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Terra da oportunidade LAND OF OPPORTUNITY



Bahia o bero do Brasil. Aqui nasceu a cultura e a histria do povo brasileiro. Um dos maiores estados do pas em extenso territorial, a Bahia tambm grande por sua pujana econmica e pela fora do seu povo alegre e trabalhador. O estado apresenta uma privilegiada posio geoeconmica, localizado no centro da Amrica Latina e elo natural entre os principais centros da economia brasileira, ligando o Sul/Sudeste ao Nordeste do Brasil. No por acaso que a Bahia desponta como grande polo atrativo para o desenvolvimento de novos negcios e seu dinamismo se traduz nas relaes comerciais com o exterior. Temos um parque industrial consolidado e competitivo, a produo agropecuria se destaca no cenrio nacional e as atividades de servios encontram um ambiente favorvel ao desenvolvimento com qualificao da mo de obra, infraestrutura e implantao de novas universidades e centros de formao tcnica. A Bahia integra cada vez mais a sua economia com outras regies do Brasil e do mundo. A Ferrovia Oeste-Leste j est em construo e vai se ligar ao Porto Sul, em Ilhus, uma grande porta que se abre para o comrcio mundial. As melhorias na malha rodoviria baiana, nos portos existentes e a construo de novos aeroportos tambm garantem infraestrutura para os novos negcios. O estado reconhecido por uma gesto pblica transparente, com respeito aos marcos regulatrios e s instituies, alm de ser um amplo leque de instrumentos de incentivos para atrao de empreendimentos. Vivemos um momento nico em nossa histria, com desenvolvimento, democracia e incluso social caminhando lado a lado. Seguimos em frente fazendo mais para quem mais precisa e garantindo oportunidade para todos. Estamos construindo uma nova Bahia, que oferece ao novo empreendedor um ambiente favorvel aos negcios, com sustentabilidade econmica e um grande futuro pela frente. Venha crescer junto com a Bahia e o Brasil. Jaques Wagner / Governador do Estado da Bahia

Bahia is the birthplace of Brazil. It was here that the culture and history of the Brazilian people came into being. One of the largest Brazilian states for its area, Bahia is also big for its economic exuberance and the strength of its joyful, hard-working people. The state has a privileged geoeconomic position, being situated in the center of Latin America and serving as a natural link between the main economic centers of Brazil, connecting the South and Southeast to the Northeast of the country. It is not by chance that Bahia is rising as an important complex that attracts the development of new businesses, and its dynamic nature is translated into its commercial relations with other countries. We have a consolidated and competitive industrial complex, the agricultural and livestock production stands out in the domestic scene, and our services find a favorable environment for its development with the qualification of our workforce, infrastructure, and the implementation of new universities and technical training centers. Bahia is increasingly integrating its economy with other regions of the country and the world. The West-East Railway is under construction and will be connected to the South Port in Ilhus, a great hub that is open to world trade. Improvements to Bahias road network, the existing ports and the construction of new airports also guarantee the infrastructure for new businesses. The state is recognized by its transparent public management, with respect for regulatory frameworks and institutions, apart from offering a wide range of incentive instruments to attract business. We are living through a unique moment in our history, in which development, democracy and social inclusion walk side by side. We press ahead doing more for those who need more, while guaranteeing opportunities for all. We are building a new Bahia, and offering new entrepreneurs a favorable business environment with economic sustainability and a great future ahead. Come grow together with Bahia and Brazil. Jaques Wagner / Governor of the State of Bahia

Aqui comea o Brasil

Bahia. This is where Brazil begins.


Marisa Vianna/Bahiatursa



impossvel pensar no Brasil sem pensar na Bahia. Foi aqui que tudo comeou. Foi em terras baianas que os primeiros colonizadores portugueses aportaram, em 1500, marcando a origem do nosso territrio.

Foi daqui que saiu o primeiro produto da pauta de exportao nacional, o pau-brasil, uma madeira de cujo extrato se fez a tinta que coloriu o mundo no sculo XVI e que deu nome a este pas, que hoje tem aproximadamente 200 milhes de habitantes. Foi na Bahia que se estabeleceu a primeira capital do Brasil, Salvador. O primeiro porto tambm foi aqui, assim como foram baianos os primeiros brasileiros. Aqui comeou a mistura de raas que uniu ndios, africanos e europeus para formar uma nao feliz, que surpreende o mundo e se projeta para o futuro como uma das foras econmicas mais slidas do pas.
This is where Brazil begins

It is impossible to think about Brazil without thinking about Bahia. This is where it all began. The first Portuguese settlers arrived in Bahian lands in 1500, marking the beginning of our territory. / The first product of the national export basket, Brazil wood, came from Bahia. This wood was used as raw material for the extraction of a paint that colored the world in the sixteenth century and which gave name to this country, which now has 200 million inhabitants. / Salvador, in Bahia, was also the first capital of Brazil. The first port was also built here, and the first Brazilians were Bahians. Here began the mixing of races that united Indians, Africans and Europeans to form a happy nation, which surprises the world and walks towards the future as one of the strongest economic forces in the country.

Bahia. Aqui comea o Brasil

E claro: a economia brasileira tambm fruto do solo baiano. Na Bahia foram instalados os primeiros engenhos, as primeiras caldeiras, as primeiras fazendas, a primeira refinaria de petrleo. Aqui foram feitos os primeiros negcios, as primeiras vendas, as primeiras trocas. Bahia e Brasil so to ligados que se assemelham at no recorte dos seus mapas, dando aos observadores a impresso de que nosso pas nada mais do que a projeo ampliada de nosso Estado.
And, of course, Brazilian economy is also the fruit of Bahia. The first sugar mills were installed in Bahia, as well as the first boilers, the first farms, and the first oil refinery. Here the first businesses, the first sales, the first exchanges were made. / Bahia and Brazil are so connected that their maps cutouts are similar, giving observers the impression that our country is nothing more than the expanded projection of our state.



No se pode separar, nem em pensamento, a Bahia do Brasil. E se nosso pas representa hoje uma das melhores opes para investimentos no mundo, o nosso estado certamente o melhor investimento no pas. Afinal, sempre pela Bahia que
Bahia. Aqui comea o Brasil

comea o Brasil.
Bahia and Brazil cannot be separated even in thought. And if today our country has become one of the best options for investment in the world, our state is certainly the best investment in the country. After all, this is where Brazil begins.


This is where Brazil begins

A Bahia est aqui

Localizao e dados Bahia is here. Location and data.
Manu Dias/Secom



Bahia um grande estado. Em rea, maior do que o Japo, Alemanha, Frana, Reino Unido, Itlia, Espanha e muitos outros pases. Essa vastido territorial abriga caractersticas diversas: aqui tem mata atlntica, caatinga, cerrado, tem praia, serto, chapada, faz calor, faz frio. Inesgotveis so as suas riquezas. Mas sabe o que mais impressiona nessa terra amplamente original do Brasil? que ela rene no mesmo astral pacfico, leal e cordial, negros, brancos, amarelos, ndios, gente de todas as raas, de todos os cantos. Gente cheia de encanto. Assim a Bahia. Estrategicamente situada no centro da Amrica do Sul e da Amrica Latina, equidistante de seus principais mercados, a Bahia parece estar ligada a tudo. Quase uma vocao. E, como um verdadeiro corao do Brasil, o estado com mais divisas so oito os vizinhos diretos e muitas as conexes para o resto do mundo.

Bahia is a great state. In area it is larger than Japan, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain and many other countries. This territorial vastness is home to diverse characteristics: here one can find Atlantic forests, caatinga, cerrado; there are beaches, hinterlands, plateaus; its hot, its cold. Its riches are inexhaustible. / But do you know what impresses the most about this widely original land in Brazil? It is that it brings together in the same peaceful, loyal and friendly mood, black, white, yellow, Indians, people of all races, from all corners. People full of charm. So is Bahia. / Strategically located in the heart of South America and Latin America, equidistant from its major markets, Bahia seems to be linked to everything. Almost a vocation. And like Brazils true heart, it is the state with more boundaries - there are eight direct neighbors and many connections to the rest of the world.


Socioeconomic Statistics | Bahia Dados Gerais e Demogrficos (2010) General and Demographic Data (2010) rea Total: 564.830,8 km2 Total Area: 564.830,8 km2. Extenso do Litoral: 1.188 km Coast length:1,188 km Municipios: 417 Municipalities: 417 Populao Total: 14.016.906 de habitantes | A 4 maior do Brasil e a 1 do Nordeste
Total Population: 14,016,906 inhabitants; the 4th largest ia Brazil and 1st largest is the Northeast

Populao Urbana: 72% Urban Population: 72% Densidade Demogrfica: 24,8 habitantes/km2 Population Density: 24.8 inhabitants/km 2 Capital: Salvador: 2.675.656 habitantes Capital: Salvador - 2,675,656 inhabitants Dados Econmicos (2010) Economic Data (2010)
A Bahia est aqui

Produto Interno Bruto (PIB): US$ 91,5 bilhes / 1 do Nordeste

Bahia is here

PIB per capita: US$ 6.492,70 GDP per capita: US$ 6,492,70 Taxa de Crescimento (PIB): 7,5% Growth Rate (GDP): 75%

Fonte: SEI / IBGE /


Bahia is here

Groso Domestic Product (GDP): US$ 91,5 billion, No.tio the Northeast

A Bahia est aqui

Ivan Erick/Secom

BAHIA IN LATIN AMERICA | GDP 2010 (US$ billions)

BAHIA IN LATIN AMERICA | GDP 2010 (US$ billions) 2 Mxico 1 Brasil 387,9 3 Venezuela

1.039,7 2.087,0

2 Mxico 4 Argentina 3 Venezuela 5 Colmbia 4 Argentina 6 Chile 5 Colmbia 7 Peru

368,7 387,9 288,2 368,7 203,4 288,2 153,8 203,4 91,5


BALANA COMERCIAL | BAHIA | 2009/2010 (US$ 1.000 FOB)

Trade Balance | Bahia | 2009/2010 (Us$ 1.000 Fob)

6 Chile 8 Bahia 153,8 7 Peru 58,9 9 Equador

91,5 8 Bahia 10 Rep. Dominicana 51,9 58,9 9 Equador

Categoria Category Export Export Import Import Balance Balance Total Trade Total Trade

2009 7.010.800 4.672.581 2.338.219 11.683.381

2010 8.886.017 6.609.775 2.276.242 15.495.792

Variation (%) Variation 26,8 41,5 -2,7 32,6

Source: Banco Mundial Nota: PIB a preos correntes, exceto Bahia (PIB PPC) Fonte: Banco Mundial Source: Banco Mundial Nota: PIB a preos correntes, exceto Bahia (PIB PPC)

10 Rep. Dominicana Fonte: Banco Mundial 51,9

BAHIA IN BRAZIL |GDP 2009 (%) 1 So Paulo BAHIA IN BRAZIL |GDP 2009 (%)

Fonte: MDIC / SECEX Source: MDIC / SECEX.

10,9 8,9 10,9 6,7 8,9 5,9 6,7 4,2 5,9 4,1 4,0

2 Rio de Janeiro 1 So Paulo 3 Minas Gerais 2 Rio de Janeiro 4 Rio Grande do Sul 3 Minas Gerais 5 Paran 4 Rio Grande do Sul 6 Bahia 5 Paran 7 Distrito Federal



10 major employing industries

Manu Dias/Secom

4,2 6 Bahia 8 Santa Catarina 4,1 7 Distrito Federal 9 Gois

Empresas Companies Petrobras / Refinaria Landulpho Alves Petrobras / E&P Dow Qumica
Source: IBGE

Setor Industry Derivados de Petrleo e Gs Oil and Gas Products Derivados de Petrleo e Gs Oil and Gas Products Poliuretano Polyurethane Ao Steel Contruo Civil Civil Construction Alimentos Food Tires Tires Tires Tires Petroquimicos / Plsticos Petrochemicals / Plastics Automotivo Automotive
Fonte: FIEB SourceFIEB.

2,6 4,0 8 Santa Catarina 10 Pernambuco 2,4 9 Gois 2,6 11 Esprito Santo 2,1 10 Pernambuco 2,4 12 Cear 11 Esprito Santo 2,1 12 Cear 2,0 2,0

Fonte: IBGE / Contas Nacionais

Source: IBGE

Fonte: IBGE / Contas Nacionais

Odebrecht Nestl Pirelli Bridgestone Braskem Ford

A Bahia est aqui

A Bahia est aqui

Bahia is here



Bahia is here

Localizao e Dados

Manu Dias/Secom

Os caminhos da Bahia
Infraestrutura logstica The routes to Bahia. Logistics infrastructure.

A infraestrutura logstica da Bahia permite a compra e distribuio de produtos em todo o Brasil, Mercosul, Amrica Latina, Europa, frica, sia e Oriente Mdio. E j est sendo preparada para saltos maiores. O estado parte importante no Programa de Acelerao do Crescimento (PAC) um dos maiores planos de obras do mundo e pilar do notvel crescimento da economia brasileira nos ltimos anos. At 2014, mais de R$ 50 bilhes esto sendo investidos pelo governo federal, governo do estado e iniciativa privada, na construo, recuperao, ampliao e modernizao de rodovias, ferrovias, portos e aeroportos. Isso sem esquecer a infraestrutura social e urbana, garantindo assim o desenvolvimento econmico e social do Estado.

The logistic infrastructure of Bahia allows the purchase and distribution of products throughout Brazil, Mercosur, Latin America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Middle East. And it is already being prepared for larger leaps. / The state is an important part in the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) - one of the largest work plans of the world and a pillar of the remarkable growth of the Brazilian economy in recent years. / Until 2014 more than $ 50 billion will be invested by the federal government, state government and the private sector in construction, recovery, expansion and modernization of roads, railways, ports and airports. The social and urban infrastructures will also be remembered, thus ensuring the economic and social development of the state.

Matriz do sistema de transportes, a malha rodoviria da Bahia tem uma extenso de 124.545 km entre rodovias federais, estaduais e municipais. So estradas suficientes para cobrir trs voltas em torno da Terra, pela Linha do Equador, e que cortam todo o Estado. Mais 13 mil km de rodovias esto planejadas.

A Ferrovia Centro Atlntica (FCA) atravessa a Bahia, interligando as zonas mineradoras e industriais com as principais ferrovias brasileiras e importantes portos martimos e fluviais. Faz acesso direto aos portos de Salvador, Aratu, Vitria (ES), Angra dos Reis (RJ), Pirapora (MG) e Juazeiro os dois ltimos no Rio So Francisco. J est em execuo pelo PAC a Ferrovia de Integrao Oeste-Leste (FIOL), que vai ligar o Porto Sul, em Ilhus, a Barreiras importante polo agroindustrial.

J est em execuo pelo PAC a Ferrovia de Integrao Oeste-Leste (FIOL), que vai ligar o Porto Sul, em Ilhus, a Barreiras importante polo agroindustrial.
It has direct access to the ports of Salvador (BA), Aratu, Vitria (ES), Angra dos Reis (RJ), Pirapora (MG) and Juazeiro (BA) the last two in San Francisco River. East-West Integration Railway (FIOL) is already being built and it will connect Porto Sul in Ilheus to Barreiras an important agro-industrial hub.

Os caminhos da Bahia




The routes to Bahia

Roads / Matrix of the transport system, the road network of Bahia has a length of 124,545 km of federal, state and municipal highways, enough to go around the world three times following the Equator line, and they cut across the state. More than 13,000 kilometers of roads are planned. / Railways / Ferrovia Centro-Atlantica (FCA) crosses Bahia, linking the mining and industrial areas with key Brazilian railroads and major sea and river ports. It has direct access to the ports of Salvador (BA), Aratu, Vitria (ES), Angra dos Reis (RJ), Pirapora (MG) and Juazeiro (BA) the last two in San Francisco River. East-West Integration Railway (FIOL) is already being built and it will connect Porto Sul in Ilheus to Barreiras an important agro-industrial hub.

Hoje, a Bahia abriga trs portos em plena operao, alm de seis terminais privativos e um terminal pblico operado pela iniciativa privada. O Porto de Salvador fica na entrada da Baa de Todos os Santos e um dos maiores exportadores de frutas do Brasil. Tem expressiva participao no comrcio exterior, movimentando mais de 3 milhes de toneladas de cargas por ano. Foi o primeiro porto do Brasil e, por quase dois sculos, o mais movimentado de todo o Hemisfrio Sul. Com nove armazns de carga e disponibilidade para atracao e operao de oito embarcaes simultaneamente, o Porto de Salvador est passando por obras de ampliao que vo lhe permitir receber navios ainda maiores. O Porto de Aratu fica no interior da mesma Baa de Todos os Santos, a 50 km de Salvador, a 20 km do Polo Industrial de Camaari e a 27 km do Centro Industrial de Aratu. Com capacidade de movimentao de at 6 milhes de toneladas de carga por ano, possui um bero de atracao para receber at 11 navios ao mesmo tempo. O Porto de Ilhus um terminal martimo de carga, com movimentao de at 250 mil toneladas por ano e capacidade para atracao e operao de trs navios de uma s vez.

Os caminhos da Bahia

Os caminhos da Bahia

The routes to Bahia





The routes to Bahia

Ports / Today Bahia is home to three ports in full operation, six private terminals and a public terminal operated by the private sector. / Port of Salvador is near the entrance to Baa de Todos os Santos and is one of the largest fruit exporters in Brazil. It has significant participation in foreign trade, handling more than 3 million tons of cargo per year. It was the first port in Brazil, and for nearly two centuries it was the busiest of the whole Southern Hemisphere. With nine cargo warehouses and dock availability and operation of eight vessels simultaneously, the Port of Salvador is undergoing expansion works that are going to allow that larger ships are received. / Port of Aratu is also in Baa de Todos os Santos, 50 km from Salvador, 20 km from the Industrial Pole of Camaari and 27 kilometers from Aratu Industrial Center. Capable of handling up to 6 million tons of cargo a year, its pier can receive up to 11 ships at the same time. / Port of Ilheus is a marine terminal cargo handling up to 250 thousand tons per year and capacity for berthing and operation of three ships at once.

tambm no mar de Ilhus que est nascendo o Porto Sul o maior projeto em andamento no Estado. Um porto ligado a um novo aeroporto internacional e Ferrovia de Integrao Oeste-Leste que cruza vrias rodovias e a Hidrovia do So Francisco. O porto fica prximo ainda da linha do Gasoduto de Integrao Sudeste-Nordeste Gasene e de uma zona de processamento de exportaes, possibilitando o surgimento de polos produtivos e industriais. A iniciativa vai representar um marco na integrao regional, estadual, nacional, continental e at mundial, resolvendo, primeiramente, o srio gargalo no escoamento da produo agrcola e mineral das regies interioranas do Brasil, em particular do oeste da Bahia, e criando uma nova rota de desenvolvimento econmico e social.
It is also in the sea of Ilhus that the new Porto Sul is being born the largest ongoing project in the state: a port connected to a new international airport and to East-West Integration Railway - which crosses several highways and San Francisco Waterway. The port is also near the line of Gasoduto de Integrao Sudeste-Nordeste Gasene (gas pipeline) and an Export Processing Zone, enabling the emergence industrial and productive centers. The initiative will represent a milestone in regional, state, national, continental and even global integration, addressing first the serious bottleneck in the flow of agricultural and mineral production from the interior regions of Brazil, particularly in western Bahia, and creating a new route of economic and social development.

Manu Dias/Secom

A Bahia conta com dois aeroportos internacionais e outros nove aeroportos regionais, com capacidade para receber aeronaves de grande e mdio portes. Os aeroportos internacionais esto localizados em Salvador e em Porto Seguro, na regio sul do Estado. O aeroporto de Salvador o maior do Nordeste brasileiro e o 5 maior do pas em movimentao de carga e de passageiros. A rede de aeroportos regionais espalhada pela Bahia permite acesso rpido s mais diversas regies do estado, atravs dos terminais de Valena, Comandatuba, Lenis, Barreiras, Bom Jesus da Lapa, Guanambi, Ilhus, Vitria da Conquista e Paulo Afonso.

Mapa de infraestrutura da Bahia

Infrastructure Map of Bahia

Outro sistema de transporte disponvel na Bahia o fluvial. A Hidrovia do So Francisco (HSF), com 1.371 km, a principal. Na regio oeste do Estado, ela se ramifica com dois afluentes navegveis do Rio So Francisco: o Rio Grande, com 370 km, e o Rio Corrente, com 110 km. Com os projetos de melhoria no PAC, esta hidrovia vai se tornar um dos principais canais para o transporte de gros e frutas do Estado.

Manu Dias/Secom

Os caminhos da Bahia

Os caminhos da Bahia

The routes to Bahia



The routes to Bahia

Airports / Bahia has two international airports and nine other regional airports, with capacity to receive large and medium-sized aircrafts. The international airports are located in Salvador and Porto Seguro, in the southern region of the state. The airport of Salvador is the largest in northeastern Brazil and the 5th largest in the country, in cargo handling and passenger transportation. / The network of regional airports scattered throughout Bahia allows quick access to various regions of the state, through the terminals of Valena, Comandatuba, Lenis, Barreiras, Bom Jesus da Lapa, Guanambi, Ilheus, Vitoria da Conquista and Paulo Afonso. / Waterways / Another transport system available in Bahia is the fluvial transportation. The main waterway is Hidrovia do So Francisco (HSF), with 1,371 kilometers. In the western region of the state it branches into two navigable tributaries of Rio Sao Francisco: Rio Grande, with 370 km, and Rio Current, with 110 km. With improvement projects included in PAC, this waterway will become one of the main channels for the transportation of grains and fruits of the state.

Manu Dias/Secom

A energia da Bahia
Infraestrutura energtica Energy infrastructure. Energy in Bahia.
Mateus Pereira/Secom

Bahia j desfruta de posio privilegiada na produo e distribuio de energia. No Estado esto instaladas oito centrais hidreltricas, uma planta termeltrica, alm da execuo de um grande Plano de Interiorizao do Gs Natural, da Bahiags. Isso fora experincias muito bem-sucedidas, com fontes renovveis, como energia elica e solar. A termeltrica e sete hidreltricas so operadas pela Companhia Hidreltrica do So Francisco (Chesf). A oitava hidreltrica operada pelo Grupo Neoenergia, ao qual pertence a Coelba a maior distribuidora de energia do Nordeste e a terceira maior do Brasil em nmero de clientes. Ela possui 170 mil km de rede de distribuio e 286 subestaes, o que j lhe garante condies para atender qualquer planta na sua rea de concesso.

No estado esto instaladas oito centrais hidreltricas, uma planta termeltrica, alm da execuo de um grande Plano de Interiorizao do Gs Natural... There are eight hydroelectric power stations and one
thermoelectric power plant installed in the state, as well as a large Plan to Interiorize Natural Gas being carried out...

A energia da Bahia

Bahia already enjoys a privileged position in energy distribution. There are eight hydroelectric power stations and one thermoelectric power plant installed in the state, as well as a large Plan to Interiorize Natural Gas being carried out by Bahiags, apart from very successful experiences with renewable sources, such as wind and solar power. / The thermoelectric and seven hydroelectric plants are operated by Companhia Hidreltrica do So Francisco (Chesf). The eighth hydroelectric plant is operated by Grupo Neoenergia, owner of Coelba the largest distributor of electricity in the northeast and the third largest in Brazil in number of clients. It has 170 thousand kilometers of distribution networks and 286 substations, which is already an assurance of adequate conditions to meet any demands from plants in its concession area.


Energy in Bahia

No fornecimento de gs natural, a Bahia conta com o Campo de Manati, operado pela Petrobras em consrcio com a iniciativa privada, com capacidade de 10 milhes de m3/dia. At 2013, com o Terminal de Regaseificao de Gs Natural do Estado (TRBa) estaro disponveis mais 14 milhes de m3/dia. A Bahiags j atende com Gs Natural Comprimido (GNC) municpios do Recncavo Baiano e est ampliando sua rede de gasodutos em Feira de Santana. Recentemente inaugurou a Estao de Transferncia de Custdia de Gs Natural (ETC) em Itabuna a primeira ligada ao Gasoduto da Integrao Sudeste-Nordeste, o Gasene, que atravessa todo o Estado.
With regard to supplying natural gas, Bahia relies on Campo de Manati, operated by Petrobras in consortium with private companies, and a capacity of 10 million m3/day. By 2013, the States Natural Gas Regasification Terminal (TRBa) will offer another 14 million m3/day. Bahiags already takes Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) to municipal areas of the Recncavo Baiano region, and is extending its network of gas pipelines at Feira de Santanta. It recently opened the Natural Gas Custody Transfer Station (ETC) in Itabuna the first to be linked to the Southeast-Northeast Integration Gas Pipeline, or Gasene, which crosses the entire state.

A infraestrutura energtica da Bahia fortemente apoiada pelo PAC e tem como estratgia dar segurana energtica e baixo custo tarifrio para o Estado e regio, ampliar a malha de gasodutos garantindo gs natural, desenvolver e ampliar a produo de petrleo no Estado e ampliar e modernizar o parque de refino.
Bahias energy infrastructure is strongly supported by PAC, Brazils growth acceleration program, and its strategy is to provide electric power security and low cost rates to the state and the region, to extend the network of gas pipelines therefore assuring supply, to develop and improve oil production in the state, and to improve and modernize the refinement complex.

A energia da Bahia

Energy in Bahia

Roberto Viana/Secom




A capacitao na Bahia
Formao profissional e tecnolgica

Bahias capacity building. Professional and Technological Education.

A educao na Bahia uma poltica de Estado, deciso que fortalece no s o ensino mdio e fundamental, mas tambm o aperfeioamento profissional, formando cidados preparados para a vida e para o mercado de trabalho.

In Bahia, education is a State policy, a decision that strengthens not only secondary and primary education, but also the professional improvement of its citizens, preparing them for life and the labor market.

Rafael Martins/Secom


Mateus Pereira / Secom

Mateus Pereira / Secom



Mateus Pereira / Secom

A Bahia abriga sete universidades pblicas, sendo trs federais (UFBA, UFRB e UNIVASF) e quatro estaduais (UNEB, UESF, UESC e UESB), alm de 21 universidades particulares. Nessas instituies so oferecidos cursos de graduao, 134 cursos de mestrado e 54 de doutorado em diversas reas do conhecimento, sendo que na rea de engenharia so 16 mestrados e seis doutorados.

Cursos tcnicos e de formao profissional A Bahia abriga sete universidades pblicas, sendo trs federais (UFBA, UFRB e UNIVASF) e quatro estaduais (UNEB, UESF, UESC e UESB), alm de 21 universidades particulares.
Bahia holds seven public universities, three of which are federal (UFBA, UFRB and UNIVASF) and four are state-run (UNEB, UESF, UESC and UESB), apart from 21 private universities.

Assim como as instituies de nvel superior, os centros de formao profissional e as escolas tcnicas tambm contam com a parceria do governo estadual na qualificao e formao de mo de obra. Os treinamentos ocorrem nos mais diversos nveis da formao de operadores ao mestrado e nas mais diversas reas da construo civil biotecnologia. Os centros de formao profissional instalados na Bahia so dotados de laboratrios com equipamentos avanados, compatveis aos utilizados pelas indstrias. A excelncia na capacitao atestada por grandes empresas que se instalaram na Bahia nos ltimos anos, a exemplo da Bridgestone/Firestone, Continental, Ford e Nestl, unnimes em destacar a qualidade da mo de obra baiana.
Technical and Professional Education Courses / Just as with higher degree institutions, professional education centers and technical colleges also enjoy the state governments partnership in the qualification and preparation of the workforce. Training occurs at various levels from the preparation of operators to masters degree courses and in an array of areas from building to biotechnology. / The professional education centers established in Bahia are provided with advanced laboratories, compatible with those used by the industry. Their excellence in capacity building is attested by the large companies that have established themselves in Bahia in recent years, for instance, Bridgestone/Firestone, Continental, Ford, and Nestl, which are unanimous in highlighting the quality of the labor offered in Bahia.

Universities / Bahia holds seven public universities, three of which are federal (UFBA, UFRB and UNIVASF) and four are state-run (UNEB, UESF, UESC and UESB), apart from 21 private universities. These institutions offer a number of graduation courses, 134 masters degree courses, and 54 doctoral degree courses in various areas of knowledge. In engineering only, there are 16 masters degree and six doctoral degree courses.
A capacitao na Bahia

A capacitao na Bahia

Bahias capacity building



Bahias capacity building

Instituies e cursos de capacitao profissional oferecidos na Bahia:

SENAI/CIMATEC - Promove educao profissional em todos os nveis e j capacitou mais de 8.500 trabalhadores para atuar na indstria automotiva. Oferece treinamentos especficos na rea de desenvolvimento, projeto e fabricao de automveis, peas e sistemas, alm de 12 cursos tcnicos para outros segmentos industriais e oito cursos superiores de tecnologia. A instituio oferece ainda ps-graduao (especializao) e MBA em diversas reas e mestrado profissional em Gesto e Tecnologia Industrial. SENAI CETIND - Atua na capacitao tecnolgica nas reas de processos qumicos e petroqumicos, petrleo e gs, celulose e papel, instrumentao, metrologia qumica e volumtrica, meio ambiente, segurana do trabalho, telecomunicaes e tecnologia da informao. A unidade possui oito plantas-piloto, que simulam linhas de produo e laboratrios.
Rafael Martins/Secom

IFBA - O Instituto Federal de Educao, Cincia e Tecnologia da Bahia oferece cursos de educao tecnolgica profissional em todos os nveis: bsico (cursos de qualificao, requalificao e reprofissionalizao de jovens, adultos e trabalhadores em geral, com qualquer nvel de escolarizao); tcnico (habilitao profissional de nvel mdio); tecnolgico (correspondente ao nvel superior na rea tecnolgica) e superior (graduao e ps-graduao). E possui uma estrutura multicampi, com unidades de ensino em diversas regies estratgicas da Bahia. CEPED - O Centro de Pesquisas e Desenvolvimento est instalado em Camaari, onde funcionam laboratrios nas seguintes reas: Qumica, Microbiologia, Ensaios Fsicos, Tecnologia Ambiental, Tecnologia Mineral, Metrologia e Servios de Informaes Tecnolgicas.



Rafael Martins/Secom



A capacitao na Bahia

A capacitao na Bahia

Bahias capacity building



Bahias capacity building

Professional Capacity Building Institutions and Courses offered in Bahia: SENAI - CIMATEC Promotes professional education at all levels and has trained over 8,500 workers for the automotive industry. It offers specific training for the development, design, and manufacture of automobiles, parts and systems, as well as 12 technical courses for other industrial sectors, and eight higher education technology courses. The institution also offers postgraduate specialization courses and MBAs in a number of areas, as well as a professional masters degree in Industrial Management and Technology. / SENAI-CETIND Offers technological capacity building in the areas of chemical processes and petrochemicals, oil and gas, cellulose and paper, instrumentation, chemical and volume metrology, environmental studies, work security, telecommunications, and information technology. The unit has eight pilot plants, which simulate production lines and laboratories. / IFBA The Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia offers professional technological education courses at all levels: basic (qualification, requalification, and reprofessionalization for youth, adults and workers in general, at any level of schooling); technical (secondary degree professional training); technological (corresponds to higher education in technological areas) and higher education (undergraduate and graduate courses). It also has a multi-campus structure, with teaching units in many strategic regions in Bahia. / CEPED The Center for Research and Development is established at Camaari, where laboratories are operated in the following areas: Chemistry, Microbiology, Physical Assays, Environmental Technology, Mineral Technology, Metrology and Technological Information Services.




Incentivo pesquisa e ao desenvolvimento

Parque Tecnolgico de Salvador Salvador ganhar em breve o seu Parque Tecnolgico. O novo centro agrega os valores do desenvolvimento sustentvel, da pesquisa cientfica e da inovao, visando atrair novos produtos e servios para a Bahia, gerando empregos para profissionais qualificados. Localizado estrategicamente na principal rea de expanso da capital baiana a Avenida Paralela e prximo ao Aeroporto Internacional, a centros de pesquisa e dos acessos s principais reas industriais do Estado, o Parque Tecnolgico de Salvador atuar em trs eixos centrais: Inovao, Tecnologia e Cincia. Suas reas prioritrias: Biotecnologia e Sade, Energia e Ambiente, Tecnologia da Informao e da Comunicao, Cultura e Turismo. INOVATEC A Bahia est sempre em busca da excelncia e foi com esse pensamento que o governo estadual criou o Inovatec - Programa Estadual de Incentivo Inovao Tecnolgica. A proposta estimular e promover o desenvolvimento da economia baiana atravs da ampliao de seu contedo de cincia, tecnologia e inovao. O programa incentiva os investimentos de base tecnolgica no Estado, atravs de benefcios financeiros e fiscais. FAPESB A FAPESB, Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia, uma instituio de direito pblico, com o objetivo de estimular e apoiar o desenvolvimento de atividades cientficas e tecnolgicas. Vem atuando no processo de ampliao do capital intelectual e da capacidade tecnolgica do Estado, buscando estimular o seu desenvolvimento econmico e social. O modelo de apoio inovao da FAPESB prev a participao da empresa no processo de seleo dos projetos de pesquisa a serem incentivados, bem como o usufruto dos direitos sobre os seus resultados.

Stimulus to research and development / Salvador Technological Complex / Salvador will soon receive its Technological Complex. The new center brings together values such as sustainable development, scientific research and innovation, and its objective is to attract new products and services to Bahia in order to create jobs for qualified professional workers. / Strategically located in the main expansion area of Bahias capital city Avenida Paralela, near the International Airport in close proximity to research centers and within easy reach of the states main industrial areas, the Salvador Technological Complex operations will concentrate in three main areas: Innovation, Technology, and Science. Its priority areas are: Biotechnology and Health, Energy and the Environment, Information and Communication Technology, Culture and Tourism. / INOVATEC / Bahia is always in search of excellence, and with that in mind, the state government created Inovatec, a state program to stimulate innovation in technology. Its proposal is to encourage and promote the development of Bahias economy by bringing more science, technology and innovation into it. The program stimulates investments in technology in the state through financial and fiscal benefits. / FAPESB / FAPESB, Bahias Research Support Foundation, is a public institution whose objective is to stimulate and support the development of scientific and technological activities. It has been present in the process of improving the states intellectual capital and technological capacity, seeking to stimulate its economic and social development.FAPESBs innovation support model includes the participation of companies in the selection processes that will chose research projects to be supported, as well as in the right of use of their results.

A capacitao na Bahia


Eli Corra/Secom

A capacitao na Bahia

Bahias capacity building



Bahias capacity building

O que a Bahia oferece

Oportunidades de investimento

What Bahia offers. Investment opportunities.

Junto com o Brasil, a Bahia experimentou nos ltimos anos um grande salto de desenvolvimento, que tornou sua economia muito mais diversificada, inclusive com a incluso de novos segmentos e fortalecimento dos j implantados. A dimenso continental do Estado permite dizer que muito mais pode vir por a. A seguir, um panorama de oportunidades de investimentos j instaladas na Bahia.

Together with Brazil, in recent years Bahia has experienced a big development leap that brought much diversification to its economy, with the inclusion of new sectors and strengthening of those already established. The states continental size makes it possible to say that a lot more can be on its way. / A panorama of investment opportunities already established in Bahia is listed as follows.




A Bahia possui o maior litoral do Brasil, com quase 1.200 km de praias que encantam 9 milhes de turistas que nos visitam todos os anos. Este nmero faz do Estado o segundo maior polo turstico do Brasil e destino preferencial entre os brasileiros. Mas no so s as praias que atraem o turismo. A Bahia famosa mundialmente por sua diversidade cultural, seus ritmos e por ser o bero da cultura negra no Brasil. Dessa diversidade nasceu a maior festa popular do planeta: o Carnaval de Salvador, um evento que rene quase 2 milhes de pessoas em 6 dias de folia. A realizao do Carnaval durante anos tornou a Bahia um Estado com vasta experincia em organizao de grandes e bem-sucedidos eventos. O turismo e a cultura, junto com o crescente investimento na indstria, consolidaram o Estado como a maior economia do Nordeste e a stima do Brasil. A terra da alegria tambm se orgulha de ser a terra da oportunidade e do crescimento. O Estado possui hoje 13 zonas tursticas, com 156 municpios do litoral ao serto e ao cerrado, passando ainda por serras e montanhas. Para agregar inovao ao turismo baiano, o Governo do Estado vem investindo em novos produtos, segmentos e servios, a exemplo do Turismo tnico, do Enoturismo, da Praia 24h e do Espicha Vero, do So Joo da Bahia, do Turismo Nutico, do Turismo de Golfe e do Turismo Rural. So imensas as oportunidades no setor.

Jota Freitas/Bahiatursa



TOURISM / Bahia has the longest stretch of coast in the country, with almost 1.200 km of beaches that delight the 9 million tourists who visit us every year. This figure makes us the second largest tourist complex in Brazil, and a preferred destination among Brazilians. But it is not only the beaches that attract tourists. Bahia is famous worldwide for its cultural diversity, its rhythms, and for being the cradle of black culture in Brazil. Such diversity gave birth to the biggest popular festivity in the planet: the Salvador Carnival, an event that gathers almost 2 million people during 6 days of revelry. After staging the Carnival for so many years, Bahia has acquired a vast experience in organizing large, successful events. Tourism and culture, together with growing investments in industry, have consolidated the state as having the largest economy in the Northeast, and the seventh in the country. The land of joy is also proud of being the land of opportunity and growth. / Today the state has 13 tourist zones comprising 156 municipal areas from the coast to the backwoods and the Cerrado, and including ridges and mountains. In order to bring innovation to Bahias tourism, the state government has been investing in new products, sectors and services, examples of which are Ethnic Tourism, Wine Tourism, 24-Hour Beach, Espicha Vero, Bahias So Joo, Nautical Turism, Golf Tourism, and Rural Tourism. There are immense opportunities in the sector.

O que a Bahia oferece


A indstria de petrleo do Brasil nasceu na Bahia. Em 1938, no bairro do Lobato, subrbio de Salvador, foi encontrado o primeiro leo brasileiro que se sabia existir desde os tempos imperiais. Em 1941, o governo federal anuncia o primeiro campo de explorao, aqui em Candeias. Em 1950 inaugurada a Refinaria Landulpho Alves (RLAM), primeira do Brasil, e em 1953 foi criada a Petrobras. De l para c, a indstria se desenvolveu forte em vrios estados e o Brasil se especializou na explorao em guas profundas e ultraprofundas, onde est mais de 90% da nossa produo. Em 2006, o pas atingiu autossuficincia no setor, e, com as descobertas na regio do pr-sal, pode ser o 4 maior produtor de petrleo do mundo em 2030. A RLAM hoje a segunda maior refinaria do pas, em capacidade e variedade de produtos, ocupando uma rea de 9,1 km2 e capacidade de 320 mil barris por dia, representando aproximadamente 14,5% da capacidade de refino do pas. O Campo de Manati transformou a Bahia de estado importador a exportador de gs natural. Localizado na Baa de Camamu, aumentou recentemente sua capacidade para 8 milhes de m3 por dia e operado pela Petrobras em consrcio com duas empresas privadas. O Polo Industrial de Camaari (PIC) o maior complexo petroqumico integrado do Hemisfrio Sul. Com localizao estratgica, de fcil acesso a ferrovia, portos e aeroportos, iniciou suas operaes em 1978 e conta hoje com mais de 90 empresas em operao 34 qumicas/petroqumicas, 27 no Complexo Ford e 29 em diversos segmentos como celulose, txtil, metalurgia do cobre, automotivo, cervejaria, energia elica e servios. Um investimento global da ordem de US$ 12 bilhes, com previso de mais US$ 4,3 bilhes em novos empreendimentos. E tem mais vantagens para quem se instalar no PIC: central de matrias-primas fornecendo produtos bsicos e utilidades, sistema coletivo de proteo ambiental (alta perfomance), fcil licenciamento ambiental e boa disponibilidade de espao fsico para novas empresas.
OIL, GAS AND THE PETROCHEMICALS INDUSTRY / Brazils oil industry was born in Bahia. Although it was known to exist since imperial times, oil was first found in Brazil in 1938 in Lobato, a Salvador suburb. In 1941, the federal government announced the first exploration field here in Candeias. In 1950 the Landulpho Alves Rephinery (RLAM), the first in Brazil, was opened, and 1953 saw the creation of Petrobras. From then on, the industry developed strongly in various Brazilian states, and the country specialized in deep and ultra deep sea exploration, where over 90% of our production comes from. In 2006 the country became self-sufficient in the sector and, with the pre-salt discoveries, it could be the 4th largest oil producer in the world by 2030. RLAM is today the biggest refinery in the country, both in capacity and in the variety of products. It occupies a 9.1 km2 area, and its output is 320 barrels a day, approximately 14.5% of the countrys refinement capacity. / The Manati Field allowed Bahia to go from domestic importer to exporter of natural gas. Located in Camamu Bay, it recently increased its capacity to 8 million m3 a day and is operated by Petrobras in consortium with two private companies. / The Camaari Industrial Complex (PIC) is the biggest integrated petrochemical complex in the southern hemisphere. It is in a strategic location, with easy access to railway, ports and airports. It began its operations in 1978 and today has over 90 companies in operation 34 chemical/petrochemical, 27 at the Ford Complex, and 29 in various sectors such as cellulose, textiles, copper metallurgy, automotive, brewery, wind power and services. Its global investments amount to US$ 12 billion, with another US$ 4.3 billion intended for new undertakings. And there are more advantages for companies wanting to settle at Camaari: a raw materials center that supplies basic products and appliances, a collective environmental protection system (high performance), easy-to-get environmental licensing and good availability of physical space for new companies.




A Bahia apresenta um significativo potencial de energia elica, estimado em 14,5GW para uma altura de 70m o que representa 10,1% do potencial nacional e 19,3% do potencial da regio Nordeste. Estimada em 2001, essa capacidade j foi alcanada e superada, com a assinatura de protocolos de inteno que somam mais de 20GW de projetos em desenvolvimento. O governo do Estado atrai e facilita a implantao desses empreendimentos porque v nas fontes renovveis uma forma sustentvel de gerao de eletricidade e um meio de levar desenvolvimento para a regio do semirido, onde se localiza grande parte do potencial do Estado. Contudo, mais do que usinas elicas, a Bahia pretende desenvolver a cadeia produtiva da indstria de energia elica, com grande empreendimento j funcionando e outro para ser inaugurado. Na energia solar, o Estado apresenta a maior quantidade de kits fotovoltaicos instalados do Brasil, com mais de 45 mil unidades implantadas em parceria com a concessionria de distribuio. Essas instalaes em sua maioria integram o programa Luz para Todos, que est universalizando o atendimento de energia eltrica s populaes rurais. Em Salvador, o Governo do Estado e a Coelba esto implantando painis fotovoltaicos em parte da estrutura do Estdio Municipal Governador Roberto Santos (Pituau), como projeto-piloto para a nova arena que est sendo construda. E existe aqui tambm o mesmo interesse de formao da cadeia produtiva. A biomassa tambm tem fora na Bahia. A produo de papel e celulose ocupa uma rea de 809 mil ha entre reas plantadas e de conservao, com um faturamento de R$ 2,6 bilhes, que representa 8,9% do total nacional. Boas oportunidades tambm para cana-de-acar, capim-elefante e oleaginosas, como a mamona, e para a produo de biodiesel. A maior planta da Petrobras na produo de biodiesel est na Bahia, com capacidade anual de mais de 217 milhes de litros.
RENEWABLE ENERGY / Bahia has a significant Wind Power potential, estimated at 14.5GW to a height of 70 meters - which represents 10.1% of the national potential and 19.3% of Northeast potential. This was estimated in 2001, yet this capacity has been reached and exceeded, with the signing of Protocol of Understanding totaling more than 20GW of ongoing projects. The state government attracts and facilitates the implementation of these projects because they see the renewable sources as a sustainable source of Power generation and a means of bringing development to the semi-arid region, home to much of the potential of the state. However, more than Wind Farms, Bahia intends to develop the productive chain of the Wind Power Industry, with grat enterprise already in operation and another one on the way. / When it comes to Solar Energy, the state has the highest amount of photovoltaic kits of Brazil, with over 45.000 units deployed in partnership with the Distribution Concessionaire. Most of these facilities are part of the Power for all Program that is universalizing the service of electricity to rural populations. In Salvador, the State Government and Coelba are deploying photovoltaic panels on part of the structure of the Municipal Stadium Governor Roberto Santos (Pituau) as a pilot project for the new Arena that is being built. And here there is also the same interest in the formation of a productive chain. / Biomass also has its strength in Bahia. The production of pulp and paper covers an area of 809.000 hectares of planted areas and conservation areas, with a turnover of R$ 2.6 billion, representing 8.9% of the national total share. There are also great opportunities in sugar cane segment, elephant grass and oilseeds such as castor beans for biodiesel production. The largest plant of Petrobras in the production of biodiesel is located in the state of Bahia, with an annual capacity of more than 217 million liters.

O setor automotivo hoje um dos mais atraentes e de boas oportunidades na Bahia. Primeiro porque o mercado consumidor no Nordeste est em franca expanso. E tambm pela possibilidade de uso da infraestrutura instalada e dos sistemistas que atendem ao projeto da Ford Motor Co. Alm da infraestrutura logstica j existente portos, estradas, ferrovias e telecomunicao e do oferecimento de servios pblicos sade, transporte, educao, segurana, entre outros , o governo oferece importantes incentivos que vo da cesso de terrenos ao apoio para recrutamento, seleo e treinamento da mo de obra e de licenciamento ambiental.
AUTOMOTIVE / The automotive sector is now one of the most attractive and best opportunities in Bahia. First, because the consumer market in the Northeast is booming. And also for the possibility of use of installed infrastructure and systems they serves the project of Ford Motor Company. In addition to the existing logistics infrastructure - ports, highways, railways and telecommunications - and the delivery of public services health, transportation, education, security , among others - the Government offers Important incentives such as assignment of land and support for recruitment, selection and training of labor and also environmental licensing.

Est sendo implantado o Estaleiro Enseada do Paraguau (EEP), no municpio de Maragogipe, pelo consrcio Odebrecht, OAS e UTC. Ocupando uma rea de 1,5 milho de m2 e com investimentos de quase R$ 2 bilhes, vai produzir embarcaes de grande porte e outros equipamentos ligados explorao e produo de petrleo. Tambm esto sendo implantados quatro canteiros para construo de mdulos de plataformas, na baa de Aratu. O segmento nutico ser incrementado com a implantao de condomnio para abrigar indstrias, empresas de comrcio, distribuio de insumos, equipamentos e servios. So 200 mil m2 loteados e com infraestrutura para receber iniciativas empresariais.
Eduardo Moody

NAVAL AND NAUTICAL AFFAIRS / Paraguau Shipyard Creek (Estaleiro Enseada do Paraguau - EEP) is being deployed in the municipality of Maragogipe by Odebrecht, OAS and UTC. Occupying an area of 1.5 million square meters, and with investments of nearly R$ 2 billion, they will manufacture large vessels and other equipment related to oil exploration and production. Also being established four plots for building modules for platforms are also being established in the Bay of Aratu. / The nautical sector will be increased with the implementation of a condominium for industries, trade companies, and distribution of supplies, equipment and services. The parcels are in an area of 200.000 square meters and with an infrastructure to receive business initiatives.

A Bahia registrou em 2010 uma produo de bens minerais da ordem de R$ 1,7 bilho, destacando-se ouro, cobre, nquel, cromo e magnesita. Com a utilizao de recursos modernos de prospeco mineral, o Estado possui 307 mil km2 de seu territrio mapeados por levantamentos aerogeofsicos. A Companhia Baiana de Pesquisas Mineral CBPM, empresa de economia mista ligada Secretaria da Indstria, Comrcio e Minerao, executa a poltica mineral do Estado voltada para a expanso da minerao e atrao de novos investimentos, a descoberta de jazidas e depsitos, o diagnstico da potencialidade mineral, o desenvolvimento tecnolgico e a implantao de infraestrutura logstica e energtica para viabilizar empreendimentos privados no setor.
MINERALS / In 2010, Bahia registered a production of mineral assets worth R$1.7 billion, with highlights on gold, copper, nickel, chrome and magnesite. The use of modern mineral prospection resources has allowed the mapping of 307 thousand km2 of the states territory with aerogeophysical surveys. Bahias mineral research company, CBPM, a mixed economy company under the Secretary of Industry, Trade and Mining, is in charge of the states mineral policy, which focuses on the expansion of mining and attracting new investments; the discovery of mines and ore deposits; diagnosing the states mineral potential; technological development; and the implementation of logistics and energy infrastructures for the feasibility of private investments in the sector.



Um setor novo, ainda em formao, mas a Bahia j desponta com destaque na tecnologia de informao, respondendo, inclusive, por 40% do faturamento de TI no Nordeste. Infraestrutura logstica, disponibilidade de bons profissionais, experincia adquirida na rea financeira e concesso de incentivos fiscais e econmicos para novas empresas so algumas das razes que justificam um crescimento na rea bem acima da mdia nacional 20% ao ano, para 11% no Brasil e 6% no mundo. A Bahia tambm muito competitiva nas atividades de call centers e help desks.


Ivan Erick/Secom

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY / A new industry is taking its first steps, but Bahia is shaping especially in information technology, accounting, including, for 40% of IT billing in the Northeast. Logistics infrastructure, availability of talent, experience in the financial and tax incentives for new businesses and economic are some of the reasons for growth in an area well above the national average - 20% per year to 11% in Brazil and 6% in the world. Bahia is also very competitive in the activities of call centers and help desks.

O que a Bahia oferece

O que a Bahia oferece

What Bahia offers


What Bahia offers

Manu Dias/Secom

Clima privilegiado, proximidade dos principais mercados consumidores, qualidade do solo, recursos naturais abundantes, apoio do governo e a oferta de mo de obra qualificada so algumas das muitas vantagens para quem decide investir em agronegcios na Bahia. Com uma rea de 56 milhes de hectares, o Estado conta com um parque agrcola variado. E as oportunidades oferecidas parecem ilimitadas.
Heckel Jnior / SEAGRI

Alberto Coutinho / Secom

Frutas A Bahia o segundo maior produtor e exportador de frutas frescas do Brasil. Alm das boas terras e recursos hdricos abundantes, os produtores contam com inovaes de manejo e tecnologia, proporcionando alta produtividade. comum a colheita de duas ou mais safras por ano. O Estado tem polos consolidados e estruturados para exportao de manga, uva, limo, mamo, abacaxi, maracuj e banana, com certificaes para o mercado mundial. ainda o segundo principal produtor de laranja. O potencial para a implantao de agroindstrias para a produo de sucos, concentrados, doces, polpas e frutas congeladas e cristalizadas. Vitivinicultura No Vale do Rio So Francisco, a Bahia dispe de terras aptas e recursos hdricos abundantes, com o diferencial de produzir duas safras e meia por ano de uva de excelente qualidade. Essa produo destina-se aos mercados interno e externo por uva de mesa, com destaque para a produo de uva sem semente e fabricao de vinhos e espumantes de elevada qualidade. Com esse panorama, o Estado oferece grande oportunidade para implantar um parque industrial para vinhos finos, espumantes e sucos, alm de atender crescente demanda nacional e internacional da uva de mesa. Cacau e Chocolate Maior produtor do pas e quinto lugar no ranking mundial na produo de cacau, a Bahia possui condies de produzir cacau fino, em quantidade e qualidade, reconhecida pela ICCO - International Cocoa Organization. Considerando as perspectivas de aumento na demanda mundial, a oportunidade nesta cadeia est em estimular a implantao de agroindstrias para produo de chocolates finos e outros derivados com grande potencial para exportao.
AGRIBUSINESS / It offers a privileged climate, proximity to major consumer markets, soil quality, abundant natural resources, government support and supply of skilled labor are among the many advantages for those who decide to invest in agribusiness in Bahia. With an area of 56 million hectares, the state has a varied agricultural park. And the opportunities seem without limits. / Fruits / Bahia is the second largest producer and exporter of fresh fruits from Brazil. In addition to good land and abundant water resources, farmers rely on innovation management and technology, providing high productivity. It is common to harvest two crops per year or more. The poles have been consolidated and structured to export mango, grapes, papaya, lemon, pineapple, passion fruit and banana, with certifications for the world market. It is also the second largest producer of orange. The potential is for the establishment of agricultural industries for the production of juices, concentrates, jams, purees, frozen and crystallized fruits. / Viticulture / In the Valley of the So Francisco River, Bahia has suitable land and abundant water resources, with the differential to produce two and a half crops a year of excellent quality grapes. This production is for domestic and foreign markets for table grapes, especially the production of seedless grapes and manufacturing wine and sparkling wine of high quality. / With this scenario, the state offers a great opportunity to deploy an industrial park for fine wines, sparkling juices, as well as meet the growing demand of national and international table grapes. / Cocoa and Chocolate / Countrys largest producer and fifth place in world ranking in cocoa production, Bahia is able to produce fine cocoa, in quantity and quality, recognized by ICCO - International Cocoa Organization. Considering the prospects for increased world demand, this chain is the opportunity to encourage the establishment of agricultural industries for the production of fine chocolates and other derivatives with high export potential.

A Bahia possui vocao para as indstrias txtil e de couro e calados. O Estado produz todas as matrias-primas necessrias, alm de dispor de farta mo de obra especializada. Na rea de calados, a Bahia j abriga 66 plantas industriais, espalhadas por 45 municpios, que juntas exportaram, em 2010, mais de 7,2 milhes de pares, empregando quase 60 mil pessoas, em particular no interior do Estado. A capacidade instalada ser aumentada ainda este ano, com a ampliao de trs unidades e a implantao de sete novas fbricas.
TEXTILE AND FOOTWARE INDUSTRY / Bahia has a natural inclination for textile, leather and footwear. The state produces all needed inputs, and has abundant skilled labor. In footwear business, the Bahia is already home to 66 plants, scattered over 45 municipalities, which together exported in 2010, over 7.2 million pairs, employing almost 60.000 people, in particular within the state. The installed capacity will be increased this year, with the expansion of three units and the construction of seven new plants. / For the installation of textile industries, the appealing features of Bahia are numerous, such as abundant land and infrastructure, and availability of health professionals. Other facilitators are: the large supply of basic chemicals and intermediates for the manufacture of synthetic and artificial production of natural fibers (the second largest in Brazil), the attractive geographic position in relation to different national and international markets and the deductions taxes and incentives offered by the State Government.

O que a Bahia oferece

O que a Bahia oferece

What Bahia offers

2010, over 7.2 million pairs.



What Bahia offers

Para a instalao de indstrias txteis, os atrativos da Bahia so inmeros, como terrenos e infraestrutura abundantes, alm da disponibilidade de profissionais. Outros facilitadores so: a grande oferta de qumicos bsicos e intermedirios para a fabricao de Na rea de calados, a Bahia j abriga tecidos sintticos e artificiais, a produo de 66 plantas industriais, espalhadas por fibras naturais (a segunda maior do Brasil), a posio geogrfica atrativa em relao a dife45 municpios, que juntas exportaram, rentes mercados nacionais e internacionais e as em 2010, mais de 7,2 milhes de pares. dedues de impostos e incentivos oferecidos In footwear business, the Bahia is already home to 66 plants, pelo governo estadual. scattered over 45 municipalities, which together exported in

Manu Dias/Secom

Gros Principal motor do agronegcio na Bahia, a produo de gros do Estado vem alcanando ndices cada vez maiores de produtividade, safras e reas cultivadas com soja, algodo, milho, mamona, sorgo, feijo, arroz, girassol e caf. A soja um dos principais produtos da pauta de exportaes agrcolas da Bahia. Produzida na regio oeste, onde os terrenos planos e oferta de gua possibilitam total mecanizao, a soja baiana combina baixo custo de produo com alta rentabilidade. Importantes oportunidades de investimentos para aumento na rea de cultivo e implantao de novas agroindstrias processadoras para fabricao de alimentos e de rao animal.

Silvio vila/ SEAGRI

Grains / Grains are the main mover of agribusiness in Bahia, the states grain production has reached increasing levels of productivity, yields and areas cultivated with soybean, cotton, corn, castor beans, sorghum, beans, rice, sunflower and coffee. / Soy is one of the main products of exports of agricultural Bahia. It is produced in the West, where land and water supply plans allow full mechanization, The Soy from Bahia combines low production cost with high profitability. They are important opportunities for increased investment in the area of cultivation and establishment of new agro processing for the manufacture of food and animal feed.

O caf da Bahia j ocupa a quarta posio no ranking nacional de produo. E o Estado foi recentemente elevado condio de mais nova fronteira do caf no Brasil. Com excelentes condies de solo, clima e topografia favorveis, mo de obra qualificada e 3 polos de produo diferenciados, a cafeicultura baiana est preparada para crescer e explorar novos mercados como o dos cafs solveis, especiais e orgnicos. Com qualidade premiada e reconhecida internacionalmente, o caf produzido na Bahia ficou em 1 lugar no leilo Cup of Excellence como o melhor caf do Brasil, quando participou, em 2009, do 10 Concurso Qualidade Cafs do Brasil da BSCA (Brazil Specialty Coffee Association).
Silvio vila/ SEAGRI

A produo de milho vem crescendo e com ela a possibilidade do desenvolvimento de outras cadeias produtivas, a exemplo da avicultura e da suinocultura, bem como a utilizao de modernas prticas de integrao da agricultura com a pecuria. O milho produzido no oeste baiano ainda a cultura ideal para rotao com a soja plantada na mesma regio. A oportunidade est em ampliar os polos avesuincola e do parque industrial para a produo de raes e alimentos. Fibras naturais Na produo de fibras naturais, a Bahia tambm oferece excelentes vantagens aos empreendedores. Maior produtor mundial de sisal, principal produtor nacional de coco e segundo maior produtor brasileiro de algodo, o Estado destaca-se nas atividades de inovao e aproveitamento de diversas fibras naturais. A oportunidade deste setor est na ampliao do parque industrial existente, na fcil interao com a forte indstria de fibras sintticas j existentes na Bahia e na crescente demanda mundial por fibras naturais.

Slvio vila / SEAGRI

O que a Bahia oferece

O que a Bahia oferece

What Bahia offers



What Bahia offers

The Coffee from Bahia already ranks fourth in the national ranking of production. And the state has recently been raised to a new Coffee Border in Brazil. With excellent soil conditions, climate and favorable topography, skilled labor, and three different production centers, the coffee from Bahia is ready to grow and explore new markets such as instant, specialty and organic coffee. It has received quality awards and international, the coffee produced in Bahia, took first place in the Cup of Excellence as the best coffee in Brazil, when he participated in 2009, the 10th Competition Quality Coffees of Brazil of BSCA (Brazil Specialty Coffee Association). / Corn production has increased and with it the possibility of developing other productive activities, such as the poultry and pig farming, as well as the use of modern practices of integration of agriculture with livestock. The corn produced in western region of Bahia is still the ideal crop for rotation with soybeans planted in the same region. The opportunity is to expand the piggery poles and industrial park for the production of foods and animal feeds. / Natural Fibers / In the production of natural fibers, Bahia also offers great benefits to entrepreneurs. Worlds largest producer of sisal, the main producer of coconut and the second largest producer of cotton, the state stands in innovation activities and use of various natural fibers. The opportunity in this sector is expanding the existing industrial park, the easy interaction with the strong synthetic fiber industry in Bahia existing and growing worldwide demand for natural fibers.

Heckel Jr./ SEAGRI

Manu Dias/Secom

Bovinocultura de Corte - A Bahia dispe de condies ideais para o desenvolvimento da pecuria de corte e laticnios. Com status internacional de Zona Livre de Aftosa com vacinao da OIE (Organizao Mundial de Sade Animal), este atestado permite o acesso da carne e laticnios baianos aos grandes e emergentes mercados internacionais, alm de possibilitar a exportao de reprodutores e matrizes. O governo baiano tambm oferece apoio implantao de curtumes e modernos frigorficos habilitados exportao. Bovinocultura de Leite - O Estado possui o terceiro maior rebanho de leite do Brasil e as condies climticas favorveis produo permitem resultados excepcionais no oeste. O Estado oferece oportunidades para produo industrial de queijos especiais, leite em p, iogurtes e outros derivados, alm de atender ao crescente mercado interno e externo de leite. Caprinos e Ovinos Com o maior rebanho de caprinos e o segundo de ovinos do pas, condies climticas naturais e raas adaptadas e melhoradas pela pesquisa gentica, o Estado permite uma produo de carne e couro de qualidade, com excelentes oportunidades de investimentos na ampliao da produo para atender a mercados diferenciados e exigentes e na implantao de frigorficos, laticnios e curtumes. Aves e Sunos - O crescente aumento na produo de gros e o crescente mercado consumidor vm alavancando o desenvolvimento da avicultura e da suinocultura na Bahia. O avano deve levar o Estado em pouco tempo condio de maior polo produtor de frango de corte do Nordeste, capaz de suprir o mercado interno e exportar para pases da frica, sia e Europa. O segmento dispe de ampla oferta de recursos humanos e conta com frigorficos e abatedouros. Mas h muito espao para implantao de empresas integradoras (frigorficos e abatedouros), indstria de raes e equipamentos.
O que a Bahia oferece

Silvio vila/ SEAGRI

Silvio vila/ SEAGRI

What Bahia offers



What Bahia offers

Aquicultura e Pesca - Com a maior extenso litornea do pas, 11 importantes ecossistemas aquticos e com aproximadamente 200 pontos de desembarque de pescado, a Bahia oferece condies singulares para o desenvolvimento da pesca industrial. O Estado dispe ainda de uma rea potencial para piscicultura, carcinicultura, ostreicultura e instalao de indstrias de pescado, produo de alimentos, raes e equipamentos.

O que a Bahia oferece

Livestock / Beef Cattle Farming - Bahia has ideal conditions for the development of beef cattle and dairy products. With international status of FMD-free zone with vaccination of the OIE (World Organization for Animal Health), this certificate allows access of meat and dairy products from Bahia to the large and emerging international markets, besides allowing the export of cattle for breeding and breed. The government of Bahia also offers support for the establishment of tanneries and modern export-enabled Slaughterhouses. / Dairy Cattle Farming - The state has the third largest dairy cattle in Brazil, where climatic conditions favor the production allow outstanding results in the West. The state offers opportunities for industrial production of specialty cheeses, milk powder, yogurt and other products, in addition to meeting the growing domestic and international market of milk. / Sheep and Goat Husbandry - With the largest herd of goats and second in the herd of sheep in the country, natural climatic conditions and breeds adapted and improved by genetic research, the state allows a production of meat and leather quality, with excellent opportunities for investment in production expansion to meet different markets and demanding the implementation of refrigerators, dairy factories and tanneries. / Poultry and Swine - The increasing production of grain and growing consumer market are leveraging the development of poultry and pig farming in Bahia. The breakthrough should lead the state in a short time to the status of largest poultry producer of the Northeast, capable of supplying the domestic market and export to countries in Africa, Asia and Europe. The segment has an ample supply of human resources and has stores and slaughterhouses. But there is still plenty of space for implementation of integrating companies (Slaughterhouses), animal feed industry and equipment. / Aquaculture and Fisheries With the largest cost area in the country, 11 important aquatic ecosystems and with approximately 200 fish landing points, Bahia offers unique conditions for the development of industrial fishing. The state also has a potential area for fish, shrimp, oyster culture, and installation of fish industries, production of food, animal feed and equipment.


A Copa do Mundo 2014 uma excelente oportunidade para investimentos e realizao de bons negcios na Bahia. Salvador, uma das sedes do Mundial e da Copa das Confederaes que acontece em 2013, vai receber selees e torcedores de diversas partes do mundo, um pblico com forte potencial consumidor de produtos e servios. As oportunidades de investimentos na Copa do Mundo 2014 na Bahia esto em diversas reas, como hotelaria, gastronomia, receptivo, tecnologia da informao e fabricao de souvenires. Na Bahia, a preparao para Copa do Mundo assunto to srio que o Governo do Estado criou uma secretaria apenas para cuidar do evento. Trata-se da Secretaria Estadual para Assuntos da Copa do Mundo da FIFA Brasil 2014 (Secopa), que coordena e fiscaliza os projetos relativos ao campeonato mundial de futebol. O Estado est investindo na melhoria da mobilidade urbana e acessibilidade, com a implantao de um Sistema Metropolitano de Transporte de alta capacidade. Alm disso, vai promover tambm um amplo Programa de Qualificao Profissional, com certificao dos profissionais e organizaes que participaro do evento. A expectativa que sejam gerados cerca de 50 mil empregos diretos e indiretos durante o perodo da Copa, inclusive com a oportunidade para micros e pequenos empreendedores desenvolverem produtos especficos para a Copa do Mundo.
Divulgao / Secopa

Arena Fonte Nova Um dos mais modernos estdios a abrigar os jogos da Copa 2014 est sendo construdo na capital baiana. A Arena Fonte Nova, com capacidade para 50 mil torcedores e possibilidade de ampliao para 65 mil, estar entre os melhores palcos esportivos do planeta. A estrutura moderna vai abrigar sala de imprensa, elevadores, museu do futebol, funshop e business lounge, alm de camarotes, restaurante panormico e cerca de duas mil vagas de estacionamento. As obras esto dentro do cronograma e ficaro prontas em 2013 para a Copa das Confederaes. O estdio tambm foi projetado para grandes shows e eventos.



WORLD CUP 2014 IN BAHIA/ The 2014 FIFA World Cup is an excellent opportunity for investment and making great business in Bahia. Salvador, one of the venues of the World Cup and the FIFA Confederations Cup that takes place in 2013, will host teams and fans from all over the world, an audience with strong potential of consumption for products and services. / The investment opportunities in the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Bahia are in several areas, such as Hospitality, Food, Reception, Information Technology and manufacture of souvenirs. / In Bahia, the preparation for the World Cup is such a serious matter that the State Government created a Department just to handle the event. It is the State Secretary for Political Affairs of 2014 FIFA World Cup - Brazil (Secopa), which coordinates and oversees projects for the World Cup. / The state is investing in the improvement of urban mobility and accessibility, with the establishment of a High Capacity System of Transportation. In addition, it will also promote a broad program of Vocational Training, with certification of professionals and organizations that participate in this event. / It is expected to be generated about 50.000 direct and indirect jobs during the World Cup, including the opportunity to micro and small entrepreneurs to develop products specifically for the World Cup. / Fonte Nova Arena / One of the most modern stadiums to host the 2014 FIFA World Cup matches is being built in Salvador. The Fonte Nova Arena with a capacity of 50.000 people and the possibility of expansion to 65.000 people, it will be among the best stadiums in the planet. The modern structure will house the press room, elevators, soccer museum, fun shop and business lounge, along with cabins, a panoramic restaurant and about two thousand parking spaces. The works are on schedule and will be ready by 2013 for the FIFA Confederations Cup. The stadium was also designed for large concerts and events.

O que a Bahia oferece

O que a Bahia oferece

What Bahia offers

Divulgao / Secopa


What Bahia offers

A terra da oportunidade est esperando por voc

The land of opportunity is waiting for you



Venha para a Bahia crescer junto com a gente. Estamos de portas abertas para voc e para o futuro.
Come to Bahia to grow with us. Our doors are open to you, and to the future.



A terra da oportunidade est esperando por voc

The land of opportunity is waiting for you

Bahia vive um momento nico em sua histria. Um tempo de grande crescimento econmico, com desenvolvimento chegando para todos. Estamos construindo uma Bahia democrtica, transparente, que cresce a cada dia com mais oportunidades. Todas essas conquistas, combinadas a um povo acolhedor e trabalhador, criam um ambiente favorvel para o sucesso do seu investimento. Venha para a Bahia crescer junto com a gente. Estamos de portas abertas para voc e para o futuro.

Bahia is living a unique moment of its life. Its a time of great economic growth with development coming to all. Beside the Bahianos we are building a democratic, t r a n s p a r e n t B a h i a , w h i c h g r ow s e a c h d ay with more opportunities. Combined to a welcoming and working people, make an environment favorable to the success of your investment. Come to Bahia to grow with us. Our doors are open to you, and to the future.




Secretaria para Assuntos Internacionais e Agenda Bahia / Secretariat for International Affairs CAB 3 Avenida, 390, Plataforma IV Ala Sul 3 andar Governadoria CEP: 41745-005 Salvador, Bahia, Brasil Telefones: 55 (71) 3115-6518/6521/9454 E-mail: assint@governadoria.ba.gov.br CAB - 3 Avenue, 390, Platform IV South Wing, 3rd floor, Governors Office ZIP Code: 41.745-005 Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Telephones: 55 (71) 3115-6518/6521/9454. E-mail: assint@governadoria.ba.gov.br

Secretaria da Indstria, Comrcio e Minerao / Secretariat of Industry, Business and Mining CAB - 4 Avenida, 415. CEP: 41745-002 Salvador, Bahia, Brasil Telefone: 55 (71) 3115-7801 www.sicm.ba.gov.br CAB - 4 Avenue, 415. Zip Code: 41.745-002 Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Telephone: (+ 55 71) 3115-7801 www.sicm.ba.gov.br

Secretaria de Agricultura, Irrigao e Reforma Agrria / Secretariat of Agriculture, Irrigation and Agrarian Reform CAB - 4 Avenida, n 405 CEP: 41745.002 - Salvador, Bahia, Brasil Telefones: 55 (71) 3115-2875 /2752 / 2783 E-mail: agronews@seagri.ba.gov.br www.seagri.ba.gov.br CAB - 4 Avenue, n 405. Zip Code: 41.745.002 - Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Telephones: (+55 71) 3115-2875 /3115-2752 / 3115-2783 E-mail: agronews@seagri.ba.gov.br www.seagri.ba.gov.br

Secretaria de Turismo / Secretariat of Tourism Av. Tancredo Neves, Desenbahia, Bl-A Caminho das rvores CEP 41820-904, Salvador, Bahia, Brasil Telefones: 55 (71) 3116-4128 / 4160 E-mail: suinvest@turismo.ba.gov.br www.setur.ba.gov.br Avenue Tancredo Neves, Desenbahia, Bl-A, Caminho das rvores. Zip Code: 41.820-904, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Telephones: (+55 71) 3116-4128 / 3116-4160 E-mail: suinvest@turismo.ba.gov.br www.setur.ba.gov.br

Secopa / Secopa Alameda dos Umbuzeiros, 78 Caminho das rvores CEP 41820-680, Salvador, Bahia, Brasil Telefone: 55 (71) 3103-1500 E-mail: secopa@secopa.ba.gov.br www.secopa.ba.gov.br Mall dos Umbuzeiros, 78, Caminho das rvores. Zip Code: 41.820-680, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Telephone: (+55 71) 3103-1500 E-mail: secopa@secopa.ba.gov.br www.secopa.ba.gov.br

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