Você está na página 1de 26

on skript start:

message "" to console

set {TestMode} to "&eDisabled"
set {TestMode::N} to false
message "&6&lAtivando TAC, 1.2 Alpha Build" to console
message "&6&lCarregando 54 Modulos em 1400 linhas" to console
wait 5 seconds
message "&4&lErro ao Carregar FastEat-type2" to console
wait 2 seconds
message "&6&lTAC: &a&lTodos os outros modulos foram carregados." to console
set {KillauraCheckFFB:N} to true
set {KillAuraCheck} to "&eDisabled"
message "&aTower Script: AntKillAura ativado com sucesso" to console
set {AntiKBCheckFFB:N} to true
set {AntiKBCheck} to "&eEnabled"
message "&aTower Script: AntKB ativado com sucesso" to console
set {AutoActiveKill::N} to true
set {ReachCheckFFB:N} to true
set {ReachCheck} to "&eEnabled"
message "&aTower Script: AntReach ativado com sucesso" to console
set {FastBowCheckFFB:N} to true
set {FastBowCheck} to "&eEnabled"
message "&aTower Script: FastBow ativado com sucesso" to console
set {JesusCheckFFB:N} to true
set {Jesus::Check} to "&eEnabled"
message "&aTower Script: AntFastEat ativado com sucesso" to console
set {FastEatCheckFFB:N} to true
set {FastEat:Check} to "&eEnabled"
message "&6&lTAC: AntJesus ativado com sucesso" to console
message "&6&lTAC: &e&lTodas as feathures foram ativadas!" to console
message "&6&lTAC: &eUpdates:" to console
message "&6&lTAC: &ePermissão de bypass staff adicionada:
&e&l(TAC.Bypass.Check e TAC.Bypass.All)" to console
message "&6&lTAC: &eRemovidos o /tacban e /tackick" to console
message "&6&lTAC: &eNovas feathures de FastEat adicionadas" to console
message "" to console

on skript stop:
message "" to console
set {TestMode} to "&eDisabled"
set {TestMode::N} to false
message "&6&lTAC: &cdesativando modulos" to console
wait 5 seconds
message "" to console
message "&6&lTAC: &ctodos os modulos foram desativados" to console
message "&6&lTAC: &aDesativado com sucesso" to console
message "&a&6&lTAC: &cFoi desativado pelo &aTower Script." to console
set {KillauraCheckFFB:N} to true
set {KillAuraCheck} to "&eDisabled"
set {KillauraCheckFFB:N} to false
set {KillAuraCheck} to "&eDisabled"
message "&6&lTAC: &cAntKillAura desativado com sucesso" to console
set {AntiKBCheckFFB:N} to false
set {AntiKBCheck} to "&eDisabled"
message "&6&lTAC: &cAntKillAura desativado com sucesso" to console
set {AutoActiveKill::N} to false
set {ReachCheckFFB:N} to false
set {ReachCheck} to "&eDisabled"
message "&6&lTAC: &cAntKillAura desativado com sucesso" to console
set {FastBowCheckFFB:N} to false
set {FastBowCheck} to "&eDisabled"
message "&6&lTAC: &cAntKillAura desativado com sucesso" to console
set {JesusCheckFFB:N} to false
set {Jesus::Check} to "&eDisabled"
message "&6&lTAC: &cAntKillAura desativado com sucesso" to console
set {FastEatCheckFFB:N} to false
set {FastEat:Check} to "&eDisabled"
message "&6&lTAC: &cdesativado com sucesso" to console
message "&6&lTAC: &cAntKillAura desativado com sucesso" to console
message "" to console

Prefix: &6&lTScript
MPrefix: &6&lT&f&lUP
TMPrefix: &6&lTAC
SubPrefix: &c&lAntiCheat
Version: Alpha 12
AutoKickA: &7[&6&lTAC&7] &c%{cheat}%.
AutoKickV: &7[&6&lTAC&7]] &c%{cheat}%.
AutoKickS: &7[&6&lTAC&7] &c%{cheat}%.
AutoKickP: &7[&6&lTAC&7] &c%{cheat}%.
KickForCommand1: &7[&6&lTAC&7] &c%arg 3%.
KickForCommand2: &7[&6&lTAC&7] &cNo Motive.
NoPermission: &fUnknown command. Type "/help" for help.
AlertP: &e&l%player% &7Provavelmente está usando
AlertS: &e&l%shooter% &7Provavelmente está usando
AlertV: &e&l%victim% &7Provavelmente está usando
AlertA: &e&l%attacker% &7Provavelmente está usando
AlertLP: &e&l%loop-player% &7Provavelmente está usando
AlertLP1: &e&l%loop-player-1% &7Provavelmente está usando
KickP: &c&lO jogador &e&l%player% &c&lfoi kickado por &4Hack &7Não
KickS: &c&lO jogador &e&l%shooter% &c&lfoi kickado por &4Hack &7Não
KickV: &c&lO jogador &e&l%victim% &c&lfoi kickado por &4Hack &7Não
KickA: &c&lO jogador &e&l%attacker% &c&lfoi kickado por &4Hack &7Não
KickLP: &c&lO jogador &e&l%loop-player% &c&lfoi kickado por &4Hack &7Não
KickLP1: &c&lO jogador &e&l%loop-player-1% &c&lfoi kickado por &4Hack &7Não
MessageAllChat1P: &c&m-------------------------------------------
MessageAllChat2P: &c» &c%player% &7Foi kicado
MessageAllChat3P: &c&l Motivo: Hack &8(&c%{cheat}%&8)
MessageAllChat4P: &c&m-------------------------------------------
MessageAllChat1A: &c&m-------------------------------------------
MessageAllChat2A: &8» &c%attacker% &7Foi kicado
MessageAllChat3A: &c&l Motivo: &8» &cHack &8(&c%{cheat}%&8)
MessageAllChat4A: &8&m-------------------------------------------
MessageAllChat1S: &8&m-------------------------------------------
MessageAllChat2S: &8» &c%shooter% &7Foi kicado
MessageAllChat3S: &c&l Motivo: &8» &cHack &8(&c%{cheat}%&8)
MessageAllChat4S: &8&m-------------------------------------------
MessageAllChat1V: &8&m-------------------------------------------
MessageAllChat2V: &8» &c%victim% &7Foi kicado.
MessageAllChat3V: &c&l Motivo: &8» &cHack &8(&c%{cheat}%&8)
MessageAllChat4V: &8&m-------------------------------------------
MessageAllChat1LP: &8&m-------------------------------------------
MessageAllChat2LP: &8» &c%loop-player% &7Foi kicado
MessageAllChat3LP: &c&lMotivo &8» &cHacking &8(&c%{cheat}%&8)
MessageAllChat4LP: &8&m-------------------------------------------

#Notify to Update:
#Please not touch!
on join:
player has permission "tower.update":
wait 1 second
set {_update} to text from url "https://pastebin.com/raw/NVFaFeqD"
{_update} is not "{@Version}":
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "tower.update":
message "&c&lUma Nova versão do TAC já está
disponivel" to loop-player
message "&7Versão atual: &4{@Version}" to loop-player
message "&7Nova versão: &2%{_update}%" to loop-player
message "&7Entre em contato com o felipegamer2017
para atualizar" to console
message "&7Discord: &bReika-Chan#9999" to console
message "&cTAC está com uma nova versão!" to console
message "&7Versão atual: &4{@Version}" to console
message "&7Nova versão: &2%{_update}%" to console
message "&7Entre em contato com o felipegamer2017 para
atualizar" to console
message "&7Discord: &bReika-Chan#9999" to console

on join:
loop all players:
loop-player has permission "tower.update" or "tower.staff":
message ""
message "&eBoas vindas!"
message "&eEnquanto você estava &7offline &a[%{VLBreaked::N}%]
&equebrou algumas regras"
message "&eO TAC kickou &b[%{VLKicked::N}%] &ejogadores"
message ""

on join:
set {Anti-KB.CancelEvent.%player%} to false
wait 5 second
set {Anti-KB.CancelEvent.%player%} to true

on death:
set {Anti-KB.CancelEvent.%player%} to false
wait 5 second
set {Anti-KB.CancelEvent.%player%} to true

on join:
loop 5 times:
message "" to player

command /Tac [<text>]:

permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
aliases: /TowerAntCheat, /TowerAC
usage: /Tac [<text>]
if arg-1 is not set:
if sender has permission "tac.use":
send "" to sender
"&e&l================&b&l[1/2]&4&l====================" to sender
send "&7Comandos do TAC:" to sender
send "" to sender
send "&6&l/tac versao" to sender
send "&6&l/tac detecção" to sender
send "&6&l/tac ajuda [1/2]" to sender
send "&6&l/tac informação" to sender
send "&e&l================&b&l[1/2]&2&l=================="
to sender
if arg-1 is "help 2":
if sender has permission "tac.use":
send "" to sender
"&4&l================&b&l[2/2]&4&l====================" to sender
send "{@Prefix} &e&lCommands:" to sender
send "" to sender
send "&4&l/tkick &2&l[Player] &b&l[Reason]" to sender
send "&4&l/tac &2&lGui" to sender
send "&4&l/tacclear &2&l[Player] &b&l[Check]" to sender
"&2&l================&b&l[2/2]&2&l====================" to sender
if arg-1 is "Version":
if sender has permission "tac.use":
send "&4&l========================================" to
send "&4&lVersão:" to sender
send "&2&lAlpha Build 12" to sender
send "&2&l========================================" to
if arg-1 is "HacksDetect":
if sender has permission "tac.use":
send "&4&l========================================" to
send "&eDetecções:" to sender
send "" to sender

send "&2&lKillaura &a&l(Ativo)" to sender

send "&2&lAntiKB &a&l(Ativo)" to sender
send "&2&lReach &a&l(Ativo)" to sender
send "&2&lFastBow &a&l(Ativo)" to sender
send "&2&lJesus &a&l(Ativo)" to sender
send "&2&lFastEat &a&l(Ativo)" to sender
send "&eNovas:" to sender
send "&2&lAuto Sneak &a&l(Ativo)" to sender
send "&2&lAuto Clicker &a&l(Ativo)" to sender
send "" to sender
send "&2&l========================================" to
if arg-1 is "help":
if sender has permission "tac.use":
send "" to sender
"&4&l================&b&l[1/2]&4&l====================" to sender
send "&eTAC Comandos:" to sender
send "" to sender
send "&4&l/tac &2&lversão" to sender
send "&4&l/tac &2&ldetecção" to sender
send "&4&l/tac &2&lajuda [1/2]" to sender
send "&4&l/tac &2&linfo" to sender
"&2&l================&b&l[1/2]&2&l====================" to sender
if arg-1 is "Info":
if sender has permission "tac.use":
send "&4&l========================================" to
send "{@Prefix}:" to sender
send "" to sender
send "&aTac Alpha Build 1.2 Ativa" to sender
send "" to sender
send "&aCriador: felipegamer2017" to sender
send "" to sender
send "&aAlgumas feathures tiveram ajuda de outros
developers." to sender
send "&2&l========================================" to
if arg-1 is "Gui":
if player has permission "tac.use":
message "&6&lTAC &aAbrindo menu" to sender
wait 2 tick
open chest with 4 rows named "&6Tower&cAntCheat" to player
format slot 4 of player with Block of Redstone named
"&c&lFechar menu" to close
format slot 10 of player with book named "&e&lChecados" to
close then run [execute player command "/ChecksMenu"]
format slot 13 of player with book named "&c&lModoTeste"
with lore "&bStatus: %{TestMode}% &c-Foi Kicado? / &c- Teste do TAC" to close then
run [execute player command "/TestModePro"]

command /ChecksMenu:
permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
wait 0.2 second
open chest with 5 rows named "&6TAC, Checados:" to player
format slot 4 of player with Block of Redstone named "&c&lFechar Menu"
to close
format slot 0 of player with Green Wool named "&2&lHabilitar todos os
checks" to close then run [execute player command "/habilitarmenudecheck"]
format slot 8 of player with Red Wool named "&c&lDesabilitar todos os
checks" to close then run [execute player command "/desabilitarmenudecheck"]
format slot 9 of player with Diamond Sword named "&a&lCombate:" to
format slot 10 of player with Paper named "&a&lReach &e&lCheck" with
lore "&bStatus: %{ReachCheck}%" to close then run [execute player command
format slot 11 of player with Paper named "&a&lKillAura &e&lCheck" with
lore "&bStatus: %{KillAuraCheck}%" to close then run [execute player command
format slot 12 of player with Paper named "&a&lFastBow &e&lCheck" with
lore "&bStatus: %{FastBowCheck}%" to close then run [execute player command
format slot 13 of player with Paper named "&a&lMultiAura &e&lCheck"
with lore "&bStatus: &cFeathure Desabilitada" to close then run [execute player
command "/ChecksMenu"]
format slot 18 of player with Diamond Boots named "&a&lMovimentação:"
to close
format slot 19 of player with Paper named "&a&lAntiKnockback &e&lCheck"
with lore "&bStatus: %{AntiKBCheck}%" to close then run [execute player command
format slot 20 of player with paper named "&a&lJesus &e&lCheck" with
lore "&bStatus: %{Jesus::Check}%" to close then run [execute player command
format slot 27 of player with Diamond Helmet named "&a&lPlayer
&e&lBlocks" to close
format slot 28 of player with paper named "&a&lFastEat &e&lCheck" with
lore "&bStatus: %{FastEat:Check}%" to close then run [execute player command
format slot 30 of player with Diamond Block named "&a&lAutoClick/Sneak"
with lore "&aKick Automatico" to close then run [execute player command

command /habilitarmenudecheck:
permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
set {ReachCheckFFB:N} to true
set {AutoActiveKill::N} to true
set {ReachCheck} to "&eEnabled"
set {KillAuraCheckFFB:N} to true
set {KillauraCheck} to "&eEnabled"
set {FastBowCheckFFB:N} to true
set {FastBowCheck} to "&eEnabled"
set {AntiKBCheckFFB:N} to true
set {AntiKBCheck} to "&eEnabled"
set {JesusCheckFFB:N} to true
set {Jesus::Check} to "&eEnabled"
set {FastEatCheckFFB:N} to true
set {FastEat:Check} to "&eEnabled"
wait 0.2 second
execute player command "/ChecksMenu"
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "tac.use":
message "&6TAC&a todos os menus foram habilitados para &e
%sender%" to loop-player

command /desabilitarmenudecheck:
permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
set {ReachCheckFFB:N} to false
set {AutoActiveKill::N} to false
set {ReachCheck} to "&eDisabled"
set {KillAuraCheckFFB:N} to false
set {KillauraCheck} to "&eDisabled"
set {FastBowCheckFFB:N} to false
set {FastBowCheck} to "&eDisabled"
set {AntiKBCheckFFB:N} to false
set {AntiKBCheck} to "&eDisabled"
set {JesusCheckFFB:N} to false
set {Jesus::Check} to "&eDisabled"
set {FastEatCheckFFB:N} to true
set {FastEat:Check} to "&eDisabled"
wait 0.2 second
execute player command "/ChecksMenu"
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "tac.use":
message "&6Tac&c Todos os checks foram desabilitados para
&e%sender%" to loop-player

command /ReachCheckMenuPro:
permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
wait 0.2 second
open chest with 1 rows named "{@Prefix}> &eReach" to player
format slot 2 of player with Green Wool named "&aOn" to close then run
[execute player command "/ReachCheckMenuProOn"]
format slot 4 of player with Glass pane named "&bStatus: %{ReachCheck}
%" to close
format slot 6 of player with Red Wool named "&cOff" to close then run
[execute player command "/ReachCheckMenuProOf"]

command /ReachCheckMenuProOn:
permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
set {ReachCheckFFB:N} to true
set {AutoActiveKill::N} to true
wait 0.2 second
execute player command "/ChecksMenu"
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "tac.use":
message "&eOs Checks no jogador: &a%sender% &eforam
&ahabilitados, em função do &areach" to loop-player
set {ReachCheck} to "&eEnabled"

command /ReachCheckMenuProOf:
permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
set {ReachCheckFFB:N} to false
set {AutoActiveKill::N} to false
wait 0.2 second
execute player command "/ChecksMenu"
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "tac.use":
message "&eOs Checks no jogador: &a%sender% &eforam
&cdesabilitados, em função do &areach" to loop-player
set {ReachCheck} to "&eDisabled"

command /KillAuraCheckMenuPro:
permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
wait 0.2 second
open chest with 1 rows named "{@Prefix}> &eKillAura" to player
format slot 2 of player with Green Wool named "&aOn" to close then run
[execute player command "/KillAuraCheckMenuProOn"]
format slot 4 of player with Glass pane named "&bStatus: %
{KillAuraCheck}%" to close
format slot 6 of player with Red Wool named "&cOff" to close then run
[execute player command "/KillAuraCheckMenuProOf"]

command /KillAuraCheckMenuProOn:
permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
set {KillAuraCheckFFB:N} to true
wait 0.2 second
execute player command "/ChecksMenu"
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "tac.use":
message "&eOs checks no jogador: &e%sender% &eforam
habilitados, em função do killaura" to loop-player
set {KillAuraCheck} to "&eEnabled"

command /KillAuraCheckMenuProOf:
permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
set {KillAuraCheckFFB:N} to false
wait 0.2 second
execute player command "/ChecksMenu"
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "tac.use":
message "&eOs checks no jogador &e%sender% &e foram
desabilitados, em função do killaura" to loop-player
set {KillAuraCheck} to "&eDisabled"

command /FastBowCheckMenuPro:
permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
wait 0.2 second
open chest with 1 rows named "{@Prefix}> &eFastBow" to player
format slot 2 of player with Green Wool named "&aOn" to close then run
[execute player command "/FastBowCheckMenuProOn"]
format slot 4 of player with Glass pane named "&bStatus: %
{FastBowCheck}%" to close
format slot 6 of player with Red Wool named "&cOff" to close then run
[execute player command "/FastBowCheckMenuProOf"]

command /FastBowCheckMenuProOn:
permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
set {FastBowCheckFFB:N} to true
wait 0.2 second
execute player command "/ChecksMenu"
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "tac.use":
message "&eOs checks no jogador &e%sender% &eforam
habilitados, em função do fastbow" to loop-player
set {FastBowCheck} to "&eEnabled"
command /FastBowCheckMenuProOf:
permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
set {FastBowCheckFFB:N} to false
wait 0.2 second
execute player command "/ChecksMenu"
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "tac.use":
message "&eOs checks no jogador &e%sender% &eforam
desabilitados, em função do fastbow" to loop-player
set {FastBowCheck} to "&eDisabled"

command /AntiKBCheckMenuPro:
permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
wait 0.2 second
open chest with 1 rows named "{@Prefix}> &eAntiKB" to player
format slot 2 of player with Green Wool named "&aOn" to close then run
[execute player command "/AntiKBCheckMenuProOn"]
format slot 4 of player with Glass pane named "&bStatus: %{AntiKBCheck}
%" to close
format slot 6 of player with Red Wool named "&cOff" to close then run
[execute player command "/AntiKBCheckMenuProOf"]

command /AntiKBCheckMenuProOn:
permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
set {AntiKBCheckFFB:N} to true
wait 0.2 second
execute player command "/ChecksMenu"
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "tac.use":
message "&eOs checks no jogador &e%sender% &eforam
habilitados, em função do ant-kb" to loop-player
set {AntiKBCheck} to "&eEnabled"

command /AntiKBCheckMenuProOf:
permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
set {AntiKBCheckFFB:N} to false
wait 0.2 second
execute player command "/ChecksMenu"
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "tac.use":
message "&eOs checks no jogador &e%sender% &eforam
desabilitados, em função do ant-kb" to loop-player
set {AntiKBCheck} to "&eDisabled"

command /TestModePro:
permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
wait 0.2 second
open chest with 1 rows named "{@Prefix}> &cTestMode" to player
format slot 2 of player with Green Wool named "&aOn" to close then run
[execute player command "/TestModeProOn"]
format slot 4 of player with Glass pane named "&bStatus: %{TestMode}%"
to close
format slot 6 of player with Red Wool named "&cOff" to close then run
[execute player command "/TestModeProOf"]

command /TestModeProOn:
permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
set {TestMode::N} to true
wait 0.2 second
execute player command "/nova gui"
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "tac.use":
message "&eOs checks no jogador &e%sender% &eforam
habilitados, em função do modo teste" to loop-player
set {TestMode} to "&eEnabled"

command /TestModeProOf:
permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
set {TestMode::N} to false
wait 0.2 second
execute player command "/nova gui"
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "tac.use":
message "&eOs checks no jogador &e%sender% &eforam
desabilitados, em função do modo teste" to loop-player
set {TestMode} to "&eDisabled"

command /JesusCheckMenuPro:
permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
wait 0.2 second
open chest with 1 rows named "{@Prefix}> &eJesus" to player
format slot 2 of player with Green Wool named "&aOn" to close then run
[execute player command "/JesusCheckMenuProOn"]
format slot 4 of player with Glass pane named "&bStatus: %
{Jesus::Check}%" to close
format slot 6 of player with Red Wool named "&cOff" to close then run
[execute player command "/JesusCheckMenuProOf"]

command /JesusCheckMenuProOn:
permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
set {JesusCheckFFB:N} to true
wait 0.2 second
execute player command "/ChecksMenu"
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "tac.use":
message "&eOs checks no jogador &e%sender% &eforam
habilitados, em função de jesus" to loop-player
set {Jesus::Check} to "&eEnabled"
command /JesusCheckMenuProOf:
permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
set {JesusCheckFFB:N} to false
wait 0.2 second
execute player command "/ChecksMenu"
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "tac.use":
message "&eOs checks no jogador &e%sender% &eforam
desabilitados, em função de jesus" to loop-player
set {Jesus::Check} to "&eDisabled"

command /FastEatCheckMenuPro:
permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
wait 0.2 second
open chest with 1 rows named "{@Prefix}> &eFastEat" to player
format slot 2 of player with Green Wool named "&aOn" to close then run
[execute player command "/FastEatCheckMenuProOn"]
format slot 4 of player with Glass pane named "&bStatus: %
{FastEat:Check}%" to close
format slot 6 of player with Red Wool named "&cOff" to close then run
[execute player command "/FastEatCheckMenuProOf"]

command /FastEatCheckMenuProOn:
permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
set {FastEatCheckFFB:N} to true
wait 0.2 second
execute player command "/ChecksMenu"
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "tac.use":
message "&eOs checks no jogador &e%sender% &eforam
habilitados, em função do fast-eat" to loop-player
set {FastEat:Check} to "&eEnabled"

command /FastEatCheckMenuProOf:
permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
set {FastEatCheckFFB:N} to false
wait 0.2 second
execute player command "/ChecksMenu"
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "tac.use":
message "&eOs checks no jogador &e%sender% &eforam
desabilitados, em função do fast-eat" to loop-player
set {FastEat:Check} to "&eDisabled"

command /tacclear [<player>] [<text>]:

permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
usage: /tacclear [<player>] [<text>]
if argument 1 is not set:
message "&6TAC: &7use /tacclear (jogador) (feathure)" to sender
if argument 2 is not set:
message "{@Prefix} > &cPor favor use &e/tac detecções e veja as
feathures, caso queira todas use como feathure todas" to sender
if argument 2 is "todos":
message "{@Prefix} > &aTodos os checks foram resetados" to sender
clear {VLKill::%arg 1%}
clear {VLNKB::%arg 1%}
set {KillauraCheck::%arg 1%} to false
clear {VLKillAura::%arg 1%}
clear {VLSFB::%arg 1%}
clear {VLJesus::%arg 1%}
clear {VLNSL::%arg 1%}
if argument 2 is "Killaura":
message "{@Prefix} > &aO check de &4KillAura &afoi resetado" to
clear {KillauraCheck::%arg 1%}
set {CheckKill::%arg 1%} to false
clear {VLKillAura::%arg 1%}
if argument 2 is "Reach":
message "{@Prefix} > &aO check de &4Reach &afoi resetado" to
clear {VLKill::%arg 1%}
if argument 2 is "AntiKB":
message "{@Prefix} > &aO check de &4Ant-KB &afoi resetado" to
clear {VLNKB::%arg 1%}
if argument 2 is "FastBow":
message "{@Prefix} > &aO check de &4FastBow &afoi resetado" to
clear {VLSFB::%arg 1%}
if argument 2 is "Jesus":
message "{@Prefix} > &aO check de &4Jesus &afoi resetado" to
clear {VLJesus::%arg 1%}

command /tkick [<player>] [<text>]:

permission: tac.use
permission message: {@NoPermission}
usage: /tkick [<player>] [<text>]
if argument 1 is not set:
message "{@Prefix} > &e/tkick (Jogador) (Motivo)" to sender
if argument 2 is not set:
message "{@Prefix} > &eO motivo ue '-' ta querendo banir sem
motivo azideia" to sender
if argument 1 is set:
if argument 3 is not set:
message "&cVocê puniu &c%arg 1% &afor: &fNo Reason"
to sender
strike lightning effect at arg 1
kick arg 1 because "{@KickForCommand2}"
if argument 1 is set:
if argument 2 is "No":
if argument 3 is set:
message "{@Prefix} > &aYou kicked to: &c%arg 1%
&afor: &f%arg 3%" to sender
strike lightning effect at arg 1
kick arg 1 because "{@KickForCommand1}"
if argument 1 is set:
if argument 2 is "Yes":
if argument 3 is set:
message "{@Prefix} > &aYou kicked to: &c%arg 1%
&afor: &f%arg 3%" to sender
kill arg 1
strike lightning effect at arg 1
kick arg 1 because "{@KickForCommand1}"

# Reach #

on left click:
if {TestMode::N} is false:
add 1 to {KillauraCheck2::%player%}

every 2 seconds:
if {TestMode::N} is false:
loop all players:
clear {KillauraCheck2::%loop-player%}

on damage:
if attacker has permission "Tac.Bypass.Reach" or "TAC.Bypass.All":
else if attacker does not have permission "Tac.Bypass.Reach" or
if attacker is a player:
if {ReachCheckFFB:N} is true:
if {TestMode::N} is false:
attacker's gamemode is not creative
if {KillauraCheck2::%attacker%} is 16:
else if {KillAuraCheck2::%attacker%} is not 16:
set {_distance} to distance between attacker
and victim
if {_distance} > 4.5:
if damage cause is not a projectile:
cancel event
add 1 to {VLKill::%attacker%}
add 1 to {VLBreaked::N}
loop all players:
loop-player has permission
message "&4AVISO:
&6&lTAC KillAura: %{VLKill::%attacker%}%/10" to loop-player
{VLKill::%attacker%} >= 10:
loop all players:
loop-player has
permission "tac.msg":
"{@MPrefix} > {@KickA}" to loop-player
strike lightning effect
at attacker
kill attacker
set {cheat} to "Reach"
"{@MessageAllChat1A}" to players
message "{@SubPrefix}
{@MessageAllChat2A}" to players
"{@MessageAllChat3A}" to players
"{@MessageAllChat4A}" to players
kick the attacker due to
add 1 to {VLKicked::N}
clear {VLKill::%attacker%}

# Killaura #

#Check 1:
on damage:
if {TestMode::N} is false:
if tool of the attacker is a sword:
attacker is blocking
cancel event

#Check 2:
on left click:
if {TestMode::N} is false:
add 1 to {KillauraCheck::%player%}

every 3 seconds:
if {TestMode::N} is false:
if {AutoActiveKill::N} is false:
if {AutoActiveKill::N} is true:
set {ReachCheck::N} to true

every 2 seconds:
if {TestMode::N} is false:
loop all players:
clear {KillauraCheck::%loop-player%}

on damage:
if attacker has permission "Tac.Bypass.KillAura" or "TAC.Bypass.All":
else if attacker does not have permission "Tac.Bypass.KillAura" or
if {KillAuraCheckFFB:N} is true:
if {TestMode::N} is false:
attacker's gamemode is not creative
set {_distance} to distance between attacker and victim
if {_distance} > 4:
if {KillauraCheck::%attacker%} >= 16:
if damage cause is not a projectile:
cancel event
add 1 to {VLKillAura::%attacker%}
add 1 to {VLBreaked::N}
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission
message "&4AVISO: &6&lTAC
KillAura: %{VLKillAura::%attacker%}%/10" to loop-player
set {ReachCheck::N} to false
{VLKillAura::%attacker%} >= 10:
loop all players:
loop-player has permission
message "{@MPrefix} >
{@KickA}" to loop-player
strike lightning effect at
kill attacker
set {cheat} to "Killaura"
message "{@MessageAllChat1A}"
to players
message "{@SubPrefix}
{@MessageAllChat2A}" to players
message "{@MessageAllChat3A}"
to players
message "{@MessageAllChat4A}"
to players
kick the attacker due to
add 1 to {VLKicked::N}
clear {VLKillAura::%attacker%}

# Anti-KB #

on damage:
if victim has permission "Tac.Bypass.Velocity" or "TAC.Bypass.All":
else if victim does not have permission "Tac.Bypass.Velocity" or
if {Anti-KB.CancelEvent.%victim%} is true:
if {AntiKBCheckFFB:N} is true:
if {TestMode::N} is false:
victim is a player
victim is not riding
victim's food level is not 0
victim doesn't have poison
victim doesn't have wither
victim isn't burning
victim's gamemode is not creative
damage wasn't caused by fall , burning , poison or
set {_pos1.%victim%} to location of victim
wait 6 tick
set {_pos1} to location of victim
wait 6 tick
if distance between {_pos1.%victim%} and victim
is less than 1.03:
if block at victim is not cobweb:
if block 1 meter above victim is
not cobweb:
set {_cancelevent1} to block
above victim
if block above
{_cancelevent1} is air:
set {_cancelevent2} to
block above {_cancelevent1}
if block behind
{_cancelevent2} is air:
if block 1 meter
south of {_cancelevent2} is air:
if block 1
meter west of {_cancelevent2} is air:
block 1 meter east of {_cancelevent2} is air:

if block 1 meter north of {_cancelevent2} is air:

set {_cancelevent3} to block behind victim

if block behind {_cancelevent3} is air:

set {_cancelevent4} to block above {_cancelevent3}

if block behind {_cancelevent4} is air:

if block 1 meter northwest of {_cancelevent4} is air:

if block 1 meter southwest of {_cancelevent4} is air:

if block 1 meter southeast of {_cancelevent4} is air:

if block 1 meter northeast of {_cancelevent4}

is air:

add 1 to {VLNKB::%victim%}

add 1 to {VLBreaked::N}

loop all players:

if loop-player has permission


message "&4AVISO: &6&lTAC

ANT-KB: %{VLNKB::%victim%}%/5" to loop-player

teleport victim to {_pos1}

{VLNKB::%victim%} >= 5:

loop all players:

if loop-player has permission

message "{@MPrefix} >
{@KickV}" to loop-player

strike lightning effect at


kill victim

set {cheat} to

message "{@MessageAllChat1V}"
to players

message "{@SubPrefix}
{@MessageAllChat2V}" to players

message "{@MessageAllChat3V}"
to players

message "{@MessageAllChat4V}"
to players

kick the victim due to


add 1 to {VLKicked::N}

clear {VLNKB::%victim%}

# FastBow #

#Check 1:
on shoot:
if shooter has permission "Tac.Bypass.FastBow" or "TAC.Bypass.All":
else if shooter does not have permission "Tac.Bypass.FastBow" or
if projectile is an arrow:
if {SecondShoot:%shooter%} is true:
if {FastBowCheckFFB:N} is true:
if {TestMode::N} is false:
shooter is a player
add 1 to {ShootCheckFB::%shooter%}
if {ShootCheckFB::%shooter%} >= 6:
set {FirstShoot::%shooter%} to false
add 1 to {VLSFB::%shooter%}
add 1 to {VLBreaked::N}
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission
message "&4AVISO &6&lTAC
FastBow: %{VLSFB::%shooter%}%/3" to loop-player
set {FirstShoot::%shooter%}
to true
if {VLSFB::%shooter%} >= 3:
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission
message "{@MPrefix} >
{@KickS}" to loop-player
strike lightning effect at
kill shooter
set {cheat} to "FastBow"
message "{@MessageAllChat1S}"
to players
message "{@SubPrefix}
{@MessageAllChat2S}" to players
message "{@MessageAllChat3S}"
to players
message "{@MessageAllChat4S}"
to players
kick the shooter due to
add 1 to {VLKicked::N}
clear {VLSFB::%shooter%}

every 1.1 seconds:

if {TestMode::N} is false:
if {FastBowCheckFFB:N} is true:
loop all players:
clear {ShootCheckFB::%loop-player%}
set {SecondShoot:%loop-player%} to true
set {FirstShoot::%loop-player%} to true

#Check 2:
on shoot:
if shooter has permission "Tac.Bypass.FastBow" or "TAC.Bypass.All":
else if shooter does not have permission "Tac.Bypass.FastBow" or
if projectile is an arrow:
if {FirstShoot::%shooter%} is true:
if {FastBowCheckFFB:N} is true:
if {TestMode::N} is false:
if projectile is an arrow:
if difference between {fastboowcheck.
%shooter%} and now is less than 1.2 ticks:
set {SecondShoot::%shooter%} to
add 1 to {VLSFB::%shooter%}
add 1 to {VLBreaked::N}
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission
message "&4AVISO:
&6&lTAC FastBow: %{VLSFB::%shooter%}%/3" to loop-player
set {SecondShoot::
%shooter%} to true
if {VLSFB::%shooter%} >= 3:
loop all players:
if loop-player has
permission "tac.msg":
"{@MPrefix} > {@KickS}" to loop-player
strike lightning effect
at shooter
kill shooter
set {cheat} to "FastBow"
"{@MessageAllChat1S}" to players
message "{@SubPrefix}
{@MessageAllChat2S}" to players
"{@MessageAllChat3S}" to players
"{@MessageAllChat4S}" to players
kick the shooter due to
add 1 to {VLKicked::N}
clear {VLSFB::%shooter%}

# Jesus #

on walk on water:
if player has permission "Tac.Bypass.Jesus" or "TAC.Bypass.All":
else if player does not have permission "Tac.Bypass.Jesus" or
player is a player
if {JesusCheckFFB:N} is true:
if {TestMode::N} is false:
player's gamemode is not creative
if block 0.50 west below player is water:
if block 0.50 north below player is water:
if block 0.50 south below player is water:
if block 0.50 east below player is water:
if block 0.50 southwest below
player is water:
if block 0.50 northwest below
player is water:
if block 0.50 southeast
below player is water:
if block 0.50
northeast below player is water:
block at
player is air
block under
player is water
wait 6 tick
set {_pos1}
to location of player
wait 5 tick
block at
player is air
{blockpos::%player%} to block under player
{blockpos::%player%} is water:
add 1
to {TestJesus::%player%}
{TestJesus::%player%} >= 3:

if {blockpos::%player%} is water:

add 1 to {VLJesus::%player%}

loop all players:

loop-player has permission "tac.msg":

message "&4AVISO: &6&lTAC Jesus: %{VLJesus::%player%}%/3" to


teleport player to {_pos1}

if {VLJesus::%player%} >= 3:

loop all players:

loop-player has permission "tac.msg":

message "&6&lO Tac recomenda kick da pessoa." to loop-player

strike lightning effect at player

kill player

set {cheat} to "Jesus"

message "{@MessageAllChat1P}" to players

message "{@SubPrefix} {@MessageAllChat2P}" to players

message "{@MessageAllChat3P}" to players

message "{@MessageAllChat4P}" to players

kick the player due to "{@AutoKickP}"

add 1 to {VLKicked::N}

clear {VLJesus::%player%}

clear {TestJesus::%player%}
# FastEat #

on consume:
if player has permission "Tac.Bypass.FastEat" or "TAC.Bypass.All":
else if player does not have permission "Tac.Bypass.FastEat" or
player is a player
if {FastEatCheckFFB:N} is true:
if {TestMode::N} is false:
player's gamemode is not creative:
if difference between {fasteatcheck.%player%} and now
is less than 1 second:
set {fasteatcheck.%player%} to now
add 1 to {VLEat::%player%}
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "tac.msg":
message "&4AVISO: &6&lTAC FastEat:
%{VLEat::%player%}%/1" to loop-player
message "&6&lO Tac recomenda kick
da pessoa." to loop-player
strike lightning effect at player
kill player
set {cheat} to "FastEat"
message "{@SubPrefix} {@MessageAllChat2P}" to
message "{@MessageAllChat3P}" to players
message "{@MessageAllChat4P}" to players
kick the player due to "{@AutoKickP}"
clear {TestJesus::%player%}
clear {VLEat::%player%}
set {fasteatcheck.%player%} to now

# TestMode #
#Check 1:
on damage:
if {TestMode::N} is true:
if tool of the attacker is a sword:
attacker is blocking
cancel event

#Check 2:
on leftclick:
if {TestMode::N} is true:
add 1 to {KillauraCheck::%player%}

every 3 seconds:
if {TestMode::N} is true:
if {AutoActiveKill::N} is false:
if {AutoActiveKill::N} is true:
set {ReachCheck::N} to true

every 3 seconds:
if {TestMode::N} is true:
loop all players:
clear {KillauraCheck::%loop-player%}

on damage:
if {KillAuraCheckFFB:N} is true:
if {TestMode::N} is true:
attacker's gamemode is not creative
set {_distance} to distance between attacker and victim
if {_distance} > 4:
if {KillauraCheck::%attacker%} >= 16:
if damage cause is not a projectile:
cancel event
add 1 to {VLKillAuraTS::%attacker%}
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "tac.msg":
message "&4AVISO: &6&lTAC KillAura:
%{VLKillAuraTS::%attacker%}%" to loop-player
set {ReachCheck::N} to false
{VLKillAuraTS::%attacker%} >= 10:
loop all players:
loop-player has permission
message "{@TMPrefix} >
{@KickA}" to loop-player
strike lightning effect at attacker
clear {VLKillAuraTS::%attacker%}

#Check 1:
on shoot:
if projectile is an arrow:
if {FastBowCheckFFB:N} is true:
if {TestMode::N} is true:
shooter is a player
add 1 to {ShootCheckFB::%shooter%}
if {ShootCheckFB::%shooter%} >= 6:
add 1 to {VLSFBTS::%shooter%}
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "tac.msg":
message "&4AVISO: &6&lTAC FastBow: %
{VLSFBTS::%shooter%}%" to loop-player
if {VLSFBTS::%shooter%} >= 3:
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "tac.msg":
message "{@TMPrefix} > {@KickS}" to
strike lightning effect at shooter
clear {VLSFBTS::%shooter%}

every 1.1 seconds:

if {TestMode::N} is true:
if {FastBowCheckFFB:N} is true:
loop all players:
clear {ShootCheckFB::%loop-player%}

#Check 2:
on shoot:
if projectile is an arrow:
if {FastBowCheckFFB:N} is true:
if {TestMode::N} is true:
if difference between {bow.%shooter%} and now is less than
1 ticks:
add 1 to {VLSFBTS::%shooter%}
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "tac.msg":
message "&4AVISO: &6&lTAC FastBow &bVL: %
{VLSFBTS::%shooter%}%" to loop-player
if {VLSFBTS::%shooter%} >= 3:
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "tac.msg":
message "{@TMPrefix} > {@KickS}" to
strike lightning effect at shooter
clear {VLSFBTS::%shooter%}

on damage:
if {AntiKBCheckFFB:N} is true:
if {TestMode::N} is true:
victim is a player
victim is not riding
victim's food level is not 0
victim doesn't have poison
victim doesn't have wither
victim isn't burning
victim's gamemode is not creative
damage wasn't caused by fall , burning , poison or wither:
set {_pos1.%victim%} to location of victim
wait 6 tick
set {_pos1} to location of victim
wait 6 tick
if distance between {_pos1.%victim%} and victim is less
than 1.01:
if block at victim is not cobweb:
if block 1 meter above victim is not cobweb:
set {_cancelevent1} to block above victim
if block above {_cancelevent1} is air:
set {_cancelevent2} to block above
if block behind {_cancelevent2} is
if block 1 meter south of
{_cancelevent2} is air:
if block 1 meter west of
{_cancelevent2} is air:
if block 1 meter
east of {_cancelevent2} is air:
if block 1
meter north of {_cancelevent2} is air:
{_cancelevent3} to block behind victim
block behind {_cancelevent3} is air:

set {_cancelevent4} to block above {_cancelevent3}

if block behind {_cancelevent4} is air:

if block 1 meter northwest of {_cancelevent4} is air:

if block 1 meter southwest of {_cancelevent4} is air:

if block 1 meter southeast of {_cancelevent4} is air:

if block 1 meter northeast of {_cancelevent4} is air:

add 1 to {VLNKBTS::%victim%}

loop all players:

if loop-player has permission "tac.msg":

message "&4AVISO: &6&lTAC AntKB %

{VLNKBTS::%victim%}%" to loop-player

teleport victim to {_pos1}

{VLNKBTS::%victim%} >= 5:

loop all players:

if loop-player has permission "tac.msg":

message "&6&lO Tac recomenda kick

da pessoa." to loop-player

strike lightning effect at victim

clear {VLNKBTS::%victim%}

on damage:
if attacker is a player:
if {ReachCheckFFB:N} is true:
if {TestMode::N} is true:
attacker's gamemode is not creative
set {_distance} to distance between attacker and victim
if {_distance} > 4.5:
if damage cause is not a projectile:
cancel event
add 1 to {VLKillTS::%attacker%}
loop all players:
loop-player has permission "tac.msg":
message "&4AVISO: &6&lTAC Reach: %
{VLKillTS::%attacker%}%" to loop-player
{VLKillTS::%attacker%} >= 10:
loop all players:
loop-player has permission
message "{@TMPrefix} >
{@KickA}" to loop-player
strike lightning effect at attacker
clear {VLKillTS::%attacker%}

on walk on water:
player is a player
if {JesusCheckFFB:N} is true:
if {TestMode::N} is true:
player's gamemode is not creative
if block 0.50 west below player is water:
if block 0.50 north below player is water:
if block 0.50 south below player is water:
if block 0.50 east below player is water:
if block 0.50 southwest below player is
if block 0.50 northwest below
player is water:
if block 0.50 southeast below
player is water:
if block 0.50 northeast
below player is water:
block at player is
block under player
is water
wait 6 tick
set {_pos1} to
location of player
wait 5 tick
block at player is
set {blockpos::
%player%} to block under player
if {blockpos::
%player%} is water:
add 1 to
{TestJesusTS::%player%} >= 3:
{blockpos::%player%} is water:

add 1 to {VLJesusTS::%player%}

loop all players:

loop-player has permission "tac.msg":

message "&4AVISO: &6&lTAC Jesus: %{VLJesusTS::%player%}%" to loop-


teleport player to {_pos1}

{VLJesusTS::%player%} >= 3:

loop all players:

loop-player has permission "tac.msg":

message "{@TMPrefix} > {@KickP}" to loop-player

strike lightning effect at player

clear {VLJesusTS::%player%}
clear {TestJesusTS::%player%}

on consume:
player is a player
if {FastEatCheckFFB:N} is true:
if {TestMode::N} is true:
player's gamemode is not creative:
if difference between {fasteatcheck.%player%} and now is
less than 1 second:
set {fasteatcheck.%player%} to now
add 1 to {TestFastEat::%player%}
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "tac.msg":
message "&5AVISO: &6&lTAC FastEat: %
{TestFastEat::%player%}%/1" to loop-player
message "&6&lO Tac recomenda o kick do
individuo" to loop-player
strike lightning effect at player
clear {TestFastEat::%player%}
set {fasteatcheck.%player%} to now

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