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Aboard About Above Across After Against Along Among Around At Before Behind Below Beneath Beside Besides

Between Beyond But (meaning except) By Concerning Down During Except For

a bordo, dentro From sobre acima de atravs de depois contra ao longo entre ao redor de em, por, para antes atrs abaixo abaixo ao lado alm de entre alm de exceto por relativo a atravs de, em baixo de durante exceto por, em vez de In Inside Into Like Near Of Off On Out Over Past Since Through Throughout Till To Toward Under Until Up Upon With Within Without

de onde em dentro em, dentro como perto de perto de, fora de sobre, em para fora sobre depois de desde atravs de em toda parte at para em direo a abaixo at para cima sobre com em, dentro de sem, fora de

Principais Preposies Eis as preposies de uso mais freqentes, com exemplos indicadores de algumas dentre as diversas relaes por elas expressas, como: lugar, posio, direo, agncia, origem, causa, instrumento, tempo, maneira, medida, adio, excluso, etc.


sobre, a respeito de , em torno de, cerca de, por, devido a. Exemplos: They were talking about politics, eles estavam conversando sobre poltica. She wore pearls about her neck, ela usava prolas ao redor do pescoo. The show began about midnight, o espetculo comeou cerca de meia-noite. We have been walking about the town all day, estivemos andando pela cidade o dia todo. They quarrel about trifles, eles discutem por minharias.


sobre, por sobre, mais de, acima de, superior a.

Exemplos: We were flying above the clouds, ns estvamos voando por sobre as nuvens. There were above fifty pupils in the classroom, havia mais de cinqenta alunosna sala de aula. He is above suspicion, ele est acima de qualquer suspeita. A major ranks above a captain, o posto de maior imediatamente superior ao de capito.


de atravs, atravs de, no outro lado de, em contato com.

Exemplos: We swam across the river, nadamos atravs do rio. There is a restaurant across the avenue., h um restaurante no outro lado da avenida. I came across this book yesterday, encontrei este livro ontem.


depois de, aps, atrs de, em homenagem a, imitao de, semelhana de.
Exemplos: They left after dinner, eles partiram aps o jantar. After a storm comes a calm, aps a tempestade vem a bonana. The dog was running after the cat, o co estava correndo atrs do gato. He was named Henry after his uncle, deram-lhe o nome de Henrique em homenagem ao tio. He dances after the Indians, ele dana moda dos (=imitando os) ndios. He paints after Rubens, ele pinta imitando Rubens.


contra, em troca de, junto a, em.

Exemplos: The boat sails against the current, o barco navega contra a corrente. They voted against my proposal, eles votaram contra minha proposta. We took machinery against coffee, recebemos maquinaria em troca de caf. Please, lean the ladder against the wall, por favor, apie a escada na parede.


ao longo de, por.

Exemplos: The horses galloped at full speed along the road, os cavalos galoparam a toda a velocidade pela estrada.


entre, no meio de.

Exemplos: He was seen amid the throng, ele foi visto no meio da multido. They are amidst enemies, eles esto entre inimigos.


entre, no meio de, com.

Exemplos: We are among(st) friends, estamos entre amigos. The Christmas gifts were divided among the children, os presentes de Natal foram divididos entre as crianas. The one-eyed are kings among the blind, na terra dos cegos quem tem um olho rei.


ao redor de, perto de, por, de um lugar para outro.

Exemplos: We planted a few trees around the house, plantamos algumas rvores ao redor da casa. There is a shop around the corner, h uma loja junto esquina (na outra rua). We travelled around Europe for three months, viajamos pela Europa trs meses.


em, a (), ao, no, contra, para, de, com.

Exemplos: He spent a few days at Curitiba, ele passou alguns dias em Curitiba. We are at home, estamos em casa. The china was sold at auction., a loua foi vendida em leilo. They'll soon be at liberty, eles em breve estaro em liberdade. The car is at our disposal, o carro est a nossa disposio. He is standing at the door, ele est em p porta. He was at work when we arrived, ele estava a trabalhar quando chegamos. He'll go at midnight, ele ir meia-noite. He'll come at noon, ele vir ao meio-dia. The wreckage was at the bottom of the sea, os destroos do naufrgio estavam no fundo do mar. He shot at the target, ele atirou no alvo. He was staying at the "Stevens Hotel", ele estava hospedado no "Stevens Hotel". They'll pay at the end of the month, eles pagaro no fim do ms. The tiger jumped at him, o tigre saltou contra ele. The boy pointed at the toy, o menino apontou para o brinquedo. I was looking at the picture, eu estava olhando para o quadro. We laughed at him, ns nos rimos dele. The children were mocking at us, as crianas estavam zombando de ns. I laughed at his jokes, eu me ri com suas pilhrias. He is good at this game, ele bom neste jogo. He was driving his car at 80 mph, ele estava dirigindo o carro a 80 milhas por hora. We are selling these articles at a loss, estavamos vendendo estes artigos com prejuzo. Dogs bark at strangers, ces latem para os estranhos. She stared at him, ela o encarou fixamente. We were surprised at seeing him, ficamos surpresos ao v-lo. BEFORE

diante de, em frente de, na frente de, perante, antes de.

Exemplos: They were sitting before the fireplace, eles estavam sentados diante da lareira. The tanks were seen before the infantry, os carros de combate eram vistos frente da infantaria. The poor and rich are alike before God, o pobre e o rico so iguais perante Deus. The culprit appeared before a court of justice, o ru compareceu perante um tribunal. He'll arrive before noon, ele chegar antes do meio-dia.


atrs de, detrs de, em apoio de, depoisi de.

Exemplos: The broom is behind the door, a vassoura est atrs da porta. All his friends are behind him, todos os amigos o apiam. He came behind his hour, ele veio depoisi da hora.


abaixo de, para baixo de.

Exemplos: The garage is below the ground floor, a garagem est abaixo do andar trreo. He is below his schoolfellows, ele est abaixo de seus colegas. It is the third shop below the post office, a terceira loja para baixo (da agncia) do correio.


sob, abaixo de, inferior a.

Exemplos: There was a bench beneath the tree, havia um banco sob a rvore. His conduct is beneath contempt, sua conduta (ou est) abaixo da crtica.

Em ingls, temos, dentre outras, as seguintes preposies: at, on, in, cujo emprego pode ser utilizado, via de regra:

Em se tratando de LUGAR, regra geral, on significa sobre, in quer dizer dentro e at acaba sendo aplicado para os demais casos. Ex1: The book is on the table

(O livro est sobre a mesa)

The book is in the box (O livro est dentro da caixa)

You can find the book at the library (Voc pode achar o livro na biblioteca)

The sign is at the door (O aviso est na porta)

Alice is at home (Alice est em casa)

Em se tratando de TEMPO, regra geral, on utilizado para dias e datas, in para perodos (de meses, anos, etc.) e at para horas.

Ex2: See you on Monday (Te vejo na segunda)

Sheila will be back on your birthday (Sheila estar de volta no seu aniversrio)

Life was better in the 70s (A vida era melhor nos anos setenta)

Rita will buy a car in a couple of months (Rita comprar um carro em dois meses)

Paul is arriving at nine oclock (Paul est chegando s nove horas)

Luch will be served at noon (O almoo ser servido ao meio-dia)

See you at night (Te vejo noite) To e For

Preposies so palavras de significado pouco claro e muito varivel. So mais partculas funcionais do que palavras de contedo semntico definido. A maioria das ocorrncias de preposies, no segue um padro lgico ou regular. Alm disso, entre o portugus e o ingls, as preposies no apresentam uma correlao muito estreita. Cobrem normalmente diferentes reas de significado, sendo umas de uso mais amplo que outras. particularmente notria a dificuldade para ns, brasileiros, quando temos que decidir qual preposio usar em ingls, to ou for, quando em portugus a idia seria expressa atravs da preposio para. Em geral, pode-se dizer que to est ligado idia de direo, movimento, correspondendo muitas vezes tambm preposio a do portugus; enquanto que for est relacionado com a idia de substituio, inteno ou predestinao, correspondendo, s vezes, ao portugus por. Esta diferena de significado, entretanto, no sempre clara. Mesmo assim, for e to raramente podem ser usados como sinnimos. Freqentemente to e for introduzem o objeto indireto e neste caso que as duas preposies normalmente correspondem ao portugus para. Objeto indireto em ingls sempre um nome ou pronome que precede ou sucede o objeto direto nos verbos bitransitivos. Quando posicionado antes do objeto direto, no vem acompanhado de preposio. Quando posicionado aps o objeto direto, vir invariavelmente acompanhado da preposio to ou for. Neste caso, a preposio certa depender do verbo, no havendo regra para isso. Observe os seguintes exemplos: TO VERBS FOR VERBS I gave a present to him. = I gave him a present. I'll show the figures to you. = I'll show you the figures. He sold a car to me. = He sold me a car. He sent a letter to Mary. = He sent Mary a letter. Can you lend this book to me? = Can you lend me this book? The boss told a joke to us. = The boss told us a joke.

Who teaches English to them? = Who teaches them English? I paid $10 to the repairman. = I paid the repairman $10. Will you pass the sugar to me? = Will you pass me the sugar? Read a story to the children. = Read the children a story. I wrote a letter to my friend. = I wrote my friend a letter. Hand that book to me, please. = Hand me that book, please. He offered a job to Mary. = He offered Mary a job. He'll bring something to me. = He'll bring me something. She sang a lullaby to the baby. = She sang the baby a lullaby. I'll throw the ball to you. = I'll throw you the ball. Let me buy a present for you. = Let me buy you a present. I got some food for you. = I got you some food. She made a sandwich for me. = She made me a sandwich. Did she cook dinner for you? = Did she cook you dinner? Can you do a favor for me? = Can you do me a favor? He can find a job for you. = He can find you a job. He left a message for you. = He left you a message. Shall I pour more tea for you? = Shall I pour you more tea? Reserve hotel rooms for us. = Reserve us hotel rooms. Save the stamps for him. = Save him the stamps. Existem tambm verbos que s aceitam o objeto indireto quando acompanhado de preposio. Exemplos: TO VERBS FOR VERBS The teacher said "Good morning" to the students. He's going to introduce Mary to his family. I already explained the project to the staff. Mr. Cole described the new house to his wife. I sometimes speak English to (with) my wife. Bob reported the accident to the police. I repeated your ideas to my parents. He admitted his mistake to the boss. I'll mention your plan to the director. Dr. Bishop recommends this medicine to some patients. Richard has announced his engagement to his friends. It sounds good to me. The salesgirl suggested a gift to Philip. Can you carry the suitcases for me? Could you open the door for me? He asked the bank teller to cash a check for him. Doctors like to prescribe medicine for the patients. She is going to prepare the meal for the guests. I asked her to sign the letter for me. Can you hold this for me, please? I changed the traveler's checks for you. I asked the secretary to make an appointment for me. He translated an article for me. I recorded a tape for you. I'll take the car to the mechanic for you. The salesgirl suggested Philip a gift for his girlfriend. Can you play the piano for me? Na verdade, quase qualquer verbo aceita o adjunto preposicional for. So portanto ilimitadas as

possibilidades de FOR VERBS neste segundo grupo. Observe-se que mesmo os TO VERBS, alm de aceitarem o objeto indireto precedido pela preposio to, tambm aceitam o adjunto preposicional for, porm com outro sentido. Ex: I sent a letter to Mary. I sent a letter for Mary. No primeiro exemplo, Mary mora noutro lugar e eu lhe escrevi mandando notcias. No segundo exemplo, Mary escreveu uma carta para algum, estava talvez muito ocupada para ir ao correio, e eu fui em lugar dela. O verbo to go tambm freqentemente ocorre associado s preposies to e for. Observe-se os dois grupos abaixo: GO TO EXPRESSIONS GO FOR EXPRESSIONS go to work go to school go to bed go to church go to town go to court go to pieces go to hell go to Porto Alegre go to the bank, go to the office, etc. go for a walk go for a ride go for a drive go for a beer go for it Uma das ocorrncias mais elementares da preposio to no uso do infinitivo em ingls. Isto normalmente ocorre na estrutura VERB + to + VERB. Exemplos: I have to go. I like to drink beer. Nice to meet you. I'm not able to work. He decided to leave. He helped me to find my keys. We expect to win the game. Mesmo quando no introduzem objetos indiretos, a ocorrncia das preposies to e for continua dependendo do verbo que acompanham ou da expresso idiomtica em que ocorrem. Em muitos casos for corresponde a por do portugus. Exemplos: TO EXPRESSIONS FOR EXPRESSIONS Up to date To my surprise, ... To the best of my knowledge, ... According to ... Apply to a university. He reacted well to my comments.

I object to staying up late. I'm accustomed to working hard. I'm not used to working on Sundays. It's very sensitive to cold weather. To (for) me, it sounds good. It's interesting to me. She was invited to a party. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. It's a hundred miles from here to Porto Alegre. They raised his salary to $1,000. Don't jump to conclusions. For sure! For God's sake! For example, ... For this reason ... For the first time ... For (to) me, it sounds good. Apply for a job. Any letters for me? I feel sorry for them. He left for home. He works for a tobacco company. I sold my house for 40 thousand dollars. He charged 50 dollars for the translation. I lived abroad for 7 years. He's very strong for an old man. I'm looking for a job. He received a grant for studying medicine. I want eggs for breakfast. I wrote a check for $100.

on in at since for ago before to

days of the week months / seasons time of day year after a certain period of time (when?) for night for weekend a certain point of time (when?) from a certain point of time (past till now) over a certain period of time (past till now) a certain time in the past earlier than a certain point of time telling the time

on Monday in August / in winter in the morning in 2006 in an hour at night at the weekend at half past nine

since 1980

for 2 years 2 years ago before 2004 ten to six (5:50)

past to / till / until till / until

telling the time

ten past six (6:10)

marking the beginning and end of a period of time in the sense of how long something is going to last in the sense of at the latest up to a certain time from Monday to/till Friday He is on holiday until Friday. I will be back by 6 oclock. By 11 oclock, I had read five pages.



room, building, street, town, country book, paper etc. car, taxi picture, world meaning next to, by an object for table for events place where you are to do something typical (watch a film, study, work) attached for a place with a river being on a surface for a certain side (left, right) for a floor in a house for public transport for television, radio left or right of somebody or something on the ground, lower than (or covered by) something else

in the kitchen, in London in the book in the car, in a taxi in the picture, in the world at the door, at the station at the table at a concert, at the party at the cinema, at school, at work the picture on the wall London lies on the Thames. on the table on the left on the first floor on the bus, on a plane on TV, on the radio Jane is standing by / next to / beside the car.



on by, next to, beside


the bag is under the table the fish are below the surface

below over

lower than something else but above ground covered by something else meaning more than

put a jacket over your shirt

above across through to towards onto from f r o m o f b y o n i n o f f o u t entering a car / Taxi who made it who gave it

getting to the other side (also across) overcoming an obstacle higher than something else, but not directly over it getting to the other side (also over) getting to the other side something with limits on top, bottom and the sides movement to person or building movement to a place or country for bed

over 16 years of age walk over the bridge climb over the wall

a path above the lake walk across the bridge swim across the lake

drive through the tunnel go to the cinema go to London / Ireland go to bed go into the kitchen / the house


enter a room / a building movement in the direction of something (but not directly to it) movement to the top of something in the sense of where from

go 5 steps towards the house jump onto the table a flower from the garden




a present from Jane a page of the book the picture of a palace

who/what does it belong to what does it show

a book by Mark Twain on foot, on horseback get on the bus

walking or riding on horseback entering a public transport vehicle

get in the car

leaving a public transport vehicle leaving a car / Taxi

get off the train get out of the taxi

o f b y a t a b o u t for age



rise or fall of something travelling (other than walking or horseriding)

prices have risen by 10 percent by car, by bus

she learned Russian at 45

for topics, meaning what about

we were talking about you

Preposio uma palavra que liga dois termos e estabelece relaes entre os mesmos. Uma das maiores dvidas dos estudantes da lngua inglesa , justamente, o uso das principais preposies: in, on e at. Sabemos que elas possuem o mesmo significado (no, na, em, etc), no entanto, freqentemente so usadas incorretamente. Vejamos agora as principais aplicaes de cada uma destas preposies: In Usamos in para designar algo dentro de um determinado espao; no necessariamente um espao fsico. Falando mais diretamente, usamos in quando estamos nos referindo a cidades, estados e pases; anos; meses; estaes do ano; etc. Exemplos: - In Sao Paulo (em So Paulo) - In April (em Abril) - In France (na Frana) - In the spring (na primavera) - In 2001 (em 2001) On A preposio on passa a idia de contato de uma coisa sobre outra, como na famosa frase The book is on the table. On tambm usado para se referir a dias da semana e datas. Exemplos: - On Sunday (no Domingo) - On March 9 th (em 9 de Maro) - On the table (sobre a mesa) - On Friday (na Sexta-feira) At J a preposio at usada quando queremos falar em algo situado em um ponto exato. Em outras palavras, o at usado quando falamos de lugares ou momentos especficos. Exemplos: - At 2 o'clock (s 2 h) - At my home (em minha casa) - At Christmas (no Natal) - At New Year (no Ano Novo) - At church (na igreja) - At school (na escola) A partir dessas preposies, so formadas inmeras expresses idiomticas. Alguns exemplos:

- At the time (na poca) - At the moment (neste momento) - At one time (houve poca em que) - At full speed (a toda velocidade) - In tears (em lgrimas) - In a hurry (com pressa) - In danger (em perigo)

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