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Exame 2012

Everyday (Nowadays-hoje em dia) (there) are more young people to

text (texting)in mobile phones, email, twiter, facebook, Every palce
(NO- EVERYWHERE -em todo o lado)like restaurants, in classe room
(classroom tudo junto), in bed...
In my opinion i think (that) the great problem now a day (tudo
junto-nowadays), (tira a virgule) is because the (apaga o the) young
people has (HAVE-Ppeople=they) contact to (with-NO TO) mobile
phone, computer, tablet...(Evita meter reticencias quando das
muitos exemplos) to soon. (For) Example, i think when (apaga o
when) i recived (received) the first mobile phone (when AQUI) i
had (NO HAD-aqui o verbo to have mentiroso, quando
dizes eu tenho x anos, usas o verbo to be- I am 19 years
old)twelve years old, and today we have a child with six years old
and theire are (with) a tablet, computer, phone... (tira as reticncias
e mete um ponto final) and when they are (HAVE-TER) the first
contact to (contact with) technology the are not prepare(d) for this
just beacuse(because) they will not feel what (is)to be a really a
child, (coloca um ponto final antes da virgula e comea a outra frase
com-furthermore (mais ainda) em vex de like this) like this they are
less sociable, criativity (creative-creativos; creativity
criatividade)and less to explore with (their) own eyes.
For me i think there should be a balance when (we) introduce
tecnology in young people, (ponto final em vez da virgule) first they
have to learn on their own, and secondly, when they have
questions, so yes(apaga) maybe they are preapare(d) for
1.Quando queres dizer que existe/existem usas o there mas depois
colocas o IS ou o ARE: There is(singular) a pig on the beach. There
are (plural) pigs on the beach.
2. Cuidado quando utilizas o verbo to have e o verbo to be (rever
3. Contact WITH (quando tens duvidas acerca do pronome a utilizar
depois do verbo, vais ao dicionrio procurar contact e dps tens la
quando usas contact to, contact withpelo menos os
dicionrios em ingls tm)
3. Vai ver a transformao de verbos para nomes (preparar vs
preparado prepare vs prepared) TB est no dicionrio, acho.
DE RESTO.MUUUUIIITTOOO MELHOR No entanto, devias de ter
falado um pouco mais do the reasons why young people text so

much-que te pede no enunciadopodias dizer que, apesar de ser

tb por terem o contacto precoce com as tecnologias (como disseste
muito bem), as mensagens se tornaram uma maneira viciante de
estar em constatnte contacto com o mundo, com os amigos. No
caso dos adolescentes, pode tambm ser uma maneira mais fcil de
comear a falar com pessoas que no falam pessoalmente e de as
tentar conhecer (embora seja um aspecto negativo). Podes tb dizer
que o facto de se enviar mensagens se tornou um aspecto social na
medida em que so poucos os que no usam um telemvel para
enviar mensagem)
25 pontos porque no deste mais do que uma razo CRITERIO:
Escreve um texto sobre o tema apresentado que evidencia
caractersticas de um texto de opinio. Respeita as instrues
dadas, fornecendo alguma informao solicitada (pelo menos, duas
razes dos jovens para texting), recorrendo a alguns pormenores
e aspetos relevantes e respeitando o contexto do destinatrio.
Revela alguma autonomia na utilizao -que vale 30 pontos. (d
uma olhada nos critrios para teres uma ideia do que eles
Nowadays there are more young people texting in mobile phones,
email, twiter, facebook EVERYWHERE like restaurants, in classroom
in bed...
In my opinion i think that the great problem nowadays) is
becauseyoung people have contact with mobile phone, computer,
tablet to soon. For example, i think i received the first mobile phone
when i was twelve years old, and today we have a child with six
years old with tablets, computers, phones. When they have the first
contact with technology the are not prepared for this just because
they will not feel what is to be a really a child. Furthermore, they are
less sociable, creativeand less to explore with their own eyes.
For me i think there should be a balance when we introduce
tecnology in young people. First they have to learn on their own,
and then (fica melhor em vez de secondly), when they have
questions, maybe they are preapared for technology.

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