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Academia Educao Galileu

English Classes

Exercise 1 - Significado das palavras:

a) Abroad:

b) To be.... years old:

c) All the same:

d) To miss

e) Trouble:

f) To lose:

g) Confident:

h) Snack:

i) Lunch:

Exercise 2 - Traduz as frases:

1- I had 16 years of age.

2- I left house for the first time.

3- how exciting! - I thought.

4- As I felt me scared!

5- I was thus same.

6-I dont know what to do until the second week.

Academia Educao Galileu
English Classes

Exercise 3 Diz o seu significado:

1- Fortunately
2- After
3- Confident
4- a little
5- to begin
6- to undestand
7- nice
8- enjoyable
9- breakfast
10- snack
11- lunch
12- early
13- dinner
14- to become
15- wonderful
16- short
17- the old ones
18- unforgettable

Exercise 4 - write the opposites - escreve os opostos de :

1- I left arrived
2- old new young
Exercise 5 - escreve o sinnimo

1- To start to begin

Exercise 6 completa com as palavras - miss or lose

1- Its a _____ trouble ______the bus to school.

2- Yesterday the gordons ________the plane to boston.

3- I dont know where I _______ my book..

4- We missed the show because you _____ the tickets!

5-That was not a good day! I ________ the first class and, then, I _______ my money.

Academia Educao Galileu
English Classes

Exercise 7 Transcreve para ingls:

1- Onde mora?

2- Quantos anos tinha o estudante quando foi para os estados unidos?

3- Quantos anos tiveste o ano passado?

4- Quantos anos tem a tua me?

5- Quando comea as frias?

6- O que vou fazer nas frias?
7- O meu melhor amigo vai passar frias na minha casa.
8-Que tipo de roupa gosto mais de vestir?
9-Quero tirar a carta de conduo aos 18 anos.
10-Adoro contar!
11-Quero ir viajar!
12-No consigo nadar sozinha.
13-No quero ter problemas no trabalho.
14-Sinto-me sozinho!
15-Hoje termino as aulas!

Academia Educao Galileu
English Classes

Academia Educao Galileu
English Classes

Academia Educao Galileu
English Classes

Read about Music
Music has long exerted unusual power over the scientific temperament. The 18th-
century French mathematician Joseph Louis Lagrange proclaimed that he worked best
to the sound of music. Einsteins a vocational devotion to the violin is legendary.
The19th-century American chemist Charles Martin Hall was an accomplished pianist
who, according to his sister, would rush to his piano whenever he encountered an
intractable problem. Even while playing with such charm and feeling, she wrote, he
was thinking steadily of his work, and thinking the more clearly because of the music.
Some scientists, indeed, have found music overly stimulating: in his later years Charles
Darwin found concerts painful to attend because they set his mind off into too rapid
perambulations. Dialogue, 2, 1991 Fuvest.

There is evidence of superstition among ancient civilizations. But this is not something
of the past. Superstition is part of our modern world, too.
Some very old beliefs are present among us today: a broken mirror, for example, means
seven years of bad luck. A black cat brings you bad luck when it crosses your way.
Some people never walk under a ladder because it also means bad luck. There is a very
curious belief among New Yorkers: 13 is a sign of bad luck and many buildings have no
thirteenth floor.
There is also a place for good luck in superstition . Some charms and beliefs are popular
because they bring good luck. A horseshoe, for example, or a four-leaf clover are
popular good luck charms around the world. In Brazil, it is very difficult to find a ticket
of the Federal Lottery with a final 13 this is the lucky number. There is another
curious belief in Brazil: three kisses on the face of a single girl bring marriage.
Superstition is certainly part of the past, present, and future life of man. For some
people, it is ignorance; for other, it is an important part of their lives.

The refrigerator door openned. I turned the TV down so I could listen. Bottles rattled.
The fridge door closed Heather came back upstairs to her homework. My daughter
had just fallen victim to the third most prevalent time-eater. In business or in
homework, your time gets wasted because you think of something that had slipped your
mind, so you drop everything and are off to complete it before you forget it again. Or
you use any excuse to break from a less than favorite task, and go off to the washroom,
coffee room, copier room or refrigerator.
Academia Educao Galileu
English Classes

whats the solution?
There are several things you can do to reduce the amount of time stolen from you by
yourself. Firstly, remember two principles governing time. The Principle of
Consolidation states that you get more done if you group like activities and execute
them all in one time frame. The reason behind this logic is that the preparation time
period occurs once for all the tasks, and your mind gets set once for all the tasks. When
you intersperse activities, you are winding up and winding down, reducing your
concentration and not functioning at peak mental effectiveness. And so it takes longer to
complete each task.
The other law that affects your time is one youve heard for years, A stitch in times
saves nine . In other words, if you spend more time in preparation before actually
beginning to work on a job, you will be able to work right through and complete it. The
total time for the getting ready and the doing will be less than the time you would spend
if you just started right in perfoming the task. If you clear your work area, before
beginning an activity, you wont be distracted by some paperwork your eyes fall on as
youre on your priority task. So if you want a drink while you work or need to get some
supplies or reference material, do so before you actually begin working. Once you do
start, use conscious self-discipline to stick to it until its finished. Dont have your time
stolen by interrupting yourself.

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