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O objetivo do jogo fazer a bolinha de beisebol chegar at o ponto em

vermelho no labirinto. Mas para isso, voc deve responder corretamente a
diversas contas de adio, para que a bolinha possa andar de maneira certa
no labirinto, para chegar ao seu destino.

O objetivo do jogo fazer o menino atravessar para o outro lado da rua,

onde se encontram as rvores. Porm, para isso, voc dever responder 8
perguntas de raciocnio lgico. Caso voc tenha mais acertos do que erros,
voc poder movimentar o menino com as setas do teclado, caso contrrio,
perde-se o jogo. Voc tambm perde o jogo caso encoste em um dos carros
que passa pela rua.

Neste jogo educativo, seu objetivo ajudar o aluno a fazer uma prova sobre
as cores em ingls. Para isso, voc deve responder a 12 perguntas
relacionada aos nomes das cores traduzidos para o portugus. Quando voc
acerta o nome de uma cor, a mesma aparece na lousa e voc ganha um
ponto de acerto, caso erre, apenas ganha um ponto de erro. Para voc
ganhar o jogo, deve ter mais pontos de acertos do que de erros.
O objetivo do jogo resolver corretamente o maior nmero de contas
possveis. A histria do jogo que os estudantes tero prova oral de
matemtica, e para sarem ao intervalo, voc deve ajud-los a resolver
contas de matemtica. Neste jogo, para ganh-lo, voc deve ter mais
acertos do que erros. O jogo possu um total de 8 contas.

O objetivo desse jogo educativo fazer a bolinha pegar a chave e abrir o

cadeado, ao longo de duas fases. Porm, para isso, voc deve responder
perguntas de raciocnio lgico, para que a bolinha possa andar em direo a
chave. Caso voc tenha mais erros do que acerto, perder o jogo.
O objetivo do jogo ajudar a princesa capturar 13 mas na floresta, para
alimentar seu urso, se no ele morre. Para isso, movimente a princesa com
as setas da direita e esquerda do teclado, para pegar as mas de caem das

O objetivo do jogo atravs da mira do mouse, acertar todos os monstros

que aparecem na tela. Para isso, basta arrastar o mouse para movimentar a
mira, e clicar com o boto esquerdo do mouse para atirar. Porm, s vale
acertar os monstros, no vale atirar nos cavalheiros.
A 7 hour, 5 project professional tutorial set The resource is made up of five complete
projects (7 hours+) that provides detailed
guidance, taking your students from that
very first piece of coding to five fully
functional games.

This also includes the latest Scratch 2

features that includes cloning and writing
custom code modules.

The basics Create a cat and dog chasing game whilst

learning the basics of how to use Scratch.

Activity time: 20-25 minutes

Difficulty level 1

Original source: http://www.eastonhome.co.uk


Reproduced with permission by original author,

Rob Easton

Moving eyes Do you fancy creating a set of moving

eyes that follow your mouse?

Watch the video tutorials on the left-hand

side to find out how to re-create the eyes.

Pause the video after each point and

recreate the game yourself.

You can use the graphics provided in the

zip file on the left.

Activity time: 10-15 minutes

Eye code - first tutorial Difficulty level 1

Original source: http://www.eastonhome.co.uk


Lazy eye code (advanced tutorial)

Graphics (zip)

Reproduced with permission by original author,

Rob Easton

Car racing Create a car racing game for two players.

This game is fun with your own graphics.

You can also use the graphics provided to

give your game an arcade look.

Try to extend the game and add in some

extra features of your own.

Activity time: 20-25 minutes

Difficulty level 2

Video 1 (above)
Original source: http://www.eastonhome.co.uk

Video 2 (above)

Graphics (zip)

Reproduced with permission by original author,

Rob Easton

Helicopter Learn to create a game which allows you

to pilot a helicoptor through the caves by
watching the video and copying what you

Download the graphics from the zip file

on the left-hand side.

Activity time: 20-25 minutes

Difficulty level 3

Video (above)
Original source: http://www.eastonhome.co.uk


Graphics (zip)

Reproduced with permission by original author,

Rob Easton

Tanks In this activity you will create a tank

which could lead to your own game.
Watch the video on the left-hand side to
find out how to create the tank game.

Remember to hit pause from time to time

and recreate the game

Download the graphics from the zip file

on the left-hand side.

Activity time: 35-40 minutes

Video (above)
Difficulty level 4

Graphics (zip) Original source: http://www.eastonhome.co.uk

Reproduced with permission by original author, /Scratch/index.htm

Rob Easton

Space Invaders A classic space invaders game.

On the left-hand side are 2 videos, the first

takes you through the main ideas and the
second shows you some advanced
programming techniques:

Remember to hit pause from time to time

and recreate the game

Download the graphics from the zip file

on the left-hand side.

Video 1 (above)
Activity time: 30-35 minutes

Difficulty level 4

Original source: http://www.eastonhome.co.uk

Video 2 (above)

Graphics (zip)

Reproduced with permission by original author,

Rob Easton

Asteroids Learn how to create another classic game.

Watch the 2 videos on the left-hand side to

find out how to create an asteriods game.

Remember to hit pause from time to time

and recreate the game

Download the graphics from the zip file

on the left-hand side.

Activity time: 55-60 minutes

Video 1 (above)
Difficulty level 5

Original source: http://www.eastonhome.co.uk


Video 2 (above)

Graphics (zip)

Reproduced with permission by original author,

Rob Easton

Shark and fishes game A fabulous project where you create fish,
get them to swim around the sea and then
make an evil shark to gobble them up.

There are lots of skills and commands

used in scratch and students end up with a
game that they will genuinely play.

There are plenty of extension possibilities

with this project.

Reproduced with permission by original author,

David Phillips

Parrot Game Nice little game here where we teach you

to make parrots fly on random paths,then
shoot them and make them disappear.

For good measure we shall even show you

how to keep the score and set a timer to
shoot all the parrots within.

In theory the perfect score would be 50.

We challenge you to build the game and
try and reach that score. We don't think
anyone could unless they were very
Reproduced with permission by original author,
David Phillips

Pong Game Perhaps this really should have been the first set of
video tutorials as in this series of videos you will
learn to make the first ever video game called

Basically it's a bit like tennis. They sold the

console that played this game for the price of an
XBox or PS3 you know.

Secretly once you make it you will play the thing

with your mates.
Reproduced with permission by original
author, David Phillips

Racing Game Here's another little game to try based on a top

down racer.

Videos 1 to 3 are complete but video 4 still needs

a little work. Once you are familiar with Scratch,
hopefully you will be able to figure out how to
put things right.

Created by David Phillips

Based on an original idea by Rob Easton

(see car race above)

Reproduced with permission of David

Phillips and Rob Easton

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