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Disciplina: Lngua Inglesa


Data: ___/___/____Turma: 1 ano EJA

Turno: Notirno

Nome:_______________________________________________________N: _______
Avaliao bimestral

1. Complete as frasesusandoo verbo To be nopassado(was not ou were not).

a) I _________________ here yesterday.

b) You ______________ a hard worker
c) He ________________ tired today
2. Marque a alternativa em que o verbo Tobe no passado significa:
a) ( ) cantar

b) ( ) estou

c) ( ) ser/estar

d) ( ) era/ estava

3. Complete as frases com o verbo Tobe no passado.

a. It ____________raining yesterday.
b. He ___________ my friend.
c.We __________ here.
4.Marque a alternativa em que o verbo Tobe no est no passado.
a. Mary was a teacher.
b. I am sad.
c. You were here last night.
5. Transforme as frases Verbo Tobe no passado para a forma Interrogativa e negative:
You were a hard worker.
They were late for school.

Disciplina: Lngua Inglesa
Data: ___/___/____

Turma: 2 ano

Turno: Noturno

Nome:_______________________________________________________N: _______

1. Marque a alternativa cuja frase no esteja no Simple Future.

a. They didnt watch TV.
b. She will watch TV tonight.
c. We will travel next week.
d. I will study for the test.
2) Indique a forma negative da frase Paul will paint the house.?
a. Paul not will paint the house.
b. Paul will not paint the house.
c. Paul not will painted the house.
d. Paul wont painted the house.
3) Julgue os itens V ou F, cujo Simple Future est empregado corretamente:
( ) Sheworknotwill.
( ) Para formar uma frase interrogativa deve-se inverter a posio do pronome (sujeito) com o
verbo auxiliar will.
( ) Youwillstudy.
( ) Para formar uma frase negativa no Simple Future basta acrescentar a partcula de negao
NOT depois do verbo auxiliar Will.
4) Tendo como base o estudo do Simple Future responda as frases a seguir:
I Paul will not paint the house.
II I am working in Brazil now.
III Exercises is only one of the reasons.
IV We will travel next week.
Quantas frases esto no Simple Future?
a) todas.
b) nenhuma.
c) uma.
d) duas.
5) Transforme as frases para a forma Interrogativa e negativa, do Simple Future:
a. He will travel tomorrow.
b. She will watch TV tonight.

Disciplina: Lngua Inglesa
Data: ___/___/____Turma: 4 ano

EJA Turno: Noturno

Nome:_______________________________________________________N: _______
1)Qual a forma negativa da frase There was an important thing to do?
a) There was not an important thing to do.
b) There wasnt not an important thing to do.
c) There not was an important thing to do.
2). Complete usando a forma negativa do There was /There were Simple Past tense
a) ________________ a garden in the palace
b) ______________ roses in the garden.
c) ________________ two pillows on the bed.
3) Qual a forma interrogativa da frase There were many problems in your life?
a) There were many problems in your life?
b) Is there many problems in your life?
c) Were there many problems in your life?
4) Passe as seguintes frases para suas respectivas formas do negativas e interrogativas.
a) We were poor.
b) I was lazy.
5) Marque aalternativa que complete corretamente a frase _______________ five people at the
meeting last week and _______________ only one person at the meeting yesterday" usando o
passado do verbo there to be.
a) There are there to be.
b) There to be there i

There were there was.
Disciplina: Lngua Inglesa


Data: ___/___/____

3 ano

Turno: Matutino

Nome:_______________________________________________________N: _______

1) Indiquea forma interrogative da frase The children were

looking for the cat?
a) Were the children looking for the cat?
b) The were children looking for the cat?
c) The children were looking for the cat?
2) Julgue os itens V ou F, cujo progressivePast (Tobe (past) +
verb+ing) est empregado corretamente:
a) ( ) O pastContinuous formado pelo passado simples do
verbo Tobe (was/were) e pelo verbo principal no gerndio, ou
seja, com a terminao ING.
b) ( ) I was not doing my homework.
c) ( ) O PastContinuous usado para expresser aes que
estavam acontecendo em um determinado momento do
d) ( ) E para formar frases interrogativas no deve-se inverter
a posio do pronome (sujeito) com o verbo Tobe e incluir o
ponto de interrogao no final da frase.
3) Qual a alternative que complete corretamente a frase My
father __________________on the sofa?
a) Was sleeping
b) Were sleeping
c) Were sleep

d) Was sleep
4) Complete as frases abaixo, com o PastProgressive (Tobepast) e
depois marque a alternativa com a sequncia correta dos verbos.
l- The baby _____________________________________(to
cry) 10 minutes ago.
2- Alan _______________________( to smoke) his pipe in
his room.
3- Tom and Ted ____________________( to look) at the car
in the garage.
a) Was crying- was smoking was looking.
b) Was crying was smoking was looking.
c) Were crying were smoking were looking.
d) Were crying were smoking was looking

Disciplina: Lngua Inglesa
___/___/____Turma: 1 D Turno: Vespertino


Nome:_______________________________________________________N: _______

1) OPresentprogressive (PresentContinuous), acrescenta-se a terminao ING no final dos verbos, porm h

algumas regras e excees. Marque a alternativa que tenha todos os verbos na forma correta do gerndio.
a) to play playing / to love loving / to stop stopping / to agree agreeing
b) to play plaing / to love loveing / to stop stoping / to agree agreeing
c) to play plaing / to love loving / to stop stopping / to agree agreing
d) to play playing / to love loving / to stop stoping / to agree agring
2) A frase My sisters work so much no Present Continuous :
a) My sisters are work so much.
b) My sisters working so much.
c) My sisters is working so much.

d) My sisters are working so much.

3) Julgue os itens V ou F, cujo Presentcontinuous est empregado corretamente:
( ) Os verbos terminados em E: retira-se o E e acrescenta-se ed
( ) The cat is running around the table?
( ) Youarentstoping.
( ) Os verbos terminados em IE: substitui-se o IE por Y e acrescenta-se ING
4) Tendo como base o estudo do Presentcontinuous responda as frases a seguir:
I Many people are using bicycles for exercises.
II Bikes are popular.
III Exercises is only one of the reasons.
IV Many people prefer bicycles to cars.
Quantas frases esto no Presentcontinuous?
a) todas.
b) nenhuma.
c) uma.
d) duas.
5) Transforme as frases para as formas Interrogativa e negativa, do Presente continuous:
a. The cat is running around the table.
b. They arestudying now.

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