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O Sistema Econômico da Besta do Anticristo

O Sistema Econômico da Besta do Anticristo está agora a ser

estabelecido. Com base em informações, poderá ser implementado
globalmente até 2030.


É chamado de “Sistema Econômico da Besta” porque, nos livros

bíblicos de Daniel e Apocalipse, o vindouro Anticristo é chamado de “a
Besta”, e seu governo global implementará um sistema econômico
mundial que lhe dará controle total sobre a capacidade de todos
comprarem ou venderem.

As Duas Bestas

Apocalipse capítulo 13 descreve duas bestas do fim dos tempos. A

primeira besta é o Anticristo, que governará as nações por 3 anos e
meio. A “segunda besta” é o seu braço direito, comumente referido
como “o Falso Profeta”.

A Marca da Besta

“ E a segunda besta exigia que todos os pequenos e grandes, ricos

e pobres, livres e escravos, recebessem uma marca na mão direita ou
na testa, para que ninguém pudesse comprar ou vender, a menos que
tivesse a marca - o nome do besta ou o número do seu nome.”
Apocalipse 13:16-17

De acordo com estes versículos, a segunda besta fará com que todos
recebam “uma marca” na mão direita ou na testa, sem a qual ninguém
poderá comprar ou vender dentro do sistema.

Muitos especulam que esta “marca” será um microchip implantado ou

um sistema biométrico que identifica e autentica eletronicamente cada
pessoa dentro do Sistema Econômico da Besta. Esta tecnologia
existe hoje.

O Sistema Econômico da Besta

Nações ao redor do mundo estão agora testando o profético Sistema
Econômico da Besta. Pode ser implementado globalmente já em 2030.

1. O CBDC (Moeda Digital do Banco Central) poderá ser

implementado já em 2030 ou antes.

2. Um microchip (implantado sob a pele da mão) ou um sistema de

identificação biométrica fornecerá suas informações pessoais e, em
seguida, autenticará o acesso às suas transações financeiras (e
registros de saúde).

3. O microchip ou identificação biométrica também permitirá ao

governo rastrear e registrar eletronicamente sua localização, assim
como seu smartphone faz hoje.

Então o que isso quer dizer?

Globalmente, os governos terão total visibilidade e controle sobre os

seus gastos pessoais e viagens.

Depois de integrarem o CBDC a um sistema totalitário de crédito

social, você será forçado a cumprir seus mandatos ou sua conta
bancária será congelada.

Sua conta CBDC, juntamente com um microchip implantado ou

sistema de identificação biométrica, capacitará o governo a monitorar
e controlar cada uma de suas transações financeiras, bem como
rastrear continuamente sua localização dentro de um sistema de
vigilância “Big Brother”.

Você não poderá comprar mantimentos, pagar aluguel, viajar ou

comprar qualquer coisa, a menos que obedeça.

Quando o Sistema Econômico da Besta for implementado, você terá

quatro opções:

1. Cumprir

A grande maioria das pessoas está mais do que disposta e obedecerá.

Anúncios governamentais dirão: ‘O dólar digital é igual ao dólar de
papel, só que melhor’

Eles rejeitarão os teóricos da conspiração malucos que temem que o

CBDC seja o antecessor da “marca da besta”.

Eles vão discutir, qual é a diferença? Então, e se a nossa atual nota de

dólar tiver uma pirâmide com um olho que tudo vê e mensagens de
“nova ordem mundial”? O CBDC não é mais pagão; é simplesmente a
forma eletrônica do dólar que já usamos.

A maioria já deveria estar preparada para a transição para uma

sociedade sem dinheiro.

Além disso, quem mais usa dinheiro? A maioria das pessoas já não
usa depósito direto, banco eletrônico e cartões de crédito/débito para
quase todas as suas transações?

Muitos desejarão o descumprimento, mas não verão nenhuma

alternativa viável.

A maioria não vai querer cumprir (o que parece ser) o profético

Sistema Económico da Besta, mas não terá planejado as
consequências do não cumprimento.

Sem a capacidade de realizar transações dentro do sistema CBDC,

eles perderão seus empregos, casas, carros e bens. Como resultado,
a grande maioria encontrará uma forma de racionalizar a

Enquanto o microchip ou o sistema de identificação biométrica não

exigir um juramento ao Anticristo, eles “torcerão o nariz” e obedecerão
ao Sistema Econômico da Besta em evolução.

2. Resistência violenta contra o sistema económico bestial

Se algum “terrorista doméstico de direita” resistir violentamente, o

governo irá destruí-lo violentamente como exemplo para outros.

3. O Grande Êxodo
Muitos cristãos messiânicos esperam um “Grande Êxodo” no fim dos
tempos durante o próximo período da “grande tribulação”. Eles
acreditam que Deus reunirá (e proverá sobrenaturalmente) seu povo
em “acampamentos dos santos” por toda a terra.

Na citação a seguir, esses cristãos acreditam que 'a mulher'

representa o Israel espiritual (a Igreja remanescente) durante este
Grande Êxodo, e Deus será aquele que os alimentará durante os
próximos 3,5 anos (tempo, e tempos, e metade de um tempo) da
grande tribulação, como Ele fez isso quando forneceu maná
sobrenaturalmente ao antigo Israel por 40 anos.

“Mas à mulher foram dadas duas asas de grande águia para voar da
presença da serpente até o seu lugar no deserto, onde foi sustentada
por um tempo, e tempos, e metade de um tempo.” Apocalipse 12:14

De acordo com os versículos seguintes, este Êxodo Maior será mais

espectacular do que o êxodo de Israel (de 2-3 milhões de pessoas) do

“Contudo, eis que vêm dias, diz o Senhor, em que não dirão mais:
‘Tão certo como vive o Senhor, que tirou os israelitas da terra do
Egito’. Vive o Senhor, que tirou os israelitas da terra do norte e de
todas as outras terras para onde os havia banido.’ Pois eu os
devolverei à terra que dei aos seus antepassados.” Jeremias 16:14-15

Eu mesmo reunirei o restante do meu rebanho de todas as terras para

onde os bani e os devolverei ao seu pasto, onde frutificarão e se
multiplicarão. Suscitarei sobre eles pastores que cuidarão deles, e
eles não terão mais medo, nem se espantarão, nem ninguém se
perderá, diz o Senhor.

“Eis que vêm dias, diz o Senhor, em que levantarei para Davi um
Renovo justo, e Ele reinará sabiamente como Rei e administrará
justiça e retidão na terra. Nos seus dias Judá será salvo e Israel
habitará seguro. E este é o Seu nome pelo qual Ele será chamado:

O SENHOR Nossa Justiça.”

“Eis que virão dias, diz o Senhor, em que não dirão mais: ‘Tão certo
como vive o Senhor, que tirou os israelitas da terra do Egito’. Em vez
disso, dirão: ‘Tão certo como o Senhor Vive o Senhor, que trouxe e
conduziu os descendentes da casa de Israel para fora da terra do
norte e de todas as outras terras para onde os havia banido.' Então
eles habitarão novamente em sua própria terra”. Jeremias 23:3-8

4. Sair do sistema financeiro mundial

If you decide not to participate in the Beast Economic System, how can
you live? You won’t be able to pay your rent/mortgage, buy groceries,
or gasoline.

Satan controls the kingdoms of the world

Satan told Jesus that ‘all the kingdoms of the world’ are currently under
his control, and Jesus didn’t contradict him. Along with religions and
governments, finances are a key component in Satan's control over the

Then the devil led Jesus up to a high place and showed Him in an
instant all the kingdoms of the world. “I will give You authority over all
these kingdoms and all their glory,” he said. “For it has been
relinquished to me, and I can give it to anyone I wish. So if You
worship me, it will all be Yours.” Luke 4:5-7

What if we need to exit the Beast Economic System before the Greater

Like the majority of Bible prophecy students, we should assume that

the 3.5-year great tribulation period (and the Greater Exodus) will
commence after the Antichrist commits the ‘abomination of desolation‘
(Matthew 24:15). This is important because, if we don’t need to exit the
Beast Economic System until the Greater Exodus begins, we won’t
need to worry about shelter, food, and other necessities of bodily life.
During the Greater Exodus we expect God will supernaturally provide
all our needs, just as he did for ancient Israel after their exodus from

World government rulers are working to implement their Beast

Economic System soon, as early as 2030. And so, if it’s implemented
before the great tribulation starts, we need a contingency plan if we
don’t plan to comply with their CBDC currency, or receive their bio-chip
or biometric ID system.

Your Contingency Plan to Exit the Beast Economic System

To live outside the world’s economic system, you’ll need to join with
others to produce your own shelter, food, fuel for heat and cooking,
and barter with outsiders for all your other necessities. Wise people
need to prepare now for this contingency.

Here are a few criteria to align oneself with others now–in case we
have to live outside the world's economic system for a few years:


First, do I like and respect these people?

Does it seem to be a good fit for us?

Do we have compatible beliefs and morals?

It’s not necessary to agree on every doctrine, but are they (at a
minimum) dedicated to seeking Biblical truth and walking in

Is their vision to thrive, help others, and then lead in positively

rebuilding a local community after the antichrist appears?

Compatible work ethic

Are the people already developing useful life skills (gardening,

sewing, cooking, preserving food, foraging, hunting, fishing, etc.)

Are our beliefs compatible regarding the legitimate uses of violence

against other people? For example:

How would they resist government entities? Violent or non-violent?

How will they discipline members who violate group rules?

What are the group’s rules?
What’s their plan for how to deal with outsiders who ask for help
after the antichrist appears?

What level of force do they think is appropriate to protect property

and supplies?

In a given situation, are they likely to match an appropriate level of

force to the level of threat?

Is land available that’s 100% owned–not under mortgage?

Sustainable food production already on-site

Since we won’t be able to buy groceries, we’ll need to produce our

own food. Raw land will take time before it can become productive, so
it’s not optimal.

Available off-grid drinking water

Can we pre-position temporary housing, supplies, etc., on the


It would be irresponsible for one to show up and expect one's host to

house and feed one's family. We need to be a net asset, not a drain on
someone else’s resources. Therefore, rather than waiting until the last
minute, it’s wise to build and pre-position our shelter, food, tools, etc.,
on the property.

Exercise your preparations before you need them full-time

Stay for short periods in your shelter; especially in hot, cold, and rainy

Cook and eat some of your food

Purify your water

Bathe/shower, wash dishes and clothes

Adequate toilet facilities?

Use your tools to garden, gather firewood, hunt, fish, etc.
Work with other families on homestead improvements

Will my housing and supplies be secure whenever we're not there?

Are there Community Vision and Bylaws documents that define roles,
responsibilities, membership, process for leaving, etc?


Understanding the Mark of the Beast and the Number 666

Four questions concerning the mark of the beast.

What is the mark of the beast?

When will this mark of the beast prophecy be fulfilled?

What is the significance of the number 666?

Why would God allow something like the mark of the beast to take

What is the mark of the beast?

The mark of the beast and the number 666 have been a subject of
much interest for many centuries to those who are interested in Bible
prophecy. The Bible clearly predicts that one day the government of
the world, underneath the power and influence of a powerful world
leader, will cause everyone to receive a mark on their right hand or
foreheads in order to be able to buy or sell. This mark is known in
Bible prophecy as the mark of the beast. This will be some type of
actual marking that will be visible so that it will be easy to spot who is in
the system and who is not. The word beast is used in reference to the
world leader prophecy speaks of called the Antichrist. This will happen
as the Antichrist does his best to get the world under his dominion and
This prophecy comes from the inspired Word of God in the book of

Revelation 13:16-18 “He causes all, both small and great, rich and
poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their
foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the
mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is
wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the
beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”

For many centuries people had doubts about how any government in
the world would be able to control the flow of commerce, and all buying
and selling by using a cashless system. It would seem as though it
would be easy to sell things on the black market using cash. But if you
are forced to use a cashless system then it makes complete sense.
Then you can see how the government could literally control all buying
and selling of goods.

But the mark of the beast is more than just a means to get involved in a
future economic system. It is also a mark that has spiritual implications.
To take the mark of the beast is to pledge allegiance to Satan’s
Antichrist. It is a very dangerous thing for anyone to do as the Bible
clearly says that anyone who takes the mark will be spiritually damned
for all eternity.

When will this mark of the beast prophecy be fulfilled?

According to the Bible’s prophetic time table, this prophecy occurs

during a horrendous time in the history of humanity. The Bible speaks
very plainly of a 7-year period called “The Tribulation Period.”
(Matthew 24:21, Revelation 7:14; 13:5) According to the book of
Daniel, the Tribulation Period will begin when Israel and a world leader
that is known to prophecy followers as the Antichrist (Daniel 7:25, 1
John 2:18, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, Revelation 13:3) confirm a 7-year
covenant (Daniel 9:27).

It is during this 7-year period that the Antichrist will endeavor to exert
extreme governmental control over the population of the world when it
is considered necessary and such economic policies will be widely
Those who understand and know Bible prophecy can easily see that
we are moving closer to that day.

What is the significance of the number 666?

Revelation 13:18 says “Here is wisdom. Let him who has

understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of
a man: His number is 666.”

Some have tried to insist that the number 666 will somehow be used in
the actual mark of the beast. It could be but one would doubt that it will
be something that plain. Across many centuries there has been many
who have tried to figure out who the Antichrist is calculating a man’s
name in order to get it to add up to 666. For example, when Ronald
Wilson Reagan took office. There is six letters in his three names, thus
666, yet he didn’t turn out to be the Antichrist. One would think that no
one will really be able to discern who the beast is until he steps into
power. While it is interesting to look at these things, it is not really
possible at this point to who the antichrist really is.

What we do know from a biblical perspective that numbers and names

have meanings. The number six implies imperfection. Often, numbers
are used as symbols in the Bible. Seven typically represents
completeness or perfection. Six, being one short of seven, can denote
something incomplete or flawed in God’s eyes, and it can be
associated with God’s enemies.

1 Chronicles 20:6 “Yet again there was war at Gath, where there was
a man of great stature, with twenty-four fingers and toes, six on each
hand and six on each foot; and he also was born to the giant.”

Daniel 3:1 says, “Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold,

whose height was sixty cubits and its width six cubits. He set it up in
the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon.”

The Bible sometimes stresses a matter by stating it three times. When

the cherubim in heaven cry “Holy” three times it is to emphasize God’s
holiness as in Isaiah 6:3. So the name 666 powerfully emphasizes
that God views this greatest of all human leader and his political
systems as a gross failure. He will have been unable to bring lasting
peace and security—things that only God’s Kingdom will achieve.

One should be fully convinced that in the day when the man of
lawlessness is revealed, those who are watching with Biblical
understanding will be able to identify him through numerical values
placed on his name.

Why would God allow something like the mark of the beast to take

It may seem to those who live on planet earth during those seven
years that God has lost control of the planet. It may seem like Satan is
in control as the Antichrist makes his covenant with Israel, and then
breaks it, or as he sits in the newly rebuilt temple in Jerusalem and
proclaims himself to be God, or as he imposes upon the human
population strict governmental control. But nothing is farther from the
truth. Satan is not in control. God has written prophecy showing his
influence over the planet. Let’s face it: history told in advance to prove
that He is God.

It is true according to the following verses that those who take the mark
of the beast in their hand or forehead or who worship the beast and his
image will be damned in hell. The Bible clearly portrays this:

Revelation 14:9-11 “Then a third angel followed them, saying with a

loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives
his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of
the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the
cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in
the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. 11
And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they
have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and
whoever receives the mark of his name.”

Some may think that God is unjust in allowing the Antichrist to bring
such things into the world, but God is sovereign, and he has a purpose
in all of this. The highest value that God has is for those he has
created to choose Him. The Bible tells us in 2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is
not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is
longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all
should come to repentance.” God doesn’t want anyone to miss out on
the good things he has planned in the ages to come. However, God is
holy, and just. He will not allow sin and unrighteousness into heaven.
God has shown his love by providing a way for people to be clothed in
a righteousness that God will accept. The good news is that Jesus
Christ took our place on the cross, satisfying the wrath of God. To get
into heaven, God requires that we have saving faith. Saving faith turns
from sin and chooses to believe God. When we trust in the work Jesus
did on the cross, and put our faith in Him, we are given the
righteousness of God.

We have had the awesome privilege to live in the age of grace. Since
Jesus ascended into heaven, for the last 2000 years. God has waited
patiently for men and women to choose to believe in Him. Millions
have found eternal life by placing their trust in what Jesus did at
Calvary. His grace and kindness has allowed people to wait to choose
Him. You have that option as long as you have life.

However, as the age of grace draws to an end, God is going to cause

people to make a choice. And so as the final seven years of the age
draw to a conclusion. The world will have to decide. Take the mark of
the beast and be damned. Or refuse it and be saved. Millions will
refuse the mark, and it will come with a cost. Those who refuse the
mark will be beheaded.

It is far better to decide for Christ today. Ask yourself these questions.
Am I right with God? Have I accepted the sacrifice of Jesus on the
cross? Am I living in such a way that I please the One who died in my
place? Am I doing everything I can to share the Good News of
salvation to a world that it headed toward The Tribulation Period?

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