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Mdulo 3 People and Numbers

Apresentao do Mdulo Nmeros! Imagina se no existissem! A sua identidade feita pelos nmeros, a comunicao discada atravs dos nmeros, o comrcio so nmeros, nmeros e mais nmeros. muito louco isso no ? Com certeza seria uma loucura sem eles. Como saberamos o dia da semana, as horas, minutos, os nmeros de dedos das mos, quantos anos voc tem... No saberamos responder. Precisamos mesmo de nmeros para viver, pois sem eles no conseguiramos nos comunicar!

They are so important in English too! Your identity is done by numbers, communication is dial-up through numbers, trading are numbers, numbers and more numbers .. It is really crazy, isnt it? Surely it would be madness without them! How would we know the day of the week, hours, minutes, ages, sizes, money We really need the numbers to live, because without them we could not communicate! Neste mdulo, voc estudar, por meio de exerccios, os nmeros, as horas, os perodos do dia, os dias da semana e os meses do ano. Objetivos do Mdulo Ao final do mdulo, voc ser capaz de:

Ler, escrever e falar os numerais cardinais; Dizer as horas; Saudar conforme o perodo do dia; Empregar os dias da semana e os meses do ano.

Estrutura do Mdulo
Este mdulo est dividido em 4 aulas (classes): Class 1 (Aula 1) Numbers. Class 2 (Aula 2) The Time. Class 3 (Aula 3) Hello!

Class 4 (Aula 4) Days of the week/months. Class 1 (Aula 1) The numbers

Look and read. My name is Ana. I am 24 years old. My telephone number is 8734 4566.

(http://www.zapenglish.com/words.php?inicio=0&category=number&title=Nmeros&rows= 30) observe e oua os nmeros:

Study the numbers.

0 zero 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine

10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen

20 twenty 21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 24 twenty-four 25 twenty-five 26 twenty-six 27 twenty-seven 28 twenty-eight 29 twenty-nine

Listen and write the number. zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

Listen and choose. a) nine b) four c) sixteen d) twelve e) eleven f) twenty nineteen fourteen seventeen twenty fifteen thirteen

Complete the sequence. one, _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ , four, _ _ _ _ seven, _ _ _ _ _ , nine, ten, _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ thirteen, fourteen, _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , seventeen, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fifteen, fourteen, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, twelve, eleven, _ _ _, _ _ _ _ Study 20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy

80 eighty Important! Observe:

90 ninety

100 a hundred

21 Twenty-one Match the numbers. 33 48 69 59 84 92 Pensando no assunto [caderno de anotaes] Write the numbers from 30 to 50. eighty-four thirty-three forty-eight ninety-two sixty-nine fifty-nine

34 thirty-four

Class 2 (Aula 2) The time

What time is it?

Its four oclock.

Fonte: http://www.jseligman.net Now it is up to you! (Agora com voc!)

Look, listen and complete. 6:00 six oclock 6:10 ten past six 6:50 ten to seven 4:00 four oclock 4:20 twenty past four 4:53 seven to five 9:00 ____ _______ 9:11 ______ ____ ____ 9:55 ____ __ ___

Listen and choose.

START Its nine oclock. Its twenty-four past nine. Its twenty to nine. Its nine to ten. Its ten oclock. Its ten past ten. What time is it? 3:00 5:03 7:50 8:00 Its three __________ Its three __________five Its ten ____________eight Its __________ _________ 9:24 9:51 10:10 9:00 8:40 10:00

10:17 Its ________ __________ __________ 10:50 _________ _________ _________ ____________ Study Quarter [relgio analgico: 2:15] a quarter past two Drag and drop. Its a quarter past three 1:00 Antes 1:30 de Its half past one 2:45 terminar esta Its a quarter to three Its one oclock 3:15 aula, acesse o site [relgio analgico: 2:30] half past two Half [relgio analgico: 2:45] a quarter to three

(http://www.zapenglish.com/phrases.php?inicio=0&category=time&title=Horas) e treine a pronncia de frases envolvendo horas.

Class 3 (Aula 3) Hi!

Click on the picture and listen. {Good morning} {Good evening} {Good afternoon} {Good night}

Drag the greetings and drop on the pictures. Good afternoon Good night Good morning Good evening

Possible greetings Click, listen and repeat. day! Hi, there! See you! Hi! Tchau! Goodbye! Hello! Whats up? Have a nice

Drag and drop. Preencha o quadro com as expresses utilizadas em cada cena.

cena de encontro

cena de despedida

Look at the scenes and click. (Olhe as figuras e clique na correta.) CLICK Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night! Hello!

Observe the scene and write the greetings. [cena de despedida para dormir] [cena de encontro a tarde] Parts of the day Drag and drop [cena de nascer do sol] [cena do sol pela manh] [cena do sol a pino] [cena do sol tarde] [cena do sol se pondo] [cena noitinha] [cena da noite] [cena meia-noite] [[dawn]] [[morning]] [[midday]] [[afternoon]] [[sunset]] [[evening]] [[night]] [[midnight]] Afternoon Night Midnight Morning Midday Evening Dawn Sunset [cena de acordar] [cena de encontro noite]

Click again. Listen and repeat. Antes de finalizar esta aula, (http://www.zapenglish.com/pt/frases-cumprimentos.htm) e treine as frases que envolvem cumprimento.

Class 4 (Aula 4) The week/months


Write the day of the week. Attention: 3: F r i d a y 5: _____________ 13: _____________ 21: _____________ 8: _____________ 30: _____________ 17: _____________ 11: _____________ Correct: Friday no: friday

The basketball game is on Monday. The soccer game is on _______________. The judo match is on ________________. The volleyball game is on ____________. The baseball game is on _____________. The opening ceremony is on __________. The closing ceremony is on ___________.

Drag and drop April August December February January July June March May November October September Attention: Correct: January no: january (

Write the month. Mothers day is in ___________ Fathers day is in __________ Childrens day is in ____________

So Joo is in ______ Carnival is in _______ or ________

Republic Day is in ___________ School vacation is in __________ and ______

Independence Day is in _______________ Soldiers Day is in_____________

Now that you know something about important dates read the text below Soldiers Day, and choose the correct answer. (Agora que voc j sabe algumas datas importantes, leia o texto abaixo Dia do Soldado e escolha a alternativa correta). THE SOLDIERS DAY Soldiers Day is celebrated on August 25. This date is celebrated in honor of the work of members of the Brazilian Army. It was also established in honor of Luis Alves de Lima e Silva, patron of the Brazilian Army, born on August 25, 1803. With just over 20 years was already captain. Luis Alves de Lima e Silva Duque de Caxias fought and defended Brazil in external and internal clashes. Soldier is a graduation of the military hierarchy. The term derives from the Latin solidarius someone who is paid to serve. In Brazil, military service is compulsory by law since 1908. At the age of 18, every young man must register in any of the armed forces (Navy, Army or Air Force). In the structure of the Brazilian government, the forces are integrated into the Defense Ministry and aims to safeguard constitutional rights. A soldiers career gives the young learning values such as discipline, organization, love for the country, solidarity and perseverance, among many others that guide their activities inside and outside the lines.

The soldier has activity during wartime and in peacekeeping, both inside and outside the country. Provides assistance to people in disaster situations. Throughout the twentieth century, Soldier's Day lost its popularity and no longer is a day of public festivity, and military parades are not organized in their honor. Today, Brazilian armed forces are honored on September 7, when it is celebrated Brazil's independence from Portugal, or on November 15, when we celebrate the Proclamation of the Republic. Read the text again and choose TRUE or FALSE. (Leia o texto novamente e escolha TRUE se a frase estiver correta, ou FALSE se estiver errada). 1. The Soldiers Day is celebrated on August 25th. 2. Duque de Caxias was a captain when he was 20 years old. 3. In Brazil, the military service is not compulsory by law. 4. Good values guide the activities of a soldiers career. 5. A soldier provides assistance to people in disaster situation. 6. Soldiers Day is no longer a day of public festivity. 7. Brazilian armed forces are not honored on September 7. 8. We celebrate the Proclamation of Republic on November, 15. .

Finalizando... Neste mdulo voc estudou os nmeros, as horas, os dias da semana e os meses do ano. Exercitou a compreenso de pequenos textos e j capaz de perguntar e responder as

horas, a saudar as pessoas de acordo com a parte do dia e a identificar e escrever os dias da semana e os meses do ano em ingls, assim como algumas datas comemorativas.

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