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Introduo: Durante um jogo de futebol existe uma enorme panplia de factores que ocorrem ao mesmo tempo, nomeadamente um apelo

constante aos vrios sistemas de produo de energia, aerbio e anaerbio, sendo que a fonte de energia mais solicitada durante o mesmo, a de origem aerbia. Objetivos: Analisar a evoluo do Vo2 mx. durante 8 semanas de treino enquadrados num mesociclo de competio. Introduction: During a football match there is a massive range of factors that are taking place at the same time, particularly, an appeal to many systems of production of energy, such as aerobic and anaerobic, in which the most required source of energy during the same, is aerobic. Goals: Analyze the development of VO2 max during 8 weeks of training framed in a mesocycle of competition. Metodologia: este estudo quantitativo, quase experimental e longitudinal, configurou-se a partir da aplicao e avaliao do Teste de Cooper, onde se obteve a distncia percorrida e posteriormente aplicada a frmula de cculo de Cooper (1970) e Ashperd (1981). A amostra aleatria composta por dezanove (n=19) jogadores de futebol federados com uma mdia de idades de 17,76 anos e um devio padro de... Nos procedimentos estatisticos utilizamos o software IBM SPSS Statistic 19, registamos as estatisticas descritivas, tabelas de frequencia e procedemos a testes estatisticos, nomeadamente para medir a associao e correlao entre as variveis, esfericidade da matriz de varincias foram avaliada, respectivamente com o Teste de Shapiro-Wilk ( p>0,05) e com o Mauchlys Test of Sphericity ( sig=0,000). Para a interaco entre os factores e para os momentos avaliativos, procedeu-se comparao mltipla de mdias com Correco de Bonferroni. Methodology: this quantitative study, almost experimental and longitudinal, was configured from the application and evaluation of the Cooper Test, where we got the traveled distance and later applied Coopers formula (1970) and Ashperd (1981). The random sample includes nineteen (n=19) federated football players with an age average of 17,76 years and a standard deviation of () In the statistical procedures we use the IBM SPSS Statistic 19 software, where we register the descriptive statistics, tables of frequency and proceed to statistical tests, mainly to measure the association and correlation between the variables and the sphericity of the matrix of variances, they were evaluated, respectively with the Test of Shapiro-Wilk (p>0,05) and with Mauchly' s Test of Sphericity (sig=0,000). Concerning the interaction between the factors and the evaluative moments, we applied the multiple comparison of averages with Bonferroni correction.

Resultados: Relativamente aos dados Teste Cooper distncia percorrida podemos constatar que existe uma diferena significativa entre o 2 e o 3teste. Nos restantes testes, verifica-se uma evoluo gradual de teste para teste. No primeiro teste obteve-se uma media de 2296m, no segundo obteve-se 2425m, depois no terceiro teste registou-se uma descida para os 2357m e nos restantes testes verificou-se um ligeiro aumento de teste para teste. No referente evoluo do vo2max ao longo dos 6 testes, verificou-se uma evoluo positiva j que no primeiro teste obteve-se 2285 ml( kg.min) , no segundo teste constatou-se 2414 ml( kg.min), no terceiro teste existe uma reduo para os 2346 ml( kg.min) nos restantes testes o valor de vo2max foi sempre aumentado de teste para teste terminando no valor de 2534 ml( kg.min) Results: Concerning the Cooper Test (traveled distance) data, its shown that theres a relevant difference between the second (2nd) and the third (3rd) test. In the supplementary tests, its demonstrated a gradual evolution from test to test. In the first one we got an average of 2296m, in the second test 2425m and, finally, in the third test we registered a decrease to 2357m. In the additional tests we verified a light increase from test to test. Regarding the evolution of VO2 max over the six tests, there was a positive development since in the first test we obtained 2285 ml (kg.min) , the second test there was 2414 ml (kg.min) and in the third test there was a reduction to 2346 ml (kg.min) . In the remaining tests the value of VO2 max always increased from test to test, ending in the following value: 2534 ml (kg.min) Concluses: Podemos concluir que o treino demonstra-se eficaz, sendo que existe um aumento significativo das variveis analisadas e consequente adaptao aguda do ponto de vista fisolgico em relao da resistncia aerbia.

Conclusions: We can conclude that the practice has shown that is effective, that there is a significant increase of the analyzed variables and a consequent sharp adaptation from the physiologic point of view concerning the aerobic endurance.


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