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Migration and maternal health: experiences Lgia Moreira Almeida 1

of brazilian women in Portugal Jos Peixoto Caldas 2

1 Institute of Public Health. Faculty of Medicine. University of Porto

Migrao e sade materna: experincias da (ISPUP/FMUP). Rua das Taipas, 135. CEP: 40.50-600. Porto,
Portugal. E-mail: ligia_almeida@fpce.up.pt
mulher brasileira em Portugal 2 Centre for Research and Intervention in Education. Faculty of
Psychology and Educational Sciences (CIIE/FPCEUP). University of
Porto. Porto, Portugal.

Abstract Resumo
Objectives: to characterize maternal and Objetivos: caracterizar a sade materna e
neonatal healthcare provided to Brazilian population, neonatal da populao brasileira, avaliando fatores
assessing key factors: access, use and quality of care fundamentais: acesso, utilizao e qualidade dos
received during this period. The goal was to assess cuidados recebidos durante este perodo. Avaliar
possible differences regarding womens perceptions possveis diferenas na percepo das mulheres sobre
regarding the quality and appropriateness of care qualidade e adequao do atendimento recebido,
received, providing qualitative information, as part of providenciando informaes qualitativas, uma
a holistic perspective. perspectiva holstica.
Methods: the present study adopted a qualitative Mtodos: a presente pesquisa seguiu uma
methodology (semi-structured interviews) for metodologia qualitativa (entrevistas semiestrutu-
collecting and analyzing data. Possible differences in radas) para coleta e anlise de dados. Avaliou-se
womens perceptions regarding the quality and appro- possveis diferenas na perceo das mulheres sobre
priateness of care received were assessed, providing qualidade e adequao do atendimento recebido,
qualitative information, as part of a holistic perspec- providenciando informaes qualitativas, para uma
tive. The present study was based on privileged infor- perspetiva holstica. Este estudo resultou da recolha
mation obtained from Brazilian women, residing in de informaes privilegiadas, obtidas de mulheres
the metropolitan area of Porto, regardless of their brasileiras, independentemente da situao docu-
legal status. mental, residentes na rea metropolitana do Porto.
Results: a certain dissatisfaction emerged among Resultados: certa insatisfao surgiu entre as
Brazilian women regarding the quality of information mulheres brasileiras em relao qualidade das
provided by health professionals, the communications informaes fornecidas pelos profissionais de sade,
skills of these professionals, in addition to a percep- capacidade de comunicao destes profissionais,
tion of reduced access to medical specialties, espe- alm da perceo de um acesso reduzido s especiali-
cially in primary care. Misinformation about legal dades mdicas, nomeadamente na ateno primria.
rights and inappropriate clarification during medical Desinformao sobre os direitos legais e esclareci-
appointments were frequently reported and interacted mento inadequado durante consultas mdicas foram
with social determinants to result in poorer medical frequentemente relatados e interagiram com determi-
care. nantes sociais, resultando em pior atendimento
Conclusions: special attention should be given to mdico.
the specific needs and understanding of immigrants Concluses: especial ateno deve ser prestada
during pregnancy and motherhood in order to s necessidades especficas e compreenso das
improve healthcare. New challenges tend to lie not imigrantes durante a gravidez e maternidade, a fim
only in ensuring access, but mostly in promoting de melhorar a sade. Novos desafios tendem a residir
equity, as away of providing high-quality care for all. no s em assegurar o acesso, mas principalmente na
Key words Brazilian immigrants, Care, Maternal and promoo da equidade, proporcionando qualidade
child health dos cuidados de sade para todos.
Palavras-chave Imigrantes brasileiras, Cuidados,
Sade materno-infantil

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Almeida LM, Caldas JP

Introduction promoting understanding of a number of epidemio-

logical phenomena which suggest extremely useful
Migration presents compelling development oppor- lines of research in public health.13-15
tunities for the European Union, given the specific The equation relating individual and collective
needs of the labor market, essential to the mainte- health is complex, multivariable and multimodal.
nance (reconfiguration?) of their social structure, Biochemical physical health must be seen within an
and the resumption of economic and cultural deve- entire sociological background with contextual vari-
lopment. In Portugal, in recent years, the census ables associated with social, cultural and educational
shows that migration has played an important role in factors, but also with the world of the individual
countering the aging population (declining birth rate psychological experience of migration, the migration
among native Portuguese women, with migrants process of experimentation and the resulting
contributing most to the maintenance of fertility personal challenges. It is thus impossible to conceive
rates, fertility and births).1,2 of health without considering personal characteris-
One of the greatest challenges posed by migra- tics such as resilience, tolerance of frustration and
tion concerns the provision of universal and equi- stress management in a context that is frequently one
table healthcare, core accessibility and quality of of isolation and lack of social support. International
services, regardless of gender, ethnicity or country investigators have begun to look into the effects of
of origin - healthcare as a universal right.3,4 Health racial stress on African women from different gener-
and guaranteed access to healthcare are cornerstones ations of migrants, identifying it as one of the causal
of social inclusion of immigrants, consisting of the factors lying behind the high rates of premature
main routes of entry into participatory citizenship birth. 16,17 Chronic stress can interfere with and
and civil rights.5,6 The most recent migration flows adversely affect the functioning of the immune and
(preceding the global economic crisis, as there are hormonal system, exacerbating inflammatory func-
no updated data other than the purely empirical tions and reducing the efficiency of the metabo-
framework of contemporary reality) demonstrate the lism.17,18
feminization of migration and the increasing partici- Psychosocial and social factors often result in
pation of women migrants in European increased vulnerability during pregnancy
demography.5,7,8 (psychopathological complications before and/or
Scientific evidence shows that immigrant popu- after birth - postnatal depression, psychosis and
lations have a higher risk of contracting diseases depression10,12 - exacerbated by stressors associated
such as cardiovascular disease, showing higher rates with migration), and mother and child health should
of diabetes and mortality associated with cancer therefore receive particular attention. 12,19 In a
when compared with native populations.9 Migrants preliminary exploration of the general health indica-
also have a higher risk of contracting infectious tors available for the characterization of migrant
diseases such as tuberculosis, HIV / AIDS and populations, it appears that this sector has tended to
hepatitis. 4,10,11 They also show a higher risk of experience more sexual and reproductive complica-
suffering from mental illness, including depression, tions; pregnancy outcomes in this group tend to be
schizophrenia and post-traumatic stress as a result of less favorable (a higher incidence of preterm babies
the interaction of specific psychosocial determi- with low weight at birth), more maternal, neonatal
nants.12 and child health problems, more miscarriages, a
Lines of contemporary research in health, deve- higher incidence of postpartum depression, poor
loping ideas about recent trends have been reco- gynecological follow-up and inadequate prenatal
vering research methods that are intermittently education.9
developed as strategies or abandoned (such as social Finally, to contextualize the present study, it is
epidemiology) and attribute an important role to the imperative to provide basic information on the ope-
social aspects and experiences of illness. There is rationalization of the National Health System and a
thus an urgent need to consider the contexts in which better understanding of the potential challenges that
migrants live and move about in host countries in migrants (and Portuguese nationals) often face in
order to understand health behaviors, the specific accessing services. The Portuguese concept of
cultural beliefs and the accompanying demand for primary health care is defined as the provision of
services and the course of diseases, by designing essential services, free and accessible to all. It gene-
health policy in the context where it develops, taking rally consists of local services, and establishes the
account of the role of poverty, socioeconomic status first contact of the individual with the required
and education in determining the health status and public health system (except for emergencies and

310 Rev. Bras. Sade Matern. Infant., Recife, 13 (4): 309-316 out. / dez., 2013
Migration and maternal health: experiences of brazilian women in Portugal

acute health conditions that require rapid specialized signed. The study was approved by the governing
intervention, in which cases, individuals have a boards and the Ethics Committees of all institutions
number of network devices, including immediate involved.
transport to the hospital emergency room, to which The sample was intentional. Participants were
they can also admit themselves). Health centers are recruited between November 2011 and February
the main primary care facilities. To improve the 2012 if they met the following inclusion criteria:
service provided by general practitioners, family new mothers with children under the age of 36
physicians can also be called, when in need of health months (covering the entire spectrum of childbearing
care. Despite these recommendations, a family age) residing in Porto and its metropolitan region,
doctor is not necessarily assigned to each patient or whose parents were not born in Portugal (in the case
Portuguese migrant and, in this case, patients have of migrants). All women were receiving support
to resort to medical resources. Specialized consulta- from civilian associations working with migrants
tions must be requested from the family doctor and and Portuguese nationals (NGOs) and/or from
depend on their approval and referral to a level of governmental institutions with the same aim.
secondary care (specialist consultations in pediatrics, Recruitment of participants began with contacts and
gynecology, psychiatry, psychology, etc). Health meetings with the Governing Boards of the institu-
centers also take action to promote health, preven- tions and associations, after they had approved the
tion, immunization, curative care and rehabilitation study protocol.
by way of nursing teams. Surveillance of pregnancy Semi-structured interviews were conducted (14
is performed primarily by primary health services.20 in all), seven to Brazilian and seven to Portuguese
The aim of the present study is to investigate women, at similar stages in motherhood. Given the
possible differences regarding native Portuguese and characteristics of the target population, semi-struc-
immigrant womens perceptions of the quality and tured interviews was the most appropriate data
appropriateness of care received, providing qualita- collection tool, as it required only a single meeting
tive information as a way of ascertaining whether and ensured the absolute anonymity of each partici-
there are inequities in access to maternal health care, pant. This was important, as some of recent mothers
considering all the social players in this context. interviewed were undocumented. Other strategies
Another aim is to provide essential tools for best (e.g. focus groups, in-depth interviews, unstructured
practices in the field of maternal healthcare and interviews) would have required not only longer
promote the development of a multi-method needs meetings but also possibly multiple interviews.
assessment of health in this population. Although other strategies would provide extremely
valid and richer information, they are not always
Methods applicable and adjustable either to the time
constraints of working migrants or to concerns asso-
This study is the result of a research project funded ciated with multiple contacts with illegal migrants.
by the FCT: "Health and Citizenship: Disparities and Interviews took were conducted in the associa-
intercultural needs in health care for immigrant tion or institution where the women were recruited
mothers" (Ref: PTDC/CS-SOC/113384/2009). The and lasted about 25 minutes. They were conducted
core of this research is the study and observation of by a well-trained researcher with a degree in
"health and citizenship" and its determinants, with psychology. The methodology and general objec-
special regard to the health of pregnant immigrant tives of the study were explained to all participants.
women and access to mother and child healthcare as Authorization for audio recording of the interviews
a key component of civil rights in Portugal. was requested, and informed voluntary consent was
The main participants in this project are new obtained. No refusals were disclosed.
mothers, immigrants and Portuguese nationals living Qualitative content analysis and categorization
in the metropolitan area of Porto. The immigrants of information were used to conduct a systematic
are children of foreign parents and were born outside analysis of the data collected. This involved tran-
the country. We highlighted and analyzed the state- scription of interviews and field notes. 21 Once all
ments and experiences of women from Brazil, to data had been collected, a comprehensive interpreta-
whom we provided an overall explanation of the tion was carried out. Initial categories were created
study and its aims and from whom we obtained (corresponding to the questions asked) and this later
authorization to conduct audio recordings of the evolved into the analysis of new data (clustering of
interviews, compliance and interest in participating information). Some initial questions presented as
this research, and terms of informed consent were guidelines included: Have you experienced any

Rev. Bras. Sade Matern. Infant., Recife, 13 (4): 309-316 out. / dez., 2013 311
Almeida LM, Caldas JP

issues in accessing family planning services at early stages of motherhood. In other situations, use
health centers?; How would you evaluate the was generally limited to the emergency services
healthcare you received during your last pregnancy (especially among migrants) and special appoint-
surveillance? What about the healthcare provided to ments, such as with pediatricians. Most women were
your new-born?; or Did you notice any problem in satisfied with the healthcare services, in particular
attendance and/or in the rapport established with those provided during pregnancy.
health professionals? Please explain how, and what Two different perspectives were found among
were the consequences (if they existed)? Two inde- Brazilian women: some reported a much more posi-
pendent investigators coded and organized data tive view of the healthcare system in the host
according to the categories, and the research team country, while others claimed that it was similar in
met several times to establish agreement on interpre- terms of the quality of public services. This seemed
tations. To maintain confidentiality, socio-demo- to be dependent on the what part of Brazil the
graphic data were entered into a coding sheet, and woman came from, demonstrating the disparities in
the name of the participant replaced by an alphanu- such a vast country. In Portugal healthcare is
meric code. Quotations were selected from womens better. Public healthcare in Brazil is still very poor.
dialogues that best exemplified the emerging (Brazilian participant). In Brazil it was easier to
themes. obtain an appointment with a specialist. In a health
center, you have daily access to all kinds of
Results doctors! (Brazilian participant). Brazilian women
provided a more negative evaluation of the quality
Most Brazilian women reported a medium level of primary healthcare centers, because of the
education (12 years: 5 in 7 women) and legal immi- bureaucracy associated with scheduling appoint-
gration status (6 out of 7 women, two of them by ments, particularly in the case of specialist care.
marriage). The Portuguese women also had a basic However, they reported being as satisfied with the
to medium level of education (9-12 years: 5 out of 6 healthcare services in Portugal as in their country of
women). Regarding length of stay, five of the seven origin, with the exception of not having access to
Brazilian women had been in the country for 7 years specialist appointments in primary healthcare
or less. settings.
It was possible to group the information All women, including Portuguese nationals,
collected into eight major themes: a) health status, mentioned the difficulty of scheduling appoint-
b) perceptions of access and quality of care, in ments, in both primary healthcare centers and hospi-
comparison with those in the country of origin, c) tals, and the waiting time for appointments as
barriers to and facilitators of the use of healthcare factors associated with lower quality and dehuma-
services, d) perceived gaps in the health system and nization of services.
suggestions for improvement, e) mother and child Migrant women furnished varying opinions
healthcare (i. pregnancy and postpartum; ii. baby regarding potential barriers and difficulties in
follow up; iii. family planning); f) strategies for accessing healthcare, mostly related to idiosyncratic
managing difficulties; g) the quality and conse- personal experiences. The most significant obstacles
quences of the care provided by health profes- included initial unawareness of the services that the
sionals; h) contraception - information, decision and healthcare system had to offer, the previously
use. referred difficulty in scheduling appointments, the
Regarding health status, with the exception of waiting time for appointments, and a perceived
two specific situations from the past, most Brazilians indifference towards users, particularly at emer-
reported never having experienced any serious gency services.
health problem. All respondents were assessed at the A number of cultural issues relating to the
time of the interview as completely healthy, showing services were mostly mentioned by Brazilians:
full agreement with the so-called healthy migrant greater harshness on the part of healthcare profes-
effect.22,23 Only a few differences were identified sionals, which often triggered inhibition in
in relation to specific situations and epidemiological providing clarifications, posing additional questions,
profiles, such as postpartum depression in a and returning for future complications. In Brazil,
Portuguese woman, and one case of endometriosis we're more comfortable with our doctors, they smile,
and hyperthyroidism in a Brazilian woman. theyre kind! Here the doctors are very serious when
Irrespective of nationality, interviewees reported they talk... sometimes we even feel nervous when we
regular use of the NHS during pregnancy and in the talk to the doctor, as he is so serious!" (Brazilian

312 Rev. Bras. Sade Matern. Infant., Recife, 13 (4): 309-316 out. / dez., 2013
Migration and maternal health: experiences of brazilian women in Portugal

participant). Several Brazilian women complained being more rewarding to Portuguese women.
about difficulties in requesting regular medical Nevertheless, this satisfaction rarely extends to post-
checkups, revealing differences in the preventive partum medical care, in which women (irrespective
approach to medicine. of nationality) overwhelmingly referred to a lack of
With regard to factors that facilitate accessibility social and emotional support, reporting feelings of
to healthcare services, Brazilian women pointed to a being abandoned by the NHS. Brazilian women
number of facilitators, referring to pregnancy as a tended to report high satisfaction with care received
period when they received particularly good support, during pregnancy. The difficulties they most identi-
and the ease of geographical accessibility of the fied involved the initial contact with the NHS, and
primary healthcare centre. Having ones own some unfamiliarity on the part of physicians and
General Practitioner and being pregnant are widely administrative professionals regarding free access to
recognized facilitators for migrants and Portuguese healthcare for pregnant women, even if undocu-
nationals alike. Several Brazilian women tended to mented. This resulted in poor and late prenatal care
identify bureaucracy and misinformation from for some Brazilian women.
healthcare professionals and administrative staff as With regard to medical care for infants, after
the main obstacles to the initial approach to specia- being discharged from hospital, several immigrants
lized care services. No, I dont have any problem in reported difficulties in obtaining sufficiently clari-
accessing the healthcare services I had no social fying medical consultations, mentioning a lack of
security number in early pregnancy, and I went to pediatric specialists to pursue baby follow-up.
the doctor at my primary healthcare centre. The Brazilian women reported widespread dissatisfac-
General Practitioner made medical access a bit tion with baby follow-up, when it is carried out in
difficult; she said I had no right to prenatal care, primary healthcare (by general practitioners), since,
since I had no social security number and did not in their country, pediatric services are provided at
order the routine exams that I needed. I could only this level of care. This often leads to more requests
get them too late... (Brazilian participant). It is for hospital emergency services. The complaints and
noteworthy that some Portuguese women also dissatisfaction observed thus relate more to difficul-
reported problems with the quality of care received, ties and bureaucracy in the process of getting a
not identifying them as such and not being aware of specialized appointment, which women believe
its impact. The final part of the delivery went result in delays in providing pediatric services. The
wrong, they got things done very quickly, and when family physician is ...well, is good, but not for chil-
they had to remove the placenta some of it was left dren! (Brazilian participant).
inside... (Portuguese participant). Family planning services are counseling and
The main complaints were common to all users, information services focusing on health prevention
regardless of nationality. These included the time and protection against diseases (explicitly through
spent waiting for appointments, difficulties schedu- free provision of contraception) and preparing
ling general and specialized appointments, lack of women physically for pregnancy (e.g. planning early
attention from healthcare professionals, especially intake of folic acid). It was observed that not all
in hospital emergency wards, and excessive bureau- women are aware of the potential and advantages of
cracy. Brazilian women referred predominantly to these services but, irrespective of nationality, the
the non-availability of specialist appointments in ones who used them were extremely satisfied.
primary healthcare, bureaucracy in scheduling Among Brazilian women, we found a certain
appointments, difficulties in obtaining timely care in discrepancies as to the source of their dissatisfaction,
the absence of an attributed General Practitioner, and effective complaints or practical management of
insufficient duration of appointments, and insuffi- obstacles encountered. Only one woman reported
cient clarification provided by healthcare profes- that she sought out information about her rights
sionals. Suggestions for improvement of services when facing a setback in accessing maternal health-
focused on the need to provide more humane care care. Some Portuguese women behaved similarly:
and be more interculturally aware. "Appointments despite being knowledgeable about the functioning
dont need to be more frequent, but longer!.. More of the NHS, Portuguese women of low socioeco-
time for appointments! It's rushed!... It is a shame nomic status (SES) only make verbal complaints,
we cannot ask more questions!" (Brazilian partici- demanding their rights (real or perceived) exclu-
pant). sively by way of oral protest. In very serious situa-
We observed that pregnancy follow-up is one of tions or circumstances with a high probability of
the services with which users were most satisfied, medical failure, they tended not to follow up

Rev. Bras. Sade Matern. Infant., Recife, 13 (4): 309-316 out. / dez., 2013 313
Almeida LM, Caldas JP

complaints. The final part of the delivery went increasingly adapted social participation.
wrong. When removing the placenta, the doctors Portugal has shown strong commitment to
didnt completely eliminate the remains... And that improving the integration of immigrants by way of
made me develop an infection that forced me to stay comprehensive legislation, potentially favoring
in hospital a few days. I wasnt pleased but I didnt legalization and the acquisition of dual citizenship
complain. (Portuguese participant). (when the home country permits) and family reunifi-
As noted above, Brazilian women had a very cation, with comparatively broad political integra-
positive opinion of the healthcare received, espe- tion with the European Union, particularly with
cially during pregnancy and in terms of family plan- regard to free access to health care for pregnant
ning and contraception. Yet, they tended not to iden- women and new mothers. However, there are a
tify potential sub-quality experiences, not relating number of gaps between the law and reality on the
them to later adverse consequences. Some experi- ground that contribute to systematically poorer
ences occurred that jeopardized the quality of health indicators and integration among the immi-
services, such as obstacles posed by some health grant population, particularly Brazilians. Data was
professionals (specifically in terms of the content of found to suggest there is a need to change the focus
consultations). "Sometimes you get a doctor who is from access of immigrant women to healthcare
very insensitive, like... she told me (about my son): (which has largely been achieved at a national level)
"The fever began today, why are you here? Go home to ensuring the quality of care, which is a trend that
and give him Ibuprofen." (Brazilian participant). exists in most European countries that share the
Migrants and their Portuguese counterparts cite assumption that health is a universal right.24-26
family planning services as an example of adequate Ongoing research has already shown that most
functioning, fully responding to their requirements. complaints concern aspects not covered by legisla-
Most Brazilian women self-assessed themselves as tion, which facilitates encroachment on the law on
having sufficient knowledge regarding methods of the part of those who receive migrants. The
contraception. They tended to experiment with a increasing bureaucratization associated with institu-
wide range of contraceptives, playing an active role tions that the Portuguese Government provides for
in the selection of the method, often resulting in overseeing and regulating the entry and integration
better collaboration between the women and the of immigrants has been extremely damaging, exa-
health professional. "Whenever I need to, I turn to cerbating the difficulties and vulnerabilities arising
Health Centre, because it's free! Let's make use of it! from migration.
I just call them, make an appointment, and go there Our methodology enabled us to observe specific
to pick it up. My doctor gives me more options. But, problems in the healthcare system that need to be
for now, I just take the pill." (Brazilian participant). addressed: Brazilian women expressed dissatisfac-
Portuguese women demonstrated similar patterns tion regarding the suboptimal information provided
when choosing methods of contraception, also doing by healthcare professionals, which some women felt
so in collaboration with health professionals to be mediated by prejudice or indifference. They
(frequently agreeing with the professionals sugges- also criticized the bureaucracy of primary healthcare
tions). The methods used varied. At the Maternity centers and the limited access to specialized care, as
unit, when I had my first child, I put in the (subcuta- they perceived it. Likewise they felt preventive care
neous) implant. When I took out the implant, I put in strategies to be insufficient. Another aspect
the vaginal ring. Now (that my baby has been born) perceived as a stressor by Brazilian women was the
Ill use the breastfeeding pill.(Portuguese partici- different health practices used in the country of
pant). origin. Differences in the routine use of clinical
examinations and scheduling of specialist appoint-
Discussion ments often resulted in inhibiting the women from
seeking further clarification and general dissatisfac-
Brazilian women often experience difficulty in early tion. These issues were frequently perceived as an
integration (owing to both internal and external example of health deprivation.
barriers), but over time and from one generation to The social gradient in health is a crucial chal-
the next, integration is usually a success. The main lenge where inequalities are deep-rooted. The
mechanisms identified as facilitators of this process present study has shown, in previous stages, that
were acquiring nationality (length of stay in social risk is widely associated with socio-material
Portugal), and gradual adoption of the culture and deprivation and this tends to be reflected in social
customs of the host society - developing active and exclusion from goods and services, including health

314 Rev. Bras. Sade Matern. Infant., Recife, 13 (4): 309-316 out. / dez., 2013
Migration and maternal health: experiences of brazilian women in Portugal

and education. 11,27 It is therefore fundamental to nication strategies, and not only free access to
consider the predominant role that poverty plays in services. Patients perspectives are essential for
racial disparities between health outcomes. 28 assessing the quality of healthcare and should be
Inequalities in health cannot be taken separately taken into account by policy makers.30
from education achievement, physical and psychoso-
cial hazards at work, living conditions, employment Acknowledgments
status, job insecurity, income and other social deter-
minants of health. Social epidemiology alerts us to The authors would like to express their gratitude for
this issue, as people with lower social-economic the funding received from the FCT funding agency,
status tend to require more healthcare services. without which the present study would not have
Public health policies must compensate for these been possible. The authors would also like to thank
inequalities by providing opportunities for good Catarina Casanova for her valuable contribution,
health for all. 29 Proper healthcare needs to strike a especially with regard to data collection.
balance between clinical skills and adequate commu-


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Recebido em 14 de dezembro de 2012
Verso final apresentada em 9 de maio de 2013
Aprovado em 5 de setembro de 2013

316 Rev. Bras. Sade Matern. Infant., Recife, 13 (4): 309-316 out. / dez., 2013

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