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Common Expressions

German English Portuguese

Last but not least Por ltimo mas no com menos importncia

Hard work pays off Trabalho duro compensa

To give a hand with Dar uma mo a

To be a loner Ser solitrio

To be a pain in the neck Ser um/a chato/a

To be a high flyer Ser altivo

To take the words out of someones mouth Tirar as palavras da boca

To be a drama queen Ser um/a dramtico/a

To know something/someone inside out Saber algo muito bem

Not having a clue about something/someone No ter ideia sobre

Not being a cry baby No ser um/a choramingas

To wet behind the ears Ser imaturo

To be off the top of ones head Ser em cima do joelho

To be on the tip of ones tongue Estar na ponta da lngua

To let the cat out of the bag Dar com a lngua nos dentes

To pull somebodys leg Mentira! A srio?

To cut a long story short Encurtando a estria.

To have/throw a fit Fazer birra

The ball is in sbs court A bola est contigo/consigo

A rip off / to rip sb off Ser um roubo/ ser roubado/a

To draw a blank Dar uma branca

Birds of a feather (flock together) Farinha do mesmo saco

To be a basket case doido/a!

To call it a day Acabar por hoje

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