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ESTUDANTE: _____________________________________________________

3º ENSINO MÉDIO. TURMA: ( )A ( )B ( )C



Leia o texto abaixo, em seguida responda às questões 1 II. She loves the boy, ____________?
e 2.
IV. Romeu feel in love with Juliet, ____________?

Who was it? A sequência correta de preenchimento, nesta ordem, é:

Last night I was reading a magazine when I heard (A) doesn’t he – doesn’t she – didn’t they – didn’t he
somebody knocking at the door. I got up, went to the door
and opened it. But nobody was there. It’s strange, isn’t it? (B) does he – does she – did they – did he

(C) didn’t he – didn’t she – doesn’ they – doesn’t he

(D) did he – did she – does they – does he

1. Considere as sentenças abaixo, em relação ao texto
lido, e julgue (V) para Verdadeiro e (F) para Falso.

( ) Na noite passada, a garota estava lendo um jornal. 4. Na sentença: “The girls were nice, weren’t they?” O
termo destacado pode ser substituído por:
( ) Ela ouviu ruídos estranhos.
(A) He
( ) Ela levantou, foi até a porta e a abriu.
(B) She
( ) Não havia ninguém lá, quando ela abriu a porta.

A sequência correta, de cima para baixo, é: (C) It

(A) V – V – F – F (D) They

(B) F – F – V – V

(C) V – F – V – F 5. A forma interrogativa de “She worries” é:

(D) F – V – F – V (A) Does she worries?

(B) Does she worry?

2. A melhor tradução para: “It’s strange, isn’t it?”, é:
(C) Do she worry?
(A) É engraçado, não é?
(D) Is she worry?
(B) Não é engraçado, é?

(C) É estranho, não é?

6. “He does the homework at night”, na forma
(D) Não é estranho, é? interrogativa, é :

(A) Does he do the homework at night?

3. Complete os espaços com tags:
(B) Do he does the homework at night?
I. Romeo loves Juliet, ____________?
(C) Does he does the homework at night?
III. They changed words of love, ____________?
(D) Do he do homework at night?
7. “The tourists love Brazil”, na forma interrogativa, 9. A melhor tradução para: “What do you want to eat?”,
é: é:

(A) Does the tourists loves Brazil? (A) O que você quer fazer?

(B) Does the tourists love Brazil? (B) O que você quer beber?

(C) Do the tourists loves Brazil? (C) O que você quer comer?

(D) Do the tourists love Brazil? (D) O que você quer dizer?

8. A forma negativa de “She has a dream” é: 10. Analise as sentenças abaixo e marque (V) para
Verdadeiro e (F) para Falso.
(A) She doesn’t has a dream.
( ) Todos querem arroz e peixe.
(B) She don’t has a dream.
( ) Somente a mãe quer frango e batatas fritas.
(C) She doesn’t have a dream.
( ) O pai pediu cerveja para ele e a esposa.
(D) She don’t have a dream.
( ) As crianças preferem limonada.

A sequência correta de cima para baixo é:

Leia o texto abaixo, em seguida responda às questões 9
e 10. (A) V – V – F – F

(C) V – F – F – V


(D) F – V – V – F
Father: Waiter! Please!

Waiter: Yes! What do you want to eat?

Transcreva suas repostas para o gabarito abaixo,
Father: We want fish and rice. assinalando com um X a alternativa que julgar correta.

Mother: Oh! No! The children like chicken and fried

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)
Father: Well. Bring chicken and fried potatoes for three
and fish for me. 2. (A) (B) (C) (D)
3. (A) (B) (C) (D)
Waiter: What do you want to drink? Father: Beer. Bring
me beer. 4. (A) (B) (C) (D)
Children: Beer?! We prefer lemonade. 5. (A) (B) (C) (D)

Father: Well. Bring beer for two and lemonade for the 6. (A) (B) (C) (D)
children. 7. (A) (B) (C) (D)
Waiter: Ok. 8. (A) (B) (C) (D)
9. (A) (B) (C) (D)
10. (A) (B) (C) (D)

Good Luck

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