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Engineering Applications

Cantilever Beam

Uma viga estrutural em Engenharia Civil projetado para suportar a carga durante um perodo. Um tipo especfico de feixe uma viga cantilever que feixe com um final totalmente fixo para que ele no pode se mover. A imagem mostrada abaixo:

Se uma carga / fora aplicada no final do feixe, o feixe vai se curvar para baixo. Tente isto com uma rgua na mo para ver como ele se curva. Quando uma carga aplicada no final do feixe ir experimentar a maior tenso no final, onde fixo. As tenses experimentadas so proporcionais altura da carga e a distancia a partir da parte fixa. Na engenharia, o termo "momento d flexo" calculado a partir do produto da carga multiplicada pela distncia. O maior momento de flexo, maior a chance que ele vai quebrar. Assim:
Bending Moment = Load X Distance In the example below of a single load at the end of the beam , the bending moment at the fixed end would be Load times the distance, d.

How would we find the bending moment for the case shown below?

Here a distributed load is increasing along the span of the beam with a triangular distribution. Triangular distributed loads are found commonly when a liquid is exerting pressure on a wall with the pressure increasing with the depth . An example would be the walls of your swimming pool. As the water goes deeper, they exert a linearly increasing pressure on the walls of the pool. Since our distributed load is changing with the span of the beam, we need to apply our systematic approach to integration to solve the problem. Step 1 - Determine the form of the functional relationship between the interacting conditions. This is synonymous with writing the equation, where every dimension is assumed to be a constant:

In Civil Engineering, a distributed load is expressed as a constant in units of load per unit distance. For the case where the loading is a uniform rectangular distributed load over the span as shown below:

We can write: Load = some constant * distance The constant is in units of load/distance and its value depends on the magnitude of the distributed load. Therefore the constant multiplied by distance equals the total load acting over that distance. Step 2 - Identify which dimension is changing with respect to another dimension and determine the independent variable. In our triangular distributed loading case the constant changes linearly with distance or:

Step 3 - Write the differential dF, as a product of f(x) and an infinitely small change in the independent variable x, dx. Substituting back into our equation for bending moment:

Step 4 - Integrate both sides of the function from some value x=a to x=b to calculate the net change in the dependent dimension F. In the triangular loading case, c(d) just equals some constant, c multiplied by d. We could certainly have parabolic and even exponential distributed loading functions. But for triangular loading, we just need to replace c(d) with constant times d or:

Determine the bending moment for this parabolic type of loading:

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