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Exerccios em ingls com verbos (Present Continuous/Progressive Present and Past) ESCOLA______________________________________________________________________________ ALUNO(A):_______________________________________N_____ Turma______ DATA:___/____/____

(h apenas uma resposta certa para cada questo utilize caneta azul ou preta)

1) Maque um X na resposta certa. A traduo da frase: I am working. : ( ) Eu estou estudando. ( ) Voc est trabalhando.

( (

) Eu estou trabalhando. ) Voc est trabalhando

2) A forma negativa da frase: I am washing the dishes. : ( ) I dont not the dishes. ( ) I am not washing the dishes ( ) I do not washing the dishes. 3) A forma interrogative da frase: You are studying. : ( ) Are you studying? ( ) Do you studying? ( ) You are not studying. 4) Marque um X na forma interrogativa correta: ( ) Do you like to study? ( ) You like to study? ( ) Like you study? 5) Marque um X na nica frase correta: ( ) You are cleaning the house. ( ) You cleaning the house. ( ) You is cleaning the house.

6) Traduza (Passe para o portugus): a) I am sleeping.

b) You are cooking.

c) She is not watching TV.

d) Are you going to school?

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