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//Main Functions

F1 = Help On/Off;
F2 = Chat Window On/Off;
F3 = Whisper Mode Window On/Off;
F4 = Adjust Chat Window Size;
F5 = Show Bank of Jewel && Currency Balance On/Off;
F6 = Normal Chat On/Off;
F7 = Party Chat On/Off;
F8 = Guild Chat On/Off;
F9 = Gens Chat On/Off && Auto Click (Attack) On/Off;
F10 = Camera 3D On/Off;
F11 = Reset Camera 3D;
F12 = Minimiza o main.exe para a barra do relógio (tray);
CTRL + 0 = Show Server Time and Location;
HOME = MuHelper On/Off;
END = Neblina On/Off;
Scroll Mouse = 3D Camera Scroll;
Key H = Hourly display of events;
Key S = Command Join Window;

//Change game chat to taste
1 - you enter the game and press F6 to separate the chat from the exp messages.

2 - with the chat open, press F6 to activate the lines of the players there <<,
press once.

3 - with the chat still open, press F5 to open a black tab over the chat, which
will pull the queues of the players that are close to you.

4 - with the chat still open, with the black tab over the chat you press F4 to
increase the size of the chat on the side << use it however you want.

//Mudar chat do jogo a gosto
1 - você entra no jogo e aperta F6 para separar o chat das mensagens exp.

2 - com o chat aberto, aperte F6 para ativar as linhas dos jogadores ali <<, aperte
uma vez.

3 - com o chat ainda aberto, aperte F5 para abrir uma aba preta em cima do chat,
que puxará as filas dos jogadores que estão perto de você.

4 - com o chat ainda aberto, com a aba preta em cima do chat você aperta F4 para
aumentar o tamanho do chat na lateral << use como quiser.

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