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Ordinal numbers

Nmeros ordinais

1st first primeiro 2nd second segundo 3rd third terceiro 4th fourth quarto 5th fifth quinto 6th sixth sexto 7th seventh stimo 8th eighth oitavo 9th nineth nono 10th tenth dcimo 11th eleventh dcimo primeiro 12th twelfth dcimo segundo 13th thirteenth dcimo terceiro 14th fourteenth dcimo quarto 15th fiftennth dcimo quinto 16th sixteenth dcimo sexto 17th seventeenth dcimo stimo 18th eighteenth dcimo oitavo 19th nineteenth dcimo nono 20th twentieth vigsimo 21th twenty-first vigsimo primeiro 30th thirtieth trigsimo 40th fortieth quadragsimo 50th fiftieth quinquagsimo 60th sixtieth sexagsimo 70th seventieh setuagsimo 80th eightieth octogsimo 90th ninetieth nonagsimo 100th hundredth centsimo

Cardinal numbers Nmeros cardinais at 100: 1- one 2 - two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty 21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 30 thirty 40- forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 one hundred

Parts of the body Partes do corpo Head cabea Face rosto Eyes olhos Nose nariz Mouth boca Teeth dentes Tooth dente Hair - cabelo Mustache bigode Beard barba Neck pescoo Chest peito Arms braos Hands mo Fingers dedos da mo Legs pernas Feet ps Foot p Toes dedos dos ps

Verb to have got O verbo to have got significa ter. Affirmative afirmativa Full form Forma completa I have got - Eu tenho You have got Tu tens He has got - Ele tem She has got - Ela tem It has got - Isto tem We have got - Ns temos You have got - Vocs tm They have got - Eles/elas tm Short form Forma contrada Ive got - Eu tenho Youve got - Tu tens Hes got - Ele tem Shes got - Ela tem Its got - Isto tem Weve got - Ns temos Youve got - Vocs tm Theyve got - Eles/elas tm Negative Negativa Full form forma completa I have not got - Eu no tenho You have not got - Tu no tens He has not got - Ele no tem She has not got - Ela no tem It has not got - Isto no tem We have not got - Ns no temos You have not got - Vocs no tm They have not got - Eles/elas no tm

Short form forma contrada I havent got - Eu no tenho You havent got - Tu no tens He hasnt got - Ele no tem She hasnt got - Ela no tem It hasnt got - Isto no tem We havent got - Ns no temos You havent got - Vocs no tm They havent got - Eles/elas no tm

Interrogative interrogativa Have I? - Tenho eu? Have you? - Tens tu? Has he? - Tem ele? Has she? - Tem ela? Has it? - Tem isto? Have we? - Temos ns? Have you? - Tm vocs? Have they? - Tm eles/elas?

Short anwers Respostas curtas Yes, I have- Sim, eu tenho. No, I havent - No, eu no tenho Yes, you have- Sim, tu tens. No, you havent - No, tu no tens Yes, he has - Sim , ele tem. No, he hasnt - No, ele no tem Yes, she has - Sim , ela tem. No, she hasnt - No, ela tem Yes, it has - Sim , isto tem. No, it hasnt - No, isto no tem Yes, we have- Sim, ns temos. No, we havent - No, ns no temos Yes, you have- Sim, vocs tm. No, you havent - No, vocs no tm Yes, they have- Sim, eles/elas tm. No, they havent - No, eles/elas no tm

Describing people Descrever pessoas Height altura - tall alto - medium-height altura-mdia - short baixo Weight peso - thin magro - medium-weight peso mdio - slim elegante - fat gordo Hair cabelo - long comprido - short curto - curly encaracolado - wavy ondulado - straight liso - blond - loiro - redhead ruivo Face rosto - round - arredondado - oval oval Eyes olhos - big grandes - small pequenos

Family Familia
Father -pai Mother me Grandfather av Grandmother av Son filho Daughter filha Grandson neto Granddaughter neta Brother irmo Sister irm Cousin primo / prima Uncle tio Aunt tia

1) English grammar -

Gramtica da lngua inglesa

Plural of nouns -Formao do Plural dos substantivos. Para formar o plural em Ingls necessrio observar as terminaes dos substantivos. Veja na tabela abaixo as regras para a formao correta do plural. Substantivos terminados em -o -x -z -ch -sh - is -s
Qualquer consoante + y

Adicionar ao final do substantivo -es -ies -ves -s

Todas as vogais e as demais terminaes (exceto -o)

Exemplos prticos: 1) Substantivos (nomes) terminados em -o -x -z -ch -sh - is - s Potato = potatoes, box = boxes, watch = watches, crisis = crises 2) Terminados com consoante mais o y Party = Parties, county = counties, country = countries 3) Terminados em f Wife = wives, wolf = wolves, life = lives 4) Terminados em vogais e as demais terminaes (exceto -o) Car = cars, wallet = wallets, house = houses, boy = boys Plural dos substantivos irregulares Em Ingls existem alguns substantivos que no seguem as regras citadas acima, para a formao do plural destes substantivos, o importante decorlos. Veja alguns deles: Mouse = mice (Rato) Person = people (Pessoa) Man = men (Homem) Woman = Women (Mulher) Child = children (Criana) Foot = feet (P) Tooth = teeth (Dente) Swine = Swine (Suno)

2)Learning English with phrases

Agora voc vai estudar algumas frases em Ingls que compara o singular com o plural.

The cat is hungry!

(O gato est faminto!)

The cats are hungry! He is my friend from school.

(Ele o meu amigo da escola)

They are my friends from school. Maria doesn't like this kind of party.
(Maria no gosta deste tipo de festa)

Maria doesn't like these kind of parties. There is only a tomato left for the sauce!
(H somente um tomate sobrando para o molho!)

There are only two tomatoes left for the sauce! She has a blue dress.
(Ela tem um vestido azul.)

She has three blue dresses.

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