosene for
flushing or cleaning shall also be furnished by the CONTRACTOR.
After each unit of operating equipment has been serviced, it shall be tested for proper
operation, and adjustments shall be made until the operation of the unit is approved by
the ENGINEER. In coordination with the mechanical equipment Installation Contractor,
preliminary checks will be made to ensure the features of each unit of mechanical
equipment operates properly prior to the performance of the electrical equipment
operational tests. The performance of such checks shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR
of responsibility for proper commissioning of the installed equipment. All tests will be
witnessed by a representative of the CLIENT. The CONTRACTOR shall provide all
temporary test materials or equipment required for operating tests, and such materials
and equipment shall remain the property of the CONTRACTOR. After the test of each
unit of operating equipment has been completed, but prior to acceptance, the
CONTRACTOR shall recheck the alignment and adjustment of moving parts and the
tightness of bolted connections to ensure the unit is in proper operating condition.
All piping and tanks shall be tested for leaks before being placed in service.
At the conclusion of testing and after acceptance of the work the CONTRACTOR shall
dismantle and remove all temporary power, equipment and supplies that are not part of
the permanent work.


Cost.- Except as otherwise provided in this Specification, the cost of all work required
herein for installation of electrical equipment, including the costs of assembling, erecting,
supporting, servicing, adjusting, cleaning, painting or coating and repairing of paint,
galvanizing, or coatings, drilling holes, making all required connections, making required
tests, and maintaining installed equipment in proper condition until acceptance shall be
included in the applicable prices bid in the Bidding Schedule for installing the equipment.
The cost of handling and installing minor miscellaneous items of metal, timber, and
other materials, for which specific prices are not provided in the Bidding Schedule, shall
be included in the prices for the work to which they are appurtenant.
The CONTRACTOR shall return all unused equipment and materials to the CLIENT. The
CONTRACTOR will be backcharged for any equipment or materials lost or damaged
beyond repair after removal from the initial storage area or for any of the equipment or
materials not incorporated in the work and not returned. The amount of backcharge will
be equal to the amount that the equipment or materials cost the CLIENT in the supply
solicitation or equal to the amount of the replacement cost to the CLIENT, whichever is
higher. If directed by the ENGINEER during the progress of the work, rather than being
backcharged for lost or damaged equipment and materials, the CONTRACTOR shall
replace, at the CONTRACTORs expense, such equipment and materials with equivalent
grades of equipment and/or materials, as approved by the ENGINEER. Any equipment
and materials damaged after removal from the storage area which in the opinion of the
ENGINEER can be repaired satisfactorily, shall be repaired at the expense of and by the

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Standard Technical Specifications




The following table(s) list the equipment and materials to be installed by the
CONTRACTOR. Where the quantity of a unit to be installed is greater than one, the
estimated weight is for one item only.
TABLE (Title of Schedule or Lot)
Item and quantity




Estimated weight (kilograms)

General.- Requirements for the equipment being installed shall be in accordance with
these Specifications. The electrical installation drawings included with these Specifications
show the typical installation contemplated.
The electrical equipment INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR (CONTRACTOR) shall perform
any additional electrical design as required; furnish all electrical materials and equipment
not furnished by the CLIENT; install and remove, modify, and reinstall electrical materials
and equipment as required; and make the electrical installation complete and ready for
service, as shown on the drawings and described in these Specifications.
(The CONTRACTOR shall also install all equipment and terminal pole for connection to
(name of power company)s power system. (Name of power company) will furnish and
connect the _______ volt conductors to the equipment mounted on the terminal pole.
The CONTRACTOR shall meet all (name of power company)s requirements that are not
specifically specified herein and shall coordinate with the power company in making the
required connections to the power company service).


Modifications. If the electrical equipment and materials to be installed are of such size,
type, ratings, or other physical properties that changes are required in the designs
shown in these Specifications, it shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to
effect all changes necessary as required and approved by the ENGINEER without additional
compensation, unless the CONTRACTOR can show that the changes are necessary
regardless of the Manufacturer.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Installation Drawings. Prior to installation of the equipment, the CONTRACTOR shall

furnish schematic diagrams, wiring diagrams and outline drawings for use by the
ENGINEER and the CONTRACTOR in checking the installation. The drawings shall show
connections to all equipment including interconnections between electrical and mechanical
equipment. The CONTRACTOR shall mark any changes or revisions made during the
installation on these installation drawings and they shall be reflected on the final drawings.


All electrical installations, assembly operations, and adjustments shall be in accordance

with this Specification. These Specification requirements are based on the premise that
no conflict exists between specified design, standards, and codes. However, in the
event a conflict is discovered by the CONTRACTOR, it shall be the CONTRACTORs
responsibility to inform the ENGINEER of the conflict.

In the event of conflicting requirements, precedence is established by the order of the

These Specifications or as directed by the ENGINEER.
The drawings included in these Specifications.
ABNT standards or other standards approved by the CLIENT.
Installation of the electrical equipment shall be in accordance with the directions furnished
by the Manufacturers instruction books and Erecting Engineers. Nuts and bolts used in
electrical equipment assembly shall be tightened by the use of torque wrenches to
torque values recommended by equipment Manufacturers.
The CONTRACTOR shall make all electrical wire, cable, conduit, and grounding
connections and furnish all miscellaneous materials which are required for making these
connections to the equipment.
The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for and shall correct by repair or replacement, at
the CONTRACTORs expense, all damage to or failure of any material and/or equipment
which in the opinion of the ENGINNER was caused by faulty installation, faulty mechanical
assembly, or mishandling.
All design, installation details, and materials not specifically covered in these Specifications
or in reference standards shall be subject to the approval of the ENGINEER.


Final assembly, checking, adjustment, and preparation for service of the equipment
specified below shall be accomplished under the direction of a Suppliers Erecting Engineer
furnished by the CLIENT.
The Erecting Engineer shall be present during the installation of all parts within tanks of
oil circuit breakers, during the entire assembly of an air-or gas-type power circuit breaker,
during operational tests of all power circuit breakers, and during the initial opening,
assembly, and checkout of power transformers.
(The CONTRACTOR shall drill all holes in bolted steel structures and provide all fastenings
required for mounting or installing electrical equipment and materials. Drilling of holes in
tubular steel structures is prohibited. Fastening to tubular steel structures shall be by

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

means of properly drilled and tapped pads or brackets which shall be welded to the
tubular members).
(The CONTRACTOR shall assemble all components of the equipment, including supporting
structures, which are furnished disassembled, which assembly shall include all necessary
(The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for and shall replace at the CONTRACTORs
own expense any insulating oil which may have been contaminated by faulty handling).
All applicable prints of Manufactures drawings of the electrical equipment will be furnished

Installation of control, metering, instrumentation relaying, and station-service power

equipment shall include the following:
Leveling and grouting channel bases. Grout materials shall be in accordance with
item (Grouting Mortar for Equipment and Metalwork).
Drilling holes, furnishing hardware, and assembling components to each other
and end trims.
Furnishing all materials for and making all connections correctly in accordance
with the final wiring diagrams.
Tagging wires and cables.
Furnishing materials for and repairing or replacing any devices and repairing any
surfaces damaged by the CONTRACTOR during installation. Painting shall be in
accordance with item (S-020248 - Painting and Anticorrosive Treatment). Repairs
or replacements shall be made to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER.
Correcting any errors made by the CONTRACTOR in installation at no expense to
Installing brackets, side panels, and enclosures.
Mounting, wiring, and connecting all devices in accordance with final wiring
Making all internal and external wiring changes required to make the equipment
ready for normal operation.
Drilling holes and mounting nameplates.
Repairing or replacing to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER any equipment destroyed


The CONTRACTOR shall not begin installation of the following-listed equipment until all
of the drawings and data for the equipment have been approved by the ENGINEER.
The drawings and data necessary are specified in item (S-020260 - Drawing and Technical
Data to be Furnished by the CONTRACTOR).


After the electrical installations have been completed, the electrical equipment and
circuits installed under these Specifications shall be tested by the CONTRACTOR, unless
specifically indicated otherwise herein, to demonstrate that the requirements of these
Specifications have been fulfilled.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

During a period of time agreed to by the CONTRACTOR and the ENGINEER,

representatives of the CONTRACTOR and the CLIENT shall make arrangements for a
complete wiring check of the entire installation. The CONTRACTOR shall have available
at the construction site, for use by the CLIENTs representative, drawings that show
the electrical installation at the time of the checkout, instruction books, equipment test
reports, coordination curves, and data. During this period, the CONTRACTOR shall process
the checkout to completion, shall retain full responsibility for the removal and replacement
of any wiring connections as required in the processing of the checkout, and shall make
any wiring changes, setting adjustments, equipment replacements, and other revisions
which are necessasry for the proper and adequate functioning of the installation. The
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for and shall replace, at his own expense, any wiring,
instruments, or equipment which may be damaged in the checkout process, unless this
damage results from negligence by the ENGINEER. The wiring checkout shall include
the insulation test of all insulated conductors installed by the CONTRACTOR.
The CONTRACTOR shall have competent personnel at the site processing the checkout.
If desired by the CONTRACTOR or by the ENGINEER, tests shall be performed on individual
items of equipment in advance of the completion of the electrical installation. In
conjunction with this requirement, the ENGINEER will not request tests on individual
items that will require power in excess of that available for construction purposes.
(The ENGINEER will provide electric power for the acceptance tests of electrical
The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all materials, beyond that furnished under this Contract,
that are required for the checkout and tests. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the CLIENT
in writing at least 72 hours in advance of the time each test on individual items is to be
made in order that the tests may be witnessed by a representative of the CLIENT.


The CONTRACTOR shall install the (description, type(s) and intended purpose)
switchgear(s) listed below at the locations shown on the drawings.
Each switchgear shall include enclosure, circuit breaker(s), terminal blocks, transformer(s),
fuses, plug receptacles, relays, starters, alarm lamp(s) and miscellaneous materials
including all mounting materials.
All the electrical equipment for the switchgears shall be installed in the equipment
enclosure in proper position and shall be completely wired and ready for operation. All
power and control conductors shall enter the equipment enclosure through conduits.
The CONTRACTOR shall install the plug receptables in such a manner that the
receptable(s) will be accessible from the outside of the enclosure without opening any
doors. All operating devices such as circuit breaker handles, pushbuttons and selector
switches shall be operable without opening the inner (dead-front) door. No devices
except nameplates shall be mounted on the enclosure door.
The terminal block arrangement and location shall be such that the incoming and outgoing
conductors can be easily connected.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications



The (description and type) disconnecting switches listed below shall be mounted by the
CONTRACTOR at the locations shown on the drawings.
The disconnecting switches shall be installed in such a manner to withstand the forces
resulting from the opening and closing actions.


The CONTRACTOR shall install the (description and type) power circuit breaker(s) listed
below at the locations shown on the drawings.
Each breaker shall be installed complete with all necessary controls, pressure vessels,
pumping, conduit, duct, internal wiring and all other accessories and fittings required to
place the unit into operation. Welded wire connections will not be permitted.
The circuit breaker casing and base shall be connected to the grounding system.


The CONTRACTOR shall install the (48 Vdc and) 125 V direct current system(s) and
shall wire and make all the connections, including ground connections to put the direct
current system(s) into readiness for normal operation. The CONTRACTOR shall drill all
holes where required for mounting. The location of the direct current system(s) shall be
as shown on the drawings. The steel bases of the direct current system(s) shall be
leveled and anchored in place.


The CONTRACTOR shall install the (description and type) insulators listed below at the
locations shown on the drawings.
The insulators shall be fastened with bolts and lock washers to avoid loosening due to
vibrations. The insulator metal supports shall be connected to the grounding system.



General. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish and install all materials required to complete
the grounding and bonding for the electrical, mechanical, and structural installations.
The grounding and bonding shown on the drawings supplements the requirements of
this Specification.




Conductors. All conductors used for grounding electrodes shall be annealed bare copper,
concentric stranded, and in accordance with the requirements specified in item (S020230 - Bare Copper Cables).


Fittings, lugs, and connectors. All fittings used shall be of the bolted-solderless type and
shall have current-carrying capacity equal to that of the conductor with which they are
used. All fittings, lugs, connectors, together with the bolts, nuts, and washers used
therewith for copper conductors, shall be of copper alloy containing not more than 4
percent zinc.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Ground rods. Each ground rod shall have a layer of copper inseparably bonded to a steel
core, 5/8-inch or 3/4-inch nominal diameter, 3m long, and shall meet the requirements
of the applicable ABNT standards, or other standards approved by the CLIENT.


Welding. Where Cadweld, Thermoweld, or an equivalent process is used, it shall be

heavy-duty type, except conductor-to-rebar connections may be standard-duty type,
made of new material from fresh stock, and the installation shall be performed with
heavy-duty welding equipment in accordance with the Manufacturers instructions.


Air terminals. Air terminals shall be solid copper, not less than one-half inch in diameter,
and shall include all mounting and supporting materials.


Installation. The steel reinforcing bar system for concrete structures shall be utilized as
the grounding electrodes. The grounding electrode shall be encased in at least 5 cm of
concrete and located within the concrete foundation near the bottom. At least two
grounding electrode conductors shall extend upward from the grounding electrode unless
shown otherwise on the drawings. The electrodes shall be not less than 6 m in total
length. Equipment grounding conductors shall not be connected directly to steel reinforcing
The raceway enclosing the circuit conductors to electrical equipment shall be utilized as
the equipment grounding conductor. These raceways shall be electrically continuous
from the equipment to the circuit supply source. Bonding jumpers shall be installed
when necessary to maintain electrical continuity.
Conduits shall be grounded at the circuit supply source. Conduit connections to ground
conductors shall be the bolted type. Ground straps shall not be used. Conduit connections
to enclosures shall be with bonding locknuts.
Where nonmetallic conduit is used, a copper conductor shall be installed within the
conduit for use as an equipment grounding conductor.
Where liquidtight flexible metal conduit larger than 1-1/4 inches is used, copper bonding
jumpers shall be installed from the rigid metal conduit to the equipment enclosure,
provided the length of the bonding jumper is less than 2m.
The following shall be grounded or bonded as applicable:
Metal supporting structures for electrical equipment.
Metal enclosures for electrical equipment.
Metal wireways.
Fences or metal structures located below power or distribution lines.
Shielding and armor on insulated conductors.
Steel structural columns.
Metal objects, including piping, within 2.5m of electrical equipment enclosures.
Metal water piping shall be bonded to a grounding electrode or grounding electrode
conductor unless such bonding would interfere with a cathodic protection system.
Equipment grounding connections shall be located so as to be visible and acessible after
installations are complete.
Conductor-to-conductor and conductor-to-rebar connections underground or embedded
in concrete shall be made with Cadweld, Thermoweld, or equivalent process. Paint,
scale, enamel, and other nonconductive material shall be removed from the points of
contact on metal surfaces before the grounding connections are made. After the
connections are made, any metal finishes that have been damaged or removed as a

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

result of the connections being made shall be repaired to the level of the original finish,
as directed by the ENGINEER. All grounding connections shall be made in accordance
with the methods outlined on the drawings, and the applicable ABNT standards.
Metal surfaces of nonelectrical equipment within 2.5 m of electrical equipment shall be
grounded by bonding to an adjacent grounded object or by connections to a nearby
equipment grounding conductor.
Where installed in metallic conduit for mechanical protection, grounding conductor shall
be bonded to the conduit at both ends.

Testing of the grounding installation. As soon as possible after completion of the structural
concrete work at each structure, the resistance of the grounding electrode to ground
shall be measured by the CONTRACTOR using:


The three-terminal method described in IEEE publication No.550 (IEEE No. 118), using a
Megger Ground Tester of the heavy-duty, low-resistance type, with direct-reading, directcurrent ohmmeter.


Other method approved by the ENGINEER.

The CONTRACTOR shall notify the CLIENT, in writing, at least 24 hours in advance of
the time the test is to be made in order that the test may be witnessed by the ENGINEER.




General. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish and install all materials required for the
embedded, buried, concealed, and exposed conduit systems. The conduit systems
indicated on the drawings supplement the requirements of this Specification.


Materials. Materials for the conduit installation shall conform to the applicable ABNT
standards or other standards acceptable to the ENGINEER. The conduit systems include
the following materials:
Rigid steel conduit, zinc-coated.
EMT (electrical metallic tubing).
Electrical plastic conduit and fittings, Schedule 40 or 80, PVC.
Metal conduit fittings.
Flexible metal conduit, liquidtight, for indoor and outdoor use.
Plastic-coated conduit. Rigid steel conduit shall be furnished, zinc coated, with
factory-applied bonded plastic compound protective coat at least one millimeter
thick and placed uniformly around the conduit. Fittings, elbows, couplings, hangers,
and other accessories shall have an equal bonded coating. Fittings and couplings
shall be sleeved to provide a watertight joint. Solvent used to make fittings and
couplings watertight shall be that recommended by the Manufacturer.
Conduit sealing bushings.
Conduit thread sealing material. Threaded joints of metal conduits shall be sealed
with compound recommended by the Manufacturer.
Protective varnish
Expansion and/or deflection couplings. Where required for installation in conduit
systems at expansion and contraction joints to compensate for longitudinal
movement or movement in any direction between two rigid metal conduit ends,
shall be watertight.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Boxes. For use in this Specification, the word box refers to: pull boxes, junction
boxes, outlet boxes, terminal boxes and other enclosures to be furnished and/or
installed not specifically mentioned herein. These boxes shall be of ductile iron or
cast aluminum, as indicated on the drawings.
Fabricated sheet steel boxes and cabinets. Fabricated junction and pull boxes and
cabinets shall be furnished when specified on the drawings and shall be fabricated
of not less than No. 14 United States Standard gage sheet steel with reinforcing
when required to obtain rigidity. The sheet steel shall have a galvanized finish.
Covers for boxes and doors for cabinets shall be attached with bronze, brass, or
stainless steel screws or bolts. All boxes and cabinets shall be provided with
gaskets. Boxes shall be provided with heavy-duty terminal blocks (25 amperes,
600 volts), mounted on raised buttons, when indicated on the drawings.
Wireways. Wireways shall be fabricated of sheet steel of not less than No. 16
United States Standard gage and shall be galvanized after fabrication, furnished
without knockouts and shall be drilled and punched in the field as required.
Adhesive. Adhesive for joining plastic conduit shall be in accordance with the
conduit Manufacturers recommendations.
Sealing material. The material for sealing the ends of conduits terminating at
boxes or panelboards shall be equal to Duxseal as manufactured by JohnsManville or other sealing material approved by the ENGINEER.

Installation. All conduit to be embedded in concrete shall be rigid steel conduit, unless
plastic conduit is specifically indicated on the drawings.
Conduit, conduit fittings, and outlet boxes to be embedded in concrete shall be held
securely in position while concrete is being placed; all concrete shall be cleaned from
the inside of outlet boxes after the forms are removed and the threads for attaching
devices and covers shall be cleaned. The ends of conduits shall be protected to prevent
the entrance of concrete, sand, or other foreign material. Ends of embedded conduit not
terminating at boxes shall be terminated with couplings and plugs.
After removal of concrete forms, all conduit runs shall be swabbed with clean dry rags
to show they are thoroughly cleaned and dried. The plugs shall then have their threads
greased and shall be replaced and left in place until the conductors are installed to
prevent the entrance of water or foreign material. Outlet boxes shall be sealed with a
gasketed cover.
All conduit shall be installed with necessary fittings and supports and all bends shall be
gradual and smooth to permit pulling of insulated electrical conductors without undue
stress or damage to the insulated electrical conductors sheath or to the conduit. All
conduit runs and bends shall be entirely free from kinks, indentations, or flattened
Unless otherwise indicated, all conduit bends shall have not less than the minimum radii
listed in Table 346-10 of NEC. Metal conduit shall be bent cold to prevent damage to the
protective coating. Burrs and sharp corners at the end of each piece of metal conduit
shall be removed.
Conduits buried in earth shall be rigid steel unless otherwise indicated on the drawings.
All metal conduit buried directly in earth shall be (plastic coated) (embedded in lean
concrete) and shall be placed in trenches as prescribed in items (C-030203 - Excavation
for Structures) and (C-030301 - Backfill About Structures). All joints shall be made with
plastic-coated watertight fittings. All joints shall be tight, clean, and electrically continuous.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Bending of plastic-coated conduit shall be made in accordance with the Manufacturers

recommendations. Where recommended by the Manufacturer, factory bends should be
used, for larger sizes of plastic-coated conduit.
In addition to the above requirements, nonmetallic conduit shall be installed in accordance
with the applicable requirements of NEMA publication No. TC2, including appendix A.
All conduits shall be rigidly supported from the walls or ceiling in accordance with article
346 of NEC, unless otherwise specified. All connections to outdoor outlet boxes shall
be watertight. Flexible conduit, not exceeding one meter in length, shall be used to
connect conduit to motors and heaters and elsewhere, where shown on the drawings.



General. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish and install all insulated conductors unless
specifically stated otherwise herein.
The CONTRACTOR shall furnish and install all clamps, grips, hangers, clamping blocks,
self-locking ties, marking tags, insulating tape, and connectors. Grounded conductors
shall be insulated and identified by white or natural gray color. Insulated equipment
grounding conductors shall be identified by green color. Bare copper grounding conductors
are provided for in item (I-020112 - Grounding).
Conductor sizes shown on the drawings are based on copper conductors. Conductor
sizes, unless otherwise specifically indicated herein, shall be based on 60o C conductor
temperature for sizes No. 1 AWG and smaller and 75o C conductor temperature for sizes
No. 1/0 AWG and larger, and 30o C ambient temperature. Conductor sizes shown on the
drawings are based on preliminary designs and should be verified by the CONTRACTOR
to suit final design.


Materials. The insulated conductors furnished shall be of the proper voltage rating,
type, and size for the application, and shall have been manufactured within 24 months
prior to receipt of the notice to proceed under this Contract. All conductors shall be in
accordance with the applicable requirements of these Specifications.
600-volt, 6 kV and 15 kV cables shall be of the single conductor type for general use
other than direct burial and shall conform to the requirements of NEC standards.
600-volt, single conductor, No. 8 AWG and larger, for direct- burial use shall also be in
accordance with NEC standards.
Polyethylene warning tape for laying above direct-buried power cable shall be 15 cm
wide, yellow in color with CUIDADO (CAUTION) printed continuously the full length
of the tape.


Installation. The CONTRACTOR shall install all insulated conductors to complete the
installation. Sufficient length shall be left at the ends of conductors to make connections
conveniently to equipment, luminaires, and devices. Conductors shall not be pulled until
the conduit runs have been cleaned and are free from obstructions and sharp corners. A
clean, dry, tight-fitting rag shall be drawn through the conduit immediately before installing
the cable.
Gradual and uniform pulling stresses only will be permitted. Where a lubricant is needed
as an aid to pulling, only soapstone or other approved material not injurious to the

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

insulation shall be used. Any insulated conductors damaged during installation shall be
removed and replaced at the CONTRACTORs expense.
No splices shall be made unless authorized by the ENGINEER. Where splices are authorized,
they shall be permitted only at boxes, outlets, panelboards, cabinets, and cables trays.
Splices will not normally be permitted in buried cable runs or inside of conduits. All
splices shall be covered with insulation equal to that on the conductors.
Splices for copper conductors shall be the spring-connector compression type, as directed
by the ENGINEER.
Solderless-type connectors shall be used for terminating conductors at terminal blocks
or devices. All connectors shall be suitable for use on the particular conductor on which
the conductor is used.
Insulated conductors buried directly in earth shall be placed in trenches as prescribed in
items (C-030203 - Excavation for Structures) and (C-030301 - Backfill About Structures),
and as follows:
Insulated conductors rated to 600 volts shall be placed at a minimum depth of 60
Insulated conductors rated over 600 volts shall be placed at a minimum depth to
meet the requirements of Table 710-3(b) of NEC. Polyethylene warning tape shall
be installed approximately 45 cm above the conductors.



Payment for furnishing and installing materials for the complete electrical system will be
made at the lump-sum price bid therefor in the schedule, which lump-sum price shall
include the cost of the following:
Furnishing and installing all materials so that the electrical features are complete
and ready for operation.
Performing wiring checkout and all required tests in accordance with item (I020105 Acceptance of Electrical Systems).
Performing all required excavation and backfill for electrical conduit, insulated
conductors, and ground conductors.
Furnishing test equipment as required.
Testing and providing assistance for the CLIENTs testing as required.
Handling, loading, transporting and unloading equipment and materials and storing
of same as required.
Painting damaged areas of paint of equipment and materials.
Furnishing and installing all brackets, fittings, bolts, nuts, lockwashers, and other
accessories, and drilling holes as required for mounting or installing electrical
equipment and materials.
Furnishing to ther CLIENT all special tools and appliances for maintenance and
adjustment of his equipment.
Making all conduit, grounding, control, metering, relaying, and power connections,
and furnishing all miscellaneous materials which are required for making these
connections to electrical equipment.
Assembling, adjusting, leveling and grouting (including cement for grout), and
installing equipment.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Payment for furnishing drawings, technical data for electrical installations will be made
in accordance with item (Drawings and Technical Data to be Furnished by the



General. This Specification deals with the construction and maintenance of all cofferdams
shown on the drawings and any others that the CONTRACTOR may construct for his
own convenience.
The work includes, but is not limited to, the dewatering of the construction sites; control
of water, regardless of origin; diversion of the river; construction and maintenance of
cofferdams; and construction of all other structures that are necessary for the protection
of the work against floods and provide conditions so that the construction can be
performed in areas free of water.


Responsibilities. The portions of work that include the diversion and control of the river
shall be designed based on the topographic, geologic, and hydrologic data included in
the specifications. Consequently, by entering into the Contract the CONTRACTOR
consents to accepting the design of the structures and the sequence of the diversion
The CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for the construction and safety of the
cofferdams, within the conditions specified herein, and for the diversion and control of
the river during construction. Damage occurring during their construction shall be repaired
by and at the CONTRACTORs expense.
Except as otherwise provided, the CONTRACTOR shall not interrupt nor interfere with
the natural flow of the river through the damsite for any purpose without the approval
of the ENGINEER.
The CONTRACTOR shall at all times pass the full flow of the river through the damsite,
except that the CONTRACTOR will be permitted to reduce such flow in the amount of
water used for construction purposes, as approved by the ENGINEER, and during the
period of the closure of the outlet works the CONTRACTOR will be permitted to store
During the execution of the work, the responsibility for damages due to floods greater
than the design flood shall be the CLIENTs, as long as:
No part of the cofferdams had been removed;
No earth or rock fill had been placed in the diversion channel;
The cofferdams had been completed in the time frame stipulated in the Contract.
For the determination of responsibility, the discharge flows shall be determined by the
use of staff gages, installed by the CONTRACTOR, downstream of the dam axis. 3.
Design and Construction Sequence. - The design of the control and diversion works and
the corresponding construction sequence, provided in the Project Specifications should
be studied carefully by the CONTRACTOR.
The CONTRACTOR shall be allowed to use an alternative plan only if it leads to better
economy in time and cost, and does not require modifications in the design of permanent
works. The alternative plan shall be approved by the CLIENT.

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Standard Technical Specifications

The permanent structures are shown on the drawings, and in each phase of the diversion,
their partial completion shall be the minimum required, and shall not represent a limitation
to the CONTRACTOR. In each phase of the diversion the CONTRACTOR, for his
convenience, shall be allowed to perform additional permanent construction, in accordance
with the program previously approved by the CLIENT. The construction sequence may
be accelerated due to additional permanent construction performed by the CONTRACTOR,
as approved by the ENGINEER .
The construction sequence shall conform to the conditions established in the Project

CONTRACTOR s Plan. At least 15 days before beginning construction of the diversion

works, the CONTRACTOR shall submit for the CLIENT s approval his plan for the
diversion and control of the river.
The CONTRACTORs plan shall include the general and detail plans, as well as pertinent
specifications regarding the type and capacity of the equipment for the removal of
water from the area; the protection of the cofferdams; a schedule with the construction
sequence of the diversion works; and the methods for the removal of the temporary
works and installations, which will not cause damage to the permanent structures.
Approval of the plan, even if the CONTRACTOR adopts the diversion details shown on
the drawings, shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR from full responsibility for the adequate
operation of the diversion plan.


Maintenance of the Diversion Works. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all equipment and
personnel necessary for the maintenance and repair of the diversion works and channels
shown on the drawings or constructed by the CONTRACTOR for his own convenience.
Maintenance and repair include, but are not limited to, the removal and substitution of
inadequate materials and construction, and the control and repair of erosion due to
piping, undue settlements, erosion and sliding of slopes, and the repair of all structures.
The CONTRACTOR shall perform repairs in accordance with recognized procedures and
practices, approved by the ENGINEER.
Maintenance shall be initiated after completion of the respective diversion works and
shall continue until such works are no longer necessary for the diversion operation.
When a portion of the upstream cofferdam is to be incorporated into the dam section,
maintenance shall be performed until final closure.


Cofferdam Requirements. All cofferdams shall be impervious and stable and shall be
constructed in accordance with recognized procedures and practices. Applicable
paragraphs pertaining to construction in the earthdams included in these Specifications
shall be followed.
The cofferdams shall allow complete dewatering of the dam foundation area and of the
excavations for the structures.
Materials used in the compacted sections of the cofferdams shall be obtained from
designated borrow areas or from required excavations.


Control of Water


General. The CONTRACTOR shall design, furnish, instrument, maintain, and operate all
pumping and other equipment for removal of water from the various parts of the work.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

All of the equipment shall have sufficient capacity to maintain the construction areas
free of water, regardless of its origin. The installations shall include, but are not limited
to, additional cofferdams, flumes, channels, pipe drains, trench drains, wells, etc.

Control of Water in the Dam Embankment Foundation Area.- Surface run-off, due to
precipitation, shall be intercepted and conducted upstream or downstream of the
cofferdams by means of ditches. Water resulting from interception in the work area,
shall be collected in low points, strategically located, and removed by continous or
intermittent pumping, as long as the dam embankment is at a lower elevation than the
crests of the cofferdams.
In the case of a dam embankment cutoff trench, the CONTRACTOR shall also be required
to control seepage along and/or from the bottom of the trench, which may require
supplementing the approved dewatering systems with pipe drains leading to sumps
from which the water shall be pumped. Such pipe drains shall be of uniform diameter for
each run, shall be provided with grout connections and returns at 8 meter intervals, and
shall be embedded in clean, reasonably well-graded gravel or similar material. No drain
shall extend more than 5 meters in the upstream-dowstream direction, nor more them 8
meters in a direction parallel to the dam axis, except that drains at the upstream and
downstream edges of the cutoff trench may be continuous. Drains in the upstreamdownstream direction shall be uniformly staggered at stations not closer together than
8 meters on centers.
During the placing and compacting of embankment material in the cutoff trench and in
the foundation excavation outside the cutoff trench, the water level at every point in
the cutoff trench shall be maintained below the bottom of the embankment until the
compacted embankment in the cutoff trench at that point has reached a depth of 3
meters, after which the water level shall be maintained at least 1.5 meters below the
top of the compacted embankment. When the embankment has been constructed to an
elevation which will permit the dewatering systems to maintain the water level at or
below the designated elevations, as determined by the ENGINEER, the pipe drains and
sumps, including surrounding gravel, shall be filled with grout composed of water and
cement or clay.


Control of Water in Excavations for Structures. During excavation for the construction
of hydraulic structures that extend below the water table or which collect water in their
bottom, the control of water shall not be required until about 0.50 m above the final
surface of the cut, as long as stability of the excavated slopes is not compromised and
no interference is created for the movement of excavation and transport equipment.
Continuation of the excavation shall only be permitted after the water is removed and
lowered to a minimum depth of 0.50 m below the final surface, unless otherwise approved
by the ENGINEER. The dewatering shall be accomplished in a manner that will prevent
loss of fines from the foundation.
During excavation, seepage in the foundation area shall be conveyed to a lateral trench
constructed in a location which does not interfere with the excavation, which will convey
the water to a sump for elimination by pumping. The location of the sump shall be based
on the fact that it will remain in operation during the excavation and the construction of
the structure, and only be eliminated when all work within its area of influence has been

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Measurement and Payment


General. The payments described herein include all costs pertaining to the construction
and maintenance of cofferdams, diversion and control of the river during construction,
final closure of the river, pumping operations necessary during the performance of the
work, and all other additional work related with these operations.


Cofferdam Construction. Construction of cofferdams shall be measured by cubic meters

of material placed to the lines, grades, dimensions, and cross-sections shown on the
drawings or established by the ENGINEER. Measurement of the cofferdams shall be
performed using the Average End Area method. The surface topography shall be
determined prior to construction of the cofferdams.
Payment for construction of cofferdams shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the
applicable unit prices per cubic meter indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
For cofferdams constructed with materials from borrow areas, payment shall be in
accordance with the different haul distances listed below:
Up to 500 m
From 501 m to 1000 m
The haul distances shall be measured between the centers of gravity of the material
excavated and the material placed.
When the haul distance required is greater than 1000 m, as approved by the ENGINEER,
the haul shall be paid for as specified in Item (C-030213 - Overhaul).
Unit prices in the Bidding Schedule for construction of cofferdams shall include the cost
of all labor, equipment and materials required to perform the work as specified herein,
including preparation of the foundations and placing and compacting materials.
When the material used in cofferdams is obtained from borrow areas, the unit prices for
construction of cofferdams shall include the cost of excavating the material from the
borrow area. Material excavated from borrow areas shall not be classified for payment.
No measurement or payment shall be made for materials in cofferdams constructed
outside the lines specified or established by the ENGINEER. Where cofferdams of less
material volume than specified are constructed, the material volumes shall be deducted
from the measurement and payment for construction of cofferdams.
No measurement or payment shall be made for materials in cofferdams required due to
settling or settlement of the cofferdams or for loss of materials due to river currents.


Cofferdam Removal. Removal of cofferdams shall be measured and paid for by cubic
meters of material. The measurement of material shall be in accordance with measurement
for construction of cofferdams.
Payment for removal of cofferdams shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the unit price
per cubic meter indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
The unit price in the Bidding Schedule for removal of cofferdams shall include the cost of
all labor, equipment, and materials required to perform the work, including excavation,
loading, transportation, unloading, and spreading in the disposal areas or areas designated
by the ENGINEER.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Maintenance of Cofferdams and Control of Water During Construction. A lump-sum

payment will be made to the CONTRACTOR for maintenance of cofferdams and control
of water during construction as indicated in the Bidding Schedule. The lump-sum price
shall include the cost of the services related to the maintenance of the cofferdams,
installation and operation of pumps for the dewatering of work areas, control and diversion
of water during construction, and any other service related with these activities.



General. Blasting shall only be performed under the direct supervision of competent
personnel and by workers experienced in this type of activity. No blasting shall be
performed prior to assuring the safety of personnel, the work, and of any adjacent
The CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for any accidents or injuries caused by
blasting. Damages caused by blasting shall be repaired by and at the expense of the
Excavation by blasting shall be conducted only to depths, quantities, and extent that
will not damage existing structures and property and will limit, to the minimum possible,
damage caused to rock outside the limits of the excavation.
When the excavation nears the final limits, the methods of blasting shall be modified to
preserve the integrity of the final excavated surface. The blasts shall not cause cracks
or alter the final excavated surfaces in any way, so as to cause the surfaces to be
unsuitable for its intended use. The approval, by the ENGINEER, of a blasting plan shall
not relieve the CONTRACTOR from the above described responsibilities.


Blasting Plan. The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the CLIENT, for approval, a two-part
conceptual blasting plan at least 20 days prior to initiating any blasting for rock excavation.
Part 1 of the conceptual plan shall include a complete summary of proposed transportation,
handling, storage, and use of explosives. Part 2 shall include the proposed general
concept for the blasting, including controlled blasting techniques and controls of noise,
dust, fly rock, airblast, and vibrations. Test blasts planned by the CONTRACTOR shall
be included in part 2.
In addition to the conceptual plan, individual shot plans shall be submitted on a day-today basis, to the ENGINEER for approval, so that the plans are received by at least 48
hours before the scheduled time for shooting provided in the plan. The ENGINEER will
observe the loading of shotholes for test blasting and any excavation blasting to ensure
that loading is in accordance with the approved plans. Individual shot plans shall include
drilling patterns, number, location, inclination, diameter, and depth of drilled holes; amount,
type, and distribution of explosive per hole; grams of explosives per square meter of
presplitting; powder factor; time delays; weight of explosives in each delay; sequence
of firing; time of blast; and total weight of explosives in place, at any one time, within
the area to be excavated; and any other data the ENGINEER may deem pertinent to its
determination of the CONTRACTOR s intent and purpose to produce smooth and sound
rock surfaces at the surfaces of excavation, and to protect adjacent structures. No
blasting will be permitted until the CONTRACTOR s blasting plans for rock excavation
have been approved by the ENGINEER and other conditions required by these
Specifications have been met.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Contour Blasting. Blasting to obtain the final slopes shown on the drawings shall be
executed by the following techniques: presplitting, smooth blasting, or line drilling. In all
cases, the drilling of inclined slopes shall be executed with the utilization of wooden
patterns and plumb lines, in order to guarantee the inclination and direction required.
Maximum deviations of 1.5 cm/m shall be accepted in drilling.
The most advantageous method for finish blasting shall be determined from the
experimental test blasts previously conducted by the CONTRACTOR and analysed jointly
At the intersection of the planes of the final walls, relief holes should be drilled that will
direct the cracking.
The presplitting blasting technique involves the use of a single row of holes drilled along
the neat excavation lines of a face and firing these holes before any adjoining main
excavation area is blasted. Presplitting may be accomplished during the primary blast by
delaying the primary holes so that the presplit holes will fire ahead of them. The presplit
holes shall be spaced, loaded, and fired simultaneously so as to produce a tensional split
or crack between the holes which subsequent blasts can break, thus resulting in smooth
rock surfaces with a minimum amount of overbreak or underbreak.
The loading of the holes shall be done with cartridges of explosives with a force not
over 40%, conveniently spaced, tied in wooden troughs, interconnected with blasting
cord, and with a linear power factor of not move than 300 g/m. The holes shall be
initiated with simple fuses, with fuse cord, or eletric detonators. Production holes adjacent
to the presplitting holes shall not be closer than 1.20 m.
Removal by smooth blasting consists of leaving a berm (approximately 5 meters wide)
along the boundary of the area subjected to blasting. The berm is removed by means of
blast holes, generally located along 2 or 3 auxiliary lines, moderately loaded and detonated
with delays in a way that the last blast will be the final line, thus resulting in smooth
rock surfaces with a minimum amount of overbreak or underbreak.
Except for the detonation time, the same procedures and controls indicated for presplitting
are valid and shall be adjusted in accordance with the experimental test results.
Removal by line drilling involves the use of a single row of closely spaced, unloaded,
small diameter holes along the neat excavation line to provide a plane of weakness
which the primary blast can break. The spacing and loading of the blastholes adjacent
to the line drill holes shall be reduced from the spacing and loading of the main blastholes
so as to break the rock between the line drill holes and produce smooth rock surfaces
with a minimum amount of overbreak or underbreak. The determination of the drilling
pattern and the explosive loads shall be adjusted by means of experimental test blasts.
The remaining requirements for removal by line drilling are the same as those for
presplitting and for smooth blasting.
The plans for execution of line drilling, presplitting, or smooth blasting, together with
the reasons for the utilization of one or another method, shall be submitted to the
CLIENT for approval in accordance with subitem 2 above.


Vibrations and Damage. Planning by the CONTRACTOR should take into account the
necessity to minimize interference between the activities of excavation, placment of
concrete, and injection of grout.
The cord delays and the time fuses to be utilized shall have a minimum delay of 20
milliseconds in order to avoid the superposition of vibratory waves.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

No blasting may be performed closer than 30 meters to concrete work or grout operations,
or closer than 15 meters to the toe of a slope, when in soil. The following particle
velocities are recommended.
Age of Concrete

Maximum Admissible Velocity

0 to 24 hours

0,5 cm/s

24 to 48 hours

3 cm / s

Over 48 hours

5 cm / s

To meet these limits the following load-distance relationships should be observed:

Age of Concrete

Load-Distance Relation

0 to 24 hours

Q = D2 /1,167.35

24 to 48 hours

Q = D2 /154.13

Over 48 hours

Q = D2 /86.54

Q = maximum load per delay, in kg;
D = distance between the point of detonation and the concrete, in m.
The load-distance relations were obtained from a theoretical equation for metasedimental
horizons. Because of this, the observations made in the work, as, for example, small
cracks in the concrete, shall be communicated immediately to the ENGINEER, and the
parameters will be adjusted.
In case of leveling excavations, in sand slopes, maximum particle velocities of 3 m/s are
For unforseen or special conditions, the ENGINEER should be consulted.
As approved by the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR may utilize protective measures
such as blasting mats, covers, controlled blasting or other measures to reduce the
effects of the blasts, to avoid accidents, and to eliminate the possibility of damages to
the work.
Damages to third parties due to the improper utilization of explosives, shall be the
CONTRACTOR s sole responsability.
The scheme for soniC and visual alarms compatible with the required safety standards
shall be the CONTRACTOR s sole responsability. The disposition of alarms shall be
approved by the ENGINEER.

Explosives. The CONTRACTOR shall obtain all necessary authorizations for the purchase,
utilization, and storage of explosives.
The ENGINEER may establish certain requirements regarding the quality of the explosives
and accessories utilized during blasting.
The CONTRACTOR shall substitute, at his expense, material judged inadequate by the
ENGINEER, with material having acceptable characteristics. Deteriorated explosives or

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Standard Technical Specifications

explosives past their expiration date shall be destroyed in accordance with the
requirements of the applicable laws and regulations.
The magazines for the storage of explosives shall be constructed in accordance with the
applicable laws and regulations. The magazines shall be located away from the work
site and construction camp and shall be carefully controlled and guarded. Only authorized
personnel shall have access to the magazine.
The CONTRACTOR shall maintain an up-to-date registry of the stock, indicating the
entering and leaving of explosive material and the location where the explosives were

Measurement and Payment for Contour Blasting. Contour blasting shall be measured in
square meters. The level, exposed area indicated for the drilling, adequately drilled for
detonation, shall be surveyed as indicated by the ENGINEER.
Payment for contour blasting shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the unit price per
square meter indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
The unit price in the Bidding Schedule for contour blasting shall include the cost of all
labor, equipment, and materials required to perform the work as specified herein.
NOTE TO SPECIFIERS: Use this paragraph when a substantial amount of blasting is

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications




The limits of opencut excavation shall be in accordance with the lines, grades, and
dimensions shown on the drawings, or as established by the ENGINEER. Overexcavation
may require backfilling with concrete or compacted earth, as directed, up to the indicated
limits, at the CONTRACTORs expense. The ENGINEER may require additional excavation
for any structure to obtain an adequate foundation.
Excavated surfaces that will remain permanently exposed shall have a good appearance
and shall be graded to provide adequate drainage and protection against erosion.
At least 10 days before the initiation of any excavation, the CONTRACTOR shall submit
for the ENGINEER s approval, a plan corresponding to the performance of the opencut
Details required in the plan shall be related to the CONTRACTOR by the ENGINEER.
Classification of excavation shall be in accordance with item (C-030101 - Classification
of Excavation).
Blasting shall be in accordance with item (D-030103 - Blasting). Control of water during
construction shall be in accordance with item (D-020201 - Diversion of River and Control
of Water During Construction of Earth Dams and Appurtenant Structures).
Lowering of the groundwater table, if required, shall be in accordance with item (C020303 - Lowering Groundwater table).



Foundations for Concrete Structures. Foundation excavation shall be performed to the

elevations shown on the drawings. Once the excavation is completed within the lines,
grades and dimensions shown on the drawings, the foundation surfaces shall be cleaned
in accordance with the requirements of item (D-040203 - Concrete Structure Foundation
Once the clean-up work is completed, the ENGINEER shall examine the excavated surfaces
in order to determine if they are acceptable as foundations for permanent structures. If
accepted, the Contractor shall continue with the work by initiating the operations of
final leveling and foundation treatment, in accordance with the requirements of item (D040203 - Concrete Structure Fondation Areas).

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

All necessary precautions shall be taken during excavation in order to avoid fracturing or
fissuring of the remaining rock. If the rock does not meet construction requirements, as
determined by the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR shall continue the excavation operations
to new limits directed by the ENGINEER. This proceedure shall be repeated as many
times as necessary until a foundation meeting the construction requirements is obtained.

Earth Dams. That part of the dam foundation founded on rock shall be thoroughly
cleaned of all sand, soil, loose rock, and decomposed rock,in accordance with the
requirements of item (D-040201 - Cleaning, Leveling and Superficial Treatment of
Foundations). Other areas that will serve as a foundation for the dam,including the
abutments,shall be excavated to a depth sufficient to guarantee a foundation compatible
with the work. Excavation shall be performed to the limits shown on the drawings but
shall be subject to necessary variations dependent upon the actual conditions of the
subsoil revealed by the excavation.
When cutoff trenches are shown on the drawings, a system of sumps and trench drains
shall be installed, as directed by the ENGINEER.


Quarries. It shall be the CONTRACTOR s responsibility to furnish the material necessary

for the toe rockfill, riprap, and the concrete for the structures. The material shall be
obtained from nearby rock quarries. The location, investigation, determination of depths,
and adequacy of the materials from the quarries shall be approved by the ENGINEER.


Borrow Areas. Excavation in borrow areas shall be in accordance with item (C-030211
- Excavation in Borrow Areas) and the requirements specified herein. The location,
investigation, and approval of borrow areas for impervious soil and for sand shall be the
CLIENTs responsibility. The depth, limits of excavation, and processing of the materials
in the borrow areas shall be directed by the ENGINEER.
Borrow areas shall be excavated in a manner so that the surfaces provide adequate
drainage at all times.
Sand excavated in the borrow areas shall be washed and beneficiated to meet the
required gradation bands, as directed by the ENGINEER.


Selective Excavation. All suitable material removed from the required excavations,
including topsoil, residual soil, and decomposed rock, shall be utilized in construction of
the dam, rockfill, cofferdams, backfill, or for protection of slopes or exposed surfaces of
Suitable material shall be separated by truckloads during the excavation operations and
shall be dumped in designated locations, with or without intermediate stockpiling, as
determined by the CONTRACTOR.
Unsuitable material shall be deposited in disposal areas set aside by the CONTRACTOR.
Upon completion, disposal areas shall be stable and shall have regular, uniform slopes.
Waste material shall be placed in layers in a way such that compaction will be obtained
by construction equipment travel.
The ENGINEER shall exercise control over the construction parameters of the disposal
areas, including maximum height, slopes, drainage, etc.


Stockpiles. As directed by the ENGINEER, selected material obtained from the required
excavations shall be deposited in stockpiles. The stockpiles shall be located within

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Standard Technical Specifications

1,000 meters from the location of the excavations. If the stockpiles are located at
distances greater than 1,000 meters, the haul shall be paid for as specified in item (C030213 - Overhaul).
The areas where stockpiles are located shall have sufficient bearing capacity, shall have
adequate drainage, and shall not contain materials which could cause contamination of
the stockpiled material.

Disposal Areas. Unsuitable materials from the required excavations shall be placed in
disposal areas approved by the ENGINEER. These areas shall be selected so that the
deposits do not interfere with the construction operations and do not detract from the
appearance of the work or nearby areas. The shape and height of the deposits shall
conform to the natural appearance of the adjacent areas.
The CONTRACTOR shall take precautions that the material placed in these areas does
not damage or obstruct adjacent areas or construction as a result of slides, erosion, etc.
The disposal areas shall have adequate drainage and the slopes shall be protected, as
directed by the ENGINEER.


Special Requirements. In addition to the requirements established in item (D-030103 Blasting), the following requirements shall be observed.


Slope Failures. The CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary precautions to prevent slope
failures. In case slope failures do occur, the repair of the damages and removal of the
resulting material shall be performed by and at the expense of the CONTRACTOR.


Maintenance of Excavated Surfaces in Soil. All necessary precautions shall be taken to

preserve the final surfaces of the excavation from damages due to equipment traffic,
erosion, and weather until the materials for the embankment are placed.


Channels for the Diversion of Water. In certain locations, as directed by the ENGINEER,
the CONTRACTOR shall excavate channels and ditches to divert seepage or rain water.
No additional payment will be made for excavation necessary for this work beyond that
described in item (D-020201 - Diversion of River and Control of Water During Construction
of Earth Dams and Appurtenant Structures).


Measurement and Payment. Opencut excavation for foundations of concrete structures

and earth dams shall be measured by cubic meter of material excavated to the lines,
grades and dimensions shown on the drawings or established by the ENGINEER.
Topographic surveys shall be made prior to beginning the excavation. Surveys shall be
in accordance with item (D-010107 - Staking Out the Work).
The ENGINEER will classify the materials encountered while the excavation is being
performed for subsequent calculation of the quantities that correspond to each type of
No measurement or payment will be made for any excavation that the ENGINEER considers
to be in excess of that required for proper performance of the work or for removal of
material which has fallen into the excavated area.
No separate payment will be made for materials excavated from borrow areas or quarries
and used for embankment, including earthfills and rockfills, backfill, or other required
earthwork, and the costs of excavation from borrow areas and quarries shall be included

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Standard Technical Specifications

in applicable unit prices for the items of work in which the borrow and quarry materials
are used.
No measurement or payment will be made for re-excavation of material placed in
intermediate stockpiles or for any rehandling of materials required due to interference
with other parts of the work.
Payment of excavation for foundations of concrete structures and earth dams excavation
shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the applicable unit price per cubic meter of
classified material indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
Haul distances shall be measured between the centers of gravity of the material excavated
and the material placed or deposited.
When the haul distance required is greater than 1000 meters, as approved by the
ENGINEER, the haul of such material shall be paid for as specified in item (C-030213 Overhaul).
The unit prices in the Bidding Schedule for excavation shall include the cost of all labor,
equipment, and materials required to perform the work as specified herein, including
loading, hauling, unloading, and spreading of materials, as needed.
Payment for clearing and cleaning, including scrapping topsoil, shall be in accordance
with item (C-020101 - Clearing and Cleaning Construction Areas and Borrow Areas).
Payment for control of water during construction shall be in accordance with item (C020201 - Diversion of River and Control of Water During Construction of Earth Dams
and Appurtenant Structures).
Payment for lowering of the groundwater table, if required, shall be in accordance with
item (C-020303 - Lowering Groundwater Table).
Payment for contour blasting shall be in accordance with item (D-030103 - Blasting).

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Standard Technical Specifications





General. Construction of earthfill and/or rockfill dam embankment shall be in accordance

with the following general standards and construction procedures.


Lines, grades, and Sections. Earth and rockfill work shall be constructed in accordance
with the lines, grades, and transverse sections shown on the drawings, or as directed
by the ENGINEER, and shall be compacted with the camber specified on the drawings,
in a manner to allow for subsequent settlement.
Markers and stakes for survey control of the specified alinements and elevations shall
be installed and maintained by the CONTRACTOR.
Any part of the work that does not meet the requirements of the drawings or these
specifications shall be removed by and at the expense of the CONTRACTOR.
The CLIENT reserves the right to alter or change the specified dimensions, details, and
sections of the earth and/or rockfill embankments, as deemed necessary.
The CONTRACTOR shall maintain the embankment surfaces in an approved manner,
including maintaining surfaces free of weeds or other vegetation, until final completion
and acceptance of all the work.


Materials for Construction, General. All materials shall be placed as shown on the drawings
and in accordance with these specifications.
The CONTRACTOR shall handle and place all embankment material in such a manner so
as to prevent segregation of the material.
All material to be placed in earth and/or rockfill embankments shall be approved by the
The geotechnical characteristics of all materials are provided in the drawings.


Materials for Earth Embankments. Materials for the construction of earth embankments
shall be obtained from the designated borrow areas.
If other borrow areas are required, they shall be approved by the ENGINEER. Materials
from the borrow areas shall consist of the sandy-silty-clayey type, with the specific
requirements indicated in the drawings.

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Standard Technical Specifications


Materials for Drains, Filters, and Transitions. Drains, filters, and transition zones shall be
constructed as shown on the drawings or as directed by the ENGINEER. These zones
shall be constructed with gravel, crushed rock, pea-gravel, and sand. These materials
shall be obtained from the designated borrow areas and it shall be the CONTRACTORs
responsibility to confirm that the quantities of the materials with the required
characteristics are available from these areas. If required, exploration of new borrow
areas shall also be the CONTRACTORs responsibility.
The materials shall be clean and well graded, in accordance with the gradation specified
in the drawings.
Pea gravel, crushed rock, sand, and gravel shall be made up of sound particles which
are not subject to physical break-down and shall meet filter criteria.


Materials for Rockfill Embankments. Materials for the construction of rockfill embankments
shall be obtained from the required excavations, from designated borrow areas, or from
The materials shall consist of fragments and particles of sound rock, which are not to be
subject to physical break-down and shall be free of organic materials.
The gradation of the materials shall be in accordance with Project Designs.


Construction Equipment. Prior to beginning construction, the CONTRACTOR shall submit

for approval, a comprehensive list of the equipment to be utilized in the compaction of
the materials. Excavation and haul equipment that will travel over compacted material
shall also be included in the list. The list shall state the quantity of each type of equipment,
the model, the planned use, and a schedule of equipment utilization.
For each piece of equipment the list shall include descriptions and basic information and
data on dimensions, capacity, wheel load, wheel pressure on the embankment, speed,
vibration frequency, and weight. For compaction equipment, the compactive action of
the equipment shall also be included.
The CONTRACTOR shall maintain the equipment in good operating condition and take
all necessary precautions to obtain the specified compaction.
All rollers operated in series or in parallel shall essentially posses the same operating
characteristics, dimensions, and weights. The towing equipment shall be able to pull the
rollers with maximum load and at the specified speed.
The Contractor may use other equipment not specified in the approved list as long as he
demonstrates, at his expense and with sufficient lead-time, that this equipment is able
to provide a degree of compaction equal to, or greater than that specified. The ENGINEER
reserves the right to approve or reject this equipment during the compaction operations.
The types of equipment submitted by the CONTRACTOR shall be based on a study of all
the relevant factors, such as distances of transportation, volumes, and the construction
In addition to the equipment list, the CONTRACTOR shall provide the construction
methods that he plans to use, including the thickness of the layers before and after

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Standard Technical Specifications

The CONTRACTOR shall provide certified documentation, with applicable test results,
that the proposed construction procedures have given good results in other similar
work. If the test sections for the construction of the embankment result in the requirement
of a higher degree of compactive effort and smaller layer thickness to obtain the specified
quality and results, the CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to any additional payment
above the prices indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
The CONTRACTOR may suggest, during construction, the use of any other equipment
he deems necessary to obtain the specified results. Test sections required to verify the
results of other equipment, including the removal and reworking of the placed material,
if results obtained are unsatisfactory, shall be at the CONTRACTORs expense.

Construction of Embankments.


Test Sections. Test sections shall be constructed by the CONTRACTOR to verify that
the efficiency of the compaction equipment, that the specified layer thickness, and the
proposed water content are adequate, and to determine all other parameters necessary
for controlling the embankment dam construction.
The test sections shall have, as a minimum, a width of 20 meters, a length of 80
meters, and a height sufficient to permit the ENGINEER to obtain the samples necessary
to complete the required tests.
The ENGINEER shall inform the CONTRACTOR one week in advance, of the location
where the test section shall be constructed.
All construction operations and locations pertinent to the test sections, including the
types and origin of the materials to be utilized, shall be directed by the ENGINEER.


Construction of Earthfill Embankments. No materials shall be placed in any portion of

the dam embankment until the foundation for each section has been unwatered, stripped,
and suitably prepared, and has been approved by the ENGINEER.
The material shall be placed in horizontal layers, in a way to obtain a maximum thickness
of about 15 cm (after compaction) or as otherwise directed, by the ENGINEER, depending
on the materials being used.
The material shall be free of roots, grasses, or other materials.
The ENGINEER shall determine the adequacy of the materials from each borrow area,
and where the materials will be used in the embankment. Unsuitable materials placed in
the embankment shall be removed and replaced by and at the expense of the
To assure a good bond between succeeding layers, scarification of the surfaces up to a
depth of 5 cm shall be required before placement of the next layer.
No material may be placed on the foundation prior to approval by the ENGINEER, in
accordance with item (D-040201 - Earth Dam Foundation Areas).
Corrections of the water content of the material should be made, if possible, in the
borrow area.
The layers shall be placed and compacted parallel to the longitudinal axis of the dam,
maintaining during the whole construction period a transverse slope of about 2% upstream

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Standard Technical Specifications

and downstream, in order to facilitate drainage of rain water and to avoid the formation
of puddles. At all times, the dam embankment shall be such that surface drainage is
away from chimney drains, if present.
When windrows of material are formed as a result of the dumping operations, such
windrows shall be parallel to the longitudinal axis of the dam.
Special attention should be given to the placement and compaction of material to be
placed in the first two meters, measured in a direction normal to the foundation. This
material shall be free of rock fragments or cobbles. The use of very wet soil for the first
lift against the foundation generally should be avoided, rather, the foundation should be
properly moistened. In certain instances, such as on steep, irregular rock abutments,
material slightly wet of optimum may be necessary or desirable to obtain good workability
and suitable bond; however, such material should only be used with the ENGINEERs
approval. The initial layer, next to the foundation, can have, as a maximum, a uncompacted
thickness of 30 cm in isolated points where determined by the ENGINEER.
In the case of rock foundations, the initial layer of earthfill placed on the surface shall be
dumped and spread in a continuous, horizontal layer such that its uncompacted thickness
is about 1.25 times the tooth length of the tamping roller to be used for compacting the
layer. If the rock surface can be damaged by tamping rollers or is irregular, and compaction
of the initial layer is not practicable with tamping rollers as determined by the ENGINEER,
the first two layers shall be compacted with pneumatic rollers.
The surface of the foundation rock shall be moistened before the placement of the fill to
permit a good bond between the fill and the foundation. In localized points, in which the
foundation surface does not permit good compaction in a way to obtain a good bond
between the fill and the foundation, manual compactors and material slightly wet of
optimum may be utilized, as approved by the ENGINEER, up to a final uniform surface,
that offers conditions adequate for compaction with rollers.
For an earth foundation or if the surface of any previously placed layer of fill is found to
be very dry, so as not to assure a good bond with the next layer, the surface shall be
wetted and blended adequately to a sufficient depth to assure good bonding conditions.
Surfaces that are very wet should be blended and dried until the water content is
adequate for compaction. Any layer of compacted fill or foundation material that, after
being conditioned as described above, does not provide adequate conditions for
compaction shall be removed and replaced by and at the expense of the CONTRACTOR.
The dam construction will normally begin at the lowest level of the foundation, progressing
in horizontal layers placed in a direction parallel to the axis of the dam. Before compaction
the placed layer shall be blended by means of disks.
If there is a vertical filter, in the area upstream of the filter, the alreasly compacted layer
shall be lightly scarified before the next layer is placed.
In areas where water occurs, the procedures provided in item (D-020201 - Diversion of
River and Control of Water During Construction) shall be followed.
Construction equipment traffic should be uniformly distributed over the entire area of
the embankment. Traffic should not be concentrated in one area except when this
cannot be avoided, as approved by the ENGINEER.

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Standard Technical Specifications

Smooth, hard surfaces and deep ruts in the surface of earthfill resulting from the passage
of construction equipment during placing operations shall be removed by disking or
Overcompacted layers shall be blended, conditioned, and recompacted at the
CONTRACTORs expense.
If rain is imminent, or if placing and compaction operations are interrupted for a prolonged
time interval, the surface of the fill shall be sealed. Before the reinitiation of work the
surface shall be reworked until it provides adequate conditions for compaction as
previously established. The replacement of layers that do not present adequate conditions
after having been reworked has be required at the CONTRACTOR s expense.
Instrumentation may be installed within the embankment. The Contractor shall take all
necessary precautions to maintain the integrity of the instruments. Compaction in the
area of the instrumentation shall be performed by manual mechanical tampers, in a 2.5
m wide square surrounding the instrument, in such a manner that the surface of this fill
remains 0.50 m above the top of the adjacent layers. In the areas adjacent to the
instrumentation the same degree of compaction shall be required as for the dam
Gradients of compaction within a layer shall not be permitted. The degrees of compaction
at the top of and at the base of the layer should be essentially the same.
Before the initiation of compaction, the water content of the material shall be determined
by means of tests to determine its natural water content and by means of Proctor
compaction tests as specified in the drawings. Small corrections shall be made by wetting
or drying.
Large adjustments of water content shall not be permitted at the work site. Water
content should be adjusted directly in the borrow area before transportation. The
CONTRACTOR shall make allowances for water loss during excavation, transportation,
and placing operations. Occasional sprinkling with water may be necessary to compensate
for losses due to evaporation.
Materials coming from borrow areas shall have a water content with a maximum deviation
of 2 % from that specified for the compaction of clayey fill. If unforeseen drying conditions
occur, or when the average water content of the placed fill deviates from slightly below
optimum, the allowed deviations of the water content may be altered by the ENGINEER.
The small corrections of water content at the work site may be accomplished by
scarification with disks or by wetting by tank trucks and blending the material until its
water content is uniform and within the limits specified.
During construction the CONTRACTOR shall maintain all temporary construction surfaces
within the limits of water content specified for compaction, until the next layer is placed.
The compaction of materials should be carried out in a systematic, orderly, and continuous
manner. Materials dumped with the correct water content and spread to the specified
thickness shall be immediately compacted. All passes of the compacting rollers shall be
made parallel to the longitudinal axes of the fills, unless otherwise directed by the
ENGINEER. A minimum overlap of 20 cm shall be maintained between surfaces covered
by adjacent passes of the roller. The compaction of fills in the vicinity of structures and
abutments shall be maintained about 30 cm higher than the fill of the dam until final
grade is reached.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

On steep surfaces, ramping the fill at about a 6:1 slope may be used to aid compaction.
All zones of the fill not accessible to the compaction rollers shall be compacted by
manual mechanical tampers, mechanical compactors, or other equipment which provides
the required degree of compaction.
Depressions in the placed layer should be filled before the layer is compacted.
Any interruption of the surface of the compacted layers shall be avoided, except where
shown on the drawings. Therefore, transverse joints in an upstream-downstream direction
will not be permitted in the embankment fill of the dam. The approval to use construction
joints shall be obtained by the CONTRACTOR before placing the materials. Construction
joints approved by the ENGINEER shall be protected against drying by a layer of loose
material with a thickness of 2 m. On the reinitiation of construction, the superficial
material shall be removed. Additionally, at least 50 cm of compacted material shall be
removed, measured perpendicularity to the surface of the construction joint. If drying
cracks are observed all the affected layers shall be removed.
Special care shall be taken by the CONTRACTOR during placement and compaction of
the fill materials adjacent to concrete structures in order to avoid damaging them. The
minimum time allowed between the placing of the concrete and the placement of fill
materials in contact with the concrete structures shall be seven days. In the areas of
contact between the fill and the concrete structures, no special treatment of the concrete
surfaces will be necessary, as long as rough forms are used (forms of planed wood or
plywood can not be used). The concrete shall be cleaned and repaired prior to placing
the fill material. The contact area of the structure shall be completely wetted by fine
spraying with water before the placement of the fill material. The level of the fill adjacent
to concrete structures shall always be maintained at a higher elevation (up to 30 cm
higher) than other adjacent fill zones, and shall be inclined to permit drainage away from
the concrete structure. All embankment fill adjacent to the sides of the structure shall
be kept at approximately the same level as the placing of the embankment progresses.
To obtain good compaction of the fill on the outer edges of the specified sections,
additional material shall be placed and compacted at the edges and then trimmed to the
specified lines.
The CONTRACTOR shall excavate test pits in compacted earthfill during the progress of
the work. Location and times of excavating test pits shall be as necessary to examine or
obtain samples of specific portions of the work as determined by the ENGINEER. The
surface dimensions and depth of each test pit will be determined by the ENGINEER, but
in general no test pit will involve the excavation and backfill of more than 10 cubic
meters of earthfill. The sides of the test pits shall be excavated to as near as vertical as
practicable, but in accordance with applicable safety requirements, to allow inspection
of the compacted earthfill by the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR shall adjust his operations
so that test pits will remain open for sufficient time to facilitate inspection and collection
of embankment samples, at the ENGINEERs discretion. The test pits shall be backfilled
with earthfill conforming to the adjacent embankment materials, placed in layers,
moistened, and compacted in accordance with this Specification.

Construction of Filters and Transitions. The materials for horizontal and/or inclined filters
and transitions shall be placed in horizontal layers, of not more than 30 cm compacted
thickness, and compacted to the widths shown on the drawings, with a maximum
tolerance of 5 % with respect to the design width of the filter blanket.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Each layer of the filter and transition zones shall be wetted and then compacted by
passes of a crawler-type tractor, smooth vibratory roller, or other suitable equipment,
approved by the ENGINEER, until reaching the specified relative compaction. In areas
where the use of a vibratory roller is not practical, a vibratory plate shall be utilized and
the layer thickness shall be reduced until a density equivalent to the rest of the zone is
obtained. The CONTRACTOR shall submit for the ENGINEERs approval his intended
construction methods for the inclined and vertical filters and transitions.
When the compaction requires saturation to reach the specified compaction, special
care shall be taken to avoid plugging of the filters and transitions. The CONTRACTOR
shall avoid contamination of the filter and transition materials with fines by taking all
necessary precautions with respect to water drainage and equipment travel in the area
of filter and transition construction.
Equipment crossings for the filter and transition zones will only be permitted at locations
approved by the ENGINEER. After the crossings are no longer required the locations
shall be carefully cleaned to the complete satisfaction of the ENGINEER immediately
prior to placing the next layer.
During excavation, dumping, spreading, and compaction, the discharge of drainage water
to the zone of the filter shall not be permitted.
The construction of the filters and transitions shall be performed simultaneously with
the raising of the earth and/or rockfill of the adjacent zones. A pervious, homogeneous
filter and transition, without discontinuities, and with compaction similar to the adjacent
zones shall be obtained.
The dimensions and position of the filter and transition shall be verified with each one
meter rise of the embankment. Necessary corrections shall be made in a way to obtain
the minimum thickness shown on the drawings.
The filters shall be constructed in layers with thicknesses up to twice the thicknesses of
the layers of the compacted earthfill. The filters may be placed in two ways:
By way of the process commonly known as Christmas trees, in which the
material is distributed prior to the adjacent fill which is then compacted against
the filter; or
By way of opening a trench in the compacted fill with a back hoe, with the width
of the filter matching the walls of the trench, and the placing of the material in its
Surfaces of the filter over which concrete is to be placed shall be covered with a layer
of mortar 2.5 cm thick to provide a covering that will prevent the filter material from
being displaced during the placing of concrete.
The moisture content shall be sufficient to attain the maximum relative density of the
material inplace, when compacted. In general, the material shall be thoroughly wetted
to obtain the maximum practicable compaction but shall not contain moisture to the
extent that it will interfere with the hauling, placing, or compacting equipment.
The verification of the compaction shall be performed by the ENGINEER by means of
tests to determine the relative compaction of the filter and transition. The frequency of
the test shall depend on the progress of the work, but shall not be less than one test per
200 cubic meters of filter placed.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Bedding for riprap will be required where no transition (pervious backfill) layer is provided.
Bedding for riprap shall be placed to the prescribed lines, grades, and thickness and at
locations shown on the drawings and elsewhere as directed by the ENGINEER. The
materials shall be pervious mixtures of sand, gravel and cobbles reasonably well graded
from 0.5 to 15 cm in maximum dimensions, but containing materials less than 0.5 cm in
quantities not to exceed the amount required to fill the voids between the larger materials;
except that the material shall contain not more than 5 % by weight, of material passing
a 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve.
The bedding need not be compacted in place, but shall be placed in such a manner as
will result in uniform layers of bedding for riprap of the specified thickness.

Construction of Rockfill Embankments. The placement of the initial layer on the foundation
shall be made only after approval of the foundation preparation by the ENGINEER.
The dumping and spreading shall be performed in longitudinal layers, parallel to the axis
of the embankment.
The maximum difference in height between the surface of the rockfill and nearest earthfill
shall be 1 m, unless otherwise approved by the ENGINEER.
The layers shall have a maximum thickness of 80 cm after compaction, with the maximum
size of the rock fragments being 70cm, unless otherwise approved by the ENGINEER.
The spreading operations shall be performed so as to obtain the best distribution of the
materials possible with the dimensions of the rock fragments and cobbles gradually
diminishing in the direction of the contact with the clayey or sandy material of the
embankments and the rock fragments of larger dimension being pushed to the exterior
After the placement and spreading of the layer jetting with water under pressure could
be required at the ENGINEERs discretion.
The compaction of rockfill shall be performed with a smooth vibratory roller to the
degree specified by the ENGINEER in accordance with the results obtained in the test
section. The number of passes, as well as the speed, and the frequency of vibration of
the vibratory roller, will be determined during construction of the test section and, if
approved by the ENGINEER, may be adjusted during construction to obtain better
compaction efficiency.
The CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary precautions near the points where
instrumentation is installed. At these points, fill, in a square of approximately 2.5 m
wide surrounding the instrumentation, shall be kept at least 0.70 m higher than the top
of the adjacent layers. Dumping and spreading shall be performed in layers of a maximum
thickness of 0.50 m and compaction shall be performed with light equipment in a careful
Rockfill shall not be placed against new concrete until the concrete has been in place for
at least 28 days.
For submerged rockfills, construction shall be performed by the end fill method. The
rock fragments shall be deposited at the end of the fill and shall be pushed into the
water. At the ENGINEERs discretion, prior selection of the rock fragments may be
required to provide zoning of the rockfill.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Rockfills for protection, or riprap, generally shall be constructed after the placement and
compaction of the transitions shown on the drawings.
These rockfills may be placed in layers on top of the already placed rockfill layer together
with the raising of the adjacent earthfill. If this method is used, the rockfill shall be
dumped on top of the reach of rockfill already placed with the material being subsequently
pushed parallel to the axis of the dam, with a bulldozer with an obliquer angled and
partially rased blade, aiming to position the larger rock fragments at the outside face of
the slope. Compaction may be accomplished by equipment travel, as approved by the
Another method of construction of riprap that may be used, at ENGINEERs discretion,
is the dumping of the rockfill on top of the slope of the compacted embankment, with
subsequent spreading of the material, descending down the slope. The riprap need not
be compacted, but shall be placed to grade in a manner to ensure that the larger rock
fragments are uniformly distributed and the smaller rock fragments serve to fill the
spaces between the larger rock fragments in such a manner as will result in densely
placed, uniform layers of riprap of the specified thickness. The maximum elevation
difference between the compacted embankment and the riprap already placed shall be
between 2 and 4 meters.

Construction Control and Testing. The ENGINEER shall exercise strict control of the
execution of the construction activities associated with earth and rockfill. The thickness
of each compacted layer, the water content, and degree of compaction shall be verified
by the ENGINEER. The ENGINEER shall control all measurements and will make all the
necessary tests for quality assurance.
Quality control shall basically consist of:
Continuous visual inspection of the spreading, correction of water content,
homogeneity, and compaction of the layers
Visual and tactile acceptance of the layer to be compacted, with regards to its
water content.
Performance of compaction tests by the Hilf method (Bureau of Reclamation
Earth Manual Designation E-25), at the rate of one for each 500 cubic meters of
clayey compacted fill; one for each 200 cubic meters of filters and transitions;
and one for each 5,000 cubic meters of compacted rockfill. These rates may be
modified by the ENGINEER, at his discretion, during the performance of the work.
Acceptance of each compacted layer, prior to placing the following layer, shall be
in accordance with the results of the tests made.
Periodically, curves shall be drawn of distribution and accumulated frequency of the
percentage of compaction obtained.
When it is determined that the minimum theoretical value, with 10 % probability of
occurrence, is less than the allowed deviations of specified value, then the compaction
methods, the allowed deviations of water content, or both, should be reviewed. The
same should be done when a standard deviation greater than 2 % is obtained. In the
initial experimental phase of the compaction work, the execution of a minimum of three
control tests per compacted layer is suggested, and the determination of the distribution
curves for each 40 or 50 data points.
The immediate decision of acceptance or non-acceptance of each compacted layer will
be made by the ENGINEER based on the compaction control tests cited above. A new

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

layer shall only be placed after the complete compaction of the preceding layer by the
CONTRACTOR, and its approval by the ENGINEER.
The ENGINEER will conduct and/or supervise the execution of density, gradation, water
content, shear strength, and permeability tests and others as necessary to determine
the degree of compaction and other pertinent properties of the materials used.
The ENGINEER shall select samples from the borrow areas and earth embankments to
verify that the work is in accordance with the requirements specified.
The tests will be conducted when determined necessary by the ENGINEER, and the
CONTRACTOR shall furnish, at his cost,labor to aid in obtaining of the test samples in a
timely manner.
At locations and at such times as determined by the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR
shall excavate test pits in previously compacted earthfill for the purpose of obtaining
samples of the compacted earthfill or for determining whether the earthfill contains
unbounded layers of earthfill or unblended earthfill materials. Such test pits shall be in
accordance with subitem 5.2.
The laboratory tests utilized to determine that the materials meet specified requirements,
shall be conducted in accordance with the most recent standards, published by the
following institutions:
Association Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas - ABNT
United States Bureau of Reclamation - Earth Manual
Others, at the discretion of the ENGINEER.
The following tests will be conducted, modified as required by the ENGINEER:
Field density. - Granular, uncohesive materials shall be tested by the sand cone
method, described in the Earth Manual under designation E-24.
Water content. - The water content of the material shall be determined by the
method described in the Earth Manual under designation E-9. More rapid methods
may be employed, when the results indicate that a maximum deviation of plus or
minuS 0.2% exists between the rapid method and the standard test.
Apparent specific mass, maximum dry density. - Cohesive soils shall be tested by
the method described in the ABNT - MB - 33 (Normal Proctor). Cohesionless soils
shall be tested utilizing the method described in the Earth Manual under
designation E-12, to determine the relative density of the material.
Liquid limit. - The liquid limit shall be determined by the method described in the
ABNT - MB - 30.
Plastic limit. - The plastic limit shall be determined by the method described in the
ABNT - MB - 31.
Gradation analysis. - The gradation of non-cohesive material shall be determined
by the method described in the ABNT-MB-7 Standard.
Permeability. - The field permeability of the material shall be determined by the
method described in the Earth Manual under the designation E-18, for open-end
tests, using gravity pressure.
Specific mass of soil grains. - The material finer than 4.8 mm (No. 4 sieve) shall be
tested by the method described in the ABNT - MB - 28 Standard.
Preparations of the samples. - The material for the above cited tests shall be
prepared by the method described in the ABNT - MB - 27 Standard.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Cloths and sieve. - The cloths and sieve necessary for the above cited tests shall
be fabricated in accordance with the standards, as described in the ABNT - MB 22 Standard.
Inspection. - All of the material utilized and all the work conducted in accordance
with this Specification shall be subject to rigorous inspection by the ENGINEER.
The ENGINEER shall be advised with a lead time of at least four hours of the availability
for inspection of works or materials.
Any work performed without the presence of the ENGINEER shall be removed and
reconstructed, by and at the expense of the CONTRACTOR.
Routine tests shall be conducted in the field laboratories installed and maintained by the
CONTRACTOR. The field laboratories shall have adequate equipment and trained personnel
for the execution of the necessary tests. For special tests, or when the size of the work
does not permit the installation of a field laboratory, the CONTRACTOR shall provide
for, at the of the ENGINEER, performance of the referenced test in competent laboratories
previously approved by the ENGINEER.

Instrumentation. Details of the instrumentation shall be provided in the drawings. The

furnishing, installation, testing, and maintenance of the instruments shall be the
CONTRACTORs responsibility. The CONTRACTOR shall install signs and adequate
protection in order to avoid damage to the instruments. Instruments that are damaged
or show operational defects during construction shall be repaired or replaced by and at
the expense of the CONTRACTOR.


Measurement and Payment


Compacted Earthfill. The construction of compacted earthfill embankments shall be

measured by cubic meters of material placed. The volume of compacted earthfill
embankments shall be measured using the surface topography of the foundation areas
after preparation and foundation treatment, and the lines, grades, and sections shown
on the drawings or established by the ENGINEER. No allowance will be made in
measurement for settlement, shrinkage, and consolidation of the foundation or of the
material in the embankment. In measuring embankment for payment, the volume of
structures and other work for which items for payment are provided in the Bidding
Schedule will be deducted.
Payment for construction of compacted earthfill embankments shall be made to the
CONTRACTOR at the applicable unit prices per cubic meter indicated in the Bidding
For compacted earthfill embankments constructed with materials from borrow areas,
payment shall be in accordance with the different haul distances listed below:
Up to 500 m . From 501 m to 1000 m
The haul distances shall be measured between the centers of gravity of the material
excavated and the material placed.
When the haul distance required is greater than 1000 m, as approved by the ENGINEER,
the haul shall be paid for as specified in item (C-030213-Overhaul).
Unit prices in the Bidding Schedule for construction of compacted earthfill embankments
shall include the cost of all labor, equipment and materials required to perform the work

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

as specified herein, including the excess volume of material required to be placed and
trimmed on the outside slopes and the excavation and refill required for test pits.
When the material used in compacted earthfill embankments is obtained from borrow
areas or stockpiles, the unit prices for construction of compacted earthfill embankments
shall include the cost of excavating the material from the borrow area or stockpile.

Filters and Transitions. The construction of the filters and transitions, including bedding
for riprap shall be measured by cubic meters of material placed. The volume of the filters
and transitions shall be measured using the survey data of the foundation areas of filters
and transitions after the foundation preparation and treatment and the lines, slopes and
elevations shown on the drawings. For bedding for riprap, the volume will be measured
using the lines and grades and the specified thickness shown on the drawings. Payment
for construction of filters and transitions and payment for bedding for riprap shall be
made to the CONTRACTOR at the applicable unit prices per cubic meter indicated in the
Bidding Schedule.
For filters and transitions and bedding for riprap constructed with materials from borrow
areas, payment shall be in accordance with the different haul distances listed below:
Up to 500 m . From 501 m to 1000 m
The haul distances shall be measured between the centers of gravity of the material
excavated and the material placed.
When the haul distance required is greater than 1000 m, as approved by the ENGINEER,
the haul shall be paid for as specified in item (C-030213-Overhaul).
Unit prices in the Bidding Schedule for construction of filters and transitions and for
bedding for riprap shall include the cost of all labor, equipment and materials required to
perform the work as specified herein, including removal of excess of material placed
during construction of earthfills.
When the material used in filters and transitions and bedding for riprap is obtained from
borrow areas or stockpiles, the unit prices for construction of filters and transitions and
bedding for riprap shall include the cost of excavating the material from the borrow area
or stockpile.


Rockfills. The construction of rockfills shall be measured by cubic meters of material

placed. The volume of the rockfills shall be measured using the survey data of the lower
and upper levels, and applying the thickness shown on the drawings.
Payment for construction of rockfills shall be made to the CONTRACTOR at the applicable
unit prices per cubic meter indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
For rockfills constructed with materials from borrow or quarry areas, payment shall be
in accordance with the different haul distances listed below:
Up to 500 m . From 501 m to 1000 m
The haul distances shall be measured between the centers of gravity of the material
excavated and the material placed.
When the haul distance required is greater than 1000 m, as approved by the ENGINEER,
the haul shall be paid for as specified in (C-030213-Overhaul).

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Unit prices in the Bidding Schedule for construction of rockfills shall include the cost of
all labor, equipment and materials required to perform the work as specified herein.
When the material used in rockfills is obtained from borrow areas, quarries, or stockpiles,
the unit prices for construction of rockfills shall include the cost of excavating the
material from the borrow areas, quarries, or stockpiles.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications




The standards and procedures contained in this Specification refer to the surficial and
surface preparations and treatments to be conducted on the foundation for earth dams,
concrete structures, entrance channels, outlet works, spillways and other structures,
as well as to the geological-geotechnical mapping.
The acceptance of the foundations by the ENGINEER is required prior to the placement
of concrete or compacted fill. The geological-geotechnical mapping shall constitute the
document that shows the actual conditions of the foundation.
Depending on the actual characteristics of the foundation observed during the cleaning
and excavation, as well as on new investigations, additional specifications may be



General. No materials shall be placed in any section of the earthfill portion of the dam
embankment until the foundation for that section has been unwatered, cleaned, and
suitably treated and has been accepted by the ENGINEER. All portions of excavations
made for test pits or other subsurface investigations and all other existing cavities,
fissures, and irregularities found within the area to be covered by earthfill which extend
below or beyond the established lines of excavation for dam embankment foundation,
shall be filled with compacted earthfill or concrete materials as provided below.


Formation Foundation Surfaces. Foundation treatment in these areas shall have the
following goals:
Leveling of the foundation surface to avoid the problems of differential settlements,
stress concentrations, etc., and thus decreasing the risk of cracking of the earth
Protection of the earth embankment against eventual piping due to improper
foundation contact, the presence of open discontinuities, etc.
Differential settlements and stress concentrations can be avoided by means of resloping,
excavating and leveling, backfilling of depressions with dental concrete, etc.; and by
the removal of soft and weak layers.
In the area of the dam foundation, including the cutoff trench, the following work shall
be performed.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


All loose material existing on the excavated surface, such as loose blocks, incoherent
soils, rock fragments, dust, etc., should be removed. Immediately prior to placing the
first layer of earthfill, all formation surfaces upon or against which the earthfill portions
of the dam embankment are to be placed shall be cleaned of all loose and objectionable
material in an approved manner by handwork, barring, picking, brooming, air jetting, or
other effective means. Such surfaces shall be properly moistened and sufficiently cleaned
so that the earthfill will adhere firmly to the surfaces, but standing water shall be
removed from depressions prior to placement of earthfill.


All open joints, cracks, and fissures in the formation surface shall be cleaned of all loose
soil material and loose formation material to a depth equal to at least three times their
width, or to a depth where the opening is 1.5 cm wide or less, whichever depth is
greater, but not to exceed 1.5 m, and backfilled as directed by the ENGINEER with
either slush grout or dental concrete, as provided in this section. Where open joints,
cracks, or fissures are too deep or too extensive for effective treatment with slush grout
or dental concrete as determined by the ENGINEER, grout nipples shall be placed in the
openings and the openings grouted in accordance with applicable provisions of this


Depressions and other irregularities in the formation surface where, as determined by

the ENGINEER, it is not practicable to compact earthfill materials with tamping rollers or
mechanical tampers, shall be backfilled with dental concrete as directed and to the
extent necessary to permit satisfactory placement and compaction of earthfill materials.


In the are of placement of the horizontal drainage blanket meeting filter criteria, or the
pervious shell, the backfilling of cracks and voids occuring between blocks may be
accomplished by using granular materials, gravel, or sand, unless directed otherwise by
the ENGINEER. To facilitate the filling of narrow openings, water may be used during
backfilling, at the discretion of the ENGINEER.


Water infiltrating and/or originating in the foundation area shall be removed by pumping
prior to placement of earthfill.


If cavities or open fractures occur in the side slopes of the cutoff trench, the placement
of the inverted filter transitions between the compacted fill and the downstream side
slope of the cutoff trench may be necessary, as shown on the drawings.


For very irregular and/or very fractured rock surfaces, an application of shotcrete in
accordance with the pertinent provisions of item (C-040501 - Shotcrete) may be
necessary, at the discretion of the ENGINEER.


Formation overhangs and protrusions which will prohibit specified placement and
compaction of earthfill materials shall be removed as specified herein. The formation
surface remaining after removal of overhangs and protrusions shall be cleaned, and all
loose and objectionable material removed prior to placement of the earthfill. Where, as
determined by the ENGINEER, it is not practical to excavate formation overhangs and
protrusions, dental concrete shall be used to fill the voids beneath overhangs or to
reslope protrusions to a slope not steeper than 2V:1H. Dental concrete shall be in
accordance with item (D-040207 - Dental Concrete).


Vertical formation surfaces shall be not more than one meter in height, and benches of
sufficient width shall be provided as necessary so that the average slope of any formation
surface is not steeper than 2V:1H. Resloping of formation surfaces shall be accomplished
by the method that results in the least damage to the formation left in place.

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Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Earth Foundation Surfaces. The surfaces of earth foundations upon which earthfill will
be placed shall be prepared so that the materials in the top 30 cm of the foundation will
be at least as compact and will provide as satisfactory a bonding surface with the first
layer of the earthfill as is specified for the subsequent layers of earthfill.
Where directed by the ENGINEER, the sides of test pits, cavities, or depressions in
foundation surfaces shall be shaped so that the side slopes are no steeper that 1V:1H,
and the side slopes shall be scarified and moistened as necessary to achieve a good
bond between the earthfill and the foundation and the test pit, cavity, or depression
filled with earthfill material. The earthfill placed in the prepared test pit, cavity, or
depression shall be in conformance with the overlying embankment material and shall
be placed in layers, moistened, and compacted in accordance with the applicable
provisions of item (D-030401 - Construction of Earthfill and/or Rockfill Dam Embankment).
After all test pits, cavities, and depressions are shaped and filled as directed, and
immediately prior to placement of the first layer of earthfill, the surface of the earth
foundation beneath the section of the embankment in which the earthfill is to be placed
shall be prepared by leveling, loosening thoroughly to a minimum of 30 cm by scarifying
or discing, and wetting or drying. Cobbles having a maximum dimension greater than 5
cm, boulders, and roots greater than 3/4 cm in diameter shall be removed from the
loosened foundation material by handwork, raking, or other effective means. The water
content of the loosened foundation material shall be increased or decreased as directed
by the ENGINEER to achieve optimum moisture content for the compactive effort to be
applied. The loosened foundation surface shall be compacted as specified for the earthfill
to be placed in the portion of the embankment overlying the foundation.
In the case of low strength soils, compaction shall be carried out prior to scarification.


Measurement and payment. Preparation and treatment of formation foundations of earth

dams shall be measured by square meters of the formation surface satisfactorily prepared
for contact with earth embankments as shown in the excavation plans on the drawings.
Payment for preparation and treatment of formation foundations of earth dams shall be
made at the unit price per square meter indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
The unit price shall include the cost of all labor, equipment, and materials required to
perform the work as specified herein, except that separate payments will be made for
slush grouting, dental concrete, pressure grouting and shotcrete.
The unit price shall also include the cost of removing materials to disposal areas and the
cost of geological-geotechnical mapping described in item (D-040301 - GeologicalGeotechnical Mapping).
No separate measurement or payment will be made for preparation and treatment of
earth foundations of earth dams as described herein. The cost of this work, including
the geological-geotechnical mapping, shall be included in the prices indicated in the
Bidding Schedule for Opencut Excavation.



General. The purpose of the preparation of foundations in these areas is to obtain

foundation surfaces compatible with the loads to which the structure and foundation
will be subjected.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Foundation Preparation for Formation Foundation Surfaces. The bottom and side slopes
of the excavation upon or against which concrete is to be placed shall be excavated to
the required dimensions as shown on the drawings or established by the ENGINEER. No
material will be permitted to extend within the neatlines of the structure.


After excavation of the foundation area all overhangs and/or unstable blocks in the
lateral walls of the foundations shall be removed.


Loose material on the foundation where concrete is to be placed shall be removed by

use of mechanical equipment.


After removal of the more coarse material, the foundation shall be subjected to monitoring
(water jetting with adequate pressures) until the formation surface is exposed.


After monitoring, a topographic survey shall be performed to verify the occurrence of

underbreak, and any necessary removal conducted, until the design grade is reached.


Once the design grades are reached, fine cleaning shall be performed by handwork and
with the use of air and water jetting.
Fine cleaning shall include the removal of small blocks; the cleaning of cavities of loose
materials, including the removal of partially loose blocks; and the elimination of standing
water from the cavities by use of suction pumps.


If, at any point in formation materials, the natural foundation material is disturbed or
loosened, it shall be removed and replaced with dental concrete.


After fine cleaning, the ENGINEER shall determine in the field the necessary surface
treatment in accordance with subitem 4.


After the surface treatment, final cleaning shall be conducted leaving the foundation
formation surface completely free of loose material and any debris. This shall include
additional cleaning by handwork.


After the final cleaning, a topographic survey, necessary for measurement and payment,
shall record the final surface. In addition, as-built geological-geotechnical mapping of
the foundation will be required. Foundation Preparation for Earth Foundation Surfaces.
The bottom and side slopes of the excavation in earth material upon or against which
concrete is to be placed shall be prepared by moistening and tamping or rolling with
suitable tools and equipment to form a firm foundation for the concrete structure. If, at
any point, the natural foundation material is disturbed or loosened, for any purpose or
reason, it shall be consolidated by tamping or rolling, or, where directed by the ENGINEER,
it shall be removed and replaced with selected earth material moistened and thoroughly
compacted in 15 cm 1 layers by tamping or rolling. If directed by the ENGINEER the
surface may be provided with a protective coating in accordance with subitem 5.


Foundation Treatment of Formation Surfaces. For structure foundations the following

work shall be performed:


All formation surfaces upon or against which concrete is to be placed shall be cleaned of
all loose and objectionable material in an approved manner by handwork, barring, picking,
brooming, air jetting, or other effective means.


All open joints, cracks, and fissures in the formation surface shall be cleaned of all loose
soil material and loose formation material to a depth equal to at least three times their
width, or to a depth where the opening is 1.5 cm wide or less, whichever depth is

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

greater, but not to exceed 1.5 m, and backfilled as directed by the ENGINEER with
either slush grout or dental concrete, as provided in this specification. Where open
joints, cracks, or fissures are too deep or extensive for effective treatment with slush
grout or dental concrete, as determined by the ENGINEER, grout nipples shall be placed
in the openings and the openings grouted in accordance with applicable provisions of
this Specification.

All drill holes not plugged, including excavation holes below the foundation surface,
shall be identified. The identified holes shall be cleaned by air or water jetting and
backfilled with cement mortar or cement grout, at the discretion of the ENGINEER.


Depressions, voids, and other irregularities of the formation surface shall be backfilled
with dental concrete as specified in item (D-040207 - Dental Concrete).


Shotcrete, conforming to the provisions of item (C-040501 - Shotcrete) may be applied

to portions of the formation surface, as directed by the ENGINEER.


All seeps of water in the foundation surface shall be isolated and the water conducted
away from the area of concrete placement. Depending on the characteristics of the site,
the seeps may be isolated by the use of vertical pipes, which should be pressure grouted
after the placement of the first concrete layers.


Just prior to the placement of the first concrete layer, the formation surface shall be
jetted with compressed air and moistened so that no water will be absorbed from the
concrete to be placed.


At the time of concrete placement, the formation surface shall be free of water puddles,
mud, debris, oil stains, etc.


Foundation Treatment of Earth Surfaces. Where designated by the ENGINEER, a protective

coating shall be applied to finished excavated foundation surfaces upon or against which
concrete will be placed. The protective coating shall be applied only to foundation surfaces
which are designated to receive protective coating where, in the judgment of the
ENGINEER, it is deemed necessary to prevent surface drying. The protective coating
shall be a concrete protective coating, except an approved sprayed protective coating
may be used on foundation surfaces of all structure cutoff excavations and on slopes
steeper that 1V:1H.
Surfaces to be coated shall be cleaned of all loose material, dirt, dust, mud, standing
water, and other foreign matter. Coatings of protective material shall not be applied
during adverse weather as determined by the ENGINEER.
Protective coatings that become damaged by heat, traffic, or other causes shall be
removed and replaced or repaired at the expense of and by the CONTRACTOR as directed
by the ENGINEER, including the cost of removal of any damaged foundation material
below such protective coatings and replacement with compacted earth material or
concrete as directed.


Sprayed Protective Coating.- Sprayed protective coating shall be a commercially available

product approved by the ENGINEER.
The sprayed protective coating shall be applied to finished excavated surfaces in
accordance with the manufacturers recommendations and by methods approved by
the ENGINEER. The coating shall be applied to a thickness and in such a manner that a

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

uniform coating free from pinholes will be produced which will protect the finished
excavated surface from air.

Concrete Protective Coating. Concrete protective coating shall be applied so that the
contact surface is covered to a minimum depth of 5 cm . Where concrete protective
coating is applied, the minimum excavation lines shown on the drawings or established
by the ENGINEER shall be increased by 5 cm and the protective coating shall be applied
within such increased excavation lines to provide full dimensions of structural concrete
in overlying structures.
The concrete shall conform to the applicable provisions specified in item (C-040100 General Concrete Requirements). The method of placing the concrete shall be subject to
approval of the ENGINEER. Concrete for protective coating shall not contain aggregate
larger than 2 cm maximum size. Either water or wax-base curing compound may be
used on concrete protective coating.
The exposed surfaces of concrete protective coating shall not be considered as a
construction joint, but shall be cleaned, as approved by the ENGINEER, immediately
prior to placement of the overlying structural concrete on the concrete coating.


Measurement and payment. Preparation and treatment of formation foundations of

concrete structures shall be measured by square meters of the formation surface
adequately prepared for contact with concrete structures as shown in the excavation
plans on the drawings.
Payment for preparation and treatment of formation foundations of concrete structures
shall be made at the unit price per square meter indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
The unit price shall include the cost of all labor, equipment, and materials required to
perform the work as specified herein, except that separate payments will be made for
slush grouting, dental concrete, pressure grouting and shotcrete.
The unit price shall also include the cost of removing materials to disposal areas and the
cost of geological-geotechnical mapping described in item (D-040301 - GeologicalGeotechnical Mapping).
No separate measurement or payment will be made for preparation and treatment of
earth foundations of concrete structure as described herein, except for protective coatings
as provided below.
The cost of this work, including the geological-geotechnical mapping, shall be included
in the prices indicated in the Bidding Schedule for opencut excavation.
Measurement for payment of protective coating for structure foundations will be made
of the number of square meters of finished excavated foundation area actually coated
at the directions of the ENGINEER. Payment for protective coating for structure
foundations will be made at the unit price per square meter indicated in the Bidding
Schedule, which unit price shall include the cost of all work and equipment, and for
furnishing the materials required for application of protective coating, except excavation
for concrete protective coating. Concrete placed for protective coating will not be included
for payment in other items of the Schedule for concrete in the structure involved.
Payment for additional excavation required for application of concrete protective coating
will be made at the unit price per cubic meter for opencut excavation indicated in the
Bidding Schedule.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications

Protective coating applied to areas other than as directed by the ENGINEER shall be at
the expense of the CONTRACTOR.



General. The CONTRACTOR shall supplement foundation pressure grouting by applying

slush grouting to cracks, crevices, or broken or fractured portions of the foundation
surface under the impervious earth embankment, concrete structure foundations, and
other areas as directed.


Materials. The slush grout shall be a neat cement-water mixture or shall be composed of
cement, sand, and water. The ratios of the materials may vary as directed by the
ENGINEER, but the ratio of sand to cement shall not exceed two parts of sand to one
part of cement. An adequate quantity of water shall be mixed thoroughly into the
cement, or cement and sand mixes, to produce a workable mixture for proper placement
as approved by the ENGINEER. The grout mixes shall be prepared by mechanical mixer
and shall be used within 30 minutes after mixing. Cement, water, and sand shall be as
provided in item (C-040100 - General Concrete Requirements).


Placement. Slush grout shall be used to fill foundation surface cracks, crevices, and
fractures at locations as directed by the ENGINEER . Slush grout shall not be used to
cover exposed areas of the formation.
All joints, cracks, crevices, and fractures to be treated shall be thoroughly cleaned of all
loose materials as provided in item (D-040201 - EARTH DAM FOUNDATION AREAS)
and shall be wetted immediately prior to placement of the slush grout material. Placement
of slush grouting shall be by brooming into all cracks, crevices, and fractures with a
stiff-bristled broom or other approved method, but grout layers shall not be left on the
foundation beyond the edge of the crack, crevice, or fracture.
Finished surfaces of slush grouting shall be left in a roughened, broomed finish to provide
a satisfactory bonding surface for the materials to be placed against them. Finished
surfaces of slush grouting shall be cured in accordance with the provisions of item (C040119 - CONCRETE CURING).


Measurement and payment. Slush grouting shall be measured by the number of 50 kg

bags of cement actually placed at the direction of the ENGINEER. Payment for slush
grouting shall be made at the unit price indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
The unit price shall include the cost of all materials, equipment, and labor to perform the
slush grouting as specified herein.



General. The CONTRACTOR shall place dental concrete in exposed areas of broken,
fractured, or sheared portions of the foundation surface under the impervious dam
embankment, the concrete structures, and other locations as directed by the ENGINEER.
Dental concrete shall be used in areas too large to be satisfactory treated by slush
grouting and volumes too small to be satisfactory filled with contiguous compacted
embankment as determined by the ENGINEER.


Materials. Dental concrete shall be lean concrete conforming to the applicable provisions
of item (C-040100 - General Concrete Structures).

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Placement. Where, as determined by the ENGINEER, it is not practicable to excavate

local overhanging formation faces or formation faces steeper than 2V:1H without
detrimental blasting or excesive material excavation, the formation faces shall be solidly
faced with dental concrete to provide abutment contact slopes not steeper than 2V:1H.
Formwork shall be used at locations specified by the ENGINEER.
Dental concrete shall also be used to fill buried river channels and potholes found upon
excavation of the foundations to the extent directed by the ENGINEER.
Designated voids shall be properly excavated and cleaned of all loose materials as directed
by the ENGINEER. Open joints, shear zones, and fractured areas shall be cleaned as
provided in item (D-040201 - EARTH DAM FOUNDATION AREAS). Dental concrete
shall be placed as required to form a tight, unfractured foundation surface against which
the dam embankment or concrete structures may be placed.
Finished surfaces of dental concrete shall be left in a roughened, broomed finish to
provide a satisfactory bonding surface for the materials to be placed against them.


Measurement and payment. Measurement for payment of dental concrete will be made
of the actual volume in cubic meters of dental concrete placed as determined by the
ENGINEER. Payment for dental concrete will be made at the unit price per cubic meter
indicated in the Bidding Schedule. The unit price shall include the cost of form work, if
required, and the cost of all labor, materials and equipment to perform the work as
specified herein. The quantity of dental concrete is uncertain, and the CONTRACTOR
shall be entitled to no additional allowance above the unit price indicated in the Bidding
Schedule by reason of increased or decreased quantities of dental concrete required.


Variations from Specified Lines, Grades, and Dimensions



Footings for columns, piers, walls, buttresses, and similar members.


Variation in length and width of dimensions from

those specified ............................................................................ 15 to + 50mm


Horizontal misplacement or eccentricity:

2 percent of footing width in direction of misplacement,
but not more than ............................................................................ 50 mm


Reduction in thicknees from that specified ............... 5 percent of specified thickness


Variation of controlling dimensions for each structure from specified position in plan
with reference to dam axis:
Overal dimensions .......................................................... exposed, + -25mm
burried, + - 65 mm


Variation from centerline specified in plan for spillway, outlet works, etc.


For overall length, except for buried construction .................................... + - 25mm

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


For any span less than 6 meters, except for buried construction ..................... 15mm


For buried construction ...................................................... Twice the above values


Variation from specified grade for spillway, outlet works, etc.


For ogee crest of uncontrolled hydraulic structures ................................... + - 15 mm


For all other surfaces ............................................................................. + - 25mm


For any span less than 3 meters ................................................................. 15 mm


Variation from plumb, specified batter, or specified curved profile for lines and surfaces
of columns, walls, piers, buttresses, arch sections, vertical joint grooves, and arrises:


Exposed construction, except elevator shafts:


When overall height of line or surface is:

3 meters or less ................................................................................. + - 15 mm
More than 3 meters ............................................................................ + - 20 mm


For any two successive intermediate points on the line or surface separated by:
3 meters ................................................................................................. 15 mm
6 meters or more ..................................................................................... 20 mm


Elevator shafts:


When overall height of line or surface is:

3 meters or less ................................................................................. + - 15 mm
More than 3 meters ............................................................................ + - 25 mm


For any two successive points on the line or surface separated by:
3 meters ................................................................................................. 15 mm
6 meters ................................................................................................. 20 mm


Buried construction ................................................. Twice the values shown in 4.1


Variation in cross-sectional dimensions from those specified for columns, beams,

buttresses, piers, and similar members ............................................. 6 to + 15 mm


Variation in thickness of slabs, walls, arch sections, and similar members from that
specified ...................................................................................... 6 to + 15 mm


Variation from plumb or level for invert and sidewalls of each wheel-mounted gate slot,
for sidewalls of each penstock stoplog guide, and for similar watertight joints:


When overall length of line is:

3 meters or less ................................................................................... + - 3 mm
More than 3 meters ............................................................................ + - 20 mm

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


For any two successive intermediate points on the line or surface separated by:
3 meters ................................................................................................... 3 mm
6 meters ................................................................................................. 20 mm


Variation from that specified in distance between vertical sidewalls of each wheelmounted gate slot and between sidewalls of penstock stoplog guides ......................
................................................................................................. 15 to + 15 mm


Variation in location from specified position in plan of sleeves, floor openings, and wall
openings ........................................................................................... + - 15 mm


Variation in sizes from those specified for sleeves, floor openings, and wall openings
.......................................................................................................... + - 6 mm


Tunnels and counduits with flow velocity less than 6 meters per second:


Departure from excavated alignment ...................................................... + - 50 mm


Departure from specified grade .............................................................. + - 25 mm


Tunnels and conduits with flow velocity greater than 6 meters per second:


Departure from excavated alignment ...................................................... + - 25 mm


Departure from specified grade .............................................................. + - 15 mm


Variation in thickness, at any point from that specified:


Conduits ......................................................................................... 2.5 percent or

................................................................................... 6 mm whichever is greater


Conduits ................................................ + 5 percent or 6 mm, whichever is greater


Variation from specified inside dimensions ............................................... 0.5 percent

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications



After excavation, treatment, and final cleaning of the foundations, the CONTRACTOR
shall conduct a careful geological-geotechnical mapping of all of the exposed surface.
Mapping shall include:
Geological-geotechnical description of the layers;
Geomechanical description of the discontinuities (faults, bedding, contacts,
fractures, etc.) with their respective strikes, dips, and types of fillings;
Final aspect of the excavated surface (smooth, rough, wavy, etc.)
Zones disturbed by blasting;
Excavation method utilized and locations of seeps, saturated zones, etc.;
Types of treatment executed.
The mapping should be conducted at a scale adequate to show the area of the foundation.
In areas of the foundation where concrete is to be placed, the scale should be 1:200.
In addition to the mapping, a geomechanical classification of the bedrock should be
conducted in accordance with the following Table entitled Classification of Bedrock.
All work should be correctly surveyed with horizontal and vertical control , for easy
identification of the mapped areas.
After conclusion of the mapping, a report shall be prepared containing a description of
all of the work performed and the as built geological-geomechanical drawings of the
TABLE - Classification of Bedrock




C1 - C2



C1 - C2

0,5 m < s < 2 m


C1 - C2

0,1 m < s < 0,5 m


C1 - C2

s < 0,1 m

C3 - C4

s < 0,1 m

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


Standard Technical Specifications


Coherent Rock - Difficult to break with hammer blow, breaks into fragments with
sharp edges.


Average Coherence - Somewhat easy to break with hammer blow, forms fragments
that can be broken by finger pressure.


Poor Coherence - Shatters with hammer blow, can be broken by hand.


Incoherent Rock - Disintegrates and crumbles by hand, friable rock.

No separate payment will be made for geological-geotechnical mapping of the foundations.

The costs of all the materials and labor required to perform the mapping shall be included
in the costs for the work where these services are required.

Irrigation Manual

Copyright Bureau of Reclamation


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