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"O destino no uma questo de sorte, uma questo de escolha;

no algo a se esperar, algo a se conquistar"
William Jennings Bryan

uma abordagem de ensino de Lngua Inglesa na qual todas as decises com relao ao contedo a ser
ministrado e suas estratgias esto bem baseadas nas necessidades do educando.
Um curso de ESP pode ter vrias abordagens. Ele pode priorizar a linguagem propriamente dita, as
habilidades (reading, writing, speaking, listening).
Nosso curso de ESP desenvolver a habilidade de leitura sem deixar de nos preocuparmos com o processo
de aprendizado, pois estamos interessados em como nossos alunos adquirem as competncias necessrias
para lerem adequadamente.
Estaremos assim trabalhando no desenvolvimento de habilidades e estratgias que continuaro a se
desenvolver aps o curso de ESP. Para isso precisamos estar conscientes de alguns recursos facilitadores que
estaremos utilizando com freqncia:


Prediction: significa inferir o contedo de um texto atravs de seu conhecimento prvio sobre o tema
(background); atravs do contexto semntico (palavras de um mesmo grupo, por exemplo: hospital, nurse,
doctor, ambulance); contexto lingstico (pistas gramaticais); contexto no-lingstico (gravuras, grficos,
tabelas, nmeros, etc.); conhecimento sobre estrutura do texto (lay out, ttulo, subttulo, diviso de
pargrafos, etc.).
Cognates: so palavras de origem grega ou latina bem parecidas com as do portugus.
Ex. different diferente, infection infeco.
Obs.: Ateno com os falsos cognatos. Ex. pretend no significa pretender, mas sim, fingir; importante
observar se a palavra se encaixa no contexto.
Repeated words: se uma palavra aparece vrias vezes no texto, isto significa que ela importante para a
compreenso do mesmo.
Typographical Evidences: so smbolos, letras maisculas, negrito, itlico, etc., que do dicas teis sobre o
Dictionary: o dicionrio deve ser utilizado como ltimo recurso para se descobrir o significado de uma
palavra ou expresso desconhecida. Isso para que a leitura no seja lenta demais, e para que o leitor no
desanime tendo que parar toda vez que encontrar algo desconhecido.

Skimming: leitura rpida para ter-se uma idia central do texto.
Scanning: leitura com objetivo de encontrar algumas informaes especficas no texto.
Selectivity: leitura seletiva, isto , selecionar os trechos onde se quer encontrar uma determinada informao
(pargrafos, por exemplo).

Muito comuns na Lngua Inglesa, os cognatos so palavras de procedncia grega ou latina, bastantes
parecidas com as da Lngua Portuguesa, tanto na forma, como no significado.
Os cognatos podem ser:

Exs.: radio, piano, hospital, hotel, sof, nuclear, social, total, particular, chance, cmera, inventor, etc.

Bastante parecidos:
Exs.: gasoline, banks, inflation, intelligent, population, revolution, commercial, attention, different, products,
secretary, billion, dramatic, deposits, distribution, automatic, television, public, events, models, etc.

Vagamente parecidos:
Exs.: electricity, responsible, explain, activity, impossible, lamp, company, etc.
Familiares so palavras conhecidas pela maioria das pessoas que vive em um pas altamente influenciado
pela cultura dos pases de Lngua Inglesa. No tm a mesma origem das palavras da Lngua Portuguesa.
Alguns exemplos de Familiares:
Fast food
Video game
Moto/Office Boy

Hot dog
Credit card



Leia os segmentos abaixo e selecione todas as palavras que se paream com o Portugus e aquelas
que so usadas da mesma forma tanto na Lngua Inglesa como na Lngua Portuguesa.
Computers are electronic machines that process information. They can perform complex operations
in a fraction of time. But, they cant think.
Computers are divided into two parts: hardware and software. Hardware refers to the actual
equipment and software refers to the programs that control and coordinate the activities of the computer.
The CPU is the part of a computer that executes the arithmetic and logic operations. It controls all
the computer activities.
Memory is the storage area where a computer saves or retrieve data. It is expressed as quantities of
K. For example, each K is equal to 1,024 bytes and each byte is equal to 8 bits.
A mouse is a device that has a ball underneath. It is used to point the cursor at different parts of the
screen or at specials symbols called icons.
There are many different high-level languages. Each one has its advantage or disadvantage.
COBOL, BASIC, FORTRAN, ALGOL and PASCAL are examples of high-level languages.
Data put into a computer is INPUT. The input is processed according to the program that is being
used. The results of processing are called OUTPUT.

Film transparent de qualit suprieure. Faites de votre imprimante couleur HP Deskjet une machine
fabriquer ls transparents pour rtroprojecteur. (Hewlett Packard)

Leia os segmentos abaixo e utilizando os cognatos e familiares identifique o assunto abordado em

cada um deles:
1) One of the most impressive sights in Paris, this construction was built in the second half of the 19th
century as an ornament, presumably to show the possibilities of steel, and to allow Parisians to see their own
city from above. Now a major tourist attraction for visitors from all over the world and a site for TV and
radio transmissions. It is linked in the worlds mind with the image of France and Paris.
2) In computer science, a popular pointing input device, used mostly for playing computer games but used
for other tasks as well. It usually has a square or rectangular plastic base to which is attached a vertical stem.
Control buttons are located on the base and sometimes on top of the stem. The stem can be moved to control
the movement of an object on the screen. ______________________________________________________
3) A computer peripheral that puts text or image on paper or on another medium, such as a transparency.
They can be categorized in any of several ways. The most common distinction is impact x, nonimpact.
Impact physically strike the paper and are exemplified by dot-matrix; nonimpact include every other type of
print mechanism including laser, ink-jet and thermal. ____________________________________________
4) Alcoholic drink produced originally in Scotland, Ireland and USA, by fermenting certain cereal grains and
then distilling to produce a light-colored liquid containing about 40% alcohol. It is drunk with or without ice,
soda or according to taste. __________________________________________________________________
5) A common pointing device. Its basic features are a casing with a flat bottom, designed to be gripped by
one hand; one or more buttons on the top; a ball on the bottom; and a cable connecting it to the computer. By
moving it on a surface, the user typically controls a cursor. To select items or choose commands on the
screen, the user presses one of the buttons, producing a click. ____________________________________

Complete the chart using the information from the texts below:

1. Czechoslovakias minister of Finance, Vaclav

Klaus, an advocate of free-market economic
reforms, has emerged as his countrys fastestrising politician. At a recent congress of the Civic
Forum, the the coalition that toppled the
Communist regime, Klaus was elected chairman,
over-whelming the candidate supported by
President Vaclav Havel. Last week in Prague,
Klaus, 49, talked with News-Weeks Andrew
Nagorski about the Significance of his upset
2. Last week Mexican poet and essayist Octavio
Paz, 76, was awarded this years Nobel Prize in
Literature. A day after the announcement, Paz met
with Newsweeks Sarah Crichton in New York.

3. Chilean novelist Isabel Allende, 48, a niece of

the late President Salvador Allende, is one of the
most celebrated authors writing in Spanish. While
visiting Rome to promote the release of her latest
book, Stories of Eva Luna, she talked to
Newsweeks Anne Whaley.
4. Jean-Luc Godard, 60, is widely considered one
of the worlds great film directors. A founder of
the French New Wave film movement, along with
Franois Truffaut and Eric Rohmer, Godard has
directed such modern classics as Contempt
Starring Brigitte Bardot and others. His latest
film, New Wave features Alain Delon. Recently,
Godard spoke with Newsweeks Benjamin Iury at
at his office in Rolle, Switzerland.





Isabel Allende
Film Director

Faa este exerccio em grupo, dessa forma voc ter a oportunidade de trocar idias com seus colegas.
Voc vai ler um texto em portugus; tente encontrar palavras adequadas para substituir pelas palavras
estranhas que voc encontrar.
Ao terminar o exerccio, seu professor vai pedir para voc ler o texto substituindo as palavras estranhas
pelas que voc selecionou. Esteja pronto para justificar suas escolhas.
Text: Uma situao muito charocada
Ontem eu estava na baca de mena zunica quando algo muito charocado me aconteceu.
Estvamos em uma boletinha, quando resolvi ir ao tineiro; quando voltei percebi que todas as pessoas
sulupiavam para mim e binavam; no me dolotei e continuei laninhando.
J tinha lotuado uns dois cricks e laminhado por toda dara, quando uma zunica se aproximou e tritou que
eu havia farenido de telar o cter da malta quando fui ao tineiro; o pior de tudo que eu estava felhando
uma fubpa xelena!
Observe o texto a seguir, em dinamarqus, e veja se voc consegue responder as questes:
1) Que tipo de texto este?
2) Qual o objetivo deste texto?
3) Quem voc acha estaria interessado em ler um texto deste tipo?
4) Onde voc acha que poderia encontrar este texto?

5) H palavras parecidas com o portugus, ou com outra lngua que voc conhece? Quais so elas? Copie-as
do texto.

Velkommen til Danmarks mest venlige kasino

Ved Stranden, 14-16 Tlf. 98 10 15 50. Glaed dig til spaendende og morsomme timer i selskab med festlige
mennesker i en international atmosfaere. Aben alle ugens dage fra kl. 20.00 04.00. Entr DKK 50,00,-.
Der er legitimationspligt i henhold til dansk lov. Ingen adgang for unge under 18 ar.
Leia novamente o texto e tente encontrar respostas para estas perguntas:
1) Qual o horrio de atendimento do cassino?
2) Quanto custa o ingresso?
3) Qual o telefone do cassino?
4) Quem pode freqentar o cassino?

Tambm chamados de falsos amigos, os falsos cognatos so palavras normalmente
derivadas do latim, que tm portanto a mesma origem e que aparecem em diferentes idiomas

com ortografia semelhante, mas que ao longo dos tempos acabaram adquirindo significados
Actually (adv) - na verdade ..., o fato que ...
Agenda (n) - pauta do dia, pauta para discusses
Amass (v) - acumular, juntar
Anticipate (v) - prever; aguardar, ficar na expectativa
Application (n) - inscrio, registro, uso
Appointment (n) - hora marcada, compromisso profissional
Appreciation (n) - gratido, reconhecimento
Argument (n) - discusso, bate boca
Assist (v) - ajudar, dar suporte
Assume (v) - presumir, aceitar como verdadeiro
Attend (v) - assistir, participar de
Audience (n) - platia, pblico
Balcony (n) - sacada
Baton (n) - batuta (msica), cacetete
Beef (n) - carne de gado
Cafeteria (n) - refeitrio tipo universitrio ou industrial
Camera (n) - mquina fotogrfica
Carton (n) - caixa de papelo, pacote de cigarros (200)
Casualty (n) - baixas (mortes ocorridas em acidente ou guerra)
Cigar (n) - charuto
Collar (n) - gola, colarinho, coleira
College (n) - faculdade, ensino de 3 grau
Commodity (n) - artigo, mercadoria
Competition (n) - concorrncia
Comprehensive (adj) - abrangente, amplo, extenso
Compromise (v) - entrar em acordo, fazer concesso
Contest (n) - competio, concurso
Convenient (adj) - prtico
Costume (n) - fantasia (roupa)
Data (n) - dados (nmeros, informaes)
Deception (n) - logro, fraude, o ato de enganar
Defendant (n) - ru, acusado
Design (v, n) - projetar, criar; projeto, estilo
Editor (n) - redator
Educated (adj) - instrudo, com alto grau de escolaridade
Enroll (v) - inscrever-se, alistar-se, registrar-se
Eventually (adv) - finalmente, conseqentemente
Exciting (adj) - empolgante
Exit (n, v) - sada, sair
Expert (n) - especialista, perito
Exquisite (adj.) - belo, refinado
Fabric (n) - tecido
Genial (adj) - afvel, aprazvel
Graduate program (n) - Curso de ps-graduao
Gratuity (n) - gratificao, gorjeta
Grip (v) - agarrar firme
Hazard (n,v) - risco, arriscar
Idiom (n) - expresso idiomtica, linguajar
Income tax return (n) - declarao de imposto de renda
Ingenuity (n) - engenhosidade
Injury (n) - ferimento
Inscription (n) - gravao em relevo (sobre pedra, metal, etc.)
Intend (v) - pretender, ter inteno
Intoxication (n) - embriaguez, efeito de drogas
Journal (n) - peridico, revista especializada
Lamp (n) - luminria

Atualmente - nowadays, today
Agenda - appointment book; agenda
Amassar - crush
Antecipar - to bring forward, to move forward
Aplicao (financeira) - investment
Apontamento - note
Apreciao - judgement
Argumento - reasoning, point
Assistir - to attend, to watch
Assumir - to take over
Atender - to help; to answer; to see, to examine
Audincia - court appearance; interview
Balco - counter
Batom - lipstick
Bife - steak
Cafeteria - coffee shop, snack bar
Cmara - tube (de pneu) chamber (grupo de pessoas)
Carto - card
Casualidade - chance
Cigarro - cigarette
Colar - necklace
Colgio (2 grau) - high school
Comodidade - comfort
Competio - contest
Compreensivo - understandable
Compromisso - appointment; date
Contexto - context
Conveniente - appropriate
Costume - custom, habit
Data - date
Decepo - disappointment
Advogado de defesa - defense attorney
Designar - to appoint
Editor - publisher
Educado - with a good upbringing, well-mannered,
Enrolar - to roll; to wind; to curl
Eventualmente - occasionally
Excitante - thrilling
xito - success
Esperto - smart, clever
Esquisito - strange, odd
Fbrica - plant, factory
Genial - brilliant
Curso de graduao - undergraduate program
Gratuidade - the quality of being free of charge
Gripe - cold, flu, influenza
Azar - bad luck
Idioma - language
Devoluo de imposto de renda - income tax refund
Ingenuidade - naivet / naivety
Injria - insult
Inscrio - registration, application
Entender - understand
Intoxicao - poisoning
Jornal - newspaper

Large (adj) - grande, espaoso
Lecture (n) - palestra, aula
Legend (n) - lenda
Library (n) - biblioteca
Lunch (n) - almoo
Magazine (n) - revista
Mayor (n) - prefeito
Medicine (n) - remdio, medicina
Moisture (n) - umidade
Motel (n) - hotel de beira de estrada
Notice (v) - notar, aperceber-se; aviso, comunicao
Novel (n) - romance
Office (n) - escritrio
Parents (n) - pais
Particular (adj) - especfico, exato
Pasta (n) - massa (alimento)
Policy (n) - poltica (diretrizes)
Port (n) - porto
Prejudice (n) - preconceito
Prescribe (v) - receitar
Preservative (n) - conservante
Pretend (v) - fingir
Private (adj) - particular
Procure (v) - conseguir, adquirir
Propaganda (n) - divulgao de idias/fatos com intuito de
Pull (v) - puxar
Push (v) - empurrar
Range (v) - variar, cobrir
Realize (v) - notar, dar-se conta, conceber uma idia
Record (v, n) - gravar, disco, gravao, registro
Requirement (n) - requisito
Resume (v) - retomar, reiniciar
Rsum (n) - curriculum vitae, currculo
Retired (adj) - aposentado
Senior (n) - idoso
Service (n) - atendimento

Lmpada - light bulb

Largo - wide
Leitura - reading
Legenda - subtitle
Livraria - book shop
Lanche - snack
Magazine - department store
Maior - bigger
Medicina - medicine
Mistura - mix, mixture, blend
Motel - love motel
Notcia - news
Novela - soap opera
Oficial - official
Parentes - relatives
Particular - personal, private
Pasta - paste; folder; briefcase
Polcia - police
Porta - door
Prejuzo - damage, loss
Prescrever - expire
Preservativo - condom
Pretender - to intend, to plan
Privado - private
Procurar - to look for
Propaganda - advertisement, commercial
Pular - to jump
Puxar - to pull
Ranger - to creak, to grind
Realizar - to carry out, to accomplish
Recordar - to remember, to recall
Requerimento - request, petition
Resumir - summarize
Resumo - summary
Retirado - removed, secluded
Senhor - gentleman, sir
Servio - job

Exercite no texto abaixo alguns falsos cognatos:

In the morning I attended a meeting between management and union representatives. The
discussion was very comprehensive, covering topics like working hours, days off, retirement
age, etc. Both sides were interested in an agreement and ready to compromise. The
secretary recorded everything in the notes. Eventually, they decided to set a new meeting to
sign the final draft of the agreement.
Back at the office, a colleague of mine asked me if I had realized that the proposed
agreement would be partially against the company policy not to accept workers that have
already retired. I pretended to be really busy and late for an appointment, and left for the
cafeteria. Actually, I didn't want to discuss the matter at that particular moment because
there were some strangers in the office.

After lunch I attended a lecture given by the mayor, who is an expert in tax legislation and
has a graduate degree in political science. He said his government intends to assist welfare
programs and senior citizens, raise funds to improve college education and build a public
library, and establish tougher limits on vehicle emissions because he assumes this is what
the people expect from the government.

Escreva o verdadeiro significado das palavras em destaque:

___________________ ___________________ ____________________
___________________ ___________________ ____________________
___________________ ___________________ ____________________
___________________ ___________________ ____________________
___________________ ___________________ ____________________
___________________ ___________________ ____________________
___________________ ___________________ ____________________
___________________ ___________________ ____________________
___________________ ___________________ ____________________
___________________ ___________________ ____________________

Texto e lista extrados do site www.sk.com.br , autor Ricardo Schtz, 1999

comum a todas as lnguas a ocorrncia de palavras com significado ou funo gramatical
mltiplos. Freqentemente este mltiplo sentido em um idioma no tem correspondente em outro.
Quer dizer: os termos nem sempre cobrem as mesmas reas de significado entre diferentes idiomas.
Este fenmeno, tambm chamado de polissemia, ocorre com qualquer idioma; assim como o
portugus, o ingls tambm tem inmeras palavras de mltiplo significado. , entretanto a
ocorrncia do fenmeno na lngua me do aluno que causa maior dificuldade. Partir do geral para o
particular sempre mais difcil do que o inverso.
Portanto, sempre que diferentes idias representadas pela mesma palavra na lngua me do aluno
corresponderem a diferentes palavras na segunda lngua, o mesmo ter dificuldades em expressar-se
corretamente. As diferentes palavras do ingls que correspondem aos diferentes significados da
palavra do portugus podem eventualmente funcionar como sinnimos, portanto neutralizando o
contraste entre os dois idiomas. O objetivo, entretanto, mostrar os contrastes nas ocorrncias mais
usuais do vocabulrio ingls moderno.
To cancel
To collect

Primeiro sentido
Faculdade (mental)

Segundo sentido
Maiscula (letra)
Lista Telefnica
Corpo Docente

To play

Jogar / Brincar
Paciente de ambulatrio
Ligar (Relacionar)

Diretor de escola
Mal passado
Em paz / Confortvel
Tocar / Imitar
Determinar paternidade
Capaz de caminhar
Partida (Jogo)

A) Assinale o significado correto das palavras em destaque nas sentenas:
1) I need to cancel your documents.
( ) cancelar
( ) carimbar
2) She is the principal of the school.
( ) diretora
( ) principal
3) His mark was terrible.
( ) marca
( ) nota
4) The operator (a) gave me the wrong number of the plant (b).
a- ( ) operador
( ) telefonista
b- ( ) planta
( ) fbrica
5) We are lost. We need a compass now.
( ) bssola
( ) compasso
6) He is the most famous bachelor of the party.
( ) bacharel
( ) solteiro
7) Do you know the capital (a) of China (b)?
a- ( ) capital
( ) principal
b- ( ) porcelana ( ) China
B) D os respectivos significados das palavras repetidas em cada segmento:
1) a) Mike is not married. He is a bachelor.
b) He finished the college last year. Now, he is a bachelor in Biology.
2) We have a directory in order to look for the telephone numbers of the students. This directory is
in the directory of the school.
3) The character of this film has a bad character.

4) You have to write the names of the Capitals with Capital letters.

In 1968 Douglas Engelbart demoed a strange device called a mouse. Last week 1.500 people
gathered at Stanford University to honor him. Speakers stressed that Engelbarts contributions went
beyond the mouse.
His Stanford computer was the second one to hook up to ARPAnet, the Internets predecessor, and
he developed the first use of multiple windows. More important, Engelbart strove to enhance
human inteligence, thus improving our ability to solve problems.
Well click to that.
(Newsweek, December 28, 1998)
Responda as questes abaixo:
1) O que aconteceu:
a) em 1968?
b) durante a semana anterior a 28 de dezembro de 1998?
2) Na frase: Well click to that, o termo em destaque passa a idia de:
a) discordar
b) aprovar
c) rejeitar
d) aplaudir
3) Verdadeiro ou Falso:
Segundo os oradores, o trabalho de Engelbart restringiu-se criao do mouse. (cite a linha do texto
em que se encontra essa informao)
4) De onde foi retirado o texto lido?
a) de um jornal
b) da internet
c) de um livro
d) de uma revista
5) Faa, em portugus, um breve resumo sobre o texto.



The abacus, a simple counting aid, may have been invented in Babylonia (now Iraq) in the fourth century B.C.
The Antikythera mechanism, used for registering and predicting the motion of the stars and planets, is dated to the first
century B.C. It was discovered off the coast of Greece in 1901.
Arabic numerals are introduced to Europe in the eighth and ninth centuries A.D. Roman numerals remain in use in some
parts of Europe until the seventeenth century. The Arabic system introduced the concepts of the zero and fixed places
for tens, hundreds, thousand, etc., and greatly simplified mathematical calculations.
John Napier, Baron of Merchiston, Scotland, invents logs in 1614. Logs allow multiplication and
division to be reduced to addition and subtraction.
Wilhelm Schickard builds the first mechanical calculator in 1623. It can work with six digits, and
carries digits across columns. It works, but never makes it beyond the prototype stage. Schickard is
a professor at the University of Tubingen, Germany.
Blaise Pascal builds a mechanical calculator in 1642. It has the capacity for eight digits, but has
trouble carrying and its gears tend to jam.
Joseph-Marie Jacquard invents an automatic loom controlled by punch cards.
Charles Babbage conceives of a "Difference Engine" in 1820 or 1821. It is a massive steam-powered mechanical
calculator designed to print astronomical tables. He attempts to build it over the course of the next 20 years, only to
have the project cancelled by the British government in 1842. Babbage's next idea is the Analytical Engine - a
mechanical computer that can solve any mathematical problem. It uses punch-cards similar to those used by the
Jacquard loom and can perform simple conditional operations.
Augusta Ada Byron, the countess of Lovelace, met Babbage in 1833. She describes the Analytical Engine as weaving
"algebraic patterns just as the Jacquard loom weaves flowers and leaves." Her published analysis of the Analytical
Engine is our best record of its programming potential. In it she outlines the fundamentals of computer programming,
including data analysis, looping and memory addressing.
Konrad Zuse, a German engineer, completes the first general purpose progammable calculator in 1941. He pioneers the
use of binary math and boolean logic in electronic calculation.
Colossus, a British computer used for code-breaking, is operational by December of 1943. ENIAC, or Electronic
Numerical Integrator Analyzor and Computer, is developed by the Ballistics Research Laboratory in Maryland to assist
in the preparation of firing tables for artillery. It is built at the University of Pennsylvania's Moore School of Electrical
Engineering and completed in November 1945.
Bell Telephone Laboratories develops the transistor in 1947.
UNIVAC, the Universal Automatic Computer (pictured below), is developed in 1951. It can store 12,000 digits in
random access mercury-delay lines.
EDVAC, for Electronic Discrete Variable Computer, is completed under contract for the Ordinance Department in 1952.
In 1952 G.W. Dummer, a radar expert from the British Royal Radar Establishment, proposes that electronic equipment
be manufactured as a solid block with no connecting wires. The prototype he builds doesn't work and he receives little
support for his research.
Texas Instruments and Fairchild semiconductor both announce the integrated circuit in 1959.

The IBM 360 is introduced in April of 1964 and quickly becomes the standard institutional mainframe computer. By the
mid-80s the 360 and its descendents will have generated more than $100 billion in revenue for IBM.
Texas Instruments and Fairchild semiconductor both announce the integrated circuit in 1959.
Ivan Sutherland demonstrates a program called Sketchpad on a TX-2 mainframe at MIT's Lincoln Labs in 1962. It
allows him to make engineering drawings with a light pen.
A typical minicomputer costs about $20,000.
1965: An IC that cost $1000 in 1959 now costs less than $10. Gordon Moore predicts that the number of components in
an IC will double every year. This is known as Moore's Law.
Doug Engelbart demonstrates in 1968 a word processor, an early hypertext system and a
collaborative application: three now common computer applications.
Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce found Intel in 1968.
Xerox creates its Palo Alto Research Center - Xerox PARC - in 1969. Its mission is to
explore the "architecture of information."
Fairchild Semiconductor introduces a 256-bit RAM chip in 1970.
In late 1970 Intel introduces a 1K RAM chip and the 4004, a 4-bit microprocessor. Two years later comes the 8008, an
8-bit microprocessor.
Bill Gates and Paul Allen form Traf-O-Data in 1971 to sell their computer traffic-analysis systems.
1972: Gary Kildall writes PL/M, the first high-level programming language for the Intel microprocessor.
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak are building and selling "blue boxes" in Southern California in 1971.
April 1972: Intel introduces the 8008, the first 8-bit microprocessor.
Jonathan A. Titus designs the Mark-8, "Your Personal Minicomputer," according to the July, 1974 cover of RadioElectronics.
Popular Electronics features the MITS Altair 8800 on its cover, January 1975. It is hailed as the first "personal"
computer. Thousands of orders for the 8800 rescue MITS from bankruptcy.
Pictured below: The Homebrew Computer Club in 1975.
Paul Allen and Bill Gates develop BASIC for the Altair 8800. Microsoft is born.
1977: Apple is selling its Apple II for $1,195, including 16K of RAM but no monitor.
Software Arts develops the first spreadsheet program, Visicalc, by the spring of 1979. It is released in October and is an
immediate success. Copies shipped per month rise from 500 to 12,000 between 1979 and 1981.
By 1980 Apple has captured 50% of the personal computer market.
In 1980 Microsoft is approached by IBM to develop BASIC for its personal computer project. The IBM PC is released
in August, 1981.
The Apple Macintosh debuts in 1984. It features a simple, graphical interface, uses the 8-MHz, 32-bit Motorola 68000
CPU, and has a built-in 9-inch B/W screen.

Microsoft Windows 1.0 ships in November, 1985.
Motorola announces the 68040, a 32-bit 25MHz microprocessor.
Microsoft's sales for 1989 reach $1 billion, the first year to do so.
Timesharing, the concept of linking a large numbers of users to a single computer via remote terminals, is developed at
MIT in the late 50s and early 60s.
1962: Paul Baran of RAND develops the idea of distributed, packet-switching networks.
ARPANET goes online in 1969.
Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf develop the basic ideas of the Internet in 1973.
In 1974 BBN opens the first public packet-switched network - Telenet.
A UUCP link between the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Duke University establishes USENET in
1979. The first MUD is also developed in 1979, at the University of Essex.
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol) is established as the standard for ARPANET in 1982.
1987: the number of network hosts breaks 10,000.
1989: the number of hosts breaks 100,000. Tim Berners-Lee develops the World Wide Web. CERN releases the first
Web server in 1991.
1992: the number of hosts breaks 1,000,000.
The World Wide Web sports a growth rate of 341,634% in service traffic in its third year, 1993.
The main U.S. Internet backbone traffic begins routing through commercial providers as NSFNET reverts to a research
network in 1994.

The Internet 1996 World Exposition is the first World's Fair to be held on the internet.
Junte-se a um colega e, em cinco minutos, procure no texto da prxima pgina as respostas para as seguintes
perguntas. A dupla que acabar primeiro e apresentar todas as respostas corretas vence a competio.
a) O que Lady Ada Lovelace inventou para a mquina de Babbage?
b) Quanto pesava o ENIAC, o primeiro computador a vlvula?
c) Onde Charles Babbage exibiu The Difference Engine em 1855?
d) Qual foi o primeiro dispositivo de clculo utilizado pelo homem?

e) At que sculo o baco foi utilizado como dispositivo de clculo?
f) Quem inventou, em 1804, o tear programado?
g) O que Blaise Pascal inventou em 1642?
h) Quando ficou pronto o primeiro computador digital, o MARK 1?
i) Quando Vannevar Bush construiu o primeiro computador analgico?
a) Junte-se a outros colegas e discutam o que vocs sabem acerca da histria do computador e dos
mtodos de clculo.
b) Depois da discusso, organize os pargrafos abaixo numerando os parnteses em ordem crescente,
conforme a cronologia. O ttulo do texto j est marcado.
(A: _____) It was during the Second World War that the modern age of computers began. In 1930, Vannevar
Bush built the first analog computer, which was used to help aim guns in World War II. In the period
between 1938-1942, John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry designed and built the first electronic digital
computer, the ABC, which provided the basis for the development of the ENIAC.
(B:_____) After that, in 1822, Charles Babbage built a machine called The Difference Engine, which he
showed at The Paris Exhibition in 1855. Next, Babbage envisioned and designed The Analytical Engine, a
machine which could complete programmed arithmetic operations. Unfortunately, Babbage never finished
his work, but many of his ideas were used as the basis for the modern computer.
(C: _____) The modern computer as we know it today is a result of lots of research and inventions of the
past. The following paragraphs will show you the evolution of this miraculous machine.
(D: _____) In the period called the Scientific Revolution, which began circa 1540 and lasted until 1687,
many scientists tried to find ways of calculating. As a consequence, other computational devices were
invented. In 1642, Blaise Pascal invented the first mechanical calculator. In 1673, Gottfried von Leibniz
invented another calculating device.
(E: _____) The Scientific Revolution was followed by the Industrial Revolution, which started in England
and brought many advances in technology. Several machines were developed in this period, and these
machines later had a great impact on the development of computers.
(F: _____) During the same period that Babbage was working on his machines, Lady Ada Lovelace
invented an arithmetic code for Babbages machine based on a binary system similar to the one used with
modern computers. For this reason, she is considered to be the first programmer.
(G: _____) The first calculating device used by man was the ten fingers of his hands. This explains why we
still count in tens and multiples of tens. Then the abacus was invented, a device which uses small beads or
stones to make calculations. This tool was used until the 16th century. It is still used today in some parts of
the world to make arithmetical calculations.
(H: _____) In 1804, Joseph Marie Jacquard invented a weaving loom which was programmed to
make certain patterns on cloth. This program was a series of holes punched in paper cards

according to a code, and it is very similar to the process used in punched cards of the first modern

) The Pre-History of Computers

(J: _____) Between 1943 and 1946, funded by the U.S. Army, John Mauchly and J. Eckert built the first
major eletronic digital computer using vacuum tubes. The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and
Computer) was huge and weighed about 30 tons.
(K: _____) The developments which took place during World War II led to the advances made in the period
that followed the war. The period after the war led to the subsequent generations of computers, which may
be described as the modern age of computers.
(L: _____) In 1944, Howard Aiken and some engineers from IBM completed MARK 1, an electromechanical calculating device controlled by punched cards. This first digital computer could figure out
long lists of mathematical problems and was used military ballistics.
c) Responda as seguintes perguntas:
1) Das informaes apresentadas no texto, quais voc j conhecia?
2) Que informao nova sobre a histria do computador voc achou mais interessante?
3) Sabemos que o computador uma mquina moderna. Por que o autor intitulou o texto The Pre-History
of Computers?
4) Das oraes abaixo, qual voc considera a idia principal do texto? Por qu?
a) Os avanos tecnolgicos da 2 Guerra Mundial levaram a era moderna do computador.
b) MARK 1, o primeiro computador digital, possua sistema de cartes perfurados e foi fabricado pela
IBM para fins militares.
c) Lady Lovelace considerada a primeira programadora do mundo por ter inventado o cdigo binrio.
d) As idias de Charles Babbage foram usadas como base para os computadores modernos, o que o torna
o pai do computador.
e) A Revoluo Industrial teve um grande impacto na tecnologia usada para o desenvolvimento dos
f) Antes da inveno do baco, o dispositivo de clculo eram os dedos das mos.
g) O primeiro computador digital a vlvula foi o ENIAC.
h) A era moderna do computador nasce em 1930 com o primeiro computador digital, de Vannevar Bush,
usado para fins militares na 2 Guerra Mundial.
i) O tear programado, inventado por Jacquard em 1804, tem o mesmo princpio dos cartes perfurados
dos primeiros computadores.
j) O computador atual o resultado de vrias pesquisas e invenes do passado.
k) A Revoluo Cientfica (1540-1687) levou a inveno de vrios dispositivos de clculo.
5) A partir do exerccio anterior, como voc definiria o que deve ser a idia principal de um texto?



1) Responda as questes abaixo:
a) No texto que acabamos de ler, qual o tempo verbal predominante?
b) Quando e por que utilizamos o passado dos verbos?
c) Voc sabe como os verbos ingleses so classificados?
d) Como se caracterizam os verbos regulares?
e) Volte ao texto e sublinhe todas as formas de passado dos verbos regulares.
f) O que voc observou em relao ocorrncia desses verbos?


a) Utilizando essa tcnica, procure no texto What is a Computer? as seguintes informaes. Nos
espaos em branco, escreva os nmeros das linhas em que elas se encontram:
1) ________ O computador processa dados e fornece os resultados em forma de informao.
2) ________ um erro acreditar que todo mundo hoje em dia saiba usar o computador.
3) ________ O processo de computao envolve trs etapas bsicas.
4) ________ O mundo da computao criou uma linguagem prpria.
5) ________ Hoje em dia quase todo mundo tem uma idia do que seja um computador.
6) ________ Algumas dessas palavras vm sendo usadas pelo mundo afora, pois foram tomadas de
emprstimo da lngua inglesa por vrias outras lnguas.
7) ________ Algumas sociedades contemporneas desconhecem o computador.
8) ________ A etapa final permite ao usurio ver os resultados do processamento.
9) ________ Mesmo nos pases ditos desenvolvidos, existem pessoas que no sabem o que um
computador e no se importam em saber.
1 Nowadays, in most modern societies, almost everybody has an idea about what a
computer is. We depend on computers in every aspect of our lives whether we know
how to use one or not. But does everyone really know how a computer works inside?
A computer is an electronic machine which processes data and provides the results of the
5 processing as information. There are three basic steps in the computing process. The first
one is input, which consists of feeding data into the computers memory. Then comes

the processing: the program is run and the computer processes the data by performing a
set of instructions. The third and final step is the output furnished by the computer,
which allows the user to see the results either in printed from or on the screen.
10 The world of computers has created a specific language of its own. English words such
as software and hardware are used worldwide and have been borrowed by many
different languages. Software is information in the form of data and programs, and
hardware refers to the electronic and mechanical parts that make up a computer system.
Despite the constant presence of computers in most modern societies, it is a great
15 mistake to believe that everybody in the world is computer-literate, i.e., is familiar with
computers and knows how to use them properly. In some contemporary societies, many
people still have no idea about the existence of computers, and even in the so-called
developed countries, there are lots of people who do not know or do not care about what
a computer is.
b) O autor conclui o texto afirmando que algumas sociedades contemporneas e muitas pessoas dos
pases desenvolvidos desconhecem o computador ou no ligam para ele, sem dar exemplos. Em sua
opinio, quais seriam essas sociedades e essas pessoas?
c) Escreva na primeira coluna os nmeros correspondentes s palavras definidas na segunda.
a) ________ computer
b)_________ input
c) _________ processing
d) _________ output
e) _________ screen
f) _________ software
g) _________ hardware
h) _________ data

1) Data fed into the computers memory.

2) Information.
3) Machine that processes data.
4) Electronic and mechanical parts of a computer.
5) Device that shows the results of the processing.
6) The results shown on the screen or in printed form.
7) Programs.
8) Series of actions that a computer performs to arrive at a

A referncia contextual tambm representa um recurso auxiliar na compreenso das idias de um texto. As
chamadas palavras de referncia substituem palavras que esto no texto (ou fora dele) e podem classificar-se
da seguinte maneira:

pronomes (pessoais, possessivos, demonstrativos, relativos e indefinidos);

numerais ordinais;

palavras que indicam ordem e exemplificao.

a) Complete as tabelas abaixo com os pronomes (e adjetivos possessivos) que faltam.

























b) Os pronomes substituem ou referem-se a nomes. Portanto, qual a classe gramatical das palavras a
que os pronomes se referem?
c) Volte ao texto, assinale a ocorrncia dos itens listados abaixo e escreva as palavras as quais eles
se referem. Observe o exemplo.
1) everybody (l. 1) Todas as pessoas que vivem na maioria das sociedades modernas.
2) we (l. 2) ______________________________________________________________________
3) our (l. 2) _____________________________________________________________________
4) one (l. 2) _____________________________________________________________________
5) which (l. 4) ___________________________________________________________________
6) which (l. 6) ___________________________________________________________________
7) its (l. 10) _____________________________________________________________________
8) that (l. 13) ____________________________________________________________________
9) them (l. 16) __________________________________________________________________
10) who (l. 17) ___________________________________________________________________
Leia atentamente o texto abaixo e assinale a opo correta para cada questo.
A computer is a programmable machine that stores and retrieves data and performs highspeed logical and mathematical operations. However, it is not able to think. It accepts data and
instructions as input, and after processing them, it outputs the results.

When we talk about computers, we have to consider the hardware and the software. The
hardware consists of all the electronic and mechanical parts that make up a computer system, and
the software is the collection of data and programs needed to solve problems with a computer.
1) O melhor ttulo para o texto seria:
a) The history of Computers
b) What is a computer?
c) Hardware x Software
2) uma idia presente no texto:
a) o computador resolve problemas atravs do seu prprio raciocnio.
b) o hardware mais importante para o computador do que o software.
c) o processamento de dados composto de trs etapas.
3) Do texto, podemos inferir que:
a) o computador se presta a diversas aplicaes por causa da sua versatilidade.
b) o computador est se tornando cada dia menor e mais barato.
c) o computador a inveno humana que mais evoluiu nas ltimas dcadas.
4) (...) the software is the collection of data and programs needed to solve problems with a
computer. A idia contida na orao acima est associada a:
a) It basically consists of the systems analysts, the programmers, the operators and the technical
b) It is the collection of man-written solutions, as well as all documents to guide the operation of a
c) It consists of several units: the CPU, the main memory, and the peripherals known as input and
output devices.
5) No trecho selecionado para a questo 4, a palavra programs pode ser entendida como:
a) canais
b) jogos
c) instrues
6) A pergunta que pode ser respondida com base nas informaes contidas no texto :
a) Quem inventou o computador?
b) O que significa software?
c) O que um dispositivo de entrada?
7) Existe identidade de classe gramatical entre as palavras do par em:
a) programmable (I. 1) / high-speed (I. 1)
b) however (I. 2) / after (I. 3)
c) input (I. 3) / outputs (I. 3)
8) A palavra de referncia ( esquerda) corresponde a palavra direita em:
a) that (I. 1) computer (I. 1)

b) them (I. 3) data and instructions (I. 2)
c) it (I. 3)
mathematical operations (I. 2)
9) A opo na qual a palavra computer exerce a funo de modificador :
a) computer (I. 1)
b) computers (I. 4)
c) computer (I. 5)
10) No existe oposio de sentido entre as palavras do par em:
a) logical (I. 1)
mathematical (I. 2)
b) accepts (I. 2)
outputs (I. 3)
c) input (I. 3)
results (I. 3)
11) O melhor pargrafo para finalizar o texto seria:
a) Fourth-generation computers are rather faster than third-generation computers and can complete
thousands of instructions at a time.
b) On the backside of the computer, there are several slots into which we can connect a wide range
of peripherals.
c) In only a short time, the computer has changed the way in which many jobs are done and has
become part of our everyday lives.
12) De acordo com o texto e com as informaes abaixo faa a correspondncia entre as palavras (
esquerda) e as definies ( direita).
a) computer game
b) computer graphics
c) computer science
d) computer security

( ) The study and development of computer systems, hardware and

( ) All of the hardware and software that can interact with a particular
( ) Charts, graphs, diagrams, or pictures produced with the aid of a

e) computer system (
unauthorized persons.

) A computer program designed for amusement or instruction.

) The process of protecting a computer system from access by virus or

13) Os fatos abaixo esto relacionados com a histria do computador. Numere-os de 1 a 5, partindo
do mais antigo para o mais recente.

) In the 17th and 18th centuries, many ways of canculating were invented.
) The first analog computer was used in World War II.
) The primitive calculating device was the fingers of a mans hands.
) Howard Aiken invented the first digital computer, called Mark 1.
) The first real calculating machine appeared in 1820.

14) Identifique as partes componentes do computador abaixo:


15) Complete a coluna de exemplos da tabela com as partes identificadas na figura:


Provide permanent storage for data and
Storage devices
Input devices

Enable data to go into the computers memory.

Output devices

Enable users to extract information from the




A orao que melhor resume as idias contidas no texto, na figura e na tabela :

Most computers are equipped with data communication facilities.
Computers are also used in education and business.
A computer is not only a machine but also a system.


Em Ingls como em Portugus, muitas palavras so formadas por prefixos e sufixos (afixos)
posicionados no incio e/ou no final das palavras, modificando o seu significado ou a sua
classificao gramatical.


COMFORT = Substantivo = Conforto

UNCOMFORT = Substantivo = Desconforto
CONFORTABLE = Adjetivo = Confortvel

Ou seja, geralmente o prefixo causa uma mudana no SIGNIFICADO da palavra;

J o sufixo geralmente causa uma mudana de CLASSE GRAMATICAL na palavra.

Alguns prefixos:
un = unforgetable
in = incomplete
im = impossible
il = illegal

re = reorganize

Que formam Substantivos:
ance = performance = desempenho
ence = independence = independncia
er/or = teacher/operator = professor/operador
ist/yst = typist/analyst = digitador/analista
ation = information = informao
ment = development/management = desenvolvimento/gerenciamento
ity = electricity = eletricidade
ness = happiness = felicidade
Que formam Adjetivos:
ic = economic = econmico
al = logical = lgico
able = comparable = comparable
ous = dangerous = perigoso
y = hungry = faminto
Que formam Verbos:
ize = computerize = informatizar
ate = activate/calculate = ativar/calcular
ify = simplify = simplificar
Que formam Advrbios:
ly = eletronically = eletronicamente quickly = rapidamente

Selecione no texto as palavras que so formadas por sufixos:


Computer specialists include System Analysts, Programmers and Operators. Systems Analysts
develop methods for computerizing business. They also improve the efficiency of systems in use.
Application Programmers write commercial programs to be used by business, science center and
home. System Programmers write the complex programs that control the inner working of the
computer. Computer operators handle several types of computers.
Other people who work in the computer field include Computer Scientists, who conduct research
and teach at universities; Hardware Designers and Engineers, who work in areas such as microchip
and peripheral equipment design; Information Center Administrators or Data Base Administrators,
who manage the information collections of business or data banks.
Excerpted from Comptons Interactive Encyclopedia 1993, 1994.

Agora, escreva em Portugus as especialidades que so mencionadas no texto:

____________________________________ - ___________________________________
____________________________________ - ___________________________________
____________________________________ - ___________________________________
____________________________________ - ___________________________________

____________________________________ - ___________________________________

O Uso do Sufixo ING

Palavras cuja formao composta por ING podem apresentar diferentes classes gramaticais:
LEARNING = Pode significar aprendendo; aprender ou aprendizagem, dependendo de como
apresentada na sentena.
They are learning how to get more information. = (aps o verbo to be)
Eles esto aprendendo como conseguir mais informaes.
This is a way of learning about management. = (aps preposies)
Esta uma maneira de aprender sobre gerenciamento.
This is part of the learning process. = (parte de um grupo nominal)
Isto parte do processo de aprendizagem.
Learning is essencial to life.
Aprendizagem essencial vida.

Classifique em cada frase as palavras formadas por ING como:

(substantivo, gerndio ou verbo)
a. They are learning Computer Science.
b. Teleprocessing is the use of a telecommunication system by a computer.
c. The calculating machine was invented many years ago.
d. The recording surface of a disk has concentric circles called tracks.
e. He works 10 hours without stopping.
f. The printer is printing documents.
g. I prefer typing to writing.


So grupos de palavras, compostos por duas ou mais palavras que esto relacionadas entre si,
sendo que uma a palavra principal; o substantivo (ncleo), e as outras so os modificadores;
palavras que caracterizam o substantivo.
Exs.: Electric Energy = Energia Eltrica
Private Investors = Investidores Privados
State Government = Governo Estadual
Observe que nos grupos nominais em Ingls a palavra principal, ou seja, o substantivo (ncleo)
sempre a ltima palavra do grupo, ao passo que em portugus ns comeamos o grupo com ela.
Assim, temos:
United Kingdom
Reino Unido

Parliamentary Vote
Voto Parlamentar

Os grupos nominais podem ter mais de um modificador:

Red Cross Emblem = Emblema da Cruz Vermelha
Vrias siglas so iniciais de Grupo Nominais:
VIP = Very Important Person = ____________________________________
WTC = World Trade Center = _____________________________________
WHO = World Health Organization = _______________________________
NASA = National Air and Space Administration = _____________________
USAF = United States Air Force = _________________________________
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
USA = ________________________________________________________
FBI = _________________________________________________________

Outros Exemplos
Modern computer = Computador moderno
Central processor = Processador central
Laser printer = Impressora laser
Personal computer = Computador pessoal
Incredible speed = velocidade incrvel
Hard disk = disco rgido
Input devices = dispositivos de entrada


Confirma-se ento que a ordem dos grupos nominais em Ingls INVERSA ordem em
Data Processing = Processamento de dados
Central Processing Unit = Unidade Central de Processamento
Arithmetic and Logic Operations = Operaes lgicas e aritmticas
Operaes aritmticas e lgicas
Electronic machine = Mquina eletrnica

Pense nas seguintes estruturas: Como elas seriam traduzidas para o Portugus?

Car race = ________________________

Race car = ________________________
1) Qual o significado das siglas e as suas respectivas tradues:
a. IMF (International Monetary Fund): __________________________________________
b. NATO (North-Atlantic Treat Organization): ___________________________________
c. EEC (European Economic Communit): _______________________________________
d. UNO (United Nations Organization): _________________________________________
e. USA (United States of America): ____________________________________________
f. CPU (________________________________): _________________________________
g. RAM (________________________________): ________________________________
h. ROM (________________________________): ________________________________
i. CD (_______________________________): ___________________________________
j. ALU (______________________________):___________________________________
k. ALGOL (______________________________): _______________________________
l. BASIC (_______________________________________________________________):

m. COBOL (_____________________________________________________________):
n. CRT (________________________________): ________________________________
o. DDD (________________________________): ________________________________
p. DOS (________________________________): ________________________________
q. IBM (________________________________): ________________________________
r. I/O Devices (______________________________):_____________________________
s. MVS (_________________________________): _______________________________
t. PC (__________________________________): ________________________________
u. HTML (________________________________):_______________________________
v. WWW (________________________________):_______________________________
2) Passe os seguintes grupos nominais para o Portugus:
a. Data Communication Processor - ____________________________________________
b. Artificial Intelligence - ____________________________________________________
c. Backup System - _________________________________________________________
d. Secondary Memory - _____________________________________________________
e. Control Structure - _______________________________________________________
f. Central Processing Unit - __________________________________________________
g. Magnetic Tape - _________________________________________________________
h. Operating System - ______________________________________________________
i. Access Control - _________________________________________________________
j. Data Processing Department - _______________________________________________
k. Auxiliary Equipment - ____________________________________________________
l. Control Circuits - _________________________________________________________
m. Automatic electronic devices -______________________________________________
n. Last generation program - __________________________________________________
o. correctly programmed data - ________________________________________________
p. Computer integrated circuits. - ______________________________________________
Caso Genitivo
(Ann,s printer / My brothers office, etc.)
Observe os seguintes exemplos: - Brazils high technology
(Tecnologia de ponta do Brasil)
- Bill Gatess trade mark
(Marca registrada do Bill Gates)


Geralmente usamos -s para pessoas:

Marys computer O computador da Mary.
Marys personal computer O PC da Mary.
Johns laser printer A impressora do John.
The managers equipment O equipamento do gerente.

Friends or Friends :
A casa do meu amigo = My friends house.
A casa dos meus amigos = My friends house.

Portanto, temos: My mothers car

My parents car

My fathers car
Usamos of para coisas, lugares, etc.
The high technology of Brazil. Tecnologia de ponta do Brasil.
Whats the name of this village? Qual o nome desta vila?
Madrid is the Capital of Spain. Madrid a Capital da Espanha.
The memory of the computer. (not the computers memory)

Drill Faa a correo da sentena quando necessrio:

1. I stayed at the house of my sister. - my sister house
2. What is the name of this village? - Ok__________
3. Do you like the color of this coat? - _____________________
4. Do you know the phone number of Bill? - ________________________
5. The job of my brother is very interesting. - _______________________
6. Write your name at the top of the page. - _________________________
7. When is the birthday of your mother? - _________________________
8. The house of my parents isnt very big. - ________________________
9. The walls of this house are very thin. - __________________________

10. The manager of the hotel is on holiday. - _______________________


The central processing unit, or CPU, is the heart of a computer. In addition to performing arithmetic and
logic operations on data, it controls the rest of the system.
Most CPU chips and microprocessors have four functional sections:

the arithmetic/logic unit;


temporary storage locations;


the control section;


the internal bus.

Input devices let the users enter commands, data, or programs. Computer keyboards are the most common
input devices. Another common input device, the mouse, is a mechanical device with buttons on the top and
a rolling ball in its base. Other input devices include joysticks and trackballs. Light pens can be used to draw
or to point to items or areas on the display screen. A digitizer pad translates images drawn on it with an
electronic pen. Touch screens allow users to point to items or areas on the screen. Optical scanners read
characters on a printed page and translate them into binary numbers that the CPU can use. Voice-recognition
circuitry digitizes spoken words and enters them into the computer.
Memory-storage devices. Most digital computers store data both internally (main memory) and externally
(auxiliary storage units). A computer temporarily stores information internally on silicon random-access
memory, or RAM, chips. Another type of internal memory consists of a series of read-only memory, or
ROM, chips. Some auxiliary storage devices floppy disks, hard disks and magnetic tape store data by
magnetically rearranging metal particles on disks and tapes.
Output devices let the user see the results of the computers data processing. The most common output
device is the video display terminal (VDT), or monitor, which uses a cathode-ray tube (CRT) to display
characters and graphics on a screen. Modems (modulator-demodulators) and disk drives are input/output
devices. Printers generate hard copy, a printedversion of information stored in one of the computers memory

Excerpted from Comptons Interactive Encyclopedia 1993, 1994.


Encontre no texto acima as informaes que completam o diagrama:











Identifique o Caso genitivo nas sentenas e passe para o Portugus:

a. Output devices let the user see the results of the computers data processing.
b. a printed version of information stored in one of the computers memory systems.
c. Comptoms Interactive Encyclopedia.

Last modified: Thursday, October 10, 2002

A group of two or more computer systems linked together. There are many types of computer networks,
local-area networks (LANs) : The computers are geographically close together (that is, in the same
wide-area networks (WANs) : The computers are farther apart and are connected by telephone lines
or radio waves.
campus-area networks (CANs): The computers are within a limited geographic area, such as a
campus or military base.
metropolitan-area networks MANs): A data network designed for a town or city.
home-area networks (HANs): A network contained within a user's home that connects a

person's digital devices.

In addition to these types, the following characteristics are also used to categorize different
types of networks:

topology : The geometric arrangement of a computer system. Common topologies include a bus,
star, and ring. See the Network topology diagrams in the Quick Reference section of Webopedia.
protocol : The protocol defines a common set of rules and signals that computers on the network use
to communicate. One of the most popular protocols for LANs is called Ethernet. Another popular LAN
protocol for PCs is the IBM token-ring network .
architecture : Networks can be broadly classified as using either a peer-to-peer or client/server

Computers on a network are sometimes called nodes. Computers and devices that allocate resources for
a network are called servers.

Questes sobre o texto e estudo do vocabulrio:


Encontre no texto os seguintes Grupos Nominais em Ingls:

Sistema de computador - ______________________________
Rede de computadores - ______________________________
Linhas telefnicas - __________________________________
posio geomtrica - _________________________________
As seguintes caractersticas - __________________________
Retire do texto as duas expresses que esto no Caso Genitivo e d as suas tradues:
__________________________ - _________________________
__________________________ - _________________________

De acordo com o texto, o que Network e quais so os tipos de redes de computadores?
O que a Local-area Network e Campus-area Network?
5. Cite as trs caractersticas que categorizam diferentes tipos de Rede?
___________________ - ____________________ - __________________
6. Em que consiste o Protocol?
7. Traduza: Computers and devices that allocate resources for a network are called servers.



1. The part of a computer system that carries the instructions and programs; the opposite of
hardware: ______________________.
2. All the physical part of a computer such as monitor, CPU, drives, keyboard, printer, the opposite
of software: ______________________.
3. Language that programmers









4. A step-by-step series of instructions that tells the computer how to perform a task:
5. The object that prints out the paper copies of documents: ________________________.
6. It is an input device similar to a typewriter: _________________________.
7. It is similar to a TV and displays information: _______________________________,
__________________________ or ___________________________.
8. Consist of monitors, keyboards









9. Collective term for hard disk, floopy disk, tapes, cards on which computers store information:
10. A thin flexible disk that stores data magnetically: ______________________________.
11. Storage midia located into the CPU: _____________________or _________________.
12. A person who writes the software programs: ____________________________.
13. An automated means of creating and editing texts: _____________________________.
14. Refers to printed copies on paper: ____________________________.
15. The information that appears on the screen before it is printed out: ________________.
16. The place where you insert the floopy disk or CD-ROM: ________________________.


SOFTWARE (Computer), computer program; instructions that cause the hardware (machine) to do
work. Software can be divided into a number of categories based on the types of work done by
programs. The two primary software categories are operating system which control the workings of
the computer, and application software which addresses the multitude of tasks for which people use
computers. Operating System includes programming languages and utility programs. Application

Software includes software that executes accounting, word processing, data management,
communications and graphics. Two additional categories are network software which enable groups
of computers to communicate and language software which provide programmers the tools they
need to write programs. See also OPERATING SYSTEM; PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE.
Excerpted from Microsoft Encarta 96 Encyclopedia
1993-1995 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Complete o diagrama com informaes retiradas do texto:










Software piracy is the unauthorized and illegal duplication of copyrighted computer software. The
most common forms include copying for personal use, for use among employees of a company, and
for resale. The latter includes manufacturing of counterfeit packages that pretend to be originals.
Piracy is the most widespread computer crime. The Software Publishers Association (SPA), the
principal trade group of the personal computing software industry, estimated that in 1994 the
industry lost $8.08 billion worldwide due to illegal copying of operating systems, education,
entertainment, or personal productivity software.
Excerpted from The 1996 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia.
1995 Grolier Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Questes sobre o texto:

1. Quais foram todos os tipos de pirataria mencionados no texto?

2. De acordo com o texto, a pirataria considerada um crime? Retire do texto a sentena que afirma
ou nega isso?
3) O que a SPA? O que esta sigla significa?
4) Observe a palavra grifada: The latter includes the manufacturing of counterfeit packages that
pretend to be originals. Ela um cognato ou um falso-cognato? Qual o seu real significado?
Quando queremos nos referir a alguma coisa (ou idia) que j foi mencionada, ou ainda vai ser
mencionada numa determinada sentena, geralmente utilizamos recursos lingsticos para no
tornar a sentena repetitiva.
The magazine which is on the desk is old.
A revista que est sobre a mesa velha.
Paul and Sue are good friends. They always help us.
Paul and Sue so bons amigos. Eles sempre nos ajudam.
John works in my office. We like him very much.
John trabalha em meu escritrio. Ns gostamos muito dele.

Pode-se observar que podemos nos referir a uma idia anterior ou posterior utilizando
diferentes PRONOMES;
Subject Pronouns
I know Ann.
You know Ann.
He knows Ann.
She knows Ann.
We know Ann.
They know Ann.

Object Pronouns

Possessive Adjectives Possessive Pronouns

Ann knows me.
Ann knows you.
Ann knows him.
Ann knows her.
Ann knows us.
Ann knows them.

Possessive Adjectives

Possessive Pronouns

Its my money.
Its your money.
Its his money.
Its her money.
Its our money.
Its their money.

Its mine.
Its yours.
Its his.
Its hers.
Its ours.
Its theirs.


Finish the sentences with mine/yours/ours/theirs/hers/his:

1. Its your money. Its _______________

2. Its my bag. Its ________________.
3. Its our car. Its ________________.
4. Theyre her shoes. Theyre ____________.

5. Its their house. Its _______________

6. Theyre your books. Theyre ________.
7. Theyre my glasses. Theyre ________.
8. Its his coat. Its ______________.

Classifique os pronomes grifados e indique as respectivas palavras a que eles se referem:

1. Most people are happy in their jobs.

2) Mr. Baker lives in London. His son lives in Australia.
3) Where are the tickets? I cant find them.
4) We are going out. You can come with us.
5) Margaret likes music. She plays the piano.
6) Ann is going out with her friends tonight.
7) I like tennis. It is my favorite sport.
8) I am talking to you. Please, listen to me.



Researchers in computer imaging technology are developing systems by which users can
experience a simulated three-dimensional reality (3D). This simulated reality is known as virtual
reality (VR). Sometimes the term cyberspace is used as synonym with VR.
Since the 1970s, technologists have learned how to produce animated computer images of
objects that exhibit colors, textures and special changings. The images can also be subjected to
changing light conditions and to simulated effects of gravity and other forces. The results can look
as real as actual motion pictures.
The further aim of technologists is to make it for person t enter and actually manipulate VR.
This is being achieved by having an observer who wears a headgear through which computer
images are displayed on small screens in front of the eyes. At the same time, gloves that are
equipped with sensors are transmitting apparent changes of body orientation in VR. A simpler form
of these VR techniques is seen in the flight simulators used for training pilots.
Adapted from Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc., 1996

Questes sobre o texto: (Compreenso)

1) O que os pesquisadores da rea de tecnologia de imagem computacional esto desenvolvendo?

2) O que Realidade Virtual? Qual a sua sigla (em Ingls)?
3) D um sinnimo de Virtual Reality?


4) Quando iniciaram-se as pesquisas com VR? Como eram feitas?

5) O que pretendiam as pesquisas posteriores?
Vocabulrio Tcnico
6) Encontre no texto as palavras ou expresses que se referem s seguintes definies:
a. People who work in technology rea: ____________________________
b. Three-dimensional reality: ____________________________________
c. Another name for monitor or display: ___________________________

Gramtica ContextualizadaING
7) Classifique os INGs encontrados no texto em gerndio, substantivo ou verbo:
a. Researchers in computer imaging technology are developing systems
b. images of objects that exhibit colors, textures and special changings
c. This is being achieved by having an observer who
____________________ ______________________
d. gloves that are equipped with sensors are transmitting changes
e. flight simulators used for training pilots.

(Who / Which / That)

Who is for people (not things)

A Programmer is a person who writes programs.

The man who phoned will call you later again.
I know everybody who work in my company.

Which is for things (not people)

This is the printer which you asked me.

I dont have the CD-Rom which you need.
Is this the new computer which you bought?

That is for things or people:

I know everybody that work in my company.

(You can use that for people, but who is more usual)
This is the printer that you asked me.

Portanto, temos:
(Para pessoas)
He is the system analyst who/that prepares instructions.
(Para coisas)


This is the manual which/that you need.


1. Complete com who ou which:
I met a woman who can speak six languages.
Whats the name of the man ________ lives next door?
Whats the name of the river ________ flows through the town?
Where is the picture ________ was hanging on the wall?
Do you know anybody _______ wants to buy a car?
You always ask questions _______ are difficult to answer.
I have a friend _________ is very good at repairing cars.
I think everybody ________ went to the party enjoyed it a lot.
2. Volte ao texto Virtual Reality e retire 1 pronome relativo do 1 pargrafo, 1 pronome relativo
do 2 pargrafo e 3 pronomes do 3 pargrafo, e indique as respectivas palavras a que eles se
1 pargrafo: pronome: _____________
refere-se a: _______________
2 pargrafo: pronome: _____________
refere-se a: _______________
3 pargrafo: pronome

refere-se a

operating system
Last modified: Friday, January 04, 2002

The most important program that runs on a computer. Every general-purpose computer must have an

operating system to run other programs. Operating systems perform basic tasks, such as recognizing
input from the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and directories on
the disk, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.
For large systems, the operating system has even greater responsibilities and powers. It is like a traffic
cop -- it makes sure that different programs and users running at the same time do not interfere with each
other. The operating system is also responsible for security, ensuring that unauthorized users do not
access the system.
Operating systems can be classified as follows:
multi-user : Allows two or more users to run programs at the same time. Some operating systems
permit hundreds or even thousands of concurrent users.
multiprocessing : Supports running a program on more than one CPU.
multitasking : Allows more than one program to run concurrently.
multithreading : Allows different parts of a single program to run concurrently.
real time: Responds to input instantly. General-purpose operating systems, such as DOS and UNIX,
are not real-time.
Operating systems provide a software platform on top of which other programs, called application
programs, can run. The application programs must be written to run on top of a particular operating
system. Your choice of operating system, therefore, determines to a great extent the applications you can
run. For PCs, the most popular operating systems are DOS, OS/2, and Windows, but others are
available, such as Linux. As a user, you normally interact with the operating system through a set of
commands. For example, the DOS operating system contains commands such as COPY and RENAME
for copying files and changing the names of files, respectively. The commands are accepted and
executed by a part of the operating system called the command processor or command line interpreter.
Graphical user interfaces allow you to enter commands by pointing and clicking at objects that appear
on the screen.


Passe para o Portugus as expresses abaixo retiradas do texto:

a. General-purpose computer - ___________________________________

b. Operating system - __________________________________________
c. Basic tasks - ________________________________________________
d. Peripheral devices - __________________________________________
e. Different programs and users - _________________________________

Encontre no texto as seguintes palavras em Ingls:

a. Teclado - _______________
b. Tela - __________________
c. Usurios - _______________
d. Diretrios - ______________
e. Segurana - ______________
f. Acessar - ________________
g. Aplicativos - _____________
h. Processador - _____________

O que um Sistema Operacional, de acordo com a definio do texto?

Quais so as funes do Sistema Operacional?
- ___________________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________________

Como ele pode ser classificado?


O que faz o multi-user?
Quais so os mais populares Sistemas Operacionais para PCs?
Como so aceitos e executados os comandos do Sistema Operacional?
9. Passe a seguinte sentena do texto para o Portugus: The Operating System is also responsible
for security, ensuring that unauthorized users do not access the system.
10) O que possui o Sistema Operacional DOS e para que serve?
Em ingls, os verbos praticamente no se flexionam. Um dos casos em que ocorre a flexo exatamente o
simple present, na 3 pessoa do singular. Nada complicado! Basta acrescentar um s ao infinitivo sem to,
considerando as regras do plural dos substantivos.
1) Se o verbo termina em o, ch, s, ss, sh, x ou z, acrescenta-se es para formar a 3 pessoa do singular.
go (ir) goes
catch (pegar) catches
pass (passar) passes
brush (escovar) brushes
fix (consertar) fixes

buzz (zumbir) buzze
2) Caso o verbo termine em y precedido de consoante, troca-se o y por i e acrescenta-se es. Sendo o y
precedido de vogal, basta acrescentar um s.
try (tentar, experimentar) tries
study (estudar) studies
enjoy (gostar, apreciar) enjoys
play (jogar, brincar, tocar) plays
GRAMMAR : present progressive ou present continuous
Para formar o present progressive utilizamos o presente do verbo to be (estar) junto com o gerndio (-ing)
do verbo principal.
sujeito + be + infinitivo (-to) + ing
I am waiting for a phone call.
Estou aguardando um telefonema.

He is working now.
Ele est trabalhando agora.
Eles esto jogando basquetebol.

They are playing basketball.

1) Identifique o sujeito dos verbos grifados nas sentenas abaixo:

A keyboard is a device used to input information into the computer. It seems a typewriter.


The display or monitor shows the information that you type.


The microprocessor is the most important part of the computer and controls everything it does.


A modem is a device which connects a computer to a telephone line.


The operating system is a set of instructions that controls and supervises all the programs.


A computer executes millions of operations in one second.

2) Circule os verbos no Passado Simples e sublinhe os seus sujeitos:

1) The company director bought some new printers and sold the old ones by a very cheap price.
2) Microsoft sent us a new program but we didnt buy it, because it was too expensive.
3) My company had problems last year, but at the beginning of this year, it got fine, so I wanted to buy some
new computers and asked my secretary to give me the prices of new softwares.
4) Sarah brought a new application software and asked me to check it. I checked all the program and it was
Ok, but she had some problems with it yesterday, so I tried to set it again.
5) Last year Paul traveled to NY and took lots of pictures of Manhattan. He brought them and showed us in
the company. We saw all the pictures and found very interesting.


Leia os textos abaixo e faa os exerccios referentes a cada um deles:

Text I Programming Languages

Just as there are many human languages, so there are many computer languages. In the early
days, people programmed using the computers binary code, or what we call `machine language.
When this became difficult, mnemonics were used to make life easier. This is called `assembly
language programming. Finally, there are the high-level languages like BASIC, FORTRAN, and
ALGOL. These are much more similar to everyday language, and are translated directly or
indirectly into the computers machine code using the computers firmware.
BASIC is the language most often used to introduce programming.

Some help

just as = assim como

in the early days = no princpio, no incio
mnemonics = arte de desenvolver a memria mediante processos auxiliares
como a associao.
to make easier = tornar mais fcil
high-level = alto nvel
firmware = software` armazenado em ROM em vez de disco
Sabendo-se que a expresso computers binary code est no Caso Genitivo; a
correspondente em Portugus :

computador de cdigo binrio

computao binria de cdigo
cdigo de computao binria
cdigo binrio do computador
Retire do texto outras duas expresses que estejam no Caso Genitivo:





Text II Machine Language

This is the language which the computer actually understands inside itself. Machine language
statements are written in a binary code, and each statement corresponds to one machine action.
A program written in high-level language is often called a `source program, and it cannot be
directly processed by the computer until it has been compiled, which means interpreted into
machine code. Usually a single instruction written in a high-level language, when transformed into

machine code, results in several instructions. But some computers can be programmed directly in
machine code.

Some help

statements = programas so compostos por `statements, isto , instrues, comandos.

compiled = traduzido em linguagem de mquina; compilado.
a single = um nica
Transcreva da sentena o Grupo Nominal nela existente e passe toda a sentena para o
But some computers can be programmed directly in machine code.
Grupo Nominal:
De acordo com o texto, um programa escrito em linguagem de alto nvel freqentemente
chamado de:

machine code
machine language
source program
several instructions
Assinale a alternativa que preenche a afirmao de acordo com o texto:

Cada comando corresponde a _____________________________.

um programa fonte
um cdigo binrio
um cdigo de mquina
um ao da mquina
Text III Assembly Languages
Assembly language is a programming language that talks fairly directly to the computer. Unlike
machine language, which is what the computer understands, assembly language is mnemonic, so
that it can be understood and remembered more easily by a human being; in fact, assembly
language is really just machine language in mnemonic form.
Assembly languages are specific to a given CPU chip and are named after it (8080 assembly
language, 6809 assembly language, etc.)
They are harder to program than a high-level
language, but they produce programs that are more efficient and run faster.

Some help
fairly = quase
unlike = ao contrrio de, diferente de

just = apenas, justamente

CPU = Central Processing Unit

are named = recebem o nome


after it de acordo com ele (chip

Na sentena do texto que est sublinhada, o pronome They refere-se palavra:




Assinale a alternativa em que h um Grupo Nominal:

directly to the computer
machine language


more easily
the computer understands

Complete as sentences com some ou any:

There are ______________ complex Mathematical problems.
I cant find ______________ texts on `Time-sharing`.
There isnt ______________ time for transmitting new data.
Do you have _____________ good marks?
There are ______________ printers in this room.
Text IV High-Level Languages

A high-level languages is a computer programming language designed to allow people to write

programs without having to understand the inner workings of the computer.
They are fairly close to natural languages like English and most have been written for one
particular type of application or another. For example, ALGOL has been written for general
applications, COBOL for business applications, FORTRAN for mathematics work and BASIC for
general purpose introductory programming.
High-level languages are easier to program than assembly languages, but generally produce
programs that are less efficient and run slower.

Some help

designed to = planned to = planejada, projetada

inner workings = trabalhos internos, o que se passa dentro.
close to = near = perto de, parecidas
most = a maioria
general-purpose = objetivo geral

Na expresso computer programming language a palavra em destaque :

gerndio (programando)
verbo (programar)
substantivo (programao)
particpio (programado)


Assinale a alternativa correta, de acordo com o texto:

a) Linguagens de alto nvel so _______________________ de programar do que linguagem

1) mais difceis
2)mais fceis
b) Linguagens de alto nvel produzem programas que so _________________________ do que
linguagem assembly.
1-menos eficientes
2-mais eficientes
c) Programas em linguagem de alto nvel `rodam ________________________.
1-mais rpido
2-mais lento

BOECKNER, Keith & BROWN, P. Charles. Oxford English for Computing.Oxford:Oxford
University Press, 1996.
CASTLEMAN, R. K. Digital Image Processing. USA: Prentice Hall, 2000.
CRUZ, Dcio Torres & SILVA, Alba Valria & ROSAS, Marta. Ingls.com.textos para
informtica. Salvador: O Autor , 2001.
GALANTE, T. P. Ingls para Processamento de Dados. So Paulo: Atlas, 1996.
MARTINS, Elisabeth P. & PASQUALIN, Ernesto & AMOS, Eduardo. Graded English. So Paulo:
MUNHOZ, Rosngela. Ingls Instrumental Estratgias de Leitura. Mdulo I. So Paulo:
________.Ingls Instrumental Estratgias de Leitura. Mdulo II. So Paulo: TEXTO NOVO,

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