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Questão 1
Nível de dificuldade: Fácil – Alternativa Correta: C – Habilidade do ENEM: H6
What is the odd word out?
a) woman b) girl
c) goal d) teenager

Questão 2
Nível de dificuldade: Médio – Alternativa Correta: C – Habilidade do ENEM: H6
Escolha alternativa que melhor completa as lacunas das frases a seguir:
I) John is care____ with his money.
II) The king knighted the soldier for his brave____.
III) On my birthday, I gave clothes to the home_____.
IV) The goal keeper's quick____ prevented the goal.
a) less, less, ness, ness b) less, ness, ness, less
c) less, ness, less, ness d) less, less, less, ness

Questão 3
Nível de dificuldade: Fácil – Alternativa Correta: A – Habilidade do ENEM: H6
Complete de acordo com as regras da First Conditional a seguinte frase:
“If you eat fast food,”
a) you gain weight.
b) you gained weight.
c) you have gained weight.
d) you gains weight.
Questão 4
Nível de dificuldade: Médio – Alternativa Correta: C – Habilidade do ENEM: H6
Choose the correct conditional sentence according to this sentence: "I must run
faster or I will lose the race."
a) If I must run faster, I will lose the race.
b) If I run faster, I will lose the race.
c) If I run faster, I will win the race.
d) If I don't run faster, I will win the race.

Inglês | Learn and Share | Volume 3| 1º bimestre | Editora Ática 1

Questão 5
Nível de dificuldade: Fácil – Alternativa Correta: C – Habilidade do ENEM: H6
Utilize a First conditional e escolha a alternativa correta que complete esta frase:
If there _______ any milk in the fridge I ____________ and buy some.
a) is / go b) be / will go
c) isn't / will go d) isn't / don't go

Questão 6
Nível de dificuldade: Fácil – Alternativa Correta: C – Habilidade do ENEM: H6
Na frase “Before being ARRESTED, he was a normal worker”, qual a tradução do falso
cognato em destaque?
a) arrastado
b) afetado
c) preso
d) afastado

Questão 7
Nível de dificuldade: Médio – Alternativa Correta: A – Habilidade do ENEM: H6
O que demonstra o marcador discursivo em destaque na seguinte frase: “Now that’s
a strange statement to make, BECAUSE the world is all messed up.”.
a) causa, razão b) propósito c) adição d) escolha

Questão 8
Nível de dificuldade: Médio – Alternativa Correta: D – Habilidade do ENEM
Qual marcador discursivo melhor completa a lacuna?
“ ____________________ its magnificence, I wouldn't stop there.”
a) Because
b) And
c) But
d) In spite of

Questão 9
Nível de dificuldade: Fácil – Alternativa correta: A – Habilidade do ENEM: H6
Qual das alternativas é um sinônimo para a expressão “all messed up”?
a) full of problems
b) fight with
c) a long and difficult walk
d) more exactly

Inglês | Learn and Share | Volume 3| 1º bimestre | Editora Ática 2

Questão 10
Nível de dificuldade: Fácil – Habilidade do ENEM: H7
Leia o texto e responda:
The US President and first lady asked Americans to volunteer – informally and through
the new Serve America Act, which will take effect on Oct. 1. There are many ways to help, but
most important, the Obamas have simply said, “Get involved!”
Volunteerism is a thread that runs throughout the US’s history. But even with the
White House call to action, this thread is beginning to fray.
According to a report from the National Conference on Citizenship, in the midst of the
recession 72 percent of Americans have cut back on civic participation, which includes the time
spent volunteering.
Having led teams of employees for decades, I’ve long subscribed to the idea of
“servant leadership.” It’s a simple idea that recognizes that good leaders should serve their
followers, not the other way around. Companies now have a great opportunity to take this
spirit of servitude beyond their corporate walls and into their communities.
By Irene Rosenfeld Newsweek, September 21, 2009.
I) What happened in the midst of the recession?

72 percent of Americans have cut back on civic participation, which includes the time spent


Questão 11
Nível de dificuldade: Fácil – Habilidade do ENEM: H7
In the text: “Volunteerism”, what is the big opportunity to the companies?

Companies now have a great opportunity to take this spirit of servitude beyond their

corporate walls and into their communities.

Questão 12
Nível de dificuldade: Médio – Habilidade do ENEM: H7
What is the text “Volunteerism” about? Answer in portuguese.

O texto fala sobre a ideia da importância do voluntariado e de como os líderes devem “servir”

seus empregados para formar uma ideia de cooperativismo e levar essa ideia, também, até a


Inglês | Learn and Share | Volume 3| 1º bimestre | Editora Ática 2

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