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Check-In (5)

Imagine you are traveling from Buenos Aires to Toronto. Here are four conversations you might
have during your trip:

Conversation #1 – At the check-in desk

YOU: please, where is the check-in desk?_____________________________________________

Person: You turn right at the first aisle and go infront , sir._______________________________

Agent: Good morning! Where are you flying to today?___________________________________

You: Toronto.
Agent: May I have your passport, please?______________________________________________
You: Here you go._________________________________________________________________
Agent: Any bags to check?__________________________________________________________
You: Yes – two.
Agent: Please place your luggage on the scale.__________________________________________
You: I have a stopover in Mexico City – will I need to pick up my luggage there, or will it go
straight through to Toronto?
Agent: It’ll go straight through. Here are your boarding passes – your flight leaves from gate 15A
and it’ll begin boarding at 12:45. Your seat number is 32D.
You: Thanks.
Agent: Have a nice flight!__________________________________________________________

Common phrases and vocabulary words:

• Here you go – você diz isso quando você dá algo a alguém
• To check your bags isso significa colocar suas malas no compartimento de carga.
• A pequena bolsa ou mochila que você vai levar no avião é chamado de
carry-on (de mão)
• Você precisa colocar suas malas carry -on pela máquina de raio -X em segurança.
• A escala é o equipamento que lhe diz o peso de sua bagagem(balança)
• A stopover or layover é quando o avião pára em uma cidade diferente antes de continuar
para o destino fina (escala ou conexão)
• If your luggage goes straight through, isso significa que sua bagagem irá diretamente para
o destino final ( você não precisa buscá-lo durante a sua escala )
• Boarding passes : Cartões de embarque são os bilhetes que permitem que você entre no
• When a plane begins boarding, isso significa que os passageiros começa a entrar no avião .
Normalmente, o tempo de embarque é de 30-60 minutos antes da decolagem (quando o
avião sai ) -1-
Check-In (5)

Conversation#2 – Missed connection

You: Excuse me, is this the gate for flight 1388 to Toronto?
Agent: I’m sorry, but the flight left just a couple minutes ago.
You: Oh no! What should I do?____________________________________________________
Agent: Go to the Global Airlines check-in desk and ask them to put you on the next available flight.
(at the check-in desk)______________________________________________________________


You: Hi. My flight from Buenos Aires was delayed and I missed my connection to Toronto. When’s
the next available flight?____________________________________________________________
Agent: Let me see… unfortunately, the 7:20 flight is full, but I can get you on one at 10:10.
You: That’ll be fine.______________________________________________________________
Agent: Your passport, please… would you like a window or an aisle seat?
You: A window seat.___________________________________________________________
Agent: All right – you’ll be departing from gate 28B in Terminal 4, and your seat number is 5A.
You: Thanks!

Common phrases and vocabulary words:

1. The gate é o lugar no aeroporto de onde você vai para entrar no avião
2. A couple minutes ago significa 2 ou 3 minutos no passado
3. You can say “What should I do?” : para pedir conselhos , sugestões , ou ajudar com um
4. In English we say you missed the flight or connection, not “lost” the flight or connection
5. Em Inglês dizemos que você perdeu o vôo ou conexão , e não " perdeu " o
voo ou conexão
6. You can say “Let me see” when you need a moment to think or to find information
7. Você pode dizer: " Deixe-me ver " quando você precisa de um momento para
pensar ou para encontrar informações
8. The baggage claim é o lugar onde você pegar sua bagagem depois de chegar no aeroporto
de destino
9. The baggage claim é o lugar onde você pegar sua bagagem depois de chegar no aeroporto
de destino
Check-In (5)

Conversation #3 – Lost Luggage

You: I think my luggage is lost – I’ve been waiting at the baggage claim for over an hour and it
hasn’t come out yet.___________________________________________________________
Agent: What’s your flight number?________________________________________________

You: Well, I was supposed to come in on flight 1388 from Buenos Aires via Mexico City, but I
missed the connection, so I ended up on flight 973 instead.
Agent: OK – can you describe your luggage?_________________________________________
You: There’s one black suitcase with wheels, and one dark blue duffel bag. Both have tags with my
name on them.__________________________________________________________________
Agent: Please fill out this form with the name and address of your hotel as well as your contact
information, and we’ll get in touch as soon as we find your luggage. I’m terribly sorry for the

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