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Autores Prof. Eliseu Alves da SILVA

Profa. Anelise Scotti SCHERER Profa. Ms. Thaiane SOCOLOSKI Acad. Alessandra Gonalves de MORAES Prof. Thiago TRINDADE Profa. Dra. Graciela Rabuske HENDGES

Profa. Melise Dambros ROIS Profa. Tacia Vogelei de MELO Profa. Carine WITTKE Profa. Anna Claudia SIEVERDING Profa. Livia FABRA

Colaboradores Acad. Angiuli Copetti de AGUIAR

Profa. Camila SORTICA Profa. Es. Daiane KUMMER Acad. Daiani Saul da LUZ Prof. Dion Alvira NUNES

Prof. Felipe Dias FELTRIN Acad. Fernanda FENER Acad. Marcos Vieira GIZERIA Acad. Pmela Mariel MARQUES Acad. Xnia Amaral MATOS

Orientao Pedaggica Profa. Dra. Graciela Rabuske HENDGES

Profa. Dra. Luciane Kirchhof TICKS

Edio Visual Acad. Leandro Hernandes MANICA

Prof. Eliseu Alves da SILVA Profa. Anelise Scotti SCHERER

Capa Profa. Ms. Nathalia Rodrigues CATTO

Profa. Dra. Graciela Rabuske HENDGES Profa. Dra. Vanessa Ribas FIALHO


4 Edio 1 Impresso Santa Maria, RS 2012



Felipe Martins Mller Reitor Hlio Lees Hey PrReitor de PsGraduao e Pesquisa Pedro Brum Santos Diretor do Centro de Artes e Letras Mrcia Cristina Correa Coordenadora do Programa de PsGraduao em Letras Andr Soares Vieira Chefe do Departamento de Letras Estrangeiras Modernas Dsire Motta-Roth Coordernadora do Laboratrio de Ensino e Pesquisa de Leitura e Redao Graciela Rabuske Hendges Luciane Kirchhof Ticks Coordenadoras do Curso de Extenso em Lnguas Estrangeiras e do Projeto Lnguas no Campus


Four skills 1 / autores Eliseu Alves da Silva ... [et al.]. 4. ed. Santa Maria : Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Departamento de Letras Estrangeiras Modernas, Laboratrio de Pesquisa e Ensino de Leitura e Redao - LABLER, 2012. 86 p. : il. ; cm. 1. Lngua inglesa - Ensino 2. Ingls Ensino 3. Ensino de ingls 4. Leitura Ensino I. Silva, Eliseu Alves da CDU 802.0:37 811.111:37

Ficha catalogrfica elaborada por Maristela Eckhardt - CRB-10/737 Biblioteca Central - UFSM

Os projetos de extenso Curso de Extenso em Lnguas Estrangeiras (CELS) e Lnguas no Campus (LINC) vm oferecendo cursos de lnguas estrangeiras e de lngua materna (redao acadmica) para a comunidade universitria h mais de 10 anos. Ao longo desses anos, as abordagens tericopedaggicas implementadas nos projetos tm acompanhado o debate cientfico das pesquisas em Lingstica Aplicada, contribuindo para a formao profissional dos alunos das Licenciaturas em Letras, por um lado, e para a formao lingstica de centenas de alunos dos diversos cursos de graduao e de ps-graduao da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Os livros didticos usados nos cursos so elaborados pelos integrantes dos projetos e so atualizados semestralmente. So o resultado de um processo cclico de pesquisa, discusso terica, elaborao, aplicao, reflexo crtica e aperfeioamento. Os contedos apresentados nesses livros so selecionados considerando os interesses e necessidades propostos pelo nosso pblico-alvo principal alunos universitrios, em levantamentos peridicos. Os livros didticos da coleo Four Skills compreendem tpicos e exerccios direcionados ao desenvolvimento de quatro habilidades de comunicao: produo oral, produo escrita, compreenso oral e compreenso escrita. Os livros da coleo Leitura em Ingls enfatizam a habilidade da leitura estratgica em lngua estrangeira, com foco em dois fins especficos: leitura de gneros miditicos e leitura de gneros acadmicos. A abordagem pedaggica adotada nos projetos e materiais busca refletir uma concepo de linguagem como sendo funcional e indissocivel do seu contexto. Nessa perspectiva, a forma da linguagem vista como determinada pela funo, seguindo padres de organizao de acordo com cada uma das infinitas funes que a linguagem pode desempenhar. Por fim, considera-se que por meio da linguagem possvel perceber vises de mundo, identidades e representaes sociais e culturais, bem como intervir no mundo, ocasionando mudanas sociais.








99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 Dialogues Facebook profile Self-presentation video



99 99

Spelling Pronouncing sounds of the alphabet Giving and asking personal information Greetings Introducing yourself and other 99 99 99 99 for


99 99

Describing family members Describing family routine

Advertisement Family presentation video Family tree

To be verb (affirmative, negative and interrogative form) simple present To be verb - simple past Personal pronouns Alphabet Phonetics Interrogative pronouns Academic majors Simple present (do/does) and Simple past (did/-ed) Physical and psychological adjectives Kinship terms Possessive adjectives / genetive case



99 99 99 99 99



Narrating routine Giving and asking directions Locating at UFSM

Daily routine description Comic strip Map Dialogues

99 99 99 99 99

Prepositions of location Hours Imperative mood Places Adverbs of frequency

agem os explorar a lingu m va e, ad id un ta Nes s nhecermospessoa co e os m ar nt se re paranosap ntextos. em diferentes co e, por dia na universidad No seu primeiro as que teragiu com pesso in c vo , lo p em ex lega, espapissociais:oco nt re fe di am nh pe desem rso, etc. ordenador do cu o professor, o co s mais e existem contexto ue q eu b ce er p Voc m s relacionamos co no ue q em s ai rm menos fo outras pessoas? ara a lngua inglesa p ar us os em od p Como pessoaisem ocarinformaes tr e r ta en im pr m cu contextos? cada um desses

Unit 1

Four Skills 1 - Unit 1 | 9


1. Antes de estudarmos a lngua inglesa propriamente dita, vamos conhecer um pouco sobre ela? Analise o grfico abaixo acerca das influncias lingsticas sofridas pelo ingls ao longo do tempo. Considerando que 90% do vocabulrio da Lngua Portuguesa deriva do latim, voc acha que esse fato vai ajud-lo a aprender ingls?

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Othe r





Fonte: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_language

2. Os emprstimos lingsticos, ou seja, palavras do ingls que passam a ser usadas como se fossem do portugus, por exemplo mouse, so consequncia do predomnio do ingls em algumas reas de atuao tais como alimentao, vesturio e computao. Tente completar o quadro abaixo com palavras relacionadas a cada rea indicada que pertencem Lngua Inglesa, mas que usamos no nosso cotidiano como se fossem parte da Lngua Portuguesa.

Food & Drink

op Fr er om na m
ch en des ch) Fr(inclu -Fren
An gl o

rm Ge an ic



Other Words

10 | Unit 1 - Four Skills 1

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3. Lets carry out a survey in the classroom. Walk around and interview at least one classmate to find out about his/her: name, age, hometown, e-mail address, roommates and major. The following questions and answers serve as guidelines for the interview. INTERVIEWER
Whats your full name? How do you spell that? How old are you? When were you born? Where are you from? Who do you live with? Whats your e-mail address? Whats your major? Which semester are you in? How many courses are you taking this semester?

My name is / I am Jaqueline de S. Its spelled S-A. Im 37 years old. Im in my thirties. I was born on August, 22nd, 1972. I come from / Im from So Sep. I dont have a roommate. I live with my parents. My e-mail address is j-a-k-s-a@gmail.com I graduated in Management last year and now I study Law at UFSM. Im in the 4th semester. Im taking 5 courses this semester.

w1 Intervie
st na name/la : birthdate w hometo e-mail: te roomma major: semeste r: s: n: me: / / age:

name/last nam birthdate: hometown: e-mail: roommates: major: semester: courses:

Interview 2
e: / age: /


Four Skills 1 - Unit 1 | 11

4. After taking notes on your classmates personal/professional information, write a short paragraph to introduce him/her to the class. Below you find some examples.

s! Note

This is Jaqueline de S. She is 37 years old and was born on July 22nd, 1972 in So Sep. She does not have roommates, she lives with her parents. Her email address is jaksa@gmail.com. She is a Law student at UFSM. She is taking five courses of the fourth semester.

Mateus Ramos is a student of Electrical Engineering. His last name is writen R-A-M-O-S. He was born in So Nicolau on August 1st, 1983. He is 25 years old and courses the third semester. He takes six courses at CESNORS. Three roommates live with him at the students dorm. His email address is mat.ramos@hotmail.com. CLASSMATE 1  CLASSMATE 2 

12 | Unit 1 - Four Skills 1

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Em funo da ubiquidade do ingls no mundo, h uma variedade de pronncias, ritmos, entonaes dessa lngua. Em vista disso, atualmente j no faz mais sentido falar em pronncia correta igual a do falante nativo, pois no h apenas um padro a ser seguido: o ingls hoje uma lngua global, que pertence a todos e no apenas aos falantes nativos. Por isso, em ingls brasileiro, no est errado se voc disser [mausi] ao invs de [maus] para mouse, ou [hti dgui] ao invs de [ht dg]. Apesar disso, como em todas as lnguas, h algumas regras de pronncia que devem ser respeitadas para que problemas de comunicao possam ser evitados. 5. Vamos comear aprendendo o som das letras do alfabeto em ingls? Escreva a transcrio fontica (segundo o IPA - International Phonetic Alphabet) de cada letra, indicada por seu professor. Como apoio, voc encontrar na pgina 69 uma tabela do alfabeto com uma transcrio fontica livre e outra tabela com os sons das vogais em portugus e ingls. A: E: I: M: Q: U: Y: B: F: J: N: R: V: Z: C: G: K: O: S: W: D:  H:  L:  P:  T:  X: 

6. Agora, pergunte ao seu colega como se soletra o nome e/ou sobrenome dele/a, usando uma ou mais das seguintes perguntas. How do you spell... name? full/middle/last name? nickname?

7. No vdeo que vamos ver e ouvir (acessado em 28 de junho, 2009, em http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiuy8P7Ps70&feature=fvst) vrias pessoas soletram seus nomes ou sobrenomes. Ao todo, so SETE nomes. Escreva todos esses nomes e/ou sobrenomes abaixo, de acordo com o que voc ouvir. a) d) e) f) b) c)

Four Skills 1 - Unit 1 | 13

8. Discuss with your teacher and classmates: a) What are introductions? Introductions are... / They are... b) Think of two different situations in which people introduce each other. c) Can introductions only be made orally? Give one example in which we have a written introduction.

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9. Look at the images below. Observe the participants (in terms of clothing styles, gestures, facial expression) and the circumstances (in terms os places, objects, devices).

14 | Unit 1 - Four Skills 1

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a) Then, relate each dialogue below with one image. DIALOGUE 1 Image A: Hey! Whazup! Wanna chat? B: Sure. Where u talkin from? A: China. And u? B: Cool! Im in Brazil () DIALOGUE 3 Image A: Hello B: Hi, its George. Is Jane there, please? A: Yes, one sec, Ill call her C: Hey George! Hows everything? B: Fine. How about you? ()

DIALOGUE 2 Image A: Welcome to the Silha Center Spring Ethics Forum. Id like to introduce our guest speaker for this evening. He is Paul Hannah, a Media Lawyer. He will be talking about his experience with cases involving confidential sources. Thanks for being here, Dr. Hannah. B: Good evening. Its a pleasure to be here. As you know, Im from Minneapolis and I work for Kelly & Berens ()

DIALOGUE 4 Image A: Mr. Grey, this is my advisor, Ms. Lee. B: Nice to meet you! C: Nice to meet you, too!

DIALOGUE 5 Image A: Hi. My name is Brian and Im living across the street. B: Hi, Brian! Welcome to the neighborhood. Im Jack. A: Its a pleasure to meet you, Jack.

b) Check the dialogues again. What is the relation between the participants? They probably are... Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 Dialogue 3 Dialogue 4 Dialogue 5 10. Find below other expressions typically used for Opening or Closing conversations. Mark O or C in the parentheses: ( ) So long. ( ) How are you doing? ( ) Goodbye. ( ) Good afternoon. ( ) Good evening. ( ) Good night. ( ) Goodbye, I hope to see you soon. ( ) Hi. ( ) Hello. How are you? ( ) See you later. ( ) Take care. ( ) Bye bye. ( ) Good morning. ( ) Ive got to go now. ( ) See you again. Is it a formal or an informal interaction?

Four Skills 1 - Unit 1 | 15 Take a look at other examples Great. Couldnt be better. Fantastic. Not too good. Ive had better days. It was lousy.

IF GOOD How are you? Hows it going? How was your day? IF BAD How do you feel? How was your day? How was your day today?

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Depending on the context How would you answer? How have you been? Hows the family? Did you have a good day?

Preparing the Role Play 11. Relate the column on the left with the appropriate answer (column on the right). a) Where do you live? b) What is your address? c) When did University? you enter the ( ) Because Im interested in ( ) Their names are ( ) It is ( ) months/years ago. ( ) Downtown. On street. . .

d) Who are your roommates? e) Why do you want to study English?

12. Below you can find different ways of greeting with body language. Match the images with the description and location where each body language is used most commonly.

16 | Unit 1 - Four Skills 1

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( ) shake hands most of Europe ( ) press palms together India

( ) bow Japan ( ) put right hand on chest Malaysia


Desde as primeiras lies desse livro (e ao longo das prximas lies tambm), voc tem usado diferentes recursos lingusticos para perguntar, responder, opinar, discordar, etc., tais como verbos no Simple Present, verbo TO BE e pronomes pessoais e interrogativos. Voc lanou mo deles no uso da lngua em diferentes situaes. Agora vamos analis-los em seus aspectos funcionais. Um verbo importante para descrever pessoas/lugares/circunstncias em ingls o VERBO TO BE, pois ele indica, entre outras coisas, caractersticas, estados, identidades, percepes. Ex: She is tall. He is happy. Im from Santa Maria. Outra caracterstica do VERBO TO BE sua funo como verbo auxiliar quando precisamos negar ou perguntar. Para converter o TO BE em sua forma negativa acrescenta-se a partcula NOT depois do verbo; para a forma interrogativa desloca-se o verbo para o incio da sentena. Junto com seu professor, tente completar o quadro abaixo com as diferentes formas desse verbo.
PRESENT TENSE Personal Pronoun English Portuguese I You He She It We You They Affirmative am are is Negative am not Interrogative* are you...?

is not/isnt are we...?

Four Skills 1 - Unit 1 | 17 As duas primeiras colunas da tabela acima correspondem aos PRONOMES PESSOAIS, onde I/you/he/she representam as pessoas do singular, we/you/ they as pessoas do plural e o it representa o singular para coisa/animal/ objeto/circunstncia. Complete a segunda coluna dos pronomes pessoais com o correspondente em portugus. * As perguntas feitas com o VERBO TO BE so chamadas de YES/NO QUESTIONS, pois pedem uma resposta que comece com SIM ou NO. Veja o exemplo: Ex: Paulo: Excuse me, is this room for the CELS/LINC class? Jessica: Yes, it is. Para perguntas que demandam outro tipo de resposta (diretas ou indiretas) so usados os PRONOMES INTERROGATIVOS. Veja alguns exemplos de uso desses pronomes: [Conversation between two students that meet for the very first time before a CELS/LINC class] Paulo: My name is Paulo, by the way. Whats your name? Jessica: Im Jessica. Paulo: Whats your major Jessica? Jessica: Its History. And yours is Engineering? (looking at his bag) Paulo: Yep. History is cool! But difficult! Too many dates to memorize... Jessica: Yeah Paulo: So, where are you from? Jessica: I was born here in Santa Maria Paulo: So, do you like German? Jessica: Not really. Paulo: Why not? Jessica: No special reason Its fine. Os PRONOMES INTERROGATIVOS expressam idias de diferentes naturezas (pessoa, tempo, lugar etc), por isso uma forma de entendermos seu uso conhecer o que cada um deles demanda. Assim, com a ajuda de seu professor complete o quadro a seguir com o correspondente do pronome em portugus e o tipo de informao que ele exige quando empregado: PRONOMES INTERROGATIVOS PORTUGUS TIPO DE INFORMAO

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INGLS What Which Who Where When Why Whose How



18 | Unit 1 - Four Skills 1

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Como vimos anteriormente o verbo TO BE tambm funciona como auxiliar para sentenas negativas e interrogativas no SIMPLE PRESENT, mas sentenas com outros verbos tambm necessitam de um verbo auxiliar. Com todos os outros verbos usa-se os auxiliares DO, para os pronomes I/you/we/they, e DOES, para he/she/it. A estrutura das sentenas segue o mesmo padro: na forma negativa acrescenta-se NOT aps o auxiliar (DO NOT/DOES NOT) ou as formas contradas DONT/DOESNT; para sentenas interrogativas o auxiliar deslocado para o incio e o verbo perde a marca** de tempo presente da forma afirmativa. Veja os exemplos: Ex: Does she study Biology? No, she doesnt. Jessica studies History. ** Quando formulamos sentenas afirmativas no SIMPLE PRESENT devemos atentar para certas regras gerais: 1. Sentenas afirmativas no usam os auxiliares DO e DOES; 2. Sentenas com verbos na terceira pessoa do singular (he/she/it) so acrescidos de S ao final da palavra: Ex: She likes Apple. 3. Sentenas com verbos na terceira pessoa do singular que terminem em O, S, SH, CH e X so acrescidos de ES ao final da palavra: Ex: He watches TV. 4. Sentenas com verbos na terceira pessoa do singular que terminem em Y precedido de consoante, o Y excludo acrescenta-se IES ao final da palavra. Ex: Jessica studies History.

13. Discuss with a partner a spoken Greetings & Introductions situation. Write down the conversation and then perform it to the whole class.

Four Skills 1 - Unit 1 | 19


Now, lets analyze how people introduce themselves in written texts retrieved from the Internet.

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14. Are you a member of any social networking service? a) Which one(s)? Im a member of... / Im on... b) How did you join it/them? I got to know it/them through a friend/a relative/a classmate... c) How often do you check it/them? I (never/usually/normally/sometimes/rarely) check it/them (every day/once a week/on the weekend... d) Where do you usually access it/them? At home? At work? At a LAN house? I usually access my (...) at... e) In your opinion, what are the advantages and/or disadvantages of using it/them? In my opinion, the (dis)advantages are... / I believe/think that the (dis) advantages are... f) What do you think is the main reason for people to meet other people on social networking services? I think the main reason is... / I think people meet other people on the internet because...




Now, lets visit one Facebook profile.

20 | Unit 1 - Four Skills 1

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............................. Just an ordinary person with extraordinary thoughts. Im honest,well educated, ambitious, confident, mature, liberal, sensitive, social & political person. Im active in Indian National Congress since 1984-85. Im active member of Indian National Congress since 1990. Successful leadership of the broad student movement run till one month, as the president of the student union on 1987. The leadership of a 1200 Kilometer long and difficult continued till one month PADYATRA on 2nd October 1994 on the occasion of Gandhi Janmshati from my home town Barghat(Seoni) to Delhi through Bhopal. A CONGRESS BACHAO ABHIYAN is running under my leadership from 9th December 2007(from the birthday of Mrs. Sonia Ganghi) Due to the decreasing JANADHAR of congress. Im famous blood-donor & blood-donation camp organizer of my home dissrict . I want to important role in Indian National Congress. Im looking for true & honest friends forever. Im sorry friends, my English isnt well but my Hindi is very well & literary. I hate to drinking & smoking ! My golden dreams are to establish an ideal multipurpose school/ college and super speciality hospital/medical college in my small town. Man and women


Four Skills 1 - Unit 1 | 21

15. Answer the following questions based on the information presented in the text on the previous page (look for eye-catching information). a) Who is he? b) Is he married? c) Where is he from? d) What does he do? 16. What can you tell about his: a) psychological characteristics He is a/an b) interests In a relationship he likes person.

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c) likes and dislikes He hates 17. As you can see, Vinods personal/professional profile has a strong political and religious tone. By using dates he describes some important events of his life as a political activist. In order to understand better these events and the circumstances they happened, try to match the column of dates/ years (column 1) to column of events (column 2) according to the text: ( 1 ) In 1984/85 ( 2 ) During a month in 1987 ( 3 ) Since 1990 ( 4 ) On October 2nd, 1994 ( 5 ) From December, 9th, 2007 ( ) he is running the leadership of the Bachao Abhiyan Congress ( ) he was the president of the Students Union ( ) he led the 1200 kilometers journey from Barghat (Seoni) to Bhopol in the occasion of Ghandi Janmshati (Ghandis birthday) ( ) he started his political career ( ) he became a member of the Indian National Congress

22 | Unit 1 - Four Skills 1

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18. During his description Vinod points out one important social activity that he takes part in his hometown in the field of Public Health. What activity is this?

19. Closing his description, he says he has golden dreams, and these dreams are closely related to his political activity as a congressman in India. What dreams are these?

And what about you? As Vinod, do you have some special dream(s) or goal(s) that you hope to achieve this year? If you want, please, share with your classamates.

In texts such as sitcoms and movies, meaning is construed by a combination of non-verbial text (images, sounds, etc) and verbal text (audio and/or captions). Paying attention to the non-verbal text (e.g. images) and making inferences based on it is an useful strategy for understanding the verbal content of such texts. Based on this, now lets watch the video Magali - English presentation without the audio.

Four Skills 1 - Unit 1 | 23 20. Observe just the 1st frame. Considering the characteristics of the place, is she in a formal or an informal context? a) Where is she exactly? ( ) at school/university ( ) at the workplace ( ) at home b) Justify your answer, pointing out 3 elements from the image. She is in her ( ) a high school student ( ) an undergraduate student ( ) a graduate student .

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21. In your opinion, how old is she? Therefore, you can say that she is:

22. Now, watch the video and try to infer: What is she doing in this video? ( ) She is introducing people from her family. ( ) She is describing places at the university. ( ) She is talking about herself/her life. ( ) She is advertising some products. 23. Analyze Magalis facial expression. How could you describe her behavior/ feelings? Point out 3 adjectives.

24. Read the subtitles to complete the table below: Her age Place of her residence The name of her educational institution Her academic degree Foreign languages she speaks Pay attention to the subtitles on top of the screen, at the end of the video. At that moment, Magali is talking about her hobbies. Which hobby does she emphasize? 25. Order the sentences from 1 to 4 according to the sequence they appear in the video. ( ) Magali studied Literature. ( ) She had an internship in a local newspaper called Le Daulphin Lebr in Grenoble. ( ) Magali had an internship in a theatre company in Paris. ( ) She was in a two-year preparatory class.

24 | Unit 1 - Four Skills 1

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26. At the middle of her presentation, she explains her purpose with the video: Im looking for... ( ) ...another preparatory class for six months. ( ) ...another internship for six months. ( ) ...another piano course for six months. 27. Below you find the sentences that were used by Magali to begin and to finish her presentation. Fill in the blanks. Hello. Magali and here is a quick introduce . to



profile interested you , see you soon.

In the 2nd speech bubble, she is addressing someone else. Who is/are the referent(s) to the pronoun you?

28. You will apply for a internship in Canada, and the University requires a self-description or self-introduction in order to know you better. Based on Magalis oral presentation, try to write your self-description or selfintroduction, following the items below: a) Name; b) Age; c) Hometown and current city; d) Occupation and/or major (If you have scholarship/volunteer in some project, let us know); e) Likes and dislikes; f) Positive and negative points;

Unit 2
ns focaremos algu en e, ad id n u ta Nes os tendo em vista sa le g in a u g ln usos da buscando xtos familiares, te n co s te n re ife d s. tir tais diferena explorar e discu que re as mudanas b so u ti fle re j Voc familiar na configurao vm ocorrendo s? nos ltimos ano guagem uadamente a lin eq ad r sa u o m o C iente narmos no amb para nos relacio famlia? descrever nossa familiar? Como


Four Skills 1 - Unit 2 | 27

1. Discuss with your teacher and classmates: a) What is te concept of family for you? b) Do you think the concept of family has changed over the years? Explain you answer. 2. The text below (retrieved on March 13, 2009, from http://alamodestuff. com/images/alamode%20sibling%20symbols.jpg) shows several family configurations. Which one is more similar to your family? 3. Describe who is shown in each square using kinship terms (see the examples). Follow the horizontal sequence of the squares. The chart on the next page may help you with vocabulary. Ex. a) father and son b) mother and daughter c) d) e) f) g) h) i) 4. Based on the text, we can infer that the images are examples of a modern twist on the traditional mom/grandmom jewelry. How are they different from the traditional mom/grandmom jewelry? 5. Why is the jewelry shown in the text described as modern? 6. What is this text doing? ( ) inviting ( ) giving directions ( ) advertising/selling ( ) greeting

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28 | Unit 2 - Four Skills 1

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Justify your answer with at least three elements from the text.


KINSHIP - Family Relationships English
mother father parents husband wife baby son daughter brother sister child, children kids siblings twin brothers grandmother grandfather grandparents grandson granddaughter grandchildren

uncle aunt niece



nephew godfather godmother godson goddaughter stepmother stepfather stepson stepdaughter foster parents foster child mother-in-law father-in-law son-in-law daughter-in-law sister-in-law brother-in-law cousin

7. Analyze the image on the left and answer the following questions orally: a) Do you know these characters?* b) What is the relationship among them? c) In your opinion, do they represent a modern family or not? Justify your answer.

Four Skills 1 - Unit 2 | 29

8. Now analyze the following text about The Jetsons and: a) Underline all words that are similar to words in Portuguese; b) Circle all words/expressions you already know; c) Highlight (with colorful highlighter) all kinship words.

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Retrieved October 17, 2008, and adapted from http://www2.warnerbros.com/web/hannabarbera/index.jsp and http://www.scarlet.nl/~ivo/ family.html

30 | Unit 2 - Four Skills 1

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9. Based on the text and/or on your previous knowledge, say what the relationship between the cahracter is: a) Elroy and Judy: b) George and Jane: c) George and Elroy: 10. Complete the sentences with kinship terms: a) Judy is George and Janes b) Elroy is George and Janes c) Jane is Georges _ d) George is Janes e) Judy is Elroys f) Astro is the Jetsons g) Rosey is Jetsons 11. Identify the actions/functions (describing,introducing etc) below in the texts that accompany each member of The Jetsons family doing? You may choose more than one alternative for each text: a) ( ) describing likes and dislikes c) ( ) introducing them d) ( ) apologizing to them f) ( ) advertising them

b) ( ) describing physical appearance e) ( ) narrating their daily routine

12. In the text we can find some words that describe the characters of The Jetsons cartoon. Some of these words have been transcribed below (Column 1). First, try to find out what they mean in Portuguese (Column 2). Next, find a synonym for each one of them in Column 3. Finally, find an antonym for each one of them in Column 4. COLUMN 1 (A) loving (George) (B) devoted (Elroy) (C)affectionate (Astro) (D) smart (Astro) (E) out-dated (Rosey) (F) friendly (Orbitty) (G) angry (Orbitty) COLUMN 2 ) amigvel ) esperto, inteligente ) carinhoso ) amoroso ) bravo ) dedicado ) ultrapassado, antiquado COLUMN 3 ( ) caring ( ) irritated ( ) dedicated ( ) zealous ( ) intelligent ( ) oldfashioned ( ) welcoming COLUMN 4 ) unfriendly ) calm ) stupid ) modern ) cold ) uncommitted ) indifferent

( ( ( ( ( ( (

( ( ( ( ( ( (

Four Skills 1 - Unit 2 | 31

13. In UNIT I, you interviewed a classmate about his/her personal/ professional profile. Now, lets carry out an interview in class. Walk around and interview a classmate about his/her family. (In the box there are some questions to help you). a) What can you tell about your family? b) How many members are there in your family? c) Do you have a big or short family? d) What is your mothers/fathers/brothers/sisters name? e) How old are they? f) What do they do? What are their professions? g) Do you have pets? h) What is his/her name?

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* Na primeira unidade aprendemos que perguntas feitas com o VERBO TO BE pedem SIM ou NO como resposta, no entanto perguntas que usam outros verbos auxiliares (DO/DOES/DID/CAN) tambm so YES/NO QUESTIONS e demandam resposta semelhante. Veja os exemplos: Ex: a. Do you have a pet? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. b. Did you do the homework? Yes, I did./ No, I didnt. c. Can you play soccer? Yes, I can./ No, I cant. Como voc deve ter notado, o que todas essas formas tem em comum o fato de utilizarem o mesmo auxiliar para perguntar e responder, assim: se a pergunta comear com DO/DOES/DID/CAN, sua resposta dever contar esses auxiliares, pois eles substituem a informao central da pergunta. Nos exemplos, do/dont, did/didnt e can/cant referem-se, respectivamente, a have a pet, do the homework e play soccer.

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Um recurso lingustico imprescindvel para descrever a famlia e relaes de parentesco so os ADJETIVOS POSSESSIVOS, pois indicam pertencimento. Alm disso, como o prprio nome sugere, esses adjetivos tambm podem indicar posse, por exemplo: Ex.: Thats my folder. Os adjetivos possessivos tm a mesma funo de qualquer adjetivo: descrever/ qualificar substantivos. Por isso, seguem a mesma regra de posicionamento de outros adjetivos, precedendo os substantivos os quais qualificam, como em: Ex.: My car is bigger than her car. The dog wagged its tail. Are your great grandparents still alive? Em vista disso, os ADJETIVOS POSSESSIVOS so diferentes dos PRONOMES POSSESSIVOS. Esses ltimos tm a funo de substituir substantivos, e no de qualific-los. Estude o quadro abaixo para ver a diferena na forma desses dois grupos em ingls:

Personal Pronouns I you he she it we you they

Possessive Adjetive my your his her its our your their

Possessive Pronouns mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs

14. Com base nessas dicas, complete as oraes com o adjetivo possessivo adequado. a) Hes from Spain. b) Theyre married. c) Were brothers. d) Shes eight. e) Im British. f) Youre students. names Alberto. childrens names are Lauren and Daniel. parents are French. names Peter. books are in the classroom.

brothers nine.

Four Skills 1 - Unit 2 | 33 15. Seguindo o exemplo, transforme o grupo ADJETIVO POSSESSIVO + SUBSTANTIVO sublinhado em cada orao em um pronome possessivo. Exemplo: This book is my book. a) Her book is outdated. b) Your team lost. c) Their father is a university lecturer. d) Did you see our pet? e) I think it is his book. This book is mine. is outdated. lost.

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is a university lecturer. Did you see I think it is ? .

Alm dos adjetivos possessivos, outro recurso que pode ser usado em ingls para indicar posse o s, ou seja, o CASO GENITIVO. Em Santa Maria (e talvez em outras partes do Brasil), o uso do s (apstrofo+s) em nomes de estabelecimentos virou moda. Veja o exemplo: Tatus Lanches Nesse exemplo, o s est indicando posse, ou seja, que os lanches so do Tatu. Por isso, ambas as estruturas tm o mesmo significado: Tatus Lanches = Lanches do Tatu Em ingls, o caso genitivo geralmente usado para indicar posse/ pertencimento associados a pessoas ou a animais:


Judys father is George. The members forum. The cats tail

Para indicar posse/pertencimento relacionado a coisas, idias, etc., geralmente se usa of: Ex.: The name of the book is Basic English I. (ao invs de The books name) The roof of the garage is dirty. The color of the dress is red. Pode-se usar ambas as formas nos seguintes casos:

1. grupos de pessoas, organizaes: Ex.:The committees decision is final. ou The decision of the committee is final. I believe in the companys success. ou I believe in the success of the company.

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2. lugares: Ex.: The worlds population decreased. ou The population of the world decreased Santa Marias new cinema hall is small. ou The new cinema hall of Santa Maria is small.

3. expresses de tempo e perodos de tempo (embora a forma s seja preferida nesses casos): Ex.: Next weeks meeting was cancelled. ou The meeting of next week was cancelled. I have todays newspaper. ou I have the newspaper of today. I have a weeks holiday. ou I have a holiday of a week. Para substantivos no singular ou no plural, mas que no terminam em s usa-se s. Ex.: Jane is Georges wife. The boys father is George. The committees decision is final. The childrens energy is endless.

Para substantivos no plural e que terminam em s usa-se apenas o apstrofo ( ). Ex.: The boys father is George. The participants decision is final.

Para substantivos prprios que terminam em s usa-se s ou apenas o apstrofo ( ). Ex.: Charless cousin is famous. ou Charles cousin is famous. Para indicar posse/pertencimento relacionada a uma coisa, idia etc que compartilhada por duas ou mais pessoas, usa-se (s) depois do ltimo substantivo. Ex.: Jane and Georges daughter is Judy. Para indicar posse/pertencimento relacionado a coisa, idia etc que no so compartilhados por duas ou mais pessoas, mas que pertencem a mesma classe de coisas, usa-se (s) depois de cada substantivo. Ex.: Janes and Georges cars are spaceships.

Four Skills 1 - Unit 2 | 35

16. Junte os dois/trs grupos de substantivos usando o apstrofo ( ), -s, ou ... of ...., seguindo as regras acima. Ex.: the owner / that car: the owner of that car a) the mother / Ann: b) the jacket / that man: c) the top / the page: d) the cause / the problem: e) the newspaper / yesterday: f) the name / this street:

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g) the toys / the children: h) the new manager / the company: i) the ground floor / the building: j) the children / Don and Mary: k) the economic policy / the government: l) the husband / Catherine: m) the husband / the woman talking to Mary: n) party / The James:




17. Look at the images below. Are these families similar to Jetsons family? In which aspects they differ from The Jetsons? Try to describe their members and their relationships, attempting to the use of the phrase structure participant(s), process(es) and circumstance(s), as in:

They Subject (S) participant

are Verb (V) process

happy Object (O) participant

at the park Circunstance

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Images retrieved from http://www.google.com.br/images.

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Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-Gc85nQK8w&feature=related

18. What could be the topic(s) of the video? Share your ideas with your teacher and classmates. You are going to watch an excerpt of a video in English about a family. Before watching the video, answer the following questions: 19. Why do you think the video has subtitles? Justify your choice(s). a) ( ) to help to understand the video b) ( ) to read c) ( ) to aid people who cant hear d) ( ) other: .

20. How many members are there in Jareds family? Now, watch and check if you were correct. Watch once more to answer the following questions: 21. Look at the captions of the video and identify: 1) names of Jareds family; 2) the ages of them and; 3) point out, in the parenthesis, which members are presented as deaf. a) Mother: b) Father: ( ) ( )

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c) Brothers: d) Sister:

( ) ( )

22. According to Jared, how does he feel being a hearing kid in a deaf family? a) ( ) special b) ( ) different c) ( ) normal d) ( ) blessed 23. Jared said that the only thing that he cant really talk about with his parents is music. Why did he say that? a) ( ) because he doesnt like to listen to music b) ( ) because they cant understand the lyrics c) ( ) because he cant explain the idea of the song d) ( ) because he cant tell them how music feels 24. The narrator said that Sabrina likes to watch a) ( ) Michael Jacksons movies b) ( ) Michael Jacksons dance c) ( ) Michael Jacksons music 25. What was the reaction of Jareds mother, when Eijah was born, in relation to the nurses and doctors reaction after he passed in the hearing test: a) ( ) She was happy b) ( ) She was surprised c) ( ) She was sad 26. According to Bridgetta, she believes that her condition as a deaf person is a... a) ( ) gift b) ( ) curse c) ( ) problem 27. We can observe that Jareds family deals with their differences. What about your family? What are the aspects that make it different from other families and that make you feel proud?

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28. If we drew a genealogical tree of Jareds family, it would probably look like the one below. Draw a similar genealogical tree of your family. You may want to include your uncles and aunts as well as your grandparents. You can use their photographs or their proper names. Make an overhead projector transparency of your tree and show it to your classmates.

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29. Now, based on the description of The Jetsons family and your description of the families on page 36, choose two members of your family and write two paragraphs describing them. Then, tell your classmates about your description in an oral presentation.

Unit 3
idades enfoque em ativ r te e ad id n u Esta er emplo, descrev ex r o p , o m co de rotina, . Alm urante um dia d es er az af s seu o a ajudam o alun es ad id iv at as disso, de como imento acerca ec h n co ir ru st n co eira ees, de man ir d ar it lic so dar e r e se locomove ar liz ca lo se que possa r, e M, em particula FS U a d s u p m no ca al. Maria, em ger ta n Sa e d e na cidad


Four Skills 1 - Unit 3 | 43

1. Discuss with your teacher and classmates: a) Do you ever talk about your routine with your friends and family? b) Do you like your routine? c) What would you change in your routine if you could?

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2. Read carefully the following text and say if you agree (A) or disagree (D) with the statements below. Justify your answer. My daily Routine Dyliana Borisova My day is not very funny. I think it is really boring, but I want to tell you about it and you can tell me what you think. First I get up at eight o`clock, but sometimes I am sleepy. Then I make the beds - mine and my sister`s bed, tidy the room and go to the bathroom to brush my tooth and then I go to the toilet. At half past eight I have breakfast and watch TV. At nine o`clock I start to do my homework. When I finish with my homework if I have free time I play on my computer, or watch TV, or listen to music. At quarter to twelve I have lunch and then I get ready for school. When I finish school at five past six or ten past seven p.m. I go home and play on my computer or go out with my friends. Then I have dinner with my family and we watch TV. After dinner I help my mum to clear the table. Then I go to my room and listen to music. At half past eleven I go to sleep. This is my daily routine. I hope you like it!
Retrieved December 11th, 2009 and adapted from http://tmevarna.orbitel.bg/referati/essays_dailyroutine.pdf

a) ( ) This text shows an academic routine. b) ( ) Borisova considers her day fine. c) ( ) She lives alone. d) ( ) After watching TV with her family, she listens to music. e) ( ) The words FIRST, THEN, WHEN, AFTER represent a continuity of actions idea on the text. f) ( ) Borisova wakes up early and does some domestic tasks during the morning. g) ( ) Borisova never does her homework. h) ( ) Sister, family, mum and cousin are the kinship terms that appear in the text. i) ( ) Borisova does not have friends.

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3. The images below display events which happen during Borisovas daily routine. Based on the information you have in the text, number the pictures following the correct chronological order according to her routine and describe what she is doing*:

a.( )

b.( )

c.( )

d.( )

e.( )

f.( )

g.( )

h.( )

i.( )

j.( )

k.( )

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- What time is it? - Have you got the time? - Do you have the time? - What is the time?

HOURS: manners of asking and answering

It is/Its...

It is ________ oclock. Its _____to _________. Its ________________. Its _____ past _____. Its ______________.

Its half past ___________. Its half to _____________. Its ___________________. AM - anti-meridian (before midday)

PM - post-meridian (after midday)

Its a quarter to Its

. .

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4. Complete the sentences and draw the correct time on the clocks considering the information in the previous text. Follow the example.
11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 12 1 2 3 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 11 12 1 2 3

Borisova gets up at eight oclock.


At twelve she gets ready for school.


11 10 9 8 7

1 2 3 4 10 9 8


1 2 3 4

At Barisova goes to sleep.


She at 9 oclock.

11 10 9 8 7

1 2 3 4 10 9 8


1 2 3 4

At can play on her computer.



She quarter to twelve.



11 10 9 8 7

1 2 3 4 10 9 8


1 2 3 4

Barisova also can have free time at .

At half past eight she

Four Skills 1 - Unit 3 | 47 5. Fill in the weekly schedule below based on your academic activities.

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7:30 - 8:30 8:30 - 9:30 9:30 - 10:30 10:30 - 11:30 11:30 - 12:30 12:30 - 13:30 13:30 - 14:30 14:30 - 15:30 15:30 - 16:30 16:30 - 17:30 17:30 - 18:30 18:30 - 19:30 19:30 - 20:30 20:30 - 21:30 21:30 - 22:30

6. Write five similar sentences to the previous exercise based on your own routine. a) b) c) d) e)

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* Para descrevermos atividades que fazem parte da nossa rotina, usamos o SIMPLE PRESENT, como na descrio feita por Dyliana Brisova. No entanto para nos referirmos a atividades de rotina que acontecem no momento em que se fala, usamos o PRESENT CONTINUOUS. Essa variao temporal do Ingls equivale ao gerndio do portugus (-ando, -endo, -indo), pois para formarmos um tempo contnuo acrescentamos o sufixo ING ao final da palavra. A estrutura** do PRESENT CONTINUOUS a seguinte:
Personal pronoun VERBO TO BE no SIMPLE PRESENT main verb + -ING

I you he/she(it) you/we/they

am are is are


** Essa estrutura tambm se aplica ao PAST CONTINUOUS, onde o TO BE vai no passado (WAS/WERE).

FORMAS NEGATIVA E INTERROGATIVA DO PRESENT CONTINUOUS Para converter o Present Continuous em sua forma negativa, acrescentamos a partcula NOT ao verbo TO BE no presente e mantemos o verbo principal em sua forma contnua. Ex.: She is not studying. Para a forma interrogativa, deslocamos o verbo TO BE para o incio da sentena e o verbo principal no sobre alterao. Ex.: Is she studying?

7. Um recurso lingustico til para falar de atividades habituais so os advrbios de frequncia. Por exemplo: nunca, sempre, s vezes, raramente, etc. No quadro abaixo h uma lista desses advrbios em ingls. Posicione-os no adverb continnum indicando quais sinalizam maior freqncia (em direo extremidade esquerda do always) e quais indicam menor freqncia (em direo a extremidade direita do never). USUALLY HARDLY EVER OFTEN SOMETIMES RARELY FREQUENTLY OCCASIONALLY SELDOM

Four Skills 1 - Unit 3 | 49

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Always 100%

Adverb Continuum

Never 0%

OBSERVE Quando o verbo principal da orao for o verbo TO BE o advrbio de freqncia sempre vem depois do verbo. O advrbio de frequncia SOMETIMES e USUALLY podem vir em trs lugares diferentes em uma mesma frase, no incio, no meio ou no fim da frase. Ex.: SOMETIMES, I take the bus to the university. I SOMETIMES take the bus to the university. I take the bus to the university, SOMETIMES.

8. A posio dos advrbios na orao em ingls segue algumas regras. Em geral, os advrbios devem preceder o verbo principal da orao. Com base nisso, insira os advrbios do parntese na respectiva orao. Ex.: I play on my computer when I finish my homework. (often) Answer: I often play on my computer when I finish my homework.

a) He listens to the radio. (often) b) They read a book. (sometimes) c) Pete gets angry. (never) d) Tom is very friendly. (usually) e) I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes) f) Ramon and Frank are hungry. (often) g) My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always) h) Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually) i) They watch TV in the afternoon. (never) j) Christine smokes. (never)

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The following activities are based on Mikes description about his day, retrieved and adapted from http://www.elllo.org/english/Games/ G048DayRecap.htm. 9. The pictures below represent some activities described by Mike about his day. These activities are presented in the audio following an order from 1 to 6 along his day. Listen to the audio and match each picture to the correspondent activity: (pay attention to keywords related to the pictures).

( 1 ) activity 1 ( 2 ) activity 2 ( 3 ) activity 3 ( 4 ) activity 4 ( 5 ) activity 5 ( 6 ) activity 6

10. Now, based on your previous knowledge, say what kind of activities are these shown in the pictures? Then, listen to the audio again and put (M) if the activity is realized in the morning, (A) if it is in the afternoon and (N) if it is at night. 1) 2) 3) ( ( ( ) 4) ) 5) ) 6) ( ( ( ) ) )

11. In the beginning of the audio, Mike says that he does not like ________________________, but he knows that it is important for his health. For this reason, how many times does he practice this activity? ( ( ( ) three or four times every weekday ) three or four times every weekend ) three or four times every week

Four Skills 1 - Unit 3 | 51

12. According to Mike, what did he do after ______________________________? ( ( ( ) he went home, took a shower and cleaned his apartment ) he went home, took a shower and had a cup of coffee ) he went home, took a shower and went shopping

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13. According to Mike, what meal does he never eat? ( ) breakfast ( ) lunch ( ) snack ( ) dinner

14. Because of that he said he was really did they eat in a ( ) double cheeseburgers and double fries ( ) double cheeseburger, fries and salad ( ) double cheeseburger and fries

. What restaurant?

15. He said that in the afternoon they went to a shopping mall. What did Mike buy and why? ( ) some t-shirts and a pair of shoes for work because everything was on sale ( ) some shirts, socks and a pair of shoes for work because he likes spend money ( ) some shirts and a pair of shoes for work because everything was on sale

16. At night, he saw opinion about the movie?

movie. What was his

( ) he didnt like the movie, but the visual effects were amazing and the story was interesting ( ) he liked the movie because he loves Superheroes and the visual effects and the story were amazing ( ) he liked the movie because the visual effects were amazing and the story was interesting, but he doesnt like Superheroes

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HOMEWORK day. 17. Closing his description about his day, Mike said he had a And what about you? How can you describe a day in your (academic/ private) life? Based on Mikes description about his day, write a brief text describing your routine during a (long/busy/soft) day in the week.


Os verbos da tabela abaixo foram selecionados do audio Mikes description about his day que voc acabou de ouvir e so usados para descrever as atividades realizadas por ele em sua rotina. No udio esses verbos aparecem no SIMPLE PAST, por isso procure no seu dicionrio as formas do passado simples desses verbos e complete a tabela:

Simple Present get up go have meet take

Simple Past

Simple Present is/are eat buy see read

Simple Past

Esses verbos tm em comum o fato de suas formas do passado apresentarem uma representao particular, ns os chamamos de VERBOS IRREGULARES. Os demais verbos so chamados de VERBOS REGULARES, e sua representao no passado segue como regra geral o acrscimo do sufixo ED ao final da palavra:

Four Skills 1 - Unit 3 | 53 1. Regra geral: acrescenta-se ED To clean cleaned 2. Se o verbo termina com a letra E, apenas se adiciona o D To like liked 3. Se o verbo tem apenas uma slaba e sua estrutura formada por uma consoante + uma vogal + uma consoante, duplica-se a consoante final To stop stopped 4. Se o verbo termina com consoante seguida de Y, elimina-se o Y e acrescenta-se IED To study studied FORMAS NEGATIVA E INTERROGATIVA DO SIMPLE PAST Para converter o Simple Past para sua forma negativa necessrio o acrscimo do verbo auxiliar DID + NOT, ou, a contrao (informal e marca de oralidade) DIDNT, ento o verbo principal no flexionado com o ED. Ex.: Mike did not/didnt clean his apartment Conforme o exemplo anterior, a forma interrogativa tambm necessita do verbo auxiliar DID. Este posicionado no princpio da sentena interrogativa e o verbo principal no sofre alterao. Ex.: Did Mike clean his apartment?

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In your homework you described your routine during a day in your academic/private life. Imagine now that during that day you needed to do some activities at UFSM or you met a person who didnt know where some buildings are located. In this case you need to ask and give directions. 18. How can you ask for directions?

19. And how can you give information about directions? What is important to say?

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20. Now, choose a classmate and perform two short conversation in which, firstly you ask him/her some directions and he/she gives you the information and, then he/she asks and you give directions. The dialogues below are suggestions. (Use the information from the map of UFSM, in the next page, to guide your dialogue). DIALOGUE 1 (you are in line for lunch at building 4) A: Excuse me. I need to hand over some documents at PRAE. How ? B: OK. PRAE is at the Administration (Rectory) building. So, you . A: Humm! So, should I enter into the Administration (Rectory) building? B: No, PRAE is a building in front of the Rectory lobby. You will see PRAE written in the buildings door. A: Thats ok. Thanks! B: Sure. A (before going): Sorry, just one last thing. Do you know if there is a post office/ mail near here? B: Yes. There is post office/mail . A: Can you tell me how to get there? B: . A: Oh, thanks again! B: Ok, youre welcome. DIALOGUE 2 (you are at building 2 and you see someone in front the students dorm) A: Hello, may I help you? B: Please, Im visiting a friend of mine and I realized that I have no tickets to return. Is there an ATU shop here? A: Yeah. B: . A: Ok, you .

Four Skills 1 - Unit 3 | 55 B: Thanks And if I need some money, do you know where the ATM is? A: There is an ATM . B: Nice. Good bye and thanks for all. A: Good bye!

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21. Look at the text below. Based on the non-verbal language answer the following questions: a) What kind of text (genre) is this? b) How many human participants are there? c) Who does the talking in the 2nd and 3rd frames? d) What could be the topic of their conversation? e) Who is talking to the police officer in the last frame? f) How could you classify the police officers facial expression in the last frame? ( ) angry ( ) happy ( ) surprised ( ) scared ( ) disappointed ( ) sad ( ) impatient

22. Try to imagine why the police officer shows this expression. To answer this question, remember to take into account the genre this text belongs to. 23. In this page you can find the whole text which combines verbal and non-verbal language. Analyze it again to answer the following questions. a) Specifically in the 2nd frame, what is the man asking the police officer?

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b) You may have noticed that this question in the 2nd frame Market Street, please? is not in complete format. What could be the complete format of the question?

c) Why is only a part of the question shown?

d) When the police officer says That way for 3 blocks, right up to the church, second on the right, cross the square (frame 3), he is explaining to the man how to get to Market Street. Match the columns below linking each one of the directions to its translation in Portuguese. (1) that way for 3 blocks (2) right up to the church (3) second on the right (4) cross the square ( ) direita at a Igreja ( ) cruze a praa ( ) segunda direita ( ) umas 3 quadras naquela direo

24. Now, look at the police officers facial expression again, specifically in the last frame. Do you still agree with the alternative you chose in exercise 2.f?

25. What is strange, odd or unusual about the question HAPPINESS, PLEASE? to make the police officer react like that?

26. Do you think the boy is unhappy? Discuss with a partner and then explain your point of view to the group.

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27. To explain how to get to the Market Street, the police officer uses: a) the IMPERATIVE MOOD cross the square. Do you remember what Imperative Mood is? Why is it being used by the police officer? In what other situations do we use the imperative?

b) some prepositions related to location: That way for 3 blocks, right up to the church, second on the right. With your teacher and classmates, study the use of these and other prepositions of location by associating each preposition from the list below to the corresponding picture. BEHIND IN FRONT OF ON/OVER THROUGH FAR UNDER/BENEATH BESIDE/NEXT TO TO/TOWARD OFF BY AROUND INTO ACROSS IN NEAR BELOW BETWEEN ABOVE AT

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c) Now, provide visual representations for the prepositions left:

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28. Now write a paragraph explaining the way you usually take to go home from university. You may want to check the following Grammar & Vocabulary information to help you with your writing.


IMPERATIVE MOOD Um dos recursos lingsticos usados para dar orientaes espaciais o VERBO NO MODO IMPERATIVO. Em ingls, oraes no imperativo no apresentam sujeito. Compare o uso do modo indicativo com o uso do modo imperativo nas oraes abaixo: Indicative I always turn left at the corner of Bozzano and Visconde St. Imperative Turn left at the corner of Bozzano and Visconde St.

She crosses the street to go to school. Cross the street and you will find the school. You should compare the indicative mood with the imperative. Compare the indicative mood with the Imperative

29. Forme oraes no imperativo com as palavras no parntese. a) (homework do your): b) (study at home English): c) (me call arrive when you -home): d) (your name me tell): e) (beautiful dress a tonight wear): f) (corner street the on the cross):

Four Skills 1 - Unit 3 | 61 As preposies (PREPOSITIONS) tambm so elementos importantes para dar orientaes espaciais. Em ingls, existem algumas regras para seu uso. No caso das preposies in, on e at, estude as seguintes situaes de uso:
IN: IN dentro de um lugar fechado The kids are eating in the kitchen IN antes de uma expresso de tempo vago The class will start in a few minutes. IN antes de meses e anos My birthday is in April. I was born in 1976. IN antes de cidades e pases Joana lives in Curitiba, a City in Brazil. ON: ON sobre alguma superfcie The cat is on the roof. ON antes de nomes de ruas/ avenidas I live on Tuiuti Street. ON antes de datas especficas e dias da semana Our classes are on Thursday. He was born on January 30th, 1988. ON localizao s margens de um rio Cachoeira do Sul is on the Jacu. ON viajando como passageiro She is on a bus to University. AT: AT na frente de um ponto especfico I study at the university. AT na frente de horas Ill see you next week at 9:00 PM AT em um endereo exato They live at 1481, Brazil Avenue. Nota: AT tambm a pronncia do @ em endereos eletrnicos John.smith@provider. com

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30. Preencha os espaos abaixo com in, on ou at. a) The label is c) Turn left d) Hes sitting e) I met Jack g) I live the bottle. the bottom of the stairs. the lights. the chair next to the piano. the street. the wall. the bus-stop. page 18. the fifth floor of my apartment building. the photograph? b) Jack is waiting

f) He has a lot of beautiful pictures h) We waited for over an hour i) Who is that woman k) Paris is j) You will find an explanation the river Seine. your hands? l) What do you have

m) Can you see who is

the door?

Em termos de vocabulrio, conhecer o nome de estabelecimentos (comerciais, institucionais, etc.) tambm uma habilidade importante quando damos ou precisamos de orientaes espaciais, j que os mesmos so frequentemente usados como ponto de referncia. Estude as palavras a seguir:

62 | Unit 3 - Four Skills 1

s! Note

ENGLISH Walk until Walk for Walk up Walk down Follow Go straight Turn right Turn left Take the bus Gett off the bus Pass by Go around PORTUGUESE

ENGLISH Corner Block Square Street Road Avenue Boulevard Crossroad Downtown Sidewalk Pedestrian crossing Traffic light Shortcut Bus stop PORTUGUESE

ENGLISH Church School Drugstore City Hall Theater House Mail/Post Office Library Supermarket Mall / Shopping mall Coffee shop / Coffee house Department store Office Hospital Museum Restaurant Snack Bar Pub Car park Bookstore Newstand Airport Bakery Gym Stake House Butchers Stationers Club/Disco PORTUGUESE

Four Skills 1 - Unit 3 | 63


s! Note

Source: http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=zUD6SkItQVw

31. In the audio you are about to hear a lady who seems to be lost, asking for the location of several places to several different people. Sometimes she asks more than one person about the location of the same place. Listen to it and answer the following questions: a) Which of the following places does the lady want to go to? ( ) Parchment St. ( ) Smiths St. ( ) the cathedral ( ) the traffic lights ( ) the main square ( ) The Cut ( ) Westover Road ( ) train station ( ) Southgate St. ( ) Southgate Ave. ( ) Saint Clementss St ( ) the park

b) Now listen again and match the questions she asks with the answers she receives from the people. 1) Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to Southgate St., please? 2) Excuse me. Could you tell me the way toParchment St.? 3) Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to Westover Road, please? 4) Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to The Cut, please? 5) Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the cathedral, please? 6) Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the train station, please? 7) Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to Saint Clementss St., please? ( ) Im sorry, I cant speak English. ( ) Just go up there and turn left. ( ) Cathedrals here. straight down

( ) Im sorry, I dont know. Sorry. ( ) Train station? Straight up the road. ( ) Go down to Smiths and turn left. Thats Parchment St. ( ) Yes, its just along here and your first on the left.

64 | Unit 3 - Four Skills 1

s! Note
c) The lady asks the location of the Southgate St. to three different people. Write down the answer each person gives her. Person 1 Person 2 Person 3

d) Does the lady say anything after she receives the information she is looking for? What does she say? How important is this part of the conversation in the asking and giving of directions? e) Does she say the same even when she does not receive the information she is looking for, i.e., when the people dont know the location of the places she is looking for? Why? f) She thanks the people politely for the directions. What other resources does she use that indicate politeness? g) In your opinion, how important is the non-verbal information such as gesture in asking and giving directions? Which of the answers in the audio are probably accompanied by pointing gestures? How can you tell?


Em todas as lnguas e, portanto, culturas, o uso de expresses que sinalizam polidez (boa educao) de extrema importncia para uma convivncia harmoniosa em sociedade. Em ingls, algumas das palavras que indicam polidez so:
EXPRESSO English Portuguese Please USO Fazer pedidos


Four Skills 1 - Unit 3 | 65 Thanking Thank you Cheers Thank you very much Thank you so much Many thanks Youre welcome My pleasure Dont mention it Apologizing Im sorry Im sorry to bother you Excuse me Pardon me Special Expresions Titles Bless you Cheers Sir Mister + last name Maam Agradecer Expressar muita gratido

s! Note

Responder a um agradecimento

Pedir desculpas Pedir informaes Pedir desculpas quando topamos com algum; algum: pedir a ateno de; algum: pedir informao; Abenoas depois que algum espirra Brindar Falar com homem quando no sabemos seu nome Falar com homem quando sabemos seu nome Falar com mulher casada ou acima dos 30 quando no sabemos seu nome Falar com mulher casada ou acima dos 30 quando sabemos seu nome Falar com mulher solteira jovem quando no sabemos seu nome Falar com mulher solteira jovem quando sabemos seu nome Falar com mulher cuja idade e estado civil no precisam ser parte do ttulo



Miss + last name Ms


Four Skills 1 - Appendix | 69

Alphabet A i G dji M m S s B bi H eitch N n T ti C ci I ai O u U i Y ui D di J djei P pi V vi Z zi/zd E i K ki Q ki W dblyu F f L l R r X cs

s! Note

Portuguese vowel sound example vowel /a/ // /a/ a // l l, d a // // /u/ /ei/ e /e/ // /i/ de, voc p, pede ali e /ee/ /ii/ /i/ /ai/ /uu/ /o/ o // vov vov o /u/ // /o/ // u /u/ uva u /u/ /iu/ English sound IPA // // // // /w/ /eI/ /e/ /i/ /I/ /aI/ /u/ /uw/ // /o/ /L/ /u/ /yu/ example father bad about cause boat age bet meet, beat bit bite book boot not boat mud juice use

70 | Appendix - Four Skills 1

s! Note
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 one two three four five six seven eigh nine ten 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 eleven twelve thirteen

Cardinal numbers
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-fif twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eigh twenty-nine thirty 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1000 10000 forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a/one hundred a/one thousand a/one milion

fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty

Ordinal numbers
1st 2
nd rd th th th

first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth nineth tenth

11th 12 13 14 15 16
th th th th th

eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth

21st 22
nd rd th th th

twenty-first twenty-second twenty-third twenty-fourth twenty-fifth twenty-sixth twenty-seventh twenty-eighth twenty-nineth thirtieth

40th 50 60 70 80 90
th th th th th

fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth a/one hundredth a/one thousandth a/one milionth


4 5 6

24 25 26

7th 8th 9
th th

17th 18th 19 20
th th

27th 28th 29 30
th th

100th 1000th 10000


Calendar Months
January May September February June October March July November April August December

Four Skills 1 - Appendix | 71 College majors

AT UFSM College of Arts and Languages Drama - Acting Drama - Directing Visual Arts Industrial Design Languages - English and Literatures* Languages - Portuguese and Literatures* Languages - Spanish and Literatures* College of Education Education Special Education - Audiocommunication Disability Special Education - Mental Disabitlity College of Health Nursing Pharmacy and Biochemistry Physiotherapy Speech Therapy Medicine Dentristy College of Humanities and Social Science Accountig Archives Studies Business Administration Economy History Law Philosofy Psychology Social Communication Social Science College of Natural Science Biological Science Chemistry Geography Industrial Chemistry Biology (USF) Business (SFU) Business Economics (USF) History (UOxford) Law (UMelbourne) Philosophy (UCambridge) Psychological Sciences (UOxford) Mass Communication - Journalism (USF) Mass Communication - Public Relations (USF) Mass Communication - Advertising (USF) Anthropology / Political Science / Sociology (SU) Accountig (UConn) Nutrition Science (UConn) Pharmacy (UConn) Physiotherapy and Exercise Science (GU) / Physiotereapy (UMelbourne) Speech-Languages Pathology and Audiology (BSU) Medical Science (GU) Dental Medicine (UConn) Special Education - Mental Retardation Specific Learning Disabilities (USF) Early Childhood (USF) Elementary Education (USF) Dramatic Arts - Acting (Uconn) Dramatic Arts - Theatre Studies (UConn) Art (UConn) Communication Design (UNT) Product Design (SU) English (UConn) Modern & Classical Languages - Portuguese (UConn) Modern & Classical Languages - Spanish (UConn) ABROAD

s! Note

72 | Appendix - Four Skills 1

s! Note

Mathematics Physics College of Physical Education Physical Education College of Rural Sciences Agronomy Animal Science Forestry Veterinary Medicine College of Technology Architecture and Urbanism Civil Engeneering Electrical Engeneering Mechanical Engeneering Chemistry Engeneering Computer Sciences Architecture, Desing and Planning (USyd) Civil Engeneering (NCLU) Electrical Engeneering (NCLU) Mechanical (NCLU) and Systems Engeneering Agriculture - Agronomy (NCLU) Animal Science (UC) Environmental Engeneering (SU) Veterinary Science (USyd) Physical Education (MSU)

Chemical Engeneering (UCambrige) Computer Science (UC)

*These major were adapted from de UFSM website (http://www.ufsm.br).

AUSTRALIA Griffth University (GU) http://www.griffith.edu.au/ The University of Melbourne (UMelb) http://www.unimelb.edu.au/ The University of Sydney (USyd) http://www.usyd.edu.au/ The University of New South Wales (UNSW) http://www.unsw.edu.au/ CANADA Simon Fraser University (SFU) http://business.sfu.ca/ UNITED KINGDOM Newcastle University (NCLU) http://www.ncl.ac.uk/afrd/undergrad/degrees/ University of Cambridge (UCam) http://www.cam.ac.uk/ UNITED STATES Ball State University (BSU) http://cms.bsu.edu/ University of Oxford (UOx) http://www.ox.ac.uk/ Missouri State University (MSU) http://www.missouristate.edu/ Stanford University (SU) http://www.stanford.edu/ University of California (UC) http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/ University of Connectcut (UConn) http://www.uconn.edu/ University of North Texas (UNT) http://www.unt.edu/ University of San Francisco (USF) http://www.usfca.edu/

Four Skills 1 - Appendix | 73


s! Note
Informal responses

Informal Greetings
Hi! Hello! Hey! Hey, dude. Hi, how are you? Whats up?* Now then. (North of England) Hey, whats happening? Hi, how are things? Hi, how are you doing? Hi, how is it going? Gday, mate! (Australia)

Hi! Hello! Hey! Hey there! Fine, and you? Now then. Hey! Wicked! Great! What about you? Not too bad. It's going (pretty) good!

* Its important to note that the question How are you? or Whats up? doesnt necessary need a response.

Informal Farewells Goodbye. Bye. See you. See you later. Later. (very informal) Catch you later. See you around. See you tomorrow.

Informal responses Bye. Bye-bye. See you later /tomorrow /on Saturday./ etc' See you. Yeah, see you. Yeah, bye. Take care. Bye

Formal Greetings - Arriving Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night. (after 8 p.m) Good morning. How are you? Good evening, how do you do?

Formal responses Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night. Good morning. Very well, thank you. And you? Good evening, how do you do?

Formal Farewells Good day Sir/Madam. (very formal) Goodbye.

Formal Responses Good day. (very formal) Goodbye.

74 | Appendix - Four Skills 1

s! Note

Attributes for describing psychological traits English ambitious arrogant beautiful casual difficult educated elegant friendly funny generous gentle kind keen mature religious romantic sensitive serious sensible reliable talented zealous critical curious delicate happy healthy humorous shy sincere ambicioso lindo, belo difcil educado amigvel divertido generoso gentil amvel apaixonado maduro Portuguese

sensvel sensato confivel zeloso

feliz saudvel tmido sincero

Four Skills 1 - Appendix | 75

Irregular verbs Infinitive
arise awake be bear beat become begin bend bet bid bind bite bleed blow break breed bring broadcast build burn burst bust buy cast catch choose cling clothe Come Cost creep cut deal dig disprove dive do draw dream drink

s! Note

arose awoke(ed) was, were bore beat became began bent bet / betted bid bound bit bled blew broke bred brought Broadcast(ed) built burned/burnt burst busted/bust bought cast caught chose clung clothed/clad came cost crept cut dealt dug disproved dove / dived did drew dream(ed/t) drank

Past Participle
arisen awoken(ed) been born / borne beaten / beat become begun bent bet / betted bid bound bitten bled blown broken bred brought Broadcast(ed) built burned / burnt burst busted / bust bought cast caught chosen clung clothed/clad come cost crept cut dealt dug disproved(en) dived done drawn dream(ed/t) drunk

76 | Appendix - Four Skills 1

s! Note

drive dwell eat fall feed feel fight find fit flee fling fly forbid forecast foresee forget forgive forsake freeze get give go grind grow hang have hear hide hit hold hurt keep kneel know lay lead lean leap learn leave lend let lie

drove dwelt/dwelled ate fell fed felt fought found fitted / fit fled flung flew forbade forecast(ed) foresaw forgot forgave forsook froze got gave went ground grew hung had heard hid hit held hurt kept knelt / kneeled knew laid led leaned / leant leaped / leapt learned/learnt left lent let lay

Past Participle
driven dwelt/dwelled eaten fallen fed felt fought found fitted / fit fled flung flown forbidden forecast(ed) foreseen forgotten forgiven forsaken frozen gotten/got given gone ground grown hung had heard hidden hit held hurt kept knelt / kneeled known laid led leaned / leant leaped / leapt learned/learnt Left Lent Let lain


Four Skills 1 - Appendix | 77

light lose make mean meet mislay mislead mislearn misread misspeak mistake misteach misunderstand miswrite mow offset outdo outgrow overcome overdo overhear override oversleep overtake overthink overthrow pay plead prove put quit read rebuild recut redo retake rewrite rid ride ring rise run saw

lit / lighted lost made meant met mislaid misled mislearn(ed/t) misread misspoke mistook mistaught misunderstood miswrote mowed offset outdid outgrew overcame overdid overheard overrode overslept overtook overthought overthrew paid pleaded / pled proved put quit / quitted read rebuilt recut redid retook rewrote rid rode rang rose ran sawed

Past Participle
lit / lighted lost made meant met mislaid misled mislearn(ed/t) misread misspoken mistaken mistaught misunderstood miswritten mowed/mown offset outdone outgrown overcome overdone overheard overridden overslept overtaken overthought overthrown paid pleaded / pled proven/proved put quit / quitted read rebuilt recut redone retaken rewritten rid ridden rung risen run sawed / sawn


s! Note

78 | Appendix - Four Skills 1

s! Note

say see see seek sell send set sew shake shave shear shed shine shoot show shrink sing sink sit slay (kill) sleep slide sling slink slit smell sow speak speed spell spend spill spin spit split spoil spread spring stand steal stick sting stink

said saw saw sought sold sent set sewed shook shaved sheared shed shined / shone shot showed shrank/shrunk sang sank/sunk sat slew/slayed slept slid slung slinked / slunk slit smelled/smelt sowed spoke sped/speeded spelled / spelt spent spilled / spilt spun spit / spat split spoiled / spoilt spread sprang/sprung stood stole stuck stung stunk/stank

Past Participle
said seen seen sought sold sent set sewn / sewed shaken Shav(ed/en) sheared/shorn shed shined / shone shot shown/showed shrunk sung sunk sat slain/slayed slept slid slung slinked / slunk slit smelled/smelt sown / sowed spoken sped/speeded spelled / spelt spent spilled / spilt spun spit / spat split spoiled / spoilt spread sprung stood stolen stuck stung stunk


Four Skills 1 - Appendix | 79

strike (delete) strike (hit) string strive swear sweep swell swim swing take teach tear tell think throw undergo understand undertake undo unwind uphold upset wake wear weave wed weep wet win wind withdraw withhold withstand wring write

struck struck strung strove/strived swore swept swelled swam swung took taught tore told thought threw underwent understood undertook undid unwound upheld upset woke / waked wore wove/weaved wed / wedded wept wet / wetted won wound withdrew withheld withstood wrung wrote

Past Participle
stricken struck / stricken strung striven/strived sworn swept swollen/swelled swum swung taken taught torn told thought thrown undergone understood undertaken undone unwound upheld upset woken / waked worn Wove/weaved wed / wedded wept wet / wetted won wound withdrawn withheld withstood wrung written


s! Note

80 | Appendix - Four Skills 1

s! Note


Simple Present VERBO TO BE 1. Complete as oraes abaixo com am/is/are. a) English b) The teacher c) I e) My colleagues d) My colleagues and I easy. very patient. very patient as well. all very patient! from small towns.

2. Transforme as oraes afirmativas do exerccio 5 em oraes negativas. a) b) c) d) e) 3. Forme oraes afirmativas ou negativas com as palavras em parntese usando am/is/are: a) (shoes my new) b) (very today stressed ) c) (sister old my ten years) d) (expensive books these) e) (examination the difficult)

4. Transforme as oraes do exerccio 7 em interrogativas. a) b) c) d) e)

Four Skills 1 - Appendix | 81 Personal Pronouns 5. Reescreva as frases abaixo substituindo (*) pelo pronome pessoal adequado: a) My name is Sue. (Sue) b) My mum's name is Angie. (Angie) c) Bob is my dad. (My dad) e) (Sue and Simon) f) Our dog is a girl, Judy. (Judy) g) (Sue, Simon, Angie and Bob) h) (Canterbury) d) On the left you can see Simon. (Simon) are twins. is two years old. live in Canterbury. often am English. And this is my family. is from Germany. is a waiter. is my brother.

s! Note

is not far from London.

i) My grandparents live in London. (My grandparents) come and see us. j) What can (*) tell me about your family? Interrogative Pronouns

6. Complete as oraes abaixo com o pronome interrogativo mais adequado. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) are you from? is your skin so red? umbrella is this? took my umbrella? umbrella is yours? were you born? time do you go to sleep? Simple Present 7. Complete as sentenas abiaxo usando DO/DOES/DONT/DOESNT: a) ______ you like rap music? b) We really _____ enjoy going to the theatre. c) What colour _____ you prefer? d) _____ Samantha have a dog? e) Where ______ they live? f) I ______ think Mary is here. g) These shoes _____ fit me. h) This car _____ go fast. i) What music _____ he listen to? j) I _____ think he likes it.

Retrived from: http://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-16257.php

82 | Appendix - Four Skills 1

s! Note

Simple Present Affirmative 8. Complete as sentenas abaixo com os verbos nos parnteses, fazendo alteraes quando necessrio: a) I _______(to get) a good mark. b) Rita ________(to do)na exercise. c) We ________(to lay) the table. d) Tim and Pat _________ (to send) text messages. e) Oliver ________ (to have) fun. f) Maria ___________ (to tidy up) their room. g) He ________ (to buy) a new MP3 player. h) The dog ________ (to run) outside of the house. i) You ________ (to need) your glasses. j) She _________ (to touch) a snake.
Retrieved from: http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/tenses/simple_present_statements2.htm

Possessive Pronouns 9. Complete as sentenas a seguir com o pronome possessive adequado: a) This book is(you) __________________ b) The ballis(I) ________________________ c) The blue car is (we) _________________ d) The ringis(she) ____________________ e) We met Paul and Jane last night. Thishouseis(they) ____________________ f) The luggageis(he) _________________ g) The pictures are (she) _______________ h) In our garden is a bird. The nestis(it) _____________________________________ i) Thiscatis(we) ______________________ j) This was not my fault. It was(you) __________________________ Simple Past did/didnt 10. Transforme as sentenas abaixo em negativas e interrogativas. a) She drank all the wine. ______________________________________________________________________________ b) We were on the beach. ______________________________________________________________________________

Four Skills 1 - Appendix | 83 c) The pot was expensive. ______________________________________________________________________________ d) She bought a new car. ______________________________________________________________________________ e) She went to the theatre yesterday. ______________________________________________________________________________
Retrived and adapted from: http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/330/grammar/pastnq1.htm

s! Note

Irregular Verbs 11. Complete as sentenas abaixo com um dos 15 verbos irregulares do quadro. Para que as frases tenham sentido, passe os verbos para o passado simples. complete drink meet swim eat give run take come get read go do make see ride

a) He _________________ his homework before he went to school. b) It was cold so we _________________ some hot chocolate. c) I _________________ a sandcastle when I went to the beach. d) It was a hot day so she _________________ in the lake yesterday. e) His car had a flat tire so he _________________ the bus to work. f) I _________________ a horse last summer when I went to my uncle's farm. g) I was late for class so I _________________ to school. h) I _________________ two hamburgers so I am full. i) I _________________ a good book before I went to bed. j) She _________________ a lion when she went to the zoo. k) A letter _________________ in the mail today. l) They _________________ hiking yesterday. m) I _________________ my brother a game for his birthday. n) She _________________ a good report card so her mom was happy. o) I _________________ my friends when we went to the park.
Retrieved and adapted from: http://www.inglescurso.net.br/dicas-para-professores-de-ingles/98-atividades-e-planos-de-aulaqadultq/375-irregular-verb-exercise

84 | Appendix - Four Skills 1

s! Note


Could you spell your name?

R: reporter
Interview 1 R: And, what is your name? I: Maite. R: Sorry? I: Maite. R: Could you spell that? I: M-A-I-T-E Interview 2 R: Okay. Whats your name? I: Jay. R: Could you spell that? I: J-A-Y Interview 3 R: Whats your name? I: Chuck. R: Could you spell that? I: C-H-U-C-K
Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiuy8P7Ps70&feature=fvst

I: interview
Interview 4 R: Whats your name? I: Ghia G-H-I-A. Interview 5 R: Could you spell Demetria? I: D-E-M-E-T-R-I-A Interview 6 R: Whats your name? I: Camille. R: Can you spell your name? I: C-A-M-I-L-L-E.

Magali presenting herself video

Hello. Im Magali and here is a quick video to introduce myself. Im 20 years old. I live in Paris and Im a student of the Celsa Arts, The Sorbonne School of Its the Sorbonne School of Communication. I have a BA Equivalent in communication and this year Im preparing a Master Degree in communication specialized in Media Studies. Before coming into the Celsa, I was in a two-year preparatory class. I studied Literature and I have a two-year degree in English. As for my work experience: last year I was I had an internship in a theatre company in Paris and I was in charge of the communication for the launch of their new theatre play. Im looking for an internship to this year for six months. I also had an internship in a local newspaper Le Daulphin Lebr in Lyon. And that was two years ago. And so far. As for the foreign languages, I speak English, I spent three months at a Canadian School in New Toronto. It was four years ago and I also speak German. For my hobbies, I have a real passion for Cinema and I try to see as many movies that I can and I also write reviews for the Celsa blog (I posted a link on my page if you are interested www.infrason.fr). I also Im very interested in theatre, books, TV, music. I play the piano and I was the member of a choir for two years. Well I hope my profile interested you and bye, see you soon.
Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCfrIiflYoY&feature=related

Four Skills 1 - Appendix | 85 UNIT 2

s! Note

My Deaf Family
JARED: My name is Jared, Im 15 years old and I have a family of six. My dads name is Leslie. My moms mane is Bridgetta. I have a younger brother, his name is Gideon. I have a little sister named Sabrina. My youngest brother is Elijah and this is My Deaf Family. Being a hearing kid in a deaf Family feels normal to me, because I have nothing really to compare it to Im going to have to say the best thing from coming from a Deaf family is... When I was younger Id get in trouble and theyd threaten to call my parents, and I could just say, uh, you cant call them. Well, I love my parents, I wouldnt want them to be different, but my parents dont understand how tough it is. ELIJAH: See that. Wanna make this? JARED: You wanna make that? ELIJAH: Yeah! JARED: you wanna make a plane? ELIJAH: Yeah! JARED: Sometimes Ill think that would be nice to have them hearing. Having English as your second language will make it really hard in school. Like, when I was little my dad would pronounce things wrong JARED: Wanna use this for a plane? ELIJAH: I cant do it. JARED: Now that Eli has me I can pronounce them right and he can not be laughed at. SABRINA: Sometime I like to watch Michael Jackson dance. JARED: The only thing I really cant talk about with my parents is really, music. You can go over the lyrics with them but you cant tell them how music feels. MON: Dont stop until you get enough. So, when Sabrina was born there was a hearing test right away and the nurse was looking real concerned going in and out of the room. And the nurse said, your daughters not responding and I said Oh, shes deaf. Thats fine with us. But when Elijah was born, everyone in the hospital comes in saying Congratulations, your son passed the hearing test!. And Im like, Congratulations? Uh, does that mean we failed up until now as parents with our other kids? DAD: With Sabrina. MOM: Oh, with Sabrina and Gideon? As a deaf person, I believe its a gift. You know being deaf is so much of who I am I feel like my life is so much richer for it, and I really feel content.
Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-Gc85nQK8w&feature=related


Mikes description of his day

This morning I got up really early. I went for a jog in the park. I really dont like jogging, but youre health is important and I try and jog at least three or four times every week. After jogging, I went home, I took a shower, and I had a cup of hot coffee. Then, I cleaned my apartment. Not fun either, but I work really hard during the week. It gets very messy, so it took me about two hours to clean it. In the afternoon, I met my friend for lunch. We went to a fast-food restaurant. I never eat breakfast, so I was really hungry. We each ate double cheeseburgers and fries. I know junk food is not that great, but I love it. In the afternoon, we went shopping. I bought some shirts and a pair of shoes for work. I dont like to spend money on work clothes, but luckily everything was on sale. Later that evening, I saw a movie. We saw the new Batman movie. I generally dont like Superheroes movies, but this one was great. The special effects were amazing, and the story was much more interesting than the others. After the movie, I said good bye to my girlfriend went home, relaxed and read a book. It was a long day.
Source: http://www.elllo.org/english/Games/G048DayRecap.htm

86 | Appendix - Four Skills 1

s! Note

Can you tell me the way to?

R: reporter
Interview 1 R: Excuse me!... Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to Southgate St., please? I: Just go up there and turn left. R: Ok. Thanks very much Up? Sorry, where? I: Straight up to the traffic lights, and then turn left at the traffic lights. Thats Southgate Street. Interview 2 R: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to Parchment Street? I: Mmmh. Go down to Smiths and turn left. Thats Parchment Street. R: Thanks. Interview 3 R: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to Westover Road, please? I: Im sorry. I cant speak English. Interview 4 R: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to The Cut, please? I: Yes. Its just along here, and your first on the left. R: Lovely. Thanks. Interview 5 R: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to Southgate Street, please? I: Southgate? Up to the lights, and its the road on the left. R: Lovely. Thanks a lot.

I: Interviewee
Interview 6 R: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the cathedral, please? I: Cathedrals straight down here. R: Thanks. Interview 7 R: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the train station, please? I: Train station? R: Hum hum. I: Straight up the road. Interview 8 R: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to, eh, Saint Clements Street, please? I: Im sorry. I dont know. R: Sorry. Interview 9 R: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to Southgate Street, please? I: Im afraid I dont know the way to Southgate Street. Im a comparative stranger here myself. R: Id like to thank you very much. I: Thank you very much. Thank you. Interview 10 R: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to Parchment Street, please? I: That way!

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvA604-8HVA&feature=related

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