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Shot List
Creative Artifact Title: Abused

I have created an outline of the shots I will be taking, which is part of my planning. My shot list is based of my script as I have
considered the most effective way to portray to the audience the action, which is taking place in my script. I have decided to produce a
shot list, as it will allow me to work more proficiently as I have a plan of what I will have to do. This will benefit my cast and allow
the to perform more efficiently as it will guide them. Overall this will allow me to complete my creative artifact to the best of my

Nayani Vijayaratnam

Shot No. Location Shot Description Framing Action Dialogue Actor(s) Props
AISHA enters her
house; audience is She holds the door
Hi babe, Keys
able to view the mise- open as she walks in.
Interior Christine Bag
en-scene of her Establishing shot Presents the protagonist Im home Sandford
clothing, which to the audience,
connotes that she has immediately.
come home from work.

Tired from work she

slowly places her keys Placing her keys and
Interior Christine Bag
2 and bag down. AISHA Medium Close up bag before picking up
Hallway Sandford Keys
picks up the picture the picture frame
Picture Frame
frame on her counter.

She looks at it Jacket

Interior reminiscing about Over the shoulder Looking at the picture Christine Bag
Hallway when her and shot frame. Sandford Keys
DENIAN were happy. Picture frame
Denian ignores
AISHA as he sits in
Interior Phone
the living room with
4 Living Medium Close Up On his phone Gerald Recaj Bottle
his pone in one hand
Room Sofa
and a bottle of
Smirnoff in the other.
AISHA takes her
jacket off before Hey Denian?
Takes her jacket off Sofa
5 Interior walking into the living
Wide Shot before walking into the Gerald Recaj Bottle
Hallway room to see DENIAN.
living room Phone
He is half drunk sitting
on the sofa.
DENIAN looks down Looking at the time on Where the Sofa
Interior at his at the time on his his phone. Audience is
6 Living phone. He questions Close up able to see his anger
hell have Gerald Recaj
Room her about where shes through his furrowed you been!? Phone
been and they start eyebrows.
Nayani Vijayaratnam

AISHA shakes her
head at DENIAN,
getting annoyed at him No! For
for constantly doubting Gods sake,
Interior She has a defensive
7 Living
her. The audience is
Wide Shot manner and annoyed
I cant do Christine
able to view the lack of
look on her face. this right Sandford
romance and the now.
inferior role, which
AISHA holds within
the relationship.
AISHA pulls up a Table
Interior chair at the dining Pulling up a chair to sit Chair
Over The Shoulder Christine
8 Living table and sits down, down and opening her Laptop
Shot Sandford
Room Opening her laptop to laptop Bottle
do work.

DENIAN follows her,

angry that AISHA Why are you
walked away. He Stands over holding her home so Gerald Recaj
places his bottle of neck, which depicts to late? Who Laptop
9 Living Wide Shot Christine
Smirnoff down, before the audience that he is Chair
slamming her laptop the dominant figure.
were you Sandford
shut and grabbing her- with?
forcing AISHA to pay
Nayani Vijayaratnam

attention to him.

No you
dont! Look
DENIAN continues to at yourself,
Interior shout at her when this isnt
Living AISHA gets fed up Conflict between you! Christine Table
Room and stands up trying to DENIAN and AISHA
10 Sandford Chair
reach for the bottle of Wide shot as she attempts to
Gerald Recaj Laptop
Smirnoff. escape his hold.

AISHA manages to get

the bottle. She shoves
Interior past DENIAN making Grabs the bottle and Christine
11 Living her way to the kitchen. Two Shot makes her way to the Sandford
Room DENIAN attempts to kitchen. Gerald Recaj
get the bottle back but
fails to do so.
She pours the alcohol
down the sink, which
AISHA pours the signifies a sense of
Interior alcohol down the sink power and control
12 Close up Sandford Bottle
Kitchen which DENIAN within AISHAs
Gerald Recaj
doesnt take well character, which the
audience has not
witnessed yet.
I dont need
Audience witness you to tell
DENIAN strangles AISHA immediate loss me what to Gerald Recaj
13 AISHA which Two shot of power due to Christine
shouting at her. DENIANs physical
do. Im the Sandford
strength man! Ill do
what I want.
Nayani Vijayaratnam

Portrays AISHAS
vulnerability and
weakness in
DENIAN grabs comparison to
AISHA by her hair DENIAN, as the Gerald Recaj
14 dragging her across the Worms Eye View audience is able to Christine
kitchen before pushing identify her inferior Sandford
her down. body language and her
facial expressions,
which insinuates that
she is in pain
Allows us to see You ruined
DENIAN repeatedly
DENIANS aggressive us!
manner towards Everythings Gerald Recaj
Interior kicks AISHA in her
15 Wide Shot AISHA. Makes the Christine
Kitchen stomach while
audience feel
your fault Sandford
screaming at her you ugly
empathetic towards
her. whore!
AISHA tries to crawl
Audience is able to
away looking around Christine
Interior identify her panic and
16 fro a way to escape or Two Shot Sandford
Kitchen fear as she tries to get
defend herself. Gerald Recaj
away from DENIAN.
AISHA forces herself
to lean up against the Audience is able to see
counter and reaches for AISHA attempting to Gerald Recaj
17 the only thing in her Medium Close Up overcome her fear of Christine Knife
sight which she can DENIAN. The knife Sandford
defend herself with: a foreshadows his death.
DENIAN leaps DENIAN threatens her
forward trying to grab and there is a visible Christine
18 AISHA. He pushes her Mid Shot conflict in terms of Sandford Knife
up against the kitchen power between the two Gerald Recaj
window. characters.
Nayani Vijayaratnam

Suggests that AISHA

AISHA panics as has proven to be the
DENIAN leaps at her superior figure.
and moves her hand
forwards, stabbing Medium Close Up
Gerald Recaj
19 Knife
Shows a shift in power,
as it is now DENIAN
who is on the floor
DENIAN falls to his while Aisha stands Gerald Recaj
Interior knees in shock while over him. From Christine
20 Two Shot Knife
Kitchen AISHA stands over AISHAS body Sandford
him. language the audience
is able to infer the she
is not happy with
Nayani Vijayaratnam

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