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Feedback- I semana de lngua inglesa- IF serto- campus Salgueiro Pergunta 1- Why was Cara, Chelsea and Lauras presence

important on Salgueiros campus? Para ampliar o nosso conhecimento sobre o ingls, aprimorar nossa fala e termos contato com pessoas de diferentes pases. To enhance our knowledge of the English Language, improve our speaking and have contact with people from different countries. Porque com essa visita motiva-se o estudo do ingls. Because the visit motivates the study of English. Porque foi um grande incentivo para os alunos e tambm porque aprendemos um novo jogo chamado rugby Because it was a huge incentive for the students and also becuase we learned a new game called Rubgy. Para que possamos interagir com pessoas de outros pases e melhorar nosso aprendizado So that we can interact with people from other countries and improve our understanding. Porque foi uma oportunidade de vermos a importncia da lngua inglesa nos interessando mais em aprender para a comunicao ficar mais completa Because it was an opportunity to see the importance of the English language and made us interested in learning so that we can communicate more completely. Foi importante para aumentar o conhecimento dos alunos It was important in deepening the knowledge of the students. Porque pudemos perceber que somos capazes de aprender o ingls com muita facilidade e nos divertindo Because we realized that we are capable of learning English easily and while having fun. Me ajudou a ter mais motivao para aprender o ingls. Alm de ter sido bem divertido It helped me have more motivation to learn English. Besides having great fun! Porque deu para mostrar aos alunos que temos a capacidade de aprender Becuase the activities showed the students that we have the capacity to learn. Foi importante porque foi uma semana legal que nos ajudou a interagir com pessoas de outros pases It was important becuase it was a cool week that helped us interact with people from other countries.

Porque sempre bom conhecer melhor outras culturas Because it is always good to get to know other cultures. Porque a gente tambm precisa conhecer o mundo sem sair de casa. Because people also need to get to know the world without leaving their homes.

Pergunta 2- Tell me about before and after ( do you feel any difference)? Sim, os alunos ficaram mais entusiasmados para aprender ingls. Yes, the students are more enthusiastic about learning English. Antes eu tinha menos interesse, agora, tenho mais compromisso. Before I had less interest, now, I am more committed. Elas ajudaram os alunos a gostarem mais de ingls. They helped the students like English more. Sim, antes tnhamos dificuldade em termos uma aula toda em ingls e agora temos mais facilidade de entender. Yes, before we had more difficulty understanding a class conducted only in English and now we understand more easily. Sim, fiquei mais interessada em aprender ingls. Yes, I am more interested in learning English. Com certeza teve uma grande diferena, pois conheci uma maneira mais simples de aprender ingls. There is definitely a big difference, because they showed me a new, simpler way to learn English. Antes eu j tinha um grande interesse pela lngua, com a presena delas o incentivo foi maior, porque elas mostraram qual a importncia de se aprender. Before, I already had a lot of interest in learning English, with the presence of them (Cara, Chelsea and Laura) the incentive was larger because they showed the importance of learning. Sim, aprendi novas palavras e melhorei a pronncia de outras. Yes, I learned new words and improved the pronunciation of others. Sim, antes achava que no era capaz de aprender, agora sei que posso.

Yes, before I thought that I was not capable of learning, but now I know that I can. Sim, antes quando a professora falava ingls na sala o povo estranhava, agora, estamos tentando entender e nos adaptar. Yes, before when the Professor spoke English in class we all thought it was weird, but now (after English week) we try to understand and adapt. Antes os alunos no se esforavam muito por achar que no tinham capacidade e agora existe mais esforo. Before, the students did not really try because they thought that they couldnt learn, but now there is more effort. Antes a lngua inglesa era s mais uma matria sem importncia, agora, mudou a maneira de pensar. Before, English was just one more unimportant class, but now our way of thinking has been changed.

Pergunta 3- Which activities did they enjoy and why? Rugby, pois foi bom conhecer o segundo maior esporte do mundo e terceiro evento mundial. Alm disso, o rugby est no incio no Brasil e bom motivar isso. Rugby, because it was good to learn about the second most played sport in the world and the third largest international sporting event. Furthermore, Rugby is on the rise in Brazil and it is good to motivate that. Da msica, pois nos divertimos e danamos e ainda fizemos uma atividade de preencher em ingls partes da msica. The music becuase we had fun and danced and even did an activity filling in the song lyrics to a song in English. De quando a gente corria e falava para o outro escrever, muito bom e engraado. When we had to run and say the lyrics for our partner to write, it was really great and funny. As dinmicas foram divertidas e interessantes. The group activities were fun and interesting. As atividades foram excelentes. Mas pelo fato de ter uma atividade envolvendo msica, dana e ingls, essa foi a melhor. The activities were excellent. But having na activity involving music, dance and learning Englishthat was the best.

Da msica, pois promoveu uma interao com todos. The music becuase it pomoted everyones interaction. Todas, porque de qualquer forma ns aprendemos um pouco de tudo. All of them becuase anything we did we learned a little of everything. Gostei da aula de hip-hop e do jogo pois vrias pessoas puderam participar. Gostei do jogo, pois era algo que nunca tinha visto, gostaria de praticar mais. I loved the hip-hop dance class and the game (of Rugby) because lots of people could participate. I liked the game because it was something I had never seen before, Id like to play more.

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