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Movimentos Libertrios, Dilogos Transocenicos, Arte e Conscincia Negra

Romulo Bassi Piconi

Orientao: Ilka Boaventura Leite


Harlem Renaissance

1. Ponto de Encontro 2. Dilogos Transocenicos 3. Disporas

The Subway. Palmer Hayden, 1930. Oil on canvas, 31 x26.5''

Jim Crow

NYC Landscaping, 1930s Times Square, 1922

The Negro Speaks of Rivers Conheo rios: Conheo rios to antigos quanto o mundo e mais velhos que o fluxo de sangue humano nas veias humanas.

Minha alma se tornou profunda como os rios.

Banhei-me no Eufrates quando eram jovens as auroras. Constru minha cabana junto ao Congo e ele me cantou canes de ninar. Olhei para o Nilo e acima dele levantei as pirmides. Ouvi o canto do Mississippi quando Abe Lincoln desceu at New Orleans e vi seu seio lamacento tornar-se ouro, ao pr-do-sol. Conheo rios: Antigos, cinzentos rios. Minha alma se tornou profunda como os rios. Langston Hughes, 1920

[] me senti triste que o jovem disse isso, pois nenhum grande poeta jamais teve medo de ser ele mesmo. [...] Mas essa a montanha no caminho de qualquer verdadeira arte negra na Amrica -- essa vontade dentro da raa em direo brancura, o desejo de derramar individualidade racial nos moldes da padronizao americana, e ser to pouco negro e quanto mais americano quanto possvel. (HUGHES, 1926:1)

1. Armistice Day, 134th Street and Lenox Avenue, Harlem, 1919 2. King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 3. William Pickens at Office of The Crisis

1. Staff of The Messenger 2. Eleanor Roosevelt and Marian Anderson

Harlem Renaissance

Claude McKay

Lois Mailou Jones

Aaron Douglas

Alain Locke Langston Hughes

Palmer Hayden

Zora Neale Hurston

James Van Der Zee

On Harlem -- Deferred Dreams

O que acontece quando se adia um sonho? Ser que ele seca Como uva passa? Ser que inflama como ferida E depois apodrece? Ser que fede como carnia? Ou cristaliza Como a calda do doce? Talvez s se acomode Como carga pesada. Ou ser que explode?

Harlem Renaissance
Lois Mailou Jones

Aaron Douglas

Palmer Hayden

Alguma coisa!

William Edward Burghardt Du Bois

(Massachusetts, 1868-1963)
Primeiro Congresso Pan-Africano

Congressos Pan-Africanos
1. Paris (1919) 2. Londres, Bruxelas e Paris (1921) 3. Londres e Lisboa (1923) 4. Nova York (1927) 5. Manchester (1945)

Pan-African Congress, Belgium, 1921

Marcus Mosiah Garvey

(Jamaica, 1898-1940)


Marcus Garvey in Uniform

2. Inspection of the S.S. Yarmouth by UNIA members

3. UNIA parade at Harlem

Presence Africaine, 1947

J o r n a i s

MARAN, Ren. Batouala (1922)

DAMAS, Leon. Pigments (1937) Tropique Review, 1943 NADAL, Jane. La Revue du Monde Noir (1931)

Oportunity Magazine, 1923 FIRE!! Magazine, 1926 The Crusader, 1918

Survey Graphic, 1925 MCKAY, Claude. Home to Harlem (1928) LARSEN, Nella. Passing (1928)

FAUSET, Jessie R. Plum Bun (1929) LOCKE, Alain. The New Negro (1925) THURMAN, Wallace. The Blacker The Berry (1929)

2.1. Three students at Clinton High School picket their school as it became the first state-supported school in Tennessee to integrate, Aug. 27, 1956. The boys are, from left, Buddy Trammell, Max Stiles and Tommy Sanders. Trammell and Sanders later discarded the pro-segregation signs and reported to classes. Crdito: Associated Press 2.2. "UNIA Parade, Harlem, corner of the 135th Street and Lenox Avenue 1924. Crdito: Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture / Photographs and Prints Division, The New York Public Library 2.3. Disponvel em: <http://www.yougottomove.com/photos.html> 2.4. Disponvel em: <http://im.glogster.com/media/5/26/98/15/26981515.jpg> 2.5. Antigo Anti-Jim Crow Poster. Disponvel em: <http://www.tdblues.com/2010/09/jim-crow-etiquette/> 2.6. "The Rex theater for Negro People." Leland, Mississippi. November 1939. Autor: Marion Post Wolcott. Crdito: Library of Congress. 2.7. "African American Citizens Sitting in the Rear of the Bus in Compliance with Florida Segregation Law". Autor: Stan Wayman. Life Magazine, 7 mai. 1956. 2.8. Bebedouros na Carolina do Norte. Author: Elliott Erwitt, 1950. 3.1. Claude McKay, half-length portrait, facing right (1920-1940). Autor: Carl Van Vechten. Crdito: Library of Congress 3.2. Educator Alain Locke, as photographed by Carl Van Vechten in 1941. Crdito: National Portrait Gallery Smithsonian Institution. 3.3. Zora Neale Hurston, 1935-1943. Crdito: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division 3.4. Langston Hughes, 1939. Autor: Carl Van Vechten. Crdito: Smithsonian Institution 3.5. HUGHES, Langston. Selected Poems of Langston Hughes. New York: Vintage Classics Ed., 1995.

4.1. Opportunity Magazine, 1923. Crdito: New York Public Library. 4.2. FIRE!! Magazine, 1926. Crdito: New York Public Library. 4.3. Crusader, nov. 1918. Crdito: New York Public Library. 4.4. Survey Graphic, 1925. Crdito: New York Public Library. 4.5. Capa do livro "Home to Harlem" de Claude McKay, 1928. Crdito: New York Public Library. 4.6. Capa do livro "Passing" de Nella Larsen, 1928. Crdito: New York Public Library. 4.7. Capa do livro "Plum Bun" de Jessie Fauset, 1929. Crdito: New York Public Library. 4.8. Capa do livro "The New Negro" de Alain Locke, 1925. Crdito: New York Public Library. 4.9. Capa do livro "The Blacker the Berry" de Wallace Thurman, 1929. Crdito: New York Public Library. 5.1. Times Square from New York Times Building., 1922. Disponvel em: http://wirednewyork.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5010 5.2. The Mythic City: Photographs of New York by Samuel H. Gottscho, 1925-1940 Aerial view of midtown Manhattan looking south, 1931 Museum of the City of New York, Gottscho-Schleisner collection, 39.20.1 6.1. Armistice Day, 134th Street and Lenox Avenue, Harlem, 1919. Crdito: New York Public Library 6.2. King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band. Crdito: New York Public Library 6.3.William Pickens at Office of The Crisis. Crdito: New York Public Library 6.4 Staff of The Messenger. Crdito: New York Public Library 6.5. Eleanor Roosevelt and Marian Anderson. Crdito: New York Public Library 7.1. Couple with a Cadillac, 1932, by James Van Der Zee 7.2. Portrait of a couple, 1929, by James Van Der Zee 7.3. Van Der Zee. Crdito: New York Public Library

8.1. The Apollo Theater. Crdito: Apollo Theater Foundation 8.2. Apollo Theatre marquee, New York, N.Y., between 1946 and 1948. Autor: William P. Gottlieb. Crdito: Library of Congress 8.3. Performers during their act on amateur night in front of large crowd at the Apollo Theater on 125th St. in Harlem (1944). (Photo by Herbert Gehr//Time Life Pictures/Getty Images) 9.1. Claude McKay. Photo by Carl Van Vechten, 1941. Crdito: Smithsonian Institution 9.2. Palmer Hayden. Creator: Harmon Foundation. Crdito: National Archives. 9.3. Lois Mailoi Jones. Photo by Addison N. Scurlock, 1935-1937 Crdito: Scurlock Studio Records, ca. 1905-1994, Archives Center, National Museum of American History. 9.4. Archibald Motley. Crdito: Corbi Images 9.5. Aaron Douglas. Disponvel em: http://artsedge.kennedy-center.org/interactives/harlem/faces/aaron_douglas.html 9.6. Zora Neale Hurston. Crdito: New York Public Library 10.1Aaron Douglas. The Creation, 1935. Oil on Masonite, (121.9 x 91.4 cm). Howard University Gallery of Art 10.2. Aaron Douglas. Aspects of Negro Life: An Idyll of the Deep South. Oil on canvas, 1934. The New York Public Library, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Art and Artifacts Division. 10.3. Ascent of Ethiopia, 1932 (oil on canvas, 23 1/4 x 17 1/4 in, owned by the Milwaykee Art Museum 11.1. Nous Quatre Paris (1930) by Palmer Hayden. Watercolor and Graphite on Paper, 55x46 cm. Metropolitan Museum of Art 11.2. The Subway. Palmer Hayden, 1930. Oil on canvas, 31 x26.5'' 11.3. The Janitor Who Paints ca. 1930. Palmer Hayden, oil on canvas , 99.3 x 83.6 cm.). Smithsonian American Art Museum. Gift of the Harmon Foundation 12.1. Madame C.J. Walker. Crdito: New York Public Library 12.2. Actress Isabel Washington. Crdito: New York Public Library 12.3. "Back to Africa" announcement. Crdito: New York Public Library

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