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Innovation as Technology has Become the Human Experience - ACM Ubiquity Blog

Those philosophers of technologies and scholars, who are aspiring to be working on the
theme of "innovation" and "design", would have heard that Steve Jobs is no more. On the
sad demise of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs we as philosophers of technologies should pay
our homage and tribute to the all time and unique great innovator.

Steve Jobs once said on accessibility/disability and technology use:

"Having children really changes your view on these things. We're born, we live for a brief
instant, and we die. It's been happening for a long time. Technology is not changing it much -
if at all."

“Ter crianças realmente muda sua visão das coisas. Nós nascemos, nós vivemos por um
breve instante, e nós morremos. Isto tem acontecido por muito tempo. Tecnologia não
está mudando isto muito – se estiver mudando.”

"These technologies can make life easier; can let us touch people we might not otherwise.
You may have a child with a birth defect and be able to get in touch with other parents and
support groups, get medical information, the latest experimental drugs. These things can
profoundly influence life. I'm not downplaying that. But it's a disservice to constantly put
things in this radical new light - that it's going to change everything. Things don't have to
change the world to be important."

“Estas tecnologias podem tornar a vida mais fácil; nos permite contatar pessoas que de
outra forma não aconteceria. Você pode ter uma criança com um problema congênito e
entrar em contato com outros pais e grupos de ajuda, conseguir informação médica, as
mais recente drogas experimentais. Estas coisas podem influenciar sua vida
profundamente. Não estou depreciando isto. Mas é um desserviço colocar constantemente
as coisas numa perspective radical – que vai mudar tudo. As coisas (tecnologias) não têm
que mudar o mundo para serem importantes.”

However, we all know that technology has created new opportunities to connect and
interact. But, researchers are increasingly concerned that heavy technology usage is
changing people's behavior in less than desirable ways.

Entretanto, nós todos sabemos que a tecnologia tem criado novas oportunidades para se
conectar e interagir. Mas pesquisadores estão crescentemente preocupados com o uso
intensivo da tecnologia e a mudança no comportamento das pessoas de forma no mínimo

Despite all this facts, Steve Jobs with his thoughts and innovations has changed the world we
live in, and revolutionized our world with technology and innovation which will affect our
human experience in future and years to come

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