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Início > Glock Discussão > Geral GlocKing > Algum de vocês tiveram problemas forro canal?

Algum de vocês teve problemas com o liner do canal?

Duke35 Siga este fórum 11 de abril de 2015
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Oi pessoal primeiro eu sou um Glock Armorer e eu tenho outro forro de canal no caminho ... Eu estava
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apenas curioso se alguém teve um problema semelhante, porque em todos os glocks eu possuí nunca vi
isso acontecer.

Este também é (meu g27) a única Glock que tenho mantido 100% de estoque ... Eu comecei a ter
problemas com o FTF há algumas semanas atrás e achei que estava enferrujado no intervalo. Ontem,
durante uma limpeza, decidi puxar o atacante para ver se tinha alguma porcaria e o maldito canal saiu
com a montagem do atacante ...

Estou realmente me perguntando o que poderia ter causado isso? Eu não estou em pânico como eu
tenho outro a caminho ... mas estou realmente perplexo. Foi um pouco oleoso e notei um pequeno
"bur", mas ainda gostaria de algum feedback de vocês, se possível.

aqui está a surpresa que tirei quando removi o atacante seguido de uma foto da "rebarba".
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aqui está um olhar para dentro com o forro do canal e o atacante para fora.
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arkdweller22 11 de abril de 2015

Eu tive vários Glocks e detalhe despojado-los todos sem o forro saindo. O mesmo para vários amigos.
Nunca vi o seu problema.

Parece que a broca pegou a montagem do atacante na saída e foi dar uma volta. Essa é a minha teoria,
pelo menos.

Queria poder ser mais útil.

Postado usando Outdoor Hub Fogfire

Duke35 Siga este fórum 11 de abril de 2015
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arkdweller22 disse: ↑
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I've had several Glocks and detail stripped them all without the liner coming out. Same for several
Never seen your issue.

It looks like the burr caught the striker assembly on the way out and went for a ride. That's my
theory at least.

Wish I could be more helpful.

Posted using Outdoor Hub Campfire

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Ark I thank you so much for the reply. I too, have NEVER seen this occur.. and it's funny that this is the
only Glock I have not modified (not even connector change.) and it's the only one I've ever seen this

I was embarrassed at the range the other day.. I was having FTF's and I changed the RSA, and still....
FTF's. I totally could accept if I was limpwristing (I thought that was the only rational reason for these
failures.) but now I am convinced this mess has something to do with the recent failures i've been

I recently moved, and it went about 8 months without being shot so like I said I chalked up my range
sessions to just being rusty but I should have known better...

This was my carry gun and I would have sworn up and down it was the most reliable gun i've ever
owned. Ever since the first range trip here i've been having FTF issues.

So i'm going to get the new liner in there... not worried about that, but I'm tempted to call Glock and ask
them their thoughts on it... only because this Glock is stock, has never seen a single reload, and I keep it
on my nightstand and I'm supposed to trust my life with it...

I really shot 300rds last week in pure frustration thinking I somehow developed a limpwristing
problem, I looked like a total baffoon trying to get on the steel plates... I wish I had pulled the striker
prior to blowing $100 worth of ammo, and doing the walk of shame at Angles Shooting Range..

Lots of the strikes were kind of iffy and now I assume (and hope) this was the reason for said issues.

Just very frustrating guys.. and once again I thank you so much for the reply Arc. I've taken down
Glocks 1000's of times and I too have never seen this, and am hoping someone can shed some light on

I was thought in the Armorer's course that this should really be left alone at all costs... figures I get the
lucky prize during a standard striker pull.

F-111 John Apr 11, 2015

The only time I've heard of channel liner problems is after somebody Cerakoted their slide then baked
it in the oven.
smokey45 Siga este fórum Apr 12, 2015
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I'd deburr that sucker and stick it back in there. As long as the striker moves freely in the channel liner
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you're good to go.

ku4hx Apr 12, 2015

Nope never have. But then I pull the striker only every few thousand rounds. Or if the slide innards
looks especially nasty which is very seldom.

JohnK1987 Apr 12, 2015

Ignore this... should have read your post more thoroughly first!

GRR Apr 12, 2015

I've had one or two channel liners come out when detail stripping, usually when cleaning the channel
with a q-tip. Never an issue. just re-insert it, check for free movement of the firing pin and rock on.

farscott Apr 12, 2015

The only channel liner issue I have had was when replacing the channel liner in a slide that was
refinished in nickel boron. I knew the channel liner would need to be replaced, so I bought the tool and
a few channel liners from Brownells. One of the three new channel liners had a burr (flash?) on it. I just
dressed it with a file, installed it, reassembled the upper, did the function tests, and shot the gun.

cciman Apr 12, 2015

smokey45 said: ↑

I'd deburr that sucker and stick it back in there. As long as the striker moves freely in the channel
liner you're good to go.
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^ agree with above.^

You are the Glock armorer, you should be telling us.

I'd trim the burr with a razor and keep going....should really not be affecting the striker movement

When you say FTF, do you mean failure to feed or failure to fire. This should have NOTHING to do with
feeding issues.
Troubled Gecko Siga este fórum Apr 12, 2015
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smokey45 said: ↑
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I'd deburr that sucker and stick it back in there. As long as the striker moves freely in the channel
liner you're good to go.
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Why bother? A new one is only $7.00 to $10.00 and your liner shouldn't come out that easily. I don't
think I'd put a questionable part back in a firearm given the choice.

bigsteve113 Apr 12, 2015

I'm confused. By FTF's, and mentioning limp wristing and recoil assemblies, I'm assuming you mean
failure to feed, not failure to fire. I don't think that burr on the channel liner would cause failure to
feeds. I could see how it could cause a failure to fire by restricting the striker from fully moving

smokey45 Apr 13, 2015

Troubled Gecko said: ↑

Why bother? A new one is only $7.00 to $10.00 and your liner shouldn't come out that easily. I don't
think I'd put a questionable part back in a firearm given the choice.
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I don't mind spending money for parts when needed, this is a plastic sleeve that centers the striker in
the channel for God's sake. Who cares if it comes out easily, it's not about to jump out of the gun. Again,
if the striker moves freely in the sleeve it's doing it's job and you can spend that $10 on something you
actually need.

cciman Apr 13, 2015

echo echo

bigsteve113 said: ↑

I'm confused. By FTF's, and mentioning limp wristing and recoil assemblies, I'm assuming you
mean failure to feed, not failure to fire. I don't think that burr on the channel liner would cause
failure to feeds. I could see how it could cause a failure to fire by restricting the striker from fully
moving forward.
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Sterling Steve Siga este fórum Apr 13, 2015
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Yes I heard instructor at my one day Armorer's Class say "Don't mess with the firing pin liner...but know
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it's there. Be careful to clean away from the hole in the slide next to the firing pin chamber. Careful not
to let any oil get in there. Could gum up the works. He also cautioned not to leave pistol in trunk of car
in summer time or anywhere else where it might get really hot. I wonder if your trainer may not have
mentioned the latter. Could your gun have seen more heat than usual during the move you mentioned?
I've had some frustration myself with an occasional light strike (failure to fire?) lately. Learned that
certain ammo has harder primers than others. Winchester White Box is one of those with harder
primer and the one I had trouble with. I have been wondering if maybe I got some gunk down in that
chamber before I learned to use toothbrush to sweep debris away for the firing pin when I clean the
gun. Please keep us updated on sleeve replacement. I'd like to clean the chamber and liner on my gun if
I knew how to do it. Will you do any cleaning on chamber before you put new liner in? Do you need
any special tools? My trainer didn't go into any specifics but seemed to me he didn't think it was a big
deal. Good luck.

L-2 Apr 14, 2015

I've had the channel liner come out on a few Glocks when new. Upon examination, I noticed the inside
and outside of the liner was damp from some type of light oil or cleaning fluid, perhaps from initial
assembly. After cleaning and swabbing out the channel and reinstalling the liner, the liner stayed put.
During subsequent detail cleanings the liner stayed put in those Glocks.

I've not encountered a liner with that chip or notch in it as the OP had.

smokey45 Apr 14, 2015

Don't leave a Glock in the trunk in hot weather----------! Good one! Wonder how many cruisers
out there have a Glock or two stuffed in a raid vest stored in the trunk. I hauled one around like that for
years, here in the sunny south. Kinda makes ya wonder about that trainer.

gamecocks Apr 14, 2015

smokey45 said: ↑

Don't leave a Glock in the trunk in hot weather----------! Good one! Wonder how many
cruisers out there have a Glock or two stuffed in a raid vest stored in the trunk. I hauled one
around like that for years, here in the sunny south. Kinda makes ya wonder about that trainer.
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You'd also think that firing alot of rounds in a short time would heat the slide up way more than a hot
summer day!
smokey45 Siga este fórum Apr 14, 2015
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gamecocks said: ↑
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You'd also think that firing alot of rounds in a short time would heat the slide up way more than a
hot summer day!
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They do warm up a bit with extended firing. Now, imagine how hot the 18 gets after firing a couple of
33rd sticks.

gamecocks Apr 14, 2015

smokey45 said: ↑

They do warm up a bit with extended firing. Now, imagine how hot the 18 gets after firing a couple
of 33rd sticks.
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Grinning ear to ear, just at the thought!

cciman Apr 14, 2015

There are thousands, if not millions of Glocks in circulation right now....if they were prone to "melting"
under practical situations, you would have heard reports from all over the world about how their guns
turned to plastic lumps in the car/tank/desert etc..... melted plastic is not a common complaint.

There is a video of a Glock firing 1000 rounds in under 30 min, and you see that the Glock gets hot
enough to make motor oil smoke, and the shooter needs gloves to hold the gun, but it continues to fire
even after the recoil rod gets spit out the front.

will it eventually fail? Sure. Will it melt if it is put in a toaster oven? Sure.
Unless you think you can, or will be shooting 1000 rounds in under 30min, you don't have real practical

PhotoFeller Apr 14, 2015

I've read that the liner coming out without being coaxed is not a big deal. Sometimes the liner is just a
little off spec, and out it comes. The burr is a mystery, unless somebody was poking around in the
channel for some purpose.

Most armorers say push the liner back in and forget about it. As others have said here, you can sand off
the burr and put it back in use. The burr would probably cause me to replace the liner, even though its
not necessary.

I understand the armorer's manual is silent on the liner because its not a typical maintenance item. The
rough spot on your liner shouldn't affect functionality, period.
Glock+2 Siga este fórum Apr 14, 2015
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Sterling Steve said: ↑
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Yes I heard instructor at my one day Armorer's Class say "Don't mess with the firing pin liner.. He
also cautioned not to leave pistol in trunk of car in summer time or anywhere else where it might
get really hot......
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Was the instructor a Colorado doper?

Sterling Steve Apr 14, 2015

All right all ready. You probably shouldn't put it on the instructor. This IS my first rodeo. I must have
misinterpreted his comment about cooking the liner. I'll scratch keeping the gun in my trunk off my list
of concerns based on all the feedback.

ajalaniz Apr 15, 2015

Eu comprei um novo Gen 4 G26 no último sábado. Parte do meu procedimento sempre que eu compro
um novo Glock é detalhar o slide e limpar o óleo no canal do atacante. Bem, quando eu puxei o
conjunto do atacante veio o revestimento do canal coberto de óleo.
Eu desengordurei o liner, coloquei de volta e fui para o intervalo. 100rds, zero avaria todos os primers
centrados e profundos.
Eu vou comprar outro apenas no caso, mas, tanto quanto eu estou preocupado tudo está bem.

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