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Per 1 gallon ziplock bag: - Por cada saco de plastico de 2 litres

6 drumsticks - 6 pernas de galinha

6 thighs - 6 coxas
6 cloves garlic, crushed - 6 dentes de alho, esmagado

~ ¼- ½ cup of extra virgin olive oil (this is forms the base of the marinade and the goal is just to
cover the whole batch. Start low and add more as needed later)

~ 60 ml. - 125 ml. de azeite extra virgem

1 whole medium size lemon (you’ll want to wash the outside of it thoroughly before you start)
1 limao de tamanho medio inteiro (Lave o exterior de limao primeiro)

1 and 1/4 tablespoon of smoked paprika (smoked is a must)

7 gramas de paprica fumada

4-6 piri-piri pods (moderately spicy, more if you like), ripped up into a rough grind with your
4-6 pedacos de piri piri (quase picante, adicione mais piri piri se tu gostas mais picante), moa
com o seus polegares

1 bay leaf, ripped up roughly with your thumbs

1 folha de louro, cortar com o seus polegares

kosher salt
sal grosso

black pepper
Pimenta preta

Mix up the crushed garlic, olive oil, paprika and piri-piri in a bowl until it’s a fairly uniform sauce.
Put it to the side. Take out the chicken, season it moderately with salt. Get your gallon bag, put
about a quarter of the sauce in. Put in about a quarter of the chicken. Layer on another quarter
of the chicken. Another quarter of sauce.

Mexa o alho esmagado, azeite, paprika fumado, o folha de louro, e piri-piri numa tigela ate
formar um molho uniforme. Reserva. Tempera o frango com sal. Coloque um quarto de molho
no seu saco de plastico. Coloque um quarto de o frango. Coloque mais um quarto de molho, e
de seguida mais um quarto de frango.
Chop the lemon in half, juice one of the halves into the bag on top of the chicken. Chop the half
lemon into quarters, juice it some more, then toss the quarters into the bag. More chicken, more
sauce. More chicken, more sauce.

Corta o limao em meias partes, e extraia o sumo em cima do frango no seu saco de plastico.
Corta a meia parte de limao em quartos, extraia mais sumo, e depois coloque as partes de
limao no seu saco. Coloque mais frango, e mais molho, mais frango, e mais molho.

Extraia o sumo da outra meia parte de limao, corta em quartos, extraia mais sumo, e depois
coloque as partes de limao no seu saco. Quando tiveres terminado, fecha o saco, e mexa muito
o marinado. Abre uma Sagres, e espera pelo menos uma hora, mais tempo e melhor. Lembra
que mais tempo de espera faz uma marinado mais picante.

Quando tiveres terminado de esperar, tira o frango do saco, e tempera uma outra vez com sal e
pimenta preta. Nao se preocupe que seja sal demais, e fino.

Cozinha no forno por 37 minutos a 205 graus celsius, e depois 5 minutos com mais calor na
parte superior para a pele ficar mais crocante.

Chop the other half of the lemon, juice it, chop it, juice it again, then into the bag. Seal it and
mush the chicken around in the marinade. The goal is to get things evenly dispersed. Crack a
Sagres and give everything some time to soak up. I only really marinaded for maybe ten
minutes but I’m sure you could get better results with a longer soak. A longer soak will probably
make it spicier though so be careful with that.

Take the chicken out on a tray to stage it, season it again with kosher salt and pepper. I pretty
much seasoned it as I normally would here and it didn’t come out salty. The first round seems to
have penetrated well with the marinade.

I cooked it for 37 minutes at 400 in the oven then finished it with 5 min under the broiler for
crispy skin. You should toss it on the Ford.


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