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Faculdades Integradas de Araguatins

Introducing myself (apresentando-me)

Hi, I am Luiz Henrique. (Oi, eu sou Luiz Henrique)

Hi, Im... (?) (Oi, eu sou... ?)

Nice to meet you, Luiz. (Prazer em conhec-lo)

Nice to meet you too. (Prazer em conhecer voc tambm)

(O que voc sabe sobre ingls?)
A /ei/ - apple N /en/ - nurse
B /bi/ - ball O /ou/ - orange
C /ci/ - cat P /pi/ - pig
D /di/ - dog Q /quiu/ - queen
E /i/ - elephant R /ar/ - rain
F /f/ - fish S /es/ - soccer
G /dji/ - giraffe T /ti/ - teacher
H /eitch/ - hammer / hour U /iu/ - umbrella
I /ai/ - ice cream V /vi/ - van
J /djei/ - jet W /dbliu/ - woman
K /kei/ - kite X /ecs/ - xebec / ox
L /el/ - lion Y /uai/ - yellow
M /em/ - mother Z /zi/ - zero
I (eu)
You (voc)
He (ele)
She (ela)
It (para objetos e animais)
We (ns)
You (vocs)
They (eles)
I am (sou /estou )
You are ( /est)
He is ( /est)
She is ( /est)
It is ( /est)
We are (somos / estamos)
You are (so / esto)
They are (so / esto)
I am cold.
You are happy.
He is angry.
She is from Brazil.
It is hot today.
We are afraid
afraid of
of dogs.
You are hungry.
They are doctors.
I am cold.
Lisa. Im cold.
You are happy. Youre happy.
He is angry. Hes angry.
She is from Brazil. Shes from Brazil.
It is hot today. Its hot today.
We are afraid of dogs. Were afraid of
You are hungry. dogs.
They are doctors. Youre hungry.
Theyre doctors.

As frases no Present Simple sempre obedecem uma estrutura bsica:

Sujeito (S) + Verbo (V) + Objeto (O)

Forma Afirmativa Forma negativa Forma contrada

I am cold. I am not hot. Im not hot.

You are happy. You are not sad. Youre not sad.
You arent sad.
He is angry. He is not calm. Hes not calm.
He isnt calm.
She is from Brazil. She is not from Canada. Shes not from Canada.
She isnt from Canada.
It is cold today.** It is not hot. Its not hot.
It isnt hot.
We are afraid of We are not afraid of cats. Were not afraid of cats.
dogs We arent afraid of cats.
You are hungry. You are not thirsty. Youre not thirsty.
You arent thirsty.
They are doctors They are not lawyers. Theyre not lawyers.
They arent lawyers.
Todo nome chamado de substantivo,
Como campo e fonte, rua e cidade.
Every name is called a noun, No lugar do subst. o pronome aparece.
As field and fountain, street and town Como ele e ela batem palmas.
In place of noun the pronoun stands O adjetivo descreve uma coisa,
As he and she can clap their hands. Como varinha mgica e anel de noivado.
The adjective describes a thing, A maioria dos verbos significa uma ao,
As magic wand or bridal ring. algo a se fazer.
Most verbs mean action, something to To read and write, to jump and run.
do. Como as coisas so feitas, os
To read and write, to jump and run. contam.
How things are done the tell Como , ,
As , , , . , .
The preposition shows relation, As preposies mostram relao,
As in the street or at the station. Como na rua ou na estao.
Conjunctions join, in many ways, Conjunes une, de vrias maneiras,
Sentences, words, or phrase and sentenas, palavras , ou frase e frases.
phrases As interjeies gritam, Cuidado!
The interjection cries out, Heed! Um ponto de exclamao deve me
An exclamation point must follow me! seguir!.

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