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Venha para o nosso Friday Fun Night! Haver comida, jogos, filme, e mais! Ns achamos que voc vai amar. Vamos
nos encontrar no Room 17 s 17h no dia 27 de fevereiro. Se quiser vir, pea para seus pais assinarem esse permission
slip at o dia 25! O evento custa R$50 por pessoa. O dinheiro pode ser dado no dia.
Se quiser saber exatamente o que temos planejado, aqui esto os horrios:

P na lata
Futebol e/ou basquete

Ns estamos fazendo isso para arrecadar dinheiro para a ONG SETA, que quer construir uma quadra poliesportiva
para a comunidade atrs da escola. Atualmente, as crianas no tm onde brincar, a no ser na rua, mas ns queremos
melhorar essa situao, e voc pode ajudar se divertindo!
Se voc quiser doar dinheiro, visite nosso site em raiseconnectunite.weebly.com! L h mais informao sobre
nosso projeto e este evento. Se quiser saber mais, mande um email para 15daniel.maia@eacstudents.com.br.
Esperemos que voc venha!!

Eu, ______________________________________ , certifico de que sou o(a) pai/guardi(o) de

________________________________________ , que est na ___ srie. Eu o(a) dou permisso para comparecer este
evento, que ser na EAC depois das aulas no dia 27 de fevereiro de 2015.
Se h informaes importantes (como alergias) que debemos saber sobre seu/sua filho(a), por favor informe abaixo:
Email do pai/guardi(o) (opcional): _____________________________________________________________
Assinatura do pai/guardi(o): __________________________________________________________________

Join us at our Friday Fun Night! There will be food, games, movies, and more! We think you will love it. We will
be meeting in Room 17 at 5:00 PM on February 27th. If youd like to come please have this permission slip signed by
February 25th! It costs R$50 per person. The money can be paid at the day of the event.
If you want to know exactly what we have planned, heres the schedule:
5:00 PM
5:45 PM
6:15 PM
6:50 PM
7:30 PM
8:00 PM
10:00 PM

P na lata
Soccer and/or Basketball

We are doing this to raise money for an organization named SETA, which wants to build a sports court for the kids
behind school. Right now they have nowhere to play besides the street, but we want to help make this situation better,
and you can be a part of it by having fun!
If you wish to donate more money, please visit our website! Its raiseconnectunite.weebly.com. Theres more
information about our project and the event there. If you want to know more you can also send an email to
We hope to see you there!!

I, ______________________________________ , certify that I am the parent/guardian of

________________________________________ , who is in grade ___. I give him permission to go to this event,
which will be held after school on February 27, 2015.
If there is important information (such as allergies) that we should know about your child, please inform us below:
Parent/guardian email (optional): _____________________________________________________________
Parent/guardian signature: __________________________________________________________________

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