Questions For Your Trip

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- Very important: Excuse me, please, sorry and thank you!

Where are the toilets, please?


Where is Gate 2? (Onde o porto 2?)

Which way to Gate 2? (pra que lado fica o porto 2?)
How far is Gate 2? (Qual a distncia at o porto 2?)
Can I make it to Gate 2 in 10 minutes? ( possvel chegar at o
porto 2 em 10 minutos?)
Where can I make my check in? (Onde posso fazer meu Check-
Which way to the TAM check-in counter? (Pra que lado fica o
balco de check in da TAM?)
Is the check in for flight 1213 already open? (O check in para o
voo 1213 j abriu?
What time does the flight to New York leave? (Que horas sai o
voo para Nova York?)
How long does the flight to New York take? (Quanto o tempo
de durao do voo at Nova York?)
Is this bag OK as hand luggage? (Esta mala pode ser
considerada bagagem de mo?)
Can I have a window / aisle seat? (Eu queria um assento na
janela / corredor)
Id like a single ticket. / Id like one way ticket. (Eu gostaria de
uma passagem s de ida) Mais comum em viagens de trem.
Id like a return ticket. / Id like round trip ticket. (Eu gostaria
de uma passagem de ida e volta) Normalmente voc j vai
chegar ao aeroporto com as passagens compradas, mas vale a
pena citar.
The Flight 725 to New York is now boarding at Gate 2. (O voo
725 para Nova York est embarcando agora no Porto 2)
Where do I claim my luggage? (Onde pego minha bagagem?)

Where can I find a bus stop? - Onde eu posso encontrar um ponto de nibus?

Do you know where I can find a taxi?

- Where is the nearest bus stop, subway or train station?

- How much is the ticket?

Perguntar onde fica o museu Do you know where the museum is?

Perguntar para que lado voc deve dobrar para chegar em algum lugar Should I turn right or
left to GO in this place?

- Can you show me on the map?

- Can I have a ticket to Verona, please?

What time does the train depart?

- Does this train/ bus go to?

- Excuse me, which is the way to platform x?

- Where is the closest supermarket? Where is the market?

- Compra

- How much is this?

- Can I help you?

- Im just looking, thanks!

- Can I try it on?

- Do you accept credit cards?

- We accept credit cards, debit and cash.


A table for two, please - Uma mesa para dois, por favor.
May I see the menu, please? - Posso ver o cardpio, por favor?
Excuse me, I would like to order, please - Com licena, eu gostaria de fazer o pedido, por
Can I have...?
I would like my steak rare/medium/well done, please - Eu gostaria do meu bife mal
passado/ao ponto/bem passado, por favor.
I would like to pay, please - Eu gostaria de pagar, por favor.
Can I have the check, please?
We would like to split the bill - Ns gostaramos de dividir a conta.

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