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Segundo a Anvisa, pão é o produto obtido pela cocção, em condições técnicas adequadas, de massa

preparada com farinha de trigo, fermento biológico, água e sal, podendo conter outras substâncias
alimentícias aprovadas.
Quais são os exames físico-química realizados em pães? Determinação da úmidade, presença
de bromatos e acidez.
Qual a finalidade de se utilizar bromato na produção de pães? Tem propriedades oxidante que reagem
com a farinha de trigo e o glúten levando a formação de bolhas no pão aumentando o seu volume.

A utilização do trigo como alimento iniciouse cerca de 17000 anos atrás. Com o passar do tempo o
homem primitivo descobriu que poderia cultivalo e posteioremente realizar4 sua moagem para a
obtenção da farinha, triturandoo manualmente entre duas pedra.
Sabese que 10k ac já existia o pao, formado pela mistura de fatinha e agua, essa massa era cozinha
em pedra quentes e como o pao não continha fermente para fazelo crescer e consequentemente
melhorar duas características físicas, esete se apresentava de foprma achatada, duro por fora e macio
por dentro.
O homem foi evoluindo ao longo do tempo e, consequentemente, aprimorando suas técnicas de
produção de pao, introduzindo a fermentação e o cozimento. O ato de se fazer pao tornou-se então, a
principal ocupação durante o perioso clássico da grecia e roma, havendo um aumento excessivamente
grande de padarias publicas nessa época.
Com o inicio da revolução industrial, a mecanização das panificadoras foi se tyornando cada vez mais
comum, e diversos produtos foram desenvolvidos. Certos tipos de paes se tornaram típicos de alguns
países, como o pao negro da russia e op pao francês da franca, sendo a nossa cultura fortemente
relacionada ao pao
O pao branco representa 2/3 da produção total de paes, sendo este de alto valor energético,
fornecendo, de modo geral, 19% das necessidades energetuicas darias, além de conter elementos
nutritivos não energéticos, como ácidos graxos, aminoácidos, elementos minerais e vitaminas B1, B2,

Qualquer água que é adequada para ser bebida pela população, pode ser usada na produção de pão.
Se o padeiro recebe água do sistema de abastecimento da cidade, deve certificar-se de que a água
está livre de microorganicsmos produtores de doenças e de turbidez. Entretamento após a agua sdair
da torneira, é de responsabilidade do padeiro mantela o mais pura possível
É muito comum nos sistemas de distribuição de água o uso de sais de cloro no tratamento, para evitar
contaminação por bactérias. A presença de excesso de cloro, entretamto produz alteraçãoes na
fermentação em quantidades de 3-10ppm. Mesmo em quantidades extremas, em 12 a 15x o valor usual,
produziu-se pao de excelente qualidade, o único problema é que o sabor e o aroma foram
característicos de produtos clorados, quantidade excessiva, aparentemente diminui com o tempo de
O fermento usado normalmente pela maioria das padarias pe do tipo fresco, e é oriundo da espécie
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, pertencente a família dos cogumelos. No processo de panificação, sua
principal função é a de provocar a fermentação dos acucares, produzindo gas carbônico, que ao mesmo
tempo é responsável pela formação de alvéolos in ternos e pelo crescimento da massa. Industrialmente
o fermento é produzido a partir do melaço, usando-se culturas de leveduras adequadas para sua
Em geral os aditivos são amilases de diferentes origens da cultura de aspergillus oryzae ou niger. Outro
aditivo bastante utilizado é o acido ascórbico, o uso de 75ppm sobre o teor de farinha propicia a massa
uma maior tenacidade, braqueamento do miolo, retenção gasosa , acentua a maturação da massa,
diminuindo o tempod e fermentação. Do ponto de vista prático indica economia de tempo e facilidades
nas operações mecânicas de divisão e boleamento da massa
Ainda como aditivo é bastante empregado o estearoil-2-lactil lactato de sódio ou de cálcio, com a
finalidade de reforçar as propriedades físicas da massa e da retenção de gases, além de melhorar a
conservação da maciez do pao por mais tempo, paralelamente este aditivo vem acompanhado do uso
de polissorbato na massa, por suas propriedades emuklsificantes.
Na massa do pao as proteases causam cisão das ligações peptídicas na estrutura do gluten e este tipo
de acao é diferente do papel dos agentes redutores que quebram as pontes dissulfeto do gluten.
Consequentemente, a modificação do gluten pela acao da protease difrete daquela obtide pela forca
física da mistura, ou acao química de agentes redutores.


The proliferation of bread varieties, a few of which are illustrated in Fig. 1.1, derives from the unique
properties of wheat proteins to form gluten and from the bakers' ingenuity in manipulating the gluten
structures formed within the dough. The rubbery mass of gluten with its ability to deform, stretch, recover
shape and trap gases is very important in the production of bread and all fermented products. Of all the
cereals wheat is almost unique in this respect. To be able to make our particular bread type we must
have an understanding of the complex interactions between our raw materials and the methods we will
use in the conversion processes from ingredients to baked product. Our raw materials will change and
our processes are time and temperature sensitive. Given the intricate nature of the process, it is a
wonder that we manage to make bread at all. We do so because of accumulated knowledge—craft—
augmented these days by scientific and technological understanding. What are the essential characters
of breads? How do we distinguish them from cakes, pastries and biscuits? We have already considered
that ‘bread’ requires wheat flour (mostly) and water to form gluten to trap the gas generated by the added
or natural yeasts. We usually see at least one other ingredient used, namely salt, which is added to give
more flavour to the baked product. As will be discussed later, salt not only contributes flavour to bread
but it also makes significant contributions to controlling yeast fermentation and dough development
Bread Flavour
Nothing will provoke more debate in discussions on bread characteristics than that related to the flavour
of fermented products. The judgment of what constitutes the ‘right’ flavour is another highly personal
and emotionally charged issue. Sometimes bread products are eaten alone, but more often they will be
eaten as an accompaniment to other foods in a meal or as part of a composite product, so that bread
flavours tend to be subtler than we would encounter in many other foods. Other common additions
include fats, sugars, milk products and milk, each contributing its own special flavour. The level of yeast
used in the recipe also makes its own unique contribution to bread flavour. The most commonly observed
flavour changes are those associated with the development of acid flavours from microbial activity in the
dough, which are readily detected in the flavour of the bread crumb. Not all of this flavour activity will
come from the addition of bakers’ yeast; some will come from wild yeasts and bacteria, especially lactic
acid bacteria, which are present naturally in the flour. A most important contribution to bread flavour
comes from the process of baking. During this heat-setting stage many of the flavour compounds present
undergo major changes; some old ones are lost and many new ones are formed. We most readily see
this phenomenon in the formation of a dark, mostly brown crust on the outer surfaces of the dough.
These changes are associated with the complex processes commonly referred to as ‘Maillard browning.
lthough there will be some small changes in the nutritional qualities as a result of the milling and baking
processes, wheat-based breads continue to provide significant sources of protein, complex
carbohydrates (mainly starch), fibre, vitamins and minerals. The nutritional contributions are greatest in
wholemeal (wholewheat) breads since they require conversion of 100 % of the grain into flour. In lower-
extraction white flours the removal of some of the bran and germ components from the wheat grain
changes the overall nutritional qualities of the resultant product, although in spite of this, white breads
continue to make significant contributions to the diet.

In the same way that different bread varieties have evolved with the passage of time so have different
methods which allow the conversion of flour and other ingredients into bread. In many cases the
relationship between product and process is so strong that it may be wrong to consider them as separate
issues. Just as there is no ‘ideal’ product so there is no ‘ideal’ breadmaking process. In reality each
baker uses a breadmaking process which is unique, in that the combinations of ingredient qualities,
formulations, processing conditions and equipment reflect the qualities of the products he or she is
seeking to achieve All of the processes which have evolved for the manufacture of bread have a single,
common aim, namely to convert wheat flour into an aerated and palatable food. In achieving this
conversion there are a number of largely common steps which are used.
• The mixing of flour (mainly wheat) and water, together with yeast and salt, and other specified
ingredients in appropriate ratios.
• The development of a gluten structure (hydrated proteins) in the dough through the application of
energy during mixing, often referred to as ‘kneading’.
• The incorporation of air bubbles within the dough during mixing.
• The continued ‘development’ of the gluten structure created as the result of kneading, in order to modify
the rheological properties of the dough and to improve its ability to expand when gas pressures increase
because of the generation of carbon dioxide gas in the fermenting dough. This stage of dough
development may also be referred to as ‘ripening’ or ‘maturing’ of the dough.
• The creation or modification of particular flavour compounds in the dough.
• The subdivision of the dough mass into unit pieces.
• A preliminary modification of the shape of the divided dough pieces.
• A short delay in processing to modify further the physical and rheological properties of the dough
• The shaping of the dough pieces to achieve their required configurations.
• The fermentation and expansion of the shaped dough pieces during ‘proof’.
• Further expansion of the dough pieces and fixation of the final bread structure during baking.

The main differences between individual or groups of breadmaking processes are usually associated
with mixing and kneading, air incorporation, and the creation and development of the gluten structure,
in summary all of those operations which in practice deal with the formation of a large dough bulk. The
subdivision of the bulk dough and the processing stages for individual dough pieces do contribute to the
modification of product quality but tend to build on the dough development created before subdivision of
the bulk dough. The processing stages at the end of the sequence, proving and baking, are common to
most breadmaking processes and differences between individual bakeries tend to be in the type of
equipment used and small variations in conditions which are applied in the bakery equipment, e.g. time
and temperature. The best results in terms of improved bread volume and crumb softness will be
achieved with vigorous and prolonged hand mixing and kneading. During the process of kneading, the
dough, and more probably the ‘baker’, becomes warmer as energy is imparted to the dough. However,
there is more to dough development than a simple kneading process. In the process of developing a
bread dough we bring about changes in the physical properties of the dough and in particular we improve
its ability to retain the carbon dioxide gas which will later be generated by yeast fermentation. This
improvement in gas retention ability is particularly important when the dough pieces reach the oven. In
the early stages of baking before the dough has set yeast activity is at its greatest and large quantities
of carbon dioxide gas are being generated and released from solution in the aqueous phase of the
dough, along with steam and thermal expansion of the trapped gases. If the dough pieces are to continue
to expand at this time, then the dough must be able to retain a large quantity of that gas being generated,
and it can only do this if we have created a gluten structure with the correct physical properties.
Four physical properties of dough will concern us in breadmaking: resistance to deformation,
extensibility, elasticity and stickiness. We can use the analogy of an elastic band to help understand the
first three of these properties. When we stretch the elastic band in our hands a degree of force is required
to change its shape as it resists deformation. If we apply only a modest force and release one end of the
band then, because it is an elastic material, it returns to its original shape. If we once again stretch the
elastic band and continue to apply force without releasing it we will eventually reach a point of extension
when the elastic band snaps, which we could take as a measure of its extensibility. The fourth physical
property, stickiness, is largely self-explanatory. Dough stickiness is the least desirable property for the
baker because it makes dough processing difficult. This is especially true in plant bakeries where the
tendency for the dough to smear onto the surfaces of processing equipment leads to an accumulation
of dough material which eventually impedes the progress of dough pieces and may bring the plant to a
halt. Yet dough is not in itself sticky but becomes so when it is subjected to stress and shear. The effect
of the latter is especially important and occurs when blades are driven through dough (e.g. during
dividing of the bulk dough into unit pieces) or when a surface of the dough is moved at a different rate
to its bulk (e.g. during mixing and moulding
A common reaction to dough stickiness is to reduce the dough water level in the mixer. While this may
improve the handling of the dough it does not necessarily reduce its overall stickiness by much. Doughs
which are under-developed are more prone to the effects of shear, and optimised water levels are an
important part of delivering optimized dough development. In addition, lower water (stiff) doughs tend to
have a greater resistance to deformation and a tendency to be more elastic. This often means that
greater pressures need to be applied during dough processing during moulding and can lead to the
damage of gas bubble structures in the dough which show in the final product as areas of coarse
structure, or even unwanted large holes in the crumb Most of the desirable changes resulting from
‘optimum’ dough development, whatever the breadmaking process, are related to the ability of the dough
to retain gas bubbles (air) and permit the uniform expansion of the dough piece under the influence of
carbon dioxide gas from yeast fermentation during proof and the early stages of baking
It is important to distinguish between gas production and gas retention in fermented doughs. Gas
production refers to the generation of carbon dioxide gas as a natural consequence of yeast
fermentation. Provided the yeast cells in the dough remain viable (alive) and sufficient substrate (food)
for the yeast is available, then gas production will continue, but expansion of the dough can only occur
if that carbon dioxide gas is retained in the dough. Not all of the gas generated during processing, proof
and baking will be retained within the dough before it finally sets in the oven. The proportion that will be
retained depends on the development of a suitable gluten matrix within which the expanding gas can be
held. Gas retention in dough is therefore closely linked with the degree of dough development which
occurs, and as such will be affected by a large number of ingredients and processing parameters which
are not necessarily independent of one another Since gluten is the essential ‘ingredient’ in achieving the
required dough development it follows that flour is the primary ‘building block’ in that process. Improved
dough development leads to improved gas retention which is manifest through increased bread volume,
crumb softness and changes in crumb structure and texture. Carbon dioxide gas has many special
properties and at this point we are concerned with two: its high solubility by comparison with the other
major gases in breadmaking, nitrogen and oxygen and its relative inability to form gas bubbles in dough.
As the yeast produces carbon dioxide gas, the latter goes into solution in the aqueous phase within the
dough. If the carbon dioxide does not form its own gas bubbles how then does expansion of the dough
through gas retention occur? Two other gases are available in significant quantities within the dough as
a result of mixing, oxygen and nitrogen, both of which are derived from any quantities of air trapped
within the dough matrix as it forms. In the case of oxygen, its residence time within the dough is relatively
short since it is quickly used up by the yeast cells within the dough

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