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"But unless the text is about queers, it seeems to me the queerness

of most mass culture texts is less an essential, waiting to be
discovered property than the result of acts of production and
reception." (xi)
Doty procura uma abordagem que inclua tanto a produo quanto a
recepo e o prprio texto, acreditando que tomar somente uma via
restritivo e incompleto. Que no se pode identificar a queerness
de um texto somente por uma via.

"I would like to propose 'queerness' as a mass culture reception
practice that is shared by all sorts of people in varying degrees of
consistency and intensity." (2)
Por que queer? "In working through my thoughts on gay and lesbian
cultural history, I found that while I used 'gay' to describe particulars
of men's culture, and 'lesbian' to describe particulars of women's
culture, I was hard pressed to find a term to describe a cultural
common ground between lesbians and gays as well as other
nonstraights - a term representing unity as well as diversity. For
certain historical and political reasons, 'queer' suggested itself as
such a term. As Adele Morrison said in an OUT/LOOK interview:
'Queer is not an 'instead of', it is and 'inclusive of'. I'd never want to
loose the terms that specifically identify me.'" (2)
Ele sugere que muito do prazer na cultura de massa vem de queer
readings. Como por exemplo, o prazer de lsbicas ou mulheres
hteros em buddy movies como Red River e Butch Cassady, que
pode vir da atrao queer pelo homoerotismo masculino destes
filmes. Ou a devoo dos gays por duplas como Laverne e Shirley,
Kate e Allie, The Golden Girls, que pode vir menos de uma
identificao heteronormativa com papis femininos do que de uma
atrao queer pelas relaes homoerticas entre estas mulheres.
"Queer readings aren't 'alternative readings', wishful or willful
misreadings, or 'reading too much into things' readings. They result
from the recognition and articulation of the complex range of
queerness that has benn un popular culture texts and their audience
all along." (16)

Formas de recepo queer podem mudar com o tempo. O interesse
de lsbicas pelos filmes de Dorothy Arzner podem surgir de seu uso

de estrelas masculinizadas, como Greta Garbo. Depois que o fato de

Arzner ter sido lsbica vir a pblico, o interesse pode vir desse
auteurism lsbico, que vai buscr nos filmes outros prazeres e outros
interesses, diferentes dos primeiros.

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