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1. A que se referem os termos em negrito (0,4 cada)

a) our knowledge (linha 1) ___________________________________________________________
b) they pertain (linha 4) _____________________________________________________________
c) in both (linha 31) ________________________________________________________________
d) they are (linha 91) _______________________________________________________________
e) their effects (linha 167) ___________________________________________________________

2. A que se referem os termos em negrito (0,4 cada)

a) 3,9% (linha 41) _________________________________________________________________
b) 17% (linha 53) __________________________________________________________________
c) three ( linha 72) ________________________________________________________________
d) 17 (linha 81) ____________________________________________________________________
e) 5 and 8 (linha 127) _______________________________________________________________

3. Responda em portugus (1,0 cada)

a) Quais so os dois fatores de risco que so responsveis pelo maior nmero de DALYs?
1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________
b) O que Romer e Hennessy recomendaram e por qual razo?
4. Traduza em portugus (1,0 cada)
a) Implications of Science for Illicit Drug Use Policies for Adolescents in Low- and Middle-Income
Countries (Ttulo).
b) The ages of onset for primary mental disorder and subsequente drug dependence show a window
of opportunity for preventive interventions. (Linha 125)
c) [...] in Africa the majority of treatment demand is accounted for by cannabis, whereas in Asia
opioids dominate treatment demand and in South America cocaine is most prominent. (Linha 150)
d) These advances in neurobiology and mental health point to the importance of integrating social
sciences and biological sciences while moving from a multidisciplinar approach to a
transdisciplinary approach in order to most effectively improve health outcomes for adolescents.
(Linha 197)

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