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O Rei do Norte 1


Knowledge Increased

Crescimento de Conhecimento

A Revival
1. In every part of the land, light was given
upon the second angels message, and the cry
melted the hearts of thousands. It went from
city to city, and from village to village, until
the waiting people of God were fully aroused.
In many churches the message was not permitted to be given, and a large company who had
the living testimony left these fallen churches.
A mighty work was accomplished by the midnight cry. The message was heart-searching,
leading the believers to seek a living experience
for themselves. They knew that they could not
lean upon one another. . . .
A spirit of solemn and earnest prayer was
everywhere felt by the saints. A holy solemnity
was resting upon them. Angels were watching
with the deepest interest the effect of the message, and were elevating those who received
it, and drawing them from earthly things to
obtain large supplies from salvations fountain.
Gods people were then accepted of Him. Jesus looked upon them with pleasure, for His
image was reflected in them. They had made
a full sacrifice, an entire consecration, and expected to be changed to immortality. But they
were destined again to be sadly disappointed.
Early Writings, 238239.

1. Em toda a parte do pas, foi proporcionada luz acerca da mensagem do segundo
anjo, e o clamor amoleceu o corao de milhares. Foi de cidade em cidade, e de vila em
vila, at que o povo expectante de Deus ficasse
completamente desperto. Em muitas igrejas
no foi permitido dar-se a mensagem, e uma
grande multido que tinha o vvido testemunho deixou essas igrejas decadas. Uma poderosa
obra foi realizada pelo clamor da meia-noite. A
mensagem era de natureza a promover o exame
do corao, levando os crentes a buscar por si
mesmos uma vvida experincia. Sabiam que
no poderiam buscar apoio uns nos outros...
Um esprito de solene e fervorosa orao era
por toda parte sentido pelos santos. Uma santa
solenidade repousava sobre eles. Anjos estavam a observar com o mais profundo interesse
o efeito da mensagem, e estavam a enobrecer
aqueles que a recebiam, e a retir-los das coisas terrestres para obterem grande suprimento
da fonte da salvao. O povo de Deus era ento aceito por Ele. Jesus olhava para eles com
prazer, pois Sua imagem neles se refletia. Haviam feito um amplo sacrifcio, uma completa
consagrao, e esperavam ser transformados
imortalidade. Mas estavam de novo destinados
a ser tristemente decepcionados. Primeiros Escritos, 238, 239.

2. A revival of true godliness among us is

the greatest and most urgent of all our needs.
To seek this should be our first work. Selected
Messages, book 1, 121.

2. Um reavivamento da verdadeira piedade

entre ns, eis a maior e a mais urgente de todas as nossas necessidades. Busc-lo, deve ser a
nossa primeira ocupao. Mensagens Escolhidas, vol. 1, 141.

3. When we as a people understand what

this book means to us, there will be seen
among us a great revival. Testimonies to Ministers, 113.

3. Quando ns, como um povo, compreendermos o que este livro para ns significa,
ver-se- entre ns grande reavivamento. Testemunhos para Ministros, 113.

4. When the books of Daniel and Revelation are better understood, believers will
have an entirely different religious experience. . . One thing will certainly be under-

4. Quando os livros de Daniel e Apocalipse

forem bem compreendidos, tero os crentes
uma experincia religiosa inteiramente diferente... Uma coisa certamente ser entendido

2 O Rei do Norte

stood from the study of Revelationthat the no estudo de Apocalipse - que a conexo entre
connection between God and His people is Deus e seu povo prxima e decidida. The
close and decided. The Faith I Live By, 345. Fhaith I Live By, 345
5. A revival and a reformation must take
place, under the ministration of the Holy Spirit. Revival and reformation are two different
things. Revival signifies a renewal of spiritual
life, a quickening of the powers of mind and
heart, a resurrection from spiritual death. Reformation signifies a reorganization, a change
in ideas and theories, habits and practices. Reformation will not bring forth the good fruit of
righteousness unless it is connected with the
revival of the Spirit. Revival and reformation
are to do their appointed work, and in doing
this work they must blend. Selected Messages,
book 1, 128.

5. Precisa haver um reavivamento e uma

reforma, sob a ministrao do Esprito Santo.
Reavivamento e reforma so duas coisas diversas. Reavivamento significa renovamento da
vida espiritual, um avivamento das faculdades
da mente e do corao, uma ressurreio da
morte espiritual. Reforma significa uma reorganizao, uma mudana nas idias e teorias,
hbitos e prticas. A reforma no trar o bom
fruto da justia a menos que seja ligada com
o reavivamento do Esprito. Reavivamento e
reforma devem efetuar a obra que lhes designada, e no realiz-la, precisam fundir-se.
Review and Herald, 25 de fevereiro de 1902,
Mensagens Escolhidas, vol. 1, 121.

Daniel 11 nearly completed

Daniel 11 Quase Completo

6. We are living in the time of the end. The

fast-fulfilling signs of the times declare that the
coming of Christ is near at hand. The days in
which we live are solemn and important. The
Spirit of God is gradually but surely being
withdrawn from the earth. Plagues and judgments are already falling upon the despisers of
the grace of God. The calamities by land and
sea, the unsettled state of society, the alarms of
war, are portentous. They forecast approaching
events of the greatest magnitude.
The agencies of evil are combining their
forces and consolidating. They are strengthening for the last great crisis. Great changes are
soon to take place in our world, and the final
movements will be rapid ones.
The condition of things in the world shows
that troublous times are right upon us. The
daily papers are full of indications of a terrible
conflict in the near future. Bold robberies are
of frequent occurrence. Strikes are common.
Thefts and murders are committed on every
hand. Men possessed of demons are taking the
lives of men, women, and little children. Men
have become infatuated with vice, and every
species of evil prevails. . . .
There are not many, even among educators

6. Vivemos no tempo do fim. Os sinais

dos tempos, a cumprirem-se rapidamente, declaram que a vinda de Cristo est prxima, s
portas. Os dias em que vivemos so solenes e
importantes. O Esprito de Deus est, gradual mas seguramente, sendo retirado da Terra.
Pragas e juzos esto j caindo sobre os desprezadores da graa de Deus. As calamidades em
terra e mar, as condies sociais agitadas, os rumores de guerra, so portentosos. Prenunciam
a proximidade de acontecimentos da maior
As foras do mal esto-se arregimentando
e consolidando-se. Elas se esto robustecendo
para a ltima grande crise. Grandes mudanas
esto prestes a operar-se no mundo, e os acontecimentos finais sero rpidos. As condies
do mundo mostram que esto iminentes tempos angustiosos. Os jornais dirios esto repletos de indcios de um terrvel conflito em futuro prximo. Roubos ousados so ocorrncia
freqente. As greves so comuns. Cometem-se
por toda parte furtos e assassnios. Homens
possudos de demnios tiram a vida a homens,
mulheres e crianas. Os homens tm-se enchido de vcios, e campeia por toda parte toda espcie de mal.
O Rei do Norte 3

and statesmen, who comprehend the causes
that underlie the present state of society. Those
who hold the reins of government are not able
to solve the problem of moral corruption, poverty, pauperism, and increasing crime. They
are struggling in vain to place business operations on a more secure basis. If men would give
more heed to the teaching of Gods Word, they
would find a solution of the problems that perplex them. . . .
The world is stirred with the spirit of war.
The prophecy of the eleventh chapter of Daniel has nearly reached its complete fulfillment.
Soon the scenes of trouble spoken of in the
prophecies will take place. . . .
Satan is a diligent Bible student. He knows
that his time is short, and he seeks at every
point to counterwork the work of the Lord
upon this earth. It is impossible to give any
idea of the experience of the people of God
who shall be alive on the earth when celestial
glory and a repetition of the persecutions of
the past are blended. They will walk in the
light proceeding from the throne of God. By
means of angels there will be constant communication between heaven and earth. And Satan,
surrounded by his evil angels, and claiming to
be God, will work miracles of all kinds, to deceive, if possible, the very elect. Testimonies,
vol. 9, 1117.
Ulai and Hiddekel - (Dan 8:2; 10:4 Revelation 16:12; 22:1)
7. The light that Daniel received from
God was given especially for these last days.
The visions he saw by the banks of the Ulai
and Hiddekel, the great rivers of Shinar, are
now in process of fulfillment, and all the events
foretold will soon come to pass. Testimonies to
Ministers, 112113.
8. Historical events, showing the direct
fulfillment of prophecy, were set before the
people, and prophecy was seen to be a figurative delineation of events leading down to the
close of this earths history. The scenes connected with the working of the man of sin are
the last features plainly revealed in this earths
4 O Rei do Norte

As condies do mundo mostram que esto iminentes tempos angustiosos. Os jornais

dirios esto repletos de indcios de um terrvel
conflito em futuro prximo. Roubos ousados
so ocorrncia freqente. As greves so comuns. Cometem-se por toda parte furtos e
assassnios. Homens possudos de demnios
tiram a vida a homens, mulheres e crianas. Os
homens amam a imoralidade acima de tudo,
e campeia por toda a parte toda a espcie de
No existem muitos, mesmo entre educadores e estadistas, que compreendam as causas que servem de base para o presente estado
da sociedade. Os que tm nas mos as rdeas
do governo no so capazes de solver o problema da corrupo moral, da pobreza, misria
e crime avolumantes. Esto lutando em vo
para colocar as operaes comerciais sobre
base mais firme. Se os homens dessem mais
ouvido aos ensinamentos da Palavra de Deus,
achariam uma soluo para os problemas que
os embaraam.
O mundo est agitado pelo esprito de
guerra. A profecia do captulo onze de Daniel
atingiu quase o seu completo cumprimento.
Logo se daro as cenas de perturbao das
quais falam as profecias. Testemunhos Seletos,
vol. 3, 280-284.
Ulai e Hidequel - (Daniel 8:2; 10:4 Apocalipse 16:12; 22:1)
7. A luz que Daniel recebeu de Deus foi
dada especialmente para estes ltimos dias. As
vises que ele viu s margens do Ulai e do Hidequel, os grandes rios de Sinear, esto agora em
processo de cumprimento, e logo ocorrero
todos os acontecimentos preditos. Testemuhos
para Ministros, 112-113.
8. Acontecimentos histricos, mostrando
o direto cumprimento da profecia, foram expostos ao povo, e viu-se que ela era um esboo figurado de acontecimentos que levam
ao encerramento da histria terrestre. As cenas
relacionadas com a obra do homem do pecado
so os ltimos aspectos claramente revelados

history. Selected Messages, book 2, 102.

na histria terrestre. Mensagens Escolhidas, vol.

2, 102.

The Sealed Book

9. In the Revelation all the books of the
Bible meet and end. Here is the complement
of the book of Daniel. One is a prophecy; the
other a revelation. The book that was sealed
is not the Revelation, but that portion of the
prophecy of Daniel relating to the last days.
The angel commanded, But thou, O Daniel,
shut up the words, and seal the book, even to
the time of the end. Daniel 12:4. Acts of the
Apostles, 585.

O Livro Selado
9. No Apocalipse todos os livros da Bblia
se encontram e se cumprem. Ali est o complemento do livro de Daniel. Um uma profecia;
o outro, uma revelao. O livro que foi selado
no o Apocalipse, mas a poro da profecia
de Daniel relativa aos ltimos dias. O anjo ordenou: E tu, Daniel, fecha estas palavras e sela
este livro, at ao fim do tempo. (Dan. 12:4).
Atos dos Apstolos, 585.

Complement: Fulness; completion; whence,

perfection. American Dictionary of the English
Language, Noah Webster, 1828.

Complemento; Ambundncia; por a, perfeio. America Dictionary os the English Languange, Noah webster, 1828.

Great and Solemn Events

10. All that God has in prophetic history
specified to be fulfilled in the past has been,
and all that is yet to come in its order will be.
Daniel, Gods prophet, stands in his place.
John stands in his place. In the Revelation the
Lion of the tribe of Judah has opened to the
students of prophecy the book of Daniel, and
thus is Daniel standing in his place. He bears
his testimony, that which the Lord revealed to
him in vision of the great and solemn events
which we must know as we stand on the very
threshold of their fulfillment. Selected Messages, book 2, 109.

Grandes e Solenes Acontecimentos

10. Tudo quanto Deus especificou que havia
de cumprir-se na histria proftica no passado,
cumpriu-se, e tudo quanto est ainda por vir
vir por sua ordem. Daniel, o profeta de Deus,
est em seu lugar. Joo est em seu lugar. No
Apocalipse o Leo da tribo de Jud abriu aos
estudiosos da profecia o livro de Daniel, e assim Daniel se erguer em seu lugar. D o seu
testemunho, aquilo que o Senhor lhe revelou
em viso dos grandes e solenes acontecimentos
que precisamos conhecer ao nos encontrarmos
no prprio limiar do seu cumprimento. Mensagens Escolhidas, vol. 2, 109.

11. The Bible has accumulated and bound

up together its treasures for this last generation.
All the great events and solemn transactions of
Old Testament history have been, and are, repeating themselves in the church in these last
days. . . . There the whole accumulated truths
are presented in force to us that we may profit
by their teachings. Selected Messages, book 3,

11. A Bblia acumulou e juntou os seus

tesouros para esta ltima gerao. Todos os
grandes acontecimentos e solenes realizaes
da histria do Antigo Testamento esto a
repetir-se na Igreja nestes ltimos dias. Ali,
todas as verdades acumuladas so-nos apresentadas vigorosamente, para que possamos tirar
proveito dos seus ensinos. Mensagens Escolhidas, vol. 3, 339.

History Repeated
12. We are standing on the threshold of
great and solemn events. Many of the prophecies are about to be fulfilled in quick succession. Every element of power is about to be

A Histria de Repete
12. Estamos no limiar de grandes e solenes
acontecimentos. Muitas das profecias esto
prestes a cumprir-se em rpida sucesso. Cada
elemento de energia est prestes a ser posto
O Rei do Norte 5

set to work. Past history will be repeated; old
controversies will arouse to new life, and peril
will beset Gods people on every side. Intensity
is taking hold of the human family. It is permeating everything upon the earth. . . .
Study Revelation in connection with Daniel, for history will be repeated. ...
As we near the close of this worlds history,
the prophecies relating to the last days especially demand our study [that portion of the
prophecy of Daniel relating to the last days.
Acts of the Apostles, 585.]. The last book of the
New Testament Scriptures is full of truth that
we need to understand. Satan has blinded the
minds of many so that they have been glad of
any excuse for not making the Revelation their
study. Testimonies to Ministers, 116117.

em ao. Repetir-se- a histria passada. Antigas controvrsias sero revivescidas, e perigos

rodearo de todos os lados o povo de Deus.
A tenso est a apoderar-se da famlia humana. Est a permear tudo na Terra... Estude
Apocalipse em coneco com Daniel porque
a histria vai se repetir... Ao aproximarmonos do fim da histria deste mundo, devem as
profecias relativas aos ltimos dias exigir especialmente do nosso estudo. O ltimo livro
dos escritos do Novo Testamento, est cheio
de verdade que precisamos compreender. Satans tem cegado o esprito de muitos de modo
que se tm contentado com qualquer desculpa
por no tornarem o Apocalipse motivo do seu
estudo. Testemunhos para Ministros, 116, 117

Knowledge Increased
13. The book that was sealed was not the
book of Revelation, but that portion of the
prophecy of Daniel which related to the last
days. The Scripture says, But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even
to the time of the end: many shall run to and
fro, and knowledge shall be increased (Daniel
12:4). When the book was opened, the proclamation was made, Time shall be no longer.
(See Revelation 10:6.) The book of Daniel
is now unsealed, and the revelation made by
Christ to John is to come to all the inhabitants
of the earth. By the increase of knowledge a
people is to be prepared to stand in the latter
days. . . .
In the first angels message men are called
upon to worship God, our Creator, who made
the world and all things that are therein. They
have paid homage to an institution of the Papacy, making of no effect the law of Jehovah,
but there is to be an increase of knowledge on
this subject. Selected Messages, book 2, 106

Crescimento de Conhecimento
13. O livro que foi selado no foi o do Apocalipse, mas aquela parte da profecia de Daniel
que se referia aos ltimos dias. Diz a Escritura: Tu, porm, Daniel, encerra as palavras e
sela o livro, at ao tempo do fim; muitos o esquadrinharo, e o saber se multiplicar. (Dan.
12:4). Quando o livro foi aberto, foi feita a
proclamao: j no haver demora. (Apoc.
10:6). O livro de Daniel est agora aberto, e
a revelao feita por Cristo a Joo deve vir a
todos os habitantes da Terra. Pelo acrscimo
do conhecimento deve ser preparado um povo
para subsistir nos derradeiros dias...
Na mensagem do primeiro anjo os homens
so chamados a adorar a Deus, nosso Criador,
que fez o mundo e tudo quanto nele h. Eles
tm rendido homenagem a uma instituio
do Papado, anulando a lei de Jeov, mas deve
haver um aumento do conhecimento nesse assunto. Mensagens Escolhidas, vol. 2, 106-107.

A Experincia dos Pioneiros

Pioneer Experience Repeated
14. I am often referred to the parable of the 14. Tem sido freqentemente referida a
ten virgins, five of whom were wise, and five parbola das dez virgens, cinco das quais eram
foolish. This parable has been and will be ful- prudentes e cinco eram loucas. Essa parbola
filled to the very letter, for it has a special ap- tem sido cumprida e cumprir-se- literalmente,
plication to this time, and, like the third angels porque tem uma aplicao especial para este
6 O Rei do Norte

message, has been fulfilled and will continue to
be present truth till the close of time. Review
and Herald, August 19, 1890.

tempo, como da mesma forma a mensagem do

terceiro anjo tem sido cumprida e continuar
a ser verdade presente at ao fim do tempo.
Review and Herald, 19-08-1890.

15. And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city,
because she made all nations drink the wrath
of her fornication. Revelation 14:8.

15. Um segundo anjo o seguiu, dizendo:

Caiu, caiu a grande Babilnia, que a todas as
naes deu a beber do vinho da ira da sua prostituio. Apocalipse 14:8.

16. And After these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power, and the earth was lightened with his glory.
And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is
become the habitation of devils, and the hold
of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean
and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of
the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and
the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth
are waxed rich through the abundance of her
delicacies. And I heard another voice from
heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people,
that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye
receive not of her plagues. Revelation 18:14.

16. Depois destas coisas vi descer do cu

outro anjo que tinha grande autoridade, e a terra foi iluminada com a sua glria. E ele clamou
com voz forte, dizendo: Caiu, caiu a grande
Babilnia, e se tornou morada de demnios, e
guarida de todo esprito imundo, e guarida de
toda ave imunda e detestvel. Porque todas as
naes tm bebido do vinho da ira da sua prostituio, e os reis da terra se prostituram com
ela; e os mercadores da terra se enriqueceram
com a abundncia de suas delcias. Ouvi outra
voz do cu dizer: Sai dela, povo meu, para que
no sejas participante dos sete pecados, e para
que no incorras nas suas pragas. Apocalipse

17. While the bridegroom tarried, they all

slumbered and slept. And at midnight there
was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom
cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all those
virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. Matthew 25:57. In the summer of 1844, midway between the time when it had been first
thought that the 2300 days would end, and the
autumn of the same year, to which it was afterward found that they extended, the message
was proclaimed in the very words of Scripture:
Behold, the Bridegroom cometh!
That which led to this movement was the
discovery that the decree of Artaxerxes for the
restoration of Jerusalem, which formed the
starting point for the period of the 2300 days,
went into effect in the autumn of the year 457
B.C., and not at the beginning of the year, as
had been formerly believed. Reckoning from
the autumn of 457, the 2300 years terminate
in the autumn of 1844. The Great Controversy,

17. E, tardando o esposo, tosquenejaram todas, e adormeceram. Mas meia-noite ouviu-se

um clamor: A vem o esposo, sa-lhe ao encontro. Ento todas aquelas virgens se levantaram,
e prepararam as suas lmpadas. (Mat. 25:5-7).
No vero de 1844, perodo de tempo intermedirio desde a poca em que, a princpio,
se supusera devessem terminar os 2.300 dias,
e o outono do mesmo ano, at onde, segundo
mais tarde se descobriu, deveriam eles chegar, a
mensagem foi proclamada nos prprios termos
das Escrituras: A vem o Esposo!
O que determinou este movimento foi
descobrir-se que o decreto de Artaxerxes para
a restaurao de Jerusalm, o qual estabelecia
o ponto de partida para o perodo dos 2.300
dias, entrou em vigor no outono do ano 457
antes de Cristo, e no no comeo do ano, conforme anteriormente se havia crido. Contando
o outono de 457, os 2.300 anos terminam no
outono de 1844. O Grande Conflito, 398399
O Rei do Norte 7

The Catalyst of Prophecy
18. In the year 1840 another remarkable
fulfillment of prophecy excited widespread interest. two years before, Josiah Litch, one of
the leading ministers preaching the second advent, published an exposition of Revelation 9,
predicting the fall of the Ottoman Empire. According to his calculations, this power was to
be overthrown in A.D. 1840, sometime in the
month of August; and only a few days previous to its accomplishment he wrote: Allowing
the first period, 150 years, to have been exactly
fulfilled before Deacozes ascended the throne
by permission of the Turks, and that the 391
years, fifteen days, commenced at the close of
the first period, it will end on the 11th of August, 1840, when the Ottoman power in Constantinople may be expected to be broken. And
this, I believe, will be found to be the case.
At the very time specified, Turkey, through
her ambassadors, accepted the protection of the
allied powers of Europe, and thus placed herself under the control of Christian nations. The
event exactly fulfilled the prediction. When it
became known, multitudes were convinced of
the correctness of the principles of prophetic
interpretation adopted by Miller and his associates, and a wonderful impetus was given
to the advent movement. Men of learning and
position united with Miller, both in preaching
and in publishing his views, and from 1840
to 1844 the work rapidly extended. The Great
Controversy, 334335.

O Catalizador da Profecia
18. No ano de 1840 outro notvel cumprimento de profecia despertou geral interesse.
Dois anos antes, Josias Litch, um dos principais pastores que pregavam o segundo advento, publicou uma explicao de Apocalipse
9, predizendo a queda do Imprio Otomano.
Segundo os seus clculos essa potncia deveria
ser subvertida no ano de 1840, no ms de Agosto; e poucos dias apenas antes do seu cumprimento escreveu: Admitindo que o primeiro
perodo, 150 anos, se cumpriu exatamente antes que Deacozes subisse ao trono com permisso dos turcos, e que os 391 anos e quinze dias
comearam no final do primeiro perodo, terminar no dia 11 de Agosto de 1840, quando
se pode esperar seja abatido o poderio otomano
em Constantinopla. E isso, creio eu, verificarse- ser o caso.
No mesmo tempo especificado, a Turquia,
por intermdio dos seus embaixadores, aceitou
a proteo das potncias aliadas da Europa,
e assim se ps sob a direo de naes crists. O acontecimento cumpriu exatamente a
predio. Quando isso se tornou conhecido,
multides convenceram-se da exatido dos
princpios de interpretao proftica adotados
por Miller e seus companheiros, e maravilhoso
impulso foi dado ao movimento do advento.
Homens de saber e posio uniram-se a Miller,
tanto para pregar como para publicar as suas
opinies, e de 1840 a 1844 a obra estendeu-se
rapidamente. O Grande Conflito, 334-335.

The Wise
19. As we near the close of this worlds history, the prophecies recorded by Daniel demand
our special attention, as they relate to the very
time in which we are living. With them should
be linked the teachings of the last book of the
New Testament Scriptures. Satan has led many
to believe that the prophetic portions of the
writings of Daniel and of John the revelator
cannot be understood. But the promise is plain
that special blessing will accompany the study
of these prophecies. The wise shall understand
(verse 10), was spoken of the visions of Daniel
that were to be unsealed in the latter days; and
of the revelation that Christ gave to His ser-

As Sbias
19. Ao nos aproximarmos do fim da histria
deste mundo, as profecias registradas por Daniel demandam a nossa especial ateno, visto
relacionarem-se com o prprio tempo em que
estamos vivendo. Com elas devem-se ligar os
ensinos do ltimo livro das Escrituras do Novo
Testamento. Satans tem levado muitos a crer
que as pores profticas dos escritos de Daniel
e Joo, o revelador, no podem ser compreendidas. Mas a promessa clara de que bno especial acompanhar o estudo dessas profecias.
Os sbios entendero (Dan. 12:10), foi dito
com respeito s vises de Daniel que deviam
ser abertas nos ltimos dias; e da revelao que

8 O Rei do Norte

vant John for the guidance of Gods people all
through the centuries, the promise is, Blessed
is he that readeth, and they that hear the words
of this prophecy, and keep those things which
are written therein. Revelation 1:3. Prophets
and Kings, 547548.

Cristo deu ao Seu servo Joo para ser guia do

povo de Deus atravs dos sculos, a promessa
: Bem-aventurado aquele que l, e os que
ouvem as palavras desta profecia, e guardam
as coisas que nela esto escritas. (Apoc. 1:3).
Profetas e Reis, 547-548.

Daniel 11:40

Daniel 11:40

20. The history of nations that one after

another have occupied their allotted time and
place, unconsciously witnessing to the truth of
which they themselves knew not the meaning,
speaks to us. To every nation and to every individual of today God has assigned a place in
His great plan. Today men and nations are being measured by the plummet in the hand of
Him who makes no mistake. All are by their
own choice deciding their destiny, and God is
overruling all for the accomplishment of His
The history which the great I AM has
marked out in His word, uniting link after
link in the prophetic chain, from eternity in
the past to eternity in the future, tells us where
we are today in the procession of the ages, and
what may be expected in the time to come. All
that prophecy has foretold as coming to pass,
until the present time, has been traced on the
pages of history, and we may be assured that
all which is yet to come will be fulfilled in its
order. Education, 178.

20. A histria das naes que, uma aps

outra, tm ocupado seus destinados tempos e
lugares, testemunhando inconscientemente da
verdade da qual elas prprias desconheciam o
sentido, fala a ns. A cada nao, a cada indivduo de hoje, tem Deus designado um lugar
no Seu grande plano. Homens e naes esto
sendo hoje medidos pelo prumo que se acha
na mo dAquele que no comete erro. Todos
esto pela sua prpria escolha decidindo o seu
destino, e Deus est governando acima de tudo
para o cumprimento de Seu propsito.
A histria que o grande Eu Sou assinalou em
Sua Palavra, unindo-se cada elo aos demais na
cadeia proftica, desde a eternidade no passado
at eternidade no futuro, diz-nos onde nos
achamos hoje, no prosseguimento dos sculos,
e o que se poder esperar no tempo vindouro.
Tudo o que a profecia predisse como devendo
acontecer, at presente poca, tem-se traado
nas pginas da Histria, e podemos estar certos
de que tudo que ainda deve vir se cumprir em
sua ordem. Educao, 178

21. And at the time of the end shall the king

of the south push at him: and the king of the
north shall come against him like a whirlwind,
with chariots, and with horsemen, and with
many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over. Daniel

21. Ora, no fim do tempo, o rei do sul lutar com ele; e o rei do norte vir como turbilho contra ele, com carros e cavaleiros, e com
muitos navios; e entrar nos pases, e os inundar, e passar para adiante. Daniel 11:40.

Time of the End

22. But at the time of the end, says the
prophet, Many shall run to and fro, and
knowledge shall be increased. Daniel 12:4.
. . . Since 1798 the book of Daniel has been
unsealed, knowledge of the prophecies has

O Tempo do Fim
22. Mas, no tempo do fim, diz o profeta,
muitos correro de uma parte para outra, e a
Cincia se multiplicar. Dan. 12:4... Desde
1798, porm, o livro de Daniel foi descerrado,
aumentou-se o conhecimento das profecias, e
O Rei do Norte 9

increased, and many have proclaimed the solemn message of the judgment near. The Great
Controversy, 356.

muitos tm proclamado a mensagem solene do

juzo prximo. O Grande Conflito, 356.

King of the South - Revelation 11:9

O Rei do Sul - Apocalipse 11:9.

23. south-5045. from an unused root mean.

to be parched; the south (from its drought);
spec. the Negeb or southern district of Judah,
occasionally, Egypt (as south to Pal.):- south
(country, side, -ward). Strongs.

23. SUL (5045) Provm de uma raiz que

no se usa; significa: estar seco; o sul (da sua
seca), especialmente o Negueb, ou regio sul
da Judia, de vez em quando Egito (a sul da
Palestina); sul (pas, lado, distrito). Strongs
Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible.

24. Woe to the rebellious children, saith the

Lord, that take counsel, but not of me; and
that covereth with a covering, but not of my
spirit, that they may add sin to sin: That walk
to go down into Egypt, and have not asked at
my mouth; to strengthen themselves in the
strength of Pharaoh, and to trust in the shadow
of Egypt! Therefore shall the strength of Pharaoh be your shame, and the trust of the shadow of Egypt be your confusion. For his princes
were at Zoan, and his ambassadors came to
Hanes. They were all ashamed of a people
that could not profit them, nor be an help or
profit, but a shame, and also a reproach. The
burden of the beasts of the south: into the land
of trouble and anguish, from whence come the
young and old lion, the viper and fiery flying
serpent, they will carry their burdens on the
shoulders of young asses, and their treasures
upon the bunches of camels, to a people that
shall not profit them. For the Egyptians shall
help in vain, and to no purpose: therefore have
I cried concerning this, Their strength is to sit
still. Isaiah 30:17.

24. Ai dos filhos rebeldes, diz o Senhor, que

tomam conselho, mas no de mim; e que
fazem aliana, mas no pelo meu esprito, para
acrescentarem pecado a pecado; que se pem
a caminho para descer ao Egito, sem pedirem
o meu conselho; para se fortificarem com a
fora de Fara, e para confiarem na sombra do
Egito! Portanto, a fora de Fara se vos tornar em vergonha, e a confiana na sombra do
Egito em confuso. Pois embora os seus oficiais estejam em Zo, e os seus embaixadores
cheguem a Hanes, eles se envergonharo de
um povo que de nada lhes servir, nem de
ajuda, nem de proveito, porm de vergonha
como tambm de oprbrio. Orculo contra a
Besta do Sul. Atravs da terra de aflio e de
angstia, de onde vem a leoa e o leo, o basilisco, a spide e a serpente voadora, levam s
costas de jumentinhos as suas riquezas, e sobre
as corcovas de camelos os seus tesouros, a um
povo que de nada lhes aproveitar. Pois o Egito
os ajuda em vo, e para nenhum fim; pelo que
lhe tenho chamado Raabe que no se move.
Isaias 30:17.

25. This is atheism, and the nation represented by Egypt would give voice to a similar denial of the claims of the living God and
would manifest a like spirit of unbelief and defiance. The Great Controversy, 269.

25. Isto atesmo; e a nao representada pelo

Egito daria expresso a uma negao idntica
s reivindicaes do Deus vivo, e manifestaria
idntico esprito de incredulidade e desafio.
O Grande Conflito, 269.

26. The speaking of the nation is the action

of its legislative and judicial authorities. The
Great Controversy, 443.

26. A fala da nao so os atos das suas autoridades legislativas e judicirias. O Grande
Conflito, 442.

27. The worldwide dissemination of the 27. A disseminao mundial dos mesmos
10 O Rei do Norte

same teachings that led to the French Revolutionall are tending to involve the whole
world in a struggle similar to that which convulsed France. Education, 228.

ensinos que ocasionaram a Revoluo Francesa

tudo propende a envolver o mundo inteiro
numa luta semelhante quela que convulsionou a Frana. Educao, 228

28. Tending: Having a certain direction; Tak- 28. Tendncia: Tendo uma certa direco;
ing care of. American Dictionary of the English Cuidando. America Dictionary os the English
Language, Noah Webster, 1828.
Languange, Noah webster, 1828.
29. push-5055. push; to butt with horns; fig.
to war against: gore, push. Strongs.

29. empurrar - 5055: lutar com os chifres;
figurativo para lutar contra: derramar sangue,
empurrar (para baixo, -ando). Strongs.

30. I saw the ram pushing westward, and

northward, and southward; so that no beast
might stand against him, neither was there any
that could deliver out of his hand; but he did
according to his will, and became great. Daniel

30. Vi que o carneiro dava marradas para o

ocidente, e para o norte, e para o sul; e nenhum
dos animais lhe podia resistir, nem havia quem
pudesse livrar-se do seu poder; ele, porm, fazia segundo a sua vontade e, assim, se engrandecia. Daniel 8:4.

The King of the North

31. Behold, I will send and take all the families of the north, saith the Lord, and Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, my servant, and
will bring them against this land, and against
the inhabitants thereof, and against all these
nations round about, and will utterly destroy
them, and make them an astonishment, and
a hissing, and perpetual desolations. Jeremiah

O Rei do Norte
31. Eis que Eu enviarei, e tomarei a todas
as geraes do norte, diz o Senhor, como tambm a Nabucodonosor, rei de Babilnia, Meu
servo, e os trarei sobre esta terra, e sobre os seus
moradores, e sobre todas estas naes em redor, e os destruirei totalmente, e p-los-ei em
espanto, e em assobio, e em perptuos desertos. Jeremias 25:9.

32. For thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I

will bring upon Tyrus Nebuchadrezzar king of
Babylon, a king of kings, from the north, with
horses and chariots, and with horsemen, and
companies, and much people. Ezekiel 26:7.
See Jeremiah 46:2, 20.

32. Porque assim diz o Senhor Jeov: Eis

que Eu trarei contra Tiro a Nabucodonosor,
rei de Babilnia, desde o norte, o rei dos reis,
com cavalos, e com carros, e com cavaleiros, e
companhias, e muito povo. Ezequiel 26:7.

33. The woman (Babylon) of Revelation

17 is described as arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious
stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her
hand full of abominations and filthiness: . . .
and upon her forehead was a name written,
Mystery, Babylon the Great, the mother of
harlots. Says the prophet: I saw the woman
drunk with the blood of the saints, and with
the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. Babylon is

33. A mulher (Babilnia) de Apocalipse 17,

descrita como estando vestida de prpura e
de escarlata, e adornada com ouro, e pedras
preciosas e prolas; e tinha na sua mo um
clice de ouro cheio das abominaes e da imundcia; ... e na sua testa estava escrito o nome:
Mistrio, a grande Babilnia, a me das prostituies. Diz o profeta: Vi que a mulher estava
embriagada do sangue dos santos, e do sangue
das testemunhas de Jesus. Declara ainda ser
O Rei do Norte 11

further declared to be that great city, which
reigneth over the kings of the earth. Revelation 17:46, 18. The power that for so many
centuries maintained despotic sway over the
monarchs of Christendom is Rome. The Great
Controversy, 382.

Babilnia a grande cidade que reina sobre os

reis da Terra. Apoc. 17:4-6 e 18. O poder que
por tantos sculos manteve desptico domnio
sobre os monarcas da cristandade, Roma. O
Grande Conflito, 382.

Come against like a Whirlwind

34. come-8175:a prim. root; to storm; by
impl. to shiver, i.e. fear-:be (horribly) afraid,
fear, hurl as a storm, be tempestuous, come
like (take away as with) a whirlwind.
against-5921: same as 5920. 5920: from
5927. 5927: Prim. root to ascend, intrans. (be
high) or act. (mount); used in great variety of
senses, primary and secondary, lit. and fig. (as
follows):- arise (up). (cause to) ascend up.
whirlwind-8175: same as come above.

Vir como Turbilho contra Ele

34. vir-8175:a raiz prim. ; tormentar; impl.
tremor, p.ex. temer-:estar (horrivelmente) atemorizado, temer, proferir como uma tormenta, ser tempestuoso, vir como (tirar como) um
contra-5921: o mesmo que 5920. 5920: de
5927. 5927: raiz prim. ascender, intrans. (estar alto) ou act. (montar); usado numa grande
variedade de sentidos, primria and secundaria, lit. e fig. (seguindo):- levantar-(se). (causar)
Turbilho-8175: igual a vir acima. Strongs.

With Chariots
35. Then Adonijah the son of Haggith exalted himself, saying, I will be king: and he
prepared him chariots and horsemen, and fifty
men to run before him. 1 Kings 1:5.

Com Carros e Cavaleiros

35. Ento, Adonias, filho de Hagite, se exaltou e disse: Eu reinarei. Providenciou carros, e
cavaleiros, e cinqenta homens que corressem
adiante dele. 1 Reis 1:5.

36. And Ben-hadad the king of Syria gathered all his host together: and there were twenty
and two kings with him, and horses and chariots: and he went up and besieged Samaria, and
warred against it. 1 Kings 20:1.

36. Ben-Hadade, rei da Sria, ajuntou todo

o seu exrcito; havia com ele trinta e dois reis,
e cavalos, e carros. Subiu, cercou a Samaria e
pelejou contra ela. 1 Reis 20:1.



37. Termos que estar preparados e esperan37. We are to be ready and waiting for the do as ordens de Deus. Naes sero agitadas
orders of God. Nations will be stirred to their no seu prprio centro. Sero retirados o apoio
very center. Support will be withdrawn from daqueles que proclamam a nica norma da
those who proclaim Gods only standard of justia de Deus como o nico teste certo do
righteousness as the only sure test of character. carter. E todos os que no se submeterem ao
And all who will not bow to the decree of na- decreto dos conselhos nacionais, e cumprirem
tional councils, and obey the national laws to as legislaes nacional para exaltar o sbado inexalt the sabbath instituted by the man of sin stitudo pelo homem do pecado para ignorar o
to disregard Gods holy day, will feel, not the santo dia de Deus, vo sentir-se, no somente
oppressive power of popery alone, but of the o poder opressivo do papado, mas do mundo
Protestant world, the image of the beast. Let- protestante, a imagem da besta. Letter 55,
ter 55, December 8, 1886.
December 8, 1886.

12 O Rei do Norte

38. They that go down to the sea in ships, that
do business in great waters. Psalm 107:23.

38. Os que descem ao mar em navios, os

que fazem comrcio nas grandes guas. Salmos

39. She is like the merchant ships; she 39. Ela como o navio mercante; ela traz sua
bringeth her food from afar. Proverbs 31:14.
comida de longe. Provrbios 31:14.
40. For in one hour so great riches is come to
nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company of ships, and sailors, and as many as trade
by sea, stood afar off, And cried when they saw
the smoke of her burning, saying, What city
is like unto this great city! And they cast dust
on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein
were made rich all that had ships in the sea by
reason of her coastlines! for in one hour she is
made desolate. Revelation 18:1719.

40. Porque, numa s hora, ficou devastada tamanha riqueza! E todo o piloto, e todo
aquele que navega livremente, e marinheiros,
e quantos labutam no mar conservaram-se de
longe. Ento, vendo a fumaceira do seu incndio, gritavam: Que cidade se compara grande
cidade? Lanaram p sobre a cabea e, chorando e pranteando, gritavam: Ai! Ai da grande
cidade, na qual se enriqueceram todos os que
possuam navios no mar, custa da sua opulncia, porque, numa s hora, foi devastada!
Apocalipse 18:17-19.

Overflow and pass through

41. overflow-7857: a prim. root; to gush; by
impl. to inundate, cleanse; by anal. to gallop,
conquer;- drown, (over-) flow (-whelm), rinse.
run. rush. (thoroughly) wash (away).
pass-5674: a prim. root; to cross over. Strongs.

Inundar e Passar
41. Overflow(Inundar) - 7857: a raiz primaria; jorrar; implicando inundar, limpar; por
analogia galopar, conquistar.;- afogar, (passar-)
fluir (-submergir), enxaguar. correr, apressar.
(completamente) lavagem (distante).pass5674: a raiz prim.; cruzar. Strongs.

Prophecy defined
42. Historical events, showing the direct
fulfillment of prophecy, were set before the
people, and prophecy was seen to be a figurative delineation of events leading down to the
close of this earths history. The scenes connected with the working of the man of sin are
the last features plainly revealed in this earths
history. Selected Messages, book 2, 102.

Definico da Profeca
42. Acontecimentos histricos, mostrando
o direto cumprimento da profecia, foram expostos ao povo, e viu-se que ela era um esboo figurado de acontecimentos que levam
ao encerramento da histria terrestre. As cenas
relacionadas com a obra do homem do pecado
so os ltimos aspectos claramente revelados
na histria terrestre. Mensagens Escolhidas, vol.
2, 102.

The ongoing War

43. When the Holy Roman Emperor Henry
IV decided to seek pardon of Pope Gregory VII
in 1077, he stood barefoot for three days in the
snow outside the papal quarters in Canossa,
Italy. Though Gorbachevs concordat with the
church was less arduous, it was no less significant in its way. Time, December 11, 1989.

A Guerra em Progresso
43. Quando o imperador do sacro Imprio
Romano Henrique IV, decidiu buscar o perdo
do Papa Gregrio VII em 1077, esteve descalo
durante trs dias na neve fria fora da residncia papal em Canosa, Itlia. A concordata de
Gorbachov com a igreja no foi menos significativa na sua esfera. Time, 11 de Dezembro de
O Rei do Norte 13



LEGIONS Title in the US News & World Report.

44. Gorby inclina-se perante as Legies Romanas Ttulo em U.S. News & Word Report.

45. The Soviet presidents session Friday

with Pope John Paul II is the latest development of a revolution in the Communist world
that the pope helped spark and Gorbachev has
allowed to happen. USA Today, cover story.

45. A sesso de sexta-feira do presidente Sovitico com o Papa John Paul II o mais recente desenvolvimento de uma revoluo no
mundo comunista que o papa ajudou a motivar e Gorbachev permitiu que acontecesse.
E.U.A. Hoje, abrange histria.

46. Until recently, the battalions of Marxism seemed to have the upper hand over the
soldiers of the Cross. In the wake of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, Lenin had pledged
toleration but delivered terror. Russia turned
crimson with the blood of martyrs, says Father
Gleb Yakunin, Russian Orthodoxys bravest agitator for religious freedom. In the Bolsheviks
first five years in power, 28 bishops and 1,200
priests were cut down by the red sickle. Stalin
greatly accelerated the terror, and by the end
of Khrushchevs rule, liquidation of the clergy
reached an estimated 50,000. After World War
II, fierce but generally less bloody persecution
spread into the Ukraine and the new Soviet
bloc, affecting millions of Roman Catholics
and Protestants as well as Orthodox. Time,
December 4, 1989.

46. At h pouco tempo, batalhes do Marxismo pareciam ter a vantagem sobre os soldados da Cruz. Depois da revoluo Bolchevique
de 1917, Lenin prometeu tolerncia, mas em
vez disso, causou terror. A Rssia enrubesceu
com o sangue dos mrtires, disse o padre GlebYakunin, o agitador mais bravo da religio
ortodoxa russa em favor da liberdade religiosa.
Nos primeiros cinco anos dos bolcheviques
no poder, 28 bispos e 1200 sacerdotes foram
assassinados pela foice vermelha. Stalin acelerou grandemente o ambiente de terror, e j
no final do regime de Kruschev, a eliminao
do clero alcanou uma estimativa de 50.000
vtimas. Depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial,
uma perseguio feroz mas de um carcter menos sangrento, expandiu-se por toda a Ucrnia
e pelo novo bloco sovitico, afetando milhes
de Catlicos Romanos e Protestantes, como
tambm ortodoxos. Time, 4 de Dezembro de

The Fatima miracle was also in 1917, Selah. O milagre da Ftima tambem aconteceu em
47. The rush to freedom in Eastern Europe 47. A pressa para a liberdade na Europa do
is a sweet victory for John Paul II. Life, De- Leste uma doce vitria para Joo Paulo II.
cember 1989.
Life, Dezembro de 1989.
He shall overflow, (rush), and pass through. Pasar e inundar
48. In private meetings with heads of state,
back room consultations with dissident groups
and persistent propagandizing for his crusade
against tyranny, he [John Paul II] has helped
bring about the greatest policy change since the
Russian Revolution. Life, December 1989.
14 O Rei do Norte

48. Em reunies privadas com dirigentes

de estado, consultas secretas com dissidentes e
uma persistente propaganda a favor da sua cruzada contra a tirania, ele (Joo Paulo II) ajudou
a criar a maior mudana poltica desde a revoluo russa. Life, Dezembro de 1989.

49. His [Pope John Paul II] triumphant
tour of Poland in 1979, says Polish bishop, altered the mentality of fear, the fear of police
and tanks, of losing your job, of not getting
promoted, of being thrown out of school, of
failing to get a passport. People learned that if
they ceased to fear the system, the system was
helpless. Thus was born Solidarity, backed by
the church and led by such friends of the pope
as Lech Walesa and Tadeusz Mazowieke, who
subsequently became the Soviet blocs first
Christian Prime Minister. Time, December 4,

49. Pela sua (de Joo Paulo II) triunfante

viagem pela Polnia em 1979, disse um bispo
polaco, que alterou a mentalidade de temor, o
temor polcia e aos tanques, o temor a perder
o trabalho, a no ser promovido, a ser expulso
da escola, a no poder obter um passaporte. O
povo deu-se conta de que, se deixasse de temer
o sistema, o sistema tornar-se-ia impotente.
Dessa forma, nasceu o Solidariedade, apoiado
pela igreja e dirigido por amigos do papa, tais
como Lech Walesa e Tadeus Mazowieke, que
se tornou na primeira pessoa crist a ocupar a
posio de primeiro ministro no bloco sovitico. Time, 4 de Dezembro de 1989.

50. In 1935 Josef Stalin, absolute ruler of

the Soviet Union, was given some unsolicited
advice. Make a propitiatory gesture to the Vatican, he was told. Pushed too far, his countrys
Catholics might become counterrevolutionary.
Stalins great mustache amplified his sneer. The
pope. And how many divisions has he? The
answer then was that he has none. The answer
now is that he needs none. The structures of
Communism are crumbling to the touch.
Life, December 1989.

50. A Josef Stalin, em 1935, o lder absoluto

da Unio Sovitica, foi-lhe dado um conselho
que ele no havia solicitado. Foi-lhe dito que
fizesse um gesto conciliador com o Vaticano.
Ao serem pressionados at ao extremo, os
catlicos do seu pas poderiam tornar-se contra-revolucionrios. O enorme bigode de Stalin ampliou um sorriso de desprezo. O papa,
quantas divises tem? Naquele tempo a resposta foi que no tinha nenhuma. Atualmente,
a resposta que ele no necessita de nenhuma.
As estruturas do comunismo esto sendo derrubadas perante o seu toque. Life, Dezembro
de 1989.
O rei do sul epurro contra o rei do norte.

king of the south pushed against the king

of the north.
51. While Gorbachevs hands-off policy was
the immediate cause of the chain reaction of
liberty that has swept through Eastern Europe
in the past few months, John Paul deserves
much of the longer-range credit. Time, December 4, 1989.

51. Apesar da poltica de Gorbachev ter sido

a causa imediata da reao em cadeia para a
liberdade, que varreu a Europa do Leste durante os passados meses, Joo Paulo II merece
muito desse mrito. Time, 4 de Dezembro de

52. Of all the events that have shaken the

Soviet bloc in 1989, none is more fraught with
historyor more implausiblethan the polite
encounter to take place this week in Vatican
City. There, in the spacious ceremonial library
of the 16th century Apostolic Palace, the czar
of world atheism, Mikhail Gorbachev, will visit
the Vicar of Christ, Pope John Paul II.
The moment will be electric, not only because John Paul helped inflame the fervor for

52. De todos os eventos que sacudiram o

bloco sovitico em 1989, nenhum est mais
cheio de histria ou o mais improvvel, do
que o cordial encontro que ter lugar esta semana na cidade do Vaticano. L, na ampla biblioteca cerimonial do Palcio Apostlico, construda durante o sculo XVI, o czar do mundo
ateu, Mikhail Gorbachev, visitar o vigrio de
Cristo, o papa Joo Paulo II. O momento
ser excitante, no s porque Joo Paulo II
O Rei do Norte 15

freedom in his Polish homeland that swept like
brush fire across Eastern Europe. Beyond that,
the meeting of the two men symbolizes the
end of the 20th centurys most dramatic spiritual war, a conflict in which the seemingly irresistible force of Communism battered against
the immovable object of Christianity. Time,
December 4, 1989.
come against like a whirlwind
IIThe tide of freedom washing over Eastern
Europe answers his most fervent prayer. Life,
December, 1989.

ajudou a inflamar o fervor pela liberdade na

sua terra natal, a Polnia, que alastrou como
um fogo consumidor ao longo da Europa do
Leste; mais do que isso, a reunio dos dois homens simboliza o fim da guerra espiritual mais
dramtica do sculo XX um conflito no qual,
a fora aparentemente irresistvel do comunismo chocou contra o propsito inamovvel do
cristianismo. Time, 4 de Dezembro de 1989.

Vir em contra como um Turbilho
53. O triunfo de JOO PAULO II - A mar
de liberdade inundando a Europa Oriental
respostas de sua mais fervorosa orao. Life,
December, 1989.

54. Days of the Whirlwind Title in Newsweek, December 25, 1989.

54. Dias de turbilho Title in Newsweek,
December 25, 1989.

like a whirlwind.
55. In 1981, the Communist bloc got another shock. A new American President, Ronald Reagan, began fulfilling his promise to challenge the Soviets, not to placate them. Over
the next few years, he accelerated the military
buildup and announced the Strategic Defense
Initiative (SDI), a space-based system for protecting against missile attack. He backed anticommunist rebels in Nicaragua, Angola, Cambodia, and Afghanistan. And with American
troops, he liberated the island of Grenada from
Communist thugs.
The Soviets confidence was shaken. . . .
The Western Europeans also pressured the
Soviets. NATO forged ahead with military
modernization. German voters spurned Soviet
peace overtures and elected a government that
voted to deploy new intermediate-range missiles. . . .
Military pressure from America and its
Western allies had caused the Soviets to flinch.
Readers Digest, March 1990.

igual a um turbilho.
55. Em 1981, o bloco comunista recebeu
outro choque. O novo presidente americano
Ronald Reagan, comeou a cumprir a sua
promessa de desafiar os soviticos, em vez de
concili-los. Atravs dos prximos anos, ele
acelerou o desenvolvimento militar e anunciou
a Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) (Iniciativa
de Defesa Estratgica), um sistema localizado
no espao para a proteo contra ataques de
msseis. Ele apoiou os rebeldes anticomunistas
na Nicargua, Angola, Cambodja e Afeganisto. E usando tropas americanas, libertou a
ilha de Granada das mos de criminosos comunistas..
A confiana dos soviticos foi abalada. ...
Os Europeus Ocidentais tambm pressionoram os soviticos. NATO deu forma a modernizao militar. Eleitores alemes rejeitaro
os propsitos de paz Sovitico e elegeram
um governo que implantasse novos msseis de
distncia intermdia. . . .
Presso militar dos Estados Unidos e seus
aliados ocidentais haviam causado o recuar dos
soviticos. Readers Digest, March 1990.

With chariots and horsemen.

Com Carros e Cavaleiros.
56. Gorbachev has also grasped the fact 56. Gorbachev tambm compreendeu o fato
that political and economic survival depends de que a sobrevivncia poltica e econmica
16 O Rei do Norte

upon the goodwill of the Soviet people, among
whom Christians have always outnumbered
Communists. Gorbachev, moreover, needs
the cooperation of the West, observes Father
Mark, a reform-minded Orthodox priest in
Moscow, who considers Gorbachevs program
within the USSR a result of foreign policy necessity. Time, December 4, 1989.

depende da boa vontade do povo sovitico, em

meio da qual, os cristos sempre excederam em
nmero os comunistas. Alm disso, Gorbachev,
necessita da cooperao do Ocidente, observou em Moscou o padre Mark, um sacerdote
ortodoxo, com uma mentalidade orientada
para a reforma, e que considera o programa de
Gorbachev dentro da Unio Sovitica: O resultado de uma necessidade criada pela poltica
exterior. Time, 4 de Dezembro de 1989

with many ships.

57. With the Popes support, Solidarity (Polish Labor Union) was formed, and John Paul
II sent word to Moscow that if Soviet forces
crushed Solidarity, he would go to Poland and
stand with the people. The Soviets were so
alarmed that they hatched a plot to kill him. .
. . The Pope cautioned Solidarity leaders, particularly his friend Lech Walesa, to proceed
slowly. They did. In 1988 General Wojciech
Jaruzelski, the Polish communist leader, went
to them offering a deal. Solidarity insisted on
an election, which it carried with some 80 percent of the vote. When the Communist government fell, the impact on Eastern Europe
was electrifying. Readers Digest, March 1990.

Com muitos navos

57. Solidariedade, (um sindicato polons),
formou-se com o apoio do papa, e Joo Paulo
II mandou dizer a Moscou que se os exrcitos
soviticos subjugassem o Solidariedade, ele iria
Polnia e apoiaria o seu povo. Os soviticos
ficaram to alarmados que idealizaram um
plano para o assassinar. O papa advertiu os
dirigentes do Solidariedade, particularmente
o seu amigo Lech Walesa, para que procedessem com cuidado. Eles assim o fizeram. Em
1988, o General Wojciech Jaruzelski, o lder
comunista polons, aproximou-se deles para
oferecer-lhes um acordo. O Solidariedade insistiu em convocar uma eleio, a qual ganhou
com oitenta por cento dos votos. Quando o
governo comunista caiu, o impacto sobre a Europa do Leste foi eletrizante. Readers Digest,
Maro de 1990.

58. In May, 1981, before a vast audience

in St. Peters Square, Pope John Paul was shot
and severely wounded by Mehmet Ali Agea.
There was immediate speculation that the gunman had been sent by East bloc plotters from
Bulgaria, sponsored by the Soviet secret police.
Their aim: to silence the one man capable of
shaking the foundations of international Communism. Life, December 1989.

58. Em Maio de 1981, diante de uma

enorme audincia reunida na Praa de S. Pedro, o papa Joo Paulo II foi atingido e ferido
severamente por Mehmet Ali Agca. Houve
imediata especulao de que o assassino turco
tinha sido enviado da Bulgria por conspiradores do bloco comunista, os quais eram patrocinados pela polcia secreta sovitica. O seu
propsito era silenciar o nico homem capaz
de sacudir o fundamento do comunismo internacional. Life, Dezembro de 1989.

59. In Poland the freedom movement was

born almost three decades ago when the bishop of Krakow sought approval to build a new
church. When Communist authorities denied
his application, the bishop had a giant cross
erected and celebrated open-air masses. The

59. Na Polnia o movimento da liberdade

nasceu h quase trs dcadas, quando o bispo
de Cracvia procurou aprovao para construir
uma nova igreja. Quando as autoridades comunistas negaram a sua aprovao, o bispo
fez com que se erigisse uma cruz gigantesca
O Rei do Norte 17

Communist tore it down. The church mem- e celebrou missas ao ar livre. Os comunistas
bers replaced it over and over until finally the derrubaram-na. Os paroquianos reergueramCommunists gave up. Jubilee, April 1990.
na vez aps vez, at que finalmente os comunistas se deram por vencidos. Jubilee, Abril de
That bishop of Krakow is now Pope John Aquele bispo de Krakow agora o Papa
Joo Paulo.
60. When Tadeusz Mazowiecki took over in 60. Quando em Agosto de 1989 Tadeusz
August 1989 as Polands first non-Communist Mazowiecki assumiu o poder como primeiro
prime minister in 45 years, he was asked if he indivduo no comunista eleito para ser
was a socialist. I am a Catholic, he answered primeiro ministro da Polnia em quarenta e
tersely. US News and World Report, May 21, cinco anos, foi-lhe perguntado se era socialista.
Sou catlico respondeu asperamente. U. S.
News and Word Report, 21 de Maio de 1990.
61. Last year Lithuanias two leading bishops were returned to head dioceses after a
combined 53 years of internal exile, and the
cathedral in Vilnius, previously used as an art
museum, was restored for worship. This year
the Belorussian republic got its first bishop in
63 years. That paved the way for Archbishop
Angelo Sodano, who oversees the Vaticans foreign relations, to make the arraignments for
Gorbachevs historic visit to the Holy See.
These concessions to Catholicism are only
part of Gorbachevs religious liberalization.
Time, December 4, 1989.

61. No ano passado, foi permitido aos bispos mais importantes da Litunia regressarem
para que dirigissem as suas dioceses depois de
53 anos de exlio interno, e a catedral em Vilna,
que tinha sido usada anteriormente como museu de arte, foi devolvida para a adorao. Neste
ano, foi atribuda Repblica da Bielorrussia o
seu primeiro bispo em sessenta e trs anos. Isso
preparou o terreno para que o Arcebispo ngelo Soldano, que supervisiona as relaes exteriores do Vaticano, tomasse providncias para a
histrica visita de Gorbachev Santa S.
Essas concesses ao catolicismo so apenas
uma parte da liberalizao religiosa de Gorbachev. Time, 4 de Dezembro de 1989.

62. Three new Catholic bishops have recently been named in Czechoslovakia. And
this month Gorbachev meets Pope John Paul
II during a visit to Italy-the first face-to-face
encounter between leaders of the Kremlin and
the Vatican. The sessions may lead to legalization of the long-banned Ukrainian Catholic
Church in the USSR. Life, December, 1989.

62. Trs novos bispos catlicos foram nomeados recentemente na Tchecolosvquia.

E neste ms Gorbachev encontra o papa
Joo Paulo II durante uma visita na Italia - o
primeiro encontro face-a-face entre lderes do
Kremlin e do Vatican. A sesso poderia possibilitar a legalizao da interdio da Igreja
Catlica Ukraniana na USSR. Life, December,

63. The revival of religious freedom is expected to include lifting of an official ban on
the five-million-member Ukraine Catholic
Church, which has survived underground
since 1946 when Stalin ordered it absorbed
into the Russian Orthodox Church. Winning
legalization for the Ukrainian Church has
been a primary aim of the popes. Officials in

63. Espera-se que o reavivamento da liberdade religiosa inclua a revogao da proibio

oficial contra a igreja catlica na Ucrnia, que
tem cinco milhes de membros, a qual tem
sobrevivido clandestinamente desde 1946,
quando Stalin ordenou que fosse absorvida
pela igreja ortodoxa russa. Obter a legalizao
da igreja ucraniana, tem sido um dos objetivos

18 O Rei do Norte

the Soviet Union say they will clear the way for
legalization by permitting Ukrainian Catholics
to register, as other religious groups are now
required to do under Soviet law. US News and
World Report, December 11, 1989.

principais do papa. Oficiais da Unio Sovitica

dizem que aplanaro o caminho para a legalizao, ao permitirem que os catlicos ucranianos
se registrem, como agora requerido de outros
grupos religiosos sob a alada da lei Sovitica.
U. S. News and Word Report, 11 de Dezembro
de 1989.
He shall enter into the countries and pass Ele entrar nas suas terras e passar

64. In the 1980s, Communist economies, 64. No ano de 1980, a economia comunista,
always inefficient, went belly up. Before, they sempre ineficiente, foi para baixo. Antes, eles
had lacked consumer and luxury goods. Now tinham faltado artigos de consumo e luxo. Agperennial shortages of staples worsened as well. ora perene a escassez de grampos piorou tamWhen Soviet miners went on strike in 1989, bm. Quando os mineiros Soviticos entraram
their demands included soap, toilet paper, and em greve em 1989, suas demandas incluram
sugar. Readers Digest, March 1990.
sabo, papel higinico e acar. Readers Digest, March 1990.
65. For Gorbachev, the ferment in the Baltics is shaking not just a small corner of the
empire built by Lenin and Stalin, but the
foundations of the empire itself. The nationalities question is a potent distillation of many
other signs, from a crumbling economy to
violent ethnic clashes, that the breathtaking
disintegration of the Soviet empire in Eastern
Europe may not stop at the Soviet border. As
the economy deteriorates and shortages grow,
public disillusionment with Communism and
with Gorbachev himself is rising, and hostile
republics, nationalities and interests groups are
competing more fiercely for political power
and for shares in the shrinking economy. Corruption and crime are rampant; minors and
railway workers threaten to cut off fuel supplies during the bitter winter; Azerbaijanis cut
the rail line to an Armenian enclave in their
midst; farmers hoard food, leaving city shelves
bare. US News and World Report, January 15,

65. Para Gorbachev, o descontentamento

no Bltico est sacudindo no somente uma
pequena poro do imprio formado por Lenin
e Stalin, como tambm o prprio fundamento
do imprio. O assunto das nacionalidades
uma forte combinao de muitos outros sinais,
desde uma economia decadente, at violentos
choques tnicos, que indicam que a impressionante desintegrao do imprio sovitico na
Europa de Leste poder no se deter apenas na
fronteira sovitica. medida que a economia se
deteriora e que a escassez aumenta, a desiluso
pblica com o comunismo e com o prprio
Gorbachev est crescendo, e as repblicas hostis, as diferentes nacionalidades e os grupos de
interesses privados esto competindo freneticamente para obterem poder poltico e para
conseguirem uma participao na decrescente
economia. A corrupo e o crime proliferam;
os mineiros e os operrios ferrovirios ameaam suspender o abastecimento de combustvel durante o frio inverno; o Azerbaijo corta
as linhas frreas que conduziam ao enclave da
Armnia dentro do seu territrio; os agricultores acumulam alimentos, deixando vazios
os abastecimentos na cidade. U.S.News and
Word Report, 15 de Janeiro de 1990.

66. Holy Alliance, Time magazine, February

24, 1992, Cover Title.

66. Santa Aliana, Time magazine, February

24, 1992, Cover Title.
O Rei do Norte 19

DEATH-At their first meeting, Reagan and
John Paul II discussed something else they had
in common: both had survived assassination
attempts that occurred only six weeks apart in
1981, and both believed God had saved them
for a special mission. And both referred to
the miraculous fact that they had survived.
Time magazine, February 24, 1992.

67. Algo em Comum com a Morte - Na

sua primeira reunio, Reagan e Joo Paulo II
discutiram uma outra coisa que tinham em
comum: ambos tinham sobrevivido atentados
que ocorreram apenas seis semanas de intervalo, em 1981, e ambos acreditavam que Deus
tinha os guardado para uma misso especial.
E ambos se referiram para o milagroso fato
de que tinham sobrevivido. Time magazine,
February 24, 1992.

deadly wound that was healed

68. Only President Ronald Reagan and
Pope John Paul II were present in the Vatican
Library on Monday, June 7, 1982. It was the
first time the two had met, and they talked for
50 minutes. . . .
In that meeting, Reagan and the pope
agreed to undertake a clandestine campaign
to hasten the dissolution of the Communist
empire. Declares Richard Allen, Reagans first
National Security Advisor: This was one of the
great secret alliances of all time.. . . .
Reagan came with very simple and strongly held views, says Admiral Bobby Inman, former deputy director of the CIA. It is a valid
point that he saw the collapse (of Communism) coming and he pushed it hard. During the first part of 1982, a five-part strategy
emerged that was aimed at bringing about the
collapse of the Soviet economy. . . .
1. The U.S. defense buildup, already under way, aimed at making it too costly for the
Soviets to compete militarily with the U.S..
Reagans Strategic Defense Initiative-Star Wars
became a centerpiece of the strategy.

a ferida de morte que foi curado

68. S o presidente Ronald Reagan e o Pope
John Paul II estiveram presentes na Biblioteca
do Vaticano, na segunda-feira, 7 de junho de
1982. Foi a primeira vez que os dois se reuniram, e eles conversaram por 50 minutos.
Nesse encontro, o papa Reagan o concordaram em realizar uma campanha clandestina
para apressar a dissoluo do imprio comunista. Declara Richard Allen, da primeira Reagan
National Security Advisor: Esta foi uma das
grandes alianas secretas de todos os tempos..
Reagan veio com argumentos e pontos de
vistas simples e fortes, diz Almirante Bobby
Inman, ex-vice-diretor da CIA. um ponto
vlido dizer que viu o colapso (do comunismo) vindo e empurrou com fora. Durante
a primeira parte de 1982, uma estratgia de
cinco partes emergiu, cuja meta foi efetuar o
calpso da economia Sovitica. ...
1. A construo da defesa dos EUA, j
em progresso, apontava o plano para fazer a
competio militar entre os Soviticos com os
Americanos muito cara. A estratgia de Reagen
chamado Iniciativa de Defesa Estratgia - Star
Wars tornou-se o ponto central do plano.

with horses not by his own power

Daniel 8:24.

Com cavalos no pelas suas prprias

fora Daniel 8:24

2. Covert operations aimed at encouraging

2. Operaes secretas com a meta de encojar
reform movements in Hungary, Czechoslova- movimentos de reforma na Hungria, Tchecokia, and Poland.
losvkia e Polonia.
he shall cause craft to prosper in his far properar o engano na sua mo Daniel
hand Daniel 8:25.
20 O Rei do Norte

3. Financial aid to Warsaw-Pact nations calibrated to their willingness to protect human
rights and undertake political and free-market
4. Economic isolation of the Soviet Union
and the withholding of Western and Japanese
technology from Moscow. The administration
focused on denying the USSR what it had
hoped would be its principal source of hard
currency in the twenty-first century: profits
from a transcontinental pipeline to supply
natural gas to Western Europe.

3. Ajuda financeira para pases do pcto

de Warsvia de acordo com sua vontade para
proteger direitos humanos e realizar reformas
polticas do mercado livre.
4. A isolao econoica da Unio Sovitica e reter tecnologia tecnologia Ocidental e
Japonesa de Moscou. O foco da administrao
era negar `a Unio Sovitica aquilo que eles
esperaram que ia ser a sua primeira fonte de
lucro no sculo 20: Lucros de tubos transcontinetais para suprir gs natural para a Europa
do Oeste. ...

with ships
5. Increased use of Radio Liberty, Voice of
America and Radio Free Europe to transmit
Administrations messages to the people of
Eastern Europe. . . .

com navios
5. Aumento do uso da Radio Liberty, Voice of
America e Radio Free Europe para transmitir
mensagens administrativas para o povo da
Europa do Este. ...

speak as a dragon Revelation 13:11.

e falava como drago Apocalipse 13:11

69. Like all great and lucky leaders, the

pope and President exploited the forces of history to their own ends. Time, February 4,
1992, 2930.

69. Como todos os grandes e sortudos lderes, o papa e o presidente tiraram proveito
das foras da histria para conseguirem os seus
prprios fins. Time, 24 de Fevereiro de 1992,
pgs. 29-30.

through his policy

Atravs da sua poltica

The Impending Sunday Law

A Lei Dominical Pendente

70. Heretofore those who presented the

third angels message have often been regarded
as mere alarmists. Their predictions that religious intolerance would gain control in the
United States, that church and state would
unite to persecute those who keep the commandments of God, have been pronounced
groundless and absurd. . . . But as the question of enforcing Sunday observance is widely
agitated, the event so long doubted and disbelieved is seen to be approaching, and the third
message will produce an effect which it could
not have had before. The Great Controversy,

70. At aqui, os que apresentavam as verdades

da mensagem do terceiro anjo foram muitas
vezes considerados como simples alarmistas.
Suas predies de que a intolerncia religiosa
alcanaria predomnio nos Estados Unidos,
de que a Igreja e o Estado se uniriam para
perseguir os que guardam os mandamentos
de Deus, foram declaradas sem fundamento e
absurdas. Mas, ao ser a questo da obrigatoriedade da observncia do domingo amplamente
agitada, v-se aproximar o fato h
tanto tempo duvidado e descrido, e a terceira mensagem produzir um efeito que antes
no seria possvel produzir. O Grande Conflito, 605, 606.

O Rei do Norte 21

71. He shall enter also into the glorious land,
and many countries shall be overthrown: but
these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom,
and Moab, and the chief of the children of
Ammon. Daniel 11:41.

71. E entrar tambm na terra gloriosa, e

muitos pases sero derribados, mas escaparo
da sua mo estes: Edom e Moabe, e as primcias dos filhos de Amom. Daniel 11:41.

72. glorious6643: in the sense of promi- 72. glorious6643: in the sense of prominence; splendor (as conspicuous), beautiful, nence; splendor (as conspicuous), beautiful,
goodly. Strongs.
goodly. Strongs.
73. But he that cometh against him shall do
according to his own will, and none shall stand
before him: and he shall stand in the glorious
land, which by his hand shall be consumed.
Daniel 11:16.

73. O que pois h de vir contra ele far segundo a sua vontade, e ningum poder permanecer diante dele; e estar na terra gloriosa, e
por sua mo se far destruio.Daniel 11:16

74. Uriah Smith describes the previous

After putting an end to the war, Pompey
demolished the walls of Jerusalem, transferred
several cities from the jurisdiction of Judea
to that of Syria, and imposesd tribute on the
Jews. For the first time Jerusalem was by conquest placed in the hands of Rome, that power
was to hold the glorious land in its iron grasp
till it had utterly consumed it. Daniel and the
Revlation, 247.

74. Uriah Smith descreve o verso anterior:

Tendo posto fim guerra, Pompeu demoliu os muros de Jerusalm, transferiu vrias
cidades da jurisdio da Judia para a Sria e
imps tributo aos judeus. Assim, pela primeira
vez Jerusalm foi colocada mediante conquista
nas mos de Roma, a potncia que havia de
manter a terra gloriosa nas suas garras de ferro
at que a houvesse consumido. Daniel e Apocalipse, 247.

75. I pray thee, let me go over, and see the 75. Rogo-te que me deixes passar, para que
good land that is beyond Jordan, that goodly veja esta boa terra que est dalm do Jordo;
mountain, and Lebanon. Deuteronomy 3:25.
esta boa montanha, e o Lbano! Deuteronmio
76. William Miller included his conviction
of the United States having a divine purpose in
his statement which describes why he was led
to his understanding which sparked the Millerite movement:
In 1813, I received a Captains commission
in the U.S. service, and continued in the army
until peace was declared. While there, many
occurences served to weaken my confidence in
the correctness of Deistical principles.
I was led frequently to compare this country to the children of Israel, before whom
God drove out the inhabitants of their land.
It seemed to me that the Supreme Being must
have watched over the interests of this country
in an especial manner, and delivered us from
22 O Rei do Norte

76. Willian Miller encluiu suas convices

do EUA tendo um propsito divino na sua declarao a qual descreve o porque ele foi guiado
para seu entendimento a qual acendeu a fasca
no movimento Millerita:
Em 1813, Eu recebi uma comisso de
Capito nos servios nos EUA, e continuou
nas foras armadas at ser declarada a paz. Enquanto estava ali, muitas ocorrencias ajudaram
a debilitar a sua confiana nos corretos princpios Divinos.
Eu fui frequentemente guiado para comparar este pas com os filhos de Israel, perante dos
cuais Deus tirou os seus abitantes do seu pais.

the hands of our enemies.
I was particularly impressed with this view
when I was in battle of Platsburg, when with
1500 regulars, and about 4000 volunteers, we
defeated the British, who were 15,000 strong;
we being also successful at the same time in an
engagement with the British fleet on the lake.
At the commencement of the battle, we looked
upon our defeat as almost certain, and yet we
were victorious. So surprising a result against
such odds, did seem to me like the work of a
mightier power than man. Mr. Millers Apology and Defence, 12.
77. God brought His chosen people out of
the land of Egypt. . . . that He might bring
them to a good land, a land which in His
providence He had prepared for them as a refuge from their enemies. He would bring them
to Himself and encircle them in His everlasting arms; and in return for His goodness and
mercy they were to exalt His name and make it
glorious in the earth. Prophets and Kings, 16.

77. Deus tirou Seu povo escolhido da terra

do Egito... para que pudesse lev-los a uma
boa terra - uma terra que em Sua providncia
havia-lhes preparado como refgio de seus inimigos. Queria traz-los para Si, e envolv-los
em Seus braos eternos; e em retribuio de
Sua bondade e misericrdia deviam eles exaltar
Seu nome e faz-lo glorioso na Terra. Profetas
e Reis, 16.

78. Is it in vain that the declaration of eternal truth has been given to this nation to be
carried to all the nations of the world? God
has chosen a people and made them the repositories of truth weighty with eternal results.
To them has been given the light that must illuminate the world. Has God made a mistake?
Are we indeed His chosen instrumentalities?
Are we the men and women who are to bear to
the world the messages of Revelation fourteen,
to proclaim the message of salvation to those
who are standing on the brink of ruin? Do we
act as if we were? Selected Messages, book 1, 92.

78. Ser em vo que a declarao da verdade

eterna foi dada a esta nao para ser levada a
todas as naes do mundo? Deus escolheu um
povo e f-los mordomos da verdade repleta de
resultados eternos. Foi-lhes confiada a luz que
tem de iluminar o mundo. Acaso cometeu o
Senhor um erro? Somos ns em verdade os instrumentos da Sua escolha? Somos ns os homens e as mulheres que devem levar ao mundo
as mensagens de Apocalipse catorze, proclamar
a mensagem de salvao aos que se encontram
beira da runa? Agimos ns como se o fssemos? Mensagens Escolhidas, vol. 1, 92.

79. In those days the house of Judah shall

walk with the house of Israel, and they shall
come together out of the land of the north to
the land that I have given for an inheritance
unto your fathers. But I said, How shall I put
thee among the children, and give thee a pleasant land, a goodly heritage of the hosts of the
nations? and I said, Thou shalt call me, My
father; and shalt not turn away from me. Jeremiah 3:1819.

79. Naqueles dias andar a casa de Jud

com a casa de Israel; e viro juntas da terra do
norte, para a terra que dei em herana a vossos
pais. Mas Eu dizia: Como te porei entre os
filhos, e te darei a terra desejvel, a excelente
herana dos exrcitos das naes? E Eu disse:
Pai me chamars, e de Mim te no desviars.
Jeremias 3:18-19.

O Rei do Norte 23

80. When the land which the Lord provided
as an asylum for His people, that they might
worship Him according to the dictates of their
own consciences, the land over which for long
years the shield of Omnipotence has been
spread, the land which God has favored by
making it the depository of the pure religion of
Christ,when that land shall, through its legislators, abjure the principles of Protestantism,
and give countenance to Romish apostasy in
tampering with Gods law,it is then that the
final work of the man of sin will be revealed.
Signs of the Times, June 12, 1893.

80. Quando a terra que o Senhor proveu

como um asilo para o Seu povo, para que O
adorassem de acordo com as ordens da sua
conscincia, a terra sobre a qual o escudo da
Onipotncia foi colocado por longos anos, a
terra que Deus favoreceu, fazendo-a depositria da religio pura de Cristo quando essa
nao, mediante os seus legisladores, abdicar
dos princpios do protestantismo e promover a
apostasia romana de falsificar a lei de Deus
ento que a obra final do homem do pecado se
revelar. The Signs of the Times, 12-06-1893.

81. The Lord has done more for the United

States than any other country upon which the
sun shines. Here He provided an asylum for
His people, where they could worship Him
according to the dictates of conscience. Here
Christianity has progressed in its purity. The
life-giving doctrine of the one Mediator between God and man has been freely taught.
God designed that this country should ever
remain free for all people to worship Him in
accordance with the dictates of conscience. He
designed that its civil institutions, in their expansive productions, should represent the freedom of gospel privileges. Maranatha, 193.

81. O Senhor tem feito mais pelos Estados

Unidos do que por qualquer outro pas sobre
o qual brilha o Sol. Aqui Ele proveu um asilo
para o Seu povo, onde pudessem ador-Lo de
acordo com os ditames da conscincia. Aqui o
cristianismo tem progredido na sua pureza. A
vivificante doutrina do nico Mediador entre
Deus e o homem tem sido ensinada livremente.
Era desgnio de Deus que este pas sempre permanecesse livre para todas as pessoas O adorarem de acordo com os ditames da conscincia.
Ele tencionava que as suas instituies civis,
nas suas dilatadas produes, representassem
a liberdade dos privilgios evanglicos. Maranata, 191.

82. The unrivaled mercies and blessings of

God have been showered upon our nation,
it has been a land of liberty, and the glory of
the whole earth. Review and Herald, May 2,
83. America, . . . where the greatest light
from heaven has been shining upon the people, can become the place of greatest peril and
darkness because the people do not continue
to practice the truth and walk in the light. Selected Messages, book 3, 387.
84. The people of the United States have
been a favored people; but when they restrict
religious liberty, surrender Protestantism, and
give countenance to popery, the measure of
their guilt will be full, and national apostasy
will be registered in the books of heaven. The
24 O Rei do Norte

82. The unrivaled mercies and blessings of

God have been showered upon our nation,
it has been a land of liberty, and the glory of
the whole earth. Review and Herald, May 2,
83. Os Estados Unidos, onde tem estado
a brilhar sobre o povo a maior luz do cu, pode
tornar-se no lugar de maior perigo e obscuridade, porque o povo no continua a praticar a
verdade e a andar na luz. Mensagens Escolhidas, vol. 3, 387.
84. O povo dos Estados Unidos tem sido
um povo favorecido, mas quando eles restringirem a liberdade religiosa, renunciarem ao
protestantismo e apoiarem o papado, a medida
da sua culpa estar cheia, e nos livros do Cu
ser escrito: apostasia nacional. O resultado

result of this apostasy will be national ruin.
Review and Herald, May 2, 1893.

desta apostasia ser a runa nacional. Eventos

Finais, 133.

85. Our land is in jeopardy. The time is

drawing on when its legislators shall so abjure the principles of Protestantism as to give
countenance to Romish apostasy. The people
for whom God has so marvelously wrought,
strengthening them to throw off the galling
yoke of popery, will by a national act give vigor
to the corrupt faith of Rome, and thus arouse
the tyranny which only waits for a touch to
start again into cruelty and despotism. With
rapid steps are we already approaching this period. The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 4, 410.

85. A nossa nao est em perigo. Est

chegando o tempo em que os seus legisladores
abjuraro de tal forma os princpios do protestantismo que apoiaro a apostasia romana. O
povo a favor do qual Deus tem operado de forma to maravilhosa, fortalecendo-o para que se
desembarace do amargo jugo do papado, mediante um ato nacional, dar vigor corrupta
f de Roma, e dessa forma, despertar a tirania
que s espera um toque para comearem novamente a crueldade e o despotismo. Com rpidos passos, estamos aproximando-nos desse
perodo. The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 4, 410.

86. When the law of God is made void the
church will be sifted by fiery trials, and a larger
portion than we now anticipate, will give heed
to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. Selected Messages, book 2, 368.
87. The great issue near at hand will weed
out those whom God has not appointed and
He will have a pure, true, sanctified ministry
prepared for the latter rain. Selected Messages,
book 3, 385.
88. As the storm approaches, a large class
who have professed faith in the third angels
message, but have not been sanctified through
obedience to the truth, abandon their position and join the ranks of the opposition. The
Great Controversy, 608.
89. In the absence of the persecution there
have drifted into our ranks men who appear
sound and their Christianity unquestionable,
but who, if persecution should arise, would go
out from us. Evangelism, 360.
90. The work which the church has failed
to do in a time of peace and prosperity she
will have to do in a terrible crisis under most
discouraging, forbidding circumstances. The
warnings that worldly conformity has silenced

86. Quando a lei de Deus for anulada, a
Sua igreja ser peneirada por provas terrveis, e
uma proporo maior do que agora podemos
prever, dar ouvidos a espritos enganadores e
doutrinas de demnios. Mensagens Escolhidas,
vol. 2, 368.
87. O grande assunto que muito em breve
enfrentaremos, [a prova do sbado], eliminar
a todos aqueles a quem Deus no assinalou, e
Ele ter um ministrio puro, verdadeiro, santificado, preparado para a chuva serdia
Mensagens Escolhidas, vol. 3, 385.
88. Ao aproximar-se a tempestade, uma
classe numerosa que tem professado f na
mensagem do terceiro anjo, mas no tem sido
santificada pela obedincia verdade, abandona a sua posio, passando para as fileiras do
adversrio. O Grande Conflito, 608.
89. Na ausncia da perseguio, tm entrado para as nossas fileiras, homens que parecem
harminiosos, de inquestionvel cristianismo,
mas que, caso surgisse a perseguio, sairiam
de ns. Evangelismo, 360.
90. O trabalho que a igreja tem deixado de
fazer em tempo de paz e prosperidade ter de
ser realizado em terrvel crise, sob as circunstncias mais desanimadoras e difceis. As adO Rei do Norte 25

or withheld must be given under the fiercest
opposition from enemies of the faith. And at
that time the superficial, conservative class,
whose influence has steadily retarded the progress of the work, will renounce the faith and
take their stand with its avowed enemies, toward whom their sympathies have long been
tending. Testimonies, vol. 5, 463.

vertncias que a conformidade com o mundo

tm silenciado ou retido, precisam ser dadas
sob a mais feroz oposio dos inimigos da f.
E por aquele tempo a classe dos superficiais,
conservadores, cuja influncia tem retardado
decididamente o progresso da obra, renunciar
f e tomar a sua posio com os francos inimigos dela, para os quais havia muito tendiam
as suas simpatias. Testemunhos Seletos, vol. 2,

Unrighteous Decrees
91. Woe unto them that decree unrighteous Decretos Injustos
decrees, and that write grievousness which they 91. Ai daqueles que decretam leis injushave prescribed. Isaiah 10:1.
tas, dos que escrevem leis de opresso. Isaias
When and Then
92. When the law of God is being made Quando e Ento
void, when His name is dishonored, when it 92. Quando a lei de Deus comear a ser
is considered disloyal to the laws of the land anulada, quando o Seu nome for desonrado,
to keep the seventh day as the Sabbath, when quando for considerado uma deslealdade s
wolves in sheeps clothing, through blindness leis do pas o observar-se o stimo dia como o
of mind and hardness of heart, are seeking to sbado, quando os lobos vestidos de ovelhas,
compel the conscience, shall we give up our mediante uma cegueira mental e uma dureza
loyalty to God? No, no. The wrongdoer is filled de corao, estiverem procurarando forar a
with a Satanic hatred against those who are conscincia, renunciaremos nossa lealdade
loyal to the commandments of God, but the com Deus? No, no. O pecador est cheio de
value of Gods law as a rule of conduct must dio satnico contra aqueles que so leais aos
be made manifest. The zeal of those who obey mandamentos de Deus, mas o valor da lei de
the Lord will be increased as the world and the Deus como regra de conduta deve ser manifeschurch unite in making void the law. They will to. O zelo daqueles que obedecem ao Senhor
say with the Psalmist, I love thy command- aumentar medida que o mundo e a igreja se
ments above gold; yea above fine gold [Psalm unirem para anular a lei [de Deus]. Diro com
119:127]. This is what will be sure to occur o salmista: Pelo que amo os Teus mandamenwhen the law of God is made void by a na- tos mais do que o ouro, e ainda mais do que
tional act. When Sunday is exalted and sus- o ouro fino. (Salmos 119:127). Isso o que
tained by law, then the principle that actuates seguramente ocorrer quando a lei de Deus for
the people of God will be made manifest, as anulada por um ato nacional. Quando o dothe principle of the three Hebrews was made mingo for exaltado e apoiado pela lei, ento o
manifest when Nebuchadnezzar commanded princpio que impulsiona o povo de Deus ser
them to worship the golden image in the plain manifestado assim como o foi sustentado pelos
of Dura. We can see what our duty is when the trs jovens hebreus, quando Nabucodonosor
truth is overborne by falsehood. Manuscript lhes ordenou que adorassem a imagem de ouro
Releases, vol. 13, 71.
na plancie de Dura. Podemos ver qual o nosso dever quando a verdade for oprimida pela
falsidade. Manuscript Releases, vol. 13, 71.
93. There are thousands upon thousands
who bear aloft the standard of the worlds sab- 93. H milhares e milhares que detm no
bath, exalting the image of the papacy created topo o estandarte do sbado mundano, exaltanby the man of sin. The church worship the do a imagem do papado criada pelo homem do
26 O Rei do Norte

image of the beast, and receive his mark, even
as the inhabitants of Babylon worshiped the
golden image which Nebuchadnezzar set up in
the Plain of Dura. General Conference Daily
Bulletin, 178179.

pecado. A igreja adorara a imagem da besta, e

recebe a sua marca, a mesma que os habitantes
da Babilnia adoraram, a imagem dourada que
Nabucodonosor colocou na Plancie de Dura.
General Conference Daily Bulletin, 178179.

Hands - Out of; Stretch Forth

94. When our nation shall so abjure the
principles of its government as to enact a Sunday law, Protestantism will in this act join
hands with popery. Testimonies, vol. 5, 712.


94. Quando a nossa nao renunciar aos
princpios do seu governo de tal forma que vote
uma lei dominical, nesse prprio ato o protestantismo dar a mo ao papado. Testemunhos
Seletos, vol. 2, 318.

95. How the Roman Church can clear herself from the charge of idolatry we cannot see. .
. . And this is the religion which Protestants are
beginning to look upon with so much favor,
and will eventually be united with Protestantism. This union will not, however, be effected
by a change in Catholicism; for Rome never
changes. She claims infallibility. It is Protestantism that will change. The adoption of liberal ideas on its part will bring it where it can
clasp the hand of Catholicism. Review and
Herald, June 1, 1886.

95. No podemos ver como a igreja romana

poder limpar-se da acusao de idolatria.
E essa a religio pela qual o protestantismo
est comeando a consider-la to favoravelmente e qual finalmente se unir. Todavia,
essa unio no se efetuar por uma mudana
no catolicismo, porque Roma nunca muda.
Ela assegura ser infalvel. o protestantismo
que mudar. A adoo de idias liberais por
sua parte, conduzi-lo- ao ponto no qual possa
estender a sua mo ao catolicismo. Review and
Herald, 01-06-1886.

96. By the decree enforcing the institution of

the Papacy in violation of the law of God, our
nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her
hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the
Roman power, when she shall reach over the
abyss to clasp hands with Spiritualism, when,
under the influence of this threefold union,
our country shall repudiate every principle of
its Constitution as a Protestant and republican
government, and shall make provision for the
propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions,
then we may know that the time has come for
the marvelous working of Satan and that the
end is near. Testimonies, vol. 5, 451.

96. Por um decreto que visar a impor uma

instituio papal em contraposio lei de
Deus, a nao americana divorciar-se- por
completo dos princpios da justia. Quando o
protestantismo estender os braos atravs do
abismo, a fim de dar uma das mos ao poder
romano e a outra ao espiritismo, quando por
influncia dessa trplice aliana os Estados
Unidos forem induzidos a repudiar todos os
princpios da sua Constituio, que fizeram
deles um governo protestante e republicano, e
adotarem medidas para a propagao dos erros
e falsidades do papado, podemos saber que
chegado o tempo das operaes maravilhosas
de Satans e que o fim est prximo. Testemunhos Seletos, vol. 2, 151.

Steps - At His Steps

97. The Protestants of the United States will
be foremost in stretching their hands across
the gulf to grasp the hand of Spiritualism; they
will reach over the abyss to clasp hands with
the Roman power; and under the influence of

Passos - Nos Seus Passos

97. Os protestantes dos Estados Unidos
sero os primeiros a estender as mos atravs
do abismo para apanhar a mo do espiritismo;
estender-se-o por sobre o abismo para dar
mos ao poder romano; e, sob a influncia desO Rei do Norte 27

this threefold union, this country will follow sa trplice unio, esse pas seguir as pegadas
in the steps of Rome in trampling on the rights de Roma, desprezando os direitos de conscinof conscience. The Great Controversy, 588.
cia. O Grande Conflito, 588.
98. In the movements now in progress in
the United States to secure for the institutions
and usages of the church the support of the
state, Protestants are following in the steps of
papists. Nay, more, they are opening the door
for the Papacy to regain in Protestant America
the supremacy which she has lost in the Old
World. The Great Controversy, 573.

98. No movimento ora em ao nos Estados

Unidos a fim de conseguir para as instituies
e usos da igreja o apoio do Estado, os protestantes esto a seguir as pegadas dos romanistas.
Na verdade, mais que isto, esto abrindo a porta para o papado a fim de adquirir na Amrica
do Norte protestante a supremacia que perdeu
no Velho Mundo. O Grande Conflito, 573.

99. Can two walk together, except they be

agreed? Amos 3:3.

99. Andaro dois juntos, se entre eles no

houverem acordo? Ams 3:3

100. escape4422: a prim. root; prop. to be
smooth, i.e. (by impl.) to escape (as if by slipperiness); causat. to release or rescue; to bring
forth young, emit sparks: deliver (self ), escape, lay, leap out, let alone, let go, preserve,
save. Strongs.

100. escapar4422: a raiz prim; prop. ser
suave, ex. (impl.) escapar (como si fosse escorregadio); causat. soltar ou resgatar; dar a luz
jovem , emitir chispas: entrega (auto), escape,
posio, extinguir, deixar sozinho, deixar ir,
preservar, salvar. Strongs.

101. The law of God cannot be made void by

the law of a nation. When the law is trampled
in the dust, the sacredness of the commandments of God will be vindicated by those who
are loyal to Him. We are to make no railing
accusation against the nations, for this would
close our way so that we could not set the
light before the people. Every objection raised
against the commandments of God will make
a way for the advancement of truth and enable
its advocates to present its value before men.
There is a beauty and force in the truth that
nothing can make so apparent as opposition
and persecution. When this is revealed, many
will be converted to the truth. Manuscript Releases, vol. 12, 141142.

101. A lei de Deus no pode ser anulada pela

lei de uma nao. quando a lei for pisoteada
no p, o mandamento sagrado de Deus ser
justificado por aqueles que so leais. Ns no
devemos fazer queixas de acusao contra as
naes, porque isso fechar o caminho a fim
de no podermos apresentar a luz perante as
pessoas. Toda objeo levantados contra os
Mandamentos de Deus far um caminho para
o progresso da verdade e ablita seus defensores
de apresentar seu svalores perante homens.
H um abeleza e uma fora na verdade que
nada pode fazer obvio como a oposo e a
perseguio. Quando isto for revelado, muitos
sero convertidos para a verdade. Manuscript
Releases, vol. 12, 141142.

The Closed Door

102. Many who have known the truth have
corrupted their way before God and have departed from the faith. The broken ranks will
be filled up by those represented by Christ as
coming in at the eleventh hour. There are many
with whom the Spirit of God is striving. The

A Porta Fechada
102. Multides devem ser reunidas no aprisco. Muitos que conheceram a verdade corromperam o seu caminho diante de Deus e se
apartaram da f. As fileiras incompletas sero
preenchidas pelos que foram representados por
Cristo como tendo vindo na hora undcima.

28 O Rei do Norte

time of Gods destructive judgments is the time
of mercy for those who have no opportunity to
learn what is truth. Tenderly will the Lord look
upon them. His heart of mercy is touched; His
hand is still stretched out to save, while the
door is closed to those who would not enter.
Large numbers will be admitted who in these
last days hear the truth for the first time. This
Day With God, 163.

H muitos com os quais o Esprito de Deus

est lutando. O tempo dos destruidores juzos
divinos o tempo de misericrdia para os que
no tm oportunidade de aprender o que
a verdade. O Senhor olhar ternamente para
eles. O Seu corao de misericrdia comovese; a Sua mo ainda est estendida para salvar,
ao passo que a porta se fecha para os que no
querem entrar. Ser acolhido grande nmero
de pessoas que nestes ltimos dias ouvem a
verdade pela primeira vez. Este Dia Com Deus,

103. There are diligent students of the word

of prophecy in all parts of the world, who are
obtaining light and still greater light from
searching the Scriptures. This is true of all nations, of all tribes, and all peoples. These will
come from the grossest error, and will take the
places of those who have had opportunities
and privileges and have not prized them. These
have worked out their own salvation with fear
and trembling lest they become deficient in
doing the ways and will of God, while those
who have great light, have, through perversity
of their own natural hearts, turned away from
Christ because displeased with the requirements.
But God will not be left without witness.
The one-hour labourers will be brought in at
the eleventh hour, and will consecrate ability
and all their entrusted means to advance the
work. These will receive the reward for their
faithfulness, because they are true to principle and shun not their duty to declare the
whole counsel of God. When those who have
had abundance of light throw off the restraint
which the Word of God imposes, and make
void His law, others will come in to fill their
place, and take their crown. . . .
Great is the work of the Lord. Men are
choosing sides. Even those supposed to be heathen will choose the side of Christ, while those
who become offended, as did the disciples, will
go away and walk no more with Him. And others will come in and occupy the place they have
left vacant. The time is very near when man
shall have reached the prescribed limits. . . The
record of their works in the books of heaven is

103. H diligentes estudantes da palavra de

profecia em todas as partes do mundo, que
esto obtendo ainda mais luz ao pesquisar as
Escrituras. Isto verdade para todas as naes,
de todas as tribos, e todos os povos. Aqueles
que vem dos grosseiros erros, tomaro o lugar
destes que tiveram oportunidades e privilgios
e no apreciaram. Aqueles tm resolvido sua
prpria salvao com temor e tremendo, evitando se tornarem deficientes, fazendo a vontade de Deus, ao passo que estes que tiveram
muita luz, tm, atravs da perversidade dos
seus prprios coraes, se afastado de Cristo
por serem descontentes com a requerimentos.
Mas Deus no ficar sem testemunha. Os
trabalhadores de uma hora sero trazidos na
dcima primeira hora, e iro consagrar a sua
capacidade e meios confiados para avanar o
trabalho. Estes recebero a recompensa por sua
fidelidade, porque so fiis ao princpio, e no
rejeitro o seu dever de declarar todo o conselho de Deus. Quando aqueles que tiveram
abundncia de luz joguarem fora a restrio
que impe a Palavra de Deus, e anularem Sua
lei, outros viro para preencher seu lugar, e
tomar as suas coroas. . . .
Grande a obra do Senhor. Os homens esto escolhendo lados. Mesmo aqueles supostos
ser pagos ir escolhero o lado de Cristo, enquanto estes que ficaro ofendidos, assim como
fizeram os discpulos, se aparto e no caminharo mais com ele. E outros viro, e ocuparo
os lugarres que deixaram vago. O tempo est
muito perto quando homens devem ter atingido os limites prescritos. . . O registro de suas
obras nos livros do cu Pesada na balana, e
O Rei do Norte 29

Weighed in the balances, and found wanting.
Testimonies to Southern Africa, 5051.

The Christian Theatre
104. In the great conflict between faith and
unbelief, the whole Christian world will be
involved. Review and Herald, February 7,

encontrado em falta. Testimonies to Southern

Africa, 5051

105. Before the final visitation of Gods judgments upon the earth there will be among the
people of the Lord such a revival of primitive
godliness as has not been witnessed since apostolic times. The Spirit and power of God
will be poured out upon His children. At that
time many will separate themselves from those
churches in which the love of the world has
supplanted love for God and His Word. Many,
both ministers and people, will gladly accept
those great truths which God has caused to be
proclaimed at this time to prepare a people for
the Lords second coming. . . . Under a religious guise, Satan will seek to extend his influence over the Christian world. The Great
Controversy, 464.

105. Antes de os juzos finais de Deus carem

sobre a Terra, haver, entre o povo do Senhor,
tal avivamento da primitiva piedade como no
fora testemunhado desde os tempos apostlicos. O Esprito e o poder de Deus sero derramados sobre Seus filhos. Naquele tempo
muitos se separaro das igrejas em que o amor
deste mundo suplantou o amor a Deus e Sua
Palavra. Muitos, tanto pastores como leigos,
aceitaro alegremente as grandes verdades que
Deus providenciou fossem proclamadas no
tempo presente, a fim de preparar um povo
para a segunda vinda do Senhor...Sob o disfarce religioso, Satans procurar estender sua
influncia sobre o mundo cristo. O Grande
Conflito, 464.

106. The so-called Christian world is to be

the theater of great and decisive actions. Selected Messages, book 3, 392.

106. Os supostos cristos sero ameaas com

grandes e decisivas aes. Mensagens Escolhidas, vol. 3, 392.

107. All Christendom will be divided into

two great classes. The Great Controversy, 450.

107. ...Toda a cristandade estar dividida em

duas grandes classes. ...O Grande Conflito,

108. As the Sabbath has become the special

point of controversy throughout Christendom,
and religious and secular authorities have combined to enforce the observance of the Sunday,
the persistent refusal of a small minority to
yield to the popular demand will make them
objects of universal execration. The Great
Controversy, 615.

108. Como o sbado se tornou o ponto especial de controvrsia por toda a cristandade,
e as autoridades religiosas e seculares se combinaram para impor a observncia do domingo,
a recusa persistente de uma pequena minoria
em ceder exigncia popular, far com que
esta minoria seja objeto de dio universal. O
Grande Conflito, 615.

109. And other sheep I have, which are not

of this fold: them also I must bring, and they
shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold,
and one shepherd.

109. Ainda tenho outras ovelhas que no so

deste aprisco; tambm me convm agregar estas, e elas ouviro a minha voz, e haver um
rebanho e um Pastor. Joo 10:16.

O Teatro Crist
104. Todo o mundo cristo estar envolvido
no grande conflito entre a f e a incredulidade.
Review and Herald, February 7, 1893.

110. When those that believed not the 110. Quando os que no creram na verdade,
30 O Rei do Norte

truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness
2 Thessalonians 2:12, shall be left to receive
strong delusion and to believe a lie, then the
light of truth will shine upon all whose hearts
are open to receive it, and all the children of
the Lord that remain in Babylon will heed the
call: Come out of her, my people. Revelation
18:4. Maranatha, 173.

antes tiveram prazer na iniqidade (2 Tess.

2:12), forem abandonados para que recebam a
operao do erro e creiam na mentira, a luz da
verdade brilhar ento sobre todos os coraes
que se acham abertos para receb-la, e os filhos do Senhor que permanecem em Babilnia
atendero ao chamado: Sai dela, povo Meu.
(Apoc. 18:4). O Grande Conflito, 390.

Lots Descendants In Symbol

111. But the same day that Lot went out of
Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it
be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.
Luke 17:2930.

Os Descendentes Simblicos de L
111. Mas no dia em que L saiu de Sodoma
choveu do cu fogo e enxofre, e os consumiu
a todos. Assim ser no dia em que o Filho do
homem se h de manifestar. Lucas 17:29-30.

112. Servants of God, endowed with power

from on high, with their faces lighted up, and
shining with holy consecration, went forth to
proclaim the message from heaven. Souls that
were scattered all through the religious bodies answered to the call, and the precious were
hurried out of the doomed churches, as Lot
was hurried out of Sodom before her destruction. Early Writings, 278279.

112. Servos de Deus, dotados de poder do

alto, com rosto iluminado e resplandecendo
com santa consagrao, saram para proclamar
a mensagem provinda do Cu. Almas que estavam espalhadas por todas as corporaes religiosas responderam chamada, e os que eram
preciosos retiraram-se apressadamente das igrejas condenadas, assim como fora L retirado
s pressas de Sodoma antes da sua destruio.
Primeiros Escritos, 278-279.

Edom, Moab, And Ammon

113. Daniel 11:41
Edom: red. Descendant of Esau.
Moab: from father. Descendant of Lot.
The chief of the children of Ammon: paternal uncle. Descendants of Lot, (plural).

Edom, Moabe e Amom

113. Daniel 11:41
Edom: vermelhos. Descendente de Esa.
Moabe: do pai. Descendente do L. As primcias dos filhos de Amom: tio paterno. Descendentes de L (plural).

Isaiah 11:14
Edom, Moab, children of Ammon, (plural).

Isaias 11:14 Edom, Moabe, filhos de Amom, (plural) -

Nehemiah 2:19
Neemias 2:19 Sanballat the Horonite: the moon-god; sin
Sambalate o honorita: deus-lua; pecado deu
has given life. A Moabite.
vida. Um Moabita. Tobias o Amonita; Jeov
Tobiah the Ammonite: Yahweh is good.
good. Gesn o Arbio: nasceu na temporada
Geshem the Arabian: born in the rainy de chuva. Descendente de Ismael.
season. Descendant of Ishmael.
Arbios so uma familia ou tribu, (plural).
Arabians are a family of tribes, (plural).
Judges 6:3; 7:12
Midian: strife. Descendant of Abraham
from Keturah.

Juzes 6:3; 7:12 -

O Rei do Norte 31

Amal: trouble. Descendant of Esau.
The children of the east, (plural). Associated
with Balaam.
Numbers 22:45
Nmeros 22:4-5
Moab, Midian, Balaam of Pethor which is
in the land of the children of his people, (plural).
Revelation 16:1213
Dragon: Spiritualism.
Beast: Catholicism.
False prophet: Apostate Protestantism, (multiple churches, plural).

Apocalipse 16:1213
Drago: Espiritualismo.
Besta: Catolicismo.
Falso profeta: Protestantismo Apstata,
(muitas igrejas).

John 19:1920
Joo 19:1920
Hebrew: one from the other side, Abraham,
Hebreu: algum do outro lado, Abrao,
Greek: sons of the Ionians, Japheth (pluGrego: filhos de Ionians, Jaf (plural).
Latin: Romano: Eu exaltei, Bbilnia foi funLatin: Roman: I have exalted, Babylon was dada por Ninrode, descendentes de Co.
founded by Nimrod, a descendant of Ham.
The Banner
114. In vision I saw two armies in terrible
conflict. One army was led by banners bearing the worlds insignia; the other was led by
the bloodstained banner of Prince Immanuel. Standard after standard was left to trail in
the dust as company after company from the
Lords army joined the foe and tribe after tribe
from the ranks of the enemy united with the
commandment-keeping people of God. . . .
The army following the banner with the inscription, The commandments of God, and
the faith of Jesus, was gloriously triumphant.
Testimonies, vol. 8, 41.

O Estandarte
114. Vi em viso dois exrcitos em luta terrvel. Um deles ostentava nas suas bandeiras as
insgnias do mundo; guiava o outro a bandeira
ensangentada do Prncipe Emanuel. Estandarte aps estandarte era arrastado no cho,
medida que grupo aps grupo do exrcito do
Senhor se juntava ao inimigo, e tribo aps tribo das fileiras do adversrio se unia ao povo de
Deus que guarda os mandamentos. Testemunhos Seletos, vol. 3, 224. Testimonies, vol. 8,

115. September 23, the Lord showed me

that He had stretched out His hand the second time to recover the remnant of His
people, and that efforts must be redoubled
in this gathering time. . . . In the gathering,
when God has set His hand to gather His
people, efforts to spread the truth will have
their designed effect. All should be united
and zealous in the work. Early Writings, 74.

115. No dia 23 de setembro, o Senhor

mostrou-me que Ele havia estendido a Sua mo
pela segunda vez para reaver o remanescente
do Seu povo, e que se deviam fazer esforos
redobrados neste tempo do ajuntamento... No
ajuntamento, quando Deus coloca a Sua mo
para readquirir o Seu povo, esforos para disseminar a verdade tero o seu esperado efeito.
Todos devem estar unidos e cheios de zelo na
obra. Primeiros Escritos, 74.

32 O Rei do Norte

116. In that day there shall be a root of Jesse,
which shall stand for an ensign of the people;
to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall
be glorious. And it shall come to pass in that
day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the
second time to recover the remnant of his
people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and
from Egypt, from Pathros, and from Cush,
and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from
Hamath, and from the islands of the sea. And
he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and
shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather
together the dispersed of Judah from the four
corners of the earth.
The envy also of Ephraim shall depart,
and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off:
Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall
not vex Ephraim. But they shall fly upon the
shoulders of the Philistines toward the west;
they shall spoil them of the east together: they
shall lay their hand upon Edom and Moab;
and the children of Ammon shall obey them.
And the Lord shall utterly destroy the tongue
of the Egyptian sea; and with his mighty wind
shall he shake his hand over the river, and shall
smite it in the seven streams, and make men
go over dryshod. And there shall be a highway
for the remnant of his people, which shall be
left, from Assyria; like as it was to Israel in the
day that he came up out of the land of Egypt.
Isaiah 11:1016.

116. E acontecer naquele dia que as naes perguntaro pela raiz de Jess, posta por
pendo dos povos, e o lugar do seu repouso
ser glorioso. Porque h de acontecer naquele dia que o Senhor tornar a estender a Sua
mo para adquirir outra vez os resduos do Seu
povo, que restarem da Assria, e do Egito, e de
Patros, e da Etipia, e de Elo, e de Sinear, e
de Hamate, e das ilhas do mar. E levantar um
pendo entre as naes, e ajuntar os desterrados de Israel, e os dispersos de Jud congregar
desde os quatro confins da terra. Afastar-se- a
inveja de Efraim. e os adversrios de Jud sero
eliminadosEfraim no invejar a Jud e Jud
no oprimir a Efraim. Antes voaro para sobre os ombros dos filisteus ao Ocidente, juntos,
despojaro os filhos do Oriente; contra Edom
e Moabe lanaroas mos, e os filhos e os filhos de de Amom lhes sero sujeitos. O Senhor destruir totalmente os braos do Egito, e
com a fora do seu vento mover a mo contra Eufrates, e, ferindo-o, divid-lo- em sete
canais, de sorte que qualquer o atravessar de
sandlias. Hacer caminho plano para rstante
d seu povo, que foi deixado, da Assria, como o
houve para Israel no dia em que subiu da casa
do Egito. Isaas 11:1016.

117. ensign5251: from 5264; a flag; also

a sail; by impl. a flagstaff; gen. a signal; fig. a
token: banner, pole, sail, (en-)sign, standard.
5264: to gleam from afar, i.e. to be conspicuous as a signal; to raise a beacon:lift up as an
ensign, standard bearer. Strongs.

117. bandeira5251: Do 5264; uma bandeira; tambm uma vela [como de um navio]; por implicao, a haste de uma bandeira;
geralmente um sinal: bandeira, haste, vela,
estandarte.5264: resplandecer de longe, isto
, ser visvel como um sinal; elevar um farol:
levantar como um pendo, porta-estandarte.

118. It is at this time that the true Sabbath

must be brought before the people both by pen
and by voice. As the fourth commandment of
the Decalogue and those that observe it are ignored and despised, the faithful few know that
it is the time not to hide their face but exalt
the law of Jehovah by unfurling the banner
on which is inscribed the message of the third

118. Neste tempo que o verdadeiro sbado

precisa ser apresentado ao pblico tanto pela
pena como pela voz. Assim como o quarto
mandamento do Declogo e os que o observam so desconsiderados e menosprezados, os
poucos fiis sabem que tempo, no de ocultar
a face mas de exaltar a lei de Jeov por meio
do desfraldar da bandeira em que est escrita a
O Rei do Norte 33

angel, Here are they that keep the command- mensagem do terceiro anjo, aqui esto os que
ments of God, and the faith of Jesus. Revela- guardam os mandamentos de Deus e a f de
tion 14:12. Evangelism, 281.
Jesus. (Apoc. 14:12). Evangelismo, 281. (Ver
tambm Testemunhos para a Igreja, vol. 6,
352-353; e Primeiros Escritos, 74.
119. For about forty years, students of
prophecy in the United States have presented
this testimony to the world. In the events now
taking place is seen a rapid advance toward
the fulfillment of the prediction. With Protestant teachers there is the same claim of divine
authority for Sunday-keeping, and the same
lack of scriptural evidence, as with the papist
leaders who fabricated miracles to supply the
place of a command from God. The assertion
that Gods judgments are visited upon men for
their violation of the Sunday-sabbath, will be
repeated; already it is beginning to be urged.
And a movement to enforce Sunday observance is fast gaining ground. The Great Controversy, 579.

119. Durante mais de meio sculo, investigadores das profecias nos Estados Unidos tm
apresentado ao mundo este testemunho. Nos
acontecimentos que ora esto a ocorrer, percebe-se rpido progresso no sentido do cumprimento da profecia. Com os ensinadores protestantes h a mesma pretenso de autoridade
divina para a guarda do domingo, e a mesma
falta de provas bblicas, que h com os chefes
papais que forjaram os milagres para suprir a
falta do mandamento de Deus. A afirmao de
que os juzos divinos caem sobre os homens
por motivo de violarem o repouso dominical,
ser repetida.J se ouvem vozes neste sentido.
E o movimento para impor a observncia do
domingo est rapidamente ganhando terreno.
O Grnde Conflito, 579.

Taking The World

Tomando a Palavra

120. He shall stretch forth his hand also upon

the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not
escape. Daniel 11:42.

120. Ele eteder a mo tambm sobre a terra, em a terra do Egito no escapar. Daniel

121. Why is it so hard to lead a self-denying,
humble life? Because professed Christians are
not dead to the world. It is easy living after we
are dead. But many are longing for the leeks
and onions of Egypt. They have a disposition
to act and dress as much like the world as possible and yet go to heaven. Such climb up some
other way. They do not enter through the strait
gate and narrow way. Testimonies, vol. 1, 131.

EGITO 121. Porque to difcil viver uma vida abnegada, humilde? Porque os professos cristos
no esto mortos para o mundo. fcil viver
depois de estarmos mortos. Mas h muitos que
desejam os alhos-pors e as cebolas do Egito.
Inclinam-se a vestir e proceder o mximo possvel semelhante ao mundo, e todavia querem
ir para o Cu. Esses sobem por outro caminho.
No entram pela porta estreita e pelo apertado
caminho. Testimonies, vol. 1, 131.

122. I am filled with sadness when I think of

our condition as a people. The Lord has not
closed heaven to us, but our own course of continual backsliding has separated us from God.
Pride, covetousness, and love of the world have

122. Encho-me de tristeza quando penso na

nossa condio como um povo. O Senhor no
nos cerrou o Cu, mas o nosso prprio procedimento de apostasia separou-nos de Deus.
O orgulho, a cobia e o amor do mundo tm

34 O Rei do Norte

lived in the heart without fear of banishment
or condemnation. . . . The church has turned
back from following Christ her leader and is
steadily retreating toward Egypt. . . . Have we
not been seeking the friendship and applause
of the world rather than the presence of Christ
and a deeper knowledge of His will? Ibid.,
vol. 5, 217218.

habitado no corao, sem temor de serem

banidos ou condenados. A igreja deixou de
seguir a Cristo, o seu guia, e est constantemente a retroceder rumo ao Egito. Cada
um proponha essas questes no seu corao.
No estarei, porventura, a buscar a amizade e
aplausos do mundo, antes que a presena de
Cristo e um profundo conhecimento da Sua
vontade? Testemunhos para a Igreja, vol. 5,

123. The plagues of Egypt when God was

about to deliver Israel were similar in character
to those more terrible and extensive judgments
which are to fall upon the world just before the
final deliverance of Gods people. The Great
Controversy, 627628.

123. As pragas que sobrevieram ao Egito

quando Deus estava prestes a libertar Israel,
eram de carcter semelhante aos juzos mais
terrveis e extensos que devem cair sobre o
mundo precisamente antes do libertamento
final do povo de Deus. O Grande Conflito,

124. Many are not growing strong, because

they do not take God at his Word. They are
conforming to the world. Every day they pitch
their tents nearer to Egypt, when they should
encamp a days march nearer the heavenly Canaan. Signs of The Times, March 6, 1884.

124. Muitos no esto a desenvolver-se em

fortaleza, porque no esto a crer na Palavra
de Deus. Esto a conformar-se com o mundo.
Cada dia assentam as suas tendas mais prximo do Egito, quando deveriam acampar a um
dia de distncia da Cana celestial. Signs of the
Times, 06-03-1884.

125. The Lord God of Israel is to execute

judgment upon the gods of this world, as upon
the gods of Egypt. Manuscript Releases, vol.
10, 240.

125. O Senhor Deus de Israel h de executar

juzo sobre os deuses deste mundo, como fez
sobre os deuses do Egito. Manuscript Realeases, vol. 10, 240.

126. escape6413: fem. of 6412; deliverance; concr. an escaped portion: deliverance,
(that is) escape (-d), remnant. 6412: a refugee:
(that have) escape (-d, -th), fugitive. Strongs.

126. escapar - 6413 - femenino de 6412; libertanao, um aparte que escapu:- resgate(isto
)escape(escapado); remanescente.6412: um
refugiado (que tem) escape (escapado, escape), fugitivo.. Strongs.

127. As America, the land of religious liberty, shall unite with the Papacy in forcing the
conscience and compelling men to honor the
false sabbath, the people of every country on
the globe will be led to follow her example.
Testimonies, vol. 6, 18.

127. Quando os Estados Unidos, o pas da

liberdade religiosa, se aliar ao papado, a fim de
dominar as conscincias e impelir os homens
a reverenciar o falso sbado, os povos de todos
os demais pases do mundo ho de ser induzidos a imitar-lhe o exemplo. Testemunhos para
a Igreja, vol. 6, 18.

128. Foreign nations will follow the example 128. As naes estrangeiras seguiro o seu
of the United States. Though she leads out, yet [dos Estados Unidos] exemplo. Embora ela
O Rei do Norte 35

the same crisis will come upon our people in all seja a lder, a mesma crise atingir todo o nosso
parts of the world. Testimonies, vol. 6, 395.
povo em toda parte do mundo. Testemunhos
para a Igreja, Vol. 6, 395.
129. Ever since the Fall, Satan has been at 129. Desde a queda, Satans tem trabalho
work to establish himself as ruler of this earth. para se estabelecer como governante desta terReview and Herald, March 9, 1886.
ra. Review and Herald, March 9, 1886.
130. And they worshipped the dragon which
gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, who is like unto
the beast? who is able to make war with him?
. . . And power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that
dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose
names are not written in the book of life of the
Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Revelation 13:4, 78.

130. E adoraram o drago que deu besta o

seu poder; e adoraram a besta, dizendo: Quem
{} semelhante besta? quem poder batalhar
contra ela? . . . E foi-lhe permitido fazer guerra
aos santos, e venc-los; e deu-se-lhe poder sobre toda a tribo, e lngua, e nao. E adoraramna todos os que habitam sobre a terra, esses
cujos nomes no esto escritos no livro da vida
do Cordeiro que foi morto desde a fundao
do mundo. Apocalipse 13:4, 78.

131. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut
down to the ground, which didst weaken the
nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I
will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne
above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the
mount of the congregation, in the sides of the
north: I will ascend above the heights of the
clouds; I will be like the most High. Isaiah

131. Como caste do cu, estrela da manh,

filha da alva! Como foste lanado por terra, tu
que debilitavas as naes! E tu dizias no teu
corao: Eu subirei ao cu, acima das estrelas
de Deus exaltarei o meu trono, e no monte da
congregao me assentarei, da banda dos lados
do norte. Subirei acima das mais altas nuvens,
e serei semelhante ao Altssimo. Isaas 14:1214.

132. Who opposeth and exalteth himself above

all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so
that he as God sitteth in the temple of God,
shewing himself that he is God. 2 Thessalonians

132. O qual se ope, e se levanta contra tudo

o que se chama Deus, ou se adora; de sorte que
se assentar, como Deus, no templo de Deus,
querendo parecer Deus. 2 Tessalonicenses 2:4.

133. These have one mind, and shall give their

power and strength unto the beast . . . . And
he said to me, The waters which thou sawest,
where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. . . . For God
hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to
agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast,
until the words of God shall be fulfilled. And
the woman which thou sawest is that great
city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
Revelation 17:13, 15, 1718.

133. Estes tm um mesmo intento, e entregaro o seu poder e autoridade besta. . . .

E disse-me: As guas que viste, onde se assenta
a prostituta, so povos, e multides, e naes,
e lnguas. . . . Porque Deus tem posto em seus
coraes que cumpram o seu intento, e tenham uma mesma idia, e que dem besta o
seu reino, at que se cumpram as palavras de
Deus. E a mulher que viste a grande cidade
que reina sobre os reis da terra.. Apocalipse
17:13, 15, 1718.

36 O Rei do Norte

134. These have one mind. There will be a
universal bond of union, one great harmony,
a confederacy of Satans forces. And shall give
their power and strength to the beast. Thus is
manifested the same arbitrary, oppressive power against religious liberty, freedom to worship
God according to the dictates of conscience, as
was manifested by the Papacy, when in the past
it persecuted those who dared to refuse to conform with the religious rites and ceremonies of
Romanism. Maranatha, 187.

134. Estes tm uma mente. Haver um

lao de unio universal, uma grande harmonia, uma confederao das foras de Satans.
E dar o seu poder e fora para a besta. Assim se manifesta a mesma arbitrria, opressivo
poder contra a liberdade religiosa, a liberdade
de adorar a Deus segundo os ditames da conscincia, como foi manifestado pelo Papado,
quando, no passado, perseguiu quem se atreveu a recusar-se a conformar com os rituais
religiosos e cerimnias do Romanismo. Maranatha, 187.

135. The spirits of devils will go forth to the

kings of the earth and to the whole world, to
fasten them in deception, and urge them on
to unite with Satan in his last struggle against
the government of heaven. By these agencies,
rulers and subjects will be alike deceived. The
Great Controversy, 624.

135. Os espritos diablicos sairo aos reis

da Terra e ao mundo inteiro, para segur-los
no engano, e for-los a se unirem a Satans
em sua ltima luta contra o governo do Cu.
Mediante estes agentes, sero enganados tanto
governantes como sditos. O Grande Conflito,

136. But he shall have power over the trea- 136. E apoderar-se- dos tesouros de ouro e de
sures of gold and of silver, and over all the pre- prata e de todas as coisas preciosas do Egito; e
cious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the os lbios e os etopes o seguiro. Daniel 11:43.
Ethiopians shall be at his steps. Daniel 11:43.
137. And that no man might buy or sell, save 137. Para que ningum possa comprar ou
he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, vender, seno aquele que tiver o sinal, ou o
or the number of his name. Revelation 13:17. nome da besta, ou o nmero do seu nome.
Revelation 13:17.
138. steps4703: from 6805; a step; fig.
companionship:- going, step. 6805: a prim.
root; to pace, i.e. step regularly; (upward) to
mount; (along) to march; (down and caus.) to
hurl: bring, go, march (through), run over.

138. passos4703: de 6805; seus passos; fig.

associao:- indo, passos. 6805: a raiz prim.;
andar, p. ex.. andar regular; (acima) montar;
(avante) marchar; (abaixo e caus.) arremessar:
trazer, ir, marchar (completo), passar por.

139. With the ungodly there will be a deceptive harmony that but partially conceals a perpetual discord. In their opposition to the will
and the truth of God they are united, while
on every other point they are rent with hatred,
emulation, jealousy, and deadly strife. Testimonies, vol. 5, 101.

139. Com o mpio vai haver uma harmonia

enganosa que parcialmente esconde uma perptua discrdia. Em sua oposio vontade e
verdade de Deus eles esto unidos, enquanto
que em qualquer outro ponto esto separados
com o dio, a emulao, cime e contenda
mortal. Testimonies, vol. 5, 101.

140. As we approach the last crisis, it is of 140. medida que nos aproximamos da ltivital moment that harmony and unity exist ma crise, vital que exista harmonia e unidade
among the Lords instrumentalities. The world entre os instrumentos do Senhor. O mundo
O Rei do Norte 37

is filled with storm and war and variance. Yet
under one headthe papal powerthe people
will unite to oppose God in the person of His
witnesses. This union is cemented by the great
apostate. While he seeks to unite his agents in
warring against the truth he will work to divide and scatter its advocates. Jealousy, evil surmising, evilspeaking, are instigated by him to
produce discord and dissension. Testimonies,
vol. 7, 182.

est cheio de tempestades de guerras e diferenas. Ainda sob uma cabea, o poder papal,
as pessoas se uniro contra Deus na pessoa
de Sua testemunhas. Essa unio cimentada
pelo grande apstata. Enquanto ele tenta unir
os seus agentes na guerra contra a verdade, ele
vai trabalhar para dividir e espalhar seus defensores. Cimes, supor o mal, falar o mal, so
instigados por ele para produzir discrdia e
dissenso. Testimonies, vol. 7, 182.

141. In this time of prevailing iniquity, the

Protestant churches that have rejected a Thus
saith the Lord, will reach a strange pass. They
will be converted to the world. In their separation from God, they will seek to make falsehood and apostasy from God the law of the
nation. They will work upon the rulers of the
land to make laws to restore the lost ascendency of the man of sin, who sits in the temple
of God, showing himself that he is God. The
Roman Catholic principles will be taken under
the protection of the state. The protest of Bible
truth will no longer be tolerated by those who
have not made the law of God their rule of
life. Review and Herald, December 21, 1897.

141. Neste tempo da iniquidade prevalecente, as igrejas protestantes que tem rejeitado o
assim diz o Senhor, chegaro numa estranha
direo. Eles sero convertidos ao mundo. Na
sua separao de Deus, eles procuraro ser infieis e apstatas da lei de Deus como se fosse
a lei da nao. Eles iro trabalhar com os lderes da terra para fazer leis para restaraurar
o domnio perdido do homem do pecado que
est sentado no templo de Deus, se mostrando
como Deus. Os principios Romanos Catolicos sero protegidos pelo estado. O protesto
da verdade Bblica no ser mais tolerada por
aqueles que no fizeram a lei de Deus o guia
de suas vidas. Review and Herald, December
21, 1897.

Egypt, Lybia, Ethiopia

142. In short, that contemporary map of
shame would be the graphic expression of the
atrocity we have come to describe so blandly
as the division of the world into North and
South, which is to say, in plainer terms, the
division of nations, and of populations within
nations, into rich and poor. . . .
It is just such a map of shame that Pope
John Paul does hold up to the world in his
moral assessment of the geopolitical arrangements that are setting up our future for us. ...
On the modern map of world shame that
is the subject of so much of John Pauls attention, North and South do not figure as precise
geographical terms. Instead, they are global
frontiers where wealth and poverty divide not
only nations, but societies within nations. ...
Whether it is applied in the confines of the
United States, or in the world at large, John
Pauls moral assessment of North and South is

Egito, Lbia, Etipia

142. Em poucas palavras, esse mapa contemporneo de desonra ser a expresso grfica da
atrocidade que temos descrito to tranqilamente como a diviso do mundo em Norte e
Sul, o qual significa, em termos mais claros,
a diviso das naes e das populaes dentro
destas, em ricos e pobres.
Este o tipo do mapa de desonra que Joo
Paulo II mostra ao mundo na sua avaliao
moral dos planos geopolticos que esto estabelecendo o nosso futuro.
No mapa moderno de desonra mundial,
que o tema de tanta ateno para Joo Paulo
II, o norte e o sul no figuram como termos
geogrficos precisos. Em vez disso, so fronteiras globais onde a riqueza e a pobreza no s
dividem naes, como tambm as sociedades
dentro das naes.
Se bem que isso se aplique dentro dos
limites dos Estados Unidos ou do mundo em

38 O Rei do Norte

simple and clear. In a morally adjusted economy, he insists, the rich should not get richer if
the poor get poorer. Keys of This Blood, Malachi Martin, 163164, 171.
143. Fearful is the issue to which the world
is to be brought. The powers of earth, uniting to war against the commandments of God,
will decree that, all, both small and great, rich
and poor, free and bond (Revelation 13:16),
shall conform to the customs of the church by
observance of the false sabbath. All who refuse
compliance will be visited with civil penalties,
and it will finally be declared that they are deserving of death. The Great Controversy, 604.

geral, a avaliao moral de Joo Paulo acerca

do norte e do sul, simples e clara. Numa
economia moralmente ajustada, ele insiste, os
ricos no deveriam tornar-se mais ricos se os
pobres se tornarem mais pobres. The Keys of
This Blood, Malachi Martin., 163-164, 171.
143. Terrvel a crise para a qual caminha o
mundo. Os poderes da Terra, unindo-se para
combater os mandamentos de Deus, decretaro que todos, pequenos e grandes, ricos e
pobres, livres e servos (Apoc. 13:16), se conformem aos costumes da igreja, pela observncia do falso sbado. Todos os que se recusarem
a conformar-se sero castigados pelas leis civis,
e declarar-se- finalmente serem merecedores
de morte. O Grande Conflito, 604.

144. And he causeth all, both small and great,

rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark
in their right hand, or in their foreheads. Revelation 13:16.

144. E faz que a todos, pequenos e grandes,

ricos e pobres, livres e servos, lhes seja posto
um sinal na sua mo direita, ou nas suas testas.
Apocalipse 13:16.

145. But tidings out of the east and out of the

north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go
forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to
make away many. Daniel 11:44.

145. Mas os rumores do oriente e do norte

o espantaro; e sair com grande furor, para
destruir e extirpar a muitos. Daniel 11:44.

East And North

146. And I saw another angel ascending from
the east, having the seal of the living God: and
he cried with a loud voice to the four angels,
to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the
sea, saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea,
nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of
our God in their foreheads. Revelation 7:23.

Este e Oeste
146. E vi outro anjo subir da banda do sol
nascente (Este), e que tinha o selo do Deus
vivo; e clamou com grande voz aos quatro anjos, a quem fora dado o poder de danificar a
terra e o mar, dizendo: No danifiqueis a terra,
nem o mar, nem as rvores, at que hajamos
assinalado nas suas testas os servos do nosso
Deus. Apocalipse 7:2-3.

147. Soon there appears in the east a small

black cloud, about half the size of a mans hand.
It is the cloud which surrounds the Saviour and
which seems in the distance to be shrouded in
darkness. The people of God know this to be
the sign of the Son of man. The Great Controversy, 640.

147. Surge logo no Oriente uma pequena

nuvem negra, aproximadamente da metade
do tamanho da mo de um homem. a nuvem que rodeia o Salvador, e que, distncia,
parece estar envolta em trevas. O povo de Deus
sabe ser esse o sinal do Filho do homem. O
Grande Conflito, 640.

148. Who raised up the righteous man from

the east, called him to his foot, gave the nations
before him, and made him rule over kings? he
gave them as the dust to his sword, and as driven

148. Quem suscitou do oriente o justo? e o

chamou para o p de si? Quem deu s naes
a sua face e o fez dominar sobre reis? ele os
entregou sua espada como o p, e como praO Rei do Norte 39

stubble to his bow. . . . I have raised up one from
the north, and he shall come: from the rising
of the sun shall he call upon my name: and he
shall come upon princes as upon morter, as the
potter treadeth clay. Who hath declared from
the beginning, that we may know? and beforetime, that we may say, He is righteous? yea,
there is none that sheweth, yea, there is none
that declareth, yea, there is none that heareth
your words. The first shall say to Zion, Behold,
behold them: and I will give to Jerusalem one
that bringeth good tidings. Isaiah 41:2, 2527.

gana arrebatada do vento ao seu arco. Suscito a um do norte, e ele h de vir; desde o
nascimento do sol invocar o meu nome; e vir
sobre os magistrados, como sobre o lodo, e,
como o oleiro pisa o barro, assim ele os pisar.
Quem anunciou isto desde o princpio, para
que o possamos saber, ou outro tempo, para
que digamos: Justo ? Mas no h quem anuncie, nem to pouco quem manifeste, nem to
pouco quem oua as vossas palavras. Eu sou o
que primeiro direi a Sio: Eis que ali esto: e
a Jerusalm darei um anunciador de boas novas. Isaas 41:2, 25-27.

149. What was the result of the outpouring
of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost? The glad
tidings of a risen Saviour were carried to the
uttermost parts of the inhabited world. The
Acts of the Apostles, 48.

149. Qual foi o resultado do derramamento
do Esprito no dia do Pentecostes? As boas novas de um Salvador ressuscitado foram levadas
at s mais longnquas partes do mundo habitado. Atos dos Apstolos, 48.

150. Before the work is closed up and the

sealing of Gods people is finished, we shall
receive the outpouring of the Spirit of God.
Selected Messages, book 1, 111.

150. Antes de a obra encerrar-se e terminar

o selamento do povo de Deus, receberemos o
derramamento do Esprito de Deus. Messages
Escolhidas 1, 111.

151. The whole world is to be stirred with enmity against Seventh-day Adventists, because
they will not yield homage to the Papacy, by
honoring Sunday, the institution of this antiChristian power. It is the purpose of Satan to
cause them to be blotted from the earth, in order that his supremacy of the world may not
be disputed. Review and Herald, August 22,

151. O mundo inteiro agitar-se- com hostilidade contra os adventistas do stimo dia,
porque eles no rendero homenagem ao papado, honrando o domingo, uma instituio
desse poder anti-cristo. o propsito de Satans fazer que [os adventistas] sejam exterminados da terra, para que a sua supremacia sobre o mundo no seja disputada. Review and
Herald, 22-08-1893.

152. When this grand work is to take place

in the battle, prior to the last closing conflict,
many will be imprisoned, many will flee for
their lives from cities and towns, and many
will be martyrs for Christs sake in standing in
defense of the truth. Maranatha, 199.

152. Quando essa grandiosa obra ocorrer na

batalha, antes do conflito final, muitos sero
presos, muitos fugiro das cidades e vilas, para
salvar a prpria vida, e muitos sero mrtires
por amor a Cristo ao permanecerem em defesa da verdade. Maranata, 197. Maranatha,

153. I was pointed down to the time when the

third angels message was closing. The power of
God had rested upon His people; they had accomplished their work and were prepared for

153. Foi-me indicado o tempo em que a

mensagem do terceiro anjo estava para ser concluda. O poder de Deus havia repousado sobre o Seu povo; tinham cumprido a sua obra,

40 O Rei do Norte

the trying hour before them. They had received
the latter rain, or refreshing from the presence
of the Lord, and the living testimony had been
revived. The last great warning had sounded
everywhere, and it had stirred up and enraged
the inhabitants of the earth who would not receive the message. Early Writings, 279.

e encontravam-se preparados para a hora de

prova sua frente. Tinham recebido a chuva
serdia, ou o refrigrio pela presena do Senhor, e reanimara-se o vvido testemunho. A ltima grande advertncia tinha soado por toda
a parte e havia instigado e enraivecido os habitantes da Terra que no quiseram receber a
mensagem. Primeiros Escritos, 279.

154. The season of distress and anguish before us will require a faith that can endure
weariness, delay, and hungera faith that
will not faint though severely tried. . . . The
time of trouble, such as never was, is soon to
open upon us; and we shall need an experience
which we do not now possess and which many
are too indolent to obtain. It is often the case
that trouble is greater in anticipation than in
reality; but this is not true of the crisis before
us. The most vivid presentations cannot reach
the magnitude of the ordeal. The Great Controversy, 621622.

154. O tempo de agonia e angstia que diante

de ns est, exigir uma f que possa suportar o cansao, a demora e a fome f que no
desfalea ainda que severamente provada. O
tempo de angstia como nunca houve [Daniel 12:1] est prestes a manifestar-se sobre ns;
e necessitaremos de uma experincia que agora
no possumos, e que muitos so demasiado indolentes para obter. D-se muitas vezes o caso
de se supor maior a angstia do que em realidade o ; no se d isso, porm, com relao
crise diante de ns. A mais vvida descrio
no pode atingir a grandeza daquela prova. O
Grande Conflito, 621-622.

155. And he shall plant the tabernacles of his

palace between the seas in the glorious holy
mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and
none shall help him. Daniel 11:45.

155. E armar as tendas do seu palcio entre

o mar grande e o monte santo e glorioso; mas
vir o seu fim, e no haver quem o socorra.
Daniel 11:45.

156. plant5193: a prim. root; prop. to

strike in, i.e. fix; spec. to plant (lit. or fig.):
fasten, plant (-er).
tabernacles168: from 166; a tent (as
clearly; conspicuous from a distance): covering, (dwelling) (place), home, tabernacle, tent
166: a prim. root; to be clear: shine.
palace643: appar. of for. der; a pavilion
or palace-tent:- palace. Strongs.

156. estabelecer - 5193: raiz prim; Pro. interromper, fix.ex. plantar(lit. ou Fig.):- fixar,
tabernculo - 168: de 166; uma tenda (
to claro, visvel de uma distncia): -cubrindo,
(morando)(lugar), casa, tabernculo,tenda
166: raiz prim.; ser claro; -brilhar.
palcio - 643: appar. of for. der; um pavilho ou palcio- tenda. Strongs.

157. And he saith unto me, The waters which 157. E disse-me: As guas que viste, onde se
thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peo- assenta a prostituta, so povos, e multides, e
ples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. naes, e lnguas. Apocalipse 17:15.
Revelation 17:15.
158. And it shall come to pass in the last days, 158. E acontecer nos ltimos dias que se
that the mountain of the Lords house shall firmar o monte da casa do Senhor no cume
be established in the top of the mountains, dos montes e se exalar por cima dos outO Rei do Norte 41

and shall be exalted above the hills; and all
nations shall flow unto it. And many people
shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up
to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of
the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his
ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out
of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word
of the Lord from Jerusalem. Isaiah 2:23.

eiros: e concorrero a ele todas as naes. E

viro muitos povos, e diro: Vinde, subamos
ao monte do Senhor, casa do Deus de Jac,
para que nos ensine o que concerne aos seus
caminhos, e andemos nas suas veredas; porque
de Sio sair a lei, e de Jerusalm a palavra do
Senhor. Isaas 2:2-3.

159. And he shall plant his palatial tents between the seas and the glorious holy mount
(Zion); yet he shall come to his end with none
to help him. Daniel 11:45, Amplified Version.

159. E armar as tendas do seu palcio entre o mar grande e o monte santo e glorioso
[Sio]; mas vir o seu fim, e no haver quem
o socorra. Daniel 11:45.

160. And he shall plant the tents of his palace

between the seas and the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and no one
will help him. Daniel 11:45, New King James

160. E armar as tendas do seu palcio entre

o mar grande e o monte santo e glorioso; mqw
vir o seu fim, e no haver quem o socorra.
Daniel 11:45, New King James Version.

Blocking The Message

161. Though being unable to expel God from
His throne, Satan has charged God with satanic attributes and has claimed the attributes of
God as his own. He is a deceiver, and through
his serpentine sharpness, through his crooked
practices he has drawn to himself the homage
which man should have given to God, and has
planted his satanic throne between the human
worshiper and the divine Father. Manuscript
Releases, vol. 7, 215.

161. Ainda que incapaz de expulsar a Deus
do Seu trono, Satans tem acusado Deus de
possuir atributos satnicos e tem reclamado os
atributos de Deus como seus. um enganador,
e mediante a sua agudeza serpentina e por meio
das suas prticas inquas, tem atrado para si
a homenagem que o homem devia tributar a
Deus, e colocou o seu trono satnico entre o
adorador humano e o Pai Divino. Manuscript
Releases, vol. 7, 215.

162. Stand out of the way, Brethren. Do not 162. Fiquem fora do caminho, Irmos. No
interpose yourselves between God and His interpor-se entre Deus e Seu trabalho. Selected
work. Selected Messages, book 3, 386.
Messages, book 3, 386.
163. Formality, worldly wisdom, worldly
caution, worldly policy, will appear to many to
be the very power of God, but when accepted,
it stands as an obstacle to prevent Gods light
in warnings, reproof, and counsel from coming to the world. Ibid., book 2, 19.

163. Formalidade, sabedoria mundana, certa

esperteza e mtodos mundanos, parecero a
muitos o prprio poder de Deus, mas quando
aceitos, ficam como obstculo impedindo a luz
de Deus em advertncias, reprovao e conselho de atingir o mundo. . Ibid., book 2, 19.

164. Just prior to the coming of the Son of

man, there isand has been for yearsa determination on the part of the enemy to cast
his hellish shadow right between man and his
Saviour. Manuscript Releases, vol. 6, 7.

164. Precisamente antes da vinda do Filho

do Homem, h, e tem havido por anos, uma
determinao por parte do inimigo de projetar
a sua sombra infernal entre o homem e o seu
Salvador. Manuscript Releases, vol. 6, 7.

42 O Rei do Norte


165. Satan will try to interpose himself and

discourage the workers, so as to prevent them
from giving the message of light and warning.
Testimonies, vol. 7, 35.

165. Satans tentar interpor-se e desencorajar os trabalhadores, de modo a impedi-los de

dar luz e mensagem de advertncia. Testimonies, vol. 7, 35.

166. The things of the world are their idols.

These interpose between the soul and Christ,
and the solemn and awful realities that are
crowding upon us are but dimly seen and
faintly realized. Ibid., vol. 5, 456.

166. As coisas do mundo so os seus dolos.

Estes interpe-se entre a alma e Cristo, e as
solenes e terrveis realidades que so acumulados sobre ns, so indistintamente vista e vagamente realizada Ibid., vol. 5, 456.

167. He, the great Teacher, was in the world; 167. Ele, o grande Mestre, esteve no munHe was the light of the world; but Satan inter- do; era a luz do mundo; mas Satans interps
posed his hellish shadow between Him and the a sua sombra infernal entre Cristo e almas que
souls whom Christ came to save. The Signs of Ele veio salvar.. The Signs of the Times, March
the Times, March 20, 1901.
20, 1901.
168. We entreat of you who oppose the light
of truth, to stand out of the way of Gods people. Let Heaven-sent light shine forth upon
them in clear and steady rays. Review and
Herald, May 27, 1890.

168. Rogamo-vos a vs que vos opondes luz

da verdade, que vos aparteis do caminho do
povo de Deus. Deixai que a luz proveniente
do cu, brilhe sobre eles em raios claros e uniformes. Review and Herald, 27-05-1890.

169. Let no one run the risk of interposing

himself between the people and the message
of heaven. The message of God will come to
the people; and if there were no voice among
men to give it, the very stones would cry out.
Counsels to Writers and Editors, 38.

169. Que ningum corra o risco de interpor-se entre o povo e a mensagem do Cu. A
mensagem de Deus chegar ao povo; e se no
houver uma voz entre os homens que a possa
dar, as prprias pedras clamaro. Counsels to
Writers and Editors, 38.

170. The Sabbath is the Lords test, and no

man, be he king, priest, or ruler, is authorized
to come between God and man. Testimonies,
vol. 9, 234.

170. O sbado a prova do Senhor, e homem

algum, seja ele rei, sacerdote ou governador,
est autorizado a interpor-se entre Deus e o
homem. Testemunhos Seletos, vol. 3, 397.

171. But when one man allows another to

step in between him and the duty that God has
pointed out to him, . . . such a man, instead of
growing and developing, will lose his spirituality. Testimonies, vol. 9, 280.

171. Mas quando um homem permite outro

entrar entre ele e a responsabilidade que Deus
tem apontado para ele,. . . tal homem, em vez
de crescer e desenvolver-se, perder a sua espiritualidade. Testimonies, vol. 9, 280.

172. God means just what He says. Man has

interposed between God and the people, and
the Lord has sent forth the third angel with the
message. Testimonies, vol. 8, 94.

172. Deus significa exatamente o que Ele diz.

O homem tem interposto entre Deus e o povo,
e o Senhor tem enviado o terceiro anjo com a
mensagem . Testimonies, vol. 8, 94.

He Shall Come To His End

Chegar o seu fim
173. Then was that part of the hand sent from 173. Ento dele foi enviada aquela parte
O Rei do Norte 43

him; and this writing was written. And this is
the writing that was written, MENE, MENE,
TEKEL, UPHARSIN. This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered
thy kingdom, and finish it. TEKEL; Thou art
weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians . . . . In that night
was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans slain.
Daniel 5:2428, 30.

da mo, que escreveu este escrito. Este, pois,

o escrito que se escreveu: MENE, MENE,
TEQUEL, UFARSIM. Esta a interpretao
daquilo: MENE: Contou Deus o teu reino, e
o acabou. TEQUEL: Pesado foste na balana,
e foste achado em falta. PERES: Dividido foi
o teu reino, e dado aos medos e aos persas. . .
. . Naquela noite foi morto Belsazar, rei dos
caldeus. Daniel 5:2428, 30.

174. But the judgment shall sit, and they shall

take away his dominion, to consume and to
destroy it unto the end. Daniel 7:26.

174. Mas o juzo ser estabelecido, e eles tiraro o seu domnio, para o destruir e para o
desfazer at ao fim. Daniel 7:26.

175. For the time is come that judgment must

begin at the house of God: and if it first begin
with us, what shall the end be of them that
obey not the gospel of God? 1 Peter 4:17.

175. Porque j tempo que comece o julgamento pela casa de Deus; e, se primeiro
comea por ns, qual ser o fim daqueles que
so desobedientes ao evangelho de Deus? 1 Pedro 4:17.

176. Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone

was cut out of the mountain without hands,
and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass,
the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God
hath made known to the king what shall come
to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and
the interpretation thereof sure. Daniel 2:45.
177. And in the latter time of their kingdom,
when the transgressors have come to the full, a
king of fierce countenance, and understanding
dark sentences, shall stand up. And his power
shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and
he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper,
and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and
the holy people. And through his policy also
he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and
he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by
peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand
up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be
broken without hand. Daniel 8:2325.

44 O Rei do Norte

176. Da maneira que viste que do monte foi

cortada uma pedra, sem auxlio de mos, e ela
esmiuou o ferro, o bronze, o barro, a prata e
o ouro; o grande Deus fez saber ao rei o que h
de ser depois disto. Certo o sonho, e fiel a sua
interpretao. Daniel 2:45.
177. Mas, no fim do seu reinado, quando
acabarem os prevaricadores, se levantar um
rei, feroz de semblante, e ser entendido em
adivinhaes. E se fortalecer o seu poder, mas
no pela sua prpria fora; e destruir maravilhosamente, e prosperar, e far o que lhe
aprouver; e destruir os poderosos e o povo
santo. E pelo seu entendimento tambm far
prosperar o engano na sua mo; e no seu corao se engrandecer, e destruir a muitos que
vivem em segurana; e se levantar contra o
Prncipe dos prncipes, mas sem mo ser quebrado. Daniel 8:2325


THE LITTLE BOOK PUBLISHING, Fevereiro de 2009, Verso 1.1

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